Complete Advanced Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics PDF
Complete Advanced Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics PDF
Complete Advanced Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics PDF
Lcink al the graph of y = Notice lhal lhe Brndienl changes from being
negative lo posilive ni (he griiph er.w-ies itin r-a<is. II .ds.i becomes sleeper
for larger posilive and negative values olx.
Notice lhal tors > U. Hip (iradimil Is pwilivp and increases as lhe
langenls become sleeper. When x < 0. lhe gradtenl Is negative, and
Complete Advancei) Level Uslherrstics: Pure
8 .4 Convergence, Divergence
and Oscillation
CmnHer Ihe Inllmving setiuenms.
3.5,1,8,11 U,...
1 2 1 2 1
. . , .
U-U-A "n.-
jj , Asn gets large (n- x .t.,, gels small ln - 01. This Verify lh is hy
seqnei.[:e is said to converBe. Tim lenns of tin'wqunLi n lirl .:!omt nml
nM ldiii rn-IIlc
doserloalimiluf/cm. s uence Inrnmd hy
A m-.i[>lM i,ii l.ri.i id ;r>nd illLisirnti..11(11 lliHht'lMvirinri lliHsi'ti i- driiojiiin,Mors only.
as nine-eases,
Willi; = 2andrJ = ;
Thera ore also dgrfiraic nspressions for binomials wilb powors sroalor
(a + b)1 =0 + 6
Now wtllt down the coefficients o! ol [fie [enns in Ihcsc cxpaii'
re hi
Is I hey ,ui! ivril[cn dow tbemb form uncle
ach oiher.
4 1
Write down lha i.v iiilliislriansli;, Cbuck lhal oacli iRuro iscroalod
Yuuborm.V:ira(lrfl I 4".. APR [i.iv i>,ir:k LMIH) vc.Lr. ilim APR is Iha Annual
il lakn In rppay Ihe debl? Percanttige Bate and
raustby quoted
[2| You borrow Eiona Bl 14M APR and WB1ml Id ropay Iho dcht in thnra years, on ell i:roriii
Whal should your raonlhly inslalmenl
islalmenl Ibo?
A scquener: is a sol of numbers ring in order. When Ihe Imis of a
sequence are added loselher.a! i is formed,
A series can be ivrillen using noloUon, which uses the GNefc letlet
U.ii,g sigma n,
+ (n-lid
c :) Lv\c: M -. timcs: Pure Malhemalgcs
Thi- ffl.;jr fornnil.i.v In i.mvu.l .ii.jn m: of sitins ami
cosine inlojjtociucts, are:
ir)-( )
TUB fundlon asin.v - bC06X can lie ojiiressed as:
I . solving equations of the fonn ain* + b los* = c;
2 . finding raaximumland
and minirniimvahiraijfiaMori.illiiiiclim.Mvilli
Irlgnnnmeltir. dennminatnis;
3 , analysing periodic motion.
Trisonometrlc equations of tho lonn;
sinH = t and cqsfl = jt, where-1 < it < land lann = t. vvhereit f a
radian form.
norrespnmling small changes, ,iu and Sv. in the valoes of fuacHoDJ u and V
respectively. These in turn res.dl in a small change, 6y. in the value OfJ-,
such thai + Sy =
u(x + ,il)v(i + Jr)l9the
value otlhe function
jr + faMi + iiij-uWvW l..m'.p..MdmBiojr + to,
Urheborrechlilch geschutzli
Complclo Adranc Uathemailcs; Pure Malhemalles
Tlip produLl rul lor ilil[Viv;:li,Ll in- [u.iiilidiis ol Uii! lonny = cai
ba slated as
Using Ihe ubbrevialions u' and r' for and respectively Ihfi product
Example 1
UsinR 1 he produci rule, differenliotey - {2x + 3Hk - I)5 wilb rcspocllo.v.
Lety ov where u = (Z + 3) and v = ( - 1)', Tben u' = z and Rrimemljar in UI
v -
4(1-1)'. chain rule Id Hi
= 4(2 v + 3H.V-l) - Z(J-l)
= 2( r-l)J(5.v-f5)
as much as possible.
lOlJf + Dfjf-l)'
Example 2
Kiral ilifL.i-Lirlieiiiofliw nirvey = x' cos.\ whan = jr.
tely - where u = ji! and i- = coss. Then u' = Kand = - sins.
