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The Holy Scriptures - August 2017

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The Holy Scriptures

Pastor David Ministries


November 2017

(reads right to left)

<<< (

<<< )
(lack, want < not < my shepherd < the Lord is < of David < Psalm)
Psalms 23:1 In English:
(A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.)

The Holy Scriptures

Acceptable books of the Old Testament. (From the time of crea-

tion, up to just before the birth of Jesus Christ.) Genesis, Exo-dus,
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st & 2nd
Samuel, 1st & 2nd Kings, 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Songs, Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Oba-
diah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zecha-
riah, Malachi.

Acceptable books of the New Testament. (From the birth of Jesus

Christ, to Revelation = Apocalypse.) Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Acts, Romans, 1st & 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillip-
pians, Colossians, 1st & 2nd Thessalonians, 1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus,
Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1st & 2nd Peter, 1st & 2nd & 3rd John, Jude,

The Books commonly called Apocrypha (books found in the Ro-

man Catholic Bible, mixed in with the other Old Testament books) are
not of Divine inspiration, should have no part of the Canon of the

Scripture, and therefore are of no authority to the Church of God, nor
to be anywise approved or made use of, then other human writings.
The Apocrypha could be accepted as general history books on the
same standing as any other history books, such as those written by
Flavius Josephus, (which are: Antiquities of the Jews, and The
Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem)
but not equal to the Bible. The Apocrypha books are: Tobit, Judith,
Wisdom, Sirach, additions to Esther, Baruch, additions to Daniel, 1 st &
2nd Maccabees. These books are also occasionally found in Bibles
printed for non-Roman Catholic churches.

The book of Mormon and the Koran are not Holy Scriptures. (A
good web search will give lots of reasons.) The Koran is extremely
beautiful as a poetical masterpiece, (which is probably the main
reason for it's popularity) but it contradicts the Bible, especially con-
cerning salvation. True salvation must include primarily a blood
sacrifice as a substitution for a person's sins. (see article on: Salva-
tion) The Koran also contradicts the Bible concerning marriage,
divorce and remarriage. The Koran and the prophet Mohammad
permit divorce and remarriage freely for any reason. (On one occa-
sion, their prophet Mohammad wanted another man's wife, so a
divorce was arranged specifically so that he could marry her.) (see
article on: Marriage Misunderstandings Explained)
In the Bible, marriage represents the spiritual relationship be-
tween the church and Jesus Christ, who is God, the Son. To say that
a woman can get a divorce and legitimate remarriage is to say that
there is another legitimate god other than the true God, Jesus Christ.
The Koran also rejects Jesus Christ as being God, the Son, by stating
very clearly that Jesus Christ was only a great prophet, yet at the
same time rejecting what Jesus Christ taught. The Koran accepts
Jesus Christ as a true prophet from God and at the same time rejects
what he says, the miracles He did, His resurrection after His Crucifix-
ion and His claim to deity. The Koran was also never confirmed by
God with miracles as the NT was.

The Mormon Church's claims that their leaders are equal to the
Apostles, starting with Joseph Smith is false. If their Book of Mormon
is really true, then it needs to be confirmed by God with the superna-
tural gifts of the Spirit, the same way that God confirmed the writing of
the New Testament. Their leaders, who they claim are equal to the
Apostles, must do miracles like the Apostles did. But, the Book of
Mormon has not been confirmed by God as the New Testament was.
However, it must be recognized that the content of the Book of Mor-
mon is very unusual, and that it is not believable that a common man
such as Joseph Smith would be capable of inventing such a thing. He
claims to have been visited by an angel, but more than likely, he was
visited by a demon. This would explain the fantastical content of the
The removal of the originals, and the defiance of the rules of
translation are also unbelievable. Everyone who is bilingual knows
that a translation cannot replace the original. There are always things
that are difficult to explain in a translation. And there are some things
that may be close, but the exact translation cannot be put so equal in
a different language. There are also certain words in every language
that have no equivalent in a different language. The unnecessary
removal of the originals, which supposedly were written on gold
plates, renders the whole episode dishonest. A translation never
replaces the originals. A translation can never be exactly equal to the
originals. Even computer languages are this way. That's why Micro-
soft puts out all of their software in binomial, they don't want anyone to
see their original source code.

