R1 To The Aid of Falx (5-9) PDF
R1 To The Aid of Falx (5-9) PDF
R1 To The Aid of Falx (5-9) PDF
TSR Uobbles Inc
by Frank Mentzer
Falx, a silver dragon and nephew of old Bahamut himself, has a problem. He needs a hardy band of adventurers to
explore some caves near his lair, for the dark powers lurking therein have stolen five potions -of silver dragon control!
Can you penetrate the dangerous complex without triggering the alarms, to find and destroy all the potions before
This is the first of the RPGA series of AD&D modules. Each RPGA module has been used at an official Gen Con@
tournament and has been designed to provide maximum entertainment. TO THE AID OF FALX is usable in campaign
or tournament play, and may be scored by points or using the RPGA Tournament system. This adventure is designed
for a balanced party of 5-8 characters of levels 5-9,and 6 tournament characters are provided, along with standard
AND isometric maps, scenario and character background information, and detailed encounter descriptions for the
This product is protected under the copyright laws of thew United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without the written consent of TSR Hobbies, Inc.
Frank Mentzer
:DM ABBREV/AT/ONS: T h e a b b r e v i a t i o n s used
throughout are:
General Notations
the Background aloud to the
AC Armor Class
M Movement rate, in Inches (yards outdoor,
ts (if used; not included in this feet indoor)
HD Hit Dice
the cave entrances, to scale hP hit points
#AT Number of Attacks
IS long as necessary to review D Damage
npare equipment, spells, and THACO Base roll needed to hit Armor Class zero
le limit to the event. At the end STs Base saving throw vs. spells
the playersfill out theirevalu- d die (used to indicate type; 2d6 means 2 six-
yours; then collect the sheets sided dice)
i f the votes (you get the same Mgem A gem worth M; roman numerals are used,
unless you have been notified so M=1000, D=500, C=lOO, L=50, X=10.
/ill be posted at the end of the
of players, N LG
LE NG Alignment Sm Size
i E WILL CONTINUE N NE abbreviations Med abbreviations
)ending on availabilityof DMs
!; this is an AD&D game. Monster (AC:#, M:#, HD:#, hp:#@, #AT:#, D:#/#/#,
THACO:#, STs:#, ALIGNMENT, Size; notes).
ISunderstanding ANYTHING
Tournament Director, prefer- Spell format is: Spell Name (C:#,R:#, DR:#)
?Debriefing session. THANK
NOTE ON SPELLS: Although a good description
of the Potions was obtained from Falx, a Locate Object
spell will NOT be successful in locating them UNTIL
one has been found. If studied carefully, the potion
bottles may be found with Locate Object spells there-
after (assuming they are within range: rooms 5, 6, 8,
10d, 14).Thisspell will NOTgivetherange, butwill give
direction if the object is within the range of the spell;
note the vertical direction as well as the horizontal.
Clever players will thereby deduce the depth of some
areas of the dungeon.
No noise can be heard inside the room. #6 Alerts the vampires to the attack, ringing
their bell. The lesser will arrive in ld4+3
SPY DOORS in areas 8 (above) and 10 (hereafter): rounds; the otherwill study spells unless the
Each of these rooms is 30 high with smooth, slippery bell rings again later.
Note that the guards atop the ledge are just out of the
10 range of the Rod of Beguiling if it is used from the
lower area (9), and the players must remember the
command word to use it at all.
If peacefully approached by a thief (the halfling, in
tournament play), the guards will allow him or her to
pass, pointing out some hard-to-see footholds in the
sheer wall below the battlements. They will not, how-
ever, give any directions, and will become suspicious
(but not hostile) if asked for some.
THIEF CHECKLIST The 'If" at the beginning of some lines indicates that
the character is a multiclassed Fighter/Thief, and
The following chart is used to find the Armor Class, should attack as a Fighter unless backstabbing.
hit points, Level, and race of the thieves encountered in
the complex. The given adjustments to combat rolls
are also given, should the DM wish to (or have time to) Each thief has a longsworld, 2 throwing daggers, 2
calculate individual attacks with realism. Race abbre- hand daggers, a sling, and :20 sling stones. Halfling
viations used are: Fighter/Thieves carryall of thlese (replacing longsword
with shortsword) plus a shortbow, 20 arrows, and 1
H = human; 0 = half-orc; 'h = halfling throwing axe in addition.
