in Kenya
This Thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a doctorate degree
in any other University.
Signature: . Date:
James Ndirangu Kungu
This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as University
Signature: Date:
Dr. Geoffrey M. Gekara
East African University,
School of Business,
Signature: Date:..
Dr. Kenneth L. Wanjau
Karatina University,
School of Business,
Signature: Date
Dr. Antony G. Waititu
College of Pure & Applied Sciences,
This Thesis is dedicated to my family Monica, Charles and Peter Kenneth.
I want to register my gratitude to my supervisors Dr Kenneth Lawrence Wanjau,
Dr. Geoffrey Mouni Gekara and Dr. Anthony Gichuhi Waititu for having provided
valuable guidance during the thesis period. I also owe gratitude to Nairobi CBD
Campus for great atmosphere, competent personnel and interesting courses offered
during my study.
I want to mention the support of my dear wife Monica and sons Charles and Peter
Kenneth. My sincere hope is that the findings of this research will stimulate and
benefit the research about working capital management in future.
DECLARATION ...................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. ii
IST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................... iii
ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................... iv
DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS ............................................................................ v
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Study ...................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Global Perspective ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 7
1.3 Objective of the Study .......................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 General Objective of the Study ......................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study ....................................................................... 9
1.4 Hypo Kenya, Republic of theses of the Study...................................................... 9
1.5 Significance of the Study.................................................................................... 10
1.6 Scope of the Study .............................................................................................. 11
1.7 Limitations of the Study ..................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................... 12
LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................... 12
2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 12
2.1 The Concept of Working Capital Management.................................................. 12
2.2 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 15
2.3 Review of Related Literature.............................................................................. 16
2.3.1 Credit Policy ................................................................................................... 16 Creditworthiness of Customers .................................................................... 22 Loss Given Default Model of Credit Policy ............................................. 23
2.3.2 Accounts Payable Practices............................................................................. 23 Relationship with Suppliers ......................................................................... 24 Delays in Payments ...................................................................................... 24 Payment Period ............................................................................................ 24 Transaction Cost Theory ........................................................................... 25
2.3.3 Inventory Control Practices............................................................................. 26 Inventory Level ............................................................................................ 26 Inventory Control System ............................................................................ 27
2.3.4 Liquidity Management Practices..................................................................... 29 Quick Ratio .................................................................................................. 31 Cash Management ........................................................................................ 31 Baumols Cash Management Model ......................................................... 32 Miller-Orr Cash Management Model........................................................ 34
2.3.5 Working Capital Levels .................................................................................. 35 Aggressive Investment Policy ...................................................................... 36 Conservative Investment Policy................................................................... 36 Aggressive Financing Policy ....................................................................... 37 Risk Return Tradeoff Theory .................................................................... 38
2.3.6 Profitability ..................................................................................................... 39
2.4 Critique of the Related Literature ...................................................................... 40
2.5 Research Gaps .................................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................... 43
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 43
3.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 43
3.1 Research Design ................................................................................................. 43
3.2 Population ........................................................................................................... 44
3.3 Sampling Frame.................................................................................................. 45
3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Technique ............................................................... 45
3.5 Data Collection Instruments ............................................................................... 47
3.6 Data Collection Procedure .................................................................................. 48
3.7 Pilot Test............................................................................................................. 49
3.7.1 Validity of Research Instrument ..................................................................... 50
3.7.2 Reliability of the Research Instrument ............................................................ 51
3.8 Data Analysis...................................................................................................... 52
3.9 Statistical Model and Hypothesis Testing .......................................................... 54
3.9.1 Testing Hypothesis 1 ....................................................................................... 55
3.9.2 Testing Hypothesis 2 ....................................................................................... 56
3.9.3 Testing Hypothesis 3 ....................................................................................... 56
3.9.4 Testing Hypothesis 4 ....................................................................................... 56
3.9.5 Testing Hypothesis 5 ....................................................................................... 57
3.9.6 Overall Model ................................................................................................. 57
CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................. 58
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS.................................................. 58
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 58
4.2 Pilot Test Results ................................................................................................ 58
4.3 Response Rate .................................................................................................... 59
4.4 Firms Characteristics ......................................................................................... 60
4.4.1 Industry Experience ........................................................................................ 60
4.4.2 Firms Duration with KAM ............................................................................ 61
4.4.3 Firms KAM Classification ............................................................................. 62
4.4.4 Firms Organizational Form ............................................................................ 63
4.4.5 Workers Employed by the Firms .................................................................... 64
4.4.6 Firms Manufactured Products ........................................................................ 65
4.4.7 Firms Organizational Structure...................................................................... 66
4.5 Assumptions of Multiple Regression Analysis .................................................. 66
4.5.1 Normality Tests for the Profitability ............................................................... 66
4.5.2 Autocorrelation Test for Profitability ............................................................. 68
4.5.3 Homoscedastic Test for Profitability .............................................................. 69
4.5.4 Testing for Outliers ......................................................................................... 70
4.6 Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability in Manufacturing Firms ...................... 71
4.6.1 Reliability Measurement for Credit Policy ..................................................... 78
4.6.2 Correlation Analysis between Credit Policy and Profitability ........................ 79
4.6.3 Regression Line Fitting between Credit Policy and Profitability ................... 80
4.6.4 Conclusion on Credit Policy ........................................................................... 82
4.7 Effects of Accounts Payable Practices on Profitability ...................................... 83
4.7.1 Reliability Measurement for Accounts Payable Practices .............................. 87
4.7.2 Correlation between Accounts Payable Practices and Profitability ................ 89
4.7.3 Curve Fit between Profitability and Accounts Payable Practices ................... 90
4.7.4 Conclusion on Accounts Payable Practices .................................................... 92
4.8 Effects of Inventory Control Practices on Profitability ...................................... 93
Table 4.32: Inventory Control Practices Results...................................................... 96
4.8.1 Reliability Measurement for Inventory Control Practices .............................. 96
4.8.2 Correlation between Inventory Control Practices and Profitability ................ 98
4.8.3 Regression Line between Inventory Control Practices and Profitability ........ 99
4.8.4 Conclusion on Inventory Control Practices .................................................. 101
4.9 Effects of Liquidity Management Practices on Profitability ............................ 102
4.9.1 Reliability Measurement for Liquidity Management Practices .................... 106
4.9.2 Correlation between Liquidity Management Practices and Profitability ...... 108
4.9.3 Regression Line between Liquidity Management Practices & Profitability. 108
4.9.4 Conclusion on Liquidity Management Practices .......................................... 111
4.10 Effects of Working Capital Levels on Profitability........................................ 111
4.10.2 Correlation between Working Capital Levels and Profitability.................. 117
4.10.3 Curve Fit between Working Capital Levels and Profitability..................... 118
4.10.4 Conclusion on Working Capital Levels ...................................................... 120
4.11 Effects of Working Capital Management on Profitability ............................. 121
4.11.1 Combined Correlation Matrix for the all Variables .................................... 121
4.11.2 Test for Multicollinearity ............................................................................ 122
4.11.3 Combined Effect of the Independent Variables on the Profitability ........... 123
4.11.4 Optimal Conceptual Model ......................................................................... 126
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................. 128
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 128
5.2 Summary of the Findings ................................................................................. 128
5.2.1 Credit Policy and its Effect on Profitability .................................................. 129
5.2.2 Accounts Payable Practices and their Effect on Profitability ....................... 129
5.2.3 Inventory Control Practices and their Effect on Profitability ....................... 130
5.2.4 Liquidity Management Practices and their Effect on Profitability ............... 130
5.2.5 Working Capital Levels and their Effect on Profitability ............................. 131
5.2.6 Combined Effect of all Independent Variables on Profitability.................... 131
5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 132
5.3.1 Credit Policy and its Effect on Profitability .................................................. 132
5.3.2 Accounts Payable Practices and their Effect on Profitability ....................... 132
5.3.3 Inventory Control Practices and their Effect on Profitability ....................... 132
5.3.4 Liquidity Management Practices and their Effect on Profitability ............... 133
5.3.5 Working Capital Levels and their Effect on Profitability ............................. 133
5.4 Recommendations of the Study ........................................................................ 133
5.4.1 Credit Policy and its Effect on Profitability .................................................. 133
5.4.2 Accounts Payable Practices and their Effect on Profitability ....................... 134
5.4.3 Inventory Control Practices and their Effect on Profitability ....................... 134
5.4.4 Liquidity Management Practices and their Effect on Profitability ............... 134
5.4.5 Working Capital Levels and their Effect on Profitability ............................. 134
5.5 Areas for Further Research ............................................................................... 135
5.6 Policy Implication ............................................................................................ 135
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 136
Table 1.1: Key Contributors to Export / Foreign Exchange Earnings in 2012 .......... 2
Table 1.2: Key Contributors to GDP between 2008 and 2012 .................................. 3
Table 1.3: Total Number of Workers in Manufacturing Sector between 2008 &
2012 .................................................................................................................... 4
Table 3.4: Determination of Sample Size ................................................................ 46
Table 4.5: Factor Analysis Results........................................................................... 58
Table 4.6: Reliability Test Results ........................................................................... 59
Table 4.7: Rate of Response by the Respondents .................................................... 60
Table 4.8: Industry Experience ................................................................................ 60
Table 4.9: Firms Duration with KAM .................................................................... 61
Table 4.10: Firms KAM Classification .................................................................. 63
Table 4.11: Firms Organizational Form ................................................................. 64
Table 4.12: Workers Employed by the Firms .......................................................... 65
Table 4.13: Firms Manufactured Products ............................................................. 65
Table 4.14: Firms Organizational Structure ........................................................... 66
Table 4.15: Normality Results for Profitability ....................................................... 68
Table 4.16: Autocorrelation Test for Profitability ................................................... 69
Table 4.17: Cooks Distance Statistics..................................................................... 71
Table 4.18: Reliability Measurement Results of Credit Policy ............................... 78
Table 4.19: KMO and Bartletts Test Results of Sphericity for Credit Policy ........ 79
Table 4.20: Correlation between Credit Policy and Profitability............................. 80
Table 4.21: Linear Estimation of Credit Policy and Profitability ............................ 81
Table 4.22: ANOVA for Credit Policy and Profitability ......................................... 82
Table 4.23: Regression Coefficients of Credit Policy and Profitability .................. 82
Table 4.24: Accounts Payable Practices Results...................................................... 86
Table 4.25: Reliability Measurement Results of Accounts Payable Practices......... 87
Table 4.26: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Accounts Payable Practices ....... 88
Table 4.27: Component Matrix of Accounts Payable Practices .............................. 89
Table 4.28: Correlation between Accounts Payable Practices and Profitability...... 90
Table 4.29: Model Summary for Accounts Payable Practices ................................. 91
Table 4.30: ANOVA for Accounts Payable Practices and Profitability .................. 92
Table 4.31: Regression Coefficients of Accounts PayablePractices & Profitability92
Table 4.32: Inventory Control Practices Results...................................................... 96
Table 4.33: Reliability Measurement Results of Inventory Control Practices......... 96
Table 4.34: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Inventory Control Practices ....... 97
Table 4.35: Component Matrix of Inventory Control Practices .............................. 97
Table 4.36: Correlation between Inventory Control Practices and Profitability...... 99
Table 4.37: Model Summary of Inventory Control Practices ................................ 100
Table 4.38: ANOVA for Inventory Control Practices and Profitability ................ 101
Table 4.39: Regression Coefficients of Inventory Control Practices &Profitability
........................................................................................................................ 101
Table 4.40: Reliability Measurement Results of Liquidity Management Practices
........................................................................................................................ 106
Table 4.41: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Liquidity Management Practices
........................................................................................................................ 107
Table 4.42: Component Matrix of Liquidity Management Practices .................... 107
Table 4.43: Correlation of Liquidity Management Practices and Profitability...... 108
Table 4.44: Model Summary of Liquidity Management Practices ........................ 110
Table 4.45: ANOVA for Liquidity Management Practices and Profitability ........ 110
Table 4.46: Prediction of Profitability from Liquidity Management Practices ..... 111
Table 4.47: Working Capital Levels Results ......................................................... 115
Table 4.48: Reliability Measurement Results of Working Capital Levels ............ 116
Table 4.49: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Working Capital Levels ........... 116
Table 4.50: Component Matrix of Working Capital Levels .................................. 117
Table 4.51: Correlation between Working Capital Levels and Profitability ......... 118
Table 4.52: Model Summary for Working Capital Levels .................................... 119
Table 4.53: ANOVA for Working Capital Levels and Profitability ...................... 120
Table 4.54: Prediction of Profitability from Working Capital Levels ................... 120
Table 4.55: Co linearity Statistics .......................................................................... 123
Table 4.56: Model Summary on Combined Effect ................................................ 124
Table 4.57: ANOVA for Multiple Regression Analysis ........................................ 125
Table 4.58: Beta Coefficients of the Variables of the Combined Model ............... 126
Table 4.59: Credit Policy Results .......................................................................... 158
Table 4.60: Component Matrix of Credit Policy ................................................... 161
Table 4.61: Liquidity Management Practices Results............................................ 162
Table 4.62: Correlation Matrix of all Variables ..................................................... 163
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework.......................................................................... 15
Figure 4.2: Normal Histogram for Profitability ....................................................... 67
Figure 4.3: Homoscedastic Test Profitability .......................................................... 70
Figure 4.4: Curve Fit of Credit Policy and Profitability .......................................... 81
Figure 4.5: Curve Fit of Accounts Payable Practices and Profitability ................... 91
Figure 4.6: Curve Fit of Inventory Control Practices and Profitability ................. 100
Figure 4.7: Curve Fit of Liquidity Management Practices and Profitability ......... 109
Figure 4.8: Curve Fit between Working Capital Levels and Profitability ............. 119
Figure 4.9: Optimal Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 127
APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire ................................................................................. 150
APPENDIX 11 Record Survey Sheet .................................................................... 157
APPENDIX III Letter to the Company Chief Finance Officer .............................. 157
APPENDIX IV Credit Policy Results .................................................................... 158
APPENDIX V Component Matrix of Credit Policy .............................................. 161
APPENDIX VI Liquidity Management Practices Results ..................................... 162
APPENDIX VII Correlation Matrix of all Variables ............................................. 163
AKI: Association of Kenya Insurers
ANOVA: Analysis of Variance
BIS: Business Innovation and Skills
EOQ: Economic Order Quantity
FPEAK: Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
ICPAK Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya
KAM: Kenya Association of Manufacturers
MSEs: Micro and Small Enterprises
NSE: Nairobi Securities Exchange
OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
ROA: Return on Assets
ROCE: Return on Capital Employed
ROI: Return on Investment
ROK: Republic of Kenya
RON: Republic of Namibia
SMEs: Small and Medium Enterprises
SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Sciences
VIF: Variance Inflation Factor
WCM: Working Capital Management
Aggressive Financing Policy: It is defined as a working capital management
policy that uses high levels of short term liabilities and low level of long term
liabilities (Hussain, Farooz & Khan, 2012).
Average Collection Period: It the days sales outstanding and it is the average
amount of time that a company holds its accounts receivables (Ross, Westerfield,
Jaffe & Jordan, 2008)
Average Payment Period: It is the time taken to pay firms suppliers (Mathuva,
2010). It is the figure that measures the average amount of time that a company
holds its accounts payable.
Cash Conversion Cycle: It is the net time interval between cash collections from
sale of a product and cash payments for the resources acquired by the firm (Pandey,
Current Ratio: It is ratio that is given by total current assets divided by total
current liabilities. It is the ratio that indicates whether short term assets are
sufficient to meet short term obligations (Pandey, 2008).
Inventory Turnover in Days: It is the days sales inventory and is the figure that
measures the average amount of time that a company holds its inventory (Ross,
Westfield, Jaffe & Jordan, 2008).
Large Enterprises: They are enterprises that employ over 100 workers (Kenya,
Republic of, 1999; Kenya, Republic of, 2005)
Liquidity Ratios: Liquidity ratios are ratios that measure the relationship between
a firms liquidity or current assets and liabilities (Cornett, Adair, & Nofsinger,
2009). Liquidity ratios are computed by comparing the relationship between the
various groups of current assets and current liabilities to measure the liquidity
position of a company.
Medium Enterprises: These are enterprises that employ between 51 100 workers
(Kenya, Republic of, , 1999; Kenya, Republic of, 2005).
Small Enterprises: These are enterprises that employ between 11 and 50 workers
(Kenya, Republic of, 1999; Kenya, Republic of, , 2005).
Small and Medium Enterprises: These are enterprises that employ between 11
and 100 workers (Kenya, Republic of, , 1999; Kenya, Republic of, , 2005).
Working Capital: It is a firms investment in short term assets such as cash, short
term securities, bills receivable, inventory of raw materials and finished goods
(Radhika & Azhagaiah, 2012)
In Kenya, manufacturing sector is the second most important sector after
agriculture. It is important in terms of contribution to gross domestic product,
employment and foreign exchange earnings. In the last decade, the manufacturing
sector has been struggling to thrive and some key firms in the sector have closed
operations. This is due to unfavorable working conditions. These problems compel
companies to maintain either excessive or inadequate working capital levels. Both
levels are undesirable. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the
effects of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing firms in
Kenya. The study had five objectives, that is, to determine whether credit policy
influences profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya, establish the degree to
which accounts payable practices influence profitability of manufacturing firms in
Kenya, examine how inventory control practices influence profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya, establish whether liquidity management practices
influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and investigate whether
working capital levels influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The
study employed a correlational research design. A questionnaire was used to collect
primary data for the independent variables and a record survey sheet was used to
collect secondary data for the dependent variable (profitability). The target
population was 413 manufacturing firms in Nairobi industrial area and its environs.
These firms were registered with Kenya association of manufacturers and were in
the KAM 2011 directory. A sample of 81 chief finance officers filled in the
questionnaire. The sample was determined using stratified random sampling
method. Data received from secondary sources and from the chief finance officers
was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0.
