KS Schadensbroschüre Englisch PDF
KS Schadensbroschüre Englisch PDF
KS Schadensbroschüre Englisch PDF
Piston damage
recognising and rectifying
1 | Introduction 4
2 | Quick diagnosis 5
4 | Glossary 86
The issue Notes on using this brochure In some cases there are several different
The aim of this brochure is to provide the pictograms for the same damage. If for
interested reader with an overview of the example damage has occurred and left
different types of damage that can be behind characteristic traces on the piston
encountered in the innermost part of an and on the running surface of the liner,
internal combustion engine, as well as to then there may be two pictograms for this
provide a useful tool for specialists which damage with both of the relevant
will help to diagnose faults and determine components and their characteristic
their causes. The process of assessing Fig. 1 damage patterns.
engine damage is similar to a medical
assessment in that it requires an Recognising damage is not always a
straightforward task. In many cases the A glossary has been included as an
allencompassing approach to identify
damage can be hard to make out in the appendix with this brochure. This contains
the cause(s) of a problem, which may not
photographs, or it may not be immediately the key specialist terms used in the
always be clear and obvious. It is not at all
obvious that any damage is present. brochure, together with appropriate
a rare occurrence for repairs to be carried
This is why in addition to the photographs explanations.
out and then for the same damage to occur
again and the same components to fail showing the damage you will also see
again because, although the damaged damage pictograms like the one opposite
parts were replaced, nothing was done (Fig. 1). These will help you to recognise
to eliminate the cause of the problem. and identify the damage on the photo
For this reason a certain amount of graphs more easily. These pictograms
detective work is always needed to track do not show the damage on a 1:1 scale.
down the fault. In many cases the engineer The pictograms are merely intended to
is presented with just a faulty component, serve as examples, in some cases with
with no information about how long the useful additional information.
component was in service before it failed,
or what the extent of the damage is. The quick diagnosis pages also enable
Naturally this makes it difficult to retrace any damage to be located and assigned
how the fault happened, and the resulting quickly. Here you will also find the above-
diagnosis invariably offers a general, non mentioned damage pictograms which can
damage-specific conclusion. be used as the basis for assigning faults
to their causes, or for making at least a
All of the types of damage covered in this preliminary decision about what type of
new, fully revised edition have been put damage might be present.
together with the utmost care and brought
right up to date. It should provide you with
a comprehensive source of information
which will assist you in either your work
or your studies.
Cracks in the piston crown and piston 34 Piston fracture in the piston pin boss 47
combustion bowl (diesel engines)
3.1.1 The thermal expansion of the piston is far heat. In the process, the piston presses
greater than the cylinder which encloses with increasing force against the cylinder
General information about it. In addition, the thermal expansion of wall and the oil film completely stops
seizures due to insufficient aluminium materials is approximately doing its job. The piston then starts to
twice that of grey cast iron, which needs rundry in the cylinder, resulting in the
clearances tobe taken into account accordingly at firstareas to show signs of wear due to
thedesign stage. rubbing, with dark discoloration on the
In engine operation, the clearance bet surface.
ween the piston and the cylinder may As the clearance between the piston and
become reduced beyond permissible the cylinder starts to decrease, mixed In summary, seizure due to insufficient
limits or even completely decimated as friction occurs as a result of the oil film clearances is typified by the following
aresult of incorrect dimensioning of the on the cylinder wall being forced away by main characteristics: highly polished
two sides, after cylinder distortion or after the expanding piston. The initial result of pressure points which change gradually
excessive thermal loads. In addition, the this is that the load-bearing surfaces on into darkly discoloured areas of wear due
piston reaches much higher temperatures the piston skirt are rubbed to a highly to rubbing. In the case of seizures due
than the cylinder during engine operation, polished finish. The temperatures of the to insufficient clearances, the seizure
resulting in different thermal expansion components increase further due to the points can be seen on both the pressure
behaviour of the piston and the cylinder. mixed friction and the resulting frictional side andon the counterpressure side.
Seizure on the piston
skirtdue to insufficient
Damage assessment
The clearance between the piston skirt Important note:
and the running surface of the cylinder In contrast to seizure caused by lack of
was either too narrow by design, or it was lubrication, seizure due to insufficient
restricted beyond acceptable limits by clearances always occurs after a brief
distortion which possibly did not occur runningin period after an engine
until the engine was taken into normal overhaul.
Possible causes for the damage Dirty or distorted threads in the Cylinder head distortion caused by
Cylinder bore too small. threaded bores or on the cylinder uneven heating due to deposits, dirt or
Cylinder head overtightened or head bolts. other problems in the cooling system.
tightened unevenly (cylinder head Seized or insufficiently lubricated
distortion). bolt head contact surfaces.
Uneven sealing surface on the cylinder Use of incorrect or unsuitable
or on the cylinder head. cylinder head gaskets.
Seizure due to insufficient
clearances next to
the piston pin bores
(45 seizure marks)
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Damage assessment restriction of the clearances between the However, at the transition to the more rigid
This damage is caused when the piston and the cylinder running surface. piston pin bore the material then comes
area around the piston pin heats up The piston skirt is relatively thin-walled tobear with greater force on the cylinder
excessively. As this area of the piston and therefore has a certain amount of wall, which ultimately causes the oil film
isquite stiff, this causes an increased flexibility which enables it to compensate to be forced out and the piston to rub.
thermal expansion in the area and a for the increased thermal expansion.
Possible causes for the damage Incorrect assembly during the process Seizure in the connecting rod small end
Excessive load on the engine before it of shrinking the piston pin (shrink-fit due to insufficient lubrication when the
reaches operating temperature. connecting rod). engine was first taken into operation.
The piston can reach its full operating During the process of shrinking the The piston pin was either given
temperature after 20 seconds, whereas piston pin into the connecting rod eye, insufficient lubrication or no lubrication
a cold cylinder can take a great deal care must be taken to ensure that at all when the engine was assembled.
longer. As a result of the different theabove-mentioned piston pin is Before the oil can reach the bearing
thermal expansion of the two lubricated, and that after the pin has when the engine is first taken into
components material, the piston been inserted, the piston pin bed is operation, there is not enough
expands faster and further than the notchecked for freedom of movement lubrication and the piston pin bore
cylinder. The piston clearance is then by tipping the piston back and forth. surface seizes, causing additional heat
significantly restricted and the damage The temperatures are equalized to be generated in the process.
described above occurs. immediately between the two
Excessively narrow fit of the piston pin components after the cool piston pin is
in the small end of the connecting rod inserted into the hot connecting rod.
(shrink-fit connecting rod). The piston pin can still become very hot
An excessively tight fit of the piston pin as a result. It will then expand, and can
in the connecting rod small end can become clamped in the piston pin bore,
cause the connecting rod small end and which in this stage is still cool. If the
therefore also the piston pin to become connection of the two components is
out-of-round. The reason for this is the moved in this state, then it can cause
different wall thicknesses on the initial rubbing marks or seizure marks
connecting rod small end. Whereas which will cause subsequent stiffness of
there is a lot more material and much the bearing (and thus increased friction
thicker wall thickness in the direction and heat generation) during operation.
ofthe big end rod, the wall thickness For this reason the assembled
ismuch less at the top of the small end. components should be allowed to cool
The clearance in the piston pin boss off before checking that the bearing
becomes restricted if the piston pin moves freely.
isdeformed. The resulting lack of
clearance between the piston pin and
the piston pin bore causes increased
frictional heat and therefore greater
thermal expansion in the affected area.
Seizure due to insufficient
clearances at the lower
end of the skirt
Fig. 2
Possible causes for the damage There were possibly leftovers from
Incorrectly dimensioned or unsuitable theold oil seals in the grooves for
liner sealing ring can distort a cylinder thesealing rings in the housing
liner to the point of completely (see above).
eliminating piston clearances. In order Sealing rings cannot offer a perfect
to ensure that there is enough space sealif they twist the cylinder liner is
forthe sealing rings to swell into, they inserted. Therefore they must always
should only take up approx. 70% of becoated with a sliding lubricant prior
theliner groove volume. to installation of the cylinder liner.
Use of additional sealant with liner
sealing ring.
One of the characteristics of the oil
seals used for this purpose is that they
swell up in operation following exposure
to oil. This is an intended feature which
is designed to ensure durable leak-
tightness over longer periods of time.
For this reason, no additional sealant
must be used. This would cause the free
space in the liner groove to become
completely filled, and it would not be
possible for the liner sealing ring to
expand in operation.
3.2.1 clearance between the cylinder and the severely worn surface. A similar situation
piston. In the process the oil film breaks arises if there is a lack of oil, i.e. if there is
General information down (often only locally) because of the no longer any lubricating film at all
aboutseizure due to high temperatures or because of flooding between the piston and the cylinder.
with fuel. In the areas affected in this way
lackof lubrication the surfaces of the piston, piston rings and
cylinder running surface then run against
Seizure due to lack of lubrication can occur each other without any lubrication, which
generally, i.e. even if there is sufficient in just a short time causes seizure with a
Seizure due to lack
of lubrication on
the piston skirt
Possible causes for the damage This means that not enough lubricating
Lack of lubrication caused by lack oil is supplied to the running surfaces
of engine oil. of the cylinder, which are primarily
Oil pressure in the engine too low lubricated with splash oil and
(oil pump, pressure relief valve etc.). centrifugal oil from the crankshaft.
As a result, not enough oil is available
for lubrication. Not enough oil emerges
at the crankshaft bearings.
