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The Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage: What Do We Know, and Where Do We Go To Next?

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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.

13098 Review article


The prevention and treatment of postpartum

haemorrhage: what do we know, and where do
we go to next?
A Weeks
Sanyu Research Unit, Department of Womens and Childrens Health, Liverpool Womens Hospital, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Correspondence: Professor A Weeks, Sanyu Research Unit, Department of Womens and Childrens Health, Liverpool Womens Hospital,
University of Liverpool, Crown Street, Liverpool L8 7SS, UK. Email aweeks@liv.ac.uk

Accepted 22 August 2014. Published Online 7 October 2014.

Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) remains a major cause of to develop high-quality front-line obstetric services that can deal
maternal deaths worldwide, and is estimated to cause the death of rapidly with unexpected haemorrhages as well as minimising
a woman every 10 minutes. This review presents the latest clinical blood loss at critical times: major abruption, placenta praevia, and
advice, including new evidence on controlled cord traction, caesarean for prolonged labour.
misoprostol, and oxytocin. The controversy around the diagnosis Keywords Maternal mortality, misoprostol, oxytocin, postpartum
of PPH, the limitations of universal prophylaxis, and novel ways haemorrhage.
to provide obstetric first aid are also presented. It ends with a call

Please cite this paper as: Weeks A. The prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: what do we know, and where do we go to next?. BJOG 2014;
DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13098.

rate of 38 per 100 000 births. Of those with a PPH, 18%

had a severe maternal outcome and 3% died.6
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) remains the most com- It is thought that most PPHs result from an atonic
mon cause of maternal mortality worldwide.1 It is responsi- uterus, where the loss of myometrial tone allows maternal
ble for around 30% of maternal deaths, equivalent to blood flow to the placental bed (500 ml/minute during
86 000 deaths per year annually or ten deaths every hour. pregnancy) to continue unchecked. Other causes include
Globally, mortality from PPH has reduced markedly over retained placental tissue, tears of the uterus, cervix, or
time. In the UK, maternal death rates from haemorrhage vagina, and clotting disorders (the 4Ts mnemonic: tone,
(per 100 000 maternities) have been falling steadily for the tissue, trauma, and thrombin). Antenatal risk factors for
last 150 years, from a high of 108 in 1847.2 By 1926 the PPH include Asian ethnicity, obesity, previous PPH, multi-
rate had fallen to 50, and it continued to fall to 11 in 1952, ple pregnancy, anaemia, large baby, placenta praevia, and
and to the current rate of 0.4.3 This compares with current age over 40 years. Intrapartum risk factors include induc-
mortality rates from haemorrhage in sub-Saharan Africa of tion of labour, prolonged labour, intrapartum pyrexia,
around 150. placental abruption, episiotomy, operative vaginal delivery,
Although mortality from PPH is falling, there is evidence retained placenta, and delivery by caesarean section.7
that the rate of both retained placentas and PPH is actually There are three broad areas in which the outcomes from
increasing in Western settings.4,5 This appears to be a real PPH may be improved: prevention, treatment, and rescue
effect, not simply a result of ascertainment errors or (Figure 1). Prevention covers antenatal strategies, active
improved detection. The underlying reasons are unclear management of the third stage of labour, and treatments
but are thought to relate to increased rates of intervention. for retained placenta. PPH treatment covers both medical
The modern risks of facility PPH in low- and mid- and surgical treatment, and PPH rescue therapies include
dle-income countries were shown in the recent large WHO intravenous fluids and blood transfusion, coagulation
multi-country survey. Of 275 000 births, 1.2% of women correction, and supportive care, such as compression
had a reported PPH and there was an overall PPH death garments. Each will be considered in turn in this review.

2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1


of the studies in this review used combinations of oxytocin

and ergometrine, and this was reflected in increases in
hypertension and vomiting. There was no overall change in
the need for the manual removal of placenta.
Recent studies have sought to examine the components
of active management in more detail. Overall, they suggest
that it is the oxytocic that is responsible for the beneficial
effect of the package, with CCT contributing little, and
early cord clamping having no maternal benefits, but intro-
ducing potential neonatal harm.13 This is reflected in the
latest WHO guidelines.14 The studies that contributed to
this finding are summarised below.

