(Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2014) Besim Ben-Nissan (Editor) - Advances in Calcium Phosphate Biomaterials-Springer (2014)
(Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2014) Besim Ben-Nissan (Editor) - Advances in Calcium Phosphate Biomaterials-Springer (2014)
(Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2014) Besim Ben-Nissan (Editor) - Advances in Calcium Phosphate Biomaterials-Springer (2014)
in Calcium
Advances in Calcium
Phosphate Biomaterials
Besim Ben-Nissan
Chemistry and Forensic Science
University of Technology
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I ran across a simple note when cleaning out our offices from someone I really dont
remember. It goes like this:
Dear Dr Racquel. I really wish to thank you for everything you have done for me to advance
my career. You really did not know me, and I had difficulty understanding why you would
help me until I got to know you and observed that it was your nature to be kind and helpful
to everyone in your path.
I would like to tell a story that all these years I seldom talked about.
It was on one of those dark sunsets of October 1973 that I found myself wounded
in one of those conflicts that unfortunately never ended.
A number of doctors were busy trying to help me and other wounded soldiers
under the harsh dangers of the front line. These doctors and following surgeries in
hospital helped me to realise how life was at the edge of a fine line that separated
our existence from death. In reality this happens in many instances throughout
human history; on one side, humanity tries to exterminate each other and on the
other it tries to save or repair life.
This was my first intimate and personal encounter with the medical field, and I
admire those individuals that sacrificed themselves to help. It opened a new thinking
in my mind to use my knowledge to help to preserve and improve life. It became
a search for solutions to problems within medical science, which opened up new
avenues for future endeavours.
After a few months, I found a number of peopleat that timethat were the
backbones of the biomedical materials field pioneering research with their new
inventions and ground-breaking research. Dr. Charnley in the UK was one of
those orthopaedic surgeons that understood well both biomechanics and materials
in addition to his surgical skills. He was an excellent inventive thinker and was
experimenting on the total hip joint designs that set the benchmark that we still use
today. Professor Weis was working on the first blade-type titanium dental implants
in the USA.
On the scientific side of the biomaterials field, Drs. Racquel and John LeGeros
were active and initiated the basic chemistry and substitutions of calcium phosphates
for bone regeneration and repair. Dr. Larry Hench was a young inventor with unique
scientific approach to chemistry and ceramic synthesis to introduce the bioglass and
other inventions that motivated generations that followed, and still do. Dr. Samuel
Hulbert and his PhD student Dr. Klawitter postulated that porous ceramics can
x Preface
be used as scaffolds, and produced a list of materials that till today is the golden
standard of biocompatible materials. Dr. Aoki pioneered and set the synthesis
methods for calcium phosphates that motivated me and others to follow his footsteps
and all these giants mentioned in the field. During the late 1970s and the early
1980s, in Asia and specifically in Japan, Drs. Kawahara, Yamamuro, Oonishi and
Kokubo and in Europe Klaas de Groot, Ducheyne, Rey and Dacusi and others were
experimenting on a range of calcium phosphate bioceramics that further opened new
avenues into which many of us built our research.
My motivation and involvement in bioceramics goes back to these researchers
and their pioneering research efforts mentioned above. I have admired and have
respect for all of the new small steps that many scientists contributed during the
years and having motivated us with their work. I was thrilled when Prof. Min
Wang proposed that I should edit a book on the Advances in Calcium Phosphate
Biomaterials for Springer. Immediately, I contacted Prof. Racquel LeGeros to
ask her to share with me the pleasure of partially writing and editing this book.
Although very busy, she graciously agreed. At the Bioceramics 24 meeting last year
in Kyushu, Japan, we prepared the basic structure and the list of authors we aimed
to invite to contribute.
We were interested in calcium phosphate-based biomaterials and specifically
apatites that since the early days have taken a role of passive scaffold for bone
regeneration and repair. We were observing that during the last two decades, the
concept has changed from passive participation to active involvement to stimulate
the body to regenerate and repair the tissue. New-generation calcium phosphate
scaffolds are designed to stimulate specific cellular responses in the nanoscale level
utilising biogenic additives such as bone morphogenic proteins and stem cells to
help release the ionic dissolution products and activate the cells in contact with the
biomaterials. With the appropriate microbiological, biochemical and biomechanical
stimulation, the cells produce additional growth factors that in turn stimulate
generation of growing cells to self-assemble to the required tissues. Taking to
account all these factors, we aimed in this book to bring these new concepts,
mechanisms and methods by experienced and well-known and young academics,
clinicians and researchers to forward their knowledge and expertise on calcium
phosphate and related materials and their clinical applications. The general aim was
directed not only to cover the fundamentals but also to open new avenues to meet
the challenges of the future in research and clinical applications. Both Racquel and
I were going to share the responsibility of inviting and co-authoring a few chapters,
but it was not meant to be. A few months after sending invitation letters to authors,
I received the sad, unexpected and hurting news from Prof. Dacusi that Racquel
passed away in France, during her visit, where she usually helped students in their
research efforts on calcium phosphates and related materials.
It was a very difficult decision to continue with the book without her guidance
and support. However, we felt that this was probably what Racquel would have
wanted us to do.
Preface xi
We received 17 chapters, and many others apologised that due to their heavy
academic load they could not meet the timeline. This book is therefore their story
that covers the advances in calcium phosphate materials from its modern character-
isation methods to tissue-biomaterial interactions, from bioglass to biocomposites,
from marine structures to drug delivery and from its history to new orthopaedic and
maxillofacial applications.
To meet various needs of research, education and clinical applications, each
chapter provides clear and fully detailed descriptions, theoretical and experimental
issues, discussions and future considerations. This in-depth, practical coverage
should also assist the recent graduates and the medical professionals in the calcium
phosphate and in general in the biomedical materials field.
Throughout history, science never ceased advancing, and I trust that this
reference book conveys the intensity of this fast advancing calcium phosphate
field in an enthusiastic way to generate further research and their medical applica-
tions to further help the well-being of humans.
xvi Contents
xviii Contributors
Chapter 1
Introduction to Synthetic and Biologic Apatites
R.Z. LeGeros
Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, New York University College of Dentistry,
New York, NY, USA
B. Ben-Nissan ()
School of Chemistry and Forensic Science, Faculty of Science, University of Technology,
Broadway, Ultimo, PO BOX 123, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
e-mail: Besim.Ben-Nissan@uts.edu.au; b.ben-nissan@uts.edu.au
1.1 Introduction
Apatite (Gr, to deceive) was the name given first by Werner in 1788 to describe
a group of mineral crystals appearing with various tints (yellow, green, pink, etc.)
that were often confused with more precious minerals or gems such as aquamarine,
amethyst, topaz, etc. These minerals have the general formula M10 (PO4 )6 X2 , where
M could be one of several metals (usually calcium, Ca), P is most commonly
phosphorus (P), and X is commonly hydroxide (OH) or a halogen such as fluorine
(F) or chlorine (Cl). Currently, the name apatite describes a family of compounds
having similar structure (hexagonal system, space group, P63/m) in spite of a
wide range of compositions [1, 2]. The unit cell of calcium hydroxyapatite (HAp)
contains ten calcium (Ca), six PO4 , and two OH groups, arranged as shown in
Fig. 1.1. The OH groups located in the corners of the unit cell are surrounded
by two sets of Ca (II) atoms arranged in a triangular patterns at levels z D 0 and
z D 1/2, by two sets of PO4 tetrahedral also arranged in triangular patterns at levels
z D Y and %, and by a hexagonal array of Ca (I) atoms at a distance [3]. Critical to
Fig. 1.1 The unit cell and simplified arrangement of hydroxyapatite, Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2
1 Introduction to Synthetic and Biologic Apatites 3
the apatite structure is the network of PO4 groups in tightly packed arrangements
[2]. Substitutions in the apatite structure affect lattice parameters (a- and c-axis
dimensions, infrared absorption characteristics, morphology, dissolution properties,
and thermal stabilities).
Biologic apatites are the inorganic phases of calcified tissues (teeth and bones).
Similarity in composition of calcined bone to the apatite mineral was proposed
by Proust and Klaproth in 1788 [4], and similarity in the X-ray diffraction
patterns of bone and mineral apatites (HAp and fluorapatite (FA)) and similarity
in composition (principally calcium and phosphate ions) led to the conclusion
that the inorganic phases of bones and teeth are basically calcium hydroxyap-
atite [57]. Detection of carbonate associated with biologic apatites led to the
speculation that these mineral phases are carbonate-containing apatites similar to
the minerals dahllite (carbonate-containing apatite) or staffellite (carbonate- and
fluoridecontaining apatite) [8]. Studies on synthetic carbonate-substituted apatites
demonstrated that carbonate substitution in the apatite structure can proceed in
two ways: CO3 -for-OH or type A [9, 10] and CO3 -for-PO4 or type B, coupled
with Na-for-Ca [11, 12], and combined analyses of synthetic and biologic apatites
using X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and chemical analyses demon-
strated that biologic apatites are carbonate apatites approximated by the formula
(Ca,Mg,Na)10(PO4 ,CO3 ,HPO4 )6 (CO3 ,OH)2 [1214]. For example, the following
formula Ca8.856 Mg0.088 Na0.292 K0.010 (PO4 )5.312 (HPO4 )0.280 (CO3 )0.407 (OH)0.702 Cl0.078
(CO3 )0.050 was proposed to describe the chemical composition of the inorganic part
of dental enamel.
Early studies on synthetic apatites and related calcium phosphates were made to
gain a better understanding of the structure, composition, and properties of biologic
apatites, especially of human enamel apatites. However, studies on synthetic apatites
in the last 30 years had focused on their preparation, their applications in medicine
and dentistry, and their use as scaffolds for bone and teeth regeneration. Current
commercial synthetic calcium phosphate biomaterials classified on the basis of com-
position include HAp, Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 ; - and -tricalcium phosphates (-TCP,
-TCP), Ca3 (PO4 )2 ; and biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP), an intimate mixture
of HAp and -TCP with varying HAp/-TCP ratios [1519]. Other commercial
HAp biomaterials are derived from biologic materials (e.g., processed human bone,
bovine bone derived, hydrothermally converted coral or derived from marine algae)
This chapter is a brief review of biologic and synthetic apatites used as
biomaterials, updating reviews published earlier by the authors [13, 20, 23, 24].
Normal and pathologic calcified tissues are composites of organic and inorganic
phases. For bone, dentin, and cementum, the organic phase is principally collagen
(about 25 % by weight) with smaller amounts of non-collageneous proteins [25].
4 R.Z. LeGeros and B. Ben-Nissan
Enamel, dentin, and bone apatite differ in crystallinity, reflecting crystal size
(Fig. 1.2) and concentrations of minor constituents, mainly Mg and CO3 (Fig. 1.3a,
Table 1.1) [13, 24, 29]. Enamel apatite contains the lowest concentrations of
these ions and the highest crystallinity (larger crystals) compared to either dentin
or bone apatite that shows much lower crystallinity (smaller crystals) or greater
concentrations of Mg and CO3 (Table 1.1). These apatites also differ in solubility,
decreasing in the order bone > dentin >> enamel.
These differences in crystallinity (crystal size) and solubility may be attributed
to the differences in the concentrations of the minor constituents (e.g., Mg, N,
CO3 , HPO4 ). Studies on the effect of Mg and CO3 ions on the properties of
synthetic apatites demonstrated that incorporation of these ions independently and
Fig. 1.3 (a) FTIR spectra of biologic apatites from adult human enamel, dentin, and bone. Note
the higher resolution of the PO (for PO4 groups) absorption spectra of enamel (C), compared to
those of dentin (B) and bone (A) apatites. (b) FTIR spectra comparing the characteristic CO (for
CO3 groups) absorption bands in human enamel apatite compared to those in synthetic apatite with
type A (CO3 -for-OH) substitution (syn A) and with type B (CO3 -for-PO4 ) substitution (syn B)
6 R.Z. LeGeros and B. Ben-Nissan
Table 1.1 Composition (%) and physical properties of apatites in adult human enamel,
dentin, and bone
Enamel Dentin Bone
Calcium, Ca2C 36.5 35.1 34.8
Phosphorus, P 17.7 16.2 15.6
Ca/P (molar) 1.63 1.63 1.71
Sodium, NaC 0.5 0.6 0.9
Magnesium, Mg2C 0.34 1.23 0.72
Potassium, KC 0.06 0.05 0.03
Carbonate, CO3 2 3.5 5.6 7.4
Fluoride, F 0.01 0.06 0.03
Chloride, Cl 0.30 0.01 0.13
Pyrophosphate 0.02 0.10 0.07
Total inorganic (mineral) 97.0 70.0 65.0
Total organic 1.5 20.0 25.5
Absorbed H2 O % 1.5 10.0 10.0
Trace elements: Zn, Cu, Fe, Sr, etc.
Crystallographic properties
Lattice parameters
a-axis (C 0.0003 nm) 0.9441
c-axis (C 0.0003 nm) 0.6880
Crystallite size (nm, avg.) 33 3 2 0.4 2.5 0.3
Crystallinity index, b 7075 3337 3337
Ignition products (800 C) HAp C -TCMP HAp C -TCMP HAp
HAp, Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2
a-axis D 0.9422 nm,
c-axis D 0.6882 nm
Crystallinity index D 100
Composition: Ca, P, OH
synergistically causes the growth of smaller and more soluble apatite crystals [13,
24, 2932]. The effects of CO3 incorporation on apatite crystal size and morphology
and on dissolution properties are much more pronounced than that of Mg [13, 24,
32]. Proteins [25] and/or other ions (e.g., pyrophosphate, citrate) [12, 24] may also
inhibit the crystal growth of biologic apatites.
Biologic apatites are usually calcium-deficient (i.e., with Ca/P molar ratio less
than the stoichiometric value of 1.67 obtained for pure HAp, Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 ).
Calcining above 900 C of human enamel and dentin apatite results in the loss of
the CO3 constituent and formation of HAp and -TCMP [13, 24]. Calcining of bone
(human or bovine) above 900 C results in the loss of CO3 and formation of mostly
HAp with small amounts of calcium oxide, CaO [13, 24].
Partial dissolution of biologic apatites and precipitation of other calcium phos-
phates (DCPD, OCP, -TCMP) are believed to occur in human enamel and dentin
caries, characterized by the dissolution of the tooth mineral (carbonate apatite)
by acids produced by oral bacteria [33, 34]. The non-apatitic calcium phosphates
1 Introduction to Synthetic and Biologic Apatites 7
Earlier extensive studies on synthetic apatites were made to gain a better under-
standing of biologic apatites and their properties. Because biologic apatite was
idealized as HAp, most of the studies centered on HAp preparation and evaluation
of HAp properties. Studies on synthetic apatites in the last 30 years were motivated
by development of calcium phosphate-based biomaterials (principally HAp, TCP,
or biphasic) for bone repair, substitution, and augmentation and as scaffolds for
tissue engineering in bone and teeth regeneration. The rationale for developing HAp
biomaterials was their similarity in composition to the bone mineral.
Synthetic HAp can be made by solid-state reactions or by precipitation or
hydrolysis methods and subsequent sintering at high temperatures, usually 1,000 C
and above. Synthetic apatites can also be prepared using hydrothermal [46, 47],
microwave [48, 49] or sol-gel [50, 51] methods. Apatite nanocrystals are obtained
when prepared by precipitation or hydrolysis at lower temperatures (2560 C).
Synthetic apatite crystals approximating the size of human enamel apatite may
be obtained by precipitation or hydrolysis methods with reaction temperature,
8095 C (Fig. 1.4). Apatites may also be prepared in sol-gel systems [52], by
electrodeposition [53, 54] or biomimetic precipitation on metallic or polymeric [55,
56] substrates.
Apatites obtained by precipitation involve the reaction of calcium salts
(e.g., CaNO3 , Ca(OH)2 , CaCl2 , Ca(Ac)2 ) and phosphate salts (Na , NH4 , or
K phosphates) [24, 57]. Hydrolysis of non-apatitic calcium phosphates (e.g., ACP,
The first successful use of a calcium phosphate reagent in bone repair was
reported by Albee in 1920 [62], followed more than 50 years later by the first
clinical study by Nery et al. [63] on periodontal bony defects using porous
calcium phosphate identified by the authors as TCP. X-ray diffraction analysis
of Nerys material years later revealed that the TCP consisted of a mixture of
HAp and -TCP with a -TCP/HAp ratio of 20/80 [20] and was thus renamed
BCP [64]. Similarity in composition of the synthetic apatite to biologic apatite
was the rationale for the development of calcium-phosphate-based biomaterials
for bone repair, substitution, and augmentation and as scaffolds for bone and
tooth regeneration. These calcium phosphate bioceramics include HAp, -TCP,
BCP, bovine bone-derived apatites (unsintered and sintered), and coral-transformed
apatite (Fig. 1.5). Commercialization of HAp as bone graft materials was largely
10 R.Z. LeGeros and B. Ben-Nissan
Table 1.2 Lattice parameters of mineral and synthetic apatites compared to biologic apatite
Lattice parameters (C0.0003 nm)
Apatite Substituent a-axis c-axis
OH apatite (Holly Springs) 0.9422 0.6880
F apatite (Durango, Mexico) F-for-OH 0.9375 0.6880
Dahllite (Wyoming, USA) CO3 -for-PO4 0.9380 0.6885
Staffelite (Staffel, Germany) CO3 -for-PO4 and F-for-OH 0.9345 0.6880
Marine phosphorite (USA) CO3 -for-PO4 and F-for-OH 0.9322 0.6882
Synthetic (nonaqueous)a
OH apatite 0.9422 0.6882
F apatite F-for-OH 0.9375 0.6880
Cl apatite Cl-for-OH 0.9646 0.6771
CO3 apatite CO3 -for-OH 0.9544 0.6859
Synthetic (aqueous)b
OH apatite 0.9438 0.6882
OH apatite HPO4 -for-PO4 0.9462 0.6879
F apatite F-for-OH 0.9382 0.6880
(Cl, OH) apatite *CI-for-OH 0.9515 0.6858
CO3 -OH apatite *CO3 -for-PO4 0.9298 0.6924
CO3 -F apatite *CO3 -for-PO4 and F-for-OH 0.9268 0.6924
Sr apatite Sr-for-Ca 0.9739 0.6913
Pb apatite Pb-for-Ca 0.9894 0.7422
Ba apatite Ba-for-Ca 1.0161 0.7722
Biologic apatite
Human enamel (CO3 ,HPO4 )-for-PO4 , 0.9441 0.6882
(Na,Mg)-for-Ca, and
Shark enameloid F-for-OH, Mg-for-Ca, and 0.9382 0.6880
(CO3 ,HPO4 )-for-PO4
Prepared at high temperature (1,000 C) by solid-state reaction or diffusion [3, 9]
Prepared at 95 C either by precipitation or by hydrolysis of CaHPO4 in solutions containing the
desired substituent [13, 24, 58]
due to the independent efforts of Jarcho [15], deGroot [16], and Aoki [17]. Basic
studies on BCP led to its commercialization and popularity as bone graft materials
and as scaffolds for tissue engineering [18, 59, 6469].
Commercial HA biomaterials are usually prepared by precipitation at high pH
and subsequent sintering at about 1,0001,100 C [1517]. Coral-derived HAp or
coralline HAp is prepared by the hydrothermal reaction of coral (CaCO3 ) with
ammonium phosphate [70]. Bovine bone-derived HAp is prepared by removing
the organic phase (resulting in bone apatite) or removing the organic phase and
sintering at high temperatures. These different preparations and origin (synthetic vs.
biologic) are reflected in the difference in their initial crystallinity reflecting crystal
size (Fig. 1.6) and their dissolution rates [71], increasing in the order
HAp << coralline HAp < bovine bone apatite (sintered) << bovine bone apatite
(unsintered) HAp << BCP << -TCP.
1 Introduction to Synthetic and Biologic Apatites 11
Fig. 1.6 X-ray diffraction profiles of apatite biomaterials (A, B, C). (A) Ceramic HAp (Calci-
tite), (B) coralline HAp (lnterpore), (C) unsintered apatite, calcium deficient (Osteogen).
The arrow on (b) indicates presence of -TCMP
12 R.Z. LeGeros and B. Ben-Nissan
Porous HAp and related calcium phosphates, in spite of their many desirable prop-
erties, are not strong enough to be used in load-bearing areas [15, 16]. The rationale
for the development of HAp-coated orthopedic and dental implants is to combine
the strength of the metal (usually titanium or titanium alloy) and the bioactive
properties of HAp and other calcium phosphates. Dense HAp particles are used
as the source material for depositing implant coating by the plasma-spray technique
[15, 16, 72]. The high temperatures and other variable parameters involved in the
plasma-spray process (e.g., velocity of feeding the HAp powder, distance of the gun
from the metal substrate) result in the partial transformation of the original HAp
into ACP and minor amounts of -TCP, -TCP, and tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP,
Ca4 P2 O9 ) [73]. Plasma-sprayed HAp coatings have nonhomogenous composition
(principally ACP/HAp ratio), varying from the layer closest to the metal substrate to
the outermost layer and varying from one manufacturer to another [73]. Alternatives
to the plasma-spray method are nanocoating, electrochemical deposition [53, 54],
and precipitation or chemical deposition [55, 56], the latter method being also
applicable to nonmetallic substrates [56]. These other methods provide homogenous
implant coating of the desired composition, e.g., HAp, FA, CHA, and OCP [5356,
74], and allow coating deposition at much lower temperatures, thus permitting the
incorporation of bioactive molecules and growth factors.
During the last decade, HAp or BCP has been used as an abrasive material for
grit blasting to roughen the surface and provide a more bioactive surface (compared
to alumina or silica abrasive), thus enhancing osseointegration of the implant [75].
HAp and related calcium phosphates are used as the inorganic component in
composites with natural (e.g., collagen, chitosan) or synthetic (polylactic acid
or polylacticglycolic acid, PLA or PLGA, high-molecular-weight polyethylene)
polymers [76, 77]. The rationale for developing composite biomaterials is the fact
that bone is a composite of a biologic polymer (collagen) and inorganic phase
(carbonate apatite).
Several investigators have reported that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bone
marrow can be cultured in porous calcium phosphate biomaterials (ceramic HAp,
coralline HAp, BCP ceramic) in vitro and implanted as a tissue-engineered material
for bone regeneration [78, 79].
1 Introduction to Synthetic and Biologic Apatites 13
1.9 Conclusions
The total analysis of the results obtained over four decades of research in this
fascinating field of science suggests that with newer scientific tools and with
further refinement, we will succeed to address problems relating to the structure,
morphology, and analysis of the biologic materials and produce synthetic apatites
or composites that will emulate the structure and characteristics of natural soft and
hard tissues.
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Bone 36(6):10861093
Chapter 2
Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite
in Orthopedics
Abstract This chapter describes since 1982 the use of porous synthetic hydroxya-
patite (HA) granules (0.1 to approximately 1.5 mm) interposed at the cement-bone
interface to enhance bone bonding, a surgical procedure labeled interface bioactive
bone cement (IBBC). HA granules were smeared on the bone surface just before
cementing. Because the HA granules used in IBBC were pure polycrystalline
HA, they were scarcely absorbed and their osteoconductive activity can continue
indefinitely even after the onset of osteoporosis due to aging and even in conditions
of extremely low pathological activity of bone. The appearance rate of radiolucent
lines and osteolysis was extremely low even over 30 years when IBBC was used.
Since 1986, in an attempt to fill the massive bony defect in the acetabulum at revision
surgery of total hip arthroplasty, a mixture of HA granules with a size between
0.91.2 mm and 3.05.0 mm was placed densely and firmly into the bone defects.
Bone ingrowth was measured to be over 2.5 cm in full depth and the new bone was
very stable. Long-term clinical results over 26 years were excellent. On the weight-
bearing area, bone ingrowth over 2.5 cm in full depth can be expected. However, on
non-weight-bearing area, bone ingrowth is only 0.5 cm in depth. In large cavities
H. Oonishi Jr., M.D. H. Oonishi, M.D., Ph.D. () I. Kawahara, M.D. Y. Hanaoka, M.D.
H. Oonishi Memorial Joint Replacement Institute, Tominaga Hospital, 1-4-48, Mintatomachi,
Naniwa-ku, Osaka 556-0017, Japan
e-mail: oons-h@os.rim.or.jp
H. Ohashi, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saiseikai Nakatsu Hospital, 2-10-39, Shibata, Kita-ku,
Osaka 530-0012, Japan
R. Iwata, Ph.D.
Olympus Terumo Biomaterials Corporation, Shinjuku Monolith, 3-1, Nishi-Shinjuku 2-chome,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0941, Japan
L.L. Hench, Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology,
Melbourne, FL 32901, USA
after resection of bone tumors, or after removal of pathological fatty bone marrow
at joint replacements, excellent stability to provide long-term strong bony support
was obtained by filling HA granules firmly into the defects.
2.1 Introduction
Cemented total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been one of the most successful
procedures in orthopedic surgery, since J. Charnley applied polymethylmethacrylate
(PMMA) to fix the components [111]. Efforts to improve the mechanical bonding
at the bone-bone cement interface have been pursued for many years by many
teams or researchers. Even with these contemporary techniques, cement fixation
is often limited with respect to long-term stability of the bone-cement interface.
Furthermore, the physicochemical bonding cannot be expected in addition to the
mechanical bonding for traditional cement fixation, since the bone cement is not
osteoconductive [111].
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 21
The IBBC method involves placing less than 23 layers of porous polycrystalline
HA granules 0.31.5 mm in diameter with a porosity of 3548 % (average 42 %)
between the bone and cement (Fig. 2.1a). Although HA granules of 0.30.5 mm
in diameter were used initially, they were later reduced to 0.10.3 mm, as it was
found those sizes adhere to bone more easily. HA must be used on the surface of
completely hemostatic bone. On the areas with slight bleeding, HA particles larger
than 0.6 mm are more appropriate, as granules smaller than 0.3 mm will be covered
by the blood. As a result, blood will be present between the HA and bone cement.
Additionally, low-viscosity bone cements should not be used with HA granules,
because the HA granules will sink into it. We used CMW-type I as the PMMA bone
Holes with a diameter of 6 and 10 mm in depth were made in both femoral condyles
of mature rabbits, and HA granules of 300500 m in diameter were smeared in less
than two layers over the bone surface of the hole, and the hole was filled with bone
cement (Fig. 2.1b). In groups of three, rabbits were sacrificed at 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, and
24 weeks and at 3 years after implantation. Non-decalcified hard tissue specimens
were prepared and examined by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), and backscattered electron imaging.
One week after surgery, new bone began entering the first to second layer and
adhering to the HA granules (Fig. 2.1c). At 23 weeks after surgery, new bone
had entered a majority of the spaces in the second layer (Fig. 2.1d). After 6 weeks
or more, all spaces were filled with new bone, thus forming a unified body, as
illustrated in Fig. 2.1e at 8 months postsurgery. Three years after surgery (Fig. 2.1f),
22 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.1 (a) Scheme of IBBC at immediately after surgery and 23 weeks after surgery. (b)
Animal experiment of IBBC cross section of femoral condyle of the rabbit performed with IBBC.
(c) Animal experiment of IBBC 1 week after surgery. (d) Animal experiment of IBBC 2 weeks
after surgery. (e) Animal experiment of IBBC 8 months after surgery. (f) Animal experiment of
IBBC 3 years after surgery. (g) Higher magnification of Figure (f)
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 23
bone ingrowth into the spaces of HA granules was the same as that seen at 6 weeks
and 8 months (Fig. 2.1e). The bone was retained only in the place where HA
granules were smeared. There was no bony tissue in other place due to aging
(Fig. 2.1f, g).
IBBC was tested on mature rabbits. Holes with a 6 mm diameter and a depth of
10 mm were made in both femoral condyles. The rabbits were sacrificed in groups
of three at 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 weeks after implantation, and a push-out test was
performed. HA coating applied to a smooth titanium surface was used as a control.
A relatively strong initial fixation was obtained immediately after implantation
using the IBBC technique. Two weeks after implantation, the bonding strength of
IBBC was higher than that of the HA coating, but at 6 weeks after implantation,
the bonding strength of IBBC became similar to that of HA coating. The fractures
resulting from the push-out test occurred in the HA granule layer from 2 to 6 weeks
after implantation and occurred in both the HA granule layer and the surrounding
bone layer after 12 weeks. These results indicated that the strength of the HA
granule layer gradually increased after surgery and reached almost the same level
as the bone around the HA granule layer after 12 weeks. In these experiments, the
bonding strength of bone cement to bone by interposing HA granules was found to
be adequate (Fig. 2.2).
Stress shielding was not found in subsequent clinical trials. When cement
fixation using PMMA bone cement was performed, excellent initial fixation can
be obtained. However, after a period of time, a connective tissue membrane may
form between the bone and bone cement, particularly in the acetabulum. This may
lead to component loosening.
When cementless fixation with a HA-coated component was performed, micro-
motion of the component may occur if the initial fixation is insufficient. Therefore,
we are confident that IBBC combines the fixation advantages of both conventional
PMMA bone cement and HA coating in early stage.
A cobalt-chromium alloy femoral component (KC, Kyocera Co. Ltd. Kyoto, Japan)
with a 28 mm alumina head was used in combination with an all-polyethylene
acetabular component. All operations were performed by the senior author (H.O.)
through an anterolateral approach in supine position.
HA granules were manufactured by sintering at 1,200 C in Sumitomo Osaka
Cement Co. Ltd., Chiba, Japan. Porous HA granules with 300500 m in diameter
were used. For acetabular side, several small anchor holes for initial fixation were
24 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.2 Push-out test: Comparison of adhesive strength to the bone of IBBC and HA coating
made and intensive care was taken for sufficient hemostasis by means of hypotensive
anesthesia (approximately 90 mmHg), temporal compress at the bleeding points
with bone paste obtained by acetabular reaming, and a rinse with hydrogen peroxide
followed by compressive gauze packing. HA granules (23 g) were smeared on
the bone surface just before cementing of the acetabular component. CMW-I bone
cement (C.M.W. Laboratories Ltd., Blackpool, UK) was used in all cases. Porous
HA granules could easily adhere on the wet bone surface (Fig. 2.3a, b). For the
femoral side, hemostasis was achieved in the same manner and HA granules (23 g)
were smeared on the inner surface of the prepared femoral canal using a half-tube
silicone rubber (35 cm in length) clamped by a long-straight Kochers hemostatic
clamp (Fig. 2.3c, d). The femoral component was fixed with second-generation
cementing technique using an intramedullary bone plug and cement gun. These
procedures resulted in the presence of less than 23 layers of HA granules in most
of the bone-bone cement interface, while bone cement directly contacted with bone
without interposition in some part. The same cementing technique was applied for
the conventional THA procedures except for using HA granules.
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 25
Fig. 2.3 (a) Smearing procedures of HA granules on the acetabulum. (b) After smearing of HA
granules on the acetabulum. (c) Smearing procedures of HA granules on the inner surface of the
femur. (d) Experimental studies of smearing of HA granules on the inner surface of the femur.
(d[a]) Homemade instrument to smear HA granules. (d[b]) Smearing HA granules by using the
instrument. (d[c]) Inner surface of the femur before smearing HA granules. (d[d]) Inner surface
of the femur after smearing HA granules
Long-term clinical cases were classified into three groups. In group (1), 19821985,
IBBC was performed in 12 joints as trials and conventional bone cement (non-
IBBC) in 79 joints. In group (2), 19851986, IBBC was performed on one hip joint
and non-IBBC was performed on the other hip joint in the same patient. These were
performed in 25 patients. In group (3), 19861989, IBBC was performed in all cases
in 285 joints (212 patients) (Fig. 2.4).
Group 2 has 16 patients with survival in both hips. In non-IBBC hips, the prostheses
were loosened in five hips in the acetabulum and in two hips in the femur within
20 years. The radiolucent line and the osteolysis increased gradually and their
appearance time was indefinite. Seven hips were revised within 1520 years.
In IBBC hips, the radiolucent line and the osteolysis appeared in only small
limited areas and did no progress. The rich new bone formation was maintained at
the interface of bone and bone cement by interposing HA granules (Fig. 2.5ac). In
the survival cases of hips with both IBBC and non-IBBC, wide radiolucent lines
and osteolysis and loosening were seen in non-IBBC cases; however, only few
radiolucent lines and osteolysis were seen in the small limited areas in IBBC hip
replacements (Fig. 2.5d, e).
In this group, IBBC technique was used in all cases in 285 joints (212 patients).
The radiolucent line and osteolysis appeared in only small limited areas and did no
progress (Fig. 2.6a). Extensive new bone formation was seen at the interface of bone
and bone cement by interposing HA granules (Fig. 2.6b, c). In groups 13, when
IBBC was performed in the bleeding area, the spaces appeared between bone cement
and HA several months after surgery on the X-ray figure (Fig. 2.6d). However, the
spaces did no progress (Fig. 2.6e). When the space appeared in the large area, the
partial separation of bone cement from HA at the interface of HA and bone cement
occurred in two cases (Fig. 2.6f). HA incorporated with the bone at the interface
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 27
Fig. 2.4 (a) Clinical course of X-ray figure after THA with conventional bone cement (non-
IBBC). Osteolysis was seen in the femur 15 years after THA. Osteolysis and radiolucent line
were seen in the acetabulum and the femur 20 years after THA, and they progressed 28 years after
THA. (b) Clinical course of X-ray figure after THA with non-IBBC radiolucent line was seen in
the acetabulum 5 years after THA. Stem loosening was seen 8 years after THA and it progressed
and radiolucent line progressed in the acetabulum and stem loosening progressed 12 years after
THA. (c) This is the first case of THA with IBBC. Thirty years after THA, polyethylene socket
wear increased in high degree. However, neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis was seen. (d) This
is the second case of THA with IBBC in bilateral hips 29 years after THA. She has worked as a
dancer for 28 years. Radiolucent line and osteolysis were seen in only small limited area
(Fig. 2.6g). In non-IBBC cases with only conventional bone cement, when wear
particles of polyethylene increased, phagocytosis occurred and osteolysis appeared
on the radiograph.
From the long-term clinical results of IBBC, the rate of formation of space or
voids between HA and bone cement was less than 2 %. They appeared at the limited
areas in both the acetabulum and the femur for the first- and second-generation
IBBC procedures. The spaces were not radiolucent lines. They appeared at a rather
higher rate in the second generation than in the first generation because the HA
granule size in the first generation was bigger than that in the second generation.
The appearance rate of osteolysis was extremely low, less than 1.5 %, appearing
in few restricted areas. The separation between bone cement and HA occurred in
the acetabulum in the second generation in two joints that is 0.8 %. There was
28 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.5 (a) One year after THA with non-IBBC in the left hip and 3 months after THA with
IBBC in the right hip. (b) In the right hip with IBBC, neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis was
seen 23 years after THA in spite of progress of polyethylene wear. In the left hip with non-IBBC,
both radiolucent line and osteolysis progressed in both acetabulum and femur 24 years after THA.
(c) In the right hip with IBBC, neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis was seen 23 years after THA.
In the left hip with non-IBBC, 24 years after THA, both radiolucent line and osteolysis were seen
in the acetabulum, and osteolysis and stem loosening were seen in the femur. (d) Comparative
appearance rate of radiolucent line 2526 years after THA with IBBC and non-IBBC performed in
the same patient. (e) Comparative appearance rate of osteolysis 2526 years after THA with IBBC
and non-IBBC performed in the same patient
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 29
no loosening between bone and bone cement. Since 2001, in order to prevent the
occurrence of the spaces and the separation between bone cement and HA, several
anchoring holes over 6 mm in diameter were made in the acetabulum and HA
granules of 0.30.6 mm and 1.01.5 mm were smeared on the bone surface.
In the IBBC procedure, there was no loosening between bone and bone cement in
groups 1, 2, and 3 for 27 years. However, in non-IBBC hip replacements, loosening
occurred in over 80 % of cases, a high rate, for 31 years (Table 2.1).
Table 2.1 Summary of results of loosening rate between bone and bone cement in groups 1, 2,
and 3
79 Joints 12 Joints
G. 1 R.L.L. 7 Joints not loosened R.L.L. Extremely low rate no
O.L. O.L. progress
L. 6 Joints not revised L. 0
Revision, death, 65 Death 3 Joints
and lost Lost 3 Joints
G. 2 Total: 25
Survival in both hips for 2526 years: 16 patients
Loosening within Acetabulum: 5 hips L. 0 (except for
20 years separation between
HA and cement)
Femur: 2 hips
G. 3 285 Joints
R.L.L. Extremely low rate no
O.L. progress
L. 0 Results
Bone ingrowth was observed in all interfaces where the HA granules were inter-
posed on the living bone. Dense bone ingrowth was present in all specimens
retrieved from the superior wall of the acetabulum. Among specimens from the
inferomedial wall of the acetabulum, cancellous bone ingrowth was recognized
in nine specimens and dense bone ingrowth was recognized in one (Fig. 2.7a).
Cancellous bone ingrowth was also recognized in specimens from the femur. On the
Fig. 2.6 (a) Clinical results of THA with IBBC 22 to 25 years after THA. Appearance rate
of radiolucent line and osteolysis was extremely low. Radiolucent line appeared between bone
cement and HA, because the cementation was performed in the bleeding area. This line was not a
radiolucent line but a space in correct. (b) THA with IBBC was performed in dysplastic acetabulum
24 years after THA. Neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis was seen in both acetabulum and
femur. Rich new bone formation was seen on the hole around the bone cement. (c) THA with
IBBC was performed in dysplastic acetabulum 24 years after THA. Wear of polyethylene socket
highly increased; nevertheless, neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis was seen. (d) Scheme of
the condition performed IBBC in the bleeding area. Spaces appeared between bone cement and
HA several weeks after THA on the radiograph. It did no progress. (e) IBBC was performed in
the bleeding area. A space appeared several weeks after THA. It did no progress. (f) Separation
between bone cement and HA after THA with IBBC in the bleeding area and without sufficient
anchor holes. (g) IBBC was performed in the bleeding area without sufficient anchor holes.
Separation occurred between bone cement and HA 3 weeks after THA. However, fixation of bone
to the bone cement was continued by interposing HA granules (IBBC) at the laterosuperior area
32 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.7 (a) Photomicrographs of bone-cement interfaces. These three specimens were retrieved
from the same joint. THA was performed on an OA hip joint at 55 years old and retrieved
10 years after surgery at 65 years old. Dense bone ingrowth is observed in superior wall of the
acetabulum and cancellous bone ingrowth is observed in inferomedial wall of the acetabulum.
(b) Photomicrographs of bone-cement interfaces. These two specimens were retrieved from the
same joint. THA was performed for an OA hip joint at 63 years old and retrieved 18 years after
surgery at 81 years old. This was implanted for 18 years. These were retrieved from the acetabular
superior wall. (c) Photographs of interface without the HA granules. THA was performed for an
OA hip joint at 63 years old and retrieved 22 years after surgery at 85 years old. These specimens
were retrieved from acetabular inferior medial wall. Connective tissue (CT) interposition and
osteolysis (OL) are observed at the interface (BC bone cement, CT connective tissue). (d) THA
was performed for an RA hip joint at 48 years old and the specimen was retrieved 4 years after
surgery at the age of 52 years old from the inferomedial wall of the acetabulum. New bone ingrowth
around and between HA granules was formed and cancellous bone was made with HA granules
only in the area where HA granules were smeared relatively sparsely
area in which thick layers of HA granules were smeared on the bone, thick and rich
bone layer with HA granules was present. On the area in which even one layer of
HA granules was smeared sparsely on the bone, a very thin new bone layer was
formed (Fig. 2.7b).
In contrast, connective tissue interposition and osteolysis were observed at the
sites where HA granules were not present (Fig. 2.7c). No foreign body reaction or
proliferative granuloma formation was observed in any specimen.
The specimens were retrieved from 13 hips over 122 years, as well as 5 months
in one knee after the initial operation. Considering the interval between the
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 33
Fig. 2.8 (a) THA was performed for patient with bone necrosis after radiation therapy to portio
cancer. Bone necrosis was found in iliac bone and hip joint. The joint replacement was performed
at 71 years old and the specimens were retrieved 11 months after surgery from the inferomedial
wall of the acetabulum at the age of 71 years old. IBBC was performed in scanty bleeding area
due to bone necrosis. However, new bone formation was found to be relatively rich. (b) TKA
was performed for an OA knee at the great age of 85 and the specimen was retrieved due to
infection 5 months after surgery from the femoral condyle. New bone ingrowth was found around
HA granules and between HA granules. However, speed of bone formation is rather slow
initial operation and revision, there was no difference in bone ingrowth except
for the specimen from the knee joint. All specimens were retrieved from female
patients, except for knee specimens, over 50 years of age. Although postmenopausal
osteoporosis was observed in the host bone of the hip joint for the female patients,
the findings of bone ingrowth around the HA granules were similar (Fig. 2.7b).
Considering patients with RA, new bone ingrowth around and between HA
granules was formed and cancellous bone was formed in low density with HA
granules only in the area where HA granules were smeared.
In this type of RA, cancellous bone was extremely atrophic and contained a large
quantity of fatty marrow; thus, it was inevitable that HA granules were smeared in
a thick layer in low density of bone (Fig. 2.7d). However, there was no new bone
formation where host bone was observed necrotic.
On bone with extremely low osteoconductive ability, and scanty bleeding due
to bone necrosis after radiation therapy for cancer, new bone formation was found
(Fig. 2.8a). TKA was performed in an osteoarthritic (OA) knee at the great age of 85.
The specimen was retrieved from the femoral condyle. New bone ingrowth around
HA granules was found. However, speed of bone formation is rather slow due to the
advanced age of the patient (Fig. 2.8b).
2.2.5 Discussion
Fig. 2.9 Hypothetical time course of periprosthetic bone condition: immediately after THA (left
figure) and 18 years after THA (right figure)
stems, it was reported that HA coating increases the amount of bone ingrowth and
attachment leads to better bone fixation and enhanced the stability of the stem. The
same effects can be expected for the cemented stem when the bone cement is coated
with HA using IBBC technique. The clinical results using the IBBC technique were
reported to be excellent. The characteristics of HA coated on a cementless prosthesis
and HA granules for IBBC technique are different. As HA coated on prosthesis
contains amorphous HA, HA resorbs with time.
In contrast, HA granules in our technique were pure polycrystalline HA phase
and thus they were scarcely absorbed. We could not detect any sign of HA resorption
in the retrieved specimens. It is expected that osteoconductive activity can continue
indefinitely even after the onset of osteoporosis due to aging. Figure 2.9 shows
our hypothetic time course of periprosthetic bone conditions; pre-osteoporotic bone
smeared by HA granules at immediately after surgery and thick bone layer around
HA granules surrounded by osteoporotic bone at 18 years after surgery.
In histological studies, dense bone ingrowth was observed in all specimens
retrieved from the superior wall of the acetabulum, which was considered to be the
principal weight-bearing site. Cancellous bone ingrowth was observed in specimens
retrieved from the inferomedial wall, which was considered to be the auxiliary
weight-bearing site. Connective tissue interposition and osteolysis were observed
at the sites where HA granules failed to be smeared. The findings of bone ingrowth
in the hip joints were similar regardless of the interval between the initial operation
and revision or patient age at retrieval. New bone ingrowth was found around HA
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 35
Fig. 2.10 (a) Scheme of effect of crystalline HA endures osteoconduction in IBBC. No radiolu-
cent line appeared enduringly on radiograph due to osteoconductive effect of HA. (b) Scheme
of effect of crystalline HA enduring osteoconduction in IBBC. Immediately before occurrence of
osteolysis due to reaction of wear particles, it will be repaired by the osteoconductive effect of
HA. (c) Scheme of the conditions cemented by IBBC at immediately after THA, 23 weeks after
THA and long term after THA shifting to osteoporosis due to aging. (d) Scheme of the condition
cemented using conventional cementation (non-IBBC) at short term after THA and long term after
THA shifting to osteoporosis due to aging
granules and between HA granules, even when IBBC was performed at the great
age of 85. However, speed of bone formation was understandably slow for this
On the area in which thick layers of HA granules were smeared on the bone,
thick and rich bone layers over the HA granule layer were formed. This bone layer
with HA granules formed new bone around the HA granules that was fixed to the
bone cement providing steady support to the prosthesis. Even on the area in which
one layer of HA granules was spread sparsely, thin layer of new bone formation was
found. However, at an interface where the bone was completely dead, there was no
new bone formation.
At the sites where HA granules failed to be smeared, connective tissue interposi-
tion and osteolysis were observed. From these results, it can be concluded that the
osteoconductive ability of HA prevents the occurrence of unmineralized connective
tissue and osteolysis (Fig. 2.10a, b).
36 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
of the polyethylene and was compatible with other reported results. There
were no untoward clinical complications attributed to the use of the HA
Histological examination of the specimens containing well-fixed bone-cement
interface 5 months to 22 years after THA and TKA with the IBBC technique showed
bone ingrowth between the HA granules. Because bone ingrowth between the HA
granules was observed in the specimens retrieved more than 20 years after the
initial operation, the longevity of the bone-cement bonding was attributed more
to the interposed HA granules. The histological findings were not affected by the
pathological bony conditions associated with aging, postmenopausal osteoporosis,
and diseases that lead to extremely low osteoconductive ability.
The histology showed there was no connective tissue interposition and no
osteolysis in the area interposed by HA granules (Fig. 2.10a, b); however, they
were found in the area without HA granules (Fig. 2.10c). From these results,
there was long-term direct contact between the bones and HA granules and
long-term longevity could be expected in patients receiving implants with IBBC
(Fig. 2.10b).
Before 1985, in the bony defect even in the massive bony defect at revision THA,
the bony wall defect was covered by metal mesh and the bony defect was filled by
bone cement (Fig. 2.11a, b). On the other hand, freeze-preserved, non-pathological
allografts of the bone have been used in cases of massive bone deficiencies during
revision total hip arthroplasty (THA) for more than 25 years in Europe and in the
USA, and excellent results have been reported [14]. Cases using allografts have
also been reported in Japan [5], although in Japan, materials other than femoral
heads, partial femoral condyles, and partial tibial plateaus from patients undergoing
arthroplasty are still very difficult to obtain. On the other hand, increasing interest
in bioactive ceramics, particularly in HA over the past 30 years, has resulted in a
significant increase in its clinical application during this period [632]. Under these
circumstances, we began to use sintered HA granules clinically.
As a material, sintered HA is not resorbable, binds to the bone physicochemi-
cally, and is strong enough as bone defect filler. We obtained good results in three
revision cases by placing fine HA granules (300500 m) between the bone cement
and the bone graft on the deficiencies of the femur in 1984. In addition, since 1985,
massive bone deficiencies have been filled with HA granules [2628].
38 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.11 (a) Revision THA in the acetabulum with massive bone deficiency. The 1st generation:
deficiency was filled only by bone cement. The 2nd generation (aa): deficiency was filled by
HA granules. The 2nd generation (ab): deficiency was filled by bone cement with IBBC. (b)
Revision THA in the acetabulum with massive bone deficiency. Deficiency was filled only by bone
cement (non-IBBC). Left figure is before revision THA. Radiolucent line was seen immediately
after revision THA (center figure), and the component with bone cement was moving little by little
superiorly (right figure: 15 years after revision THA)
Before the socket was cemented, the hardened cement surface was dried, and
the socket fixed with cement in a sticky condition on the hardened cement. This
procedure facilitates binding the cements together.
Between 1986 and 1992, we carried out this procedure on 40 hips. Whole peripheral
segmental and cavitary deficiencies with medial walls intact were found in 13 joints
(33 %), and peripheral cavitary deficiencies over the whole area with the medial
wall absent were found in 18 joints (45 %). They were very unstable cases after
revision surgery. There were 2 men and 38 women, and their ages at operation
ranged from 35 to 81 years. The follow-up period was from 18 to 24 years. Our
original revision THR was performed in osteoarthritis in 33 patients, rheumatoid
arthritis in 5, avascular necrosis in 1, and systemic lupus erythematosus in 1. In 36
joints, this was the first revision, in 3 it was the second, and in 1 it was the third.
When HA granules are firmly packed, a stable filling is attained, similar to a stone
wall. Although narrow spaces were observed in areas at the interface between HA
granules and bone immediately after surgery, these spaces gradually disappeared
within 3 months following surgery. This was probably due to new bone formation
into the space between the HA granules and the subsequent binding with HA
granules. Sclerotic bone surrounding loose components changed to cancellous bone
over a period of 13 years following revision surgery.
Our radiographic evaluation showed neither morphological changes nor
decreases in volume (Fig. 2.12a) except for some cases with very specific
complications. In a case with a considerable cavitary and peripheral deficiency
and a medial wall defect, HA granules were overfilled in the medial area of the
acetabulum, and the socket settled laterally. Not only was there no detrimental
effect radiographically or clinically, but the filled HA granules were also very stable
following surgery.
In two cases, spaces were observed between HA granules near the bone at
the laterosuperior lesion. If the superior peripheral deficiencies had been covered
with an allograft plate, such as tibial plateau, HA granules could have been filled
sufficiently in the superior peripheral region and, as a result, the appearance of the
spaces could be avoided.
In two patients after the second revision and in one patient after third revision,
the large part of the medial wall was absent and the overall deficiency was too
great to allow stable filling of the granules. The packed HA granules broke and
the prostheses migrated (Fig. 2.12b).
40 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.12 (a) Revision of THA in the acetabulum with massive bone deficiency. Deficiency was
filled by HA granules. Both left and right figures are 25 years after surgery. (b) Packed HA granules
mass disintegrated after 1-year and 2-month revision THA. (c) IBBC was applied in a follow-up
revision. The left figure shows 3 months and the right 23 years after revision surgery showing
neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis
In the old-age patients over 70 years old, bone cement was filled by using the IBBC
technique in the huge cavity. In this case, a thicker layer of HA granules (35 layers)
was smeared on the surface of the bone and soft tissue in the area of bone defect
(Fig. 2.12). A very stable condition could be obtained immediately after surgery by
using this technique (Fig. 2.12b, c). On the radiograph over 23 years after surgery,
there was neither radiolucent line nor osteolysis (Fig. 2.12c).
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 41
Fig. 2.13 (a) Scheme of the revision THA in the third (a) (b) generation. (b) Revision THA was
performed by the third (b) generation. One month (left figure) and 19 years (right figure) after
revision THA
In the third generation, since 1992, peripheral segmental deficiencies were covered
with allograft bone from the femoral head of patients undergoing arthroplasty to
allow stable filling of HA granules. In some cases with a large cavitary deficiency
combined with a large peripheral segmental deficiency, a large block of the femoral
head was used. Since 1995, laterosuperior large peripheral deficiencies were covered
with an allograft plate from the tibial plateau (Fig. 2.13a).
As a filler in the cavitary deficiency, mixtures of G-4 (0.91.2 mm) and G-6
(3.05.0 mm) HA granules were filled as in the first generation, and in some cases,
mixtures of HA granules of 0.91.2 mm (G-4) and small bone chips at a ratio of
30:70 or 50:50 were filled. From 1995 to 1997, the Kerboull metallic cross-plate
was used. However, after the Kerboull cross-plate had broken at the hook in 30 %
of cases, it was discontinued.
In 19921997, 48 hips have been operated on using the procedure. The follow-up
period was 1419 years. Of the 48 hips, it was the first revision for 43, in 4 hips
it was the second revision, and in 1 hip it was the third revision. They were very
unstable cases, with great peripheral segmental and cavitary deficiencies, as in the
first generation.
42 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
In general, when the whole peripheral segmental deficiency was covered with
allografts, filled HA granules were very stable. In one case filled with mixture of
HA granules and bone chips, a slight volume change was observed. However, there
were no clinical symptoms, and the change did not increase. There was no difference
radiographically between HA alone and a mixture of HA and bone chips as fillers
when the peripheral segmental deficiency was covered with allografts (Fig. 2.13b).
In patients over 70 years of age, bony defects at the superolateral area were covered
by using allograft of tibial plateau and huge bone defect was filled by bone cement
by using IBBC technique. In these IBBC cases thicker layers of HA granules
(35 layer) were smeared. This technique was the same as the first generation
(b). A very stable condition was obtained immediately after surgery by using
this technique. Clinical results were excellent with neither radiolucent lines nor
osteolysis appearing.
Fig. 2.14 (a) Retrieved specimen. Two years after revision THA. (b) Retrieved specimen. Two
and a half years after revision THA
Mixtures of G-4 (0.91.2 mm) and G-6 (3.05.0) HA granules as in clinical cases
were filled into the cavity of 2 cm in diameter and 10 cm in length made at
the proximal end of the tibia of goat (Fig. 2.15a). The proximal part of the tibia
was cancellous bone and the distal part was cortical bone. Eighteen months after
implantation, the animal was sacrificed, and radiographs by X-ray of A-P view and
lateral view and the cross section of several levels were taken (Fig. 2.15b). From
these specimens non-decalcified hard sections were made. A small amount of the
new bone had entered from the periphery (Fig. 2.15c, d). As the quantity of bone
ingrowth was small, some HA granules that filled the cavity dropped out while
making non-decalcified hard tissue specimens and some HA granules dislodged
from the specimens.
In a clinical case, HA granules were filled in the weight-bearing area. However,
in experimental studies HA granules were filled in non-weight-bearing areas. From
these results, it can be assumed that in the weight-bearing area, a great amount of
new bone entered into the spaces of the HA granules and moved to the deep area.
However, in the non-weight-bearing area in animal experiment, bone ingrowth could
be expected only at the peripheral area of the cavity to approximately 5 mm in depth
and not dense. Discussion
Fig. 2.15 (a) Scheme of animal experiment under unloaded condition as a control. (b) Radio-
graph. A-P view and lateral view (on the left) and cross sections (on the right). (c) HA granules
were impacted into the cortical bone area. (d) HA granules were impacted into the cancellous bone
mixture of adequate granule sizes is packed densely and firmly during surgery; (4)
postoperative HA absorption, if any, is extremely small in amount and extremely
slow; consequently, osteoconductivity can be continued; and (5) the occurrence of
osteolysis by polyethylene wear particles at the interface of the bone is extremely
few, because osteolysis can be recovered by osteoconduction of HA. We suggest that
the reason for the marked pain-relieving effect is that there were neither changes in
the shape of packed HA granules nor movement of the component, as HA granules
were packed firmly and stably, bonded to the bone physicochemically, and fixed
with bone cement mechanically.
The empty space or void at the interface between HA granules and bone imme-
diately after surgery gradually disappeared within 3 months because new bone
tissues entered into the space between the HA granules from the surface of the
bony cavity. After filling HA granules into the cavitary deficiency, the sclerotic bone
around the loosened socket changed to cancellous bone over a period of 13 years
following revision surgery. This could be explained by the fact that bone ingrowth
into the spaces of HA granules from the surrounding sclerotic bone was obtained,
and the HA granules may have physicochemically bonded to the entire surface of the
sclerotic bone wall. This phenomenon was very similar to bone union after nonunion
of fracture.
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 45
Bone ingrowth behaviors into the spaces of HA granules filled in the massive
bony cavity are different in the weight-bearing area and in the non-weight-bearing
In the weight-bearing area, as shown in the clinical cases of massive bony defect
of the pelvis at revision surgery, bone ingrowth could attain into the deep area.
However, as shown in animal experiment of the massive bony defect of the tibia
of the goat, bone ingrowth could not attain into the deep area in the non-weight-
bearing area. Firm and stable filling of HA granules into the cavity is indispensable
in both weight-bearing area and non-weight-bearing area. Otherwise, bone ingrowth
could not be expected.
46 H. Oonishi Jr. et al.
Fig. 2.16 (a) HA granules were filled into the cavity after resection of bone tumor in the tibia
(left) before surgery, (middle) 2 weeks after surgery, and (right) 20 years after surgery. (b) Juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). 8 years old. Before surgery. (c) JRA. One month after surgery (left
figure) and 23 years after surgery (right figure). A-P view and lateral view. (d) HA blocks were
used as plugs at the distal end of the stem at THA. One month (left figure) and 10 years (right
figure) after THA Clinical Case 1: Giant Cell Tumor at the Distal End of the Tibia
This patient was operated on at 14 years old. HA granules were filled into the bony
cavity and overfilled into the outside of the tibia, 20 years after surgery; on the
radiograph in the weight-bearing area, bone ingrowth could be obtained densely into
the whole spaces of HA granules. However, in the outside area of the tibia, which
was non-weight-bearing area, dense bone ingrowth could not be obtained into the
spaces of HA granules and the HA granules were retained (Fig. 2.16a).
This patient suffered from JRA since 8 years old. The multiple joints were
destroyed, especially hip and knee bilaterally. This patient could not walk over
10 years due to flexion contracture of the knee bilaterally. This patient was operated
on with total knee arthroplasty bilaterally. At surgery, cortical dense bone changed
2 Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite in Orthopedics 47
to very thin and cancellous bone changed to fatty marrow bone completely in both
femur and tibia, especially in tibia (Fig. 2.16b). At surgery, HA granules were filled
steady after removing fatty marrow, and HA granules were filled firmly into the
bony cavity and atrophic bone marrow.
In this case, HA granules were filled into the weight-bearing area. Twenty-
three years after surgery, bone ingrowth was obtained into the whole spaces of HA
granules and very stable condition was continued on the radiograph (Fig. 2.16c).
This patient could walk in the room after surgery. Clinical Case 3: Bone Plug at the Distal End of the Stem
in Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty
In order to fill the bone cement strongly into the femoral canal, a bone plug is used
at the end of the stem. For bone plug, bone block or plastic plugs are used, but a
plastic plug is not stable. When we have no bone block, HA blocks are used. When
a few number of small HA blocks are used, a very stable condition can be obtained.
In this case, as the HA blocks are filled in the weight-bearing area, bone ingrowth
into the whole spaces of HA granules can be obtained (Fig. 2.16d).
2.4.2 Discussion
Stable bone condition could be made and continued, after HA granules were
filled into the bone base even after bone marrow changing to fatty marrow due to
degeneration by disease. Because crystalline HA exhibits excellent osteoconduction
and is not resorbable, when used in the IBBC technique, osteoconductivity develops
and continues for the lifetime of the patient. Such an excellent function was found
in only the crystalline HA-based IBBC technique.
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Chapter 3
Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization,
and Genetic Control of Tissue Regeneration
Larry L. Hench
Abstract This chapter reviews the discovery and chronology of the development of
bioactive glasses and the recent findings that controlled release of biologically active
Ca and Si ions from bioactive glasses leads to the upregulation and activation of
seven families of genes in osteoprogenitor cells leading to rapid bone regeneration.
This finding offers the possibility of creating a new generation of gene-activating
glasses designed for patient-specific in situ regeneration of tissues. Studies also
indicate that controlled release of lower concentrations of ionic dissolution products
from bioactive glasses can be used to induce angiogenesis and thereby offer
potential for design of gene-activating glasses for soft tissue and cardiovascular
system regeneration.
3.1 Introduction
All biomaterials in use today are a compromise compared to the natural tissues they
replace. Mismatches in elastic moduli, breakdown of the tissue-material interface,
fatigue, wear, or other factors lead to 1550 % failures of prostheses over a 15
30-year lifetime. An alternative approach to the present emphasis on replacement of
body parts and tissues is now possible: regeneration of tissues. In order to regenerate
tissues, it is essential to activate the bodys own repair processes. To stimulate
For millennia it was accepted that any man-made material in the body would
result in a foreign body reaction and formation of nonadherent scar tissue at the
interface with the material. Thus, initial emphasis on biomaterials for use in the
body was on materials that were as inert as possible when exposed to a physiological
environment. Prevention of corrosion of metals or degradation of polymers was the
primary design objective of first-generation biomaterials. A second generation of
biomaterials to replace tissues was achieved when a special composition of soda-
lime-phosphate-silicate glass was made by the author and implanted in the femurs
of rats in 1969 [13]. The calcium phosphate-containing silicate glass composition
had 45 % SiO2 , in weight % with network modifiers of 24.5 % Na2 O and 24.5 %
CaO. In addition, 6 % P2 O5 was added to the glass composition to simulate the Ca/P
constituents of hydroxyapatite (HA), the inorganic mineral phase of bone, Table 3.1,
with a nomenclature of 45S5 Bioglass.
The glass implants bonded to the living bone (rat femora) within 6 weeks
and could not be removed from their implant site [13]. This discovery led to
the development of a new class of biomaterials, called bioactive materials, for
use in implants or prostheses and repair or replacement of bones, joints, and
Table 3.1 Composition of bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics used for medical and dental
45S5 Bioglass A-W glass-ceramic
Composition (wt%) (NovaBone, PerioGlas) S53P4 (AbminDent1) (Cerabone)
Na2 O 24.5 23 0
CaO 24.5 20 44.7
CaF2 0 0 0.5
MgO 0 0 4.6
P2 O5 6 4 16.2
SiO2 45 53 34
Phases Glass Glass Apatite
Class of bioactivity A B B
3 Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization, and Genetic Control. . . 53
Table 3.2 Chronology of science and clinical product development of 45S5 Bioglass
Discovery of bone bonding to 45S5 Bioglass at the University of Florida
1971 First peer-reviewed publications of bonding of bone to bioactive glasses and
glass-ceramics [13]
1972 Bonding of Bioglass bone segments and coated femoral stems in monkeys
1975 Bioglass-coated alumina bone bonding to sheep hip implants (in Germany)
1975 Bioglass dental implants bonded in baboon jaws
1977 Bonding of Bioglass implant in guinea pig middle ear
1977 Patent applications filed for Bioglass coatings on metals and alumina ceramics
1981 Discovery of soft connective tissue bonding to 45S5 Bioglass
1981 Toxicology and biocompatibility studies (20 in vitro and in vivo) published to establish
safety for FDA clearance of Bioglass products
1985 First medical product (Bioglass Ossicular Reconstruction Prosthesis) (MEP) cleared by
FDA via the 510 (k) process
1987 Discovery of osteoproduction (osteostimulation) in use of Bioglass particulate in repair
of periodontal defects
1988 Bioglass endosseous ridge maintenance implant (ERMI) cleared by FDA via the 510 (k)
1991 Development of sol-gel processing method for making bioactive gel-glasses extending
the bioactive compositional range of bioactivity
1993 Bioglass particulate for use in bone grafting to restore bone loss from periodontal
disease in infrabony defects (PerioGlas) cleared by FDA via the 510 (k) process
1995 PerioGlas obtained CE Mark in Europe
1996 Use of PerioGlas for bone grafts in tooth extraction sites and alveolar ridge
augmentation cleared by FDA via the 510 (k) process
1999 European use of 45S5 particulate for orthopedic bone grafting (NovaBone)
2000 FDA clearance for use of NovaBone in general orthopedic bone grafting in
non-load-bearing sites
2000 Quantitative comparison of rate of trabecular bone formation in the presence of Bioglass
granules versus synthetic HA and A/W glass-ceramic
2000 Analysis of use of 45S5 Bioglass ionic dissolution products to control osteoblast cell
2001 Gene expression profiling of 45S5 Bioglass ionic dissolution products to enhance
2004 FDA clearance of 45S5 particulate for use in dentinal hypersensitivity treatment
2005 Development of variety of dental maintenance products (NovaMin)
2009 Anniversary of one million doses of NovaBone bone graft product and one million tubes
of NovaMin toothpaste
2011 Acquisition of NovaMin technology by GlaxoSmithKline and world launch of
Sensodyne Repair and Protect toothpaste for prevention of dentinal hypersensitivity
and gingivitis
Fig. 3.1 Sequence and kinetics of interfacial reactions between bones and a Class A bioactive
glass or glass-ceramic (Reprinted with permission from Hench [19], American Ceramic Society)
New surface and interfacial analyses techniques were developed to understand the
mechanisms and kinetics of bioactive reactions in vitro and in vivo [1, 13, 2023].
These methods showed that there is a sequence of 11 reaction stages that occur at
the surface of a Class A bioactive glass. Figure 3.1 indicates in the log time axis
that the first five stages of surface reactions occur very rapidly and go to completion
within 24 h for the bioactive glasses with highest levels of Class A bioactivity, e.g.,
45S5 Bioglass. The effect of the surface reactions is rapid release of soluble ionic
species from the glass into the interfacial solution. A high surface area composed
of hydrated silica and polycrystalline hydroxyl carbonate apatite (HCA) as a bilayer
is formed on the glass surface within hours (Stages 15) [23]. The reaction layers
enhance adsorption and desorption of growth factors (Stage 6) and decrease the
length of time macrophages prepare the implant site for tissue repair (Stage 7).
Attachment of stem cells (Stage 8) and synchronized proliferation and differ-
entiation of the progenitor cells (Stage 9) rapidly occur on the surface of Class
A bioactive materials [10, 1416, 24]. Several weeks or months are required for
similar cellular events to occur on the surface of Class B bioactive materials.
56 L.L. Hench
The original discovery of bioactive glasses and emphasis of research were on the
mechanisms of interfacial bonding of bone to bioactive glasses [13, 722]. The
seminal step to shift thinking from bioactive bonding to bone regeneration was
the reporting by June Wilson et al. for the first time that new bone had colonized
the surface of an array of 45S5 Bioglass particulate placed in a surgically created
site in the jaw of monkeys that mimicked the loss of bone from periodontal disease
[31]. New bone formed around the particles and created a regenerated architecture
of bone that bridged the bioactive glass particles (Fig. 3.2). The new phenomenon
was designated as osteoproduction, now generally called osteostimulation. The
concept of osteostimulation was quantified by Oonishi et al. a few years later
Fig. 3.2 Bioactive glass BG particulate used to enhance bone [B] formation around the tooth [T]
and thereby restores its function following treatment of periodontal, gum, disease in a patas monkey
periodontal defect model. Note the mineralized collagen that surrounds the bioactive glass particles
forming a regenerated bone structure. Also note the periodontal ligament labeled PDM that is stable
above the regenerated bone. (Magnification 20x). (Photo courtesy of Dr. June Wilson)
3 Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization, and Genetic Control. . . 57
[14, 32]. The second key finding to develop a genetic basis for bone regeneration
was the finding of Xynos et al. that it was not only the glass but it was the ionic
dissolution products released from 45S5 Bioglass that influenced and controlled the
cell cycle of osteogenic precursor cells and ultimately controlled the differentiated
cell population [26, 27]. Cells that were not capable of achieving a fully differ-
entiated phenotype characteristic of mature osteocytes were eliminated from the
in vitro cultures by programmed cell death, apoptosis. The shift in cell population
towards mature osteoblasts occurred rapidly, in hours, and led to mineralized bone
nodules in culture, without addition of organic bone growth factors, such as bone
morphogenetic proteins (BMP). Another key finding from the work of Xynos et al.
was that the effective ionic dissolution products released at slow rates from 45S5
Bioglass were biologically active soluble Si and Ca ions. Both ions are necessary
for osteostimulation. Osteostimulation occurs only when the ions are present at a
particular ratio of ions and at a particular concentration range of 1530 ppm Si and
6090 ppm Ca.
These findings provide an understanding of the clinical success of use of
45S5 Bioglass particles, NovaBone and PerioGlas, in a wide range of dental and
orthopedic applications in use for nearly 20 years, as discussed in [1719]. When
used as a synthetic bone graft, the bioactive glass particles dissolve slowly and
release the critical concentrations of Si and Ca over many weeks, as needed for
progressive regeneration of bone to fill the defect. The initial effect is proliferation
of osteogenic precursor cells at the periphery of the particles. These cells undergo
mitosis and lead to an expanded population of mature osteoblasts that generate
extracellular matrix proteins, especially Type I collagen that mineralizes to form
regenerated bone (Fig. 3.3).
Oonishi et al. used a critical size defect model in a rabbit femoral condyle
model to quantify the histological sequence of osteostimulation by 45S5 Bioglass
particulate [14, 32]. The studies show that there is both more rapid bone formation
in the presence of the osteostimulation particles and regeneration of a more
highly mineralized quality of bone in the defect, in comparison with synthetic
58 L.L. Hench
Table 3.3 Cell and organ culture models used to establish genetic basis
for osteostimulation by bioactive glass ionic dissolution products [2630,
Cell and organ culture
Model # 1 Primary human osteoblasts (pHOBs)
Model # 2 Fetal human osteoblasts (fHOBs)
Model # 3 Murine embryonic stem cells (mES)
Model # 4 Human embryonic stem cells (hES)
Model # 5 Murine fetal long bones (metatarsals) (mFLBs)
Numerous studies have confirmed the results of the early Xynos et al. research and
extended the generality to include several types of precursor cells and differing
sources of ionic stimuli. Gene array analyses of five different in vitro models using
five different sources of inorganic ions provide the experimental evidence for a
genetic theory of osteogenic stimulation [2630, 3336]. The cell and organ culture
models are summarized in Table 3.3. Sources of the ionic stimuli are given in
Table 3.4.
In Table 3.4 the composition of the melt-derived 45S5 bioactive glass culture
discs (A) and particulate (B) was 45 % (by weight) SiO2 , 24.5 % CaO, 24.5 %
Na2 0, and 6 % P2 O5 [1]. Samples of (A) were obtained from US Biomaterials Corp.,
Alachua, FL, from a certified batch. Commercial powders of (B) with a particle size
of 90710 pm were obtained from NovaBone Products, Alachua, FL. The 58S sol-
gel-derived particulate (C) composition (58 % SiO2 , 36 % CaO, 6 % P2 05 ) and the
70/30 sol-gel sample (D) composition (70 % SiO2 , 30 % CaO) were made by the
Dept. of Materials, Imperial College London [27, 37]. Sample (E) and the ionic
3 Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization, and Genetic Control. . . 59
dissolution products of (B), (C), and (D) were obtained by immersing particulates
of (B), (C), and (D) in simulated body fluid solution at 37 C for various times to
achieve concentrations of 1530 ppm of soluble Si ions and 6090 ppm of soluble
Ca ions [3840].
A study of dose dependence of ionic dissolution products showed this range of
concentrations led to enhanced proliferation of osteoblasts [3341]. Human primary
osteoblasts (Table 3.3 Model #1) were obtained from excised femoral heads of
total hip arthroplasty patients aged 5070 years [24]. The first cell cycle and gene
array experiments compared samples (A) with Thermanox plastic controls; the 2nd
experiment compared ionic dissolution products of (B) with Thermanox controls;
and experiment 3 used PCR methods to confirm effects of the ionic dissolution
products of (B) on expression of specific genes from osteoblasts obtained from
excised femoral heads of five individual patients [26]. Students t tests were used to
determine statistical significance of the results. The 4th and 5th experiments tested
the effects of sample (E) on fHOBS and hES cells. The 6th and 7th experiments
confirmed the findings of experiments 15 by comparing dosage effects of samples
A and E on murine fetal metatarsals grown for 4 days in organ culture post-day
14 gestation [28] and growth of primary hOBs within three-dimensional scaffolds
(Source D) [24].
All seven experiments showed enhanced proliferation and differentiation of
osteoblasts towards a mature, mineralizing phenotype without the presence of any
added bone growth proteins, such as dexamethasone or BMP. Shifts in osteoblast
cell cycles were observed as early as 6 h, with elimination (by apoptosis) of
cells incapable of differentiation. The remaining cells exhibited enhanced synthesis
and mitosis. The cells quickly committed to generation of extracellular matrix
(ECM) proteins and mineralization of the matrix. Gene array analyses at 48 h
showed early upregulation or activation of seven families of genes that favored
both proliferation and differentiation of the mature osteoblast phenotypes, including
transcription factors and cell cycle regulators (six with increases of 200500 %);
apoptosis regulators (three at 160450 % increases); DNA synthesis, repair, and
recombination (four at 200300 %); growth factors (four at 200300 %) including
IGF-I1 and VEG F); cell surface antigens and receptors (four at 200700 %,
especially CD44); signal transduction molecules (three at 200600 %); and ECM
compounds (five at 200370 %). A summary of the seven families of genes activated
or upregulated from the experiments listed above is given in Table 3.5.
60 L.L. Hench
There are very few cells in the bones of older people that are capable of dividing
and forming new bone. The few osteoprogenitor cells that are present must receive
the correct chemical stimuli from their local environment that instruct them to enter
the active segments of the cell cycle leading to cell division (mitosis). Resting cells
3 Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization, and Genetic Control. . . 61
are in the G0 phase, and unless they are stimulated to enter into active phases of the
cell cycle, they will not lead to bone regeneration. A new cell cycle begins after a
cell has completed mitosis. Regenerative repair of bone requires:
1. Control the population of cells that are capable of entering into active phases of
the cell cycle
2. Complete mitosis of osteoprogenitor cells
3. Differentiation into a phenotype capable of synthesizing a full complement of
extracellular proteins that constitutes a mature osteocyte
Such osteoblast cell cycle control is achieved by the controlled release of ionic
dissolution products from 45S5 bioactive glass, as discussed above [2436]. Cells
colonize the surface of the bioactive glass due to the presence of the biologically
active HCA layer formed by surface reaction Stages 15, described above and
shown in Fig. 3.1. However, the concentration of soluble Si and Ca ions at the
cell-solution interface is critical for controlling the cell cycle. Controlled rates of
dissolution of the glass provide the critical concentration of the biologically active
ions to the cells via the interfacial solution.