The original language of the Old Testament was Hebrew (),

with some small sections written in Aramaic, during the Babylonian
captivity. Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be
fulfilled. The jot (, )is the smallest Hebrew letter and the
tittle (, )is the smallest part of a Hebrew letter. At the time
of Christ, the Hebrew OT was the only Bible in existence.

The original language of the New Testament, which was written
after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, was done entirely in Greek. At
that time Israel was part of the Roman Empire, but shortly before be-
ing the Roman Empire it was the Greek Empire, conquered by Ale-
xander. So, before it was the Roman Empire, most people had
already learned Greek. Even the Romans learned Greek, as their
second international language. Therefore the international language
at that time and place was Greek. Back then, many people were
bilingual, Hebrew was the local language in Israel and Greek was the
international language for speaking to whatever foreigners who were
from outside of Israel. Luke 23:38 And a superscription also was
written over him (Jesus on the cross) in letters of Greek ( ),
and Latin (), and Hebrew ( ), THIS IS THE KING
The native Roman language was Latin (), but their
international language was Greek ( ). Act 21:37 ......May I
speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek? (
do you know Greek?) The Romans usually spoke to the
Jews in Greek. Most Romans could not speak Hebrew and most
Jews could not speak Latin, but they both usually spoke Greek . Rev
9:11 ......whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the
Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Act 21:40 .And when
there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew
tongue, saying,..... Act 22:2 (And when they heard that he spake in
the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he
saith,....) Act 26:14 .....I heard a voice speaking unto me, and
saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, .... Rev 16:16 .....a
place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
All of the new places that the Romans conquered, which were
not conquered by the Greeks, like western Europe, were taught Latin,
as their international language. The Spanish completely switched to
Latin. Modern Spanish is nothing more than Latin, which has chang-
ed, little by little, over 2,000 years. Especially, before the invention of
the printing press, when there were no public schools and most peo-

ple couldn't read, language changed much more, from one generation
to the next. This is why modern Spanish speakers are often called
Latinos. Italian is also modern Latin, but since it was in a different
location, it change differently than it did in Spain. This is why modern
Italian is very similar to modern Spanish.
In modern times, the international language around the world is
English. All over the world, most people who learn a second language
usually learn English. In modern Israel, when Jews (Hebrew )
want to talk to Palestinians (Arabic
) , they usually learn to do it in
English. When Egyptians (Arabic
) want to talk to Spanish speak-
ers, they usually learn to do it in English. When Italians want to go on
vacation in Latin America they usually make the reservations in Eng-
lish, etc. (The Italians usually don't speak Spanish, and the Latin
Americans usually don't speak Italian, but they both usually speak
English, as their second international language.)

There is another problem of certain individuals going around say-

ing that at the time of Jesus Christ they spoke Aramaic in Israel. (Ex-
ample, the 2004 film: The Passion of the Christ.) This is done by dis-
honest people for no other reason than to discredit the original lan-
guage texts of the New Testament. It's about as ridiculous as some-
one telling a new immigrant, in the US, that Richard Nixon (tricky
Dickey) was the first president of the United States. Normally, that
would be a funny gag on the new immigrant, because the new immi-
grant would probably believe it. But, if it was done by a real history
teacher in a real history classroom, you would wonder what the tea-
cher's motives were for doing such a thing.
Any supposed expert going around saying that Aramaic was the
original language of the New Testament and the main language spo-
ken in Israel at the time of Christ is a liar,...... and is easily disproved.
Luke 23:38 And a superscription also was written over him (Jesus on
the cross) in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE
KING OF THE JEWS. Here, we see that the three languages com-
monly spoken in Israel at the time of Christ are clearly stated, Greek,
Latin and Hebrew. Aramaic was not even among the top three. Most

of the people following this teaching don't even know where Aramaic
comes from. Most of the people following this teaching are usually
completely ignorant of what is going on, like a new immigrant who
accepts the idea that Nixon was the first president, because they
know absolutely nothing about American history.