Using Ibe product mle,
1 =
= i(2cosi-ialni]
Whan j = k, [tie giailleni oflha curvey =
= -Zn sinn = D.
Su ive have the qunlienl rule for ihrferenliating CuucUoOI ( Ihe fenn
H r~x-2
a Let)' = where u = 3*+landv=i-2. Then u = 3 and v1
lirr rlviif i I".
11 Dmerenlialion II
[jj Use; Lhs product and quoliEnl mips m ditfcranlialc each of Iho follDwiiig
vrtth espect to *-.
y = x{* + *)t e y=
b y = (4x +3) + 1)' f y-jJ
d y-x'slnUr h =
[2] Find Lh gradlBnt of each of the fullnwing curves at the polntB inilicated:
a y = 3*-4l !
fll|5.15) d ytgs at [-Z, 2)
b J-(x-3)()I + Z),aH-3.-B) b / (at-SjainxaKfx-al
[Tl Find Ihe equaLions nf Iha langent and the normal ta the CblW OS
a I the points indicated:
Urheborrechtlich BeschijWi
I D rcntiali n il
1 050 22
1.387 25
I I-' i 3siim
- -''
Urhcberrochlli.:!- 439
Complele Advanced Level Malhemallcsr Pure Mathamalics
It n alscj he m-n UmI III,. diTiv iv.: ..f.iiiv iLNLnilid lunctian of lb..
fomy = o" i>
ThUmean5tha,lin:{ ).lna.
The dalB nils can bo used lo difrorenliate cxponeidial funclions of L
form y = e"". where/(x) id some function of i.
Let y = e", where u =/(), Then = b" and =/V)
Using Lhediainrule,
/Wo""1 Derivalivc ol Lhe power < origina! ciponon
DiffpmnliKlfl each of tbe fnltowing wilh lapad In Jr:
b y =e -
c y = 3v
a Lei r = c- where o = 3x + 1, Then = e" and = 3,
Using Ihe chain mle.
- B >:3
- (3x
Iil --i2il?
llii -
-W 3( + 2a,'cns3( CoinimmbctDrof 1
= aa(2co3 3(-3sin31)
Example 3
a resuil of a slump in Ihe housing nuntat. a properly inlUally valued al
epreclales. [Is value I weeks blur ran be mndallad
tGDOOU m 1 hMuiiir,'dninid.ihis.
b>'l' = iinnnnn" u-htireiis
i Us v.-ilui CV and A is a consUnl
vslue lo he
delemiined. Exaclij one year laler, Ihe properly remains unsold and is
valued al only 50000.
a Find an expression Tor Jc.
h Find Ihe markel value or Hie properly afler 2B weeks lo Ihe i
c Find on o n-.M,, iur Thiin lind i1l,i nil,, ill ivluiii llm [impiTlv.
value is riepredalinB al Ihe slot! and end nl thn year in Ihe neamsl pound.
a After one year. when I = 32. V = 50000.
Al the fllarl ol Iho Vfiar, ( - (J. Thr; riiln aUvhirh llu' mpnrtv's valun is
depreciating is found by pulling ( = 0 mlo this expression.
Chock Ihal
Logarithmic functions
To flifferenUaU Iho nalnral tugaiillunic tunctiony = \ax from first
principles, consider the sniidl diiin , .Si', in (he value of (his funclion that
resnlls a siiiall .ili.mye ,
, in (lie value of*,
1 = if
11 DflcrentiaTion !l
Example 4
Dirrsrcnliale Ihd follDWing with lespect IdJR
) = IcKx' + ai-Z)
lK + 1)
Useilln/d)]. .
c Loly-ui-, whore u = * and v lnx. Then u = 1 ndtf' -
j .
