Dillehay - Huaca Prieta
Dillehay - Huaca Prieta
Dillehay - Huaca Prieta
Simple pebble tools, ephemeral cultural features, and the remains of maritime and terrestrial foods are present in
undisturbed Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene deposits underneath a large human-made mound at Huaca Prieta
and nearby sites on the Pacific coast of northern Peru. Radiocarbon ages indicate an intermittent human presence
dated between ~15,000 and 8000 calendar years ago before the mound was built. The absence of fishhooks, harpoons,
INTRODUCTION The Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene cultural deposits underlying
Archaeological studies have demonstrated that early humans engaged the mounds represent a series of short-term, intermittent occupations be-
in hunting, gathering, and fishing along the Pacific coast of the Amer- tween ~15,000 and 10,000 years ago, most with apparent gaps of several
icas by at least 13,000 years ago (19). Fish and shellfish comprised most hundred years between them associated with culturally sterile layers of
of the edible meat represented by faunal samples from archaeological varying thicknesses (Fig. 3 and figs. S3 and S4). Comparing the evidence
sites. Other foods are derived occasionally from terrestrial fauna and from the earliest premound occupational layers, we reconstruct the kinds
plant species. These studies have also been significant in suggesting that of littoral and nearby wetland, river delta and valley, and mountain
the Pacific coast was a major route of initial entry into the Americas resources gathered; the probable seasons during which some resource
(1, 2, 1014) because it offered consistent resource familiarity and direct procurement occurred; and the complementary food strategies from
and rapid migration farther south. Here, we present new data from two these environments. It has generally been thought that maritime fishing
human-made mounds, Huaca Prieta and Paredones (1517), in the first developed in the Early Holocene because it would have required
lower Chicama Valley on the north coast of Peru that extend the antiq- sophisticated fishhook, netting, and boat technologies and because fishing
uity of maritime foraging to ~15,000 calendar years ago (cal yr B.P.) was unpredictable in comparison to gathering shellfish and hunting and
(Figs. 1 and 2). We report more extensive excavation and analyses of gathering terrestrial foods (1, 2). Here, we suggest more diverse and sym-
food remains, stone tools, and cultural features scattered and buried un- biotic food strategies organized across a mosaic of juxtaposed maritime
derneath ~7 to 30 m of continuous and intensive human-made mound and terrestrial environments and more variable and simpler technologies
deposits of the Middle Holocene period at these sites (figs. S1 and S2) among some early Pacific coast peoples, including the capture of fish and
(16, 17) and document early asymmetrical but symbiotic strategies of sea lions probably by trapping and clubbing. We also argue for a probable
resource procurement from maritime and inland environments. slower-paced human migration along some coastal areas because of the
availability of sufficient and complementary maritime and terrestrial
resources that could sustain people for long periods of time and because
Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37205, USA. of the experiential learning required to exploit a wide variety of foods in
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, multiple environments.
TN 37205, USA. 3Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Austral de Chile, Calendar age ranges previously suggested that the oldest deposits at
Valdivia, Chile. 4Bilogo, Centro de Investigaciones Arqueobiolgicos y Paleoeco-
lgicos Andinos, Arqueobios-Apartado Postal 595, Trujillo, Peru. 5Facultad de Huaca Prieta containing marine fauna, cultural features (figs. S1 to S5),
Ciencias Sociales, Arqueologa, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Trujillo, Peru. and unifacial stone tools (figs. S6 to S8) dated ~14,500 cal yr B.P. in two
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University, Fort Pierce, small areas of the site, Unit 15/21 and Test Pit 22 (16, 17). Recent find-
FL 34946, USA. 7Department of Anthropology, Texas State University, San Marcos,
TX 78666, USA. 8Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas at
ings and dates now place the older occupations in four new localities as
Austin, 116 Inner Campus Drive, Stop G6000, Austin, TX 78712, USA. 9Department early as ~15,000 cal yr B.P. (Table 1) but more importantly expand the
of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94701, USA. 10De- variability of cultural remains and reveal new technological and adapt-
partment of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20002, USA. ive evidence. Newly excavated and dated contexts now include Units 9
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama. 12Tissue and DNA Collections,
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain. and 12 at Huaca Prieta, Unit 16 near Huaca Prieta, and Unit 22 at the
*Corresponding author. Email: tom.d.dillehay@vanderbilt.edu Paredones mound (figs. S1 and S2). Seventeen stratigraphically ordered
assays from these contexts range from 10,158 to 15,217 cal yr B.P. (Table curve a potentially suitable first-order record for regional sea-level
1). More than 170 14C and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) history (2026).
