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ESO2 Workbook AKterm 1

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Starter unit

2 Read the text. Write true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false sentences.
Tina's fam ily lives in a big city. F
Tinas family lives in a small town.

1 Tina only does one sport. .....

2 Tina often travels to other countries. ...I...

3 Tina hasn't g o t any prizes for skiing. ...IE...

Shes got a lot of medals for different skiing competitions.
4 Her songs are popular online. ...T...

Grammar Collective nouns

3 Match 1-5 to A-E.
1 A group o f children E
2 My brother's band P.
3 My dad's com pany ..A.
4 A lot o f shops A.
\ Koroskem , a sm all Slo ve n ia n town. Her fam ily lives there too.
Tin as boyfriend is Italian. Hes a lso her s k iin g coach. 5 My brother's class B.

Tina train s six d a ys a week, but s h e is n t alw a ys sk iin g . S h e A sells computers.

a lso g o e s cyclin g and running, and d o e s e xe rc ise s in the gym B has g o t a really nice teacher.
to m ake her fit and strong. Tina is n t at hom e a lot be c au se she
C are open on Sundays.
take s part in s k iin g com pe tition s all over the world. S h e often
h a s races in six or se ve n cou n trie s in on e year! Tina h as got a
D plays rock music.
lot of m e d a ls from different s k iin g com petitions, in c lu d in g the E p loys fo o tb a ll in our street.
W orld C h a m p io n s h ip s and the O lym pics.
4 * Are the underlined verbs correct or incorrect?
Tina is n t o n ly a s k iin g ch a m pio n - s h e s a lso a singer. A lot of
Write ( / ) or (/).

people watch her pop v id e o s on YouTube every day.
1 A lot o f my friends watches reality shows. X
/ 'A " ^ ry '- y r r ; ~ i
2 A noisy fam ily lives in our street. \S

3 Our local football team isn't very good. \S

1 * Read the text. What does Tina do? Choose
the correct option. 5 A lot o f people goes shopping on Saturdays. |X
4 My class has Science on Mondays. \S_
A She's a professional cyclist and runner.
6 A group o f boys hangs o u t in the park. [X
B She's a skier, a singer and a skiing coach.
(c) She's a skier and a singer.

Starter unit
G ram m ar Present simple Vocabulary clothes
1 * Choose th e co rre c t o p tio n . 1 Write the words in the table.
Liam have/(has)a shower every morning. ; cap hat hoodie sandals shirt socks
1 Katie(yyatches)/ w a tch TV in the living room.
2 'Does he play football?"Yes, he plays /(cloes).' Head cap, hat
3 We^orP t)/ d o e s n 't chat online. Body hoodie, shirt
4 I'm n o t /(clones peak Chinese. Feet sandals, socks
5 Where d o (th e y g o / g o th e y to school?
* Circle the odd one out. Then match it to the
2 * C om plete th e q u e s tio n s w ith th e w ords. reason A-C.
1 trainers (jeans) shoes C
; How What When Where Which Why ;
2 to p (skirl) T-shirt A
A Where is your m obile phone? 3 shorts trousers (hats) B
B It's In my bag. A Usually only girls wear these.
1A How...... do you get to school? B It can sometimes be singular.
B By bus. C You don't wear them on your feet.
2 A When..... do you get up in the morning?
Complete the words.
B At 7.15.
3 A What......does your m um do? It's a bit cold today. You don't need a coat, but put a
cardigan over yourT-shirt so you're not to o cold.
B She's a doctor.
1 You need good walking b oots for a long
4 A Why ... do you w ant to study English?
walk in the mountains.
B Because I want to travel.
2 You can't wear j eans to a jo b interview!
5 A Which..... do you prefer: PE or Maths? They're to o informal.
B Maths. I don't like sport! 3 My sister has got a beautiful, long, black d ress...........
for the party.
3 Answer th e q u e s tio n s in y o u r o w n w ords.
4 I've g o t a sweatshirt. Do I need a j acket too, or
What do you do on Saturdays? Is it always the same?
w ill I be to o hot?
I never get up early on Saturdays. I usually have
breakfast in bed. I sometimes make an omelette. Tick ( / ) the words which are never singular.
Students own answers. 1 jeans \S ] 3 leggings 0 5 skirts [ /
2 boots m 4 shoes \X_ 6 trousers 0

1 Which places in your tow n do you go to? What do

you do there? How often do you go? Extra vocabulary
5 * Write the plural forms o f the bold words.
My mum's brothers are my uncles (uncle).
1 Our flat has g o t t w o balconies (balcony).
2 What sports or activities do you do w ith your family? 2 My cousins w ork as skiin g coaches (coach).
What activities do you do w ith your friends? 3 That shops sells b e a u tifu l dresses (dress).
4 Are there a n y batteries (battery) for these
torches (torch)?
5 How m a n y children (child) are there in the class?

Starter unit
G r a m m a r Present continuous 4 Complete the sentences w ith the present
simple or the present continuous form of the verbs
1 * Cross-etrt the incorrect verb forms. and your own ideas.
I'm hanging / hangging out w ith my friends. Right now, I m doing (do) My hoMework.
1 He's swimming / sw im ing this afternoon. 1 My fam ily Msually eats (usually / eat)......................
2 Are you w rit t ing / w riting an email? Students own answers..............................................
3 We aren't plaiing / playing cricket. 2 I dont go (not g o )..............................................
4 They're making /makemg- pasta for dinner. ............................................... every day.
3 At the m om ent, I m sitting (sit).............................
2 * Complete the sentences w ith the present
continuous form of the verbs.
4 I m studying (study)
: hang out not run study not sw im watch w rite ; ............................................................. at school this year.

I m writing a text message to my girlfriend.

1 ' Is Tom studying for the exam at Consolidation
the m oment?'
5 Choose the correct option.
'No, he isn't! H e s watching TV!'
2 The water's cold, so we n the sea.
3 Juan s hanging out w ith his friends this afternoon.
4 Leo isnt running in the race because he isn't well.

3 Complete the sentences w ith the present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Keira is w a iting (wait) for Harry to arrive.
Finn 0 )...A..from a village, but now he (2) JJ. in London.
2 A re ...... your b rothers pMjPYjMg (enjoy)
the party?
3 'You a re n t h ittm g (not hit) the ball hard - I'm (4) jG _ music. I (5) C
enough!'said my trainer. * iA/u d the guitar well, and now
* W hat do you (3) B
. . , r. L 1(6) A the drums.
4 Is.........s h e w atching TV (watch)? in London, Finn?...............................
5 Penny and her frie n d a re laughing (laugh)
at the film. -Yes, I (8) jC_. My band
(7) ...B... you play (9) .A . called The Aardvarks.
6 I nt m aking (make) dinner for my fam ily at
in a band? My best friend, Sam,
the mom ent.
(10) A... in the band.

