Kleinman PDF
Kleinman PDF
Kleinman PDF
2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
University of Buffalo, School of Architecture, Hayes Hall 112A, 3435 Main Street, NY 14214
Buffalo U.S.A. (E-mail: kfk2@design.ap.buffalo.edu)
Lords future heirs, who charge that the patriarch has lost his mind (and
their inheritance) suggests that the distinction between the artifact and the
document is blurred at considerable risk.
However, the distinction between built work and its representations
is more than a matter of convenience. For architects and for archivists,
built work evidences several fundamental deficiencies, and collecting and
preserving its representations is a project aimed at compensating for a lack.
This lack is not subtle and singular but glaring and multifaceted. Most
obvious is architectures inextricable relationship with change. Architecture
of the built environment ages and weathers, is subject to quotidian appropri-
ation, is modified by changing needs, and is part of a dynamic that resists
steady state descriptors. Built works always offer more dimensions than any
notion of original conception can contain. It is unruly in this respect, unres-
trained. Furthermore, built work is hardly ever a totalized, authored product;
built work has no privileged condition of finality or origin. Buildings are
products of forces and persons rather than unmediated individual inspiration
and unmediated preconception, and buildings become more mediated as they
leave the drafting room and enter the physical world. Built work is subject
to radical reconstruction socially and iconographically without changing a
single brick, and yet built work can conceivably be replicated ad infinitum
through complete reconstruction using originally specified components. Most
every built work is itself a reproduction, made of reproducible and inter-
changeable components. In short, built work has a troubled relationship to
questions of originality.
The architectural archive promises to stabilize architecture; this is the
archives task and gift. The archive confers a Benjaminian aura of originality
on artifacts that are at risk of becoming mere commodities, and allows the
conceit of authorship to gain a plausible foothold. Proximity to the creative
moment operates as a value in the archive, but significantly less so in the
built artifact; a Mies drawing, but not a Mies building, is understood as an
original (thus a reconstruction of a Mies building is not seen as problem-
atic as long as the materials used are accurate replicas, while reproducing a
Mies drawing is regardless of the authenticity of the materials used). As an
institution that arrests temporality, the archive effectively creates a parallel
discipline to built architecture, a discipline that has as its center of gravity
precisely those attributes that built work can never offer. Noble and heroic, it
is the archive that offers the fundamental means of reclaiming architectures
purity. In other words, the archive is less a record of the genesis of built or
projected work as it is a supplement for the qualities that the built work will
inevitably lack.
1 Beatrix Colomina, Mies Not, in Detlef Mertins (ed.), The Presence of Mies (New York:
Princeton Architectural Press, 1994), pp. 193222.
2 Roland Barthes, The Death of the Author, Image, Music, Text (New York: Hill and
Wang, 1977), 146 pp.
John Ruskin to write . . . how many pages of doubtful record might we not
often spare, for a few stones left upon another!3
These two worlds are often separate, but not always. At moments, admit-
tedly rare, an effort is launched to bring them together, to slide the architecture
of the archive over the architecture of the built environment and to bring
the built work into conformity with its archival double. As the worlds are
typically distant from one another, the effort required to undo or reverse this
distance (or to prevent distance from occurring in the case of new construc-
tion) is monumental. In particular, I am referring here to large restoration
projects, although the same observations apply to modest works of historic
preservation. In both cases, a state of fixity is desired that is inherently foreign
to the built fabric of the world. The product of this desire can be defined
as an architectural monument, wherein the gap between the archive and the
building is closed, and architecture becomes an archive of itself.