= ! + lnjc
U.lWlh.,.oB..ll., 4-=
(x" + l)lliM
Complele Advanced LombI Maine mates Pure Maihamaiics
11.2 Differentiation of
Exponentials and
[2] D.ii.[.,,, M
. y=ln( ) f ,=lnlsmS) Q
y-Nfl b r-s
d y = La(4* + ll i y-lnfl+*) - In(t-i)
II y = ln(x4+l) j y = lDB,0(3l[-4)
[31 ForaachofLhefoliowingcu
i fmdexpresslonslbr aDdg?
il locatamldM.TMiiHfllu'iii.Hin!"f;.ny5lalionaiy points,
r-RK+Dil b
[Tl Find Iho oqualions oFlhc tanRcnL nnd Lho doimal Lo Lhf, foLLowing cmvcs
at the poinls indicalcd:
a }--ln(3l[ + l)ati = 1 b ) = So1"" nil = -1
c j- s'lnjBlj-a d 7 = (x + l)a"* at x = 2
[3] Aball-biiarinB is rBloasud from rest from [he surfaes Uf a large tank ofoU
inlu which il drups. After I wconds it has reached a deplh deem I met res.
whBr8c( = 61-4a lsl + 4.-
h xpressions
Find expr ss! for the velocity, v. and acceieration, o, of the hall-
Imrins after
Calcnlate Its velocity and acceleration afler 0.5 seconds
Explain what happens to the acceleration and velocity as r becom
[4] Tha priCe Pof a particular laptop compute (waDVS afto ItS reka.e is
given bjF= 1100 + 31 - 30ln{( + 2),
a After how many weeks docs the price roach its lowosl value? What is
the minimurn price?
b How much is the laptop alter six months anil what is the rate at
which P Is changing at this lime?
UrheharrechtHcb geschutzti
11 Dlttorentlalhon II
= -ir',(;rI + 2)
= BtBn1)CHC<>
cosecK = and soci = , can aiso be found using the chain rala.
Let y = J. where v = siiu. Then = - anH =
UrheborrechlBch oeschiitzleMElDrial
i: Ctlrrrr-r.u-mll
Find Ihc derivolivos of noh of Ou follo.vmg funtliona:
a y Zxteax b y = cu c y = tanaxsecx
a Lety - av.whaw v = 2x and v = tanx.Thon u = 2and v' sec
x .
U5ineLhEqucliC,1(,U|C, -
c Lsty = uv, whero u = Ian3s and v = sbcj. Them/ - 3sec ;i(and
!<J-<! Bfvln(
Urheborrechtlich BeschijWi
11 DlflBrentlallon II
Example 5
Usa thn ptoduci and qootleiil ruins to dlfierenliaM eacb of lha faUovrtug:
a Let J- = uv, where u -xandv- sin ' i. Than u' = I and v' = 7 p-
Complota AOvangad Level Haihemalics: Puie Malheirallcs
b y-Sxsecx a.
d y=*JlBn-'*
fT] Find the gradienl of tach of Bib following curvn al the pd idlcated
and the eiiualiuna of lbs langem ami ilia noimal at that point.
a y = tflnl5)flt(B, )
b y-sin-Ml-JtlallM)
graph, ofy - fl.v) and ils gradiMl rmi. ti..!. V - "1 il * l ihle la relS
fmlm tb PPW aa lhR IWHgraphs.
ol tlIbo fuoclion/HI = ' - Ir1|.|1!. .Ulr.hlh. graphsi of -
ttj + 10
&< - 0.
and il< derivative fui = Ur - 61 g. Check
Oack tho
the nalu
luHurc Mian
re ol the slalioaan-
point. yoa drdniw Ifae s.
aw the Braph.. Check yof mtilU luinR . graphical
IF .
i '
Complele Aflvanced Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematics
n puinl. '
ftom one side to another. This Is not a itatlonaiy poinl. Instead It is Iho
point at which the gradient of the curve is at Its most negative. The
Sradient of Ihe gradienl functiuii
or second derivative, is zeru at tills
point of inflexion,
In fact
graphics! calculaloi
Check also tho srap
y- -x* This Is a
whom = D.
Example 1
inrl the CODrdilialOS nf Ihe stationary points on Ihe
iv,:l,.(j,1,-1]:iill,Mh.>ir ll.ilmr.
ietchtha cunra:
iv where n = (i + 3) and v = |i - z)4 Thon u" = I and
, Use Ihe chain rule to
i - 2)J . iifforontiatolx-Sl'.
(X-2}J[4(+31 + {J1-Z)|
= {X-1)3{SX + 10)
= 5(X + 2HX-Z)3
At slatloDoiy iKiints an Ihe curve. 3 = 0.
5{x + 2){x-2)'=0
II Mlmvs Ihal
irtghavebeen mod
einsload ofnandv
to avoid confusion with
= VS$c+2)&-Z)'+S$-2)' Ihe earlier working.