During step 1 in the cell cycle, called the G1 phase, the cell grows and carries
out its normal metabolism. During the G1 phase osteoblasts are synthesizing
phenotypic-specific cellular products. Production of numerous proteins is required
for full differentiation. For example, a differentiated, fully functional osteoblast
also produces osteocalcin and tropocollagen macromolecules, which self-assemble
into Type I collagen, the predominant collagenous molecule present in the bone
matrix and numerous other extracellular matrix proteins, listed in Table 3.5. It is
especially important that osteocalcin is being produced by osteoblasts grown on
the bioactive material. Osteocalcin is a bone extracellular matrix noncollagenous
protein produced by mature osteoblasts, and its synthesis correlates with the onset
of mineralization, the critical feature of new bone formation. Production of all these
extracellular proteins is enhanced in the presence of the ionic dissolution products
of bioactive glass.
In order for cell proliferation and repair to occur, there must be a critical period
of growth in the G1 phase. Following that growth the cell enters the S (synthesis)
phase, when DNA synthesis begins. The S phase eventually leads to duplication of
all the chromosomes in the nucleus. Completion of the S phase requires synthesizing
a complete genomic sequence of DNA and RNA. The chemical environment of the
cell must be suitable to pass through the G1 -S checkpoint to initiate the transcription
of the host of proteins and nucleic acids required for duplication of the cell.
Following DNA replication the cell must prepare to undergo mitosis with a second
phase of growth termed the G2 phase. During the G2 phase, as the cell prepares to
undergo division, synthesis of the additional proteins required for mitosis occurs.
Also, prior to mitosis, replication accuracy is checked using DNA repair
enzymes. A critical increase in cell mass is required, and synthesis and activation of
various growth factors are necessary for the G2 -M transition. Details of the feedback
controls and cell cycle checkpoints are reviewed in other publications [28, 29]. If the
local chemical environment does not lead to the full completion of the G1 phase or
62 L.L. Hench
the G2 phase, then the cell proceeds to programmed cell death, apoptosis. Apoptosis
is essential to prevent proliferation of cells that are an incorrect phenotype for bone
repair. The chemical environment surrounding bio-inert implants does not stimulate
apoptosis. Instead, on bio-inert materials there is rapid proliferation of cell types
that are characteristic of nonadherent and non-mineralizing scar tissues. Bio-inert
materials or Class B bioactive materials seldom enable the few osteoprogenitor cells
present at their interface to pass through these cell cycle checkpoints and become
fully differentiated osteoblasts. Only Class A bioactive materials that provide the
biologically active ionic stimuli give rise to growth of mineralized bone nodules
in vitro and rapid new bone formation in vivo. Details of differences in surface
chemistry and cellular interactions between Class A and Class B bioactive materials
are given elsewhere [17, 25]. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of
the human osteoblast cultures showed in the Xynos et al. studies that osteoblasts
growing on the Class A bioactive substrate as early as 6 days had already organized,
in a process called self-assembly, into a three-dimensional structure composed of
cells and mineralized extracellular matrix [24]. This three-dimensional structure
is called a bone nodule with an organizational complexity similar to natural bone
grown in vivo, although without a blood supply. The time for formation of collagen
on bioactive substrates in vitro is similar to the kinetics of collagen formation in
vivo, as discussed elsewhere [42]. The rate of formation of mineralized bone nodules
in vitro is also similar to the kinetics of bone growth in vivo, as reported by Oonishi
et al. using a critical size defect model in the rabbit femoral condyle [14, 32].
Confirmation of the three-dimensional structure of the bone nodules was
obtained by Xynos et al. using confocal scanning laser microscopy [24]. The
three-dimensional structure of the nodule was mapped to show the presence and
organization of the Type I collagenous matrix and calcium deposition within the
bone nodules. The results confirm that human osteoblasts growing in culture in the
presence of a bioactive glass self-assemble into a three-dimensional architecture
and create a mineralized matrix that is characteristic of mature osteocytes in living
bone. When the checkpoints in the osteoblast cell cycle described above have been
satisfied, cell mitosis and formation of two daughter cells occur. The nuclei of
both daughter cells each receive a complete and equivalent complement of genetic
material. However, the checkpoints in the cell cycle also result in fewer and fewer
progenitor cells that can enter into the M phase unscathed. The built-in protective
mechanism from multiplication of damaged genes means that fewer osteoprogenitor
cells are available to replace diseased, damaged, or dying bone cells of older people.
The cumulative effect is a progressive decrease in bone density with age. Bone
regeneration is much slower. In order for bone regeneration to occur at all, it is also
necessary for a large fraction of the daughter cells to undergo differentiation into the
mature osteoblast phenotype capable of undergoing mineralization and formation
of osteocytes. These findings have been confirmed and extended to include other
progenitor cell types by Bielby, Christodoulou, and the authors, as summarized in
the experiments listed in Tables 3.3 and 3.4.
As discussed above, activation and completion of the osteoblast cell cycle
do not merely provide the framework for cell proliferation but also determine
3 Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization, and Genetic Control. . . 63
to some extent cell commitment and differentiation. Bone cells cover a broad
spectrum of phenotypes that include predominately the osteoblast, a cell capable of
proliferating and synthesizing bone cell-specific products such as Type I collagen.
However, in order for bone to be regenerated and repaired, there must be a vital
cellular population consisting of osteocytes. Osteocytes are terminally differentiated
osteoblasts that are usually postmitotic and are not capable of cell division.
Osteocytes are capable of synthesizing and maintaining the mineralized bone matrix
wherein they reside but subsequently do not divide. Thus, osteocytes represent the
cell population responsible for extracellular matrix production and mineralization,
the final step in bone development and probably the most crucial one given the
importance of collagen-hydroxycarbonate-apatite (HCA) bonding in determining
the biomechanical properties of bone. Therefore, it is important to observe that
the end result of the cell cycle activated by the ionic products of bioactive glass
dissolution was the upregulation of numerous genes that express growth factors and
cytokines and extracellular matrix components (Table 3.5). An important finding
was the 700 % increase in the expression of CD44 (Table 3.5), a specific phenotypic
marker of osteocytic differentiation.
The cDNA microarray analysis showed that expression of the potent osteoblast
mitogenic growth factor, insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II), was increased to
320 % by exposure of the osteoblasts to the bioactive glass stimuli (Table 3.5).
This is also an important finding because IGF-II is the most abundant growth factor
in bone and is a known inducer of osteoblast proliferation in vitro. These results
demonstrate that biogenic stimulation of IGF-II by the ionic dissolution products is
a key factor in enhanced osteogenesis.
Xynos et al. confirmed the IGF-II mRNA upregulation using quantitative real-
time PCR and also showed that the unbound IGF-II protein concentration was
increased [26]. The results indicate that the ionic dissolution products of Bioglass
45S5 may increase IGF-II availability in osteoblasts by inducing the transcription of
the growth factor as well as its carrier protein and also by regulating the dissociation
of this factor from its binding protein. Bioactive induction of the transcription of
extracellular matrix components and their secretion and self-organization into a
mineralized matrix appears to be responsible for the rapid formation and growth
of bone nodules and differentiation of the mature osteocyte phenotype.
gel-glass [4751]. The soluble Si and Ca dissolution products from the gel-glass
were added to cultures of primary osteoblasts derived from human fetal long bone
explants cultures (hFOBs). U133A human GeneChip oligonucleotide arrays were
used to examine 22,283 transcripts and variants, which represent over 18,000
well-substantiated human genes. A 24-h treatment with a single dosage of ionic
products induced the differential expression of a number of genes important to
differentiation of the osteoblast phenotype, including IL-6 signal transducer/gp130,
ISGF-3/STAQT1, HF-1-responsive RTP801, ERK1 p44 MAPK (MAPK3), MAP-
KAPK2, IGF-I, and IGFBP-5. The over 200 % upregulation of gp130 and MAPK3
and downregulation of IGF-1 were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR analysis. These
data suggest that 58S ionic dissolution products, Ca and Si, possibly mediate the
bioactive effect of the gel-glass through components of the IGF system and MAPK
signaling pathways. The results from human fetal osteoblasts also confirm many of
the findings reviewed above (Table 3.5) using primary human osteoblast cultures
derived from excised femoral heads of elderly patients and thereby demonstrate the
generality of the findings of genetic stimulation by the ionic dissolution products
of bioactive glasses and gel-glasses. The findings are also consistent with prior
investigations of the role of ionic dissolution products in stimulation of growth and
especially mineralization of fetal long bones, mouse fetal metatarsals, as reported
by Maroothynaden and Hench [60].
The implication of the above studies is that it is now feasible to design the
dissolution rates and architecture of bioactive, resorbable inorganic scaffolds to
achieve specific biological effects in vivo that synchronize with the progenitor cell
population present in situ, as discussed previously by the author [61]. This offers
for the first time the potential to design biomaterials for specific patients and their
clinical needs.
Clinical use of bioactive glass particulate for dental, maxillofacial, and orthope-
dic applications has been successful in part because fully vascularized bone is
regenerated in situ (Fig. 3.4). The gene array studies summarized above show
that VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is one of the important growth
factors upregulated (Table 3.5). Healing of wounds in soft tissues and soft tissue
engineering also require establishment of a viable blood supply, i.e., vascularization.
Recent studies show that ionic dissolution products released from 45S5 Bioglass
particulate are effective in promoting angiogenesis in numerous in vitro and in
vivo models [6275]. The experiments confirm that there is upregulation of VEGF
production from human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) and other cells
involved in the repair and maintenance of the circulatory system. The stimulation of
angiogenesis depends upon the concentration of ions present in the cultures which
can be controlled by using differing quantities of 45S5 Bioglass in collagen sponges
66 L.L. Hench
Fig. 3.4 The X-radiograph shows the use of bioactive glass, 45S5 Bioglass, after repair of bone
following removal of a large unicameral cyst in the ischium of a patient prior to revision of hip
arthroplasty due to implant loosening. The existing hardware was removed and replaced, and the
cyst was debrided. The residual cavity (denoted by the arrows) then was grafted with a 50:50
mixture of autogenous bone and bioactive glass (NovaBone ). Three years after implantation, the
graft site is stable with no recurrence of the cyst, the site being filled with dense bony tissue.
There has been no recurrence of the cyst (Photo courtesy of Dr. Dave Gaisser, NovaBone Products,
Alachua, FL, USA)
or other multiphase delivery systems. The findings are that when there are too few
ions, there is no angiogenic stimulatory effect; too many ions also have no effect.
Leu and Leach showed that larger concentrations of the ionic dissolution products
led to osteogenesis [66], as described in the seven osteogenic experiments reviewed
above. Thus, controlled release of a critical concentration of Si and Ca ions is
required for the proangiogenic effect.
There are important implications from these findings. At present most treatment
modalities for damage to the small intestine or many soft tissue defects, including
chronic wounds, are at best palliative. There is great need for bioactive wound
dressings that can counter the negative stimuli that prevent healing of chronic
wounds. Combining the anti-inflammatory characteristics of 45S5 Bioglass particles
with their proangiogenic potential, described above, offers great promise for design
of wound dressings that stimulate keratinogenesis and angiogenesis required to
achieve a rapid regeneration of the skin.
3 Bioactive Glass: Chronology, Characterization, and Genetic Control. . . 67
3.5 Conclusions
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Chapter 4
The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate
Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration
G. Daculsi ()
Inserm U791, University of Nantes and Inserm CIC-IT 802, Hospital of Bordeaux LIOAD Inserm
Universit de Nantes UMR U791, Facult de Chirurgie Dentaire Pl A. Ricordeau, 44042 Nantes
cedex, France
e-mail: guy.daculsi@univ-nantes.fr
B.H. Fellah
Oniris, National Veterinary School, Nantes, France
e-mail: borhane.fellah@oniris-nantes.fr
T. Miramond
LIOAD Inserm Universit de Nantes UMR U791, Facult de Chirurgie Dentaire Pl A. Ricordeau,
44042 Nantes cedex, France
e-mail: thomas.miramond@univ-nantes.fr
tissue regeneration. The mechanical properties required for bone ingrowth and bone
remodeling and mechanotransduction must be explored to allow for development of
new generation scaffolds.
4.1 Introduction
Although bone tissue possesses the capacity for regenerative growth, the repair
process is impaired in many clinical and pathological situations. Large bone
loss caused by trauma and tumor resection and/or aging requires reconstructive
surgery and/or bone regeneration. At present, bone surgeons have three different
possibilities for replacing bone:
Autogenous bone grafts are primarily used for bone replacement, despite the pain,
septic complications, and the limited amount of bone harvested from the iliac
crest or other sites.
Allogenic bone grafts are obtained from tissue banks. These grafts have limita-
tions because of the possible transmission of nonconventional agents or viruses
and the risk of immunological incompatibility.
Alloplastic bone substitutes are produced in various compositions and shapes.
These biomaterials can be used to fill bone cavities, serving as a scaffold for
bone regeneration from the peri-implant region. Bone substitutes can also be
used to supplement autogenous bone, or in combination with bone marrow
aspirates. The ideal biomaterial should have a variety of forms and sizes, all with
sufficient strength for use in load-bearing sites. It should also be biocompatible,
biodegradable, and able to be substituted by newly formed bone.
Numerous synthetic bone graft materials are currently available as alternatives
to autogenous bone for repair, substitution, or augmentation. Synthetic biomate-
rials include special glass ceramics described as bioactive glasses and calcium
phosphates (CaPs) (e.g., calcium hydroxyapatite, HA; tricalcium phosphate, TCP;
and biphasic calcium phosphate, BCP). The review of Dorozhkin [1] reported the
important historical data for CaP bioceramics. In 1920, Albee [2] reported the first
successful use of a calcium phosphate reagent for the repair of a bone defect in a
human. More than 50 years later, the clinical use of a TCP preparation was reported
in surgically created periodontal defects in animals and the use of dense HA as
immediate tooth root replacements. In the early 1980s, synthetic HA and -TCP
became commercially available as bone substitute materials for dental and medical
applications [3].
The term BCP describes a bioceramic that consists of a mixture of HA and
-TCP. The first studies on BCP showed that the bioactivity of these ceramics
might be controlled by manipulating the HA to -TCP ratios [4]. Subsequently,
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 73
Table 4.1 Abbreviations, chemical compositions, Ca/P, and solubility product constants of some
synthetic and biological calcium phosphates
Abbreviation Chemical formula Ca/P Solubility Ksp at 25 C
MCPM Ca(H2 PO4 )2 .H2 O 0.5 18 g/L
MCPA Ca(H2 PO4)2 0.5
DCPD CaHPO4 .2H2 O 1.00 0.32 g/L
2.39 107
DCPA CaHPO4 1.00
OCP Ca8 (HPO4 )2 (PO4 )4 .5H2 O 1.33 1.05 1047
TCPa Ca9 []1 (HPO4 )(PO4 )5 (OH)[]1 1.50
CDA Ca9.5 []0.5 (HPO4 )0.5 (PO4 )5.5 (OH)0.5 []1.5 1.58
-TCP Ca3 (PO4 )2 1.50 2.83 1030
HA Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 1.67 3.37 1058
Human bonea Ca8.3 []1.7 (PO4 )4.3 (HPO4 ,CO3 )1.7 1.55 1.75 7.2 1053 6.4 1058
(OH,1/2CO3)0.3 []1.7
[] represents a lacuna in the crystal lattice of hydroxyapatite
A possible chemical composition of bone mineral as it is constantly evolving
studies focused on BCP led to the significant increase in manufacture and use of
commercial BCP bioceramics as bone substitute materials for dental and orthopedic
applications [5].
Then, many studies were performed on CaP and especially calcium orthophos-
phate (Table 4.1). A large review of the chemical processing, manufacturing,
biological properties, and applications of calcium orthophosphate was recently
published [6]. CaP of pure HA, pure -TCP, or BCP is achieved after sintering
biological apatite or synthetic apatite obtained either by precipitation or hydrolysis.
The BCP composition (HA to -TCP ratio) obtained after sintering depends on the
calcium deficiency of the unsintered biological or synthetic apatite and temperature
[7]. The presence of other ions during the preparation of the unsintered calcium-
deficient apatite (CDA) can also affect the HA and -TCP or BCP sintering.
The sintering of commercial CaP reagents (labeled as hydroxyapatite or
calcium phosphate, tribasic or tricalcium phosphate) above 900 C was shown
to result in pure HA, pure -TCP, or BCP (Table 4.1).
Recent developments related to CaP scaffolds including improvements in terms
of engineering chemistry, surface properties, microstructure, and porosities, which
lead them to be considered as being bioinstructive rather than osteoconductive
scaffolds, have opened up new opportunities for bone regenerative technologies
[8]. Not only are some of these CaP bioceramics scaffolds osteoinductive in their
own right, but evidence also supports the hypothesis that specific engineering
bioceramics have a direct influence on the differentiation and proliferation of human
mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Tissue engineering, new bioactive molecules,
and new surgical technologies increase the potential application of CaP bioceramics
as carriers of these cells and also as scaffolds capable of guiding the behavior of
these cells and the efficiency of bone regeneration [8].
74 G. Daculsi et al.
4.2 Definitions
For over 30 years, HA and related CaPs have been widely used in the field of
biomaterials as bone graft substitutes [3, 6, 7, 9, 10]. These materials have clinical
applications in orthopedic, spinal, and maxillofacial surgery. They are currently
used in various forms, but macro-/microporous bioceramics are the most advanced
products [11]. Bioceramics are manufactured from well-characterized CaP powders
that are mixed with pore makers and sintered at elevated temperatures (e.g., 1,000
1,300 C). Research has primarily focused on both the formulation of appropriate
bioceramic chemistry and the optimization of the physical pore structure. Mastering
the chemistry of CaP bioceramics is clearly crucial for reproducible and controlled
production processes but also for ensuring the adequate biological response upon
implantation in bone tissue. These materials have been considered as bioactive and
osteoconductive as they bond directly to bone tissue without an interstitial fibrous
tissue layer. Their bioactivity is related to the solubility of CaP in physiological
media. Several groups have shown that biphasic CaP bioceramics composed of
HA and -TCP represented the optimal formulation in terms of bioactivity. The
TCP phase is soluble and leads to a release of calcium and phosphate ions which
saturate local body fluids and precipitate a biological apatite onto the less soluble
HA crystals [6, 12, 13].
Bone ingrowth takes place all around the granules at the expense of the resorption
of the BCP granules (Fig. 4.1). In time, the mechanical properties are increased due
to the presence of the newly formed bone. Numerous reports both in vitro and in
vivo have confirmed the efficacy and performance of this concept for an injectable
bone substitute used in bone reconstruction [14, 1820].
IBS2 [21, 22] is a self-hardening composite. The BCP granules are associated
with silanized HPMC-Si hydrogel. The guiding principles of silanized HPMC-Si
hydrogel are its hydrophilic and liquid properties (it is viscous before being mixed
with the CaP load and injection) and its pH-controlled reticulation process [23, 24].
The silanized hydrogel/CaP composite presents self-reticulation properties, due to
the change in pH as a catalyst and without an exothermic effect. Once in the
implantation site, in contact with the biological buffer liquids, a chemical reaction
without additive and without any catalyst allows bridging and reticulation between
the various macromolecular chains.
Prior to cross-linking, the composite is an injectable viscous liquid that hardens in
the bone defect forming a gel loaded with BCP ceramic particles. IBS2 can entirely
fill and remain in the bone defects. The BCP particles provide bioactivity supporting
the bone healing process by osteoconduction. The cross-linked HPMC-Si hydrogel
provides intergranular spaces for bone ingrowth. However, the jellification before
blood diffusion delays osteoconduction of the BCP particles, and cells and tissue
colonization at the expense of the composite.
Jellification is an important property of this material. It prevents the material
from being washed out from the bleeding transplant site, after implantation. For an
injectable bone substitute to maintain the bioceramic granules in unclosed cavities,
76 G. Daculsi et al.
the reticulation must increase the density of the material, reduce the dissolution
or degradation of the polymer, and delay diffusion of the biological fluid and cell
colonization [24].
The advantage of ready-to-use mixtures is their easiness of use and the
reproducibility of the final material. Their kinetics for osseous reconstruction can
be fast because of the many intergranular paths. These materials have relatively
few intrinsic primary mechanical properties, even if the vehicles used harden by
reticulation. Achieving mechanical properties is secondary to rapid physiological
bone ingrowth.
BCP/fibrin glue: The association of bioceramics (TricOs ) and fibrin sealants
may be interesting for the clinical applications of composite bone substitutes
[25, 26]. Indeed, CaP granules are not easy to handle, are limited to filling bone
cavities, and are not available for bone apposition. In addition, adding bioactive
factors can improve the performance of bioceramics. In this regard, the adjunction of
a binding agent, such as fibrin glue, improves the stability of the granules at the site
of implantation and provides the scaffold effect of bioceramics with the additional
osteogenic property. Fibrin-CaP composite could be obtained by mixing Baxters
fibrinogen, the thrombin components of fibrin sealant (Tisseel Baxter BioSciences
BioSurgery), and TricOs granules [27]. Macroporous Biphasic Calcium Phosphate
TricOs is a mixture of HA/-TCP in a 60:40 ratio. Granules of 12 mm in
diameter presenting both macroporosity (5055 %) and microporosity (3035 %)
are used. To enhance the working time, a low thrombin concentration (4 U) is
used. The Tisseel/TricOs volume ratio is 1 to 2. Numerous preclinical studies have
been performed in rabbits and goats, both for biocompatibility and biofunctionality,
using, for example, sinus lift augmentation and bone filling in long bone. Histology,
histomorphometry, and X-ray microtomography have demonstrated the osteogenic
properties of the composite [27].
Calcium phosphate cements: The need for a material for minimally invasive
surgery (MIS) prompted the development of a concept for self-setting injectable
CaP cement (CPC) as bone substitute. Currently, several CPCs are commercially
available and more are being investigated. LeGeros et al. first introduced the concept
in 1982 [15], and the first patent was obtained by Brown and Chow in 1986 [16].
All current CPCs are reported to have good mechanical properties and reasonable
setting times. However, after setting, these materials remain dense and do not
provide rapid bone substitution because of the lack of macroporosity. Numerous
studies have reported the applications of currently available commercial CPCs
[1, 17]. New BCP-based CPCs have recently been developed [28]. The MCPC
consists of multiphasic CaP phases, including BCP. In vivo, the components of
the cement resorb at different rates, allowing the formation of interconnecting
macroporosity, thus facilitating bone ingrowth and substitution of the cement with
the newly forming bone [28].
The powder component is essentially made of a settable and resorbable matrix
(which includes -TCP, stabilized amorphous CaP (s-ACP), and monocalcium
phosphate monohydrate (MCPM)). A sieved fraction of macroporous BCP granules
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 77
ranging between 80 and 200 m in diameter are incorporated into the matrix.
The cement liquid is an aqueous solution of Na2 HPO4 .
After setting MCPC in distilled water at 20 C, the mechanical properties in
compression of such materials were 10 2 MPa at 24 h and 15 2 MPa after
48 h. The cohesion time for injectability was reached after 20 min. Animal models
of critical size defects in rabbit epiphyses or goat vertebral bodies demonstrated
the performance and efficacy of CPC. MBCP granules act as a scaffold for
bone osteoconduction, and resorption of the ACP content of the cement allowed
macroporosity and bone ingrowth between and at the surface of the BCP granules,
extending to the core of the implanted site. The cement matrix dissolved as expected,
forming an open structure for cell colonization and bone ingrowth at the expense of
the self-setting bone void filler [7, 28]. Resorption
CaP bioceramic resorption [29] is the process by which resorption cells such as
macrophages and osteoclasts break down the biomaterials and release the ions,
resulting in a transfer of calcium and phosphate from the bioceramic to the blood
[30]. This active process undertaken by the cells is equivalent to bone remodeling.
The process is largely associated with the degradation of the bioceramic [6, 31]
by biological fluids, the mechanical stress of the implantation site, releasing smaller
particles. In the inflammation process, the size of the particles has a strong influence
on dissolution [32], leading to the conclusion that resorption is dependent on the
dissolution. Dissolution
Fig. 4.2 (a) MBCPC, Micro- and Macroporous Biphasic Calcium Phosphate, macropores. (b)
MBCPC, Micro- and Macroporous Biphasic Calcium Phosphate, micropores
area in contact with fluids and, thus, leads to a faster dissolution rate. As shown in
Fig. 4.2, CaP ceramics exhibit macropores with diameter sizes ranging from 200 to
600 m. While macropores are well interconnected, they permit the percolation
of fluids, cells, and tissues within their structure. As illustrated in Fig. 4.2b,
some ceramics may also exhibit a microporous surface. Spherical CaP grains
appear bounded by necks leaving tiny pores approximately 0.11 m in size. This
remaining microporosity results from incomplete sintering of ceramics, especially
when poorly crystalline precursor CaP powders and low sintering temperature
and time (e.g., 1,0001,200 C for 110 h) are used. The lower temperature of
sintering has a significant role in the formation in lattice defect. The lattice defect
is particularly involved in the process of dissolution [32] explaining the large
difference in the solubility of different HA scaffolds. According to the crystal size,
lattice defect, and active cell resorption, the entire CaP can be resorbable. Only the
kinetics differs according to time. A small-sized HA crystal with lattice defect is
more resorbable than large, high crystalline TCP for example. Absorption
The degradation and dissolution processes release high levels of calcium and phos-
phate ions into the extracellular fluid as the osteoclasts tunnel into the mineralized
bone. Contrarily to degradation and elimination of some biomaterials, CaP ceramics
elements released are absorbed during the physiopathological processes during bone
regeneration. The released Ca and PO4 ions are precipitated at the surface of the
residual crystals, and secondary nucleation and hetero epitaxic growing processes
have been reported [11, 13]. This process has also been observed in Bioglass by
Larry Hench [33], and the basis of bioactivity has been well documented by Kokubo
using simulated body fluid incubation [34].
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 79
All CaP ceramics have been found to be biocompatible. HA ceramics are considered
as non-resorbable, while -TCP is resorbable based on the amount of implant left
as a function of time. It is now generally accepted that CaP ceramics are bioactive
and osteoconductive. Bioactivity is a property of the ceramic surface that induces
biological integration of soft and hard living tissues. The core mechanism of bioac-
tivity is the partial dissolution and release of ionic products in vivo, elevating local
concentrations of calcium and phosphate and precipitating a biological apatite on the
surface of the ceramics. This process of dissolution/precipitation has been studied
in detail using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of ceramics implanted in
ectopic or heterotopic sites. The BCP grains partly dissolve in body fluids leading
to the precipitation of tiny apatite crystals on their surface or between the grains.
TEM studies have shown that these apatite crystals were similar to bone apatite
in size, shape, and electron diffraction patterns [11]. The abundance of the apatite
microcrystals associated with large grains of ceramics appeared to be directly related
to the HA to -TCP ratio of BCP ceramic implants. A higher amount of -TCP gave
a greater amount of precipitated apatite crystals. These microcrystals were identified
as carbonate-containing apatites that are associated with an organic matrix similar
to bone.
This surface precipitation may incorporate various proteins and growth factors
present in the microenvironment, which may subsequently promote cell attach-
ment and function. The bioactive ceramics are assumed to have a surface phase
biologically equivalent to bone mineral. It suggests that osteoblasts are attracted
to this layer and produce bone extracellular matrix leading to bone apposition
(osteoconduction), rather than fibrous tissue encapsulation of ceramics. This bone
bonding has also been called osseocoalescence [35], a better definition to explain
the chemical bonding between CaP bioceramics and bony crystals. Osteoconduction
Sinbone HT
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 83
Granulado <1
Syncera 3
Bonit Matrix 64
84 G. Daculsi et al.
Interpore 4
Actifuse 3
The exact geometrical factors and the way to reproducibly obtain them are still
unknown. The appropriate dosage of growth factors, mode of incorporation, and
timed release remain to be determined.
The concept of introducing osteoinductive CaP biomaterials is an exciting one.
Such materials will eventually replace the use of autografts and allografts with their
attendant shortcomings. Numerous pieces of evidence indicate that the intrinsic
MSC capacity to activate endogenous regenerative mechanisms and to recruit
host cells in an ectopic bone formation model is critically dependent on MSC
technology but also the physicochemical and structural properties of the scaffolds
[57]. Nonetheless, for the success of the MSC transplant, the nature and the structure
of scaffolds onto which cells are seeded are very critical. In addition to being a three-
dimensional carrier for the cells, and a matrix with the correct shape for new tissue to
form within, scaffolds are crucial in determining the optimal microenvironment for
the cells to fully express their regenerative potential. A large collaborative project
of the seventh framework program (topic HEALTH-2009-1.4.2 on Regenerative
Bone defects using New biomedical Engineering approaches, REBORNE) [58]
explores these scientific and clinical fields. The main objective is to develop smart
scaffolds that stimulate bone tissue formation in combination with adult stem cells
for regenerating bone defects in orthopedic and maxillofacial surgery.
We have optimized the new scaffolds based on a micro-/macroporous concept of
MBCP, with a microstructure highly suitable for tissue engineering techniques and
showing improved osteogenic properties. In different animal models, a mixture of
MBCP granules and total bone marrow appeared to be the most efficient, amongst
all the materials tested for bone substitution in difficult circumstances like irradiated
areas and radionecrosis [59, 60].
The development of CaP ceramics for use in bone grafts involves a better
control of the process of biomaterials resorption and bone substitution. Bone graft
biomaterials are largely represented by CaP HA, TCP, and biphasic CaP, MBCP.
The concept based on biphasic CaP ceramics is achieved by an optimum balance
86 G. Daculsi et al.
of the more stable phase of HA and more soluble TCP. The material is soluble and
gradually dissolves in the body, leading to the formation of new bone as it releases
calcium and phosphate ions into the biological medium [5]. These bioceramics are
largely used for bone reconstruction and will be optimized for combination marrow
during surgery or for bone tissue engineering using stem cells. We have optimized
matrices in terms of their physicochemical and crystal properties, in order to
improve cell colonization and to increase the kinetics of bone ingrowth. The fast cell
colonization and resorption of the material are associated with the interconnected
macropore structure, which enhances the bone resorption substitution process. The
micropore content involves diffusion of biological fluids and suitable absorption
surfaces for circulating growth factors. A difference of only 10 % of the amount of
micropores into the CaP bioceramics improves the permeability and adsorption of
proteins of more than 40 %.
Our work developing smart scaffolds for tissue engineering [12, 41] was based on
the concept of MBCP technology. Interconnected Micro- and Macroporous Biphasic
CaP ceramic (MBCPC, CE mark, and FDA 510k, Biomatlante SA France) was
an improvement in the microporous and macroporous CaP bioceramic developed
20 years ago [5]. Briefly, CDA was associated to a mixture of selected particles
of porogen. After isostatic compaction, the block was sintered according to a
specific process of sublimation/calcination at low temperature. The low sintering
temperature has the advantage of preserving the high micropore content and smaller
crystal size, in addition to a higher sintering temperature. The bioceramics were
then characterized using X-rays, FTIR, X-ray microtomography, permeability,
Hg porosimetry, BET specific surface area, mechanical testing, and SEM. The
crystal structure at the nanoscale was observed and analyzed using high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy (hrTEM) and electronic diffraction (ED). The
granules of MBCPC have been tested in several preclinical studies in goats, rabbits,
and rats, with or without cell addition (total bone marrow, MSCs), in critical size
defects of femoral epiphysis and non-bony sites to test osteogenicity/osteoinductive
X-ray diffraction identified the HA and -TCP content despite the molecular
mixture in the single crystal (MBCP technology used the mechanical combination
HA and TCP crystals separately). The HA to TCP ratio was 20:80 (Fig. 4.3a, b).
No trace of other sources of CaP or foreign species could be observed by FTIR.
Using hrTEM of a single crystal of HA/TCP, we were unable to observe separate
crystals of HA or TCP. The single crystal observed was a molecular mixture
(nano-crystallographic domains) consisting of the biphasic compound (Fig. 4.4).
Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction had insufficient resolution to characterize the
precise HA or -TCP domains, but the two crystallographic parts were intimately
associated into single crystals.
The combination of chemistry and microstructure has also been studied by Yuan
[44]. The study confirmed the essential role of the microstructure, that the smaller
crystals displayed high microporosity, and that there was greater bone formation
when combined with MSCs. The data were obtained with TCP and BCP; the best
results related to the higher content of TCP. In this study, the pure TCP contained
510 % HA, corresponding to a BCP with a low HA ratio.
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 87
Fig. 4.3 MBCPC, Micro- and Macroporous Biphasic Calcium Phosphate. (a) XRD, (b) FTIR.
FTIR confirms high purity of HA and TCP without any carbonate
88 G. Daculsi et al.
The smart scaffold we developed for tissue engineering (MBCPC ) has the
following characteristics: the crystal size is 0.5 m and the SSA (specific surface
area) 6 m2 /g for MBCPC. The SSA difference in bioceramics (sintered CaP)
(Table 4.2) showed a large range, from less 1 to 6 m2 /g. This involved high
difference in the adsorption capacity of non-collagenic proteins, growth factors,
adhesion molecules, etc. For example, with SSA of 6 m2 /g, the adsorption capacity
was six times higher than SSA of 1 m2 /g, or >1,000 % comparing to SSA
<0.5 m2 /g.
The compression test result is 4 MPa. The porosity consists of 19.6 2.4 %
macropores (>100 m), 39.8 3.1 % mesopores (5100 m), and 40.6 3.2 %
micropores <5 m, for a total porosity of 73 %.
Numerous concavities on the granules increased the developed surface for
cell colonization and seem to support higher osteogenic cell differentiation and
spreading. The larger amount of newly formed bone appearing in the concavities
was demonstrated by human alveolar pocket filling after 4 months of implantation
(Fig. 4.5).
The advantage of a smart scaffold includes faster bone ingrowth into the
macropores and the concavities, as observed in short-term implantation of MBCPC,
relative to classical MBCP. However, after 12 weeks of implant in rabbit preclinical
models, no statistical difference was observed between the two implant types. The
rate of resorption was higher for MBCPC, 17 % versus 12 % at 6 weeks and 19 %
versus 17 % after 12 weeks (no significant difference). These properties can be
advantageous for tissue engineering scaffold technologies.
This higher permeability and absorption ability were mainly due to the dis-
tribution of pore size, particularly mesopores, with the high micropore content
representing around 40 % of the total porosity. After implantation, bone ingrowth
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 89
was observed at the expense of the bioceramic, and newly formed bone progres-
sively replaced the bioactive material, followed by Haversian bone remodeling [5].
In vitro 3D MSCs/BCP constructs were formed after a few days of culturing the
BCP particles and MSCs. In the proliferative medium, we measured higher BSP and
BMP-2 expression than the cells on TCP plates alone, demonstrating the importance
of the 3D scaffold for osteogenic expression [39].
The in vivo experiments indicated that the high cell colonization by osteogenic
cells is due to the interconnected and microporous structure associated with higher
solubility and 3D environment [61]. Moreover, a previous study comparing the
equivalent macro- and microstructures of different calcium phosphate bioceramics
(HA, TCP, or BCP 60/40 and BCP 20/80) showed that the best scaffold for tissue
engineering was a 20:80, thanks to the combination of stem cells cultivation and
expansion, followed by implantation in a non-bony site [62]. Osteogenic or osteoin-
ductive properties of CaP ceramics with an optimal micro- and macroporosity have
also been demonstrated without cell combination, after implantation in a non-bony
site (muscular area) [40, 41, 43]. Ripamonti has also postulated that the geometry of
the material (concavity) is a critical parameter in bone induction [42, 63]. The events
and the origin of these important osteoinductive properties are the dissolution of the
most soluble phase and the release of calcium and phosphate ions, followed by the
precipitation of biological apatite leading to concentration of local growth factors
[41]. The osteoprogenitor cells may in turn recognize the bone-like apatite layer
formed in vivo by dissolution-reprecipitation on the material, leading to production
of mineralized bone.
The kinetics of bone ingrowth by osteogenic cell differentiation needs to develop
inside the macropores. Without macropores and mesopores, these processes are
unable to occur within the implants. The association of dissolution at the crystal
level, the diffusion of the biological fluid into the micropores, and the resorption
by macrophages and osteoclastic cells of the materials at the surface and inside the
90 G. Daculsi et al.
CaP bioceramics have frequently been proposed for the adsorption of bioactive
factors and for drug delivery systems. A recent study by Smucker et al. [64] was
the first to demonstrate enhanced posterolateral spinal fusion rates in rabbits, using
a synthetic peptide (B2A2-K-NS) coated on to microporous granules of BCP, with a
60:40 HA to TCP ratio. Different concentrations of the peptide (a synthetic receptor-
targeted peptide that appears to amplify the biological response to rhBMP-2) were
tested. This study provided more evidence of mature/immature bone ingrowth
across the inter-transverse process spaces than the controls did. Microporous and
macroporous biphasic CaP granule bioceramics for peptide adsorption and local
delivery seem to be a good compromise for future associations of osteoconduc-
tive/osteogenic properties for such bioceramics and for the osteoinductive properties
of peptides and growth factors.
Antibiotics may also be candidates to be delivered by this technology. It is
common practice for surgeons to mix antibiotics with bone grafts when treating
infected bone defects or for preventing infection after surgery [65]. Local delivery
of antibiotics is both pharmacologically more effective and safer. If properly
formulated, bioactive cements have been shown to be an ideal carrier for local
delivery of antibiotics [66, 67]. New CPC has been specifically engineered to
have microporosity, macroporosity, and resorbability for optimal cell adhesion, cell
migration, and bone formation. Recently, the MCPC reported in this paper was
associated with delivery of gentamicin [68].
The gentamicin release profiles from the cement samples with different setting
times were quite similar. Both cement groups showed an initial burst of gentamicin
release in the first 24 h. After the initial burst, the release rate slowed significantly
and stayed relatively constant between day 7 and day 28 (the endpoint). The
amount and rate of the initial burst release were affected by the cement setting
time. The release of gentamicin from the cement allowed to set for 1 h showed
greater variation than the cement allowed to set for 24 h. Within the first 24 h,
approximately 72 % of the gentamicin was released from the cement with 1 h,
compared to the slower release of the gentamicin from the cement with a 24-h set
time (approximately 51 %). By 28 days, around 87 and 76 % of the gentamicin had
been released from the cements that had set for either 1 h or 24 h, respectively. The
gentamicin release rates from both the 1-h and 24-h set-time samples were almost
constant after day 7, averaging 59 g/day for the cement with a 1-h set time and
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 91
87 g/day for the 24-h set time. Therefore, in our release system, these constructs
are capable of releasing gentamicin concentrations of 12 and 17 g/ml on a daily
basis for the 1-h and 24-h set-time cement samples, respectively. This is more than
one order of magnitude greater than the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
for reference strains of S. aureus, which is in the range of 0.120.25 g/ml [69].
It was interesting to note that the cement without gentamicin showed a decrease
in ultimate compressive strength during setting, from 24 to 48 h in phosphate-
buffered saline at 37 C. The ultimate compressive strength dropped from 5.5 to
3.87 MPa indicating that the cement had dissolved. When the gentamicin was
present, the cement showed an increase in both the strength and modulus, when the
set time was extended from 24 to 48 h. It appeared that the addition of gentamicin
might have delayed the dissolution of the cement, while allowing it to continue to
set and thus further increase its mechanical strength.
Due to its unique preparation method and bioresorbability, the bioactive cement
employed in this study may be effective as both a bone graft substitute and a carrier
for the local delivery of antibiotics to prevent or treat infections. Ideal bioactive
cement will initially release a clinically effective amount of antibiotics, maintain a
steady release of a safe dose over an extended period, and retain no residual amount
of antibiotics at the end of the desired treatment time. As demonstrated in this study,
the MCPC bioactive cement released over 50 % of the loaded gentamicin per
cylinder, that is, 7.5 mg in the first 24 h. A steady release of a therapeutically
significant amount of 6090 g of gentamicin per day was maintained up to 28 days.
As the MCPC is engineered to bioresorb and quickly develops a macroporous
structure, the remaining amount of 24 mg of gentamicin per set-time sample is
expected to discharge completely as the bioactive cement resorbs. The MCPC
resorbable bone substitute has demonstrated its potential to be used as a carrier
for the local delivery of gentamicin. Future studies will expand the investigation to
evaluate the release profile and mechanical properties of this bioactive cement when
loaded with other antibiotics, such as tobramycin and vancomycin.
osteocytes had formed on or between the granules. The ectopic bone showed
trabeculae bridging the granules, restoring the bone architecture.
Although many groups have described induction of ectopic bone by biomaterials,
it remains a subject of controversy because the mechanisms are poorly understood.
In vivo studies have shown that materials should exhibit two features in order to
induce ectopic bone: (1) a microporous surface and (2) a macroporous structure.
Osteoinduction does not seem to be related to the chemistry of the material,
as various types of bioceramic compositions have demonstrated ectopic bone
formation. Osteoinduction by biomaterials also seems to be animal dependent and
has so far only been observed in the muscles of large animals such as dogs, baboons,
sheep, and goats. Several explanations have been proposed. First, CaP ceramics may
concentrate bone growth factors from body fluids, which then trigger stem cells to
form bone tissue. Second, the geometry of the material is a critical parameter in
bone induction, and third, osteoprogenitor cells might in turn recognize the bone-
like apatite layer formed in vivo by dissolution-reprecipitation on the material and
produce mineralized bone. Other studies have proposed that low oxygen tension
in the central region of the implants might provoke a dedifferentiation of pericytes
from blood microvessels into osteoblasts. Microparticles released from low sintered
ceramics might provoke a specific inflammatory reaction leading to osteogenesis,
or the circulating progenitor cells might differentiate into osteoblasts following
stimulation by the inflammatory cytokines released by macrophages. The process
might be similar to the healing of bone fractures, where debris and fragments of
bone are present. Nevertheless, the cascade of biological events leading to material
osteogenesis remains unclear.
In the future, this intriguing property will benefit synthetic bone substitutes.
Advanced CaP bioceramics with superior bone healing properties might replace
biological bone grafting from materials such as autologous or demineralized bone.
Much of the interest in the development and modification of the smart CaP
bioceramics is based on improving the osteoconduction or the initial mechanical
properties of bone substitutes. There is evidence to suggest that small-sized particles
that are released into the microenvironment after implantation and degradation
are then recognized as debris and promote an inflammatory reaction that recruits
phagocytic macrophages and induces potential bone breakdown, a phenomena that
can boost osteogenic cell differentiation [31]. Ongoing work is required to explore
the modulation of inflammation, the optimization of the initial mechanical property
for easy-to-use bioceramics, and expression of mechanotransduction, in order to
develop more clinically relevant applications for synthetic bone graft.
If the smart bioinstructive CaP scaffold technology led to a higher efficacy of CaP
scaffolds, it would allow further surgical applications in bone tissue regeneration.
The mechanical properties required for bone ingrowth and bone remodeling and
mechanotransduction must be explored to allow for development of new generation
scaffolds [70].
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics in Bone Regeneration 93
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Chapter 5
Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic
Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials
Akiyoshi Osaka
Abstract Among many calcium phosphates, apatitic ones are by far familiar
because of their lattice structure similar to bone apatites. Yet, if one wants an
apatite layer as a tool for improving tissue compatibility, regardless of hard or
soft tissues, stoichiometric apatite is not necessary but nonstoichiometric apatite,
e.g., with calcium ion deficiency or partial carbonate ion substitution, is preferable.
Such apatite is easily provided on the surface of several materials when they are
in contact with plasma; the materials include silicate glass and glass-ceramics and
organicinorganic hybrids with SiO or TiO bonds as their skeleton, as well as
some oxide gels derived via the sol-gel procedure. Moreover, proper water-soluble
glass with specific compositions will be converted to apatite agglomerates or to
rod- or needlelike apatite crystallites in array on their surface. The present chapter
reviews deposition of apatitic calcium phosphates on such materials under body
environment and their deposition mechanism in relation to constructing bone tissue
as a hybrid between collagen fibrils and apatite crystallites.
A. Osaka ()
Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University, Tsushima, Okayama-shi 700-8530, Japan
e-mail: a-osaka@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp
5.1 Introduction
log .HPO4 / = H2 PO4 2 D 7:19 C pH; (5.1a)
log .PO4 / = HPO4 3 D 12:03 C pH (5.1b)
Under a physiological medium with pH 7.2, like blood plasma, therefore, both
H2 PO4 and HPO4 2 are not only the stable and predominant species but also
present in a very similar content. The PO4 3 content is marginal if the dissociation
equilibrium should apply. Hydroxyapatite and its derivatives are precipitated via
nucleation and crystal growth processes. Permitting orthophosphate ions of a form
Hn PO4 3 (n: 02) to take part in the formation of stoichiometric HAp, Eq. 5.2
describes the overall precipitation reaction:
10Ca2C C 6Hn PO4 3n C 2OH ! Ca10 .PO4 /6 .OH/ C nHC (5.2)
When two HPO4 2 ions replace two PO4 3 ions at the b-sites (XO4 ), one vacant
Ca site is created due to the charge compensation principle. Unfortunately, powder
X-ray diffractometry cannot discern such substitution, but 31 P nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy could distinguish PO4 from HPO4 owing to their
different chemical shift values. The substitution of carbonate ions at either a-
or b-site introduces further complexity. The atomic ratio Ca/P is a measure of
the nonstoichiometry: it frequently happens that precipitated calcium phosphate
crystallites give a set of X-ray diffraction lines assignable to HAp, but the ratio
Ca/P is far below 1.67, even below the ratio (1.5) for TCP [2]. Appropriate
imperfection should stabilize the lattice owing to entropy effects and hence reduces
the solubility product Ksp. That is, when the imperfection is exceedingly high to
cause strains in the lattice, the lattice will be destabilized and the crystallite size
decreases to store the excess energy in a form of surface energy. Such smaller
size and large specific surface area favor to stimulate dissolution of the calcium
phosphates or the reverse reaction of Eq. 5.2. Dissolubility depends on the lattice
energy itself and the energy of hydration: the net free energy 4G D 4Hhyd (the sum
of the heat of hydration) C U (lattice energy). Since the calcium orthophosphate
family members, such as dicalcium phosphate (CaHPO4 ; anhydrous form: DCPA,
dihydrate: DCPD), octacalcium phosphate (Ca8 H2 (PO4 )6 5H2 O: OCP), tricalcium
phosphate (Ca3 (PO4 ); - and -TCP), and HAp, consist of the same ions, i.e., Ca2C
and PO4 3 or HPO4 2 , dissolubility is mostly a function of the lattice energy, while
the energy of hydration of the component ions primarily depends on the pH of the
medium. The solubility phase diagram given by Chow [3, 4] shows that HAp is least
soluble among those members in the whole pH range 4.413, in accordance with the
smallest value of Ksp (log Ksp D 116.8), followed by -TCP (log Ksp D 28.9).
Our blood plasma is supersaturated in calcium and orthophosphate ions with
respect to apatite precipitation. In other words, our blood contains calcium and
phosphate ions more than enough in concentration for apatite crystallization. Then,
may a question arise why not apatite should be precipitated in blood in our ordinary
life. At this moment, no clear explanation is provided: one can say that our blood
100 A. Osaka
Materials are classified into many groups in terms of specific properties. For
biomedical applications, physicochemical reactions such as apatite deposition,
biodegradation or in vivo resorption, or protein adsorption at the material surface
under the body environment are of vital importance as well as biological material
cell interactions. Apatite layer deposition is one of the most crucial reactions of
bone substitutes, partly because it assures them to form direct bonds to bone
tissues. They are sometimes denoted as being bioactive. Table 5.1 gives examples of
bioactive, inert, and resorbable materials. The materials classified as bioactive will
spontaneously deposit apatite on their surface when in contact with blood plasma or
implanted in bone tissues. Note here that the term bioactive is also used in a very
different meaning to represent literary biologically active, e.g., to stimulate tissue
regeneration, and hence, one should pay good attention on what the work really
The invention of Bioglass and its family by Hench [5, 6] in the last days of the
1960s was epoch making: they were the first man-made bioactive materials that
form a strong bond to living bone tissue. They are silicate glasses in a specific
composition region A in Fig. 5.1 in the system Na2 OCaOSiO2 with a small
portion of P2 O5 . Discussions on the mechanism of bone material bonding have
been originated from the analysis of the interactions between Bioglass and bone
tissues. Therefore, it is appropriate to describe some details about Bioglass family.
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 101
Table 5.1 Some examples of ceramic biomaterials classified by interactions with living tissues
Interactions Components, products Applications
Bioinert Oxides Al2 O3 , ZrO2 , Hip-bone cup, head
ZrO2 -toughened Al2 O3
Glass-ceramics/leucite, Tooth crown, staining,
Li2 Si2 O5 , F(Na, K)2 O layering
FNa2 OAl2 O3 SiO2 Filler: glass ionomer
Nonoxides Colloidal SiO2 , ZrO2 Filler: tooth cement
Pyrolytic carbon Heart valves
Bioactive Silicate glasses Bioglass and those with Ear ossicles, coatings
(Non-resorbable) similar compositions
Borosilicate 13-93B1, 13-93B2 Bone regeneration
glasses scaffolds
Silicate glass- Ceravital Bone substitutes,
ceramics defect filler
BIOVERIT Bone substitutes
A-W GC Bone substitutes
Sol-gel glasses Ca silicates Gene stimulating
Oxide gels Mesoporous SiO2 gel Vehicle: gene, proteins
(Nakanishis recipe)
Amino-modified SiO2 gel Bone graft, filler
particles Bone graft, filler
TiO2 gel layers Ti surface Ti surface
modification modification
Calcium Ca5 (PO4 )3 (OH) Bone defect and tooth
phosphate cavity filler
Degradable, Borate glass 1393 cotton candy Wound healing
resorbable Calcium Ca5 (PO4 )3 (OH) Bone defect and tooth
phosphate cavity filler
Ca3 (PO4 )2 Filler: tooth cement
The glasses in the region circled with a broken line inside of region A are so active
as to form bonding with soft tissues like the eardrum membrane. A glass with
an asterisk (?) in the center of region A which has a code name 45S5 consists
of 45SiO2 , 24.5CaO, 24.5Na2O, and 6P2 O5 (in mass %) and exhibits the highest
biological activity. It is frequently denoted as Bioglass without any notice. A layer of
carbonated apatite (hydroxy-carbonate apatite, HCA), as well as a silica-rich layer,
was found at the interface of a 45S5 implant and the bone tissue in which the glass
implant was embedded [5, 6]. Other glasses, glass-ceramics, or oxide gels listed in
Table 5.1 that are classified as bioactive deposit similar HCA layers on their surface
when implanted in bone tissues. Several review papers have been published.
To name a few, Hench et al. [7] presented several examples of ceramic materials
in clinical practices, including tooth crown application of inert glass-ceramics.
Cormack and Tilocca stressed the importance of analyzing the correlation between
the structure and biological activity of those active glasses and glass-ceramics [8].
102 A. Osaka
Fig. 5.1 The composition region (mass%) of Bioglass family in the system Na2 OCaOSiO2
that includes 6 mass% P2 O5 (Modified and redrawn based on Ref. [3]). The filled circle, CaSiO3 .
A, the region of Bioglass . The glasses inside the broken line bond to soft tissues. The asterisk,
45S5 (45SiO2 24.5CaO24.5Na2 O6.0P2 O5 (mass%)). B, the region of inert glasses, like window
glasses, for which no surface hydrolysis takes place under ordinary conditions. C, the region of
water-soluble glasses. D, the region of no glass formation
A sequence of reactions proceed one after another at the interface and lead to the
formation of apatite layers, as is widely accepted nowadays: (a) the surface of glass
or glass-ceramics is hydrolyzed to release calcium ions, (b) leaving a silica-rich
layer on the surface (Eq. 5.3a):
formation (Eq. 5.2). Thus, the calcium ions released from Bioglass as well as
hydroxyl ions contribute greatly to further increasing supersaturation or (d) trigger
the nucleation. Clark et al. [11] employed Auger electron spectroscopy to analyze
the surface reactions in the earlier stages, while Hayakawa et al. used 29 Si magic
angle spinning (MAS) NMR technique [12, 13] to confirm that recondensation of
those resulted SiOH back to SiOSi also takes place in the silica-rich layer. This
reverse reaction would rationalize the protective activity of the layer.
Several years after the introduction of Bioglass , another glass-ceramic bone
substitute family Ceravital was introduced in 1973 by Brmer, Pfeil, and Ks
[14]. Gross and his co-workers refined the composition to improve mechanical
strength [15]. A typical member in the Ceravital family contains smaller fractions
of Al2 O3 and Ta2 O5 , in addition to 38SiO2 , 13.5Ca3 (PO4 )2 , 31CaO, and 4Na2 O
as the primary components, while it contains 1 % TiO2 (in mass %) as the
crystallization initiator. It is capable of depositing an apatite layer at the material
bone interface. A decade later, another bone-bonding glass-ceramics, BIOVERIT
family [16, 17] and Cerabone A-W (A-W GC ), were commercialized from Jena
and Kyoto, respectively. A member of the BIOVERIT family, BIOVERIT II, is
derived from an aluminosilicate mother glass with an approximate composition of
45SiO2 , 30Al2 O3 , 12MgO, 9(Na C K)2 O, and 4F (in mass%). This mother glass
experiences phase separation into two glass phases on heating, followed by crystal-
lization to yield glass-ceramic that involves a mica phase (fluorophlogopite), which
has a spherically arranged lamellae (cabbage-like) microstructure with cordierite
precipitated between the mica platelets. Owing to this mica precipitation, the glass-
ceramics is machinable with ordinary metal tools, enabling on-site modification
during surgical procedure. It is common that the presence of Al or other oxides,
known as intermediate oxides in glass science, suppresses apatite-depositing ability
of glass, primarily because those metal oxides highly suppress the hydrolysis of
the glass surface. The Al species is present in the cordierite phase and AlPO4 in
BIOVERIT II and III, respectively. For this reason, the glass-ceramics are active
to deposit apatite when implanted.
It was almost the same time that Kokubo, Yamamuro, and their group members
fabricated Cerabone A-W or A-W GC [2, 18, 19] from a glass of the composition
46MgO45CaO34SiO216P2 O5 1CaF2 (mass%). Since surface crystallization,
or heterogeneous nucleation and crystal growth, takes place in the mother glass,
pulverization, heating, and sintering processes are inevitable to secure mechanical
strength appropriate for load-bearing bone substitutes, like those for vertebra and
iliac bones. Apatite and -wallastonite (-CaSiO3 ) are the precipitated phases in
the mass fractions 38 % and 34 %, respectively, dispersed in the glass matrix of
an approximate composition 17MgO24CaO59SiO2 (mass%). The name A-W is
after those phases. Figure 5.2 demonstrates the presence of an apatite layer at the
interface between A-W GC and the tibia of a rat after implantation for 8 days
[19]. A similar apatite layer was observed on pieces of A-W GC in an in vitro
experiment [2] where the samples were soaked in a simulated body fluid (SBF)
[5, 6].
104 A. Osaka
Fig. 5.2 A scanning electron micrograph of the interface between A-W GC and a bone tissue
(rat tibiae), indicating a newly deposited apatite layer (8 days after implant) (Reproduced from
Ref. [19] by permission of John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
SBF or Kokubos solution is an aqueous solution that contains the same inorganic
ions as blood plasma in similar concentrations, whose recipe has been chosen as a
result of extensive trials [5, 6]. Table 5.2 lists the concentrations of selected ions
in blood plasma (HBP) and SBF (std-SBF). The in vitro (in SBF) deposition of
a new apatite layer similar to that deposited in vivo is a strong piece of evidence
that SBF well reproduces the in vivo apatite deposition under in vitro conditions [5,
2022]. The recent worldwide round robin test confirmed this [23], even on Ca-free
mesoporous silica gel [21, 2426]. Yet, the interpretation of the material behavior in
SBF needs some care, as Kokubo and Takadama warned [20]. Note here that those
studies implicitly consider for the relevant single ions, or calcium, orthophosphate,
and hydroxyl ions, to deposit to the active sites one after another before nucleating.
At the end of the 1990s, Onuma and Ito reported [27] that SBF involves the Posner-
type [28] calcium phosphate clusters (Ca9 (PO4 )6 ), 0.71.0 nm in size. Betts and
Posner proposed such clusters with water molecules within the interstices in 1974,
when they conducted an X-ray radial distribution function analysis on amorphous
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 105
Table 5.2 The concentration of the ionsa , associated with apatite, in human blood
plasma (BP), ordinary simulated body fluid (std-SBF), and three modified ones: P-,
Ca-, and pH-SBF
Ca2C HCO3 HPO4 pH log IAPb Ind period
HBP 2.5 27:0 1.0 7.4 117.26 c
std-SBF 2.5 4:2 1.0 7.25 96.35 >14 dd
Ca-SBF 3.7 4:2 1.0 7.25 95.01 5.4 h
P-SBF 2.5 4:2 1.9 7.25 95.04 16.1 h
pH-SBF 2.5 4:2 1.0 7.42 95.02 58.6 h
The values of ion activity product (IAP; Eq. 5.5) and the induction period (Ind Period)
of apatite deposition on mesoporous silica gel of Nakanishi type [21, 24, 25] are also
See Kokubo and Takadama [20] and Cho et al. [21] for the other component ions
IAP derived from the measured concentration; the targeted log IAP was 95.0
No data
7 days after Cho et al. [21]
calcium phosphate and HAp, and a refined model was presented in 1975 by Posner
and Betts [28]. Onuma et al. proposed [29] that the cluster is the growth unit of
HAp because the HAp growth step is an integer times as large as the cluster size
(0.89 nm) and the incorporation of the units into the lattice is the rate-determining
step of the crystal growth. That is, the single relevant ions would not be attached on
the step and diffuses themselves to the growing sites. Onuma and Ito pointed out
that those clusters are present not only in an inorganic aqueous solution (2.5 mM
CaCl2 , 1 mM K2 HPO4 3H2 O, 140 mM NaCl; buffered at pH 7.4 with HCl and
tris(hydroxymethylaminomethane)), supersaturated with the ions relevant to apatite,
but also in solutions undersaturated with those relevant to octacalcium phosphate
or amorphous calcium phosphates [27]. Moreover, according to Hayakawa et al.
[12], the orthophosphate ions originally present in SBF turned into pyrophosphate
ones on the surface of inert glass or crystals. Thus, the atomic scale procedure of
apatite precipitation on material surfaces needs some more detailed studies before
any conclusive interpretation is elucidated. Yet, one can distinguish empirically the
materials that can or cannot deposit apatite under body conditions.
On the basis of those preceding extensive studies, the spontaneous apatite
deposition on a material now is a synonym to the bone-bonding ability. Yet, the
hydrated silica layer was sometimes unable to be observed when bioactive silicates
were in contact with plasma. This applies to A-W GC [2], from which, as
Kokubo et al. showed [22], an appreciable amount of Si(IV) was released into SBF.
Ohtsuki et al. [2] attributed the released Si(IV) to the species for stimulating apatite
deposition. If the amount of released S(IV) is an appreciable level, one cannot rule
out another possible interpretation: the apatite crystallites in A-W GC , got exposed
to SBF by the dissolution, are the direct nucleation sites for new precipitation of
apatite, as their transmission electron micrograph demonstrated [2].
106 A. Osaka
For polymer materials, hybridization and compositing are possible ways, in addition
to the coating of an intermediate layer like titania. Table 5.4 summarizes several
examples of attempts to vitalize inert substrates regarding apatite deposition.
Non-galvanic plating of metal on glass or polymers is a liquid phase deposition
(LPD) process. In the long history of LPD, the most famous one may be the
silver mirror reaction with Tollens reagent. In contrast, a group in Nippon Sheet
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 107
Table 5.4 A few examples of intermediate layers or pretreatments for apatite coating on inert
Substrates Intermediate layer Formation procedure Reference
Liquid phase deposition of apatite
Soda-lime glass SiO2 Liquid phase deposition [41, 42]
Quartz TiO2 LPD [43]
PE, PMMA, PET, TiO2 , ZrO2 , SiO2 LPD [4446]
PET, poly(ether Hydrated silica A-W GC granules/SBF [47]
PET, Nylon6 , Silane coupling agents C TiO2 Soaking in titania sol [48, 49]
PEEK, HDPE, (NaOH) Soaking in 1.5SBF [50]
PMMA (NaOH) or (NaOH C EtOH) Soaking in 2.38 mM Ca2C [51]
and 4.80 mM PO4
Chitin, (H3 PO4 C Ca(OH)2 ) Phosphorylation [52, 53]
chitin C chitosan
Carboncarbon Sodium silicate (water glass) Soaking in SBF/exchanged [54]
Direct coating of apatite nanocrystals
PET fabric (NaOH), MPTSc Soaking in HAp suspension [55]
Silk fabric MPTS C 2-methacryloxyethyl Soaking in HAp suspension [56]
Silk fabric 4-METAd Soaking in HAp suspension [57]
Silicone rubber PAA, -APTSe Soaking in APTS-modified [60]
(PDMS) HAp suspension
EVOH, ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer
PEEK, poly(ether ether ketone); HDPE, high-density polyethylene; UHMWPE, ultrahigh
molecular weight polyethylene
MPTS, 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane
4-META, poly(4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride)
PDMS, poly(dimethylsiloxane); PAA, poly(acrylic acid); -APS, -aminopropyltriethoxysilane
Glass Company, lead by Kawahara, proposed an elegant silica layer formation LPD
process [41, 42]. The principle of Kawaharas group is an anion (ligand) exchange
between an oxide and a fluoride under a fluoride ion scavenger, for example, boric
acid (Eqs. 5.4a and 5.4b):
Yao et al. [43] applied a similar LPD process to fabricate ZrO2 layer, while Deki
et al. fabricated titania layers by the use of TiF6 2 ions instead of SiF6 2 [41].
108 A. Osaka
Those oxide layers can be good intermediates for apatite deposition in SBF.
Actually, Ozawa et al. [45] conducted preliminary studies on deposition of titania
(anatase) on polymer substrates, such as polystyrene, poly(ethylene terephthalate)
(PET), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and poly(ethylene) (PE), via the same
LPD procedure with TiF6 2 as Deki et al. [43] and demonstrated that the anatase
layers were active to deposit apatite. Sato et al. [46] deposited double oxide layer on
PMMA and PE substrates: a mixed oxide layer of SiO2 C ZrO2 C TiO2 beneath the
top TiO2 layer. When soaked in SBF or 1.5SBF (a solution 1.5 times as concentrated
as SBF), the titania films deposited apatite within a couple of weeks.
Tanahashi et al. placed several polymer substrates on a bed of granular mother
glass of A-W GC , held in a container filled with SBF for a while, and then
moved into another container filled with 1.5 SBF [47]. With these processes, apatite
layers were deposited on the polymer substrates. Yet, the adhesive strength was
fair for PET and poly(ether sulfonate), but marginal for PMMA, PE, Nylon6, or
PTFE. A speculation was presented [47] that at the first process of soaking in SBF,
the silicate species from the mother glass should be redeposited on the substrate
surface to form nuclei, and, in the second treatment with 1.5 SBF, the nuclei grew
to form the apatite layers. In order to attain further increase in the bioactivity
of polymer materials, Balas et al. [48] followed Oyane et al. [49] and took a
two-step surface-modifying treatment on PET, ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer
(EVOH), and Nylon6. They modified the surface with silane coupling agents,
i.e., isocyanatopropyl triethoxysilane for PET and EVOH, and 3-glycidoxypropyl
trimethoxysilane for Nylon6, and then soaked in titania sol, derived from a mixture
of tetra2-propylorthotitanate, EtOH, HNO3 , and H2 O. Those surface-treated PET
and Nylon6 substrates deposited hemispherical aggregation of apatite crystallites
in SBF within 2 days, while EVOH took <7 days before the deposition. Though it
seems a crude way to improve biocompatibility of the skirt of an artificial cornea,
Pino et al. [50] treated candidate polymers, such as poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK),
high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene
(UHMWPE), with 15 M NaOH prior to soaking those polymer substrates in
1.5SBF for up to 18 days and then incubating in SBF for 315 days. Although
no X-ray diffraction profiles were given for any samples, based on the Raman
and IR spectra, the deposition of calcium phosphate was concluded. Choi et al.
conducted a similar experiment on biomimetic apatite deposition on PMMA [51].
They treated PMMA substrates with 0.110 M NaOH and mixture of EtOH and
NaOH at room temperature before they soaked the samples in their own saturated
solution containing 2.38 mM Ca2C and 4.80 mM PO4 ions. Regretfully, they did
not disclose the pH, the presence of other ionic species, or the stabilizing agent for
the solution, but they found calcium phosphate deposition on the substrates with
either treatment.
The above experiments utilize hydroxyl-related groups like SiOH or COOH to
capture calcium ions onto material surface. In contrast, Yokogawa et al. applied
phosphorylation of chitin fibrils [52]. Chitin fibers were phosphorylated using
urea and H3 PO4 and then soaked in saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at ambient
temperature, and a fraction of the grafted phosphoryl groups were hydrolyzed
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 109
to form POCa2C groups, with which bioactivity was provided to the fibrils.
Indeed, calcium phosphate was deposited on the surface within 12 h when they
were soaked in 1.5SBF. The same procedure was applied to chitinchitosan
fibrils [53].
Here, MPTS is covalently bonded to PET, while ionic interactions control the
bonding between the silanol groups of MPTS and the OH groups of HAp. They
found the polyester fabric adhered human umbilical vein endothelial cells in the
same amount as collagen-coated one, but in a shorter incubation period [54]. Silk
fibers are also good candidates for scaffolds since long, though they sometimes
cause inflammation. For suppressing such inflammation, Furuzono et al. employed
similar grafting of an intermediate layer of MPTS and 2-methacryloxyethyl iso-
cyanate for fabrication of silk fibroinHAp composites [55]. Korematsu used
4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-META) [56]. The silk fabric was
treated with 10 mM KOH to open up the anhydrous cyclic group on the grafting
4-META molecule into an active group that looks like phthalic acid. Here, the two
COOH groups were introduced to form a kind of chelate bond to HAp nanoparticle.
The surface-modified silk fabric well supported the proliferation of fibroblast cell
line cell L929. From a simply scientific viewpoint, silk fibroin is an interesting
object to study, because it significantly influences the morphology and polymorphic
state of calcium carbonate mineralization [57].
Nakamura et al. investigated the crystallographic orientation of HAp nanorods
laid on PET substrate to which poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) was grafted beforehand
[58]. They concluded that a prism plane of HAp with an index f1120g was
the contact plane, i.e., the graft surface was ionically interacted with calcium
ions on that surface of HAp. This suggests the importance of a periodic atomic
arrangement on the prism plane for the bonding between the HAp and the
carboxyl group of PAA graft molecules on the surface. For the fabrication of
110 A. Osaka
log IAP D 10 log a .Ca .II// C 6 log a .P .V// C 2 log a .OH / : (5.5)
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 111
Here a like a(Ca(II)) represents the chemical activity of each species described
in the parentheses. The ratio IAP/Ksp corresponds to the thermochemical driving
force (4G) of apatite crystallization (Eq. 5.6) with n as the sum of the involved
ions in mole: 18 for the present apatite deposition from Ca2C , PO4 3 , and OH .
If the nucleation and growth are simply a function of IAP as Eq. 5.5 describes,
the induction time should be the same for all those cases. In reality, it increases
in the order: Ca-SBF < P-SBF pH-SBF std-SBF. This might be reasonable,
because, according to Eq. 5.5, an infinitesimal increment of a(Ca(II)) would cause
five times as much effects as that of a(OH ). Moreover, the growth rate, in terms
of the increasing rate for the X-ray diffraction intensity, was highest for pH-SBF,
followed by Ca-SBF. In consequence, the calcium ions most favor the nucleation,
while the hydroxyl ions most stimulate the growth. It means that when one wants
to assess bone-bonding characteristics under in vitro experiments using SBF, or
to biomimetically coat a layer of apatite for surface property control, one should
take the highest care of the calcium ion concentration of SBF because the activity
of Ca(II), or concentration of Ca(II) as a first-order approximation, affects most
sensitively the apatite deposition. In addition, Gower and her co-workers proposed a
growth model involving polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) process [60, 61].
With such cluster growth models [2729, 60, 61], the discussion with the activity of
individual ions might be too simple.
Hydrated silica layers have shown a critical role, as mentioned above, on the
bioactivity or apatite formation on calcium silicate glasses and some inert materials.
How about silica gel via the sol-gel route as they inevitably hold many silanol
groups in the course of gelation? The silica gels from common systems consisting of
tetraalkoxysilane Si(OR)4 , water, and solvent together with acid or alkali catalysts
would never induce apatite nucleation in the Kokubos simulated body fluid (SBF).
Nakanishi was the first who fabricated a single oxide gel with proven bioactivity:
it was pure silica gel with mesopore and micropores inside [24, 25]. Therefore, it
is worthwhile to take a deeper look into the gels. Nakanishi elegantly employed
phase separation phenomenon to fabricate mesoporous silica gels [24]. The systems
112 A. Osaka
consist of Si(OR)4 (R D CH3 (TMOS) and C2 H5 (TEOS)); water as the solvent and
hydrolyzer; organic additives such as formamide, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and
poly(acrylic acid) (PAA); and nitric acid as the catalyst. As hydrolysis of SiOR
groups (Eq. 5.7a) and condensation polymerization of the resultant silanol groups
(SiOH) (Eq. 5.7b) proceed, silicate oligomers are produced, together with water
and ROH as the by-products that are involved into the solvent.
Here, and P stand for the volume fraction and degree of polymerization of
the separating phases 1 and 2, respectively. Parameter represents the interactions
between those phases and contributes either to destabilize or to stabilize the system.
The first two terms represent the entropy contribution and the third the enthalpy
one. Equation 5.8 indicates that the degree of polymerization of either phase
destabilizes the system. Thus, proper selection of the starting materials in the
precursor solution leads to appropriate phase morphology as well as the volume
fraction of the silicate phase. When the system is metastable, @G/@ 2 > 0, certain
level of density fluctuation is necessary prior to the separation, as a classic model
of nucleation and growth postulates, where the droplet-type separation takes place
to yield particle aggregates or gels with isolated pores. In contrast, when the system
becomes unstable on the polymerization, @G/@ 2 < 0, any small fluctuation in
density triggers the phase separation known as spinodal decomposition, leading to
entangled microstructures. As the rate of polymerization is highly dependent on the
temperature, and affinity among the atomic groups and molecular in the systems, as
well, the temperature control and the period of reaction are critical to obtain the gels
with desired microstructures.
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 113
Fig. 5.3 Scanning electron micrographs of mesoporous silica gel (fracture surface) derived from
Nakanishis recipe [21, 25] Si(OC2 H5 )4 H2 Opolyethyleneglycol under HNO3 catalysis. Calcined
at 400 and 1,000 C for 2 h. Bar, 10 m (Reproduced from Ref. [21] by permission of John Wiley
& Sons Ltd.)
The physiological pH conditions in SBF or blood plasma have greater effects on the
apatite deposition or coating as have been discussed in the above sections. Suppose,
as Fig. 5.4 schematically represents, that a piece of wet gel that contains calcium
ions and is sustainable against severe water corrosion is in contact with a phosphate
solution with pH 89. Since the gel network is rather open due to incomplete silica
condensation with water, the gel provides good ion diffusion paths in all direction
through which the calcium ions can migrate. The phosphate ions in the solution
(denoted as P(V) in Fig. 5.4) are free to migrate in any direction. As soon as the
gel gets contact with the phosphate solution, the calcium ions in the surface region
find fellow HPO4 2 and OH ions, idling in the vicinity of the interface, and hence,
those three instantly get together to form apatite crystallites. Soon after this apatite
formation procedure has started, the mobile or free Ca2C ions will be exhausted
because the rate of Ca2C consumption due to apatite formation is far greater than the
calcium ion diffusion rate through the gel surface region which is assumed stable. In
contrast, the concentration of the phosphate and OH ions would not change, except
at the very vicinity of the reaction zone, because they can migrate very fast in the
aqueous solution. This is the case of glassapatite conversion procedure that the
Missouri group (Rahaman, Day, and their co-workers) has reported [62, 63]. This
process is totally different from the previous classical HenchKokuboYamamuro
one [2, 5, 6] where the presence of the stable silica layer is prerequisite.
