Bul 947015a
Bul 947015a
Bul 947015a
These instructions are written to simplify your work when installing, operating and maintaining these Oilgear pumps. Your acquain-
tance with the construction, principle of operation and characteristics of these units will help you attain satisfactory performance,
reduce down-time and increase the units life. Some units have been modified from those described in this bulletin and other changes
may be made without notice.
Do not drive coupling onto pump driveshaft. If fit is too SIZE Approx. Torque to Turn Shaft
tight, it may be necessary to heat coupling (see UNIT foot pounds Nm
manufacturers instructions).
04, 06, 10 1.7 - 2.1 2,3 - 2,8
Misalignment of pump shaft to driveshaft should not exceed 11, 15, 20 2.9 - 3.3 4,0 - 4,5
0.005" (0,13 mm) Total Indicator Readout (TIR) in any plane. 25, 34, 45, 60 7.9 - 8.3 10,8 - 11,3
With pump under "no load", or with pump control at "neutral" Add fluid and start again. With differential (cylinder) systems,
turn drive unit on and off several times before allowing pump to fluid must not be above "high level" when ram is retracted or
attain full speed. The system can usually be filled by running below "low level" when extended. Bleed air from the system by
the pump and operating the control. Watch the fluid level in the opening air bleed petcocks at highest point in the system. Close
reservoir and stop pump if the level reaches "low level" mark. connections or petcocks tightly when solid stream of fluid ap-
Figure 2. Cut-a-Way (cross section) of Typical "PVWH" Pump from the right side. (88050R)
Refer to Figures 2, 10 and 11. A driveshaft (1) runs through the swashblock (11). The semi-cylinder shaped swashblock limits
centerline of pump housing (5), saddle block (8) and valve plate the piston stroke and can be swivelled in arc shaped saddle bear-
(22). Pump cylinder barrel (18) is splined to driveshaft. A bear- ings (10A and 10B) which are pinned (9) into the saddle (8).
ing (3) supports the outboard end of the driveshaft and a bush- The swashblock is swivelled by a control (covered in referenced
ing integral with the valve plate supports the inboard end. The material).
pump cylinder barrel is carried in a journal type hydrodynamic
cylinder bearing (12). The valve plate (22) has two crescent For "PVWH" Pumps (only), the ("pressure" side) saddle bear-
shaped ports. Pumping piston/shoe assemblies (15) in the cyl- ing is force lubricated. A small hole in the face of the swashblock
inder barrel are held against a swashblock (11) by a shoe re- (11) provides "porting" for the hydrostatic balance fluid [of the
tainer (14). The shoe retainer is held in position by a fulcrum piston/shoe assembly (15)] through the swashblock to a rectan-
ball (16) which is forced outward by shoe retainer spring (17). gular shaped groove milled in one of the two arc shaped
The spring acts against the pump cylinder barrel forcing it against swashblock faces, to lubricate the face of the mating saddle bear-
the valve plate while also forcing the piston shoe against the ing. "PVW" and "PVWW" Pumps are not provided with
this feature.
A. UNRESPONSIVE OR SLUGGISH CONTROL 4. Worn or grooved cylinder barrel (18) and/or valve plate (22)
matching surfaces.
1. See reference control instruction material. 5. Worn piston/shoe assemblies (15) or piston bores in cylin-
2. Low control input (pilot) pressure for "R" and "V" volume der (18).
type controls only. 6. Worn or damaged piston shoe or swashblock (11).
3. Swashblock saddle bearings (10A & 10B) worn or damaged.
1. Faulty control.
1. Delivery limited by faulty control (see appropriate control 2. Fluid level in reservoir is low or supercharge is insufficient.
instruction material). 3. Air entering hydraulic system.
2. Obstructed suction circuit or insufficient supercharge vol- 4. Worn axial piston pump.
ume. 5. Faculty output circuit components (cylinder, motors, valves,
3. Insufficient drive motor speed. etc.).
III. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION to Port A until its innermost stroke is reached. At that point, the
piston bore passes from the upper to the lower crescent again
A ONE-WAY PUMP DRIVEN COUNTERCLOCKWISE and the operating cycle is repeated.
See referenced material, pump control material and individual application circuits for exceptions.
* For higher speeds see suction curves. Higher speeds available - consult factory Note: Minimum speed 600 rpm
* Higher pressure available consult factory. Note: Minimum speed 600 rpm
Table 4. "PVWH" Pump NOMINAL CASE SLIP vs. High Pressure at 1800 rpm (viscosities of 160 SSU).