Piston skirt seizure on
one side only without
matching areas on the
counterpressure side
Fig. 2
Possible causes for the damage Defective, missing or incorrectly Oil dilution or oil grades that are not
Partial collapse of the cooling installed air baffles on air-cooled suited to the intended purpose can
mechanism due to lack of coolant, engines. initially lead to a lack of lubrication
airbubbles, dirt deposits or other On engines with a design in which ofthe cylinder-pressure side.
malfunction of the cooling circuit. oilisadditionally splashed onto the
On ribbed cylinders, dirt deposits on cylinder pressure side under greater
theoutside of the cylinder can lead to load by means of spray jets in the
local overheating of the cylinder and connecting rod, this type of damage
therefore to a breakdown of the canalso be caused by a blocked spray
lubricating film. jet or insufficient oil pressure.
Dry running damage
due to lack of lubrication
caused by fuel flooding
Piston top land seizure
on a piston from a
diesel engine
Fig. 2
Damage assessment point where the piston was running dry has been virtually welded to the cylinder
Due to a fault on the injector, fuel which without any lubrication at all. In this area wall, causing smaller and larger chunks to
had not been atomized was able to reach on the piston top land, the piston material be torn out of the piston top land.
the cylinder wall, where it diluted and has seized so much as a result of running
reduced the strength of the oil film to the with no lubrication that the piston material
Seizure due to lack of
lubrication caused by
scuffed piston rings
Fig. 1
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Damage assessment and the cylinder wall excessively and Initially this causes the piston rings to run
This type of damage primarily occurs cause the lubrication between the piston dry without lubrication. This is responsible
during the runningin phase under heavy rings and the cylinder wall to break down. for the socalled burn spots. The piston
loads, when the piston rings are not yet However, faults in the combustion process also has to slide over the nonlubricated
run in and have hence not yet reached and increased temperatures or insufficient parts of the cylinder, which initially causes
their full sealing capability (mostly on cooling of the piston and cylinder wall can wear due to rubbing on the piston top land
diesel pistons). The combustion gases also affect or even destroy the lubricating and subsequently leads to seizures on the
which flow past the rings heat up the rings film. entire piston skirt (Fig. 4).
Possible causes for the damage Unsuitable choice of lubricating oil Insufficient oil supply to the cylinder
Excessive engine loads during the (incorrect grade and viscosity). running surfaces due to insufficient
runningin phase. The temperature on the cylinder running quantities of splash oil and centrifugal
The structure of the honed cylinder surfaces was too high (malfunction in oil from the connecting rod bearings and
surface was not perfect for good the cooling system or deposits in the crankshaft bearings.
adhesion of the engine oil (squashing cooling ducts surrounding the cylinder).
of the graphite veins, peak folding, Abnormal combustion and the resulting
insufficient roughness and/or incorrect increased temperatures during
honing angle). combustion (lean mixture, glow ignition,
injectors leaking or dripping after
General information
on seizures due to
In the case of seizures due to overheating,
the lubricating film breaks down as a
result of excessively high temperatures.
Initially this causes mixed friction with
individual friction marks. As the damage
progresses, the material heats up further
and the piston loses all lubrication in the
cylinder. The seizure areas have a dark
discoloration and are badly broken up.
Depending on the cause for the damage,
seizure due to overheating will either start
on the piston skirt or on the piston top land.
Fig. 1
Seizure due to overheating
centered around the
piston top land
Damage assessment to an increasing extent. Ultimately this can be excluded as the possible cause,
The piston crown has been heated up caused a combination of seizure marks because in this case the damage would
so much as a result of extreme thermal due to insufficient clearances and seizure start in the skirt area (see also point
overload coming from the combustion marks due to insufficient lubrication all 3.1.1 Seizure on the piston skirt due
chamber that, on the one hand, it has around the circumference of the piston top to insufficient clearance).
bridged the running clearances and, on land. A general lack of clearance due to
the other hand, has destroyed the oil film insufficient piston installation clearance
Possible causes for the damage Faults in the oil supply, i.e. pistons with Use of wrong sealing rings on liner
Extended high loads on the engine oil cooling (jet nozzle type) with or flange (wet cylinder liners), see also
before it has been fully run in. without oil cooling gallery. 3.10.3 Cavitation on cylinder liners.
Overheating due to faults in the Bent or blocked oil splash nozzles which
combustion process. provide the piston with not enough or no
Faults in the engine cooling system. cooling at all from underneath.
Seizure due to overheating
centered around the
piston skirt
3.4.1 dead centre (TDC). The flame spreads from completely different cases of combustion
the spark plug with a circular flame front faults:
General information about and crosses the combustion chamber with 1. Glow ignition:
piston damage due to a steadily increasing combustion speed of causes a thermal overload of the piston
530 m/s. The pressure in the combustion 2. Knocking combustion:
abnormal combustion chamber rises steeply as a result and causes erosion of material and
reaches a maximum shortly after TDC. mechanical overloads on the piston
Abnormal combustion on In order to protect the engine components, and the crankshaft drive.
gasoline/petrol engines the pressure increase per degree of the 3. Fuel fl ooding:
The normal combustion of the airfuel crankshaft must not exceed 35 bar. causes wear in conjunction with oil
mixture in the cylinder follows a precisely However, this normal combustion process consumption and even piston seizure.
defined process. It is started by the spark can be disturbed by various factors
from the spark plug shortly before top which essentially can be reduced to three
The gure shows the dierences between a normal combustion process, a knocking combustion and glow ignition.
Additional information for On engines with a for the most part Remarks:
1. Glow ignition: hemispherical combustion chamber this The term quenching area describes the
In the case of glow ignition, a part which causes holes in the piston crown which area on the piston crown which lies closest
isglowing in the combustion chamber usually occur on an extension of the spark to the cylinder head when the piston is at
triggers combustion before the actual plug axis. TDC. On the upward stroke of the piston
ignition point. Potential candidates are the On combustion chambers with larger towards TDC the fresh gases are squashed
hot exhaust valve, the spark plug, sealing quenching areas between the piston crown from this narrow gap towards the centre
parts and deposits on these parts and the and the cylinder head, the piston top land ofthe combustion chamber, swirling the
surfaces which enclose the combustion usually starts to melt at the point in the gases and hence improving combustion
chamber. In the case of glow ignition, quenching area which is subjected to the inthe process.
theflame acts completely uncontrolled on greatest load. This often continues down Knocking combustion, which causes high
the components, causing the temperature to the oil scraper ring and into the interior surface temperatures on individual parts
in the piston crown to increase sharply of the piston. of the combustion chamber, can also lead
andreach the melting point of the piston to glow ignition.
material after just few seconds of
uninterrupted glow ignition.
Additional information for unmistakeable indication of combustion Fig. 1 shows a graphical representation
2. Knocking combustion: knocking. ofthe pressure curve in the combustion
When the combustion is knocking the Slight knocking with interruptions can chamber. The blue curve shows the
ignition is triggered in the normal manner betolerated by most engines for longer pressure curve for normal combustion.
via the spark from the spark plug. The periods of time without sustaining any Thered curve shows a pressure curve
flame front expanding from the spark plug damage. More severe and longer lasting foraknocking combustion with overlaid
generates pressure waves which trigger knocking causes piston material being to pressure peaks.
critical reactions in the unburned gas. be eroded from the piston top land and
As a result, self-ignition takes place thepiston crown. The cylinder head and Additional information for
simultaneously at many points in the thecylinder head gasket can also sustain 3. Fuel flooding:
residual gas mixture. This in turn causes damage in a similar way. Parts in the An excessively rich mixture, gradual
the combustion speed to increase by a combustion chamber (e.g. the spark plug) lossofcompression pressure and ignition
factor of 10-15, and the pressure increase can heat up so much in the process that faultswill generate an incomplete
per degree of the crankshaft and the glow ignition (pre-ignition) can take place combustion with concurrent fuel flooding.
peakpressure also rise substantially. in conjunction with thermal overload of The lubrication of the pistons, piston rings
Inaddition, very high frequency pressure thepiston (i.e. material is melted on or and cylinder running surfaces becomes
oscillations are set up in the expansion removed by melting). Severe continuous lessand less effective as a result.
stroke. Furthermore, the temperature of knocking will cause fractures of the ring Theconsequence is mixed friction with
thesurfaces enclosing the combustion land and the skirt after just a short time. wear and consumption of oil and seizure
chamber increases a great deal. This usually occurs without any material marks (please refer to the Oil consumption
Combustion chambers which have been being melted on or removed by melting andPiston seizure sections as well).
burned clean of any residue are an andwithout seizure marks.
crank angle
Fig. 1
Abnormal combustion on diesel engines thatthe compression temperature present Additional information to
In addition to the basic requirement that at the start of injection is not sufficient 3. Injectors dripping after injection
the engine is mechanically in perfect toimmediately ignite the injected fuel. To prevent the injectors from opening
working order, it is essential that a diesel Therequired ignition temperature is not again and post-injecting as a result of
engine has an injector with extremely fine reached until the compression reaches thepressure fluctuations in the system
fuel atomisation and precise delivery and amore advanced stage, at which point between the pressure valve of the fuel-
correct start of injection in order to ensure thefuel injected so far ignites suddenly. injection pump, the fuel-injection lines
that the combustion process is optimised. Thiscauses a steep, explosive pressure and the injectors themselves, the pressure
This is the only way to ensure that the increase which generates a noise in the system is reduced by a certain
injected fuel can ignite with a minimum andcauses a sharp increase in the amount by the pressure valve of the fuel-
ignition delay and, under normal pressure temperature of the piston crown. This can injection pump at the end of injection.