dates from intact strata in the overlying mounds support these assays Furthermore, this portion of the Pacific collision margin near the
(1618). All 14C dates were derived from single pieces of well-preserved Chicama Valley is characterized by flat-slab subduction with little uplift
carbonized and uncarbonized (fig. S9) remains of short- to moderately compared to areas north and south. In particular, the Chicama Valleys
long-lived plants (~5 to 40 years) [avocado (Persea sp.); bean (Phaseolus reach of margin reveals no geomorphological evidence for significant
sp.); chile pepper (Capsicum sp.); rush (Juncus sp.); and a variety of local Late Pleistocene and Holocene uplift, either at the coast or along the
grasses, shrubs, and small trees (Capparis sp., Cyperus sp., Scirpus sp., lower river valley. Thus, for the Chicama Valley coast, tectonic effects
Gynerium sp., Equisetum sp., and Buddleja sp.)] and of animal bones are not believed to be a major control on local relative sea level, at least
contained in intact burned features (Table 1) embedded in occupational compared to ice sheet melt contributions.
lenses. Then, at the first order, we take bathymetry of the modern shelf to
provide a reasonable proxy for postglacial paleoshoreline positions with
Geological and site setting regard to the archaeological sites under discussion here. Other factors
The period of ~15,000 to 10,000 years ago corresponds with the max- support this general assertion. For example, sediment deposition along
imum rate of postglacial ice melt and global sea-level rise (19). Ice this arid region is modest and not likely to have led to any major
volumeequivalent water levels over this time rise about 60 m, from shoreline advances or retreats (>1 km), particularly during the phase
Fig. 1. Location map of the study area and paleoshorelines at 15,000 and 10,000 cal yr B.P.
may have formed during transgression. Thus, shelf bathymetry should and the terrace (18). Few coastal environments along the Pacific coast
reasonably provide at least a first-order proxy for paleoshoreline of South America offered this specific type of littoral and wetland
positions offshore of the Chicama coast. Regardless of changing setting, accessed by such a prominent and attractive topographic fea-
shoreline positions over time, it is probable that some early archaeolog- ture. During the period under study, the coastal plain where the terrace
ical sites are located on now-submerged shelf. is located was characterized by a grassy environment with gallery trees
Regionally along the north coast of Peru, continental margin mor- along braided streams. Farther inland in the coastal valley, the vegeta-
phology from 6S to 9S reveals two zones of shallow, wide shelf that are tion probably was thicker and more varied (18).
separated by a broad reentrant along the Chicama Valley reach. The Huaca Prieta is situated on the south tip of the terrace just above the
wider regional shelf extends 75 to 100 km offshore to the 120-m isobath, present-day shoreline. The site consists of a large ovoid-shaped, artificial
whereas this depth is reached within 40 km of the Chicama coast mound that measures ~30 m high, ~65 m wide, and ~165 m long. Hu-
(1926). Global eustatic sea level at 15,000 cal yr B.P. was ~100 m below man use of the site lasted discontinuously from the Late Pleistocene to
present, and the Chicama paleoshoreline was likely situated ~30 km ~1800 CE, including premound and mound cultural deposits. Unit 16
offshore of the present one. By 10,000 cal yr B.P., eustatic sea level and the Paredones mound lie 50 and 600 m north of Huaca Prieta, re-
had risen to ~40 m below present, which would place the paleoshoreline spectively. Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene deposits underneath the
8 to 12 km offshore of the modern coast. By ~8000 to 7000 cal yr B.P., two mound sites were difficult to record extensively because of the
sea level is nearly at the modern level and has not varied substantially height of the overlying mounds (~6 to 30 m), which had to be excavated
Fig. 2. Huaca Prieta mound situated on the Sangamon Terrace (buried terrace surface with Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene cultural deposits is indicated by
dotted line below the mound). Arrows show location of individual units excavated from the top of the mound down through and to the buried cultural deposits in the
terrace. Scale shown by humans standing on the mounds. (Photo Credit: Tom D. Dillehay, Vanderbilt University)
slightly to moderately larger campsites dating between ~11,500 and cies of the mound. In these basal areas, the original terrace surface,
8000 cal yr B.P. The exposed south and southeast facies of the ter- albeit often heavily modified by early mound construction, is some-
race below the base of the mound at Huaca Prieta are composed of times intact and overlying deeper Late Pleistocene and Early Hol-
relatively thin, intermittent stratigraphically ordered premound and early ocene cultural layers, as described here.