Yet another difficulty with the New Testament is the abundance of

original Greek copies with variations in the text. It must be understood
that many years ago all books were copied by hand. The first printing
press was not invented until the fifteenth century. In the days when
people copied books by hand it was much more common that they
made mistakes (but not always), as compared to the people who did
typeset for the printing press. Some people even go so far as to say
that it is impossible for someone to copy en entire book without ma-
king lots of mistakes. (More than 99.9% of modern books are printed
with zero typeset errors. However, if you want to find a modern book
with typeset errors, the most common kind would be the best books
about spiritual life, because the person doing the typeset for the print-
ing of the book usually was not interested in the spiritual message of
the book and wanted to avoid reading the content. And, who knows,
maybe they were even drunk on the job. Two examples of this pheno-
menon would be books about Charles Finney, an early American
evangelist or Watchman Nee, a Chinese evangelist.)
However, those old hand copied supposed mistakes, from be-
fore the invention of the printing press, were usually grammatically
correct. For example: if the phrase grammatically correct was
repeated two times in a row in the previous sentence, it would be
grammatically incorrect, and the error would be obvious along with the
obvious real meaning. (Any spelling error would also be obvious.)
However, if the phrase grammatically correct was missing, it would
be grammatically incorrect, but the meaning would not be obvious and
the reader would know that a mistake had been made; the sentence
itself would not make sense.
But in those many variations of different copies of the original

Greek New Testament, none of them have the type of grammatical
error in them that would leave it not making sense. (Nor spelling
errors.) Example: Rev 22:19 ..God shall take away his part out of
the book of life.... KJV as compared to the same verse in the WEB:
Rev 22:19 ..may God take away his part from the tree of life.....
WEB The word book () is altered to the word tree ().
Obviously, this was no mistake. Somebody deliberately changed it.
(Interestingly, the context of this passage is talking about the very sub-
ject of altering the content of the Bible, while copying.) Both senten-
ces are grammatically correct, both make sense. (And neither has
spelling errors.) In like manner, all of the variations in those many
Greek texts are always grammatically correct; they all make sense.
(And none have spelling errors.) This absolutely confirms that the
variations were not due to accidental copy mistakes.
The cause for the variations is that certain persons deliberately
tampered with the content; changing it on purpose while copying it by
hand very shortly after the originals were written. (Possibly copied di-
rectly from the first originals, at a time when the first originals were in
existence.) Those copyists did not respect it as the Holy Word of God
and felt free to alter it any way they wanted.
Interestingly, no other ancient writing was treated with such dis-
respect. Why are none of the other ancient writings loaded with these
types of alterations? Making a hand written copy was a big and ex-
pensive job in those days, (the writing materials themselves were very
expensive in those days) so why would anyone value the text so much
to go through all that work and expense, yet at the same time mistreat
the content of the text in this manner? Obviously, it was done by sa-
tanic persons who wanted to deliberately corrupt the Word of God.
In addition, most of the time, after those deliberate alterations
were made, another problem was that later on, many times the copyist
had more than one copy of the Greek NT in front of him that he was
copying from, which were different. As a result, most of the later co-
pies were actually a combination of several of the previous texts. The
person copying literally mixed them together by selecting from a differ-
ent previous text in each passage, whichever one the copyist felt was

best in each place...... and, who knows, possibly even inventing new
changes along the way.
Therefore, the big question is: Which copy is closest to the ori-
ginal? Also: Which copy should be used for translation into English?
Which English translation should be respected as the best? First,
some of the oldest copies have certain obvious flaws in them, like
some sentences crossed out with a line drawn through the words and
then something different written above the line. Or on two occasions,
half pages were left blank where half a chapter was missing. (Exam-
ples: John 7:53 8:11, Mark 16:9-20. Weymouth NT both missing,
TCNT John misssing only. Some English translations get these pas-
sages from the Received Text, but italicize or gray letter the text.)
The copyist deliberately left empty space available and continued
copying further below on the same page. The blank half page was
obvious evidence that the copyist knew that something belonged
there, and yet left it out deliberately. These same copies also have
many full sentences and phrases missing, hundreds of them, changes
on every page throughout the entire NT.
Amazingly, most modern translations in English use those corrupt
Greek copies simply because they're the oldest and considered clos-
est (in time) to the originals. But this mindset is based on the assump-
tion that the cause of the changes, over the years, is due to accidental
mistakes by the copyists. (And they ignore the fact that the most ex-
treme alterations were made in those texts considered closest (in
time) to the originals, which completely disproves the theory that the
alterations are the result of accidental mistakes by the copyists over
the years. If their mindset is true then the biggest changes should
have happened as late as possible, not as early as possible.)
Also, since many centuries have passed, it is assumed that the
alterations have accumulated over the years, each copyist contribu-
ting a little, which is why there are so many alterations. (And they ig-
nore the fact that other ancient writings don't have this problem. If they
want to read Plato or Josephus, they don't find a multitude of these
kind of alterations in content.) Whereas, the most probable cause of
the changes is due to someone deliberately changing the NT, very

shortly after it was written, along with the problem that later copyists
combined several previous texts together. Those old corrupt Greek
Bibles were also kept packed away in closets and not used for a long
time (almost 2,000 years) by people who really didn't care about the