1 A comes B is com ing C come

2 A live B lives C living
3 A studying B study C studies
4 A study B studies C studying
5 A playing B plays C play
6 A 'm learning B learn C learns
7 A Are B Do C Is
8 A am B are C do
9 A is B are C am
10 A sings B is singing C sing

S tarter unit
Practical English M aking Writing
suggestions and giving opinions 3 Read Leah's profile. Number the topics in the order
1 * Complete the sentences w ith the words. in which she mentions them.
4 a typical day
boring leFs prefer shall w ant w hat i
1 personal Inform ation (age, home and family)
Lets play a game o f football! ...3. her Interests
1 Shall ....we go shopping?' 2
... ... her appearance
1don't want to do that - It's boring
2 M at about going out for a meal?
Im Leah, and Im
3 Sorry, I ........prefer........sw im m ing to tennis. ' *"
fifteen . Im from
4 Do yo u........ want.........to go running later? Birm ingham , UK, and :::
I live w ith m y parents ))
2 * * Write sentences and questions to make a and tw o brothers.
dialogue. Add any necessary words. I v e got long, straight,

b la ck hair and dark

eyes. I u su a lly w ear
shorts and a hoodie.
In m y free tim e, I do lots of sports. I love
basketball, and Im on the school team . Im
w earing m y basketball k it in th is photo. I also
like football and tennis, bu t I dont have m uch ::::
tim e to p la y them.
M y d ays are re a lly busy. In the evenings, Im
u su a lly tired. I do m y hom ework and then I
w atch T V w ith m y brothers.

4 Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

How many people live In Leah's house?
Five people live in Leahs house - her parents, her two
brothers and Leah.
1 How does she feel about sports?

2 What's she wearing In the photo? Why?

?hejs_wearing her basketball kit
A you / want / go / out? ..tM.schpp! team.
Do you want to go out?
3 Does she play a lot o f football? Why / Why not?
B (1)1/ not / sure / It's raining! Np ? !?jhd P mt . S hc. d p e s n ^
Im not sure. Its raining?
A (2) what / about / play / com puter games?
4 What does she do in the evenings?
M at about playing computer games? She does ^
B (3) I / not / really / like / them / Shall / go / cinema? brothers,
I dont really like them. Shall we go to the cinema?
5 Write a profile of a good friend. Use the model text
A (4) that / sound / fun! / Let / go / this afternoon.
to help you. Include these topics:
That sounds funl Lets go this afternoon.
; personal inform ation a typical day Interests appearance

Starter unit
^pj]| | Grammar practice

Present simple Present continuous

1 Complete the sentences w ith the correct 4 Write affirm ative ( / ) and negative (X) sentences
affirmative, negative and question forms of the and questions (?). Use the present continuous.
verbs. where / Ian / sit (?)

play study live watch go eat Where is Ian sitting?

1 L e o /lis te n /to the teacher (X)
Nina studies for her exams every night.
..Leo is.nl listening, to.the.teacher,.......................
1 Does he watch TV every evening?
2 they / study/ Chemistry / this year (?)
2 I dont ................ play.......tennis. It's so boring! Are they studying Chewistry this year?...............
3 Tom goes. swim m ing on Tuesdays. He loves it.
3 I / c h a t / o n lin e / t o my friend ( / )
4 W hat do you .eat. for breakfast? I nichattingonJine to jny friend..........................
5 C arm en doesnt .............. Jive....... in Bilbao. Her
4 we / watch / a DVD / right now (X)
flat's in Madrid!
We arent watching a DVD right now....................

Adverbs of frequency
Present simple, present continuous
2 Rewrite the sentences correctly.
5 C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e co rre ct p re sent sim ple
Always I get up before 7 a.m. X o r c o n tin u o u s fo rm s o f th e verbs.
I always get up before 7 a.m.
Annalise is (be) a college student. At the m om ent, she
1 Ben doesn't never go to school by bus. X (D is studying (study) Biology because she
..Ben never. go.es to school by bus....................................... (2) wants (w ant) to be a vet.
2 He watches sometimes TV late at night. X Annalise (3) .......ha.S. (have) a horse called Polly. She
M .s o m e 1m ism tchesi.TY.M e..ai.iught.......................... (4) needs......(need) to feed Polly every morning, so
she (5) alwaysgets (always / get) up at 5.30 a.m.
3 It often is very cold here in winter. X
Right now, it's 6.30 a.m. and Annalise (6) is riding
Jt.!s / I t is.often.very cold here in. winter,........................
(ride) her horse before college. She (7) ......thinks.
4 They not usually go out during the week. X (think) it's the perfect way to start the day!
T heydon'tusuallygooM tduringthew eek,.....................
Collective nouns, plurals and like +
Question words noun / verb + -in g
Complete questions 1-7. Then match them to 6 Choose th e best o p tio n s and w rite th e correct
answers A-G. p lu ra l fo rm s o f th e nouns.
1 What do you like doing? D A Carolina. I can't stand football, but a lot o f my friends (1) is /(are
2 W here....is their flat? G B Because I like it. crazy about (2)(ft)/ them . A group o f my friends meet
3 Who...... doesn't eat meat? A C The green one. every weekend to play football or watch
4 VVhy...... do you study D Listening to (3) matches. (m atch) on TV. When we go to
maths? B m isie. (4) parties (party), they only talk about football
and it's really boring. I w ant to meet some
5 Which.to p do you want? C e At 9.30 a.m.
(5) people (person) w ith the same interests as me
6...................... - often do you , Every Saturday
(I love films and (6) read /(feadin^)). But I like (7) spend /
play tennis? F
G In Paris. /s p e n d in g ^ me w ith my friends. What can I do?
7 When..... do your lessons
start? E

Grammar practice Starter unit

Vocabulary practice

1 Complete the puzzle w ith clothes words and find the mystery word

B 0 0 T S
s 0 C K S
c A R D 1 G A N
L E 6 6 1 N G S

The mystery word is jh.i

3 Complete the table w ith the free time activities.

2 Translate the sentences.
com puter games exercise football rufHwtg
1 I prefer hanging out w ith friends to chatting online. shopping to the beach to the cinema yoga
do go play
2 He doesn't mind basketball, but he can't stand exercise running computer games
football. yoga shopping football
to the beach
to the cinema

3 Lets play com puter games. 4 Complete the sentences about the activities in
exercise 3.
1 I'm crazy about Students' own ansvyers...................
4 Is he wearing a blue hoodie and black boots? 2 I h a te ...................................................................................

