Kava Bill Summary
Kava Bill Summary
Kava Bill Summary
24 of 2016
The main goal of the Kava Bill is to establish the Fiji Kava Council for the purpose of the regulation and
the management of the Kava Industry and its related matters.
The functions and powers of the Fiji Kava Council are clearly defined in the Bill. The Council will be
responsible for administering the Act. It will function as a corporate body with perpetual succession.
Another important feature of this legislation is that the Bill provides for invited experts that may sit
during the Council meetings if the Council thinks it is necessary. However; these experts will not have
voting rights and its the Councils discretion whether to accept the views of the experts.
Kava is sold domestically and exported for commercial purposes. The Bills Explanatory Notes states that
the demand for kava has increased in the local and overseas markets. The kava industry in Fiji generates
millions of dollars and is a major contributor to the national economy, next in line to dalo and ginger
industry. In light of this, the Government proposes that there is an urgent need for a proper legal
framework to establish the Council which will manage, administer and assist the growth of the kava
According to the Explanatory Note, there is also a concern on the false representation of kava that is
exported for commercial purposes which should be prohibited by law.
On the other hand, with the renewed opening of markets for kava in the European market and a viable
market in the United States of America, Fiji must explore the opportunity to protect kava, which is
cultivated and processed in Fiji, as a Fijian commodity. They also desire to maintain kava as a Pacific
crop so that they can compete in the international market. They do not wish to risk losing this
opportunity to growers from outside the region.
The Kava Bill was tabled in Parliament and had its first reading on 27th April 2016. It had a second
reading on 28th April 2016 and was referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources.
PM Bainimarama, during his speech at the launch of the South Pacific Elixir Limited Factory Taki Mai
Authentic Fiji Kava, addressed the lack of quality control in the industry. He said that:
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
Kava is one of our nations most cherished crops and Ovalau has long been known as one of
Fijis premier kava-producing regions. Despite this, however, we have struggled over the years
with exporting kava to overseas markets. Many of you will remember a few years ago when
Europes demand for kava created a boom in the industry. Unfortunately, in the rush to take
advantage of this windfall, little consideration was given to quality control. Leaves and stems
were mixed with the roots and look what happened. There was no quality control. Governments
must engender quality control and standards. This we are doing through the Ministry of Industry
and Trade and the respective private sector stakeholders. This we are promoting through the
Buy Fijian and Fijian Made initiative.
Im pleased to see that South Pacific Elixirs is once again targeting overseas markets in the
United States, Australia and other countries. I share their enthusiasm for this products potential
in these markets and I look forward to them working with local farmers to set a new benchmark
for quality and consistency that will boost Fijian-grown kavas reputation internationally. I look
forward to them collaborating with our Ministries of Agriculture and Industry and Trade. I look
forward to them moving their entire operations to Fiji where the final product can be made in
Fiji. There is no doubt that my Government would provide them with the appropriate initiatives
to do so. After all it will not only help SPE take advantage of a bigger and better brand value but
help create more jobs right from the growth of yaqona to the end product. 1
Additionally, the implementation of the Bill will ensure that a legitimate platform is provided for the
stakeholders to voice their opinions and concerns, particularly the local kava growers and kava
1 http://bainimarama.org/speech-prime-minister-bainimarama-launch-south-pacific-elixir-limited-
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
Summary of provisions
The Bill comprises of 7 Parts and 33 clauses.
Part 1 Preliminary
Clause 1 provides for the short title and states commencement of the Kava Act 2016 (Act).
Clause 2 provides for the definitions of terms used throughout the Bill. The full list of definitions is in
Annex A of this paper.
Clause 3 provides for the objective or the purpose of the Bill which is to establish a Council that will
administer the management of the kava industry and protect the interest of the kava stakeholders and
safeguard the trading of kava domestically and internationally.
Clause 4 states that the Council will be responsible for administering the Act.
Clause 5 provides for the establishment of the Fiji Kava Council (Council) which will function as a body
corporate with perpetual succession. The Council will consist of 5 ex-officio members and 8 other
members appointed by the Minister.
Clause 6 provides for invited experts that may sit in during the Council meetings should the Council
think necessary for the relevant subject matter. These experts will have no voting rights and the Council
may or may not accept the views of the experts as it thinks necessary.
Clause 7 provides that members of the Council (members) that are not public officers may be
remunerated according to the terms and conditions determined by the Minister for agriculture
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
Clause 11 states that it is mandatory that the members to disclose any direct, or indirect pecuniary or
other interest in a matter that is to be considered in a meeting.
Clause 12 lays out that a member may be disqualified from being a member of the Council.
Clause 14 provides for the term of appointment of the appointed members. Appointed members shall
hold office for a term of 3 years and are eligible for reappointment unless removed on disciplinary
Clause 15 provides for the appointment of the chief executive officer (CEO) who should be a qualified
person with a degree in management. The CEO will act as the secretary to the Council and is responsible
to conduct the secretarial work of the Council. The CEO is not to engage in any other employment or
occupation whether for remuneration or not, but is entitled to remuneration and allowances as
determined by the Minister in consultation with the Minister responsible for finance.
Clause 16 articulates situations where acts done within the duties prescribed under the Act or any
written law by any member of the Council or public officers employed by the Council will be exempt
from liability to any action, lawsuit, proceeding, dispute or challenge in any court of law.
Clause 17 provides for the sources of funds the Council can receive or borrow to carry out its
responsibilities under the Act.
Clause 18 states that the financial year of the Council is from 1 July to 30 June in the following year.
Clause 19 requires the Council to prepare and submit an annual report to the Minister and the annual
report to be tabled in Parliament.
Clause 20 requires kava growers or farmers, processors, importers and exports to be registered.
Discretion will be with the Council whether to register a person with or without conditions.
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
Clause 21 provides that the Council may remove a person or body from the register for failing to
comply with the conditions set up by the Act.
Clause 22 provides power to issue or refuse a licence for import or export with or without conditions.
If in the opinion of the Council that the applicant does not satisfy the requirements for registration, the
Council is to inform the applicant and request the applicant to make a written or oral representation.
Clause 23 provides for the power of the Council to issue or refuse licence with or without conditions.
Clause 24 provides that kava or kava product not to be imported or exported without licence and
procedures for licensing will be prescribed by regulations.
Part 6 Appeal
Clause 25 29 provide for the right to appeal by an aggrieved party regarding the decisions of the
Council. The aggrieved party can then appeal to the Minister and the procedures for appeals provided
under this Part of the Act.
Part 7 Miscellaneous
Clause 30 prohibits the false representation of kava or kava products exported for commercial
Clause 31 provides that registered growers, processors, importers and exporters of kava to have an
annual general meeting once a year to discuss matters related to their interest in the industry.
Clause 32 provides for the Minister to implement regulations, on the advice of the Board on matters
necessary or convenient for giving effect to this Act.
Clause 33 provides for the Minister to give policy directions to the Council.
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
People that import kava for trade
1) To focus attention onto the dramatic social and economic consequences for the development of
some of the least developed South Pacific Island countries that resulted from the controversial
decision by European Health Authorities to ban kava products.
2) To seek and identify viable options, with all stakeholders (scientists, representatives of national and
international organizations and EU health authorities), to permit a fast return of kava products to
European markets.
3) To re-establish the kava trade between the Pacific Islands states and the EU member states and to
restore the local kava industry, to reduce poverty and unemployment resulting from the ban, in
particular among the poor rural communities for whom the proceeds of the kava trade provided the
only source of income.
4) To provide health professionals and patients suffering from stress, restlessness and mild anxiety,
with a safe and effective herbal remedy that, experts recognize, cannot be substituted adequately.
Most of IKEC's activities from 2003 to now have been focused on the removal of trade restrictions
imposed on the Kava Trade by various European Countries. Other activities include the organization of:
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
New Scientific research on the safety of Kava
International Conferences and workshops to bring together stakeholders and international
experts to discuss scientific findings; trade developments; and relevant issues relating to the
kava trade.
Meeting with the various countries that have imposed restrictions on the kava trade- to
negotiate means of resolving and removing the restrictions
The creation and preparation of Regional and International Standards for quality and safety
production of kava for export and use
Various forums to promote kava and to lobby for the removal of trade restrictions and any anti-
kava trade issues
Support all efforts both regionally and internationally to improve quality standards and capacity
building for the kava trade.
Fundraising to support the above activities.
Gender Analysis
Will men and women be given equal opportunity to be a member of the Fiji Kava Council? Does this bill
promote any incentives for women to participate in kava farming?
Further Information
Fiji kava industry review could lift profits ABC Radio Australia, 15/02/12
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
SPEECH: Prime Minister Bainimarama at Launch of South Pacific Elixir Limited Factory -Taki Mai
Authentic Fiji Kava 28/07/14 http://bainimarama.org/speech-prime-minister-bainimarama-launch-
This briefing was prepared to assist consideration of the Bill by Members of Parliament. It has no official
status. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, it should not be taken as a complete or
authoritative guide to the Bill. Other sources should be consulted to determine the subsequent official
status of the Bill.
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016
Annex A - Definitions used in the Bill
annual general meeting includes the annual general meeting and a special general meeting convened
under section 31;
appointed members refers to the members appointed by the Minister under section 5(4);
CEO means the chief executive officer appointed under section 15;
Chairperson means the chairperson of the Council;
Council means the Fiji Kava Council established under section 5;
financial year means the period from 1 July to 30 June in the following year, both days inclusive;
industry refers to the Fiji kava industry and related matters;
member means any member of the Council appointed under section 5;
Minister means the Minister responsible for agriculture;
Ministry means the ministry of agriculture;
Permanent Secretary means the permanent secretary responsible for agriculture.
person means any individual or any company or association or body of persons, corporate or
public officer means a person in the permanent or temporary employment of the Government
including a person appointed under the iTaukei Affairs Act (Cap. 120);
kava means whole plants or parts (roots or stems) of the Piper methysticum species whether in the
dried or fresh form, and includes imported kava;
kava exporter means any person who is engaged in the business of exporting kava or kava products;
kava grower means any person who cultivates kava for commercial purposes;
kava importer means any person who is engaged in the business of importing kava or kava products;
kava processor means any person who is engaged in the business of processing any type of kava
product; and
kava product means any kava product prepared from dried or fresh kava, and includes extracts of
kava for beverage, pharmaceutical or dietary purposes.
Author: Shobhna Rani (shobna.rani@govnet.gov.fj), May 2016