Being inspired by the glass conversion procedure, Li et al. applied this procedure
to apatite coating on silica gel macrospheres [64, 65]. Simple addition of Ca2C ions
into conventional silica gel systems like TEOSEtOHH2 O with HCl would not
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 115
Fig. 5.4 Schematic representation of ion concentration profiles for Ca2C in glass or gel body and
for HPO4 2 and OH in the phosphate solution. Apatite is formed at the interface (reaction zone)
of the material and solution. The arrows show the concentration gradient for each ion soon after the
formation reaction has started. The thick arrow for Ca2C denotes a greater driving force, along the
direction of the normal of the concentration profile that enables the preferred Ca diffusion into the
surface region. The concentration gradient is established because the rate of calcium ion diffusion
is much slower than the rate of Ca consumption due to apatite formation
yield an improvement in terms of the amount of the calcium ions held in the gel.
Basically, the calcium ions are electrostatically interacted with SiO and hydrated.
Thus, as gelation proceeds, Ca solubility in the gelling silica is reduced, that is,
syneresis takes place with the gelation reaction, and the calcium ions are to be
squeezed out of the silica body together with the solvent. Hence, it is very likely
that almost all calcium ions are absent in the gel body. Li et al. took water glass
solution whose pH was adjusted to 3 with HCl as the silica source, into which
sodium alginate was added. The mixture was then added dropwisely to calcium
chloride solution for the preparation of silica macrospheres. The calcium ions were
held as Ca-alginate chelate molecules, and those molecules kept the gel spherical.
The gel spheres were subsequently soaked in NH4 OH solution for neutralization,
before they were soaked in a 1:1 (volume) mixture of 0.1 M Na2 HPO4 and EtOH.
They expected the reactions at the interface.
Indeed, the X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the apatite deposition on their
surface. What was more, the mesopores in the original silica gel macrospheres
disappeared when they were soaked in the phosphate solution [64]. Their energy dis-
persion X-ray (EDX) analysis, presented in Fig. 5.5, showed rather homogeneous Ca
116 A. Osaka
Fig. 5.5 (a) A scanning electron micrograph shows the surface microstructure of HAp-coated
silica gel macrospheres. Flakey crystallites of HAp were observed. (b) Energy dispersion X-ray
(EDX) line analysis of the atoms for the fracture surface of the macrosphere. A few humps in the
profiles of Ca and P are observed at the surface region (030 m). Ca and P are homogeneously
distributed in the bulk region (<30 m)
and P distribution in the bulk region, while a couple of humps for the Ca and P pro-
files in the surface region indicated that rigorous HAp deposition took place there.
Stber-type silica gel microparticles may hold calcium ions owing to the alkaline
moiety of the system. Chen et al. established a Stber-type system TEOSEtOH
CaCl2 H2 O [66]. A 27 Si magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) analysis indicated [67] both Ca-free and Ca-containing silica gel particles
consisted only of Q4 , Q3 , and Q2 units, and their fractions were 70, 30, and 1
(mol, %), respectively, regardless of the Ca incorporation. Interestingly, the 27 Si CP
MAS NMR spectrum of the Casilica particles showed the greatly reduced signal
intensity (1/10) for those Qn units in comparison to the MAS spectrum while
the ratio Q4 /Q3 remained constant. This simply means that very few protons were
present near the Si nuclei, or one can say that the calcium ions pushed away the
protons. The bioactivity in terms of apatite deposition in SBF was moderate as the
particles gave weak but distinct apatite X-ray diffractions only after soaked in SBF
for 5 days or longer. It is natural that the weaker intensity can partly be ascribed
to the nano-sized particles: the absolute amount and volume of the apatite were too
Fig. 5.6 Scanning electron micrographs of silica microparticles (300400 nm) from the mixture
4.5TEOS-0.45APTS-280H2 O-440EtOH (mM). (a) As-prepared. (b) After soaked in Kokubos
simulated body fluid (SBF) for 7 days. Petallike entities are apatite crystals. One can see a part
of the silica microparticles (arrows) (Reproduced from Ref. [72] by permission of John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.)
shows the surface morphology of those silica microspheres, some of which are fused
together to form aggregates. When they soaked those silica particles from the system
TEOS-APTS in SBF, Chen et al. found deposition of petallike apatite crystallites
agglomerated in hemispheres on the particle surface [72].
Figure 5.6b shows the morphology of the apatite crystallites that cover the surface
of the silica microspheres. In consequence, active amino groups yield many OH
groups in SBF or surrounding medium to stimulate apatite deposition as far as
calcium and orthophosphate ions are available.
Bioglass family has given so great an impact to the bioceramic field that the
efforts of exploring new systems still continue. Several examples of glasses or
glass-ceramics are listed in Table 5.5 [37, 38, 74108]. Among those, Anderson
et al. pointed out that Al2 O3 was incorporated up to 1.5 mass%, without destroying
the bioactivity, in their glasses in the 6-component oxide system [74]. The surface
hydrolysis of 45S5 and other glasses is one of the key factors for achieving
bioactivity. Moritz et al. [77] used a CO2 laser to coat Ti implants with a thin
layer (3040 m) of their glasses, taking advantage of local heating ability of
laser irradiation in a line-scan mode. Zhang et al. reported antibacterial effects of
the species dissolved from Ag-free multicomponent bioactive glasses [85]. The
antibacterial glasses commonly involve Ag and Cu and sometimes Ce as the dopants
[85]. The ability of the dopant-free glasses comes from the increase in local pH and
a few ionic species dissolved from the glass granules or particles.
Hong et al. electrospun precursor sols containing poly(ethylene oxide) and a
surfactant and calcined the spun fibers to fabricate amorphous nanotubes with
thin walls consisting of nano-sized silicate glass particles [86]. Note here that
the bioactive glasses from the melt-quenching route contain about 50 mol% SiO2 ,
while those from the sol-gel route have rather greater fractions (60 % or more) of
SiO2 [8696]. Referring to a few examples of sol-gel-derived ternary glasses with
bioactivity [91] and the parameters of the sol-gel syntheses, Lei et al. examined the
effects of organic acids, such as citric, lactic, and acetic acids, instead of common
HCl, on the morphology and dispersion of the silicate glass of a composition,
60SiO2 , 36CaO, 4P2 O5 (in mol%), which was originally known as 58S [87]. Citric
and lactic acids yielded more regular-shaped microspheres with better dispersion
and smoother surfaces: those might be preferred in drug delivery applications.
Recently, Vaid and Murugavel reported the behaviors of the sol-gel-derived ternary
and quaternary NaCa silicate systems [94].
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 119
Table 5.5 Examples of exploring new biologically active or bone-bonding glass and glass-
Description Typical compositions References
CAl2 O3 , B2 O3 b 48SiO2 28Na2 O19CaO2P2 O5 1.5Al2 O3 [74]
1.5B2 O3 , etc. (mol %)
CB2 O3 , MgO, K2 O (<59)SiO2 (1430)(Na C K)R2 O [75, 76]
30(Mg C Ca)O (mol%)
Abo Akademi code 193 53SiO2 22CaO6Na2 O11K2 O6P2 O5 [77]
5MgO1B2 O3 (mass%)
45S5 typesc (942x)SiO2 xNa2 OxCaO6P2 O5; [78]
x D 25.519.5 mol%
45S5 C P2 O5 45S5 enriched with 012 mass % P2 O5 [79]
C MgO, K2 O 57SiO2 11Na2 O3K2 O15CaO9MgO [37, 38]
6P2 O5 , etc. (mass%)
CNa2 O, MgO 55SiO2 xNa2 O(45 x)MgO (depositing [80]
CMgO, tricalcium phosphate 3CaO P2 O5 SiO2 MgO [81]
CFe2 O3 ; hyperthermia (FeO, Fe2 O3 )-CaO-SiO2 glasses: magnetite, [82]
CMnO2 , Fe2 O3 ; hyperthermia CaOP2 O5 SiO2 MgOCaF2 MnO2 Fe2 O3 [83]
CZnO, Fe2 O3 ; hyperthermia x(ZnO, Fe2 O3 )(65 x)SiO2 20(CaO,P2 O5 ) [84]
15Na2 O
Antibacterial activityd 76SiO2 22CaO2P2 O5 , code S53P4, 45S5 [85]
Electrospinning, precursor sol 5P2 O5 , 25CaO, 70SiO2 [86]
Sol-gel: CaOSiO2 58S (60SiO2 36CaO4P2 O5 ) (mol%) [87, 88]
58S, acid (citric, acetic, lactic) catalysis on [89]
morphology and bioactivity
60S (60SiO2 35CaO5P2 O5 ) (mass%) [90]
70SiO2 , 30CaO (mol%) [91]
Sol-gel silicates [9294]
Sol-gel, CAg2 O AgBG (76 SiO2 19CaO2P2 O5 3Ag2 O) [95]
(Ag, Na)2 OCaO2SiO2 [96]
MgO, K2 O: glass to HA conversion: 53SiO2 6Na2 O12K2 O5MgO20CaO [9799]
code 1393, 1393B1,1393B3 4P2 O5 (mass %) and the derivatives
C(Na,K)2 O, B2 O3 ; code: D-Alk-3B 6Na2 O8K2 O8MgO [100]
22CaO54B2 O3 2P2 O5 (mol%)
Ca-pyrophosphate glass C TiO2 60CaO30P2 O5 3TiO2 7Na2 O (mol%) [101, 102]
F-containing glass Crystallization [103]
F (as NaF) containing glass Derivatives of 50CaO50SiO2 [104]
F(as CaF2 ) containing glasses (2838)SiO2 , (4.76.3)P2 O5 , (1950)CaO, [105, 106]
(0, 2230)Na2 O, (426)CaF2
F as CaF2 and SrF2 , SrO, ZnO (2944)SiO2 (35)P2 O5 (2030)(Ca,Sr)O [107]
(433)(Ca,Sr)F2 (1320)(Na,K)2 O
F (as CaF2 )-containing glass 46.2SiO2 24.3Na2 O(26.9x)CaO2.6P2 O5 [108]
xCaF2 (x D 015)
See also Table 5.3
C stands for some additive oxides other than SiO2 , Na2 O, CaO, or P2 O5
Bioglass 45S5: 45SiO2 24.5CaO24.5Na2 O6.0P2 O5 (mass%) [4, 5]
See also several references cited in this chapter
120 A. Osaka
The mother glass of Cerabone A-W involves F as CaF2 and is subjected to crys-
tallization or devitrification procedure before solid and pore-free bone substitutes
are produced. Calliano and Lopez conducted a similar study on crystallization
and sintering of F-containing lime silicophosphate glasses [103]. While F can be
involved in silicate glasses in two ways, the free ions (ionic F) are coordinated by the
corresponding modifier ions, and the other (covalent F) is covalently bonded to Si
and P (SiF or PF) [104, 109]. The former ones were predominant in the calcium
silicate glasses [104]. When F remains ionic in glass, the network connectivity is
determined only by the ratio CaO/SiO2 . That is, the connectivity is the same as that
for the F-free glass. In contrast, the formation of SiF bonds yields a degraded glass
network, comparing with the F-free glass. This may lead to better susceptibility of
hydrolysis when in contact with SBF or plasma. Moreover, the ionic F species, or
the free fluoride ions, will be incorporated in the apatite lattice to form fluorapatite,
which is chemically more stable than ordinary hydroxyapatite. An earlier work by
Bauer et al. reported that an increase in the F content in the glass promoted the CaF2
precipitation but suppressed the precipitation of apatite, in comparison to the F-
free glass [105]. Bauer et al. [110] suggested that the phosphate content determined
the CaF2 and CaCO3 (calcite) formations in the F-containing and F-free glasses,
respectively. Lynch et al., in contrast, reported a seemingly contradicting result that
a series of fluoride-containing glasses were so active to deposit apatite within 6 h.
In consequence, it is surely accepted that we have varied factors to control, such as
glass compositions (content of F, P2 O5 , SiO2 , CaO, or other components), the period
of soaking the samples in solution, sample size, surface area to solution volume
ratio, and solution itself (SBF or other buffer solution), to name a few. Therefore,
as Coccihi et al. postulated [108], multivariate data analysis is necessary when one
should elucidate reliable conclusions out of individual experiments.
silica spheres [113, 114], cobalt ferrite (core)apatite (shell), and magnetite
apatite composite nanoparticles [115, 116], while Maehara et al. [117] preferred
magnesium ferrite (MgFe2 O4 ) to the other ferrites of Cu, Fe (magnetite), Mn, Ni,
Sr, or Co. Incidentally, Mother Nature gives us bacterial magnetic particles (BMPs)
[118, 119], which are mostly 50100 nm in size and nowadays are considered for
gene therapy or other clinical treatments [120]. It is a key disadvantage in the
hyperthermia with magnetized materials that microwave can only penetrate into
shallow regions under the skin. In order to overcome this issue, some applicators like
antenna or needles have been employed to raise the temperature at deeper region,
but a good care is necessary for avoiding burning the skin.
In 2001, Xynos et al. reported that the ionic species dissolved from 45S5 Bioglass
should stimulate expression of the genes relevant to human osteoblasts [121]. Then,
a movement was emerged [88, 122, 123] to develop third-generation biomaterials
that should stimulate the body to heal itself, i.e., cell- and gene-activating materials,
in contrast to the previous generation materials that would simply be active only to
replace the damaged tissues, to fill up the defects, or to protect from the invasion
of cells or tissues harmful for swift recovery. A tendency is emerged to drive
researches to develop biodegradable materials from the molecular biology aspect.
The materials derived from the sol-gel procedure are advantageous in degradation
compared to those via the high-temperature processes such as melt-quenching,
sintering, and dead-calcining, since they commonly have many OH groups due
to incomplete calcination. Table 5.5 lists some examples of sol-gel-derived glasses.
Unfortunately, against expectations, the sol-gel amorphous materials, like 58S [87],
had not yielded statistically significant results in terms of osteoblastic marker gene
expression. Note here that although most people praise apparent homogeneity of
the sol-gel-derived amorphous materials, the truth is that the atomic distribution
in the sol-gel-derived bodies is heterogeneous as far as the multicomponent ones
are concerned. This would be justified by the consideration that on the derivation
of the sol-gel materials, the alkoxides and inorganic salts are different in the rate
of hydrolysis or condensation. In the classic sol-gel science, a few techniques for
homogeneous gels were attempted such as prehydrolysis of the components, use of
chelating agents, and application of ultrasound [124, 125].
Classic model of bioactivity is based on the principle that the material surface
should give a metastable hydrated gel layer to serve nucleation sites of apatite
122 A. Osaka
deposition [5, 6, 126]. As has been discussed in Sect. 5.2.2, the Missouri group
[63, 64, 123, 127, 128] has proposed a method to convert glass into apatite, i.e., to
obtain apatite hollow spheres and solid spheres, dependent on the glass composition,
at the expense of glass itself. When dissolvable glass containing calcium ions is
in contact with a phosphate solution of pH > 8, the chemical state of the glass
solution interface described in Fig. 5.4 will be established. At the beginning, the
hydrolysis proceeds at the glass surface to leave a stable hydrated gel. When the
surface layer is chemically unstable or dissolved, the calcium ions in the glass are
supplied almost freely and ready to precipitate apatite particles. The borate glass
derived by substituting B2 O3 for SiO2 in 45S5 glass is highly susceptible to the
dissolution attack by the alkaline medium, according to the process similar to that
described by Eqs. 5.3a and 5.3b, to form a less dense hydrated layer, in which
the calcium ions can migrate in all directions to meet the phosphate ones from the
solution. That is, calcium borate glass particles are fully converted to polycrystalline
hydroxyapatite with random orientation [64] while the borosilicate glass particles
are partially converted to yield apatite coreshell glass particles or hollow apatite
particles depending on the compositions [123, 127, 128].
In contrast, when a piece of flat calcium silicate glass with moderate dissolvability is
in contact with similar phosphate solution, the metastable hydrated layer is sustained
as the surface hydrolysis and dissolution of cations proceed. In this situation, the Ca
ion supply in the direction parallel to the surface is impractical, being different from
the particle case. As a result, established is the Ca2C ion concentration gradient
within the interface region of the glass, the normal of which is perpendicular to the
interface. If a large number of reaction sites are available to nucleate the crystallites,
the nuclei, earlier produced or comparatively larger ones, will have a freedom to
grow. Then nanometer-scale apatite rods will be formed in array perpendicular to
the mother glass surface. Indeed, Hayakawa et al. [129] found for a series of soda-
lime glasses with lower silica contents, xNa2 O(45x)CaO(54 or 55)SiO2 , x D 0,
10, 20 (mol%). Among a few glass compositions, a glass-coded G36 (containing
36 % CaO) yielded the most elegant self-assembled apatite nano-rod arrays that
grew with an alignment in the direction of the c-axis of the apatite lattice when it
was kept in contact with 0.01 M Na2 HPO4 at 80 C for 1 h. The degree of alignment
is as high as 0.85, in terms of the measure proposed by Lotgering [130], which was
almost equivalent to that of the dental enamel. They could not, unfortunately, detect
the hydrated silica layer at the glassapatite interface. Yet, longer soaking in the
phosphate solution fully converted the glass substrates to a block of apatite nano-
rod array. Interestingly, when soaked in SBF (Kokubos solution), glass G36 gave
hemispherical agglomerates of apatite crystallites for which the c-plane grew to
give the same petallike morphology as the conventional bioactive silicate glasses or
glass-ceramics [13, 1822].
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 123
In addition to the silicate, borate, and borosilicate glasses and glass-ceramics, some
phosphate glass-ceramics in the systems CaOP2 O5 TiO2 deposited apatite in SBF.
The commonly accepted glass formation region in the binary calcium phosphate
system [131] is rather narrow and limited in the vicinity of the metaphosphate com-
position (CaO/P2 O5 D1): 0.8 < CaO/P2 O5 <1.3. Kasuga and Abe expanded the
glass-forming region by the addition of Na2 O and TiO2 [132], while Kasuga et al.
[101] later prepared a glass of the pyrophosphate (2CaOP2 O5 ) composition with a
small amount of TiO2 , that is, 6CaO3P2 O5 TiO2 . Their glass is far outside of the
metaphosphate range, with a less glass-forming oxide P2 O5 content than the glass-
modifying oxide content, and it is an invert glass. Indeed, their 31 P NMR analysis
confirmed the involvement of pyrophosphate (Q1 ) and orthophosphate (Q0 ) ions as
constituents of glass of the composition 6CaO3P2 O5 TiO2 [102]. The glass gave
the NMR peaks at 2.5, 7.5, and 23.5 ppm for those Q0 , Q1 , and Q2 units,
respectively, together with an unassigned peak at 30 ppm [102]: this assignment
for Q2 is in fair accordance with that unit for calcium metaphosphate glass, given
by Brow et al. [133]. The peak for Q0 is in good agreement with that assigned by
Yang et al. for the orthophosphate ions (2.62.8 ppm) in calcium silicophosphate
glasses [134]. The invert glass particles deposited apatite in SBF within 20 days.
The concentration of Ca(II) and P(V) in SBF, as well as pH, after in contact with the
invert glass remained unchanged, whereas calcium metaphosphate glass released
greater amounts of Ca(II) by an order of magnitude, and the concentration of P(V)
kept increasing up to 80 mM, almost two orders of magnitude greater one within 6
days. An EDX analysis detected an intermediate thin layer (0.52 m) at the invert
glassapatite interface, involving Ca, P, and Ti. Kasuga et al. interpreted this layer as
being formed by the redeposition of once dissolved Ca(II) and P(V) and supposed
that the layer should provide the apatite nucleation sites [101, 102]. Although the
metaphosphate glass released a large amount of Ca(II) and P(V) into SBF, pH of
SBF was decreased from the original value of 7.4 to 6.20, or the acid range. This
might contribute to suppressing the apatite deposition.
Ca10 (PO4 )6 (O, F2 ) particles were precipitated in the resulted glass-ceramic together
with the Nasicon-type one [136]. Because of the water-insoluble oxyapatite, the
glass-ceramic showed high water resistivity around the neutral pH region. Their
F-containing glass-ceramic was different in inertness to deposit apatite in the
aqueous systems (plasma or SBF) from A-W GC , primarily because of the
stability of the F-oxyapatite phase. A bioactive glass-ceramic from mother glass
of the composition 60CaO30P2O5 3TiO2 7Na2 O [101, 102] is well machinable
with conventional steel tools [101]: Kasuga attributed the machinability to the
2CaOP2 O5 phase that was precipitated in a large amount [101].
In the course of discussing the apatite deposition on the silicate glasses and glass-
ceramics, the importance of hydrated silica layer has been emphasized [2, 5, 6, 123].
This stimulated the sol-gel synthesis of simple oxide gels, such as titania (TiO2 ),
zirconia (ZrO2 ), niobium oxide, and tantalum oxide, and examination of their
bioactivity in SBF. A key issue is the presence of metalOH (MOH) groups for the
sol-gel-derived hydrated oxide species to exhibit bioactivity: the physical chemistry
behind the activity is that the colloid or microparticles of oxide gels will be charged,
and the amount of the charge is determined by the pKa of each MOH (Eq. 5.11):
M OH C H2 O ! M O .aq/ C H3 OC (5.11)
M OH C H3 OC ! M O H2 C .aq/ C H2 O (5.12)
As a result, an electric double layer is formed around the particles. The series
of surface-chemical changes are the bases for the isoelectric point (IEP) or point of
zero charge (pzc) [137, 138]. Since IEP for TiO2 is around 6.9 [138], titania gels are
negatively charged in total under the body conditions (pH 7.2), which favors them
to attract calcium ions and then to form apatite. Tengvall and Lundstrm presented
a good review on such physicochemical aspects of titanium as a biomaterial [139].
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 125
Zirconia (ZrO2 ), niobium oxide, and tantalum oxide (Nb2 O5 , Ta2 O5 niobia and
tantala, though rarely called) are other examples of inert ceramics. Those gels are
found to actively deposit apatite under aqueous solutions. Uchida et al prepared
zirconia gels on silica glass slide with a dip coating process [140]. The precursor sol
was derived from Zr(OPrn )4 (Prn :1-propyl group) via the hydrolysis with HNO3
where the solution system was cooled with ice and water. They soaked the as-
dried samples not only in conventional SBF (original Kokubos solution) but also in
the solutions enriched with OH ions (higher pH), calcium ions, and phosphate
ions. It took 14 days for the gel films to exhibit the sign of apatite deposition
(X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy) in SBF but took 3 days in
the ion-enriched solutions. Moreover, a year later, Uchida et al. greatly improved
its bioactivity [141]: they calcined the same zirconia gel [140] at 600 and 800 C
for 10 min to transform into the mixture of tetragonal (t) and monoclinic (m)
phases. The resultant crystalline zirconia films deposited apatite in conventional
SBF within 3 days. They attributed this good activity to an epitaxial correlation
between hydroxyapatite lattice and the t- and m-zirconia.
A similar zirconia layer may be formed on the surface of metallic Zr if it is
properly corroded, and the layer is likely to deposit apatite in SBF. Uchida et al.
exposed Zr substrates to 1, 5, and 15 M NaOH solutions at 95 C for 24 h [142].
Each solution was equally corrosive enough to introduce amorphous layers, thin or
thick, but those specimens were inferior in inducing biomimetic apatite deposition:
they found that the treatment with 5 and 15 M NaOH was effective to the apatite
deposition. Yet, it took 28 days before the deposited apatite would cover most of
the specimen surface. They interpreted this weak activity as showing the presence
of small amount of Na on the treated surface: Uchida et al. [142] expected that the
surface layer should contain numerous ZrONa groups where the sodium ions are
loosely bonded due to the electrostatic interaction as the specimens are not calcined,
and hence the hydrolysis with SBF should give ZrOH and high pH in the vicinity,
both of which should facilitate apatite deposition.
all of those chemically treated ceramics deposited apatite within 7 days in SBF,
but the 5 M H3 PO4 was the most effective as the sample deposited within 3 days.
The scanning electron micrographs (SEM photos) indicate that the H3 PO4 -treated
sample gave the largest number of hemispherical aggregates of apatite, showing that
the treatment induced nucleation the most. On the basis of the stronger O1s peaks
in the X-ray photoelectron spectra of the chemically treated samples than those of
other samples, Uchida et al. [145] considered here that the ZrOH group on the
surface is the key for the bioactivity.
Niobium and tantalum oxide ceramics are inert in terms of apatite formation under
body conditions, too. Yet, their gels can be active, as we have seen for ZrO2 gel
mentioned above. Miyazaki et al. [146] prepared niobium oxide (Nb2 O5 ) gel via
the hydrolysis and condensation of Nb(OEt)4 (Et: ethyl group) in waterethanol
solution: the resultant as-dried gels were calcined at 6001,000 C for 30 min.
When soaked in SBF, the as-dried gel and gels calcined at 600 C (amorphous) and
800 C (orthorhombic Nb2 O5 was precipitated) exhibited in vitro bioactivity. One
might attribute the bioactivity to certain amount of NbOH groups remaining on
the surface. Niobium oxide gels might be introduced onto Nb metal substrate surface
with the treatment with 0.52.0 M NaOH at 60 C for 24 h and gentle rinsing. This
treatment was similar to that taken by Uchida et al. to in one way or another and
successfully provided metallic Zr specimen with apatite deposition ability [145].
The as-treated Nb substrates needed some sort of crystalline sodium niobates, and
it was unfortunate that the oxide layers were inert, regardless of the concentration
of the NaOH solution. On these bases, Miyazaki et al. speculated [146] that there
might be some specific structure in which the NbOH groups from the hydrolysis
of sodium niobates would be arranged, as well as specific porous microstructure for
the surface oxide layer.
Tantalum metal is a rare case in that it induces apatite deposition in vitro
though the induction time is 4 weeks. High expectation is that the activity will be
improved if the metal surface is covered with the hydrated tantalum oxide. Miyazaki
et al. [147] proved this: the induction time was shortened to 7 days when they
treated Ta metal substrates with 0.2 and 0.5 M NaOH at 60 C for 24 h to form a
hydrated sodium tantalite gel layer. Here, they considered that the TaOH groups as
an ion exchange product are yielded according to Eq. 5.15:
which is equivalent to Eq. 5.14 under pH 7.4. They play a key role for the apatite
nucleation, and the increase in the ion product for SBF by the released sodium
ions favors it, too. It seems more adequate to assume Eq. 5.14 and to consider
the resultant hydroxyl ions should stimulate the apatite formation. Miyazaki et al.
further attempted to confirm the significance of the TaONa on the tantalum oxide
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 127
gel layer by controlling the atomic ratio Na/Ta in sol-gel-derived sodium tantalite
gels [148]. The Na-free tantalum oxide gel was found to be bioactive, indicating that
the TaOH in the pure oxide gel should stimulate the heterogeneous crystallization
of apatite in SBF. Moreover, the increase in the ratio Na/K improved its bioactivity.
Thus, they concluded that the hydrolysis of the TaONa is one of the key reactions.
Following a preliminary in vivo study by Miyazaki et al. [148], Kato et al. [149]
conducted a detailed in vivo test: they prepared Ta metal plates with and without the
alkali (NaOH) and subsequent heating treatment and implanted them transcortically
into the proximal metaphyses of the bilateral rabbit tibiae, alkali- and heat-treated
plates for one limb and untreated plates for the contralateral limb. The Ta implants
without treatment showed almost no direct bond to bone even at 16 weeks after
implantation, even leading to encapsulation. The treated implants, on the contrary,
gave satisfactory results: they had a weaker bond to bone at 8 weeks, but the strength
was found improved at 16 weeks. Their histological examination exhibited direct
contact of bone tissue and the implant surface. It appears extraordinary that the
Ta implants without the treatment behave like an inert material, despite that it was
found active in vitro. Yet, it would be interpreted as showing that the tissue reactions
against the implants with weak activity are so speedy that the encapsulation takes
place before the implants demonstrate their true activity.
Li et al. prepared alumina gels from a commercially available alumina sol [150] and
examined its in vitro apatite deposition like the Nakanishi-type silica gel [25, 151]
as well as niobium and tantalum oxide gels [146149]. The result was totally
unsatisfactory: their -alumina, after calcination at 400 or 600 C for 2 h, would
not even adsorb the calcium and phosphate ions when soaked in SBF. Thus, the
calcined alumina gels remain still inert in terms of apatite formation.
glass of A-W GC , with distance 0.5 mm or less, and soaked in SBF held in a
polystyrene bottle. The background concept is that the calcium and some silicate
ions, dissolved from the mother glass, are transferred to the ceramic surface and
redeposited there to form a hydrated silicate layer, and that the layer stimulates the
apatite deposition [47].
In addition, Akashi and his colleagues developed a process of direct apatite
formation on inert materials [153], where a target specimen piece was soaked
alternatively in calcium and phosphate solutions. Takemoto et al. [154] applied
this coating process to Ce-TZP/Al2 O3 ceramics that Uchida et al. used previously
[145]: they first etched the ceramic surface with HF and heated at 1,300 C to
introduce micropores. Conducting alternate soaking for those specimens yielded
a sub-micrometer thick apatite layer. When they soaked this thin-layer coated
specimen in SBF, they had 4 m thick apatite layer on the surface. Their in vivo
test of those two samples using rabbits confirmed that both apatite pre-coatings were
similarly effective on the boneceramic bonding in a long term, although the thicker
layer secured the greater bonding strength until 4 weeks, but no difference in the
bonding strength was found in longer implantation. The most significant issue in the
coating of an inert substrate with any functional layer is the presence and behavior
of the interface between the layers: the intermediate layer results in two interfaces.
Thus, the adhesion between the ceramic substrate and the intermediate (silicate)
layer should be improved by the HF treatment before the biomimetic processes
that roughen the substrate surface to introduce micropores (expecting mechanical
or chemical improvement) [154].
Fluorhydroxyapatite can also be obtained via a sol-gel process onto zirconia
substrates. Kim et al. [155] slowly added calcium nitrate solution to solution con-
taining triethylorthophosphate (P(OEt)3 ; Et: ethyl group) and ammonium fluoride:
the resulted solution was kept stirred at room temperature for 72 h. The ratio Ca/P
and P/F was adjusted to be 1.67 and 4. Then, this precursor solution was spin-coated
on partially stabilized zirconia (3Y-TZ), dried, and heated to a temperature between
400 and 800 C for 1 h to form dense and uniform fluorapatite layers. Heating
to above 500 C drastically improved the apatiteceramic surface adhesion. At the
same time the treatment also decreases the release of calcium ions into physiological
saline solution (0.9 % NaCl) by 30 %. The fluorapatite layer proliferated MG63 cells
well, as comparably as to culture dish and HAp ceramic.
properties: enhanced tissue regeneration of bone [157] and soft tissue [158] or accel-
erated protein adsorption [159]. Then Nakamura et al. applied this polling treatment
onto yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ): 20 V/cm1 for 30 min at 200 C. The poled
specimens were further corroded with 5 M NaOH at 60 C for 3 h to induce ZrOH
groups on the surfaces and soaked in SBF [160]. They observed apatite deposition
on all specimens regardless of the polling, while the scanning electron micrographs
indicated that the ability of inducing apatite was larger in the order O-surface
N-surface < P-surface (O surface, only with the NaOH treatment, no polling).
The order was consistent with the OH content on the surface derived from the O1s
X-ray photoelectron spectra. They explained such tendency in terms of the oxygen
vacancies. The vacancies increased in number by the polling at the P-surface and
attracted hydroxide ions during the chemical treatment. Such polling was found
also effective to enhance bioactivity of 45S5 glass [161].
(NB: Ref. [162] was partly concerned with low-temperature-degradation or slow
crack growth of stabilized zirconia ceramics. Refer also to Sato et al., J. Mat. Sci.,
22, 882886 (1987) or Benzaid et al., Biomaterials, 29, 36363641 (2008)).
When Fujishima and Honda detected the electrochemical photolysis of water (water
splitting) or photocatalytic activity of titania ceramics in 1972 [162], titania was
suddenly in the spotlight for researchers working in the fields of solar energy,
photocatalysis (oxidation of organic substances), and so forth, as Roy et al. reviewed
[163]. Yoko et al. reported similar activity for their sol-gel-derived titania films
[164], prepared via the route similar to that taken by Dislich and Hussman [165].
Titania was produced in a variety of shapes and morphologies such as nano-
hollow fibrils [166], nanotube assemblies, or self-aligned nanopores [163]. Table 5.6
[167172] lists only a few examples of titania (anatase) sol preparation via the
alkoxide routes. Again, factors controlling the solution chemistry in the sol-gel route
include the source materials, solvent, catalyst, temperature, reactant concentrations,
and mixing ratio. In addition, the gelation environment can be modified by enclosing
the system under a confined space or by exposing the system to atmospheres
(open/closed) [174]. In the sol-gel reactions under a closed system, all of the
additives can remain in the gel, but under open conditions, some products or even
sources might be lost or the system absorbs humidity, and the resultant sols or gels
would exhibit properties which are different from expectations. Countless works
have been published, even nowadays, but this list mostly covers the wet-chemical
routes, except the hydrolysis of titanium halides.
130 A. Osaka
Table 5.6 Several examples of titania gels and titania on titanium alloys studied from the
biomedical viewpoints later than 1988: Sol-gel preparation of titania sols and films from titanium
alkoxides for non-biological purposes
Ti(OR)4 a Solvent Catalyst; pH Temperature Description References
Ti(OPri )4 a EtOH, H2 O HNO3 ;b 20 C; reflux 80 , Anc ; dipcoat [167]
EtOH, H2 O HNO3 ; pH 12 100 C; autoclave, An; spin coat [168]
36 h
EtOH, H2 O ; pH 12 ; 10 min ; cotton knit [169]
EtOH H2 O2 ; 75 C; 0120 h An; closedd ; NPc [170]
An; spin coat [171]
Ti(OBun )4 PrOH, H2 O HNO3 ; pH 2.5 Reflux 75 C, 24 An; dipcoat [172]
Ti(OEt)4 EtOH, H2 O HNO3 ; pH 13 5070 C; 124 h An sol; closed [173]
Pri isopropyl, Bun n-butyl, Et ethyl
, no explicit description available
An anatase, NP nanoparticles
Sol-gel reactions under a closed system
in vivo inorganic reactions under the in vitro conditions. Table 5.7 lists several
examples of the works on the titania for the bone-bonding ability. The titania
formation on metallic substrates via the routes (d) and (e) will be detailed in
Sect. 5.4.4.
In 1993, Li and de Groot conducted a pioneering study, in vitro and in vivo, on the
bioactivity of titania [175]. They derived titania sol from the hydrolysis of Ti(OPri )4
with HCl under the presence of ethylene glycol monoethylether. After dipcoating
the sol onto commercially available pure Ti (cpTi) substrates, they calcined the
films at 400600 C for 10 min. They found the calcined titania film deposit apatite
within 2 weeks. They also applied the same procedure as above to coat Ti6Al4V
implant pins with titania for an in vivo study to see if the gel layer should work
expectedly. They implanted the titania coated pins into the femurs of mature goats
for 12 weeks. An intermediate layer, composed of titania and calcium phosphate
(CaP), was yielded between the titania layer and bone tissue, with which the CaP
layer was directly and strongly bonded, that is, the push-out test broke the oxide
layer. Therefore the sol-gel titania layer was concluded to play the expected role.
Here, a wider intermediate layer was produced on the in vivo test piece than that on
the in vitro piece. An energy-dispersive X-ray analysis showed smooth changes of
the atomic concentration of Ti, Ca, and P in the implantbone interface zone. This
indicates that the CaP is formed within the titania layer [175]. Li et al. conducted a
detailed study on the in vitro apatite deposition, using the same titania gel coated on
cpTi substrates and calcined at 500 C for 10 min [176]. The titania layer yielded
apatite crystallite agglomerates within 3 days in SBF and was fully coated by a
dense apatite layer within 7 days.
In addition, Li et al. prepared titania-fragmented gel (xero) pieces where they
peptized commercially available titania sol with HCl and then evaporated the solvent
at 80 C out of the amorphous titania suspension. Then, they calcined those pieces
at 450 C for 2 h to obtain bulk titania [150]. Kumar et al. discussed the drying
process leading to titania gel membrane [177], while Grosso et al. reviewed the
evolution of self-assembled mesostructure due to evaporation [178]. Moreover, they
developed the same titania suspension on silica glass substrates by dipcoating and
calcined at 450 C for 10 min to yield titania films. Both titania products deposited
hemispherical agglomerates of apatite when soaked in SBF for 2 weeks. That is, they
were bioactive [150]. Figure 5.7 shows the surface microstructure after soaked in
SBF for 2 weeks. The hemispherical shape is common to the apatite agglomerates,
but the number density seems larger for the titania film on the silica glass than for
the bulk.
What causes those titania gels to become bioactive? In the calcium silicates
[2, 57, 10], the sudden increase in the calcium ion concentration of SBF in
the vicinity of the sample surface is one of the stimulating factors. Yet, this
132 A. Osaka
Table 5.7 Several examples of titania gels and titania on titanium alloys studied from the
biomedical viewpoints later than 1988: Titania sol films for tissue-bonding applications (AP:
apatite deposition)
Titania types (coating tech,
substrates, etc.) Significance of the studies References
Sol-gel layers and coatings
Peptized titania sol; bulk, film AP in SBFs [150]
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; 500 C, 10 min AP in SBF with cpTi; in vivo test with [175]
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; 500 C, 10 min; cpTi AP in SBF; local surface charges with [176]
affinity to Ca(II) or P(V)
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; cpTi, silica glass Pretreatment; substrate-gel bonding [179]
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; cpTi Albumin and fibrinogen in SBF with [180, 181]
retarded AP deposition
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; cpTi AP in SBF; additives, heating [184]
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; cpTi AP in SBF; aging [186]
(Ti, Si)O2 , TiO2 ; dipcoat; cpTi AP in SBF; AFM surface topography [185]
Ti(OPri )4 ; HNO3 , AcAcH, DEA; AP in SBF; An, An C Ru; topotaxy with [187]
dipcoat; SiO2 glass HApa
Ti(OPri )4 ; dipcoat; cpTi In vivo: subcutaneous implants; strong [188]
soft tissue attachment
Ti(OPri )4 ; ethylene glycol: dipcoat; cpTi An and Ru, Ap in 7 d/SBF; soft tissue [189]
Ti(OEt)4 ; dipcoat; cpTi AP in SBF; DDS: anti-osteoporosis drug [191]
Hydrolysis and condensation of titanium halides and sulfate
Acid hydrolysis TiF4 ; An on cpTi Ap <5 days/SBF; 300700 C [194]
Acid hydrolysis TiF4 ; An on Ti, NiTi, Ap <5 days/SBF; 300 C [195]
TiOSO4 /H2 O2 C hot water aging; cpTi Ap <1 day/SBF [196]
TiOSO4 ; H2 O2 ; cotton fibril An and Ru, Ap <1day [197]
TiOSO4 ; HCl Ru C trace An, Ap <1day [190]
TiCl4 ; cpTi, PTFE Ru; Ap <2 days on Ru layer on PTFE; [198]
no difference in An and Ru
Titania on Ti with chemical treatments
Okayama procedure: CHT
H2 O2 oxidation of Ti OH or O2 radical scavenging [125, 126]
H2 O2 ; cpTi; CTaCl5 AP in SBF [239, 241]
H2 O2 , cpTi tibia pin In vivo, shear and push-out force [242]
H2 O2 /HCl, NaOH, air oxidation; cpTi Comparing the treatments for in vitro [250]
8.8 M H2 O2 C 0.1 M HCl; 400600 C, Ap <3 days/SBF [246]
1h cpTi
30 mass% H2 O2 ; natural oxide layer free Ap 2 days/SBF; aging in H2 O at RT and [247]
cpTi 80 C
H2 O2 /Ta; Ti mesh on rectangular Ti64 In vivo (dog femoral implant) [243]
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 133
seems reasonable that the alkali treatment was greatly successful in providing Ti
and Ti alloys with apatite-forming ability, according to Kokubo et al. [143, 144], as
described in Sect. 5.4.5.
Addition of some physiological substances to SBF or other test solution may lead
to an improved evaluation of in vitro behavior of those oxide gels. In a preliminary
study, Areva and Lindn [180] pretreated cpTi substrates with 5 M NaOH at 60 C
for 24 h and heated at 600 C for 1 h, following Kokubo et al. [143, 144]. They
then soaked those substrates for up to 14 days in SBF with 1,000 ppm bovine serum
albumin (BSA) and fibrinogen (Fib) and examined the bioactivity. They found that
the BSA addition completely inhibited apatite deposition, while the addition of
Fib reduces the apatite deposition. Areva et al. [181] examined the effects of the
BSA and Fib addition on the apatite deposition onto the sol-gel-derived titania-
coating layer on cpTi substrates. They dipcoated the precursor sol from the system,
consisting of Ti(OPri )4 (Pri : 2-propyl group), HCl, ethanol, and H2 O, and then
calcined the substrates at 500 C for 10 min before soaking in SBF up to 14
days. The protein concentration in SBF was 1 mg/mL for BSA and 0.1 mg/mL
for Fib. Areva et al. found that both serum proteins retarded the apatite deposition
as evidenced by the X-ray diffraction and P(V) concentration of SBF. The results
regarding the BSA addition seemed contradicting: the NaOH-corroded cpTi found
inert in the BSA-added SBF. They did not touch upon the apparent discrepancy in
the behavior of the titania gels, derived from the NaOH corrosion and from the sol-
gel procedure. Yet, the situation seems similar to the different behaviors of tantalum
metal implants in vitro and in vivo [148, 149].
It seems reasonable that the behavior of titania depends on how it is derived
and in which solution or media it is examined. Actually, the presence of proteins
may affect in a few different ways the apatite deposition. Both BSA and Fib are
acid proteins and are negatively charged under the physiological pH. Thus, they
are electrostatically interacted with the calcium ions if they form nuclei with the
phosphate ions. That is, those proteins would not disturb Ca(II) to be captured at
the nucleating sites, but might have a good chance to decrease the rate of growth
of calcium phosphate phases. Approving a model that fibrinogen, though negatively
charged, would be interacted with TiOH groups at the subdomains with positive
charges [182, 183], one might interpret those results differently. Would the results
suggest that such titania layers should have similar depressing effects in vivo or
would they be limited to titania and not the case for silica layers? The implants
surely encounter those physiological substances when implanted, and they are
adsorbed on the surface. Would their in vitro results be pertinent to the behavior of
the implants in vivo? None has given definite and proper answers to those questions.
Peltola et al. [184] examined the effects of an additive (valeric acid) in the titania
sol from Ti(OPri )4 and a few pretreatment of cpTi substrates following Ptsi et al.
[179]. The highest ability was achieved by the titania layer derived from the sol
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 137
with the valeric acid addition and calcined 600 C, or the sol-gel coating from the
precursor sol without valeric acid, and calcined at 450550 C. Further, Jokinen
et al. pointed out the importance of roughness or topography of the (Si, Ti)O2 and
TiO2 gel films [185]. Peltola et al. [186] dipcoated cpTi substrates with the titania
sols from Ti(OPri )4 , different in both aging time and iteration of coating (five layers
in maximum), while all samples were heated at 500 C for 10 min. The aging time
was recorded before the top layer was coated. Apatite deposited in SBF first with
3-layer coating and 24 h aging, followed by 5-layer coatings, regardless of the aging
time. With atomic force microscopy analysis, they suggested that the topography of
the outermost surface was an important factor for the activity. They also pointed
out the importance of surface topography. Uchida et al. [187], in contrast, compared
the lattice structure of the titania gels, derived by the hydrolysis and condensation
of Ti(OPri )4 , under the presence of HNO3 (TiNO), acetyl acetone (TiAC), and
diethanolamine (TiDE). Both TiNO and TiAC consisted only of amorphous
titania on calcination at 300 C; when calcined at 500 C or above, the anatase was
precipitated. TiDE remained amorphous on calcination at 500 C and consisted of
amorphous titania and anatase at 600 C and of amorphous phase and rutile when
calcined at 700 and 800 C. The tendency of apatite formation was very similar
among TiDE (500 C), TiNO (500800 C), and TiAC (500800 C), while Ti
DE (700, 800 C) gave greater numbers of smaller agglomerates than the others.
Amorphous gels were inert, regardless of the additives. Uchida et al. suggested that
anatase is superior in stimulating apatite deposition because TiDE (500 C), Ti
NO (500800 C), and TiAC (500800 C) all involve anatase and an amorphous
phase. They attempted to interpret from the lattice matching (topotaxy) between the
anatase and apatite lattices. According to their calculation, the anataseapatite pair
has slightly better matching (1.0 and 1.4 %) for the 110 plane of anatase and 0001
plane of apatite than the rutileapatite pair (0.5 and 2.5 %) for rutile 101 plane and
the 0001 one of apatite.
on anatase and rutile layers [189]. The titania sol was prepared in the same way
as employed by Jokinen [164, 185] and dipcoated on cpTi discs. Calcination of
the discs gave anatase-coated implants, while CO2 laser treatment yielded rutile-
coated ones. However, histological analysis could not detect any difference in soft
tissue attachment between the two kinds of implants. No difference in the in vitro
bioactivity was observed either between the anatase- and rutile-coated specimens,
as found by Zhao et al. [190]: this result is inconsistent with Uchida et al. [187].
Recently, Harmankaya et al. coated mesoporous titania file on bone screw and
impregnated anti-osteoporosis drugs [191]. The titania sols, aforedescribed, are
equally applicable to drug carriers, but Liu et al. warned about toxic aspects of
titania nanoparticles (NPs) [192].
Titanyl sulfate also yielded titania layers on hydrolysis under acidic conditions
with HCl [190] or with H2 O2 [196]. With weaker corrosive activity, TiOSO4 is
superior for titania coating on chemically fragile substrates. Cotton fibrils were
coated with titania (anatase and rutile) in a dilute (30 mM) aqueous solution
of TiOSO4 and H2 O2 . The titania-cotton fibrils deposited apatite within 1 day
to yield cottontitaniaapatite composites when soaked in SBF [197]. Moreover,
Wu et al. demonstrated that the titania from the hydrolysis of TiCl4 can coat
poly(tetrafluorethylene) (PTFE) to provide with bioactivity [198].
Oxidation of metals proceeds in air under the ambient conditions. Titanium and
titanium alloys, like other heavy metals, experience passivation to form a chemically
stable oxide thin layer. Corrosion by oxidative acids such as HNO3 , H2 SO4 , and
H2 O2 or by caustic alkali hydroxides yields hydrated titania gel layers, as well as
anode oxidation in an electrochemical cell. When considering for implant applica-
tions, especially when the load-bearing implant ones are considered, any surface
modification of the implants should be avoided if it reduces the mechanical strength
causing too much corrosions with deeper roughness. This section introduces only
a few kinds of procedure: the NaOH treatment with subsequent heating (Kyoto
U procedure), H2 SO4 C HCl treatment (ChubuKyoto procedure), H2 O2 treatment
(Okayama U procedure), and GRAPE (GRoove and APatitE) treatment.
The group led by Kokubo and Nakamura at Kyoto University employed NaOH to
provide surface titania layer on titanium and titanium alloys. In previous works
carried out in 1996 and 1997, they tried NaOH and KOH aqueous solutions with
140 A. Osaka
into 3-dimensional lattice or grids with simple-tetragonal (st) and face-centered (fc)
arrangements and treated them with the A and H procedure [216]. The coverage
by apatite was greater for the fc arrangement than for the st one. When the alloy
plate specimens with different surface roughness were subjected to soaking in SBF
after the A and H treatment, the specimen with a proper roughness Ra 0.56 m
was found highly active in comparison to those with others. They concluded the
importance of surface topography and pore architecture for the in vitro bioactivity.
Another example of phenomenological examination on the surface roughness was
reported by Aparicio et al. [217]. They compared the effects of blasting with alumina
and with SiC before A and H treatment on the bioactivity: The alumina blasting
accelerated apatite nucleation but the SiC blasting inhibited it. Even if different
microroughness was introduced by the alumina and SiC blasting, the 5 M NaOH
treatment at 60 C for 24 h should level out the difference. Moreover, bombardments
by alumina and SiC particles would not always yield the same mechanical effects
on the metal surface, which may lead to different corrosive reactions by the NaOH
treatment. Aparicio et al. considered the importance of the concave parts caused by
the trace of the blasting. However, more experiments under much refined conditions
seemed necessary before any definite conclusions might be elucidated because too
many factors are hindered behind such mechanical treatments including sandpaper
roughening or mirror polishing.
Though the Kyoto U procedure has enjoyed great success in providing metallic
implant (Ti and a few titanium alloys) bone-bonding ability, somewhat different
opinions have been delivered these days. After Kizuki et al. [218], the ratio of
solution volume to the specimen surface area was a factor to control the bioactivity
of the substrates. That is, the optimum ratio was in the range 5 ml of 5 M NaOH
and 20 ml versus 1 1 0.1 cm3 sample. Their study indicated that the calcium
impurity in the NaOH source should be less than 1.5 ppm. They considered that
the impurity calcium became concentrated to reduce the amount of active NaTiO3 .
Admitting the apparent observation on the apatite deposition on the surface treated
with Ca < 1.5 ppm, it would contradict the fact that the CaCl2 treatment favors the
apatite deposition [210, 211].
Moreover, in a recent article [209], Pattanayak et al. stressed the importance
of positively charged surfaces to induce the apatite nucleation. The efficacy of the
Kyoto U procedure has been explained as the following: the titania layer first adsorbs
calcium ions and then phosphate and calcium ions leading to nucleation and growth
of apatite [203, 204]. A different way of explanation [209, 219, 220] is recently
proposed for the effects of the A and H treatment, that is, the hydrated titania layers
with many TiOH are positively charged, and the charges attract, in turn, phosphate
ions first, then calcium ions in the vicinity of the oxide layers. In addition, the
142 A. Osaka
600 C for 1 h. Zhao et al. subjected those treatments onto porous titanium scaffolds.
AA yielded greater apatite formation than AH. Yet, no histological difference was
found in osteoconductivity between the two apatite-coated implants with A and AH
pretreatments [224].
Many anode oxidation studies for bioactive surfaces were conducted. Table 5.8 lists
only a few [225232]. Electrodeposition is one of the direct apatite coatings. On the
anode, hydrated titania deposited
On the cathode water evolves hydrogen and hydroxyl groups (Eq. 5.20). If the
reactions went under calm conditions, calcium hydroxide should be precipitated on
the cathode (Eq. 5.21):
When a greater voltage was loaded, the hydrogen agitated the solution nearby
and the hydroxide would not deposit on the electrode. Most of them [227230]
employed one-cell system with two electrodes in an electrolyte solution, just like
that for simple electrolysis practiced in primary schools. Therefore, the actual anode
potential over the electrolyte solution or any reference redox electrode remained
uncertain. Moreover, they loaded high voltages between the working electrode (Ti
and alloys) and counter electrode (Pt), say around 100 V or more. For example,
Yang et al. [227] employed 90180 V and 0.53 M H2 SO4 , combined with the
heating at 600 C, 1 h, and found spark discharge at loads >105 V, regardless of
the electrolyte concentration. Yamamoto et al. [230] anodized cpTi at 65 to 100 V
under various electrolytes. Yang et al. showed [227] that anatase and rutile layers
from several combinations of voltage, heating (600 C, 1 h), and concentration of
the electrolyte (0.53 M) had good apatite deposition capability, and the 180 V
treatment yielded active rutile layer, though the layer of anatase from the 90 V
anodization was inert. The layer derived from the higher-voltage anodization was
three-dimensionally microporous, and such morphology was suggested necessary
for the bioactivity. Liang et al. [228] showed that the micropores in the rutile and
anatase layer derived from anodizing cpTi at 155 V in 1 M H2 SO4 penetrated
the oxide layer down to the interface between the substrate and the oxide. From
their in vivo test and histological analysis, the titania layer was as active as the
alkali-free oxide layer from the A and H treatment [143, 144, 204207]. They
found little bone ingrowth into the micropores or apatite-like layer formation only
on the oxide surface. Zhao et al. [229] applied 30 V electrolysis (1 M H2 SO4 )
to Ti6Al4V together with subsequent heating at 600 C for 1 h. The surface
rutile and anatase layer showed a three-dimensional microporous structure, whose
scanning electron micrographs seem very similar to those presented by Liang
et al. [228]. Zhao et al. [229] found that heating reduced the in vitro bioactivity
and attributed this reduction to a less number of TiOH on the surface oxide
layer. Since the high voltages result in highly roughened anode surface, Yamamoto
et al. [230] took note on the surface roughness of cpTi, introduced by several
combinations of electrolysis factors: the electrolyzing voltage (70 to 150 V),
electrolytes including inorganic and organic acids, inorganic salts like Na2 SO4
and NaHPO4 , their concentration, and pH of the solution. They obtained only
anatase layers on the cpTi substrates regardless of their electrolysis conditions.
Their in vivo tests indicated that the optimum amount of bone-tissue was given
by the layers with water-contact angle between 20 and 30 that were created
by the electrolysis in 0.1 M H2 SO4 and 0.1 M H3 PO4 at 100 V. The second
optimum amount was attained by the layers with the contact angle between 40
and 50 , derived from the electrolysis of 0.1 M NaOH and 0.1 M KOH at 80 V.
Iwai-Yoshida et al. also reported the advantage of anode oxidation of cpTi under
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 145
Fig. 5.8 Apatite deposition on Ti thin wire mat (50 m fibrils) when soaked in Kokubos SBF for
3 days. (a) Electrochemical treatment: 9.5 V, 1 h (anode); 2.0 V, 0.5 h (cathode). (b) Chemically
treated with 6 %H2 O2 /1 mM TaCl5 , 24 h, and subsequently heated at 400 C 1 h
Interactions of titanium and hydrogen peroxide had been long investigated before
Tengvall et al. [237, 238] presented the effects of titanium oxide to quenching
hydroxyl radicals from inflammation, and Walivaara et al. reported that the H2 O2 -
treated titanium adsorbed not only plasma proteins and anti-fibrinogen but also
calcium ions. Ohtsuki et al. [239] were inspired by those preceding works and
studied the in vitro behavior of H2 O2 -oxidized cpTi substrates. They found the
as-oxidized substrate with amorphous titania to be inert in terms of in vitro apatite
deposition in SBF. Yet, a couple of additives improved the activity, i.e., Ta(V)
and Sn(IV), in the order: SnCl2 < TaCl5 . Unpublished data reveals PbCl2 is the
most effective [240]. Wang et al. [241] indicated that heating to 200 C will cause
anatase to precipitate first, followed by rutile at higher temperature 400 C,
accompanying improved bioactivity: the scanning electron microscope observation
showed hemispherical agglomerations of apatite crystals scattered at a frequency of
1 particle in 13 m square after the sample was soaked in SBF for 12 h. Wang et al.
pointed out the importance of the similarity of the lattices of apatite and anatase to
explain the favoring effects of anatase, as Uchida et al. noticed this issue later [187]:
the lattice matching between pairs of [001]an and [010]an of anatase and [010]ap
and [001]ap, where the difference [001]an versus [010]ap is 1 % and [010]an versus
[001]ap is 9 %. Kaneko et al. [242] conducted an in vivo study where they implanted
the titanium bone pins, treated with the TaCl5 -doped H2 O2 solution, in rabbit tibia.
When they evaluated the bone pin bonding strength in terms of push-out stresses,
the H2 O2 /TaCl5 -treated bone pins showed superior bonding within 4 weeks, but
the increasing rate in the later period was the same as that for the pins without the
treatment, as just observed by Takemoto et al. [157] for zirconia ceramics. Kim
et al. [243] treated a Ti6Al4V implant with the TaCl5 -doped H2 O2 solution: here
the pieces have a quadratic prism shape with Ti-fiber mesh (0.2 mm in diameter)
layer on each side. They confirmed the superiority of the treated implant species,
in terms of bone ingrowth, to the implants without the treatment and attributed
to better osteoconductive properties of the treated species. This H2 O2 treatment
was applicable to fragile titanium samples like mesh or thin grids. Figure 5.8b
indicates the apatite microcrystallites deposited on the mesh fiber subjected to the
treatment. When compared with the crystallites induced by the anode oxidation
accompanied by calcium ion fixation [227], the chemical treatment yielded more
round crystallites, while the anode-oxidized fiber gave those with sharper edges.
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 147
Fig. 5.9 Biomimetically deposited apatite crystallites on the contact surface (a) within 2 months
in SBF, in a form of a volcano crater (b). No apatite on the open surface. Specimen, cpTi, heated
in air at 400 C for 1 h. Bar, 1 mm. (b) (Reproduced from Ref. [250] by permission of John Wiley
& Sons Ltd.)
In the course of examining the behavior of titanium substrates, Wang et al. noticed
that a sample air-oxidized after polishing and deposited apatite in SBF. A cpTi
square piece was placed on the upward concave bottom of a container filled with
conventional SBF, and the surface in contact with the bottom deposited apatite:
Fig. 5.9 demonstrates the crystallites form a shape like a volcano crater, though
it took two months or so, whereas the surface open to SBF showed no signs of
apatite deposition. Wang et al. [251] showed that the optimum heating temperature
was around 400500 C, and no apatite was deposited when heated to 800 C or
higher for 1 h. The fact that apatite deposited on the heated specimen within a
narrow area confined by the substrate suggests that thin grooves should yield similar
environment and deposit apatite in SBF. In a preliminary study, Sugino et al. [252]
machined microgrooves of 0.5 mm deep and 0.21 mm wide on a surface of a piece
of cpTi block and placed it upside down on the flat bottom of a container filled with
SBF, after heating at 400 C for 1 h.
148 A. Osaka
Indeed, they found apatite deposition, as expected, on the wall of the grooves.
The groove dimensions had an optimum range, after Sugino et al. [253, 254],
depth of 0.21 mm, and width 0.8 mm or narrower: those grooves deposited many
hemispherical agglomerates of apatite crystallites on every wall of the grooves. In
this regard, the technique deserves a name GRAPE technology, literally meaning:
GRoove and APatitE. Figure 5.10 shows one potential application of this technique
applied to hip-bone prostheses. The grooves are cut in a lattice with 0.5 mm in depth
and width, showing small dots, which are apatite crystallites. It is unfortunate that
this gap technology cannot be applied to Ti6Al4V, due to the poisonous activity
of dissolved Al(III) to depress the oxide ability. Note that, according to Shozui
et al. [255], UV irradiation on rutile layer on the cpTi specimen, mirror-polished and
heated in air to 500 and 700 C, provided the ability of in vitro apatite deposition:
the rutile layer due to heating to 500 C was found the most susceptible to UV
Moreover, if the TiOH is the key species as has been emphasized so far,
autoclaving should stimulate in vitro apatite deposition on the cpTi specimen heated
in air, and indeed it enhanced the ability as expected [256]. Thus, the combination
of the GRAPE technology with those additional treatments would provide better
bone implant fixation.
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 149
Fig. 5.11 A structure model of gelatinGPTMS hybrids. AAn stands for an amino acid residue.
After the amino acid analysis, lysine and histidine residues are the primary grafting sites
Fig. 5.12 MG63 cell culture for 6 days on chitosanGPTMS hybrid sheets, coded as ChGx. Only
a small addition of GPTMS drastically stimulates cell proliferation. Those with x > 5 are in a
confluent stage (Reprinted from Ref. [282], copyright 2009, with permission from Elsevier)
Fig. 5.13 Withdrawal reflex latency(s) is plotted as a function of the implantation period (weeks)
for the membranes, porous (pChG: freeze-dried) and non-porous (ChG: xerogel), and with and
without pre-impregnation of the nerve cells (CN1E-115). pChG was scarcely different from
pChG CN1E-115. The non-porous membrane gave worse effects [286]
5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 155
by Amado as a table. The shorter latency (time) means better recovery. Figure 5.13
compares four sets of experiments, different in pre-impregnation of the nerve cell,
or porosity. The group without any treatment naturally showed the slowest recovery.
Two porous membrane groups showed the fastest, but pre-impregnation of the cell
in the pores gave very little effects on the recovery from the injury. That is, the
porous microstructure was the key for the recovery.
The field of organicinorganic hybrids is one of the busiest with countless
numbers of publications, ideas, and materials popping up every day. It is therefore
perfectly impossible to introduce each and every one.
What are optimum ways for the atoms in the lattice to be arranged to induce
the nucleation? The atoms in upward concave parts have higher chemical energy
and tend to be dissolved, vice versa. Then, why many experiments suggest the
importance of surface roughness? In atomic scales under which those ions and
molecules are plying, cells are huge by several orders of magnitude. Detailed
considerations and models are required.
Acknowledgment The author is very grateful of all the works introduced here and should
apologize for not all work pertinent to this topic are described, as it is impossible.
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5 Self-Assembly and Nano-layering of Apatitic Calcium Phosphates in Biomaterials 169
treated tumor tissue effectively triggered antitumor immune response and markedly
inhibited the growth of rechallenged tumor cells (tumor recurrence model) in vivo.
6.1 Introduction
where I is the ionic activity product of the solution with respect to a CaP, Ks is
the solubility product of the CaP, and is number of ionic activity in the product
(e.g., D 5 and 9 for (Ca2C )3 (PO4 3 )2 and (Ca2C )5 (PO4 3 )3 (OH ), respectively).
Physiologically supersaturated CaP solutions such as body fluid, saliva, Kokubos
simulated body fluid (SBF), and Hanks solution are all supersaturated with respect
to Ap and octacalcium phosphate (OCP) and nearly saturated with respect to
amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) in the pH range of 7.37.4 at 25 C: for
example, the S values of SBF are 1219, 0.62.5, and 0.4 for Ap, OCP, and
ACP, respectively, at pH 7.4 and 25 C. Supersaturated CaP solutions contain
prenucleation CaP clusters under physiological pH condition [15], which accounts
for S being as high as 1219 with respect to Ap. Owing to such a high value of S, Ap
can be formed by both direct condensation of ions (classical route) and formation
of precursors such as cluster aggregates or ACP followed by transformation into Ap
(multistep route) [6].
Molecules present in a supersaturated CaP solution exhibit a variety of inter-
actions with CaP crystals, precursors, and/or clusters in the solution depending
on solution chemistry, pH, and temperature, which is yet to be fully understood.
A protein molecule, a CaP crystal, precursors of the CaP crystal, and clusters
can have a positive or a negative surface charge depending on solution chemistry
and pH. It is when the molecule and CaP have opposite electrical charges that
interaction can occur [7]. Thus, for example, the efficiency of coprecipitation of
basic proteins largely differs between different supersaturated CaP solutions [810].
Temperature is another factor that influences the efficiency of coprecipitation owing
to the temperature dependence of solubility and stability of CaPs [11]. Two different
mechanisms have been proposed for the process of coprecipitation: one is molecular
adsorption followed by crystal nucleation [1214], and the other is molecular
incorporation into ACP followed by amorphous-crystalline transformation [15].
The former is proposed by analogy with the fact that many noncollagenous acidic
matrix proteins in bone promote Ap formation when they are immobilized on a
substrate while they inhibit Ap formation when they are unimmobilized. Thus,
once molecules are adsorbed on precipitated CaP, the adsorbed molecules act as
the secondary nucleation sites of CaP crystals in a supersaturated CaP solution.
In the latter mechanism, molecules, calcium ions, phosphate ions, and clusters are
aggregated into an amorphous phase. As the molecule-containing ACP transforms
to a polycrystalline phase, the molecules are captured on the surface or interstices
of crystals. In both mechanisms, the final product is a nanocomposite of molecules
and CaPs where the molecules are dispersed in the tens-to-hundred-nanometer-scale
distances within the CaP matrix (Fig. 6.1) [12, 16].
Molecules thus immobilized so far include fibronectin [12], vitronectin [12],
albumin [17, 18], collagen [19], amelogenin [20], laminin [21], BMP-2 [22], FGF-2
[10, 15], antibiotics [23, 24], L-ascorbic acid phosphate magnesium salt n-hydrate
(AsMg) [2527], DNA [28], -amylase [29], and immunogenic molecules [30].
The molecule present in a supersaturated CaP solution controls the phase, size,
and crystallinity of CaP precipitated. Albumin facilitated Ap crystallization in a
174 X. Wang et al.
Fig. 6.1 Transmission immunoelectron microscopic photographs for an Ap layer (CP) and a
laminin-Ap composite layer (LCP). Black dots in LCP correspond to laminin molecules (Reprinted
from Oyane et al. [16], Copyright 2006, with permission from Elsevier)
supersaturated CaP solution where only OCP is formed in the absence of albumin
[17]. Proteins that have particular peptide motifs present in dentin matrix protein
1 facilitated the transformation of ACP into Ap [31]. However, many molecules
decrease the size and crystallinity of Ap or inhibit Ap crystallization [21, 24, 25, 32].
Supersaturated CaP solutions used for fabricating signal molecule-CaP com-
posites are classified into (1) physiological saline, (2) SBF-based CaP solu-
tions, (3) inhibitor-free CaP solutions, and (4) infusion fluid-based CaP solutions.
Examples of physiological saline include Hanks balanced salt solution, Dulbeccos
phosphate-buffered saline, and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) [14, 3335]. SBF
is a supersaturated CaP solution that has ion concentrations approximately equal to
those of human blood plasma. 1.5 times concentrated SBF is prepared at pH 7.25.
SBF with doubled Ca and P concentrations is prepared at pH 6.8 [36]. Bubbling
carbon dioxide gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa allows preparation of SBF concentrated
as high as seven times [37]. Once supply of carbon dioxide gas is stopped, the
gas is released out of the solution, leading to an increase in pH, thus increasing
supersaturation and enhancing formation of CaP [3739]. SBF and concentrated
SBF are used for fabricating signal molecule-CaP composites or base coating of
signal molecule-CaP composites [17, 40]. Physiological saline and SBF-based CaP
solutions contain not only calcium and phosphate ions but also magnesium and
carbonate ions that inhibit CaP formation. Removal of these inhibitor ions (inhibitor-
free CaP solutions) accelerates formation of signal molecule-CaP composites [17,
21, 28, 41]. Physiological saline, and SBF-based and inhibitor-free CaP solutions
contain organic buffering agents such as tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS)
and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) except for those
buffered with carbon dioxide gas. Besides buffering agents, these solutions do
not necessarily guarantee biological safety for clinical use, owing to possible
contamination by harmful impurities, microorganisms, viruses, and pyrogens.
Infusion fluid-based CaP solutions have the advantage of biological safety over
other classes of supersaturated CaP solutions. Infusion fluids are sterile, contain
only trace amounts of pyrogens, and are approved officially for clinical use of
6 Signal Molecule-Calcium Phosphate Composites: Novel Approaches. . . 175
Fig. 6.2 (a) Cumulative release of FGF-2 from FGF-2-Ap composite layers containing FGF-2 at
a low dose (FGF-L) and a high dose (FGF-H) in DMEM at 37 C (Reprinted from Tsurushima
et al. [50], Copyright 2010, with permission from Elsevier). (b) Decomposition of unimmobilized
FGF-2 in DMEM at 37 C
Tissue loss or failure is one of the most frequent, devastating, and costly problems
in human health care. Tissue engineering, which applies the principles of biology,
engineering, and materials science, has emerged as potential means of growing new
tissues and organs [5860]. Signal molecules that regulate a variety of cellular
processes, e.g., cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation, are
crucial for tissue engineering or regenerative medicine to regulate cellular functions
[58]. Immobilization of signal molecules with CaP on a substrate is a promising
process to achieve a sustained regulation activity of the signal molecules [43]. To
date, signal molecules have been integrated into CaP coatings for the purpose of
promoting bone regeneration and soft tissue regeneration.
Bone defects have been treated by surgery, using bone grafts such as autologous
bone, allografts, or synthetic bone graft materials [6163]. The major drawbacks of
autologous bone are their limited supply and surgical side effects. Allografts have
concerns related to host response and disease transmission and can be associated
with infection and inflammation [64, 65]. Synthetic bone graft materials, typically
CaPs, have no or clinically insufficient osteoinductive property. Tissue-engineered
bone and biomaterials loaded with signal molecules are important alternatives. As
one of the latter class, signal molecules such as BMP-2, FGF-2, ascorbate, collagen,
fibronectin, amelogenin, and poly(L-lysine) are coprecipitated with CaPs to be
immobilized on biomaterials to increase bone cell attachment, proliferation, and
tissue regeneration.
BMP-2, a protein that induces the formation of bone and cartilage, is widely
used for bone regeneration. BMP-2 in the BMP-2-CaP composite layers retains its
bioactivity, e.g., it stimulated ALP activity of rat bone marrow stromal cells when
the cells were seeded directly on these layers for 8 days [22, 44, 66, 67]. BMP-2-CaP
composite layers are highly biocompatible, osteoconductive, and osteoinductive,
and they promote ectopic bone formation [22, 44, 66, 67].
FGF-2 is one of several well-characterized growth factors; it is highly expressed
in developing tissues, stimulates vascular endothelial cell proliferation and neo-
vascularization, and regulates cell growth, differentiation, and migration [6870].
FGF-2 at an appropriate dose can promote bone regeneration. FGF-2-CaP compos-
ite layers promoted the proliferation of osteoblastic MC3T3 and MG63 cells [34,
50]. These enhanced bone formation at an optimized FGF-2 dose compared with
layers without FGF-2 in full-thickness skull defects in rats [50].
L -Ascorbic acid phosphate magnesium salt n-hydrate (AsMg)-Ap composite
layers markedly enhanced osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell proliferation and differ-
entiation in vitro [27]. Collagen-Ap composite layers obviously enhanced the
178 X. Wang et al.
Fig. 6.3 Pin-tract infection around percutaneously implanted uncoated Ti screws (upper left, Ti)
and those coated with Ap (Ap) and FGF-2-Ap composite layers (FGF-2-Ap). Infection rate for
Ti screws coated with FGF-2-Ap composite layers was 44 % (7/16), while that for uncoated and
Ap-coated Ti screws was 94 % (15/16), which is statistically significant (p < 0.01) [81]
and composite layers. The stainless steel coated with AsMg-Ap composite layers
enhanced the proliferation of fibroblastic NIH3T3 cells in vitro [26]. Titanium
or ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) coated with laminin-Ap composite
layers showed greater epithelial cell adhesion than that uncoated and coated
with Ap [21, 41]. The laminin-Ap composite layer is promising for preventing
bacterial invasion through the interface around percutaneous implants such as dental
implants, as adhesion of epithelial cells to surfaces of teeth or dental implants
prevents bacterial invasion [83, 84]. EVOH coated with laminin-Ap composite
layers had higher adhesion strength to the skin of rat than EVOH coated with Ap
when they were percutaneously implanted [85]. However, there was no significant
difference in epidermal downgrowth (which likely leads to bacterial infection
through the interfacial space) between EVOH coated with laminin-Ap composite
layers and EVOH coated with Ap.
Although FGF-2 is promising for treating brain infarction, intravenously admin-
istered FGF-2 has a short circulation half-life (0.53 min) and is sequestered rapidly
in several organs [86]. An FGF-2-Ap composite layer was applied to prevent
the progress of brain infarction in a rat cerebral ischemia model for progressive
cerebrovascular disorder, called moyamoya disease [55]. The treatment of moy-
amoya disease includes the introduction of blood vessels to the brain from the soft
tissue outside the skull through an opening or burr holes created in the skull. Burr
hole plugs coated with FGF-2-Ap composite layers were implanted in the animal
180 X. Wang et al.
model. The plugs coated with an FGF-2-Ap composite layer showed an improved
effectiveness of preventing the progress of brain infarction. The coated plugs yielded
significantly smaller areas of brain ischemia and better capillary density than
uncoated plugs and uncoated pugs plus direct FGF-2 administration [55].
Fig. 6.4 Conventional (left, particle-mediated) and new (right, surface-mediated) CaP-based gene
delivery systems (Reprinted from Oyane et al. [95], Copyright 2012, with permission from
+ Fibronectin
D-CaP layer DF-CaP layer
Fig. 6.5 Gene delivery efficiency of the D-CaP and DF-CaP layers for the CHO-K1 cells (upper)
[102], and schematic of the cell-layer interface (lower) [32]
The gene delivery efficiency of the DLp-CaP layer is largely dependent on the
molecular structure of lipids and the lipoplex content of the layer. The DLp-
CaP layer fabricated under optimized conditions showed approximately 4 and 1
orders of magnitude higher gene delivery efficiency than the D-CaP and DF-CaP
layers, respectively. Furthermore, the gene delivery efficiency achieved with the
DLp-CaP layer was 23 orders of magnitude higher than that achieved with a
conventional particle-mediated system using commercial lipid transfection reagents
in the presence of serum. Given these results, the gene delivery system using the
DLp-CaP layer is highly efficient as a nonviral system and has potential in tissue
engineering applications.