3 I lik e .....................................................................................
4 I don't mind .................................................................
5 When do you get up in the mornings? 5 I don't like .............
6 I can't sta n d ........................................................................

6 How often do you go to the cinema?

What's new?

Vocabulary O pposite verbs

Match 1-6 to their opposites A-F. Cross out one incorrect word.
begin C A take I lost / dropped / stood my wallet in the street.
drop D B lose 1 We ate our ice creams before the show finished /
find B C finish arrived / began.
arrive D pick up 2 I lest-/ asked / answered a lot o f questions.
remember F E leave 3 'Hello!'Cathy shouted / whispered / gave.

give A F forget 4 I can't re m e m b e r/fin d /fm ts b th e address.

5 When does the train b e g ttr/ leave / arrive?
2 Complete the crossword with the correct verbs. 6 We saw / heard / l aughed the car drive dow n the

4 Complete the questions w ith verbs from

8s exercises 1-3. Then answer them w ith your own
7s I T ideas. Write complete sentences.
W hat tim e do you arrive at school In the morning?
5l A U G H A
I usually arrive at school at twenty to nine.
E 0 N
1 Which com edy programmes make y o u lM9.h.....
1w 6a S K U D Students^.own answers.
w V T 2 Who do y o u sit next to In English classes?

26 I V E
3 What tim e does your school d a y begin...... in the
3P I C K U P
E 4 What do you do before y o u leave the house
every morning?
4c R Y
Across 5 What can y o u see out o f your classroom
2 I w ant to ... my m um some flowers. window?
3 Please ... your clothes. Put them In the wardrobe.
4 I always ... when I read a sad story.
Extra vocabulary
5 That actor Is so funny. I always ... at his films.
5 Complete the sentences with the words.
6 Can I ... you a question?
7 Please come In and ... down. ; feathers fountain pavem ent pillow s seap i

Down Have you got any soap? I w ant to wash my hands.

1 We m u s t... because the baby Is asleep. 1 I love my bed, w ith Its soft, com fortable pillows
5 I always eat breakfast before I ... the house. 2 A parrot is a bird w ith very c o lo u rfu l..... feathers
7 We a lw a ys... very loudly at football matches. 3 Can we drink the water from th is ... fountain ?
8 There aren't any seats, so we m u s t .... 4 Don't walk in the road. Stay on th e . payewent
Unit 1 What's new?
G ram m ar Past simple: regular and 4 Write three sentences about things that
happened in the past. Then w rite three sentences
irregular verbs about things that didn't happen. Use the tim e
1 Are th e b o ld verbs re g u la r (R) o r irre g u la r (I)? expressions.
Yesterday, Grace and Joe w e n t I to the cinema. ; tw o days ago last year three weeks ago
They (1) la ug he d JR a lot because it (2) was a very :. yesterday m orning this afternoon ten m inutes ago
funny film .They (3) a te popcorn and (4) d ra n k
cola. When the film (5) fin is h e d .JR..., Joe (6 ) w a n te d J R .. My dad played the guitar this afternoon.
to go for a pizza. But Grace (7) w a s n 't I hungry after Siude.nisLQm.MswMs,....................
all the snacks in the cinema!

2 C o m p lete th e excuses w ith th e c o rre c t verbs.

Use th e past sim ple. I didnt go to school yesterday morning.

I did my hom ework but my dog ate It. (do / eat)

1 I finished my essay, but I forgot to put it in
my school bag. ( fo r g e t/fin is h )
2 My ho m e w o rk was in my shirt pocket when
my m u m washed my shirt, (wash / be)
3 My d a d picked up my essay a n d took t t0
his office. H e thought it was a w ork docum ent.
(pick u p / t h in k / t a k e )

3 * * W rite sentences to m ake a d ia lo g u e . Use th e

past sim ple.

A you / have / fun last weekend?

Did you have fun last weekend?
B (i)y e s ,/I.
Yes, I did. Consolidation
(2) it / be / my friend's birthday.
5 Com plete the texts. Use the nouns and the past
.(t yy^.s triy fri Yr sim ple form o f the verbs in bold.
(3) we / play / mini-golf.
A I found this coloured 0 ) feather in the park.
We played minj-gplf. I thought it was beautiful, so I (2) picked t
(4) when / we / arrive, they / give / us / ten balls. up and (3) took.......t home.
When we ^ take / pick up / feather / fm d
(5) I / lose / all o f them! B Last night, I (4)....went to a concert. When
I lost all of theni j it (5) finished , I wanted to meet the band. I
A (6) where / you / hit / them? (6) waited..... on the (7).pavement outside the
concert hall for an hour. Then, finally, I
M m W .Y m W .th e H !? .
(8) saw.... them!
B (7) some / g o / in t o / a tree, and s o m e /fa ll / into
go / see / w a it / pavem ent / finish
the river.
C I (9).........was....... really happy when my friend
Sowe went into a tre
(10) remembered my birthday. She (11) gave...
the river.
me a beautiful key ring. Unfortunately, tw o days
A (8) any balls / go / into the holes? later, I (12) dropped my keys In the street and I
Did any balls go into (13)......... lost...... it.
B (9) no, / they! give / rem em ber / lose / drop / be
Np.j they didnt!
What's new? Unit 1
Vocabulary Feeling adjectives 3 Complete the puzzle w ith adjectives from
exercises 1 and 2 and find the mystery adjective.
1 How do these people feel? Label the pictures
w ith the adjectives in the box. 1 I feel ... about the match. I think we'll win!

2 We're going to Australia for the summer holidays!

; angry scared energetic tired surprised ;
I'm so ... !
3 I'm really ... . My sister used my bike but she didn't
ask me first.
4 Don't be . . . . You studied hard for your test. You'll
do well.
5 Henry was ... because he didn't have any friends.

scared 6 I didn't think the film was interesting. I was ....

p 0 1 T i V E

2E X C 1 T E D
3A N fi R y
4N E R V 0 u
5L 0 N E L y
6B 0 R E D

The mystery adjective is . scared

4 *** How do you feel in these situations? Write

sentences w ith your own ideas.
2 energetic
You've g o t a very im portant exam.
I feel nervous.

tflitfn 1 You wait for half an hour but the bus doesn't arrive.

t t


. S t u d e n t s j ....................................................

2 It's raining and there's nothing to do.

3 surprised
3 You're going to see your favourite band in a concert.