During the European Renaissance, when there was a revival in

Christianity, and many people were starting to break away from the
Roman Catholic domination of Christianity. Along with the revival
there appeared a new (different) Greek copy of the New Testament,
which was different from the Roman Catholic Latin Bible. This differ-
ent original Greek Bible was exclusively used for translation into many
European languages, at that time, thereby sparking the revival. This
Greek New Testament was called the Received Text (Latin: Textus
Receptus), which was copied with the idea of simply making an iden-
tical copy of the previous received text without any changes.
This European Renaissance revival represents the age of the
church of Philadelphia in Rev. 3:7-13, which was a faithful church, yet
a weak church. The seven churches mentioned in chapters two and
three of the book of Revelation represent epochs in which, through
history, a particular church was the most common type of church
found at that particular time. (.. not denying the existence of the
other types of churches in other places.) We are now living in the age
of the lukewarm church of Laodicea Rev. 3:14-21, especially in the
US. (see article on: The Lukewarm Church)
Unfortunately, despite the idea of simply making an identical
copy, the bad habit of combining different previous Greek texts man-
aged to lightly contaminate the Received Text as well. However, the
variations are much less than the other Greek texts. (The older more
corrupt copies. As you get closer to the originals, in time, the varia-
tions are more extreme; the opposite of what should be expected.)

The translation of the King James NT 1611 also uses a combi-

nation of several Greek texts, all considered to be part of the family
of the Received Text with very few variations. The KJV translators

used mostly Theodore Beza's 1598 print, but occasionally borrowed
from Robert Stephen's 1550 and 1551 prints, as their main texts. (No-
tice how Stephen made a new print with a few alterations only one
year after his first print. Altogether he made nine different publications,
each one with a few alterations.) The KJV translators also, occasion-
ally used other editions from Beza and Stephen, They also used the
1527 and 1535 editions of Erasmus, the Complutensian Polyglot of
1514/1522 and Colinaeus 1534.
In 1894, (383 years after the 1611 KJV was first printed) F. H. A.
Scrivener made a Greek text that was the same combination of what
they used to translate the King James NT in 1611. It is the only Greek
text that can be read side by side with the KJV, with the content being
exactly identical. (found at: www.e-sword.net and also used in Bible-
Since there are some people who have developed an inappropri-
ate opinion that the KJV in English replaces the original languages, it
would be a good idea to state very clearly here that no bilingual per-
son would agree that any translation could replace any original. From
one language to another there are always some things that are diffi-
cult to explain in another language without a very lengthy explanation.
And always, always, always, there are certain words that do not have
any equivalent in the other language. So, it can be said that the peo-
ple who hold to this teaching have thrown the originals in the trash,
and have replaced them with their inferior English translation. They
are worshiping the work of man more than the word of God.
It should also be stated that in 1611 the original KJV was first
published including the Apocrypha (books found in the Roman Cath-
olic Bible, mixed in with the other Old Testament books, as mentioned
above). In the 18th century, the entire English language went through
some spelling changes. Words that now start with the letter J used
to start with the letter I. The letters u and v were switched. So
the name Jesus was spelled Iesvs, in 1611. Some people say that
the KJV letters themselves won't fail, as though they are the same as
the jots and tittles. Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven
and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,