Fig. 6.7 SEM images of the surfaces of (a) a D-CaP layer of continuous film prepared in a
metastable supersaturated CaP solution where the CaP is crystalline Ap and (b) a D-CaP layer
of sphere assembly prepared in a labile supersaturated CaP solution where the CaP is ACP
(Reproduced from Oyane et al. [107] by permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry)
40, 52, 101103, 106]. These factors have an effect on gene delivery efficiency
most likely by affecting the content of the DNA and supplemental macromolecules
of the composite layer, macro- and crystal structures of the CaP phase, the profile
of release of the DNA complexes, and/or physicochemical properties (e.g., particle
size, surface charge, and dissolution kinetics) of the DNA complexes released from
the layer [95]. For example, a higher laminin concentration of the supersaturated
CaP solution leads to a higher laminin content of the DL-CaP layer, thereby
increasing the layers gene delivery efficiency [32, 101]. Similar correlations
were also found between gene delivery efficiency and the contents of fibronectin
[102], lipid [104], and DNA [32] of the composite layer. Immersion period in
a supersaturated CaP solution (incubation time for coprecipitation) is another
controlling factor affecting the gene delivery efficiency of the composite layer [40].
In fact, the gene delivery efficiency of the DLp-CaP layer decreased with increasing
immersion period owing to the conformational change of DNA molecules: half
of the supercoiled DNA changed into the nicked circular form within 48 h [40].
Macro- and crystal structures of the CaP phase is also a controlling factor affecting
the gene delivery efficiency of the composite layer [107]. The D-CaP layer of
sphere assembly (Fig. 6.7b) prepared in a labile supersaturated CaP solution showed
higher gene transfer efficiency than D-CaP and DF-CaP layers of continuous films
(Fig. 6.7a) fabricated via heterogeneous nucleation in a metastable supersaturated
CaP solution [107].
The timing of gene delivery on the CaP composite layers can also be controlled
depending on the coprecipitation conditions. The addition of sodium fluoride to
a supersaturated CaP solution leads to the incorporation of fluoride ions into
the DF-CaP layer via ionic substitution in the Ap crystal lattice [108]. Fluoride
ions are present in trace amounts in Ap of bone tissue, and they decrease the
solubility and dissolution rate of Ap. Therefore, the incorporated fluoride ions retard
the dissolution of the DF-CaP layer and, consequently, delay the timing of gene
expression in the cells cultured on the layer in a dose-dependent manner [108].
Such a timing-controlled gene delivery system using CaP composite layers would
be useful for the effective induction of cell differentiation.
The CaP composite layers allow area-specific gene delivery on their surfaces,
owing to gene delivery localized within the area of the layer. It was demonstrated
that the gene expression level in the cells cultured on the DF-CaP layer was 45-
fold higher than that in the cells cultured on a culture plate outside the layer,
although the cells were cultured in the same medium in the same well, and the
distance between them was only a few millimeters [102]. This result indicates that
DNA was preferentially delivered to the cells adhering to the DF-CaP layer. Similar
result was also obtained for a DLp-CaP layer [104]. Normally, it is difficult for
conventional particulate vectors/transfection reagents to confine the area of gene
delivery owing to their diffusion in the medium or in the body fluid. In contrast,
the area of gene delivery can be confined to a specific location of a scaffold that is
coated with a CaP composite layer as described above. Hence, a surface-mediated
gene delivery system using CaP composite layers is advantageous over conventional
particle-mediated systems in terms of the spatial control of gene delivery.
186 X. Wang et al.
Gene delivery systems using CaP composite layers are effective in enhancing cell
differentiation and tissue regeneration in vitro and in vivo. The DL-CaP layer
with DNA carrying the gene of the nerve growth factor (NGF) induced neuronlike
differentiation of neuronal PC12 cells in vitro [32]. The neuronlike differentiation
was triggered by NGF secreted by the NGF-gene-transfected PC12 cells. DF-
CaP and DLp-CaP layers with DNA carrying the BMP-2 gene were applied to
bone tissue engineering [109111]. In an in vitro study, the DF-CaP layer induced
a twofold higher ALP activity and thus enhanced osteogenic differentiation of
osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells than the CaP and D-CaP layers [109]. In a rat
cranial bone defect model, the DF-CaP layer increased the BMP-2 content in
the surrounding tissue to 107 pg/mg (the CaP layer, 58 pg/mg; the D-CaP layer,
46 pg/mg), thereby demonstrating the evidence of in vivo direct gene transfer. As a
result, osteogenic differentiation and bone regeneration (at 8 weeks) were enhanced
at the bone defect site (Figs. 6.8 and 6.9) [109]. Histological examination suggested
good tissue compatibility with the CaP, D-CaP, and DF-CaP layers [109]. Moreover,
even in an ectopic site (the dorsal subcutaneous tissue of rat), the DF-CaP layer
induced a 49-fold increase in BMP-2 gene expression level and a fourfold increase
in ALP gene expression level (at 4 weeks) compared with the CaP layer [111]. It
is indicated that scaffolds coated with CaP composite layers loaded with DNA can
be used for a variety of target cells and tissues by appropriately selecting genes
according to the intended purpose.
The potential advantages of gene delivery over protein delivery in tissue regen-
eration include a higher stability of the DNA complexes and a longer sustainability
of effectiveness associated with gene delivery. Many cytokines and growth factors
are chemically unstable and have fragile molecular configurations, which lead to the
decomposition or loss of full bioactivity in a short period in manufacturing processes
and even in the body. Therefore, protein delivery systems often require high protein
doses that range from micrograms to milligrams [112]. The delivery of the plasmid
6 Signal Molecule-Calcium Phosphate Composites: Novel Approaches. . . 187
Fig. 6.8 Bone formation around burr hole plugs coated with the CaP (a), D-CaP (b), and DF-CaP
(c) layers 8 weeks after the implantation in a rat cranial bone defect model (Reprinted from Zhang
et al. [109], Copyright 2011 Zhang, W., Tsurushima, H., Oyane, A., Yazaki, Y., Sogo, Y., Ito, A.,
et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.)
carrying the gene of a therapeutic protein rather than the protein itself might be
an alternative and probably more effective approach. This is because plasmids are
more economical than proteins to manufacture; moreover, they are more chemically
stable when in complex with suitable transfection reagents compared with many
therapeutic proteins. In nonviral gene delivery systems, the transfected cells serve
as local bioreactors, express the exogenous genes, and continue to secrete the
fresh recombinant proteins for a certain period in a paracrine/autocrine manner
[113]. Such an in situ protein secretion by the autologous cells would prolong
the therapeutic effect on the specific target. Note that proteins exhibit therapeutic
activity immediately after they are delivered to the local site, whereas genes are
not effective unless they are delivered into the cell nuclei and translated to their
therapeutic protein products that are then finally secreted by the cell. In this respect,
a safe and efficient system of delivery of genes to the intended cells at an intended
location is of vital importance in medical applications. The gene delivery systems
using CaP composite layers with the advantages of the safety of CaPs as well as
controllable area, timing, affinity for cells, and delivery efficiency would be useful
for achieving such gene delivery.
188 X. Wang et al.
300 2
0 0
(A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C)
Fig. 6.9 Histomorphometric analysis for the bone and marker expression for the tissue around
burr hole plugs coated with the CaP (A), D-CaP (B), and DF-CaP (C) layers 8 weeks after the
implantation (Reprinted from Zhang et al. [109], Copyright 2011 Zhang, W., Tsurushima, H.,
Oyane, A., Yazaki, Y., Sogo, Y., Ito, A., et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.)
Fig. 6.10 Tumor (A) in the mouse is surgically removed (B). The tumor is killed in liquid nitrogen
and mixed with the MS-PAMP-CaP adjuvant or commercial alum-PAMP adjuvant (C). Since killed
tumor tissue contains plenty of autologous tumor antigens, the mixture now becomes individual-
mouse-specific autologous cancer vaccine. Then, this mixture is injected to the mouse (D). The
mouse without tumor recurrence at the original tumor site is subjected to inoculation of alive
tumor cells (rechallenge) on the other side as a tumor recurrence model (E). If antitumor immunity
is established owing to the tumor antigen and MS-PAMP-CaP adjuvant, no tumor grows or
tumor growth is delayed (F). The mice in MS-PAMP-CaP adjuvant group showed significantly
delayed tumor growth after rechallenge of the alive tumor cells (p D 0.045) compared with the
commercial alum-PAMP adjuvant group (G) (Reprinted from Wang et al. [57], Copyright 2013,
with permission from Elsevier)
Signal molecules are used to inhibit platelet adhesion, thus improving thrombore-
sistance. Laminin-Ap composite layers coated on Ti plates exhibited significantly
decreased platelet adhesion under blood flow condition compared with mirror
polished uncoated Ti [18]. The laminin-Ap composite layers can be used to inhibit
the thrombogenesis of blood-contacting medical devices. Laminin-Ap composite
layers showed a lower surface roughness than Ap layers without laminin [45], which
is favorable for inhibiting thrombogenesis. A decrease in the complexity of the
surface microtexture decreases platelet adhesion [41, 128, 129].
A layer of vascular endothelial cells on the blood-contacting surface would
provide an excellent antithrombogenic effect on the blood-contacting surface [130],
as the endothelium is the physiological and most hemocompatible blood-contacting
6 Signal Molecule-Calcium Phosphate Composites: Novel Approaches. . . 191
surface. The major limitation in forming a stable vascular endothelial cell layer has
been a shortage of an extracellular matrix suitable for vascular endothelial adhesion,
growth, and function [131, 132]. The laminin/FGF-2-Ap-composite-layer-based
extracellular matrix can control vascular endothelial cell adhesion, growth, and
retention and is thus expected to show an improved antithrombogenic effect [133,
134]. Laminin-Ap composite layers were prepared on Ti plate using a supersaturated
CaP solution supplemented with laminin. The number of vascular endothelial cells
adhering to the laminin-Ap composite layers was remarkably higher than that of
cells adhering to the untreated Ti. Moreover, endothelial cells adhering to the
laminin-Ap composite layers showed a significantly higher cell retention rate under
physiological shear stress than those adhering to the untreated Ti [133]. FGF-2-
AsMg-Ap-coated Ti plates were prepared by immersing Ti plates in supersaturated
CaP solutions supplemented with FGF-2 and AsMg. The FGF-2-AsMg-Ap layer
on the Ti plate accelerated the proliferation of endothelial cells compared with the
as-prepared Ti. The vascular endothelial layer markedly inhibited in vitro platelet
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Chapter 7
Calcium Phosphate Cement
Kunio Ishikawa
7.1 Introduction
K. Ishikawa ()
Department of Biomaterials, Faculty of Dental Science, Kyushu University, 3-1-1,
Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, Kyushu 812-8582, Japan
e-mail: ishikawa@dent.kyushu-u.ac.jp
drate (DCPD: CaHPO4 2H2 O) which sets in 3060 min at physiological temperature
when mixed with aqueous solution in 1986 [37]. On the other hand, brushite
cement was invented by Lemaitre et al. in 1987 [8, 9].
Brushite cement is sometimes called DCPD cement. Brushite is the name of
mineral, whereas DCPD is the abbreviation of chemical. Brushite cement is also
sometimes referred to as -tricalcium phosphate cement since the major component
of the powder phase is -tricalcium phosphate (-TCP: -Ca3 (PO4 )2 ). In the
following sections, the terms apatite cement (AC) and brushite cement (BC) will
be used for the matter of simplicity.
Setting reaction of CPCs has a close relationship with the thermodynamical stability
or the solubility of the calcium phosphate salts. Table 7.1 summarizes the properties
of calcium orthophosphate in relation to the production of CPCs. The solubility
of the calcium phosphate decreases as the Ca/PO4 molar ratio or Ca/P molar ratio
increases, with the exception of tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP: Ca4 (PO4 )2 O) which
shows higher solubility than hydroxyapatite (HAp: Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 ) even though
Ca/P ratio is higher than HAp.
Figure 7.1 shows the phase diagram of calcium phosphates in relation to
CPC. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is the most stable phase thermodynamically when
the pH is approximately 4.2 or higher. However, brushite or dicalcium phosphate
dihydrate (DCPD) becomes the most stable phase thermodynamically when the
pH is approximately lower than 4.2. When the pH level drops to approximately 2,
monocalcium phosphate monohydrate (MCPM: Ca(H2 PO4 )2 H2 O) will become, in
terms of thermodynamics, the most stable phase. It should be noted that apatite and
brushite, final product of apatite cement and brushite cement, are the most stable
Table 7.1 Calcium orthophosphates and their solubility product constants (Ksp)
Compound Abbreviation Chemical formula Ca/P logKsp
Monocalcium phosphate MCPM Ca(H2 PO4 )2 H2 O 0.5 Highly soluble
Monocalcium phosphate MCPA Ca(H2 PO4 )2 0.5 Highly soluble
Dicalcium phosphate DCPD CaHPO4 2H2 O 1.0 6.59
Dicalcium phosphate DCPA CaHPO4 1.0 6.90
Octacalcium phosphate OCP Ca8 H2 (PO4 )6 5H2 O 1.33 96.6
-Tricalcium phosphate -TCP Ca3 (PO4 )2 1.5
-Tricalcium phosphate -TCP Ca3 (PO4 )2 1.5 28.9
Hydroxyapatite HAp Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 1.67 116.8
Tetracalcium phosphate TTCP Ca4 (PO4 )2 O 2.0 3844
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 201
calcium sulfate hemihydrate, and no further reaction will occur. However, the
solution will also achieve equilibrium with calcium sulfate dihydrate, and its
solubility is 0.2 g/100 mL, which is smaller than the solubility of calcium sulfate
hemihydrate which is 0.9 g/100 mL. Therefore, the solution is supersaturated with
respect to calcium sulfate dihydrate. This results in the precipitation of calcium
sulfate dihydrate crystals as shown in Eq. (7.2). The precipitation of calcium
sulfate dihydrate leads to undersaturation of the solution. Therefore, calcium sulfate
hemihydrate will further be dissolved in the solution. These reactions continue
successively, and the precipitated calcium sulfate dihydrates entangle each other
to set [16]:
Apatite cement can be made with various chemicals that contain calcium and
phosphate. For example, an equimolar mixture of tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP:
Ca4 (PO4 )2 O) and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DPCA: CaHPO4 ) is known as
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 203
Fig. 7.3 SEM images of the set apatite cement made of TTCP and DCPA and set gypsum
typical apatite cement [37]. Apatite cement should contain calcium and phosphate
in its composition so that apatite can be produced. The components should have
suitable solubility in water since the setting reaction of the apatite cement is a
dissolution-precipitation reaction. The cement paste should show moderate pH so
that apatite is the most stable phase thermodynamically at that pH since setting
reaction of the apatite cement is the dissolution-precipitation reaction.
Figure 7.3 summarizes the SEM images of (a) set gypsum and (b) set apatite
cement made of an equimolar mixture of TTCP and DCPA. Basically, they showed
the similar structure. In other words, precipitated needlelike crystals entangled each
other to form set mass.
Brushite cement also sets in a similar setting reaction, dissolution-precipitation,
and entanglement of precipitated crystal. The key difference of apatite cement and
brushite cement is the final product. As stated earlier, brushite is the most stable
phase when the pH is the approximately 2.04.2 (see Fig. 7.1). As a result, the
components in brushite cement should contain calcium and phosphate that could
form brushite, and the pH of the cement paste should be 2.04.2. One of the
examples of the brushite cement is the mixture of -tricalcium phosphate and
monocalcium phosphate monohydrate. In this cement, monocalcium phosphate
monohydrate shows relatively high solubility, and its dissolution results in acidic
solution as shown in Eq. (7.6). Acidic solution results in the dissolution of
-tricalcium phosphate as shown in Eq. (7.7). The acidic solution in the cement
paste containing Ca2C and HPO4 2 will be supersaturated with respect to brushite.
Therefore, brushite crystals are precipitated, and the precipitated brushite crystals
entangle each other to set as shown in Eq. (7.8). The overall reaction can be
expressed as shown in Eq. (7.9):
Before the invention of CPCs, acrylic cement was the only bone cement in
use. Acrylic bone cement also consists of a powder and liquid phase. Powder
phase contains polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and liquid phase contains methyl
methacrylate (MMA). When the powders and liquids are mixed, radical polymeriza-
tion will occur based on the reaction of methyl methacrylate contained in the liquid
phase and the polymerization initiator contained in the powder phase. MMA will
also dissolve in PMMA and increases the viscosity of the paste during the setting or
polymerization process. In the case of setting reaction of acrylic cement, significant
heat is generated due to radical polymerization. Heat generation is natural since
PMMA is more stable thermodynamically than MMA. However, heat generation
should be avoided for biomaterials since it could damage surrounding tissue. Also,
unreacted MMA is not ideal to human tissues.
Gypsum plaster also generates heat upon setting reaction as shown in Eq. (7.10):
Fortunately, heat generation is negligible in the case of CPCs at least for tissue
response. Of course, heat is generated based on the setting reaction since apatite
or brushite is the most stable phase thermodynamically. Thus, setting reaction of
CPCs can be monitored by thermal analysis. However, heat generation due to setting
reaction of CPC is limited, and consequently there is no need to pay attention to the
heat generation in the case of CPC. It should be noted that this is a big advantage
of CPCs for clinical use. Negligible heat generation due to the setting reaction of
CPC can be explained by the relatively slow setting reaction when compared to
the acrylic cement rather than the small difference in enthalpy. In other words, one
of the factors that govern the temperature of the cement is the result of balance
of generated heat and diffused heat. Diffusion of the generated heat is enough to
prevent acute temperature increase if setting reaction takes relatively long time.
Another problem for the acrylic bone cement is the unreacted monomer, methyl
methacrylate (MMA). Basically, MMA is toxic to human tissue. Fortunately,
unreacted component of calcium phosphate cement does not cause toxic effect.
In fact, TTCP usually remains unreacted in set TTCP-DCPA-type apatite cement.
Unreacted TTCP acts as a filler of the cement and causes no adverse effect to tissue
On the other hand, it should be emphasized that CPCs show excellent tissue
response only when set. In the other words, CPCs cause inflammatory response
when they failed to set. All calcium phosphate powders including apatite powders
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 205
Obviously, the key factor for the usefulness of calcium phosphate cement is its self-
setting ability. Bone defect can be reconstructed using calcium phosphate cement
without having a gap between the bone defect surface and set calcium phosphate
cement. That is one of the key reasons why calcium phosphate bone cement shows
better bone formation when compared to apatite block or apatite granular. When
bone defect is reconstructed with apatite block, it is impossible to place apatite block
into the bone defect without a gap being generated between the apatite block and
bone defect. In the case of apatite granular, the gap between the granular and existing
bone can be minimized. However, granular cannot be fixed at the bone defect and
could be fluctuated. In contrast to the reconstruction using block or granular apatite,
apatite cement can fill the bone defect without having a gap against the surface of
bone defect, and the set apatite cement can supply concrete apatite surface.
Although apatite cement shows better bone-forming ability when compared to
apatite block or apatite granular, apatite cement can cause inflammatory response
when it fails to set as mentioned earlier. It should be emphasized that powder in
micron size elicits inflammatory response even its composition is hydroxyapatite.
Similar response is observed when apatite cement failed to set. For example, apatite
cement powder would be released when apatite cement paste was rubbed by the
covering skin before its setting reaction. Also, apatite cement powder would be
released from apatite cement paste when apatite cement paste is exposed to body
fluid before its setting reaction.
Figure 7.4 shows the appearance of apatite cement paste when implanted
subcutaneously in rat. In this condition, cement paste is exposed to some pressure
from the covering skin. Fast-setting apatite cement (left) which sets in 5 min sets
even at this condition due to the rapid development of mechanical strength [14].
In contrast, conventional apatite cement (cAC) which sets in 3060 min could not
withstand this pressure since the development of mechanical strength takes time.
Therefore, cAC disintegrated at this condition. When apatite cement failed to set, it
causes inflammatory response.
Therefore, regulation of the setting reaction of apatite cement is important not
only for its handling properties but also for its tissue response. Since setting reaction
of calcium phosphate cement is based on dissolution-precipitation reaction and
entanglement of the precipitated calcium phosphate crystals, particle size has an
influence on the setting reaction. In other words, larger powder has smaller specific
surface area, and rate of dissolution is slow. This results in calcium phosphate
cement with longer setting time. Regulating particle size is especially important in
the case of calcium phosphate cement that consists of multiple calcium phosphates
206 K. Ishikawa
Fig. 7.4 Pictures of fast-setting apatite cement (fsAC) and conventional apatite cement (cAC)
when the paste was implanted subcutaneously in rat
since the balanced supply of Ca2C and PO4 3 based on the dissolution is important
for the precipitation of the calcium phosphate.
In the case of apatite cement consisting of TTCP and DCPA, both TTCP and
DCPA can supply Ca2C and PO4 3 as shown in Eqs. (7.11) and (7.12). Then,
Ca2C and PO4 3 precipitated as hydroxyapatite crystals as shown in Eq. (7.13).
The overall reaction can be expressed as shown in Eq. (7.14):
However, Ca/PO4 molar ratio supplied by TTCP and DCPA is different. TTCP
which has Ca/PO4 ratio of 2.0 supplies larger amount of Ca2C for the formation of
HAp which has Ca/PO4 ratio of 1.67. In contrast, DCPA which has Ca/PO4 ratio
of 1.0 supplies less amount of Ca2C for the formation of HAp which has Ca/PO4
ratio of 1.67. Therefore, TTCP and DCPA should dissolve at the same rate for the
formation of hydroxyapatite. Unfortunately, dissolution rate is different between
TTCP and DCPA if the particle sizes are the same. TTCP dissolves much faster
than DCPA as shown in Table 7.1.
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 207
Table 7.2 Effects of particle size on the compressive strength of calcium phosphate cement
consisting of tetracalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous
Average particle diameter (m) Ratio of the average particle Compressive strength
TTCP DCPA diameter of TTCP/DCP (MPa)
1.6 11:9 0:13 0 (no setting)
12.4 11:9 1:04 7.1 1.0
1.6 0:9 1:78 21.8 4.4
12.4 0:9 13:78 51.0 4.5
Table 7.2 summarizes the effect of particle size on mechanical strength of TTCP-
DCPA-type apatite cement consisting of equimolar mixture of TTCP and DCPA
when mixed with distilled water. In this experiment, TTCP and DCPA with different
particle sizes were used. Particle sizes were 12.4 and 1.6 m for TTCP and 11.9
and 0.9 m for DCPA. Apatite cement consisting of a mixture of small TTCP
(1.6 m) with large DCPA (11.9 m) did not reach setting. Compressive strength
of set apatite cement increases with particle size ratio of TTCP-DCPA. Rate of
DCPA dissolution is slower when the particle size or the surface areas are the
same. Therefore, smaller DCPA with large surface area need to be used for the
simultaneous dissolution or simultaneous supply of Ca2C and PO4 3 .
TTCP-DCPA-type apatite cement initially supplied for clinical use requires a
setting time of 3060 min. Based on the information from the cement supplier, they
confirmed the setting reaction and advised to use new cement if the old cement
failed to set. Obviously, 3060 min was too long for clinical use.
Figure 7.5 shows the Ca2C and PO4 3 concentrations in the cement powder
suspension using equimolar mixture of 12.4 m TTCP and 0.9 m DCPA. As
shown in the figure, PO4 3 concentration decreases until it was no longer detectable
after 30 min, whereas Ca2C remains in the solution. This result indicated that PO4 3
supply is the rate-determining step for the precipitation of hydroxyapatite even for
mixtures of large TTCP and small DCPA. As stated already, DCPA supplies more
PO4 3 for the precipitation of hydroxyapatite when compared to TTCP. Therefore,
DCPA dissolution is the critical step for the setting reaction of apatite cement.
The results of chemical potential plot of cement powder suspension using
equimolar mixture of 12.4 m TTCP and 0.9 m DCPA [12] are shown in Fig. 7.6.
The figure reveals the solution is undersaturated with respect to HAp even though
setting reaction of the apatite cement is a dissolution-precipitation reaction and
entanglement of the precipitated apatite crystals. Therefore, precipitation reaction
needs to be enhanced for quicker setting reaction.
We can enhance the precipitation reaction by using seed crystals. Doi et al.
have prepared HAp at different temperatures from 40 to 100 C. Setting time of
TTCP-DCPA-type apatite cement became shorter by adding the HAp seed crystal.
Furthermore, the setting time was shortened when seed crystal was added to HAp
prepared at low temperature but resulted in poor crystallinity [17, 18].
Ruslin reported the effects of placement of HAp seed crystal in -TCP-based
apatite cement [19]. When -TCP was partially hydrolyzed, HAp was formed on
208 K. Ishikawa
the surface of -TCP powder, and this powder was used as the cement powder.
The conversion to HAp was faster when the same amount of HAp was introduced
externally as shown in Fig. 7.7.
Whats more, when no HAp seed crystal or small amount of HAp seed crystal
was introduced to apatite cement, conversion to HAp followed sigmoid curve which
is typical for self-catalysis. Based on these observations, it was revealed that HAp
shows seeding effect and its effect is more remarkable when HAp seed crystals were
located on the surface of -TCP powder. As shown in Eq. (7.3), -TCP dissolves to
supply Ca2C and PO4 3 . Then, Ca2C and PO4 3 will be supersaturated with respect
to calcium-deficient apatite and precipitated as calcium-deficient apatite. When HAp
seed crystal was located on the surface of -TCP powder, dissolved Ca2C and PO4 3
from -TCP is thought to be used immediately to grow HAp seed crystals.
Although the addition of HAp seed crystal was effective to shorten the setting
time, unfortunately the mechanical strength of the set apatite cement was decreased.
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 209
then shortened again with further increase in sulfuric acid concentration. Above
0.1 mol/L, CaSO4 2H2 O is formed, and this salt is thought to act as a seed crystal of
CaHPO4 2H2 O due to the very close structure of CaSO4 2H2 O and CaHPO4 2H2 O.
Obviously, intrinsic porous structure of the set calcium phosphate cements is due to
the setting process of calcium phosphate cements, dissolution-precipitation reaction,
and entanglement of the precipitated calcium phosphate crystals. Although apatite
cement expands slightly due to the entanglement of precipitated apatite, volume of
the set mass is almost the same with the volume of the paste. Therefore, bulk density
and resulting porosity of the set cement can be regulated by the powder-to-liquid
ratio of the paste and the molding pressure [31].
Figure 7.10 summarizes the effect of molding pressure and powder-to-liquid ratio
(P/L ratio) on porosity of the set apatite cement. The figure shows smaller P/L ratio
resulted in higher porosity of the set apatite cement. This is caused by the smaller
P/L ratio that produces a larger amount of liquid in the paste, and this leads to a high
degree of porosity in the final product. Similarly, higher molding pressure generates
smaller porosity. This is caused by the exclusion of excess water from the paste
when high pressure is used to pack the paste.
Figure 7.11 summarizes the relationship between the porosity and DTS of the set
apatite cement. This relationship is in good agreement with the empirical equation
presented by Duckworth for the relationship between mechanical strength and
porosity as shown in Eq. (7.15) [32]:
where S is the observed mechanical strength of the porous material, S0 is the ideal
mechanical strength when there is no porosity, P is the porosity, and b is an empirical
constant. By taking the natural logarithm of Eq. (7.15), Eq. (7.16) can be obtained:
Equation (7.17) is obtained in the case of apatite cement. S0 or the ideal DTS
when the porosity of the set apatite cement is zero can be estimated as 103 MPa
which is similar to sintered hydroxyapatite.
Even though controlling the mechanical strength is possible by regulating the
porosity of the set cement or powder-to-liquid ratio, a higher powder-to-liquid
mixing ratio will lead to limited handling property or injectability. In other words,
we have to find a balance between mechanical strength of the set apatite cement and
handling property of the paste.
Pores stated in the Eqs. (7.15), (7.16), and (7.17) are micropore formed due
to the entanglement of the precipitated apatitic crystals. Sometimes, macropores
especially interconnected pores became important to allow penetration of the cells
and tissues interior to the set calcium phosphate cement [3344].
Several techniques have been proposed to produce macropores in calcium
phosphate cements including porogen incorporation and bubble formation. Porogen
addition is the simplest method to fabricate macroporous set calcium phosphates.
Porogen should not dissolve, at least completely, during the mixing procedure.
However, porogen needs to be dissolved when porogen is exposed to body fluid.
As a result of dissolution of porogen, macrospore will be formed inside the set
cement. Since porogen is dissolved in the body, porogen should not cause any toxic
effect nor inflammatory response. Several porogens have been studied including
mannitol, sucrose, sodium hydrogen carbonate, disodium hydrogen phosphate,
polyglactin, poly("-caprolactone), poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid), poly(L-lactic
acid), and gelatin [40, 4554]. In addition, there are many candidates to be used
as porogen.
However, ideal porogen for calcium phosphate cements until now still remains
unknown. This is due, at least in part, to the difficulty in finding ideal and harmless
materials with proper solubility. In addition, it is not clear whether there is a proper
solubility or not. Bone tissue is known to penetrate into the pores of calcium
phosphate within 1 or 2 weeks. Therefore, porogen needs to be dissolved within
1 or 2 weeks at the bone defect. However, the body fluid circulation is limited at
the bone defect, and most of the porogen is not exposed to body fluid but covered
with the calcium phosphate. In fact, PLGA fiber-reinforced apatite cement showed
limited resorption of PLGA.
The other method to create macropores into calcium phosphate cements is
through the incorporation of gas in the cement paste. This can be further divided into
two categories. One is the gas forming in the paste, and the other is the incorporation
of air by air-entraining agents. The major advantage of using gas for the fabrication
of porous calcium phosphate cement is the presence of pore when set. In other
words, cell and tissue can penetrate interior to the cement immediately. In addition,
there is no need to worry about the toxicity of the porogen. On the other hand,
drawback of this method is the difficulty for pore regulation.
The formation of carbon dioxide bubbles by acidbase reaction of NaHCO3 /Na2
CO3 and acidic reaction is a simple method for the production of macroporous
cement [5457]. For example, mixing of NaHCO3 and NaH2 PO4 in the cement paste
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 215
It should be noted that carbonate ion is used not only for the bubble formation but
also for the formation of carbonate apatite (CO3 Ap) [58]. When carbonate apatite
is formed, the mechanical strength of the set cement decreases more significantly
with the porosity when compared to apatite cement free from carbonate. This
indicated that carbonate apatite is weaker in mechanical strength when compared
to hydroxyapatite. Based on the carbonate apatite formation and formation of
interconnected porous structure which allows cell penetration interior to cement,
resorption of the cement is much faster when compared to macroporosity-free
apatite cement. For example, del Real et al. fabricated porous apatite cement using
CO2 formation method which was then used to reconstruct a bone defect (6.3 mm
in diameter) in a goat model. After 2 weeks, bone formation had taken place inside
the pores. At 10 weeks, 81 % of the initial cement was resorbed and new bone was
deposited. On the other hand, 100 % of the initial cement will remain if there are no
pores within the cement [56].
As air-entraining agents, various chemicals have been studied including sodium
dodecyl sulfate, hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride, polyethylene oxide,
poly(ethylene oxide), albumin, and sugar surfactant [5966]. Conversely to using
carbon dioxide, air bubbles have to be introduced when using air-entraining agents.
Also, relatively larger amount of air-entraining agent is needed to maintain the
porous structure. Again, this is the important advantage for the penetration of cells
into calcium phosphate cement.
For example, Mino-Farina et al. evaluated the usefulness of macrospore fab-
ricated using air-entraining agent based on rabbit implant [59]. Macropore was
introduced into -TCP-type apatite cement using an air-entraining agent, dehydrated
albumen. The porous paste was made by gentle mixing of cement paste and
foamed albumen. Dense and porous -TCP-type apatite cements were used for the
reconstruction of a 6 mm diameter bone defect. Twelve weeks after the surgery, the
ratio of tissue penetration into macroporous cement was 41 % compared to 22 %
for dense cement. Furthermore, bone growth and revascularization were observed
inside the central pores of the macroporous cement.
The importance of porous structure especially interconnected porous structure
is clear for calcium phosphate cements when they are intended to replace bone.
However, the ideal method for the fabrication of interconnected porous structure
has not been established so far. At present, macropore fabrication and mechanical
strength decrease should be balanced for the practical use of calcium phosphate
216 K. Ishikawa
Although calcium phosphate cements show excellent tissue response, they will
cause inflammatory response when they fail to set due to powder release. Washout
of the cement is one of the causes of the disintegration of cement paste. Cement
paste should not be washed-out nor disintegrated. Although hemostasis is performed
before the reconstruction of bone defect with calcium phosphate cement, com-
plete hemostasis is sometimes not easily accomplished. Similarly, bleeding could
sometimes occur after the bone defects have been filled with calcium phosphate
cement. Moreover, hemostasis is impossible when bone defect is filled with the
calcium phosphate cement using a syringe needle for minimum invasive surgery.
Therefore, anti-washout properties are important for the calcium phosphate cement.
Washout is caused by the penetration of body fluid into the calcium phosphate
cements. Figure 7.13 illustrates the behavior of apatite cement in the bone defect. As
illustrated in the figure, a struggle exists between the two reactions. One reaction is
the setting and hardening reaction of the cement which is a dissolution-precipitation
reaction and entanglement of the precipitated apatite crystals. The other reaction
is the penetration of body fluid into cement paste, and this causes washout of the
cement paste. The results of these two reactions will determine the overall behavior
of the apatite cement. For that reason, both acceleration of setting reaction and
inhibition of body fluid penetration should be carried out for the apatite cement
to achieve anti-washout property.
Apatite formation or setting reaction is usually accelerated by the addition of
neutral sodium phosphate or other additives [12, 14, 1719]. Consequently, close
attention should be paid to inhibit the penetration of body fluids. Gelling agent is
one of the most effective additives that can be used for the prevention of body fluids
penetrating into cement paste [15, 6769]. Basically, cement powder or calcium
phosphate powder has no strong interaction with the surrounding powder. Thus,
body fluid can penetrate into the cement paste due to simple penetration or diffusion.
This results in washout of the cement paste. On the contrary, when gelling agent is
introduced to liquid phase, gelling agent prevents body fluid penetration into the
cement paste. Furthermore, cement powder tends to have some bonding strength
among each other through gelling agent even though the bonding strength is not
There are certain requirements for the gelling agent when used in the manufac-
ture of anti-washout-type apatite cement. First, the gelling agent should not show
any toxicity. Second, the gelling agent should have enough capability to prevent the
body fluid penetrating into the cement paste. Fundamentally, all gelling agents pre-
vent body fluid penetration into the cement. Therefore, concentration of the gelling
agent is the factor. Third, the gelling agent should not inhibit the setting reaction of
the cement. In other words, it should not inhibit dissolution-precipitation reaction.
Unfortunately, gelling agent in general inhibits the dissolution-precipitation reac-
tion. Hence, gelling agent should be chosen so that the degree of the inhibition will
be minimal. Finally, the addition of gelling agent should not decrease the handling
property or injectability. Fortunately, the addition of gelling agent seems to improve
the handling property and injectability.
Figure 7.14 shows the effect of gelling agents on the percentage of remaining
ratio of the cement paste. A percentage remaining ratio of zero indicates complete
washed out, whereas 100 % indicates complete anti-washout. As shown in the
figure, cement paste became anti-washout by adding gelling agent regardless of
the type of gelling agent used. However, the amount of agent required to achieve
complete anti-washout property varies for each gelling agent. This is normal since
the properties such as viscosity are dependent on the gelling agent itself. Therefore,
gelling agents should be chosen so that it will fulfill the requirement stated above.
Due to the setting reaction of calcium phosphate cement, bone defect can be
reconstructed by calcium phosphate cement injected to the bone defect through
syringe needle as shown in Fig. 7.15.
This allows minimum invasive surgery (Fig. 7.16). The key factor in determining
the injectability of the cement paste is the viscosity of the cement paste, and
the viscosity is governed by a number of factors including the viscosity of the
liquid, liquid-to-powder mixing ratio (L/P mixing ratio), size of powder, shape of
218 K. Ishikawa
Fig. 7.16 Clinical case of fixation of repositioned compression fracture with apatite cement.
Osteoporotic compression fracture of the 3rd lumbar vertebra shown in (a) was reconstructed with
apatite cement paste as shown in (b) and (c) (Photos courtesy by Kochi Medical University)
powder, and time after mixing [7082]. When viscosity of the paste is too low,
the cement shows poor injectability. Only liquid phase or liquid phase containing
limited powder is extracted from the syringe needle in such case. This phenomenon
is explained as the filtration of paste using syringe needle. In other words, syringe
needle acts as filter paper, and the cement powder and liquid are separated as a result
of non-passing cement powder in the syringe needle.
Obviously, injectability is better when thicker syringe is employed due to less
filtration effect. The thickness of the syringe needle is selected based on the type
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 219
of surgery being carried out. For example, 1013G syringe is commonly used for
vertebroplasty [83]. It should be noted that liquid-to-powder mixing ratio changes
when phase separation occurs between powder and liquid. Therefore, controlling of
the injectability is important when it comes to clinical use. Although viscous liquid
is important for the better injectability, the use of a liquid phase that is too viscous
will cause an increase in force required to inject the cement paste from the syringe.
In the case of manual injection, 100300 N is used, and cement paste with 1,000 Pas
viscosity can be injected manually from the syringe [84, 85]. Beyond that viscosity,
machine injection should be employed.
Additives including sodium alginate, chitosan, polysaccharides, sodium glyc-
erophosphate, lactic acid, glycerol, hydroxymethylcellulose, and polyvinyl alcohol
(PVA) have been studied to improve injectability [7082].
Although both apatite cement and brushite cement are commercially available due
to their usefulness for the reconstruction of bone defects, their behaviors in the
bone defect are quite different especially with respect to resorption. Brushite cement
resorbed much faster when compared to apatite cement. This difference is caused
by the compositional difference in the final products. As the name represents, final
product of apatite cement is apatite, whereas final product of brushite cement is
brushite, and apatite is the most stable phase thermodynamically at physiological
condition, and body fluid is supersaturated with respect to apatite. Therefore, no
physicochemical dissolution occurs in the case of set apatite cement at physiological
condition. Replacement of apatite cement with bone is caused by the resorption of
apatite by osteoclasts. Osteoclasts produce Howships lacuna and make inside the
lacuna into weak acidic condition. As a result of acidic condition, apatite is dissolved
similar to bone-remodeling process. Carbonate apatite is formed if carbonate ion is
present during the setting reaction of apatite cement, and carbonate apatite shows
higher solubility than hydroxyapatite at acidic condition. Therefore, apatite cement
that forms carbonate apatite will be replaced to bone faster than apatite cement that
forms carbonate-free apatite.
In contrast to apatite cement, final product of the brushite cements is brushite.
Brushite is the most stable phase when pH is 2.04.2 and, thus, brushite is formed
based on dissolution-precipitation reaction and entanglement of the brushite crystals
results in the setting reaction. However, brushite is metastable phase at physiological
pH and thus dissolves upon exposure to the body fluid. In other words, brushite
cement is resorbed not only by the osteoclastic cell but also by physicochemical
dissolution. It should be noted that dissolution of brushite not always means simple
220 K. Ishikawa
Obviously, drugs can be introduced to the liquid phase if its amount is limited. Drug
incorporated in the powder and/or liquid phase would be homogenously distributed
inside the cement based on mixing the cement powder with liquid. Upon mixing,
cement will set based on dissolution-precipitation reaction and entanglement of
the precipitated crystals. Basically, drug will not be incorporated in the apatite or
brushite crystal lattice but located between the entangled crystals. Therefore, drug
loaded into the cement showed simple drug release character for skeletal system as
shown in Fig. 7.17 [88]. Initial burst release is caused mainly by diffusion of the
drug from pores [8994]. Initial burst is more popular in the case of brushite cement
rather than apatite cement. One of the reasons of this difference is thought to be the
difference in absorption properties with drug.
Drug release profile from the calcium phosphate cements can be modified by
employing another drug delivery system in the cement. For example, drug-loaded
polymer can be introduced in the calcium phosphate cement. By employing other
systems, drug release profile can be regulated. For example, burst release of the drug
can be avoided. Also, dissolved polymer creates pores, and thus cells and tissue can
be penetrated into the pores [95].
Table 7.4 Example of the commercially available apatite cement and its composition
Registered name
(Manufacturer) Composition
Biopex -R Powder: -TCP C TTCP C DCPD C HAp C Mg3 (PO4 )2
(Mitsubishi Materials) Liquid: succinic acid, chondroitin sulfate, and sodium
hydrogen sulfite
Primafix Powder: TTCP C DCPD
(NGK Spark Plug Co) Liquid: sodium dextran sulfate sulfur 5
Cerapaste Powder: TTCP C DCPA
(NGK Spark Plug Co) Liquid: sodium dextran sulfate sulfur 5
BoneSource Powder: TTCP(73 %) C DCPA(27 %)
(Stryker) Liquid: sodium phosphate solution
Norian SRS Powder: -TCP(85 %) C CaCO3 (12 %) C MCPM(3 %)
(Synthes) Liquid: disodium phosphate solution
Norian CRS Powder: -TCP(85 %) C CaCO3 (12 %) C MCPM(3 %)
(Synthes) Liquid: disodium phosphate solution
Norian SRS Fast Set Putty Not documented
Norian CRS Fast Set Putty Not documented
Calcibon Powder: -TCP(61 %) C DCPA(26 %) C CaCO3 (10 %) C
HAp(3 %)
(Biomet) Liquid: disodium phosphate solution
MimixTM Powder: TTCP C -TCP C C6 H5 O7 Na3 2H2 O
(Biomet) Liquid: citric acid
QuickSet MimixTM Not documented
Cementek Powder: TTCP C -TCP C Ca(OH)2 C sodium
(Teknimed) Liquid: acidic calcium phosphate
Cementek LV Powder: TTCP C -TCP C Ca(OH)2 C sodium
glycerophosphate C dimethylsiloxane
(Teknimed) Liquid: acidic calcium phosphate
-BSM Powder: ACP(50 %) C DCPD(50 %)
(ETEX) Liquid: saline
Biobona Powder: ACP(50 %) C DCPD(50 %)
(ETEX) Liquid: saline
Embarc Powder: ACP(50 %) C DCPD(50 %)
(ETEX) Liquid: saline
KyphOsTM Powder: -TCP(77 %) C Mg3 (PO4 )2 (14 %) C MgHPO4
(4.8 %) C ScCO3 (3.6 %)
(Kyphon) Liquid: 3.5 mol/L diammonium hydrogen phosphate
CallosTM Not documented
(Skeletal Kinetics)
Rebone Powder: TTCP C DCPA
(Shanghai Rebone Biomaterials Liquid: water
Co Ltd.)
Biobon is the trade name of -BSM in Europe
7 Calcium Phosphate Cement 223
Table 7.5 Example of the commercially available brushite cement and its composition
Registered name
(Manufacture) Composition
ChronOSTM Inject Powder: -TCP(73 %) C MCPM(21 %) C MgHPO4 3H2 O(5 %) C
MgSO4 (<1 %) C Na2 H2 P2 O7 (<1 %)
(Norian) Liquid: 0.5 % sodium hyaluronate
Eurobone Powder: -TCP(98 %) C Na4 P2 O7 (2 %)
(Kasios) Liquid: 3 mol/L H3 PO4 C 0.1 mol/L H2 SO4
VitalOs Component 1: -TCP(1.34 g) C Na2 H2 P2 O7 (0.025 g) 0.05 mol/L
pH7.4 PBS
(CalciOs) Component 2: MCPM (0.78 g) C CaSO4 2H2 O C 0.05 mol/LH3 PO4
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Chapter 8
Characterization of Calcium Phosphates
Using Vibrational Spectroscopies
8.1 Introduction
is the force constant associated with the chemical bond and is the
reduced mass: D mA *mB /(mA C mB ) with mA and mB the mass of atoms A
and B. For more complex molecular species, different types of vibrations are
possible, which can be determined theoretically [1]. Two types of vibrations with
different energy domains are recognized for molecular species other than diatomic
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 231
to this ion. In protonated species additional lines are expected due to the OH bond.
The stretching of the OH bonds in HPO4 2 and H2 PO4 groups are generally broad
and appear with a low to medium intensity. However, the P-(OH) bonds in HPO4 2
and H2 PO4 are longer and weaker than the PO bond in the PO4 3 ion, and
the corresponding stretching bands are shifted towards lower wavenumbers. These
bands are very sensitive to hydrogen bonding [5, 8, 9]. In contrast the weakening
of the POH bond is associated with a strengthening of the remaining PO bonds,
whose stretching vibrations are shifted towards higher wavenumbers, whereas bend-
ing vibrations are shifted towards lower wavenumbers. The symmetry alterations
induced by protonation occurring in HPO4 2 can conveniently be described using
distorted PO4 edifices belonging to C3v symmetry (although the symmetry of the
real free ions is lower). These species have been included in Table 8.1.
The vibrational modes of free molecular ions and molecules are conveniently
determined using molecular group theory [1], which is used to name and distinguish
the vibrational modes. Group theory also allows determination of the infrared
(IR) and Raman (R) observance of the vibrational modes, their activity, which
is related to the physical interactions between electromagnetic radiations and
vibrational energy levels involved in these spectroscopic methods [24].
In crystalline solids two main alterations have been identified: the site symmetry
effect and the factor group symmetry [24]. The site symmetry effect corresponds to
an alteration in vibrational energy levels due to the symmetry lowering of the free
molecule or polyatomic ion related to its position in a well-defined crystallographic
site; these effects are shown in Tables 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4 for different crystalline
calcium phosphates in different structures [5, 914]. Considering PO4 3 ions in
apatites with a hexagonal unit cell (space group P63 /m; Table 8.3), for example,
the site symmetry is Cs , as only a symmetry plane is preserved from the original
tetrahedral symmetry. In consequence, the degeneracy of vibrational modes E
(degeneracy: 2) and T2 (degeneracy: 3) of the free PO4 3 species is raised, and
instead of one vibrational level, several non-degenerated modes occur. All these
vibrational modes are active in IR and R and a splitting of the 2 , 3 , and 4 lines
is predicted. In addition, 1 and 2 modes are now active in IR, although they were
not observed for the free ion.
The factor group treatment provides a complete prediction of the vibrational
levels of a crystal for both internal and external vibration modes. This approach
takes into consideration the whole content of the unit cell, including the correlations
between the vibrations of similar groups in a crystal that may interfere with
each other in a confined environment. These considerations result in additional
vibrational levels of molecules and molecular ions as shown in Tables 8.2, 8.3,
and 8.4. The number of predicted lines may vary considerably according to the
structure. For compounds containing HPO4 2 , OH ions, and water molecules,
line broadenings are observed related to hydrogen bonding. In addition, libration
transitions, which have not been considered here, appear in addition to bending and
stretching lines.
The factor group may lead to weak shifts so, when numerous lines are expected,
individual components are hindered by line broadening and cannot be distinguished.
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 233
Table 8.2 Internal vibrations of phosphate groups in non-apatitic calcium phosphates of interest
(PO4 3 -containing compounds)
Tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP); Ca4 (PO4 )2 O; monoclinic P21 [10]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry: C1 A(IR-R) 2A(IR-R) 3A(IR-R)
Factor group: C2 2A(IR-R) 4A(IR-R) 6A(IR-R)
2B(IR-R) 4B(IR-R) 6B(IR-R)
Number of lines IR 4 8 12
Number of lines R 4 8 12
-Tricalcium phosphate (-TCP); Ca3 (PO4 )2 ; monoclinic P21 /a [12]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry: C1 A(IR,R) 2A(IR-R) 3A(IR-R)
Factor group: C2h 12Ag (R) 24Ag (R) 36Ag (R)
12Au (IR) 24Au (IR) 36Au (IR)
12Bg (R) 24Bg (R) 36Bg (R)
12Bu (IR) 24Bu (IR) 36Bu (IR)
Number of lines IR 24 48 72
Number of lines R 24 48 72
-Tricalcium phosphate (-TCP); Ca3 (PO4 )2 ; trigonal R3c [12]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry C3 A(IR-R) E(IR-R) A(IR-R)
Site symmetry C1 A(IR-R) 2A(IR-R) 3A(IR-R)
Factor group C3v 3A1 (IR-R) 2A1 (IR-R) 5A1 (IR-R)
E(IR-R) 4E(IR-R) 5E(IR-R)
Number of lines IR 4 6 10
Number of lines R 4 6 10
Molecular group theory, site symmetry, and factor group treatments do not allow the
prediction of spectra with their line positions and intensities.
This information can be provided by quantum chemistry calculations [15]. For
mineral structures with disordered or partially occupied sites and for solid solutions,
factor group theory is more difficult to apply. For amorphous structures like
amorphous calcium phosphates, the spectra prediction may rely on the symmetry of
basic structural units, Posners clusters (Table 8.5) [16], although the S6 symmetry
of these clusters has been discussed and lower symmetry, C1 or C3 , has been
proposed depending on the environment [17].
The FTIR and Raman spectra of the most important calcium phosphates are
shown in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2. Line positions are reported in Tables 8.6 and 8.7.
234 C. Rey et al.
Table 8.3 Internal vibrations of phosphate groups in apatites for different structures and symmetries
Apatite; hexagonal P63 /m [11]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry: Cs A0 (IR-R) A0 (IR-R), A00 (IR-R) 2A0 (IR-R), A00 (IR-R)
Factor group: C6h Ag (R), E2g (R), Bu Ag (R), E2g (R), Bu , E1u (IR), 2Ag (R), 2E2g (R), 2Bu ,
E1u (IR), Bg , E1g (R), Au (IR), E2u 2E1u (IR), Bg , E1g (R),
Au (IR), E2u
Number of lines IR 1 2 3
Number of lines R 2 3 5
Apatite; hexagonal P63 [12]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry: C1 A (IR,R) 2A (IR-R) 3A (IR-R)
Factor group: C6 A(IR-R), B, E1 (IR-R), 2A(IR-R), 2B, 2E1 (IR-R), 3A(IR-R), 3B, 3E1 (IR-R),
E2 (R) 2E2 (R) 3E2 (R)
Number of lines IR 2 4 6
Number of lines R 3 6 9
Apatite; monoclinic P21 /b
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry C1 A(IR,R) 2A(IR-R) 3A(IR-R)
Factor group C2h 3Ag (R), 3Bg (R), 6Ag (R), 6Bg (R), 6Au (IR), 9Ag (R), 9Bg (R), 9Au (IR),
3Au (IR), 3Bu (IR) 6Bu (IR) 9Bu (IR)
Number of lines IR 6 12 18
Number of lines R 6 12 18
Very often for complex structures, the assignments are difficult to obtain due to
the superimposition of elementary fundamental vibrations. Theoretical calculated
spectra can, in principle, be obtained if the crystal structure is known, and a few
reports have been published on this subject [15].
Generally speaking, the spectra observed for well-crystallized stoichiometric
calcium phosphates like apatite correspond to the theoretical prediction, although
some anomalies can be noted like the observation of superimposed E2g and Ag
modes for the apatite spectra in the 1 PO4 3 domain in Raman or other anomalies
[11]. Detailed investigations have discussed the occurrence of faint lines revealed by
second derivatives of the spectra and the adequacy of the P63 /m model for hexagonal
hydroxyapatite [11, 20, 21] (factor group C6h ), compared to the real local symmetry
(factor group C6 ). The structure of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite, corresponding
to a monoclinic unit cell, space group P21 /b, should theoretically lead to spectra
with additional lines which are not all observed. The ordering of OH anions in the
structure, related to the monoclinic superstructure, seems to have little effect on the
vibration movements of the PO4 3 ions, which is very analogous in hydroxyapatite
to that of a truly P63 /m symmetry like that of fluorapatite [11, 22].
The spectra of tricalcium phosphates (TCP) and tetracalcium phosphates (TTCP)
are particularly complex, and all predicted lines cannot be distinguished and
identified due to superimposition, except for the 1 lines of TTCP which are
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 235
Table 8.4 Internal vibrations of phosphate groups in calcium phosphates of interest (HPO4 2 -
containing compounds)
Octacalcium phosphate (OCP); Ca8 (PO4 )4 (HPO4 )2 , 5H2 O; triclinic P1 * HPO4 2 [14]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Site symmetry: C1 A(IR,R) 2A(IR, R) 3A(IR, R)
Factor group: Ci 4C2*Ag (IR) 8C4*Ag (IR) 12C6*Ag (IR)
4C2*Bu (R) 8C4*Bu (R) 12C6*Bu (R)
Number of lines IR 4C2* 8C4* 12C6*
Number of lines R 4C2* 8C4* 12C6*
Anhydrous dicalcium phosphate (DCPA) or monetite; CaHPO4 ; triclinic P1
Site symmetry: C1 A(IR, R) 2A(IR, R) 3A(IR, R)
Group factor: Ci 2Ag (R) 4Ag (R) 6Ag (R)
2Au (IR) 4Au (IR) 6Au (IR)
Number of lines IR 2 4 6
Number of lines R 2 4 6
Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) or brushite; CaHPO4 ; monoclinic Ia [5]
Site symmetry: C1 A(IR-R) 2A(IR-R) 3A(IR-R)
Site symmetry: Cs A0 (IR-R) A0 (IR-R) 2A0 (IR-R)
A00 (IR-R) A00 (IR-R)
Factor group: Cs A0 (IR-R) 2A0 (IR-R) 3A0 (IR-R)
A00 (IR-R) 2A00 (IR-R) 3A00 (IR-R)
Number of lines IR 2 4 6
Number of lines R 2 4 6
Table 8.5 Vibrations of phosphate groups in amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) assuming a S6
symmetry of the Posners clusters [16]
1 PO4 2 PO4 3 , 4 PO4
Symmetry S6 Au (IR), Eu (IR) 2Au (IR), 2Eu (IR) 3Au (IR), 3Eu (IR)
Ag (R), Eg (R) 2Ag (R), 2Eg (R) 3Ag (R), 3Eg (R)
Number of lines IR 2 4 6
Number of lines R 2 4 6
relatively thin and well resolved. The case of -TCP is special due to a very
large unit cell with numerous phosphate groups, giving numerous lines with a
poor resolution. Strong lines are observed in the FTIR 2 PO4 domain of TTCP,
like in oxyapatite [23], possibly related to the presence of oxide ions in these
Other types of lines can be observed corresponding to the libration movements of
protonated species like OH ions for hydroxyapatite or H2 O- and HPO4 2 -related
lines for brushite and octacalcium phosphates. On Raman spectra several external
vibrations can be detected at low wavenumbers. Several differences between the
spectra of different calcium phosphate phases allow their identification and, to
some extent, their quantification. Overtone and combination bands can be seen
236 C. Rey et al.
Fig. 8.1 FTIR spectra of calcium phosphates in the domains of internal vibrations of phosphate
on some spectra. For hydroxyapatite and related compounds, the most frequently
observed overtone/combination is a group of lines at 2,2001,950 cm1 [11].
These weak intensity lines do not seem to have received much attention and
they are sometimes misinterpreted. Overtone and combination bands of protonated
molecules are also used in near infrared (NIR) characterization of calcium phos-
phates. Lines assignments have been proposed in the case of the simplest spectra
like apatite [11, 12, 20, 22, 24, 25]. For the amorphous calcium phosphate, the
lines appear very broad and dissymmetric, suggesting the existence of several
components. It seems however difficult, using FTIR and Raman data, to contribute
to the discussion concerning the symmetry of real Posners clusters.
The vibrational spectra of solids are relatively complex, and several techniques
have been used to improve band resolution and assignment. Spectra obtained at
low temperatures, for example, may show narrower lines, improving the band
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 237
Fig. 8.2 Raman spectra of calcium phosphates in the domains of internal vibrations of phosphate
ions (for comparison purposes the wavenumber axis is in reverse order, like for the FTIR spectra)
resolution in certain cases [9, 18]. Among specific techniques applied to vibrational
spectroscopies are isotopic substitutions and the use of dichroic properties. Data
computing is also largely used, as in other domains of spectroscopy.
Table 8.6 FTIR line positions of calcium phosphates (cm1 ; m medium, s strong, sh shoulder, v
very, w weak)
3 PO4 1,400 w
1,350 w
1,295 w 1,215 m
1,193 w 1,175 m,sh
1,137 vvw 1,128 s 1,132 s
1,119 s 1,121 s
1,105 w 1,103 s
1,093 w 1,092 s 1,094 w,sh
1,073 w 1,080 w,sh 1,077 s 1,070 s
1,062 s 1,055 s 1,055 s 1,064 s 1,060 s
1,046 s 1,040 vs 1,039 s 1,041 vs 1,040 s
1,033 m 1,025 s 1,037 s
1,013 s 1,023 s
1,010 s 997 s 1,010 w,sh 1,000 vvw 1,000 w,sh
989 s 984 s
1 PO4 972 s 992 m 984 s
962 w 962 w 962 w
956 w 954 m
946 w 945 m 949 w,sh
941 w
P-OH of 917 w
HPO4 2 861 w 892 m 872 m
4 PO4 620 w 613 m 627 vw
594 w 601 m 597 m 602 m 601 m
585 m 589 w
571 s 575 m,sh 563 m 575 w 576 s 577 m
561 m 551 m 550 m 560 m 563 s 560 m
501 w 541 m 524 w 525 m 526 s
2 PO4 471 m 472 vw 471 w 480
462 sh 463 w 466 vw
454 w
450 w 430 w 432 vw 449 vw 428 vw 418 sh
429 w 415 w 405 m 400 m
399 m 398 sh
References [10] [12] [13] [12] [14] [12] [18]
The isotopic shift (position ratio between identical vibration modes of the
unsubstituted and isotopic substituted molecules) can vary according to the atom
substituted in the molecule and the vibrational mode considered. For diatomic
vibrators like the OH ion, the shift between OH and its deuterated equivalent
OD is given using Hooks derived formula. The position ratio between the
protonated and deuterated ion stretching line is theoretically close to 0.7276, the
square root of the reduced mass ratios, which in fact is observed experimentally.
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 239
Table 8.7 Raman line positions of calcium phosphates (cm1 ; m medium, s strong, sh shoulder,
v very, w weak)
3 PO4 1,131 m 1,132 vw
1,119 vw 1,119 vw 1,118 w
1,101 w 1,112 w
1,091 sh 1,077 w 1,077 w 1,090 w 1,079 vw 1,094 m 1,079 w
1,076 vw 1,064 w 1,061 m
1,057 w 1,058 w 1,052 w
1,045 vw 1,048 w 1,048 w 1,050 w
1,041 w
1,034 w 1,036 vw
1,026 w 1,029 w 1,027 w 1,027 vw
1,008 w 1,012 w 1,015 w 1,011 m
998 w 1,005 w,sh
1 PO4 983 vw 976 s
961 vs 964 vs 964 s 970 s 966 s 988 s 986 s
956 vs 954 sh 948 s 959 vs
946 s 951 s
940 s
P-OH st. of 916 w 900 m
HPO4 2 874 w 878 m
4 PO4 615 vw 614 w 620 w 619 vw
608 vw 607 w 610 w 612 w 609 mw
597 w 591 w 593 w 591 m 588 m 588 w 594 m
576 vw 580 w 577 w 577 m 563 m
566 sh 563 w
556 vw 549 w
495 sh 523 w, b 525 w
2 PO4 481 sh 480 w
463 sh 448 w 451 w 451 m 451 m
449 w 433 w 439 w
414 sh 421 w 427 m 420 w 419 m
407 w 408 w 409 m 411 w
389 w 353 w 394 w 381 w
References [10] [19] [13] [19] [14] [20] [19]
For more complex molecules, the isotopic shift depends only on the mass ratios
of the atoms and can be determined according to the TellerRedlich product rule
[26]. The replacement of 12 C by 13 C in the carbonate ion, for example, gives
different shifts depending on the vibration domain. The line position ratios are,
respectively, 1,000, 0.9686, 0.9723, and 0.9963 for the 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 domains.
The replacement of 16 O by 18 O in PO4 groups has been used in early studies [24].
However, as a total substitution of 16 O by 18 O could not be achieved, the spectra
were rendered more complex by virtue of the different possible substitutions.
240 C. Rey et al.
Fig. 8.3 Example of dichroism on dahlite monocrystals (IR spectra). Dotted line: OH stretching
vibration, when the electric vector of the IR beam is parallel to the c-axis of the hexagonal structure;
the OH line shows a maximum height. This line is not observed when the electric vector is
perpendicular to the c-axis. These data indicate that the OH ion is parallel to the c-axis (Reprinted
from Ref. [7]. Copyright 1994. With permission from Elsevier)
8.3.2 Dichroism
Very often biological apatites and other calcium phosphates can incorporate substi-
tution ions, and the corresponding spectra can be strongly altered. Thus, in addition
to phase identification, vibrational spectroscopies also allow the identification of
site occupancies in crystalline solids and interactions between species in close
Several types of substituted apatites may be found, from simple solid solutions
involving different cations in stoichiometric apatites to complex substitutions
242 C. Rey et al.
The spectra of cationic solid solutions can often be related to those of pure
compounds. An illustrative example is given by strontiumcalcium hydroxyapatites.
In the series Ca10x Srx (PO4 )6 (OH)2 , the phosphate and OH lines are shifted
between those of the end terms; pure calcium and strontium hydroxyapatites. The
infrared lines are globally shifted towards lower wavenumbers when a large, heavy
cation replaces a smaller, lighter one. This phenomenon is often related to the unit
cell volume and, indirectly, to the substitution ratio. The number of lines, however,
remains consistent for all spectra of the series with that for a stoichiometric calcium
or strontium hydroxyapatite. The shift of simple lines like the Raman 1 PO4
(Fig. 8.4) can be linearly correlated to the substitution ratio, even if the distribution
of cations between the two cationic sites of the structure is not homogeneous in this
kind of substitution. Similar observations have been reported by Bigi et al. [32]. This
behavior is not, however, always observed, and discrepancies have been reported for
leadcalcium apatites, for example [33].
Line broadening is generally observed for substituted apatites, which increases
progressively with the substitution rate, reaching a maximum at about half sub-
stitution and decreasing when approaching the end point. Line broadening is
generally related to the irregularity of the atomic array, often referred to as lattice
strain, although several causes may be involved [34]. As the substitution ratio
increases, the disorder increases and is attested to by line broadening. At a low
level of substitutions, a dissymmetry of the Raman 1 PO4 line is clearly observed,
suggesting a slight unresolved band shift.
The position and shape of the FTIR or Raman stretching OH vibration follows
the same rules (not shown). When we look at the FTIR OH libration line, however,
a large gap exists between the extremes of the solid solution (from 633 cm1 for
calcium hydroxyapatite to 535 cm1 for strontium hydroxyapatite), and the shift is
no longer progressive and linear but seems to correspond to new line formations
which could be tentatively assigned to a change in the cationic environments of the
OH species, as shown for the Ca9 Sr1 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 sample (Fig. 8.5), where two
OH libration lines can be distinguished.
Interestingly, for other types of hydroxyapatites, for example, calcium arsenate
hydroxyapatites, the position of the OH stretching and libration lines is close to
those of calcium phosphate, suggesting that it is the cationic environment of the
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 243
Fig. 8.4 Raman spectra of SrCa hydroxyapatite solid solution in the 1 PO4 domain and quasi-
linear variation in the position of the Raman 1 PO4 line as a function of the cationic composition
OH ions that determines their vibrational and libration frequencies. The observa-
tion of several lines could then possibly be related to the local cationic environments
of the OH vibrators and could potentially give information on clustering of cations
in the apatite structure.
244 C. Rey et al.
In oxyapatite, one half unit cell contains either a vacancy or an oxide ion
corresponding to two kinds of local phosphate environments.
For a similar apatite, type A carbonate apatite, Ca10 (PO4 )6 CO3 , also containing
one bivalent anion and a vacancy per unit cell, the 1 Raman phosphate line is also
split into two lines at 947 and 957 cm1 [20].
Additionally, a general feature of this kind of apatite with a vacant anionic
monovalent site is a rather specific phosphate line in the 3 PO4 domain of the
FTIR spectra at around 1,140 cm1 . Such a line is observed, for example, in
oxyapatite, type A carbonated apatite, sulfoapatite Ca10 (PO4 )6 S, and peroxyapatite
Ca10 (PO4 )6 O2 and has been related to the presence of bivalent ions and vacancies
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 245
[36]. Interestingly, a line near this position is also observed in HPO4 2 -containing
apatites, which has been assigned in this case to a PO stretching of HPO4 2 ions
in the apatite structure. It should be observed, however, that these apatites, like type
B carbonated apatites (carbonate ions substituting phosphate ions), are considered
to contain OH vacancies [7]. However, the 1,140 cm1 line is not detected in type
B carbonated apatites.
Another alteration observed in the spectrum of oxyapatite is an enhancement of
the 2 PO4 line compared with other apatites, which has not yet received a definitive
Among illustrative examples of substituted apatites are type AB carbonate
apatites containing carbonate species replacing both the phosphate ions (type B)
and hydroxide ions (type A) of hydroxyapatite: Ca10 (PO4 )6x (CO3 )x (OH)2x2y
(CO3 )y [37]. At very low carbonate content, the carbonate species are dispersed in
the crystals, and relatively thin and well-resolved carbonate bands can be observed
(Fig. 8.7). This is generally the case when low amounts of substituents are used.
When the carbonate concentration increases, the lines become broader, as expected
in solid solutions, and, interestingly, new lines appear that have been attributed to
interactions between carbonate species [37, 38] and also to the effect of coupled
substitution like NaCO3 for CaPO4 , for example [39].
246 C. Rey et al.
Nanocrystals are characterized by a very high surface area, and vibrational spectro-
scopies can be used to get information on the surface species. Several reports have
been published revealing specific features considering nanocrystalline apatites of
biological origin as well as synthetic biomimetic apatites [41, 42].
In the wet state, relatively narrow lines are obtained, whereas in the dry state,
a loss of resolution and band broadening are observed. The transition appears
progressively on drying, and it has been assigned to the existence of a structured
hydrated layer on the surface of these nanocrystals, which is destroyed upon drying
leaving amorphous-like domains. When carbonate is present, such a hydrated layer
with relatively thin spectral lines can also be observed, although with less clarity.
Interestingly, ion exchanges, which can be easily realized, alter the structure of the
hydrated layer, but these changes are reversible and the original features can be
reestablished by reverse exchange reactions (Fig. 8.9).
At this point it should be recalled that vibrational spectroscopies are sensitive to
local environments and surface environments can be very easily modified. Thus, the
observation of an amorphous-like structure using vibrational spectroscopies does
not necessarily mean that there is an amorphous phase precursor to the apatite
formation. The example above shows that amorphous domains may form on the
surface of existing nanocrystals but these do not constitute an isolated phase with
defined boundaries, as would be the case with a precursor phase.
Considering the structure of the hydrated layer, FTIR shows that carbonate-free
layers are close although not identical to OCP environments as predicted by Brown
[44]. For the carbonated hydrated layer, we did not find three-dimensional model
structures with comparable spectroscopic characteristics.
From ion exchange experiments, the characteristics of surface carbonate species
can be determined (Fig. 8.10), either in the wet state or after drying and amorphiza-
tion [43]. If the dried sample shows line positions and shapes analogous to those of
amorphous calcium carbonate, distinct bands positions can be seen on wet samples,
demonstrating again the role of water in the spectroscopic characteristics of surface
248 C. Rey et al.
C carbonate is easily available and can be used to follow the carbonate species in
exchange reactions involving the hydrated layer. When a 13 C carbonate-containing
solution is put in contact with a 12 C carbonated nanocrystalline apatite, a surface
equilibration occurs. The FTIR spectra were analyzed in the 2 CO3 domain
(Fig. 8.11). The isotopic shift is large enough in this domain to completely separate
the 12 C and 13 C carbonate bands. The data show that the 12 C carbonate spectrum is
mainly composed of thin lines at 879 and 871 cm1 , respectively, assigned to type
A and B carbonate. After contact with the 13 C carbonate-containing solution, the
C domain shows a broad line, characteristic of surface amorphous carbonate,
without signs of 13 C carbonate incorporation in the apatite sites. The 12 C species
present in the apatite domains are not modified by the 13 C carbonate solution
treatment. The 13 C carbonate uptake is associated with a decrease in surface HPO4 2
ions detectable by FTIR [45], consistent with a surface ion exchange.
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 249
Solution exchanges can also be used to pursue the incorporation of carbonate species
during aging into nanocrystalline apatites, which is also referred to as maturation.
In these sets of experiments, the nanocrystalline apatites were first precipitated
into a 12 C or a 13 C carbonate-containing solution. After different periods of aging,
the solutions were exchanged and the 12 C carbonated samples were separated and
put in 13 C carbonate solutions and vice versa. The spectra obtained after recovering
and freeze-drying the samples were analyzed in the 2 CO3 domain. The data are
shown only for the 13 C-precipitated and then 12 C-treated samples (Fig. 8.12).
The samples corresponding to solution substitution at time 0, immediately after
precipitation, contain essentially all 12 C carbonate. When the solution exchanges
250 C. Rey et al.
Fig. 8.12 Self-deconvoluted FTIR spectra in the 2 CO3 domain of apatites prepared in a 13 C
carbonate-containing solution (1 M) matured for different times and put in 12 C carbonate solution
for 3 additional weeks. 1 initial maturation time 0 in the 13 C precipitation solution, most carbonate
species are incorporated as 12 C during the 3 weeks after the solution exchanges; 2 3 days
maturation in the 13 C solution before the exchange; 3 9 days maturation in the 13 C solution before
the exchange. The 13 C carbonate line intensity increases progressively as the initial maturation time
increases, whereas the 12 C carbonate line intensity decreases (Reprinted from Ref. [45]. Copyright
2007. With permission from Elsevier)
Micro-Raman imaging based on different representations from the same data set
may provide a powerful means to study structural alterations and visualize the
distribution of phases within heterogeneous plasma sprayed HA coatings. The
1 PO4 domain, with strong thin lines, seems well adapted for imaging (Fig. 8.14)
[54]. The ACP especially is characterized by a broad Raman line around 950 cm1 ,
and all crystalline phases show lines distinct from that of apatite at 961 cm1 .
The OA, so difficult to distinguish by other methods, exhibits very specific Raman
scattering lines at about 951 and 966 cm1 , as mentioned earlier [23]. CaO is the
only phase that cannot be detected in this domain.
An accurate mapping of the different phases in HA coatings can be obtained
by micro-Raman imaging involving curve-fitting in the 1 PO4 domain, extraction
of the characteristic line(s) associated with specific phases, and of their relative
intensities. It should be noticed that at this stage, without accurate standardization,
the data represent only the relative integrated intensities of lines associated with a
specific phase and their relative variation, but not their real content in the coating.
In the example shown in Fig. 8.15, we can see the distribution of the HA, OA,
and ACP in a cross section of a coating obtained using a low-energy plasma spray
device [54].
The domains rich in oxyapatite appear relatively narrow and dispersed. Two types
of OA-rich domains can be distinguished, those found within the amorphous phase,
which may correspond in part to a recrystallization process, and those contiguous to
HA domains, possibly formed by dehydration during the particles flight. HA-rich
domains might correspond to solid particle cores. It clearly appears that HA-rich
domains exist in zones with low amorphous content.
In addition to a heterogeneous distribution of phases through the thickness of
the deposit, there is also a heterogeneous distribution on its surface, and very
different Raman spectra are collected depending on the location [55]. Therefore,
Raman microspectroscopy can be used as a routine nondestructive tool to obtain
rapid analysis of the composition of apatite coatings and even of different domains
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 253
Fig. 8.15 Raman mapping of the main calcium phosphate constituents in a cross section of a
plasma sprayed coating obtained using a low-energy mini-torch [55]. Relative areas of specific
lines: HA, hydroxyapatite (962 1 cm1 ); OA, oxyapatite (957 1 cm1 ); and ACP, amorphous
calcium phosphate (948 2 cm1 ). The amorphous phase appears as a binder. Islands of HA are
surrounded and superimposed to OA. HA is never totally absent suggesting a recrystallization from
the amorphous phase
Calcium phosphate cements have been widely used as bone substitute materials
since the 1980s, and generally FTIR and Raman spectroscopy are involved in
the characterization of the set cements. Interestingly, this technique can also be
implemented to study the cement paste composition during setting and hardening
and thus provides kinetics data on the chemical reaction(s) involved during these
processes. Generally it is only the physical setting that is examined according to
Two methods can be used for such a study: (1) lyophilization of cement paste
after different maturation periods (water removal stops the chemical reaction) and
then preparation of a KBr pellet of the sample for transmission mode FTIR analysis
and (2) direct real-time FTIR analysis of cement paste using a horizontal attenuated
total reflectance device equipped with a standard ZnSe monocrystal [56]. This
technique allows direct follow-up of the cement setting reactions and kinetics. We
present herewith an example of this kind of FTIR analysis on vaterite CaCO3
dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) mixed cement to study the influence of a
solid phase co-grinding treatment on the cement setting reaction [57].