4 You're alone at home and you hear a strange noise.

Extra vocabulary
5 Complete the sentences w ith the words.
** Choose the correct option.
; asleep funny hungry sick th irsty ;
I'm (scared)/ lonely of spiders. They're horrible!
1 The teacher was nervous / angry)because we didn't I'm going to the doctor because I feel sick.
do our homework. 1 I'm hungry Is there anything to eat?
2 Are you(excitedh/ energetic about the party? 2 I'm th irs ty Please can I have some water?
3 I'm calm /(boredsThere's nothing to do. 3 That com edy program m e is s o funny.....
4 I w ent to bed late so l'm(tired)/ positive. 4 The film was very boring. I didn't see the end because
5 We felt surprised /(relaxed)after the yoga class. I was asleep !

Unit 1 What's new?

Grammar (there) w a s /w e re 4 + *+ Correct the underlined mistakes in the
questions. Then answer them w ith your own ideas.
1 Choose th e c o rre c t o p tio n .
What were your favourite TV programme in
'(\/Va)/ W ere there a school trip last week?' 2 0 0 8 ? was
'No, there (yj/astVfo / w eren't.'
1 'Was /(Were)you at the shops on Saturday?'
1 How many students there were in your class last year?
'Yes, l^waf)/ were.' were there
2 ($A/as)/ W ere your friend at school yesterday?'
'Yes, he (55/as)/ wasn't.'
2 Who your best friends were at primary school?
3 (Was)/ Were there an English lesson on Friday?' '.best friends
'No, there^yasn^t)/ w eren't.'
4 'Was /(J/Ver)there any emails yesterday?'
3 Why was there lots o f people in the street yesterday?
'Yes, there was /i^ere).'
2 Find and co rre c t th e m istakes in th e d ia lo g u e .

A Hi Freda! How are you? W ere your holiday nice?

B No, it (1) was! The weather (2) w as crazy - snow in Consolidation
5 Complete the adjectives and verb forms.
A Snow?! Oh, no! But (3) w ere you w ith good friends?
'Were you nervous before the concert?'
B Yes I was, but we (4) was very unhappy. The hotel
(5) w a s n 't old and ugly. And we (6) w ere really cold 'No, I wasnt. I felt very calm.
at night. 1 'Did y o u e a t lunch at 12.30?'
A Oh dear! Well, you (7) w a s n 't alone at least! 'No, I didn't. I w asnt h ungry. until 2.00.'
Was 2 W ere there any spiders when you w ent
1 wasn't 5 was camping?'

2 / 6 / ..... 'No, there w e re n t; | don't know why I was

s cared !'
3 ........./ 7 werent
3 'W as Ed tired after his tennis match?'
4 were
'Yes, he w as................. . He was a sleep on the
3 Match 1-6 to A-F. Then complete 1-6 w ith the sofa at 7 p.m.!'
correct past simple forms o f to be. 4 'How much exercise d jd they do?'
1 The food wasnt nice. F 'A lot! They w ent ...........running every day, and
2 You werent born in July. A when they felt really e n e r g e tic they w ent
sw im m ing tool'
3 I wasnt at school yesterday. E
4 There werent any teenagers at the party. D
5 Were you sick on Thursday? C
6 It wasnt cold yesterday. B
A You were born in August.
B It was warm.
C You weren't at football practice.
D All the guests were my parents'friends.
E I was at home.
F It was horrible!

What's new? Unit 1


m am m [

W h en I lived in London, I h ad a funn y

experience. Every day, I used to take the
U nderground. It w a s the quickest w a y to
travel around the city.
On the train, people d id n t use to talk. They
read or listen ed to m usic. Som e people used
to sleep. But, one day, a yo u n g m an suddenly
stood up and said, Im Tom. Its m y friend
C aroles birthday today. S h es going to get on
this train soon. He gave us balloons, party
h ats and cake!
A t first, people w ere nervous. T hen they
b ecam e m ore relaxed. For the first tim e,
p assen gers laugh ed during their jo u rn ey
to work! T he train stopped at a station and
Tom shouted, Here com es Carole! A young
w o m a n got on the train and w e san g Happy
Birthday. She w as very surprised!
Later, w e read about the event in the local
paper. It w a s n t really C aroles birthday. She
and Tom ju st w an ted to m ake people happy.
A nd th ey did!
Katie, Bristol v i W / fii

1 Read the text. Choose the best option to 3 Answer the questions. Write complete
complete the sentence. sentences.
Katie thought Carole was surprised because ... Why did Katie take the Underground?
A she saw Tom. She took the Underground because it was quick.
B; the other passengers sang to her. 1 What did people do on the Underground?
C it was very quiet on the train. JExaiMpI:

2 * Read the text again. Write true (T), false (F) or

2 Why was this journey different?
doesn't say (DS).
Example: Because
Katie used to live in London. T
.Mdf M r
1 Katie didn't like travelling on the Underground. DS
3 How did the passengers feel?
2 People didn't use to make a lot o f noise on the
Underground. JExaMpifa: Atyf [rs t?ppp(<B

3 Carole g o t on the train at the same stop as Katie.

4 Later, Katie discovered that it wasn't Carole's 4 What did the passengers do to celebrate Carole's
birthday. ...T birthday?
Exampld: They saM .H a p j ! ^
5 After that experience, Katie never travelled on the
Underground again. DS
5 How did Katie learn the truth about Tom and Carole?
Example: She.rea<^
3 Read the text in exercise 2 again. In which
Writing An event (punctuation)
paragraph does the w riter mention these things?
1 What's missing from the bold words in the text? Write 1,2 or 3.
Match them to the punctuation marks in the box. how the w riter felt about the event 3
Then write the words w ith the correct punctuation.
1 w hat happened after the event 3.....
) apostrophe apostrophe capital le tter comma 2 when the event happened
exclamation m ark question m ark
3 where the event takes place
4 w hat happened at the event .A .
Something funny happened to my friend lucy
yesterday. We were at the market and we saw some 5 w ho the w riter was w ith
colourful fruit.There were red (1) strawberries yellow
bananas and green apples. Lucy boug h t strawberries. W riting ta sk
But when she opened her m outh to eat one, the man
4 Write about a sports event that you went to
shouted, (2) 'Stop.' 'Why (3) cant I eat (4) it ' asked Lucy.
recently. Use the model text and the w riting guide
Then we saw the sign: 'Fruit-shaped soap'. (5) Lucys face
to help you.
was as red as the strawberry!
W riting gu id e
capital le tte r Lucy
Introduce the event. When and where
1 comma.......... strawberriieg^ yellow Paragraph 1
was it? Who did you go with?
2 excJamatipM| m a rk . .................. Stop!.............. Describe the event. What did you do
Paragraph 2
3 apostrophe cant .............. there?

