College Catastrophe
College Catastrophe
College Catastrophe
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By encouraging government student loans, and then charging higher tuition, colleges and
universities have not only created an economic bubble, theyve changed the culture.
by Charles Scaliger from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 21.62 Universities, published several specimens
percent, or 482,784, of all customer ser- of medieval students letters home to their
ast year, Americas student loan vice representatives have a college degree; parents, in which the students complain
sector swept past two important alongside them are 13.4 percent of waiters about the difficulty of the courses and the
milestones in rapid succession, and waitresses (317,759), 16.64 percent inadequacy of their living conditions
milestones with ominous portent. Some- of secretaries and administrative assis- and ask for more money to be sent! Little
time in the spring of 2011, the amount tants (559,571), 5.01 percent of janitors has changed over the centuries, except that
of total student loan debt surpassed the (107,457), and 5.09 percent of truck drivers nowadays, instead of studying canon law
amount of total credit card debt for the (85,205). Hundreds of thousands of others and Latin, typical college students can
first time ever. Toward the end of the year, with college degrees are tending bar, pre- choose from menus of hundreds of differ-
total student loan debt appears to have paring food, manning concession booths, ent courses ranging from the hard sciences
breached the $1 trillion mark, prompting clerking at hotel desks, and performing a and mathematics to modern conceits like
warnings of another asset bubble poised very wide range of important, useful, and gender studies. And medieval universities
for a calamitous bursting. perfectly dignified forms of work work like Oxford, Bologna, and the Sorbonne,
that pays too little to allow realistic repay- whatever their other considerable inad-
Overcharged or Underpaid? ment of gargantuan student loans, and for equacies, did not impose punitive costs
The numbers associated with student debt which a four- or five-year undergraduate for tuition and other fees that kept their
tell a sobering tale. Since 1999, student degree is completely unnecessary. graduates in financial bondage for most of
loan debt, adjusted for inflation, has risen The Great Recession has been driving their productive years.
by more than 500 percent, while other such figures for years now, but Americans Until comparatively recently, college
forms of personal debt have increased by appetite for the mythic college degree con- degrees, both graduate and undergraduate,
only about 100 percent. The average tinues unabated, seemingly without con- were designed for a fairly elite slice of so-
college graduate now carries more than cern for the cost. Will this state of affairs ciety that genuinely desired academic ad-
$25,000 in debt, an obligation that often ever change, and what will be the outcome? vancement beyond normal societal expec-
takes decades to pay off. College educations have always been tations and intended to become teachers,
A large percentage of college graduates a time of frugality and penury. Historian professors, researchers, and practitioners
find themselves underemployed, often with Charles Homer Haskins, the distinguished of a few exclusive professions like medi-
jobs that they might have been able to find Harvard historian who was Americas first cine, law, and engineering. A college edu-
without the vaunted college degree. A few medievalist, in his path-breaking early cation came with few frills other than the
cases in point: According to data gleaned study on medieval universities, The Rise of chance to learn at the feet of some of the
into no-risk ventures for banks, whereby The price of a profession: These incoming medical students, shown here taking the Hippocratic
borrowers could be compelled by almost Oath, are willing to shoulder six-figure debts and many years of repayment in exchange for a
any means possible to repay them, and no medical degree. The high salaries commanded by M.D.s are often offset by heavy debts and
amount of personal hardship of the sort interest left over from college and medical school.
that usually drives otherwise responsible
people into bankruptcy serious health viet Union technologically (Sputnik had student status. Not only that, repayment
problems, accidents, business failures, been launched the previous year), required (and the accrual of interest) on such loans
and so on could bring any relief to the all recipients to produce an affidavit deny- can be deferred if the student continues
debtor. ing any belief in the overthrow of the U.S. with graduate-level studies. A student thus
government. Despite its distinctly anti- can borrow tens of thousands of dollars to
Blowing Up College Costs communist tone, the NDEA represented finance an undergraduate education, and
This state of affairs has only been a few the first concrete steps to bring American then defer payment and interest accrual on
decades in the making, and has come colleges and universities under federal the loan for years afterwards while work-
about as a direct consequence of govern- control, by manipulation of the student ing on a J.D., Ph.D., and so forth. Taxpay-
ment interference in the higher education loan market. ers must cover the interest accrued on such
market on a massive scale. The federal It was President Lyndon Johnsons loans during periods of interest deferral.