254 C. Rey et al.
Fig. 8.16 Real-time evolution of the FTIR spectra of a cement paste at 37 C: (a) the cement
paste prepared with unground solid phase; (b) the cement paste prepared with co-ground solid
phase (D DCPD, V vaterite, Ap apatite) (Reproduced with adaptation from Ref. [56]. Copyright
2011. With permission from Elsevier)
It has previously been shown that the setting reaction of the reference cement is
based on the chemical reaction of DCPD on vaterite, leading to a solid form com-
posed of nanocrystalline carbonated apatite analogous to bone mineral associated
with untransformed vaterite CaCO3.
Hydrogen phosphate groups in brushite (at 985, 1,058, 1,132, and 1,222 cm1 ),
phosphate groups in apatite (at 1,020 cm1 ), and carbonate groups in vaterite (at
876 cm1 ) can be identified by FTIR spectroscopy. We focused on examination of
modifications in the phosphate and carbonate domains of the spectrum.
Figure 8.16a illustrates the setting reaction of a reference cement paste: a
decrease in the brushite and vaterite lines is associated with an increase in the
apatite lines. Figure 8.16b shows the evolution of the FTIR spectrum (in the range
1,270820 cm1 ) of a cement paste made of previously co-ground brushite and
vaterite powders. Significant differences can be seen regarding the progression
of the setting reaction, especially during the first hour of paste evolution [56].
Interestingly, 30 min after paste preparation, the intensity of the band (shoulder)
at 1,020 cm1 characteristic of apatite is lower in the case of the co-ground cement
than in the case of the reference cement. This marked difference in 1,020 cm1 band
intensity is also visible if we compare spectra obtained after 1 h (Fig. 8.16a, b), thus
indicating a significant effect of co-grinding on cement setting reaction kinetics.
This effect is also marked when comparing the decrease in intensity of the weak
phosphate band of DCPD at 1,222 cm1 for both cements: a delay in the decrease
in intensity of this band is noted for the cement paste prepared with a co-ground
solid phase, especially if we compare spectra corresponding to 1 h of cement paste
evolution (Fig. 8.16a b).
This kind of study can easily be transposed to other systems and allow a
convenient and precise evaluation of the effect of additives, pretreatments, or
impurities on cement setting and hardening reactions.
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 255
Bioactive molecules often exhibit a high binding affinity for calcium phosphate
surfaces through ionic end groups. Adsorption properties of apatites are involved in
biological molecule chromatography and in the regulation of biological processes
like biomineralization [5860]. In the biomaterials field, adsorption of drugs on
apatitic surfaces can be used to confer a therapeutic activity to substitutive biomate-
rials based on calcium phosphate [61]. FTIR and Raman spectroscopies appear to be
powerful tools in understanding the interactions of bioactive molecules with apatitic
surfaces; they have been widely utilized, for example, to study bisphosphonate
adsorption on apatite in vitro [62, 63] or, potentially, in vivo, using surface-enhanced
Raman spectroscopy (SERS) [64]. Bisphosphonate molecules (BPs) are used as
successful antiresorptive agents for the prevention and treatment of bone diseases
such as osteoporosis. They present a high affinity for apatitic surfaces and prevent
mineral dissolution and bone resorption, inhibiting osteoclast activity [65]. The
adsorption equilibrium of such drugs with apatitic surfaces can be described by a
Langmuir isotherm, and follow-up of the variation in the mineral ion content of the
solution after adsorption indicates that the adsorption reaction can be described as
an ion exchange process between phosphonate groups of BPs molecules in solution
and phosphate groups on the apatitic surface [66].
Raman microspectroscopy provides a powerful way to acquire information about
chemical composition at a molecular level, even in aqueous environments. Moreover
most BP molecules contain aromatic or conjugated domains and are therefore
strong Raman scatterers. For example, considering the Raman spectra of biomimetic
apatitic nanocrystals after adsorption of a bisphosphonate, tiludronate (Fig. 8.17),
several vibration bands attributable to tiludronate are observed.
Some of them, especially those of phosphonate groups, are hidden by those
from phosphate ions of the substrate. However, additional lines appear at 745 and
1,575 cm1 corresponding to CS and aromatic ring chain vibrations, assigned
to tiludronate. Thus, the spectroscopic data from adsorbed molecules permits to
confirm the presence of BPs on apatitic supports, and the irreversibility of such
adsorption processes on solution diluting or sample washing [67]. Quantitative
determinations can be performed directly on such systems, and a linear variation
is obtained for the line area ratio of 746 or 1,575 cm1 lines of tiludronate on
the 961 cm1 phosphate line of apatite (Fig. 8.17). These determinations could be
improved using statistical analysis and chemometric methods.
Fig. 8.17 Raman spectrum of a biomimetic nanocrystalline apatite after adsorption of tiludronate
and variation of the intensity ratio of tiludronate lines at 746 and 1,575 cm1 on the 1 PO4 apatite
line at 961 cm1 [67]
characterized by weaker extinction coefficients than in the mid-IR region where the
absorption due to water molecules can approach saturation, especially for samples
exhibiting a high surface area. NIR analyses have, for instance, been exploited to
explore surface hydration phenomena on nanocrystalline apatite samples, including
surfaces with cationic substituent such as Mg2C ions [69]. In this type of experiment,
some biomimetic samples (preliminarily outgassed at room temperature) were
equilibrated with water vapor and analyzed by NIR in situ, to follow interaction
phenomena with surface water molecules.
NIR absorption bands due to water molecules in the 6,8007,200 cm1 range
may be overlapped by harmonic vibrations of apatitic OH ions; therefore, attention
can be focused on the more specific C asym combination mode of water molecules
located at lower frequencies, in the 5,5004,500 cm1 region: this mode was indeed
shown to be rather sensitive to hydrogen bonds involving water molecules, leading
to a variety of NIR contributions due to molecules experiencing different types of
interactions with the surface [68, 70].
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 257
surface obtained by ionic a
exchange; line c- nap-1d with
1.3 % Mg; line d- nap-1d
with 3.0 % Mg (d). Panel B:
samples after outgassing at
room temperature for 1 h
(Reprinted from Ref. [69].
Copyright 2009. American 5750 5500 5250 5000 4750
Chemical Society) Wavenumber (cm-1)
The residual C asym pattern found after contact with water vapor and subse-
quent outgassing at room temperature (thus solely representative of irreversibly
adsorbed water molecules) was also investigated [69]. The related NIR absorption
profile then mostly exhibited two partially overlapped components at ca. 5,190 cm1
and ca. 4,950 cm1 (Fig. 8.18B, line a). In the case of samples enriched with
Mg2C , a broad component appeared in the range 5,1505,000 cm1 . In all these
cases, the absence of high-frequency components suggested that both OH groups
from irreversibly adsorbed H2 O molecules were probably involved in hydrogen
Such NIR findings thus illustrate the coexistence of various types of adsorbed
water on nanocrystalline apatites (as witnessed by changes in relative intensities
and positions), and the nature of surface cations (e.g., Ca2C , Mg2C ) was shown
to have a direct effect on water adsorption capabilities. These modifications are,
however, probably not limited to water molecules in direct contact with the surface
(Fig. 8.18B) but could also involve water overlayers (Fig. 8.18A).
Vibrational energy levels are sensitive to pressure exerted on crystals, and they
offer an interesting ability to detect residual strains. Generally when a sufficiently
high pressure (on the order of several GPa) is applied to a crystal, the FTIR or
Raman lines are shifted to higher wavenumbers as shown in the case of fluorapatite
Ca10 (PO4 )6 F2 (Fig. 8.19) [71].
Shifts towards lower wavenumbers are also possible and have been reported
for water molecules and for ions involved in strong hydrogen bondings [73]. The
increase in pressure is also associated with line broadening and a loss of resolution.
In several cases phase transitions under pressure have been reported. The observed
shifts (d) are proportional to the applied stress (dP), and the slopes (d/dP) have
been reported for some calcium phosphates (Table 8.8) [7274]. The d/dP values
depend on the vibrational mode and may vary considerably, as for monetite, for
example, where the negative value reported for the 1,070 cm1 line is attributed
to strong hydrogen bonding involving the HPO4 2 ions. Very similar values are
observed for the 1 lines of apatite samples. When pressure initiates a phase
transition, d/dP variations generally show a discontinuity.
There are only a few studies involving solid solutions such as carbonated apatites
[75, 76]. In their study of type B carbonate apatite and bone mineral, de Carmejane
et al. [75] showed that d/dP was much higher for the 1 phosphate line than
for the 1 carbonate line. They attributed this difference to the greater rigidity of
carbonate ions compared to phosphate. In all cases the alterations of the spectra
under isostatic pressure were found to be reversible and disappeared when the
pressure was released.
Several authors have claimed that it was possible to determine residual strains in
several cases, in coatings and in bone mineral, for example. In both cases, however,
8 Characterization of Calcium Phosphates Using Vibrational Spectroscopies 259
Table 8.8 Infrared line shifts as a function of the applied pressure: d/dP (cm1 .kbar1 ) for
different representative lines of calcium phosphates in the 1 , 3 domain, at room temperature
the line displacements observed could be due to the existence of solid solutions
with different compositions. In the case of bone [77], the Raman spectra at a
zone indented with a cylindrical indenter were analyzed using multivariate factor
analysis. The data revealed that additional mineral factors appeared in the floor of
260 C. Rey et al.
the indent. These new factors were attributed to pressure alterations in the mineral
phase. It should be noted that these alterations appeared at relatively low pressures
(0.41.2 GPa) compatible with physiological loadings. The possibility of obtaining
permanent alterations, though the effect of pressure was found to be reversible,
has been related to the difference between an isostatic pressure, preventing ion
and water displacement, and axial loading. The organic matrix was found to be
affected near the indent edge. The new factor appearing there was assigned to a loss
of the collagen triple helical structure resulting in a disordered state of the protein
related to a rupture of cross-links. Similar observations have been published related
to fatigue microdamage in bone [78].
The orientation of apatite crystals in biological tissues has often been studied by
electron micro-diffraction. Although Raman and FTIR spectroscopies can also be
used to determine crystal orientation, the spatial resolution of FTIR is too broad
to analyze crystals with small sizes and can only give information on collections
of crystals in textured domains. Micro-Raman spectroscopy offers a unique tool
for assessing the orientation of crystals within rather small domains of a few m3 ,
with some constrains due to the use of common optics on a single axis for both
the excitation and the scattered beam [79]. Micro-Raman spectroscopy has been
used for the determination of crystal orientations in tooth enamel and in bone.
In enamel, comprised of well-crystallized apatites and exhibiting a well-resolved
Raman spectrum, clear data can be obtained on specifically identified lines, and the
apatite crystals have been found to be oriented with the c-axis of the hexagonal
structure perpendicular to the tooth surface [25]. In bone the spectral resolution is
lower and lines are superimposed. In addition, the orientation of crystals has to be
compared to that of collagen fibers, which vary within an osteon and even a lamella.
The data are presented mainly as variations in intensity ratios of chosen lines of
the collagen matrix and the mineral [80]. An angular dependence of the spectra
of the collagen matrix and bone mineral can be detected, indicating orientation
correlations (Fig. 8.20). Using these correlations, variations in the orientation
of crystals could be detected within an osteon lamellae using polarized Raman
layer rich in HPO4 2 and non-apatitic carbonate species [81]. Upon aging, this
layer, which is thermodynamically less stable than apatite, is progressively replaced
by stable apatite domains, and carbonate ions are progressively incorporated in
the apatite domains. The precise characterization of bone mineral would then
necessitate the determination of both the extension and the content of the hydrated
layer and the apatite domain.
Maturation of bone mineral is related to its changes with age and is often
associated with an improvement in the crystallinity of the apatite phase, first
determined by X-ray diffraction [82]. Later spectroscopic methods using a spe-
cific ratio of phosphate bands were correlated to XRD determinations of apatite
crystallinity [29, 31], and a certain confusion exists about the maturation and
crystallinity of bone mineral. Maturity can be defined as the ratio between non-
apatitic surface environments present in the hydrated layer of the bone crystals and
apatite environments. Crystallinity is related to the size and strains of crystallized
apatite domains and ignores the surface hydrated layer. Although in many cases
these two parameters evolve concomitantly, this might not always be the case,
as shown by the example of fluorotic bone [80], and a careful characterization
of bone mineral should separate these two parameters. The crystallinity of the
apatite domains can be determined by XRD; however, such determinations at a
microscopic scale are difficult, and a crystallinity index can be obtained using the
FTIR line broadening of the 4 apatite line at 600 cm1 . A proposed maturity
index is obtained by determining the ratio of the integrated intensity of a line at
1,030 cm1 assigned to phosphate ions in the apatite domain, with that of a line at
1,110 cm1 assigned to phosphate groups in non-apatitic domains [83]. The results
on human bone compared to synthetic samples show a greater amount of non-
apatitic environments in bone mineral and a poor correlation with the crystallinity
index specifically related to the apatite domain as it is defined in this study. Although
we are still far from complete knowledge of the content and proportion of apatitic
and non-apatitic domains, this first approach confirms the importance of non-
apatitic domains in bone mineral characteristics and their possible stabilization or
262 C. Rey et al.
8.7 Conclusion
Acknowledgments We are grateful to Grard Leroy for discussions regarding the content of this
chapter, and we thank Imane Demnati, Solene Tadier, and Patricia Pascaud for allowing us to use
the results of their Ph.D. thesis in Figs. 8.15, 8.16, and 8.17.
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Chapter 9
A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings
Manufactured by Thermal Spray
phases at specified locations within the coating, and (4) the nature of porosity that
is created by a thermal spray method and how manufacturing parameters influence
this microstructural characteristic.
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Biomaterials
9.1.2 Hydroxyapatite
9.2.1 Hydroxyapatite
Werner [9] was the first scientist who named hydroxyapatite as a mineral in 1786.
The name was derived from the Greek word to deceive [9]. The chemical formula
of HA is Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 , and it has a Ca/P ratio of 1.67. It is important to keep
the ratio of 1.67 in mind since this is a clear marker for the presence of HA.
HA is the most abundant naturally occurring phosphate on earth. Sometimes
it can also be referred to as hydroxylapatite [14, 15], calcium hydroxyapatite, or
apatite. HA has a composition and chemical formula that is identical to that of
bone. It is a brittle ceramic with a calculated density of 3.22 g/cm3 . Synthetic HA is
considered to be a stoichiometric material, whereas biological apatites are generally
considered as non-stoichiometric due to vacancies or substitutions that may occur
within the structural lattice.
HA is monoclinic with lattice parameters of a D 9.4214 A, b D 2a, c D 6.8814 A,
D 120 and a lattice volume of 528.8 A3 . Figure 9.1 represents the crystal structure
that is commonly attributed to HA. The unit cell contains Ca, PO4 , and OH ions
The accepted convention for the abbreviation is either HA, HAp or occasionally Hap.
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 271
closely packed to represent the apatite structure. The c-axis is perpendicular to three
equivalent a-axes at an angle of 120.
HA, like all apatites, has a hexagonal system with space group P63 /m [11, 17].
The acceptance of a hexagonal P63 structure provides a poor least squares fit to
XRD data. Therefore, two monoclinic models have been suggested: P21/b [18] and
P21 [19]. Their chemical composition and Ca/P ratios are summarised in Table 9.1.
Figure 9.2a shows the phase diagram of HA with no water present and (b) at a
partial water pressure of 500 mmHg. Figure 9.2a indicates that HA can decompose
into other calcium phosphates such as tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP), tricalcium
phosphate (TCP), monetite (C2 P), and mixtures of calcium oxide (CaO) and C4 P.
Figure 9.2b shows that HA is stable up to 1,550 C. The two renditions of the phase
272 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.2 (a) Phase diagram of the system CaOP2 O5 at high temperature. No water present. (b)
Phase diagram of the system of Cao-P2 O5 at high temperature and at a partial water pressure of
500 mmHg. (Note: There are many references to the hydroxyapatite phase diagram. The following
references are examples where information can be accessed (White et al. [22]; Gross et al. [23]))
diagram indicate that the phase equilibrium of HA is influenced greatly by the partial
pressure of water in the surrounding atmosphere. Fang et al. [24] reported the effect
of stoichiometry on the thermal stability of HA from experiments where HA powder
samples with Ca/P ratios remained within 1.521.68 when heated to 1,100 C.
These potential changes in phase structure are of direct relevance since the DC
plasma operates under high pressures at atmospheric conditions that comprise water
HA, due to its apatite structure, contains structural sites that allow substitution of
other ions. For example, if there is a deficiency in either calcium or carbonate
species, then sodium (NaC ), magnesium (Mg2C ), acid phosphate (HPO4 ), potas-
sium (KC ), carbonate (CO3 2 ), fluoride (F ), and chloride (Cl ) ions may be
substituted as minor elements. The trace elements of strontium (Sr2C ), barium
(Ba2C ), and lead (Pb2C ) may also be observed. Synthetic HA and the main
constituents of the bone are compared in Table 9.2.
There are different methods available to deposit calcium phosphate, and their
mechanical properties vary accordingly. Likewise, HA powder differs in grain size
and in composition because of different preparation methods for the HA scaffold
materials. Small grain size provides greater fracture toughness. Table 9.3 shows a
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 273
Table 9.3 Mechanical properties of HA and bone (Lee [26]; Herschler et al. [27])
Cortical bone Cancellous bone HA scaffolds
Compressive strength (MPa) 130180 412 350450
Tensile strength (MPa) 50151 15 3848
Youngs modulus (GPa) 1218 0.10.5 7110
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced sources
The first step involves the formation of a hydroxyl ion-deficient product, known
as oxyhydroxyapatite (OHA). OHA consists of a bivalent oxygen ion and a
vacancy substitute for two monovalent OH ions of HA [34]. In the second step,
dehydroxylation leads to the formation of oxyapatite. In the presence of water,
oxyhydroxyapatite and oxyapatite can transform back to hydroxyapatite [28].
Hydroxyapatite decomposes into other phases at high temperature. HA retains
its crystal structure up to a critical point, beyond which complete and irreversible
decomposition occurs. During decomposition, HA converts into other calcium phos-
phate phases such as -tricalcium phosphate (-TCP) and tetracalcium phosphate
(TTCP). Firstly, oxyapatite transforms into tricalcium phosphate and tetracalcium
phosphate. In the next step, tricalcium phosphate and tetracalcium phosphate
convert into calcium oxide [34, 36, 37]. The chemical equilibria can be described
by means of the three following equations:
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 275
HA feedstock is the foundation for each thermal spray process. The ASTM
standard F 1609 [39], which is comparable with other standards from FDA or ISO,
provides limitations for feedstock concerning crystallinity, particle form, and in vivo
and in vitro behaviour. Therefore, several common parameters for the feedstock
have become accepted. Usually, a fully crystalline pure HA powder is the basis,
which is generally manufactured by using phosphate-containing and calcium ion-
containing ingredients. After mixing both components, calcination leads to the HA
feedstock [40].
276 C.C. Berndt et al.
Since the main intention of HA implant coatings is to support the growth of human
bone tissue on the implant surface, it is necessary to understand the structure of this
tissue and its modelling and remodelling behaviour. In this way, the intention is to
design an artificial microstructure that mimics the performance criteria of natural
In general, there are two types of bone tissue, the high and the low porous ones,
called the compact and the trabecular bone [45]. With 7595 % porosity [45], the
trabecular bone (also called cancellous or spongy bone) is mostly found in the epiph-
ysis, the ends of long bones [46]. There the matrix is formed of 200 m thick [45]
trabeculae. The trabeculae matrix formation directions follow the principal stress
axes [47] within the bone that allows the transfer of high loads along these axes.
Overall, the trabeculae of the cancellous bone form 80 % of the bone surface [48].
The high-density bone is found in the middle parts of long bones, the diaphysis,
and in the outer parts of bones, where it forms the bone shell that is termed cortical
bone. With 8085 % of the skeletal bone mass, it provides protection and strength
for the whole bone [48]. This compact matrix shows a porosity from 5 to 10 %
[45, 49]. Within the pores of the matrix, there are tissue types that display different
morphologies and character [47], the detail of which is considered out of scope for
this current chapter.
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 277
Primary bone is located on the bone surface. A new bone structure will be
arranged parallel to this shell structure and is termed as lamellae. The bone matrix
itself is continuously changing. Therefore, the primary structure will be replaced by
the secondary bone. It is interesting to note that the substructure of the bone has a
morphology of 200 m in diameter and consists of approximately 16 layers [45]
that are surrounded by a cement line. This dimensional feature is similar to the
dimensions of a single HA splat that is formed via thermal spray processing.
Fig. 9.3 Osteoblasts on implant surface (a) by Ball et al. [54] and (b) by Ng et al. [55] (Reprinted
with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced sources)
There are two bone formation processes, i.e. the endochondral and the intramembra-
nous modelling processes [56]. The specialised cells need an unmineralised tissue to
mineralise bone matrix as a foundation. But when a bone grows, this interim, softer
matrix needs to withstand loads that affect the bone. Therefore, cartilage, which is
able to resist high compressive pressures, provides a base for the bone-mineralising
cells [45]. Long bones grow along their length axis. Thus, two bone-growing zones
are located near the ends of the bone [45]. Later, osteoclasts and osteoblasts will
remodel the bone, and secondary bone matrix will be mineralised [56]. These
processes are called the primary and the secondary ossification.
After modelling the primary bone matrix, permanent remodelling processes take
place in the whole skeleton. The main purpose is to react to changes in stress [57]
caused by different loads on the bone, e.g. generated by changes in daily activities or
age- and disease-related alterations. Thereby, Wolffs law proclaims that less strain
causes degradation of bone, whereas overstraining causes increased production of
bone matrix in this area. Furthermore, remodelling enables the body to repair small
damage of the bone matrix [57]. Therefore, at any time, approximately 20 % of the
trabecular bone is situated within a remodelling process, and every bone surface
region will be remodelled nearly every second year [45, 57].
The remodelling process takes place in separate regions at the bone surface
matrix, depending on where it is necessary. Osteoclasts and osteoblasts work
together in so-called basic multicellular units, BMUs, resorbing old and creating
new tissue [45, 57]. Activation and movement of BMUs is a not a sufficiently
investigated field. It is assumed that osteocytes can sense stresses in the bone matrix
and, therefore, these cells transfer signals to the BMUs to activate remodelling of
this part of the bone in accordance to the changed needs [57].
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 279
In 1979, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) enacted the
ASTM standard C633-79 (now updated to C633-01), a standard test method for
adhesion or cohesive strength of flame-sprayed coatings [64]. Although the thermal
spray manufacturing process has been in use for over 90 years, their application
to clinical implants began in the 1980s [40], for example, with the material and
clinical research by Osborn (in 1985 and 1987) [65, 66]. Further studies, especially
concerning sprayed HA coatings, such as by Mornachon (in 1985) [67] and De
Groot (in 1987) [15], presented evidence of promising clinical implementation.
Naturally grown HA is located in many countries, e.g. Switzerland, Germany,
Italy, and the USA [68]. The HA feedstock material is now produced synthetically
for clinical applications to guarantee quality.
The manufacturing process of the coating greatly influences the coating properties
since the microstructure will reflect the process. Therefore, good knowledge and
understanding of this method is essential for analysing, developing, and upgrading
HA coatings. Various methods, as mentioned in Sect. 9.1.2, have been developed
280 C.C. Berndt et al.
Table 9.5 Typical mechanical properties for human bone (Non-marked values after R.B. Martin
et al. [45])a
Cortical Cancellous Average Bone Bone material
ID Property bone bone bone material HA collagen
1 Youngs modulus [GPa] 824 [50] 0.070.49 20 [58]b 130 [50] 0.05 [58]
Longitudinal 17.4
22.5 [59]c
25.8 [59]d
Transverse 9.6 13.4 [59]
Bending 14.8
2 Shear modulus [GPa] 3.51
3 Poissons ratio 0.39 0.3 [60]
4 Tensile yield stress [MPa] 100 [58]e 20 [58]e
Longitudinal 115
5 Tensile ultimate stress [MPa]
Longitudinal 133
Transverse 51
6 Compressive yield stress
Longitudinal [MPa] 182
Transverse [MPa] 121
7 Compressive ultimate stress
Longitudinal [MPa] 195
Transverse [MPa] 133
8 Shear yield stress [MPa] 54
9 Shear ultimate stress [MPa] 69
10 Bending ultimate stress [MPa] 208.6
11 Tensile ultimate strain [%] 0.03 [58]f 35 [58]f
Longitudinal 0.0293
Transverse 0.0324
12 Compressive ultimate strain
Longitudinal [%] 0.0220
Transverse [%] 0.0462
13 Shear ultimate strain [%] 0.33
Hardness [MPa]
Longitudinal 611 [59]g
736 [59]h
Transverse 468 [59]
14 Density [g/cm3 ] 1.82.0 1.01.4 2.11 [61]i 2.0 [45, 50] 1.0 [45, 50]
1.8 [62]
Yield stress and strain mark the point of change between elastic and plastic forming. Ultimate
stress and strain mark the point of maximum load
0.45 of mineralisation
Tibial osteons
Tibia interstitial lamellae
No note on kind of load on the bone. 0.45 of mineralisation
No note on kind of load on the bone. 0.45 of mineralisation
Tibial osteons
Tibia interstitial lamellae
Ca/P ratio: 1.67
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 281
to deposit HA onto an implant surface, such as biomimetry [69, 70], dip coating
[71], sol-gel methods [7274], immersion coatings [6, 75], plasma sintering [76],
ion beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) [77], electrophoretic deposition [8, 7880],
pulsed laser deposition [81], electrohydrodynamic spraying [82] and thermal spray
techniques [83, 84] such as plasma [85], flame [86], and high-velocity oxygen fuel
(HVOF) [87].
Many of these processes have disadvantages, which make the manufacturing
inefficient or which do not fulfil mechanical and clinical expectations. Reasons for
failure [40] include (1) the impurity of the HA coating, (2) poor bonding strength
between the coating and implant, and (3) changes in structure and properties of the
implant metal or the HA coating due to the processing heat.
Among these techniques, thermal spray, in particular plasma spray, has been
approved by the FDA for the deposition of HA coatings [88]. The plasma spray
method can prepare large-scale coatings that exhibit good adhesion to substrates
of complex shape [40, 89]. Plasma spraying has the ability to produce specialised
coatings with functional properties such as biocompatibility, fixation, corrosion, and
wear resistance that is beneficial to the field of biomedical engineering [9092].
The plasma spray method (1) offers good chemical and microstructural control,
(2) can be used on difficult surfaces and implant shapes, (3) has demonstrated an
ability to form coatings of variable thickness, and (4) exhibits good biocorrosion
and substrate fatigue resistance [40]. Figure 9.4 depicts the typical surface of a HA
coating deposited by a plasma spray method.
Thermal spray employs high temperature and velocity to melt the powder or wire
as a feedstock and deposit one material onto the surface of another. Thermal
spray methods can be divided into two major classes: (1) chemical energy of
the combustion gases that power the flame spray torch and (2) electric currents
providing energy for plasma generators.
282 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.5 Plasma spray system (CACT [94]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by
the referenced source)
Plasma spray is regarded as the most versatile of all the thermal spray processes.
The plasma spray process uses the latent heat of two ionised inert gases to create
the heat source. The most common gases used to create the plasma are argon as
the primary and hydrogen or helium as the secondary gases. However, the gas use
depends on the type of material to be sprayed and intended application.
The plasma spray process is able to melt a large array of ceramic materials. The
plasma spray system consists of an electronically controlled power supply, a PLC-
based operator control station, a gas mass flow system, a closed-loop water chilling
system, a powder feeder, and a plasma torch [93]. The plasma spray torch (Fig. 9.5)
consists of a copper anode and a tungsten cathode, which are both cooled by water.
Plasma gas (argon, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium) surrounds the cathode and exits the
torch by passing through the anode nozzle. A high-voltage discharge between the
cathode and anode ionises the plasma-forming gas so that a high heat source is
The plasma temperature may be nearly 10,000 C, into which the feedstock
of HA powder is injected. Any powders injected into the plasma flame will melt
and subsequently be deposited onto the substrate to form a coating [95]. The
particle velocities of plasma spraying are higher than flame and wire arc spraying,
therefore producing more dense coatings and surfaces that demonstrate a more fine
topography. Figure 9.5 shows a typical torch and plasma spray coating process.
The advantages of plasma spray have been widely recognised in many industries.
The unique features that characterise plasma spray processing are that (1) it is
simple and flexible, (2) coating parameters can be controlled by appropriate setting
of parameters, (3) a uniform coating is produced, (4) an ability to melt many metals,
ceramics, or composites, and (5) high deposition rates.
The feedstock powder particles are accelerated to a high velocity, heated up and,
depending on their size, are totally or partly molten (Fig. 9.6). The spherical droplets
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 283
Fig. 9.6 Possible phase development in half melted hydroxyapatite powder particle (Deram et al.
[96]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
form disc-shaped splats [97] on impact against the implant surface (Fig. 9.7). The
transit time, or residence time, between gun and implant surface is of the order
of 26 ms, during which time the HA particles heat up and cool down to form HA
phases within the coating (Fig. 9.8). Thermal spray parameters such as the feedstock
characteristics and thermal spray parameters control the character and amount of the
HA phases.
284 C.C. Berndt et al.
Since the implant material is not heated during the process, plasma spraying is
called a cold method, which has the advantage of avoiding metallurgical change or
damage to the implant metal [100]. Furthermore, plasma spraying produces coatings
with good density and strength and minimised contamination by other elements
during the manufacturing process [100].
demonstrated that carrier gas flow rate had an effect on the thickness of plasma-
sprayed coatings with a high carrier gas flow rate leading to an increase in coating
The powder, also termed as the feedstock, is transported to the plasma flame by
means of a powder delivery tube that may be up to 10 m in length. The delivery
rate of the feedstock has two consequences with regard to the coating build-up.
Firstly, the powder feed rate influences the coating thickness since an increased
flow rate increases the quantity of particles and, therefore, the coating thickness
for a set transverse speed. Whereas this is an attribute from the perspective of the
manufacturing economics, it should be kept in mind that a very high flow rate may
give rise to incomplete melting that results in highly porous coatings. Incomplete
melting increases the proportion of the unmelted powders that may bounce off the
substrate surface and give rise to a low deposition efficiency. Secondly, it has been
reported that the feed rate affects the temperature of the plasma flame. High feed
rates infer high carrier gas flows that, with an associated increase in number of
particles, may reduce the flame temperature [38].
The distance between the torch and the substrate is termed as the spray distance
or standoff distance (SOD). SOD influences the velocity of the particle and the
length of time that the particles are exposed to the plasma flame, thus influencing
the degree of particle melting. A longer SOD may cause a reduction in the velocity
of the droplets during spraying due to the frictional forces from the ambient
environment. A shorter SOD would indicate that the substrate experiences more
of the heating effects from the plasma flame. Thus, SOD affects the substrate
temperature [38]. Kweh et al. [113], for example, demonstrated that coating
properties deteriorated with increasing spray distance.
Sun et al. [105] studied the effects of varying SOD from 80 to 160 mm and
reported that longer spray distances cause increased particle melting, lower porosity,
and a greater number of microcracks. Lu et al. [114] investigated spray distances of
80200 mm and suggested that at longer spray distances, the particles began to cool
and resolidify, thereby allowing formation of a coating with increased crystallinity.
Cizek et al. [102] measured the change in temperature and velocity as the spray
distance increased from 50 to 150 mm. A decrease in particle temperature of 220 C
and a velocity decrease of 90 ms1 were observed over this SOD range.
The velocity at which the plasma torch travels is called the torch traverse velocity.
Traverse velocity has an effect on cooling, thickness, recrystallisation, and residual
stress development. Traverse speeds used for spraying vary greatly, with values
ranging from 75 [115] to 750 mms1 [107] being reported.
The high-velocity oxygen-fuel spray (HVOF) process has been investigated [87,
116] for HA processing. In this process, the feedstock powder is injected in a water-
cooled high-pressure combustion chamber that has a long barrel [117]. Oxygen and
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 287
Fig. 9.9 High-velocity oxy-fuel apparatus (Anonymous [118]. Reprinted with permission. The
copyright is held by the referenced source)
Table 9.7 Calcium-containing compounds in the calcium phosphate system (After Gross
and Berndt [119]a )
Calcium phosphate Chemical formula Short ID Ca/P ratio
Hydroxyapatite Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 HA, Hap, HAp 1.67
Tricalcium phosphate Ca3 (PO4 )2 (as - or -phases) C3 P, TCP 1.5
Tetracalcium phosphate Ca4 P2 O9 4CaO C4 P, TTCP 2
Calcium oxide CaO CaO
Calcium pyrophosphate Ca2 P2 O7 CPP 1
Oxyapatite Ca10 (PO4 )6 O OA 1.67
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source
Note: Some of this data appears in Table 9.1. Only those phases appearing in thermal-
sprayed HA are presented in the current table
a fuel gas such as hydrogen [116, 118] combust and establish a high-pressure flame
that is able to melt or partly melt the HA feedstock (Fig. 9.9). Coatings produced
by means of the HVOF process exhibit good density and strength with low residual
tensile stresses. A main advantage is that the feedstock particles do not need to be
fully melted to create a high-quality coating [117].
phosphate are often also present. The amorphous HA phase may develop instead
of a crystalline phase due to the rapid solidification conditions during the splat
quenching process where cooling rates of 1 106 degrees per second may exist.
Thus, the HA does not have adequate time to crystallise [120, 121].
It has been mentioned previously that the spray parameters gave rise to coating
layers that may exhibit variable thickness. A decrease of the layer depth, for
example, by employing a low feedstock delivery rate, leads to higher cooling rates
since heat can be transferred more rapidly away from the splat, thus leading to
HA with an amorphous character (Fig. 9.10). This same effect may be achieved
by altering the spray angle so that the impacting particle is more likely to smear
across the substrate surface. Increasing the droplet heat has the same effect since
the particle viscosity is decreased so that there is more fluid upon flattening against
the implant surface. Alternatively, the thermal spray process may be performed at a
higher velocity, e.g. affected by a higher primary gas flow that increases the cooling
rate by flattening the coating layers.
It is possible to form an oxide layer on the implant metal surface due to heating
effects caused by the initial particle layers. These layers, together with the thermal
flux from the plasma, may exhibit increased cooling rates due to enhanced heat
transfer and thereby increase the proportion of the amorphous phase.
An increase of the surface roughness of the implant material will reduce the
flattening response of splats and, therefore, reduce the cooling rate. It is more likely
that crystalline phases will evolve under such conditions.
The tendency for the amorphous phase to appear near the metal surface has been
reported [40, 120, 121] for the above reasons but also arises due to the high thermal
diffusivity of titanium (8 102 cm2 s1 ) [121]. The coating roughness increases
during the evolution of the coating, and this leads to less heat conduction that
presents conditions for enhanced crystallisation. Thus, the presence of crystalline
HA is expected to be revealed on the coating surface.
The evolution of amorphous phase depends on the dehydroxylation rate [104,
119, 121], i.e. the reduction of OH groups, during the residence time of the
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 289
Fig. 9.11 Properties of HA-coated implants with 50 and 75 % crystallinity (After Overgaard et al.
However, the 75 % crystalline implants exhibited more bone growth than the other
implants, as well as enhanced mechanical properties (Fig. 9.11).
A conclusion of the above study is that higher crystallinity rates may not support
fast bone growth initially. However, the crystalline HA offers a stable platform and
adequate mechanical properties that presents an environment for slow bone growth.
The slow growth leads to better mechanical properties and a stable, long-term
coating. The stability of the HA coating is evidenced by means of the development
of the coating thickness. That is, within the study period, the coating thicknesses of
the 50 % crystalline implants were reduced by one half, whereas the thicknesses of
the 75 % crystalline implants were reduced by 25 %, on average.
Tricalcium phosphate phases are relatively stable over a large temperature range
[119]; therefore, they are often detected in thermal-sprayed HA coatings. Only
the structure of the phase varies. For example, at high temperatures, a polymorph
-phase exists, which transforms under slow cooling into a -phase or under fast
cooling into a metastable tricalcium phosphate [119]. Gross and Berndt (1998) [119]
indicated that tricalcium phosphate can be observed predominantly when the spray
process encourages heat transfer to the feedstock particles. Under such low heat
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 291
Fig. 9.12 The general model of a process/system (Antony et al. [128]. Reprinted with permission.
The copyright is held by the referenced source)
In the DOE technique, the parameters to be changed in the experiment are termed
as factors or variables [127]. The different possibilities for a factor are called the
levels. Levels can be either qualitative or quantitative. The measured output from the
experiment is termed as the response. Once the experiment has been run, the effect
of each factor can be evaluated by comparing the average response change with
the factor changed. Responses can then be represented as a polynomial regression
equation of the following form:
y D b0 C bj X j C bij Xi Xj C bij k Xi Xj Xk (9.6)
where i, j, and k vary from 1 to the number of variables; the coefficient b0 is the mean
of the responses for the whole experiment; the bj coefficient represents the effect of
the variable Xj ; and bij and bijk are the coefficients of regression that represent the
effects of interactions of the variables Xi Xj and Xi Xj Xk , respectively [38].
In performing a DOE, there is a need to input process or machine variables to
observe corresponding changes in the output process. The information gained from
properly planned experiments can be used to improve the performance of products.
Figure 9.12 shows the general model of a process/system.
In every process, there are some variables or factors that can be controlled easily,
and some are hard to control during normal production or standard conditions.
In Fig. 9.12, the outputs are performance characteristics that are measured to
assess process and/or product performance. The controllable variables can be
measured during an experiment and such variables have a key role to play in the
process characterisation. Uncontrollable variables, which may influence the process
characterisation, are difficult to control during an experiment. It is important to
determine optimal settings of controllable variables to minimise the effect of the
uncontrollable variables [128].
Three aspects of design that pertain to thermal spray methods are analysed
under DOE methods by processes such as factors, levels, and responses (Fig. 9.13).
Factors, such as power, powder feed rate, and standoff distance, can be either
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 293
Fig. 9.13 Coating build-up (Moresteam et al. [129]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is
held by the referenced source)
Fig. 9.14 Steps of design of experiment (SAS et al. [130]. Reprinted with permission. The
copyright is held by the referenced source)
The coating shrinks during cooling, and the relieve of stresses leads to micro-
cracks, which are a major stress relaxation mechanism in ceramics [136]. The
presence of pores is responsible for the open microstructure of HA coatings. In a HA
coating, there are two types of pores: (1) those that are within splats and (2) porosity
between splats.
Pores within splats evolve from gas bubbles in a droplet and can be differentiated
into open, closed, and through-thickness pores as described by Li et al. [98].
Open pores, which are either 12 m or 7 m in diameter, appear when gas
bubbles evaporate from the HA material. Closed pores arise when the highly viscous
material of the splat freezes before the gas bubble can escape. Unlike open pores,
which are only at the surface of the splats, through-thickness pores are oriented
transverse through the splat thickness. All of the above pores within the splat
architecture contribute to the porosity of the HA coating, which is, however, mainly
defined by the interstices between the accumulation of splats.
Porosity that forms between splats may be correlated directly to the crystalline
HA phase, i.e. the porosity of HA coatings increases with a larger amount of
crystalline HA phase [89]. This phase differentiation arises because the crystalline
HA splats are less viscous and therefore flatten less and are slow to cool. Hence,
voids between these splats are not filled by viscous material, which may be
differentiated from the case of an amorphous phase [89] (Fig. 9.16). Furthermore, it
was found that the increase of less viscous amorphous phase decreases the surface
roughness, and hence the coating is more smooth. A larger amount of amorphous
phase, therefore, may be correlated to a decrease in coating porosity.
Other workers [137] arrived at similar conclusions concerning the influence of
surface roughness on cell adhesion and proliferation. This case study found that the
most rough HA disc surface, which was prepared by roughening with 180 grit SiC
paper, enhanced the number of detached cells, the attachment strength, and the bone
cell proliferation and activity.
In summary, bone cells need space between the coating splats to enable good
anchoring, whereas pores that are too large may hinder cell growth in the coating.
296 C.C. Berndt et al.
Furthermore, higher porosity may lead to lower mechanical properties and may
negatively influence the long-term stability of the coating. The coating stability
depends, as well, on factors such as the percentage ratio between the different phases
and the coating thickness.
Fig. 9.17 Three-point-bending test for Youngs modulus determination, after ASTM E-855 (Yang
et al. [85]). HAC refers to the hydroxyapatite coating that is located on the top of the sample
surface (Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
The Youngs modulus of the coating was determined using a cantilever beam
bend test [104] with an average value of 4.2 GPa for compression. This value is less
than the average value of 20.3 GPa investigated [85] by means of a three-point bend
test (Fig. 9.17). Other tests [140] have reached peak values of 60 GPa by using a
microindentation test.
The study by Tsui et al. [104] indicated that the compression modulus was higher
than that in tension. This structure/property effect was ascribed to microcracks and
pores. Thus, under compression loading, cracks will be consolidated, and only the
pores weaken the structure. Whereas if the coating is placed under tension, the strain
will be influenced by cracks and pores and, therefore, will be more weak. Within the
context of the orthopaedic application that operates under alternating stress cycles,
the mechanical properties of a HA coating will lie between the two extreme strains,
which reflects the true stresses imposed onto a coating in vitro.
Another mechanical property of interest is the Youngs modulus that is an
indicator of the coating stiffness. The modulus difference between the HA coating
and the surrounding bone is about 20 GPa (Table 9.9). The corresponding high
modulus mismatch between the implant metal (e.g. Ti6Al4V D 106 GPa [86]) and
either the coating or the bone indicates that strains develop at these interfaces.
These differences in stiffness lead to dissimilar deformations that cause stress. The
net result is that degeneration of the bone matrix may occur at the coatingbone
interface. That is, there may be degradation of bonding at the coatingimplant
interface that arises, fundamentally, from the modulus mismatch.
The bond strength determination includes the adhesive and the cohesive attach-
ment properties of the coating. Tensile bond tests are prepared by using adhesives to
fix a dummy support to the specimen assembly. If this adhesive penetrates through
cracks and pores to the coatingimplant interface, then non-representative higher
bond strengths are measured [104]. This experimental concern explains the large
range of values reported for the bond strengths, ranging from 9 MPa [104] up to 29
and 31 MPa [85]. Other reasons for these differences can be attributed to variations
in spray parameters, feedstock, and heat treatment of the coating.
298 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.18 Adhesion measurement with (a) single-edge notch bend test and (b) tensile bond test
(Tsui et al. [104]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
differences of the thermal expansion coefficients [104], i.e. HA D 13.3 106 K1
and Ti6Al4V D 9 106 K1 . The larger coefficient of HA leads to a greater
expansion than the metal and compressive stresses evolve at the implantcoating
interface. Stress in the coating was determined to be always tensile and increased
slightly with the distance from the metal surface, which correlated well with the
respective Youngs moduli.
Other investigators [143] found a greater Youngs modulus for the crystalline
phase than the amorphous one. The amorphous phase is located mainly at the
coatingmetal interface, and, therefore, Youngs modulus increases with coating
thickness since the amount of crystalline phase also increases.
Time-dependent studies of HA coatings in simulated body fluid [85] showed a
significant decrease of the residual stress from 44 to 21 MPa within four weeks
300 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.20 Development of the HA coating properties over 4 weeks in simulated body fluid: (a)
Youngs modulus, (b) porosity, and (c) compressive residual stress and strain (Yang et al. [85].
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
increase of strength of the coatingbone system when bone starts to grow inside the
coating structure. Such bone growth would reflect the natural bone modelling and
remodelling processes and be expected to regenerate some stability.
The mechanical and resorption properties of the HA coating are related to the
coating thickness since there will be phase changes. Several investigators [144,
145] examined the influence of the coating thickness on the shear strength. The
results showed higher shear strength for a 50 m coating than for a 200 m thick
coating. Another study on sheep by Svehla et al. (2002) [146] showed a contrary
result with an increase of shear stress with increasing coating thickness, especially
over 100 m.
Furthermore, all of these studies demonstrated that only coatings up to 150 m
thick exhibited failures, such as cracks, at the coatingbone interface. The 200 m
thick coating [144] featured additional failures within the coating and at the coating
implant interface. Therefore, these outcomes recommend the use of thinner coatings
of 100 m to minimise fatigue failure within the coating and, hence, to provide a
better long-term performance.
The resorption of the coating in vivo has to be considered to ensure that sufficient
coating provides a long-term grip of the bone to the implant when the dissolution
process has ceased. The study of Svehla et al. [146] reports that the bone on-growth
increases with increasing coating thickness up to 100 m, with an equal amount of
bone cells on a 150 m thick coating.
Studies of the nature reported above have led to conventions for coating
thickness. Coatings between 50 and 75 m are commonly used for orthopaedic
implants [40], whereas coatings for dental implants are at least 100 m thick.
The phase diagram (Fig. 9.2) indicates that HA only emerges under circumstances
that are influenced strongly by the process temperature and the calcium oxide
percentage in the feedstock powder [119]. Figure 9.21 shows the X-ray diffraction
results from a HA coating that displays many calcium phosphate phases.
The calcium phosphate phases dissolve both in vivo and in vitro; however,
the dissolution rate increases in the ranking order of crystalline hydroxyap-
atite < -tricalcium phosphate < -tricalcium phosphate < amorphous hydroxya-
patite < tetracalcium phosphate [147]. Note that this ranking of the dissolution
rates agrees with those presented in Sect. The dissolution rate also relies
on the morphology, roughness, surface area, porosity, and residual stresses of the
coating [29]. Furthermore, dissolution depends strongly on the crystal size within
302 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.21 Phases found in a plasma-sprayed HA coating (Tsui et al. [104]. Reprinted with
permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
the coating; for example, it has been demonstrated that larger crystals led to a
decrease of the dissolution rate of the coating [148].
A HA coating consists of an agglomeration of single splats. These splats are not
homogenous but consist of a phase mix due to different heat and dehydroxylation
parameters in the core and the shell of the droplets. Several authors [96, 105, 119]
have developed models that describe the manner in which a single splat may consist
of diverse phases.
Gross et al. (1998) [119] developed a model indicating that splat phases depend
on the plasma flame temperature (Fig. 9.22), since this parameter regulates the
viscosity of the splats and the degree of dehydroxylation. Following this model,
crystalline, not dehydroxylated, HA can be found in the core of droplets and splats.
The amorphous, highly dehydroxylated and fast-cooling phase develops at the metal
surface, while oxyapatite, which cools down slower, is located near the outer splat
surface. Higher temperatures lead to tricalcium and tetracalcium phosphates as well
as to calcium oxide. Calcium oxide is not desirable due to its bio-incompatible
Sun et al. (2003) [105] developed a model concerning the coating formation
and the recrystallisation of the amorphous phase (Fig. 9.23). The model considers
that during the solidification of the splat, some regions of the amorphous and
stoichiometric phase (between the core and shell) recrystallise due to longer cooling
times on the coating surface. Furthermore, this model considers that subsequent
droplets influence the previous layers. That is, heat from the plasma flame and from
the overlapping, new droplets melt the outer sections of the prior-formed splats. This
process may lead to recrystallisation since the new splats decrease the cooling rate
of the already deposited splats. Secondly, while the first-formed splats recrystallise,
new OH- groups have time to infiltrate these regions and generate a crystalline phase
out of a former amorphous phase.
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 303
Fig. 9.22 Splat development model dependent on plasma flame temperature (Gross and Berndt
[119]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
The time-dependent in vivo behaviour of the coating is decisive for the functionality
of the implant. ASTM F1609 [39] provides general conditions for the expected in
vitro and in vivo behaviour of calcium phosphate coatings. Several studies have
investigated coating performance in vitro in animal tests and in human patients.
Kim et al. performed an in vitro study (2004) [149] to investigate the mechanism
for the development of a natural apatite-like bone matrix onto an artificial HA sub-
strate. Sintered HA was soaked into simulated body fluid (aka SBF; Table 9.11)
and examined before the soaking process and 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 120 h after
remaining in the fluid. The zeta potential on the coating surface and the Ca/P ratio
were analysed (Fig. 9.24) and a model developed (Fig. 9.25).
The HA coating shows a negative surface potential when placed into the SBF.
This enables the positive calcium ions to interact with the HA, and a calcium-rich
amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) layer is formed. Therefore, the calcium
phosphate ratio increases, and the surface potential becomes positive, which attracts
the negative phosphate ions of the SBF towards the HA surface.
304 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.23 The development of a HA coating during thermal spray deposition (Sun et al. [105]).
(a) Crystalization of the stoichiometric melt. (b) Recrystallization of the dehydroxylated melt due
to the decreased cooling rate during droplet solidification. (c) Recrystallization of the amorphous
phase in the prior-formed splat due to heat from both the incoming droplet and the plasma flame
and the re-hydroxylation during the coating buildup (Reprinted with permission. The copyright is
held by the referenced source)
This process evolves after 69 h of soaking time and creates a calcium-poor area
in the HA that decreases the local Ca/P ratio and reduces the amount of surface HA.
Subsequently, bone-like apatite forms from the crystallising calcium-poor ACP, with
the incorporation of calcium and phosphate from physiological fluids. This apatite
is equivalent to the natural bone matrix in terms of structure and composition. The
apatite structure grows and integrates further calcium and phosphate from the host
fluid. Kim et al. observed a needle-like morphology of the apatite crystals on the HA
surface. The zeta potential stabilised to around 10 mV after 120 h of soaking in the
SBF and the hydroxyapatite Ca/P ratio reverted almost to its original level of 1.67.
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 305
Fig. 9.24 Zeta potential and Ca/P ratio within immersion time in SBF (Kim et al. [149]. Reprinted
with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
Fig. 9.25 Process of forming natural bone apatite on the HA coating (Kim et al. [149]. Reprinted
with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
The group around Weng [151] investigated the development of the bone-like
apatite layer in SBF. The initial surface dissolution of HA was observed after 4 h
as well as the appearance of cracks and fragmented splats. Whole splats vanished
from the HA surface after a further two hours. After 12 h, the first granular layers
of bone-like apatite, which initiated in the lower-level pore regions, propagated to
the outermost regions of the coating surface. Finally, after 24 h of placement into
the SBF, the whole HA surface was covered with a 2.5 m thick layer of bone-like
apatite. The dunelike surface became more smooth and thick. At day six, hillocks
of more than 20 m thickness were observed. The surface layer exhibited a netlike
structure consisting of short micro-rods that were similar in morphology to other
work [149].
Other studies [150] have confirmed these results where the in vitro behaviour of
HVOF-sprayed HA coatings and splats was investigated. Coatings formed from 30
and 50 m feedstock were soaked in SBF (Fig. 9.26). The surface of the 30 m
coating revealed full coverage with a precipitated layer after three days, while the
more coarse 50 m coating required 7 days to cultivate such a layer.
The investigations of Khor et al. also examined the phase changes in the coatings
during incubation in SBF. Both coatings exhibited different phase ratios due to the
different melt states of the splats caused by different feedstock sizes. Therefore, it
can be explained that dissolution and phase changes emerge earlier in the coating
306 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.26 Surface changes of coating formed from 30 m feedstock after soaking in SBF for (a)
0 h, (b) 6 h, (c) 1 day, (d) 3 days, (e) 7 days, and (f) 14 days. A fully precipitated layer covers the
surface after 3 days of incubation (Khor et al. [150]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is
held by the referenced source)
Fig. 9.27 Structure of (a) the precipitated layer and (b) a coating crack (Khor et al. [150].
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
Fig. 9.28 Changes of the coating properties: (a) flexural modulus, (b) weight, and (c) calcium
concentration within immersion time. Coating A is formed from feedstock of 30 m, and coating
B feedstock is 50 m (Khor et al. [150]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the
referenced source)
Furthermore, with incipient development of the bone-like apatite layer, the dis-
solution of the coating elements reduced but did not cease within the experimental
time frame, and this was reflected by the non-linear trend of the results. Overall,
(1) the dissolution rate of the 30 m coating was much higher than the 50 m
coating, and (2) the 30 m coating demonstrated a significantly faster development
of the apatite layer. Therefore, there is a relationship between dissolution and the
development of a bone-like layer.
The proposed development of calcium within the coating in the study of Khor
et al. [150] is equivalent to the model developed by Kim et al. [149]. Within the first
few hours, the calcium level in the coating increased by absorbing calcium from
the fluid and deposited it as an amorphous phase on the coating [150]. Thereby the
30 m coating assimilated more calcium than the 50 m coating. This tendency
reversed after the first few days, and the calcium concentration reduced since, now,
the calcium was remodelled into the new bone-like apatite. Khor et al. also mention
that further dissolution of calcium from regions of the coating remote from the
surface may be realised through cracks. Both coatings started losing calcium around
308 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.29 Performance model of (a) half melted and (b) nearly fully melted splats. -1 and -2
indicate before and after exposure to the simulated body fluid, respectively (Khor et al. [150].
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
the same time; however, the 30 m coating commenced this process earlier by
developing the apatite layer. Thus, there are indications of a relationship between
the amount of calcium absorption in the first few hours and the ability to cultivate
bone-like apatite early.
Khor et al. [150] used a three-point bend method to measure the Youngs
modulus of the HA coatings. The modulus of the 30 m coating increased initially
due to the rapid development of a dense bone-like apatite layer, whereas the modulus
of the 50 m coating declined because of the initial dissolution. Later, the 30 m
coating developed an apatite layer, and hence the modulus increased. Both coatings
exhibited a drop in their moduli around the 21st day, which was proposed to
be a result of further stress reduction due to dissolution and crack formation in
the coating. The modulus increased with further growth of the apatite layer and
stabilised at about 15 GPa.
A mechanistic model has been presented [150] concerning the development of
the splats and their influence on the formation of bone-like apatite layers (Fig. 9.29).
The melted sections of a HA splat offers tricalcium and tetracalcium phosphate
and amorphous HA. These phases exhibit high dissolution rates, whereas the
unmelted splat centre consists of the original feedstock powder, i.e. crystalline
HA that has a slower dissolution rate. It was observed that a mostly molten splat
disappeared rapidly without the development of bone-like apatite. The remaining
core, in contrast, offers a surface for development of an apatite layer, but dissolution
is necessary. Consequently, an ideal coating will offer a mixture of fast-dissolving
phases and crystalline structures, for instance, evolving from unmelted cores, to
offer a foundation for bone-like apatite.
Despite the name bone-like apatite, the developing apatite matrix shows a
different phosphate structure and a lack of OH groups in comparison to naturally
grown bone [151]. But, nevertheless, this matrix is sufficient to induce bone cells to
be laid down and develop natural bone tissues on the frame of the bone-like apatite.
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 309
Fig. 9.30 Osteoblast cells on the (a) spherical and (b) rod-like coating surface. The cells on
(a) demonstrated a bigger and faster growth (Zhao et al. [154]. Reprinted with permission. The
copyright is held by the referenced source)
Fig. 9.31 Cell density on nanostructured HA coating differing in CA/P ratio (CP) (Ergun et al.
[155]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
The in vivo behaviour of HA coatings has also been studied so that relationships to
clinical practice can be established. Long-term studies, such as the 15-year follow-
up study by Epinette (2008) [157] or the research on 166 hips over 15 years by
Capello et al. (2006) [158], demonstrated (1) a faster and more painless ingrowth
of implants coated with HA and (2) better bone tissue modelling and remodelling
quality. Other investigations [159, 160] showed no significant differences between
the new coated implant and the older systems. Any inconsistencies arose due to (1)
implant designs that were not compatible with the HA coating or (2) significant
differences in the patient groups.
As described previously, the bone growth mechanism includes the dissolution
of regions of the HA coating, as verified by post-mortem retrievals [161] or case
studies [162], which showed that it was rare for the coating to totally dissolve within
4 years. The dissolution of the HA coating is the prime cause for concern against
their use since any major material loss can lead to inferior properties such as bond
strength and Youngs modulus.
There are different mechanisms concerning the part or complete in vivo dis-
appearance of HA coatings. Bauer (1995) [163] hypothesised methods of (1)
dissolution, (2) resorption by bone cells as part of the natural modelling and
remodelling processes, (3) delamination caused by bond failures, and (4) abrasion
of the coating surface due to an inadequate initial fixation of the implant. Gross
et al. (2002) [164] added to these mechanisms by including the loss of particles that
may arise from (5) lamellae cracking due to residual stresses and (6) free crystalline
debris caused by dissolution of the amorphous phase (Fig. 9.32).
The losses via (1) dissolution and (2) resorption are the necessary foundation
for the support of bone growth. It is important that the coating thickness and
the percentage of the more resilient crystalline HA are sufficient to ensure long-
term existence. Provision of a high bond strength is achieved by means of the
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 311
Fig. 9.32 HA coating (a) before and (b) after accelerated degradation (Gross et al. [164].
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
manufacturing method and attaining the beneficial coating phases and structures.
Any coating losses caused by abrasion during the clinical insertion procedure need
to be reduced by appropriate surgical procedure. The particle debris that results from
cracks and amorphous phase dissolution have not been sufficiently investigated but
can be expected to cause only a small degree of coating loss.
Bloebaum et al. (1998) [165] examined the behaviour of macrophages with
regard to HA coating debris. Particles no larger than the 30 m diameter
macrophages can be resorbed and degraded. Larger particles may be enclosed
in the developing bone matrix, engulfed by giant cells or drift through to nearby
tissue and, therefore, be transported to other regions of the body. Any transported
particles can cause third-body wear as described in the study by Morscher et al.
(1998) [166]. The HA particles are much harder than implant materials such as
polyethylene. Therefore, any transported HA particles are likely to damage the PE
surface and lead to failure of this implant. Furthermore, the high hardness of the
ceramic coating debris can cause metallic debris to form within an articulated total
joint replacement.
As well as potential damage of the bearing surface, there will be generation of
polyethylene and metal debris due to friction. These particles have a biochemical
influence of the surrounding tissue that can cause osteolysis due to allergic body
reactions. Thus, macrophages and giant cells that try to ingest the metallic and
polyethylene particles, but cannot digest them, die. Other cells encapsulate these
dead cells and the particles, which leads to cell degeneration in this area. The overall
negative outcome may be loosening and failure of the implant. The dissolution of
HA coating particles is necessary to build up new bone, but the appearance of larger,
independent coating particles must be avoided to reduce the possibility of third-body
312 C.C. Berndt et al.
The studies suggest the preferred properties for a HA coating. The coating thickness
should be between 50 and 100 m to provide a balance between shear strength and
shear strains. Furthermore, such a thickness offers sufficient coating material, even
after partial dissolution, to build a foundation for long-term survival. It is important
that the coating be composed of a certain percentage of crystalline HA so that the
dissolution rate is reduced.
The amorphous phase should be located mainly at the coating surface where it
can support the development of bone-like apatite. Crystalline, less fast-dissolving,
HA should be regionally located towards the coatingimplant surface to ensure
long-term survival of the coating, as well as providing adequate bond strength. Some
crystalline phases need to be mixed among the amorphous phase, so that bone-like
apatite can appropriate a foundation when other phase components dissolve.
The Youngs modulus of the amorphous phase is less than that of crystalline
HA. Therefore, the progression of the Youngs modulus profile across the metal
implant to the coating and towards the bone tissue should be gradual with no abrupt
stiffness discontinuities. The coating surface should exhibit a lower modulus than
the coatingimplant interface, since the Youngs modulus of the bone is much lower
than that of metal.
The phase of calcium oxide should be avoided since it has a very high dissolution
rate that will lead to loosening of the implant. Higher ratios of -TCP or the addition
of other bone growth-stimulating materials may enhance the natural bone growth.
HA coatings on implants have the main aim to enhance bone growth. Therefore,
the coating should provide several properties. The coating surface should provide
sufficiently large pores so that bone-forming cells can infiltrate and, therewith,
effectively connect natural bone with the implant. However, the pores should not be
too large, since the bridging of wider spaces takes more time, while a fast ingrowth
is preferred. A typical pore size of 50100 m is preferred. The coating surface
should also support rapid bone ingrowth, and this can be beneficiated by using bone
growth factors and adjusting the surface roughness to maximise interfacial contact
without compromising mechanical integrity during the prosthesis insertion process.
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 313
The mechanical coating properties of density, Youngs modulus and shear, and
tensile strength should be in a range within the bone properties to avoid additional
stress and hence material failure or bone resorption.
A HA coating reacts in vivo with the surrounding body fluid. As a result, a bone-
like apatite layer develops on the coating surface, which is the foundation for further
bone matrix development.
Ducheyne et al. [167] investigated and summarised the events taking place on an
in vivo HA coating (Fig. 9.33). The coating phases (1) dissolve at various rates.
In return, the body fluid (2) precipitates on the ceramic, and (3) ion exchange
between the two substances occurs. These modifications (4) within the coating
surface continue, as well, into deeper layers, ending in the crystallisation of the
calcium-poor amorphous calcium phosphate and the development of a bone-like
apatite layer [149]. The ion changes in the body fluid near the coating surface (5)
influence the activity of bone-forming cells. The osteoblasts either (6) deposit on the
coating surface or (7) deposit within the coating. Depending on the environmental
conditions, the cells will then deposit either (a) mineral or (b) organic substances.
Later, activated by (8) chemotaxis (via chemical impulses that are activated by cell
movement) osteoprogenitor cells, preosteoblasts, (9), settle on the coating surface
and proliferation starts (10). Cell differentiation into osteoblasts and the formation
of extracellular matrix take place.
Fig. 9.33 Schematic diagram of events taking place on an in vivo HA coating (Ducheyne et al.
[168]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced source)
314 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.34 ESEM micrograph of a plasma-sprayed HA-coated Ti alloy after 10-day implantation
in tibia and femur of dogs. (a) Trabecular bone developing on parts of the coating surface. (b) A
higher-resolution image of (a) (Porter et al. [31]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held
by the referenced source)
Hence, the natural bone modelling process starts, which will soon be followed by
remodelling mechanisms; as indicated by (11) in Fig. 9.33. Furthermore, Ducheyne
and Qiu (1999) [168] pointed out that different in vivo mechanisms influence the
bone growth process on HA coatings.
Different studies have investigated the bone-forming cell behaviour and the long-
term bone growth. Porter et al. (2002) [31] observed early bone growth and bone cell
activity on some parts of the HA coating surface after 10 days in vivo (Fig. 9.34).
They found collagen fibrils, an indicator for the beginning of the bone matrix
formation, directly bonded onto the coating surface. Typical apatite crystals were
found in other areas of the coating surface. This study shows mineral and organic
deposition that was described by Ducheyne et al. [168]. All regions, where bone
tissue started bonding on the coating, showed a transition of minerals from HA into
the bone matrix. In addition, early osteocytes were found in the interface, including
their lacunae (cavities), as a result of the bone-forming process on the HA coating.
Six months after in vivo implantation, Hemmerle et al. (1997) [169] noticed
complete bone on-growth of the HA coating. Two types of tissue were found at
the coatingbone interface: (1) crystallised, afibrillar and acellular tissue, covering
the coating itself, and (2) a bone-like mineralised matrix, which had developed on
top of the first growth layer (Fig. 9.35a). Both phases support the model [168] where
mineralisation on the coating surface is followed by cell activities on top of this.
Hardy et al. (1991) [170] examined hip stems in autopsies after an average of
6-month implantation time. The coating was totally covered by natural bone matrix.
Depending on the precise location in the femur, the bone tissue consisted of a thick
layer of cancellous bone, followed by the cortex (Fig. 9.35b, c, d). Some parts of the
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 315
Fig. 9.35 HA coatingbone interface after six month. (a) Acellular and afibrillar mineralisation
of coating periphery (A) and mineralised bone-like tissue (B) (Hemmerle et al. [169]). (b) After
prosthesis removal, fibrous tissue F is observed between the bone and implant in the proximal,
uncoated area. Region B shows that there is less fibrous tissue where the HA coating begins.
(Massons trichrome 20) (d) shows a diagram of features revealed in (c), which is a longitudinal
section of the calcar. The gap between the calcar femorale and the implant is filled with cancellous
new bone (Toluidine blue 170) (Hardy et al. [170]) (Reprinted with permission. The copyright is
held by the referenced sources)
cancellous bone revealed greater amounts of stromal tissue, which are the remains
of the initial bone-growing phase, before final bone matrix development took place.
The development of two different tissues was detected at the intersection between
the coated and uncoated implant surface. Cancellous bone was observed on the
coated area of the implant. However, only loose fibrous matrix was present on the
metal surface (Fig. 9.35b) at those locations where the coating terminated. This
evidence of bone growth supports the beneficial properties of HA coatings.
Porter et al. [171] revealed via autopsy the long-term behaviour of HA coatings
on titanium stems. It was observed that bone matrix bonded on the entire coating
after 8.5 months. Furthermore, they detected parts of the mineralised HA coating
within the newly developed bone and osteocytes within the young bone tissue as a
result of the bone modelling process. In addition, Porter et al. identified that the new
bone matrix had not only grown inside the HA coating pores in some regions but
also all through the coating until it reached the metal surface (Fig. 9.36a). The same
observation of bone on-growth and bone ingrowth was determined by Dippel et al.
(1998) [172] in their in vivo studies (Fig. 9.36b).
Thus, several studies have observed (1) good bone growth along the coating
surface, (2) rapid and highly dense cell activity, and (3) good bonding of bone onto
the HA coating.
316 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.36 Bone growth on and within hydroxyapatite coating on the implant surface (a) after
8.5 month, by Porter et al. [171], and (b) after 18 month, by Dippel et al. [172] (Reprinted with
permission. The copyright is held by the referenced sources)
Fig. 9.37 A schematic that depicts bone remodelling. (a) Osteoclasts reduce pH to fasten the
resorption of HA in bone and, therefore as well, in the coating. (b) Bidirectional growth leads to
development of a bonding layer (Sun et al. [40]. Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held
by the referenced source)
After the first bone modelling, remodelling processes change the coatingbone
interface. Sun et al. (2001) [40] described this process by means of a model
(Fig. 9.37). The new bone matrix encloses osteoclasts that resorb normal bone so
that the bone forms in response to the mechanical needs. In this process, the normal
pH of around 7.4 is adjusted to pH 4.8, which leads to faster resorption of carbonated
HA in bone as well as the HA coating (Fig. 9.37a). The newly developed bone on the
coating grows towards the older, original bone matrix, while that one grows towards
the coating. This bidirectional growth will lead to a bonding layer (Fig. 9.37b),
which ordains the coating for good long-term in vivo performance and stability.
Modern metal implants are fabricated from stainless steel or titanium and its alloys.
Ti6Al4V is one of the special alloys that has found wide application. These metals
have been proved over the last few decades under clinical conditions. The addition
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 317
of HA, and particularly the coating manufacturing process, has an influence on the
metal surface, which has been investigated in several studies to improve the long-
term capability of prostheses.
Nelea et al. (2007) [173] examined the interface between a titanium alloy
(Ti5Al2.5Fe) and sputtered HA coating. The interface between HA and the alloy
developed TiO2 during the coating process. The oxidation of titanium happens
in several stages, from TiO to oxide-deficient phases until the stable TiO2 phase
is formed [173]. The layer of TiO2 acts as a barrier against further oxidation.
The occurrence of titanium dioxide provides unambiguous evidence of oxidation
processes during the coating application of HA. The diffusion and accumulation of
titanium and TiO2 was observed in the coating most close to the metal substrate and
was defined as the newly developed interface. The oxidation and diffusion processes
as well as interface layer location, depth, and composition depended on the coating
process parameters of temperature, heating duration, and the gas environment.
The oxidation of titanium may take place via three mechanisms during the
sputtering process. The titanium may diffuse into the HA due to the elevated
temperature of the sputtering process, whereupon uptake of oxygen from the
amorphous phase, which tends to be located in the deeper layers of the coating, takes
place. Secondly, the oxygen from the amorphous phase may diffuse into the metal
surface and lead to titanium oxidation. Thirdly, oxygen from the working gas of the
sputtering process can be absorbed by the HA coating and diffuse towards the metal
base. These mechanistic diffusion and oxidation processes have been observed by
Nieh et al. (2001) [174].
Other coating studies [175, 176] employed a pulsed laser method under a water
atmosphere to deposit HA coatings onto Ti6Al4V. The naturally formed oxide
on Ti6Al4V developed into a thick interface layer when exposed to the coating
application conditions. Raman spectroscopy revealed different types of oxidised
titanium over the time, for example, TiO2x and amorphous Ti2 O3 . The oxidation
process was explained under three mechanisms [175]: (1) The oxygen within the
HA coating can be a source for oxygen, (2) oxygen from the water atmosphere may
diffuse through the coating to the metal surface, and (3) the HA coating may perform
as a barrier and hinder oxygen diffusion towards the Ti6Al4V. The first two models
provide explanations for the growth of the oxidised interface layer after application
of HA coating layers.
The mechanism concerning the HA acting as a barrier to oxygen was based on
the observation of decreasing O/Ti ratios in the upper layers of the interface over
longer heat treatment periods. This specific statement opposes that of other studies
[173]. However, there is some agreement that the behaviour of the coating and the
interface layer depends on heat treatment, environmental gas, the phase components,
and their ratios.
The interface layer between the pulsed laser deposited HA coating and Ti6Al4V
metal has been investigated [176] in detail with secondary ion mass spectroscopy
(SIMS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman
spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (Fig. 9.38). The distance
intervals between the sampling points were about 0.5 m.
318 C.C. Berndt et al.
Fig. 9.39 Hydroxyapatite-TiO2 coating. (a) Strength and (b) fracture toughness (Li et al. [177].
Reprinted with permission. The copyright is held by the referenced sources)
The precise details of this fundamental research are outside the scope of this
current chapter. The summary comments show that the surface of the titanium alloy
exhibited a thin layer of titanium oxide before the application of the HA coating.
An oxide layer of TiO2-x developed on top of the metal surface during the coating
application process. Amorphous Ti2 O3 appeared at the interface between the oxide
layer and HA coating, which indicates that less oxygen diffused towards the alloy
rather than away from it. This supports the theory that HA coatings may act as an
oxygen barrier.
Li et al. (2002) [177] examined the influence of titanium dioxide on the
mechanical properties of plasma-sprayed HA coatings (Fig. 9.39). HATiO2 coat-
ings were formed by adding regulated amounts of TiO2 to the feedstock. In
addition to the typical HA coating phases and titanium oxide, CaTiO3 was found;
indicating a reaction between the two feedstock constituents. The investigation
of the mechanical properties of this coating revealed an increase of the Youngs
modulus, in conformity with expectations when adding a material with a higher
modulus. However, the Youngs modulus decreased with an increase in the titanium
9 A Review of Hydroxyapatite Coatings Manufactured by Thermal Spray 319
volume percentage due to the influence of newly developed multiphases. The same
phases also attributed to a lower bond strength.
As well, the properties of titanium dioxide influenced the shear strength. The low
coefficient of thermal expansion decreased the composite coefficient of the coating
and reduced stresses at the coatingmetal interface, thereby improving the shear
strength. Furthermore, the addition of TiO2 improved the fracture toughness by
increasing the bonding between the splats due to beneficial chemical reactions. The
addition of 10 vol.% of titanium dioxide improved the mechanical properties of the
HA coating. Thus, the development of an intermediate layer of TiO2 and HA may
not necessarily weaken the metal-coating system.
HA is used extensively in dental surgery; for example, Hedia (2007) [178] examined
the influence of a graded Youngs modulus on the von Mises stresses of HA-
coated dental implants. The two-dimensional model simulated the load force under
chewing conditions with a refined finite mesh at the coatingbone interface. The von
Mises stresses within the coating were examined under two coating parameters: (1)
a singular Youngs modulus throughout the coating and (2) a graded modulus that
was 110 GPa at the coating apex and 2 GP at the coating root that was located in the
HA, as it is used for medical coatings, is a complex, orthotropic material
composed of different phases that exhibits different mechanical properties and in
vivo behaviour. The HA interfaces, both at the bone and metal locations, influence
the long-term performance of the coating. An artificial bone-like apatite layer is
formed at the bonecoating interface via chemical processes, which stimulates the
contact and activity of bone-developing cells. Regions of the coating dissolve during
this process by means of bone modelling and remodelling procedures. There is a
synergy between weakening of the coating in terms of Youngs modulus and bond
strength but at the same time intimate contact with the bone that is the foundation
for stabilisation and fixation of the implant.
An intermediate layer with oxidised metal elements and coating particles
develops during the coating application process by thermal spray deposition. The
influence of this process and the layer itself has not been detailed in the literature.
In some cases, this layer does not always occur for HA coatings.
Several finite element models have examined coatings under special load con-
ditions [179181]. These models are all based on the principle of unified, isotropic
coating layers that do not, for example, distinguish between microstructural features
such as porosity and the different arrangements and ratios of amorphous and
crystalline HA. Thus, the outcomes of such studies need to be treated with caution.
