19. m 78 e 56 = 50
which of the statements are sufficient (E) None of these m @ 7 # 13 = ?
to answer the question. Choose your
answer accordingly. 15. How many children are there in (A) 560
the class ? (B) 56
11. Among P, T, J, F and L who
I. Saurabh is fifth from the top (C) 280
scored the highest ?
if arranged in descending
I. P scored less than J and F. (D) Cannot be determined
order of marks.
II. T scored more than F but (E) None of these
II. Sulabha who is ten ranks
less than L. 20. b $ 15 18 = 42
below Saurabh is 25 th from
III. J has not scored the highest. the bottom. b 36 % 9 = ?
(A) Only I and II III. Jatin is four ranks above (A) 12 (B) 16
(B) Only I and III Sulabha. (C) 20 (D) 18
(C) Only II and either I or III (A) Only I and III (E) None of these
(D) Only I and either II or III (B) Only II and III
Directions(Q. 21 to 25) In each
(E) All I, II and III (C) Only I and II
of the following questions, a group of
12. Pillar P is in which direction (D) Any two of three
letters is to be coded by number/
with respect to pillar Q ? (E) None of these symbol codes as per the codes given
I. Pillar M is to the East of Directions(Q. 16 to 20) In a below and the conditions that follow.
pillar T which is to the certain instruction system the dif- In each question, a group of letters is
South of pillar Q. ferent computation processes are given followed by groups of number/
II. Pillar P is to the North of written as follows : symbol code lettered (A), (B), (C) and
pillar M. (i) x @ y # z means x is (D). The correct combination of codes
III. Pillar R is to the North of multiplied by the sum of y is your answer. If none of the four
pillar P and to the East of and z.
combinations is correct, your answer
pillar Q. (ii) x y % z means y is divided is (E), i.e. None of these.
(A) Only I and II by z and the resultant is
added to square of x. Letter : PDAFIHMRKTBEU
(B) Only I and III
(iii) x $ y z means z is sub- Number/Symbol Code :
(C) Only II and either I or III
tracted from the product of 3 6 # 8 $ 4 2 7 @ 9 5 1 %
(D) Only III x and y Conditions :
(E) All I, II and III
(iv) x y e z means z is (i) If the first letter is a vowel
13. What is the code for adequate subtracted from y and the and the last letter is a
in a code language ? resultant is added to x. consonant, both are to be
I. In the code language, rain- In each of the following ques- coded as 0.
fall is adequate is written as tions, a set of instruction sequence is (ii) If the first letter is a con-
vo al ji. given. You are required to find out sonant and the last letter is a
II. In the code language, food the outcome which should come in vowel, both are to be coded
is adequate is written as vo place of the question mark (?) in each as .
ji fa. of the given sets of sequence.
III. In the code language, food (iii) If the first as well as the last
16. 13 @ 4 # 3 = p letter are vowels, both are to
is delicious is written as fa
p $ 5 55 = ? be coded as the code for
vo re.
(A) 45 (B) 75 first letter.
(A) Only I and III
(C) 340 (D) 400 21. KEDURT
(B) Only II and III
(E) None of these (A) @16%7@ (B) 916%7@
(C) Only I and II
(D) All I, II and III 17. 5 49 % 7 = a (C) 916%79 (D) @16$79
(E) None of these
(E) None of these a 87 e 29 = ?
(A) 118 (B) 108 22. EDRTMP
14. How is Sanjeev related to Radha ?
(C) 98 (D) 80 (A) 167923 (B) 167921
I. Sanjeev is son of Radhas
grandfathers only daughter. (E) None of these (C) 067920 (D) 067923
II. Sanjeev has no siblings. 18. 17 $ 4 8 = t (E) None of these
III. Radha has only one brother. 7 t % 15 = ? 23. FHRAMU
(A) Only I and II (A) 11 (B) 53 (A) 847#28 (B) %47#28
(B) Only I and III (C) 13 (D) 51 (C) 847#2% (D) 47#2
(C) Only II and III (E) None of these (E) None of these