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Insertion Loss: Double Ridge Waveguide: Atlanta RF

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Insertion Loss: Double Ridge Waveguide


Atlanta RF
1 Services, Software & Designs
Presentation Content
Insertion Loss of Double Ridge Waveguide (WRD)

1. Introduction: Insertion Loss of Double Ridge Waveguide

2. Electrical & Physical Data for standard Double Ridge Waveguide.
3. Some RF Components in Double Ridge Waveguide.
4. Insertion Loss Calculation: Ridge Waveguide.
5. Insertion Loss versus Frequency: OFHC Copper & Aluminum alloy
a. WRD-180D24: 18 to 40 GHz.
b. WRD-110D24: 11 to 26.5 GHz.
c. WRD-750D24: 7.5 to 18 GHz.
d. WRD-650D28: 6.5 to 18 GHz.
e. WRD-475D24: 4.75 to 11 GHz.
f. WRD-250D30: 2.6 to 7.8 GHz.
g. WRD-200D24: 2 to 4.8 GHz.
6. Summary: WRD Insertion Loss.
7. Software Product Data Sheet: WRDguide.

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Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 2 Services, Software & Designs
Insertion Loss of Double Ridge Waveguide

1. Double Ridge Waveguide is available in various physical sizes, based

on the operating frequency range needed for the RF system.
2. The double ridge waveguides ridge width: S and ridge gap: D strongly
determine its operating bandwidth and insertion loss level.
3. The operating frequency bandwidth ratio of double ridge waveguide is
often in the range: Flow / Fhigh = 2.4:1 to 3.0:1.
A. For example, standard WRD-750 operates across the frequency range:
7.5 to 18 GHz, so its bandwidth ratio = 18/7.5 = 2.4 WRD-750D24.
B. Standard WRD-250 operates across the frequency range: 2.6 to 7.8 GHz,
so its frequency bandwidth ratio = 7.8/2.6 = 3.0 WRD-250D30.
4. Most double ridge waveguide is fabricated (machined or extruded)
from 6061 aluminum alloy or Oxygen Free High Conductivity (OFHC)
copper whose electrical resistivity = 4 x 10-8 Ohm-meter or 1.7 x 10-8
Ohm-meter, respectively. These electrical resistivities are used in the
Insertion Loss graphs which follow.

Note: 1 x 10-8 Ohm-meter = 1 x 10-6 Ohm-cm = 1 micro-Ohm-cm.

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Electrical & Physical Data for Standard Double
Ridge Waveguide
MIL-DTL- Frequency TE10 Mode TE20 Mode RF Power Rating WRD WRD Ridge Ridge Wall
23351 Range Cut-off Cut-off (One Atmosphere) Width Height Width Gap Thick,
WRD Size Dash No. (GHz) Freq , GHz Freq, GHz CW (kW) Peak (kW) A, Inch B, Inch S, Inch D, Inch Inch
WRD-200D24 4-025 2.0-4.8 1.666 4.920 50 450 2.590 1.205 0.648 0.512 0.080

WRD-250D30 - 2.6-7.8 2.093 8.256 24 120 1.655 0.715 0.440 0.150 0.173
WRD-350D24 3.5-8.2 2.915 8.611 18 150 1.480 0.688 0.370 0.292 0.064
WRD-475D24 4.75-11.0 3.961 11.613 8 85 1.090 0.506 0.272 0.215 0.050
WRD-500D36 5.0-18.0 4.222 18.386 4 15 0.752 0.323 0.188 0.063 0.050
WRD-580D28 - 5.8-16.0 4.892 16.687 5.2 32 0.780 0.370 0.200 0.120 0.050

WRD-650D28 - 6.5-18.0 5.348 18.296 4 25 0.720 0.321 0.173 0.101 0.050

WRD-700D26 - 7.0-18.5 5.679 18.992 4.3 28 0.686 0.310 0.173 0.105 0.050
WRD-750D24 7.5-18.0 6.239 18.45 4.8 35 0.691 0.321 0.173 0.136 0.050
WRD-110D24 11.0-26.5 9.363 27.053 1.4 15 0.471 0.219 0.118 0.093 0.040
WRD-180D24 18 - 40 14.995 44.24 0.8 5 0.288 0.134 0.072 0.057 0.040

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Some RF Components in
Double Ridge Waveguide
(and many others too)

WRD Ferrite Circulator End Launched Adaptor

Extruded Copper
Double Ridge Waveguide
WRD Termination
Cross-Guide Coupler

Extruded Aluminum
Dual Loop Coupler Double Ridge Waveguide 4-port Magic Tee
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Insertion Loss Calculation: Ridge Waveguide

The insertion loss of ridge waveguide is calculated as:



Source: The Design of Ridge Waveguide,

S. Hopfer, IRE-MTT, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oct-1955. Atlanta RF
Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 6 Services, Software & Designs
Insertion Loss: WRD-180D24 Double Ridge W/G (18 to 40 GHz)
FC10 = 14.869 GHz FC20 = 44.241 GHz

47 Width , A = 0.288"
Height, B = 0.134"
Ridge , S = 0.072"
Gap , D = 0.057"
Insertion Loss, dB/100 Feet



Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm
Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm-cm


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Frequency, GHz
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Insertion Loss: WRD-110D24 Double Ridge W/G (11 to 26.5GHz)
FC10 = 9.363 GHz FC20 = 27.053 GHz


22 Dimensions:
Width , A = 0.471"
Height, B = 0.219"
21 Ridge , S = 0.118"
Insertion Loss, dB/100 feet

Gap , D = 0.093"





Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm
14 Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm-cm




11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Frequency, GHz
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Insertion Loss: WRD-750D24 Double Ridge (7.5 to 18 GHz)
FC10 = 6.187 GHz FC20 = 18.445 GHz

Width , A = 0.691"
13 Height, B = 0.321"
Ridge , S = 0.173"
Insertion Loss, dB/100 feet

Gap , D = 0.136"



Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm

Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm-cm

7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5
Frequency, GHz
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Insertion Loss: WRD-650D28 Double Ridge (6.5 to 18 GHz)
FC10 = 5.305 GHz FC20 =18.296 GHz

Width , A = 0.720"
14 Height, B = 0.321"
Ridge , S = 0.173"
Gap , D = 0.101"
Insertion Loss, dB/100 feet




Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm

Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm-cm

6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.5
Frequency, GHz
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Insertion Loss: WRD-475D24 Double Ridge (4.75 to 11 GHz)
FC10 = 3.928 GHz FC20 = 11.693 GHz

7.0 Dimensions:
Width , A = 1.090"
Height, B = 0.506"
6.5 Ridge , S = 0.272"
Gap , D = 0.215"
Insertion Loss, dB/100 feet





Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm

Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm-cm



4.75 5.75 6.75 7.75 8.75 9.75 10.75 11.75
Frequency, GHz
Atlanta RF
Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 11 Services, Software & Designs
Insertion Loss: WRD-250D30 Double Ridge W/G (2.6 to 7.8 GHz)
FC10 = 1.937 GHz FC20 = 8.256 GHz
Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm
Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm.cm
Insertion Loss, dB/100 feet


Width , A = 1.655"
Height, B = 0.715"
4.5 Ridge , S = 0.440"
Gap , D = 0.150"



2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Frequency, GHz
Atlanta RF
Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 12 Services, Software & Designs
Insertion Loss: WRD-200D24 Double Ridge W/G (2 to 4.8 GHz)
FC10 = 1.653 GHz FC20 = 4.920 GHz

1.8 Width , A = 2.590"
Height, B = 1.205"
Ridge , S = 0.648"
Gap , D = 0.512"
Insertion Loss, dB/100ft



Aluminum Resistivity: 4 micro-Ohm-cm
Copper Resistivity: 1.7 micro-Ohm-cm


2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00
Frequency, GHz
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Insertion Loss of several Double Ridge Waveguides

Insertion Loss, dB/100 feet


Double Ridge Waveguide Dimensions
Operating Frequency Height Width Ridge Gap
WRD-475D24 WRD Size Start, GHz Stop, GHz A, Inch B, Inch S, Inch D, Inch
5 WRD-200D24 2.0 4.8 2.59 1.205 0.648 0.512
WRD-475D24 4.75 11.0 1.090 0.506 0.272 0.215
WRD-750D24 7.5 18.0 0.691 0.321 0.173 0.136
WRD-110D24 11.0 26.5 0.471 0.219 0.118 0.093
WRD-180D24 18.0 40.0 0.288 0.134 0.072 0.057
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Frequency, GHz
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Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 14 Services, Software & Designs
Insertion Loss of Double Ridge Waveguide

1. The insertion loss of popular double ridge waveguide, which operates

across the frequency range: 2 GHz thru 40 GHz, is graphed based on
its fabrication from 2 popular base metals: 6061 aluminum alloy and
OFHC copper.
2. The insertion loss profile of double ridge waveguide is not monotonic
versus frequency, which contrasts the monotonic insertion loss profile
produced by standard rectangular waveguide versus frequency.
3. The electrical performance, including insertion loss, thru standard and
custom-designed double ridge and single ridge waveguide, can be
calculated using Atlanta RFs software product: WRDguide.