Another aspect concerning the finite element studies is that the temporal changes
in the HA coatings, that is, the dissolution, modelling, and remodelling processes,
have not been adequately addressed. There will be microstructural changes in terms
320 C.C. Berndt et al.
of phase distribution, porosity, and cracking associated with these changes, all of
which will influence the three-dimensional stress state of the coatingimplantbody
interactions. Neither macroscopic nor microscopic models have addressed these
Thus, the above factors lead to failure between crystalline and amorphous HA
splats in clinical coatings when the inherent stresses are sufficiently high. Splat
delamination may result and give rise to the HA coating failures that have been
reported in the literature [163].
2. A higher amount of crystalline splats at the coating bottom will ensure a better
transition of stress between the coating and metal implant. This will lead to
longer-lasting adhesion between both components and, therewith, support the
long-term in vivo performance of a HA-coated implant.
3. Amorphous splats should be located, preferably, at the coating surface. Low
stresses in these splats will support a bone modelling and remodelling process
better than either (1) high stresses within crystalline splats or (2) the stress peaks
that may appear at the interfaces between amorphous and crystalline splats.
Furthermore, more rapid dissolution of amorphous splats enhances growth of
bone tissue on and into the coating.
4. Some crystalline splats should be located in the vicinity of the coating surface
since these splats provide a base for bone-forming cells. The amorphous HA is
replaced as it dissolves in vivo.
5. The crystallisation rate between the different layers throughout the coating
should change constantly: from mostly crystalline at the bottom towards mostly
amorphous at the surface. Thus, large differences in crystallisation of neighbour-
ing layers should be avoided since splats with different material properties cause
stress jumps within the coating. Any large discontinuities in stress could result in
delamination of splats or the coating architecture.
Acknowledgments Mr. Md. Fahad Hasan thanks the Swinburne University of Technology for the
provision of a postgraduate research scholarship that has enabled this research to be performed.
Ms. Tietz performed this work while she was a student visiting Australia. The authors thank the
academic administrators at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia and the University
of Rostock in Germany who facilitated this cooperation. As well, CCB thanks Professor Besim
Ben-Nissan for his constant encouragement and support in this exciting area over some 25 years.
He has been truly inspirational.
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Chapter 10
Bioactive Composites Reinforced
with Inorganic Glasses and GlassCeramics
for Tissue Engineering Applications
A.A. Barros .J. Leite R.A. Pires J.F. Mano () R.L. Reis
3Bs Research Group Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, University of Minho,
Headquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine, AvePark, 4806-909 Taipas, Guimares, Portugal
ICVS/3Bs PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga, Guimares, Portugal
e-mail: jmano@dep.uminho.pt
10.1 Introduction
Autografts have been considered as the gold standard for bone reconstructive
surgeries because of its high performance and no risk for transfer of diseases or
rejection (problematic in the allografts) [1]. However, there are several problems
related with this procedure, such as the limited amount of available material and
donor site morbidity [13]. Thus, the development of alternatives has been highly
relevant for bone reconstructive surgery. In this context, the tissue engineering
concept was introduced during the 1980s [4]. Since then, the bone tissue has been
one of the most investigated tissues to regenerate or repair [5].
Current challenges in bone tissue engineering involve the development of scaf-
fold biomaterials which provides local environment that enhances the recruitment of
endogenous progenitor cells, improving the healing process and tissue regeneration
[6]. In addition, the ideal bone tissue engineering construct should be readily
available, easily adaptable to the site in terms of size and shape, mechanically strong,
and biodegradable [7, 8]. Moreover, the biomaterial should be biocompatible (i.e.,
giving an appropriate response under the biological medium) and present bioactivity
(i.e., able to generate a calcium phosphate layer onto its surface).
The weak fixation of the biomaterials within the bone structure is one of the
major reasons that impair the use of scaffolds in load-bearing sites. The lack of
interfacial adhesion between the implant and bone, which results in a fibrous capsule
surrounding the implant which allows micromotion to occur, causes pain to the
patient and space for wear particles to accumulate, ultimately contributing to the
failure of the implant. To overcome this problem, a series of strategies has been
developed to generate bioactive fixation. Under this concept, an interfacial bonding
between the implant and the bone tissue is promoted through the coating of the
biomaterial with a biologically active hydroxyapatite layer. As bone is also highly
mineralized (by hydroxyapatite), this bioactive fixation forms a bond at the implant
bone interface with strength equal to or greater than the bone itself.
In this context, the bioactivity of a specific biomaterial gains significant relevance
within bone tissue engineering. In fact, a large number of biomaterials are not
bioactive, and several methods have been proposed to induce this property [9].
A widely established strategy to promote bioactivity is the incorporation of glass
or glassceramic inorganic particles. These particles are usually produced with
the inclusion of calcium and phosphate groups in order to feed the biomaterial
with the main constituents of hydroxyapatite. In the first years of development,
bioactive glass coatings onto metals and ceramics were being proposed to avoid the
formation of capsules of fibrous tissue surrounding the implants [10]. Nowadays it
is common their incorporation into composite systems, where polymers can act as a
continuous medium for their immobilization [11]. Additionally, the biodegradation
of the polymeric phase has been also considered as critical within a bone tissue
engineering perspective, in order to allow new bone to be formed while the
composite degrades [12].
10 Bioactive Composites Reinforced with Inorganic Glasses and Glass. . . 333
In the following sections, we will give an overview on the most important topics
related with composites containing bioactive glasses or glassceramics, including
some concepts that are relevant in this field; synthetic approaches to the production
of glass/glassceramic particles; their processing in combination with biodegradable
polymer to generate composite structures that combine biocompatibility, bioactivity,
and biodegradability; and the capacity to promote new bone formation.
In vitro bioactivity test evaluates the ability of the biomaterial to form an apatite
surface layer when in contact with simulated body fluid (SBF), a solution that
presents ionic concentrations similar to human blood plasma [21, 22].
After the initial description of this methodology, a series of modifications have
been proposed in the composition of SBF. One of the most relevant is mSBF
that presents ionic concentrations equal to the human plasma, with the exception
of HCO3 , whose concentration was reduced to the level of saturation of calcite
[23]. This type of approach is also used as a surface modification methodology,
generating an apatite coating that enhances the bioactivity of the biomaterial [24].
Other modifications to the SBF solution have been reported, the use of higher ion
concentrations (e.g., 1.5 SBF, 5.0 SBF, among many others) to reduce the time
frame of the apatite deposition are common [24, 25].
The use of SBF or SBF-like solutions is one of most commonly used approaches
to test the bioactivity of a biomaterial. However, the different steps of this
methodology should be carefully controlled, and the conclusions that one can take
from such a characterization are not consensual [19, 26].
by their bioactivity and unique bone bonding properties, which are usually related
to their surface chemistry. A landmark on the development of these systems was
the work of Hench et al. [27]. They showed that the bioglass 45S5 (with a general
composition 0.461SiO2:0.026P2O5 :0.269CaO:0.244Na2O) is able to promote the
formation of a calcium phosphate layer on its surface within a time frame of
30 days. This glass composition is one of the most studied ones [2729]. The
concentration of SiO2 in the glass/glassceramic structure seems to be a critical
parameter that governs the bonding of the material to living tissue [27]. It has
been proven that glass formulations that present fast bonding not only to bone
but also to soft tissues are prepared with 4552 % (by weight) of SiO2 [30].
Glasses with a SiO2 content ranging from 55 to 60 % react more slowly and do
not bind to soft tissues. Compositions with >60 % of SiO2 do not bond to bone
and are considered as bioinert [27, 31]. Additionally, bioactive glasses have been
demonstrated to stimulate the growth and maturation of osteoblasts [3133]. Most
of these materials degrade naturally, similarly to other synthetic substitutes, such as
calcium phosphates (CaPs). The degradation products are, usually, metabolized by
the body and excreted through the urine [34].
The brittle behavior and weak mechanical properties observed in bioactive
glasses are the major difficulties associated with their use in biomedical applica-
tions. The bending strength of most bioactive glasses is in the range of 4060 MPa,
which is not enough for load-bearing applications, while their modulus is between
30 and 35 GPa, very close to that of cortical bone. The combination of biodegradable
polymers with bioactive glasses has been proposed to produce biodegradable
products that show high levels of bioactivity and also improve some of their
mechanical properties as compared to conventional glasses [3537].
Bioactive glasses and glassceramics can be obtained by melting at high
temperatures followed by casting into a mold or splat quenching. An alternative
approach for glass synthesis is the solgel route [29, 38, 39]. Both strategies are
detailed in the following sections.
(e.g., calcium carbonate). These thermal treatments allow the release of by-products,
such as ammonia or CO2 that diffuse through the precursors and are released from
the mixture [4042]. Bioactive glasses prepared by melting are usually denser and
do not contain any remnants of organic components or water; nevertheless, melt-
derived bioactive glasses have a limited surface area, being one of their main
disadvantages when in contact with the biological tissues or fluids [46, 47]. The
high temperature used in the fabrication of these inorganic particles through the
conventional melt-based process does not allow the incorporation of bioactive
organic molecules/materials (e.g., proteins, growth factors, genes, hormones, etc.)
during the fabrication process.
Fig. 10.2 A flow chart of the acid-catalyzed solgel process used to synthesize bioactive glasses,
including schematics of the evolution of the gel and its nanoporosity (Reprinted from Ref. [11],
Copyright 2013, with permission from Elsevier)
occur simultaneously [53]. At the initial time frame of the silicic acid condensation,
a sol is generated. The subsequent agglomeration of the particles that constitute
the sol forms the gel. This gelation step proceeds slowly. Complete cross-linking
of the silicate network is achieved during the ageing step [53, 54]. A procedure
can be adapted to generate glass particles and not a 3D glass structure (e.g.,
Fig. 10.2). In this approach the experimental conditions are manipulated to inhibit
the agglomeration of the particles generated in the initial steps of the procedure
[55, 56]. Typical bioactive compositions can be binary systems, e.g., SiO2 -CaO;
ternary systems, e.g., SiO2 -CaO-P2 O5 ; or quaternary systems, e.g., SiO2 -CaO-
Na2 O-P2 O5 [52, 57, 58]. The silanol group is critical for the bioactivity of the
glass. In addition, gel-derived bioactive glasses may contain high-energy silicate
ring structures, which further activate the material reactivity [12, 14, 15].
Microparticles, monoliths, or foams are usually produced using acidic catalysis
(Fig. 10.2) [11]. Using this methodology, the primary nanoparticles (with diameters
around 2 nm) present in the sol coalesce and condensation (polymerization) occur,
forming SiOSi bonds. The nanoparticles coarsen, coalesce, and bond together,
forming a gel network of assembled nanoparticles [59]. The gel is dried and is
heated at temperatures above 700 C to produce a nanoporous bioactive glass [11].
338 A.A. Barros et al.
network are small, and the path of evaporation is short, although, for monolithic
objects, the path from the center of the monolith to the surface is long, and the
drying stresses can introduce fracture [11, 74]. The enumerated drawbacks of the
solgel route, allied with the low cost of the melting procedure makes this latter
route dominant in the commercial production of bioactive glasses [75].
can be adjusted depending on the targeted site (e.g., thicker scaffolds for the long
bones or membrane-like scaffolds for the maxilla regions) [103, 104]. It has been
reported that the combination of wet-spun chitosan fibers with bioglass enhances the
material bioactivity and promotes osteoblast proliferation and ALP activity [105].
Wet-spinning technologies also enable to create hybrid materials with high levels of
organization and avoid the thermal degradation of natural origin polymers compared
to other techniques, such as the melt spinning [103]. Wet spinning has been used for
the production of wet-spun fibers for drug release [106] and polymeric scaffolds for
tissue engineering applications [104, 107].
paste is injected. It has been shown that the viscosity of the paste has to be higher
than that of the target medium to avoid dispersion from the administration zone
[7, 43, 118]. Calcium phosphate-based cements have been extensively explored in
this form; they generate apatite following the setting and hardening reactions. The
key advantages of these cements are their self-setting properties and the possibility
to apply them within a minimum invasive surgery framework.
Injectable systems have been proposed as new tissue engineering strategies
to deliver cells and bioactive agents (encapsulated in a biodegradable matrix)
through minimally invasive procedures. Couto et al. combined a chitosan-
glycerophosphate salt formulation with solgel-derived BG-NPs to prepare bioac-
tive thermo-responsive hydrogels for orthopedic reconstruction and regenerative
medicine applications [71]. The size and spherical shape of the particles guarantee
the efficient injection of these systems through small-gauge needles into the bone
defects. The system presented a gelation point around 36.8 C, being suitable
for intracorporal application. It was also observed that the gelation temperature
could be manipulated through the increase of the chitosan deacetylation degree.
Upon immersion in SBF, the composites containing BG-NPs induced the formation
of bone-like apatite clusters that were well integrated in the organic structure.
The density of the apatite precipitates increased with increasing BG-NP content
and soaking time in SBF. Despite more research is required to fully validate
the use of such systems in the bone regeneration context, this osteoconductive
injectable biodegradable system has a large unexplored potential in bone tissue
engineering [71].
10.4.2 3D Scaffolds
3D porous composite scaffolds can induce the ingrowth of cells to the desired shape
and may facilitate the vascularization of new tissue [119]. Composites found in
nature contain an inorganic phase embedded in an organic matrix, usually assem-
bled in a complex and hierarchical structure [120]. Biomimetic osteoconductive
nanocomposites may be obtained by combining bioactive glass/ceramics with a
polymeric matrix [74].
One approach to combine scaffolds with bioactive glasses is the use of highly
porous glass scaffolds coated with polymer, such as poly(DL-lactide) (PDLLA)
or poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) [121, 122]. Chen et al. used PDLLA to coat a
bioglass foam with 90 % porosity with pore diameter between 500 and 700 m
[122]. The thin coating resulted in an improved work of fracture [122]. However,
these types of coatings can mask the surface of bioactive glass scaffolds generating
a non-bioactive surface. This drawback significantly decreases the effectiveness of
polymer-coated scaffolds in terms of osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity. The
long-term effectiveness of the coating is also under concern since its degradation
lead to a brittle glassceramic scaffold [96].
344 A.A. Barros et al.
Composite membranes have been also developed for dental applications and bone
tissue engineering. Specifically, in guided tissue/bone regeneration, membranes are
used as barriers to prevent the invasion of the faster-growing soft tissue cells into
the defect site and to regenerate periodontal ligament, cementum, and bone.
Membranes generated by the combination of chitosan and bioglass [130, 131]
or BG-NPs [81] (the ternary SiO2 -CaO-P2 O5 and quaternary SiO2 -CaO-P2 O5 -MgO
systems) have been prepared by solvent casting. Under this approach a polymeric
solution containing the inorganic filler is poured onto a vessel and left to dry at
room temperature to generate the membranes [81]. The membranes prepared with
the composite formulations presented an improved mechanical performance and
excellent apatite forming ability compared to pure chitosan membranes [81, 130
132]. The combination of BG-NPs and chitosan increased the composite stiffness
[132], while the metabolic activity of periodontal ligament cells (hPDL) and stem
cells cultured on these membranes was enhanced with the addition of BG-NPs.
In addition, an increase in the hPDL proliferation when they were cultured onto
the composite membranes was observed [132]. The addition of BG-NPs promoted
greater cell matrix mineralization by both types of cells. Thus, the chitosan/BG-
NP membranes could have potential to be used as a temporary guided tissue
regeneration membrane in periodontal regeneration. They could act as barrier
membranes to prevent the invasion of the periodontal defects by soft tissues since
these membranes were non-cytotoxic and did not present early degradation [132].
Nonetheless, the application of these materials for periodontal regeneration
requires the contact of the two sides of the membranes with distinct biological
environments in which only one of the sides is in contact with a region where
346 A.A. Barros et al.
During the past years the development of bioactive composite systems has been
mainly focused on the incorporation of different inorganic mechanical reinforce-
ments, which are also able to improve the bioactivity of the composites. The
inorganic particles can be also used for the controlled delivery of bioactive agents,
such as anti-inflammatory drug or proteins that promote different biological events
(e.g., growth factors).
The decoration of the composite surface with bioactive molecules is being
extensively studied in tissue engineering. A strong investment in the exploitation
of grafting of different peptides, antibodies, or proteins that are able to induce stem
cell recruitment, proliferation, and differentiation both in the surface and in the bulk
of the 3D constructs is expected.
At the initial years of development, it was given a strong effort on materials
science and engineering, although the science in this field is evolving into a more
multidisciplinary approach, where materials science and biology are combined to
create methodologies and biomaterials able to promote complete bone regeneration.
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Chapter 11
Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System
Based on Apatite/Collagen Composite Cement
Makoto Otsuka
Abstract Since bone resorption and formation occur repeatedly within the
functional units referred to as bone multicellular units, uncoupling between
bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts causes an
absolute decrease in the amount of bone in osteoporosis. For that reason, it is
necessary to fully understand the remodeling characteristics of bone grafts by
osteoclasts and osteoblasts to high-bioactive materials. We have, therefore, prepared
hydroxyapatite (HAp) and collagen composites to improve bioaffinity through the
interaction between materials and bone cells for applications in drug delivery
devices. Apatite/collagen composite cements could be applied to artificial bone
drug delivery systems without drug inactivation caused by high pressure and those
that exhibit long-term slow drug release in vitro and high in vivo biocompatibility
in osteoporosis model rats. On the other hand, geometrical structure of pores in
implantable artificial bone has been proven successful in bone generation, since
bone-related cells can be cultured more readily in interconnected porous materials,
such as coral-modified implant made by calcium phosphate. Interconnective pores
in coral-like material are therapeutically effective in bone regeneration within the
body through the introduction of bone cells and capitally blood vessels as a scaffold
for bone cells to spread and proliferate. The interconnective porous biomaterials
are, therefore, developed based on self-setting apatite/collagen composite cement
as materials with enhanced biocompatibility and drug delivery capability. Since
the drug release rate from the composite device could be controlled by various
geometrical factors, the relationship between drug-release rate and number of
the macropores was investigated by in vitro dissolution test. Bioaffinity of the
interconnective porous biomaterials of apatite/collagen composite cement was
examined in rat models using X-ray computed tomography.
M. Otsuka ()
Faculty of Pharmacy, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Musashino University,
1-1-20 Shinmachi, 202-8585 Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
e-mail: motsuka@musashino-u.ac.jp
11.1 Introduction
In order to develop highly bioactive bone materials, it is vital that the characteristics
of bone graft remodeling by osteoclasts and osteoblasts are fully understood. Since
bone resorption and formation occur repeatedly in the functional units called bone
multicellular units, which maintain the dynamic equilibrium of mineral density
in normal bone [1], uncoupling between bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone
formation by osteoblasts causes an absolute decrease in the amount of bone in
osteoporosis. Bioactive ceramics with excellent bioaffinity, such as hydroxyapatite
(HAp), -tricalcium phosphate, and bioglass ceramics, are developed and can
directly connect with bone [2]. However, the materials currently used as artificial
bones possesses characteristics that are inadequate when compared to natural bone
such as their brittle nature and poor mechanical strength. The material could also
remain in the bone for an extended period because their chemical composition and
geometrical structure are very different from natural bone and they exhibit lower
bioaffinity [2].
On the other hand, a HAp/collagen composite with a nanostructure which is sim-
ilar to natural bone was realized by Miyamoto et al. [3] and Kikuchi et al. [4, 5] and
they reported that apatite and collagen were self-organizing and formed nanostruc-
ture composites by a simultaneous titration coprecipitation method and concluded
that the molecular interaction between apatite and collagen induced formation
of nanostructure particles, which has similar characteristics and biocompatibility
to natural bone. John et al. [6] prepared apatite/collagen composite by using
collagen sponge and investigated its suitability for bone repair applications. The
results indicated that the bio-mimic materials had significantly high bioaffinity with
natural bone after implantation and the molecular level structure of HAp/collagen
composites is a very important factor for the biocompatibility of artificial bone in
vivo. We have, therefore, developed self-setting HAp/collagen composite cement to
improve bioaffinity by enhancing the interaction between the composites and bone
cells for applications in drug delivery and cell scaffold devices [7].
To develop an artificial self-setting bone cement with almost the same chemical
formulation (80 % HAp and 20 % collagen) as natural bone, the AC was prepared
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 357
Fig. 11.1 X-ray diffraction profiles of self-setting apatite cement bulk powder (AP) and self-
setting apatite/collagen composite cement (AC)
Fig. 11.2 Effects of grinding on element dispersibility of the AC by electron probe microanalyzer
time after mixing the solution. Chhettry et al. [8] reported the relationship between
crystallinity and solubility of bone-like carbonated apatite and demonstrated that
natural bone apatite had low crystallinity and high solubility. Therefore, the apatite
in the AC might have high solubility and high biocompatibility.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA)
were performed to characterize element dispensability in the AC [7]. The SEM of
AC without grinding showed a rough surface and large particles (more than 20 m
particles in diameter), indicating that the cement was a heterogeneous system. In
contrast, AC with grinding showed a smooth surface consisting of particles less
than 12 m in diameter.
The natural bone had a smooth surface with cracks. The result of mapping of
calcium by EPMA suggested that there are calcium rich and less part in the AC
without grinding (Fig. 11.2a). The calcium ion distribution in the AC (Fig. 11.2b)
was more homogeneous than that in the AC without grinding, and the calcium ion
homogeneity was almost the same as that of natural bone (Fig. 11.2c). These results
indicated that AC without grinding had a heterogeneous structure in which collagen
and calcium phosphates were not mixed uniformly. On the other hand, calcium and
phosphates were dispersed homogeneously at the nanoscale in the cement as well
as in the natural bone.
The result indicated that the raw materials of the apatite cement, such as DCPC
and TECP, were micronized by mechanical energy during grinding in the vibration
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 359
mill and distributed into collagen matrices. Then, the micronized DCPD and TECP
dissolved and recrystallized to nanoparticle apatite on collagen matrices. Since
apatite formation of cement was catalyzed on collagen matrices, almost 100 % of
calcium phosphate might be transformed to apatite.
AC cements were implanted into the backs of rats and the density measured using
bone mineral densitometry. Microradiograms of the AP and AC (Fig. 11.3) were
measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry after implant in the rats, and the
cement mineral content (BMC) was evaluated based on the microradiograms. The
BMC of the implanted cements decreased with time, indicating that the cement was
gradually bioabsorbed. Bioabsorption rates of the implanted cements (Fig. 11.4a)
were dependent on the quality of cement (cement formulation). The BMCs of both
of the AC and AP decrease over time, and the BMC of the AC was found to be
significantly lower than that of the AP.
The effect of grinding on the BMC of the implanted cements (Fig. 11.4b)
revealed the concentration of BMC decreases over time regardless of whether
grinding was performed. The concentration of BMC in AC without grinding was
always found to be lower than that of the AC.
360 M. Otsuka
Fig. 11.4 Effects of cement formulation on the BMC of AP and AC cements by DEXA
Fig. 11.5 Cross-section micrographs of (a) AP and (b) AC cements after 72 days of implantation
The results of the AP and AC suggested that the biodegradation rate was depen-
dent on the cement quality and geometrical structure, and the rate can be shown as
AP < AC < AC without grinding. The biodegradation rate of the AP was found to be
the slowest as it is composed entirely of pure inorganic material. On the contrary, by
having a nanoscale heterogeneous structure consisting of 80 % apatite and 20 % col-
lagen, the AC without grinding had the highest biodegradation rate (Fig. 11.2a, d).
The decreasing BMC behavior of the AC was found to be between those of the AP
and the AC without grinding. This is mainly due to a decrease in the particle size of
the cement and bone-like cells penetrating into the cement after implantation.
Figure 11.5 shows the micrographs of the cross section of the demineralized
sample cement blocks after 72 days of implantation in soft tissue. The AP
(Fig. 11.5a) kept its original diameter (6 mm) in soft tissues after implantation.
A slight reduction in thickness was also observed as the organic components have
penetrated into the cement. The data from the in vivo experiment showed shrinkage
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 361
APK. On the other hand, the microstructure of ACGK was significantly different
from APK, and that difference was drastically affected by the duration of the
experimental. For ACGK, the amount of BMC reached its peak at day 7. ACPK
and APK recorded the highest and slowest degradation rates of BMC, respectively.
At day 21, the amount of BMC present can be shown as ACGK > APK > ACPK.
The micrographs of the cross sections of the apatite/collagen cements containing
VK2 taken after 72 days of implantation were shown in Fig. 11.7. After implan-
tation, it was discovered that the APK cement had undergone deformation but
there are no evidence to suggest penetration of organic components into the cement
material (Fig. 11.7a). Likewise for the ACPK cement with a reduction in diameter
but an increase in thickness, the shape of the ACGK cement had been completely
distorted after 72 days (Fig. 11.7b).
The BMC result of the cements loaded with VK2 suggests that their formulation
has a significant effect on the rate of biodegradation. After 72 days, the ACGK
cement recorded an increase in BMC, which was also higher than the ACPK cement
(Fig. 11.6). The organic components had penetrated deeply into the center of the
ACGK (Fig. 11.7b). These results suggested that the changes in BMC were more
dynamic for the ACGK than the ACPK cement. As shown in the X-ray diffraction
results, grinding the apatite/collagen composite cement can lead to a crystalline
structure that is more or less the same as natural bone; this could have an influence
on the release of bone growth factors such as VK2 and the regeneration and
absorption of bone during the experimental period.
The BMC profile of AC suggests the quick release of VK2 may encourage
organic components to penetrate the ACPK cement and stimulate the activity of the
surrounding cells. Observations made from the ACPK micrographs revealed organic
components had penetrated into the cement and causing the shape the cement to
totally deform. On the other hand, a complete absorption of AC was observed.
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 363
Fig. 11.7 Cross-section micrographs of (a) APK, (b) ACGK, and (c) ACPK cement after 72 days
of implantation
are therapeutically effective for bone regeneration in the body through the intro-
duction of bone cells and blood vessels [11, 12]. Notably, interconnective porous
biomaterials are useful as a scaffold for bone cell cultures for implant. Kuboki et al.
[13] discovered the various types of interconnective voids, and pores in artificial
bone enhanced the transition from artificial material to natural bone. These voids
played a key role in stimulating tissue invasion and biocompatibility. Based on the
test results, it can be suggested that continuous voids supported the formation of
new bone by allowing the bone cells and/or tissues to penetrate into the voids more
readily and the growth of new blood vessels commences.
Since artificial bones are fabricated with favorable properties using apatite/collagen
composite with connective voids, these devices could be utilized as a bone cell
scaffold to culture bone marrow extracted from patients for bone regenerative
medicine. Artificial bone cement with interconnecting pores as a cell scaffold device
was therefore prepared based on the AC cement and its biocompatibility investigated
after implantation into rats.
The ACP blocks were prepared as follows [14]: cement bulk powders were
mixed homogeneously with 25 mM phosphoric acid to form a paste and poured
into a mold (10 10 depth mm) containing an organized stainless steel needlelike
male dies 600 m in diameter. The mold is then stored and hardened at 37 C and
100 % relative humidity for 24 h. The cement blocks with voids were obtained after
removing the pins as shown in Fig. 11.8. The APN and ACN blocks were used to
harden the AP and AC cement pastes in the mold (10 10 depth mm) without
pins, respectively.
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 365
The XRD result indicated that the calcium phosphates from ACN, ACC, and
APN transformed into biological HAp with no peak due to the presence of raw
materials, as previously reported [7]. The result of scanning electron microscopy
with electron probe microanalyzer revealed the ACC cement has a smooth surface
with particles less than 12 m in size and is similar to natural bone [15]. It was
also discovered that the geometrical structure of the implants has an effect on the
behavior of their biological absorption. The microporosities of the APN and ACN
measured using mercury porosimetry were found to be around 40 %, similar to the
value previously published [14]. Therefore, the total porosity of the ACC cement
was calculated to be approximately 64 % by combining the micro- and macropores
which are 40 % and 23 %, respectively.
After the artificial bone blocks (ACN, ACC, and APN) were implanted subcu-
taneously in female SD rats, their BMC profiles were determined by dual energy
X-ray absorptiometry (Fig. 11.9). The analysis revealed the BMC of ACC increased
rapidly to around 120 % after 28 days but dropped to 105 % after 56 days. A similar
trend was also observed for the ACN cement as their BMC rose to approximately
110 % after weeks 13 and at day 56 the BMC was around 98 %. In contrast, the
BMC of APN decreased steadily throughout the entire experiment, and at day 56
the BMC was recorded to be approximately 90 % (Fig. 11.9).
The bone mineral density (BMD) of the implanted blocks were also measured
and the results showed the density of ACC increased to around 108 % after 42 days
and then declined significantly (Fig. 11.10). A gradual decrease was observed for
the ACN cement during a 6-week period, and at the end of day 42, the BMD was
approximately 92 %. Moreover, the BMD of APN remained unchanged during the
first 4 weeks of the experiment but then the BMD steadily decreases and by day 56
it was around 94 %.
Based on these results, it is clear that the cement system will ultimately determine
the changes in the BMD profile. During the latter stages of the experiment, a
366 M. Otsuka
decrease in the BMC and BMD was observed with all the implanted blocks,
4056 days due to the abdomen, and phagocytized on the surface of macropores by
osteoclast-like cells bearing the same resemblance as bone remodeling. Photographs
of removed implants also indicated that the deformation of the cement blocks can
be considered as an indication of biological activity, the order of activity being
ACC > ACN > APN. The results of deformation were consistent with the decrease
in BMC after 4056 days.
The ACC device with drug delivery capability was prepared as follows: the AC
cement paste containing an apatite cement bulk powder, 20 % type I bovine
collagen, and 3 % indomethacin (IMC) bulk powder was poured into the mold
(10.0 10.0 7.5 mm) to generate interconnective macropores (0, 20, 40, and 60
stainless needles) and stored at 37 C and 100 % relative humidity for 24 h.
The X-ray diffraction and FT-IR results of the cement blocks suggested that
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 367
its characteristics and biocompatibility are comparable to natural bone, and the
application of the device as a biodegradation composite for bone repair can be
anticipated [14].
To investigate the drug release capability of the ACC devices, tests were carried
out in 25 mL of simulated body fluid (SBF) at a pH level of 7.25. The in vitro
release of IMC from ACC with 20, 40, and 60 perforated pores in SBF after
336 h was 6.34 0.48, 6.99 0.46, 8.41 0.61, and 9.34 0.51 mg, respectively.
By increasing the number of macropores, the release rate of IMC from ACC
devices also increased. Since the drug release rate-limiting step of the release
from unerosible-homogeneous drug-loaded matrix system was basically the drug
diffusion process in the micropores in the matrix, the drug release from the planar
surface matrix systems follows the Higuchi equation (Eq. 11.1):
Di "
Mt D A Cs .2Cd "Cs / t (11.1)
where Mt is the amount of drug released after time t, A is surface are of the device,
D is the diffusion coefficient of the drug, Cs is the solubility, Cd is the concentration
of drug in the matrix, is the tortuosity, and " is the porosity.
The in vitro IMC release data from ACC with various numbers of macropores
were used to plot IMC release against the square root of time (Fig. 11.11). Since
the same cement formulation was used for all the ACC devices, the geometrical
microstructure (micropore structure) was almost identical for all the devices, and
the diffusion parameters of all ACC, such as porosity, drug concentration in the
matrices, and pore tortuosity, were almost equal. The only exception is the surface
368 M. Otsuka
where K is a constant.
The linear relationship between HC and A of ACC as shown in Fig. 11.12
suggested the adequateness of Eq. 11.3, and value of K is derived from the slope
of the graph. The results therefore suggest the rate of drug release can be controlled
by number of macropores for culturing bone cells:
Di "
KD Cs .2Cd "Cs/ (11.3)
Fig. 11.13 Effects of dissolution mediums on VK2 release from the AP, AC, and ACC cements
Since the crystalline structure of AC was almost the same as natural bone [7], the
material was phagocytized at the surface of macropores by bone-like cells, similar
to the remodeling of bone.
Therefore, the rapid bioabsorption of AC may be considered to be similar to the
biological action of active bone cells [7]. In order to clarify the rule of osteoclasts
during drug release from the apatite/collagen nano-composite, we investigated
the influence of the dissolution medium on the drug release capabilities of the
device based on a physicochemical model for nanoscale bio-interface between bone
matrices and bone cells.
The ACP0, ACP20, ACP40, and ACP60 were obtained as follows: the AC
cement paste containing an apatite cement bulk powder, 20 % type I bovine
collagen, and 2.5 % VK2 bulk powder was cast in the mold (10.0 10.0 7.5 mm)
to make interconnective macropores (0, 20, 40, and 60 stainless needles) and
stored at 37 C and 100 % relative humidity for 24 h. The X-ray diffraction
and FT-IR results suggested that the samples had similar characteristics to natural
bone [16].
To clarify the role of bone remodeling in the drug delivery system based on
HAp matrices, a physical in vitro dissolution model was established. The drug
release profile was investigated in an SBF solution with a pH of 7.25 to simulate
osteoblast-like conditions (SOB) and in an acetate buffer with a pH of 4.5 to
simulate osteoclast-like conditions (SOC) [16].
Figure 11.13 shows the effect of the dissolution medium on the release of VK2
from AP, AC, and ACC60. It was discovered that virtually no drugs were being
released from AC block and ACC-60 in SOB, but the situation was quite the
opposite in SOC with significant improvements in the drug release rates. The drug
370 M. Otsuka
Fig. 11.14 Effects of dissolution medium on the ACC cement with different numbers of
release and calcium phosphate dissolution results suggested that the HAp matrices
in the device were dissolved in SOC, and the drug release was accelerated with
increasing porosity. In SOB, however, the device was covered with precipitated HAp
particles and inhibiting the release of drugs from micropores. The drug release from
AC and ACC blocks were dependent on the dissolution medium. However, this is
not the case for the AP block.
The drug release from the ACC and AC blocks in SOC was accelerated by the
increase in porosity due to the dissolution of HAp matrices, as the biomimetic device
had large pores up to 1 m in size (Fig. 11.13), which could be connected between
apatite and collagen matrices. In SOB, on the other hand, the devices were covered
with small amounts of fine HAp particles, which inhibited drug release. The drug
release results for the AP block revealed that the drug particles did not link together
and were encapsulated in the cement matrices.
The relationship between macropore numbers of ACC block and the dissolution
medium responses to VK2 release is shown in Fig. 11.14. Based on the drug release
profiles, it can be hypothesized that the rate of drug release is dependent on the
dissolution medium, and the results were repeated twice in SOC. For ACC, the
maximum drug release rate in SOC was more or less proportional to the number of
Significant deformation of the ACC block was believed to be caused by a
repeatable drug release in SOC and SOB (Fig. 11.14). The phenomena might be
related to the bone cell activities and the responses to drug release from the cement
11 Development of Skeletal Drug Delivery System Based. . . 371
device, given that the in vitro drug release experiments can be thought of as a
physicochemical model for the remodeling of bone matrices by osteoblast and
osteoclast cells. Perforated pores of the devices may possibly be used to control
the release of drugs and could be utilized as a bone cell scaffold.
Acknowledgments The author would like to deeply thank Prof. William I. Higuchi, University
of Utah for his great leadership to our international collaboration research. The author thanks
Professor Hiroyuki Ohshima, Tokyo University of Science, and Dr. Atsuo Ito, NIAIST, for their
scientific advice. The author thanks Mr. Ryuhei Hirano, Mr. Hideyuki Hamada, Mr. Hidenori
Nakagawa, and Mr. Tomoaki Kuninaga for their experimental works.
14. Otsuka M, Nakagawa H, Otsuka K, Ito A, Higuchi WI (2013) Effect of geometrical structure
on the in vivo quality change of a three-dimensionally perforated porous bone cell scaffold
made of apatite/collagen composite. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 101B(2):338345
15. Otsuka M, Nakagawa H, Ito A, Higuchi WI (2010) Effect of geometrical structure on drug
release rate of a three-dimensionally perforated porous apatite/collagen composite cement.
J Pharm Sci 99(1):286292
16. Otsuka M, Hirano R (2011) Bone cell activity responsive drug release from biodegradable
apatite/collagen nano-composite cements, in-vitro dissolution medium responsive vitamin
K2 release colloids and surfaces B. Biointerfaces 85(2):338342
17. Vnnen HK, Zhao H, Mulari M, Halleen JM (2000) The cell biology of osteoclast function.
J Cell Sci 113(Pt 3):377381
Chapter 12
Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials
and Stem Cells in Orthopaedics
12.1 Introduction
In the last 30 years, a class of oxidic inorganic compounds containing calcium and
phosphorus in their structure has evolved into a variety of synthetic bone substitutes
owing to the fact that the inorganic portion of the natural bone resembles closely the
hydrated calcium phosphate compound known as hydroxyapatite. This compound
12 Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Orthopaedics 375
In a review on the synthesis of silicon substituted HAp and -TCP [22], it was
reported that silicon tends to inhibit grain growth in CaP materials resulting in
finer microstructure, which constitute the basis for improved strength. In addition,
it has been found that silicon played a significant role on the bone and the cartilage
systems. The increased bioactivity and apposition were attributed to a number of
different factors such as transformation of the material surface to a biologically
equivalent apatite, increased solubility of the material and a more electronegative
surface, all encouraging enhanced biomimetic precipitation on the surface.
The calcium phosphate powders and ceramics used in our bone substitution
studies included pure HAp, HApCTCP composites, Si- and/or Sr-doped HAp and
HApCwollastonite composites. As defined recently [23], we used the acid-base
reaction technique for manufacturing powders of HAp containing Si and trace
elements for biomedical purposes. The HAp powder modified with Si was produced
by partial substitution of trace elements for P in the molecular formula of HAp.
12 Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Orthopaedics 377
The Si addition was made to the Ca(OH)2 slurry in the form of an organometallic
solution of Si known as TEOS. The formula of HAp modified by silicon was
Ca10 (PO4)5 5(SiO4 )0.5 (OH)1.5 . Trace elements were added to the Ca site of the HAp
in an amount of 250, 500 and 1,000 ppm. An equivalent amount of Ca was reduced
in the Ca(OH)2 suspension. The HAp powder which contained trace elements and
Si as co-dopants had 250, 500 and 1,000 ppm of trace element and 0.5 atom of Si in
the molecular formula.
Wollastonite is a calcium silicate compound formulated as CaSiO3 . Wollastonite
has osteoconductive properties by its own [24]. Wollastonite was added to HAp in
order to produce HAp-wollastonite composites in this study. Synthetic wollastonite
was manufactured by the reaction of an intimate mixture of CaCO3 and SiO2
powders in accordance with the following reaction:
This reaction was carried out at 1,250 C for a total duration of 72 h. The
formation of wollastonite was verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
A frit was introduced into HAp-wollastonite powder mixtures to facilitate
sintering of the compacts. Frit had a chemical composition on weight percent basis
as 5.5 % Na2 O, 12.1 % CaO, 11.8 % Al2 O3 and 60.6 % SiO2 .
12.2.2 Characterisation
The results of the test are expressed by using the formula given below:
dbulk D Wdry 0:861= Wsat Wsusp (12.5)
where dbulk is the bulk density of the ceramic and 0.861 is the density of xylene.
The following formulae were used for obtaining sintered density in terms of
percentage of the theoretical density (%TD) and the percentage porosity (%P):
The bone itself is a composite consisting of HAp nanorods embedded into a collagen
matrix. It is a protein matrix strengthened basically with calcium and phosphate.
Mostly type I collagen and cells form its organic component where minerals
establish its inorganic phase. The bone is a metabolically active vascular tissue that
has the capability to regenerate.
Bones are categorised as long, short, flat and irregular according to their shapes.
Long bones are separated into parts according to their functions. The outer shell
that is named as the cortex (Fig. 12.1) is thicker and the middle part that contains
the bone marrow that is named as the medulla (Fig. 12.2) is narrower at the center
of the long bone. This is the narrow shaft of bone called the diaphysis. The areas
next to the diaphysis and towards the endings of the bone are named as metaphysis.
The cortex becomes narrower and the medulla is wider in the metaphysis. Blood
circulation and metabolic activity is higher in the metaphysis related to its structure,
whereas the diaphysis is stronger but metabolically less active. The metaphysis ends
at the physis which is of cartilage named also as the growth plate in children and
growing adolescent. Longitudinal growth of bones occurs from the physis, whereas
transverse growth occurs from the apophysis. The physis and apophysis calcify at
the end of the growth period. The area from the physis to the end of the bone
12 Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Orthopaedics 379
Fig. 12.3 Flat bones of the cranium connect each other with connective tissue
is named as the epiphysis. Almost each long bone ends with articular cartilage
constituting a joint that allows movement. Samples to short bones are the ones at
the wrist and ankle joints. These bones are tightly packed with ligaments allowing
essential but limited motion. Bones of the cranium (Fig. 12.3) are typical flat bones
and bones of the spine are examples of irregular bones.
Bones protect internal organs from outer powers. They allow movement as all
muscles attach to them. Bones produce new blood cells in their bone marrow and the
bone marrow is one of the most well-known sources of mesenchymal stem cells. The
bone also serves as the depot of minerals and trace elements. For example. calcium
is stored in bones and when needed it is released from there by certain hormones.
Mechanical properties of bone are important for protection and movement
functions. The minerals that constitute the inorganic part of the bone attain strength
that can indirectly be measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) [25].
An alternative technology named vibration analysis is assessed to quantify bone
strength recently [26]. The organic part of the bone is mainly of collagen type 1. This
component gives elasticity to the bone. Due to its unique composition of organic
and inorganic components, the bone is as strong as steel but lighter. As the bone is a
living tissue, cells regularly exchange its components. This turnover of organic and
inorganic parts of the bone is characterised as homeostasis. As one part of the bone
is broken down (catabolised), it is regenerated (anabolised) immediately in children
and adults. With ageing and due to the genetic code of individuals, the breaking
down of the bone by osteoclasts turns to be faster than new bone production by
osteoblasts, leading to a condition of brittle bone.
12 Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Orthopaedics 381
invite the osteoclasts and osteoblasts to initiate repair. Cortical bone, cancellous
bone and the periosteum have cells and mediators that can initiate and continue
with the process of regeneration. Still the most important factors that take role in
bone regeneration are adequate and appropriate blood circulation and attainment of
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential to convert to osteoblasts when
essential [30, 31]. These cells are frequently used together with natural or synthetic
matrices to regenerate the bone [31]. Apatite-based biomaterials are currently used
in non-weight-bearing bone sites as osteoconductive materials. In a recent study, we
were able to produce 300 and 500 nm nano-HAp powder clusters (Figs. 12.5 and
12.6) by heating them up to 300 C and 1,000 C, respectively. When these nano-
HAp powder clusters were combined with MSCs in culture, they attached (Fig. 12.7)
and proliferated well (Fig. 12.8) on the surface of the clusters.
Fig. 12.5 Scanning electron micrographs on 300 and 500 nm nano-HAp powder clusters
12 Nanocrystalline Apatite-Based Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Orthopaedics 383
Fig. 12.8 Proliferation and extracellular matrix formation of MSCs on nano-HAp powder clusters
Fig. 12.9 MSCs growing on nano-HAP ceramic powder clusters in a real-time cell electronic
Fig. 12.11 Scanning electron microscopy of MSCs implanted on nano-HAp powder clusters
revealed that they exhibited growth and extracellular matrix production
Fig. 12.13 In about 12 weeks, all nano-HAp surfaces were covered with the extracellular matrix
of the MSCs
Acknowledgements Authors thank Duygu Ukan etinkaya MD, PhD, and Sevil Arslan MSc
of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, PediSTEM Stem Cell Research Center, for their
contribution to MSC studies.
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Chapter 13
Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials
Abstract During the last two decades, learning from nature has given us new
directions for the use of natural organic and inorganic skeletons, drug delivery
devices, new medical treatment methods initiating unique designs and devices rang-
ing from nano- to macroscale. These materials and designs have been instrumental
to introduce the simplest remedies to vital problems in regenerative medicine,
providing frameworks and highly accessible sources of osteopromotive analogues,
scaffolds and drug delivery device proteins. This is exemplified by the biological
effectiveness of marine structures such as corals and shells and sponge skeletons,
extracts of spongin and nacre, sea urchin, sea snails and Foraminifera. Organic
matrix and inorganic marine skeletons possess a habitat suitable for proliferating
added mesenchymal stem cell populations and promoting clinically acceptable
bone formation. A wide range of applications of these marine structures and their
conversion methods are covered by excellent review papers and chapters. In this
chapter based on our research, published work and book chapters, we aim to
cover the nature, morphology and the use of some of these structures for tissue
engineering, bone grafts, drug delivery and specific extracts such as proteins for
regenerative medicine.
B. Ben-Nissan ()
School of Chemistry and Forensic Science, Faculty of Science, University of Technology,
Broadway, Ultimo, PO BOX 123, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
e-mail: b.ben-nissan@uts.edu.au
D.W. Green
School of Chemistry and Forensic Science, University of Technology,
PO BOX 123, Broadway, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
13.1 Introduction
Just after the general relativity theory was published, Eduard, Einsteins younger
son, asked how come he was so famous. He smiled and remarked that When a
blind beetle crawls over the surface of a curved branch, it doesnt notice that the
track it has covered is indeed curved; he quietly added to that, I was lucky enough
to notice what the beetle didnt notice.
The term learning from nature or biomimetics has been a very promising and
satisfactory concept that allows us to improve the efficiency and the functionality
of an engineering design or device. Nature has been the most inspiring creative
engineering source in the human history. Throughout history we have been trying to
learn to mimic natures designs to develop application for solving problems either
in our daily life, in engineering, in science or most recently in medicine with unique
designs and approaches.
Nature can teach us in many ways on how to build structures, design architectures
and fabricate materials and substances with exemplary high performance for many
functions. The study of biomimetics and marine structures has provided approaches
for generating unique inorganic scaffolds and organic materials for use in regener-
ative medicine with the potential to outperform conventional advanced man-made
functional materials. The way natural systems allocate energy for different functions
can instruct us on how to best optimise the design of materials and structures with
minimum energy use and with molecular or nano-level control. For example, both
bone formation and resorption depend on the same principles.
The essence of better performing natural materials compared to their synthetic
counterparts is to give more attention to design and optimisation, the property
of self-assembly, approach to the problems with mixed laminated and/or mixed
organicinorganic composites and control and repair of fracture. The building
functions of organisms make use of bottom-up chemical processes over many
length scales.
By harnessing these processes including many nanoscale ones, we have the
potential to generate living materials that adapt and respond to their surroundings
[1]. There is now greater appreciation and understanding of the significance of
bio-inspired and nanoscale approaches than ever before to the generation of new
medical materials and devices. The structural component of tissue engineering is
the most amenable to this type of analysis alongside the increased sophistication
of materials chemistry and new nanofabrication methods to provide exceptional
biomimetic solutions.
This review is based on many published book chapters and papers that cover
only a small fraction of an enormous range and richness of marine structures.
This chapter outlines the development and progress of biomimetic approaches
in regenerative medicine and provides worked examples from our own research
and fellow researchers specifically on inorganic natural nano- and microporous
13 Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials 393
The translation of products from nature into technology is fundamental and the most
powerful and successful way of resolving technological and scientific problems.
Natural history collections are a unique and rich source of practical ideas and
solutions for the initial stages of tissue reassembly in artificial culture. Studying
the chemistry, the evolution of tissues and organs, their function and design is an
undiscovered route to provide elements that can be used to reconstruct tissues in the
simplest and most practical way possible. We can even use fossilised organisms as
good models for providing new materials. While nature cannot produce the perfect
designs, it can generate the most ideal, optimised and functional adaptive ones.
Biological structures and biomaterials have evolved by natural selection over
many millions of years of strict conditioning, smoothing out trade-offs between
conflicting demands and limitations of an environment in order to maximise fitness.
These conflicts are omnipresent but can be partially resolved to generate extremely
well-functioning materials. The end results are biomaterials with compromises that
exhibit high levels of performance made with minimum use of energy.
The evolution of tissues by natural selection provides us with a view of how
different strategies of development have been harnessed by organisms according to
function. As a result we should be able to provide simplified assembly strategies to
recreate functional approximations of every human tissue.
One of the most fascinating bio-inspired approaches is to directly use cells
and organisms to grow biomaterials and grow them to our specifications and
requirements literally in the beaker or test tube [2]. This can be achieved by
judicious modulation of the growing environment. Single-celled organisms such
as diatoms, Foraminifera and coccolithophores are a convenient starting point as
they are the most rudimentary and elementary organisms to grow and support in
artificial culture and provide enough utility for proving this approach as practically
beneficial. Diatoms are of great interest for the development of new strategies in
nanotechnology and molecular assembly as they provide modes of construction
at these scales that could benefit the development of new generation biomedical
devices such as miniature biosensors. Diatoms have even been described as natural-
born lithographers in recognition of the technique [3]. Sussman is exploiting
the mechanisms of patterning by diatoms to use in patterning microchips. Others
have suggested using them as drug-eluting modules because of their beneficial
microscopic size and reticulated internal pore structure [4]. Growing materials with
living cells integrated during synthesis and construction is an attractive proposition.
In this way the directed evolution may be possible with specific organisms that
rapidly reproduce so that many thousands of generations are produced in short
experimental periods. Protocols are well established now for the mass production
of new proteins using a combination of site random mutagenesis followed by high-
throughput screening [5].
394 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
A century ago, artificial devices were made from materials as diverse as gold and
wood and were developed to a point where they could replace various components
of the human body. These materials are capable of being in contact with bodily
fluids and tissues for prolonged periods of time, whilst eliciting little, if any,
adverse reactions. When these synthetic materials are placed within the human
body, the tissues react towards the implant in a variety of ways. The mechanism of
tissue interaction at a nanoscale level is dependent on the response to the implant
surface. As such, three terms for description of a biomaterial, representing the tissue
responses, have been defined by Hench and West, in 1990, as bioinert, bioresorbable
and bioactive [7].
Based on the acceptance of the importance of tissueimplant interactions on
the nanoscale, quite extensive development of nanotechnology in science and
engineering has taken place during the last two decades. This does not come as
a surprise, considering that functional nanostructured materials have the capability
of being adapted and integrated into a range of engineering and biomedical devices.
This is because most biological systems, including viruses, membrane and protein
complex, exhibit natural nanostructures. The microstructure and properties of these
new generation nanostructured materials depend on the synthesis method as well
as on the processing routes. Hence it is of extreme importance to select the most
appropriate technique for the preparation of materials with desired designs and
property combinations.
Synthesis techniques commonly used for the production of inorganic materials
such as advanced ceramics include a range of solid state, liquid state and gaseous
ionic state processing methods. Wet chemical processing techniques such as
13 Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials 395
The marine environment is uniquely rich in structures with highly functional archi-
tectures with interconnected open pores, which offer high mechanical strength and
chemical compositions suitable for use as is or converted to materials appropriate
for human implantation.
Currently an increasing number of compounds and materials are being identified
from marine organisms such as calcium carbonates to proteins and applied to
medical applications. In this regard, marine species have been a valuable resource
for the discovery of novel active pharmaceuticals [9].
In applications for tissue engineering, coral skeletons and converted coralline
apatites are exquisite examples [10]. They have demonstrated substantial clinical
success as templates for tissue reconstruction. This has spurred on researchers
to look at other skeletons with better mechanical and/or biological properties.
These unique 3-dimensional marine structures supported growth and enhanced
differentiation of stem cell progenitors into bone cells unlike standard carbonate
frameworks that do not induce stem cell differentiation.
These marine materials and designs have been instrumental to introduce the
simplest remedies to vital problems in regenerative medicine, providing frame-
works and highly accessible sources of osteopromotive analogues and mineralising
proteins. This is exemplified by the biological effectiveness of marine struc-
tures (including corals and shells and sponge skeletons) to house self-sustaining
musculoskeletal tissues and to the promotion of bone formation by extracts of
spongin. Biological molecules that pivotal to the regulation and guidance of bone
morphogenesis and particularly the events in mineral metabolism and deposition
were the first molecular components established for calcification, morphogenesis
and wound healing. It emerges that bone morphogenic protein (BMP) molecules, the
main cluster of bone growth factors for human bone morphogenesis, are secreted by
endodermal cells into the developing skeleton. Signalling proteins, TGF- and Wnt-
prime targets in bone therapeutics are present in early marine sponge development.
Furthermore, ready-made organic and inorganic marine skeletons possess a habitat
suitable for proliferating added mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) populations and
promoting clinically acceptable bone formation [11].
Using natural skeletons in a direct way as a scaffold for growing cells into tissue
emerged for making new bone tissue, as a product of hydrothermal processing [12].
Transformed coral (converted to calcium phosphates) has been the primary source
of natural skeletons for bone tissue engineering because of its chemical, crystallo-
graphic and structural complementarity to native human bone [13]. For the same
reasons, since then, researchers have made use of invertebrate marine skeletons of
13 Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials 397
hydrozoans, cuttlefish [14], marine sponges [1], nacre sea shell and echinoderm
spines [15] as templates with optimal ranges of pore sizes, channels and structural
networks for organising and nourishing the growth of human tissues as a prelude
to transplantation into the patient. In other developments whole natural skeletons
(without conversion to HAp) have been used as templates for carrying biomolecules.
Accordingly diatom skeletons have been tethered with active biomolecules such as
an antibody to be used in immunodiagnostics [16]. Mollusc shells are a fascinating
model for understanding the complexities of biomineralisation such as the control
and regulation of proteinmineral interactions [17].
Considerable research efforts have been focused on the development of efficient
and cost-effective methods to produce calcium phosphate with apatite structure
from biogenic natural materials. These include hydroxyapatite (HAp), tricalcium
phosphate (both - and -TCP), tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) and octacalcium
phosphate (OCP). Different natural materials composed of calcium carbonate
and possessing unique architecture like coral [10, 1820], sea urchins [21, 22],
pearl [23], nacre [24], Mediterranean mussel [25], sea and land snails [26] and
cuttlefish [14] have been reported to have potential to be used or produced as
calcium phosphate materials for biomedical applications. Past research shows that
we have so far identified candidate biomatrices in nature, with varied chemical
homologies and structural analogies to human extracellular matrices and whole
tissues. The utility of selected species of these marine animals has been applied
to the regeneration of human bone and cartilage. However, their full utility in these
tissues and other tissues has yet to be harnessed and fully exploited.
Unlike any other biomaterial, nacre from the pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima, is able
to induce osteogenesis and bone formation from latent osteoprogenitors along an
endochondral pathway, consisting of a cartilage tissue intermediary phase [27].
The outer nacreous layer of a particular species of mollusc shell is an unlikely
and unexpected source of biomaterial for engineering new bone. In the absence
of synthetic chemistry, natural biomaterials were widely used by physicians from
ancient civilisations of India, China, Egypt and Central America, and it was the
ancient Mayans who discovered the unique property of nacre to heal seamlessly
onto living human bone without causing harm. The scientific basis of fusion with
bone was first uncovered by Lamghari and Lopez. Under closer scrutiny nacre was
found to activate skeletal cells, induce bone formation and provide structural support
in a clinical trial [28, 29].
Nacre has been tested in human, sheep and rabbit models [28, 29]. In human
patients fresh woven bone bonds itself throughout the nacre implant, augmented
by the heightened activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. While nacre is stably
tolerated in vivo, its degradation and resorption is limited, and this could hinder its
use within calcified tissue requiring rapid self-renewal [28, 29]. Although somehow
398 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
Fig. 13.1 Nacre microstructure showing platelike structure containing calcium carbonate platelets
and protein interface helping good fracture toughness
better than non-nacre controls. In another study Kim et al. [37] investigated the
role of interfacial properties on the biocompatibility of nacre and specifically its
unique bone-bonding ability. Kim and colleagues concluded that the organic matrix
is what makes nacre bond to bone so well, as it creates a favourable surface
charge for optimal biological associations. When implanted the organic matrix of
nacre is thought to generate a new interfacial microenvironment that forms many
functional associations with the surrounding tissue leading to a better bone bonding
than bioceramic implants without an organic matrix. According to Shen et al. the
osteogenic responses to nacre particles and pearl proceeded much faster following
soaking in a simulated body fluid (SBF) that generates a HAp-rich layer on the
particles [23]. The WSM was implicated in the formation of this HAp layer and the
augmented cell responses.
Taken altogether nacre provides an appropriate tissue-compatible physical plat-
form which slowly elute unique peptides that initiate and drive bone formation. In
addition nacredue to its organic content and platelike designis mechanically
tough (fracture toughness equivalent to titanium), non-immunogenic and rapidly
biodegradable, without eliciting detrimental physiological effects (Fig. 13.1). These
characteristics of nacre offer us a unique substrate for delivery of a functional
(possibly osteopromotive) agent to sites of bone loss in quantities that lead to rapid
bone repair and regeneration.
It has already been shown that coral and marine sponge skeletons can support self-
sustaining musculoskeletal tissues and that extracts of spongin collagen and nacre
seashell organic matrices promote bone mineralisation. Use of ready-made organic
and inorganic marine skeletons is one of the simplest potential remedies to major
problems hindering the future development of regenerative orthopaedics such as
providing a richness of framework designs and now a potentially rich, accessible
source of osteopromotive analogues and biomineralisation proteins. This should not
400 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
Marine sponges possess the most primitive form of extant tissue but share much
in common with multicellular tissues which have apparently conserved many
features evolved by these first multicellular organisms [40]. Morphological and
biochemical similarities exist between marine sponge and vertebrate extracellular
matrix (ECM) alluding to fundamental rules of organisation evolved first by marine
sponges. Three collagen types have so far been identified from marine sponge. All
sponges are composed of 22 nm thin collagen fibrils with highly ordered periodic
banding. Although the collagen ultrastructure is relatively simple compared to
vertebrate collagens, amino acid sequences and genome organisation are similar.
Collagen fibrils are secreted in bundles in a similar manner to vertebrates. Similarly
collagen fibrils are closely associated with proteoglycans which, in mammalian
tissue blueprint, shape and form at long range scales. Fibronectin, dermatopontin
and tenascin polypeptides are also found in marine sponge collagen fibres and cross-
react with antibodies raised against vertebrate analogues highlighting their common
origins. Some sponge species possess an analogue of type IV collagen found
in vertebrate basement membrane collagens [41]. The organisation of collagen
fibrils is analogous to collagen type XIII which sticks cells to surfaces. It is with
13 Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials 401
these properties (fibronectin and cell adherent collagens) that collagenous marine
sponges represent a significant potential for future development as bioactive tissue
engineering scaffolds.
At present, marine sponges are extensively exploited for novel biological com-
pounds as potential treatments for cancer tumours, leukaemia and inflammation.
Marine sponges are also a source of collagen for cosmetics [40] and dermatological
preparations [42]. In total 50 % of all marine-derived materials are sourced from
a wide spectrum of marine sponges. Collagenous marine sponge skeletons are
incredibly soft, strong, highly absorbent and elastic, resistant to high temperatures
and bacterial attack. Such properties make them highly suited for surgical proce-
dures. The exact conditions to grow marine sponges at a large enough scale for
commerce are being investigated by a number of researchers. Some have established
aquatic pilot farms for the cultivation of selected bath sponge species. Marine
sponges are sufficiently adaptable for commercial scale production. Another aim for
cultivating marine sponges is to extract medically important secondary metabolites
in much larger quantities than is possible from collections made by conventional
bio-prospecting. The superior optimised structural design of silica marine sponges
has been alluded to and which provides useful lessons for construction of man-made
frameworks with minimal starting materials for maximum strength [43, 44]. They
reported on the structural properties of biosilica observed in the hexactinellid sponge
Euplectella sp. Consolidated, nanometre-scaled silica spheres are arranged in well-
defined microscopic concentric rings glued together by organic matrix to form
laminated spicules. The assembly of these spicules into bundles, effected by the
laminated silica-based cement, results in the formation of a macroscopic cylindrical
lattice-like structure reinforced by diagonal ridges. It can be added that there is,
therefore, considerable mechanical benefit to specific arrangements of structural
elements at many different hierarchies of scale (Fig. 13.2).
402 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
It has been suggested that the 3D topology and specific surface features of
hydrozoans instigated faster cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation [45].
More needs to be done to determine the exact mechanism of action between material
and cell. Collagenous marine sponges fulfil the potential of a clinically relevant
scaffold for a range of tissues including bone and cartilage. The fibre-bonded
meshwork of sponges provides conduits for cell guidance alongside spaces for
rapid tissue infiltration and infilling. It has been discovered that the collagenous
composition of the fibres promotes attachment of all human cell types. The unique
layered ultrastructure may explain the high wettability and adsorption of growth
factors onto the collagen fibres which infuse into attached cells and promote their
Collagenous marine sponges fulfil the potential of a clinically relevant scaffold
for a range of tissues including bone, cartilage, fat connective, liver and kidney.
Tissue formation within 4 weeks in vivo was shown to be both extensive (completely
filling the entire sponge implant) and well developed with the quality and structure
of tissue being equivalent to immature bone and neocartilage [13].
The fibre-bonded meshwork provides conduits for cell guidance alongside spaces
for rapid tissue infiltration and infilling. The unique layered ultrastructure may
explain the high wettability and adsorption of growth factors onto the collagen fibres
which infuse into attached cells and promote their activities [1].
Sea urchin skeletal plates are punctured by a very regular series of pores. Approx-
imately three quarters of the pores are exits for tube feet (200 m pore diameters
at the spine bases to 600 m pore diameters for the tube feet in Centrostephanus
nitidus), while the remainder are channels connected to the reproductive and
alimentary systems and are very much larger to accommodate larger throughputs
of fluid (1,0002,000 m pore diameter). Hydrothermal processing of echinoderm
structures transforms the chemical and mechanical properties with equivalence
to human bone. Echinoderm skeletons are constructed from a unique, intricately
shaped, 3D, single crystalline meshwork with a topological structure in which every
internal pore and channel is in direct contact with all others (periodic minimal sur-
face). This property is likely to facilitate mass transfer and tissue development [46].
Studies using the replamine form technique for replicating perforate echinoderm
structural elements generate promising hard tissue replacements to bone, as well
as candidate prostheses for blood vessels and trachea. In this context the skeletal
ossicles from the sea star (Pisaster giganteus) have been investigated. They provide
an ideal architecture together with physical and chemical properties conducive to
bone restoration [15].
The sea urchin spicule is a composite of organic and inorganic materials that the
animal synthesises using the most readily available elements in seawater. The fully
formed spicule is composed of a single crystal with an unusual morphology in 3D.
13 Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials 403
Fig. 13.3 Sea urchin structure showing the arrangements of the spikes: (a) general overall
structure, (b) cross section of a single spike (spicule), and (c) enlarged spicule surface
It has no facets and forms a starlike shape. To achieve such unusual morphologies,
sea urchin and other marine organisms deposit a disordered amorphous mineral
phase first and then let it slowly transform into a crystal with neatly aligned into
a lattice with a specific and regular orientation while maintaining their general
morphology. This is a unique transformation from amorphous to ordered crystalline
structureat room temperaturethat needs to be clearly observed and understood
for directional growth in future biomaterials. The sea urchin spicule is formed inside
a clump of specialised cells and begins as the animal lays down a single crystal
of calcite, from which the rest of the spicule is formed (Fig. 13.3). Starting from
the crystalline centre, three arms extend at 120 from each other. The three radii
are initially 40100 nm-sized amorphous calcium carbonate but slowly convert to
calcite. Mechanism as yet not clearly understood but might be through ordered
precipitation and growth mechanism at known crystallographic orientations of
calcite or aragonite.
Similar transformation from amorphous structure to crystalline form can be
observed in a solgel-developed hydroxyapatite where the amorphous hydrox-
yapatite transforms to crystalline nanoplatelets by a thermally activated process
(Fig. 13.4) without any large morphological change. In order to simulate the
404 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
Fig. 13.5 Coralline apatite converted by hydrothermal process showing interconnected porous
Use of coral skeletons for general routine orthopaedic surgery and tissue engineering
has been so far limited to external fixation devices as they are inappropriate for
strictly load-bearing applications due to their calcium carbonate structure with
high dissolution rates. Solgel coating technologies can be used to enhance the
strength of corals, and this enables them to be used at more skeletal locations
[50, 54]. Corals offer great opportunities to tissue engineering of bone either in their
natural form or as hybridised synthetic forms. Coral skeleton combined with in vitro
expanded HBMSC increased osteogenesis more than those obtained with scaffold
alone or scaffold with fresh marrow [39]. In vivo large animal segmental defect
in both orthopaedic and maxillofacial surgery led to complete recorticalisation and
formation of medullary canal with mature lamellar cortical bone and onlay graft
for contour augmentation of the face giving rise to clinical union in a high number
of cases [55, 56]. Structural and biomineralisation studies of coral can be used to
inform the development of new advanced functional materials because of the unique
nanoscale organisation of organic tissue and mineral as highlighted by Ehrlich
et al. [20]. At a macrostructural level, the deep-sea bamboo coral exhibited bone-
like biochemical and mechanical properties. A specialised collagen matrix (acidic
fibrillar) serves as a model for future potential tissue engineering applications.
The matrix supported both osteoblast and osteoclast growth, and the exceptional
bio-elastomeric properties of the collagen matrix (gorgonin) of this coral make it
potentially suitable for blood vessel implants. Quinones cross-link and harden the
collagenous gorgonin proteins and closely resemble human keratin. The mechanism
by which gorgonin is synthesised and interacts with the process of mineralisation
may provide lessons for the generation of a synthetic-collagen-like material [20].
406 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
During an overseas summer break, I have noticed that the sand that I was walking
on the beach looked as perfect spheres and showed intricate structure (Fig. 13.6). I
brought some to our laboratories, and after XRD analysis I noticed that it was not
silica sand but calcium carbonate. After proper characterisation, we identified it as
a marine structure belonging to the Foraminifera family. Foraminifera are abundant
and are found in all marine environments, but different species exist with different
13 Marine Structures as Templates for Biomaterials 407
Fig. 13.8 Foraminifera microsphere during dissolution studies showing dissociation of the
calcium phosphate and other loaded pharmaceuticals and minerals
There is also growing realisation that the composition of a scaffold material is vitally
important to organise stem cell activities as they are dependent on the extracellular
fabric for life support and to guide their subsequent evolution and development
[38, 59]. Re-creation of the native stem cell environment where stem cells normally
reside (such as bone marrow) and are protected, managed and stabilised as self-
renewing undifferentiated cells and given instruction on how to regulate the rate of
progenitor and successor cell production is an active research area.
Marine structures such as Foraminifera, coral skeletons and converted coralline
apatites have demonstrated substantial clinical success as a template for tissue
reconstruction. This has spurred on researchers to look at other skeletons with
410 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
and time. Thus scaffolds must have intelligence designed into them to meet this
biological challenge. We contend that there needs to be a step change to scaffold
environments that are responsive whereby the synthesised biomatrix evolves in real
time to meet the demands and optimisations of adaptive growth and regeneration of
human tissues. As cells proliferate and differentiate, they alter their environment.
Future advanced biomimetic scaffolds must be able to adapt to these changes and
meet the ever-changing needs of developing tissues. Naturealthough not perfect
uses simple chemistries, sound biological principles and formation of adequate
structures with unique morphologies to distribute functional stress. Nanofabrication
using combined biochemical, biological and biomechanical principles of assembly
and design is still in its infancy. Use of this bio-inspired nanofabrication for tissue
engineering is a unique approach that has enormous potential to improve scaffold
design and tailor physico-chemical environments with an ability to micro-evolve.
This is the next challenge: to grow materials with cells and promote their regulation
of material synthesis.
Marine structures constantly adapt their composition, growth and hence function
to dynamically changing environmental conditions and have the ability for self-
repair when adaptation fails or is too slow. Advanced functional materials with
these characteristics would see enormous benefit to engineering industries and
biomedicine. At a time when we are concerned about air pollution, global climate
change, consuming less energy and using fewer and sustainable resources, the
design and fabrication of a new technology based on biomimetics is such an
Acknowledgments To write a chapter that involves a range of natural and synthetic materials and
their discovery and development can only be achieved by taking into account a large number of
research studies and related published papers. During the last two decades, a number of colleagues
and past and present students contributed enormously in both research and their dissemination
through publications. This chapter has been the collation of the ideas and published work that
only touches the surface of the large contributions made during the years. There are a number of
colleagues that we would like to thank: Dr. Joshua Chou who has been a very resourceful young
researcher and contributed well in the drug delivery work. We would also like to acknowledge the
contributions of Professors R. Vago, F.N. Oktar and R.M Conway and Drs. A. Milev, A. Choi,
C. Chai, J. Russel and J. Hu and Mr I.J. Macha, which, without their contribution and timely
visions, this chapter could not have been written.