conditions, burn completely. However, result in fractures in the power unit, for Ifthe injection pressure of the injectors
various influences can disturb this normal example in the ring land and the piston, isset too low or if it cannot be reliably
combustion procedure. Fundamentally, aswell as heat stress cracks on the piston maintained by the nozzle (mechanical
there are three serious types of abnormal crown. nozzles), then it is possible that, despite
combustion: this pressure reduction, the injectors
Additional information for could still open several times in sequence
1. Ignition delay 2. Incomplete combustion: after the end of injection as a result of
2. Incomplete combustion If the fuel does not reach the combustion pressure fluctuations in the fuel-injection
3. Injectors dripping after injection chamber at the right time, or if it is not line. Nozzles which leak or drip after
properly atomised, then the short period injection also cause an uncontrolled
Additional information for of time available is not enough to ensure delivery of fuel into the combustion
1. Ignition delay: complete combustion. The same happens chamber. In both cases the injected fuel
The fuel injected at the start of delivery if there is not enough oxygen (i.e. intake remains unburned due to the lack of
will ignite with a certain delay (ignition air) in the cylinder. The causes for this oxygen and ends up unburned on the
delay) if it is not atomised finely enough could be a blocked air filter, intake valves piston crown. There the fuel glows away
and if it does not reach the combustion not opening correctly, turbocharger faults under quite high temperatures and heats
chamber at the right time, or if the or wear on the piston rings and the valves. local areas of the piston material so much
compression pressure is not yet Fuel which has been burned either in- that parts of the piston can be torn away
highenough at the start of injection. completely or not at all will at least partly from the surface under the effects of
Thedegree of atomisation depends on wettens on the cylinder walls, where it will gravity and erosion. This results in
thecondition of the injector. For example, adversely affect or even destroy the film of substantial amounts of material being
an injector which demonstrates perfect lubricant. Within a very short space of time carried away or washed away erosively
fuel delivery during testing with an this will result in severe wear or seizure on onthe piston crown.
injector testing device can be jammed the running surfaces and edges of the
in such a way during installation that piston rings, theedges of the piston
it no longer atomises the fuel properly. grooves, the cylinder running surface
The compression temperature depends and, finally, also the piston skirt surfaces.
onthe compression pressure and This means that the engine will start to
therefore on the mechanical condition consume more oil and lose power (exemplary
ofthe engine. On a cold engine there damage symptoms are available in the
isalways a certain ignition delay. chapters 3.2 Seizure due to lack of
Duringcompression, the cold cylinder lubrication and3.11 Increased oil
walls absorb so much heat from the consumption).
intakeair which is colder anyway
Removal of material by
melting from the piston
crown and ring zone
(gasoline/petrol engine)
Damage assessment temperature of the air-gas mixture. reach values which make the piston
The removal of material by melting from These are essentially the spark plug, material go soft. Material is carried
piston crowns on petrol engines is the the exhaust valve and any residue away as far as the oil scraper ring due
result of glow ignition on pistons with adhering to the combustion chamber to the combined effects of gravity
mostly flat crowns and larger quenching walls. and combustion gases entering
areas. Glow ignition is triggered by In the quenching area, the piston crown is the damage site.
glowing parts in the combustion chamber heated up significantly due to the glow
which are hotter than the selfignition ignition. In the process, the temperatures
Possible causes for the damage Glowing combustion residue on the High quantities of oil in the combustion
Heat range of the spark plugs too low. piston crowns, the cylinder head, chamber caused by high oil transfer rate
Mixture too lean, resulting in higher the valves and the spark plugs. on the piston rings or the valve guide.
combustion temperatures. Unsuitable fuel with an octane rating High engine or intake temperatures
Damaged or leaking valves, or which is too low. The fuel quality must caused by inadequate ventilation
insufficient valve clearance, causing correspond to the compression ratio of the engine compartment.
the valves to not close correctly. of the engine, i.e. the octane rating General overheating.
The combustion gases flowing past of the fuel must cover the octane
significantly increase the temperature requirements of the engine under
of the valves, and the valves start to all operating conditions.
glow. This primarily affects the exhaust Diesel fuel in the petrol, which lowers
valves, as the intake valves are cooled the octane rating of the fuel.
by the fresh gases.
Material removal/fusion
due to melting on the
piston crown
(diesel engine)
Fig. 2
Damage assessment injection line can cause the nozzle needle awayunder a shortage of oxygen,
This type of damage occurs particularly to lift again, causing fuel to be injected generating quite a lot of heat in the
ondirect-injection diesel engines. into the combustion chamber again after process. The material in the localised
Prechamber engines are only affected the end of the injection process areabecomes soft in the process.
ifaprechamber is damaged and the (mechanical nozzles). If the oxygen in Theforce of gravity and the erosion due
prechamber engine therefore effectively thecombustion chamber has been used tothe combustion gases speeding past
becomes a direct-injection engine. If the up, then the individual fuel droplets will will tear out individual particles from the
injector of the affected cylinder cannot bedistributed throughout the entire surface (Fig.2) or carry away the entire
maintain its injection pressure after the combustion chamber and end up further piston crown, ultimately leading to the
end of the injection process and the outside on the piston crown on its type ofdamage seen in Fig. 1.
pressure drops, oscillations in the fuel- downward stroke. There they glow
Cracks in the piston crown
and combustion bowl
recess (diesel engines)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 4
Possible causes for the damage Temperature fluctuations in engines Installation of pistons with an
Faults in mixture preparation caused by with frequently changing loads such incorrectly shaped piston bowl for
faulty or wrong injector nozzles, faults as,for example city buses, earthmoving the engine. See also point 3.4.8
in the injection pump, damage to the machines etc. can become particularly Piston seizure due to the use of
prechamber. critical for the factors mentioned. incorrect pistons.
High temperatures as a result of defects Use of pistons with an incorrect
in the cooling system. specification, e.g. installation of pistons
Faults on the engine brake, or excessive without a cooling oil gallery on an
use of the engine brake. This results in engine where the specifications require
overheating. pistons with a cooling oil gallery,
Improved engine performance through installation of pistons made by third
interventions in control unit software. party manufacturers without fibre-
Insufficient piston cooling on pistons reinforcement of the edge of the bowl.
with a cooling oil gallery, caused for
example by blocked or bent cooling
oil nozzles.
Ring land fractures
Fig. 4
Possible causes for the damage Intake air temperatures too high, Improper or excessive use of starting
Knocking combustion on gasoline/petrol causedby inadequate ventilation of aids (e.g. starting spray) during cold
engines theengine compartment or exhaust starts.
Use of a fuel without suitable antiknock gasbackpressure. However, failure
properties. The fuel quality must toswitch over the intake air flap to Hydraulic locks
correspond to the compression ratio of summer operation or a faulty automatic Accidental intake of water while driving
the engine, i.e. the octane rating of the switchover mechanism will lead also through high water, puddles or low
fuel must cover the octane requirements toa substantial increase in the intake rivers/waters, or as a result of larger
of the engine under all operating airtemperature (particularly on older quantities of water being splashed up
conditions. carburettor engines). bypassing vehicles or vehicles in front.
Diesel fuel in the petrol, which lowers Cylinder filling up with water while the
the octane rating of the fuel. Knocking combustion on diesel engines engine is stationary due to leaks in the
Oil in the combustion chamber as a Injectors with poor atomisation or cylinder head gasket or due to cracks
result of high oil consumption at the leaking injectors. incomponents.
piston rings or valve guides lowers the Injection pressure of the injectors is Cylinder filling up with fuel while the
antiknock properties of the fuel. toolow. engine is stationary due to leaking
Excessively high compression ratio Compression pressure too low due to injectors (only applies to gasoline/
caused by combustion residue on the the use of an incorrect cylinder head petrol engines with fuel-injection).
piston crowns and cylinder head or gasket, insufficient piston protrusion, Theresidual pressure in the fuel
excessive machining of the cylinder leaking valves or broken/worn piston injection system is dissipated through
block surface and cylinder head surface rings. the leaking nozzle into the cylinder.
for engine overhaul or tuning purposes. Defective cylinder head gasket. Inthis case and the one above the
Ignition timing too advanced. Damage to the prechamber. described damage will occur when
Mixture too lean, resulting in higher theengine is started.
combustion temperatures.
Impact marks on
the piston crown
(diesel engine)
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Damage assessment This in turn damage the oil film, which pistons start to become more and more
The pistons have struck against the initially leads to a higher level of mixed mixed with the lubricating oil and the
cylinder head/swirl chamber and one of friction and therefore increased wear lubricating oil starts to lose its load-
the valves during operation. There have inthe piston ring area. Oil consumption bearing ability as a result of oil dilution,
been no fractures or breakages yet as a increases as a consequence. the wear will spread to all of the moving
result of these violent impacts. However, Thecharacteristic damage caused by parts in the engine.
the nature of the wear on the piston rings unburned fuel does not arise until the
and the piston skirt indicates that one oil film is destroyed by the fuel to such
consequence of these impacts has been an extent that the piston is running with-
abnormal combustion due to fuel flooding. out lubrication (see also point 3.2.4
Mechanical contact between the piston Dryrunning damage due to lack of
crown and the cylinder head has resulted lubrication caused by fuel flooding).
in vibration, with associated vibration In the initial stages the piston skirt is
being transfered through to the injector. affected to a lesser degree, as it is
As a consequence, the injector has been continuously supplied with new oil from
unable to hold the pressure when closed. the crankshaft drive which is still capable
The increased injection of fuel into the of providing lubrication. Once the abraded
cylinder causes fuel flooding. particles from the moving area of the
Possible causes for the damage Excessive reworking of the cylinder Excessive clearances in the connecting
Incorrect piston protrusion/over lap. head sealing surface and the resulting rod bearings or a worn out connecting
Thepiston protrusion/over lap was not shift in the valve timing. (The distance rod bearing, particularly in conjunction
checked or corrected during an engine between the driving pinion/sprocket with over-revving during a hill descent.
overhaul. and the driven pinion/sprocket changes.
