Project Charter
Project Charter
Project Charter
Ziyad Alotaibi
Husky Air: Pilot Angels
AS08 Project Charter
Executive summary 62
Case Study Scenario & System Request:
The Husky Air Company is partnered with a charitable program called Pilot Angels. In this
program, volunteer pilots use their privately own planes to transport patients for free to various
medical facilities. Additionally, the company offers rentals and training programs to paying
customers. With the partnership with Pilot Angels, though, the companys client base has become
so large that a new information system was needed to track this special program. The database
compiles information on all the pilots, and their airplanes, which participate in Pilot Angels
through Husky Air. It includes such details as their names and contact information, credentials,
hours of volunteer work, ratings, plane size, engine type, and aircraft capacity. For customers, the
database tracks client profiles and the details of their requests so that they can quickly find the
correct pilot to transport them. The database also compiles information on past flights, such as
their distance, departure times, arrival times, passenger count, and pilot. This enables customers
to easily access and view all information needed to develop their request and find the perfect pilot
Project Description:
The new database of pilot and client information is being developed for the Husky Air Company
and their efforts in the Pilot Angel program. This service matches volunteer pilots, who fly their privately
owned aircrafts, with patients in need of medical transportation, for free travel to medical facilities. This
outreach, together with the companys normal services of airplane rentals and pilot training programs, has
significantly increased the amount of information that needs to be processed as well as the number of clients
requesting various services. With this database, live information will allow both customers and employees
to track existing flights, access profiles of available aircrafts and pilots, review and update customer
requests, and efficiently match patients with the right volunteer pilot to reach their medical destination. It
will also allow paying customers to easily view available aircraft for rent, book flights, and purchase time
in a training program.
Team Charter INFO 461
Team Name: DZM
Team Leader: Derrick Freeman
Team Members:
Derrick Freeman: I have worked in and lead multiple groups in information system classes which I
made sure all assignments were turned in on time and correctly done. I am an easy-going person who is
willing to do whatever is best for the team. I have experience working with Microsoft Project, Visio and
other Microsoft applications. I also have a network/system perspective from experience I have gained
from working and volunteering.
Ziyad Alotaibi: Proficient in HTML and all C languages. Proficient in Microsoft Office including Visio.
Experience with application development. Im working now in travel agency app to help my family
company from which i got from my classes at VCU. Weak reading, writing, and public speaking skills in
English. Introverted and prefer working individually. Lack of experience with chocolatier market. My
weakness is in reading, writing, and public speaking skills in English. Introverted and prefer working
Mohammed Alhassan: I worked in company at Saudi Arabia for IT department. I have some experience
in programming like C#, CSS and visual studios. Proficient with Microsoft Office Word, Excell and
PowerPoint. I have fast typing in computers. I have weakness in communicating with new audience. Also,
when Im working on the task before the due date.
Team Roles:
Derrick Freeman will stay the leader but other roles will be rotated throughout the semester.
Team Meetings:
Google Docs will be used as much as possible to avoid meeting face to face meetings to limit the
possibility of scheduling conflicts and so everyone can work at the time that is best for them. If
meeting face to face is need it will be done right after class until everyone agrees the work is at a
good point to leave and continue it through Google Docs or any other form of software.
Full participation, which includes doing their role and adding valuable input, is expected of all
team members for all assignments.
All team members are expected to attend all meetings on time and stay for the full duration if any
are necessary.
All team members are expected to communicate with each other and respond to each other as
quickly as possible.
All team members are expected to finish the task assigned to them before the due date.
Everyone will respect each others ideas and comments.
If a conflict arises within the group then all members will stay respectful of each other and bring
the issue to the professor to help settle it.
Code of Ethics:
Each member is required to be honest about their work and not steal work from others. They will
ask for help when needed. They will also be respectful and polite to everyone.
Short Bios:
Derrick Freeman: I am a senior at VCU who graduates in the fall, majoring in Information Systems and
minoring in Criminal Justice. I want to pursue a career in Information Security or something very similar
to that. I am from Newport News, Virginia and outside of school I like to play games, Ultimate Frisbee,
and relax with friends.
Ziyad Alotaibi: was born and raised in Hafer Albatin, Saudi Arabia. I came to the United States in
January of 2012 to study information systems at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. I
am currently a junior and will graduate in May of 2017. I love technology and loves working on
computers. My academic goals are to graduate with a strong GPA and a deep understanding of
information systems. I hope to also pursue a Masters in Information Systems after I graduate. I am
currently working on developing an application with his peers. When I completed with school, I would
like to establish and application development company.