PPH medical prophylaxis

Figure 1. Histogram of blood loss at delivery showing the death zone
at a loss of over 40% blood volume, and the three strategies for
intervention. The data were adapted from Hoj,58 with corrections to the
Oxytocin and carbetocin
published data. The Diagram is from Weeks.59 Oxytocin is by far the most common prophylactic in use,
and is usually given after delivery of the baby or the pla-
centa.15 This is also the drug recommended by the WHO,14
Preventing PPH
the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
The long list of risk factors above shows how many factors (NICE),16 and the International Federation of Gynecology
in maternity care can affect the PPH rates. The association and Obstetrics (FIGO),17 and is given as 10 iu intramuscu-
with anaemia is important because it appears to not only larly at the time of delivery of the baby. Oxytocin can also
predispose women to PPH,7 but also reduces tolerance to be given as an intravenous bolus,18 but causes a large,
blood loss. The treatment of anaemia (both through the transient decrease in blood pressure when administered this
treatment of iron deficiency anaemia and through de-wor- way, and so should be administered slowly with care
ming) is therefore important. (Figure 2).18 It had been thought that intramuscular and
PPH is also closely related to surgical intervention, irre- intravenous injections were equally effective, but a recent
spective of whether this is induction, episiotomy, operative large randomised trial suggests that a low-dose intravenous
vaginal delivery, or caesarean section. Routine episiotomy infusion (10 iu over 12 hours) is more effective than
is associated with a 27% increase in PPH at normal birth, 10 iu given intramuscular (I. Dzuba, pers. comm.);
and so should be used sparingly for delivery.8 Reducing
other surgical interventions is not so easy, but it should 100
not be forgotten that PPH is one of the hidden costs of
these interventions. 95
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)

Active management of the third stage of labour
Active management of the third stage of labour was first 85

described when purified oxytocin became widely available. 80

Oxytocics were given to ensure effective uterine contrac-
tions, and the controlled cord traction (CCT) prevented 75

retained placenta.9 Early cord clamping was already com- 70

monly used and entered the protocol by default.10 In 1988
the Bristol trial demonstrated that the active management 65

package reduced PPH rates,11 and it rapidly became incor- 60

porated into standard labour management. The worldwide
importance of PPH and the simplicity of the intervention
meant that active management became a mantra for the
safe motherhood movement.10 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
There have now been seven major trials comparing an Time (seconds)
active management protocol with other packages, or nor- Figure 2. Effect of oxytocin bolus on maternal blood pressure (data
mal management, that have found active management to from A. Carlin, pers. comm.). The arrow marks the time of oxytocin
consistently reduce excessive blood loss by 5070%.12 Many bolus. Diagram reproduced from Weeks.

2 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

PPH: what do we know now and where do we go next?