.....................it? ................ Paragraph 3 Did you enjoy the event? Why / Why not?
4 question mark
5 apostrophe Lucys

2 Read the text. Did the w riter finish the race?

Use the past simple to talk about past events.
Check your punctuation.

Last September, I was in an amazing event on

the River Thames in London. It was called the
Great River Race. My friend Todd and I used
to go to watch it every year, but last year we
decided to be in it.

We didnt have a boat, so we built one. We

used an old plastic bath. Then we sailed it!

, Lots of people came to watch the race from

the bridges and the riverbanks. The race was
very exciting and we laughed a lot. In the end,
we didnt finish the race because we fell into
the water! But we took some great photos.

After the race, there was a big barbecue and

later there were firew orks. I really enjoyed the
event because it was a lot of fun. I cant w ait
to do it again next year!

What's new? U nit 1


r Self-evaluation
Do the exercises and tick the boxes for your own evaluation.

1know this well. 1know most of this. ! 1could do this better. !! 1need to study this again.

Vocabulary Extra vocabulary

3 Choose the correct option.
Opposite verbs Birds have g o t pillows /(|eather$)on their bodies.
1 Complete the phrases w ith the verbs. 1 You walk on the fountain / pavement).
2 I ate to o much chocolate. Now I feel fake /(\cV
give laugh leave pickup remember
. shout whisper 3 I didn't hear you because i was sleepy /(asleep
4 Are you hungry/(JhTrst^? Drink some water.
remember a friend's birthday
5 My cat sleeps on a softrtjifiow?)/ soap.
1 Pjck .Mp. papers from the floor

2 whisger....in a very quiet voice J !!J
3 shout......'Hooray!'for your team
4 laugh...... at a funny picture Grammar
5 faave...... the house
P ast simple
6 give........a present to a friend
4 Complete the dialogue. Use the past simple.
Feeling adjectives
2 Complete the dialogues.

UIIUI V bored energetic scared surprised tired

Tim I'm sorry I shouted at you.

Eve Don't worry! I'm not angry w ith you.
Kim What did you do (you / do) at the weekend? Did
1 Lee You look v e ry tired .W hy don't you
you go to the sports centre?
go to bed?
Dan No, I (1) didnt I (2) went.........
Ed Yes, good idea. I'll feel m o re energet ic....
(go) shopping. I (3) wanted (want) to
in the morning.
buy a birthday present for Harry.
2 Amy I was surprised to see you at the
Kim (4) Pid.YP.ugp (you / go) to the new
cinema. I th o u g h t you d idn't like horror films!
shopping centre?
Joe I don't! I w e n t because I w a s pored....... Dan Yes, I (5) did It's amazing!
at home. But I didn't enjoy the film m uch -
I (6) bought (buy) lots o f clothes
I was really scared !
and some new trainers for myself. When I
(7) left (leave), I (8) had.......
(have) lots o f bags. They were very heavy -
I almost (9) dropped (drop) them!
But I (io) forgot (forget) som ething
im portant. I (i i ) didnt buy (not buy) a
present for Harry!

Unit 1 What's new?

(there) was /w ere, u se d to Cumulative review
5 Are the underlined words correct or incorrect? Tick
(/) the correct ones and correct the incorrect ones.
Starter and Unit 1
7 Choose the correct option.
Where (i) you used did you use to
live when you (2) w e re .............../ ...............a
child? Why (3) it was was it / did tuse to be
a good place to live? What (4) did you used
I did you use to dislike about it?

I (5) used to live / In New

York City. It was great because (6) there was
there were a lot o f exciting things to do.
But we (7) didn't used to live didnt use to (ive
in the centre o f Manhattan - our house (8) was
\ ............../ in Queens. (9) There weren't
j ............./ ............. many parks and (10) there were
there was a lot o f traffic.

** J * j > J u J

Practical English
Talking about school
6 Complete the dialogue w ith the words.

; at break favourite good at like perted

prefer show who's

Milly Hello! I've got Science first period, from 9.30 to

10.15. Can you (1) ............. show....... me where When two little girls parked their Barbie car on the
the Science lab Is? fo u n ta in / p illo w /( p a ve m e n p one evening,
something very unusual happened.The next day, there
Ryan O f course. (2) .......... Whos ........your teacher?
(D iw asj/ w ere / is a parking ticket on the metre-high car!
Milly His name's Mr Selby. The girls were very 2;(|u rp ris e d) h u n g ry / e n e rg e tic
Ryan Oh, he's my Science teacher too! when they saw (3) h im / h e r /(it).
M illy What's he (3) like ? Police officers in Utah In the (4) usa / america (USA )
Ryan He's great. I'm not very (4) flood at...... (5)(sawy answered / dropped the toy car in front of
Science but I'm never bored during his a garage. They (6) don't think /(jfidn't th in ly
thought not it was a good place to park, so they
classes. What's your (5) favourite
(7) shouted / stood /(cjave)lt a ticket.The police said,'It
was funny. We (8) w ere / wasn't /(werenjpangryl'
Milly I don't mind Science but I (6) prefer
The girls often (9) used / use to /.used to park their
car In the street. But now, they (I0)(^lways)/ sometimes /
Ryan Here we are.This Is the Science lab. I'll see you never park it in the garage. They don't want)/
(7) at break I doesn't want / aren't wanting another ticket!

I * i f!

What's new? Unit 1

Grammar practice

Past simple [there) was / were

1 C o m p lete th e te x ts w ith th e past s im p le fo rm s o f 3 How was Victoria Square different in 1950? Write
th e verbs. sentences. Use affirm ative and negative forms of
there w a s/w e re and the bold words.
ask not believe come jump not know

A man in Edinburgh, Scotland, asked a taxi to w ait for

him outside the bank. When he ( i) came out,
the man (2) jumpad into the taxi w ith a bag o f
money. Later, the taxi driver said, 'I (3) didnt know that
the man was a bank robber.'Unfortunately, the police
(4) didnt believe him.

go happen see start take

In Illinois, USA, a man (5) went. into a b a r... and

(6) ....... took his tiger w ith him. John Basile is the
ow ner o f an animal rescue centre, where he keeps
w ild animals, including the tiger. People in the bar
were scared and (7) .started shouting when
they (8) saw. the tiger. A police officer said,
'It (9) happened on a busy Saturday night. It was a There were lots of trees, (trees)
dangerous thing to do.'
1 There wasnt a supermarket........ ....(supermarket)

2 W rite sentences, q u e s tio n s and s h o rt answers in th e 2 There was a fountain.................. (fountain)

past sim p le to m ake a d ia lo g u e . 3 There wasnt a bus stop................. (bus stop)
A where /y o u / g o /la s t s u m m e r/? 4 Thera werent any cars............... (cars)
Where did you go last summer? 5 ..There werent any tall buildings. (tall buildings
B (1) I / go / to the beach / w ith my fam ily
I went to the beach with my family................................... u se d to
A (2) how lo n g /y o u / s t a y / t h e r e / ? 4 Look at the pictures again and use the prompts to
Wow long did you stay there?........................................... write sentences about Victoria Square in 1950 with
the correct affirm ative or negative form of used to.
B (3) we / stay / for a week
...We stayed fo r a week....................................................... b u s e s /s to p /th e re

A (4) it/ra in ? Buses didnt use to stop there.

