China Daily 17-10-206
China Daily 17-10-206
China Daily 17-10-206
Astronauts launching
record-setting mission
in emerging economies
about the launch at a news and engineering experi- two cabins with separate
conference in the Jiuquan ments, she said. functions. The experiment
center on Sunday. Before Shenzhou XI, China cabin will be hermetically
The spacecraft will travel had launched five Shenzhou sealed and will serve as the
two days before docking with spacecraft and 10 astronauts. astronauts living quarters,
Tiangong II. The astronauts The nations first astronaut, while the resource cabin will
will remain in the space lab Yang Liwei, was carried aloft
Rising protectionism, anti-globalism President Michel Temer, Rus-
sian President Vladimir Putin,
At their meeting on the G20s
sidelines, Xi said BRICS mem-
for 30 days, making it the by Shenzhou V in 2003. Yang SEE SHENZHOU PAGE 3
BRICS countries whose Xi spoke during the meeting BRICS next year. formance of emerging econo- n a recent Satur- Master of global media and communications
leaders met over the weekend in Indias southwestern Goa Foreign Minister Wang Yi mies remains far better than day morning in Fudan University in Shanghai and London School
in India have slowed given state. The two-day summit said at a news briefing that Xis that of developed countries. Beijing, Win Tin, of Economics and Political Science
the deep adjustments and concluded Sunday. speech was hailed by the lead- Since the recovery of the 66, a veteran jour- Applicants: College graduates interested in Chinese and
challenges in the world econo- Xi noted that establishment ers at the summit. global economy after the 2008 nalist from Myanmar, was global media
my, Xi noted in a meeting with of the blocs New Development The Goa Declaration issued financial crisis, the BRICS enthralled by a lecture at the Duration: Two years, first year at LSE, second year at Fudan
business executives. Bank is an important fruit of at the summits conclusion countries have contributed Communication University Expense: 19,344 pounds ($23,580) for LSE, 80,000 yuan
Among the challenges cited their cooperation, and China included some points of con- more than 50 percent of global of China on setting up a digi- ($11,890) for Fudan
by Xi were the rising threat of will support the banks work to sensus the five leaders reached economic growth, he said. tal studio, from floor layouts
protectionism and growing make its first group of projects during the summit of the G20 to overhead light tempera- Bachelor of international journalism
anti-globalization sentiment. successful. major economies in Contact the writers at tures to software. Jinan University in Guangzhou, Guangdong province
Still, Xi said, The BRICS Along with Xi, Brazilian Hangzhou last month, he said. Two months ago, Tin, Applicants: International students interested in
with 25 years of experience Chinese and global media
in journalism, started an Duration: Four years at Jinan University
online news outlet, North- Expense: 3,000 euros ($3,290) per year
MUSIC ern Light Media, but real-
ized he knew little about Masters in international multimedia journalism
Looking ahead
Hot topic
Events and stories coming up in the next few days
Court to hear celebrity divorce case menthocamphorate,a
A Beijing court will hear a celebrity divorce case tomorrow. In August, isbecomingpopularin
movie star Wang Baoqiang stunned the nation by publicly announcing Egyptfollowingits
that he was divorcing his wife Ma Rong over an alleged affair with his introduction byChinese
agent. Wang became popular with his debut role in the movie Blind travelers.Here,afew
Shaft. The divorce has triggered a nationwide debate on love, marriage peoplereflectonhow
and the moral and legal obligations of a couple. The case will be heard Chineseproductsare
by the Chaoyang District Peoples Court.
Monday, October 17, 2016
FOOD Briefly
Media: Graduates are doing significant work
Journalism education system FROM PAGE 1 Tsinghuas program often go
s China marks its Wu Changfeng cares for
third Poverty Allevi- three grandchildren because
ation Day on Oct 17, Tongren Hunan their parents are working in
the success of large cities. If it were not for
Tongren, a city in the south- Guizhou
the kindergarten, I would
western province of Guizhou, hardly have time to work on
in promoting preschool edu- our farm. Im looking after
cation in rural areas is being Yunnan Guangxi
three children, so I have to
hailed as a possible blueprint take them to the farm while I
for the eradication of poverty am working there, said the
and a means of preventing its 54-year-old, whose husband
reemergence. has also moved away for work.
