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The Supply Chain of The IKEA Company

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 1170

ISSN 2229-5518

The Supply Chain of the IKEA Company

Hamad Mohammed Abouhenidi
Abstract This Research is based on the supply chain of the IKEA Company, which is the largest retailer company, which deals
with the furniture appliance. IKEA Company have the strong and larger supply chain system in the world but due to the supplier
issues, IKEA Company faced many problems because suppliers are the backbone of any organization and they provide their good
and service at the international level. With the help of international logistic which deal with the inflow and out flow of the IKEA
Company product and with the help of supply chain management we can collaborate with the suppliers and solve the problem of the
IKEA Company (Jonsson, 2012).

based on the effective supply chain of the good. for

I KEA is retailer companies, which deal with the the effectiveness companies have to pay money for
designing and selling of the ready to assembly the update of technology as well as linked all the
furniture and belong to the Swedish country. It is function with supply chain because if one function
world largest furniture selling company and have of the organization changed then the whole system
the name at international level will be disturbed and the company will not be
achieved their targets Bozarth, C. (2013).The
The product line of IKEA Company effective management of the supply chain is based
on the maximum customers values as well as

sustainable competitive advantage. The maximum
Furniture appliance
customer value can be achieved though analyzing
Bookcase ranges
the demand of the customers that what they have
Curtain accessories
demand related to the products and how can an
Children items
organization fulfill the demand of the customers. If
Bathrooms articles
the company will successful by analyzing the
Home accessories
demand of the customer then they can get the
Kitchen articles
maximum customer values. Other is sustainable
Upholstered furniture
competitive advantage, its means retain the
customer for a lifetime and understand their
These are the product line of the IKEA Company. demand related to the innovation and delivery of
Based on this product line IKEA collect the greatest the product then a company gets the sustainable
revenue as well as famous at the international level competitive advantage which give the value to the
due to their quality product. Supply chain is a organization. See diagram number 1.
process which deal and run the whole organization
function in a chain and the flow of the good is
depend upon the supply chain that how to use the
raw material then process it and the main thing
how much produced for the delivery of the good. The main issues and the problem of the IKEA
Supply chain is the mixture of the both science and Company is the supplier selection because they do
arts subjects. In science, scientifically calculate the not supply the goods in an effective and all the
advantage, disadvantage and the quantity of the thing is done due to lack of collaboration and
goods, which tell about the network, and the flow coordination. If there is good collaboration and the
of the goods. Supply chain analyzes the market coordination among all the partners of the
demand related to the products and then starts the company then they can easily deal with all the
production function according to the demand of function of the company as well as it improves the
the product. The concept of the supply chain based productivity of the IKEA Company.
on the two ideas one is produced the products and
reached to the end user which have the demand of Coordination in the traditional businesses
the product. Secondly, it is a long-term process of within the company its means that the
the organization because it linked with the all company should be coordinate outside the
function of the organization that is why for the company before staring any work for the
effectiveness and efficient production of the good organization. In addition, coordinate

IJSER 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 1171
ISSN 2229-5518

inside the traditional functions of the planning to make the outlet and design the
marketing, human resources, logistics, sales, product to meet the need of the customer. On the
production as procurement department of the other hand, IKEA Company follow the supply
company because without coordination a chain strategy that is build to stock in which the
company cannot create a chain within all customer segment is online and popular
function. In supply chain, the first condition is configuration and the product are based on small
to link all the function with each others. number of configuration designed for market with
Because without the coordination a company the large production size. Moreover, have the
cannot achieve their target of sustain able smooth production to cut the cost and have the
competitive advantage if coordination is stock due to mass distribution at multinational
strong then ultimately other department will level and planning horizon is medium due to
be linked with each other. change the production level with some little
On the other hand, the collaboration with modification Handfield, R. (2013).
partners in the non-core competency functions
and achieves synergy. In which firstly This strategy will be helpful for the IKEA
discussed about the coordination that how to Company because this supply chain strategy with
coordinate all the functions and after then all the attributes of this company and the leading
collaboration with the partner on the basis of time is also long from manufacturing to stocking
win-win situation means if one partner will be locations and short to customer location. This is the
win then the other partner ultimately will be major problem which IKEA Company facing now
win and get the benefit. The top management a days. See diagram number 2.
is liable to differentiate the customer segment