Mohammed Alhassan: Born in Saudi Arabia, 28 years old, Married. Have one son. I have diploma in
Office Management in Jubail Industrial College at Saudi Arabia. Majoring in Information Systems at
Signatures of Agreement
All members of DZM have read, understood and agree to adhere by the rules and expectations
outlined in the team charter. The submission of this charter indicates the start of everything listed
above and the agreed terms laid out. This charter is a tool to help everyone learn about and acquire
skills involving information systems planning and project management.
Derrick Freeman______________________________________________05/24/2016
Mohammed Alhassan__________________________________________05/24/2016
Project Name: Air It Out
Team Members:
Mohammed Alhassan
Ziyad Alotaibi
Derrick Freeman
Project Description:
Husky Air is located at DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport (DKB) in Dekalb, Illinois and they are a
fixed base operator (FBO). Pilot Angels is a charitable service by Husky Air, where they match volunteer
private pilots, willing to donate their time and aircraft, with people whose health-care problems require
them to travel to receive diagnostic or treatment services. They would like a computer-based system to
keep track of all of its Pilot Angels volunteers that would include their basic information as well as total
hours, certifications, ratings and volunteers information about their aircraft. Husky Air would also like to
know about the people hospitals, clinics, and organ banks that request the Pilot Angels service; and they
would like basic information about the patients, their passengers, and specific needs. They currently
keeps it all in a file folder and go through everything by hand which is an inefficient use of time.
We will propose several options for a computer system to meet the needs of Husky Air. We
explore existing systems, as well as what would need to be done to build a custom system. We will focus
on a computer system that is efficient time wise, easy to use, and can do everything Husky Air requires
of the system. If no options are possible and meet their needs, we will suggest that Husky Air keeps their
current system.
Learning Record:
Currently has a system that is Can not need many people to use Does the system need to automatically
inefficient time wise match pilots and patients?
System has to keep track of all the Needs to have an easy to use How can we best meet the needs while
information and match pilots system still spending the least amount of money?
Will need to save more time than their Needs to be more organized. How can we make it so pilots and
current system does patients can input information easily.
Action Plan:
Summarize the MOV - Areas of impact:
The project will be successful if a computer system is able to organize
pilot and patient data as well as match them appropriately based on
patient needs and quicker than the system that is in place now. The new
system decrease time spent to match pilots and patients by 40% while
increasing customer satisfaction by 75% and increase market share.
A Comparison of Alternatives:
1. Purchase pre-packaged software from a reputable source. After reviewing CharterSUITE, and Leon Software, we chose for option one.
2. Create custom software with Charter Easy that would encompass charters as well as the rest of Husky
Airs everyday activities.
3. Outsource all charter functionality to a 3rd party such as CFG Charter Flight Group, with the
necessary software functionality and employees already in place.
1. Regardless of alternative chosen, antiquated systems need upgraded with new computers and
2. Office staff would need to increase by 1 person going forward so annual salaries are the same the first
year: $85,000.
3. Current charter income averages $500,000 per year so this was the figure used to estimate initial price
of alternative 3.
Cost Saving Greatly reduce costly errors due to 40% 40% 38% 50%
over/double bookings of both pilots
and aircraft.
Data Timely and accurate data leads to 50% 50% 50% 50%
better decision making and better
customer service.
Based on the initial meeting with Husky Air executives where they defined their goals, as well as
the data from our MOV, Total Cost of Ownership and Total Benefits of Ownership, Team 4, Inc. is going
to recommend the implementation of Alternative 2: the creation of custom software. While the cost is
marginally higher than the other two options, the benefits outweigh the added cost. Alternative 1 would
be limited in functionality due to the fact that it is pre-packaged and not customizable. Alternative 3 is
least expensive up front but the annual costs would remain the same indefinitely as they take a standard
percentage of each fare, whereas the costs of Alternatives 1 and 2 would decrease significantly after the
first year. Additionally Alternative 3 uses their own web portal to book flights, which would obscure the
Husky Brand and make brand recognition and the social desired impact much harder to obtain. The
implementation timeframe is irrelevant as it would be approximately 6 months for all three alternatives.
Since all in house functions at Husky Air are currently done manually there would be no interruption of
service as the new software/hardware is installed.