1. Green D, Howard D, Yang XB, Kelly M, Oreffo ROC (2003) Natural marine sponge fibre
skeleton: a biomimetic scaffold for human osteoprogenitor cell attachment, growth and
differentiation. Tissue Eng 9:11591166
2. Parker AR, Martini N (2006) Structural colour in animals-simple to complex optics. Opt Laser
Technol 38:315322
3. Mock T, Samanta MP, Iverson V, Berthiaume C, Robison M, Holtermann K et al (2008) Whole-
genome expression profiling of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana identifies genes
involved in silicon bioprocesses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(5):15791584
412 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
27. Lopez E, Vidal B, Berland S, Camprasse S, Camprasse G, Silve C (1992) Demonstration of the
capacity of nacre to induce bone formation by human osteoblasts maintained in vitro. Tissue
Cell 24:667679
28. Lamghari M, Antonietti P, Berland S, Laurent A, Lopez E (2001) Arthrodesis of lumbar spine
transverse processes using nacre in rabbit. J Bone Miner Res 16(12):22322237
29. Lamghari M, Berland S, Laurent A, Huet H, Lopez E (2001) Bone reactions to nacre injected
percutaneously into the vertebrae of sheep. Biomaterials 22:555562
30. Rousseau M, Lucilia PM, Almeida MJ, Milet C, Lopez E (2003) The water-soluble matrix
fraction from the nacre of Pinctada maxima produces earlier mineralization of MC3T3-E1
mouse pre-osteoblasts. Comp Biochem Physiol B 135:17
31. Duplat D, Chabadel A, Gallet M, Berland S, Bedouet L, Rousseau M et al (2007) The in vitro
osteoclastic degradation of nacre. Biomaterials 28(12):21552162
32. Westbroek P, Marin F (1998) A marriage of bone and nacre. Nature 392:861862
33. Almeida MJ, Pereira L, Milet C, Haigle J, Barbosa M, Lopez E (2001) Comparative effects of
nacre water-soluble matrix and dexamethasone on the alkaline phosphatase activity of MRC-5
fibroblasts. J Biomed Mater Res 57:306312
34. Rousseau M, Boulzaguet H, Biagianti J, Duplat D, Milet C, Lopez E et al (2007) Low
molecular weight molecules of oyster nacre induce mineralization of the MC3T3-E1. J Biomed
Mater Res A 85A:487497
35. Zhang C, Li S, Ma Z, Xie L, Zhang R (2006) A novel matrix protein p10 from the nacre of
pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) and its effects on both CaCO3 crystal formation and mineralogic
cells. Mar Biotechnol 8:624633
36. Liao H, Mutvei H, Hammarstrom L, Wurtz T, Li J (2002) Tissue responses to nacreous implants
in rat femur: an in situ hybridization and histochemical study. Biomaterials 23:26932701
37. Kim YM, Kim JJ, Kim YH, Rho JY (2000) Effects of organic matrix proteins on the interfacial
structures at the bone-biocompatible nacre interface in vitro. Biomaterials 23:20892096
38. Green DW, Padula MP, Santos J, Chou J, Milthorpe B, Ben-Nissan B (2013) A therapeutic
potential for marine skeletal proteins in bone regeneration. Mar Drugs 11(4):12031220
39. Green DW, Ben-Nissan B (2010) Biomimetic applications in regenerative medicine: scaffolds,
transplantation modules, tissue homing device and stem cells. In: Amiji M, Tochilin V (eds)
Handbook of materials for nanomedicine. Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore
40. Swatschek D, Schatton W, Kellermann J, Muller WEG, Kreuter J (2002) Marine sponge
collagen: isolation, characterization and effects on the skin parameters surface pH, moisture
and sebum. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 53:107113
41. Boute N, Exposito J-Y, Boury-Esnault N, Vacelet J, Noro N, Miyazaki K et al (1996) Type IV
collagen in sponges, the missing link in basement membrane ubiquity. Biol Cell 88:3744
42. Nicklas M, Schatton W, Heinemann S, Hanke T, Kreuter J (2009) Preparation and characteri-
zation of marine sponge collagen nanoparticles and employment for the transdermal delivery
of 17b-estradiol-hemihydrate. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 35(9):10351042
43. Aizenberg J, Weaver JC, Thanawala MS, Sundar VC, Morse DE, Fratzl P (2005) Skele-
ton of Euplectella sp structural hierarchy from the nanoscale to the macroscale. Science
44. Miserez A, Weaver JC, Thurner PJ, Aizenberg J, Dauphin Y, Fratzl P et al (2008) Effects of
laminate architecture on fracture resistance of sponge biosilica: lessons from nature. Adv Funct
Mater 18(8):12411248
45. Abramovitch-Gottlib L, Geresh S, Vago R (2006) Biofabricated marine hydrozoan: a bioac-
tive crystalline material promoting ossification of mesenchymal stem cells. Tissue Eng
46. Aizenberg J, Hendler G (2004) Designing efficient microlens arrays: lessons from nature.
J Mater Chem 14:20662072
47. Milev AS, Kannagara GSK, Ben-Nissan B, Wilson M (2004) Template directed synthesis of
nanosized bone-like apatite. In: Schulte J (ed) Proceedings of the Asia Pacific nanotechnology
forum 2003. World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore, pp 8792
414 B. Ben-Nissan and D.W. Green
48. Milev AS, Kannangara GSK, Ben-Nissan B (2003) Morphological stability of plate-like
carbonated hydroxyapatite. Mater Lett 57(1314):19601965
49. Vago R (2008) Beyond the skeleton. Cnidarian biomaterials as bioactive extracellular microen-
vironments for tissue engineering. Organogenesis 4(1):1822
50. Ben-Nissan B (2004) Biomimetics and bioceramics. In: Reis RL, Weiner S (eds) Learning from
nature how to design new implantable biomaterials: from biomineralization fundamentals to
biomimetic materials and processing routes. Nato science series, vol 171, Springer, Dordrecht,
pp 89103
51. Stanley G (2003) The evolution of modern corals and their early history. Earth Sci Rev
52. Bonnelye E, Chabadel A, Saltel F, Jurdic P (2008) Dual effect of strontium ranelate: stimulation
of osteoblast differentiation and inhibition of osteoclast formation and resorption in vitro. Bone
53. LeGeros R (1981) Apatites in biological systems. Prog Cryst Growth Charact Mater 41(12):
54. Choi AH, Ben-Nissan B (2007) Sol-gel production of bioactive nanocoatings for medical
applications. Part II: current research and development. Nanomedicine 2(1):5161
55. Papacharalambous S, Anastasoff K (1993) Natural coral skeleton used as onlay graft for con-
tour augmentation of the face. A preliminary report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22(5):260264
56. Leupold J, Barfield W, An Y, Hartsock L (2006) A comparison of ProOsteon, DBX, and
collagraft in a rabbit model. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 79(2):292297
57. Bose S, Tarafder S (2012) Calcium phosphate ceramic systems in growth factor and drug
delivery for bone tissue engineering: a review. Acta Biomater 8(4):14011421
58. Hu J, Russell JJ, Ben-Nissan B, Vago R (2001) Production and analysis of hydroxyapatite from
Australian corals via hydrothermal process. J Mater Sci Lett 20(1):8587
59. Chou J, Ito T, Bishop D, Otsuka M, Ben-Nissan B, Milthorpe B (2013) Controlled release of
simvastatin from biomimetic -TCP drug delivery system. PLoS One 8(1):e54676
60. Chou J, Ito T, Otsuka M, Ben-Nissan B, Milthorpe B (2013) Simvastatin-loaded -TCP drug
delivery system induces bone formation and prevents rhabdomyolysis in OVX mice. Adv
Healthc Mater 2(5):678681
61. Chou J, Green DW, Singh K, Hao J, Ben-Nissan B, Milthorpe B (2013) Adipose stem cell
coating of biomimetic -TCP macrospheres by use of laboratory centrifuge. Biores Open
Access 2(1):6771
62. Chou J, Ben-Nissan B, Green DW, Valenzuela SM, Kohan L (2011) Targeting and dissolution
characteristics of bone forming and antibacterial drugs by harnessing the structure of micro-
spherical shells from coral beach sand. Adv Eng Mater 13(12):9399
63. Chou J, Valenzuela S, Bishop D, Ben-Nissan B, Milthorpe B (2012) Strontium- and
magnesium-enriched biomimetic beta-TCP macrospheres with potential for bone tissue mor-
phogenesis. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. doi:10.1002/term.1576
Chapter 14
Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera
Structures as Drug Delivery Systems and for
Bone Tissue Engineering
J. Chou ()
Faculty of Pharmacy, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Musashino University,
1-1-20 Shinmachi, 202-8585 Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia
e-mail: joshua@musashino-u.ac.jp
J. Hao
Oral Implantology and Regenerative Dental Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,
Tokyo, Japan
B. Ben-Nissan
School of Chemistry and Forensic Science, Faculty of Science, University of Technology,
Broadway, Ultimo, PO BOX 123, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
e-mail: b.ben-nissan@uts.edu.au
B. Milthorpe
Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia
M. Otsuka
Faculty of Pharmacy, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Musashino University,
1-1-20 Shinmachi, 202-8585 Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
e-mail: motsuka@musashino-u.ac.jp
Marine origin materials such as shells, corals, nacres and sponges also provide an
abundant new source of inorganic material for drug delivery and tissue engineering
applications. Research and development in this area has primarily focused on
the applications of soft and hard tissue repair. However, the application of using
marine shells as a carrier for drugs has remained relatively unexplored. This
section discusses the advances on marine structures converted to calcium phosphate
materials with relevance to drug delivery.
The field in the development of suitable biomaterials for drug delivery systems
has been the focus of ongoing research since the 1940s when the first drug delivery
system was developed to raise the drug concentration in blood plasma. Still the
full replacement of living bone tissue techniques and materials is not available
in clinical practice. In addition it is well known that the composition, anatomical
structure and final function of culture-derived tissue do not accurately simulate the
human archetype. To do this properly requires a support framework (scaffold) with
features of an extracellular matrix, proteins to control development and potentiated
cell types that reassemble into tissues. As of now scaffold-based tissue engineering
is providing many useful structural environments where tissues can be reconstituted
in their natural form and with normal functions. However, there are two outstanding
issues that need to be addressed if tissues are to be regenerated fully in the
laboratory. The first is to recreate a blood system within the developing tissue and
provide adequate nutrition; this involves structures with interconnected right size
porosity. The second is to simulate the delivery schedule of developmental proteins
to cells for proliferation and differentiation into whole tissues. So far, clinical
trials implementing these factors, in the regeneration of tissues, have not led to the
anticipated results. The problem lies in the failure to recreate an interwoven cellular
and molecular ecosystem made up of blood vessels, neurons, cells and regenerative
biochemicals. This is a major necessity for proper tissue development.
This has led to a shift in approach towards fabricating materials and structures
containing minerals and proteins, which are dispersed in controlled ways in
scaffolds, to encourage endogenous repair, remodelling and regeneration. Tissue
promoting proteins used in experimental and clinical regenerative therapies are
expensive to produce. The production of proteins using recombinant technology
is imperfect and that has made it difficult to make genuine native proteins with their
entire set of evolved functions. Thus, there are good scientific reasons for devel-
oping relatively straightforward, low-cost alternatives that include structures with
appropriate proteins and others. Marine invertebrates are one potential, unexamined
source of structures that can be converted to calcium phosphates and select proteins
with potential utility in strategies for regenerative medicine, in the laboratory, and
possibly for the patient. They can further incorporate with a range of drugs that can
14 Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera Structures as Drug. . . 417
be utilised as local drug delivery systems. In this current chapter we shall explain
marine structures (specifically Foraminifera) that can be converted to calcium
phosphates and can be loaded with a number of drugs used in tissue engineering.
The marine environment, with its enormous wealth of biological and chemical
diversity [2, 3], represents an abundant and untapped source of useful natu-
ral structures awaiting discovery. While marine-derived chitosan, alginate and
polysaccharides have shown potential advantages as drug delivery systems, coral
exoskeletons can also be applied as an alternative material suitable for this task.
For over 30 years, coral exoskeletons have been extensively studied and used
as bone grafts and where other marine structures have led to the development of
pharmaceutics and their application in medicine [49].
Calcium carbonate (in the form of aragonite or calcite) can be found in many
of the currently known marine organisms [1012]. Each coral species possesses
its unique architecture, namely, porosity, pore size and pore interconnectivity,
microstructural composition and mechanical properties [13] that compliment key
defining parameters of a drug delivery system. The pore size and interconnectivity
of the coral pores are a critical factor in the rate of coral as a bone graft and slow drug
delivery material. This interconnected porous network in coral exoskeletons can
allow drugs to infiltrate to the centrum of the material [14]. Moreover, the uniform
porosity of the exoskeletons provides a more constant drug loading, therefore
providing a more predictable drug release rate of which both are crucial factors that
directly impact the effectiveness of the drug delivery system. Biological structures
often exhibit intricate morphologies that justify the efforts for biomimetic approach.
Biomineralising organisms are natural manufacturers with which mankind only
can try to compete possibly with limited success. There are a number of marine
structures in addition to coral that has a unique structure. One class of marine
structure belonging to the Foraminifera family has shown to be suitable for drug
delivery applications. Foraminifera are abundant as fossils for the last 540 Ma and
are found in all marine environments, but different species exists depending on the
surrounding habitat. Foraminifera are single-celled organisms with shells consisting
of multilayer inner chambers commonly divided and added during its growth.
The beginning of the coral life cycle starts with the polyps which absorb the calcium
ions and carbonic acid present in the seawater to produce the calcium carbonate in
the form of aragonite crystals representing 9799 % of the coral exoskeleton [15].
The remaining composition is made up of various elements and is dependent on
14 Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera Structures as Drug. . . 419
the environment but mainly consists of trace elements of magnesium (0.050.2 %),
strontium, fluorine and phosphorus in the phosphate form (0.020.03 %) [16, 17].
These elements that are composed in the coral exoskeleton structure are known
to play a critical role in the bone mineralisation process and in the activation of
key enzymes associated with bone remodelling cells. Strontium through extensive
studies has shown to contribute to the mineralisation process by stimulating
osteoblasts while inhibiting osteoclasts [18]. Similarly, fluorine, present 1.252.5
times more in coral than in the human bone, helps bone formation through similar
stimulatory effect on osteoblast proliferation [15]. Magnesium is also beneficial in
bone remodelling as it has been shown to increase the mechanical properties of
newly formed bone [19]. Evidently, most of the elements in bone can be found in
corals but they differ in their distribution.
this process exchanges the carbonate component of the coral for phosphate to
produce calcium phosphates and its derivatives using high temperatures between
200 and 260 C for 2448 h following the reaction shown in Eq. (14.1):
10CaCO3 C6.NH4 /2 HPO4 C2H2 O ! Ca10 .PO4 /6 .OH/2 C6.NH4 /2 CO3 C4H2 CO3
The calcium to phosphate molar ratio can be adjusted accordingly to yield dif-
ferent forms of calcium phosphates. In certain circumstances of drug delivery appli-
cations, tricalcium phosphates (TCP) present the more ideal composition compared
with other calcium phosphates. TCP has been extensively studied for use as bone
grafts [2528] and for drug delivery systems [2932] owing to appropriate dissolu-
tion rate [3335]. The hydrothermal conversion from calcium carbonate exoskele-
tons to TCP would require a Ca/P D 1.5. The time variant is an important factor as
<24 h conversion would yield carbonated TCP while 48 h would complete the trans-
formation [14]. Obviously this also depends on the size of the material converted.
Chemical compositional analysis of marine structures can be examined by
various techniques including mass spectroscopy. Elemental quantification by induc-
tively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP) (Table 14.1) exhibits that the
majority of the calcium, magnesium and strontium ions are preserved during this
conversion process.
The therapeutic efficacy of any drug delivery system is dependent on how the drugs
are loaded, how efficient are the drug loading and, most importantly, the release rate
of the loaded drugs. Marine calcareous materials provide the ideal internal porous
structure for drug loading, which this chapter will further discuss.
A key benefit in employing the use of hydrothermal exchange is the preservation
of the structural integrity of the original material. The chemical composition has
changed, but the structure remains intact as shown in Fig. 14.1. There exist a variety
of strategies that can allow incorporation of pharmaceutics in this type of carrier
material as illustrated in Fig. 14.2.
The most common and simplistic method of drug loading is through immersion
of the carrier material in a concentrated solution containing the pharmaceutics for
14 Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera Structures as Drug. . . 421
Fig. 14.1 Scanning electron micrographs showing (a) Foraminifera (CaCO3 ) before conversion
and (b) after hydrothermal conversion to -TCP. The surface pores (c) are uniformly distributed
and are approximately 5 m in diameter
Fig. 14.2 Schematic summary detailing the strategies available for drug loading on carrier
material such as calcareous-derived calcium phosphates
a period of time. These drugs are in turn adsorbed onto the surface and within the
material, which will depend on the porosity of the carrier. The interconnected and
uniformly porous network of the calcareous exoskeleton can provide a consistent
and reliable drug loading as opposed to irregular porous materials. Once the system
is placed in its intended environment, drugs will begin to be released into the
surrounding environment initially through the surface of the carrier and as the pores
are infiltrated through diffusion mechanism.
This characteristic can be observed by plotting a drug release plot based on the
Higuchi Eq. (14.2), which the linearity of the graph will determine if the release is
by diffusion through the matrix material:
Di "
Mt D A Cs 2Cd "C s t (14.2)
422 J. Chou et al.
where Mt is the amount of drug release after time t, A is the matrix surface area, D
is the diffusion coefficient of the drug, Cs is the solubility, Cd is the concentration
of the drug in the matrix, is the tortuosity and " is the porosity of the matrix.
The release mechanism was demonstrated using a model drug incorporated with
the calcareous-derived calcium phosphate material and plotting a subsequent drug
release profile based on the Higuchi plot shown in Fig. 14.3.
The plot shows two phases of the drug released. The initial burst release was due
to conventional release of drug from the surface of the carrier material as illustrated
by slope (1). The second-order release profile shows a linear slope (2) in the Higuchi
plot suggesting that the release of the drug from the matrix material is based on a
drug diffusion process through the macro- and micropores of carrier. This provides
an overview on the release mechanism profile from using these carrier materials and
can allow further optimisation by controlling these release profiles.
Bone repair and formation is a complex process that would require stimulatory
compounds in the form of pharmaceutics, growth factors, proteins, etc., to assist
in the regeneration process. In the case of osteoporosis, where there is an imbalance
in bone remodelling process, the use of stimulants is even more crucial. The last
few decades have witnessed the development of various bone stimulatory drugs
like bisphosphonates and its derivatives and more recently simvastatin. In previous
studies, simvastatin was successfully loaded with the Foraminifera-derived -TCP
(SV/-TCP) with a 75 % loading efficiency. To control the release of simvastatin
and control its release rate, an apatite coating was made around the -TCP material
(Ap/Sv/-TCP) [36]. This reduced the release of simvastatin from 44 % down to
22 % which gave an approximately 50 % reduction in the release (Fig. 14.4).
14 Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera Structures as Drug. . . 423
This will allow a more prolong release of the drug into the local area thereby
increasing the therapeutic efficacy of the system. This system was tested in an
osteoporotic mice model where significant cortical and cancellous bone formation
was observed in the localised area [37]. Furthermore, Ap/Sv/-TCP produced
significantly stronger bones compared with the experimental groups. This is thought
to be the effect of slower local release of simvastatin, which again reinforces the
potential benefits of using this drug delivery system. However, if the treatment is
aimed for systemic applications such as osteoporosis, new strategies are needed
to be developed. To assess the difference between local and systemic delivery in
a separate study, Ap/Sv/-TCP system was compared with direct injection of equal
amount of simvastatin. The results over the 6-week experimental period showed that
direct injection ignited severe localised muscle inflammation whereas the Ap/Sv/-
TCP showed no sign of any adverse effects [38].
This is again attributed to the slower controlled release of simvastatin within the
range of therapeutic efficacy compared with direct injection of the drug. Depending
on the application and the duration of the therapy required, the unique structures
of Foraminifera could be adapted and modified to achieve the desired therapeutic
Fig. 14.5 Introducing the antibiotic (gentamicin)-loaded -TCP Foraminifera to MRSA shows (a)
inhibition on the growth of MRSA, and (b) time-delay introduction of the system shows prevention
of MRSA growth after 30 min
The previous two studies showed the potential of using Foraminifera-derived -TCP
as carriers for drugs, and it should be noted that -TCP can be synthetically
14 Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera Structures as Drug. . . 425
Fig. 14.6 The actions of zinc ions on the production of TGF- in osteoblast cells which the
increase in OPG production help reduce the maturation of osteoclast cells thereby limiting the
cells mode of action on bone resorption
modified to alter the chemical composition of the material thereby changing its
biological properties. Trace elements, such as strontium and magnesium, that
are involved in bone formation have been extensively studied and evaluated by
incorporation into biomaterials for their ability to stimulate bone formation [18,
19]. This would require lengthy testing and optimisation to achieve the optimal
therapeutic concentration adding to the production process as high concentration
of these elements can initiate adverse effects. Natural calcareous exoskeletons like
Foraminifera naturally possess both strontium and magnesium at small concentra-
tion within its natural composition, and so far studies have shown positive effect in
vitro and in vivo. This had led to the motivation of further altering the chemical prop-
erties of the material in hope of increasing the stimulatory ability of these carriers.
Zinc, another trace element that is required in cell regulation, has also shown
bone stimulatory effects and studies have linked zinc deficiency in osteoporotic
patients [40, 41]. Zinc can promote bone growth [42] and inhibit bone resorption
[43], along with antimicrobial resistance [44] which can impart multifunctionality
in a drug delivery system. Zinc ions can act on various receptors of cells, but one of
these actions is based on zincs ability to increase the production of transforming
growth factor-beta (TGF-) in osteoblastic cells, which in turn increases the
production of osteoprotegerin (OPG). This decreases the amount of RANKL that
can bind to the RANK receptor of pre-osteoclast cells preventing its maturity and
bone remodelling actions (Fig. 14.6).
426 J. Chou et al.
Fig. 14.7 Examination of the bone mineral content growth after 4 weeks shows (a) cortical bone to
be significantly increase by the presence of Zn-TCP compared with OVX (ctrl), and (b) cancellous
bone was also significantly stimulated by Zn-TCP compared with negative growth by OVX (ctrl).
Asterisk sign represent p < 0.05, which was considered statistically significant
In recent studies, zinc ions were substituted into the -TCP material and com-
monly referred to as zinc-tricalcium phosphate (Zn-TCP) [45]. This was achieved
by adding zinc ions during the hydrothermal conversion process allowing zinc to
be substituted into the lattice structure in place of the calcium ions. It should be
cautioned that zinc at high concentration, like pharmaceutics, can exhibit adverse
side effects. By incorporating key ions into the lattice structure of the material,
the system can achieve further biological activities and allow the unfilled porous
network to be incorporated with other compounds as a dual-drug delivery system.
significant cortical and cancellous bone growth from Zn-TCP compared with the
control groups near the localised right femur bone of the mice.
What is most noticeable is the cancellous bone growth where the osteoporotic
group exhibit negative bone growth, which is consistent with the osteoporotic
condition; Zn-TCP showed a significant cancellous bone growth of 20 %. The
observed effect is currently limited to the localised long bone, and continued
evaluation will investigate the long-term effect of the Zn-TCP system in a systemic
applications. As a proof of concept, zinc was also directly injected into the
osteoporotic mice at the same concentration of Zn-TCP. Over the experimental
period, muscle deterioration and inflammation was observed at the site of injection
confirming once again that highly localised dosage can elicit side effects whereas
slow and controlled release systems are therapeutically more effective.
One of the most common bone-related traumas is with bone fracture, which may
be caused as a result of bone fragility from osteoporosis or simply from breakage.
Under certain conditions, the repair of bone fractures will require the use of bone
filler material based on calcium phosphate, which are widely used clinically while
offering reliable results. With an ever-increasing healthcare costs and advancement
in technologies, patients and society expect continual improvements related to heal-
ing rate and quality of treatment. To address this trend, Zn-TCP material developed
was evaluated for fracture repair by implanting into a rat tibial defect model to
observe the bone repair rate and quality as the defect healed compared with an empty
control group [46]. As Fig. 14.8 illustrates, the bone mineral content (BMC) of the
Zn-TCP was significantly higher compared with empty control and -TCP starting
2 weeks after implantation. This trend continued until 8 weeks where the BMC level
in the -TCP reached the same level as Zn-TCP. This demonstrates the accelerated
bone formation and healing of the defect site from the addition of zinc in the material
428 J. Chou et al.
Fig. 14.9 Examination of the bone mineral content of Zn-TCP compared with empty control and
-TCP shows significant bone mineral formation starting at 2 weeks and continuing until 8 weeks
where -TCP had the same bone mineral level as Zn-TCP. Dotted lines illustrate the original defect
compared with -TCP. Histological slices shown in Fig. 14.9 showed that the defect
in the Zn-TCP group was completely repaired and restoration of trabecular bone
could be observed around the Zn-TCP material and from within. It is interesting
to note that the structure of the internal porous chambers within the material was
infiltrated with new bone formation and the presence of blood vessels within each
of these chambers. This is illustrative on the importance of the porous structure of
the implanted material in promoting faster bone formation and healing. The control
group also showed repair of the defect, but trabecular bone formation was not
14 Calcium Phosphate Derived from Foraminifera Structures as Drug. . . 429
Fig. 14.10 Examination of the bone mineral content of Zn-TCP compared with empty control and
-TCP shows significant bone mineral formation starting at 2 weeks and continuing until 8 weeks
where -TCP had same bone mineral level as Zn-TCP
observed or very minimal. -TCP group showed very similar new bone infiltration
of the material within the materials porous chambers as shown previously the bone
mineral content of both groups was closely similar after 8 weeks.
The number of bone augmentation procedures in the dentistry field is rising sig-
nificantly as the number of people requiring dental implants continues to increase.
Before the implant can be inserted, the bone volume at the implant site must be
enough to sustain the insert to allow successful bonding between the graft material
and the surrounding bone. If the bone volume is not enough, bone augmentation
procedures are carried out where commonly calcium phosphate-based bone grafts
are used to promote bone growth over several months. This procedure is therefore
time dependent where if the required bone volume can be achieved at a faster rate,
it can potentially benefit the patient by reducing healing time and socio-economic
costs. With this in mind, Zn-TCP was evaluated in a rat calvarial defect model
to test the bone regenerative properties of the material. Figure 14.10 illustrates
the progressive healing of the defect using x-ray micro-computed tomography to
reconstruct the defect. These images confirm the results from the bone mineral
content formation showing that the defect was closed at 2 weeks and the subsequent
weeks that followed involved new bone formation within the material. In the
control group after 6 weeks, a large proportion of the defect has yet regenerated.
Examination of the bone mineral content presented in Fig. 14.11 shows Zn-TCP
material was able to stimulate significant bone mineral growth compared with the
empty control as early as 2 weeks, and this trend was observed for the duration of the
experiment. It can be seen that the empty control group, without any graft material,
430 J. Chou et al.
was not able to sustain a continual bone growth after 4 weeks, and though the defect
may heal after an extended of period of time, the results indicate that the presence
of a graft material offers a more improved form of treatment. This study provides
a background of what can be achieved using biomimetically modified Zn-TCP.
Further studies are required to investigate the materials regenerative abilities with
commercially available calcium phosphate bone graft materials before conclusions
can be drawn on the clinically applicability of Zn-TCP.
1. Bose S, Tarafder S (2012) Calcium phosphate ceramic systems in growth factor and
drug delivery for bone tissue engineering: a review. Acta Biomater 8(4):14011421.
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bial communities from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Appl Environ Microbiol 61(12):4517
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Chapter 15
History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative
Sergey Dorozhkin
S. Dorozhkin ()
Kudrinskaja sq. 1-155, Moscow 123242, Russia
e-mail: sedorozhkin@yandex.ru
15.1 Introduction
By virtue of abundance in the nature and presence in the living organisms, calcium
orthophosphates (Table 15.1) appear to be the chemical compounds of a special
interest in many fields of science, including geology, chemistry, biology, and
medicine [1, 2]. As seen from Table 15.1, calcium orthophosphates with the
Ca/P ratio within 1.51.67 are called apatites (hydroxyapatite, fluorapatite, and
oxyapatite). As a mineral species, apatite was first recognized in 1786 by the father
of German geology Abraham Gottlob Werner (17501817) and named by him from
the ancient Greek K (apatao) to mislead or to deceive because it had
previously been mistaken for other minerals, such as beryl, tourmaline, chrysolite,
amethyst, fluorite, etc. Currently, apatite is the name for a group of minerals with
the same crystallographic structure and does not indicate one chemical composition.
However, in this review, the term apatite is referred to calcium orthophosphates
only and means CDHA, HA, FA, and OA (Table 15.1).
As follows from the designation, all calcium orthophosphates contain both
calcium (Ca, atomic number 20) and phosphorus (P, atomic number 15) as the major
constituencies. The history of both chemical elements is long. Namely, according
to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, calcium (from Latin calx, genitive calcis,
meaning lime) compounds were known as early as the first century, when the
ancient Romans prepared lime as calcium oxide [3]. However, calcium sulfate (also
known as plaster of Paris or lime plaster) had been known much earlier: three statues
were discovered in a buried pit atAin Ghazal in Jordan; those were sculpted with
lime plaster over armatures of reeds and twine. They were made in the pre-pottery
Neolithic period, around 7200 BC. However, calcium in a pure state was not isolated
until 1808, when the famous British chemist and inventor Sir Humphry Davy (1778
1829) electrolyzed a mixture of lime and mercuric oxide [4, 5].
Phosphorus is a bit younger. The discovery of this element in a pure state (its
name given from Greek mythology, Koo meaning light bearer (Latin:
Lucifer), referring to the Morning Star, the planet Venus) is credited to the
German merchant and alchemist Hennig Brand (ca. 1630ca. 1710) in 1669,
although other alchemists might have discovered phosphorus around the same
time. Brand experimented with urine, which contained considerable quantities of
dissolved phosphates from the normal metabolism [6]. As the matter stands, the
earliest research publication containing the word phosphorus in the title belongs
to M. Krafft from Holland and was printed in 1677 in French Journal des Savans
[7], which was the earliest academic journal published in Europe. In 1680, the
famous British natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor Robert Boyle
(16271691) also deposited a paper on phosphorus, but it was published only
in 1693, shortly after his death [8]. However, it was the famous French chemist
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (17431794) who recognized phosphorus as a chemical
element in 1777. It turns out that phosphorus was the first element discovered since
antiquity [6].
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 437
anhydrous (MCPA or
1.0 Dicalcium phosphate CaHPO4 2H2 O 6.59 0.088 2.06.0
dihydrate (DCPD),
mineral brushite
1.0 Dicalcium phosphate CaHPO4 6.90 0.048 c
anhydrous (DCPA or
DCP), mineral
1.33 Octacalcium phosphate Ca8 (HPO4 )2 96.6 0.0081 5.57.0
(OCP) (PO4 )4 5H2 O
1.5 -Tricalcium phosphate -Ca3 (PO4 )2 25.5 0.0025 a
1.5 -Tricalcium phosphate -Ca3 (PO4 )2 28.9 0.0005 a
1.22.2 Amorphous calcium Cax Hy (PO4 )z b b
phosphates (ACP) nH2 O,
n D 34.5;
1520 %
1.51.67 Calcium-deficient Ca10x (HPO4 )x 85 0.0094 6.59.5
hydroxyapatite (PO4 )6x
(CDHA or Ca-def (OH)2x
HA)e (0<x<1)
1.67 Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 116.8 0.0003 9.512
Hap or OHAp)
1.67 Fluorapatite (FA or FAp) Ca10 (PO4 )6 F2 120.0 0.0002 712
1.67 Oxyapatite (OA, OAp or Ca10 (PO4 )6 O 69 0.087 a
2.0 Tetracalcium phosphate Ca4 (PO4 )2 O 3844 0.0007 a
(TTCP or TetCP),
Reprinted with permission from Refs. [1, 2]
These compounds cannot be precipitated from aqueous solutions
Cannot be measured precisely. However, the following values were found: 25.7 0.1
(pH D 7.40), 29.9 0.1 (pH D 6.00), and 32.7 0.1 (pH D 5.28). The comparative extent of
dissolution in acidic buffer is ACP -TCP -TCP > CDHA HA > FA
Stable at temperatures above 100 C
Always metastable
Occasionally, it is called precipitated HA (PHA)
Existence of OA remains questionable
438 S. Dorozhkin
To begin with, one must define the subject and outline the problems. According to
Wikipedia: History (from Greek historia, meaning inquiry, knowledge
acquired by investigation) is the discovery, collection, organization, and presen-
tation of information about past events. It is a field of research which uses a
narrative to examine and analyse the sequence of events, and it sometimes attempts
to investigate objectively the patterns of cause and effect that determine events.
The task of historical discourse is to identify the sources which can most usefully
contribute to the production of accurate accounts of past [9].
Unfortunately, the requirement to identify the sources meets serious problems,
due to the substantial difficulties with accessing to the scientific literature published
in the first half of the nineteenth century and before. In addition, that time, both
the scientific concepts and the presentation ways were rather different from the
modern ones, while the chemical formulae had not been introduced yet. More to
the point, scientific journals were rare and just a few of them are currently available
in the electronic form. To complicate things further, numerous old journals have
been discontinued, merged, and/or renamed, which strongly complicates accessing
to the papers published in those journals. Luckily, Google Inc. has scanned a great
number of old books as a part of its project to make the worlds books discoverable
online. This timely project by Google combined with the power of the modern
electronic databases of scientific publications allows reconstructing the major
historical milestones on calcium orthophosphates, which was often impossible for
earlier review writers. For example, a paper of 1994 by Driskell entitled Early
history of calcium phosphate materials and coatings [10] started with the classical
publication of 1920 by Albee assisted by Morrison [11]. In 1999, Shackelford
published a paper, Bioceramics an historical perspective [12], in which the
same publication by Albee assisted by Morrison [11] was mentioned as the earliest
reference. The same is valid for the historical papers by Hulbert et al. [13, 14] and
Shepperd [15]. Thus, it might create a false impression that calcium phosphates
were unknown before 1920. Certainly, this is not the case; nevertheless, the precise
sequence of the scientific events that happened in the first half of the nineteenth
century still remains poorly restorable, while the correct historical time scale of
even earlier scientific events remains almost irrecoverable. This is mainly due to a
lack of the citation practice existing in the scientific literature published at that time.
Besides, even nowadays, for the entire eighteenth century and approximately the
first quarter of the nineteenth century, only scientific books digitalized by Google are
easily accessible. Just a few journal papers devoted to the subject published before
1820s have been found. Nevertheless, in no case this means that they do not exist;
presumably, either they have not been scanned yet (especially, this might be valid
for the discontinued journals) or an access to the scanned versions is restricted to a
limited amount of subscribers only. Therefore, the historical narrative of the findings
and discoveries of the eighteenth century is based dominantly on the available
books, and the annals of the nineteenth century are based on both the available
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 439
books and a limited number of journal papers, while the chronicle of the twentieth
century is based on the journal publications only. Here one should also stress that
starting from the second half of the nineteenth century, the detailed description of
every publication on the subject becomes impossible due to permanently increasing
amount of them. Furthermore, since the end of the 1910s, even mentioning all
and sundry publications on the subject becomes impossible either (the quantity
with moderate novelty breeds ignoring). Therefore, for the twentieth century, the
milestone studies have been included only.
Prior examination of issues let me briefly report on the earliest scientific publications
on bones, teeth, and other types of calcified tissues of mammals, which are the main
sources of calcium orthophosphates of the biological origin. Since in those early
days the major scientific language was Latin, I am forced to confine myself by the
English-language publications only.
According to the second earliest but the worlds longest-running scientific journal
Philosophical Transactions (published in UK), the priority in journal publications
on investigations of bones and teeth belongs to the famous Dutch tradesman and
scientist Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek (16321723) from Delft. He is best
known for his work on the improvement of a microscope and is often considered
as the father of microbiology. Therefore, within 16741695, van Leeuwenhoek
published several letters devoted to microscopic investigations of bones and teeth
[1620]. Namely, he wrote (please note the old-fashioned using a long, medial, or
descending letter , which is a form of the minuscule letter s formerly used
where s occurred in the middle or at the beginning of a word) [16]: I thought
likewi e, I aw then al o, that that Bone con i ted of united Globuls. Afterwards, I
viewed the Shinbone of a Calf, in which I found everal little holes, pa ing from
without inwards; and I then imagined, that this Bone had divers mall pipes going
longways (p. 125). Today these small pipes are known as Haversian canals, named
after the British physician Clopton Havers (16571702), who did the pioneering
research on the microstructure of bones and teeth [21]. Let me continue citing
[16]: But I have ince ob erved the Tooth of a Cow and I found it made up of
tran parent Globuls which I can ee very perfectly. The ame I have ob erved in Ivory
or Elephants-Teeth. And having een this everal times, I doubt no longer but that
all white Bones do con i t of tran parent Globuls (p. 125). Obviously, this was the
first recognition of the fact that bones and teeth of mammals consist of small units
(currently we call them crystals) with a transparent nature. Indeed, single crystals of
all known calcium orthophosphates (Table 15.1) are transparent.
Simultaneously, other researchers tried to measure the physical properties and
establish the chemical composition of various calcified tissues (both normal and
pathological) of humans. For example, let me cite a summary of the experiments
440 S. Dorozhkin
performed by the British physician and chemist Frederick Slare (16481727) from
a publication of 1684 [22]: Several Stones of the Bladder and Kidnies were di tilld,
all afforded volatile urinous Salts; which Ferment upon any Acids. Bones were
di tilld and found to be of agreeable Principles. Calculi examined Hydro tatically,
were found in proportion to their Bulk of water as 5 to 4. We weighd Bones
Hydro tatically and found them twice as heavy as their Bulk of water. Bones
not ea ily wrought on by common Acids, only by nitrous ones and that without
Ebullition. (p. 532). Therefore, scientists dissolved biologically formed calcium
orthophosphates in acids as far back as 1684.
Shortly before a discovery of the calcium orthophosphate nature of bones (the
next section), Hrissant (presumably, it is referred to either Jean Thomas Hrissant
or his son Louis Antoine Prosper Hrissant) and the Swiss anatomist, physiologist,
naturalist, and poet Albrecht von Haller (17081777) examined a phenomenon that
even the weakest acids had the power of softening bones. Namely, according to
Fourcroy [23], that study was reported in 1758 and Hrissant thought he had found
in the nitric acid (with which he oftened the bones which he oaked in it, by
di olving their earth, which he believed to be cretaceous, without affecting their
membraneous cellular part) a means of in ulating the two con tituent matters of
the e organs. Haller has verified this oftening of the bones even by the acetous
acid and lemon juice; he u pected that in the oftening of the bones by the effect
of di ea es, there exi ted an acid which thus corroded them. All the chemi ts have
afterwards ob erved that a olution of bones in an acid precipitated by alkali affords
a eemingly earthy matter, which does not po e s the property of becoming quick-
lime by calcination. (p. 388).
To conclude this part, one can see that the aforementioned few examples
clearly demonstrate a scientific importance of the pre-calcium orthophosphate
epoch, which, ideally, should be investigated in more details. Undoubtedly, one
must appreciate the important observations and discoveries made by those early
bone-ash, which has from that time invariably served for its preparation (p. 458).
Furthermore, let me cite a publication of 1777 [25] (again, pay attention to the
old-fashioned using a letter instead of s): I have only been informed of
this di covery, by the Gazette, Salutaire de Bouillon, October, 1775. It is there
aid, that Mr. Henry Gahn, a phy ician at Stockholm, has communicated a proce s
for extracting from bones the aline matter in question; and that Mr. Scheele had
a certained, that the earth of animals was compo ed of a calcareous ub tance united
with the pho phoric acid. This di covery, continues the author of the article of
the Gazette, belongs to Mr. Gahn, and has been confirmed by later experiments.
(p. 383). Presumably, this citation might be considered as one of the earliest
mentioning on calcium phosphates in the history.
The earliest accessible description on how Scheele discovered the chemical
composition of bones was given by Fourcroy in 1804 [23]: After having, like
Heri ant, di olved bones in the nitric acid, he filtrated the liquor, and a certained
that, though always acid, even when aturated with all that it could di olve of bone,
it precipitated ulphate of lime by the addition of concentrated ulphuric acid; and
that after this precipitation, the olution drawn off clear, and evaporated in a retort,
afforded volatilized nitric acid, and left pho phoric acid, which was fu ed into gla s
by the action of a ufficient heat. He concluded from this experiment that the nitric
acid di olved the pho phate of lime, the ba e of the bones; that the olution in this
acid was a mixture of calcareous nitrate and of pho phoric acid; that when the
fir t was decompo ed by the ulphuric acid, and the precipitated ulphate of lime
eparated from it, there remained only a mixture of the two acids, the pho phoric
and the nitric, and that this latter mixture, when heated, di engaged volatile nitric
acid, whil t the fixed pho phoric acid remained at the bottom of the retort. (pp.
388389). Even more than 200 years afterward, we can add nothing to improve this
description. This is an example of how the genius could do!
Simultaneously, the presence of orthophosphates was discovered in blood serum,
which follows from a publication of 1770 [26]: The erum con i ts chemically of
a coagulable matter, and water in which common al ammoniac and pho phoric
ammoniac, and generally common alt, and frequently elenites, and, fixed ammo-
niac, are di olved (p. 309). Obviously, pho phoric ammoniac means ammonium
Further, according to Shepperd [15], the famous German chemist Martin
Heinrich Klaproth (17431817) and the famous French chemist Joseph-Louis
Proust (17541826) also contributed to calcium orthophosphates. Unfortunately,
Shepperd has not provided any references to the publications by those great
chemists. Nevertheless, a search performed among the Google books has given some
results. For example, a short extract from a letter by M. Klaproth was published in
1788 [27], which started with the following words: Monsieur, Je viens danaly er
lapatit de M. Verner (I). Jen ai retir de la terre calcaire & de lacide pho phorique
(p. 313). In addition, in a French book of 1790 [28], one can find a subchapter enti-
tled Apatite. Phosphate de Chaux which is started from the following sentence:
Cest Mr. Klaproth, qui dcouvert le premier cette combinaison de la terre
calcaire avec lacide phosphorique (p. 363). Further, Mr. Proust dans une Lettre
442 S. Dorozhkin
Mr. dArcet a donn lAnalyse de cette pierre, qui est une combinaison de la terre
calcaire avec lacide phosphorique (p. 366). Thus, by that time, apatite was already
recognized as a calcium phosphate, which is also confirmed by a German book of
1789 [29], in which Apatit was called die Phosphorsaure mit Kalkerde (p. 2).
More to the point, according to a study, submitted on December 20, 1785 [30],
the production process of orthophosphoric acid by decomposition of calcined bones
in sulfuric acid was already known. This is how it was described by Lavoisier in
1790 [31]: The bones of adult animals being calcined to whitene s, are pounded,
and pa ed through a fine ilk iewe; pour upon the fine powder a quantity of dilute
ulphuric acid, le s than is ufficient for di olving the whole. This acid unites
with the calcareous earth of the bones into a ulphat of lime, and the pho phoric
acid remains free in the liquor. (p. 205). Further, the production process of white
phosphorus has been described [31]: The liquid is decanted off, and the re iduum
wa hed with boiling water; this water which has been u ed to wa h out the adhering
acid is joined with what was before decanted off, and the whole is gradually
evaporated; the di olved ulphat of lime cri tallizes in form of ilky threads,
which are removed, and by continuing the evaporation we procure the pho phoric
acid under the appearance of a white pellucid gla s. When this is powdered, and
mixed with one third its weight of charcoal, we procure very pure pho phorus by
ublimation. (p. 206).
In the last decade of the eighteenth century, very extensive investigations on
calcium orthophosphates were performed by two famous French chemists Antoine
Franois, comte de Fourcroy (17551809) and Nicolas Louis Vauquelin (1763
1829), who, among other accomplishments, discovered an existence of acidic
calcium orthophosphates, currently known as MCPM, MCPA, DCPD, and DCPA
(Table 15.1). For example, let me cite a Fourcroys book of 1789 [32]: Pho phoric
acid, poured into lime-water, precipitates from it a carce oluble alt, which does not
efferve ce with acids, is decompo ed by mineral acids, but proof again t the attacks
of cau tic alkalis. This alt is of the ame nature with the ba e of bones. An exce s of
pho phoric acid renders calcareous pho phate oluble in water; but magne ia, lime,
cau tic fixed alkalis, and even ammoniac, by carrying off from it the exce s of acid,
precipitate the neutral alt. Calcareous pho phate is not decompo able by caustic
alkalis, but carbonates of pota h and oda decompo e it. The olid matter of bones
con i ts of pho phate uper aturated with lime. (p. 248). Here we read the correct
chemical description of CDHA precipitation from H3 PO4 and Ca(OH)2 , followed by
CDHA transformation into soluble MCPM in the presence of an excess of H3 PO4 ,
which is again transformed into insoluble CDHA by addition of basic compounds
MgO, CaO, KOH, NaOH, and NH4 OH. Moreover, the last sentence means that the
amount of CaO in bones exceeds the stoichiometry of orthophosphates; therefore,
that was the earliest indirect observation of the apatitic (Ca/P > 1.5) composition of
Furthermore, in his later book of 1804 [33], Fourcroy wrote: A FEW years ago
this alt, which I here denominate the acid pho phate of lime, was unknown. Scheele
very properly remarked that the aline earth of bones was di olved by an acid in
human urine, but he did not ob erve that this union between pho phoric acid and
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 443
the bony pho phate, makes a kind of permanent and particular alt different from
the latter. It was in the year 1795, the third year of the Republic, that I di covered
it, with Citizen Vauquelin, in a connected eries of experiments upon bony matters;
wherein we proved that the calcareous pho phate which con titutes the olid ba e, is
only in part decompo able by acids, and that the portion of pho phoric acid which
is eparated, retains in olution pho phate of lime, which it then defends from all
ub equent alteration by other acids. (p. 347). The aforementioned is confirmed by
an encyclopedia published in 1816 [34]: Super-Phosphat of Lime was di covered
in 1795, by Fourcroy and Vauquelin. It had indeed been often formed before, but
chemi ts had neglected to examine it (p. 458). Thus, the term superphosphate
has been known since, at least, 1795, and initially it meant calcium phosphates
containing an excess (or super quantity) of phosphoric acid. Besides, in the same
publication, Fourcroy mentioned other contributors to early studies on calcium
orthophosphates [33]: Citizens Nicholas of Nancy, Pelletrier, Berniard, Bullion,
in France; We trumb, and everal chemi ts in Germany; Bonvio in, at Turin; Tenant,
Pear on, and ome others in England, multiplied their inquiries and experiments
(p. 337). Thus, one can notice that in the end of the eighteenth century, the subject
of calcium orthophosphates was extensively investigated by a number of researchers
in several countries of Western Europe.
Finally, it is important to cite a page from an agricultural chemistry book,
published in 1795 [35]: PHOSPHAT OF LIME Is contained in animal matters,
such as bones, urine, shells, &c. &c. in some sorts of limestone, and in vegetable
substances, particularly in the gluten, or vegeto-animal matter of wheat or other
grain. It is a saline compound very insoluble. There is reason to believe, a very
considerable proportion of this nearly insoluble salt is contained in most fertile soils,
especially those that have been long under cultivation. It is not to be decomposed
by pure alkalis; but this may be effected by mild vegetable and mineral alkalis, on
the principle of the double electrive attractions; in which case, carbonate of lime
(or chalk) will be precipitated, and phosphoric acid will join with the alkali, and
form phosphat of potash, or phosphat of soda, according to the alkali applied. These
alkaline phosphates will be found to promote vegetation in a very great degree: the
substances of which they are composed, viz. alkaline salts and phosphoric acid, are
found in the ashes of most vegetables. (p. 75)
To conclude the 1700s, one should recognize that the correct basic knowledge on
calcium orthophosphates became available by the end of the eighteenth century.
For the nineteenth century, both scientific books and a limited amount of journal
publications are available; however, for the first half of the nineteenth century,
the quantity of journal publications was very small. Nevertheless, according to the
available literature, one can claim on a real explosion of the scientific knowledge on
calcium orthophosphates in the nineteenth century. For example, in 1804, Fourcroy
444 S. Dorozhkin
stated that the presence of water in acidic calcium orthophosphates was already
known (again, pay attention to the old-fashioned using a letter instead of s)
[33]: The acid pho phate of lime contains a remarkable quantity of water: the
cry tallization immediately oftens and becomes liquefied by the fire (p. 349). The
chemical compositions of both neutral and acidic calcium orthophosphates were
described as follows [33]: 100 parts of pho phate of lime contain, according to the
analy is of Citizens Fourcroy and Vauquelin,
Pho phoric acid 41
Lime 59 (p. 346),
and An accurate analy is of this alt affords the following proportions of component
Lime 45
Pho phoric acid 54 (p. 351).
phosphate of lime in phosphoric acid, dissolved in hot water (p. 327). XII.
Quadriphosphate of Lime. Glassy Phosphoric Acid of the Apothecaries. This salt
may be formed by digesting, for some time, finely powdered phosphate of lime
in a quantity of sulphuric acid, sufficient to saturate all the lime of the phosphate,
and afterwards diluting the mixture with a sufficient quantity of water, and filtering.
Sulphate of lime remains on the filter, and a liquid quadriphosphate passes through.
(pp. 327328). Presumably, aqueous solutions of DCPD and MCPM, respectively,
were prepared; therefore, one can claim that MCPM and DCPD were differentiated
by 1819. Furthermore, XIII. Subphosphate of Lime. This salt occurs native under
the names of apatite or asparagus stone (p. 328). Since the prefix sub- means
incomplete, one can claim that a shortage of orthophosphate ions in apatites (if
compared with phosphate of lime) was confirmed.
Various preparation processes of a pure calcium orthophosphate currently known
as CDHA were developed by 1807 [38]: Phosphate of Lime may be obtained quite
pure either by aturating the pure acid with marble and then evaporating; or by
wa hing bone-a h with hot water to di olve out any oluble alt which it may con-
tain; then adding a little acetous or dilute muriatic acid till the efferve cence cea es
to engage the carbonat of lime which it contains, and again thoroughly edulcorating.
Pho phat of lime is produced al o by double decompo ition, on dropping a olution
of any pho phated alkali into any oluble calcareous olution that has not any great
exce s of acid. Vauquelin al o found that on boiling pho phat of oda with wet and
newly precipitated carbonat of lime, the ame re ult took place, and carbonate of
oda with pho phate of lime were produced. (p. 221). One can see that some of
these processes are still used to produce chemically pure CDHA. In the fourth edi-
tion of Encyclopdia Britannica (1810), applications of calcium orthophosphates
were described as follows [40]: The pho phate of lime is of great importance in
chemi try, for the purpo e of extracting pho phoric acid, to be decompo ed to obtain
pho phorus. It is also employed for making cupels, for poli hing metals and precious
tones, and for removing pots of grea from linen, paper, and ilk. It is u ed in
medicine as a remedy for rickets, to correct the uppo ed effects of acids in oftening
the bones. (p. 585). Although it is slightly beyond the subject, one should mention
that calcium orthophosphite (Ca3 (PO3 )2 ) with trivalent P was also mentioned in that
edition of Encyclopdia Britannica, as pho phite of lime (p. 586).
In 1819, the major properties of CDHA were described as follows [39]:
4. Phosphate of lime is a white insoluble powder, destitute of taste, and unaltered
by exposure to air. It is soluble in hydrochloric (muriatic) and nitric acids, and
may be precipitated from solution in them by means of ammonia. When exposed
to a very violent heat, it undergoes a kind of fusion, and is converted into a white
semi-transparent porcelain. 5. According to an analysis by Berzelius, calculated in
numbers, in which the equivalent number for lime is assumed, phosphate of lime is
composed of
one atom; so that it appears that the composition of this salt cannot be reconciled
with the atomic theory. (p. 327). Here, one can see the earliest mentioning of the
terms atom and atomic theory.
In 1823, W. Henry described the following compounds containing calcium
and phosphorus [41]: phosphuret of lime obtained by passing phosphorus over
red-hot lime (p. 565), which was, obviously, calcium phosphide (Ca3 P2 ). It has
the remarkable property of decomposing water and the water afterwards contains
phosphite, or hypophosphite, not phosphate of lime.* Drop a small piece of it into
a wine-glass of water, and in a short time bubbles of phosphuretted hydrogen gas
will be produced; which, rising to the surface, will take fire, and explode (p. 566),
followed by references to two publications written by the famous French chemist
and physicist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (17781850), to whom this discovery was
credited. Obviously, the phosphuretted hydrogen gas was a mixture of PH3 , P2 H4 ,
and more complicated PH compounds. Then, W. Henry described phosphate of lime
[41], which is constituted, according to Mr. Daltons experiments, of 49 acid C 51
lime, proportions which authorize us to consider phosphate of lime as consisting of
1 atom of acid D 28, C 1 atom of base D 28, the compound atom being 56 (pp.
566567). Here, the term atom was used again. In addition, this is an evidence
that the famous English chemist, meteorologist, and physicist John Dalton (1766
1844), who is best known for his pioneering work in the development of modern
atomic theory, as well as his research into color blindness (sometimes referred to as
daltonism, in his honor), also contributed to calcium orthophosphates. Afterward,
other calcium orthophosphates were mentioned as follows [41]: Bi-phosphate of
lime may be formed by digesting phosphate of lime with a quantity of phosphoric
acid equivalent to that already engaged in the salt (p. 567). Obviously, it was
DCPD. Tri-phosphate of lime. This salt, according to Mr. Dalton, perhaps
formed by adding pure phosphoric acid to lime water, until a commencement
of precipitation appears, when a drop or two of acid must clear the solution. If
the solution be evaporated to dryness at a moderate heat, and then dissolved in
water again, simple phosphate of lime remains, and a quadri-phosphate exists in
the solution. (p. 567). Unfortunately, this description does not allow to identify
calcium orthophosphates. They might be DCPD (in solution) and DCPA (evaporated
to dryness at a moderate heat) or OCP (in solution) and either ACP or CDHA
(evaporated to dryness at a moderate heat): Quadri-phosphate of lime. If 100 parts
of phosphate of lime be digested for 24 hours with 87 parts of sulphuric acid, diluted
with a sufficient quantity of water, and be then filtered, the liquid which passes
through contains the whole of the phosphoric acid, with only one-fourth of the lime
which existed in the original salt : : : The dissolved salt is therefore a compound
of 1 atom of lime D 28 C 4 atoms of acid D 112. When evaporated it forms, on
cooling, pearly scales, which have an acid taste, and dissolve readily in water,
giving a solution of the sp. gr. 1,44. (p. 567). Obviously, this was MCPM with
a possible admixture of MCPA formed after evaporation. Although the meaning
of the statement 1 atom of lime D 28 C 4 atoms of acid D 112 remains unclear,
one may guess that the numerical values 28 and 112 should be a kind of molar
masses. Indeed, 28 is 50 % of the molar mass of CaO, i.e., this is a gram equivalent
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 447
and striking out phosphorus as in Ref. [48] (additionally, chlorine was written as Cl
and fluorine was written as F) was also used [49]. Even such a complicated way of
writing with dots, striking out and mathematical fractions as
was used on page 399 of Ref. [50] to describe the chemical composition of
apatite. One can see that initially neither hydrogen nor oxygen was included into
the chemical formulae of calcium orthophosphates. Nevertheless, this topic kept
developing. For example, the correct but just strange-looking chemical formula of
apatite as 3Ca3 O3 ,P2 O5 C CaCl F might be found on page 29 of a book published
in 1841 [51]. However, in another book of 1841 [52], the numerical subscripts were
replaced by superscripts; therefore, the chemical formula for bone phosphate of
lime was written as 8CaO C 3P2 O5 , that for triphosphate of lime as 3CaO C P2 O5 ,
that for diphosphate of lime as 2CaO C P2 O5 C 1 eq. basic water, and one for
phosphate of lime as CaO C P2 O5 C 2 eq. basic water (p. 304). Obviously, the term
basic water means acidic orthophosphates; therefore, these formulae were the
first correct ones for CDHA, TCP, DCPD/DCPA, and MCPM/MCPA, respectively
(hydrate water was not mentioned yet). Similar way of writing was used in some
later books, such as a publication of 1854 [53], in which the chemical formula of
calcis triphosphas. triphosphate of lime. was written as 3CaO,PO5 (p. 625) and
the chemical formulae of other calcium orthophosphates were written as 2CaO,PO5
(p. 626) and 8CaO,3PO5 (p. 627), as well as a publication of 1859 [45]: Apatite
has the composition 3(PO5 , 3CaO)fCl F gCa (p. 128). In the latter formula, anions
were placed ahead of cations. In addition, in 1843 and 1845, John Percy published
identical papers [54, 55] (the earliest example of redundant publications?), in which
he described formation of a new hydrated phosphate of lime with a chemical
formula 2CaO C PO5 C 6HO, with 1 equiv. water being basic and 5 constitutional.
Obviously, the basic water means existence of HPO4 , which is typical for DCPD,
OCP, and CDHA, while the constitutional water is the hydrate water. Since
only OCP contains a combination of HPO4 with 5 molecules of hydrate water
(Table 15.1), presumably, John Percy prepared OCP.
With a few exceptions [47, 54, 55], the aforementioned information on apatites
and other calcium orthophosphates was taken from various books. In addition, a
limited amount of journal publications of the first half of the nineteenth century
is also available. Namely, research papers on the subject were published by the
famous Swedish chemist Jns Jacob Berzelius (17791848) [56, 57], as well as by
G.O. Rees [58], M. Baruel [59], the English physician and chemist Henry Bence
Jones (18131873) [6062], J.D. Smith [63], and J.L. Lassaigne [64]. Among them,
a paper of 1845 by Jones [60] should be noted. Namely, let me cite a figure caption:
Amorphous deposit in alkaline urine. Deposit on boiling phosphate of soda with
chloride of calcium, or with sulphate of magnesia (p. 349). This statement is
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 449
Fig. 15.1 The earliest available pictures of precipitates, some of which contain calcium orthophos-
phates (a) Iridescent pellicles on some alkaline urine; (b) Amorphous deposit in alkaline urine.
Deposit on boiling phosphate of soda with chloride of calcium, or with sulphate of magnesia;
(c) Chloride of calcium with acid phosphate of soda, or with common phosphate of soda, after
long standing; (d) Phosphate of soda with little chloride of calcium. Bone-earth phosphate; (e) On
boiling phosphate of soda with sulphate of magnesia and little biphosphate of soda; (f) Phosphate
of soda with sulphate of magnesia; after long standing (p. 349). Namely, the precipitates on (b)
are ACP (in the case, calcium chloride was used) and the crystals on (c) and (d) are either DCPD
or OCP (Reprinted from Ref. [60])
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 451
One can see a balanced chemical equation, identical to the modern ones. It is
hard to believe that it was published in 1866! It is interesting to note that only
22 years appeared to be enough to perform a transition from the primitive chemical
formulae without oxygen, such as 2.Ca2 P and 5.Ca2 P [48], to the modern chemical
equations. More to the point, the chemical formulae of hydrated forms of calcium
orthophosphates were known by 1866: 873 grs. of the vacuum-dried salt, lost on
ignition 1230 grains, or 2635 per cent.; the formula Ca2 H2 P2 O8 4H2 O, demands
2616 per cent. of water (p. 299). Needless to explain, Ca2 H2 P2 O8 4H2 O
represents two molecules of DCPD (see Table 15.1). Furthermore, It is interesting
to observe that while disodic phosphate is of an alkaline nature, dicalcic phosphate
possesses faint acid properties (p. 300). More to the point, the form and shape
of DCPD crystals were described as well: The crystalline form of the dicalcic
tetrahydrated phosphate has been examined by Professor Church. He describes the
crystals as thin rhombodal plates, of which the diagonally opposite acute angles are
sometimes truncated, hexagonal forms being thus produced. This truncation seems
to be occasionally hemihedral, and then may proceed up to the diagonal between
obtuse angles; from this change triangular forms arise. Other modifications are also
met with. (pp. 300301). Another interesting conclusion might be found here: We
may then safely affirm that whenever dicalcic phosphate, octocalcic triphosphate,
or any phosphate of intermediate composition, is precipitated from solution by
ammonia, the salt obtained will be the octocalcic triphosphate; a tricalcic phosphate
cannot be obtained in this manner. The following is probably a type of the reaction:
This seems to be the earliest mentioning on the fact that TCP cannot be
precipitated from the aqueous solutions (currently we know that ACP or CDHA are
precipitated instead). In addition, the following citation from the same publication
It is quite possible that precipitated tricalcic phosphate may possess somewhat
different solubilities, when prepared by different methods; this difference can,
however, scarcely be great (p. 304) has two important consequences: (1) by 1866,
this fact was not quite clear yet; (2) it indirectly points to variability in the Ca/P
ratio for the precipitated ACP or CDHA, which is the major reason of different
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 453
(Fig. 15.2) could have inspired researchers to compose similar drawings for the
single molecules of FA, HA, and/or chlorapatite; unfortunately, I have succeeded to
find nothing on this matter.
Chemical equations, describing various interactions between calcium phosphates
and other chemicals, have been known since, at least, 1863. For example, the afore-
cited production processes of both orthophosphoric acid and white phosphorus
from the Lavoisier book [31], in 1863, were written using chemical equations
[77]: When bone-phosphate is digested in dilute sulphuric acid, it is resolved
into sulphate of lime and (if a sufficiency of sulphuric acid be used) phosphoric
One can see that hydrogen was not included into the chemical formulae yet.
Nevertheless, already in 1866, it was included by Robert Warington Jr. [70] (see
above). Furthermore, chemical formulae of various types of phosphates (namely,
metaphosphate and acid phosphate), as well as differences in their solubility, were
known by 1881 [24]: In order to prepare phosphorus, the bone-ash is first mixed
with so much dilute sulphuric acid as to form the acid phosphate:
The solution of this soluble acid phosphate is next poured off from the precip-
itated gypsum, and evaporated to dryness, after which, the solid residue heated to
redness, water is given off and calcium metaphosphate formed:
This salt is then carefully mixed with charcoal, and heated to bright redness in
earthenware retorts shown in Fig. 15.2, when the following change takes place:
by Roux and Yersin in 1889, : : : (p. 150). Thus, the famous French physician,
bacteriologist, and immunologist Pierre Paul mile Roux (18531933) and the
famous Swiss and French physician and bacteriologist Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin
(18631943) also contributed to calcium orthophosphates by performing absorption
and purification of diphtherial toxin.
Finally, one should report the investigations performed by the British clinician
and pharmacologist Sydney Ringer (18361910), whose name is remembered in
a Ringers solution. It is an aqueous isotonic solution of several inorganic salts
mimicking the body fluids of animals [140]. Within 18821885, Ringer determined
that a solution perfusing a frogs heart must contain several inorganic salts in a
definite proportion if the heart was to be kept beating for long [141145]. The
following citation from his works is worth mentioning [143]: (g) So that we
find we possess an excellent circulating fluid capable of maintaining the heart
for several hours, which consists of phosphate of calcium saline, with potassium
chloride (p. 19).
To conclude the 1800s, one should recognize that the majority of the fundamental
discoveries in chemistry of calcium orthophosphates were made in the nineteenth
Fig. 15.3 The system CaOP2 O5 H2 O in 1908 (Reprinted from Ref. [156]). In 1917, Ramsay
published important information on calcium orthophosphates [169]: 1. The substances sold as
Phosphate of lime and Calcium Phosphas B.P. are not pure tricalcic phosphate but are mixtures
of di- and tricalcic phosphates. 2. Sodium phosphate (Na2 HPO4 ) added to ammoniacal calcium
chloride and the resulting precipitate washed with water yields a mixture of di- and tricalcic
phosphate and calcium hydrate. 3. Bone ash dissolved in hydrochloric acid and precipitated with
ammonia, the precipitate being well washed, yields also a mixture of di- and tricalcium phosphate
and calcium hydrate. 4. When three equivalents of lime (3CaO) are made to act on one equivalent
of phosphoric acid (P2 O5 ) and the resulting precipitate removed with little delay pure tricalcium
phosphate is obtained. Obviously, the obtained mixture of di- and tricalcium phosphate and
calcium hydrate was a CDHA; therefore, a nonstoichiometric nature of the precipitates was
established by 1917. Furthermore, one can see that chemically pure calcium orthophosphates (B.P.
means British Pharmacopoeia) were commercially produced by 1917
substance rarely have the correct empirical composition and they cannot be
purified by recrystallization. The evidence is such as to lead us to suspect that
there may be no such chemical entity as Ca3 (PO4 )2 . No one has succeeded in
preparing it by precipitation [12, 3548], bearing out the theoretical objections
to such a reaction on the grounds that fifth order reactions do not occur [49].
We do not take the position that there can be no compound with this formula. It
may be found possible to synthesize it by other methods, but so far no one has
succeeded in preparing it by precipitation. (p. 128). Other researchers [171] made
similar conclusions. Nevertheless, that time this knowledge was not common yet,
since, in 1935, a report was published that Tricalcium phosphate monohydrate was
prepared by the slow addition of calcium chloride solution to a constantly agitated
alkaline solution of disodium phosphate, maintained at 65 to 70 C [172]. This
controversy was explained in 1940 by a matter of definitions [173]: The terms
tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite are very widely and very loosely used.
For example, some authors use the former for any precipitate more basic than
dicalcium phosphate, although such precipitates have been frequently shown to have
an apatite lattice or to be mixtures of dicalcium phosphate and an apatite. Others
confine the use of the term to those precipitates with P2 O5 :CaO ratios approaching
that of Ca3 (PO4 )2 . (p. 265). Nevertheless, papers on precipitated TCP [174, 175]
and even on precipitated TCP hydrate [176] kept publishing even in the 1940s. An
interesting distinction between HA and precipitated TCP hydrate (obviously, it was
CDHA with x D 1; see Table 15.1) was made in a latter paper [176]: It seems
safe to conclude that a precipitated tricalcium phosphate can be designated as a
hydroxyapatite when a 1-gram charge of 900 C. calcine registers a dissolubility
of less than 20 % by a continuously agitated 1-hour digestion in the ammonium
citrate reagent at 65 C. In contradistinction, a tertiary precipitate is identified as a
tricalcium phosphate hydrate when a like charge of its calcine shows dissolubility
of as much as 50 % by the stipulated citrate digestion. (p. 169). Currently, we are
able to explain the solubility differences between these two calcined samples by
formation of more soluble -TCP (Table 15.1).
The crystal structure of apatites was established in 1930 [177, 178], fol-
lowed by a great study on the structural characteristics of apatite-like calcium
orthophosphates of various origins in 1931 [179]. Such terms as hydroxyflu-
orapatite, Ca10 (F,OH)2 (PO4 )6 , OA, and carbonate apatite were already known.
Besides, the aforementioned hydrate of tricalcium phosphate, Ca9 (H2 O)2 (PO4 )6 ,
with the molecular weight of 966.4 g and apatite-like diffraction pattern was
mentioned as well [179]. The apatite-like diffraction pattern clearly indicates
that the authors prepared CDHA. The structures of carbonate apatite [180, 181]
and DCPD [182] were reported in 1937 and 1938. Furthermore, in 1938, several
calcium orthophosphates were X-ray studied to determine their variability and phase
purity [183]. The following citation from the abstract is rather interesting: The
commercial tertiary calcium phosphates are probably hydroxylapatite with more
or less adsorbed phosphate ions resulting in empirical formulas approaching the
theoretical value for Ca3 P2 O8 . Secondary calcium phosphate may be admixed
(p. 156). Interestingly, in 1938, the structure of TCP was sometimes considered
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 459
as that of HA with adsorbed PO4 ions (presumably, with the counterions) on the
surface; still, the chemical formulae were expressed differently to the ones we know
today. The detailed investigations on isomorphic substitutions in apatites have been
performed since 1938 [184].
In the second quarter of the twentieth century, solubility of apatites and other
calcium orthophosphates was investigated extensively. Namely, papers on this topic
were published in 1925 [185187], 1926 [188], 1927 [189191], 1929 [152], 1931
[192, 193], 19371939 [194197], 1942 [198, 199], 1945 [200, 201], 1948 [202
204], and 1950 [205]. In addition, in 1949, a paperback monograph (or thesis?) on
enamel-apatite solubility was published [206]. Buffering abilities of the dissolved
calcium orthophosphates have been known since, at least, 1933 [207]. Additionally,
in 19311933, Bredig et al. [208], Trmel [209], and Schneiderhhn (a reference
was not found) differentiated - and -modifications of TCP (see Table 15.1) and
created the initial versions of the high-temperature diagram for the binary system
CaOP2 O5 . In 1933, reduction experiments of TCP by carbon, carbon monoxide,
and hydrogen were performed at temperatures of 9001,300 C [210]. In addition,
a new set of extensive studies on superphosphate was initiated in the 1930s [211
219] and continued ever since (more recent references are not cited due to their
abundance). Besides, in 1934, an important (for fertilizers) reaction between urea
and several calcium orthophosphates was investigated [220]. In 1935, the heat
capacity values of calcium orthophosphates were measured [221]. Very popular at
the turn of this millennium silicon- (or silica-) contained calcium orthophosphates,
in fact, appear to have been known since, at least, 1937 [222224], simultaneously
with defluorination studies of natural phosphate rocks [224226]. Applications of
calcium orthophosphates for removal of fluorides from water have been known
since, at least, 1938 [227229], while the earliest research paper on using calcium
orthophosphates in chromatography was published in 1942 [230].
In 1940, a fundamental study on the equilibrium in the system CaOP2 O5 H2 O
was published [231]. Besides, in 1940, the available level of knowledge on basic
calcium orthophosphates (TCP, TTCP, and apatites) was summarized into a big
review [173], which might be considered as the first comprehensive review on the
subject. That time, the existence of OA was uncertain. In addition, the authors of
that review wrote about HA that Existence as a unique stoichiometric compound
doubtful (p. 259, Table 15.1), which was a clear indication to the great difficulties
to synthesize HA but not CDHA. Furthermore, the following important assumption
was made: First, between dicalcium phosphate and lime, there exists, in the ternary
system, a continuous series of solid solutions having an apatite lattice. It follows
from this that tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite do not exist in aqueous
systems as unique, stoichiometric compounds (p. 265). Thus, in 1940, existence
of CDHA with variable Ca/P ratio was predicted. The idea on a continuous series
of solid solutions was further developed by 1950 [232]: On structural grounds
it appears possible that a continuous series of apatite-like solid solutions can
exist between octocalcium phosphate and hydroxy- (or fluor-) apatite. In practice,
no two preparations with composition lying between octocalcium phosphate and
hydroxyapatite are likely to be identical (Abstract). Thus, in 1950, the distinct Ca/P
460 S. Dorozhkin
borders for CDHA were established between those in OCP (Ca/P D 1.33) and HA
(Ca/P D 1.67). In addition, it was noted that calcium orthophosphate precipitates
with Ca/P ratios within 1.01.33 consist of at least two phases; dicalcium phos-
phate and a solid at least as basic as octocalcium phosphate (Abstract) [232].
The term whitlockite (named after an American mineralogist Herbert Percy
Whitlock (18681948), who was the curator of the American Museum of Natural
History, New York, USA) for ion-substituted TCP first appeared in 1941 [233].
Also, in the same year, a study on virus purification by adsorption on calcium
orthophosphate was published [234], followed by two other studies in 1945 [235,
236]. An important study on the thermal decomposition of MCPM was published
in 1947 [237], while that on high-temperature heat content of HA appeared in 1950
To finalize the first half of the twentieth century, one should mention on an
interesting conclusion, made in 1944. Namely, attempting to explain anomalous pH
drop during titration of H3 PO4 by Ca(OH)2 discovered by earlier researchers [163],
Greenwald published a paper on a possibility to precipitate calcium orthophosphates
having Ca/P ratio 2 [239]: We may now picture the course of events as follows:
after the first equivalent of calcium hydroxide has been added, the solution
contains CaCC , H2 PO4 and HPO4 D ions. It also contains some undissociated
CaHPO4 . This may act as an acid and upon addition of Ca(OH)2 give a precipitate
of Ca(OH)CaPO4 , possibly occluding or adsorbing a little Ca(OH)2 as well.
(p. 1306). In fact, precipitation of Ca(OH)CaPO4 remained unproven because there
is no explanation as to why undissociated CaHPO4 should behave as a stronger
acid if compared with H2 PO4 ions. Currently, we can explain that anomalous pH
drop by formation of ACP, the chemical composition of which may vary in wide
ranges (Table 15.1). A similar unproven conclusion on a possibility to precipitate
calcium orthophosphates having Ca/P ratio exceeding that in HA due to adsorption
of hydroxyl or other anions was published in 1950 [232].
More recent (after 1950) publications on calcium orthophosphates are not
considered, since they are well known.
The artificial generation of tissues, organs, or even entire living organisms has been
a matter of myths and dreams throughout the history of humankind. Unfortunately,
due to the practice of cremation in many societies, little is known about the
prehistoric materials used to replace bones lost to accident or disease. Nevertheless,
according to the available literature, introduction of nonbiological materials into the
human body was noted far back in prehistory. Namely, according to Ratner [240]:
The remains of a human found near Kennewick, Washington, USA (often referred
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 461
to as the Kennewick Man) was dated to be up to 9000 years old. That individual,
described by archeologists as a tall, healthy, active person, wandered through the
region now known as southern Washington with a spear point embedded in his
hip. It had apparently healed in and did not significantly impede his activity. This
unintended implant illustrates the bodys capacity to deal with implanted foreign
materials. The spear point has little resemblance to modern biomaterials, but it
was a tolerated foreign material implant, just the same. Another example of the
introduction of foreign materials into the skin, dated to over 5000 years ago, is the
tattoo. The carbon particles and other substances probably elicited a classic foreign-
body reaction. (p. xli).
Later, mans attempts to repair the human body with the use of implant materials
were recorded in the early medical writings of the Hindu, Egyptian, and Greek
civilizations. The earliest successful implants were in the skeletal system. Namely,
applying modern pathology methods to an 3,000-year-old mummy, researchers at
Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, showed that ancient Egyptian physicians
designed wooden prostheses to help their ailing patients: in that case, a 5060-year-
old woman whose toe was amputated (Fig. 15.4) [241]. Besides, the famous painting
by Fra Angelico (ca. 13951455) The Healing of Justinian by Saint Cosmas and
Saint Damian (Fig. 15.5), a visualization of the legend of twins Sts. Cosmas and
Damien (died ca. 287 AD) depicting a transplantation of a homograft limb onto an
injured soldier, is one early instance of the vision of a regenerative medicine.
462 S. Dorozhkin
Fig. 15.5 Fra Angelicos (ca. 13951455) The Healing of Justinian by Saint Cosmas and Saint
Damian (approximately 1439) is exhibited at Museo di San Marco, Florence, Italy
be that of a woman in her twenties, had three tooth-shaped pieces of shell placed
into the sockets of three missing lower incisor teeth. In 1970, a Brazilian dental
academic Prof. Amadeo Bobbio studied the mandible specimen and took a series of
radiographs. He noted compact bone formation around two of the implants, which
led him to conclude that the implants were placed during life [245]. This might be
the first recorded use of dental implants. More to the point, an iron dental implant
in a corpse dated 200 AD was found in Europe. That implant was also described
as properly bone integrated [246].
In the middle ages, one of the first scientific descriptions of congenital and
acquired defects of the maxilla and their treatments was given by the famous
French barber surgeon Ambroise Par (ca. 15101590), who is considered as
one of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology. In 1564, he
published Dix livres de la chirurgie, avec le magasin des instrumens necessaires
icelle, where he specifically described defects of the palate with bone destruction
caused by harquebus shots, stab wounds, or syphilitic gumma, describing also the
accompanying speech deficiency and giving general principles of treatment. He used
a flat, vaulted, metallic plate in gold or silver with a sponge attached to it. The
sponge was introduced into the defect, where it expanded with readily absorbed
nasal and oral secretions, thus holding the obturator base in position. Par is also
credited with having prepared artificial teeth from bones and ivory. In 1668, a book
by the Dutch surgeon Job Janszoon van Meekeren (16111666) was published
[247]. One of the most interesting works, performed by van Meekeren, was a
reconstruction of the face of Duke Butterlijn, who received a piece of dogs skull
bone to heal his skull defect that was caused by a Tartar sword. The duke recovered
well but was banned by Russian priests, who considered that a combination of
a Christian head with a dog bone was unacceptable for the church. Therefore,
although the graft was completely healed, the duke asked the surgeon to remove
it again [247].