mound slope wash formed from approximately ~8000 to 3000 years It is likely that some of the conglomerated rock and sediment identi-
ago. However, no Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene cultural de- fied by Birds work in the 1940s as culturally sterile on the north end of the
posits were observed in these exposed and other exposed basal fa- mound at Huaca Prieta, where his primary excavations were located (15),
Fig. 3. Stratigraphic profile of Unit 12 showing early basal cultural deposits and radiocarbon dates. (Photo Credit: Tom D. Dillehay, Vanderbilt University)
were disturbed anthropogenic deposits related to early premound fill in ences about human interference. Some bone was burned and cut. Most
this area. The deeper conglomerated sediments of the terrace surface he faunal remains were heavily fractured, making it difficult to estimate the
excavated and described may also have been partially obliterated or em- sizes of individual organisms (18).
placed during the initial construction of the mounds at Huaca Prieta. In the Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene, people exploited several
principal habitats surrounding the Sangamon Terrace (fig. S10 and
sections S3 and S4). To the east, upvalley, there was a relatively open
RESULTS but dense dry forest biome based on algarrobo (Prosopis sp.) and asso-
The preservation of faunal remains at sites in the Huaca Prieta area is ciated species, which would have offered browse for three identified spec-
generally outstanding because of the aridity and dryness of the desert imens of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). The other inland
conditions. All the bone remains were examined for any signs of diges- specimens from a somewhat more open environment are remains of
tion and fragmentation due to food preparation, crushing, trampling, or two Peruvian scrub blackbirds (Dives warszewiczi), which probably
compaction during post-depositional processes before making infer- were opportunistically foraged and eaten.
Table 1. Radiocarbon dates for Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene layers at sites. All dates were calibrated using shcal04 (44), unless otherwise noted.
Unit 9
Beta437295 Premound occupation, Layer 12 28.2 12,610 40 14,77115,070 14,52015,155* Wood charcoal
Unit 12
Charred rush stem
Beta235952 Premound occupation, Layer 11 25.2 9,580 40 10,69811,089 10,60011,159*
(Juncus sp.)
Beta437290 Premound occupation, Layer 20 29.7 12,410 40 14,15414,785 14,10914,961 Wood charcoal
Beta437288 Premound occupation, Layer 23 29.2 12,420 40 14,16614,809 14,11914,972 Wood charcoal
D-AMS 016635 Premound occupation, Layer 23 13.3 12,602 35 14,59015,137* 14,31715,182* Wood charcoal
Unit 15/21
Premound occupation,
Beta290621 25.6 11,500 50 13,29413,401 13,26013,420 Charred wood
Stratum 9
Premound occupation,
Beta299536 28.0 11,800 50 13,75713,517** 13,79413,459* Wood charcoal
Stratum 13
Premound occupation
Beta310272 22.8 12,280 60 14,00514,477 13,92414,867 Deer bone
top of Layer 13a
Premound occupation
Beta310273 29.0 12,240 50 13,99114,184 13,89114,530 Wood charcoal
bottom of Layer 13a
Unit 16
AA86632 Layer 14-6 14.2 9,230 40 10,37910,183 10,48610,158 Avocado seed (Persea sp.)
D-AMS 013332 Layer 16 23.8 12,594 62 14,38615,143* 14,22115,217* Bean seed (Phaseolus sp.)
Unit 22 (Paredones)
Premound, Sangamon Chile pepper seed
Beta343109 19.2 9,330 40 10,30810,559 10,28510,578
Terrace, Level 7 (Capsicum spp.)