D id itra in ? ......................................................................... 1 t h e r e / b e / a fountain

B (5) no / i t There used.to be a fountain,..................................

N o jtd id n t. ....................................................................... 2 people /d riv e /c a rs /th e re

A (6) you / swim / every day / ? People didnt use to drive cars, there.......................

Did you swim every day?.................................................. 3 t h e r e / b e / a supermarket

B (7) yes / we There didnt used to. be a supermarket.....................

..Yes, w edid........................................................................ 4 people / have coffee / in the square

People used to have coffee in the square..................

Grammar practice Unit 1

Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences w ith five of the verbs. Then 3 Translate the sentences.
w rite the opposites, using the other five. 1 What's your teacher like: relaxed or energetic?

answer arrive ask begin cry finish forget StMdents own answers,............................
laugh leave rem em ber sit stand
2 I didn't hear you because I was asleep.
I'm really tired. Can I sit on this chair?
* stand
1 D o n 't fo rg e t your hom ew ork or I'll be angry!
3 I found some fake m oney on the pavement
* r.m.mbM...
2 Put up your hand if you c a n answer the
/ ask.......
4 I'm not very good at running so I'm always tired after
3 Are you all ready? Then let's........begin..... the class.
PE classes.
/ finish.....
4 This funny program m e always makes me
5 We had Maths first period this morning.
/ cry.....
5 What tim e does the tra in .arrive in Edinburgh?
* leave......
6 There's a fountain in the m iddle o f the square.

How does the man feel?

nervous 1 s cared. 2 a ngry

3 r elaxed . 4 t /red..........

Vocabulary practice Unit 1

Lost and found

Vocabulary M aterials
1 Match word halves from A and B and write 3 Complete the sentences w ith materials.
the materials. You can see through glass and some plastic.
A 1 W ood and r ubber........... come from trees.

; erd cot gla me pa plas ; 2 S jly e r and g old................. are expensive

B 3 We get l eather and w o o l...............from animals.

beatd per ss tal tic ton ; 4 C ardboard is made o f paper.

5 To make c ramie objects, you need a hot oven.
1 COttOM 4 ** Answer the questions in your own words.
2 glass Do you prefer cotton or wool clothes? Why?
3 Metal I prefer wool in the winter because its warmer. In the
4 paper summer, cotton is more comfortable.
5 p|ast|c 1 When do you use paper plates?
Students own answers.
2 Which material is least likely for each object?
2 Describe w hat is in your bag and w hat it is made of.

3 What ceramic things are there in your home?

Extra vocabulary
trousers 5 The bold words are in the wrong sentences.
a cardboard b leather c cotton d wool Move the words to the correct sentences.
1 plate I ate some bad fish. Now my smell hurts! stomach
a plastic b ceramic c paper d cotte-R 1 He's rare. No one understands h im . strange...
2 bottle 2 That's a nice coin! W hat are you cooking?
a glass b paper c plastic dmetal smell
3 spoon 3 These Roman fields are made o f g o ld ......... coins.....
a metal b silver c leather d w ood 4 This metal's strange, so It's very valuable. rare .....

4 football 5 There are lots o f cows in the stomach today.

a leather b rubber c ceramic d plastic fields
5 watch
a gold b metal c rubber d w ool

Unit 2 Lost and found

G r a m m a r P ast continuous 4 Answer the questions w ith your own ideas.
Give tw o answers for each question. Use affirmative
1 * W rite the bold words in the correct order, and negative past continuous forms.
shopping / were / we all day yesterday. Why didn't you answer my text message?
We were shopping Because I was watching a film at the cinema.
1 h a v in g /y o u /w e re dinner at 8 p.m.? Sorry, I wasnt looking at my phone.
Werey o u haying 1 What were you doing when it started raining yesterday?
2 listening / wasn't / Ian to the teacher. Students own answers.
Ian wasnt listening
3 w e re /w a itin g /th e y for the bus. 2 What were they doing when you arrived at the party?
They were waiting

2 * * Complete the past continuous sentences and

3 What was the baby doing at m idnight last night?
What were you doing at nine o'clock?
1 They werent sleeping. They were awake!
4 W hat were you doing when you m et John?
2 ' Was t snowing when you got up?'
'No, i t wasnt It was sunny and dry.'
3 W hat was Jorge wearing yesterday?
4 ' Were yOU running?"Yes, w e were .'
5 What did you say? Sorry, I wasnt listening.
5 Choose the correct option.
3 * Look at the picture and w rite questions and
short answers. Use the past continuous. Ian I ATV last night when a programm e came on
about 'scrappers'. Did you see it?
Lyn No, I didn't. What are 'scrappers'?
Ian They're people w ho collect ( i) .A . that nobody
wants, and sell it.
Lyn Can you really get m oney for that?
Ian it depends. On the programme, they (2) ...B...
much money for plastic things. But (3) J L was
valuable, and not only silver and gold.They
also g o t m oney for fridges and ovens. Ceramic
things such as (4) .JL were sometimes valuable
if they were rare.
was the man eating his lunch? No, he wasnt. Lyn Hmm. I found an old fridge last week, while I
(5) J L In the park. Maybe I can sell it and make
1 the girl and the man / s it/o n a bench
lots o f money!
were the girl and the man sitting on a bench?
A was w atching B 'm watching
Yes, they were.
C were watching
2 the b o y s /ta lk 1 A rubbish B rubber C stomach
were the boys talking?
2 A not getting B weren't getting
No, they weren't........................................... C weren't getlng
3 a bus/arrive 3 A leather B ceramic C metal
was a bus arrMng? 4 A coins B plates C watches
Yes, it was. 5 A walking B 'm walking C was walking

Lost and found Unit 2

Vocabulary Containers 4 What do you and your fam ily or friends eat
and drink in a typical week? Write sentences using
* Complete the puzzle and find the the words in the box.
mystery word.
j bottle(s) bowl(s) box(es) can(s) j
; bottle box cup envelope ja r packet : ; cup(s) jar(s) packet(s)

1 Would you like a ... o f coffee? My wiuwi drinks two or three cups of coffee every day.
2 Can you get me a ... o f pasta from the shop? Students own answers.
3 T h is ... o f jam is nearly empty.
4 Take a ... o f water w ith you in case you get thirsty.
5 I gave my m um a ... o f chocolates for her birthday.
6 Have you g o t an ...? I need to post a letter.