Weapon +
Missile Strength
bonus bonuses Race
Guardpost 9A:
#1 AC 5, L 15 +2 0 H
#2 AC 6, L 9 +1 0 H
f #3 AC 5, L 12 +2 0 'h
#4 AC 4, L 34 +3 -e 1/+3 H
#5 AC 5, L 5 +2 0 0
f #6 AC 6, L 6 +1 +1/+1 'h
Room 11B:
#11 AC 5, 4 +2 +1/+2 H
#12 AC 4, 3 +3 o/+1 0
#13 AC 5, 5 +2 +l/+l H
#14 AC 6, 6 +1 0 H
#15 AC 6, 4 +1 0 H
#16 AC 7, 7 0 o/+1 0
f #17 AC 6, 11 +1 0 'h
#18 AC 6, 13 +1 +l/+l H
Room 11C:
#19 AC 5, 3 +2 0 H
f #20 AC 6, 7 +1 o/+ 1 'h
#21 AC 5, 8 +2 0 H
#22 AC 4, 11 +3 -11 /+2 H
#23 AC 7, 16 0 0 0
f #24 AC 6, 31 +2 +1/+2* 'h
#25 AC 5, 26 +2 +2/+2* H
#26 AC 6, 32 +1 +1/+1* H
Room 14:Guildmaster
#29 AC 2, L 10, hP 42 +3 +1/+2 H
plus weapon
11b: 4 thieves (see checklist). If alerted by noise or alarm he will be ready, using his
l l c , d, e: 8 thieves each (see checklist). Robe to hide (detectable only by Intelligence 15 or
greater, at l%/point). He will, in that case, be carrying
12. STORAGE ROOMS: Each of these small rooms is the following items (usually stored in his locked desk):
piled high with various non-magical, non-treasure pro-
visions. Each storage room also has extra weapons (of Potions of Gaseous Form, Invisibility, Speed, Poly-
the various types usable by Thieves: club, dagger, dart, morph Self; Scrolls of Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Cone
sling, sword) and raw meat for the monsters, kept of Cold (as a L9 caster, 25% chance of error; if error,
wrapped in sealed leather bags. In storage room 12b is 75% no effect, 25% reverse effect).
a Sling of Seeking and Speed (Sling +2, shoots twice
per round) mixed in with normal slings, and noticeable A secret compartment in his desk contains one Po-
only with a detect magic spell. tion of Silver Dragon Control. The party will not be able
find the compartment nor the way to open it unless a
13. SNOOPER SLAYER: This false door has a trap detect invisibility spell is used, and will probably have
behind it, where it is undetectable except by a clerical to partially dismantle the desk to get the potion.
find traps spell. The door is not locked and will open The bottom drawer of the chest of drawers contains
easily for whoever tries it. Behind it, triggered by the an assortment of 10 poisons, all in potion bottles. Other
opening of the door, is a deadly spring-set bank of drawers contain blankets and clothing, all virtually
poisoned daggers. They will strike everyone in the 10 worthless.
square area in front of the door.
Do not roll for to hitsfor the daggers; the number Chest #1 contains 2,OOOgp, 10 Mgems, and a Scroll
hitting any one character is equal to the AC of the of Protection from Undead.
victim, calculated without dexterity or shield bonuses Chest #2 contains a poison gas trap, not detectable
(the latter included, however, if the character states unless the clerical detect traps spell is used (fills
shield up as the door is opened). Each dagger that the room; all within save vs. poison or die).
hits does d4+2 points of damage, and each hit requires Chest #3 contains3,000gp, 20 Mgems, and a +3 short
a separate saving throw vs. poison (save or die in 2 sword.