5[;<-Z)1|3(X + Z) + (t-2)]
= 20(I-2) (X+1)
Complale Advanced Level Malhetnatics: Pure Malhemato
When.-2. }-20(0)!(al-0,
L. kins,,! l(>,.Mr,l,ii1:ril1>l llli:i:ll.'.i:iHinlh(!rsideofj( = 2:
4 Chetklhisnsult using
M.i(-a,oj,ti, d ,
Hd.vevr'r -latimuiry |i(,inl-, ,.f i.illi-.l.m r.: S|i :,l t-.KW. The gradient oi a
curve does not have to he zero al a palm of Infloxton, In fact, there must
he al least one non-stalicnary puinl of inflexion on any smooth
continuous curve bGtivceu two stalicnarv points. This situ.ilinn can best
hedascribad Braphically.
A -
< o
Thegradienl of \\k ,:iirvf is ji live eillict siile ..fllu! poinl C, Its value
Is \mM negUlva (ilui is at Its nuudniuml at palot C. This means = 0 al
IWS poinl. The gracile.,1 ef ll,e B.adienl funolion is changing hum positive
lu DBgBttvS, s" ihe diird derivaliveg; < D-
c f(x) = Zx1 -
9J[J - 108s +40
[2\ Slalelhecnordmalasoftho
liinalns nftho points iv
+ 3)3 crosses theses.
b Locate and det
itermine tlie nature of tile stationary points on ihe curve Hint: Use the product
r-tit-% -
rule to diffonmiiaie.
c Find the c.
zoordinaicis of the non-slaiioi
loniuvp inl,of inflexion on this
o .
Use Iho first and third dorivatii
Kc OlliUr.T.
i llliiX its J1LIIILI;L.
[3l Locale and determine the nature of the maximum and minimum points on
ihe graph)' =x'- Zlx2 + 32. Show that there are two non-slaiionary
paints of infiexinn on this curve, at a = -o and x = a. whets o is a
ppsilivD intngsr to ba delarmined.
[S] Foreaehoflhefolbwinsenrve,:
i write down Hie eoordinales of Ihe points where Ihe curve crosses Ihe
Urr-oli.nrd lillich oeschutzlei
need Lovol MaUiBrralics: Pure Malhamalics
[6] ForeachoflhefollowlnBcmres;
i nndc<prS!i0nSforJDnd ;
ii locale ami delmmm lii. a.,lu,r ofanyslaliona
l.I.iiiv si poinls,
b y = W* + 2)
2> ++ (
Find BxpcwteufmgandSg).
b Cultulalellie valiif ..f.v.H ivlii,;!, lliiri Mv i..,, ..f Hi,: rkli; is lL:i:l>esl.
and Ihe
e he
heighl abnve [he ground ai Ihis point
c Calculalei:
ale Ihis maxiraum gradient. At wbal anE!e. In the nearest
degne,: is
1, the track In
m iha ground at
al Ihis
this poinl?
Rearranging Iheeriualirm,
1 i i i
Complete Advanced Levoi MatnemaUcs: Pure MsDiemi
. .4--
Example 1
A cildu C Is centred al |6, -21 and has a radius of 5 units.
lZi + ly + lS
term by term, using tl
chain rule for the tori
Using Ihri chnin rule. - G)! = 2(r - fij
So 2(jl-6)+2(y+2) = 0
Then 2(l.+ 2|--2(-a)
Al ,'!,-(>:.
-2 ThiScomJSpondS
circle whofe ihc tangBnu
are paratldloUlB rrab
!B, -2)
ComElolo Advancod Lovol Halhomatics: Pure Mather
For ooch of Ihn Fallnwing, find an aipression fnr in Lerma of X and jr.
S + lxy-ix-V b +4iJ-y' - 0
a nifferanlialc bolh sides ol Ihe equation with respect tax,
liso Ihe pmduol rule lo difforenliale Ihe secmld lertn. Let u = 3)[ and
3j!jj= 4 -2x-3y
|-4- -3y
b Difforantiate bolh sides of the equation with respect \ox.
So 2x!J' +2x)',+ta-2>. = 0
r]tiriiijiafi! I tie n:
factor 1.
* v(l-x!li = x(/+4)
a rndiUS5,nir8(1.2);P(S,S)
b radius 13. centre (3. -4); Pl-2.81
c radius v 9. cKnLre (a, o); P (-1, v !