Table 5. "PVWW & PVW" Pump NOMINAL CASE SLIP vs. High Pressure at 1800 rpm (viscosity of 160 SSU).
1500 psi/PVW
1200 psi/PVWW
For disassembly and assembly, a crane and/or sling capable of
handling 200 lb. loads will be useful.
E. ROTATING GROUP WARNING: Always wear safety goggles when using solvents
or compressed air. Failure to wear safety goggles could re-
WARNING: Extreme care must be taken not to damage cylin- sult in serious personal injury.
der wear surface (that matches against the valve plate), bearing
diameters or piston shoes. The use of a sling, and/or assistance
from others and use of proper lifting techniques are strongly
recommended to prevent personal injury.
A. CONTROL GROUP See Figure 9. Piston shoes must pivot smoothly, but end play
should not exceed 0.006" (0,152 mm). Check end play as fol-
See applicable reference material on pump controls. Be sure to lows: Place square end of piston on bench and hold down firmly.
carefully check control pin for cracks and/or signs of fatigue. Pull on end of shoe with other hand and note end play. The shoe
Check fit of control pin in swashblock. It should be a slip fit must rotate and pivot on the piston ball. Inspect each shoe face
without "side-play". for nicks and scratches. Measure shoe thickness [the part held
between shoe retainer (14) and swashblock (11)]. All shoes must
B. VALVE PLATE GROUP be equal within 0.001" (0,025 mm). If a single piston/shoe as-
sembly needs to be replaced, all piston/shoe assemblies must be
Inspect the valve plate (22) surface that mates with the cylinder replaced. Replace as part of Piston/Shoe Kit No. 87 . When
barrel (18) for excessive wear or scoring. Remove minor de- installing a new rotating group kit, make sure pistons are free in
fects by lightly stoning the surface with a hard stone that is flat their bores.
to within 0.001" (0,03mm). Be sure to stone lightly. Any exces-
sive stoning will remove the hardened surface. If wear or dam- D. SWASHBLOCK GROUP
age is extensive, replace the valve plate (as part of Valve Plate
Assembly Kit No. 79L or 79R) and cylinder barrel (18). Inspect the swashblock (11) for wear or scoring. In the case of
size 60 units, inspect the swashblock wearplate (11A). If dam-
C. ROTATING GROUP age is extensive, replace the swashblock and/or wearplate as
part of Swashblock Kit No. 82.
Inspect cylinder barrel (18) piston bores and the face that mates
with valve plate for wear or scoring. Remove minor defects by "PVWH" Pumps (only), check the very small holes in the face
lightly stoning the surface with a hard stone that is flat to within of the swashblock. This hole provides "porting" for the hydro-
0.001" (0,03 mm). Be sure to stone lightly. Any excessive ston- static balance fluid (of the piston/shoe assembly) to be chan-
ing will remove the hardened surface. If defects can not be re- nelled through the swashblock to the face of the saddle bearing
moved by this method, replace the cylinder barrel as part of (providing pressure lubrication).
Rotating Group Kit No. 73. Inspect hydrodynamic cylinder bear-
ing (12) and matching cylinder barrel surface for galling, pit- Compare saddle bearing (10A and 10B) thickness in worn area
ting, roughness, damage and replace if necessary. to thickness in an unworn area. Replace saddle bearings if dif-
ference is greater than 0.008 in (0,2mm). Check mating surface
Check all piston/shoe assemblies (15) to be sure they ride prop- of swashblock for cracks or excessive wear. Swashblock move-
erly on the swashblock. ment in saddle bearings must be smooth. Replace as part of
Saddle Bearing Kit No. 85.
Check shaft seal (7) for deterioration or cracks. Replace if nec-
essary. Examine the sealing area of the shaft (1) for scoring or
wear. Inspect shaft bearing (3) for roughness, galling, pitting or
binding. Check shaft and splines for wear. If driveshaft is bent,
scored or worn excessively or if bearing is bad, replace as part
of Shaft and Bearing Kit No. 74K or 74S. Inspect bushing in
valve plate (22). If replacement is necessary, the bushing is not
available as a loose item, it is included when ordering Valve
Plate Assembly Kit No. 79L or 79R.