Both descriptive and quantitative analyses were used. In descriptive analysis,
percentages of the responses and the mean were computed. Under quantitative
analysis, Karl Pearsons correlation, regression and ANOVA analyses were used.
The results of the study showed that there was positive linear relationship between
all independent variables (credit policy, accounts payable practices, inventory
control practices, liquidity management practices and working capital levels) and
the dependent variable (profitability) and all the models were significant. The null
hypotheses in this study were rejected. The overall model was tested using the F-
test at 5% level of significance. The findings of the analysis revealed that all the
independent variables had a significant combined effect (R2 = 0.933) on
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and can be used to predict
profitability. The study makes the following recommendations; manufacturing
firms to regularly review their credit policies, make early payments to their
suppliers to enjoy good relationship with their suppliers, install and maintain
modern inventory control systems, establish optimal cash targets, lower and upper
limits and employ accountants with adequate knowledge in financial matters. On
policy implication, the government of Kenya through the ministry of
industrialization should create an authority to oversee the development and success
of manufacturing sector so as to be in line with vision 2030. Companies should
employ qualified accountants who are members of the institute of certified public
accountants of Kenya.
1.1 Background of the Study
Manufacturing sector in an economy remains one of the most powerful engines for
economic growth. It acts as a catalyst to transform the economic structure of countries
from simple, slow growing and low value activities to more vibrant and productive
economies. Its productive economic activities are driven by technology and therefore
enjoy great margins (Amakom, 2012). This brings about growth prospects in the
economies. Manufacturing sector today has become the main means for developing
countries to benefit from globalization and bridge the income gap with the industrialized
world (Amakom, 2012). Manufacturing sector may be looked global, regional and local
In the east manufacturing sector is vibrant. It is the second largest sector of the economy
of Pakistan after agriculture and it accounts for 19.1% of G.D.P (Raheman, Afza,
Qayyum & Bodla, 2010). In Singapore, the sector accounted for 27% of its GDP in
2005, 25% of its total employment and more than 50% of its exports (RON, 2007).
The manufacturing sector contributes about 10% to GDP. This is quite below what
advanced countries in the east and west contribute to their GDP. However, the sector
ranks second after agriculture in its contribution to GDP. In the period 2008 to 2012, the
five most important sectors of the economy contributed together over 60% to GDP as
shown in table 1.2 below:
Manufacturing sector employs about 20% of the total workers in the economy. This
proportion is higher than what other economies employ. This shows that the
manufacturing sector is an important sector in the Kenyan economy. Thus, developing
this sector further will generate more employment, foreign exchange and increased gross
domestic product. In 2012, the total number of workers employed in the formal, private,
public and informal sector stood at 2,105,000 against the total workers population of
11,399,800 (Kenya, Republic of. 2013). There was a constant increase in the number of
workers employed between 2008 and 2012 in the manufacturing sector. The total
increase between 2008 and 2012 was 273,100 workers as shown in table 1.3:
Table 1.3: Total Number of Workers in Manufacturing Sector between 2008 &
Category 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Private Sector 237,900 237,200 238,600 242,400 247,600
Public Sector 26,900 26,900 27,800 27,900 28,100
Informal Sector 1,567,100 1,644,200 1,711,200 1,780,800 1,829,300
Total Manufacturing 1,831,900 1,908,300 1,977,600 2,051,100 2,105,000
Total Economy 9,411,400 9,886,400 10,389,000 10,885,300 11,399,800
Source: Kenya, Republic of (2013)
There are about 2071 manufacturing firms in Kenya according to the ministry of
industrialization data bank. Majority of manufacturing firms in Kenya, employ up to 100
workers (Kenya, Republic of, 2007). However, there are a few manufacturing firms that
are large and others micro in the cottage industry employing less than 10 workers. There
were 670 manufacturing firms in the directory of Kenya association of manufacturers
(KAM, 2011).
The KAM is a membership organization whose role is to provide leadership and services
aimed at enhancing the development of a competitive manufacturing sector in Kenya.
The manufacturing firms registered under KAM are more formal than other unregistered
firms. This made this sector a appropriate area of study especially in a study requiring
sensitive financial information. Four hundred and thirteen (413) manufacturing firms
operating in Nairobi industrial area and its environs and were in the 2011 directory of
KAM formed the target population of this study.
The decision to study the manufacturing sector was due to several factors; first, the
manufacturing sector was expected to remain a vibrant and strong contributor to
sustained recovery and growth of the Kenyan economy. The manufacturing sector was
expected to pick up and grow at a better rate after the post election violence (PEV),
global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 and the shrinking of the Kenyan shilling against
the major world hard currencies in 2011. Secondly, the manufacturing sector remains the
largest source of employment opportunities, accounting for about 20% of the total
employment or 2,105,000 persons in 2012 (Kenya, Republic of, 2013). Based on the
forecasted favorable economic outlook, employment was expected to grow in the
foreseeable future. As an important sector in the overall economic growth,
manufacturing sector requires an in-depth analysis at industry as well as firm level.
The most important goal in operating a company is to earn an income for its owners. A
business that is not profitable cannot survive. Conversely, a business that is highly
profitable has the ability to reward its owners with a large return on their investment.
Increasingly, profitability is one of the most important tasks of the business managers.
Managers constantly look for ways to change the business to improve profitability
(Refuse, 1996).
A study carried out by Makori and Jagongo (2013) on working capital management and
firms profitability on manufacturing companies listed on Nairobi Securities Exchange
found that working capital has a a significant impact on profitability of the firms and
play a key role in the value creation for shareholders as longer cash conversion cycle has
a negative impact on profitability of a manufacturing firm.
1.1.5 Overview of Working Capital Management and Manufacturing Firms
One aspect that needs investigation is the management of working capital in
manufacturing firms. Working capital is the difference between current assets and
current liabilities. Working capital meets the short term financial requirements of a
business enterprise. It is a trading capital, not retained in the business in a particular
form for longer than a year (Padachi, 2006). The money invested in it changes form and
substance during the normal course of business operations. Working Capital
Management (WCM) is a tool used to immunize corporations from financial upheavals
and when managed strategically can improve a companys competitive position and
profitability (Gill, 2011). The wider perspective of WCM contributes to the greater
opportunities to create wealth. Increasing the speed of a cash conversion cycle through
receivable and payable management helps improve on profitability and liquidity
(Johnson & Soenen, 2003). Further, effective inventory management is also critical to
the management of liquidity and profitability in many companies.
Working capital management efficiency is vital for manufacturing firms, where a major
part of the assets is composed of current assets (Horne & Wachowitz, 2004). One of the
major components of working capital is inventory. The inventory of a manufacturing
concern comprise of finished goods, work in progress and raw materials. The sum of the
three components of the inventory constitutes a heavy investment in a manufacturing
firm. Current assets for a typical manufacturing company account for over half of its
total assets (Raheman & Nasr, 2007).
In the present day of rising capital cost and scarce funds, the importance of working
capital needs special emphasis. It has been widely accepted that the profitability of a
business concern likely depends upon the manner in which working capital is managed
(Kaur, 2010). Both excessive and inadequate working capital positions are dangerous
from the firms point of view (Islam & Mili, 2012). Excessive working capital leads to
unproductive use of scarce funds. Excessive working capital means holding costs and
idle funds which earn no profits for the firm (Islam & Mili, 2012). This leads to reduced
profits although it guarantees a low liquidity risk.
evidenced by recent closure of Pan Paper Mills in Webuye and Cadbury East Africa.
Other firms like Eveready East Africa have contemplated closure of their operations. All
these companies cite high operation costs as the main cause of the precarious financial
situation (Kenya, Republic of, 2007). Companies are closing doors and others are
operating at breakeven point (KAM, 2006). If this trend continues unabated, Kenyas
hope of rising to a middle level economy as envisioned by vision 2030 is in doubt.
Nkwankwo and Osho (2010) assert that a firm that manages its working capital
inefficiently has every possibility that a lot of mayhem will fall on the organization.
Such mishap may range from setting, inability to expand, reduction in value of the
company as well as its shares; inability of the management to cope up with
organizational technical improvement; and financial losses, liquidity, susceptibility to
liquidation and insolvency.
Two most recent studies carried out in Kenya show that manufacturing firms in Kenya
in general are currently facing working capital management problems. Muchina and
Kiano (2011) and Nyabwanga, Ojera, Lumumba, Odondo and Otieno (2012) found that
manufacturing firms in Kenya are facing problems with their collection and payment
policies as well as not paying attention to inventory levels. These have affected
profitability of the manufacturing firms and in turn have affected the value of
companies. If these problems are not addressed manufacturing firms can go under and
this can have a significant ripple effect on the whole economy (Ali, 2009). This
represents a serious impediment to Kenyas effort to achieve middle level economy by
the year 2030 and will have a difficult time rising economically to the level of Asian
tigers such as Malaysia and Singapore.
To better understand these assertions, the study sought to carry out a working capital
management diagnosis in Kenya with the objective of determining the effects of
working capital management on profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. Such a
diagnosis has not been carried out in Kenya and the outcome of the study forms a basis
of future study on working capital management in manufacturing firms in Kenya.
H02: Accounts payable practices do not influence profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya
H03: Inventory control practices do not influence profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya
H04: Liquidity management Practices do not influence profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya
H05: Working capital levels do not influence profitability of manufacturing
firms in Kenya
general WCM framework for research, policy makers, professionals and managers has
been formulated that will guide further research, reappraise current business practices
and provide basic guidelines for new policies in dynamic business environment.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter focused on the theories, models and empirical literature relevant to effects
of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The
section was divided into the following sections; the concept of working capital
management, conceptual framework, review of related literature, critique of the related
literature and research gaps.
Current liabilities are organizations commitments for which cash will soon be required.
They include bank overdraft, accounts payables and unpaid bills (Pandey, 2008). A
company is responsible for paying these obligations on a time basis. Liquidity for the on
going company is not reliant on the liquidation value of its assets, but rather on
operating cash flows generated by those assets (Soenen, 1993).
Working capital is regarded as life giving force for any economic unit and its
management is considered among the most important functions of corporate
management (Pandey, 2008). Every organization, profit oriented or not, irrespective of
size and nature of business requires necessary amount of working capital. Working
capital is the most crucial factor for maintaining liquidity, survival, solvency and
profitability of business (Mukhopadhy, 2004).
Working capital management is important due to many reasons. For one thing, the
current assets of a typical manufacturing company, account for over one half of its total
assets (Reheman & Nasr, 2007). Eiteman, Stonehill, Moffett and Pandey (2008) assert
that credit terms extended by manufacturers to retailers are of such magnitude as to
constitute purchase of the retailer, such purchase being necessary to build an operational
distribution system between the manufacturer and the ultimate customer. In a
Manufacturing company, working capital cycle is the average time that raw materials
remain in stock less the period of credit taken from suppliers and the sum of time taken
to produce the goods, the time the goods remain in the finished goods store, and the time
taken by credit customers to pay for the goods (Reheman & Nasr, 2007). For a
manufacturing concern the working capital cycle is longer than that of merchandised
business. Thus, a manufacturing concern requires more funds to finance working capital.
Companies may have an optimal level of working capital that maximizes their value.
Large inventory and a generous trade credit policy may lead to high sales. Trade credit
may stimulate sales because it allows customers to assess product quality before paying
(Long, Maltiz & Ravid, 1993; and Deloof & Jegers, 1996). A popular measure of
working capital management (WCM) is the cash conversion cycle; the time lag between
the expenditure for purchases of raw materials and the collection of sales of finished
goods. The longer this time lag, the larger the investment in working capital (Deloof,
2003). A longer cash conversion cycle might increase profitability because it leads to
higher sales. However, corporate profitability might also decrease with the cash
conversion cycle, if the cost of higher investment in working capital rises faster than the
benefits of holding more inventories and/or granting more trade credit to customers.
Many surveys have indicated that many managers spend considerable time on the day to
day problems that involve working capital decisions. One reason for this is that current
assets are short lived investments that are continually being converted into other assets
types (Rao, 1989). Taken together, decisions on the level of different working capital
components become frequent, repetitive and time consuming. Working capital
management is a very sensitive area in the field of financial management (Joshi, 1994).
It involves the decision of the amount and composition of current assets and the
financing of these assets. The working capital management of a company in part affects
its profitability.
that eliminates the risks of inability to meet due short term obligations on one hand and
avoid excessive investment in these assets on the other hand (Eljelly, 2004).
Credit Policy
Credit Standards
Credit Terms
Collection Efforts
Credit Worthiness
Accounts Payable Practices
Relationship with Suppliers
Payment period
Delays in Payment
Inventory Control Practices PROFITABILITY
Inventory Levels Return on Assets
Inventory Control System
Liquidity Management Practices
Current Ratio
Quick Assets Ratio
Cash Management
Working Capital Level
creditworthiness of customers. Accounts payable practices were measured by
relationship with suppliers, delays in payments and payment period allowed by
suppliers. Inventory control practices were measured by inventory control system and
inventory levels. Liquidity management practices were measured using current ratio,
quick ratio, and cash management. Working capital levels were measured using
aggressive investment policy, conservative investment policy, aggressive financing
policy and conservative financing policy. The dependent variable was the profitability
which was measured by return on assets (ROA).
Trade credit is very important to a firm because it helps to protect its sales from being
eroded by competitors and also attract potential customers to buy at favorable terms
(Kakuru, 2001). As long as there is competition in the industry, selling on credit
becomes inevitable. A business will loose its customers to competitors if it does not
extend credit to them. Thus, investment in accounts receivables may not be a matter of
choice but a matter of survival (Kakuru, 2001). Given that investment in receivables has
both benefits and costs; it becomes important to have such a level of investment in
receivables at the same time observing the twin objectives of liquidity and profitability
(Dunn, 2009).
Credit policy is the most popular medium of managing and regulating receivables. To
ensure optimal investment in receivables, a business is required to have an appropriate
credit policy. Credit policy is designed to minimize costs associated with credit while
maximizing the benefits from it. Credit policy refers to guidelines that spell out how to
decide which customers are sold on open account, the exact payment terms, the limits
set on outstanding balances and how to deal with delinquent accounts (Filbeck &
Krueger, 2005). According to (Pandey, 2008; Atkinson, Kaplan & Young, 2007;
Brigham, 1985) credit policy is defined in the manner as the combination of such terms
as credit period, credit standards, collection period, cash discounts and cash terms.
Therefore, despite the fact that organizations have different credit policies, the content of
these policies must touch on credit period, credit standards, collection period and credit
terms (Filbeck & Krueger, 2005).
Credit policy is either lenient or stringent. Kalunda et al. (2012) argue that a lenient
credit policy tends to give credit to customers on very liberal terms and standards such
that credit is granted for longer periods even to those customers whose credit worthiness
is not well known. A stringent credit policy on the other hand is restrictive and allows
credit only to those customers whose credit worthiness have been ascertained and are
financially strong. There are no two organizations with a similar credit policy. Whether
lenient or stringent credit policy is adopted by an organization, it must ensure that it
attracts and retains good customers, without having a negative impact on the cash flow
(Kalunda et al., 2012).
Miller (2008) argues that there are four reasons why organizations have written credit
policies. First, the undertaking of managing receivables is a serious responsibility. It
involves limiting bad debts and improving cash flow. Outstanding receivables become a
major asset of a firm and therefore require a reasoned and structured approach and
therefore credit management is necessary. Second, a credit policy assures a degree of
consistency among departments. By writing down what is expected, the aims of the
company (whether marketing, production or finance) will realize that they have a
common set of goals. Also, a written policy can delineate each department functions so
that duplication of effort and needless friction are avoided. Third, it provides for a
consistent approach among customers. Decision making becomes a logical function
based on pre-determined parameters. This simplifies the decision process and yields a
sense of fairness that will only improve customer relations. Finally, it can provide some
recognition of the credit department as a separate entity, one which is worthy of
providing input into the overall strategy of the firm. This allows the department to be an
important resource to top management (Kalunda et al., 2012).
Due to the speed in which technology is changing and the dynamics in business caused
by changes in their internal and external environment, the ways in which businesses are
conducted today differ significantly from yester years. Therefore, for a credit policy to
be effective it should not be static (Szabo, 2005). Credit policy requires to be reviewed
periodically to ensure that the organizations operate in line with the competition. This
will ensure further that sales and credit departments are benefiting.
Organizations differ so do their credit policies. While most companies have their own
policies, procedures and guidelines, it is unlikely that any two firms will define them in a
similar manner. However, no matter how large or small an organization is and regardless
of the differences in their operations or product, the effects of credit policies usually
bring about similar consequences. Effects of a credit policy are either good enough to
bring growth and profits or bad enough to bring declination and losses. This similarity is
as a result of the aim of every manager which is to collect their receivables efficiently
and effectively, thus maximizing their cash inflows (Ojeka, 2012).
Clarke and Survirvarma (1999) argue that granting credit is a journey, the success of
which depends on the methodology applied to evaluate and award the credit. This
journal starts from the application for credit through acquisition of credit sales and ends
at the time the debt is fully paid. Granting credit exists to facilitate sales. However, sales
are pointless without due payment, therefore the sales and credit functions must work
together to achieve the well known objective of maximum sales within minimum length
of time (Miller, 2008). Atkinson et al(2007) and Brigham (1985) assert that a credit
policy touches on credit period, credit standards, collection efforts and credit terms. This
study looks at credit standards, credit terms, collection efforts and credit worthiness of
customers and loss given default theory.
analysis requires the use of financial ratios, particularly those reflecting the firms
liquidity position (Pandey, 2008).
Credit standards involve application of well defined procedures to ensure a standard way
of granting credit. Credit procedures are specific ways in which top management
requires credit department to achieve the best results for the organization (Dunn, 2009).
Credit procedures include instructions on what data to be used for credit investigation
and analysis process, provide information for data approval process, accounts
supervision and instances requiring management notification.