1c U P

2P A C K E T

3J A R

4B 0 T T L E

5B 0 X

6E N V E L 0 P E
Extra vocabulary
The mystery word is carton 5 Complete the text w ith the words.

* Choose the best option. i cheerful em pty extraordinary j

1 Many cartons /(bow[)/ cans are ceramic. ; fu ll miserable special

2 Here's a(carton)/ envelope / packet o f orange juice.

3 There's a case /ja c k e t) / bottle o f biscuits on the
table. Help yourself!
4 The sugar is in that glass(jar)/ case / tin over there.
5 I keep old letters in a large paper glass / bowl /
6 Can you get me a cup / glass /(b o x )o f eggs from the
Why do we feel cheerful when we eat sweet foods?
Complete the container words. When we're very young, we learn to connect them w ith
Sorry, I ate the last packet o f crisps. ( i) special....... occasions like birthdays.
1 If you're cold, w hy not have a b owl.................o f hot We learn that we feel happy when we eat sweet foods

soup? and (2) Miserable when there aren't any.

There's another reason, too. In the past, there wasn't
2 We wanted a quick lunch, so we just opened a
m uch to eat, so humans preferred foods that were
t in................... o f beans and heated them up.
(3) fu ll .......... o f energy - like sugar.
3 Are you thirsty? Here's a can.................. o f cola. It was dangerous when your stomach was
4 I'd like a large glass .............. o f water, please. (4) empty.........This is a problem for modern
5 I can't find the c ase for this DVD. society. Now it's not (5) extraordinary to eat lots of
sweet food. Because it's very cheap, we often eat
to o much.

Unit 2 Lost and found

Grammar Past continuous and *** Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

past simple I was walking along the river when I was seeing a fish
ju m p into the air. X
1 * Choose the correct option. I was walking along the river when I saw a fish jump into
[(went)/ was going to New York last month. the air.
1 At six o'clock this morning, he slept /(^as sleepmcj). 1 The children was playing in the park at nine o'clock
2 Suddenly, th e /H e a rd / were hearing a noise. this morning. X
3 There isn't any mi k.(Did you d rin k / Were you Thech^
drinking it all?' this Morning.
'Yes, l @ ) / was. Sorry!' 2 I didn't listen to music at nine o'clock last night. I was
4 When I saw you, I waited /(was waitincjjfor my bus. w atching TV. X
5 Last year, we(Jried)/ was trying skiing for the first ...(..yyasnt . l i s t e d
time. We(\were)/ were being terrible at It! ..(..was watching TV.
3 Izzy had breakfast when her parents told her the good
2 ** C om plete th e sentences w ith th e w o rd s in
news. X
brackets in th e past s im p le o r past c o n tin u o u s.
1 Ken M s yvalkiMg Up the stairs when he
j: beard a noise, (hear / w alk)
the good nevys,
4 My brother was playing on his com puter when
2 M r. y o u ..... ?.(.P.iM .........on the sofa
when I arrived home? (arrive / sleep) suddenly the screen was going black. X

3 While y o u were studYiM for the test, I wad...... My brPthr.MS(Playing[ on his computer M
a cake to cheer you up! (stud y / make) ..?.h...screen went black,

4 They dMh t think about the neighbours when 5 Did you sleep when I was calling you? X
th e y Played..... loud music at m idnight! Were you sjeeping when . ^
( p la y /n o t th in k )
5 I ....wasn't reading w hen y o u caw home.
6 When you was walking to school this morning, we
(come / n o t read)
was walking the dog. X
6 Pete jya sn t jisteniiig to the teacher when she
MMYP.w.Mr yyalkingto schppl.this wo
I asked......... him a question, (n o t liste n / ask)
M r walking the dog,
7 When y o u called to say you were late, we
I were cppkmg dinner. (c o o k / call)

8 M s ...........h e shopping when they

I took...........his money? (shop / take)

3 * W rite sentences. Use one past s im p le fo rm

and one past c o n tin u o u s fo rm in each sentence. 5 Choose the correct option.
When you / see / me, I / have / a coffee. When I arrived hom e yesterday evening, my parents
When you saw me, I was having a coffee. prepared /(were p rep ar i nc)to go out.'W e'll be home
late,'they said. 'Your dinner is in the fridge.' The flat
1 While we / talk, someone / call / my mobile.
was (Dt^mpty extraordinary and dark. I was really
| ...Mile we were
hungry, so I (2;(j/vent was going into the kitchen,
2 We / play /fo o tb a ll / when / we / break / the window. in the fridge, there was a (3) glass /b o w l o f coid
..M..!Y.r...P!M 3...fP.Ptbal( when spaghetti. Ugh! I (4) ate/Cjjvas eatingjbiscuits
from a big (5)(6acicit)/ envelope when suddenly I
3 While / Marla / w ait / for a taxi, / her bus / arrive.
(6)ChearcJ)/ w as hearing a terrible noise.'Who's there?'
...Wh.i! Mana.yvas
I (7)(ihouted / w as shouting into the darkness...
4 The police / arrive / w hile / the men / rob / the bank.
The police arrived while the men were robbing the bank.
Lost and found Unit 2

r Self-evaluation \
Do th e exercises and tic k th e boxes fo r y o u r o w n e va lu a tio n .

1know this well. 1know most of this. ! 1could do this better. M 1need to study this again.
V j

Vocabulary Extra vocabulary

3 Choose the correct option.
Who drank all o f the orange juice? This carton Is
1 Complete the materials. full /(em pt^)!
Don't wear that cotton coat today. It's too cold. Have 1 Victor is always miserable /(gh e e rfu j)when the sun
you got one made of wool? shines. He loves summer weather.
1 It's a lovely table made o f dark brown w ood.............. 2 When the ship hit the(fce5erg) / luggage, all o f the
2 We don't use c ramie plates at the beach. passengers ran to the wreck /(lifeboats

3 I'm making a sign. Is there any c ardboard that I 3 This gold rubbish /(coin)is from Ancient Greece. It's
can write on? very(rar^) / strange - there aren't many in the world.

