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The document discusses how to find the gradient of curved graphs, different behaviors of sequences, and the binomial theorem for expanding binomial expressions.

For a curved graph, the gradient changes continuously as the point moves along the curve, whereas for a linear function the gradient is constant.

Convergent sequences get closer to a limit, divergent sequences grow without bound, and oscillating sequences repeat a pattern.

5 .

1 Finding the Gradient of

a Curve
[ lie jmilii-m ill .Mdi poiul oil ill.- ja.ipli i>l lL linrar iunction, such us
Jp- 2x +1. is conslonl. However, mnnv mnlheraalical funclions are i
Imear, and have crved ' uphs wj.n U : a,.- ccUinuously

Lcink al the graph of y = Notice lhal lhe Brndienl changes from being
negative lo posilive ni (he griiph er.w-ies itin r-a<is. II .ds.i becomes sleeper
for larger posilive and negative values olx.

ing theBradienl of lhe curve is ool as Straightforward as il is lot lhe

linear hmclion. The gredienl of lhe curved graph al any particular point
. . indbvcakuilaliiiiitliejinulmiil
Illlleli,,!! nl tin; iLinKeni u, Hie curve al this
point Lool,kallbeKrapb0fy = x!9gaininmored

llr vMimnll.l lliillll1.|ii.inlS,( = -3 ,

Notice lhal tors > U. Hip (iradimil Is pwilivp and increases as lhe
langenls become sleeper. When x < 0. lhe gradtenl Is negative, and

Complete Advancei) Level Uslherrstics: Pure

8 .4 Convergence, Divergence
and Oscillation
CmnHer Ihe Inllmving setiuenms.

3.5,1,8,11 U,...
1 2 1 2 1
. . , .

U-U-A "n.-

As ;i increases, vihai happens lo ii, va and tv?

Notice tbBl the firsl secplence is an AP with a = 3 ami rf = Z, Thii nlh term,
u = Zn +1. Asn gBls large |n - oo) un gels large (u - oo). This
sequence is said to diverge.
Thn seonnrl seqm'nci' im|ily (i cill.Lli lieEtvenn l .
ivhnnn is odd and 2.

when jj is even. This siiiinciini is sjid In hv usedlalins A snijuenco lhat

repeats ilsrit in a regular paltern is periodic.
Mm third si>i[ncnco is net an AP or CP. Check tliis liy li yiji; [n linri ,i
ion difference or common r.itLU. I lm Mir|iimce has nlh Lenn
' '

jj , Asn gets large (n- x .t.,, gels small ln - 01. This Verify lh is hy
seqnei.[:e is said to converBe. Tim lenns of tin'wqunLi n lirl .:!omt nml
nM ldiii rn-IIlc
doserloalimiluf/cm. s uence Inrnmd hy
A m-.i[>lM i,ii l.ri.i id ;r>nd illLisirnti..11(11 lliHht'lMvirinri lliHsi'ti i- driiojiiin,Mors only.
as nine-eases,
n....ai; = 2andrJ = ;


The laloes giaw in sire as n inoeases.

The setjoence coniBigss to a

hrn.j cass w.. - oasnmcrc
Comoloto Atfrancod LbkoI MathicmaTigs: Pura Malhomatlcs

8 5 The Binomial Theorem


and Power Series

What does 'hinnmlaT nieon? 'Bl' is LaUl lg double .SL liiimrainl is Unroll lumi ClupVT
rms. Senu-
j;. i'\|Hi'-siim v.:Mi Ivvn I, mi. .SoniK examples of biiuimiiils
. x.mi].].v .,1 liinomial! a
are (n
In + h) , lhat 'polynomiaV Is
Greek for 'many lerni
Thn lilnoriial (n + h): cm b>: roivrillriii as ,1 sura uf nlguliraic lerms.

(a-t-bl' D' + Zoin-y

Thera ore also dgrfiraic nspressions for binomials wilb powors sroalor

(o + ii),-o, + 3oIb4-3abI + ti1

( + b)' = (0 + 61(o + 6)3
= ( + fi|(D, + o' l + 3o ), + 6,)
o(o3 + 3a'b + Jot1 + i'| + fila" + 3uJt + Sob' + b" |
- uV So'b + So'b1 + ofi' + ba1 + SoV + Sab1 + b'
- o + b + Bo'b' + + b'

Consider Ihe following SlniCtu;

(a + b)1 =0 + 6

(o + b), = d, + anb + b'

(o + b)' = a' + ao'b t Sab" + fi1

(a + b)' = o' + 4oJb + So'b1 + 4ob3 + b'

Now wtllt down the coefficients o! ol [fie [enns in Ihcsc cxpaii'
re hi
Is I hey ,ui! ivril[cn dow tbemb form uncle
ach oiher.

4 1

Write down lha i.v iiilliislriansli;, Cbuck lhal oacli iRuro iscroalod

by adding lha numbers direcily abotin ii.

Urhebamtchtlcb oeschutzles Material

Applications and Activities
Loan repayments
Thn sum of agBbmBlilc nrios can hs iifpil lo find:
. lbs limo laksn lo repay a loan Riven a debt, inlorest rale and
. the repayment irl in l jjiv, a tl-H. inli resl rain and repaymonl

Yuuborm.V:ira(lrfl I 4".. APR [i.iv i>,ir:k LMIH) vc.Lr. ilim APR is Iha Annual
il lakn In rppay Ihe debl? Percanttige Bate and
raustby bw.to quoted
[2| You borrow Eiona Bl 14M APR and WB1ml Id ropay Iho dcht in thnra years, on ell i:roriii
Whal should your raonlhly inslalmenl
islalmenl Ibo?

[3] InvosliBalperodiHormsfo, mmpanios and chsck the r.paymnot

tables for Ihc (iiioiulI Ai'K.

A scquener: is a sol of numbers ring in order. When Ihe Imis of a
sequence are added loselher.a! i is formed,

A sequence can be described using an algebraic (erm for u or by a

ice relation.

A series can be ivrillen using noloUon, which uses the GNefc letlet
U.ii,g sigma n,


The nth term of an AP is where u Is the first lann. and d Is

the common dilferencE.

t he sum to n terms of an ariUimolic series can be written in cquivolenl


+ (n-lid

MBB .vhcra/is Ih. last term.

The nth Icrra eta GP is K"' where a is Ihe first term and r is Ihe

c :) Lv\c: M -. timcs: Pure Malhemalgcs

Thi- ffl.;jr fornnil.i.v In i.mvu.l .ii.jn ..ml ilill.ir m: of sitins ami
cosine inlojjtociucts, are:

ir)-( )
TUB fundlon asin.v - bC06X can lie ojiiressed as:

flainlx +1) HsiDd - a) Bcm(x 4 I) flcostt - a)

. [.. [Mjiimi.ii lli-.i-n v;ilii.--!il -( .indfL (( iinrl Ki.njlxrl-nindl.v ll t

.dingnsinB the appropf
:. adJiigmUBlheappi ...late compound angle fcrmuia, and Ihen
gquallng coafidentg Ip produce Wo ir
and adding Ihem gives +F and dividin]
fives R = vF+Fand
v dividing Ihem gives an equation
lor tan 3.