According to (Weston & Copeland, 1995; Kalunda et al., 2012) there are six Cs of
credit which should be considered by credit managers in any industry. They are
character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition and contribution. The six Cs can help
manufacturing firms to decrease the default rate, as they get to know their customers.
The six Cs of credit represent the factors by which credit risk is judged (Kalunda et al.,
2012). Information on these is obtained from a number of sources, including the firms
prior experience with the customer, audited financial statements for previous years,
credit reporting agencies or customers commercial banks
net period ending on day 30. As with net terms; the buyer is in default if payment is not
made by the end of the net period.
Chee and Smith (1999) assert that unless transactions occur instantaneously, payment
arrangement is in effect credit terms. Longer credit periods or more liberal credit terms
are likely to stimulate sales, but at the same time, the firm forgoes the use of its money
for a greater length of time and increases the potential for bad debts losses. According to
Pandey (2008) a firm can shorten its credit period if customers are defaulting too
frequently and bad debts are building up. However, the firm will lengthen credit period
to increase its operating profit through expanded sales.
Use of litigation against a customer who fails to meet his obligation is a collection effort
geared to collect a debt that is already bad. A creditor takes this direction when there is a
major break down in the repayment agreement resulting in undue delays in collection in
which it appears that legal action may be required to effect collection (Kakuru, 2001).
This collection effort arises when the creditors relationship with the debtor has become
Finally, the debt may be written off. The debt is written off when the creditor feels that
the debt is uncollectable. If a debt is deemed to be bad and the company has lost it, it is
better to write it off from the books of accounts to give a true and fair view of the
companys financial position (Kakuru, 2001). A collection effort is a control process. It
ensures that trade debts are recovered early enough before they become un-collectable
and therefore a loss to the organization (Saleemi, 1993).
Customers should only be allowed credit on the basis of their creditworthiness in order
to minimize the level of default and bad debts. Dunn (2009) asserts that creditors must
apply the techniques of credit selection and standard for determining which customers
should receive credit. In the process of determining the creditworthiness of a customer,
the creditor has to apply the six Cs of credit; character, capacity, capital, collateral,
condition and contribution (Weston & Copeland, 1995).
Managers can create profit for their companies if they maintain accounts receivables at
optimal level (Gill, Biger & Mathur, 2010). Systems can be installed to decrease
investment in inventories and can enable companies increase profitability. Managers can
create value for shareholders by means of decreasing receivable accounts (Deloof, 2003;
Mohammad, 2011). There is a significant negative relationship between profitability and
the average collection period (Deloof, 2003; Raheman & Nasr, 2007; Mathuva, 2010;
Muchina & Kiano, 2011). According to Padachi (2006) high investment in accounts
receivable is associated with low profitability. Therefore, the objective of the study was
to determine whether credit policy influences profitability of manufacturing firms in
Kenya. The null hypothesis was stated as follows;
23 Relationship with Suppliers
Utilizing the relationship with the creditor is a sound objective that should be
highlighted as important as having the optimal level of inventories (Hill & Sartoris,
1992). Accounts payable should be maximally used by firms. Sound management of
suppliers credit requires current up to date information on account and aging of
payables to ensure proper payments (Helfert, 2003). Proper management of creditors
enables a firm to maintain good relationship with the suppliers. This ensures that the
firm has a continuous provision of trade credit which is a cheap source of finance.
period is obtained by dividing accounts payable by cost of sales and multiplying the
results by 365days (Deloof, 2003; Padachi, 2006; Reheman & Nasr, 2007; Saghir,
Hashmi & Hussain, 2012).
Mathuva (2010) argues that there is a highly significant relationship between the time it
takes the firm to pay its creditors and profitability. However, this contradicts the opinion
of Deloof (2003) who asserts that there is a negative relationship between average
payment period and profitability. Muchina and Kiano (2011) carried out a study about
the influence of working capital management on firms profitability. The study did not
confirm nor reject that average payment period affects profitability.
Under this study, the objective was to establish the degree to which accounts payable
practices influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and the null hypothesis
was stated as follows
Transaction cost theory focuses on transactions and costs that attend completing
transactions by one institutional mode rather than another (Williamson, 1975). The
theorys central claim is that the transactions will be handled in such a way as to
minimize the costs involved in carrying them out (Muchina & Kiano, 2011). A
transaction, a transfer of good or service is the unit of analysis in transaction cost theory
and the means of effecting the transaction is the principal outcome of interest
(Williamson, 1975). Accounts payable practices can be explained by transaction cost
theory in that the loss in discounts from the suppliers is a cost to the debtor.
managers can create value for shareholders by means of decreasing inventory levels.
However, maintaining inadequate level of inventory is also dangerous because ordering
costs are too high. It may also lead to stock out costs. Saleemi (1993) asserts that there
are advantages of maintaining an ideal level of inventory. This includes economies of
scale to be gained through quantity and trade discounts, less risks of deterioration and
obsolescence, and reduced cost of insurance among others. A study carried out by
Mathuva (2010) on the influence of working capital management components on
corporate profitability found that there exists a highly significant positive relationship
between the period taken to convert inventories into sales and profitability. This meant
that firms maintained sufficiently high inventory levels which reduced costs of possible
interruptions in the production process and loss of business due to scarcity of products.
Nyabwanga et al(2012) found that small scale enterprises often prepare inventory
budgets and reviewed their inventory levels. These results were in agreement with the
findings of Kwame (2007) which established that majority of businesses review their
inventory levels and prepare inventory budgets. These findings had already been
stressed by Lazaridis and Tryponidis (2006) that enhancing the management of
inventory enables businesses to avoid tying up excess capital in idle stock at the expense
of profitable ventures. Nyabwanga et al(2012) assert that good performance is
positively related to efficiency inventory management.
techniques such as EOQ and Linear Programming to provide additional information for
decision making. Small firms on the other hand used management judgement without
quantitative back up.
Under this study, the objective was to examine how inventory control practices influence
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and the null hypothesis was stated as
The basic EOQ model is based on the assumptions that only one product is produced,
annual demand requirements are known, demand is spread evenly throughout the year so
that demand rate is reasonably constant, lead time does not vary, each order is received
in a single delivery and there is no quantity discounts. The model is expressed as
Maintaining optimal inventory levels reduces the cost of possible interruptions or loss of
business due to the scarcity of products, reduces supply costs and protects against price
fluctuations (Nyabwanga et al., 2012).
2.3.4 Liquidity Management Practices
Manufacturing firms need cash and other liquidity assets or current assets to pay their
bills or current liabilities as they fall due. Liquidity ratios measure the relationship
between a firms liquid or current assets and its current liabilities as they fall due
(Cornett et al., 2009). If a company has insufficient current assets in relation to its
current liabilities, it might be forced into liquidation.
Liquidity problems can arise from the failure to convert current assets into cash in a
timely manner or from excessive bad debt losses. Therefore, liquidity is an important
aspect that conveys a good picture about the ability of the firm to generate cash and pay
short term liabilities and long term debts as they fall due (Award & Al-Ewesat, 2012).
Hence, Liquidity ratios are computed to compare the relationship between various
groups of current assets and current liabilities to measure the liquidity position of a firm.
Saleemi (1993) argues that liquidity ratios help in ascertaining the effectiveness of the
working capital management. Current, quick and cash ratios are the three types of
liquidity ratios that are normally computed. Amalendu and Sri (2011) in their study on
liquidity management on profitability in steel industries in India used current ratio and
absolute liquidity ratio as measures of liquidity. They found a positive relationship
between liquidity and profitability. However, for the purpose of this study, current and
quick ratios as well as cash management were considered.
Current ratio indicates the liquidity position of a company. It measures the ability of a
company to meet its current liabilities as they fall due. If a company has insufficient
current assets in relation to its current liabilities, it might be unable to meet its
commitments and be forced into liquidation (Saleemi, 1993).
involves the determination of the optimal cash to hold by considering the trade-off
between the opportunity cost of holding too much cash and the trading cost of holding
too little cash (Ross et al2008). Atrill (2006) asserts that there is a need for careful
planning and monitoring of cash flows over time so as to determine the optimal cash to
A study by Kwame (2007) established that the setting up of a cash balance policy
ensures prudent cash budgeting and investment of surplus cash. These findings agreed
with the findings of Kotut (2003) who established that cash budgeting is useful in
planning for shortage and surplus of cash and has an effect on the financial performance
of the firms. Ross et al(2008) assert that reducing the time cash is tied up in the
operating cycle improves a businesss profitability and market value. This further
supports the significance of efficient cash management practices in improving business
performance. Nyabwanga et al(2012) in their study on effects of working capital
management practices on financial performance found that small scale enterprises
financial performance was positively related to efficiency of cash management.
In this study, the objective was to establish whether liquidity management practices
influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and the null hypothesis was
stated as;
According to this model, cash is assumed to start from a replenishment level, C, and
then declines smoothly to a value zero. When cash declines to zero, it can be
immediately replenished by selling another C worth of marketable securities, for which
the firm has to pay a trading cost of F (Cornett et al., 2009).
In Baumol model, the financial manager has to decide on the repartition of liquid funds
between cash and marketable securities (Pandey, 2008). Once again, there is a trade-off
which constitutes the basis for the calculation. Yet, this trade-off is related to the
opportunity costs of holding cash which increase along with the cash level and the
trading costs which are incurred with every transaction and which decrease when the
cash level increases (Cornett et al., 2009).
The opportunity costs represent the interest forgone for funds which are held in cash
instead of being invested. The trading costs correspond to fixed costs which are incurred
when a company decides to either buy or sell marketable securities (Pandey, 2008). If a
company decides to maintain a low cash level it will have to carry out many transactions
leading to high trading costs but low opportunity costs because there are little idle cash
funds. If it maintains a high level of cash, the firms opportunity costs will be higher due
to the relatively large amount of un-invested cash but the trading costs will decrease
since only a few transactions will be necessary (Pandey, 2008).
Baumols cash management model has three assumptions; first, the firm uses cash at a
steady predictable rate, cash flows from operations also occur at a steady state and
finally the net cash out flow occur at a steady state. Under these assumptions the model
can be stated as follows:
C* = 2TF / i
Where: C= is the optimal cash replenishment level
T = is the annual demand for cash
F = is the trading cost per transaction
I = is the interest rate on marketable securities
Hence, using this formula an organization can determine the optimal cash replenishment
level. Despite the fact that Baumols cash management is an important tool in
management, it suffers from a number of short comings; first, the model assumes that
the firm has a constant, perfectly disbursement rate for cash. In reality, disbursement
rates are much more variable and unpredictable; secondly, the model assumes that no
cash will come in during the period in question. Since most firms hope to make more
money than they pay out, and usually have cash inflows at all times, this assumption is
obviously at odd with what we see. Finally, the model does not allow for any safety
stock of extra cash to buffer the firm against unexpectedly high demand for cash
(Cornett et al., 2009).
Z* = 3 3F2 /4idays +L
H* = 3Z* - 2L
The firm determines L, and the firm can set it to a non-zero number to recognize the use
of safety stock. Z* is the optimal cash return point and is the replenishment level to
which cash is replenished when the cash level hits L. H* is the upper limit for cash
balances and cash balances are brought down to Z* when cash balance hits H* (Cornett
et al., 2009).
The firm sets the lower limit as per its requirements of maintaining cash balance and
upper limit as the control limit as well as its return point. If cash balance reaches the
upper limit, the firm buys sufficient securities to return the cash balance to a normal
level called the return point. When cash balances reach a lower limit, the firm sells
securities to bring the balance back to return point (Pandey, 2008).
ODonnell & Goldberger (1964) assert that the adequacy of cash and current assets
together with their effective handling virtually determines the survival or demise of a
concern. An enterprise should maintain adequate working capital for its smooth
functioning. If materials are recklessly purchased, it will result in dormant slow moving
and absolute inventory. However, inadequate amount of inventory will result to stock
outs and interruption in operations (ODonnell & Goldberger, 1964). Cash must also be
maintained at an ideal level. It may also result to increased cost due to mishandling,
waste and theft. Too much or inadequate level of cash balances mean cash is not
properly utilized. Inadequate level of cash balance for example can lead to stoppage in
business operations (Padachi, 2006). A company may be profitable but with no liquid
cash which can result to operations interruptions. The company can also be forced into
winding up by its creditors.
this study, aggressive investment, conservative investment, aggressive financing and
conservative financing policies were considered.
Raheman et al(2010) found that firms follow a conservative working capital policy.
However, Weiraub and Visscher (1998) had found that industries do not significantly
follow either aggressive or conservative working capital policies. Therefore, some firms
follow aggressive and others conservative working capital policies. There is no strong
tendency that a more aggressive approach in one area is balanced by a more
conservative approach in the other (Weinraub & Visscher, 1998). According to
Sathymoorthi and Wally-Dima (2008) companies tend to adopt a conservative
investment approach during the time of high business volatility and an aggressive
investment approach in the time of low volatility.
Firms put the liquidity at risk, if they concentrate more on the utilization of current
liabilities by using aggressive current liability policy (Nasir & Afza, 2009). The level of
aggressiveness of working capital financing policy is measured by ratio of short term
liabilities to total assets, where the higher value of this ratio shows more aggressiveness
(Weinraub & Visscher, 1998; Nasir & Afza, 2009). An aggressive financing policy
results in higher shorter term liabilities, shorter cash conversion cycle, lower interest
cost, higher risk and higher required return (Pinches, 1997). Hussain et al(2012) found
that firms that use an aggressive financing policy with high level of current liabilities
increase profitability. However, Al-mwalla (2012) found that an aggressive financing
policy has a negative impact on firms profitability and value.
Since the working capital levels have some influence on profitability as per the empirical
evidence, the study proposed to investigate whether working capital levels influence
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and the null hypothesis was stated as
H05: Working capital levels do not influence profitability of manufacturing
Firms in Kenya
The risk and the expected returns are expected to move in the same direction. The higher
the risk, the higher is the expected return. Very low risk investments provide a low
return and high risk investments provide a high return. A proper balance between risk
and return should be maintained to maximize the value of a firms shares (Pandey,
2008). Investors take higher risk investments in expectation of earning higher returns
(Weinraub & Visscher, 1998).
Cornett et al(2009) assert that in the short run, higher risk investments often significantly
under perform the lower risk investments. However, firms and investors should expect
higher risk investments to earn higher returns only over the long term. This theory was
used by Weinraub & Visscher (1998) Industry Practice relating to aggressive and
conservative working capital policies.
2.3.6 Profitability
Profitability is the ability for an organization to make profit from its activities. Agha
(2014) defines profitability as the ability of a company to earn profit. Profit is
determined by deducting expenses from the revenue incurred in generating that revenue.
Profitability is therefore measured by incomes and expenses. Income is the revenues
generated from activities of a business enterprise. The higher the profit figure the better
it seen as the business is earning more money on capital invested. For a manufacturing
firm, revenues are generated from sales of products produced. Expenses are the costs of
the resources used up and consumed in the manufacturing process together with other
selling and administrative expenses. Drucker (1999) asserts that for a business enterprise
to continue running, it must make profits. However, a business can not shut down its
doors simply because it has made a loss in a single financial year but when the firm
makes losses continuously in consecutive years this jeopardizes the viability of that
business (Dunn, 2009).
The amount of profit can be a good measure of performance of a company. So profit is
used as a measure of financial performance of a company as well as a promise for the
company to remain a going concern in the world of business (Agha, 2014). The
profitability position of the manufacturing firms was analyzed using return on assets
(ROA). Return on assets indicates how profitable a business is relative to its assets and
gives how well the business is able to use its assets to generate earnings calculated.
Nyabwanga, Ojera, Otieno and Nyakundi (2013) assert that return on assets must be
positive and the standard figure for return on assets is 10% - 12%. The higher the ROA
the better because the business is earning more money on the capital invested.
Ikram, Mohamad, Khalid and Zaheer (2011) studied working capital management on
profitability in the cement industry. The results of the study were based on only one sub
sector within the manufacturing sector. Therefore, the results of this study should be
used with caution and should only be generalized to the cement industry and not entire
manufacturing sector.
Mathuva (2010) concentrated on the firms listed in Nairobi securities exchange. The
companies listed in the stock exchanges are large companies. Small companies were
excluded from this study. Therefore, the results of study can only be generalized on
large and listed companies.
Studies on working capital management use secondary data. Mousavi and Jari (2012),
Kaddumi and Ramadan (2012) and Gakure et al(2012) used record survey sheet to
collect the secondary data. However, Nyabwanga et al(2012) studied the effects of
working capital management practices on performance of small enterprises in Kisii
South District in Kenya. They used a questionnaire to collect the primary data.
Secondary data from financial statements give values at a specific date and therefore
require to be supplemented by primary data collected from opinions of finance
Padachi (2006) studied the trends in working capital management and its impact on
firms performance in small manufacturing companies in Mauritius. His study concluded
that there is a pressing need for further empirical studies to be undertaken on small
business financial management, in particular their working capital practices by
extending the sample size so that an industry wise analysis can help to uncover the
factors that explain the better performance for some industries and how these best
practices could be extended to other industries.
Muchina and Kiano (2011) studied the influence of working capital management on
firms profitability of small and medium enterprises sector. They argued that despite
significant role played by smes, their financial management environment is not well
understood especially in the area of working capital management. However, in their
study they attempted to analyze the relationship between working capital management
efficiency and profit in SME sector in Kenya. They looked at the whole spectrum of
enterprises and did not confine themselves on manufacturing firms. They also used
secondary data only.
Raheman and Nasr (2007) in their study on working capital management and
profitability concluded that if firms properly manage their cash, accounts receivables
and inventories, it will ultimately lead to increased profitability of the firms. They
suggested that further research be conducted on the same topic with different firms.
They also argued that further research be extended to working capital components
management including cash, marketable securities, receivables and inventory
management. There has been no study on cash management, receivables and inventory
management since the proposal to study on the same was given.