Team Members:
Mohammed Alhassan
Ziyad Alotaibi
Derrick Freeman
Project Description & MOV:
The project will be successful if a computer system can organize pilot and patient data as well as
let them input their information into the system and match patients to pilots that can fly them.
Our goal is to implement a system that will be an overall improvement to the current system that
they have, which is the employees doing it all by hand. The new system will execute all the
necessary duties 40% faster than the current system.
The MOV is will achieved immediately when the computer system is integrated and working.
The increase in customer satisfaction and market share will be achieved over a six month period.
A return on investment is expected in one year after the system is implemented.
Resources Requirements:
People: The team will consist of individuals from different technical fields to create a
well-rounded team. The team will consist of individuals such as a Project Manager,
Programmers, Business Analyst, Network Administrator, Computer Technician, Aviation
and Medical Experts.
Technical: Different components of the hardware, network, and software will be needed.
All of these components are needed to reduce time of the processes Husky Air wishes to
reduce and increase customer satisfaction and increase market share. Some of the
components that will be needed are: Desktop Computers, Wi-Fi, Software, printers, and
Facilities: Remote desktop connection will be used since Husky Air has limited space.
We will remotely implement the software and only go on site to install the needed
hardware, test, and answer employee questions.
Other: The employees will need a three our session to be trained on the new system and
for any additional questions to be answered.
Resource Salary
Programmer $3,700
Technician $3,500
IT manager $6,200
Resource Cost
Resource Cost
Deliverable #7:
AS04B Scope Management Plan
Team Members:
Mohammed Alhassan
Ziyad Alotaibi
Derrick Freeman
Project Description:
Husky Air is a fixed base operator that has a charitable service called Pilot Angels; where they
match volunteer private pilots, willing to donate their time and aircraft, with people whose health-care
problems require them to travel to receive diagnostic or treatment services. They would like a
computer-based system to keep track of all of its Pilot Angels volunteers that would include their basic
information as well as total hours, certifications, ratings and volunteers information about their aircraft.
Husky Air would also like to know about the people hospitals, clinics, and organ banks that request the
Pilot Angels service; and they would like basic information about the patients, their passengers, and
specific needs. They currently keeps it all in a file folder and go through everything by hand which is an
inefficient use of time so they would like the system to save them time.
Project MOV:
The project will be successful if a computer system can organize pilot and patient data as well as
let them input their information into the system and match patients to pilots that can fly them. Our goal
is to implement a system that will be an overall improvement to the current system that they have,
which is the employees doing it all by hand. The new system will execute all the necessary duties 40%
faster than the current system.
+3.0 Analysis
+4.0 Design
+5.0 Construction
+6.0 Testing
+7.0 Implementation
-7.1 Training
-7.2.1 Install
If there is need to change something to the project is desired a scope change to will have to
utilize a scope change process. Its good and important for the scope for the project tie up to get a an
excellent value. And thats happen when that value is get more benefits or increasing. Start to scope
change process will request form to the leader and after submitted it the request will be in a scope
change request log.
Scope change Request form
Project Name: Air It Out
Team Members:
Mohammed Alhassan
Ziyad Alotaibi
Derrick Freeman
Project Description:
Husky Air is a fixed base operator that has a charitable service called Pilot Angels; where they
match volunteer private pilots, willing to donate their time and aircraft, with people whose health-care
problems require them to travel to receive diagnostic or treatment services. They would like a computer-
based system to keep track of all of its Pilot Angels volunteers that would include their basic information
as well as total hours, certifications, ratings and volunteers information about their aircraft. Husky Air
would also like to know about the people hospitals, clinics, and organ banks that request the Pilot Angels
service; and they would like basic information about the patients, their passengers, and specific needs.
They currently keeps it all in a file folder and go through everything by hand which is an inefficient use of
time so they would like the system to save them time.
Project MOV:
The project will be successful if a computer system can organize pilot and patient data as well as
let them input their information into the system and match patients to pilots that can fly them. Our goal is
to implement a system that will be an overall improvement to the current system that they have, which is
the employees doing it all by hand. The new system will execute all the necessary duties 40% faster than
the current system.
Question Set :
We began the project on May 23, 2016 and it will be completed by June 1, 2016. This
project will take exactly 9 days.
For this project there is only one critical path. The critical path helps determine the
shortest time possible to complete the project. It identifies the sequence of project
activities which add up to the longest overall duration. Critical paths allow for project
manager to plan and organize the project before starting.
The initial total project baseline cost of the project is about $15,020. The cost of
resources is $15,020 for the 9 days.