I . solving equations of the fonn ain* + b los* = c;
2 . finding raaximumland
and minirniimvahiraijfiaMori.illiiiiclim.Mvilli
Irlgnnnmeltir. dennminatnis;
3 , analysing periodic motion.
Trisonometrlc equations of tho lonn;

sinH = t and cqsfl = jt, where-1 < it < land lann = t. vvhereit f a

can he solved to iv'bulli a |jriiu:i]iiil s-jkilinn and a generalJ solution. The

principal solution ean he fmind using a ealr.ulntor. The genciind solution
formula can then be used to senerale other valid solutioi"
Remember that tho gei
meral solution can hnvvrrillen in both degree end

radian form.

1. It cos 0 = k. then 0 m a&O'n aorfl=2iini.

2 . If sin (I = I, then 0 = IBO'n + (-1 or 0 - + (-1
3 . If lan = i then 0 = lBDJn + b or fl - m+a.

Urtiehafrnchllch BeschulzlBE Malarial

11 Dilterentialion II

11.1 Differentiating Products

and Quotients
In ChapLer 5, Ihe tochmqiios ror difrcrcnLialinA polynomials, functions
involving nUanal povrara otx, and sino and cosine functions wen
developed, Manv other mslh iiiilir.d hnw.Wnn* formed l.y muHiplying
or dividing two or mure of these types at funclions. Some of Ihosa
products and quotients can be differentieted by Bral expressing the
function as a polynomial, and [hen different iaiing term by (enn.

However, there ere umnv |ir.idu. 1- i,n:\i|ntHie.ils, such as

y = (2x + 3](x - I) and v - - '-l-. where it is either difficult or

impossibleIs to express tl u.uji iioluieniial. Functions of

the overall function.
this type can be differentiated using two standard results, oralgorilhms,
Whldl are known as Ihe product and quo

The product rule

Supposey = uMvl*) Is the product of two separate functions of*: a
ami v. Any small change &, in [he value of I will give rise to

norrespnmling small changes, ,iu and Sv. in the valoes of fuacHoDJ u and V
respectively. These in turn res.dl in a small change, 6y. in the value OfJ-,
such thai + Sy =
u(x + ,il)v(i + Jr)l9the
value otlhe function
jr + faMi + iiij-uWvW l..m'.p..MdmBiojr + to,

It is possible to rmvrile this expressinn for Sy In the form

Sy - u{x + li*)v(* + Sx) - ufct + itKO + *0i)u(x + Jx) ~ u Mif) Adding the tor
n&f4-4(M) and
It follows then that
v(i)u(t + fit), Nolics
sy - wfr + - v )] + rtvOK* + W - mi thai these terms uncel.

Difforentiatinji from firEl principles,

Urheborrechlilch geschutzli
Complclo Adranc Uathemailcs; Pure Malhemalles

Tlip produLl rul lor ilil[Viv;:li,Ll in- [u.iiilidiis ol Uii! lonny = cai
ba slated as

Using Ihe ubbrevialions u' and r' for and respectively Ihfi product

rule is more commonly slalod as


If y ui- dion - u - i ii 4 Lanrn Ihis importani rcsull .

Example 1
UsinR 1 he produci rule, differenliotey - {2x + 3Hk - I)5 wilb rcspocllo.v.
Lety ov where u = (Z + 3) and v = ( - 1)', Tben u' = z and Rrimemljar in UI
v -
4(1-1)'. chain rule Id Hi

.ing the produci mlo.

= 4(2 v + 3H.V-l) - Z(J-l)

= 2( r-l)J(5.v-f5)

as much as possible.
lOlJf + Dfjf-l)'

An GdvanlQRO of the produci rule is lhal il is usually possible loRel a

l.iduriseii L:xpreiiiu]i [oi ;};. I bis is uiLi'li uliirlv uiofui when tryinR lo
lomle and detoiliini; Ibf [uluri; u( dj.y slatiunaty poblla.

Example 2
Kiral ilifL.i-Lirlieiiiofliw nirvey = x' cos.\ whan = jr.
tely - where u = ji! and i- = coss. Then u' = Kand = - sins.
Using Ibe product mle,

1 =

= >: l-iinxj + comta

-x sin + Hcosx

= i(2cosi-ialni]
Whan j = k, [tie giailleni oflha curvey =


= -Zn sinn = D.

The quotient rule

Supposoy = is the quolienl of Iwp separate fv
In funnlinns of,: u anil v,

Tliis can be rewrlltan as Ih? product of u ami J. si(uch that

IMngihe pradud nib to difierBntiolej'= u J gives

Su ive have the qunlienl rule for ihrferenliating CuucUoOI ( Ihe fenn

This is more commonly wriiiGn as

11=5, .hen Ua,,hi,i1pr,an,reSll.

Use the quotient rale to diftorentiale the following functions with respect

H r~x-2

a Let)' = where u = 3*+landv=i-2. Then u = 3 and v1

lirr rlviif i I".
11 Dmerenlialion II

11.1 Differentiating Products

and Quotients

[jj Use; Lhs product and quoliEnl mips m ditfcranlialc each of Iho follDwiiig
vrtth espect to *-.

y = x{* + *)t e y=
b y = (4x +3) + 1)' f y-jJ
d y-x'slnUr h =

[2] Find Lh gradlBnt of each of the fullnwing curves at the polntB inilicated:
a y = 3*-4l !
fll|5.15) d ytgs at [-Z, 2)
b J-(x-3)()I + Z),aH-3.-B) b / (at-SjainxaKfx-al


[Tl Find Ihe equaLions nf Iha langent and the normal ta the CblW OS
a I the points indicated:

a y= al (2, -4) b y = (* - z)( + 4)s Bl (-3, -S)

c y = x1coixal (B,-i1) d j- jfL al (-1,1)

Urheborrechtlich BeschijWi
I D rcntiali n il

1 050 22
1.387 25

I I-' i 3siim

- -''

Nolica (hot as fa - 0. tho factor convctgos Lo a bmlUng valuii. which

19 ciilferonl for each value nf a. For example.

(2") s! 0.B931S x 2''

-(s Ih i.ouaei x 3"

This suggnsls lhat Ihere is a value of a between 2 and 3 for which

iimfi fi) - 1. For this particular value of o. It follows that (0*1 = n'.
Use a calculator to complete the above table of values of for a =- 2.5,
1 . 7 anr) J.B. By furlbnr Mai and improvement, find the value of o,
cornel lo three decimal places, for which Um( ) = 1.
This value nfn is an irrational number. Its value is e = 2.718 281 a, cor
lo seven decimal places, it follows thai

TIlijimiMiiMliiLl lli.'i m.ilivi'Hhfcininm-'iitki! Iimiilira.)' = e' is

K) = e1 l*arn Ibis impuitant result.

Tile |imlimlijl iLiiicli.i:: bi liic onlv uiiirlm:! Ili.il r.-n.iins unaltered

Khan [lillmnlialed.