4 Do you like my l eather ...........boots? They're very 4 Always take youn luggage)/ luggages w ith you.
warm In the winter. 5 Have you got a stomach /(to o i)fo r opening bottles?

Containers ! | !!

2 Complete the dialogue w ith the words.

P ast continuous
4 Underline the mistakes and correct them.
I was havelnq a shower at seven this morning,
1 Was they w aiting for their bus?

2 Javier was w rittin q an email to his best friend.
:. bowl envelope jar packet tin ; writing
3 'Were you w atching the film?' 'No, we did n 't.'
Liz I'm going shopping later. What do we need?
Joe Let's see. A / An packet o f pasta please. And can
4 Sorry I didn't see you at the weekend. I visiting my
you get a big ( i) ja r o f strawberry jam?
Get a / an (2) tin ........o f tom atoes too, and
I'll make some soup. was visiting

Liz Good idea. I'd love a /an (3) bowl of 5 What vou were doing at five o'clock yesterday?

tom ato soup for lunch. Is tha t everything? were you

Joe Oh! I'm w riting a letter. I'll need a / an 6 The children was playing in the park when It started
(4) envelope for It. Can you buy some o f to rain.
those too?Thanks, Liz! were playing

Unit 2 Lost and found

Past continuous and past simple Practical English
5 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or the
past continuous form of the verbs.
At the lost property office
I got (get) your text message w hile I was watching 6 Match 1-5 to responses A-F.
a film. I lost my w allet last week. F
1 When w e arrived (arrive) at the hotel, they 1 What colour is it? E
were cleaning our room.
2 What does it look like? B
2 As I was trying to study, the b a b y was crying (cry).
3 What's it made of? D
3 While we were buying (buy) books, we saw our
4 What brand is it? C
5 Is it any o f these? A
4 I think I was walking in the park when I dropped
(drop) my wallet. A Yes! That's it! Thank you!
5 Dad was reading the map as Mum ... was driving... B It's small and it's quite old
(drive). C It's a Jones one.
6 My sister was watching TV as I was doing. (do) my D Leather.
E It's w hite and blue - dark blue.
F OK. Do yott-know where you lost it?

Cumulative review Units 1-2

7 Choose the correct option.

How do you feel if a friend B a secret in your ear? For most of us,
sharing secrets is a (i) A ... part of friendship. But what about the
secrets of strangers? Fourteen-year-old Nadia explored this subject
when she (2) B The Secrets Walt project at her school.

Nadia was thinking about secrets as she (3) ... C her blog one day.
She had an idea: to ask students at her school to write their secrets
on a piece of (4) C.....and attach it to a wall in a school corridor.
Soon, hundreds of secrets (5) A arriving IA lot of students
(6) C about school-related secrets - copying their friend's
homework, for example. Some secrets were cheerful and made
Nadia (7) A . Others were from people who were lonely, angry
or ) A . One boy (9) A next to a girl on the bus everyday
and didn't know how to tell her he liked her. Thanks to The Secrets
Wall, he was (10) ...B....to learn that she liked him too!'So sharing
secrets is often a good idea!'says Nadia.

A shouts B whispers C cries 6 A w riting B writed C wrote

1 A special B rare C em pty 7 A laugh B smell C drop
2 A was starting B started C starts 8 A miserable B energetic C calm
3 A is w riting B w riting C was w riting 9 A sat B left C saw
4 A cotton B metal C paper 10 A scared B surprised C angry
5 A were B did C was

Lost and found Unit 2

Grammar practice

Past continuous P ast continuous and past simple

1 Complete the sentences w ith the correct past 3 Read the sentences and choose the correct option.
continuous forms o f the verbs. 1 You arrived at the party while I was leaving.

enjoy feel listen leek shop sleep th in k w a it A) I started leaving before you arrived.
B I wasn't at the party when you arrived.
We were looking for the museum for an hour!
2 We were waiting for a bus when we saw Ian.
1 After a week ill in bed, I was feeling very bored.
A) Ian passed us at the bus stop.
2 Were....... y o u ....sleeping on the sofa? B The bus came. Then Ian arrived.
3 Sorry, I wasnt listening :t: anything you said! 3 As we were cleaning the living room,Tom was sitting
4 Sam was waiting for his bus for ages. on the sofa.
5 Were.......th e y ... shopping in the supermarket? A We cleaned the living room. Then Tom sat on the
6 I was thin king about you all weekend! sofa.

7 We werent enjoying , the party at all. The music was B) Tom was on the sofa and we were cleaning at the
terrible! same time.
4 I was getting dressed when there was a loud noise.
2 Correct the underlined mistakes.
A The noise started first.
I was w rittin q a letter at 8 o'clock last night,
(B) I started putting on my clothes before I heard the
was writing noise.
1 You were watching the Olympics on TV?
4 Choose the best option.
Were you watching
2 We no were drinking coffee w ith our friends.
werent drinking
3 Leo didn't doing his history homework.
wasnt, doing.....
4 Where he was playing football?
5 They were liveing in this flat for a while.
6 'Was she listening to music?' 'No, she d id n 't.'
My parents'first meeting (i)(was/ was being very

shewasnt ....... funny. My m um (2) worked /(Was w o rk in g s a

7 We wasn't travelling by bus. waitress, and my dad and his friends (3)(came /

werent, travelling were coming to her caf for a drink. She (4) carried /
(Was carrying a bowl o f hot soup (5)(\when)/ while she
(6)(fell / was falling. The soup w ent all over my dad!
She was terribly embarrassed, but he (7)<jcriew./ was

knowing that it was an accident. As she (8) cleaned /

was cleaningihis shirt, they (9)(faIked / were talking.
When my dad left the caf, he (1 o)(had)/ was having
my mum's telephone num ber In his pocket!

Grammar practice Unit 2

Vocabulary practice

1 Complete the names of the materials.


m tal..

4 c eramic....... 6 rubber

5 g..lass........... 7 w...o.o.d...

8 p..ap.er.......... I i o cardboard..

g .oM............ 11 p lastic

2 Look at the shopping baskets and find five more 3 Translate the sentences.
differences. Write sentences. 1 W hat does your bag look like?
L |M sCereaT^ ^Jicciicereal
2 I've g o t a cup of tea, and he's got a glass of juice.

3 Gold Is a rare material, and it's very expensive.

In A, theres one large jar of jam, but in B, there are
two small ones.
1 Students own answers....................................
4 What are your shoes made of?

2 .................................................................................

5 I felt miserable when I lost my bag.

3 .........................................................................................

4 .........................................................................................

5 .........................................................................................

Vocabulary practice Unit 2 A

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