Therefore, this study was an attempt to fill the gap in knowledge concerning effects of
working capital management on profitability in the whole spectrum of the manufacturing
industry in Kenya both in quoted and unquoted companies. The study used primary data
for the independent variables and secondary data for the dependent variable.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter describes the methodological design that was used to achieve the aims and
objectives of the study. Part 3.1 discussed the research design. The justification of the
chosen research design was given. Part 3.2 to 3.9 describe the target population,
sampling technique, sample size, research instruments, data collection procedures, pilot
test, data analysis and presentations, statistical model and hypothesis testing that were
used in the study.
Shaughnessy, Zechmeister and Zechmeister (2002) assert that there are many different
types of research designs that can be used in research. However, historical research
design, case and field research design, descriptive research, correlational research
design, ex post facto research design, time series research design, experimental research
design and quasi experimental research design are the most used in social sciences. Each
research design has its own merits. This research design used correlational research
design because this research design attempts to explore relationships to make
predictions. Correlational research design is also appropriate because only one set of
subjects with six variables was used. Therefore, this research design was used to
identify, describe, show relationships and analyze variables of working capital
management that affect profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya. The main
objective of a correlational research design is the discovery of associations among
different variables (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Thomson, Diamond, mcwilliams and
Snyder (2005) argue that correlational evidence is more informative when exemplary
practices are followed as regards to measurements, quantifying effects, avoiding
common analysis errors and using confidence intervals to portray the range of possible
effects and the precision of the effects estimates. Correlational research design has been
used in similar past studies. Two most recent studies that used correlation research
designs are Mousavi and Jari (2012) and Kaddumi and Ramadan (2012). Mousavi and
Jari (2012) used correlational research design in their study to investigate the
relationship between working capital management and corporate performance of
companies listed in the Tehran stock exchange. Kaddumi and Ramadan (2012) used
correlational research design to investigate the effects of working capital management
on profitability on Jordan industrial firms listed at Amman Stock Exchange.
3.2 Population
A population is defined as total collection of elements about which we wish to make
some inferences (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Other scholars (mcmillian & Schumacher
2010; Zikmund, 1997) define population as a large collection of subjects from where a
sample can be drawn. Kothari (2004) refers population to all items in any field of
inquiry which is also known as the universe.
Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2002) assert that a target population is the group of
individuals to whom the survey applies. It is the collection of individuals about whom
conclusions and inferences are made (Enarson, Kennedy & Miller, 2004). Mugenda and
Mugenda (2004) term target population as that population to which a researcher wants to
generalize the results of his study.
The studys target population was 413 manufacturing firms operating in Nairobi
industrial area and its environs. The respondents were the chief finance officers of
manufacturing firms registered with KAM and were in KAMs 2011 directory. The
study focused exclusively on the manufacturing firms that deal with transformation of
raw materials and semi finished products into more complex form or for the final
consumers. The 413 firms operated in twelve major industry groups as shown in
appendix V111.
Kerlinger (1973) indicates that a sample size of 10% of the target population is large
enough so long as it allows for reliable data analysis by cross tabulation, provides
desired level of accuracy in estimates of the large population and allows for testing the
significance of differences between the estimates. Jayarathne (2014) while studying the
impact of working capital management on profitability from listed companies in Sri
Lanka used Naasiuma (2000) model to calculate the sample size from a population of 39
listed companies. Jayarathne (2014) arrived at a sample of 28 companies. In Kenya,
Nyanamba (2013) used Naasiuma (2000) model in his study on effects of corporate
reforms on corporate governance in coffee societies. This study used Naasiuma (2000)
model to determine the sample size. The sample size in this study was determined using
the following formula:
Proportional allocation was used to determine the size of each sample for different strata
Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2007). The sample was stratified into the twelve sub-
sectors as per KAM 2011 directory classification. The sample was determined as shown
in table 3.4 below:
Energy, Electrical & Electronics 18 4.39 4
Foods & Beverages Sector 88 21.31 17
Leather & Footwear Sector 6 1.45 1
Metal & Allied Sector 45 10.90 9
Motor Veh. Assembly & Accessories 20 4.84 4
Paper & Board Sector 52 12.59 10
Pharmaceutical & Med. Equip. 19 4.60 4
Plastics & Rubber Sector 53 12.83 10
Textile & Apparels Sector 27 6.54 5
Timber, Wood & Furniture Sector 14 3.39 3
Total 413 100.00 81
The study used stratified random sampling technique in the selection of the sample.
Bryman (2008), Cooper and Schindler (2011) and Saunders et al., (2007) assert that
stratified random sampling technique is appropriate where most population can be
segregated into several mutually exclusive sub-populations or strata.
Saunders et al(2007) indicate that most studies use questionnaires. Newing (2011) and
Bryman (2008) explain that questionnaires consist of a series of specific, usually short
questions that are either asked verbally by an interviewer or answered by the
respondents on their own. Questionnaires may be close or open ended. In close ended
questionnaires, the response categories are exhaustive and include possible responses
expected from respondents that include opinions and policy issues. A questionnaire was
used to collect data for the independent variables. A questionnaire was used in Kenya by
Nyabwanga et al(2012) and Kalundu et al(2012) to collect data on the effects of working
capital management practices on financial performance on small and medium scale
enterprises in Kisii South District and credit risk management practices in
pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Kenya respectively.
A questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Cooper and Schindler (2011) support
the use of self administered questionnaires in descriptive studies because they cost less.
Saunders et al(2007) argue that self administered questionnaires are usually completed
by the respondents electronically using internet, posted to respondents who return them
by post after completion, or delivered by hand to each respondent and collected later. In
this study drop and pick method was used to administer the questionnaires. This method
is convenient to use, cheap, easier and quicker to administer. It is also highly convenient
for the respondents as they can complete the questionnaire during their spare time when
their work load is manageable. In the recent past the use of drop and pick administered
questionnaire method was used in Bangladesh by Rahman (2011) to collect primary data
on working capital management on profitability in textile industry. In Africa, Dumbu
and Chabaya (2012) successfully used drop and pick method to administered their
questionnaire on their study on the impact of working capital management practices on
performance of manufacturing micro and small enterprises in Zimbabwe.
Baker (1988) argues that the size of a sample for the purpose of pilot testing can range
between 5% and 10%. However, Mugenda and Mugenda (2004) argue that the pretest
sample should be between 1% and 10% depending on the size of the sample, the larger
the sample, the smaller the percentage. In this study, the questionnaire was pilot tested
on 10% of the sample to ensure that the instrument was relevant and reliable. The
questionnaire was tested on eight (8) respondents. In a pilot test the respondents do not
have to be statistically selected when testing for validity and reliability (Cooper &
Schindler, 2006). Nyabwanga et al(2012) assert that the respondents for a pilot study
must come from outside the sample selected from the main sample of the study and they
effectively used this method in their study on effects of working capital management
practices on financial performance of small and medium enterprises in Kisii south
district. They administered 10 questionnaires to small and medium enterprises in the
neighbouring Kisii central district. For the purpose of this study, the pilot test was done
on firms registered with KAM that were within Nakuru region. This minimized the cost
of carrying out the pilot test because the companies are close to each other. Nakuru
region also neighbours Nairobi environ where the main study was carried out.
Saunders et al(2007) explain construct validity as the extent to which the measurement
questions actually measure the presence of those constructs one intended to measure. In
this study and for the purpose of construct validity, the questionnaire was divided into
several sections to ensure that each section assessed information for a specific objective,
and also ensured that the same closely tied to conceptual framework of the study.
Content validity is the extent to which the measurement device provides adequate
coverage of investigative questions. Creswell (2003) suggests that a colleague and / or
an external auditor can provide additional insight into the study and research findings.
To ensure content validity the questionnaire was subjected to though examination by
two independent resource persons, from the institute of certified public accountants of
Kenya. The resource persons were asked to evaluate the statements in the questionnaire
for relevance and whether they were meaningful and clear.
On the basis of evaluation, the instrument was adjusted appropriately before subjecting it
to the final data collection exercise. Quality items were chosen from review of relevant
theoretical and empirical literature of credit policy, accounts payable practices,
inventory control practices, liquidity management practices, working capital levels and
profitability. These items were used to construct the questionnaire in Appendix 1.
Nyabwanga et al(2012) used this approach of enhancing content validity in testing their
Cronbachs alpha was used to test the reliability of the measures in the questionnaire
(Cronbach, 1951). Bryman (2008) suggests that where cronbach alpha is used for
reliability test, as a rule of thumb, cronbach alpha values for items included in a study
should not be lower than 0.8. Nunnally (1978) suggested that where the cronbachs
alpha is used for reliability test, as a rule of thumb, cronbachs alpha values for items
included in a study should not be lower than 0.7. Gliem and Gliem (2003) recommend a
cronbach that exceeds 0.7. In this study, reliability of 0.7 and above was considered
acceptable and the formula developed by Cronbach was used to calculate the alpha
(Cronbach, 1951).
Sekaran (2006) and Cooper and Schindler (2011) assert that cronbachs alpha has the
most utility for multi-item scales at the interval level of measurement. Cronbachs alpha
requires only a single administration of questionnaire and provides a unique, quantitative
estimate of the internal consistency of a scale. To increase the reliability of the
questionnaire, this study used cronbachs alpha for separate domains of the
questionnaire rather than the entire questionnaire. Sekaran (2006) states that in almost
all cases, cronbachs alpha can be considered a perfectly adequate index of the inter item
consistency reliability. This study ensured that the questionnaires were self administered
(drop and pick later). This ensured that the targeted respondents filled the questionnaire.
Descriptive analysis was the first step in the analysis. Descriptive statistics show the
percentages and mean of different items in the study. In the second step, the study
applied quantitative analysis. Before, quantitative analysis was carried out, factor
analysis was conducted. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as a data
reduction technique to reduce a large set of measures to smaller, more manageable
number of composite variables to be used in subsequent analysis. All composite
variables with factor loading of less than 0.4 were eliminated from further analysis
(David, Patrick and Philip, 2010).
Before carrying out factor analysis, two tests were carried out to determine whether
factor analysis was necessary. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Barttletts test of
spherity analysis were carried out. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure is used to
examine the appropriateness of factor analysis. High values (0.5 - 1.0) indicate that
factor analysis is appropriate. Therefore, if the KMO is more than 0.5 and Bartletts
value is less than 0.05, then factor analysis is necessary (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007;
William, Brown & Osman, 2010). Values of below 0.5 imply that factor analysis may
not be appropriate (Paton, 2002). Vijayakumar (2013) in their study of working capital
efficiency and corporate profitability from Indian Automobile industry used Kaiser-
Merger-Olkin (KMO) measure to examine the appropriateness of the use of factor
analysis. They found KMO measure to be 0.582. This signified that factor analysis was
appropriate to be used in that analysis. Bartletts test of Sphericity gave a chi square
value of 155.445 with a p-value of 0.000. This further supported the use of factor
analysis in the study. In Kenya, Omesa, Maniagi, Musiega and Makori (2013) carried
out a study on working capital management and corporate performance. They used
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartletts measure of Sphericity to examine the appropriateness
for the use of factor analysis. They found KMO measure to be 0.520 that signified that
factor analysis was appropriate to be used in that study. Bartletts test of Sphericity gave
a chi square value of 207.922 with a p-value of 0.000 which was significant at 99%
confidence. This further supported the use of factor analysis in the study.
Pearsons correlation, regression and ANOVA analysis were used. Karl Pearsons
correlation was used to show the relationship between variables such as those between
working capital management and profitability. Pearsons correlation was used to
measure the degree of association between different variables under consideration. A
number of recent studies have used Pearsons correlation, regression and ANOVA
analysis. Kaddumi and Ramadan (2012) used the models to determine the effects of
working capital management on profitability of Jordan industrial firms listed at Amman
stock exchange. Hussain, Farooz and Khan (2012) used these three models to investigate
the relationship between aggressiveness investment policy and aggressiveness financing
policy with profitability in Pakistan manufacturing firms.
In this study, an analysis of partial correlation between variables was also determined.
Kothari (2004) points out that partial coefficient of correlation measures separately the
relationship between two variables in a way that the effects of other related variables are
eliminated; the aim of the analysis was to measure the relationship between an
independent variable on the dependent variable holding all other variables constant; thus
each partial coefficient of correlation measures the effect of its independent variable on
dependent variable. Coefficient correlation between each set of pairs of variables was
computed guided by research hypothesis. A t-test at 5% level of significance was used to
determine the significance of partial correlation coefficient
Finally, the study used the regression analysis to estimate causal relationship between
profitability and other chosen independent variables. Multiple regression analysis was
used. Multiple regression analysis was used in the past by Uremadu, Egbide and Enyi
(2012) in their study on effects of working capital management and liquidity on
corporate profitability among Nigerian quoted firms. They used multiple analytical
models to estimate the relationship between the level of corporate profitability and four
independent variables; inventory conversion period, debtors collection period,
creditors payment period and cash conversion cycle.
Y = Profitability
0 = Constant
X1 = Credit policy
X2 = Accounts payable practices
X3 = Inventory Control Practices
X4 = Liquidity Management Practices
X5 = Working Capital Levels
1 = Regression Coefficient of variable X1 (Credit Policy)
2 = Regression Coefficient of Variable X2 (Accounts Payable
3 = Regression Coefficient of Variable X3 (Inventory Control
4 = Regression coefficient of variable X4 (Liquidity management
5 = Regression Coefficient of variable X5 (Working Capital Levels)
= Error term
This study determined the sample size using a stratified sampling technique which is
probabilistic. Testing of the study hypotheses was done through the use of probability.
The method of hypothesis testing or significance testing is said to be probabilistic only
when the sample from the population is determined using probability sampling method
(Mosteller, Rourke & Thomas, 2000; Kingoriah, 2004).
Where 1 was the regression coefficient of credit policy, X1 was credit policy. The other
independent variables; accounts payable practices, inventory control practices, liquidity
management practices and working capital levels were held constant.
3.9.2 Testing Hypothesis 2
To test the second hypothesis that accounts payable practices do not influence
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya, the following regression was used;
Y= 2 + 2(X2) +
Where 2 was the regression coefficient of accounts payable practices, X2 was the
accounts payable practices. The other independent variables credit policy, inventory
control practices, liquidity management practices and working capital levels were held
3.9.5 Testing Hypothesis 5
To test the fifth hypothesis that working capital levels do not influence profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya, a fifth regression was used;
Y= 5 + 5(X5) +
Where 5 was the regression coefficient of working capital levels, X5 were working
capital levels. The other independent variables credit policy, accounts payable practices,
inventory control practices and liquidity management practices were held constant.
4.1 Introduction
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of working capital management on
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This chapter presents the response rate,
sample firms characteristics, and descriptive analysis of the data, reliability, factor,
correlation, regression and ANOVA analysis. The chapter further presents the findings
from the tests of the five hypotheses that were drawn from the objectives.
The results of the reliability test are shown in table 4.6.The study used cronbachs alpha
statistic with a threshold of more than 0.7. All variables gave a cronbachs alpha of
more than 0.7and therefore were retained for further study.
Table 4.6: Reliability Test Results
Variable Cronbachs Alpha
Credit Policy 0.913
Accounts Payable Practices 0.713
Inventory Control Practices 0.703
Liquidity Management Practices 0.833
Working Capital Levels 0.833
Table 4.7: Rate of Response by the Respondents
Response Respondents (%)
Returned 71 87.7
Not Returned 10 12.3
Total Distributed 81 100.0
31 40 Years ago 12.7
41 50 Years ago 16.9
Over 50 Years ago 8.5
Total 100.0
Over 25 Years 15.5
Total 100.0
Table 4.10: Firms KAM Classification
Category (%)
Building, Mining and Construction 2.8
Chemical and Allied Sector 14.1
Energy, Electrical and Electronics Sector 5.6
Foods and Beverages Sector 19.7
Leather and Footwear Sector 1.4
Metal and Allied Sector 9.9
Motor Vehicles Assemblers and Accessories Sector 5.6
Paper and Board Sector 12.8
Pharmaceutical and Metal Equipment Sector 5.6
Plastic and Rubber sector 12.8
Textile and Apparels Sector 5.6
Timber, Wood and Furniture Sector 4.2
Total 100.0
Table 4.11: Firms Organizational Form
Category (%)
Listed Company 25.4
Other Limited Companies 69.0
Partnership 1.4
Sole Proprietorship 1.4
Co operative Society 1.4
Others 1.4
Total 100.0
Table 4.12: Workers Employed by the Firms
Category (%)
Between 1 and 10 Workers 5.6
Between 11 and 50 Workers 16.9
Between 51 and 100 Workers 25.4
Between 101 and 250 Workers 33.7
Between 251 and 500 Workers 9.9
Above 500 Workers 8.5
Total 100.0
4.4.7 Firms Organizational Structure
The study sought to establish the form of organization structure established in the firms.
Table 4.14 shows the distribution of the firms with their organization structure. A
significant majority (70.5%) of the firms shows that the firms organizational structures
are either simple or functional. The rest of the firms (29.5%) are organized either as a
division or matrix. This is expected because the firms employ up to 100 workers and
therefore they are small and medium (ROK, 2007). Table 4.14 also shows that the firms
are small and medium. Small firms do not require complex organizational structures.
Figure 4.2 shows that profitability is approximately normally distributed with a mean of
19.89 and a standard deviation of 5.902 and the number of manufacturing firms that
responded were 71 represented by N = 71.
Shapiro Wilk (W) test was used to test normality of profitability (Dependent Variable).
Shapiro Wilk (W) Test for normality of profitability was used because the sample size
was small (71 respondents). Shapiro Wilk (W) test is appropriate where the sample is
between 7 to 2000 respondents (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965). For large samples of between
2000 and 5000 respondents, Kolmogorov Smirnov (D) test is appropriate (Park, 2008;
Garson, 2012). The hypothesis to test was whether the data was normally distributed is
given by H0 and H1, set = 0.05, the rule is reject H0, if p-value is less than , else fail to
reject H0: (Park, 2008; Garson, 2012), Where:
H0: The data is normal
H1: The data is not normal
The results of the test are shown in table 4.15. The table indicates that using the Shapiro
Wilk test, the profitability data was normal since the p value for the test was 0.086
which is higher than 0.05. The study therefore concluded that the profitability variable
was normal in distribution.