An alternative way of establishiiiH this result is to use the scries expansion

ole inlmrluoccl in Chapter 7:

Urhcberrochlli.:!- 439
Complele Advanced Level Malhemallcsr Pure Mathamalics

Diftmmlialing Ihi.'i intiniln powsr series term by Ik,

It n alscj he m-n UmI III,. diTiv iv.: ..f.iiiv iLNLnilid lunctian of lb..
fomy = o" i>

ThiM nlim.Mh.il

ThUmean5tha,lin:{ ).lna.
The dalB nils can bo used lo difrorenliate cxponeidial funclions of L
form y = e"". where/(x) id some function of i.
Let y = e", where u =/(), Then = b" and =/V)
Using Lhediainrule,

/Wo""1 Derivalivc ol Lhe power < origina! ciponon

DiffpmnliKlfl each of tbe fnltowing wilh lapad In Jr:

b y =e -
c y = 3v

a Lei r = c- where o = 3x + 1, Then = e" and = 3,
Using Ihe chain mle.

- B >:3

Ihhabw'aeftBdi oeschulzlBs Malari:

Using the qiiotfenl rule,
d}' va' - uv'

- (3x
Iil --i2il?
llii -

c Lei s = uv. whom u = f .

Thiin u :'nnd
v = jt = -3sLn3r .

Using the prodmnmh,.

-W 3( + 2a,'cns3( CoinimmbctDrof 1
= aa(2co3 3(-3sin31)

Example 3
a resuil of a slump in Ihe housing nuntat. a properly inlUally valued al
epreclales. [Is value I weeks blur ran be mndallad
tGDOOU m 1 hMuiiir,'dninid.ihis.
b>'l' = iinnnnn" u-htireiis
i Us v.-ilui i.is CV and A is a consUnl
vslue lo he
delemiined. Exaclij one year laler, Ihe properly remains unsold and is
valued al only 50000.
a Find an expression Tor Jc.
h Find Ihe markel value or Hie properly afler 2B weeks lo Ihe i
c Find on o n-.M,, iur Thiin lind i1l,i nil,, ill ivluiii llm [impiTlv.
value is riepredalinB al Ihe slot! and end nl thn year in Ihe neamsl pound.
a After one year. when I = 32. V = 50000.

Substituting into ihe expression fur V gtves

50000 - BO OOOd"'

Take logattthms oll

521: = Mi)
it a -0.0035;

b When I = 20 a negative value Is

. ictedfo
in.lru I c
rtqir... Mil
= aooDDe)'1'

IWWbwWCWfctl aHtfWHIM Maleilal

1- D. - r un II

Given Ihol V = m ul rc k - iliKji, .lifferei.liale V ivilh

respect o (.

Al the fllarl ol Iho Vfiar, ( - (J. Thr; riiln aUvhirh llu' mpnrtv's valun is
depreciating is found by pulling ( = 0 mlo this expression.
Chock Ihal

To lhe m pound, I hi: r.il(M>rd.i[lm:blimi 2ltl per wefil:

Carry ou liv MilisiilLiling J = n2, Verify thai nfler
one year, the rala of deprecialion is C175 pur week

Logarithmic functions
To flifferenUaU Iho nalnral tugaiillunic tunctiony = \ax from first
principles, consider the sniidl diiin , .Si', in (he value of (his funclion that
resnlls m.in a siiiall .ili.mye ,
, in (lie value of*,

Since iy*ly + Sy]-y

= lnU + ax]-lnx ,

whEiey + *K = ln(x + K) is the value ol the fmuilioTi i:orretp(iniliiiH


K+At, 11 follows lhal

Unlorlonnldi Iheii. it .mhv ! n n.lin,; ih.i Wm f term in

tills expression. An iilHirnalivii .ippn:h mulsI lie iaki'n in order to find %.
Kenall th.n (he natural logarithmic function
func j' = Inx is the inverse oi (he
HponanUairuncllonj- B .

Ifj' = Inxjhenjt e1,

niffen-iKialiilsliiittl sides Willi respect loj',

1 = if

11 DflcrentiaTion !l

Example 4
Dirrsrcnliale Ihd follDWing with lespect IdJR

) = IcKx' + ai-Z)
lK + 1)

Useilln/d)]. .

c Loly-ui-, whore u = * and v lnx. Then u = 1 ndtf' -
j .

Usinn Ihc praducl nile. -11 + '

= ! + lnjc

U.lWlh.,.oB..ll., 4-=


IMJ>- log,. "bae U = (' + 1). Thin = .nd J; = 2..

Using Lhn chain mle, = <

(x" + l)lliM

Complele Advanced LombI Maine mates Pure Maihamaiics

11.2 Differentiation of
Exponentials and

[T] M U.tteachotthBfollo ngrtlhmpatp*;

b y = 8'
g y e- iiDX
d y~c"" i yfmv*

[2] D.ii.[.,.ch.ril,.MI..in,ilh.cl M
. y=ln( ) f ,=lnlsmS) Q

y-Nfl b r-s
d y = La(4* + ll i y-lnfl+*) - In(t-i)
II y = ln(x4+l) j y = lDB,0(3l[-4)

[31 ForaachofLhefoliowingcu
i fmdexpresslonslbr aDdg?
il locatamldM.TMiiHfllu'iii.Hin!"f;.ny5lalionaiy points,
r-RK+Dil b


[Tl Find Iho oqualions oFlhc tanRcnL nnd Lho doimal Lo Lhf, foLLowing cmvcs
at the poinls indicalcd:
a }--ln(3l[ + l)ati = 1 b ) = So1"" nil = -1
c j- s'lnjBlj-a d 7 = (x + l)a"* at x = 2

[2] ,= populalio,,, P. of a now town dovdopmenl grows expononlially for

[he lirit 25 years siidh llial P - 1000 + 200c0 ,J'
where / is the number of
yeara since ilscstablishmenl.
a What is the Inlital population Dflhe town?
h What Is its populallon afler 10 and 20 yean?
c Find an expression fur Ihe rale at which the populalion Increases al
any lime L Use this lo ciilcuhiL llie rale nf ImTease after 10 and 20

Urhebamtchtlchi oeschutzles Matoriai

Cal.uilalH, I,, Hi,, ii,Mr,..Hi m.-ndi. In.w li.nj; .ilin- ils i . ilklmi.inl il i-i
bQfore the ral., ol innrn;,.,, i,, ll. I,,,,,,,].!!,., n:;,,:!,,:. [HP p.,,,,!,. pet

[3] Aball-biiarinB is rBloasud from rest from [he surfaes Uf a large tank ofoU
inlu which il drups. After I wconds it has reached a deplh deem I met res.
whBr8c( = 61-4a lsl + 4.-

a Calculate the depth uf the hall-beflring tq the nearest mi Hi metre, after

1 .
2 and 3 secundi.

h xpressions
Find expr ss! for the velocity, v. and acceieration, o, of the hall-
Imrins after
Calcnlate Its velocity and acceleration afler 0.5 seconds
Explain what happens to the acceleration and velocity as r becom

[4] Tha priCe Pof a particular laptop compute (waDVS afto ItS reka.e is
given bjF= 1100 + 31 - 30ln{( + 2),
a After how many weeks docs the price roach its lowosl value? What is
the minimurn price?
b How much is the laptop alter six months anil what is the rate at
which P Is changing at this lime?

UrheharrechtHcb geschutzti
11 Dlttorentlalhon II

a Laty = lanu, ivhore u = 2x. Then J; = soc u ami

= 2.

Using Lhe thain ink. .

b Lai y = cot u, whore u = (x1 + 2). Than |j - -cosoc'u and =3 .