[3] Find Iho fitadionl of each of Iho folloninK curves al Iho point indicaled:
y -
2jt,->. + 14=0.l(2.2)
b 4? - 3X2 - + 1J - 0 al (2,51
c 3/ - - x / - 47 = 0 at
b 5k2+ 2) -2y-12 0
c s + 12y+xV + 2 = 0
[5] Find the equslinns of Iho longonl and the normal lo each of Iho following
a lx + 3y-V + * = 0"(-l.-2)
b 1+2) + 4xv; - 12 = 0 al (2,1)
c y3 + IDx + xy - 15 = 0al(B, -3|
Urheborrechtlich Beschiilzli
Example ibis pari icubrly
1.(|.1lim,siJrun KllipSEC
lMIi.. origin
, i=ocosfl,
y-bsmff Klimin.Uns,!,.
|iiin>;ti'r(i(!ivi'illiL'Car iiia
Hiualuin Kir llu; dlipsc
For example, d i
lualiuns thai define
Ihe cirde of radius 3. centred at
the Dri|{in.arBi = 3cO!(snd
y = 3 sin (, The paranieter, (. is
the angle, in radians, measured
andduckwiw the oriKiil
I , '
ir +y = (3coilj + (3jinI|I
= 9cosIH-9!in!(
~ = -3iinl and fe = 3,
Comclele AQvanced Level Mainemalics Pure Maihematics
This ivas lhe resull -ibluin! hy iiniili illy difri'tun ng lhe Carlesian
equallun of Ihls drela in lhe previous section.
Example 2
Find an o(pm*Rinn for Tor each nf Ihn fnilowinn paramplrically .IpfinPil
=( + 1
Z sin ZD
= - 4 sin Zd = Zsindfasa
3rmn (I,
t ros (I
Find Iho coordinales of the puinlfs) on tht followtag paramolricallv
rinfinnd rarvns whore Iho sradinnl has tho value indicated.
l-(l)/(S)-(T)/( )-( >ff)-l
b g ras9and = -Bdos1DsLnO
- -3 .
IheD -asinZP = -3
So sin2e = l
Thoo 2o = |,.?,l|i,...
and 0 = J.if,.1f....
Example 4
This ciirro C h.iiss patnmelric cquaiinns
ci .y = I3 sndy = 6(. Kind a senerni
equation for botltllictacisi'Jjtjinhli injiinaljt souk-[mint i/1 61)at)ontli.
on the
= 8
poml(f 6Jlarc -Jf1. ruspuctivuly. Usey -j-j =di(
, -.
= mi*-x,)W find
the equal lens uftbese linea.
- = 4I3 or - - = 0
UtheBertecltltich 473
Complole AOvanceO Lauel Ualhemallcs: Pure Malhemallcs
Zy + f'x '
f + lH or Zy + t'x
2i' + s + 13 = 0
Find an expression for and for each of the fnllowingiiaramelrinally
defined cums:
x = 21*3 b J = 4C03
y sin fl
11 Dmerenftooonll
d f-5\ ill
b J = -4sinfliind = Z!iii0cos()
2 inl l:rl ,l
Example 6
Find the coordinates of Ihc stationary points
of a [liirainclur I by j = + l aady l3 12 -
oqualing I he numotaloi
i p
= 0 =- 4-21 = 0
When I = 2. | <: 0, so 15, 5] is a maximum poinl.
Toskaldl lliecun ni.ll-mru.linrtlwfnnliffFT-Jll
Tijollier Willi vvhiil weknmv IiimiI Ih-- lioii.irv |i.>i]il!., n-e ran prod.iue
UrhBtjarrechllcl- 479
Coniplele Advanced Level Malfiematicsj Pure MaLhematics
11.6 Parametric
x = 3l.y = l2 d x = AcosO. y = 3 sin If jttj a
Scnsf.y = Ssinl f x = acosOP.y .
= IisLnO
y = St + 5 7 = l-sln0
Kind Lho coordinates of Lhn poinl:; r-jrih ol Ihc iolltAi-ms oirvra ulnrc
Iha gradunt has the value indlcalod:
x = l' -
3l b *=5 c * = Lan(i
y= +l y = 1 + to9
[4] Kind UlE! equaliuns of the lanBonl and the mjomiai 10 the curve wtU>
parametric equations i=B, .j'=l+B
, poinL where ( = 1,
lli'[u:i'. u-riUMlown
)wn the
equation of
rjl the
lh,- tangent
Untcnl to
Hj the
lli(M;urv(; jlllti. Jl.