The results of the test are shown in table 4.16. Table 4.16 shows a Durbin Watson co-
efficient of 1.8423 with a p-value of 0.1674. Since Durbin Watson coefficient was
between 1.5 and 2.5 and p-value higher than 0.05, the study failed to reject the null
hypothesis that there was no autocorrelation in the data residual. The study therefore
concluded that there was no autocorrelation of the profitability. Thus, linear regression
model was appropriate for this study. Ogundipe, Idowu and Ogundipe (2012) used
Durbin Watson test to determine whether there was autocorrelation in their data
residuals. Since their calculated Durbin Watson coefficient was between 1.5 and 2.5
(i.e. 1.961) they concluded that there was no autocorrelation in the data residuals. This
justified the use of the regression model in their study.
Table 4.16: Autocorrelation Test for Profitability
Durbin Watson
Statistic Sig.
Profitability 1.8423 0.1674
Figure 4.3: Homoscedastic Test Profitability
Table 4.17: Cooks Distance Statistics
Min. Max. Mean Standard N
Value Value Value Deviation
Credit Policy 0.000 0.429 0.025 0.067 71
Accounts Payable Practices 0.000 0.316 0.017 0.043 71
Inventory Control 0.000 0.173 0.012 0.025 71
Liquidity 0.000 0.220 0.017 0.037 71
Working Capital Levels 0.000 0.280 0.017 0.044 71
Credit management and policy are the basis for making decisions on extending credit.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms extended credit facilities
to their customers. A significant majority (88.8%) indicated that their firms extended
credit facilities to their customers, (5.6%) did not commit themselves while few (5.6%)
indicated that their firms did not extend credit facilities to their customers. This shows
that the majority of the respondents were of the opinion that their firms extended credit
facilities to their customers. The responses had a mean of 4.28. Most responses were 4,
confirming that firms extend credit facilities to their customers and therefore the firms
were maximizing their profits because the purpose of extending credit is to maximize
profits (Damilola, 2006).
respondents indicated that their firms consider production cycle when setting credit
standards, (8.5%) decline to indicate while few (8.4%) indicated that their firms did not
consider the production cycle. Majority were of the opinion that production cycle of
manufacturing firms is considered before credit standards are set. The responses had a
mean of 4.10. Most of the responses were 4, confirming that the production cycle is
considered when setting the credit standards. This confirms the result of the study
carried out by Ojeka (2012) in Nigeria that found out that manufacturing companies in
Nigeria consider the production cycle when setting their credit standards.
The length of credit period customers are allowed has an implication on both sales and
profitability. The respondents were requested to indicate whether the period of time they
allow their credit customers has any influence on sales. A significant majority (83.1%)
indicated that the length of time customers are allowed on credit sales has an influence
on sales, (9.9%) declined to indicate while few (7%) indicated that the length of time did
not have any influence on sales. Majority of the respondents were of the opinion that the
length of credit period customers are allowed has an implication on both sales and
profitability. The responses had a mean of 4.23. Most of the responses were 4,
confirming the statement that the length of credit period allowed to customers has an
implication on sales and profitability. Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (2006) argue that credit
period whether from suppliers or granted to customers, in most cases, has a positive
impact on profitability.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms frequently reviewed
levels of accounts receivables. A significant majority (95.8%) indicated that their
companies frequently reviewed levels of accounts receivables, (2.8%) declined to
indicate while few (1.4%) indicated that their companies did not review the levels of
their accounts receivables. Most of the respondents opined that their firms frequently
reviewed levels of accounts receivables. The responses had a mean of 4.41. Majority of
the responses were 4 and this confirms the statement that firms frequently review levels
of accounts receivables. This is in line with the argument of Elliots (2009) that
management must review and revise their credit policies periodically to incorporate
changes in strategic direction and risk tolerance or market conditions.
Credit sales are a sign that a firm is able to maximize its sales and therefore the profits.
However, the debts from customers must be recoverable. The respondents were
requested to indicate whether their firms reviewed the level of their debts. A significant
majority (87.3%) indicated that their firms reviewed the level of their debts, (9.9%) did
not commit themselves while few (2.8%) indicated that their firms did not review the
level of their debts. This shows that majority of the respondents showed that their firms
review the level of their bad debts. The responses had a mean of 4.23. Most of the
responses were 4 meaning that firms review the level of their bad debts. Eugene (1992)
and Owolabi and Obida (2012) argue that where goods are sold on credit a monitoring
system is important because without it, receivables will build up to excessive levels and
bad debts will off set profit on sales. Corrective action is often needed and the only way
to know whether the situation is getting out of hand is to set up and then follow a good
receivable control system.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms investigated the
creditworthiness of their customers. A significant majority (84.5%) indicated that their
firms investigated the creditworthiness of their customers before they extended credit
facilities to them, (5.6%) declined to indicate while few (9.9%) indicated that their firms
did not investigate creditworthiness of their customers before extending credit facilities.
This indicates that the majority of the respondents were in agreement that their firms
investigate creditworthiness of their customers. The response question had a mean of
4.14. Most responses were 4 and this confirms that firms investigate creditworthiness of
their customers. So that credit is not allowed to customers who may default, creditors
must apply the techniques of credit selection and standard for determining which
customer should receive credit (Dunn, 2009). This process involves evaluating the
customer creditworthiness.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms write off bad debts from
customers who do not pay. A majority (56.4%) of the respondents indicated that their
firms write off bad debts from customers who do not pay, (22.5%) declined to indicate
while few (21.1%) indicated that their firms do not write off bad debts from customers.
Majority of the respondents were of the opinion that their firms write off as bad debts
from customers who do not pay. The responses had a mean of 3.42. Most of the
responses were 3. This indicates that on average the respondents were neutral as to
whether their firms write off bad debts from customers who do not pay. This shows that
the firms have optimal credit policies that ensure that credit facility is granted only to
customers who pay their debts. Ross et al. (2008) assert that firms that are efficient in
receivable management should determine their optimal credit which minimizes the total
costs of granting credit.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms had set credit terms that
stipulated credit period extension. A majority (63.4%) indicated that their firms had set
credit terms that had stipulated credit period extension, (8.5%) declined to indicate while
(28.1%) indicated that their firms had not set credit terms. The responses had a mean of
3.37. This indicates that most of the responses were 3 which mean that the respondents
were indifference. This further means that (50%) of the firms set credit terms that
stipulate credit period extension and (50%) of the firms do not. Ojeka (2012) carried out
a study in Nigeria that showed that manufacturing companies set credit terms that
stipulate credit period extension and that the credit terms are reasonable enough to
induce sales.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms allowed cash discounts
to their customers to induce them to pay promptly. A significant majority (70.5%)
indicated that their firms allowed cash discounts to their customers to induce them pay
promptly, (22.5%) declined to indicate while few (7%) indicated that their firms did no
allow cash discounts to their customers. Majority of the respondents opined that their
firms allow cash discounts to their customers to induce them pay promptly. The
responses had a mean of 3.9. Therefore, most responses were 4 indicating that firms
allow cash discounts to their customers to induce them pay promptly. Reigner and Hill
(2010) argue that a cash discount acts as a tool to accelerate credit collection from the
customers and this helps the firm reduce on the level of receivables and their associated
costs. This means that the credit policy is designed well enough to bring about maximum
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms stipulated the amount of
discount allowed to a customer. A majority (69%) indicated that their firms stipulated
the amount of discount allowed to their customers, (19.7%) declined to indicate while
few (11.3%) indicated that their firms did not stipulate the amount of discount allowed
to their customers. The responses had a mean of 3.76. Hence, most of the responses were
4. This indicates that firms stipulate the amount of discount allowed to their customers.
Dunn (2009) asserts that once a credit decision has been made, the creditor has to decide
on the credit period, specify cash discount if any and credit instrument to be used. This
enables the debtor know with certainty the actual amount that he will pay and when to
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms considered production
cycle when setting the collection period. A significant majority (73.3%) indicated that
their firms considered production cycle when setting the collection period, (15.5%) did
not commit themselves while few (11.2%) indicated that their firms did not consider the
production cycle when setting the collection period. Majority of the respondents opined
that their firms considered production cycle when setting the collection period. The
responses had a mean of 3.86 and this is an indication that most responses were 4. This
shows that firms considered production cycle when setting collection period. This is in
line with the results of the study by Ojeka (2012) that found that manufacturing
companies in Nigeria consider production cycle when setting collection period.
The respondents were requested to indicate whether the period between credit sales and
cash collection was longer than 30 days. A majority (60.6%) indicated that the period
between credit sales and cash collection period was longer than 30 days, (14.1%) did not
commit themselves while (25.3%) indicated that the period between credit sales and
cash collection was shorter than 30 days. Majority of the respondents were of the opined
that the credit period allowed to customers is longer than 30 days. The responses had a
mean of 3.62. This is an indication that most of the responses were 4. Hence, the support
of the fact that the period allowed to customers is longer than 30 days. Ojeka (2012)
found that debtors collection period of manufacturing companies in Nigeria on average
was 30.65. However, Muchina and Kiano (2011) while studying small scale enterprises
in Kenya found that on average debtor collection period was 37 days. These two past
studies support the findings of this study that on average credit period between credit
sales and cash collection period is longer than 30 days
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms had set lenient credit
policies. A majority (56.4%) indicated that their firms credit policies were lenient,
(19.7%) did not commit themselves while (23.9%) indicated that the firms credit
policies were not lenient. Majority of the respondents indicated that their firms had set
lenient credit policies. The responses had a mean of 3.35. This indicates that most
responses were 3. This further indicates that the respondents were indifference as to
whether the credit policies set are lenient or stringent. This is an optimal credit policy.
According to Owolabi and Obida (2012) a loose credit policy increases sales and
profitability at the expense of liquidity and risk of bad debts. A strict credit policy on the
other hand increases liquidity and reduces the risk of bad debts but also reduces sales
and profitability. Therefore, a firm should strike a balance between loose and strict credit
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms overall credit policy had
an ability to increase sales. A significant majority (81.7%) indicated that their firms
overall credit policy had an ability to increase sales, (12.7%) did not commit themselves
while few (5.6%) indicated that the firms overall credit policy did not have an ability to
increase sales. Majority of the respondents were of the opinion that their firms overall
credit policy had an ability to increase sales. The responses had a mean of 4.17. Thus,
most responses were 4 implying that firms overall credit policies have the ability to
increase sales. This is an optimal credit policy that increases both liquidity and
profitability and reduces risk of bad debts (Owolabi & Obida, 2012).
The mean score of the responses was 3.89 on a scale of one to five. This shows that
there were more respondents who agreed with the statements in support of credit policy
having an influence on profitability. It can therefore be concluded that when credit
policy is well designed, it can adequately increase sales, reduce bad debts and improve
profitability in manufacturing firms.
The findings related to this objective are in concurrence with findings of prior studies.
Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (2006) found that credit period whether from suppliers or
granted to customers, in most cases, have a positive impact on profitability. They found
that firms were able to maximize sales and profits. Further, two collaborative studies
were carried out in Nigeria by (Ojeka, 2012; Owolabi & Obida, 2012) who argue that
where goods are sold on credit a monitoring system is important because without it,
receivables will build up to excessive levels and bad debts will off set profit on sales.
Corrective action is often needed and the only way to know whether the situation is
getting out of hand is to set up and then follow a good receivable control system. Elliots
(2009) suggests a need for management to review and revise their credit policies
periodically to incorporate changes in strategic direction and risk tolerance or market
conditions. Dunn (2009) on the other hand suggests that customers who may default
should not be allowed credit and the suppliers must apply the credit selection and
standard for determining which customer should receive credit and only credit worthy
customers should access credit.
Many manufacturing firms in Kenya continue to extend credit to their customers. Due to
bulkiness in production the firms must ensure that the stock does not pile up. The firms
have designed credit policies to ensure efficiency in selling on credit. Although selling
on credit comes with challenges like delay in receiving cash from the customers, bad
debts and increased borrowing to finance credit sales, precautions are taken to ensure
that risk is minimized. At the same time increased credit sales bring about increased total
sales and therefore increased profits. The responses from the respondents indicate the
existence of a high acceptance of the credit policies by the chief finance officers of
manufacturing firms in ensuring that the credit policies are designed in such a manner
that they are capable of increasing profitability of their firms.
Two tests were carried out to determine whether factor analysis was appropriate and the
results are displayed in table 4.19. The KMO results indicate a value of 0.689 which is
higher than the recommended value of 0.5 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown,
Osman, 2010). Bartletts test of sphericity on the other hand showed a p-value of 0.000
which was lower than 0.05 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown, Osman, 2010).
The two tests indicate that it was desirable to perform principal component analysis.
Table 4.19: KMO and Bartletts Test Results of Sphericity for Credit Policy
Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy 0.689
Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi square 614.185
Df 136
Sig. .000
Table 4.20: Correlation between Credit Policy and Profitability
Profitability Credit Policy
Profitability Pearson Correlation 1 .346**
Sig. (2-tailed) .015
N 71 71
Credit Policy Pearson Correlation .346**
Sig. (2-tailed) .015
N 71 71
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Figure 4.4: Curve Fit of Credit Policy and Profitability
A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) that provided information about levels of
variability within the regression model and which formed a basis for tests of significance
was used. ANOVA for the linear model presented in Table 4.22 of credit policy and
profitability has an F - value = 7.248 which is significant with p value = 0.016 < 0.05
meaning that the overall model is significant in the prediction of profitability in
manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study therefore rejected the null hypothesis that
credit policy has no influence on profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and
confirmed indeed that there is a positive and significant influence of credit policy on
profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya.
Analysis of the regression model coefficients is shown in table 4.23. From the table
there is a positive beta co-efficient of 0.323 as indicated by the co-efficient matrix with a
p-value = 0.011 < 0.05 and a constant of 12.512 with a p-value = 0.000 < 0.05.
Therefore, both the constant and credit policy contribute significantly to the model. The
model can provide the information needed to predict profitability from credit policy. The
regression equation is presented as follows: Y = 12.512 + 0.323X1 + ; Where Y =
Profitability, X1 is the credit policy and is the error term
Firms that receive credit facilities from their suppliers are firms that have good
relationship with their suppliers. The respondents were requested to indicate whether
their firms received credit facilities from their suppliers. A significant majority (91.6%)
indicated that their firms received credit facilities from their suppliers, (2.8%) did not
commit themselves while few (5.6%) indicated that their firms did not receive any credit
facility from their suppliers. The question had a mean of 4.24 and this shows that most
of the responses were 4. This is an indication that firms receive credit facilities from
their suppliers. When a firm carries goods on credit, it sometimes forgoes a cash
discount. Therefore, as argued by Horne and Wachowiwz (2005), a firm must weigh the
advantages of paying cash and therefore receive cash discount and the possibility of
losing cash discount, and any possible late payment penalties.
A significant majority (73.2%) of the respondents indicated that their firms received
cash discounts from their suppliers, (15.5%) did not commit themselves while few
(11.2%) indicated that their firms did not receive cash discounts from their suppliers.
The responses had a mean of 3.79 and this shows that most of the responses were 4. This
implies that the firms receive cash discounts from their suppliers. A customer receives a
cash discount when he makes payment within the cash discount period offered by the
supplier. Otherwise, the retailer pays the full invoice price within the trade credit period
(Huang, Chou & Liao, 2007). Cash discount period is shorter than the trade credit
period. Huang, Chou & Liao (2007) assert that cash discount has the effect of reducing
the cost of sales for a customer and therefore increased profit.
Interest charged by suppliers to debtors overdue accounts is an indication that all is not
well with the debtor. It is a sign that the debtor is in financial problems and is not able to
meet his financial obligations when they fall due. The respondents were requested to
indicate whether their firms were sometimes charged an interest by suppliers for late
payments. A few (38.1%) of the respondents indicated that that their firms were
sometimes charged an interest by their suppliers for late payment, (33.8%) did not
commit themselves and few others (28.2%) indicated that their firms were never charged
any interest for late payment. The responses had a mean of 3.13 suggesting that
majority of responses were 3 and this shows indifference as to whether the firms are
charged interest on late payment on their accounts. Basically, this shows that a few firms
may be having problems in meeting their financial obligations. A study by Ojeka (2012)
in Nigeria showed that businesses are allowed to charge interest on overdue invoices up
to 2% interest per month on the outstanding amount. By adding this interest to the
invoice prompts reluctant debtors to settle their accounts immediately. This shows that
the debtors are ignorant of settling their accounts unless they are pressurized by the
Waiving of a debt is a sign that the debtor has financial difficulties and other creditors
are cautioned from dealing with those customers. The respondents were requested to
indicate whether their firms past debts have ever been waived by their suppliers. A few
(30.9%) of the respondents indicated that debts of their firms had experienced a waiver
of their debts by their suppliers, (22.5%) did not commit themselves while (46.5%) of
the respondents indicated that their firms suppliers had never waived the debts of their
firms. The responses had a mean of 2.70 which shows that most responses were 3
indicating that the respondents were indifference as to whether their firms past debts
had been waived by their suppliers. Creditors do not normally waive debts owed by their
customers unless they are sure that the customers will never pay their debts. Neilthorpe
and Digney (2011) carried out a study on the injustices that creditors do in pursuing
bankrupt debtors whose lives and circumstances are already extremely difficult. They
discovered that creditors only waive debts owed by their customers only when they are
permanently incapacitated to pay the debts. The creditors also ensure that such debtors
are not extended further credit in future. Therefore, this study shows that manufacturing
firms in Kenya have capacity to pay their debts and continue taking credit from their
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms are sometimes unable to
pay their suppliers. A majority (60.5%) indicated that their firms sometimes are unable
to pay their suppliers, (15.5%) did not commit themselves while few (23.9%) of the
respondents said that their firms had no problems paying their debts. The responses had
a mean of 3.49 that shows that most of the responses had a 3 and this indicates
indifference situation or a 50-50 situation where half of the respondents approved and
the other half disapproved the fact that their firms are sometimes unable to pay their
debts. Further, it is true that firms may have been unable to pay their debts in the past
may be due to financial commitment in the purchase of non current assets. Dominy and
Kempson (2003) argue that despite a firm having problems in paying creditors due to
unavoidable circumstances it must ensure that the debt is paid so that good relationship
continues with the creditor.