governments first foray into higher edu- Great Society cluster of new govern- PLUS loans, meanwhile, allow parents to
cation was with the post-World War II G.I. ment programs in the 1960s, however, that borrow government money to pay for their
bill, which conferred benefits on military permanently entrenched the federal gov- childrens college education. PLUS loans
veterans wishing to attend college. The ernment in the dubious business of sub- ordinarily require repayment to begin
Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944 sidizing college educations. The Higher within 60 days of issuance, but they may
offered World War II veterans cash pay- Education Act of 1965 (HEA) created a also be used to cover part-time as well as
ments covering both college tuition and range of new scholarships and introduced full-time schooling.
living expenses. By 1956, more than two subsidies for student loans. Title IV of Since 1965, the HEA has been reau-
million war veterans had taken advantage this act provided for several categories of thorized nine times, each time with more
of the bill, a government program that loans, now known as Stafford, Perkins, and more aid monies and education ben-
most Americans, grateful for the sacrifices and PLUS loans. The former two were and efit programs superadded. Federal student
of the World War II generation, perceived are loans issued to students to help defray loans and grants have always been billed
as beneficial and morally defensible de- the cost of college up to certain limits, and as a tool to keep college education afford-
spite its dubious constitutionality. subject to lax eligibility requirements. The able, but in the nearly 50 years since HEA
Also in the 1950s, the federal govern- Stafford loan, in its fully subsidized va- was first passed, they have done precisely
ment began offering loans to certain select riety, is the most popular, since it allows the opposite. This is because government
students, mostly in engineering, science, students to borrow up to a total of more manipulation of the credit markets, os-
and education, under the National Defense than $50,000 without having any interest tensibly to keep borrowing rates afford-
Education Act of 1958 (NDEA). This act, accrue until after the end of a six-month able for the little guy, always does the
driven in part by American fears that the grace period following graduation, drop- opposite. By driving interest rates below
United States was falling behind the So- ping out, or going to less than full-time what the market would otherwise set, such 19
Paying for frills: Universities and colleges see the need to erect expensive new recreational facilities, like this college gymnasium, and have built
dorm complexes, sports stadiums, and other showpiece buildings far beyond what a post-bubble real estate market can possibly justify. All of these
glitzy facilities have to be paid for, and student tuition, subsidized by taxpayer dollars, is the ticket.
Colleges and universities everywhere and astrophysicist, and Albert Michelson, dependence on government funding and
have been moving aggressively to re- a physicist at the Case School of Applied subsidies, outlandish modern disciplines
structure along corporate lines, with le- Science at Cleveland, and the first Ameri- like Lesbian and Gay Studies enjoy clout
gions of bureaucrats tasked with writing can scientist to receive a Nobel Prize, once all out of proportion to the actual valid-
and enforcing volumes of administrative defined the American academic landscape. ity of program content or demand among
protocol. In other words, American col- Such innovators are still to be found, espe- college students. Absent shrill special in-
leges and universities are transforming cially in enclaves of high-level theoretical terest groups lobbying politicians on be-
into behemoth business, trade, and tech- science like Cal Tech and the Princeton half of such programs, it is inconceivable
nical schools, and moving away from the Institute for Advanced Study, but todays that colleges and universities would go to
relatively exclusive model of liberal edu- universities are dominated by legions of the trouble to sustain them this, while
cation that animated their founders. Men students putting in their time in exchange degree programs in the likes of classical
like Eli Yale, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas for a coveted admission ticket to a remu- studies and philosophy are jettisoned al-
Jefferson, and Ezra Cornell, all of whom nerative profession or trade, and by un- most routinely.