till all be fulfilled. (The jot and tittle are Hebrew, which they inap-
propriately apply to the English KJV, while they throw the real Hebrew
jots and tittles in the trash. The jot (, )is the smallest Hebrew
letter and the tittle (, )is the smallest part of a Hebrew
A good example of a word that has no equivalent in English is the
difference between the Greek words and , both of
which were translated using the English word love in the KJV, John
21:15-17. In Greek, the word (love) is very strong, like
when a person gives without expecting anything in return. Whereas,
the Greek word (love) is more of a friendly fondness type of
love, more similar to the modern word like. In English there are
many times when most people would feel uncomfortable saying to a
friend, I love you, but they feel much more comfortable saying, I like
In John 21:15 Jesus asked Peter lovest thou me?, using the
strong word for love. (Don't forget that Peter had denied
knowing Jesus three times earlier.) (John 13:38; 18:17,25-27) So,
Peter was afraid to use the strong word for love, and he answered
using the weaker word , Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love
thee. So, Peter's response would be better translated saying: Yes,
Lord; thou knowest that I like thee. The same thing was done the
same way a second time, and Peter responded the same way. But,
the third time Jesus asked him differently, he used the weaker word
for love in his question, lovest () thou me?, which would be
better translated saying: do you like me?. Peter's response: Peter
was grieved because he said unto him the third time, do you like me?
This passage is usually interpreted in English to mean that it grieved
Peter because Jesus asked him a third time the same question. But,
when you know the difference between the two Greek words for
love, it is obvious that what grieved Peter was that Jesus used the
weaker word for love when he asked the third time. Instead of ask-
ing, lovest thou me?, he asked, do you like me?. This under-
standing was totally lost in the 1611 KJV. Whereas, in some other
languages that have two different words for love, the meaning would
not be lost.

But, if the Received Text is really better, then why are there no
old early church copies of it? Two reasons, first, people who are really
interested in, and dedicated to the Bible always wear the book out
simply from constant usage, reading it all the time. Wearing a book
out from constant usage is not common for any other book other than
the Bible. It's just like a piece of clothing which is worn constantly; it
literally starts to get holes and falls to pieces, and has to be thrown
away and replaced eventually. People who don't read the Bible are
not familiar with this phenomenon.
Whereas, those oldest entire corrupt copies of the Bible were
found packed away in closets, not used for many years, by people
who didn't really care about the original Bible. (Their lack of interest
accurately describes the spirit in which those Bibles were copied. A
corrupted Bible will never produce a deep down love for the Word of
God that a Christian ought to have.) (Also, notice that there were bits
and pieces of the Received Text from that early era, but no entire
copies of the NT. In addition, sometimes quotes from the RT can be
found in other writings, such as personal letters, from that era.)
Second, back in those days the enemies of Christian revival had
a habit of burning Bibles, books and the Christians who loved the
Bible along with them. The most famous martyr who was burned at
the stake, using his own Bibles to produce the fire (after the invention
of the printing press), was William Tyndale, who translated the Bible
into English, using the Greek Received Text for the NT. The king of
England tried to get every copy of Tyndale's translation, hoping to
exterminate the book and the man at the same time. (But he failed to
get the original typeset. So, the English Tyndale Bible continued to be
printed in France after Tyndale's execution, and many new copies
were later smuggled back into England.)
Years later, when King James ascended to the throne of Eng-
land, he ordered a new translation of the Bible into English..... And he
specifically told the translators not to put anything from that horrible
Tyndale Bible into it. Of course, if he had taken the time to make a

comparison, he would have discovered that the King James Bible is
very similar to the Tyndale Bible. (The main thing that offended the
previous king was the commentary notes which Tyndale had put in the
margins of his publication, which were completely removed in the KJV.
This made King James very happy.)
The Roman Catholic Church also wanted to burn Martin Luther,
in Germany, who had also translated the NT into German using the
Greek Received Text, but the king there protected Luther. The most
common reason why the Catholic Church murdered people was that,
like Luther, they spoke out against the corruption of the Roman Cath-
olic Church, using the Bible as their guide. Martin Luther had put a
paper on the door of the church stating 95 points in which the Roman
Catholic Church was in error. This had an enormous effect throughout
all of Europe. (This document can be easily found on the Internet.
Search for Martin Luther's 95 Theses.)
Martin Luther was the first survivor of the European Renais-
sance; the first revival church leader who was not murdered by the
Roman Catholic Church. Before Martin Luther, many faithful Christian
leaders, who loved Jesus Christ and the Bible, were burned at the
stake....... And many times their Bibles and other books were burned
with them, by the Roman Catholic Church, most commonly because
they spoke out against the corruption of Rome. (read: Foxs Book of
Martyrs) In those days, many of the faithful Christians thought that the
Roman Catholic Church was the Great Harlot found in: Rev 17:5,6
And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON
OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of
the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: ..... (Since
marriage is a symbol of true religion, in the bible, prostitution is a
symbol of false religion.) They also thought that the pope was the
anti-Christ (the beast). (Rev 13) The Roman Catholic Church is the
bloodiest church that has ever existed.
Amazingly, most modern Roman Catholics deny any church re-
sponsibility for those bloody murders of faithful followers of Jesus
Christ. A few Catholics even laugh about it. (Laughing identifies them