Dominy and Kempson (2003) carried out a study on review of creditor and debtor
approaches to non payment of bills in UK. From the study they were able to categorize
customers owing money into three groups according to their ability to pay; there are
those who had money to pay when the debts fell in arrears and were still in a position to
pay when creditors reach the late stages of debt recovery. At the other extreme end, there
are people who do not have money either when the debts fall into arrears or when their
creditors seek to recover the money owed. In between was a third group, that comprise
people who are able to pay when the debts fall into arrears, however, as a result of a
change in circumstances, they can no longer afford to pay.
When the respondents were requested to indicate whether the payment period allowed to
their firms by their suppliers was reasonable; a significant majority (80.2%) indicated
that the credit period allowed by their suppliers was reasonable, (12.7%) did not commit
themselves while few (7%) of the respondents indicated that the credit period allowed by
their suppliers was not reasonable. It shows that majority of the respondents agreed that
payment period allowed to their firms by their suppliers was reasonable. The responses
had a mean of 3.94. Majority of the responses were 4 indicating that payment period
allowed to their firms by their suppliers was reasonable. The study by Muchina and
Kiano (2011) shows that on average the firms were taking 64 days to pay their debts.
This is two months or so. This confirms that the creditors allow enough time to the
manufacturing firms to pay their debts.
The mean score of all the responses was 3.55 on a scale of one to five. This shows that
there were more respondents who agreed with the statements in support of accounts
payable practices having an influence on profitability. This means that accounts payable
practices are fairly good. Utilizing the relationship with the suppliers is a sound
objective that should always be highlighted as important just like optimal levels of
inventories and ideal credit policies (Hill & Sartoris, 1992). Accounts payable should
be optimally used by manufacturing firms. Sound management of suppliers credit
requires current up to date information on account of aging of payables to ensure proper
payments (Helfert, 2003).
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Likert
% % % % % Mean
1 The firm receives credit facilities 1.4 4.2 2.8 52.1 39.5 4.24
from its suppliers
2 The firm receives cash discounts 5.6 5.6 15.5 50.7 22.5 3.79
from its suppliers upon payment
within a stipulated period of time
3 The firm is sometimes charged an 9.9 18.3 33.8 25.4 12.7 3.13
interest by its suppliers for late
4 The firms past debts have ever 21.1 25.4 22.5 23.9 7.0 2.70
been waived by suppliers
5 The firm is sometimes unable to 7.0 16.9 15.5 40.8 19.7 3.49
pay its suppliers on time
6 The payment period allowed to the 1.4 5.6 12.7 57.7 22.5 3.94
firm by its suppliers is reasonable
Average 7.7 12.7 17.1 41.8 20.7 3.55
Accounts Payable Practices 6 0.844
Two tests were carried out to determine whether factor analysis was appropriate and the
results are displayed in table 4.26. The KMO results indicate a value of 0.519 which is
higher than the recommended value of 0.5 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown,
Osman, 2010). Bartletts test of sphericity on the other hand showed a p-value of 0.000
which was lower than 0.05 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown, Osman, 2010).
The two tests indicate that it was desirable to perform principal component analysis.
Table 4.26: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Accounts Payable Practices
Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy 0.519
Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi square 78.152
Df 15
Sig. .000
Table 4.27: Component Matrix of Accounts Payable Practices
Factor Factor
The firm receives cash discounts from its suppliers upon payment within a 0.900
stipulated period of time
The firm is sometimes unable to pay its suppliers on time 0.816
The payment period allowed to the firms by its suppliers is reasonable 0.815
The firm receives credit facilities from its suppliers 0.783
The firm is sometimes charged an interest by its suppliers for late payment 0.660
The firms past debts have ever been waived by its suppliers 0.587
Table 4.28: Correlation between Accounts Payable Practices and Profitability
Accounts Payable
Profitability Practices
Figure 4.5: Curve Fit of Accounts Payable Practices and Profitability
Regression analysis was conducted to determine the amount of variation in profitability
explained by accounts payable practices. The calculated R value was 0.403. R2 value
was 0.162 which means that 16.2% of the corresponding variation in profitability can be
explained by change in accounts payable practices. The rest 83.8% can be explained by
other factors that are not in the model. The results of the analysis are shown in table
A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) whose results formed a basis for tests of
significance was used. The ANOVA for the linear model presented in table 4.30 of
accounts payable and profitability has an F value = 16.014 which is significant with p-
value p = 0.000 < 0.05 meaning that the overall model is significant in the prediction of
profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study therefore reject the null
hypothesis that accounts payable practices do not have any influence on profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya and confirm indeed that there is a positive and significant
influence of accounts payable practices on profitability of manufacturing firms in
Analysis of the regression model coefficients is shown in table 4.31. From table 4.31
there is a positive beta co-efficient of 0.911 as indicated by the co-efficient matrix with a
p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 and a constant of 9.892 with a p-value = 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore,
both the constant and accounts payable practices contribute significantly to the model.
Therefore, the model can provide the information needed to predict profitability from
accounts payable practices. The regression equation is presented as follows: Y =
9.892+0.911X2 + ; Where Y = Profitability, X2 is the accounts payable practices and is
the error term
Defined levels of inventories ensure that firms are able to plan when to procure for
additional inventories. The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms
had defined levels of inventories for their raw materials. A majority (66%) indicated that
their firms had defined levels of inventories for their raw materials, (12.7%) did not
commit themselves while few (11.2%) indicated that their firms did not have defined
levels of inventories for their raw materials. The responses had a mean of 3.85. Majority
of responses had 4 indicating that the firms have defined levels of inventories for raw
materials. With well defined levels of raw materials, firms are able to maintain ideal
levels of stock and this further means minimum cost of ordering and stock holding.
Therefore, the firms are able to maximize their profits. This contradicts the study carried
out by Nyabwanga et al. (2012) that showed that majority of small firms do not stock
optimal quantities of inventories and do not determine re-order points.
An ideal level of inventories is a good indicator that the inventories are well managed
and this leads to increased profitability. The respondents were requested to indicate
whether their firms had determined optimal batch sizes. A significant majority (77.4%)
indicated that their firms had determined optimal batch sizes, (16.5%) did not commit
themselves while few (5.6%) indicated that their firms had not determined optimal batch
sizes. The responses had a mean of 3.90. Review of inventory levels helps firms
determine ideal levels of inventory and reduces redundant inventory. Atrill (2006)
asserts that there are certain costs that relate to holding too much inventories and also
costs relating to holding too little inventories. Thus, the management should put in place
an effective management system to ensure reliable sales forecast to be used in stock
ordering purposes.
Respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms reviewed inventory levels
periodically. A significant majority (91.5%) indicated that their firms reviewed
inventory levels periodically, (5.6%) did not commit themselves while few (2.8%)
indicated that their firms do not review their inventories levels. The responses had a
mean of 4.32. This is an indication that most of the responses were 4 implying that firms
review inventory levels periodically. Ross et al. (2008) observed that the economic order
quantity model is one of the approaches of determining the optimum inventory level and
takes into account the inventory carrying costs, inventory shortages costs and total costs
that help in determination of the appropriate inventory level to hold. The holding costs
increase in time e.g. Insurance, rent e.t.c. Therefore, the management needs to keep on
reviewing the level of inventories periodically.
Keeping accurate records helps firms reduce pilferages and theft as well as maintaining
ideal levels of inventories. This has an effect of reducing total cost of operation. The
respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms maintained accurate records.
A significant majority (94.4%) indicated that their firms keep accurate inventory
records, (5.6%) did not commit themselves while few (2.8%) indicated that their firms
did not keep accurate records. The responses had a mean of 4.34 and therefore, many of
the responses were 4 indicating that firms maintain accurate records. The requirements
of inventories keep on changing periodically. Therefore, records well kept help
managers determine optimal inventories levels. Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (2006) found
that firms that do not maintain optimal levels of inventories lead to tying up excess
capital at the expense of profitable operations. They argued that managers of firms
should keep their inventories to an optimum level since mismanagement of inventory
will lead to tying up of excess capital at the expense of profitable operations.
A firm that has a sound inventory control system is capable of maximizing profits. The
respondents were asked to indicate whether their firms had inventory control systems. A
significant majority (91.5%) indicated that their firms had inventory control systems,
(4.2%) did not commit themselves while few (4.2%) indicated that they did not have
inventory control systems. The responses had a mean of 4.22 indicating that firms have
established inventory control systems. This contradicts the study carried out by
Grablowsky (2005) that found that only large firms had established sound inventory
control systems for determining inventory order and stock levels. The firms use
quantitative techniques such as EOQ and Linear Programming to provide additional
information for decision making. Small firms on the other hand use management
judgement without quantitative back up.
The mean score of all the responses was 4.11 on a scale of one to five. This shows that
there were more respondents who agreed with the statements in support of inventory
control having an influence on profitability. This shows that the finance managers of the
firms take precautions to ensure that their firms maintain ideal levels of inventories both
for finished goods and for raw materials to ensure increased profitability. Saleemi (1993)
asserts that firms can derive advantages by maintaining ideal levels of inventories and
these include economies of scale to be gained through quantity and trade discounts, less
deterioration and obsolescence, and reduced cost of insurance. Maintaining ideal levels
of inventories bring about increased profitability and therefore the firms are maximizing
profits. A study carried by Nyabwanga et al. (2012) showed that good performance is
positively related to efficiency of inventory management. They also found that the firms
were more efficient in the management of inventory than in the management of either
cash or receivables.
Inventory Control 5 0.777
Two tests were carried out to determine whether factor analysis was appropriate and the
results are displayed in table 4.34. The KMO results indicate a value of 0.790 which is
higher than the recommended value of 0.5 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown,
Osman, 2010). Bartletts test of sphericity on the other hand showed a p-value of 0.000
which was lower than 0.05 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown, Osman, 2010).
The two tests indicate that it was desirable to perform principal component analysis.
Table 4.34: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Inventory Control Practices
Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy 0.790
Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi square 121.832
Df 10
Sig. .000
When the
5 composite variables on inventory control practices were subjected to principal
component analysis the results indicated that all of the composite variables had measures
loaded between 0.478 and 0.719 which were higher than 0.4 as recommended by David
et al. (2010). All the factors were retained as critical drivers of profitability and the
results are presented in table 4.35. The rest of the study used all the 5 measures as the
composite measures of inventory control practices.
The firm has installed an inventory control system 0.719
The firms keeps accurate inventory records 0.705
The firm reviews inventory levels periodically 0.680
The firm has determined optimal batch sizes 0.479
The firm has defined levels of inventories for raw materials 0.478
Table 4.36: Correlation between Inventory Control Practices and Profitability
Profitability Inventory Control Practices
Figure 4.6: Curve Fit of Inventory Control Practices and Profitability
A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) whose results formed a basis for tests of
significance was used. The ANOVA for the linear model presented in table 4.38 of
inventory control practices and profitability has an F value = 48.909 which is significant
with p-value p = 0.000 < 0.05 meaning that the overall model is significant in the
prediction of profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya. We therefore reject the null
hypothesis that inventory control practices do not have any influence on profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya and confirm indeed that there is a positive and significant
influence of inventory control practices on profitability of manufacturing firms in
Analysis of the regression model coefficients is shown in table 4.39. From table 4.39
there is a positive beta co-efficient of 1.239 as indicated by the co-efficient matrix with a
p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 and a constant of 5.476 with a p-value = 0.012 < 0.05. Therefore,
both the constant and inventory control practices contribute significantly to the model.
Therefore, the model can provide the information needed to predict profitability from
inventory control practices. The regression equation is presented as follows: Y =
5.476+1.239X3+ ; Where Y = Profitability, X3 is the inventory control practices and is
the error term
The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms maintained current assets
at a higher level than current liabilities. A significant majority (90.2%) indicated that
their firms maintained current assets at a higher level than the current liabilities, (7%)
did not commit themselves while few (2.8%) indicated that their firms maintained
current assets at a lower level than the current liabilities. The responses had a mean of
4.30. Majority of the responses were 4 and this indicates that current assets are
maintained at a higher level than the current liabilities. Current assets are important to
the financial health of businesses of all sizes as the amounts invested in them are often
high in proportion to the total assets employed. Current ratio which is the ratio of current
assets over current liability should be maintained at a level of 2:1 for an ideal situation
(Pandey, 2008). A study carried out by Raheman and Nasr (2007) found that firms
maintained liquidity ratio at 1.53. This means that the current assets were 1.53 more than
the current assets. Hence, current assets are maintained at a level higher than current
Respondents were requested to indicate whether cash and marketable securities were
maintained at a higher level than the current liabilities. A significant majority (67.6%)
indicated that cash and marketable securities were maintained at a higher level than the
current liabilities, (23.9%) did not commit themselves while few (8.5%) indicated that
their firms maintained cash and marketable securities at a lower level than current
liabilities. The responses had a mean of 3.77. Most responses were 4 indicating that cash
and marketable securities were maintained at a higher level than the current liabilities.
Opler, Pinkowitz, Stulz and Willianson (1999) while studying on the determinants and
implication of corporate cash holdings found that firms with strong growth opportunities
and riskier cash flows hold relatively high ratios of cash to non cash assets. They also
found that firms that do well tend to accumulate more cash.
Current, quick assets and cash ratios constitute liquidity ratios. Ideal liquidity ratios
show that a company is not experiencing liquidity problems and at the same time the
firm is able to maximize profits. The respondents were requested to indicate whether
their firms maintained liquidity ratios at optimal levels. A significant majority (78.8%)
indicated that their firms maintained liquidity ratios at optimal levels, (12.7%) did not
commit themselves while few (8.4%) indicated that their firms did not maintain liquidity
ratios at optimal levels. The responses had a mean of 3.92. Majority of the responses
were 4 indicating that the firms maintain liquidity ratios at optimal levels. This,
however, contradicts the findings by Nyabwanga et al. (2013) who established that the
current and quick ratios of smes studied were below standard norm of 2:1 and 1:1
Respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms always prepared cash
budgets. A significant majority (88.7%) indicated that their firms prepared cash budgets
while the rest (11.3%) indicated that their firms did not prepare cash budgets. The
responses had a mean of 4.10. Most of the responses were 4. This shows that majority of
the firms prepare cash budgets. This is in agreement with the findings of Kotut (2003)
who established that over 56.25% of businesses studied prepared cash budgets on daily
basis and used them to plan for shortage and surplus of cash. However, it contradicted
the study carried out by Nyabwanga et al. (2012) who found that on average managers in
Kisii did not embrace cash budgeting as a tool to plan and control cash flows of their
Respondents were requested to indicate whether cash flow projections aided them in
financial planning. A significant majority (85.9%) indicated that their firms were aided
by cash flow projections in their financial planning, (12.7%) did not commit themselves
while few (1.4%) indicated that the cash flow projections did not aid their firms in
financial planning. The responses had a mean of 4.13. Most responses were 4 indicating
that the firms are aided by cash flow projections in their financial planning. Cash flows
are the heart of all businesses and Sebastian (2010) argues that cash flow which is cash
receipts and cash payments determine the ability of firms to generate profit and continue
their operations. Therefore, the use of cash flow projections by the firms enabled the
firms maximize their profits.
Respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms had an optimal cash balance
policy. A significant majority (74.6%) indicated that their firms had an optimum cash
balance policy, (12.7%) did not commit themselves while few (12.7%) indicated that
their firms did not have an optimum cash balance policy. The responses had a mean of
3.84. This means that most responses were 4 indicating that firms have optimum cash
balance policies. A study by Kwame (2007) established that setting up of a cash balance
policy ensures prudent cash budgeting and investment of cash surplus. Further, Ross et
al (2008) assert that reducing the time cash is tied up in the operating cycle improves a
businesss profitability and market value and furthers the significance of efficient cash
management practices in improving business performance.
Both too high and too low liquidity levels are undesirable. The firms need to determine
ideal levels of liquidity. Ideal liquidity levels keep on changing with changing
circumstances and therefore firms need to regularly assess the optimal and minimum
liquidity levels. The respondents were requested to indicate whether their firms regularly
assessed the optimum and minimum levels of liquidity. A significant majority (83.1%)
of the respondents indicated that their firms regularly assess optimum and minimum
liquidity levels, (11.3%) did not commit themselves while few (5.6%) indicated that
their firms do not assess regularly the minimum and optimum liquidity levels. The
responses had a mean of 3.94. Most responses were 4 indicating that firms regularly
assess the optimum and minimum levels of liquidity. According to trade theory, firms
set their levels of cash holding by weighing the marginal costs and marginal benefits of
holding cash (Afza & Nasir, 2011). They also argue that firms have to regularly assess
the optimal and minimum levels of liquidity.
The mean score of all the responses was 4.00 on a scale of one to five. This shows that
there were more respondents who agreed with the statements in support of liquidity
management practices having an influence on profitability. This indicates that firms are
holding a lot of liquid cash and therefore they can not maximize their profit. At the same
time the firms are liquid enough and therefore there is no likelihood of the firms going
bankrupt. High liquidity level means that the firms are putting their resources in liquid or
unproductive assets and this means that the firms can not maximize their profits. Bagchi
and Khamrui (2012) assert that as firms increase the level of liquidity the profitability of
the firm declines. There is a negative relationship between liquidity management
practices and profitability. When liquidity level is high, it is a good picture about the
firms ability to generate cash and pay short term and long term debts as they fall due
and at the same time the profitability level comes down (Award & Al-Ewesat, 2012).