founded elite universities that today ser- wieldy bureaucracies dedicated to getting
vice tens of thousands of American stu- them there at an inflated cost. Traded In for Trade Schools
dents, perceived universities as institutions Another consequence of this new higher All of this skyrocketing costs, dumbed-
dependent on endowments and donations education market has been the well-doc- down curricula, a de-emphasis on more
by wealthy idealists who wished to further umented dumbing down of standards. traditional fields in favor of professional
cultural advancement in areas where inno- Because 21st-century college education certification and programs promoting radi-
vation would not necessarily be profitable comes with the expectation of optimal cal social agendas, and top-heavy admin-
in mathematics, in philology, in the employability with minimal effort, and istration and bureaucracy is the conse-
study of history, and the like. Such institu- because colleges and universities are no quence of decades-old systemic market
tions were designed primarily for the com- longer competing merely for elite stu- distortions created by federal government
paratively few individuals interested in dents desiring an education for its own interference in higher education, espe-
becoming either academics scientists, sake but for masses of businessmen and cially with subsidized student loans and
teachers, and researchers or quasi-aca- accountant wannabes, college faculties grants. As with all other asset bubbles, this
demic, highly skilled professionals in law, are under withering pressure to make sure one is about more than just astronomical
medicine, and a few other areas. In such a that coursework does not inconvenience prices; the entire makeup of the system
context, early American universities were tuition-paying clients. has changed (indeed, the fact that it can
indeed centers where learning advanced. Yet another consequence is the politi- be characterized as a system in the first
Men like Harvards Benjamin Peirce, cization of college curricula, especially place is indicative of central planning).
Americas first mathematical physicist in the humanities, where, given heavy Probably the most pernicious of all side
Even with a college degree, prospective Debt jockey: Millions of American college students depend on bank student-loan representatives,
insurance salesmen or financial planners, such as this employee of the Bank of North Dakota, to finance their education. Banks are generous
for example, must still undergo rigorous in doling out loans, but not at all forgiving when unemployed or underemployed college graduates
training and licensing designed to ac- find themselves unable to service their debt.
quaint them with the intricacies of their
field. Such people, understandably, havesure to post-secondary education was lim- America is learning to adjust to new re-
ited to a 10-week course in business). All
little use for a freshman writing course. So alities occasioned by bursting bubbles in
why insist on college at all? of which is to say that success is not neces- stocks and real estate and to long-term
sarily measurable in terms of credit hours.
The hard truth is that the pre-World War high unemployment, so too will our coun-
II way of doing things, in which higher None of which is to disparage com- try soon recalibrate its cultural expecta-
education was divided between colleges/ mendable research into business, ac- tions regarding college educations. In
counting, and management by competent
universities on the one hand and trade and coming years, look either for college en-
business schools on the other, with hugeresearchers. Most business students, how- rollments to decline sharply or for colleges
ever, do not aim to become professors at
numbers of successful professionals neither and universities to make massive cuts in
wanting nor needing a college education Wharton; they instead seek a basic knowl- expenses, including faculty pay and ben-
edge of the trade, which usually can be
at all, was far more beneficial than what efits, administrative costs, and building
we have today. Many of Americas most more efficiently provided by Americas construction, among many other things.
successful men from that era, including many excellent business schools and for- The distortions brought about by gov-
inventors Thomas Edison and the Wright profit universities (like the University of ernment interference in higher educa-
brothers, journalist H. L. Mencken, and Phoenix), without the costly frills of a uni- tion, and especially the subsidizing of
entrepreneurs like Henry Ford and John versity B.A. or B.S. student loans, have had every bit as far
D. Rockefeller, never got a college degree And the time is fast approaching that reaching an effect on the higher educa-
American parents and their college-age
(Rockefeller founded two universities but tion sector as government subsidies and
never attended one; probably the richestchildren will come to this realization, in other distortions of the real estate sector
American in history, Rockefellers expo-droves. As the economic slowdown drags have had on the housing market, and the
on with no rebound in hous- outcome will be no less wrenching. But
ing or employment, more as with the rupturing of the real estate
I remember a particular professor and more will perceive the bubble, the coming agonizing return to
inflated costs of a college sanity brought about by the collapse of
from my undergraduate years, who degree as a hindrance to suc- the student loan house of cards will lead
got his Ph.D. from the University of cess. They will discover that in the long run to a more reasonable bal-
their tastes and talents are ance between costs and benefits. In the
Pennsylvania, the Ivy League school better served by entrepre- short run, Americas colleges and uni-
founded by Ben Franklin, who told me that neurial activity, or by pursu- versities face a painful day of reckoning,
ing a vocational or business but in the long run, they will move to-
his tuition bill back in the early 50s was
degree at cheaper commu- ward providing the higher-quality, more
around 50 dollars per semester. nity colleges, trade schools, affordable education that academically
and online programs. Just as inclined Americans used to enjoy. n