Refer to Figures 10 and 11. The procedure for assembling the Place housing on its side with axis horizontal and then install
pump is basically the reverse order of disassembly. During as- seal retainer (6). Place front driveshaft bearing (3) onto driveshaft
sembly, install new gaskets seals and orings (Kit No. 77). Ap- (1) and lock in place with shaft retaining ring (4). Lubricate
ply a thin film of CLEAN grease or hydraulic fluid to sealing shaft seal (7) and shaft, then insert driveshaft and bearing as-
components to ease assembly. If a new rotating group (Kit No. sembly into pump housing (5) and lock in place with driveshaft
73) is used, lubricate thoroughly with CLEAN hydraulic fluid. bearing retainer ring (29).
Apply fluid generously to all wear surfaces.
A. SWASHBLOCK GROUP See Figure 7. Place the cylinder barrel (18), wear surface down,
If removed, press shaft seal (7) into front of pump housing (5) on a clean cloth. Place the shoe retainer spring (17) in the center
and then place housing on bench with mounting flange side of the barrel with the fulcrum ball (16) on top of it. Insert the
down. Place saddle block (8) into housing - center properly [a pistons/shoe assemblies (15) into the shoe retainer (14). As a
locating hole in the saddle and a pin (20) in the housing must unit, fit the pistons into their bores in the cylinder barrel. DO
match]. On early units, two dowel pins (not shown) locate the NOT FORCE. If aligned properly, the pistons will fit smoothly.
saddle and saddle is secured to housing by two nylock socket
head cap screws. WARNING: Assistance from others and proper lifting tech-
nique is strongly recommended to prevent personal injury
The saddle bearings (10A and 10B) and swashblock (11) can while assembling larger sized pump rotating groups into the
now be installed. Check the swashblock faces that mate with pump. The rotating group can now be carefully installed over
the saddle bearings (10A and 10B). One of these faces has a the tail of the driveshaft (1) and into the pump housing (5). When
rectangular groove cut into it. The groove should be on the installing the rotating group, support the weight of the cylinder
control (upper) side of the swashblock for left hand driven pumps barrel (18), as cylinder spline is passed over the tailshaft, to avoid
and on the (lower) side for right hand driven pumps. scratching or damage. Push cylinder forward until the cylinder
spline reaches the driveshaft spline and rotate the cylinder slightly
For size 04, 06, 10 and 25 "PVWH" Pumps only, the plastic to engage shaft splines. Continue to slide cylinder forward until
backed saddle bearing should be positioned on pin (9) to mate it encounters the hydrodynamic cylinder bearing (12). Lifting
with the rectangular groove milled in arc shaped swashblock the tailshaft slightly helps cylinder barrel (18) and cylinder bear-
(11). Place steel backed saddle bearing on pin (9) in other loca- ing (12) engagement. Continue pushing cylinder forward until
tion. the piston shoes contact the swashblock. At this point, the back
of the cylinder should be located slightly outside the back of the
For size 11, 15, 20, 34, 45 and 60 "PVWH" Pumps only, both pump housing.
saddle bearings are steel backed. It is recommended they be put
back in their original locations. If replacement saddle bearings D. VALVE PLATE GROUP
are used - it makes no difference which is placed in which loca-
tion. Place pump housing on bench with open end facing up. Install
new oring (28) and gasket (21) on housing. Make sure the tail
For all size "PVWW" and "PVW" Pumps only, both bearings end of shaft engages bushing while positioning the valve plate
are the same. It is recommended they be put back in their origi- (22) on pins (19) and housing. Finger tighten hex head cap screw
nal locations. If replacement saddle bearings are used - it makes (25) closest to oring (28) first and then alternately tighten other
no difference which is placed in which location. cap screws per Table 7. On thru shaft units connected to another
pump or device, install coupling half.
NOTE: - Install saddle bearings on size 04 thru 20 with
notched corners toward shaft and bearing. Does not apply
to 25 thru 60 size. Table 7. TORQUES
Place the swashblock into the case and be sure the swashblock SIZE VALVE PLATE CONTROL
swivels in the saddle bearings. With new bearings, swivelling UNIT Ft. Lbs. N.m. Ft. Lbs. N.m.
may be stiff (not always smooth).
04, 06, 10 15 20,4 8.3 11,3
Position the hydrodynamic bearing (12) into the case so the pin 11, 15, 20 37 50,3 8.3 11,3
(in the bearing) will fit (per Table 6) a corresponding slot in the 25, 34, 45, 60 56 76,2 16.6 22,6
housing. The bearing should fit into place with little difficulty
and be square to the axis of the pump. Tap bearing into place if
necessary, using extreme care not to damage the bearing. Insert
retaining ring (13) to hold bearing in place.