Two tests were carried out to determine whether factor analysis was appropriate and the
results are displayed in table 4.41. The KMO results indicate a value of 0.759 which is
higher than the recommended value of 0.5 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown,
Osman, 2010). Bartletts test of sphericity on the other hand showed a p-value of 0.000
which was lower than 0.05 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown, Osman, 2010).
The two tests indicate that it was desirable to perform principal component analysis.
Table 4.41: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Liquidity Management Practices
Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy 0.759
Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi square 200.220
Df 28
Sig. .000
4.9.2 Correlation between Liquidity Management Practices and Profitability
A correlation coefficient statistic that describes the degree of linear association between
liquidity management practices and profitability was determined. Table 4.43 indicates
that there is a positive significant linear relationship between liquidity management
practices and profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This relationship has been
illustrated by correlation coefficient of 0.711 at 0.01 significant level. This implies that
there is a positive and significant relationship between liquidity management practices
and profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This conforms with the results of the
study carried out by Amalendu and Sri (2011) that found that there is a positive
relationship between current ratio and absolute liquidity ratio with profitability. The
positive relationship between liquidity management practices and profitability suggests
that managers of manufacturing firms are able to handle and manage cash effectively.
Through proper management of cash, the managers are able to create high profits for
their companies.
gradient which means that maintenance of an ideal level of liquidity leads to increased
profitability. The results conform to the previous studies done by (Hutchison, Farris &
Anders, 2007; Nyabwanga et al., 2012) that found that financial performance was
positively related to efficiency of cash management. A positive relationship between
liquidity management practices and profitability implies that the manufacturing firms in
Kenya are efficient in cash management and are able to set cash targets and maintain
optimal cash balances. They are able to trade off between the opportunity cost of holding
too much cash and the trading cost of holding too little cash.
Table 4.44: Model Summary of Liquidity Management Practices
R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) whose results formed a basis for tests of
significance was used. The ANOVA for the linear model presented in table 4.45 of
liquidity management practices and profitability has an F value = 90.677 which is
significant with p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 meaning that the overall model is significant in
the prediction of profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya. We therefore reject the
null hypothesis that liquidity management practices do not have any influence on
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and confirm indeed that there is a positive
and significant influence of liquidity management practices on profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya.
Analysis of the regression model coefficients is shown in table 4.46. From table 4.46
there is a positive beta co-efficient of 0.912 as indicated by the co-efficient matrix with a
p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 and a constant of 3.145 with a p-value = 0.151 > 0.05. Therefore,
the constant does not contribute significantly to the model and it is not different from
zero. However, liquidity management practices contribute significantly to the model.
Therefore, the model can provide the information needed to predict profitability from
liquidity management practices. The regression equation is presented as follows: Y =
0.912X4 + Where Y is the Profitability, X4 is the liquidity management practices and
is the error term
The study sought to establish whether the firms applied aggressive, moderate or
conservative working capital policies. High risk - high return working capital investment
and financing strategies are aggressive strategies while low risks and low return
strategies are conservative strategies (Moyer, mcguigan & Kretlow, 2002; Pinches,
1997; Brigham & Gapenski, 1994 & Gitman, 2009).
An aggressive investment policy is an indicator that firms are properly utilizing their
current assets optimally. The respondents were requested to indicate whether current
assets are maintained at a low level percentage of the total assets. A majority (69.1%)
indicated that their firms maintain a low level of current assets in relation to total assets,
(12.7%) did not commit themselves while few (18.2%) claimed that their firms
maintained a high level of current assets to the total assets. The responses had a mean of
3.51. Majority of the responses were 4. This is an aggressive investment policy because
current assets are kept low and are not allowed to grow in size and have an effect of
increasing profitability. Empirical studies carried out by Pinches (1997) indicated that an
aggressive investment policy with low levels of current assets results to low expenses
and a higher return. This study is further supported by a recent study carried out by
Hussain et al. (2012) who found that firms use an aggressive investment policy with low
level of current assets increase profitability.
Ideal current assets to current liabilities ratio is 2:1. A firm that is able to maintain this
ratio is a sign that the firm is healthy and is able to maximize its profits. The respondents
were requested to state whether their firms were able to maintain a current ratio of 2:1.
A significant majority (74.7%) indicated that their firms maintained the ideal ratio and
(7%) of the respondents did not commit themselves while few (18.3%) indicated that
their firms did not maintain a current ratio of 2:1. The responses had a mean of 3.65.
This shows that firms are able to maintain current ratio at 2:1. This means that
manufacturing firms in Kenya apply moderate investing policy in managing their
working capital levels. Raheman & Nasr (2007) assert that current assets of a
manufacturing typical firm accounts for over half of its total assets and excessive level
of current assets can easily result in a firm realizing a substandard return on investment.
However, firms with too little current assets may result to shortages and difficulties in
maintaining smooth operations (Horne & Wachowicz, 2000).
Current liabilities constitute part of the total liabilities. Therefore, current liabilities
should always be less than total liabilities. The ratio between current liabilities and total
liabilities should be kept low to moderate depending on the firm. The respondents were
requested to indicate whether their firms maintained a high ratio of current liabilities to
total liabilities. A slight majority (50.7%) indicated that their firms maintained a high
ratio of current liabilities in relation to total liabilities, (15.5%) did not commit
themselves and (31%) of the respondents indicated that their firms maintain a low ratio
between current liabilities to total liabilities. The responses had a mean of 3.38. Most of
the responses were 3. This shows that the respondents were indifference as to whether
their firms maintain a high or low ratio of current liabilities to total liabilities. This is an
indication that manufacturing firms in Kenya apply moderate financing policies and the
findings contradict the findings of Weinraub and Vissscher (1998) who found that firms
were utilizing high levels of current liabilities to total liabilities.
A high ratio of current Liabilities to total assets ratio is a sign that a firm is using a high
degree of aggressive financing policy. The respondents were requested to indicate
whether their firms were maintaining a high level of current liabilities to total assets. A
slight majority (56.3%) indicated that their firms were maintaining a high ratio, (11.3%)
were indifference while (32.4%) indicated that their firms maintained a low ratio. The
responses had a mean of 3.35. Majority of the responses were 3. This shows that the
number of respondents agreeing and disagreeing on this view was almost equal.
Therefore, this shows that firms are applying moderate financing policy. When a firm is
utilizing a high ratio of current liabilities in relation to total assets then there is a
possibility of a working capital deficit. Working capital deficit exists if current liabilities
exceed current assets. In such a situation, short term funds are used to finance part of the
non current assets and the firm is said to be adopting an aggressive working capital
(Bhattacharya, 2001). Empirical studies carried out by (Weinraub & Visscher, 1998;
Nasir & Afza, 2009 and Hussain et al., 2012) show that firms that use aggressive
financing policy with high level of current liabilities increase profitability. However, a
study carried out by Al-mwalla (2012) shows contrary that an aggressive financing
policy has a negative impact on firms profitability.
For a stable organization long term funds, finance non current assets while current assets
are financed by current liabilities. The respondents were requested to indicate whether
current assets in their firms were financed from long term funds. A few (39.5%)
indicated that the current assets of their firms were financed through long term funds,
(11.3%) did not commit themselves while (49.3%) indicated that current assets were
financed through current liabilities of their firms. The responses had a mean of 2.89.
This shows that majority of the responses were 3 indicating that firms apply moderate
financing and investing policies. This confirms the assertion by Gitman (2009) that
working capital is financed by a combination of long term and short term funds of a
Long term sources of funds consist of capital (equity from owners) and long term debt
which only provide for a relatively small portion of the working capital requirements.
Finance theory dictates that only the permanent portion of the working capital should be
supported by the long term financing (Gitman, 2009). Thus, the firms appropriately
utilize both current liabilities and long term funds to finance the current assets.
The mean score of all the responses was 3.30 on a scale of one to five. This shows that
there were almost an equal number of respondents who agreed and those who disagreed
with the statements in support of working capital levels having an influence on
profitability. This implies that both conservative and aggressive financing and investing
policies are not applied by manufacturing firms in Kenya. Thus, it can be argued that the
firms apply moderate financing and investing policies in managing their working capital.
Whatever the level of working capital maintained by firms, there is an opportunity cost
that is incurred. It may either be liquidity risk or reduced profit. Neither conservative nor
aggressive financing policy is being applied by the firms and this means that there is
neither too high nor too low use of long term debt and capital (Weinraub & Visscher,
1998). Since the firms use moderate financing and investing policies, it may be
concluded that the business environment is moderately volatile. Firms tend to adopt a
conservative financing approach during the time of high business volatility and an
aggressive financing policy during the time of low volatility (Sathymoorthi & Wally-
Dima, 2008). Since, the firms are maintaining ideal levels of working capital; it can be
argued that the firms apply moderate investing policy. This implies that firms
profitability level is moderate (Nasr & Afza, 2009).
4.10.1 Reliability Measurement for Working Capital Levels
The reliability analysis was done on all the 6 composite measures to determine whether
they met the threshold of more than 0.7. The results of the analysis show cronbachs
alpha of 0.853. This implies that the instrument was sufficiently reliable for measuring
working capital levels. The results of the analysis are as shown in table 4.48 below:
Two tests were carried out to determine whether factor analysis was appropriate and the
results are displayed in table 4.49. The KMO results indicate a value of 0.516 which is
higher than the recommended value of 0.5 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown,
Osman, 2010). Bartletts test of sphericity on the other hand showed a p-value of 0.000
which was lower than 0.05 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; William, Brown, Osman, 2010).
The two tests indicate that it was desirable to perform principal component analysis.
Table 4.49: KMO and Bartletts Test Results for Working Capital Levels
Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy 0.516
Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi square 118.902
Df 15
Sig. .000
When the 6 composite measures on working capital levels were subjected to principal
component analysis, the results indicated that all of the composite measures had
measures loaded between 0.744 and 0.845. These loadings were higher than 0.4 (David
et al., 2010). Therefore, all the six composite measures of working capital levels were
retained as critical drivers of profitability. The results of the analysis are presented in
table 4.50 below.
Table 4.50: Component Matrix of Working Capital Levels
Factor Factor
The firms maintain a high level of current liabilities in relation to total liabilities 0.845
The firms maintain a low level of current assets as a percentage of total assets 0.800
The firm maintains a current ratio of 2:1 0.777
The current assets are financed by long term funds of the firm 0.776
The firm maintains a high level of current assets in relation to current liabilities 0.774
The firms maintain a high level of current liabilities in relation to total assets 0.744
Table 4.51: Correlation between Working Capital Levels and Profitability
Working Capital
Profitability Levels
Figure 4.8: Curve Fit between Working Capital Levels and Profitability
A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) whose results formed a basis for tests of
significance was used. The ANOVA for the linear model presented in table 4.53 of
working capital levels and profitability has an F value = 45.756 which is significant with
p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 meaning that the overall model is significant in the prediction of
profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study therefore rejected the null
hypothesis that working capital levels do not have any influence on profitability of
manufacturing firms in Kenya and confirm indeed that there is a positive and significant
influence of working capital levels on profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya.
Analysis of the regression model coefficients is shown in table 4.54. From table 4.54
there is a positive beta co-efficient of 2.145 as indicated by the co-efficient matrix with a
p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 and a constant of 8.034 with a p-value = 0.000 < 0.05. Both the
constant and working capital levels contribute significantly to the model. Therefore, the
model can provide the information needed to predict profitability from working capital
levels. The regression equation is presented as follows: Y = 8.034 + 2.145X5 + ; Where
Y = Profitability, X5 is the working capital levels and is the error term
correlation between credit policy and liquidity of 0.281. Credit policy shows the
following correlation with the following independent variables; accounts payable
practices (0.578), inventory control (0.297), Liquidity (0.281) and working capital levels
(0.357). Accounts payable practices have correlation with inventory control (0.491),
liquidity (0.473) and working capital levels (0.581). Inventory control has a correlation
of 0.685 and 0.488 with liquidity and working capital levels respectively. Liquidity has a
correlation of 0.619 with working capital levels. Since correlation among all the
independent variables were less than 0.8 and more than -0.8, the study concluded that
there was no multicollinearity among the independent variables (Water, 2011; and
Garson, 2012). Therefore, the study was justified to apply linear regression analysis.
Garson (2012) asserts that the rule of thumb is that VIF > 4.0 multicollinearity is a
problem and other scholars use more lenient cut off of VIF > 5.0 when multicollinearity
is a problem. However, OBrien (2007) suggests that this rule of thumb should be
assessed in contextual basis taking into account factors that influence the variance of
regression coefficient. He further argued that the VIF value of 10 or even 40 or higher
does not necessarily suggest the need for common treatment of multicollinearity such as
using ridge regressions, elimination of some variables or combine into a single variable.
This study adopted a VIF value of 4.0 as the threshold. Credit policy had a VIF of 1.962,
accounts payable practices 2.357, inventory control 2.020, liquidity 2.115 and working
capital levels 1.504. These results indicate that the VIF values of the independent
variables were within the threshold of 4.0. This indicated that that there was no threat of
multicollinearity problem and therefore, the study used linear regression model. The
results of the analysis are shown in table 4.55.
Table 4.56: Model Summary on Combined Effect
R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) in table 4.57 shows a good result for the multiple
linear regression model. It is an indication that working capital management components
influence profitability significantly. It shows the significance of the F statistics of
405.482 The p-value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05. This confirms the models
goodness of fit to explain the variations and validate that the independent variables
affect the dependent variable.
The hypothesis to be tested was:
H0: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 0
H1: At least one of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 0
Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected that all the partial regression coefficients are
equal to zero and concluded that at least one of the partial regression coefficients is not
equal to zero. The implication to these findings is that all the independent variables;
credit policy, accounts payable practices, inventory control practices, liquidity
management practices and working capital levels have a significant combined effect on
profitability and can be used to predict profitability.
Table 4.57: ANOVA for Multiple Regression Analysis
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Table 4.58 on coefficients showed that for liquidity management practices, the
regression coefficient is positive (0.693) indicating that the more ideal level of liquidity,
the higher the profitability of the manufacturing firm and the relationship is statistically
significant (p = 0.000). The regression coefficient on inventory control practices is
positive (0.401) and the relationship is statistically significant (p= .012). Working capital
levels show a positive coefficient (.402) and the relationship is statistically significant (p
= .033). The relationship between credit policy and profitability shows a positive
coefficient (0.061). The relationship is not statistically significant (.151). The coefficient
value for accounts payable practices negative (-0.099) indicating a negative relationship.
Therefore, for every unit change in accounts payable practices it results into 0.099
decrease in profitability. The relationship is not statistically significant as shown by p-
value .162.
This model suggests that once liquidity management practices, inventory control
practices and working capital levels are taken into account, the effect of credit policy
and accounts payable practices disappears. This means that profitability has less to do
with credit policy and accounts payable practices than it does with liquidity management
practices, inventory control practices and working capital levels.
The t values confirmed that liquidity, is the most useful predictor of effectiveness of
profitability (t = 4.582), then inventory control (t = 1.958), working capital levels (t =
1.379), credit policy (t = 0.735) and the least is accounts payable practices (t = -0.335).
The regression equation for the relationship can be remodeled as shown below:
Y = 0.693X1 + 0.401X2 + 0.402X3 +
Where: Y = Profitability
X1 = Liquidity Management Practices
X2 = Inventory Control Practices
X3 = Working Capital Levels
The reviewed optimal conceptual model of this study is as shown in figure 4.9. The new
adjusted optimal conceptual model is a realignment arising from the degree of influence
for each variable with a significant influence on profitability; liquidity management
practices, accounts payable practices and working capital levels
5.1 Introduction
The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of manufacturing firms in
Kenya. From the overall objective, the study sought to find out if credit policy, accounts
payable practices, inventory control practices, liquidity management practices and
working capital levels influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This
chapter presents the summary of major findings of the study, overall conclusions based
on managerial and theoretical implications of working capital management in
manufacturing firms in Kenya. Finally, the chapter highlights important
recommendations for further research.
The hypothesized relationship was tested empirically guided by the following specific
objectives; to determine whether credit policy influences profitability of manufacturing
firms, to a determine the degree to which accounts payable practices influence
profitability of manufacturing firms, to examine how inventory control practices
influence profitability of manufacturing firms, to establish whether liquidity
management practices influence profitability of manufacturing firms and to investigate
whether working capital levels influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya.
The hypothesized relationship between the working capital management and
profitability were presented in a conceptual framework.
Based on the conceptual framework and objectives of the study, a questionnaire was
prepared and tested both for validity and reliability using Cronbachs Co-efficient alpha
, through a pilot study. The pretested questionnaire was used to collect the primary data
for the independent variables and a record survey sheet for the dependent variable
(profitability) from a stratified sample of 81 firms. Out of 81 firms, (71) 87.7%
responded. The independent variables of the study were tested for multicollinearity and
independence. Durbin Watson test was carried out to test the independence of
variables. Normality tests were carried out on the profitability (dependent variable)
using a histogram of frequencies and Shapiro Wilk test. Statistical package for social
sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 was used as the statistical tool for analysis all through.