Initiated in 2012 by the Chi- She said her 4-year-old
na Development Research granddaughter, Tang Hanji-
Foundation and Songtao Miao ang, who was taciturn and
autonomous county in rarely greeted visitors, has
Tongren, the Mountain Village become far more outgoing
Kindergarten project has since she started at the local
established 100 new facilities kindergarten.
in isolated areas, and has been
extended to cover the entire Rising enrollment
city. Last year, the enrollment
Under the project, the pro- rate in Tongrens rural kinder-
portion of villages with kin- gartens jumped to more than
dergartens has risen to 100 and the city government allo- 84 percent, from 45 percent in
percent from just 10 percent cates 300 yuan a year to every 2013. Although thats 9 percent
three years ago. More than child for teaching materials. higher than the national rate,
2,000 facilities have been built Long said every department the city government plans to
for preschoolers in Tongrens of the city government donates raise the number further by
rural areas, where seven of the thousands of yuan annually, upgrading all of the mountain
12 county-level regions have and they also actively seek village kindergartens.
been designated by the gov-
ernment as national-level pov-
We have seen great sponsorship from businesses.
Many kids in the rural are-
Long, from the citys educa-
tion commission, said that in
erty-stricken counties. improvements in as are left-behind children. the coming three years the
According to the China They are cared for by their facilities will be upgraded and
Development Research Foun- the childrens lin- grandparents, who are usually more fully qualified teachers
dation, preschool education is poorly educated and unable to will be employed. She is also
key to a students learning and guistic skills, cog- do much for them. We have drafting a plan to provide every
skill-adaptation abilities, seen great improvements in child with a free simple lunch.
because about 50 percent of nitive competence the childrens linguistic skills, It will take about 20 years for
intelligence development is cognitive competence and the full impact of the project to
completed before the age of 4. and memory memory capacity since they be seen, but education is an
The foundation said interna-
tional calculations suggest
capacity since they entered the kindergartens,
she added.
important way of eradicating
poverty, according to Long.
that every investment of $1 in
preschool education results in
entered the kinder- According to tests conduct-
ed by East China Normal Uni-
In poverty-stricken areas
such as Tongren, its key for peo-
a social return of $17. gartens. versity in Tongren, after ple to make their way to colleg-
spending a year to 18 months es or universities to eradicate
Building for the future Long Lihong, director at a kindergarten, language poverty. In addition to occupa-
More than 70 percent of of the Tongren City Top: Shi Jiahui, 3, eats lunch at the Houzhai Village Kindergarten in Tongren, Guizhou province. competence in children ages 4 tional and compulsory educa-
Tongrens 4.27 million people Education Commission Above: Children take a post-lunch nap at the Muziping Village Kindergarten in Tongren. to 5 improves by 23 percent, tion, importance should also be
are members of 29 ethnic PHOTOS BY HOU LIQIANG / CHINA DAILY while cognitive competence is attached to preschool learning,
groups, including the Tujia, 27 percent better and memory so we can build up the talent
the Miao and the Dong peo- dergartens, most of the facili- and operating them is about whose parents are migrant school classrooms, and almost capacity rises by 34 percent. pool and save future genera-
ples. In 2013, the average per ties are located in disused 18, 000 yuan, she said. workers take a midday nap. all the toys are made from tions from poverty, she said.
capita income for farmers in primary school classrooms, vil- In Houzhai village, the kin- Gao Xiulong, the headmas- locally grown bamboo. Behavioral changes
the city was 5,397 yuan ($803), lage committee offices or hous- dergarten is based in three dis- ter, said two broken basketball Tongrens total revenue was The childrens behavior and Contact the writer at
40 percent lower than the es, according to Long Lihong, used primary school stands have been made into a 37.88 billion yuan from 2011 to hygiene have also improved. houliqiang@
national level that year. director of the Tongren City classrooms. Two of them are swing and several table tennis last year, and since 2012, the Long Jiawei, 4, and her sister
Now, the authorities are Education Commission. used for educational purposes, tables now serve as drawing city government has allocated Long Jiali, 6, have lived with
hoping that Tongrens success- Under the program, kinder- while the other serves as a boards. Some of the childrens 5 percent of its annual admin- their grandmother, Shi Qingji-
ful completion of a huge gartens were built in every sleeping room where the kin- toys are made from discarded istrative budget to the kinder- ao, since last year, when their Online
project, despite a limited bud- area where it could be guaran- dergartens 27 preschoolers tires. garten project. District parents moved east to Zheji- See more by
get, will provide a template for teed that more than 10 chil- mostly left-behind children The kindergarten in Muzi- governments are given 10,000 ang province for work. Shi has scanning the
other poverty-stricken areas. dren would enroll, and the from a nearby 1,400-strong ping village, in the Wanshan yuan for every facility they rheumatism, and the 75-year- code.
Instead of building new kin- average cost of transforming Miao ethnic community, district, was also once primary establish in the mountains, old said all she can do for the
Daughter refuses
to meet father
eral fire trucks were
dispatched to deal with the
blaze. No deaths or injuries
were reported, but the apart-
senger. When the driver heard
the senior call for help, he
immediately closed the bus
doors and drove after the thief.
University installs system
ment involved was seriously
damaged. An investigation
suggested that the fire
er being taken home, she
As the bus closed in on the
fleeing thief, a number of pas-
sengers leapt off and appre-
to make sure students run
occurred after a tenant left her hended him.
returned to the expressway
hair dryer plugged in when QINGDAO DAILY By LI WENFANG This mighty running device
the following morning. The
she went to work during a in Guangzhou does not affect me. This pro-
old woman promised not to
power outage. The power SICHUAN gram is fun, though.
arrive in the expressway for
returned shortly after her Self-slap teacher Guo Junjie, who majors in
An ill father who undertook a departure, causing the device
exercise after traffic police fol-
lowed her to her home a week
A university in Guangdong We hope that marketing, said: One kilome-
rail journey of more than 50 to overheat. asked to apologize province requires first and sec- ter twice a week is not a big
hours to visit his daughter had
later and asked her daughter
The education department in ond year students to run twice a students build the deal. But I am exhausted after
to help persuade the old wom-
to stay at a care center for Guangan city has ordered a week, and it recently installed ball games, he said, referring
migrant workers after he failed
an to abide by the traffic rules.
teacher to apologize to seven electronic devices to check.
healthy habit of to basketball and soccer. Not
to contact her. Shi Zhijun, 56,
who traveled from Urumqi in
students and their parents aft-
er she forced the students to
Students at Dongguan Uni-
versity of Technology must
exercising every much energy left for running.
The average fitness level of
the Xinjiang Uygur autono- SHANDONG
Woman held
kneel in the classroom and slap
themselves in the face for fail-
scan a card at a special post on day. Running bene- primary and secondary school
mous region to Guangzhou on one side of a running track, students in China had
Sept 25, said his daughters over deception ing to complete their English then input a personal student fits them a lot. improved slightly after years of
mobile phone was off, so he YANTZE EVENING NEWS homework on time. Huang ID number and take a mug decline, but that of college stu-
Xiao Li, a 25-year-old woman,
was unable to talk with her. He Xinghua, 50, a teacher at Dai- shot to sign in. They must scan Xing Honglin, director of physi- dents continues to worsen,
who pretended to be four sep-
stayed at a hotel for four days shi Junior High School in the the card again at a post on the cal education at Dongguan Uni- according to the national
Man harasses arate people to defraud a fel-
before approaching the citys Qianfeng district, admit- opposite side of the loop to versity of Technology Annual Report on Develop-
low villager, surnamed Li, of
migrant worker center for help hotline operators more than 210,000 yuan
ted that her actions were record their time. ment of Youth Sports.