Using the chain rule, = x

= -cosec'u x Ux1

= -ir',(;rI + 2)

c Lei y = iif, where u = lanx. Then g = Bu! and = sac'j .

Using Ihechain rule, =

' 1
Su xsac !

= BtBn1)CHC<>

Differentiating cosec and sec

The deriviilivus of the two nlhcr reciprocal IriBonomclric functions ,

cosecK = and soci = , can aiso be found using the chain rala.
Let y = J. where v = siiu. Then = - anH =

Using the chain rule, % =

So -=-(cosecv) - -cuseuicuH l.' oii lliis m-mjII.

Now find the darivallvfl of sec*.

Lely = l.whEteu = coss.ThEn = - and -sini

UrheborrechlBch oeschiitzleMElDrial
i: Ctlrrrr-r.u-mll

Find Ihc derivolivos of noh of Ou follo.vmg funtliona:
a y Zxteax b y = cu c y = tanaxsecx

a Lety - av.whaw v = 2x and v = tanx.Thon u = 2and v' sec
x .

Using Ihe producl rule, = ui + m'

= iiisecii + 2lani

b Loly -[fwhere u = cosocx and v = x. Then u' - -cosccscotK and

U5ineLhEqucliC,1(,U|C, -

c Lsty = uv, whero u = Ian3s and v = sbcj. Them/ - 3sec ;i(and

Using iheprnduelnUa, H + ra'

= tan ax sac * tan x + 3 sec13s sacs

5ei:ji(tan3ji Ieuii + 3sh:' 3s)

It v -. sin '' x. then .v = sin v. iffiirrntinlingboth sides of this equation

Now, coff'y + ain'ysl

= 1- Notice that only Ihe
Iiosilive molls taken.
That is. cosy - yTT? is Isbecai
This Is because

4 Lsini this result. -

!<J-<! Bfvln(

Urheborrechtlich BeschijWi
11 DlflBrentlallon II

d Lelj' = Lan"' ir. ivheie u = s. Tlien a; = TTP and $ =

Muiliiilv l..i.dilrl boMum


Example 5
Usa thn ptoduci and qootleiil ruins to dlfierenliaM eacb of lha faUovrtug:

a Let J- = uv, where u -xandv- sin ' i. Than u' = I and v' = 7 p-

Using Lhe product rule ~= +

b Letj' = ;. where u = lim-,x and = 1+x1. Than i/ jJ and

iog Ite qwttenl rule. | =

Complota AOvangad Level Haihemalics: Puie Malheirallcs

11.3 Further Trigonometric

fTI Diffcrcnlialo each of the following with rospocL \ox:
y = tan 7r Hi.
h y.= M
c y potlx1!
d y cosec'Sx

2 , be product and qu! I Lll.I-ll.dillnrllli .:i.|| ,,] li,r ..ivi

with respacl tax:

b y-Sxsecx a.
d y=*JlBn-'*


fT] Find the gradienl of tach of Bib following curvn al the pd idlcated
and the eiiualiuna of lbs langem ami ilia noimal at that point.

a y = tflnl5)flt(B, )
b y-sin-Ml-JtlallM)

Urhclierrechllich geschfjlites Material

11 DilfBienllatlon II

11.4 Using the Second

Stationary points
Kncill IVi.ra CLiifUri i llml Hi..: li.-iwn jiuinK r i|ilican bo localcd
hy iulvins llw nqunlion = I). Their milun: am Im lii'lnrrainsrl hy lonking
nt Llin K.mlrail nl Ih.: tmiih ra. nillvT ,1,1 of HMlimi y jioint. 11 is
LiN.i iiiissililn lhn smirairl .hiriviilivn lii hiilji ilwikln whBlhsr a
paftlcular sMIonary poini is a ina>imiim or a mfalnnmi point
Thr p all gfi cmad graph is ilsulf a EudcUDB nix. Hy drawins Ihc

graph, ofy - fl.v) and ils gradiMl rmi. ti..!. V - "1 il * l ihle la relS
fmlm tb PPW aa lhR IWHgraphs.
ol tlIbo fuoclion/HI = ' - Ir1
K.lr..x.tll|.|1!. .Ulr.hlh. graphsi of -

ttj + 10
&< - 0.
and il< derivative fui = Ur - 61 g. Check
Oack tho
the nalu
luHurc Mian
re ol the slalioaan-
point. yoa drdniw Ifae s.
aw the Braph.. Check yof mtilU luinR . graphical

IF .


i '


Complele Aflvanced Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematics

Notice thalouliiim mumi iiuintou Itii'curvay s3 -Si'-Hs + lO,

tho tunrlion rh.mRns from he.ng an inm inq fnnrlion of 1 to a

ik-creMins liinclioii olx. fliis n jlivt; c1ijlii! in Hie gradieal. trum

positive thnmghroo toiiBgotlvo.o
negativE, as Ihe curve passes [hmugh (-1,15).
IS thai Ihci Krarli1:nt<1f 111,: si-.iiHi-nl f l11;, .lirm or stolid dcrivalivo. is

nosalivool Iho max i mum point.

SnaL lha maximum poinlon Iho curve. { |< 0.

n puinl. '

I '!, ' U 4 Rememher this importanl result.

At Ihe niiniimimpoinlonlhecurvBjr -S -Sx + lO. Ihe function
changes frum bdnfl a dacroagiDg funcUon of < to an increasing fimcllon of
v,Thnc0rres,>lmd,n11(:(U1,,1.mll,(.Fri,(l,1 irorn native thrcush .ere
loposllivcaillnrctLnui " tiiroiiRh i3. 17:. ,lhi5 indicates that tho
Rradient of the gradient functini. or second derivative, is positive at the

So at tho minimum point on tho curve, | ) > 0,

- -B 4 Remeintier this important nsnlL

Th.Tei-ial.WiLimiiLl (if intlejion al(l,-1) on thSi

3 1
y =x -3x -9x + 10 This is where the tangent to Iho

ftom one side to another. This Is not a itatlonaiy poinl. Instead It is Iho
point at which the gradient of the curve is at Its most negative. The
Sradient of Ihe gradienl functiuii

or second derivative, is zeru at tills

point of inflexion,

In fact

= o al all points of infloiion whether ibey are stationary or m


II is possible, howaver, for tho second dnrivativo to equal znroat points

that ore not points of ioflesion. Consider the graph of y = x'. This has a
stationary puinl at x - u. Its second derivative - rjj< equals nero
whom = 0. but this slationarj- point is dearly a minii

Check this with a

graphics! calculaloi
Check also tho srap
y- -x* This Is a

whom = D.

TIum.iiK' l.:li.lt>l umi .itddrrniinin-III.: nalim-.,! ,i st.ilioiKirv poinl al

which = 0 is to look at Ihe gradienl. %. on oilher side of tho poinl.

Urheborrochllich aeschuteles Malarial

. 35 = 0 and g;<Oal maximum poinls
. = 0 and > [) ril riiiniiinEni [ininls
. if g = 0 and g = 0, Ihe aign of IhoBradionl, on cither aide of Ihe
stationary point must then Lo found to dctermino its nature - do not
iissuiiii! that it is a slaticmary paint uf inflaxion.