Quantitative data was analyzed and described using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Scatter plots were used to examine and see if linear regression relationship existed after
which inferential statistical analysis for every variable was made. Multiple linear
regression analysis was used to test the combined effect of all the independent variables.
correlation coefficient of 0.403 at 0.01 significant levels. R square was 16.2% and this is
relatively low. This shows that accounts payable practices explain 16.2% of the
variation in profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. An F statistics of 16.014
indicated that the model was significant. This was supported by the probability value of
0.000 which was less than 0.05 and therefore indicated that the overall model applied
can significantly predict the outcome valuable. The findings implied that the accounts
payable practices influence firms profitability in manufacturing firms in Kenya. These
findings led to the rejection of null hypothesis and accepted the alternative hypothesis
that accounts payable practices significantly influence profitability of manufacturing
firms in Kenya.
value of 0.000 which was less than 0.05 and therefore indicated that the overall model
applied can significantly predict (profitability) outcome valuable. These findings led to
the rejection of null hypothesis and accepted the alternative hypothesis that liquidity
management practices significantly affects profitability of manufacturing firms in
The findings indicated that not all independent variables (credit policy, accounts payable
practices, inventory control practices, liquidity management practices and working
capital levels) made a significant contribution in explaining the dependent variable
(profitability). It was found that only Liquidity management practices and inventory
control practices had a positive and significant influence on profitability of
manufacturing firms. Credit policy and working capital levels did not contribute
significantly on profitability and accounts payable practices contributed negatively on
profitability of manufacturing firms although this contribution was insignificant.
5.3 Conclusion
Based on the empirical evidence adduced in this study, a number of logical conclusions
can be made.
This may have led to increased profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya and
therefore it can be concluded that there exists a positive and significant relationship
between inventory control and profitability.
capital management urges for quick cash collection from credit sales for quick re-
investment in the short term securities in order to boost profitability.
ensure that they understand better utilization of working capital items for the purpose of
maximizing profits for their firms. The retrained finance managers will help the firms
maintain ideal levels of working capital and hence increased profitability of the firms.
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I am a student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology pursuing a
PHD Degree in Business Administration (Finance Option). My Research Project is on
the effects of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing firms in
Kenya. This questionnaire is aimed at collecting information on the given topic. The
information provided will be held confidential and used for the purpose of enabling the
researcher accomplish an academic requirement.
Please respond each question by putting a tick ()
Background Information
1. When did your company commence its operations?
1-10 Years ago ( )
11-20 Years ago ( )
21-30 Years ago ( )
31- 40 Years ago ( )
41-50 Years ago ( )
Over 50 Years ago ( )
2. What is the length of time your company has been a member of Kenya Association of
1-5 Years ( )
6-10 Years ( )
11-15 Years ( )
16-20 Years ( )
21-25 Years ( )
Over 25 Years ( )
3. Under what classification is your company placed by Kenya Association of
Manufacturers (KAM)?
Building, Mining and Construction ( )
Chemical and Allied Sector ( )
Energy, Electrical and Electronics Sector ( )
Foods and Beverages Sector ( )
Leather and Footwear Sector ( )
Metal and Allied Sector ( )
Motor Vehicles Assemblers and Accessories Sector ( )
Paper and Board Sector ( )
Pharmaceutical and Metal Equipment Sector ( )
Plastic and Rubber Sector ( )
Textile and Apparels Sector ( )
Timber, Wood and Furniture Sector ( )
6. What types of products does your company deal with?
Raw Materials ( )
Parts ( )
Semi-Assembled components ( )
Finished Goods ( )
Dont know ( )
Credit Policy
The following statements relate to credit policy, credit standards, credit terms and
collection efforts by your company. Indicate how agreeable you are with the statements
by placing a tick () against correct option. Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral
(N), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD)
Statement Response
1 The firm extend s credit facilities to its customers
2 The firm considers production cycle when setting
credit standards
3 The length of time allowed to your customers has an
influence on sales
4 The firm frequently reviews levels of accounts
5 The firm frequently reviews the levels of bad debts
6 The firm investigates the credit worthiness of
customers who want credit facilities
7 The firm regularly writes to customers reminding
them to pay their debts
8 The firm Sometimes writes off bad debts from
customers who do not pay
9 The firm sometimes take legal action against
customers who refuse to pay
10 The firm has set credit terms that stipulate credit
period extension
11 The firm allows cash discounts to customers to induce
them pay promptly
12 The firm stipulates the amount of discount allowed to
a customer on payment within a specified time
13 The discount given to your customers depend on the
credit period allowed
14 The firm considers production cycle when setting
collection period
15 The average length of time between credit sales and
cash collection from the customers is longer than 30
16 The firm has set a lenient credit policy
17 The overall firms credit policy has an ability to
increase sales
Accounts Payable Practices
For the following statements you are requested to indicate whether you Agree (A),
Disagree (D), Strongly Agree (SA), Strongly Disagree (SD) or Neutral (N) about
accounts payable practices in your firm
Statement Response
1 The firm receives credit facilities from its suppliers
2 The firm receives cash discounts from its suppliers
upon payment within a stipulated period of time
3 The firm is sometimes charged an interest by its
suppliers for late payment
4 The firms past debts have ever been waived by its
5 The firm is sometimes unable to pay its suppliers on
6 The payment period allowed by your suppliers to
your firm is reasonable
Inventory Control Practices
For the following questions you are requested to indicate whether you Agree (A),
Disagree (D), Strongly Agree (SA), Strongly Disagree (SD) or Neutral about inventory
control practices in your firm
Statement Response
1 The firm has a defined level of inventories for raw
2 The firm has determined optimal batch sizes
3 The firm reviews inventory levels periodically
4 The firm keeps accurate inventory records
5 The firm has installed an inventory control system
Liquidity Management Practices
For the following questions you are requested to indicate whether you Agree (A),
Disagree (D), Strongly Agree (A), Strongly Disagree (SD) or Neutral about Liquidity
Management Practices in your firm
Statement Response
1 Current assets are maintained at a higher level than
the current liabilities
2 Inventories constitute a large position of the total
current assets
3 Cash and marketable securities are maintained at a
higher level than the current liabilities
4 Liquidity ratios are maintained at optimal level
5 The firm always prepares a cash budget
6 The firm has been aided by Cash flow prediction in
financial planning
7 The firm has an optimum cash balance policy
8 The firm regularly assesses the optimum and
minimum levels of liquidity
Working Capital Levels
For the following questions you are requested to indicate whether you Agree (A),
Disagree (D), Strongly Agree (SA), Strongly Disagree (SD) or Neutral (N) about
investment and financing policies in your firm
Statement Response
1 The firm maintains a low level of current
assets as a percentage of total assets
2 The firm maintains a high level of current
assets in relation to current liabilities
3 The firm always maintains current ratio of 2:1
4 The firm maintains a high level of current
liabilities in relation to total liabilities
5 The firm maintains a high level of current
liabilities against total assets
6 Current assets are financed by long term funds
of the company
The record survey sheet was filled in by the researcher himself. All information required
in the matrix came from the annual reports of the manufacturing firms for the period
2008 to 2012
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Million Million Million Million Million
Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
Profit before Tax & Int.
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Working Capital
Non Current Assets
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Cash and Bank Balances
Return on Assets (ROA) =
Profit BIT / Total Assets
P. O. Box 1522-20300; Tel: 0722-285776;
Email address: ndirangukj@yahoo.com
Dear Respondent,
Im a student of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Im pursuing
a doctor of philosophy degree in business administration, finance option. Im
researching on effects of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing
firms in Kenya. My target population is 413 manufacturing firms in Nairobi industrial
area and its surroundings which are registered with Kenya Association of Manufacturers
I will use a questionnaire and record survey sheet to elicit information which will be
useful in the above mentioned research as part of doctor of philosophy degree in
business administration. Your company has been selected as one of the organizations
where the researcher will collect the data required for the study. You are requested to fill
in the attached questionnaire. The information supplied will be used strictly for
academic purposes only and will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Yours Faithfully,
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
% % % % % Likert
1 The firm extends credit facilities to 0 5.6 5.6 43.7 45.1 4.28
their customers
2 The firm considers production 1.4 7.0 8.5 46.5 36.6 3.73
cycle when setting credit standards
3 The credit period customers are 1.4 5.6 9.9 35.2 47.9 4.23
allowed has an influence on sales
4 The firm frequently reviews levels 0 1.4 2.8 49.3 46.5 4.41
of accounts receivables
5 The firm reviews the level of bad 1.4 1.4 9.9 47.9 39.4 4.23
6 The firm investigates the 0 9.9 5.6 45.1 39.4 4.14
creditworthiness of customers
7 The firm regularly writes to 5.6 11.3 18.3 31.0 33.8 3.76
customers reminding them to pay
their debts
8 The firm sometimes writes off bad 4.2 16.9 22.5 45.1 11.3 3.42
debts from customers who do not
9 The firm sometimes take legal 5.6 9.9 12.7 53.5 18.3 3.69
action against customers who
refuse to pay
10 The firm has set credit terms that 18.2 9.9 8.5 43.7 19.7 3.37
stipulate credit period extension
11 The firm allows cash discounts to 2.8 4.2 22.5 40.8 29.7 3.90
customers to induce them pay
12 The firm stipulates the amount of 2.8 8.5 19.7 47.9 21.1 3.76
discount allowed to customers
13 The discount allowed to your 2.8 7.0 23.9 43.8 22.5 3.76
customers depend on the credit
period allowed
14 The firm considers the production 4.2 7.0 15.5 45.1 28.2 3.86
cycle when setting the credit
collection period
15 The period between credit sales 4.2 21.1 14.1 29.6 31.0 3.62
and cash collection is longer than
30 days
16 The firm has set lenient credit 8.4 15.5 19.7 43.7 12.7 3.37
17 The firms overall credit policy 1.4 4.2 12.7 39.4 42.3 4.17
has an ability to increase sales
Average 3.60 8.44 12.68 43.07 32.21 3.91
Firm Pearson
Profitabilit Correlation
y Sig. (2-tailed)
N 71
Credit Pearson
.346** 1
Policy Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .010
N 71 71
Accounts Pearson
.403** .578** 1
Payable Correlation
Practices Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 71 71 71
Inventory Pearson
.601** .297* .491** 1
Control Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .012 .000
N 71 71 71 71
Liquidity Pearson
.711** .281* .473** .685** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .018 .000 .000
N 71 71 71 71 71
Working Pearson
.538** .357** .581** .488** .619** 1
Capital Correlation
Levels Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .002 .000 .000 .000
N 71 71 71 71 71 71
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
6.Aquamist Ltd 36. Global Beverages Ltd 66. Patco Industries Ltd.
7. Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd 37. Global Fresh Ltd 67. Pearl Industries Ltd.
8. Bio Food Products Ltd 38. Gonas Best Ltd 68. Pembe Flour Mills Ltd.
9. Blue Nile Wire Products 39. Green Forest Food Ltd 69. Premier Flour Mills
Ltd Ltd.
10.B. A.T. Kenya Ltd 40. Highland Canners Ltd 70. Premier Food Industries
11. Broadway Bakery Ltd 41. Homeoil 71. Proctor & Allan (E.A
12. Brookside dairy Ltd 42. Insta Products (EPZ) 72. Promasidor (Kenya)
Ltd Ltd.
13. C. Dormans Ltd 43. Jambo Biscuits (K) Ltd 73. Rafiki Millers Ltd
14. C. Czarnikow Sugar 44. Kapa Oil Refineries Ltd 74. Razco Ltd
(EA) Ltd
15. Cadbury Kenya Ltd 45. Karirana Estate Ltd 75. Re-Suns Spices Ltd
16. Candy Kenya Ltd 46. Kenafric Industries Ltd 76.Sigma Supplies Ltd.
17. Carlton Products (EA) 47. Kenblest Ltd 77.Softa Bottling Co. Ltd.
18. Chirag Kenya Ltd 48. Kenchik Ltd 78. Spice World Ltd.
19. Coca Cola East Africa 49. Kenya Nut Company 79.Spin Knit Dairy Ltd
Ltd Ltd
20. Corn Products Kenya 50. Kenya Sweets Ltd 80. Super Bakery Ltd
21. Crown Foods Ltd 51. Kenya Tea 81. Trufoods Ltd
Development Agency
22. Deepa Industries Ltd 52. Kevian Kenya Ltd 82. Unga Group Ltd
23. Del Monte Kenya Ltd 53. Koba Waters Ltd 83. Usafi Services Ltd
24. E & A Industries Ltd 54. Kwality Candles & 84. Uzuri Foods Ltd
Sweets Ltd
25. East African Breweries 55. Lari Dairies Alliance 85. Valuepak Foods Ltd
Ltd Ltd
26. East African Seed Co. 56. London Distillers (K) 86.W.E Tilley (Muthaiga)
Ltd Ltd
27. East African Sea Foods 57. Maji Foods Industries 87.Wanji Food Industries
Ltd Ltd Ltd
28. Eastern Produce Kenya 58. Mastermind Tobacco 88.Wrigley Company (EA)
Ltd (Kakuzi) (K) Ltd. Ltd
29. Edible Oil Products Ltd 59. Melvin Marsh
30. Erdemann Co. (K) Ltd 60. Mini Bakeries (Nbi) Ltd
Indusries Ltd Ltd
13. General Plastics Ltd 31. Polyblend Ltd 49. Super
Manuafacturers Ltd
14. Haco Industries Kenya 32. Polyflex Industries Ltd. 50. Techpak Industries
Ltd Ltd
15. Hi-Plast Ltd 33. Polythene Industries Ltd 51.Threadsettrs Tyres
16. Jamlam Industries Ltd 34. Premier Industries Ltd. 52. Uni-Plastics Ltd
17.Kamba Manufacturing 35. Prosel Ltd. 53. Wonderpac Industries
(1986) Ltd Ltd
18. Keci Rubber Industries 36. Qplast Industries Ltd.
6. Bulk Medicals Ltd 13. Manhar Brothers (K)
7. Cosmos Ltd 14. Medivet Product Ltd.
15. D. L. Patel Press 33. Modern 51. Uchumi Quick Supplies
(Kenya) Ltd Lithographic(K) Ltd. Ltd
16. Dodhia Packaging Ltd 34. Mufindi Paper Ltd 52. United Bags
17. East Africa Packaging 35. Nation Group Ltd.
Industries Ltd
18. East African Paper 36. Paper House of Kenya
Converters Ltd Ltd.
7. City Engineering Works 22. Khetshi Dharamishi & 37. Steelwool (Africa) Ltd
Ltd Co. Ltd
8. Chrystal Industries Ltd 23. Mabati Rolling Mills 38. Steel Structures Ltd
9. Crystal Industries Ltd 24. Manufacturers & 39. Steelmakers Ltd
Supplier (K) Ltd.
10. Davis & Shirtliff Ltd 25. Mecol Limited 40. Steelwool (Africa) Ltd
11. Devki Steel Mills Ltd 26. Metal Crown Ltd. 41. Tononoka Steels Ltd
12. East Africa Spectre Ltd 27. Nails & Steel Products 42. Viking Industries Ltd
13. East African Foundry 28. Nampak Kenya Ltd. 43. Warren Enterprises Ltd
Works (K) Ltd
14. Elite Tools Ltd 29. Napro Industries Ltd 44. Welding Alloys Ltd
15. Friendship Container 30. Orbit Engineering Ltd. 45. Wire Products Ltd
Manufacturers Ltd
Building & Construction
1. Athi River Mining Ltd 5. E. A. Portland Cement 9. Orbit Enterprises Ltd
Co. Ltd
2. Bamburi Cement Ltd 6. Karsan Murji & 10. Saj Ceramics Ltd.
Company Ltd
3. Bamburi Special 7. Kenya Builders &
Products Ltd Concrete Ltd
4. Central Glass Industries 8. Manson Hart Kenya Ltd
Coating C. Ltd Company
3. Bayer East Africa Ltd 24. Grand Paints Ltd 45. Reckitt Benkiser (E.A)
4. Beiersdorf East Africa 25. Henkel Kenya Ltd 46. Revolution Chemicals
Ltd Ltd.
5. Blue Ring Products Ltd 26. Interconsumer Products 47. Rumorth EA Ltd.
6. BOC Kenya Ltd 27. Johnson Diversey East 48. Sara Lee Kenya Ltd
Africa Ltd
7. Buyline Industries Ltd 28. Kel Chemicals Limited 49. Sarok Ltd.
8. Carbacid (CO2) Ltd 29. Kemia International Ltd 50. Seweco Paints Ltd.
9. Chemicals and Solvents 30. Ken Nat Ink & 51. Shreeji Chemicals
(EA) Ltd Chemicals Ltd Limited
10. Chrysal Africa Ltd 31. Kridha Ltd 52. Soilex Chemicals Ltd.
11. Coates Brothers (EA) 32. Magadi Soda Company 53. Strategic Industries Ltd
Ltd Ltd
12. Colgate Palmolive (EA) 33. Maroo Polymers Ltd. 54. Supa Brite Ltd
13. Continental Products 34. Match Masters Ltd. 55. Super Foam Ltd
14. Cooper K Brands Ltd 35. Metroxide Africa Ltd. 56. Syngenta East Africa
15. Crown Berger Kenya 36. Murphy Chemicals E. 57. Synresins Ltd
Ltd A.Ltd
16. Crown Gases Ltd 37. Odex Chemicals Ltd. 58. Tri-Clover Industries
17. Decase Chemicals Ltd 38. Oasis Limited 59. Twiga Chemical
Industries Ltd
18. Deluxe Inks Ltd 39. Orbit Chemicals 60. Uniliver Kenya Ltd
Industries Ltd.
19. Desbro Kenya Ltd 40. Osho Chemicals 61. Vitafoam Products Ltd
20. Elex Products Ltd 41. Pan African Paper Mills
(E.A) Ltd
21. European Perfumes & 42. Polychem East Africa
Cosmetics Co. Ltd Ltd.
3. Auto Springs 10. Kenya Grange Vehicle 17. Theevan Enterprises
Manufacturers Ltd Industries Ltd Ltd
4. Automotive & Industrial 11. Labh Singh Harman 18. Toyota East Africa Ltd
Battery Manufacturers (K) Singh Ltd
5. Banbros Ltd 12. Mann Manufacturing 19. Unifilters Kenya Ltd
Co Ltd
6. Bhachu Industries Ltd 13. Megh Cushion 20. Varsani Brakelinings
Industries Ltd. Ltd
7. Chui Auto Spring 14. Mutsimoto Motor
Industries Ltd Kenya Ltd