Test Pit 22
Premound occupation,
Beta210862 27.4 9,530 50 10,59410,785 10,579[11,000] Wood charcoal
Layer 20 (4a)
Premound occupation,
AA75326 26.8 10,770 340 12,16413,096 11,50813,344 Wood charcoal
Layer 22 (8a)
Premound occupation,
Beta310274 21.7 12,950 50 13,55413,828 13,30114,034 Sea lion bone
Layer 25 (8b)
Premound occupation,
Beta290620 28.3 11,780 50 13,51013,732 13,44013,720 Wood charcoal
Layer 28 (11a)
*Calibration done on curve (shcal13) other than shcal04. Calibrated using marine 09.14c calibration curve with delta uncertainty of 725 173 (35). Calibrated using
Intcal09 calibration curve. Layer 14-6 refers to a layer with several distinct lenses numbered 1 to 7.
Most of the recovered faunal remains come from habitats to the west wetlands and the river estuary. Whereas most wetlands probably had
of the terrace and include the littoral, back-barrier, and vernal pool wet- outlets to the sea, which acted as inlets when sea levels are high, the fish
lands (grading from freshwater to brackish), drained by modest outlets were within the confined wetlands and could have been clubbed or
connected to the sea, the estuary and delta of the river, and the beach netted easily in the shallow waters of the environments (figs. S10 to
and intertidal zone of the sea (sections S1 and S3) (18). The faunal re- S12 and sections S3 and S4).
mains indicate that all of these habitats were visited and faunal and floral Several lines of evidence consistently suggest that most of the recov-
remains were brought back to the campsites on the Sangamon Terrace. ered faunal remains were gathered primarily at nearshore and in nearby
Fauna from the brackish wetlands and lagoons include mullet (Mugil back-barrier and vernal pool wetlands, located several kilometers to the
cephalus), an ocean fish that tolerates the brackish water of the lagoon west of the terrace sites during the Late Pleistocene (fig. S10 and sections
Fig. 4. Burned and other cultural features and unifacial basalt flakes in Layer 20, Unit 12. (Photo Credit: Tom D. Dillehay, Vanderbilt University)
S1, S3, and S4). The remains include 281 specimens of marine fauna and Early Holocene layers. All of these features and deposits are ephemeral
three terrestrial specimens (Table 2 and sections S3 and S4). The major and characterized by co-occurring small, thin, ashy burned areas; light
taxa exploited are sharks (27.55%), sea lions (and minimally deer) charcoal scatters; stains of a red pigment (for example, see fig. S5); frag-
(15.85%), marine birds (13.96%), and marine bony fish (12.83%). All ments of rush; scattered lithics; and faunal and floral remains. Most of
faunal remains are heavily fractured: 2.3% of the fish, sea, and terrestrial these features are limited in thickness (~0.5 to 1.5 cm) and size (~20 to
mammal bones are burned, and 3.2% are cut or deliberately fractured, 45 cm in diameter). Figure 3 and figs. S3 to S5 reveal stratigraphically
suggesting human processing and consumption. Only small amounts of intact thin, discrete habitational lenses almost always separated by cul-
limpets, marine snails/gastropods, crabs, terrestrial faunal, and plant turally sterile deposits. None of these materials and features were ob-
species were excavated in the earliest deposits. The absence of fish- served in numerous other excavated units across the entire length of
hooks and harpoons and the presence of small sharks [school shark the terrace that reached the original intact or disturbed surface of the
(Galeorhinus sp.) and requiem shark (Carcharhinus sp.)] and medium- Sangamon Terrace (fig. S1). The absence of these deposits is most likely
sized fish [such as mullet (M. cephalus), croaker (Paralonchurus peruanus), due to the heavy modification of the surface by extensive mound con-
sea bass (Sciaena starksi), and hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus)] in all struction beginning around 5000 cal yr B.P.
cultural deposits of the Late Pleistocene to the modern era suggest that Technologically, the stone tool assemblage is of characteristically ear-
they washed up on beaches or were caught or trapped in nearshore ly unifacial forms, very broadly similar to those documented across the
sandy or calm waters or in brackish wetlands (fig. S12 and section S4). wide region of South America over a similar span of time (14, 15, 2831).
Table 2. Distribution and type of recovered faunal and floral remains in excavated sites. Species type and distribution for phases I and II, the Late
Pleistocene and Early Holocene, in excavated units at Huaca Prieta, Paredones, and Domestic Unit 16. TP, Test Pit; LP, Late Pleistocene; EH, Early Holocene.