Example 1
inrl the CODrdilialOS nf Ihe stationary points on Ihe

iv,:l,.(j,1,-1]:iill,Mh.>ir ll.ilmr.
ietchtha cunra:

iv where n = (i + 3) and v = |i - z)4 Thon u" = I and
, Use Ihe chain rule to
i - 2)J . iifforontiatolx-Sl'.

Using Ihe product rule, uv' + vu'

= (i + 3)k4(i-2)1 + (i-2)*h1

(X-2}J[4(+31 + {J1-Z)|
= {X-1)3{SX + 10)
= 5(X + 2HX-Z)3
At slatloDoiy iKiints an Ihe curve. 3 = 0.
5{x + 2){x-2)'=0

Verify IJ111I u'tum.v = -2

y, = 25.i .n.il rh.ii !,[,!.;, x = 2.y
Thei st.
etaUansiy points are b ied at 1-2,256) and (; Their nature

he detormtneri by evalnatms Ihe seeond derivative . -

2 and ( = 2

Use Ihe ptpduol rule aRain lo find i,

Let = /J), whew / = + 2) and g == H-2) Then/ J
. Sand

II Mlmvs Ihal

irtghavebeen mod
einsload ofnandv
to avoid confusion with
= VS$c+2)&-Z)'+S$-2)' Ihe earlier working.
5[;<-Z)1|3(X + Z) + (t-2)]
= 20(I-2) (X+1)

Complale Advanced Level Malhetnatics: Pure Malhemato

When i = -2, - 20(-4]I(-ll = -320 < 0.

So (-2,2561 Is a maximum potaL

When.-2. }-20(0)!(al-0,
L. kins,,! l(>,.Mr,l,ii1:ril1>l llli:i:ll.'.i:iHinlh(!rsideofj( = 2:

. WhenX=l. = 5(3)(-l)3 = -15

. lv!ienl=S, = a(5](l)3=Z3
Thogradicnl changes from negative la posllivr: u the
Lhrmigh * = 2. so |2,0) is a minimam point.
This inr.irni.iliniiciii now l>i> ustii k.sk li III"

4 Chetklhisnsult using

Jhett thai Ihu eurvi

or touches U

M.i(-a,oj,ti, d ,

and |D. 48),

General points ol inflexion

SiailDnary polnis of laBiixitm hove two fonns. The gradient oflhe Olfve
can be pnsiiive on both sides ol stationary point uf innexion nr
aegative on both sides, as shown in the diasrara. Check lhal a lanKent
irveal a slalionary polni of inflexlc .
s [ninumfsiil,.

Hd.vevr'r -latimuiry |i(,inl-, ,.f i.illi-.l.m r.: S|i :,l t-.KW. The gradient oi a
curve does not have to he zero al a palm of Infloxton, In fact, there must
he al least one non-stalicnary puinl of inflexion on any smooth
continuous curve bGtivceu two stalicnarv points. This situ.ilinn can best
hedascribad Braphically.

Urhcberrechllich gesch utiles MaBrlal

Complete AOvancea Level Malhemalks: Pui

The Rradlonl nachas ] nummum value ol point H. This means = 0,

Since the BTfldicnl cl the sradicnl funntion is ckansing from pcsilive to
ncBnlivc as il passes Ihroush B. - r < 0 al B,

A -

< o

Thegradienl of \\k ,:iirvf is ji live eillict siile ..fllu! poinl C, Its value
Is \mM negUlva (ilui is at Its nuudniuml at palot C. This means = 0 al
IWS poinl. The gracile.,1 ef ll,e B.adienl funolion is changing hum positive
lu DBgBttvS, s" ihe diird derivaliveg; < D-

UrhebofrBchtlicli oeschulzles Malarial

11 Dlffarenliallon II

11.4 Using the Second

fl~| For each of Lhu folLoivintf cubic functions:
i find expressions foi/-(X)andrW
ii find the coordinaics of anv slaUonaiy points on thf
in thegmphofv /W
and use Iho second dcrivalivo to dctcmiino thoir niinturc
IU 5ketchlhegraPhofc = /M,
3 z
a /(j)=i -12x +45k-4D

c f(x) = Zx1 -
9J[J - 108s +40

[2\ Slalelhecnordmalasoftho
liinalns nftho points iv
+ 3)3 crosses theses.
b Locate and det
itermine tlie nature of tile stationary points on ihe curve Hint: Use the product
r-tit-% -

rule to diffonmiiaie.
c Find the c.
zoordinaicis of the non-slaiioi
loniuvp inl,of inflexion on this
o .
Use Iho first and third dorivatii
Kc OlliUr.T.
i llliiX its J1LIIILI;L.

[3l Locale and determine the nature of the maximum and minimum points on
ihe graph)' =x'- Zlx2 + 32. Show that there are two non-slaiionary
paints of infiexinn on this curve, at a = -o and x = a. whets o is a
ppsilivD intngsr to ba delarmined.

[4] a Find the coordinates of the stationary points on tho curve

+ 2cos in the interval -is <I< In Use the second

derivative to determine Iheir nature.

b Find the coordinates of the points of inflexion on the curve in this
tlllll it
c Sketch y = x + 2 cosx for -2n < x < 2ji.

[S] Foreaehoflhefolbwinsenrve,:
i write down Hie eoordinales of Ihe points where Ihe curve crosses Ihe

u : : i , alien of any vertical asymplnles

ill Hnd an expression for
iv locate and tietertnine the natl
istureofany stationary points
Sketch Ihe curve.
a >-=*(*-!)
b y = {x + *)'(x-2f

Urr-oli.nrd lillich oeschutzlei
need Lovol MaUiBrralics: Pure Malhamalics

[6] ForeachoflhefollowlnBcmres;
i nndc<prS!i0nSforJDnd ;
ii locale ami delmmm lii. a.,lu,r ofanyslaliona
l.I.iiiv si poinls,

b y = W* + 2)
2> ++ (


Tli.'lmi il l:wi<lj,-* Ijin.illiesrmLn-l-iti.iirlnr ifiiiiniiMiilH. slm.vn

al,nve. can lie mccielled using /l = 5(l + 2}

Find BxpcwteufmgandSg).
b Cultulalellie valiif ..f.v.H ivlii,;!, lliiri Mv i..,, ..f Hi,: rkli; is lL:i:l>esl.
and Ihe
e he
heighl abnve [he ground ai Ihis point
c Calculalei:
ale Ihis maxiraum gradient. At wbal anE!e. In the nearest
degne,: is
1, the track In
m iha ground at
al Ihis
this poinl?

UrhetorrechIIich aoschutzlES Material

II Dittoronlialwn II

11.5 Implicit Differentiation

All.iflhK funcliunMliiil llnv.-hi-.:!. rlilfcisnlialHi a. far havebeen
oxprcssnl in Ihr tanaf -jix). Huwuver there are curves in Ihei-v plane,
illi Wiualiuns linking < v. Dial Lannm be writlen in Ihi,- way. Some
examples are drdi Mllli--; .iihI lu pe.b,,! The e alions for Ihesa
.:urv,s areealle,! Impllcll funcllons. The mrthed Hsad \<> fln.l Ihe t eli-nl
at anv pninl cm I he lr curve* 1* callwl Implicil diiferenlialion.