[6] Find the coordioates of the stationary points on each of the following
paramntrically defined curves. Kind also an expression for tho second
rlerivalivc and use il to tlrterminn the nature of these stationary points.
Henco, or otherwise, sketch tho
x = 3l + l hx = (, + l
y = r, o(1
y = i3 + (
Complete AOvancBd Level MathemaLns: Pure Malhi
So Iho linear a]j|irii,\iiii.iiiiMi lo rli li I.:u nivi-s ,i v.ilm- fnr llio dofinilB
Inlesrai lhal ismmNi luuvu rii-i:iiiiiil iiliu.i-s. '[ III. .i]it>ripiu.ii is parliculatty
useful when evalnalind hilHgral. lhal an- .liffii-iill In -valuale esaclly.
The hinuraial LlwureriL um imlv ujtJ I" linil Ihr ,v:rU:s (.-xiiaiisions of
funcliona of [ho form {u + x)", whiin-u j rjLiiirul |jiii.i;r. KiLlldiOrts moh
as tlnx, cosx, e and lux can also bo expressed as a series of asconding
powers of x uiing Iho Maclaurin serios.
Sup] flxl
n-ie/r. iiiiiinn fiim-lion of v I lull 1:111 Iw. Hrillcib
M issoi
MliUll(! pon.-is of jc, such lhal
ivW<(, iMht! i:oi!rai:ii-nlof lhi;.v li!rn.. A umi-lliiil fis a fl
fiO) = a, s n, = m
rm-... = ..
oM aeschuteles Material
ComplaleAOvairced Level
Use the W.-icl.iiiriii series expansion to find the cubic npproxi root ion of
hi(l +*). Hoqcp End Ihe approxinuite voluo of In(l.l).
/ (x)=(l+x)-' => f(0) = 1
SulUtUutiagx-O.I gives
K0.1 - 0.005 -0.000 33 Check lbiE resuil USt
c lculnlor.
= 0.0353 (4 d.p.)
Tho MaoUurin expansion cannot be used to find a power serios far lux
because the function and its derivatives Ax) = J. M = - J.
fM = J, and so on, are not defined fori = 0,
[21 U<o tho quodmlic npproximation for cos K ohlalnud from iLG Madaiuin
sorios to nolrn Lho equation cos 2s = 3k. correct to two ducimnl places.
[3] Find tho first Ihreo non-zon. timns In tho Mndourin sorios nxpansion of
lull + K] ond ln(l - 2i), Honco, ivritn rimvn a cnbte apptonimation for
I" 1) ""d. by subslituting 1 = 0.1 into it, find tho approxiinDte value oi
In 1,5 to three decimal places.
v ,ii
Exercise A
a Finci inlErmnfJ.
b Thp nomml lo Ihc nutvu al Ihi; poinl V has gradlenl J. Ddtrmino lire
cooidlnales ill P.
a Findanoipressionforg.
b Uv considoring Iho padionl of Iho curve al Ihe poinl wheia x = 4.
dMomiinc uh-.'llifr llif .v-tuordinalc of Ihe maximum point on Ihc
B ph isle hnncrgieelerthi,. 4.
a FindSand lnwnnsotl.
b Find Iho valua of gal Iho poinl P on C, where ( = 3.
c Find an oqnalion of Ihe normal lo the curve al P,
[S\ Use Maclaurin's theorem lo show thai for suficiently small values of,
(l+x'llan-'jax + l -Ax5
Graphical methods
r (s) r iou . (|,Mlmn,.- (-.,! flM = IH m, I... lo,..l l.v [Ira.-ios
{raph oly = f(vl ...nliuB olf Ih,- .,|,proxiraate values of I fur -l,lch /Ul-ll where Ihe gi
y = D. nooai the i-a<is.
Example 1
Conatnid a table of values lot)' = 2x3 - IZx + 11 wllh 0<x<6. Draw
the graph of J" it - 1ZJ + 11 lo that range and use It lo Und
T t
UrtieboftBchllctt fleschutzll