however, there appears to be no benefit of using an infu- of the prostaglandins, which cause broncho-constriction).
sion over 4 hours compared with a bolus over 5 minutes, Its most common side effect is to offset the temperature
at least in women undergoing caesarean section.19 regulation of the body. In those affected, the body attempts
Although oxytocin acts rapidly on the uterus (within a to raise its temperature by shivering. This can lead to tem-
minute when given intravenously and within 2 minutes peratures of 40C or more. Although these high fevers ini-
when given intramuscularly), the half-life of oxytocin is tially caused alarm,27 experience has shown that they are
only around 10 minutes. A number of strategies have self-limiting within 3 hours, and respond rapidly to tepid
therefore been developed to prolong the oxytocic effect. sponging and paracetamol.28 The frequency of this side
These include combining oxytocin with the long-acting erg- effect is related to dosage and route, with the highest rates
ometrine, or the use of carbetocin, an oxytocin agonist. of fever occurring with the sublingual route.29 Genetic fac-
The clinical and pharmacological properties of carbetocin tors may account for the observed marked geographical
are similar to those of naturally occurring oxytocin, result- differences in rates.
ing in rhythmic contractions of the uterus within 2 min- After many years of research into misoprostol for PPH
utes, and lasting 12 hours. There is evidence from prophylaxis, it appears that it reduces postpartum blood
randomised studies that carbetocin may be more effective loss,30 but that it is not as effective as oxytocin.31,32 Oxyto-
than oxytocin,20 and some countries have already adopted cin is therefore now recommended over misoprostol as a
it as their first-line recommended oxytocic for PPH preven- first line for PPH prophylaxis.14,17 However misoprostol
tion at the time of caesarean section.21 A heat-stable ver- may be of benefit in settings with poor health services
sion of carbetocin has recently been developed, and a large where there is limited provision of both refrigerators and
WHO study is underway to test its efficacy in comparison skilled birth attendants. In these settings, misoprostol tab-
with oxytocin. lets can be given to women antenatally for self-administra-
tion at the time of delivery. Repeated studies have shown
Ergometrine and oxytocin/ergometrine that this strategy is safe women take the medication reli-
(Syntometrine) ably and accurately (Weeks AD, Ditai J, Ononge S, Fara-
Ergot derivatives were the first treatments described for gher B, Frye LJ, Durocher J, Mirembe FM, Byamugisha J,
PPH, with initial reports as far back as the end of the 19th Winikoff B, Alfirevic Z, unpublished observations)32 and
century;22 however, it was not until 1935 that the active there are plans to disseminate this strategy widely.
substance was purified and named ergometrine.23 Its The optimal dosage and route of prophylactic misopros-
administration causes an intense and sustained uterine con- tol is not known, but studies have used mainly oral or sub-
traction (in contrast to the intermittent contractions caused lingual doses of 400 or 600 lg for prophylaxis. There is
by oxytocin). A systematic review of its use for prophylaxis evidence that lower doses of misoprostol are as effective,
shows it to reduce the PPH rate (when used as part of the but with lower side-effect rates,28,34 and there have been
active management of the third stage of labour), compared calls for the use of reduced dosages;35 however, both the
with physiological management.24 There are associated WHO and the FIGO guidelines suggest the use of a single
increases in hypertension, vomiting, and pain associated prophylactic dose of 600 lg of oral or sublingual misopros-
with its use, however, as well as an increase in retained tol.14,17
placenta when it is administered intravenously.25
Ergometrine may be combined with oxytocin as a way of Other third-stage components
providing a sustained contraction after the oxytocin has
worn off. The drug Syntometrine has been commonly Controlled cord traction
used in the UK,15 and contains oxytocin 5 iu and ergome- The role of CCT in maternal outcomes has recently been
trine 500 lg. Systematic review shows Syntometrine to be addressed in a large WHO trial where 24 390 women
slightly more effective than oxytocin alone in preventing receiving oxytocin prophylaxis were randomised to either
blood loss, but side effects are more common, with CCT or placental delivery by gravity and maternal effort
increased levels of hypertension, nausea, and vomiting.26 alone.36 There was no significant difference in the rate of
The poor side effect profile has led to ergometrine being severe PPH and there was only one uterine inversion (in
reserved for treatment rather than universal prophylaxis. the CCT group). Further analysis showed that CCT
reduced the rate of retained placenta in those who had
Misoprostol oxytocin/ergometrine prophylaxis, but had no effect if
The long shelf life and oral administration of misoprostol oxytocin was used alone. The results show that oxytocin
make it attractive for use in low-resource areas. It also has can be safely used alone. Most practitioners will continue
no effect on blood pressure or on the airways, and so can to teach and use CCT, however, as it may reduce minor
be safely used in women with asthma (in contrast to many PPHs, it shortens the length of the third stage, and it

2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 3


prevents retained placenta when ergometrine is used as part 15 minutes) or misoprostol (800 lg, sublingually), each
of the third-stage package.13 with placebos so as to ensure double blinding. In the units
where there was no oxytocin prophylaxis there was less
Early cord clamping additional blood loss in those given oxytocin than for those
Early cord clamping was one of the first routine interven- given misoprostol. The difference was statistically signifi-
tions in labour, but systematic review shows that the tim- cant for an extra loss of 300 ml (RR 1.78; 95% CI 1.40
ing of cord clamping has no effect on PPH rates or timing 2.26), but not for a loss of over 1000 ml (RR 1.67; 95% CI
of placental delivery.37 The placental transfusion (of 20 0.406.96). In the units where women were given routine
30% of the final neonatal blood volume) that results from oxytocin prophylaxis, there was no difference in additional
deferred cord clamping, however, shifts the normal curve blood loss of 300 ml (RR 1.12; 95% CI 0.921.37), but
for neonatal haemoglobin to the right. This results in less more women in the misoprostol group had an additional
neonatal anaemia but more hyperbilirubinaemia in the loss of over 1000 ml (RR 3.61; 95% CI 1.0212.85).
newborn. In settings where iron deficiency anaemia is com- Together these three studies show that oxytocin is more
mon, therefore, early cord clamping is not recom- effective than misoprostol for the treatment of PPH if it
mended.14,17 In Western settings early cord clamping has has not been previously given as prophylaxis, and that there
also largely been dropped because of concerns about the is no benefit in giving misoprostol if oxytocin has already
long-term effects of infant iron deficiency on neurological been used. For units that already stock oxytocin, therefore,
development. there is little benefit in also stocking misoprostol.41