Yes our project have over allocated resources. The work status for over allocated
resources from Derrick Freeman took 104 hours and the cost $840 , the standard rate
$50/h and per use cost $40. But Ziyad Alotaibi took 72 hours and the cost $850, the
standard rate was $50/h and per use cost $50. Also, my work took 72 hours and the cost
$850, the standard rate was $50/h and the per use cost $50.
Project Name: Air It Out
Team Members:
Mohammed Alhassan
Ziyad Alotaibi
Derrick Freeman
Project Description:
Husky Air is a fixed base operator that has a charitable service called Pilot Angels; where they
match volunteer private pilots, willing to donate their time and aircraft, with people whose health-care
problems require them to travel to receive diagnostic or treatment services. They would like a computer-
based system to keep track of all of its Pilot Angels volunteers that would include their basic information
as well as total hours, certifications, ratings and volunteers information about their aircraft. Husky Air
would also like to know about the people hospitals, clinics, and organ banks that request the Pilot Angels
service; and they would like basic information about the patients, their passengers, and specific needs.
They currently keeps it all in a file folder and go through everything by hand which is an inefficient use of
time so they would like the system to save them time.
Project MOV:
The project will be successful if a computer system can organize pilot and patient data as well as
let them input their information into the system and match patients to pilots that can fly them. Our goal is
to implement a system that will be an overall improvement to the current system that they have, which is
the employees doing it all by hand. The new system will execute all the necessary duties 40% faster than
the current system.
Project Summary Report (Original):
Project Summary Report (Revised):
Risk Plan
Possible Risks to the Husky Air Project
1. Scope Creep.
2. Improperly managed resources.
3. Lack of input from Husky Air.
4. Lack of system quality.
5. Time dedicated to fixing bugs.
Lack of input from Husky Air Project Manager Accept to address concerns with
Husky Air officials.
Risk Evaluation
Documenting the effect of the risk management can be a powerful active for a project group.
Because it will contribute to the level of experience on risk management for the group, which
could be valuable resource in future projects. However, with the tight budget we have estimated
that we cannot free any resources to evaluate the risk management.
Project Name: Air It Out
Team Members:
Mohammed Alhassan
Ziyad Alotaibi
Derrick Freeman
Part 1:
4. We believe BugBusters can get the testing back on schedule if the remaining task are ran in parallel with each other, such as
retesting and verifying as well as the business review with the client and identifying what does not meet specifications. It will
help cut down the time and cost so the deadline can be met.
C.Verification Activities:
We will keep revising our business and management to make sure the project will be complete on time
and within the budget. In case if the project has not complete, we will look for the problem in the project
and identify it than solve it. Also, we will be going to do a technical review to make sure that our product
will meet the requirement.
D.Validation Activities:
We will make test to ensure the quality of the project to make sure that all of their needs are met. Also,
the test will help us to assure the functions of the system. The final step will show the project if it has
passed the test or not.
MS Project Tutorials I, II, III:
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Jun 5, '16
Mode S M
1 EC Project 5 days Tue 6/7/16 Mon 6/13/16
2 Testing 5 days Tue 6/7/16 Mon 6/13/16
3 Test Plan 5 days Tue 6/7/16 Mon 6/13/16
4 Define features and functionality to test
4 days
5 Define test methodology 3 days
6 Develop responsibility matrix 1 day
7 Develop test schedule 5 days
8 Review plan with developer 1 day
9 Milestone: PM signs off on test plan 0 days
10 Test Results Report
11 Review Test plan with client 5 days Tue 6/7/16 Mon 6/13/16
12 Carry out test plan 5 days
13 Analyze results 4 days
14 Prepare test results report and presentation
5 days
15 Present test results to client 1 day
16 Address any software issues or problems
3 days
17 Milestone: Client signs off on Test results
0 days
18 Milestone: Testing Completed 0 days
Page 1
II :
Status for all top-level tasks. To see the status for subtasks, click on the chart and update the
outline level in the Field List.
MON 6/13/16 - MON 7/11/16
92% 94%
Milestones that are coming soon.
Name Finish Training Seminar
Status: Future
$4,300.00 Task, $600.00
Training Seminar
Actual Cost Remaining Cost Baseline Cost Status: Complete $3,600.00
Status: Future Task
Cost details for all top-level tasks.
Name Fixed Cost Actual Cost Remaining Cost Cost Baseline Cost Cost Variance
We have Done: