ARDS Presentation
ARDS Presentation
ARDS Presentation
PaO2 Affects
Fig. 68-2
Copyright 2007, 2004, 2000, Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1-Respiratory Failure definition:
1-Type I or Hypoxemic (PaO2 <60 at sea level)
(no hypercapnia)
2-Type II or Hypercapnic (PaCO2 >45) often type
II is a combination of hypoxemic and
1-Respiratory Failure definition
2-Type III Respiratory Failure: Perioperative respiratory failure.
Increased atelectasis due to low functional residual
capacity (FRC) in the setting of abnormal abdominal wall
Often results in type I or type II respiratory failure.
Can be ameliorated by anesthetic or operative technique,
posture, , incentive spirometry , post-operative analgesia,
attempts to lower operative analgesia, attempts to lower
intra-abdominal pressure.
3-Type IV Respiratory Failure: Due to Shock
Type IV describes patients who are intubated and
ventilated in the process of resuscitation for shock and the
Goal of ventilation is to stabilize gas exchange
1-Respiratory Failure definition
Fig. 68-4
2 Types
1. Anatomic- passes through an anatomic channel of the
heart and does not pass through the lungs ex: ventricular
septal defect
2. Intrapulmonary shunt- blood flows through pulmonary
capillaries without participating in gas exchange ex: alveoli
filled with fluid
Patients with shunts are more hypoxemic than those with
VQ mismatch and usually do not respond even to high
FiO2 supplementation.
Diffusion Limitations
Gas exchange is compromised by a process
that thickens or destroys the membrane
1. Pulmonary fibrosis
2-All Interstitial lung diseases
Diffusion Limitation
Fig. 68-5
Alveolar Hypoventilation
Correct hypoxemia by
Increase FiO2 and/or increase PEEP
Correct hypercapnia by
Increase Minute ventilation through increasing
RR and/or TV.
1-Respiratory Failure definition: Risks of
Oxygen Therapy
O2 toxicity: -
very high levels(>1000 mmHg) CNS toxicity and
- lower levels (FiO2 > 60%) and longer exposure: -
capillary damage, leak and pulmonary fibrosis
- PaO2 >150 can cause retrolental fibroplasia
- FiO2 35 to 40% can be safely tolerated indefinitely
CO2 narcosis: -
PaCO2 may increase severely to cause respiratory
acidosis, somnolence and coma
- PaCO2 increase secondary to combination of
a) abolition of hypoxic drive to breathe
b) increase in dead space
c) Haldane effect.
2-Mechanical Ventilation
2-Mechanical Ventilation
Consider non-invasive ventilation particularly in the
following settings
COPD exacerbation (BIPAP)
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema=CHF (BIPAP or CPAP) (it
helps decreased preload and afterload)
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (BIPAP)
Sleep Apnea (CPAP)
Pneumonia (BIPAP)
Noninvasive ventilation may be tried in selected
patients with asthma or non-cardiogenic Pulmonary
2-Mechanical Ventilation
Meet the New ARDS: Expert panel announces new definition, severity classes (JAMA):
The panels findings, endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the American
Thoracic Society (ATS) and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), emerged from meetings in
Berlin to try to address the limitations of the earlier AECC definition. Authors published their results
in the May 21 2012 online edition of JAMA.
The proposed Berlin definition predicted mortality ever-so-slightly better than the existing
definition (created at the 1994 American-European Consensus Conference/AECC), when applied to
a cohort of 4,400 patients from past randomized trials. The Berlin definition would include the
Acute lung injury no longer exists. Under the Berlin definition, patients with PaO2/FiO2 200-300
would now have mild ARDS.
Onset of ARDS (diagnosis) must be acute, as defined as within 7 days of some defined event, which
may be sepsis, pneumonia, or simply a patients recognition of worsening respiratory symptoms.
(Most cases of ARDS occur within 72 hours of recognition of the presumed trigger.)
Bilateral opacities consistent with pulmonary edema must be present but may be detected on CT
or chest X-ray.
There is no need to exclude heart failure in the new ARDS definition; patients with high
pulmonary capillary wedge pressures, or known congestive heart failure with left atrial
hypertension can still have ARDS. The new criterion is that respiratory failure simply be not fully
explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload, in the physicians best estimation using available
information. An objective assessment meaning an echocardiogram in most cases should be
performed if there is no clear risk factor present like trauma or sepsis.
3-ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome): definition and
Papazian L, Forel JM, Gacouin A, et al. for the ACURASYS Study Investigators. Neuromuscular
blockers in early acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2010;363:1107-16.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Wiedemann HP, Wheeler AP, Bernard GR, et al. Comparison of two fluid-management
strategies in acute lung injury. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354:2564-75.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Mikkelsen ME et al. The Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Cognitive Outcomes Study: Long-
Term Neuropsychological Function in Survivors of Acute Lung Injury. AJRCCM 2012;185:1307-
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
In patients who have an infectious cause for ARDS
(pneumonia or sepsis), the prompt initiation of
antibiotics is important.
Empirical antibiotics targeted at the suspected
underlying infection should be used initially after
obtaining appropriate cultures including blood,
sputum, and urine cultures.
There are no data to support the use of
antibiotics in patients who have ARDS without
4-Supportive management (excluding mech.
vent.). Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Supportive care
Standard supportive care of critically ill patients
prevention of DVT.
blood glucose control (140 to 180 target).
prophylaxis against stress-induced GI bleeding when
haemodynamic support to maintain a mean arterial
pressure >60 mmHg,
and transfusion of packed RBCs in patients with Hb <70
g/L (<7 g/dL).
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Peek GJ, Mugford M, Tiruvoipati R, et al. Efficacy and economic assessment of conventional
ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory
failure (CESAR): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009;374:1351-63.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Rescue Therapies
Following on the heels of a systematic review
out of Toronto in 2007, this analysis of the
evidence again demonstrates the lack of
clinical benefit with inhaled nitric oxide in
ARDS and acute lung injury, with an increased
risk of acute kidney injury.
Afshari A, Brok J, Mller AM, et al. Inhaled nitric oxide for acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) and acute lung injury in children and adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010
4-Supportive management (excluding mech.
vent.). Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Taccone P, Pesenti A, Latini R, et al. Prone positioning in patients with moderate and severe
acute respiratory distress syndrome. JAMA. 2009;302:1977-1984
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Treatment: Corticosteroids
This study randomized 180 patients with
persistent ARDS (7 to 28 days after onset) to
methylprednisolone (daily dose 2 mg/kg x 14
days then 1 mg/kg x 7 days) vs. placebo.
Hospital mortality and 180-day survival were
comparable, but patients enrolled 14 or more
days after ARDS onset had increased 60-day
mortality (35% vs. 8% placebo, p = .02).
Steinberg KP, Hudson LD, Goodman RB, et al. Efficacy and safety of corticosteroids for
persistent acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2006; 354:1671-84.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Meduri GU, Golden E, Freire AX, et al. Methylprednisolone infusion in early severe ARDS:
results of a randomized controlled trial. Chest 2007; 131:954-63.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
I.V. beta-agonists for ARDS harmed people; BALTI-2 stopped early (RCT, Lancet)
Injecting beta-agonists continuously into the veins of people with acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) for a week.
If you spray some albuterol on alveolar epithelial cells in a dish, it upregulates their cAMP production and
doubles the rate at which they clear fluid across their basement membranes.
And in the single-center 2006 BALTI trial, intravenous albuterol given to people with ARDS reduced their
plateau pressures by 6 cm H2O and seemed to substantially reduce their lung water (measured by
thermodilution). Although those getting IV beta-agonists also had a much higher rate of supraventricular
What They Did: Fang Gao Smith et al randomized 326 adolescent & adult patients with ARDS to receive a
continuous infusion of either salbutamol (albuterol), a short-acting beta agonist, or placebo intravenously
for up to 7 days. The trial was funded by the U.K.s Department of Health.
Results: When given to people with ARDS, intravenous salbutamol/albuterol hurt people: 55 of 161
patients receiving IV salbutamol died (34%) vs. 38 of 163 receiving placebo (23%), a statistically significant
difference. This was at an early interim analysis the trial was stopped at this point.
The causes of death were not identifiable with precision, because recording cause of death was not part of
the study protocol, and the information had to be sought post-hoc. But among patients receiving
albuterol, ten times as many patients had tachycardias or arrhythmias necessitating study drug stoppage,
and 10 had lactic acidosis requiring study drug stoppage (vs. 1 in the placebo group).
Smith FG et al. Effect of intravenous -2 agonist treatment on clinical outcomes in acute respiratory
distress syndrome (BALTI-2): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012;379:21-27.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Omega-3 fatty acids for acute lung injury/ARDS are useless-to-harmful (OMEGA
Numerous small (n~100), single-center randomized trials have shown a benefit of
omega-3 fatty acids in acute lung injury and ARDS (reduced mortality, length of
stay, and organ failure; improved oxygenation and respiratory mechanics).
A meta-analysis combining these studies suggested a stat.significant benefit in
mortality (risk ratio 0.67), ventilator requirement (-5 days), and ICU stay (-4 days).
In the NHLBI-funded OMEGA study, they randomized 272 adults with ALI/ARDS to
receive either twice daily omega-3 fatty acids plus antioxidants, or placebo.
OMEGA was stopped early for futility, which may have been an understatement:
the intervention patients had 3 fewer ventilator-free days (p=0.02), 3 more days in
the ICU (p=0.04), and an absolute 10% increase in mortality (26.6% vs. 16.3%,
p=0.054, just barely not stat.significant).
Rice TW et al. Enteral Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Y-Linolenic Acid, and Antioxidant
Supplementation in Acute Lung Injury. JAMA ePub October 5, 2011.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Statins for acute lung injury? (HARP trial, AJRCCM) AJRCCM 2011;183:620-626.
Statins reduce healthy volunteers inflammatory response to inhaled or injected
Craig et al report the results of HARP, in which the UK investigators gave 80 mg of
simvastatin or placebo to 60 patients with acute lung injury and ARDS, for up to
14 days.
There were no differences in mortality (30%), ventilator-free days or ICU/hospital
However, the one-third of the treated group who were left to analyze after 14 days
had significantly lower SOFA organ dysfunction scores.
They also had a non-statistically significant improvement in hemodynamics at day
14 (0 of 9 [simvastatin] vs. 3-4 of 10 [placebo] requiring vasopressors or inotropes,
p=0.05-0.09), and significantly lower IL-8 in BAL fluid.
No adverse events were noted.
Larger trials are underway to explore this further. (n=60).
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Spragg RG, Taut FJ, Lewis JF, Schenk P, Ruppert C, Dean N, Krell K, Karabinis A, Gunther A.
Recombinant surfactant protein C-based surfactant for patients with severe direct lung injury.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;183:10551061.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
FACTT post-hoc: Transfusion might cure, kill or both during shock & acute
lung injurywho knows? (Crit Care)
FACTT showed less fluids (which could include blood) are better for
ALI/ARDS, but transfusion wasnt controlled and its contribution to the
outcomes is unknown.
So ARDSNet crunched some numbers. Parsons et al parsed the original
FACTT data and found all the patients who had septic shock in the first 24
hours (n=285). They further identified those who should have gotten
blood early after randomization as part of early goal-directed therapy,
using all the available hemodynamic data (Scvo2, blood pressure, central
venous pressure, and hemoglobin). (n=85). All, of course, also had acute
lung injury or ARDS.
After multivariate analysis, there was no detectable association between
transfusion and mortality or ventilator free days.
Parsons EC et al (ARDSNet investigators). Red blood cell transfusion and
outcomes in patients with acute lung injury, sepsis and shock. Crit Care
2011; 2011, 15:R221.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Approaches to therapy and prevention.
Mechanical Ventilation Treatment
ARDS Network. Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with
traditional tidal volumes for ALI and ARDS. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:1301-
8. Results of the ARMA study found the use of low (6 ml/kg predicted
weight) rather than standard (12 ml/kg predicted weight) tidal volumes
reduced mortality from 40 to 30%. These results form much of the basis
for use of low- stretch/low tidal volume ventilation strategy in acute lung
Amato MBP, Barbas CSV, Medeiros DM, et al. Effect of a protective-
ventilation strategy on mortality in ARDS. N Engl J Med. 1998;338:347-54.
Small, randomized, study famous for using a combination of the lower
inflection point of the pressure-volume curve to set PEEP, recruitment
maneuvers (CPAP 35-40 cm x 40 sec.), and low-tidal volumes (< 6cc/kg).
28-day mortality was lower in the intervention group, but the
conventional group had an unusually high mortality (71%). Patients overall
received higher PEEP than in the ARMA study.
Mechanical Ventilation Treatment
Comparisons of High vs. Low PEEP
Brower RG, Lanken PN, MacIntyre N, et al. Higher versus lower positive end-expiratory pressures in
patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2004;351:327-36. A NHLBI ARDS net
randomized trial comparing high and low PEEP strategies in 549 patients with ALI or ARDS found no
significant difference in mortality, ventilator-free days, ICU-free days, or organ failure-free days in the two
Meade MO, Cook DJ, Guyatt GH, et al. Lung open ventilation study investigators. Ventilation strategy
using low tidal volumes, recruitment maneuvers, and high positive end-expiratory pressure for acute
lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2008; 299:637-
45. This study also found no significant difference in 28-day mortality with higher PEEP (28.4 vs 32.3%, p =
0.2) despite lower rates of refractive hypoxemia (4.6 vs. 10.2%, p = 0.01) and reduced pre-defined need for
rescue therapies (5.1 vs. 9.3%, p = 0.045). Of note, the target plateau pressure was higher than in other
high vs. low PEEP studies (</equal to 40 cm H2O).
Mercat A, Richard JC, Vielle B, et al. Positive end-expiratory pressure setting in adults with acute lung
injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2008;299:646-55.
The ExPress study compared low vs. high PEEP in 767 patients with ARDS receiving low tidal volume
ventilation. In the high-PEEP group, PEEP was adjusted to a target plateau pressure of 28 to 30 cm H2O
regardless of oxygenation while target PEEP in the minimal distension group was 5 to 9 cm H2O. Mortality
at 28 days did not differ, but the high-PEEP group had a higher median number of ventilator-free days and
required fewer rescue interventions such as proning. It appears the greatest benefit to a high-PEEP
strategy is in patients with more severe lung edema, but whether there is a survival benefit in this
subpopulation is still unclear.
Mechanical Ventilation Treatment
Higher vs lower positive end-expiratory pressure in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress
syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Trials comparing higher vs lower levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in adults with acute lung injury
or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have been underpowered to detect small but potentially important
effects on mortality or to explore subgroup differences.
Data from 2299 individual patients in 3 trials were analyzed using uniform outcome definitions. Prespecified effect
modifiers were tested using multivariable hierarchical regression, adjusting for important prognostic factors and
clustering effects.
There were 374 hospital deaths in 1136 patients (32.9%) assigned to treatment with higher PEEP and 409 hospital
deaths in 1163 patients (35.2%) assigned to lower PEEP (adjusted relative risk [RR], 0.94; 95% confidence interval
[CI], 0.86-1.04; P = .25). Treatment effects varied with the presence or absence of ARDS, defined by a value of 200
mm Hg or less for the ratio of partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen concentration (P = .02 for
interaction). In patients with ARDS (n = 1892), there were 324 hospital deaths (34.1%) in the higher PEEP group
and 368 (39.1%) in the lower PEEP group (adjusted RR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.81-1.00; P = .049); in patients without ARDS
(n = 404), there were 50 hospital deaths (27.2%) in the higher PEEP group and 44 (19.4%) in the lower PEEP group
(adjusted RR, 1.37; 95% CI, 0.98-1.92; P = .07). Rates of pneumothorax and vasopressor use were similar.
Treatment with higher vs lower levels of PEEP was not associated with improved hospital survival. However, higher
levels were associated with improved survival among the subgroup of patients with ARDS (severe cases).
Improves mortality:
Low Tidal volume strategy.
Cisatracurium only in very severe ARDS
Prone Position only in very severe ARDS
High PEEP only in very severe ARDS
Transfer to ECMO facility????
Steroids before day 14????
4-Supportive management (excluding mech.
vent.). Approaches to therapy and prevention.