POSITION See reference material for applicable information on the control
your unit is equipped with. See appropriate control reference
for control group mounting. See Table 8 for Torques to secure
Left Hand (CCW) Pumps = Pin at 8:00 o'clock position control group to pump housing.
between saddle protrusion and pump housing.
Right Hand (CW) Pumps = Pin at 4:00 o'clock position
between saddle protrusion and pump housing. SEE SECTION "I. PREPARATION and INSTALLA-
1A Driveshaft w/Keyway (side port) 16 Ball, Fulcrum
1B Driveshaft w/SAE Spline (side port) 17 Spring, Shoe Retainer
1D Driveshaft w/Keyway (rear port) 18 Barrel, Cylinder
1E Driveshaft w/SAE Spline (rear port) 19 Pin, Roll
2 Key, Driveshaft 20 Pin, Saddle Locating
3 Bearing, Front Driveshaft 21 Gasket, Valve Plate
4 Ring, Shaft Retainer 22A Valve Plate, Side Port/rear shaft, LH
5 Housing, Pump 22B Valve Plate, Side Port/rear shaft, RH
6 Retainer, Seal 22C Valve Plate, Rear Port, LH
7 Seal, Shaft 22D Valve Plate, Rear Port, RH
8 Block, Saddle (items 8 & 9 sold as an assembly) 23 Seal, Oring
9 Pin, Roll (items 8 & 9 sold as an assembly) 24 Plug, SAE Hollow Hex
10A Bearing, Upper Saddle 25 Screw, Hex. Hd.
10B Bearing, Lower Saddle 26 Nameplate, Identification
11 Swashblock 27 Screw, Drive
11A Wearplate, Swashblock (size 60 only) 28 Seal, Oring
11B Pin, Roll (size 60 "PVWH" only) 29 Ring, Driveshaft Bearing Retainer
11C Seal, Oring (size 60 "PVWH" only) 39 Gasket
12 Bearing, Cylinder Hydrodynamic 40 Cover
13 Ring, Retainer 41 Screw, Hex. Hd. Cap
14 Retainer, Shoe
15 Assembly, Piston/Shoe
*185 Seal, Oring 180 Coupling, Front
*190 Lockwasher 181 Key, Coupling
*191 Stud 182 Coupling, Rear
*192 Nut 183 Gasket, Adapter
184 Adapter
*Used when 04, 06 or 10 is front pump in dual arrangement 185 Seal, Oring
instead of bolts (188 and 189). 186 Key, Coupling
187 Pin, Roll
188 Screw, Hex. Hd. Cap
189 Screw, Hex. Hd. Cap (not shown)
190 Lockwasher (not shown)
191 Coupling, Spline
192 Pin, Roll
ARP 568 Uniform Size Number with Durometer
185 ** ** **
Oilgear builds products that last. However, it is the nature of Prepare for future needs by stocking Oilgear original factory
this type of machinery to require proper maintenance regardless parts. Having the correct parts and necessary skills "in-plant"
of the care that goes into its manufacture. Oilgear has several enables you to minimize down-time. Oilgear has developed parts
service programs to help you. kits to cover likely future needs. Oilgear field service techni-
cians also stand ready to assist your maintenance people in
trouble-shooting and repairing equipment.
By signing up for Oilgears "Stay-On-Stream" program you can
prepare for problems before they happen. Certain field tests Standard replacement pumps and motors are available to users
such as fluid testing, slip testing and electronic profile recording of Oilgear equipment where comparable units will be returned
comparisons can be performed by our field service people or in exchange. When standard replacements must be modified to
your own trained personnel. These tests can indicate problems replace units which are special, shipment will depend on avail-
before they become "down-time" difficulties. ability of parts, assembly and test time necessary.
SERVICE SCHOOLS: To obtain this service, place an order for an exchange unit and
provide the serial number and type designation. The replace-
ment unit will be shipped F.O.B. our factory. Milwaukee, Wis-
Oilgear holds schools to train your maintenance personnel. A consin. User retains the replacement and returns the worn unit
"general" hydraulic or electronic school is conducted in our Mil- prepaid to The Oilgear Company for reconditioning and test.
waukee plant on a regular basis. "Custom" schools, specifically When the unit is reconditioned or stocked, the user is billed the
addressing your particular hydraulic and electrohydraulic equip- cost of reconditioning or a flat rate exchange price if one has
ment can be conducted in your plant. been applied to that particular type of unit.