In the eighteenth century, the first well-documented studies on autografts and
allografts were published. Namely, the first journal paper on clinical use of a
bone autograft belongs to the German surgeon and ophthalmologist Philipp Franz
von Walther (17821849), who replaced surgically removed parts of a skull
after trepanation [248], while the first journal paper on clinical use of a bone
allograft belongs to the Scottish surgeon Sir William Macewen (18481924), who
successfully reconstructed an infected humerus of a 4-year-old boy by a graft
obtained from the tibia of a child with rickets [249]. Additional historical details
on bone grafts are available in literature [250].
Concerning dentistry, at an early stage, a common method to replace teeth was
the homologous transplantation of teeth in humans. Namely, the Scottish surgeon
John Hunter (17281793) not only investigated in his pioneering work the effect
of transplantation at a clinical level (he claimed that homologous transplanted
teeth lasted for years in the host) but also performed animal experimental work
on the fate of transplants, thereby setting the basis for a scientific approach on
transplantation medicine [251]. Besides, various restorative materials might be used
for feeling defects and capping exposed pulps and dental cavities. Currently they
464 S. Dorozhkin
Fig. 15.6 An advertisement of the S.S. White company for Lacto-Phosphate of Lime 1873
(Reprinted from Dent. Cosmos 1873, 15, 683)
According to the previous section, the initial attempts to use calcium orthophos-
phates for grafting purposes were performed in the end of the nineteenth century.
However, in the aforementioned cases, either the biomedical applications of biologi-
cally produced calcium orthophosphates (Gluck) or dental applications not requiring
any surgery (Cravens) were described. According to both the electronic databases
and previous reviews on the subject [10, 1215, 250, 262265], the first attempt to
implant a laboratory-produced calcium orthophosphate (it was TCP) as an artificial
material to repair surgically created defects in rabbit bones was performed in 1920
[11] by the US surgeon Fred Houdlette Albee (18761945), who invented bone
grafting [266] and some other advances in orthopedic surgery. The researchers
injected either 0.5 or 1 c.c. of 5 % slurries of TCP in distilled water (which was then
sterilized for three successive days in the Arnold sterilizer, at 60 C) into surgically
created radial bone gaps of rabbits, leaving the periosteum intact [11]. Radiographic
analysis revealed that the TCP-injected defect demonstrated more rapid bone growth
and union than the control. The average length of time for bony union with TCP
was 31 days, compared to 41 days for the controls. No appreciable bone growth
was stimulated by injecting TCP beneath the periosteum in non-defective radii or
into subcutaneous tissues. Although this seems to be the first scientific study on
use of an artificially prepared calcium orthophosphate for in vivo repairing of bone
defects, it remains unclear whether that TCP was a precipitated or a ceramic material
and whether it was in a powder or a granular form. Unfortunately, the researchers
published nothing further on this topic. In 1927, Hey Groves (18721944) described
pure ivory hip hemi-arthroplasty for fracture [267]. In 1931, Murray also reported an
acceleration of healing following implantation of calcium salts composed of 85 %
TCP and 15 % CaCO3 in canine long-bone defects [268, 269].
466 S. Dorozhkin
salt solution (HBSS) [281], became known in 1943 and 1949, respectively. In
1950, the history of self-setting calcium orthophosphate formulations was started
[282]. The author of that important publication investigated mixtures of both oxides
and hydroxides of various metals with aqueous solutions of orthophosphoric acid
and discovered a number of cold-setting formulations. For example, he found that
CaO, sintered at 1,100 C, did not set in H3 PO4 , while that in liquid containing
9.6 % CaO was found to set after 12 h in the presence of H3 PO4 [282]. The
latter mixture might be considered as the first prototype of the self-setting calcium
orthophosphate formulations (reviewed in Refs. [283, 284]). The next publications
on this topic appeared in 1975 [285] and 1976 [286]. In the latter study, the authors
implanted porous cylinders prepared from mixtures of 80 % TTCP C 20 % MCP,
80 % TCP C 20 % MCP, and 80 % DCP C 20 % MCP (it is unclear whether
MCP and DCP were hydrated or not and whether - or -TCP was used), which
could have possessed some self-setting abilities. Therefore, the study by Kster
et al. [286] could probably be considered as the first biomedical application of the
self-setting calcium orthophosphate formulations. However, the real history of this
subject started in 1982 [287, 288].
The modern history of ACP [65] began in 1955 [289], while, in 1960, the first
mentioning on CDHA in the publications title occurred [290]. In 1963, an important
study on HA preparation was published [291], while, in 1964, the crystal structure of
HA was refined [292]. In 1965, thorough investigations of carbonated apatites were
started [293]. In 1969, an important paper on a forming method of HA prostheses
was published [294], in which the authors hot-pressed HA power into dense and
useful shapes. That study might be considered as the earliest one on the fabrication
of calcium orthophosphate implants. In 1971, the first study on preparation of
biodegradable porous -TCP scaffolds was published [295]. Therefore, it is not
surprising that the term bioceramics has been introduced simultaneously. Namely,
according to the available databases, the first paper with the term bioceramics
in the abstract was published in 1971 [296], while the first papers with that in
the title were published in 1972 [297, 298]. However, application of the ceramic
materials as prostheses had been known before [299302]. Also, in 1972 [303] and
1973 [304], the first publications on lunar apatites were published. In 1973, the
work of Graham and van der Eb showed the first application of calcium orthophos-
phates in condensation of genetic materials [305]. The researchers demonstrated
that calcium orthophosphates could condense DNA and increase the transfection
efficiency with a relatively simple procedure. In addition, in 1973, the first study
on preparation and implantation of resorbable and porous calcium orthophosphate
(it was -TCP) bioceramics was published [306]. Besides, in 1973, an important
book by McConnell was published [307]. In 1975, the modern dental application
of calcium orthophosphates began. Namely, -TCP was applied both in surgically
created periodontal defects [308] and as an adjunct to apical closure in pulpless
permanent teeth [309], followed by a study of 1979, in which dense HA cylinders
were used for immediate tooth root replacement [310]. On April 26, 1988, the first
international symposium on bioceramics was held in Kyoto, Japan.
468 S. Dorozhkin
15.6 Conclusions
To finalize this chapter, let me cite Wikipedia once again: Historians write in the
context of their own time, and with due regard to the current dominant ideas of
how to interpret the past, and sometimes write to provide lessons for their own
society [9]. Therefore, all the aforementioned historical facts, discoveries, theories,
concepts, misconceptions, and approaches are treated according to the current (AD
2013) level of knowledge on calcium orthophosphates. Thus, it is important to
bear in mind that the reported treatment of the historical facts and events might
be reconsidered in the future due to both new discoveries and updated points of
view. Nevertheless, some solid statements can be made.
15 History of Calcium Phosphates in Regenerative Medicine 469
The subject of apatites and other calcium orthophosphates has been investigated
for almost 250 years. This was a long period of great discoveries and impressive
mistakes, original concepts and interesting misconceptions, excellent experiments,
and various unfortunates initially of the calcified tissues only and afterward of
the chemically pure apatites and other calcium orthophosphates. All these years
were spent on gaining the initial knowledge on the subject, followed by its further
clarification, extension, and development. These eventful years were full of daily
and routine hard work performed by many excellent and of moderate abilities
scientists and researchers, students and assistants, technicians, and participants, the
vast majority of whom have not even been mentioned in this chapter. Nevertheless,
by 1950, the combined long-term efforts of all these often-unknown early investi-
gators created the solid background for a real explosion of science, technology, and
biomedical applications of apatites and other calcium orthophosphates that started
in the 1960s and continuously prospers up to now, which, finally, resulted in the
current state of the art.
As seen from the previously mentioned, the substantial amount of currently
available scientific facts and experimental approaches has been known for very
many decades, and, in fact, the considerable quantity of relatively recent inves-
tigations on calcium orthophosphates is just either a further development of the
earlier studies or a rediscovery of the already forgotten information. Since the
first commercially produced artificial bone grafts and other types of calcium
orthophosphate-containing biomaterials appeared just a few decades ago [316327],
a reasonable question arises: why did it take so long (almost 200 years) to translate
the initial knowledge into practice? Presumably, this is a matter of the technological
development because both the biomedical and mechanical properties of even the
most advanced formulations are still unsatisfactory and incomparable with those
of natural bones and teeth. Hopefully, the reported historical overview provides
the necessary background that will keep encouraging natural scientists, engineers,
and clinicians to rethink and reinvestigate the already forgotten and poorly known
facts and approaches for further development of calcium orthophosphate-based
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Chapter 16
Advances in Calcium Phosphate Nanocoatings
and Nanocomposites
16.1 Introduction
of attractive possibilities in the field of tissue and implant engineering for oral,
maxillofacial, and orthopaedic applications [1, 2].
The current emphasis at the moment is on the production of new nanomaterials
and nanocomposites that are relevant to a wide range of applications including to
increase bioactivity, drug, and gene delivery; implantable surface-modified medical
devices for better tissue attachment; treatment of bacterial and viral infections;
tissue regeneration and engineering; cancer treatment; and materials for minimally
invasive surgery.
A number of research groups have reported the use of a self-assembly mechanism
to produce novel bone nanocomposites of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and collagen,
gelatin, or chondroitin sulphate. These self-assembled experimental bone nanocom-
posites have been reported to exhibit similarities to natural bone in both structures
and physiological properties [3, 4]. Nanocomposites can be produced by either
physically mixing or the introduction of a new component into an existing material
inducing changes in properties and may even offer new material functions. For
example, some man-made and naturally found biopolymers and biomolecules,
such as poly(lactic acid) (PLA), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), polyamide,
collagen, silk fibrin, chitosan, and alginate, have been reported widely to mix into
nano-HAp systems.
In the past, the development of bone tissue engineering has been directly related
to changes in the materials used. A number of clinical reasons arise from the
development of bone tissue engineering replacements, for example, the necessity
in dental and biomedical implants that are mechanically more well suited to their
biological environment and a need for better filler materials when reconstructing
large orthopaedic defects. Stem cells have been incorporated into a range of bio-
ceramics and together with mineralised 3-D scaffolds can form highly vascularised
bone tissues when implanted.
Nanocomposites and nanocomposite coatings offer a number of attractive pos-
sibilities in the fields of tissue and implant engineering for oral and maxillofacial
applications, taking advantage of the use of 3-D scaffolds to deliver cells to support
tissue regeneration or to supply metal ions such as calcium and phosphate and at
the same time the release of antibacterial materials to promote osseointegration and
stimulate the growth of bone tissue towards the implant surface.
This chapter aims to provide a review on the recent advancements in cal-
cium phosphate-based nanocomposites and coatings, for tissue engineering and
The primary aim for drug delivery is to target drugs to specific sites within the
human body and to release the pharmaceuticals in a controllable fashion. However,
for many current delivery systems, release is sudden rather than steady state. This
type of release is particularly undesirable and problematic when the guest molecule
16 Advances in Calcium Phosphate Nanocoatings and Nanocomposites 487
such as an anti-tumour drug that is cytotoxic and might potentially harm healthy
cells and tissues before being delivered to the affected sites [5].
In the case of ceramics such as calcium phosphate, the phase composition
and the critical pore and grain size may be varied from a few nanometers up to
microns in order to control the ease of delivery and dispersion of a material to
the targeted area. A variety of calcium phosphate nanoceramic-based drug delivery
systems are currently undergoing clinical evaluation. In addition to reducing toxicity
to non-diseased or healthy cells, these systems have the potential to increase
drug efficiency, which translates to significant cost savings for the expensive drug
treatment that currently are being engineered.
The main concern for nanoparticle drug carriers is the appropriate circulation
time within the body. The surface modification of nanoparticles with a range of
biocompatible non-ionic surfactant or polymeric macromolecules has proved to be
the most successful for maintaining nanoparticle presence in the blood for prolonged
periods [6].
Calcium phosphates are characterised by particular solubilities and their ability
to degrade and be replaced by advancing bone growth; they also widen the effective
means of administration for successful treatment of bone diseases [7].
not only stabilises the nanocomposites but also confers target ability towards CD44
overexpressed cancer cells. Furthermore, the nanomaterials were found to possess
the ability to control the release of loaded anticancer drugs in acidic subcellular
environments after receptor-mediated endocytosis. Chiu et al. [18] hypothesised
that small calcium phosphate core-protein shell nanoparticles might be effective
vehicles for the delivery of adjuvanted antigen to dendritic cells. They utilised
cell surface display to identify disulfide-constrained calcium phosphate binding
peptides that, when inserted within the active site loop of E. coli thioredoxin 1
(TrxA), readily and reproducibly drive the production of nanoparticles which were
5070 nm in hydrodynamic diameter and consisted of an approximately 25 nm
amorphous calcium phosphate core stabilised by the protein shell. When compared
to a commercial aluminium phosphate adjuvant, they observed the small core-shell
assemblies led to a threefold increase in mice anti-TrxA titres 3 weeks post-
In addition to delivering anticancer chemotherapeutics, calcium phosphate
nanoparticle-based systems were also investigated for the potential delivery of
common drugs such as aspirin, insulin, and vitamins [1922]. To address the
problem of stomach irrigation caused by aspirin, the use of a composite microsphere
delivery vehicle composed of porous nano-HAp particles and poly(styrene-
divinylbenzene) (P(St-DVB)) was explored [19]. The aspirin-loaded microspheres
were observed to exhibited excellent buoyancy with relatively short instantaneous
floating time and a long sustained floating time in simulated gastric juice. The
microspheres also offered good sustained release of aspirin of up to 8 h. Ignjatovic
et al. [20] examined the effects of the local delivery of cholecalciferol (vitamin
D3 ) using nanoparticulate carriers composed of HAp and PLGA. Two types of
multifunctional nanoparticulate HAp-based powders were prepared and tested:
HAp nanoparticles as direct cholecalciferol delivery agents and HAp nanoparticles
coated with cholecalciferol-loaded PLGA for sustained delivery. They observed the
fast delivery was achieved by desorption of the drug from the HAp particle surface,
while the slow delivery was conditioned by the rather slow degradation of PLGA in
physiological conditions.
The methazolamide-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles with a mean diam-
eter of approximately 256 nm were prepared by Chen et al. [21]. From the in
vitro release studies, they observed diffusion-controlled release of methazolamide
from the nanoparticles over a period of 4 h, while in vivo studies showed the
intraocular pressure-lowering effect of the nanoparticle eye drops lasted for 18 h.
Ramachandran et al. [22] examined the possibility of PEGylated calcium phosphate
nanoparticles with an average particle size of 48 nm as oral carriers for insulin. The
non-cytotoxic nature of the PEGylated calcium phosphate nanoparticles has been
established through the MTT assay. The release profiles revealed negligible release
in gastric pH after the nanoparticles were coated with a pH-sensitive polymer, while
a sustained release of insulin at intestinal pH for over 8 h was recorded. They also
discovered the insulin loading process in the PEG-conjugated calcium phosphate
nanoparticles did not affect the conformation and stability of insulin.
490 A.H. Choi et al.
In the field of tissue engineering, the role of gene therapy in aiding wound healing
and treating various diseases or defects has become increasingly important. The
use of calcium phosphate nanoparticles in gene delivery has emerged as a popular
and necessary delivery vehicle for obtaining controlled gene delivery [23, 24]. The
main challenge for any successful small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA)-based
therapies is the research and development of an efficient in vivo delivery vehicle.
Pittella et al. [23] examined the possibility of utilising smart polymer/calcium
phosphate/siRNA hybrid nanoparticles approximately 100 nm in size for siRNA-
based cancer treatment. According to the authors, the nanoparticle showed high gene
silencing efficiency in cultured pancreatic cancer cells without associated cytotoxic-
ity. Intravenously injected nanoparticles incorporating vascular endothelium growth
factor siRNA led to significant reduction in tumour growth. Li et al. [24] suggested
the efficient delivery via intravenous administration of siRNA to a xenograft tumour
model using a calcium phosphate nanoparticle with an average diameter of about
6080 nm coated with liposome. They observed untargeted nanoparticles had a very
low silencing effect, while a three- to four-fold in vitro silencing effect was observed
with the lipid-coated calcium phosphate nanoparticle. They hypothesised that after
entering the cells, the lipid-coated calcium phosphate nanoparticle would dissemble
at low pH in the endosome, which would cause endosome swelling and bursting to
release the entrapped siRNA.
Currently, calcium phosphate is one of the most attractive nonviral vectors being
investigated for the in vitro delivery of plasmid DNA (pDNA) into cultured cells
due to factors such as ease of handling, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and
known adsorption capacity for pDNA. On the other hand, when compared to viral
approaches, traditional calcium phosphate synthesis methods often lead to lower
and less consistent transfection efficiency [2527]. Olton et al. [25] claimed more
consistent levels of gene expression could be achieved by optimising both the
stoichiometry (Ca/P ratio) of the calcium phosphate particles in addition to the mode
in which the precursor solutions are mixed. The optimised forms of these calcium
phosphate particles were approximately 2550 nm in size (when complexed with
pDNA) and maximum transfection efficiencies in both HeLa and MC3T3-E1 cell
lines were obtained when a Ca/P ratio between 100 and 300 was used.
In an attempt to improve the transfection efficiency and to stabilise the particle
size and inhibit further growth of the particle, Liu et al. [26] coated calcium
phosphate nanoparticles with protamine sulphate, and based on atomic force
microscopy, the protamine sulphate-coated calcium phosphate nanoparticles were
observed to be much smaller than classical calcium phosphate particles, and in vitro
studies showed the smaller nanoparticles enhanced the transfection efficiency by
promoting the endocytic delivery of DNA into cells.
Furthermore, growth factors such as transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-1),
in general, have been used to enhance the tissue-forming efficiency and to accom-
plish the goal of tissue regeneration. TGF-1, which possesses multifunctional
16 Advances in Calcium Phosphate Nanocoatings and Nanocomposites 491
capacities that regulate many aspects of cellular activity, including cell proliferation,
differentiation, and extracellular matrix metabolism, in a time- and concentration-
dependent manner, was selected by Cao et al. [28] to stimulate cartilage tissue
formation. A three-dimensional nanocomposite gene delivery system based on
collagen/chitosan scaffolds, in which plasmid TGF-1/calcium phosphate nanopar-
ticles mixed with fibronectin were used to transfect mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs). They noticed the MSCs transfected with nanocomposite system showed
remarkably high levels of the growth factor over long periods. Observations made
based on an immunohistochemistry analysis revealed greater amounts of collagen
II was produced by the nanocomposite-transfected MSCs than MSCs transfected by
the Lipofectamine 2000 method. The authors hypothesised that transfection with the
nanocomposite gene delivery system could successfully induce MSC chondrogenic
differentiation in vitro without dexamethasone.
For any practical application of a nanoscale medical delivery system, it is
essential that no dissolved biomolecules are accompanying the delivery system as
well as knowing precisely the dose of the applied biomolecules. An efficient deliv-
ery system based on biodegradable multi-shell calcium phosphate-oligonucleotide
nanoparticles as carriers for the immunoactive toll-like receptor ligands CpG and
polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid for the activation of dendritic cells (DC) combined
with the viral antigen haemagglutinin was attempted by Sokolova et al. [29]. They
discovered that the purified calcium phosphate nanoparticles (without dissolved
biomolecules) are capable of inducing adaptive immunity by activation of DC.
Immunostimulatory effects of purified calcium phosphate nanoparticles on DC were
demonstrated by increased expression of co-stimulatory molecules and MHC II and
by cytokine secretion. Furthermore, DC treated with purified functionalised calcium
phosphate nanoparticles induced an antigen-specific T-cell response in vitro.
HAp-CNT coating on Ti-6Al-4V implants, and the results of those cell culture
studies showed unrestricted growth of human osteoblast hFOB 1.19 cells near CNT
The in vitro bioactivity of a HAp-TiO2 -CNT nanocomposite coating was inves-
tigated by Zhang and Kwok [41], who observed that, after immersion in Hankss
solution for 4 weeks, thick layers of apatite were formed on the surfaces of the
monolithic HAp and HAp-CNT and HAp-TiO2 -CNT nanocomposite coatings. They
noted that the addition of TiO2 and CNT in HAp did not affect the apatite-forming
ability on their surfaces.
16.3.2 Collagen
The use of titanium dioxide or titania (TiO2 ) as a bioactive coating has attracted
much interest, and it was believed that using TiO2 within the coating as rein-
forcement was one method for improving the mechanical reliability of HAp.
Furthermore, it was also believed that TiO2 is capable of inducing cell growth and
enhancing osteoblast adhesion [48, 49]. In 1999, Webster et al. [48] observed an
increase in osteoblast adhesion with decreasing titania grain size, correlating to
the greater surface area displayed by the nanomaterial. They hypothesised that an
increase in the surface area would lead to an increase in osteoblast adhesion. To
improve the strength and adhesion of the coating, to reduce loosening of implants
due to failure at the metal-coating interface, and to increase biological responses,
researchers have used various approaches to fabricate a TiO2 -HAp nanocomposite
coating. Such a coating is capable of supporting osteogenic differentiation of
osteoblast-like and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) [5052].
Kuwabara et al. [51] attempted to investigate the biological response associated
with bone formation on HAp-TiO2 composite coatings with a thickness of approxi-
mately 100 nm. Rat bone marrow-derived osteoblast-like cells were cultured on the
coated surfaces with different electric charges. They discovered surfaces coated with
both HAp and TiO2 have greater effects on cell attachment and spreading, as well as
bone-titanium integration, as compared with either HAp- or TiO2 -coated surfaces.
Dimitrievska et al. [52] also investigated the mechanical and biological properties of
TiO2 -HAp nanocomposite coatings. They also observed an increase in proliferation
and osteoblastic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on the
nanocomposite coatings.
16 Advances in Calcium Phosphate Nanocoatings and Nanocomposites 495
The development of bone tissue engineering in the past has been directly related
to changes in materials and nanotechnology. While the inclusion of materials
requirements is standard in the design process of engineered bone substitutes, it
is also vital to incorporate clinical requirements such that clinically relevant devices
can be engineered.
Traditionally, biological methods for the management of bone defects consist of
autografting and allografting. In addition to design and material factors, four biolog-
ically important components are needed for bone regeneration: (1) a morphogenetic
signal, (2) responsive host cells that will respond to the signal, (3) an appropriate
carrier of this signal and delivering it to specific sites, (4) scaffolding for the growth
of the responsive host cells, and a well-vascularised host bed [5355]. The purpose
of scaffolding material is to act as a carrier or template for implanted bone cells
or other agents. They can also be used to induce the formation of bone from the
surrounding tissues.
The process of bone regeneration is common to the repair of fractures. The
incorporation of bone grafts, the skeletal homeostasis, and the cascading sequence
of biological events are often described as the remodelling cycle. Stem cells
have been incorporated into a range of bioceramics and, when implanted, can
combine with mineralised 3-D scaffolds to form highly vascularised bone tissue.
These nanoscale cultured cell-bioceramic composites can be used to treat full-
thickness gaps in long bone shafts, providing an excellent integration of the ceramic
scaffold with bone and a good functional recovery. In a HAp-tricalcium phosphate
composite, it was observed that the nano-sheet architecture promoted primary
human osteoblast adhesion as reflected by the activation of focal adhesion kinase
and expression of actin in human osteoblasts [56].
Bioactive composite grafts consisting of bioactive ceramic filler in a polymeric
matrix have attracted a significant amount of attention during the past three decades.
These bioactive composite grafts are designed essentially to achieve interfacial
bonding between the graft and the host tissues. HAp-collagen, HAp/polyethylene
(PE), and HAp/Ti-6Al-4V are notable examples of bioactive composite grafts
[57, 58]. Of particular interest is the combination of HAp with collagen as a
bioactive composite, as this appears to be a natural choice for bone grafting [59].
Skeletal bones are composed mainly of collagen and carbonate-substituted HAp,
both of which are osteoconductive components. A composite matrix, when embed-
ded with human-like osteoblast cells, showed better osteoconductive properties
compared to monolithic HAp and produced calcification of an identical bone
matrix [60].
The reconstruction of bone tissue using nanocomposite bone grafts with compo-
sition, biomechanical, structure, physiochemical, and biological features that mimic
those of natural bone is an objective to be achieved. It has been well established
that natural bone is made up of platelike nanosized crystals of HAp grown in
496 A.H. Choi et al.
intimate contact with an organic matrix which is rich in collagen fibres. Utilising
strategies found in nature to produce nanocomposite bone grafts has received much
attention recently and is perceived to be beneficial over conventional methods.
Several methods have been used for the production of collagen-HAp composite gels,
films, collagen-coated ceramics, ceramic-coated collagen matrices, and composite
scaffolds for spine and hard tissue repair [45].
Based on the works of Daculsi et al. [61] and LeGeros et al. [62, 63], Ebrahimi
et al. [64] proposed the utilisation of nano-HAp-TCP biphasic composites and
that simple incorporation of collagen may improve physical properties of biphasic
calcium phosphate (BCP) scaffolds and increase their bioactivity. The dimensional
shrinkage after sintering of large scaffolds was found to be lower than small ones
and scaffolds with high nano-HAp ratios experienced higher dimensional changes
than those with higher -tricalcium phosphate ratios.
Various biodegradable synthetic and natural polymeric materials have been
proposed by Reis et al. [57, 65] and investigated in conjunction with HAp as
scaffolding materials for tissue engineering applications. Man-made or synthetic
polymers possess a number of advantages such as the physical-chemical properties
can be modified and, by changing the chemical composition, the degradation
and mechanical properties can be tailored to specific needs. Another advantage
of synthetic polymers is its ability to be bioactivated with specific molecules by
combining side chains and functional groups.
A number of natural and synthetic bone-graft materials currently in use are produced
from coralline HAp. As a result of the conversion process, commercial coralline
HAp has retained coral or CaCO3 and the structure possesses nanopores within the
inter-pore trabeculae, resulting in high dissolution rates.
Under certain conditions, these features reduce durability and strength, respec-
tively, and are not utilised where high structural strength is required. To overcome
these limitations, a double-stage conversion technique was developed by Ben-
Nissan and co-workers [1, 2]. The method involves a two-stage application route
whereby, in the first stage, a complete conversion of coral to 100 % HAp is achieved.
In the second stage, a sol-gel-derived HAp nanocoating is applied directly to cover
the meso- and nanopores within the intra-pore material, while maintaining the large
pores for appropriate bone growth (Fig. 16.2).
Mechanical properties such as fracture toughness, Youngs modulus, and com-
pression and biaxial strengths were each improved as a result of this unique double
treatment. Application of the treatment method is expected to result in an enhanced
bioactivity due to the nanograin size and hence large surface area that increases
the reactivity of the nanocoating. It is anticipated that this material could be
applied to load-bearing bone-graft applications where high-strength requirements
are pertinent.
16 Advances in Calcium Phosphate Nanocoatings and Nanocomposites 497
Fig. 16.2 Stages of nanocystalline HAp-coated coralline apatite formation. The first figure shows
an enlarged micrograph of a coral skeleton spine area that has very sharp meso- and nanopore
platelet regions. The middle micrograph shows surface morphological changes of the coral
after conversion to hydroxyapatite, while the last one is the converted coral coated with HAp
nanocoating, modifying the surface features to more bioactive nanoscale grains
For these studies, the coral was obtained from the Australian Great Barrier Reef
and contained micropores of 100300 m size. The coral was shaped and treated
with boiling water and 5 % NaClO solution. A hydrothermal conversion was carried
out in a Parr reactor with a Teflon liner at 220 C and 3.8 MPa pressure with excess
(NH4 )2 HPO4 . A total conversion to HAp was achieved in this way. Nanocrystalline
ceramic coatings were produced using the sol-gel process. For this, the precursor
solution was formed using the previously reported method [1, 2]. Coatings were
formed using these solutions, followed by subsequent heat treatments. Mechanical
testing involved a standard, four-point bend test according to ASTM C1161, to
measure the flexural strength and flexural modulus of the natural coral. Comparative
compression and biaxial strength tests were also carried out.
Characterisation studies of the natural and converted corals using XRD, SEM,
DTA/TGA, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and Raman spectroscopy have been
previously reported. These results showed a large increase in all mechanical prop-
erties, specifically the compression strength, due to hydrothermal conversion and
nanocoatings methods. The bioactivity was enhanced through the nanocrystalline
formation, due to the HAp nanocoating [66].
In addition to enhancing the bioactivity and the mechanical properties, HAp
coatings can also be used in controlling the rate of drug release from coralline apatite
delivery system. A bone-stimulator drug, simvastatin, was successfully loaded with
the coral-derived -tricalcium phosphate, and in an attempt to control the release of
simvastatin and reduce its release rate, a lipid coating was utilised [67].
for direct delivery to the bone which may be beneficial to bone health. Calcium
phosphate mineral including HAp, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, as well as
multiphase and substituted calcium phosphates was produced using biomimetic
process. Preliminary cell culture studies showed no direct effect on osteoblast-like
Mg63 or Saos-2 cells or osteoclast resorption, measured by bone collagen release.
Macrophage response was explored using U937 cell line. Expression of TNF- and
IL-1, markers of inflammation, increased with liposome treatments compared to
the negative control but decreased compared the positive control. The Mg63 cells
given U937 supernatants showed liposomes increased OPG production, but this was
regardless of mineralisation (Fig. 16.3).
The clinical significance of hydroxyapatite (HAp) as a bone substitute has
become apparent in recent years, and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) has
attracted much attention. In a study conducted by Ono et al. [74], 1.2 cm-diameter
bone defects created on rabbit cranium were treated with the BMP-2 gene (cDNA
plasmid) introduced with porous HAp after completion of haemostasis, and the
effect of using cationic liposomes as a vector to the amounts of new bone formation
was examined. Four groups of rabbits were compared. In the HAp group, the cranial
bone defect was treated with HAp containing 40 g of liposomes and a dummy
gene. The BMP gene HAp group was treated with HAp soaked in liposomes and
10 g of the BMP-2 gene. Although new bone formation was evident surrounding
the scaffold 3 weeks post-operation, the induced bone tissue did not fill all the
pores of the scaffold even at 9 weeks post-operation. They hypothesised the clinical
usefulness of gene therapy for bone formation, using the BMP-2 gene combined
with cationic liposomes as a vector.
500 A.H. Choi et al.
When Huang et al. [75] used liposome-coated HAp and tricalcium phosphate
as bone implants in the mandibular bony defect of miniature swine; they found
the liposome-coated materials to be biocompatible. Moreover, the clinical endpoint
was enhanced compared to that in the absence of liposomes. It was hypothesised
that HAP coating and tricalcium phosphate with negatively charged liposomes
might improve the nucleation process for new bone formation. In experiments
conducted in miniature swine, artificial bony defects on one side were implanted
with either HAp-coated or tricalcium phosphate-coated liposomes, while defects on
the other side served as controls. Histology and radiography performed at 3 and
6 weeks after surgery showed the coated liposome materials to be biocompatible.
At 3 weeks, the implant material was surrounded by dense connective tissues, while
by 6 weeks new bone formation was visible near the implanted material. Liposomes
immobilised in agarose gel and implanted in the defects also showed new bony
bridge formation.
nanofibrous substrates was analysed for cell morphology and mineralisation, and
the results showed mineralisation was increased significantly in chitosan/nano-HAp
compared with chitosan nanofibres.
A major component of bone scaffolds containing HAp and collagen has also
been used as scaffold for bone regeneration, and it has been reported that the use of
HAp-collagen composite could induce bony growth into the porous structure [80].
Rodrigues et al. [81] investigated the possible application of collagen and nano-HAp
as scaffolds for bone regeneration. They noticed an improvement in the mechanical
properties as the nano-HAp content increases. In vitro studies with osteoblasts
cells showed collagen-nano-HAp composites resulted in higher overall cellular
proliferation compared to pure collagen scaffold. Ou et al. [80] examined the cell-
material interaction of bone regenerative nanocomposites consisting of nano-HAp,
nano-amorphous calcium phosphate, and reconstituted collagen. Bone marrow-
derived MSCs were selected to evaluate the nanoporous HAp-collagen effect
on osteogenic differentiation. They observed the incorporation of reconstituted
collagen with the composite significantly facilitated the osteogenic differentiation
of MSCs. Reconstituted collagen was covered with nano-HAp and nano-amorphous
calcium phosphate profoundly impacted the improvement of biocompatibility on
application of implant and tissue engineering.
Due to its high toughness, researchers have examined the possibility of enhancing
the brittleness of HAp with the addition of polyamide for applications such as
bone defect reconstruction. Ideally, a composite biomaterial consisting of HAp and
polyamide would combine the advantages of the two materials where polyamide
would improve the toughness of the composite and HAp would increase the
bioactivity of the resulting composite [82, 83]. Guo et al. [82] assessed the in
vitro and in vivo biological activity of nano-HAp/polyamide composite using
bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). The composite showed great bioactivity
with significant BMSC proliferation, active alkaline phosphatase secretion, and
stimulating the expression of osteogenic proteins. The in vivo rabbit model revealed
the amount of new bone formation around the composite was significant at marrow-
rich implantation sites, but BMSC was necessary at marrow-poor sites. Huang
et al. [83] attempted to improve the mechanical and biological properties of the
highly porous scaffold of nano-HAp/polyamide66 by coating it with chitosan. They
noticed a five-fold increase in the compressive strength when the scaffold was
coated with chitosan. The biological evaluation demonstrated chitosan coating on
the scaffolds had no negative effect on osteoblast-like MG63 cells and showed good
PLGA can be considered as one of the commonly used biodegradable polymer
that can be easily processed. Unfortunately, the application of PLGA has been
greatly limited for its weak mechanical strength, hydrophobic surface, and poor
502 A.H. Choi et al.
chondrocytes, adipocytes, and myocytes. When implanted into the body, these
cells can combine with mineralised three-dimensional scaffolds to create highly
vascularised bone tissue. These nanoscale cultured cell-bioceramic composites can
be used for the treatment of large gap in long bone shafts, providing excellent
integration of the ceramic scaffold with bone and good functional recovery.
The scope of the application of nanomedical coatings in diagnostics, drug
delivery, and implant applications may cover a number of important factors, such
as design, engineering, and surgical aspects. At the moment, synthetic dental and
orthopaedic implants suffer from a major disadvantage of failing to adapt to the
local tissue environment. The purpose of utilising nanocoatings and nanocomposite
coatings is to reduce corrosion and ion release and at the same time modifying the
surfaces of implant materials to help the body to heal and to promote regeneration
of tissues, thus restoring physiological function.
Even though the effect of nanotechnology is widely considered to be extremely
beneficial, consideration has to be given to the potential risk associated with such
structures. At the moment, there seems to be an absence in the standards of using
nanomaterials in dentistry, with no effective techniques to determine and assess
exposure risks to nanoparticles in patients or the clinician. Problems may also arise
from incomplete nanomaterial safety and toxicity profiles, which sequentially may
influence a large range of long-term medical problems. The main point in these
discussions is the size of these nanomaterials which is close to a DNA molecular
in diameter, and concerns have been raised that these dimensions might permit the
nanomaterials to penetrate the skin and enter into the bloodstream and the possibility
of escaping the immune system to reach vital organs including the brain.
For now, the relationship between biological responses and surface properties
of nanomaterials is one of the main issues in biomedical materials research. The
modification of surfaces has become a vital tool for research aimed at understanding
how the properties of chemical and structural surface influence material-biosystem
interactions. One can expect that surface modifications for the purpose of controlling
tissue response will open up avenues for the development of new and superior dental
and maxillofacial implants and devices in a more systematic manner and at a faster
rate than at present as better understanding is achieved.
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Chapter 17
Fundamental Structure and Properties
of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum
Abstract In this chapter, the fundamental structure of dental tissue at different scale
levels and its concurrent role in determining the mechanical properties of the tooth
are discussed. The main emphasis is on the role of the organic phase in determining
the mechanical properties of enamel and dentin. In this regard, the results of
nanoindentation experiments following different treatments of enamel and dentin
are presented. These treatments include selective removal of matrix proteins and
water of enamel and dentin tissue. The findings indicate that peptides and organic
remnants not only play a significant role in the formation and structure of enamel
and dentin, but also they regulate the mechanical response and functional integrity
of the tooth tissue. In addition, these findings provide a basis for further investigation
of the adverse effect of some current clinical treatments, such as bleaching, on the
health and properties of dental tissue.
17.1 Introduction
Calcium phosphate research is one of the major fields of research in oral and
dental sciences. Naturally, calcium phosphates comprise the main building block
of dental hard tissues and alveolar bone and exist in saliva and gingival crevicular
fluid precipitations for the whole of life. Pathological calcifications and disturbances
in the dynamics of calcium phosphates are the main causes of a variety of
oral and dental pathological states. Salivary stone formation (sialolithiasis) and
dental calculus formation, which leads to periodontal diseases and dental tissue
Among various methods that have been proposed for the study of mechanical
features, nanoindentation has proven to be a reliable nondestructive mechanical
testing method that enables the study of spatial variation of materials properties
at submicron levels. A great benefit of this technique in studying dental hard tissues
is its ability to investigate the materials with heterogeneous structures such as dentin
and to some degree enamel. This ability of nanoindentation when coupled with
recent structural analysis and microscopy techniques that reveal submicron structure
of dental tissue has created unique opportunities to study the mechanical properties
in relation to compositional and structural elements.
The aim of this chapter is to review the fundamental structure and properties of
enamel, dentin and cementum, with an emphasis on their mechanical features. Most
of the presented data are the results of nanoindentation studies on human dental
tissue samples. Moreover, data from recent studies by the authors will provide new
insights on the role of enamel matrix protein remnants and dentin matrix proteins
on the excellent mechanical performance and durability of dental hard tissues.
Furthermore, the effect of bleaching treatments, which has become a highly popular
treatment of demand by patients, on the features and structure of the tooth will be
Histologically, dental hard tissues include enamel, dentin and cementum. Enamel
is a rigid, inert and acellular tissue that covers the tooth crown. Dentin forms the
bulk of the tooth and as a tougher foundation provides enough support for the
more rigid and brittle enamel [3]. In the root area, dentin is covered by cementum,
which anchors periodontal ligament fibres that provide the support for a range of
dental movements during mastication and function [2]. These tissues form a highly
organised and complex structure with ideal functional and structural capabilities,
which assist in sustaining mastication-induced mechanical loading and preventing
their mechanical failures during function. For achieving a better understanding of
these highly organised tissues, the structure and composition of enamel, dentin and
cementum are reviewed in this section.
Dental enamel, as the most highly mineralised tissue in the human body, consists of
96 wt% inorganic materials, which are mainly organised in the form of carbonated
hydroxyapatite crystals. Other components of enamel include remnants of the
organic matrix and loosely bound water molecules [2]. Enamel has an acellular
and avascular structure without the ability to regenerate or repair itself. These
features reflect the exclusive processes, which occur during the formation of enamel.
514 M. Shahmoradi et al.
Fig. 17.1 Schematic of enamel rod and interrod structure (Modified and incorporated from Nanci
[2]), composed of enamel proteins (red arrows) and HAp crystallites (yellow dotted line)
tail is less defined and becomes continuous with the interrod enamel [9]. At the last
structural level, the nanoscale level, each rod consists of extremely long carbonated
HAp crystals which are thin ribbon-like structures with around 6070 nm wide and
20 nm thick [12]. In the central part of the rod, the apatite crystallites are arranged
with their long axis (c-axis) parallel to the longitudinal axis of the rod, whereas
in the tail portion they diverge from the longitudinal axis of the rod by up to 65
[8]. Each calcium phosphate unit cell in the maturing enamel appears hexagonal.
However, in fully mature enamel, the crystal outline looks more irregular due to the
interaction with other growing crystals during the last stages of crystal growth.
Upon tooth eruption, although most of the enamel organic matrix is removed
during mineralisation and maturation by the activity of enamel proteinases [5],
some proteins are retained between the HAp crystallites and in the rod sheath [13].
In fact, some of the matrix proteins are resistant to protein degradation due to
their strong binding to the HAp crystals and are retained in the mature enamel.
These matrix proteins remain trapped between the crystallites and around the rods
in mature enamel. This remnant matrix of mature enamel is a multicomponent
protein/peptide mix formed by the association of different monomeric proteins
[14]. Those proteins lying between crystallites have the function of gluing HAp
crystallites together, maintaining the hierarchical structure and enabling enamel to
sustain the mechanical loading during function. The presence of remnant matrix
proteins in mature enamel has been shown to influence its optical and mechanical
properties. The minor components of enamel, protein remnants and water, have a
profound plasticising effect [9]. Enamel is now known to be much more flexible
and softer than its major component, crystalline HAp [15]. Structural changes in
these protein components can reduce the ability of enamel to dissipate stresses
[16]. In the later parts of this chapter, the effect of protein matrix modification of
enamel on its mechanical response will be discussed. The presence of this organic
matrix along with the mentioned hierarchical organisation of enamel has been
516 M. Shahmoradi et al.
Dentin and pulp tissue are generally regarded as a single functional and histological
unit, termed the dentinpulp complex [2]. However, we will only consider dentin
in this chapter, as the subject of this book is about calcium phosphates. Dentin is a
highly organised biological structure composed of complex protein assemblies and
organised mineral components, which collectively form a rigid and durable mineral-
rich biocomposite [17]. Dentin is formed through the process of dentinogenesis, by
odontoblasts that differentiate from ectomesenchymal cells of the dental papilla. The
dental papilla primarily induces the formation of dentin until it is finally surrounded
by secreted dentin, thus forming the dental pulp [2]. A complex group of syn-
chronised biological events regulates the formation and maturation of dentin. The
main stages of dentinogenesis include the cytodifferentiation of the odontoblasts,
the formation of mantle dentin, the control of mineralisation of the primary dentin
organic matrix and, finally, the secretion of secondary and tertiary dentin. Primary
dentin is the outermost layer of the dentin, which includes the mantle and the
circumpulpal components. Secondary dentin is a layer that is secreted after the root
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 517
formation. Tertiary dentin is the type of dentin that is secreted after full formation
of the tooth, as a response to a stimulus, such as carious attack or wear.
Compositionally, dentin is a hydrated tissue comprised of approximately 50 vol%
of carbonated hydroxyapatite minerals, 30 vol% of collagen and noncollagenous
molecules and the remainder fluids. 90 wt% of the organic phase in dentin is almost
exclusively composed of collagen type I, although other types of collagen have also
been identified [18]. The remainder of the dentin organic matrix includes noncol-
lagenous structures, of which proteoglycans (PG) are of a greater structural and
mechanical importance [17]; other dentin matrix proteins, such as phosphoproteins
and -carboxyglutamate-containing proteins, are believed to be more involved in
mineralmatrix binding events [19]. Decorin and biglycan, two members of the
small leucine-rich repeat (SLRP) family, are the PGs predominantly expressed in
dentin. The most frequently found GAGs, in turn, are chondroitin 4-sulphate and a
relatively lower content of chondroitin 6-sulphate.
Structurally, dentin is composed of packed dentinal tubules, measuring about 1
2 m diameter surrounded by a hypermineralised layer called peritubular dentin,
and a softer intertubular matrix, where the organic material is concentrated [20].
Dentinal tubules contain cytoplasmic extensions of odontoblasts, which lie in the
pulp and originally were involved in the secretion of dentin matrix. In addition to
this odontoblastic process, dentinal tubules contain dentinal fluid, which contains
proteins and proteoglycans. The peritubular dentin is a highly mineralised com-
posite material constituted of phosphorylated proteins [21, 22], proteoglycans and
glycosaminoglycans [22], which lacks collagen fibrils [22, 23]. The intertubular
dentin, on the other hand, is composed of supramolecular aggregates of collagen
molecules, which are assembled into type I fibrils interconnected by noncollagenous
components and water [24]. This array of organic molecules forms a hydrated
organic network serving as a scaffold for the nucleation and growth of carbonated
apatite mineral crystals [25]. The result of this organicinorganic interplay is an
intricate biocomposite that exhibits outstanding longevity and serves as a tough and
resilient foundation for the brittle enamel, as well as a protective layer for the living
pulpal soft tissue. This foundation prevents the propagation of catastrophic cracks
from the brittle enamel further into the dentin [3, 26].
Dentin and enamel are bound strongly at their common interface, which is called
the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ). Dentinoenamel junction is a hypermineralised
area that appears like a well-defined scalloped area under the microscope. The
presence and the form of this area have an important role in the structural and
functional integrity of enamel and dentin. Due to the presence of dentinal tubules,
dentin is far more permeable than enamel (Fig. 17.2).
Fig. 17.2 (a) SEM of a transverse section of dentin. (b) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) image
showing the cross-sectional view of the general structure of dentin tubule and peritubular and
intertubular dentin (1 m scale bar)
and water (12 wt%). The composition of cementum is very similar to bone. HAp
minerals in cementum have a uniform small plate shape. The organic matrix is
composed of collagen and noncollagenous proteins. Type I collagen fibrils comprise
about 90 % of the organic cementum matrix. During cementogenesis, cementum is
secreted by cementoblasts and after the completion of tooth development; it covers
the roots of the tooth tightly in an interlocking manner. There are two types of
cementum, which includes cellular and acellular cementum. Cellular cementum,
which covers the apical third of the root, has an organised lacunar structure similar
to bone and includes cementocytes. Acellular cementum covers the cervical portion
of the root and has no organised structure and cells. It is assumed that cellular
cementum anchors the periodontal ligament (PDL) fibre bundles and the acellular
cementum has a more adaptive role [2]. Cementum, along with alveolar bone
and periodontal ligament, forms the dental periodontium, which is the attachment
apparatus of the tooth. Collagen fibrils within the cementum matrix play a crucial
role in the attachment of periodontal ligament fibres to the tooth. The mastication
forces exerted on the teeth are directed and distributed into the alveolar bone through
these fibres.
Among various methods for studying the mechanical properties of dental tissues,
nanoindentation has emerged as a nondestructive, precise method which is very
useful in examining materials with small specimen size. Due to the differences
which exist in the structure, mineral density, age and type among different teeth
and also among different regions of each tooth, nanoindentation can provide a
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 519
nondestructive method for studying a very small area of the specimen, therefore
preserving other parts of the specimen for comparative studies.
Based on the loaddisplacement response of nanoindentation tests and its related
calculations, several mechanical features of the test material can be measured. These
parameters include hardness and elastic modulus, energy expenditure and creep
In this chapter, we do not present the detailed calculation and theoretical basis
for all of the nanoindentation experiments. Rather, we mostly emphasise on the
presentation of the data and interpretation of the results which are of more interest
for the readers of this chapter and are related to the scope of this book. Interested
readers are encouraged to refer to available literature [27, 28] on nanoindentation
and its application in studying biological tissues and other materials.
In this section, we first discuss the basic mechanical properties of sound enamel, and
later we will present the data on the contributing role of each structural element of
enamel, including HAp, water and protein remnants in determining the mechanical
behaviour of dental enamel.
H D (17.1)
Elastic modulus or Youngs modulus is the rigidity of a material within the elastic
range. In nanoindentation experiments, the elastic modulus of the specimen Es can
be calculated from [30]
1 s 2 1 i 2
ED C (17.2)
Es Ei
where E is the indentation elastic modulus (reduced modulus) and Ei and vi are the
elastic modulus and Poissons ratio of the indenter, respectively. vs is the Poissons
ratio of the sample which is 0.3 for enamel [31].
Unlike the great variability in the results of hardness and elastic modulus
tests of macroscale experiments, the results of nanoindentation tests show better
520 M. Shahmoradi et al.
The stressstrain curves of enamel and several dental materials were plotted from
nanoindentation experiments [35]. There were several findings when comparing
stressstrain curve of enamel with other materials. Firstly, the resultant curve
for enamel is fairly smooth, and unlike pure HAp, no prominent elasticplastic
transition point is observed. This shows that enamel response to mechanical stress
is different from that of HAp which is enamels main building block. This different
mechanical response is attributed to the presence of organic component which
makes the enamel a viscoelastic material.
Secondly, the surface perpendicular to the rod orientation shows a higher stress
strain response than lateral cross-sectional surfaces. This finding confirms the
anisotropic nature of dental enamel and is explained by the response of protein-rich
interrod area to mechanical stress.
Thirdly, the stressstrain curve of enamel is more similar to metallic materials
than HAp and ceramics (Fig. 17.3). This behaviour of enamel is also caused by the
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 521
Fig. 17.3 Stressstrain relationship of different materials (solid lines show plastic part and short
dots lines show elastic part of materials calculated from Hertz equation) [34]
Inelastic strain of a material is caused by slow flow of its structure when it is held
at a fixed load below its conventional yield strength for a period of time. This
viscoelastic response may also be reversible, as is the case for enamel, which enables
it to tolerate and redistribute the loading stresses during function [27].
The constant load indentation creep analysis is considered the most commonly
used method for testing the creep behaviour of different materials including
mineralised biological materials such as teeth [6]. With this method, the viscoelastic
properties are recorded as the change in penetration depth with time under
constant applied load. The difference between the displacement during creep at
maximum load and recovery at minimum load represents the amount of unrecovered
deformation during a hold period at constant force. In addition, the relative recovery
of the material in relation to the deformation is calculated as a percentage by the
where h1 is the indentation depth displacement during hold at maximum load and h2
is the displacement recovery during the holding time at a specific portion (typically
1 %) of the maximum load upon unloading.
This relative recovery indicates the amount of the deformation that occurs during
loading and is recovered towards its normal state during a specific time interval upon
Comparison of the creep response of enamel, compared with HAp and dental
materials, showed it exhibited a relatively stable creep response. In contrast, HAp
did not show a viscous behaviour, and its creep deformation was very limited
(Fig. 17.4).
Similarly the response of enamel upon unloading was significant, while HAp
exhibited limited creep recovery. The reversible creep behaviour of enamel is
considered as a mechanism to withstand functional stresses during mastication
which helps the teeth to distribute the localised high masticatory forces and sliding
contact forces between teeth.
The mechanisms responsible for this behaviour are mostly related to the presence
of the minor organic phase and water components of enamel. These organic
protein/peptide biopolymers possess viscoelastic deformation and recovery features
gained through sacrificial bond mechanism [35]. Similar explanations were pro-
posed by Schneider et al. who suggested that the creep behaviour of enamel is due
to flow of the protein in the interrod sheath layer under stress application [36].
As mentioned above, enamel is not an ideal elastic material, and it shows inelastic
behaviour due to the presence of organic phase and water content. For studying
inelastic behaviour of dental enamel using nanoindentation, energy absorption and
creep response of enamel are considered reliable test parameters which can properly
measure the plastic response of the material.
One of the defined parameters which relates to the energy absorption of enamel
is energy expenditure index, , which is the ratio of the dissipated energy, Ud , to
the total energy, Ut . This parameter describes the relative elasticinelastic behaviour
of a material when it undergoes stresses and inelastic strains. This parameter can be
calculated based on the following equation for normalising different test results:
D 100 % (17.4)
The resultant value of ranges from 0 for an ideal elastic material to 100 for an
ideal plastic material.
Energy expenditure ratios of enamel and hydroxyapatite were calculated from
nanoindentation experiments and were plotted against the contact strain values [37].
The results indicated that enamel exhibits an energy expenditure ratio beginning at
30 % which has a monotonic increase with the contact strain without any obvious
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 523
Fig. 17.4 Curves of (a) creep and (b) creep recovery of different materials. (ht 0 values of amalgam
in (a) were divided by 10 to fit onto the diagram.) (Reprinted from He and Swain [35]. Copyright
2007, with permission from Elsevier)
elastic part. In comparison, in the case of HAp, the curve started from 0 %, and
it possessed a linear portion for strain values less than 0.5. When comparing the
amount of energy dissipation between enamel and HAp, it was observed that enamel
had a somewhat higher (10 %) capability to dissipate energy than HAp at the same
strain level (Fig. 17.5).
524 M. Shahmoradi et al.
Fig. 17.5 Comparison of energy absorption ability between enamel and HAp disc [34]
This difference between the energy expenditure of enamel and HAp has been
attributed to the presence of organic phase and water component in the structure
of enamel. It has been suggested [37] that these two components contribute to this
energy dissipation role through the following possible mechanisms:
1. Fluid flow within the sheath structure based on Foxs stiff sponge model [38]:
based on this mechanism, enamel acts like a stiff sponge from which liquid is
expelled in compression and drawn in again once the load is removed.
2. Temporary sacrifice of inter- and intramolecular bonds of enamel protein frag-
ments based on Smiths model [39]: with this mechanism, the remaining protein
fragments consume the energy to enable configuration rearrangements. As these
new configurations are thermodynamically unstable, these molecules regain their
original configuration after removal of the external strain.
3. Nanoscale friction and slippage within sheath which is related to the presence of
cleavage planes and degustation of enamel rods [40].
Higher energy expenditure of enamel is one of the keys to its long-lasting
function and resistance against considerable mechanical stresses which are exerted
on dental enamel during the whole life of an individual.
conditions like acid treatment influence the mechanical properties of enamel through
their effect on mineral content of this tissue. Other factors, like heating and ethanol
treatment, exclusively affect the water content and organic content of enamel,
therefore providing a suitable method for studying the contributing role of water
molecules and organic phase in mechanical properties of dental enamel.
In a series of experiments, nanoindentation tests were performed on samples
which were placed in a dental ceramic furnace and were heated to a temperature
of 300 C for 5 min. Other samples were treated by immersion into ethanol [41].
Mechanical properties including nanoindentation elastic modulus, hardness and
creep behaviour of sound and burnt enamel specimens were tested in water and
dry environment. The sound enamel samples were then immersed in pure ethanol
for 24 h for achieving dehydration, and the same indentation tests were performed.
Then, for rehydrating the samples, they were returned into distilled water for another
24 h period before the same tests were repeated. In the last stage, the samples
were dried in ambient environment for another 24 h (dry), and indentation tests
were repeated again. The data from nanoindentation tests were used to determine
hardness, elastic modulus and creep behaviour of enamel specimens.
The results of the experiments demonstrated that sound and burnt enamel had the
highest hardness values followed by the ethanol-dehydrated samples (Fig. 17.6).
Rehydrated samples were the softest, while drying of the rehydrated samples raised
their hardness values [41].
The results for E modulus calculations indicated that the values of the alcohol-
dehydrated and dry enamel are significantly higher than sound enamel. In contrast,
rehydrated samples have a much lower value than sound enamel. Because matrix
proteins and other organic components have been denatured during the heating
procedure, the modulus for burnt sample was not calculated. Heat treatment destroys
matrix proteins inside enamel, while pure ethanol partially blocks functions of
matrix proteins by dehydrating the system. As a result, without deformable matrix
proteins, the mechanical behaviour of different enamel samples noticeably changed.
Different responses of ethanol-dehydrated group are result of the change in the
structure and function of enamel matrix proteins. This change may be assigned to the
biochemical function of ethanol. The small radius of ethanol molecule (0.17 nm)
allows this small molecule to penetrate into most pores of the molecular-sieve-
like enamel [42]. Moreover, ethanol has a strong dehydrating function and can
change the conformation of a peptide chain within proteins [43, 44]. Ethanols
amphiphilic properties enable it to be attracted simultaneously to both hydrophobic
and hydrophilic targets, displace water and bind to specific targets favourably and
lead to conformational changes of peptide chains of proteins [43]. Comparison
of the mechanical behaviour of sound and treated enamel samples demonstrates
that matrix proteins improve the performance of enamel as a load-bearing calcified
526 M. Shahmoradi et al.
Fig. 17.6 (a) Hardness and (b) elastic modulus of enamel under different treatments [34]
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 527
Creep test results of sound and treated specimens indicated that at maximum-
load holding (creep period), rehydrated enamel had the highest creep displacement
followed by sound enamel [41]. Alcohol-dehydrated and burnt samples had similar
creep curves, which were much lower than the other two samples. Dried enamel
had a value between burnt and sound samples. At the minimum-load-holding period
(creep recovery period), the recovery was again highest for the rehydrated sample,
which was more than sound enamel. Dehydrated sample had very limited creep
recovery, while that for burnt enamel was negligible after the first 100 s (Fig. 17.7).
These results show that at both the maximum and minimum loads, different
environment mediums affect the creep behaviour of enamel. As HAp has minimal
viscous behaviour, it can be assumed that creep and creep recovery are consequences
of the protein matrix deformation. A possible explanation for high creep and
creep recovery value of rehydrated sample may be the oversaturation of water
within the enamel microstructure following rehydration. Additional water may have
contributed to more extensive creep and creep recovery responses of the sample by
softening or plasticising the entire biocomposite system.
It can be suggested that the rehydration procedure may have resulted in hyper-
hydration of the peptide chains and swelling of the enamel matrix. However,
following 24 h drying of the rehydrated sample in an ambient environment, creep
and creep recovery behaviour decreased and were slightly lower than sound enamel.
Similar studies on bone and enamel [45, 46] have shown that heat treatment
denatured matrix protein and collagen fibres, therefore affecting the mechanical
properties of heated samples significantly. Similarly, it is reasonable to assume that
the protein matrix and water within burnt enamel specimens have been destroyed
and eliminated. This supports the notion that creep recovery arises mainly from
the presence of the protein matrix. By comparing burnt with dehydrated samples,
the limited creep recovery of dehydrated samples may be explained as follows:
although the biological functions of protein matrix have been disrupted by ethanol,
these protein remnants may still act as biopolymers with some degree of viscoelastic
behaviour. In addition, although free water and loosely bound water were released
from burnt enamel, ethanol liquid inside dehydrated samples may have some
lubricating function which contributes to viscoelastic behaviour.
The protein components of ethanol-dehydrated and dry samples became stiffer
than sound enamel due to the loss of water and/or changing of conformation. With
higher E values, indicating that the biopolymer proteins are less plasticised, it is
reasonable to anticipate less creep and creep recovery for these two groups. On the
other hand, additional plasticising agents such as water in rehydrated group may
not only recover the protein responses but also lubricate the biocomposite system,
therefore, resulting in increased creep and creep recovery. In addition, as heating
results in the loss of the biological functions of organic matrix, therefore crystallite-
boundary sliding and densification may remain as the main creep and deformation
mechanisms of heated enamel with its fine microstructure and considerable porosity
existing between the crystallites [47].
528 M. Shahmoradi et al.
Fig. 17.7 Indentation depth against time, ht 0 t, curves of (a) creep and (b) creep recovery of
enamel under different treatments (Reprinted from He and Swain [41]. Copyright 2007, with
permission from Elsevier)
In order to ensure that heating does not change the chemical and compositional
features of dental enamel, elemental analysis (EDX) was performed on sound and
burnt specimens (Fig. 17.8). The results showed that sound and burnt enamel had
exactly the same elemental composition, including the Ca to P ratio, which indicates
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 529
Fig. 17.8 Comparison of EDX spectrum on sound (black area) and burnt enamel (red line).
(Two spectra completely overlapped.) (Reprinted from He and Swain [41]. Copyright 2007, with
permission from Elsevier)
Bleaching of dental surfaces is a process in which oxidising agents are applied on the
external surfaces of vital teeth or internal surfaces of endodontically treated teeth in
order to remove the external and/or internal discoloration caused by various pigment
molecules. The main component of the bleaching agents is hydrogen peroxide which
acts as a strong oxidising agent through the formation of oxygen free radicals such
as superoxide, peroxyl and alkoxyl [48]. These free radicals have the ability to
oxidise chromophores to produce shorter-chain and less-pigmented molecules [49].
Tooth bleaching occurs by diffusion of these peroxide agents into and through the
discoloured enamel.
Associated with the fact that these agents contact and interact with the protein
remnants of the enamel, it is expected that the application of these oxidising agents
may influence the mechanical properties of enamel through their effect on its organic
components. As a result, studying the effect of bleaching agents on mechanical
530 M. Shahmoradi et al.
properties of enamel may shed further light on the role of protein content to
mechanical behaviour of this tissue exclusively.
However, there is considerable controversy in the literature regarding the effect
of bleaching agents especially on the hardness of dental enamel. Some of these
studies have found no adverse effect of bleaching products on the enamel [5052].
Almost all those studies have used microhardness techniques such as Vickers and
Knoop tests that rely upon visual measurement of the contact dimensions [53, 54].
Only relatively few studies have used the nanoindentation system to investigate the
changes in enamel hardness after treatment with tooth bleaching products [5557].
In our experiments [58], we applied a range of loads to normal and bleached
enamel samples to measure the hardness and elastic modulus of bleached enamel.
In addition, the ability of sound and bleached enamel to recover the viscoelastic
strains was evaluated. For a better understanding of the effect of bleaching agent
concentration on mechanical features of enamel, two bleaching regimes, home and
office bleaching, were applied.
The results of hardness and elastic modulus under different indentation loads
indicated that a significant reduction of enamel hardness and elastic modulus occurs
after application of H2 O2 (Fig. 17.9). These changes in mechanical properties are
attributed to the compositional and structural changes in enamel proteins caused
by the oxidation reaction of the hydrogen peroxide free radicals. These results are
supported by other studies which have shown a reduction of mechanical properties
of enamel and dentin following bleaching treatment [57].
The results also indicate that the effect of tooth bleaching is more obvious in
the surface and adjacent subsurface layer of enamel. The greatest reduction was
observed at the surface layer of enamel (less than 2 m) and the values returned to
normal with increasing depth below the surface. The reduction of the mechanical
properties with increasing contact depth (load) of the indentation, which was seen
in the sound and bleached enamel, supports the concept that bleaching effect is
more significant in the surface enamel. The difference in mechanical properties
between the control and the bleached enamel is greater at lower loads. As the load
and subsequent contact depths increase, the differences between the control and
bleached groups decrease. This observation also helps explain why negative results
were seen in most previous studies that used high indentation loads.
Fig. 17.9 (a) Hardness and (b) elastic modulus elastic for sound and bleached enamel at different
indentation loads
Fig. 17.10 (a) The creep behaviour of dental enamel for different treatment groups and (b) the
recovery behaviour of control, home-bleached and in-office-bleached enamel
because refolding of the protein domain bond does not take place in the bleached
enamel due to conformational changes and damage to the protein content caused
by peroxide free radicals. This limited ability of refolding results in reduced creep
recovery of bleached enamel.
For the purpose of demonstrating the relation between sound and bleached
enamel protein content with its mechanical properties, a detailed biochemical inves-
tigation of the bleached and sound enamel proteins was conducted. A considerable
reduction of the protein contents of the home-bleached (CP) and in-office (HP)-
bleached enamel was observed by the SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and Western
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 533
specimen. The hardness value of dentin has been reported from 0.15 0.03 GPa
for the intertubular area of inner dentin to 2.45 0.14 GPa for peritubular dentin.
The elastic modulus of dentin has been reported to be in a range of 11.59 3.95 to
29.8 8.9 GPa [27]. Considering the data from different experiments, the following
points can be concluded:
Firstly, primary dentin has lower mechanical properties compared to permanent
dentin [59, 60]. This difference is mainly due to the higher level of mineral
content in permanent tooth dentin.
Secondly, dentin has an anisotropic microstructure which is reflected in its different
mechanical response to applied loads from different directions to the specimen
[61]. Similar to enamel, the mechanical response of dentin is higher when the
applied load is parallel with dentinal tubules and is lower when the applied load
is perpendicular to these tubules [62]. In addition, the difference in mechanical
response of peritubular and intertubular dentin is significant [63]. The peritubular
dentin shows higher hardness and elastic modulus than intertubular dentin which
is attributed to its higher degree of mineralisation.
Thirdly, the outer dentin close to the dentinoenamel junction has higher hardness
and elastic modulus compared to inner dentin [64]. This difference is due to
the lower density and dimension of dentinal tubules and higher thickness of
peritubular dentin in outer dentin. In addition, the results of hardness and elastic
modulus tests are influenced by the age of the dentin sample and its degree of
mineralisation [65]. Aged dentin specimens are usually more mineralised with
less water and organic content resulting in higher hardness and elastic modulus.
Fig. 17.12 (a) Hardness and (b) elastic modulus for the dry and wet specimens both with and
without creep
The results indicated that in tests without a holding time, dry dentin had an
average hardness of 1.1 0.1 GPa, whereas wet dentin had an average hardness
value of 0.91 0.07 GPa (p < 0.05). With the incorporation of holding time, dry
dentin showed an average hardness of 0.80 0.06 GPa, which was significantly
higher than wet dentin, with a hardness value of 0.75 0.05 GPa (p < 0.05).
Comparing the indentation results between tests with creep and test without creep,
it was observed that holding at maximum load resulted in a significant decrease in
hardness for both wet and dry dentin (p < 0.05) (Fig. 17.12).
The results of this experiment are consistent with the results obtained in previous
investigations. Guidoni et al. [66] reported an approximately 35 % decrease in
elastic modulus and nearly 30 % decrease in the hardness of dry dentin when
specimens were measured in Hanks solution. Kinney et al. [67] also reported a
decrease in elastic modulus from 24 to 20 GPa with hydration.
Our results also indicate that adding a holding time at maximum load causes
a decrease in modulus and a more significant decrease in hardness for both dry
536 M. Shahmoradi et al.
and wet dentin. Since no chemical desiccation method was used and drying was
achieved by placing the specimens in a desiccating chamber for relatively short
periods of time, the dry samples may still have some water trapped within their
interfibrillar spaces. Therefore, the plasticising effect of water on the collagen that
contributes to the increased compliance of the organic matrix could have resulted in
a less significant change which was observed in the dry specimens.
Regarding the creep behaviour of dentin, both dry and wet specimens exhibited an
increasing penetration depth with time, which is typical for viscoelastic materials
(Fig. 17.13). Comparison between wet and dry dentin [24] showed that the dry
tissue behaves similarly to the wet tissue, with an averaged normalised displacement
of nearly 0.15 m at maximum load. The normalised recovery at minimum load
was not as extensive as the deformation at maximum load, therefore indicating a
viscoelasticplastic type of response. In addition, the normalised recovery of wet
dentin (0.09 m) was greater than that observed for dry dentin (0.06 m).
Hydration, as a known plasticiser of the collagen in the dentin matrix, resulted in
higher creep rate sensitivity for wet dentin compared with dry dentin. This result is
also expected, as the plasticised organic matrix accounts for an increase in localised
shear flow beneath the contact area of the indenter.
We suggest that the increased localised shear flow beneath the indenter associated
with the wet tissue might be a potential explanation for a more significant viscoelas-
tic recovery of wet dentin in comparison to the dry and more collapsed matrix of the
dry tissue.
In addition, the creep rate sensitivity, m, of wet and dry dentin specimens was
calculated using contact pressure (hardness) versus the strain rate (Fig. 17.14).
It has been proposed [68] that the creep rate sensitivity is a value that reflects
the flowability of a material. For a given material, if m D 1, the material is
considered viscous, with a Newtonian flow response; m values less than 1 indicate
inhomogeneous non-Newtonian flow. Similar to the reports by He and Swain [69]
for enamel, the very small creep rate sensitivity obtained for dentin suggests that
strong localised shear flow occurs inside the material under loading.
Fig. 17.13 Averaged creep (a) and recovery (b) for dry and wet dentin
Comparing the results obtained for energy expenditure index, , and penetration
depth, hp , of dry and wet dentin, it is suggested that drying leads to an increase
in energy expenditure index of dentin. Dry dentin exhibited a dissipation index of
69.3 % (1.2), whereas wet dentin yielded 66.5 % (1.6). Dry dentin also offered
a significantly lower depth of penetration than wet dentin. This was reflected on
the significantly lower hardness, H, of the hydrated tissue. It is suggested that this
increase associated with drying was primarily associated with the lower recovered
energy values, Ue , of dry dentin, which appeared to be related to the more restricted
ability of the dry tissue to recover stored elastic energy surrounding the area of
contact during nanoindentation.
538 M. Shahmoradi et al.
Fig. 17.14 Curve of contact pressure (hardness) versus log of indentation strain rate for dry and
wet dentin
Fig. 17.15 The energy spent during indentation, which is the deconvolution of dissipated energy,
Ud , and recovered energy, Ue . Dry dentin showed a significantly lower Ue than wet dentin
(Reprinted from Bertassoni and Swain [71]. Copyright 2012, with permission from Elsevier)
Fig. 17.16 Normalised energy dissipation index, %, was significantly lower for wet dentin in
comparison to dry dentin (p < 0.0001). Dry dentin also presented a significantly lower effective
contact depth, hp (p < 0.0001) (Reprinted from Bertassoni and Swain [71]. Copyright 2012, with
permission from Elsevier)
Fig. 17.17 Apparent hardness of dentin before and after trypsin treatment to remove PGs. Normal
dentin yielded 0.74 0.15 GPa and the removal of PGs decreased hardness to 0.53 0.09 GPa
(p < 0.001)
Our interpretation for the decrease in apparent hardness of sound dentin after
the trypsin treatment is that once PGs and GAGs are digested by the trypsin, the
network that contributed to the securing of mineral crystals is disrupted, and
hence the granular crystallites may achieve greater mobility to be displaced within
the collagenous matrix by the moving probe tip during indentation. In addition,
Ho et al. [73] suggested that the decrease in hardness of the cementumdentin
junction associated with the digestion of GAGs was due to a decrease in the osmotic
pressure and hydrophilic nature of the organic matrix in that region.
Regarding the creep behaviour of dentin specimens, it was observed that the
removal of PGs led to a significantly higher depth of penetration of the indenter
when the loads were held constant during the holding period (Fig. 17.18). In
addition, while the creep curve of sound dentin appeared to saturate within about
25 s, the trypsin-treated specimens exhibited significant viscoelastic deformation
until the end of the holding period. These observations suggest that PGs, possibly via
the interconnection of their GAG side chains, may function as sites of interfibrillar
anchorage, therefore limiting further creep deformation of dentin at a constant load.
One limitation of mentioned experiment is that in fully mineralised dentin, the
noncollagenous structures, such as PGs, are surrounded by mineral crystals and are
therefore difficult to be accessed by digestive activity of the enzymes. Therefore in
the next experiments, dentin specimens were partially demineralised before trypsin
treatment in order to provide better access for the acting enzymes.
The results in all cases indicated that the demineralised specimens had higher
deformation and recovery displacement, which is consistent with the increased vis-
coelastic behaviour of mineral-free organic scaffolds. PG digestion caused an even
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 541
Fig. 17.18 The normalised creep displacement, h0 max , of sound and digested dentin before and
after the digestion with trypsin
Fig. 17.19 (a) Normalised creep deformation and (b) recovery of sound and demineralised dentin
under different treatments
The cementum is different from enamel and dentin as it is a live tissue that has
various types in different areas of the root. It is vascular and cellular and may
have the ability to undergo remodelling under mechanical stress. The remodelling
activity of cementum is similar to bone tissue and is a distinctive feature of
cementum among dental hard tissues. The nature of the exerted forces on the
cementum is also different from dentin and enamel. While the majority of exerted
mechanical forces on enamel and dentin are compressive, a significant amount of
exerted forces on cementum are tensile. As a result of these differences, cementum
uses different response mechanisms against external loading compared with dentin
and enamel. These mechanisms in cementum are mostly remodelling activities
which are performed through controlled resorption and secretion processes. The
remodelling activity of cementum along with stress-breaking role of periodontal
ligament and adaptive response of supporting bone tissue plays a critical role in
managing exerted masticatory forces during function [74].
Considering the fact that cementum is a relatively thin layer, it is hard to study
its mechanical features using macroscale tests. As a result, the nanoindentation
method has been used as the main method for quantifying its mechanical features.
However, preparing proper cementum specimens for nanoindentation still remained
a challenging practice. The findings from several nanoindentation tests can be
summarised as follows:
1. Firstly, the results of hardness and elastic modulus testing of cementum are
variable. This variability can be attributed to the presence of different cementum
types in different root sections. For example, the hardness value of cementum has
been reported from 0.25 0.09 GPa to 0.63 0.06 GPa [27]. Its elastic modulus
has been reported from 2.4 1.8 GPa for the outer surface of the apical third
portion of the root to 20.8 GPa for the polished transversal section [27].
2. Secondly, the outer layer of cementum exhibited various values of hardness
and elastic modulus in different areas of the root which can be the result of
different amounts of protein and collagen fibres in each area [75]. Similarly the
cementumdentin junction has a lower hardness and elastic modulus compared
with dentin and the rest of the cementum [76] which is again due to its higher
content of collagenous proteins.
17 Fundamental Structure and Properties of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum 543
3. Lastly, similar to enamel and dentin, the mechanical features of cementum are
affected by the storage media and environment [77]. Storing the sample in
ethanol or keeping it in dry environment affects the results of mechanical tests.
The effect of dehydration seems to be more significant in the case of cementum
compared with enamel and dentin as cementum has a higher level of water and
organic components.
From a clinical point of view, mechanical behaviour of cementum in pathological
states, like periodontal disease and following treatments like orthodontic therapy,
undergoes considerable alteration. Although there are some reports on the nanoin-
dentation testing of pathologically or iatrogenic cementum [78], however, further
research seems necessary to create more reliable results regarding the effect of these
conditions on its mechanical features.
17.6 Conclusion
Acknowledgement The authors would like to acknowledge and remember the late Dr Lihong He,
whose data and scientific work in this area helped us to write this chapter.
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