as co-participants, in spirit, with the murderers.) (Laughing also ex-
presses their belief in the Roman Catholic teaching of the infallibility of
the pope.) The Apostle Peter himself, who was appointed by Jesus
Christ as the head of the church (Mat 16:18) and considered to be the
first pope by the Roman Catholic Church, was once rebuked by the
Apostle Paul for being in error. (Gal. 2:12-14) The teaching of the
infallibility of the Pope is itself an error. Sometimes, they even accept
the Pope's word over or equal to the Word of God; they do not treat
the Word of God as above the leadership of their church. (They treat
the Word of God as though it was written by men who were not any
more significant than the current leaders of their church.)
The Apostle Peter was also married, he had a wife and a mother-
in-law. (Mat 8:14) This shows another error of the pope, in that their
church denies marriage to the church leaders, the priests and nuns.
The pope is in error concerning the opportunity of marriage for church
leaders. According to the Roman Catholic Latin translation, church
leaders are supposed to be: (translation from Roman Catholic Latin
Bible to English): 1Ti 3:2 The bishop therefore must be without re-
proach, the husband of one wife...... (In the original Greek the word
for bishop, translated into Latin, is understood as a general term for
church leader. It is not a specific hierarchal rank, as it is in the modern
Catholic Church.)
On the plus side, the Roman Catholic Church has always had a
reputation of helping the poor with good charitable works. This can be
seen in the example of the church of Thyatira in Rev. 2:18-29. The
church of Thyatira was known to have good charitable works. Rev
2:19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy
patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. How-
ever, despite this good reputation, they also had a bad reputation of
idolatry. (Idolatry is spiritually compared to fornication and adultery
because it is as though a wife was with some other man besides her
husband. Thus, it is compared to the worship of some other gods
besides the true God; which is idolatry.) Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I
have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest (permit) that
woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to

seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed
unto idols. Jezebel, the false prophetess, is represented by the idol
which is falsely called the image of the virgin mother of Jesus. (Notice
how her virginity is exaggerated by claiming it to be eternal; they re-
fuse to recognize that after the virgin birth of Jesus she had other chil-
dren through her natural husband Joseph, thereby losing her virginity
after the virgin birth of Jesus. Mark 6:3) The phrase: eat things sac-
rificed unto idols is a clear reference to the manner in which they offer
up the communion bread of the Lord's supper to those false images
just before they partake of it. Those images of Jesus Christ and his
mother in their churches are false.

Nowadays, there are only about four translations in English in

common print which were translated from the Greek Received Text.
(in software there are more available, at places like: e-sword. net and
included in the BibleWorks software). The King James Version (KJV
1611), the Modern King James Version MKJV, the King James
Version Clarified New Testament KJVCNT (NT only) and the KJ2000.
Most other modern English Bibles in print use the corrupted oldest
Greek texts to translate from. Notice that all of the Bibles that used
the Received Text were some sort of King James version. None of
the other Bibles use the Received Text. This makes it quite easy to
know which one is which.
A few modern English translations (like the WEB or EMTV) were
translated from a Greek text called: the Majority Text, which, if you
read the preface, you discover that they evaluated the majority by
the linage or family of each text. In other words, they only consider-
ed the Received Text to count for just one family or linage. Other-
wise, a Majority Text would be nothing more than just a copy of the
Received Text, because during the European Renaissance revival
the RT was in mass production. It was the only one used at that time
for translating. There are more copies of the RT in existence than all
of the others combined. But, since the people who published the Ma-
jority Text didn't want to admit that the Received Text was indeed