Tranexamic acid
Treatment of PPH
This anti-fibrinolytic agent was first invented with a view to
Medical treatment PPH treatment, but commercial interests led to it being
finally developed for the treatment of menorrhagia. How-
Oxytocin ever, its use in PPH is being examined again and it is poten-
Despite being the first choice oxytocic for the management tially attractive, given that it would reduce bleeding
of atonic PPH, there are no randomised trials to demon- irrespective of whether it came from uterine atony or lacera-
strate its efficacy against placebo. Evidence for its efficacy tions. Non-obstetric surgical studies have shown it to be
for PPH comes from trials on its prophylactic use, as out- effective in reducing blood loss, as have a few small obstetric
lined above. On the basis of this, the WHO recommends trials.42 A continuing large randomised study should clarify
intravenous oxytocin for first-line management, with erg- its role in PPH management (www.womantrial.lshtm.ac.uk).
ometrine (with or without oxytocin) or a prostaglandin
drug (including misoprostol, 800 lg sublingually) as a sec- Ergometrine
ond line.14 There is minimal evidence regarding the use of ergometrine
for the treatment of PPH, although it is included in all the
Misoprostol major PPH guidelines.7,14,16,17 Its inclusion is justified on
Following years of small observational and underpowered the basis of its demonstrated efficacy in the prophylaxis
randomised trials, three major trials were conducted into trials.
the use of misoprostol for PPH treatment. Widmer et al.38
recruited 1400 women with PPH and compared the use of Physical treatments
combined oxytocin and misoprostol (600 lg) with the use There are several physical treatments for PPH available, but
of oxytocin alone. The results show no difference between no randomised trials to evaluate their efficacy, except for
groups in additional loss of 500 ml (risk ratio, RR 1.01; the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG, see below).
95% confidence interval, 95% CI 0.781.30) or 1000 ml Observational studies of physical therapies generally show
(RR 0.76; 95% CI 0.431.34). The conclusion is that in set- that bleeding stops rapidly, but this is not surprising given
tings where oxytocin is available for the treatment of PPH, the natural history of PPH to improve spontaneously.
there is no role for additional misoprostol.
The other two studies compared the efficacy of misopr- Non-surgical
ostol and oxytocin as first-line treatments for PPH. The The simplest of these treatments is uterine compression,
studies recruited a total of 40 000 women from a range of usually achieved through bimanual compression with a fist
units throughout the world, some of which routinely gave in the vagina and hand on the abdominal wall. Although
oxytocin for prophylaxis,39 and some that gave no prophy- this appears to be highly effective, it is generally only used
laxis.40 The women who developed PPH were randomised as a last resort as it is highly invasive and has overtones of
to receive a high-dose oxytocin infusion (40 iu over gender-based violence. A less invasive option (the PPH

4 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

PPH: what do we know now and where do we go next?