For example, tlx CuMu aqiuUn

Df a circle cif radiUM J, CMMd at lha

Rearranging Iheeriualirm,

Nolicn thai I wo eiplicll funclions

f = + 9 -I'andy - -V9-j[J
this circle. UsllinnRraphlcal _

calculator, ploty - -t-v Fond

The limtiai] nnulution
. ircle.
origin ofI M.llU-
is 3. ijilailator mayreiull in
the circle appearii

Both oflhawnpli ioeM an l>-dillerenlialad using the chain rut,

Implicil dlHerenllatlrHl allom us In find an expression Id( fmm the
original equaltun.
iri-i.Tiiialinv.i' h n-rni ilHl.r i .piaiion v- + = 9 with rospec:! to I,

We know that <XJ| = K. and ft (fl) - 0.

Use the chain rule to dlmlfi.: Ihr: v.iriahle with which they1 term is

1 i i i
Complete Advanced Levoi MatnemaUcs: Pure MsDiemi

Knim . qiwlion Ihese nsulls gi\i;

. .4--

I lii, rraull iHlrueforalldrdi'M nlmi.il lln oirwin. Ijfcause Llir: reJius

rigin, b
qumd lerai i.i Ihe equaLion of Hie anh U 1 nwtun
urn IwtonfirmHl by ronsidering the radial line Irom Ihe wnlre Olo,
polnl (if.ylon Ihecirciimlmncoof lh cirtle.

NMIwAH Hie gradient of this line lUilllllll III at Ihe

Isf MCUIM H alio inierueyls ihe CtTCk |ndksl ndlio langei
al right uiglai, II iilbenranu] lo Uu is also the gradient at
diell *l Ihis point. This means iliat tbl curve (elic|p| itael
Iht IIWUM of the langent to the oirele al thlt point.
atlhl point it-f.

Example 1
A cildu C Is centred al |6, -21 and has a radius of 5 units.

a Write down Ihe Cartesian oqualion oi Ihls clrcio

b findenesprossionforS;.
r Kind ihe sradient of the eircio el the two points .vhero.i - y.
Recall that, (ora circleof ndlui r. cMitnd al |a,b],


Tlie Canesion equation of Ihls oirr.lc is therefore

Verify that the
equivalent fnnn is
+y1 -\2i + 4y + ll
b Differenlialing both sides of the equation with respect to (. AllemallvBly.diHarenli
' '
I ty -

lZi + ly + lS
term by term, using tl
chain rule for the tori

Using Ihri chnin rule. - G)! = 2(r - fij

So 2(jl-6)+2(y+2) = 0
Then 2(l.+ 2|--2(-a)

SubstiLutox = 9 inlo {x - 6)' + (y + 2)2 = 25.

Thisgives 3! + (}- +2)! - 25

B4-JJ + 4j'+4-Z5
/ i 4)- 12 = 0
(j- + 61|y-2)=0
= y = -6ory = 2.

Al ,'!,-(>:.

NNlililMhjl ill 111-, l-.Vl I,:.

-2 ThiScomJSpondS

circle whofe ihc tangBnu
are paratldloUlB rrab
!B, -2)

Unlike Ihe e,|Lirflimw,f .i ni.di., iniiiiv iiin.ll.ill rim. liiive eqllaLlcins

lhai include pro[igc:i [emu. Thn5e are BspressionR such as xy. xy' and
x y. These lerms can slill be dirferenlialed implicilly but require the use or
the praducl nilo.

ComElolo Advancod Lovol Halhomatics: Pure Mather

For ooch of Ihn Fallnwing, find an aipression fnr in Lerma of X and jr.
S + lxy-ix-V b +4iJ-y' - 0

a nifferanlialc bolh sides ol Ihe equation with respect tax,

liso Ihe pmduol rule lo difforenliale Ihe secmld lertn. Let u = 3)[ and

Now A(3,| = U1,' + WI' = 3J + 3J.

ft follcuvs that iliffereiitiatidn of both sides of the equation Bives


3j!jj= 4 -2x-3y
|-4- -3y
b Difforantiate bolh sides of the equation with respect \ox.

Using the product mle, ~ 'y'] = 2* +W

and using Ihe chain mle 7 )= '

So 2x!J' +2x)',+ta-2>. = 0

r]tiriiijiafi! I tie n:
factor 1.

* v(l-x!li = x(/+4)

UrhfbrjrrOTlirlicti geschutzles Mak: .- im

Pure MalhBitiates

Nmv fiiclrnki'iiiul -iiinplify llli! Pinuililin,

VRrity lhal Ihis ei|iialion can be rearraiigal [o give

When x = -2 andy = -1. = -i - -i < 0

So -1} is b ina.iii.um point on thn cn

When x = 4andy = Z,ji = i = !>0

So |4,2] Is a minimum poinl on die cu

Nolicelhal Ihe e(|llalir)H-jt 111., nurv.i In ran l.c rearranged

into the form
l0 the
form v = f(x). Show
Show thalr.
lhal j- - f,. Its iret and snqonrt dertvalivw

Can Ihen he fmmd u nR the nuollBnl

Use a graphical calculator to dra,v the graph oty = Conlirm lhal Ihr

has a maxtmum point at (-2. -1) and a mlnlmnin point

p at |4, 2).

Uriiclierrechtlich geschfjliles Malorlal

11 Oinoremiation n

11.5 Implicit Differentiation


[T] For each of [hu following circles:

i write Hnwn ilsCartPEian aquaUoa
ii find an expression for in ierms ols and
ill caleulole Iho WJiik-M ol tirtle j[ Iho poiill P. n huio CODrdinalus

a rndiUS5,nir8(1.2);P(S,S)
b radius 13. centre (3. -4); Pl-2.81
c radius v 9. cKnLre (a, o); P (-1, v !

P| Find an e*prEssind for in (ems nf s and y for each of Iho following!

a. -2/4. = 0
b i3 + 4y - 3i)- = D b '
2x + 7y - Sx y -4 = 0
0 Ex' + V-x f 5j - 3/ + Zjy1 + 1 = 0

[3] Find Iho fitadionl of each of Iho folloninK curves al Iho point indicaled:
y -

2jt,->. + 14=0.l(2.2)
b 4? - 3X2 - + 1J - 0 al (2,51
c 3/ - - x / - 47 = 0 at

5] For each of Iho following cu

i find an expression for in lerms of* and y
ii find Iho coonliiialH, of lli *<,,lk,my ,niinls(s| on lha curve
iii find an expression for in lerms ot . y and
iv dolermine thw nalnrn of the slalionary poinl(s|:

b 5k2+ 2) -2y-12 0
c s + 12y+xV + 2 = 0

[5] Find the equslinns of Iho longonl and the normal lo each of Iho following

a lx + 3y-V + * = 0"(-l.-2)
b 1+2) + 4xv; - 12 = 0 al (2,1)
c y3 + IDx + xy - 15 = 0al(B, -3|

Urheborrechtlich Beschiilzli
Example ibis pari icubrly
1.(|.1lim,siJrun KllipSEC
lMIi.. origin
, i=ocosfl,
y-bsmff Klimin.Uns,!,.