Connecting rod small-end bush bored Depending on the design of the chain
eccentrically during replacement of the orbelt adjustment mechanism, it may
small-end bushes. not be possible to correct this.
Eccentric regrinding of the crankshaft. New valve seat rings have been
Eccentric reworking of the bearing installed, but care was not taken
counter bore (when resinking the toensure that they are correctly
crankshaft bearing caps). positioned. If the valve recess is
Installation of a cylinder head gasket notpositioned deeply enough in
with insufficient thickness. thecylinder head during machining,
Oil carbon deposits on the piston crown thevalves will not be recessed enough
and resulting restriction or bridging of into the cylinder head and will protrude
the gap. too far as a result.
Incorrect valve timing caused by Over-revving the engine. The valves no
incorrect adjustment, chain stretching longer close in time due to the increased
or a slipped belt. inertia forces and strike against the
Hole in the piston crown
(petrol sparkignition
gasoline engine)
Fig. 1
Possible causes for the damage Glowing combustion residue on the High quantities of oil in the combustion
Heat range of the spark plugs too low. piston crowns, the cylinder head, chamber caused by high oil transfer rate
Mixture too lean, resulting in higher thevalves and the spark plugs. due to worn or damaged piston rings or
combustion temperatures. Unsuitable fuel with an octane rating valve guides, or a combination of both.
Damaged or leaking valves, or which is too low. The fuel quality must High engine or intake temperatures
insufficient valve clearance, causing correspond to the compression ratio of caused by inadequate ventilation of
thevalves to not close correctly. the engine, i.e. the octane rating of the theengine compartment.
Thecombustion gases flowing past fuel must cover the octane requirements General overheating.
significantly increase the temperature of the engine under all operating
ofthe valves, and the valves start to conditions.
glow. This primarily affects the exhaust Gasoline contaminated by Diesel, which
valves, as the intake valves are cooled lowers the octane rating of the fuel.
by the fresh gases.
Piston top land seizure
due to the use of incorrect
pistons (diesel engine)
Fig. 1
Damage assessment One example not to be followed is: If the pistons which are used are not
Due to the nature of the symptoms, this A piston for the Euro 1 emissions standard, prescribed for the relevant engine type
damage has been clearly caused by an which has a bowl diameter of 77 mm, has and the relevant emission standards, this
abnormal combustion. However, the fault been replaced during engine repairs can result in serious abnormal combustion
lies in the use of an incorrect piston, not withapiston for the Euro 2 emissions during operation with completely
with the fuel-injection system asmight standard with a bowl diameter of 75 mm. unpredictable consequences. Apart from
initially be suspected. This caused increased heating at the edge damage of the kind described above,
Within the framework of the legislation for of the bowl as, because of the smaller failure to comply with the exhaust
reducing levels of pollutants in exhaust diameter of the bowl, the injector was emission regulations would be just the
emissions, engines are now designed and spraying onto the edge of the bowl rather start of the problems. Lack of engine
built in accordance with the latest exhaust than the centre of the bowl. This caused performance, increased fuel consumption
emission standards. Often the pistons for localised overheating of the piston and subsequent installation of the correct
the different emission standards are barely material where the fuel jets from the pistons lead to significant follow-up costs.
any different to look at. In this example, injector were reaching the piston,
pistons with different bowl diameters are andtherefore also increased thermal
used on the same range of engines to meet expansion which led to the localised
different exhaust emission standards. seizure marks.
Possible causes for the damage Use of the incorrect style of piston. Use of the correct pistons, but use of
Use of pistons with an incorrectly Forexample, a piston with no cooling other components which are unsuitable
shaped bowl or an incorrect bowl oil gallery must not be used if the for the particular application (injectors,
depthor diameter. engine manufacturer specifies a cooling cylinder head gaskets, fuel-injection
Use of pistons which do not comply oil gallery the particular application pumps or other components which affect
withthe dimension specifications (e.g.for reaching a certain power the mixture formation or combustion
(compression height). output). process).
Erosion on the piston
top land and on the
piston crown
(gasoline/petrol engine)
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Damage assessment spread in the combustion chamber and which material is carried away expands,
Erosiontype removal of material from run down between the piston top land particularly if glow ignition also occurs
the piston top land and from the piston and the cylinder wall as far as the first as a result of the knocking combustion.
crown always occurs as a result of compression ring. At the reversal point Material is often carried away in the
extended periods of knocking combustion of the pressure wave, the kinetic energy damaged area behind the rings as far
(medium severity). In the process, tears out tiniest particles from the surface as the oil scraper ring.
pressure waves are generated which of the piston. Gradually the area from
Possible causes for the damage Large quantities of oil in the combustion Intake air temperatures too high,
Use of a fuel without suitable antiknock chamber caused for example by worn caused by inadequate ventilation of
properties. The fuel quality must piston rings, valve guides or the turbo the engine compartment or exhaust
correspond to the compression ratio of charger (or other similar components) gas backpressure. However, failure
the engine, i.e. the octane rating of the will reduce the antiknock properties to switch over the intake air flap to
fuel must cover the octane requirements of the fuel. summer operation or a faulty automatic
of the engine under all operating Excessively high compression ratio switchover mechanism will lead also
conditions. caused by combustion residue on the to a substantial increase in the intake
The gasoline/petrol has been piston crowns and cylinder head or air temperature (particularly on older
contaminated with diesel. Accidental excessive machining of the cylinder carburettor engines).
refuelling with the wrong type of fuel block surface and cylinder head surface
or shared use of tanks or canisters for engine overhaul or tuning purposes.
for both types of fuel can lead to this Ignition timing too advanced.
kind of contamination. Very small Mixture too lean, resulting in higher
amounts of diesel are already enough combustion temperatures.
to significantly lower the octane rating
of the petrol.
General information
about piston fractures
An overload breakage (Fig. 1) is always They are not worn down and they display
caused by a foreign body which collides no nodal line markings. The piston
with the piston while the engine is suddenly breaks without any fracture
running. This could be parts of the development.
connecting rod, crankshaft or valves etc.
which have been torn off. An overload
breakage of the piston can also occur
if water or fuel gets into the cylinder.
The broken surfaces of an overload
breakage appear grey.
Fig. 1
In the case of a fatigue fracture (Fig. 2), Excessive deformation of the piston pin
nodal line markings form on the fracture due to overstressing (warping and oval
surface which reveal the starting point and deformation) cause cracks in the pin boss.
the gradual progress of the fracture. The Furthermore, fatigue fractures can also
fracture surfaces are often worn to the stem from heat stress cracks on the piston
point of being shiny. The cause for a crowns.
fatigue fracture is overstressing of the
piston material. Overstressing can occur
during knocking combustion, severe shock
vibrations of the piston, for example if the
piston crown has mechanical contact with
the cylinder head or excessive skirt
Fig. 2
Piston fracture in
the piston pin boss
Possible causes for the damage The cylinder has filled up with water, Use of incorrect or weightreduced
Abnormal combustion, in particular fuel or oil whilst stationary, resulting piston pins. The piston pin is deformed
spontaneous combustion caused in a hydraulic lock. to an oval shape, placing excessive
by ignition delay. Performance enhancements (e.g. chip loads on the bearings in the process.
Excessive or inappropriate use of tuning) with continued use of the
starting aids during cold starts. standard production piston.
Piston fracture due
to mechanical contact
between the piston crown
and the cylinder head
Fig. 2
* Motor Service supply pistons with a reduced compression height for most heavy duty engines.
Please refer to Engine Service Piston Catalogue.
Please refer to our current cataloque Pistons/Cylinders/Kit Sets.
Material washout in the
ring zone (ring fracture)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Damage assessment and the piston ring groove. The axial around in the rapidly enlarging groove,
Due to the severity of the axial wear on clearance of the piston rings increased causing the washout shown in the picture
the grooves and on the first ring groove steadily as a result. In terms of its cross as a result of continuous hammering.
in particular, the damage shown here can section, the ring was then severely Once the washout finally reached the
only have been caused by ingress of weakened, and it could ultimately piston crown, the fragments of the piston
contaminants or dirt into the combustion no longer withstand the pressures of ring were able to enter the space between
chamber. The contaminants were then also the combustion process and broke. the piston crown and the cylinder head,
deposited in the ring groove, where they Consequently, the broken off part of the where they caused more damage to piston
caused abrasive wear on the piston ring ring had even greater freedom to move crown and cylinder head.
Possible causes for the damage Piston ring flutter caused by excessive are intended to cover high mileage or
Given the severity of the axial wear of axial ring clearance. This condition can survive a long service life, there is a
the ring groove and the piston rings, the arise if only a new set of piston rings is chance that the resistance of the ring
only possible explanation is the ingress installed during repairs, even though grooves to wear may not be sufficient for
of foreign bodies into the combustion the ring grooves in the piston are the length of service life to be endured.
chamber. Refer to section 3.11.3 already worn. The excessive play causes At some point the groove is widened so
Wear on the pistons, piston rings and the rings to flutter and possibly break. far as a result of natural wear that the
cylinders caused by the ingress of dirt. Another reason for excessive axial ring piston rings start to flutter, and the
If there is severe radial wear to the clearance may be the use of an incorrect ring(s) may break as a result.
piston rings without evidence of any set of piston rings. As a result, the
axial wear then a likely cause is fuel height of the rings may be too small,
flooding. Refer to section 3.11.4 Wear on so the clearance in the groove could
the pistons, piston rings and cylinders already be excessive when the rings
caused by fuel flooding. areinstalled.