shelf) is currently being developed in Liverpool, UK (see services are a crucial part of the health services required to
below). An alternative is to compress the uterus by grasp- prevent maternal deaths.
ing it through the lax postpartum abdominal wall. Recent Recently it has become clear that specific clotting factors
randomised trials suggest that this technique is beneficial can be very helpful in both the diagnosis and treatment of
for both prophylaxis and treatment of PPH.43,44 PPH.48 Fibrinogen levels fall early in women with PPH and
Aortic compression is also believed to be a highly effec- appear to exacerbate the bleeding. The speed of the fall
tive way of reducing blood flow to the uterus, and thus suggests that they are an important marker of the severity
treating PPH. Although uncomfortable, it can be main- of the bleed, and the arrival of a bedside test (Rotem,
tained for over an hour when needed, and is a critical TEM Systems, Inc., Durham, NC, USA) means that the
but underused intervention in severe PPH. It is especially diagnosis can be made early. It also allows for rapid
useful for women with retained placentas who are bleeding replacement, now also facilitated by the arrival of (the very
heavily whilst they await the manual removal of the expensive) freeze-dried fibrinogen concentrate. Initial stud-
placenta. ies suggest that it provides an important extra addition to
the armoury in the fight against PPH deaths, at least for
Surgical well-resourced settings.
For PPH treatment at the time of caesarean or laparotomy,
uterine compression sutures are now commonly used. The Non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for transfer
most popular is the BLynch suture, but this requires a The NASG was developed as a way of maintaining a sol-
lower segment caesarean section uterine incision. An alter- diers blood pressure following traumatic injury during
native is the Hayman suture in which two front-to-back transfer from the battlefield to the hospital. The neoprene
sutures are inserted the whole way through the uterine garment is wrapped tightly around the legs and abdomen,
lower segment on the left and right side of the midline and squeezing blood from the superficial vessels into the central
each tied either side of the fundus.45 vessels, and compressing the uterus. In animal studies the
The alternative to compression with sutures is internal translocation of blood is up to 30% of the total blood vol-
tamponade. This used to be achieved by packing with ume.49 The garment also reduces the available intravascular
gauze, but balloon catheters are simpler to insert and space, which in turn raises the blood pressure. The NASG
remove, and minimise trauma to the decidua. The pur- offers considerable potential for use in low-resource set-
pose-made Bakri balloon provides a central drainage chan- tings as it is simple to apply, reusable, and relatively inex-
nel and a 500ml balloon capacity. A low-cost alternative pensive ($160 per garment). Several observational studies
can be made by tying a condom to the end of a large Foley have shown promise, and a major cluster randomised con-
catheter and holding it in place with a vaginal pack.46 trolled trial (RCT) has recently been reported. The aim was
Mass ligation, internal iliac artery ligation, and hysterec- to demonstrate a 50% reduction in extreme adverse out-
tomy are surgical operations that require far greater skill. come by recruiting 2400 women in 24 clusters. Unfortu-
The mass ligation is the simplest and involves placing bilat- nately, the study had to end prematurely because of a lack
eral sutures into the uterus just above the level of the uter- of funding after 880 women were recruited. There were no
ine artery. These horizontally positioned sutures pass statistically significant improvements in outcomes, but the
front-to-back through the lateral part of the myometrium reduction in extreme adverse outcome was 54% (odds
and return anteriorly through the broad ligament, thus ratio, OR 0.46; 95% CI 0.131.62), and the reduction in
enclosing the ascending uterine artery on both sides. This mortality was 46% (OR 0.54; 95% CI 0.142.05).50 The
is often used as a low-risk first option before moving on to WHO recommends its use as a temporising measure until
the more surgically complex internal iliac ligation or appropriate care is available.14
Current issues in PPH care
Rescue of women with severe PPH
Assessment based on blood-loss volumes
Blood transfusion Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) has been defined as the
The lack of donated blood for emergency transfusion is a loss of over 500 ml of blood in the first 24 hours after
major problem in low-resource settings: at least 26% of delivery;14 however, formal measurement of postnatal
PPH deaths are thought to result from the lack of a blood loss suggests that this volume of blood loss is very
blood transfusion.47 Blood transfusion services are highly common, occurring in up to 50% of deliveries. In light of
resource-intensive, and require voluntary donations, donor this, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
screening, and an effective, temperature-controlled distribu- (RCOG) in the UK has amended its definition of PPH so
tion system. Despite their complexity, blood transfusion that 500 ml is used as a point of alert, whereas treatment