|iiin>;ti'r(i(!ivi'illiL'Car iiia
Hiualuin Kir llu; dlipsc

The UmtcsiancquDlionoCnmrvc (Mil ui.iiillv lir ohUiijied Irum patamclric

cquiiliDns. Eliminate the pammrtRr, I, from the Uvn pnrDmcirin tquations,
x =m and j- = g(t). How is tfM Bn.riicnt of suoh a paramslrieaUy daimod
curve found? Fitsl difterc.iliaLo both j and y with respcel lo Ihe parameter
( , lo find and | resijeulively. Theji. uiini; Ihe chain rule

% = %' - "'hit:h hp " ",ritlBn 35

For example, d i
lualiuns thai define
Ihe cirde of radius 3. centred at
the Dri|{in.arBi = 3cO!(snd
y = 3 sin (, The paranieter, (. is
the angle, in radians, measured
andduckwiw ub.mt the oriKiil

ThM.:! I, tlli1u.i,.1ll,VM| s,.,,,! .(,[;..,

forxandr. Check that

I , '
ir +y = (3coilj + (3jinI|I
= 9cosIH-9!in!(

= 9(cns'l + sin'/; < cos1 + sin115 = 1

Thusi!+yz = 9,idii(:li i lu'Ciirl. ijii. mKiui.ohhistirclo.

DttferenUaliiig the two paramutric equations v = 3cos( andy = asini

~ = -3iinl and fe = 3,

Comclele AQvanced Level Mainemalics Pure Maihematics

Using the chain tulo, =y <

Nnlim lha( sincni = ScoeI andy = 3sml,

dy 3cnH i

This ivas lhe resull -ibluin! hy iiniili illy difri'tun ng lhe Carlesian
equallun of Ihls drela in lhe previous section.

Example 2
Find an o(pm*Rinn for Tor each nf Ihn fnilowinn paramplrically .IpfinPil

=( + 1



Z sin ZD
= - 4 sin Zd = Zsindfasa
4.in (I,

t ros (I

Find Iho coordinales of the puinlfs) on tht followtag paramolricallv
rinfinnd rarvns whore Iho sradinnl has tho value indicated.


l-(l)/(S)-(T)/( )-( >ff)-l

UrhebafrBchtlch oeschQlzlBS Malarial

1 D her'.?-: . i cn II

WhBnt = 6,i = i = indy = ji=i

b g ras9and = -Bdos1DsLnO

- Gcos"sin [J - - 3smM sln2(l = 2suiUcosfl

- -3 .
IheD -asinZP = -3

So sin2e = l

Thoo 2o = |,.?,l|i,...
and 0 = J.if,.1f....

II is possible lo find a generdl equalioii for Ihe tangenl, or Ibe DbnOal, al

some general point =/((),> - s(')) a paranMlrie currs. The eci aticn
of the tangent. r normal, B) a sjlei ifit: poilll On the CUTVB can then be
r,.limll,yM ,HlilulinL;;1,ii1[1r(>i.ri:L|1.v;,l,1..fll,nl[iran,elerf.

Example 4
This ciirro C h.iiss patnmelric cquaiinns
ci .y = I3 sndy = 6(. Kind a senerni
equation for botltllictacisi'Jjtjinhli injiinaljt souk-[mint i/1 61)at)ontli.
on the

Write doivn (he cquotinn of Iht: tai M)and .

the equntioa at ih[ imul la the


= 8

The gradient at Hint,i[ij;i-ii1.iniil th. iurniul, (atheciHrve at some general


poml(f 6Jlarc a.id -Jf1. ruspuctivuly. Usey -j-j =di(
, -.
= mi*-x,)W find
the equal lens uftbese linea.

Thccciuation otilii' tsiv+onl is

J-fll-jj Mulii li IlhIi sides by ('

- = 4I3 or - - = 0

UtheBertecltltich 473
Complole AOvanceO Lauel Ualhemallcs: Pure Malhemallcs

Till! [..iiialiimnfllm normal is

y-et~ Mullipiy bolh sidns I

= 21-12/ = -I'l+I5

Zy + f'x '
f + lH or Zy + t'x

M Ihn point {a.i2),i Z TtM pqnalinn nflhalaimgantattbispoiiil.toliiia


bysuhslitulins / - iintillV-lit-4 .li

IUiepolnl(-l.-6),)=-l.Sub9tllUtlagl = -I into theBeneral

inalinn for a normal tq Ihn curve 2y + t'x = Is +
i'iii gives

2i' + s + 13 = 0

Stationary points and second derivatives

The spcoml rlcrivaiivn r.f iMrarradrin.-illy ilnrinorl r:nm h Umm\ liy
dlfferenllallnnMicfir.i rl.rriviiii.v >viih wpr.rA (o.vllhat iF. t tl. Rut.
for most panunBttr curvaa. | will be a funqUnn of the parameler, (. and
naix. This ni.ans the chain rLle must he used tu Ehanga the yarlable by
hii:h i[ is hi-iriK ililfercnlialnii, so that

Haring (bund an eipression fnr 5. it can he used todelemine the m

1,f1,i1ys|i,li..ii.tv|...inlMmiliniiiraiiieter curve,

Find an expression for and for each of the fnllowingiiaramelrinally
defined cums:

x = 21*3 b J = 4C03
y sin fl

11 Dmerenftooonll


d f-5\ ill

b J = -4sinfliind = Z!iii0cos()
2 inl l:rl ,l



Example 6
Find the coordinates of Ihc stationary points
of a [liirainclur I by j = + l aady l3 12 -

tti<l<!t!:r[iiiii tin- EialLini (if llicso points.

! daptiii:.]!
$=2Iimd = 31 -12



At slnliDnory poinls on the cone % = 0.


oqualing I he numotaloi


Al slalinnaiy pninl! nn the curv-K ,

= n,

i p
= 0 =- 4-21 = 0

So the statkmaiy polnl nrairs al (5, 5).

To delerminK ils nature ma] In eiduiLl the second derivalive,

When I = 2. | <: 0, so 15, 5] is a maximum poinl.
Toskaldl lliecun ni.ll-mru.linrtlwfnnliffFT-Jll

values ofl he parameler

Tijollier Willi vvhiil weknmv IiimiI Ih-- lioii.irv |i.>i]il!., n-e ran prod.iue

UrhBtjarrechllcl- 479
Coniplele Advanced Level Malfiematicsj Pure MaLhematics

11.6 Parametric
x = 3l.y = l2 d x = AcosO. y = 3 sin If jttj a
Scnsf.y = Ssinl f x = acosOP.y .
= IisLnO

s Find on expression for for each of Ihc foUowind parEunctricaUy defined

y = St + 5 7 = l-sln0

Kind Lho coordinates of Lhn poinl:; r-jrih ol Ihc iolltAi-ms oirvra ulnrc
Iha gradunt has the value indlcalod:
x = l' -

3l b *=5 c * = Lan(i
y= +l y = 1 + to9

[4] Kind UlE! equaliuns of the lanBonl and the mjomiai 10 the curve wtU>
parametric equations i=B, .j'=l+B
, poinL where ( = 1,

Thn curve C fins pjjraranlric nqualiors - (* andy -21-1. Flnda

general equation for the tangent at some point (I
ral equatio 2t - 1) on the curve.

lli'[u:i'. u-riUMlown
)wn the
equation of
rjl the
lh,- tangent
Untcnl to
Hj the
lli(M;urv(; jlllti. Jl.