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Atlanta RF Software: Double Ridge Waveguide
Where Synthesis enables Analysis

Software Product: WRDguide

Atlanta RF Software offers RF/microwave CAE software product: WRDguide, which performs dimensional
synthesis and analysis of Double Ridge and Single Ridge Waveguide, and includes the following product

1. Synthesis of physical dimensions from User-selected WRD Impedance:

a) Power-Voltage Impedance: Z(P,V).
b) Voltage-Current Impedance: Z(V,I).
c) Power-Current Impedance: Z(P,I). . . . . . perhaps the best choice!
2. Analysis of Impedances from known ridge waveguide dimensions.
3. Sensitivity Analysis of Impedance to:
a) Waveguide width: A.
b) Waveguide Height: B.
c) Ridge Gap: D.
d) Ridge Width: S.
4. Response profile versus Frequency of:
a) WRD Impedance: Z(P,V), Z(V,I) and Z(P,I) versus Frequency.
b) Guide wavelength versus Frequency.
c) Conductor losses versus Frequency (Resistivity & Surface Roughness).
d) Unloaded Q (Qu) versus Frequency.
5. Percent of RF power between the Ridge Gap: D.
6. Default values for each User-entered input data.
7. Output Data stored on your hard drive for graphical plots.

Software product: WRDguide can readily synthesize & analyze all standard Ridge Waveguide cross-sections,
plus allow the User to develop new and custom WRD cross-sections that operate across broader operating
Frequency ranges. WRDguide is useful when developing Double Ridge Waveguide products, like: Magic Tees;
transitions to coax/microstrip/stripline; impedance-matching circuits, and many other WRD applications.

Atlanta RF
Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 16 Services, Software & Designs
Sample Output: Frequency Analysis of WRD-750
RF Software Product: WRDguide
WRDguide (v. 1.2) Date:10/18/2014 at 15:40:33 Hours
Copyright 2012 Atlanta RF Software (www.AtlantaRF.com)
RF/Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Design Data For
DOUBLE Ridge Waveguide Transmission Lines:
Width,A = 0.6910" Frequency Analysis RES = 4.000
Height,B = 0.3210" ==================== Roughness = 1.000 micro"
Gap,D = 0.1360" (OPTION 2) Ridge,S = 0.1730"
FC10 = 6.187 GHz FC20 = 18.445 GHz
Wavelength Guide Impedances
Fre- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Total Peak Point
Queny Free-Sp Guide Z(P,I) Z(V,I) Z(P,V) Loss Power of CP
(GHz) (In.) (In.) (Ohms) (Ohms) (Ohms) (dB/Ft) (kW) (In.)
---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
7.50 1.5737 2.7841 241.44 276.56 316.78 0.1353 39.60
8.00 1.4754 2.3272 215.27 246.58 282.45 0.1210 44.41
9.00 1.3114 1.8058 187.92 215.25 246.55 0.1069 50.88
10.00 1.1803 1.5023 173.71 198.98 227.92 0.1006 55.04
11.00 1.0730 1.2977 165.06 189.06 216.56 0.0977 57.93
12.00 0.9836 1.1479 159.28 182.44 208.97 0.0965 60.03 0.1845
13.00 0.9079 1.0323 155.18 177.74 203.59 0.0962 61.62 0.1631
14.00 0.8431 0.9398 152.14 174.26 199.61 0.0967 62.85 0.1481
15.00 0.7869 0.8638 149.81 171.60 196.56 0.0975 63.82 0.1364
16.00 0.7377 0.7999 147.99 169.51 194.16 0.0986 64.61 0.1265
17.00 0.6943 0.7454 146.52 167.83 192.24 0.0999 65.25 0.1182
18.00 0.6557 0.6983 145.33 166.47 190.68 0.1014 65.79 0.1109
Output Data stored in User filename: WRD750Alum1.xls
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Atlanta RF
Services, Software & Designs

Thank You!
Contact Atlanta RF by e-mail at: Bob Garvey
Chief Engineer
Atlanta RF, LLC
Atlanta RF Services : Services@AtlantaRF.com
Atlanta RF Software : Sales@AtlantaRF.com
Atlanta RF Designs : Designs@AtlantaRF.com

Or, contact Atlanta RF by phone at: 678-445-5544, to reach our Atlanta-area

office in Georgia, USA, and discuss our support to your current or future
projects & products.
Atlanta RF
Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 18 Services, Software & Designs
Presentations by Atlanta RF, LLC

Download various presentations at our website: www.AtlantaRF.com :

1. Satellite: LEO, MEO & GEO.
2. Antennas: An Overview.
3. Link Budget: Getting Started.
4. Link Budget: Digital Modulation Part 1 (Overview & M-ASK).
5. Link Budget: Digital Modulation Part 2 (M-FSK).
6. Link Budget: Digital Modulation Part 3 (M-PSK & QAM).
7. Link Budget: Error Control & Detection.
8. Multiple Access Techniques: FDMA, TDMA and CDMA.
9. Insertion Loss: Double Ridge Waveguide.
10.RF Filters: An Overview.

Visit our website often as presentations are added for your viewing pleasure.

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Oct-2014 www.AtlantaRF.com 19 Services, Software & Designs

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