the Majority Text they invented a deceptive dishonest tactic to mini-
mize the value of the massive production of the Received Text in
order to disqualify its true identity as the real Majority Text. The word
majority is misleading anyway. Now, that the majority of churches
are lukewarm, the majority of Bibles are lukewarm. So, what's
the value in being the majority? The true important issue is whether
a Bible is correct, not if it is the most common in print.
The reason why the other Greek texts were rejected for translat-
ing during the European Renaissance revival was that they all came
from either the Roman Catholic Church or the Greek Orthodox
Church, both of which the Renaissance revivalists did not trust. Ob-
viously, the people who made the Majority Text trusted the Roman
Catholic Bibles and the Greek Orthodox Bibles more, and wanted to
discredit the massive publication of the Received Text during the
Renaissance revival.
It must also be noted that there has never been any true spiritual
revival among the people who hold to the corrupted Greek texts (it is
very rare that those people even show interest in reading the Bible at
all), therefore, the only people promoting those texts are the wolves
in sheep's clothing who understand very well the value of those texts
for corrupting the church. It is true that some of those churches that
use those Bibles have increased their membership list. (They have
had successful missionary growth over the years.) But, that was more
like a club expanding and increasing their size. It wasn't really true
spiritual revival. They put more emphasis on religious ceremony and
the worship of false statues than on reading the Bible. (During the first
generation of the church, no statues of Jesus or his mother were ever
made. There were many statues of Caesar and other famous people,
but none of Christ or his mother.) None of those people in their in-
crease of membership have any interest at all in reading and loving
the true Word of God. They value the word of the pope more than the
Word of God.
For many years, the Roman Catholic Church did not even permit
their members to read the Bible. For a long time they didn't even
translate the Bible into any of the common spoken languages. For

many years, their church services were spoken in Latin, so the com-
mon uneducated people could not even understand the church's
teachings. The only Bible available for Catholics, back then, was the
Latin (Vulgate) Bible translated from those corrupt Greek copies, the
ones that were found packed away in closets, not used for almost two
thousand years.
A corrupted Bible cannot produce a true spiritual revival. But
amazingly, many modern pastors don't even know how to tell the dif-
ference, yet there are changes on every page of the NT. Sometimes,
some pastors will even say that they hold to the Received Text (just
because they read somewhere that it was the best) and then use an
English Bible translated from a corrupted Greek text, because they
can't tell the difference, neither do they really care because they are
lukewarm in the faith.
The reason the corrupted Greek texts have become more popu-
lar within the last half century is because we are living in the age of
the lukewarm church. (see article on: The Lukewarm Church) There-
fore, the lukewarm church needs to use lukewarm Bibles; Bibles wa-
tered down with changes on every page...... the lukewarm Christians
don't know and they don't care. Why don't they care? Because they
are lukewarm in the faith. Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich,
and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not
that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked
...... They don't know that they're lukewarm because they're blind in
the faith. It is their love of money, material wealth and luxury that has
blinded them. (see article on: The Lukewarm Church)

The verse and chapter number system was made during the
European Renaissance revival when many people were starting to
show extreme interest in reading the Bible regularly. The verse and
chapter number system is very important for finding specific locations
in the Bible during teaching or discussion. (Notice only the people
using RT translations were interested in reading or discussing the
Bible regularly. No other Bible got this kind of interest.) Since that
verse and chapter numbering system was made using the Greek

Received Text, occasionally the other corrupted Greek texts have
entire verses missing (16 entire verses), or half verses missing (hun-
dreds of half verses) and thousands of words missing or altered.
In the modern English Bibles that use those corrupted Greek
texts, when they get to those entire missing verses, they have to bor-
row from the Received Text in order to fill in the missing verse, in
order to avoid the embarrassment of having entire verses missing.
(Some of them just leave the entire verse missing, and skip to the next
verse number. Most of the people who use those Bibles don't really
care or even notice it anyway.)
But, if it is only a half verse missing, they usually just leave it the
way it is in the corrupted Greek text; they leave out the half verse
without letting you know. Examples: Mark 9:44,46 are both com-
pletely missing in the corrupted text, so some of the English Bibles
that translate from those corrupted Greek texts have to skip to the
next verse number and leave those verses blank. Talking about hell:
Mark 9:44,46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quench-
ed. ( .)
Sometimes, they borrow from the RT to fill in the blank, but use itali-
cized letters, gray letters and/or brackets to indicate that it is some
sort of special case. However, Mark 9:49 is only half missing, so they
translate only half a verse into English, in accordance with the corrupt-
ed Greek, but they don't tell you that half of the verse is missing. Mark
9:49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall
be salted (seasoned) with salt. ( ) (The
missing words are in blue letters.)
There are some English translations that just leave the missing
verses (44,46) missing and skip to the next verse number. (Some of
the English translations put notes at the bottom of the page indicating
the changes. In those Bibles there are notes of alterations on every
page of the NT. Not one page of the entire NT has no alterations. Any
faithful Christian who loves the Word of God ought to be bothered by
seeing a list of alterations like that at the bottom of every page of the
One of the most important verses altered is 1John 5:7 which

most modern translations say something like: For there are three
who testify. WEB and nothing more. Whereas, the Received Text
says: For there are three that bear record (testify) in heaven, the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. KJV
) (The additional words from the RT are in blue letters.)

