Authorization To Pull Out
Authorization To Pull Out
Authorization To Pull Out
In connection with the herein-described unit/s that I/we have purchased, as follows:
1. ______________________ ___________________________________________
2. ______________________ ___________________________________________
3. ______________________ ___________________________________________
4. ______________________ ___________________________________________
5. ______________________ ___________________________________________
6. ______________________ ___________________________________________
7. ______________________ ___________________________________________
8. ______________________ ___________________________________________
9. ______________________ ___________________________________________
10. _____________________ ___________________________________________
of which I/we was/were the winning bidder during Public Auction held on ____________________at
SBFZ, I/we hereby authorize ________________________________ of _______________________
(Name of Representative) (Name of Company)
to pull out/withdraw the above indicated unit/s from your (AIA) yard. Said reprentative is further
authorized to sign, for and on my/our behalf, necessary documents for the release of the above unit/s,
as if I/we was/were personally present.
It is understood that the release of the above unit/s shall only be made upon full payment of the unit/s
and subject to my/our compliance to the companys (AIA) imposed rules and regulations.
Further to the above, any change, revision, amendment and/or modification on the above
authorization made in writing, received and duly acknowledged by your office, shall be considered as
having the same force and effect and shall supersede this written authorization.