Face 2 Face Starter Lesson Plan
Face 2 Face Starter Lesson Plan
Face 2 Face Starter Lesson Plan
Warm Up - Teacher introduces himself to the class in English. Write on the board, "Hello, my
name is ______." Introduce himself directly to a few students, and then ask them to reply. Ask
students to introduce themselves to the person next to them. Then write on the board: "Nice
to meet you, nice to meet you too."
Show pictures of places they will have to introduce themselves. Party, Work,
School/University, explain to the students the importance of knowing how to introduce
yourself, because we are meeting new people all the time in our day-to-day lives.
Exercises 1 and 2 - Show students the picture in the book. Elicit a few students to talk about
what type of parties they like to go to (churrasco, sertanejo, samba, MPB bars etc...). Read and
listen to conversation 1 and 2 and then practice with a partner. Then read a second time but
personalize and use student's own names.
Exercise 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Explain to the students the verb "to be", elicit someone in the class who
may already know this verb and tell the students it is equivalent to "ser/estar". Use
PowerPoint presentations and explain to the students the possessive verbs and that when you
are talking about your name you are always using a possessive verb.
Practice conversation 3 in trios and explain that you use "this is" to introduce a third person.
Practice conversation in exercise 5 once in pairs and then change partner.
If necessary bring worksheets on possessive verbs to help solidify the new information in
student's minds.
Exercise 7 - Read and repeat the numbers with the whole class first time with the teacher and
the second time with the CD.
Exercise 8 - Show a picture of your ID card. Ask a random student to tell you your CPF number.
Write on the board "What's your ______ number?". Ask another student his/her telephone
number, ask a student to ask the teacher's telephone number. Play CD do exercise. Then
students work in pairs asking each other's numbers.
Exercise 9 - Listening
Exercise 10 - Change pairs, ask each other's numbers one more time.
Song Exercise - Complete the worksheet with Hello, Goodbye by the Beatles.
Warm-up - Open a world map, and ask a few students to stand up and point out a few places
the have been to, or have heard of for some reason. Play the capital city game on the
Exercise 5 and 6 - Personalize the exercise with a PowerPoint with Brazilian celebrities born in
different countries.
Exercise 7 - Continue explanation of Possessive and Subject pronouns and bring an extra
worksheet to consolidate information.
Exercise 8 and 9 - After doing the exercise about foreign celebrities contextualize the exercise
and repeat the exercise using Brazilian celebrities with a different partner.
Exercise 10 and Class Activity - Do these exercise in groups of 4, with 2 pair playing the
memory game against each other.
Flags and Nationalities Jeopardy - Divide the class into two groups, play the online game.
Warm-up and exercises 1 and 2 - Write the word "spell" on the board and elicit a few
meanings. Ask a few student's names, and write on the board together with the teacher's
name, and show them what spelling is. Once they try to spell these words show them a picture
of the alphabet and do exercise 1 and 2.
Exercise 3, 4 and 5 - Hand out a sheet with the phonetic sounds of the alphabet. After listening
and completing exercise 3 in pairs student practice the dialogue with their own names.
Exercises 6 and 7 - Use realia to introduce new vocabulary from the book. Ask if any students
have any of these objects on them.
Exercises 8 and 9 - Teacher explains on the board differences between a and an. Use examples
like "horse and hour"; "elephant and European" etc... Use PowerPoint presentation and extra
worksheets if necessary. CD-ROM Activity - Things in your bag.
Exercises 10,11, 12 and 13 - Show PowerPoint about classroom vocabulary, and introduce
these new phrases. Explain to the students the intention of the class is to use as little
portuguese as possible, and that these simple phrase are a "guide" for you to use as much
english as possible in class.
Class Activity - Real Names - Photocopy from teacher's book and hand out pair work.
Warm-up - Choose pictures from Google Images and elicit new vocabulary from exercises 1
and 2. Choose random people from the class and ask them if they are a "boy/man" or a
Exercises 2 and 3 - Play memory game from CD-ROM, divide the class into 2 groups. Listen and
Exercise 4, 5 and 6 - Explain the 3 different ways of making/pronouncing plurals, and the
irregular form. Use the CD-ROM.
Help with sounds - explain the difference between and phonetic symbols.
Language Summary Review - Do exercises individually and the correct with the whole class.