2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 5


is only given once the women has lost 1000 ml of blood.7 0.27%). Of these deaths, most result from untreated pla-
All the above definitions suggest that an accurate knowl- centa praevia, retained placenta, or massive abruption.
edge of blood loss volume is important in the correct In South Africa, where access to oxytocics is not univer-
management of PPH. However, a major cluster RCT found sal, the most common causes of PPH death are bleeding
that accurate measurement of blood loss using calibrated associated with caesarean section (26.2%), uterine rup-
drapes did not reduce the total blood loss or improve out- ture (17.9%), abruptio placentae (16%), and retained
comes.51 placenta (9.0%). Only 6% of PPH deaths result from
This has led to a reappraisal of the importance of blood uterine atony.54
loss volume assessment. It is likely that the assessment of 3 In a recent secondary analysis of blood loss from two
blood loss volume has been given too much emphasis: large studies in which blood loss was measured, statisti-
practitioners do not base their decision to treat solely on cal models were used to estimate blood loss in women
repeated formal blood loss estimates, but more on a clinical who were not treated with oxytocics (Weeks AD, Lane S,
decision based on a variety of factors, including back- Durocher J, Alfirevic Z, Winikoff B, unpublished obser-
ground risk, rate of blood flow, practitioner personality, vations). In women who did not receive oxytocin pro-
and availability of therapy, as well as the volume of blood phylaxis, most women stopped bleeding shortly after
lost. More research is required to understand this process, oxytocin or misoprostol therapy was given: around 30%
but a decision to treat based on the physiological response more women than the natural history predicted by the
to blood loss, such as shock index (pulse/systolic blood model. In those who had already received oxytocin pro-
pressure) or symptoms may be more appropriate.52 A sim- phylaxis, however, only 8% more women stopped bleed-
ple electronic monitor is being investigated that will rapidly ing than was predicted by the model.
diagnose shock and may prove a more effective diagnostic There are many reasons why women with postpartum
tool than blood volume assessment.53 bleeds might have little response to oxytocics. Laboratory
studies show that repeated exposure to oxytocin attenuates
How important are oxytocics in preventing deaths myometrial contractility,55 and this will reduce the efficacy
from PPH? for those who have already received oxytocin prophylaxis.
The arrival of misoprostol for PPH prevention and treat- It may also reflect the fact that women with major PPHs
ment generated great excitement because of the possibility are atypical, many have uterine abruptions, placenta prae-
of universal access to PPH prophylaxis, even amongst unat- via, pelvic infection, or retained placenta, and those whose
tended home births. Although this has since been shown to uteri have not contracted in the normal way postnatally
be possible, the effect of this on maternal deaths is not may not have uteri that respond well to oxytocin. All this
known. There is evidence from several studies that the ben- points to a relative lack of efficacy of oxytocics for PPH
efits of prophylactic oxytocics on blood losses of 500 and treatment, and should warn practitioners about an
1000 ml (and thus on postpartum anaemia) may not trans- over-reliance upon oxytocics when a woman is bleeding. It
late into reductions in PPH deaths. Furthermore, oxytocic also suggests that there may be a benefit in using other
treatment appears to only benefit a subgroup of women, therapies concurrently, rather than waiting for oxytocin to
especially if they have already had a prophylactic dose. For take effect.
these reasons care must be taken to avoid an over-reliance
on oxytocics and the neglect of other supportive and treat- Delivering PPH prophylaxis to women who have
ment measures. Three pieces of evidence support this view. unattended home deliveries
1 Historical data from the UK shows that the major reduc- Although it is uncertain how much benefit oxytocin pro-
tion in PPH deaths occurred between 1850 and 1920, at a phylaxis can have in reducing maternal deaths, repeated
time when ergometrine was only sporadically available studies have shown conclusively that it reduces PPH rates
and in an impure format.2 Much of the reduction in PPH and postnatal anaemia. It is therefore an important inter-
deaths occurred before the arrival of purified oxytocics vention for preventing maternal morbidity; however, the
and the use of prophylaxis that started in the 1940s. provision of prophylaxis to those home births where there
2 The natural history of PPH suggests that most atonic are no skilled attendants present has provided a challenge.
PPHs are self-limiting, and that atonic deaths are rela- Although misoprostol is not as effective as oxytocin, ante-
tively rare. Although 10% of women have a PPH with- natal distribution for self-administration by the woman at
out prophylaxis, PPH deaths only occur in around the time of delivery has been shown to be safe (Weeks AD,
0.27% of women without access to health care (27% of Ditai J, Ononge S, Faragher B, Frye LJ, Durocher J, Mir-
deaths in low-resource settings are from PPH,1 and the embe FM, Byamugisha J, Winikoff B, Alfirevic Z, unpub-
highest maternal mortality rates in the world are around lished observations). The logistics of scaling this up remain
1000 per 100 000; this represents 270 per 100 000 or a challenge, however, with issues concerning what to do

6 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

PPH: what do we know now and where do we go next?