Such products are common features of the cultural landscape: Falling
Waters by Frank Lloyd Wright, Jeffersons Monticello, the Villa Savoy by Le
Corbusier, to name a few. It is important to note that such archived archi-
tectures live highly artificial lives and that decisions regarding the nature
of these lives are deeply implicated in the fabrication of national, local,
and discipline-specific mythologies. As suggested in the opening paragraph,
archiving buildings is also a costly affair, and such projects almost always
bear the imprint of economic and political power interests often operating
under the umbrella of heritage tourism. A case in point is the current effort
in Buffalo, New York, to restore an early and mammoth residential complex
designed by Wright in 1904, the Darwin D. Martin House. The restoration
project, estimated to exceed 25 million dollars, involves a series of monu-
mental undoings, including: buying back parcels of the original site that had
been subdivided; fabricating pieces of furniture to replace missing originals
that are now far to expensive to purchase; fabricating new bricks to match
the original stones and cleaning the old bricks to look as they did when new;
imploding a three story apartment building erected in the 1960s in the middle
of the original complex; and erasing an original Wright window remodeling
done at the insistence of Mrs. Martin who could not see in her bedroom due
to lack of adequate fenestration. Guiding this work are the extensive Martin
House archives at the University of Buffalo. But the impetus for the work
lies elsewhere: at an estimated $200/day spent by the typical cultural tourist
(versus $90/day spent by the leisure tourist), the Martin House Restoration
Corporation anticipates bringing $20 million dollars annually to Buffalos
3 John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
1981), 169 pp.
struction, and a parallel archival version emerged from the process that ipso
facto certified the veracity of the restoration effort.
Or did it? Is it possible that the very proximity of the archival and built
version of Villa Mller produced a fraudulent work? Is it possible that in
the process of restoring the building to an original state it became less and
less authentic, that this painstaking process of seamlessly superimposing the
archival on the built inadvertently conflated two incompatible architectural
conceptions? Could it be that architecture needs to be immunized against its
archival double rather than nourished by it, that the archival impulse was a
motive foreign to this architecture?
Loos himself made certain that the answers to these questions would be
in the affirmative. In addition to designing buildings, the architect produced
a prodigious and influential body of critical essays, texts that have influenced
the field even more profoundly than his buildings. And Loos was motivated
by one issue more than any other, namely that of originality in architecture.
The thread though all his written work is an assault on all those who inap-
propriately sought to infuse use-objects with an authorial voice. His favorite
targets for critique were the members of the Wiener Werkbund: Josef Hoff-
mann, Henry van der Velde, and Josef Olbrich in particular. His credo was
simple, or at least simply stated:
Alle . . . unzeitgemen arbeiten waren von knstlern und architekten
geraten waren, whrend die arbeiten, die zeitgem waren, von
handwerkern geschaffen wurden, denen der architekt noch keine entwrfe
lieferte. . . . Fr mich stand der satz fest: wollt ihr ein zeitgemes
handwerk haben, . . . so vergiftet die architekten.
all . . . works that are inappropriate for our time were the products of
craftsmen who relied on the advice of artists and architects, whereas those
works that are in the spirit of the times were made by craftsmen who had
not received designs from an architect. . . . For me one thing was certain:
if you want products appropriate for their era, . . . poison the architects.9
vernacular wooden saltshaker, published the year of his death.11 Loos expli-
citly parodies the quest for originally in his 1900 fable Von einem armen,
reichen Man (The Poor Little Rich Man) in which a battle is staged
between what might be termed the authentic (time-tested, utilitarian objects
and environments integrated with lifes dramas) and the obsessively original.
The poor rich man is reduced to misery by an environment in which even the
slippers are matched to the decor. Twenty years later, in a moving obituary to
the furniture maker Joseph Viellich, he expressly advocates the culture of the
well-chosen copy: jede handwerkliche leistung ist kopie (every work of
craftsmanship is a copy) over the cult of nervous inventiveness: nur unter
narren verlangt jeder nach seiner eignen kappe (only among dunces does
everyone demand their own personalized cap).12
The originality that Loos so detested was not that of creative genius per
se; it was that of creative genius romping in the wrong field. For Loos, archi-
tecture was the wrong field; in fact, the appropriate domain for authorial
invention was limited to one domain only, namely art, and one of Looss
lasting contributions to 20th century theory was to divorce architecture and
art, absolutely.
As even this cursory review suggests, the name Adolf Loos and the issue
of originality in works of architecture are inextricably intertwined. And this
brings us back to the restored villa in Prague, and by extension, to the act
of archiving architecture in general. For the weight of the architects texts
make one conclusion immediately clear and inescapable: the restored Villa
Mller is no longer a house. It is not even architecture, certainly not a Loos.
It has undergone an ontological shift. It has instead all the trappings of an
oxymoron: an original Loos.
Worse still, it has become a work of art. We know that the villa is aspiring
to the status of art for the following reason: we can no longer touch it. This
precondition for art is taken from Karl Kraus via Walter Benjamin. According
to Benjamin, Kraus noted that
On reading the words with which Goethe censures the way the Philistine,
and thus many an art connoisseur, run their fingers over engravings and
reliefs, the revelation came to [Loos] that what may be touched cannot be
a work of art, and that a work of art must be out of reach.13
11 Adolf Loos, Vom Nachsalzen in Die Potemkinsche Stadt (Vienna: Georg Prachner
Verlag, 1983), 231 pp.
12 Adolf Loos, Joseph Veillich in Trotzdem (Vienna: Georg Prachner Verlag, 1982),
216 pp.
13 Walter Benjamin, Karl Kraus in Peter Demetz (ed.), Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms,
Autobiographical Writings (New York: Schocken Books, 1986), pp. 240241.
Loos himself does not, to my knowledge, credit Goethe with this obser-
vation, but a kind of haptic test does ground both Looss and Krauss
confidence in the categorical distinction between objects of use and works
of art. Benjamin took up this theme of arts inherent distance explicitly in
his 1936 essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.
In his discussion on what brings about the decay of the aura of a work
of art, Benjamin cites the publics insatiable desire for proximity. Every
day the urge grows stronger to get hold of an object at very close range
by way of its likeness . . ..14 This desire to touch fulfills itself only when
the artwork is within grasp, namely through its reproduction, which in turn
destroys the works aura. One of the things that we appropriate in this manner
is architecture, which we apprehend in a distracted manner, by habit, by
use, and by touch. Such appropriation cannot be understood in terms of
the attentive concentration of a tourist before a famous building, Benjamin
notes.15 Tactile appropriation is accomplished not so much by attention as
by habit. . . . The public is an examiner, but an absent-minded one.16
Loos embraced this distracted examiner; one might say he valorized this
character well before Benjamin theorized him. The core of so many of Looss
tales swirl around the fate of those who experience the world haptically, at
close range: Joseph Veillich, the chair maker; the poor rich man whose fall
from happiness coincides with the moment when he is forbidden to touch
anything in his home without his architects approval; the happy owner (Loos
himself) of a desk whose ink stains and scratches and other signs of wear
produce a sentimental reverie; and the saddle maker, who cannot match the
artistic fantasies of the design professor because he, the saddle maker, has
actually handled leather. Saddles, desks, rooms, objects of use in general are
there to be touched. At the risk of being branded an essentialist a risk that
bothered Looss generation not at all one can say that this is a categorical
To deny touch to original archival material is fundamental to the
archives mission. To deny touch to the villa is to transform it, not only
categorically, but also critically. We now pass through the halls of the villa, we
gaze out onto the restored living room, we admire the extraordinary tableau,
and we ask ourselves: if this work is now no longer to be appropriated in
the manner Loos considered natural to architecture, just what kind of appro-
priation is appropriate? And because we are presented with a building as
14 Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction in Hannah
Arendt (ed.), Illuminations: Essays and Reflections (New York: Schocken Books, 1968),
p. 223.
15 Ibid., p. 240.
16 Ibid., pp. 240241.
proper is Adolf Loos. But one can argue against this allocation of legitimizing
power just as Loos implicitly argued against the legitimizing power of the
architectural archive. One can argue that it is not so much Loos who is being
represented by this project but the nascent Czech Republic, with its laudable
mission to democratize access to this and many other landmark structures
previously off-limits, a government eager to prevent the appearance of any
privileged group profiting from public expenditure, and certainly a govern-
ment anxious to demonstrate that it is protecting the publics investment by
encapsulating it. The story that is being constructed with this restoration
can also be understood as a precise undoing, a surgical negation, of the
villas status between 1968 and 1989, when it was occupied and controlled
by the Marxist-Leninist Institute of Czechoslovakia (a condition that clearly
fell outside the archival conception of originality). Certainly, when the first
wave of visitors tour the restored villa, the ghost of Villa Mllers immediate
political past will be as present as that of its architect. In short, one can
observe that works of great prominence inevitably enter into the represent-
ational machinery that turns out the building blocks of societys self-image,
namely monuments. And the final word is, of course, that the Villa Mller is
no exception.