If there is no wear on the ring grooves This type of damage could also be
or piston rings and the engine has only caused by using a piston which is
been run a short time after a major unsuitable for the intended purpose.
overhaul, then this type of damage can Pistons for diesel engines are subjected
be caused by incorrect installation of to greater loads and are expected to
the piston. It is possible for the piston endure a longer service life, so they are
rings to be broken when the piston is equipped with a ring carrier which is
inserted into the cylinder if they have made of cast iron alloyed with nickel.
not been pressed far enough into the Pistons without a ring carrier are
piston ring groove. This usually happens sometimes used on diesel engines for
if the piston ring scuff band is not fitted cost reasons, but only if the service life
and tightened correctly around the is expected to be shorter. This could be
piston, or if an incorrect or damaged the case for example on agricultural
insertion tool is used during installation machinery. If this type of piston without
of the piston. a ring carrier is used in engines which
3.6.1 Excessive or inappropriate use of starting fracture on towards the centre of the pin.
aids during cold starts (e.g. starting spray) In the area between the piston pin eye and
General information about should be viewed in the same way as the the connecting rod eye which is subjected
piston pin fractures effects of extreme abnormal combustion. to the greatest shear stresses and bending
During operation, the piston pin is bent by loads, the crack then changes direction
the forces exerted from the combustion and becomes a lateral crack. This then
Piston pin fractures can occur as a result
gases on the piston and deformed into an ultimately causes the entire pin to break
of overloads caused by abnormal
oval shape. As a result of this deformation right through.
combustion, the effects of foreign
into an oval shape, under excessive loads In addition to the scenarios described
bodiesor material defects. In the case
a longitudinal crack can initially form at here, fractures can also arise as a result
ofamaterial defect, the crack usually
the ends of the pin, with its starting point ofsome other kind of damage to the pin
originates from a slag line. This can be
either at the outer or inner diameter of the orbecause of a hardness defect.
reliably verified by carrying out tests on
pin. The crack then spreads as a fatigue
the material in a laboratory.
Fractured piston pin
Possible causes for the damage Improper handling of the piston pin Weakening of pin through tuning
Abnormal combustion on both petrol during installation. measures (weight reduction).
and diesel engines, in particular as a Overloading of pin through improved Use of wrong pin (e.g. shaped pin).
result of knocking combustion. engine performance.
Hydraulic locks.
3.7.1 The circlips are only subjected to axial break up. Some fragments become
loads if the piston pin has an axial trapped between the piston and the
General information about movement forced upon it. If the piston cylinder, while other parts are thrown back
damage to the piston pin ismisaligned or the connecting rod is and forth under the forces of gravity in the
oscillating in an asymmetric fashion then cutout of the piston pin bore, where they
circlips this will cause the piston pin axis and the cause substantial material washout. It is
crankshaft axis to no longer be parallel, also not uncommon for fragments to move
Wire circlips or so-called Seeger-type
resulting in precisely this axial movement through the inner bore in the piston pin
circlips are used as retainers for the piston
of the piston pin. The piston pin then right through to the other side of the
pins. It is possible for both types to break
strikes in a very rapidly alternating piston, where they then also cause
in operation or jump or be knocked out of
sequence against the piston pin circlips substantial amounts of damage.
the groove in the piston.
and gradually forces them out of the
If the circlips fracture or their ends break
groove. They are then forced on as far as
off, this is always due to excessive loads
the cylinder running surface, where they
orimproper handling while inserting the
are worn away. Ultimately the circlips will
Piston damage caused by
broken piston pin circlips
Damage description I
On both sides of the piston, the end of
the piston pin bore has suffered serious
damage. In some places the damage
reaches up as far as the ring zone (Fig. 1).
When the piston was removed there was
no longer a circlip in the retaining groove.
It had jumped out during operation and
broken into fragments. Although the
second circlip is damaged, it was still
installed in its groove when the piston was
removed. Due to the lack of retention, the
Fig. 1
piston pin has wandered outwards during
operation towards the cylinder running
surface. Clearly the front face of the pin
has had prolonged contact with the
cylinder running surface. As a result, the
front face is worn to a convexed shape
(Fig. 3). The running pattern of the piston
is formed very asymmetrically.
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Damage description II
In this case the piston has been running
at an angle, which has also caused the
piston pin circlip to be hammered out. As
a result of the piston running at an angle
in the cylinder and the onesided load on
the piston pin, the piston pin has broken
(Fig. 3), and subsequently the piston
has been broken as well (Fig. 2). The
asymmetrical running pattern resulting
from the piston running at an angle can
be seen very clearly in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Damage assessment operation. This is most commonly the away and finally breaks into several
Whether as wire circlips or Seeger-type casewhen a bent connecting rod leads fragments. As shown in Fig. 2 the
circlips, the piston pin circlip can only be tothe piston running at an angle. The fragment inertia forces hammer into the
forced out or hammered out in operation reciprocating movements of the piston piston material as the piston moves up
by means of an axial displacement of result in an alternating axial thrust which and down breaking it down within a short
the piston pin. However, this is based on effectively hammers out the circlip lying in space of time. Individual fragments also
the requirement that the circlip has been the main pressure direction. Once the move through the hollow piston pin and
correctly inserted and has not been circlip has jumped out, it is then clamped cause corresponding destruction on the
damaged. Axial thrust in the piston pin between the piston pin moving in an opposite side of thepiston.
always occurs when the piston pin axis is outward direction, the piston and the
not parallel to the crankshaft axis during cylinder running surface. There, it is worn
Possible causes for the damage Cylinder axis not rectangular (90)
Axial thrust of the piston pin during engine tocrank shaft axis.
operation caused by: E xcessive connecting rod big-end
Bending or twisting of the connecting bearing clearance, particularly in
rod. conjunction with asymmetrical
A xes of conrod small ends not bored connecting rods.
parallel to crank shaft axis. Use of old or damaged circlips.
Improperly installed circlips.
Seizure in the piston
pin bore (floating-fit
piston pin)
Fig. 1
Possible causes for the damage The piston pin and piston pin bore was
The clearance between the smallend not lubricated during installation of the Important note:
bush and the piston pin was not made piston. It is essential to lubricate the piston pin
large enough. and the piston pin bore when installing
Possibly the clearance in the smallend thepistons to ensure that sufficient
bush was reduced or even eliminated by lubrication is present during the first few
a misalignment of the connecting rod revolutions of the engine and to prevent
and the piston pin became seized as a rubbing marks from being formed straight
result. away when the engine is started.
Seizure in the piston
pin bore (shrink-fit
connecting rod)
Damage assessment that the piston pin seized during the first
The piston has barely any running marks revolutions of the engine. The clean bare
and can therefore only have been run for metal seizures are a clear indication of a
a short time. It can therefore be assumed lack of oil in the piston pin bed.
Possible causes for the damage and the piston pin bore was checked
It is possible that the piston pin and immediately after inserting the piston
the piston pin bore were not lubricated pin by tilting the piston back and forth.
before the piston pin was assembled The surfaces of the piston and the
in the engine. piston pin bore can suffer at this point
During the shrink-fitting process as a result of the unusual temperature
for inserting the piston pin into the differences between the components
connecting rod, the freedom of which do not occur in normal operation.
movement between the piston pin
Seizure in the piston
pin bore (with piston
skirt seizure)
Fig. 2
3.9.1 Tilting of the piston caused by Piston pin striking alternately against
insufficient clearance in the piston the piston pin circlips:
General information pinbed: Axial thrust in the piston pin is always
aboutpiston noises The clearance between the piston pin the result of an alignment error between
and the small-end bush can either be the axis of the piston pin and the
too small by design, or it may have crankshaft axis. As described in the
Piston running noises can be caused by a
beeneliminated by jamming or previous point, distortion or twisting
wide variety of influences during operation
warpinginoperation. This can happen ofthe connecting rod and asymmetry
of the engine.
particularly as a result of connecting rod ofthe connecting rod are the most
misalignment (bending and/or twisting). common causes for this type of fault.
Tilting of the pistons due to excessive
Piston striking in the direction However, excessive big-end bearing
of the piston pin: clearances (big-end bearing journal on
The piston can tilt if the dimensions
Any lateral striking of the cylinder bore the crankshaft) can cause a lateral
ofthe cylinder bore are too large or as
by the piston mostly stems from the pendulum movement of the connecting
aresult of wear / material breakdown,
connecting rod. Due to misalignment of rod, particularly at lower engine speeds.
stimulated by the pendulum motion
the connecting rod (bending or twisting The piston pin is skewed as a result in
ofthe connecting rod and the change
in particular), the piston performs a the connecting small end rod and is
ofbearing surface of the piston in the
pendulum movement during its upward/ pushed back and forth in the piston pin
cylinder, and the piston hits hard
downward stroke in the longitudinal bore due to the pendulum motion of the
against the cylinder running surface
axis of the engine, as a result of which piston. The piston pin strikes against
(with the piston crown in particular)
the piston strikes in an alternating the piston pin circlips as a consequence.
sequence against the cylinder.
The correct installation direction
Asymmetrical connecting rods or non-
of the piston was ignored:
concentric support for the piston by the
In order to smoothen the change of the
connecting rod have the same effect.
contact surface of the piston before TDC
and before the power stroke, the piston
pin axis is offset by some tenth of a
millimetre towards the piston pressure
side. If the piston is inserted the wrong
way round (i.e. rotated by 180) and
therefore the piston pin axis is offset
tothe wrong direction, then the piston
changes bearing surface at the wrong
time. The piston tilting is then much
heavier and much noisier.