with unused tablets, preventing the overuse of misoprostol obstetric first-aid skills and equipment, and the ability to
for labour induction, and providing effective antenatal edu- transfer women rapidly.
cation for its use. Inhaled oxytocin powder may provide an If major improvements in PPH-related mortality are to
alternative, but may also have many of the same issues with be achieved, there will need to be an increased provision of
its use.56 high-quality emergency obstetric care services. This includes
the provision of surgical services to prevent PPH (caesarean
How best to deliver emergency care section and manual removal of placenta), PPH medical
In 2005 Hussein called for the development of obstetric treatments (oxytocin and possibly tranexamic acid), physi-
first aid skills and for its training in the community to be cal treatments (uterine compression, balloon tamponade,
given as much priority as cardiopulmonary resuscitation.57 and surgery), and rescue packages (blood transfusion and
Sadly, a decade later, little has progressed in achieving this blood products). More research is now required to deter-
aim and there is no agreed, coherent first-aid strategy for mine the most cost-effective way of providing these services.
PPH. Part of this will be need to be an effective way to
reduce blood loss rapidly, using aortic compression and/or Disclosure of interests
bimanual compression. A less invasive option for uterine ADW is a salaried employee of the University of Liverpool,
compression (the PPH Shelf) is currently being developed and has received funding from Gynuity Health Projects,
in Liverpool. This is based on the shelf pessary, used in WellBeing of Women, WHO, and the National Institute
gynaecological practice for treating uterine prolapse, and for Health Research (NIHR) for PPH research. He is the
provides a platform against which the uterus can be com- co-inventor of the PPH shelf referred to in the article. Its
pressed using a hand on the abdomen. Given that bleeding development is funded by the NIHR under the i4i pro-
from the uterus should stop upon compression, whereas gramme ref II-LA-0712-20007. The patent is held by the
vaginal bleeding will persist, it may also prove to be a sim- University of Liverpool, but ADW would receive royalties
ple diagnostic tool. Human studies are in preparation to on any future financial benefits that came from it. He is
assess its efficacy and acceptability. The PPH shelf could also co-inventor of a neonatal resuscitation trolley (the
prove to be a reuseable, simple method for both diagnosis BASICS trolley), which facilitates bedside resuscitation
and treatment, and could be an important tool for provid- with an intact cord. The trolley is commercially produced
ing obstetric first aid. Further research is needed to opti- by Inditherm Ltd (LifeStart), but all royalties are given to
mise a first-aid package for community use. charity through an agreement between the inventors and
Inditherm. He runs the www.misoprostol.org website, but
this is unfunded and does not generate any income.
Where do we go from here?
Despite huge investment in maternal health services Contribution to authorship
throughout the world, PPH remains a major cause of mater- ADW is responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed
nal death. The rapid onset and progression of PPH means in this article.
that high-quality services are required if we are to prevent
PPH-related mortality and morbidity. The provision of Details of ethics approval
uterotonics to all women is important, and the availability No ethical approval was sought for this review.
of misoprostol will help to reach women who do not other-
wise have access to health services. But recent studies suggest Funding
that the main benefit of prophylaxis is a reduction in the No specific funding was sought for this review. ADW is
rate of postpartum anaemia, with the effect on maternal supported by the University of Liverpool.
deaths remaining less certain.
In women at low risk, around 3% will lose over 1000 ml Acknowledgements
of blood despite prophylaxis. These women require rapid I thank my colleagues who are working to save the lives of
access to life-saving PPH treatment and rescue therapies. women around the world from PPH deaths, especially to
However, the risk of major PPH is much higher in those Justus Hofmeyr and collaborators at Gynuity, WHO, and
with placental abruption, placenta praevia, obstructed FIGO for their inspiration and sharing of ideas. &
labour, or multiple pregnancy, and these women are corre-
spondingly less likely to respond to oxytocics. Large num-
bers of these women will require advanced PPH therapies
or rescue treatments to prevent morbidity and mortality. 1 Say L, Chou D, Gemmill A, Tuncalp O, Moller A-B, Daniels J, et al.
Global causes of maternal death: a WHO systematic analysis. Lancet
The unpredictability of many PPHs means that skilled birth
Glob Health 2014;2:e32333.
attendants will need to attend deliveries, have appropriate

2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 7


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