In conclusion, since Jesus said: Mat 5:18 ....... Till heaven and
earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till
all be fulfilled., obviously, the best of our present Hebrew and Greek
texts of the Bible do not fit the claim of Jesus Christ that they are
letter-for-letter perfect. However, by faith it must be recognized that
somewhere in the world today the perfect letter-for-letter copy of the
entire Bible must exist. Unfortunately, most modern Christians are not
concerned enough about it to even start looking for it, (most of the mo-
dern churches are too lukewarm to care) nor do they have any idea
where to start looking for it. And how can we recognize it? Answer: it
is the text that will produce the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all
flesh; the great revival that represents the great harvest of the latter
days just before Jesus Christ returns. (Acts 2)
Most likely, the early Church that was persecuted by the old Ro-
man Empire had it. (Before the rise of the Roman Catholic Church.)
That faithful Church is represented in the Bible by the Church in
Smyrna. Rev. 2:8-11 8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna
write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is
alive; 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art
rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews
(Christians), and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear
none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall
cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have
tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a
crown of life. 11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second

The few Christians who are faithful should now start praying
everywhere for this letter-for-letter perfect Bible in the original lan-
guages to be found and published. Just as the Received Text was
necessary to spark the revival during the European Renaissance, so
is it necessary for this letter-for-letter perfect Bible to be found and
published in order to spark the prophecy in: Acts 2:17 And it shall
come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit
upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and
your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream
dreams: (from Joel 2:28 and Eze 36:26) of the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit on all flesh. (Which is necessary to start the NWO. See article
on: The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible)
Also, notice the importance of learning the original languages, in
Hebrew and Greek. It is possible to learn in some sort of school. But,
it is also possible to learn from well written grammars and lexicons
(bilingual dictionaries) (Even the gigantic Liddell-Scott Greek/English
lexicon is available in .pdf free on-line download. [don't settle for the
small abridged/condensed version, get the big one, which has every
detail.]) (After 50 years, copyright laws no longer apply. Books go into
the public domain.) (Some grammars are user-friendly but most are
not. So, get a bunch of them, and pick the friendliest. You can get
many for free on the Internet. Do a free Internet search: Hebrew
grammar, Greek grammar.) Most of what you need can be found on
the Internet at places like www.e-sword.net, free. If you have some
money to spend, get BibleWorks, which is the best for learning He-
brew and Greek. You can even get Hebrew audio recordings of the
OT at: www.audiotreasure.com. (The VLC free audio player can slow
down the audio and make it easier to understand.)

The Muslims put a lot of emphasis on learning the original lan-

guage of their Koran, in Arabic. They teach that anyone who is com-
pletely dedicated to God will learn the language in which God speaks
to them. (A translation always loses a little of the original meaning.)
(The Mormons do the reverse. They say to forget about the original
language, and use the English translation instead.) Faithful Christians

should start learning the original languages even now, before the per-
fect letter-for-letter Bible has been found, so that they will be able to
read it when it is found.
But, it's too bad that those Muslims are mistaken about the Koran
being the word of God. It should also be noted that the Arabs are fa-
mous for their outstanding poetry..... and that the Koran is a beautiful
poetical masterpiece, which explains the intensive interest it has re-
ceived. Parts of the Koran are in accordance with the Bible.

Recommended free Bible software:

www.e-sword.net or www.theword.net

Also free Bible audio recordings at:


comments for everyone to see:


or e-mails: pastordavidministries@openmailbox.org

at: https://www.hashdoc.com
or: https://www.scribd.com look at bottom.
Sometimes hashdoc is slow, overloaded.
BEST: Google Drive https://goo.gl/992nQY

The Holy Scriptures


The Lie of Evolution


What About Deborah



The Role Of Women Throughout History


The Consequences of Using Incorrect Terminology


Domestic Discipline

The Lukewarm Church


Correct Divorce


The Consequences of Women's Liberation


The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible


Self-Love and Self-Esteem


Angels are Aliens, Aliens are Angels


Wolves In Sheep's Clothing


The Virtues of the Spirit


The Babylonian and Egyptian Captivity


The Suffering Of The Great Depression



Marriage Misunderstandings Explained


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