Unit 9* Unit 12* Unit 15/21 Unit 16* Unit 22*
TP 22
% of
Layer Layer Layer Layer
EH Layer
Taxon Total total
LP11 LP12 EH11 EH13 LP15? LP17 LP20 LP23 EH6- LP8? LP9? LP13a EH13 LP15 Level 7 LP22- LP25- LP28- by taxa
4 5a 8ab 11a
Fissurella peruviana 3 2 1 3 2 4 4 19
(keyhole limpet)
Fissurella maxima 2 1 2 1 6
(keyhole limpet)
Tegula atra 2 1 3 3 9
(marine snail)
Thais chocolata 2 1 2 1 3 2 11
Protothaca thaca 2 1 7 11 1 22
Marine crabs
Platyxanthus 1 1 6 2 10
(violet crab)
Galeorhinus sp. 1 1 2
(school shark)
Myliobatis sp. 1 1
(eagle ray)
Carcharhinus sp. 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 23 34 70
(requiem shark)
Bony fish
M. cephalus (mullet) 1 1
P. peruanus 8 8
(coco, Peruvian
banded croaker)
Sciaena deliciosa 17 17
M. g. peruanus 1 1
Not identified 3 3
Marine birds
Phalacrocorax 2 1 1 6 10
(guanay and
Pelecanus thagus 7 7
Not identified 7 7
Wetland/land birds
D. warszewiczi 1 1 2
(scrub blackbird)
Otaria 2 1 1 6 2 18 6 36
sp. (sea lion)
Otaria flavescens 2 1 3
(sea lion)
O. virginianus 3 3
T. integrifolia 3 3 18.75
(palo bobo)
Paredones is less clear. Many of the Monte Verde II pieces are naturally or on percussion flakes, and the modification is more commonly on the in-
culturally split pebbles with minor amounts of edge modification, usually terior rather than on the exterior aspect of the parent spall or flake.
discontinuous and consisting of small nicks and flake scars onto the ex- In summary, early Huaca Prieta, Paredones, and Unit 16 artifacts
terior of the piece. The Huaca Prieta and Paredones tools are mostly made demonstrate a distinctive cobble tool technology in the traditional
typological shapes. As Bird (15) pointed out, the primary peculiarity have recovered evidence of a bifacial technology during the Late
of this assemblage is, from the early phase of its development, the use Pleistocene. This does not imply that bifacial flaking did not exist
of locally available rounded cobbles for toolmaking. Bird also noted in the area. Later bifacial projectile points of the Fishtail and Paijan
that this tradition was very conservative and was technologically types (~13,000 to 10,000 cal yr B.P.) are present in the Andean foot-
changed very little through time. Although we have recovered only hills and interior valleys to the east of the study area (32, 33).
small, expedient unifacial assemblages associated with ephemeral oc- It should be noted that we have examined more than 1 million lithic
cupation sites, there exists the remote possibility that more formal tools and debris from our excavations and surface collections along the
bifacial assemblages with a wider diversity of stone tools appear at Chicama coast and from Birds artifact collections from there, and we
larger campsites located farther inland or on the now-submerged an- have not yet documented a single bifacial implement. It is our opinion
cient coastline. However, if this was the case, given the intermediate that the early cultural periods under discussion for this section of the
location of the terrace between these two areas, we would expect to north coast of Peru were exclusively characterized by unifacial lithic
Fig. 5. Unifacial basalt flakes most representative of 15,000 to 13,500 cal yr B.P. deposits showing marked platforms and bulbs of percussion (arrows). (Photo
Credit: Tom D. Dillehay, Vanderbilt University)
assemblages. The absence of evidence for stone, bone, and shell har- varying from ~7 to 30 m below mound summits (figs. S1 and S2). Six of
poons and the absence of shell fishhooks are also significant. Birds the 17 excavations exhibited Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene cul-
excavation at Huaca Prieta produced one possible shell fishhook tural deposits: Units 9, 12, 15/21, 16, and 22 and Test Pit 22. These six
(15). Our examination of more than 350,000 shell fragments and units ranged in size from 1 m by 4 m to 2 m by 2 m. The limited size of
shell artifacts did not produce any signs of harpoon and fishhook these pits was due to their excessive depth below the mound summits:
production. There is also no evidence of a boat or raft technology Excavation units were stepped and narrowed downward as we reached
for the period under discussion. greater depths to prevent the collapse of cultural deposits in the wall