rounds). (A neutralize or slow poison spell, however,
will affect all the poison, not just one hits worth.) Trig- 15. Surprises: Doors 15a and 15b are false doors,
gering this trap will set off a general alarm, alerting all hiding dagger traps identical to #13 (above).
the thieves and the Guildmaster, with effects similar to
those given in room 9 for lever #5. HERE ENDS THE SEARCH FOR THE POTIONS
Light gems 1 1 1 0 1
Cure SW
Neut Pois
Raise D x I'
88 "
FIGHTER/THIEF Teeler L:5/5 AC:2 hp:30 Align: NG Halfling (Tallfellow)
AC10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Held 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Hand-hurled: 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
Pack, iron rations
1 skin good Dwarven ale
Small silver mirror
2 holy water
3 oil flasks
1 semi-trained pet mouse (can roll over, sit up, and
fetch food)
Herbs (b, g, w)
10' rope
1 small shovel
3 multicolored caps
2 pipes and pipeweed
Thieves' picks and tools
This page may be reproduced for personal use in playing this RPGA'" AD&D'" adventure
- _- _________-- __ -__ - - _- - - _-_____
RANGER/CLERIC Arpen L:5/5 AC:O hp:35 Align:CG Half-El.
S 16 +1 damage, +50#wt, Doors 1-3,
Bardgates 10%
W 14 lnfravision 60'
D 12 Secret doors: 1/6 passing
CO 14 SS 88%, RES 92% 2/6 searching
Surprise 50%, surprised 1/6
Ch 14 +lo% reactions Tracking: base chance 65%
Plate mail and shield +5 damage vs. bugbear, ettin, giant, gnoll, hobgoblin
AC rear: 2 kobold, ogre, ogre magi, orc, titan, and troll.
Pack, iron rations
Holy symbol, 2 holy wafers
6 oil flasks, tinder box
50' rope
Herbs (b, g, w)
Large metal mirror
Bullseye lantern
3 torches
6 iron spikes and hammer
Water in wineskin
Thls page may be reproduced for personal use in playing thls RPGA'" AD&D'" adventure
- . __ _._______
PA LA DIN Richard Huxley L:7 AC:O hp:40 Align: LG Human
AC10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
By hand: 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
By device: 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
Pack, iron rations
Holy symbol, 4 holy wafers
Small silver mirror
6 oil flasks, tinder box
1 wineskin full of wine
50 rope
6 small and 2 large sacks
4 candles, 3 torches
2 wineskins
Herbs (b, g, w)
This page may be reproduced for personal use in playmg thls R P G A ADAD adventure
---_______ ___________________I
I_ - _____-_
- __. - - --_-
MONK Reed L:9 AC: 2 hp:27 Align: LN Human
AC10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
hand 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
device: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ck, iron rations
bly symbol
.g of 20 small pebbles
Bok of discipline (studies)
eakaway cloak, loincloth
Tall slate and chalk
iter in wineskin
;mall bags
This page may be reproduced for personal use in playing this R P G A " AD&D'" adventure
CLERIC Sherlane L:9 AC: 1 hp:44 Align: LG Human
AC10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Roll needed: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Pack, iron rations
Holy symbol, 10 holy wafers
6 holy water, 6 incense
4 oil flasks, tinder box
1 wineskin full of wine
Small silver mirror
4 small and 1 large sacks
Mallet and 4 wood stakes
2 iron spikes
Herbs (b, g, w)
This page may be reproduced for personal use in playing thls RPGA"' A D & D " adventure
---____-____-_____ ____-_
_"l_______l ___I__ __ - -___ - -- - - -
~- _ _ _ _ _ I _
MAGIC-USER Felonius L:9 AC:3 hp:24 Align: N Elf
Belt pouches and spell components
Holy symbol, 2 holy water
2 Oil flasks, tinder box
Shoulder bag, iron rations
Herbs (b, g, w)
2 Torches
Pants and boots
Water in wineskin
Bag of flour, 5 Ib.
Bag of lard, 5 Ib.
This page may be reproduced for personal use in playing this RPGA" AD&D" adventure
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