[6] Find the coordioates of the stationary points on each of the following
paramntrically defined curves. Kind also an expression for tho second
rlerivalivc and use il to tlrterminn the nature of these stationary points.
Henco, or otherwise, sketch tho

x = 3l + l hx = (, + l
y = r, o(1
y = i3 + (
Complete AOvancBd Level MathemaLns: Pure Malhi

So Iho linear a]j|irii,\iiii.iiiiMi lo rli li I.:u nivi-s ,i v.ilm- fnr llio dofinilB
Inlesrai lhal ismmNi luuvu rii-i:iiiiiil iiliu.i-s. '[ III. .i]it>ripiu.ii is parliculatty
useful when evalnalind hilHgral. lhal an- .liffii-iill In -valuale esaclly.

The hinuraial LlwureriL um imlv ujtJ I" linil Ihr ,v:rU:s (.-xiiaiisions of
funcliona of [ho form {u + x)", whiin-u j rjLiiirul |jiii.i;r. KiLlldiOrts moh
as tlnx, cosx, e and lux can also bo expressed as a series of asconding
powers of x uiing Iho Maclaurin serios.

The Maclaurln series

Sup] flxl
n-ie/r. iiiiiinn fiim-lion of v I lull 1:111 Iw. Hrillcib
M issoi
MliUll(! pon.-is of jc, such lhal

fix) = Oj + n,i + OfX1 + nj*1 +... + ay +.

ivW<(, iMht! i:oi!rai:ii-nlof lhi;.v li!rn.. A umi-lliiil fis a fl

lhal can be Lontinuouslr riifferonlialod to find/V)./"!*! and it> hlgh

dcrivaliv t. IL follows lhal

/V) - + 2a,I + lOji1 + 4a,i3 + ...

/ (*) - ZOi + 6ajl + 120
+ ZDOsi1 + ..,
/ (t) - 6oj + 240 + eOajn1 + laaosu1 +...

= MO* + l!no,( + 3601, + fl x1 + . and so on. /%t) danotai Lha

fourth derivative of/(:
Siil-::iliii:ri!' \ 11 inrn llii' ' ri|jjii-:Liiri

fiO) = a, s n, = m


/ (O) = Ba3 = 3! Uj =03 =

rm-... = ..

where/ D) is Ihs value of ihe nh derivative of/M al x = 0.

: n.,
. II. fli
HieflioienlsOD, O,,!!,, Oj, o, 0,...

4 Learn lliis result.

oM aeschuteles Material
ComplaleAOvairced Level

Use the W.-icl.iiiriii series expansion to find the cubic npproxi root ion of
hi(l +*). Hoqcp End Ihe approxinuite voluo of In(l.l).


/ (x)=(l+x)-' => f(0) = 1

rM=2(l+i)'1 =>r(D = 2. nnd so on.

lliBMidaWto saHeSforJnO +k)I3 Lheiefore

nnd lbs cubic ppmxiraalinn is

SulUtUutiagx-O.I gives

K0.1 - 0.005 -0.000 33 Check lbiE resuil USt
c lculnlor.
= 0.0353 (4 d.p.)

Hve !lLMlinSllic luslnirdedviKivEsorind +)whimi -

D, il is possible
loslimvlh.il lbe\l:irl:iurin;r.rie lorlnd 1 x) is

This I'xpjnsimi is uriiy viilid iiir -1 <*< 1. Notice the condition

the inequalities,
Bepbcings wilh -I in Ibis serifis gives

This expansion is only valid tot -1 < x

Tho MaoUurin expansion cannot be used to find a power serios far lux
because the function and its derivatives Ax) = J. M = - J.
fM = J, and so on, are not defined fori = 0,

Urhebofrechllicli oeschiitzlos Material

11 OjlTerenllafion II

11.7 Maclaurin Series


Find Ihcfiel three m in Iho MaQlnunn sciics tfipansioiis ioi:


h x'o" c ln|l + Mr)

d Imi.v

[21 U<o tho quodmlic npproximation for cos K ohlalnud from iLG Madaiuin
sorios to nolrn Lho equation cos 2s = 3k. correct to two ducimnl places.

[3] Find tho first Ihreo non-zon. timns In tho Mndourin sorios nxpansion of
lull + K] ond ln(l - 2i), Honco, ivritn rimvn a cnbte apptonimation for
I" 1) ""d. by subslituting 1 = 0.1 into it, find tho approxiinDte value oi
In 1,5 to three decimal places.

v ,ii

. or. Pure Maihomatlcs

Exercise A

[T] Given lhaL j- = ". linci g. Hance

H. Bnd the f:aoniinalfls of Ihs slalinnaty
poinlonlhaciirvsr xfl

[2] A curve is deftned by tlu pMameiric equnlinns s = (- + 3( and

a Finci inlErmnfJ.
b Thp nomml lo Ihc nutvu al Ihi; poinl V has gradlenl J. Ddtrmino lire
cooidlnales ill P.

The- dinprnro shdWl 9 mUgh sketch of Lhc graph of y = (. -

a Findanoipressionforg.
b Uv considoring Iho padionl of Iho curve al Ihe poinl wheia x = 4.
dMomiinc uh-.'llifr llif .v-tuordinalc of Ihe maximum point on Ihc
B ph isle hnncrgieelerthi,. 4.

[4] A cum. C is given by Ihe equalions x - 2 cos I + sin 2t,ym

0<(< where (is a peramater.

a FindSand lnwnnsotl.
b Find Iho valua of gal Iho poinl P on C, where ( = 3.
c Find an oqnalion of Ihe normal lo the curve al P,

[S\ Use Maclaurin's theorem lo show thai for suficiently small values of,
(l+x'llan-'jax + l -Ax5


Urheborrechllidi geschutiles Mali

i V.i:ii-L'!.:i:.ci Pu.-e Mamemalies

13.1 Approximate Solutions of

Try solving Ihs Bqualloos Ztiosx + 1 ande' = x + a. It you Iriudto
sdvr lh Utog algebraic techaiqUES Ihe lerapialinn is to Bive up and say
Ihc PC|ualions ca[in..l li ilvil. Mnw r, -r.ipliir.d. or iltralivo melhods
nan be used lo and an upproximatB value lor lha snlutiDD lo these
Equations. These techniques generate numeriial values oflncreaslng
accmacy. They ars basrf on tnpnMw ' pronoriorn nr algariihn, until
sumcien! accuracy has been achieved.

Graphical methods
r (s) r iou . (|,Mlmn ..ni,.- (-.,! flM = IH m, I... lo,..l l.v [Ira.-ios
{raph oly = f(vl ...nliuB olf Ih,- .,|,proxiraate values of I fur -l,lch /Ul-ll where Ihe gi
y = D. nooai the i-a<is.

Example 1
Conatnid a table of values lot)' = 2x3 - IZx + 11 wllh 0<x<6. Draw
the graph of J" it - 1ZJ + 11 lo that range and use It lo Und

appKHiroatBEolntlansaf Ihu equation 2 - !2v + ll U. lo ooe detlmal

T t

UrtieboftBchllctt fleschutzll

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