Radial impact points on
the piston top land
Fig. 1
Possible damage reasons for impact Excessively narrow fit of the piston Possible damage reasons for impact
points in the tilt direction pin in the small-end bush (shrink-fit points in the piston pin direction
Excessive installation clearances and connecting rod). If fit of the piston pin In case of misalignment of the
hence poor guidance of the piston due is too tight in the connecting rod small connecting rod, particularly in the case
to excessively large bored or honed end, then the connecting rod small end of a twisted connecting rod or excessive
cylinders. is deformed in the direction of the bigend bearing clearances, the piston
The installation direction was not narrowest wall thickness when the crown moves in a pendulum motion in
observed for pistons with a piston pin piston pin is shrunk and installed. the piston pin direction and strikes
axis offset. The connecting rod small end and the against the cylinder wall.
Tight connection between piston piston pin take on an oval form in the Connecting rod alignment faults
and conrod: As a result of the lack of process. (distortion/twisting): This results in
clearance, the piston top land strikes On shrink-fit connecting rods: alternating axial thrust in the piston pin,
against the cylinder running surface in restriction of the clearance between as a result of which the piston pin
the socalled tilt direction. Reasons for the piston pin and the piston caused strikes alternately against the circlips
this are: by distortion of the piston pin as a at either end.
Insufficient clearance in the result of the bore in the connecting
connecting rod small end or in rod small end no longer being
the piston pin bore. geometrically round.
Seized piston pin.
Longitudinal cylinder
liner cracks
Fig. 1
Description of the damage
The crack is usually vertical and usually
extends in a vertical direction from the
liner flange. Dry liners can also be affected
because of their relatively thin cylinder
wall thickness.
Damage assessment notch can generate a fracture during block can also cause this type of damage.
Cylinder liner cracks of this nature are subsequent operation of the engine and The longitudinal cracks often occur in
frequently caused by careless handling therefore cause failure of the component. conjunction with lateral cracks in cases of
(e.g. the results of impacts or blows). Even Similarly to the case described above, longitudinal cracks caused by faulty flange
if the liner does not suffer visible damage incorrect contact of the flange and dirt contact surfaces.
straight away, a microscopic crack or between the cylinder liner and the cylinder
Possible causes for the damage Foreign bodies underneath sealing Material erosion on edge of liner
Improper and careless handling of surfaces. through knocking combustion and
the cylinder liners during transport Faulty flange contact (Refer also to point weakening of the cylinder liner.
or repairs and associated damage 3.10.2 Torn off flange on the cylinder
due to cracks or notches. liner).
Hydraulic locks.
Torn off flange on the
cylinder liner
Damage assessment The liner is then removed again. The contact contact with ink. This reworking is best
This type of damage is caused by bending surface on the liner should now be evenly performed on a stationary horizontal boring
moments which arise as a result of improper coated with ink around the entire machine or with a mobile liner flange lathe.
installation (dirt / form defects). There are circumference. The liner seat needs to be This is the only way to ensure parallelism to
many reasons which can cause this type of reworked if any areas have not come into the upper housing surface (Fig. 2).
fracture. In most cases, the cylinder liner
flange is already pressed off when the
cylinder head is tightened down. On the
latest generations of engines for commercial
vehicles with unit injectors or common rail
fuel injection systems, the cylinder block
is subjected to increasing loads as a result
of the increasing combustion pressures.
The use of very hard steel cylinder head
gaskets on these two engine types can
cause distortion of the crankcase in the area
of the cylinder liner contact surface after the
engine has been in operation for a long time.
The distortion of the contact surface cannot
be detected by visual inspection alone
unless the appropriate measuring aids are
used. One simple way to check for this
distortion is the use of bearing ink. The ink
is thinly applied around the contact surface
of the liner flange on the cylinder block.
The new liner is then inserted without
gaskets and pressed onto the seat.
Fig. 2
Possible causes for the damage If the liner flange does not project by
Use of non-approved gaskets (in some theprescribed dimension from the
cases the aftermarket gaskets have cylinder sealing surface, or if it is
different shapes and diameters). slightly recessed (Fig. 6), then the liner
Non-compliance with the engine is not pressed onto the liner seat with
manufacturers recommended enough force during installation. During
tightening torques and tightening operation, this can cause the liner to
angles. also adopt a pendulum motion as a
Failure to carefully clean any dirt off result of the pendulum motion of the
theliner seat in the cylinder block. piston. The resulting forces acting on
Failure to ensure that the flange contact the liner flange can cause it to be torn Fig. 3
surface is perfectly rectangular and/or off. If it is necessary to rework the liner
parallel (Figs. 2 and 5). flange contact surface during a major
Reworking of the flange seat without engine overhaul, it is possible to
due care for the proper form. The form eitherinsert steel adjustment shims
ofthe liner seat must correspond to underneath or use a liner with
theform of the cylinder liner. anoversized flange to provide the
T he transition from the flange surface necessary protrusion of the liner over
tothe precision-fit seat diameter must the cylinder surface. The solution
have a bevelled edge of 0.51.0 mm X involving a cylinder liner with
45 to prevent the channel on the liner overflanged size* is preferable to the
flange from making contact with the option of inserting adjustment shims
edge. If this is not ensured then it is underneath, as it is technically the Fig. 4
veryeasy for the flange to be pressed moresturdy solution.
offwhen the cylinder head is tightened
down (Fig. 3). Extra for wet cylinder liners:
Furthermore, it must also be ensured Worn liner flange seating surface.
that the shape of the liner seat radius On engine after extended running
(D) in Fig. 4 is not chosen so large as to period.
prevent the liner from bearing loads at Wrong number of seals.
the inner or outer edge on the liner Use of sealant during installation.
Extra for dry cylinder liners:
Installation error through excessively
high press-in force (press-fit). Fig. 5
Fig. 6
* Motor Service supply cylinder liners with oversized flanges for most engines.
Please refer to our current catalogue Pistons, Cylinders and Kit Sets.
Cavitation on cylinder
Damage assessment the cylinder wall, this results in temporary the surface of the cylinder. With time,
Cavitation is more likely to occur in the tilt separation of the water film from the complete holes are torn out (washed out).
direction of the piston (on the pressure or cylinder liner. Tiny vapour bubbles form A special feature of cavitation is the fact
counterpressure side) and is triggered by in the resulting area of low pressure, and that the size of the holes increases further
vibrations of the cylinder wall. These high when the cylinder wall vibrates back at inside the material (Fig. 3), resulting in the
frequency vibrations are caused by the exceptionally high speed, these bubbles cavities from which the name of this type
combustion pressure, the lateral forces implode. The water displaced by the of damage is taken.
exerted by the pistons and the pistons bubbles hits the surface of the cylinder
change of bearing surfaces at TDC and very suddenly when the tiny bubbles
BDC. If the cooling liquid is no longer implode. The impact energy generated
capable of following the vibrations of in this way dissolves tiny particles from
Possible causes for the damage Use of unsuitable coolants such as salt Engine operating temperature too low:
Failure to comply with the correct piston water (sea water), aggressive or acidic If due to particular operating conditions
clearance (reinstallation of pistons water or other liquids. or thermostat defects the engine does
which have already been used, or use Lack of prepressure in the cooling not reach its normal operating
of cylinders manufactured too large). system: The required radiator pre temperature, no excess pressure can
Irregularity in liner flange seating pressure cannot be maintained as a build up in the cooling system because
surface poor or inaccurate seating result of using an unsuitable radiator of the reduced thermal expansion of the
of liner in the housing (see also 3.10.2 cap (not enough pressure can be coolant. The low operating temperature
Torn off flange on the cylinder liner). maintained due to a defective pressure also means that the pistons do not
The required permanent antifreeze relief valve) or because of a leak in the expand in the required manner. As a
protection or corresponding additives cooling system. If the prepressure result they run with increased piston
in the cooling water are missing. in the cooling system is in accordance clearance. Both cases assist the
The anticorrosion protection agent with the requirements, the boiling formation of the tiny bubbles and hence
contains inhibitors which prevent temperature of the coolant is higher the effects of cavitation.
foaming. However, these inhibitors than under atmospheric pressure. Installation of sealing rings in undercut
are gradually used up with time. Although the prepressure in the cooling on liner flange (Fig. 4). Sealing rings
Therefore it is necessary to change system cannot eliminate the cause for may only be installed at this position
the anticorrosion protection agent formation of the tiny vapour bubbles if they are specifically required by the
every 2 years and to use the correct altogether, it can at least inhibit the manufacturer.
mixture ratio. formation of the bubbles.
Cylinder protrusion
Tombak shim
Fig. 4
Uneven cylinder wear
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Damage assessment perfectly tight seal for the oil nor around the engine, particularly at the
Highly polished irregular running patterns the combustion gases. The oil escapes radial oil seals. Furthermore, oil is forced
on the running surfaces in the cylinders past the piston rings into the combustion through the valve guides into the intake
always indicate cylinder distortion. chamber, where it is burned. The increas and exhaust ducts, from where it is then
Wet or dry cylinder liners in particular ing quantities of combustion gases flowing sucked in by the engine and burned or
can already be distorted immediately after past the piston causes the pressure in eliminated.
installation. If the cylinder is distorted the crankcase to rise. This overpressure
the piston rings can neither provide a causes oil loss at various sealing points
Possible causes for the damage alone does not promise good results, Recommendation:
Uneven or incorrect tightening of the then the cylinder counter bores should On cylinder blocks without cylinder liners
cylinder head bolts. be reworked, and afterwards a cylinder where the cylinders are bored directly into
Uneven cylinder block and cylinder liner with external oversize* should be the cylinder block, we recommend bolting
head sealing surfaces. installed. The liners have very thin walls a torque plate (also referred to as a honing
Dirty or distorted threads on the and must be able to make contact across mask) onto the sealing surfaces of the
cylinder head bolts. their full length and width. If this is not cylinder before machining the cylinder.