The matting fragments of rush, especially from Layer 11 in Unit 12 profiles and to protect excavators. We also inspected the cut walls or
(fig. S9), are also notable in the artifact assemblage from Huaca Prieta, profiles of 23 drainages, irrigation canals, and roads, constituting a total
which suggests a weaving technology. One fragment, a segment of open, distance of 11.2 km in the sugarcane fields east of Huaca Prieta and
simple twining, sewn with two-ply, Z-twist cordage wefts, was directly Paredones. The profiles of and tossed debris around 234 looters holes
dated to 10,600 to 11,159 cal yr B.P. and represents the oldest example of on the Sangamon Terrace and in outlying domestic sites north and
this craft from lowland South America. The thickness of the individual south of the terrace were also examined. Nonetheless, cultural deposits
rush fibers, their relatively tight weave, and the rigidity of the sample of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene were found in only the
suggest possible use as a rush trap or basket rather than a net for fishing six units below the mounds that are reported here (fig. S2). Except for
or matting for sleeping or flooring. the original terrace surfaces underneath the mounds of Huaca Prieta
(35). Over the past several years, in reporting the radiocarbon dates REFERENCES AND NOTES
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surface, the first river outwash sand was found underneath lagoon car- adaptation in coastal Ecuador: The Las Vegas evidence. Quat. Int. 10910, 2343
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5. D. H. Sandweiss, H. McInnis, R. L. Burger, A. Cano, B. Ojeda, R. Paredes,
and Test Pit 22 were published in a preliminary 2012 report on Huaca M. del Carmen Sandweiss, M. D. Glascock, Quebrada Jaguay: Early South American
Prieta (17) and more recently in a large volume given to our research in maritime adaptations. Science 281, 18301832 (1999).
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26. L. E. Wells, The Santa beach ridge complex: Sea-level and progradational history of 41. K. L. Chiou, C. A. Hastorf, D. Bonavia, T. D. Dillehay, Documenting cultural selection
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28. J. B. Richardson III, Modeling the development of sedentary maritime economies on the 44. F. G. McCormac, A. G. Hogg, P. G. Blackwell, C. E. Buck, T. F. G. Higham, P. J. Reimer,
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29. T. D. Dillehay, Ed., Monte Verde: A Late Pleistocene Site in Chile: The Archaeological Context, (2004).
Volume II (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997).
30. T. D. Dillehay, The Settlement of the Americas: A New Prehistory (Basic Books, 2000). Acknowledgments: We thank the Ministry of Culture, Lima, Peru, for permitting our research
31. M. B. Collins, The lithics from Monte Verde, a descriptive-morphological analysis, in Monte at these sites. We are grateful to the people of Magdalena de Cao for hosting us during our
Verde, a Late Pleistocene Site in Chile: The Archaeological Context, Volume II, T. D. Dillehay, years of research in the area. Funding: We thank the NSF (grant 0914891), the National
Ed. (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997), pp. 383504. Geographic Society (grant 8935-11), Rebecca Webb Wilson and Spencer Wilson, and the
32. T. D. Dillehay, From Foraging to Farming in the Andes (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011). Vanderbilt University for supporting our work. Author contributions: T.D.D. conceived the
33. C. M. Glvez, El Paijanense en la costa norte de los Andes Centrales: A la memoria de project, codirected the fieldwork and analysis with the late D. Bonavia, and wrote most
Duccio Bonavia (19352012). Rev. Arqueol. 21, 436 (2010). of the manuscript. S.G. and M.P. conducted the geological analyses and wrote portions of
34. D. Salazar, D. Jackson, J. L. Guendon, H. Salinas, D. Morata, V. Figueroa, G. Manrquez, the main text and the Supplementary Materials. V.F.V.S. and T.R.T. were responsible for the
V. Castro, Early evidence (ca. 12,000 BP) for iron oxide mining on the Pacific Coast of faunal and floral analyses. M.B.C., N.V., and T.D.D. performed the lithic analyses and wrote
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