2nd Case Study (Darna)
2nd Case Study (Darna)
2nd Case Study (Darna)
Darna is 49 years old. She is the seventh sibling of the family. She has a long hair with
brown complexion. Darna is a shy type but can be seen having a cheerful personality.
Darna is a solo parent with two children living with her. She was separated from her
common-law husband for almost ten years. Despite of her situation, she still works as a farm
laborer with a monthly income of Php1, 500 in irregular basis. She is the only one who strives
to raise her children. Darna doesn't have educational attainment which results to low job
opportunities. When problem arises, she admits that she cannot sleep well and always thinking
on how to provide intervention to the problem.
B. Family
Darna and her two children are considered as informal settlers in the area. The lot is under
the ownership of a Muslim yet they build their own little house. The house was made up of light
materials. They don't have electricity and appliances, and sleep together in one room. They don't
have proper comfort room instead they disposed their stool at the river, and sometimes at their
backyard, digging soil. They used wood in cooking. Mostly their drinking water came from
"balon" and they used to take a bath and wash clothes at the river, with an estimated 115 meters
away from their home.
Darna was already separated from her common-law husband for almost ten years due to
other woman. The couple has eight (8) siblings, four (4) of them are presently living in Manila
while the other two had there owned family. Darna doesnt have any communication from his
live-in partner as well as her six children for the past 10 years.
The family have their meal once or twice a day because they don't have enough money,
instead of eating rice they just eat banana and other forms of starches. Sometimes, they just drink
coffee for their breakfast.
Members of the family never experience incident of neglect, abuse, or violence in home
and their community. The two children show respect to their mother and have a good relationship
to each other.
C. Community
Family is presently living at Purok 11, Barangay Batomelong, General Santos City where
most of the residents used to work as a farm laborer which is their livelihood and source of
income. Most of the houses are made up of light materials, and the people are often go out to
their house. They were approachable and show respect to each other.
Darna needs assistance from the government to help improve their economic condition and
family well being.
Darna work as a farm laborer with a monthly income of Php1, 500 in irregular basis.
Clients income is insufficient to provide daily basic needs considering that the source of income
is seasonal and she has two children to feed. Per capita income per family members is Php16.16
which is classified as survival D of poverty well being.
Being one of the focused family beneficiaries of the program and services of the
government is e a great help fo Darna and her two children to lessen the burden specifically on
their food supply.
Client, Darna will be prioritizing in availing program and services offered by the
Specific Goals:
Objective Activitives Responsible Person Time Frame Expected
Client could Refer to the Area Area Social Worker, Darna will
avail the Social Worker Student Field Worker be
program and prioritizing
services offered in availing
by the the program
government and services
of the
Based on the assessment and data gathered by the undersigned, Darna and her two
children are therefore recommended to avail the program and services being offered by the
Noted by: