The Impact of Leadership On Organizational Performance
The Impact of Leadership On Organizational Performance
The Impact of Leadership On Organizational Performance
Raluca-Elena HURDUZEU
Faculty of International Business and Economics,
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Transformational leadership
Organizational performance
JEL Classification
L 20, L 25, M 10
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume III, Issue 1 (7) / 2015
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume III, Issue 1 (7) / 2015
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume III, Issue 1 (7) / 2015
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SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume III, Issue 1 (7) / 2015
SEA - Practical Application of Science
Volume III, Issue 1 (7) / 2015