Unsuitable or incorrect cylinder the case then the liners will already This torque plate has the same openings
head gaskets. become deformed on installation as the cylinder block (apart from the water
Faulty flange contact in the housing, (and definitely during operation). ducts) and is several centimetres thick.
incorrect cylinder liner protrusion and With dry cylinder liners, a distinction The act of bolting on this tool and
distorted and/or a worn out lower liner is made between press-fit and slip-fit tightening it to the specified tightening
guide can be the causes for substantial types. Press-fit liners are pressed into torque for the cylinder head bolts creates
cylinder distortion. the cylinder block and still need to be the same tension conditions as if the
Liner seat too loose or too tight in the bored and honed after being pressed in. cylinder head were installed. Any
housing (on dry cylinder liners). Slip-fit liners are already finished off distortion in the cylinder bores which
Individual ribbed cylinders must lie and only need to be slipped into the could arise after tightening the cylinder
exactly plane-parallel to the crankcase counter bore. Due to the clearance head bolts is therefore deliberately
and the cylinder head. If several which remains between the liner and the simulated and is therefore taken into
cylinders share a joint cylinder head cylinder counter bore on slip-fit liners, account during the machining of the
then it is important that the ribbed this type of liner has a greater tendency cylinders. This ensures that the cylinder
cylinders have exactly the same height. than the press-fit type to problems with bore is (to a great extent) round and
The presence and arrangement of the air distortion and corrosion. cylindrical during subsequent operation
baffles is highly significant on this Distorted cylinder bores on cylinder of the engine (provided the machining
engine layout. blocks without cylinder liners. Certain is carried out properly).
With dry liners, significant unevenness engines have a tendency towards
is often caused during operation by distortion during installation of the
contact corrosion in the counter bores in cylinder head. If these engines are
the housings (Fig. 1). In this case the bored and honed in the normal way then
cylinder counter bore should be cleaned there can be distortion problems during
carefully. If the process of cleaning subsequent operation of the engine.
* Motor Service supply cylinder liners with oversize diameter for many engines.
Please refer to our current Motor Service catalogue Pistons, Cylinders and Assemblies.
Bright spots in upper
cylinder liner area
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Damage assessment The lubrication of the cylinder is also pistons, piston rings and cylinders caused
This type of damage pattern occurs when a unaffected, as it is still possible to retain by fuel flooding) or ingress of dirt or
hard oil carbon deposit forms in operation enough oil in the open graphite veins of contaminants (point 3.11.3 Wear on the
on the piston top land as a result of burned the cylinder surface despite the loss of the pistons, piston rings and cylinders caused
oil and combustion residues (Fig. 3). honing structure. When assessing this by the ingress of dirt).
Thiscoating has abrasive properties which type of damage, it is important to note
lead to increased wear in the upper part that, in this case, the polished areas all
ofthe cylinder in operation due to the coincide with points in the cylinder which
reciprocal motion and the change of come into contact with the carbonised
bearing surfaces of the piston. The piston top land. If the polished areas are
increased oil consumption is not caused also present at points which do not come
by the polished areas themselves, as the into contact with the piston top land, then
polished areas do not cause a noticeable the cause for the damage is more likely to
out-of-roundness of the cylinder, and the be found in distortion of the cylinder
piston rings can still continue to perform (point 3.10.4 Uneven cylinder wear),
their sealing duties in the normal fashion. fuelflooding (point 3.11.4 Wear on the
Cylinder liner fracture
due to hydraulic lock
Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Damage assessment adent the piston crown. As a result, and the cylinder liner. It can no longer
The cylinder has suffered a hydraulic lock thepiston material has been squashed beidentified whether the hydraulic lock
in operation or while starting the engine. outwards, causing a significant restriction occurred while the engine was running
The high pressure from the liquid has of the clearance in this area and the orwhile it was being started.
burst the cylinder liner and pressed in seizure marks on both sides of the piston
Possible causes for the damage Cylinder filling up with water while the fuel injection system is dissipated
Accidental intake of water while driving engine is stationary due to leaks in the through the leaking nozzle into the
through high water, puddles or low cylinder head gasket or due to cracks in cylinder. In this case and the one above
rivers/waters, or as a result of larger components. the described damage will occur when
quantities of water being splashed up by Cylinder filling up with fuel due to the engine is started.
passing vehicles or vehicles in front. leaking injectors while the engine is
stationary. The residual pressure in the
3.11.1 more negligible concerns on a modern the range from 0.2 to 1.5 g/kWh (max.).
engine. This is underlined by the high In the majority of cases, wear on pistons,
General information mileages which can currently be achieved piston rings and cylinders and the
onoilconsumption and the reduction of incidents of damage resulting increased or excessive
to the crankshaft drive. Although the oil consumption of oil is not caused by the
consumption due to oil which passes components themselves. Instead, wear
The total amount of oil used by an engine
between the piston rings and the cylinder onthese components can nearly always
is primarily made up of oil consumption
wall into the combustion chamber cannot beexplained as the result of an external
(i.e. oil burned in the combustion chamber)
be completely eliminated with technical event. Abnormal combustion due to
and oil loss (i.e. leaks). In contrast to still
means, it can however be minimised. incorrect mixture formation, dirt entering
prevailing and widely-held views, oil
Themoving parts (piston, piston rings the engine from outside, inadequate
consumption due to oil passing the pistons
andcylinder running surface) require engine cooling, lack of oil, incorrect oil
and piston rings into the combustion
continuous lubrication to ensure grades and errors made during installation
chamber plays a far less important role
frictionless and smooth operation. During are the main reasons for premature wear
today. As a result of the continuous
the combustion stage the remaining oil and, subsequently, increased oil
development of engines, the design of
film on the cylinder wall is subjected to the consumption. The following pages contain
individual parts, material compositions
heat of the combustion. The quantity of oil detailed descriptions of different types of
and production processes have been
which evaporates or burns here depends damage which affects pistons, piston rings
improved and highly optimised. For this
on the power output of the engine, the and cylinders.
reason, the effects of wear on cylinders,
engine load and the temperature. Guide
pistons and piston rings and the resulting
values for normal oil consumption are in
increase in oil consumption are among the
Due to the complexity of the whole topic worn fuel injection pumps machining faults during boring
ofoil consumption, a separate booklet oil leaks into the intake system andhoning
entitled Oil Consumption and Loss of Oil worn valve stem seams and valve guides graphite exposure rate too low
has been published in the Service Tips and errors made during installation of the twisted/distorted connecting rods
Information series. Ordering information cylinder head broken/jammed/incorrectly installed
can be found in the appendix attached to excess pressure in the crankcase piston rings
this document. The topics covered in the excessively high oil levels
booklet are: abnormal combustion and fuel flooding
excessive bearing clearance in incorrect piston protrusion
theturbocharger irregular servicing / maintenance
blocked oil return line on the use of sub-quality mineral oils
turbocharger cylinder distortion
Incorrectly installed
oil scraper ring
(increased oil consumption
after engine repairs)
Fig. 1
Damage assessment the tension is lost for the blade rings. The capable of scraping off the oil. Oil can then
Due to the overlapping of the ends of the blade rings are then no longer pressed enter the combustion chamber, where it is
expander spring during installation, its tightly against the cylinder wall, and as a burned. Excessive oil consumption is a
circumferential length is shortened and result the oil scraper ring is no longer result.
Possible causes for the damage Usually, the ends of the spring are colour
The mistake was already made when the coded, for example Caution!
piston and piston rings were installed in green for the left end of the joint, and Both coloured parts of the expander
the cylinder bore, as care was not taken red for the right end of the joint. spring must be visible after installation
to ensure correct installation of the of the blade rings. These colourcoded
expander spring. marks should therefore always be checked
(even on preassembled piston rings)
before installation of the pistons in
the cylinder bore (Fig. 3).
Wear on pistons, piston
rings and cylinder running
surfaces caused by the
ingress of dirt (increased
oil consumption)
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Damage assessment
Scratches on the piston and piston rings,
amatt wear pattern on the piston skirt,
roll marks on the ring flanges (Figs. 6
and7) and a bulging cylinder wear (Fig. 5)
are always the consequence of abrasive
foreign bodies in the oil circuit. As the
piston rings are worn on the running
surfaces and edges, they can no longer
seal the cylinder sufficiently and can
therefore no longer prevent oil from
passing into the combustion chamber. Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Atthe same time, the pressure in the
crankcase increases as a result of
combustion gases flowing past the
cylinder. This excessive pressure can
cause increased quantities of oil to escape
through radial oil seals, valve stem seals
and other sealing points. Roll marks on the
rings are caused by dirt particles which
become lodged in the ring groove. As the
piston ring rotates in the groove, it keeps
running over the dirt particle and gradually
creates the characteristic marks on the
Fig. 7
piston ring flanks.