and handle the entire segment appropriately.
IKEA company use out-of- market supply
chain strategy, for the better utilization of the COMPANY STRUCTURE
product. However, the out of market strategy
is Limited local demand, minimal product The IKEA Company use the strategy of aligning
customization and high product value density. your supply chain strategies and your reward
That is why it create problem to meet the structures to achieve the sustainable competitive
demand on international level. Therefore, this advantage defined that the supply chain strategies,
strategy create hurdle in the way of dealing which are used by the company, must be link with
with international demand. so the IKEA the structure of the company. If the strategies will
company should used those policies which not match with the structure then the entire system
gives them to meet the demand at the both of the organization will be disturbed. The
level international and the domestic level strategies of the companies are the asset of the
because the company have the first right to company because the strategies are used by every
meet the demand of the domestic level then organization but how to manage that strategy and
think about the international level for the produce the maximum output is not the common
better export of the goods Bozarth, C. (2013). in all the organization for example. The IKEA
Company has the largest supply chain
management in the world according to the
2. STRATEGIES furniture appliance. In addition, prefer the
collaboration and coordination strategy before
2.1 Push based strategy doing any work. Therefore, if the strategy will not
match with the structure of the organization then it
The IKEA Company use the push based strategy to will create problem for the IKEA Company.
maintain the relationship with the customers as Because IKEA Company has flat structure in which
well as collaborate with all the partners and the they gives the preference to all the employees.
members of the IKEA Company. However, due to there are senior manager of all function and all
the supplies problem the relationship between a location that is why if they will aligning their
company and its customers is going to be loose strategy with the structure then IKEA Company
and demand uncertainty is high, the supply chain run smooth supply chain which helps for the
needs to be managed based on realized demand. inflow and out flow the material of IKEA
Therefore in push based strategy firstly we Company Antley, T. (2013).
analysis the need of the customer and the make
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 1172
ISSN 2229-5518

3. CONCLUSION management-education-entertainment-hotels-
The IKEA Company dealing with the largest
supply chain due to have the large business at the Bozarth, C. (2013). Operations and Supply Chain
international level related to the retailing of the Management. Retrieved March 5, 2014, from
furniture appliance and does the work on http://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-
customization. there are some points are more articles/article/inventory-fundamentals-
important for the IKEA company because without
the coordination, we cannot link the function and
without the collaboration we cannot satisfies their
Handfield, R. (2013). Trends and Strategies in
partners of the organization and the last thing the
supply chain strategies must matched with the Logistics and Supply Chain Management: An
organization structure. IKEA company should be Interview with Robert Handfield. Retrieved March
used the renewable recourses, which will cut the 5, 2014, from http://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-
cost of the company as well as provide the articles/article/trends-and-strategies-in-logistics-
products for the customers at the reasonable prices. and-supply-chain-management-an-interview
Use the sustainable practices, which help to
increase the value of the product and useful for Handfield, R. B. (2011). The Supply Chain IT
competitive advantage. However, this IKEA
Investment Enigma. Retrieved March 5, 2014, from

Company can control the problem related to the
supply of the good and deal with the international http://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles
along with the dealing of the domestic level
Jonsson, P. (2012). Global supply chain planning at
(Jonsson, 2012).
IKEA. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from
4. BIBLIOGRAPHY 768_Global_supply_chain_planning_at_IKEA
Antley, T. (2013). Sustainable Supply Chain
Management. Retrieved March 5, 2014, from

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