Possible causes for the damage properly then they may work their way
Abrasive dirt particles which enter the loose when the engine is running, thus
engine with the intake air due to causing abrasive wear. Figs. 8 and 9
inadequate filtration, including: show this type of damage due to dirt.
missing, defective, deformed or poorly The images were recorded with
maintained air filters. polarised light under a microscope in
leaking points in the intake system, our laboratory. Glass fragments and
such as distorted flanges, missing even entire beads of the glass used
gaskets or defective or porous hoses. forblasting can be clearly seen. Fig. 8
Particles of dirt which are not If the first oil change is performed too
completely removed during an engine late, the abraded particles which are
overhaul. Parts of the engine are often generated when the engine is run in are
blasted with sand or glass beads during then spread through the oil circuit to the
an overhaul in order to remove other moving parts where they cause
persistent deposits or combustion more damage. However, the sharp oil-
residues from the surfaces. If the scraping edges of the piston rings are
blasting materials become deposited particularly prone to damage.
inthe material and are not cleaned out
Fig. 9
Wear on pistons, piston
rings and cylinder running
surfaces caused by fuel
flooding (increased oil
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Damage assessment (see point 3.2.4 Dry running damage due to particles from the moving area of the
Fuel flooding due to abnormal combustion lack of lubrication caused by fuel flood pistons start to become more and more
always damage the oil film. This initially ing). However, the increasingly ineffective mixed with the lubricating oil and the
leads to a higher level of mixed friction lubrication results in high levels of wear lubricating oil starts to lose its load-
and therefore increased wear in the piston on the piston rings, piston ring grooves bearing ability as a result of oil dilution,
ring area. A characteristic here is that the and cylinder running surfaces. the wear will spread to all of the moving
piston rings exhibit extremely high radial In the initial stages the piston skirt is parts in the engine. This affects the
wear within a brief period. The character affected to a lesser degree, as it is crankshaft journals and piston pins
istic fuel friction only occurs after the oil continuously supplied with new oil from inparticular.
film has been so badly impaired by the the crankshaft drive which is still capable
fuel that lubrication is then insufficient of providing lubrication. Once the abraded
Possible causes for the damage Incorrect piston protrusion/overlap: Fault in injection pump and its setting.
Frequent short-distance service and Thepiston strikes against the cylinder Incorrectly routed injector lines
subsequent oil dilution with fuel. head when the engine is running. (vibrations).
Coolant admixture in engine oil. Ondiesel engines with direct injection, Poor filling through faulty or worn
Poor engine oil quality. the shocks and resulting vibrations turbocharger.
Fuel flooding due to faults in the mixture cause uncontrolled injection of fuel Poor fuel quality (poor self-ignition
formation stage (gasoline/petrol and fromthe injectors and thus fuel flooding andincomplete combustion).
diesel engines). in the cylinder (see also point 3.4.6
Faults in ignition system (misfiring). Impact marks on the piston crown).
Insufficient compression pressure or Poor charging through clogged-up air
poor charging through worn or fractured filter.
piston rings. Faulty and leaking injector nozzles.
Piston ring wear soon
after a major engine
overhaul (increased oil
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Possible causes for the damage As the first set of piston rings will have
This type of burring is caused if the piston removed most of the disadvantageous
rings are refitted in less than ideal edge layer on the cylinder running surface
conditions after the engine overhaul. (the so-called peak folding formation)
Themain reasons are insufficient or through wear, a second set of rings
inappropriate end finishing of the cylinder. installed as replacement rings will
If diamonds or blunt honing stones are encounter much better if not normal
used for finish honing, burrs and elevations operating conditions. The oil consumption
which are folded over in thedirection of will return to normal levels after installing
machining form on the cylinder wall. This new piston rings. In the majority of cases
bending over of metal peaks is referred to this is incorrectly attributed to poor
as the so-called peakfolding formation material quality of the first set of piston Fig. 3
and causes increased friction during the rings, which of course is not the case.
running-in phase, preventing oil from Fig. 4 shows a microscopic enlargement
becoming deposited in the fine graphite through a section of the cylinder surface
veins (Fig.3). after honing the cylinder running surface.
If these burrs are not removed in a The bent-over peaks can be seen clearly.
subsequent machining process referred Fig. 5 shows the surface after plateau
to as plateau honing, then this will result honing. The burrs and peaks have been
in premature wear at the piston ring edges mostly removed, and the graphite veins
during the running-in phase. The rings have been exposed. The piston rings will
then take on the undesired duty of wearing immediately encounter good conditions
away the folded peaks and cleaning the forrunning-in and should provide a long
graphite veins. However, this leads to wear service life. Hone-brushing the surface
on the piston ring edges and the burrs tocreate the plateau finish delivers Fig. 4
described above. Judging from experience, particularly good results.
burrs created in this way on the piston ring
edge can only be run off in operation with
great difficulty, if at all. The only practical
solution is to replace the damaged piston
Fig. 5
Asymmetric piston wear
pattern (increased oil
Fig. 2
Damage assessment properly due to the lack of proper contact rings, which pumps oil into the
This type of asymmetrical wear pattern with the cylinder. The hot combustion combustion chamber and thus increases
indicates that the piston has not been gases blow through and heat up the piston oil consumption. Under certain conditions
running perfectly straight in the cylinder rings and the cylinder wall excessively. an axial thrust can be applied to the piston
and that the piston pin axis and the This weakens the oil film, which may result pin, which can lead to wear or fracturing of
crankshaft axis are not parallel to each in a dry seizure due to insufficient the piston pin circlips. See also point 3.7.2
other. As a result, the piston only bears lubrication. As the piston is running skew Piston damage caused by broken piston
against one side, and the piston rings in the cylinder, its reciprocating movement pin circlips.
cannot perform their sealing function creates a pumping effect at the piston
top land
compression ring groove
ring zone
ring land
compression height
bottom of the groove
piston length
groove walls
pin bore
oil return holes
piston pin boss
separation of retainer
retainer groove
Fig. 1
Explanation of the technical terms assembly/kit set piston pressure side. As a result, the
used in this document Repair set containing the cylinder liner, piston changes bearing surfaces at TDC
piston rings, pin and pin retainers, before the actual combustion takes place.
sealing rings for wet liners This makes the change of bearing surface
abrasive quieter and less harsh than if the change
Rubbing/grinding asymmetric of bearing surface took place due to the
Not symmetric starting combustion under far greater
antiknock properties
loads. On diesel engines the offset of the
Capability of the petrol fuel to resist axis o set
piston pin axis may also be towards the
selfignition. By design the piston pin axis is offset by
counterpressure side for thermal reasons.
some tenth of a millimetre towards the
pressure side structure of the surface but does not tilting direction
The side of the piston or cylinder upon particularly change its dimensions. Direction of rotation around the piston pin
which the piston moves downwards during axis. As rather than rotating around this
the intake stroke and the power stroke. shrink-fit connecting rod axis the piston only tips back and forth in
The pressure side is always opposite to Connecting rod with a rigid link between the cylinder, this is also referred to as the
the direction of rotation of the crankshaft. the piston pin and the connecting rod. tilting direction.
When the piston and connecting rod are
quenching area assembled, the connecting rod small end unit injector (pump jet injector)
The part of the piston crown which gets is heated up whilst the temperature of the A special design used on direct-injection
very close to the cylinder head during piston pin is significantly reduced. As a diesel engines whereby the injector and
operation. At the end of the compression result of the shrinking of the pin and the fuel pump form a unit which is installed
stroke the mixture is squashed from the expansion of the connecting rod small directly in the cylinder head. The injection
increasingly restricted edge area into the end, an air gap is generated which makes pressure is generated via a pump piston
middle of the combustion chamber. This it possible to slide in the piston pin by which is driven directly by the camshaft
causes swirl and helps to provide better hand. As the temperatures then equalize (incontrast to a distributor-type injection
combustion. the clearance is eliminated and the piston pump or an inline-type injection pump).
pin is firmly clamped in the connecting The injectors are actuated electrically. The
ribbed cylinder rod. The piston does not need to be heated injection period and injected fuel quantity
Cylinders on engines cooled primarily with up when the piston pin is shrunk into the are controlled electronically by a control
air cooling. The cylinders have cooling ribs connecting rod small end. unit.
on the outside for cooling of the engine.
slip-fit upward piston stroke
ring carrier A type of dry cylinder liner which can be Movement of the piston away from the
A steel ring with a high nickel content inserted by hand into the cylinder block. crankshaft towards the cylinder head
which is casted into the aluminium piston. Usually, this type of liner is already end- (during the compression and exhaust
The first piston ring groove is cut into finished, so the cylinder bore does not strokes, on a 4-stroke engine).
the ring carrier. As a result, the first (and need to be bored and honed afterwards.
sometimes the second) compression ring Dissadvantage: A remaining gap between
sits in a wear-proof groove, enabling the liner and the counter bore.
operation with higher operating pressures
and therefore higher loads. Ring carriers swirl chamber
are always used on pistons for diesel Part of the combustion chamber on
engines. indirect-injection diesel engines. The
difference to a prechamber is that the
roll marks outlet opening of the chamber is larger
Wear marks on the piston ring flanks and opens tangentially into the
caused by the ingress of dust or dirt into combustion chamber. During combustion,
the engine. The dirt particles become the shape of the combustion chamber
trapped in the piston ring groove, where imparts a substantial swirl on the air
they cause characteristic wear marks on flowing into the chamber, which helps to
the grooves and the flank of the piston improve the quality of the combustion
ring. As the piston rings rotate during process.
operation, the particle(s) of dirt scratch
aregular pattern into the surface. tangential tension
Force which presses the installed piston
rubbing marks ring against the cylinder wall.
The initial contact between two moving
parts which is made when the lubricating
oil film becomes damaged. In contrast to
aseizure, rubbing changes the micro
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