after spending almost all his A man who dialed a local wrong and promised not to The surveillance system, start running and some The report was jointly
($31,818), has been detained
money, and staying there for a police hotline more than 100 administer corporal punish- installed for trial at the univer- breathe heavily after minimal released by the Youth Develop-
in Jiaxiang county. Xiao, who
further four days. Shis daugh- times to harass female opera- ments to her students. The sitys City College, is designed sports participation. ment Department of the Gen-
passed herself off as the
ter, a postgraduate, said she tors has been sentenced to 10 Qianfeng district education to enforce running quotas 1 Running is included in reg- eral Administration of Sport of
daughter of a senior official in
had asked her father not to vis- days in a detention house in department conducted an km for males and 800 meters ular physical education ses- China and Beijing Sport Uni-
Jining city, told Li that she
it, so she didnt meet him. Xuyi county. Zhang Qiang said investigation into the incident for females twice a week. sions, but some students versity in August last year.
could help her find a job in an
GUANGZHOU DAILY he was bored during a night before ordering her to apolo- The students are also evade the full requirement, Without mandatory PE
urban area. To win Lis trust,
shift at a local crab farm and gize. required to run at least 24 Xing said. classes, as required in primary
Xiao called her and then pre-
JIANGSU often phoned the 110 hotline WESTERN CHINA METROPOLIS DAILY times before the winter vaca- According to the national PE and secondary schools, Chi-
tended to be other people,
Man mistakes for fun. If a man answered, tion, meaning they need to run testing standard, male and nese college students take part
telling Li that she had been
Zhang would hang up imme- HENAN regularly, instead of meeting female students are tested for in sports much less than their
snake for burglar recruited by a company. Li
diately, but he used coarse and Woman squanders the distance quota with a 1-kilometer and 800-meter run- peers worldwide, partly
handed over a large sum of
A man, surnamed Wang, in abusive language if a woman handful of longer runs. ning. Considering the need to because of unhealthy lifestyles
money, but later realized that familys earnings
Nanjing mistook a water picked up. He was detained on This system doesnt require strengthen their cardiopulmo- and the lack of an athletic cul-
he had been the victim of
snake for a burglar when he Wednesday after police A woman who had squan- the students to run very fast or nary functions, we requested ture at universities, according
fraud and sought police help.
was woken at midnight on launched an investigation. dered more than 140,000 yuan too frequently. If a student the system last year, he said. to Gao Feng, vice-principal of
Oct 10. Wang was awoken by QINGDAO DAILY ($20,800) in a year was doesnt run regularly but com- To encourage running, the Beijing Sport University.
noises from the kitchen made YANGTZE EVENING NEWS recently driven from her home pletes all the mileage in one go, department is considering But the tracking system has
by the 1-meter-long snake and by her husband in Weihui the score will be invalid, said announcing the top runners its critics. Bi Yaxu, a teacher at
assumed he was being
Driver chases thief township, Xinxiang city. Ji Xing Honglin, director for every month and handing out Guangzhou Sport University,
robbed. When he realized his
Senior to stop 300 meters by bus Yujun said Xing Haixia had physical education at the uni- awards. described the device as con-
mistake, he called the police. walking on highway A thief who stole a backpack almost spent all the money he versity. Walking instead of run- We hope that students straining and unnecessary,
They alerted experts at a local A 70-year-old woman who on a bus was detained when had earned in the past year at ning will also invalidate the build the healthy habit of exer- although he acknowledged
zoo, who caught the snake. used to walk on a local the driver chased him for more a job outside the city and from exercise. cising every day, Xing said. that encouraging students to
MODERN EXPRESS expressway to exercise in the than 300 meters in the coastal selling grains. He also claimed The rule is meant to encour- Running benefits them a lot run is a good idea.
morning was finally persuad- city of Qingdao. The incident that Xing never did house- age students to love sports, after a whole day of classes. Students should be taught
ed to no longer do that by her took place along the citys No work and often left home dur- build up their bodies and Many people want to lose the fun of running. Some stu-
Hair dryer fire daughter in Nanjing. Every 622 bus route on Wednesday ing busy farming seasons. improve physical wellness, he weight. Actually running is the dents dont like it. If they are
causes traffic jam time when the old woman at about 7:30 pm, when the Local marriage mediators, said. best way. forced to run, they may rebel
A fire involving a hair dryer was stopped by traffic police, bus reached a stop. A young requested by Xing, abandoned In recent years, his depart- Li Jingzhuo, a student study- against it, he said.
caused a traffic jam at a busy she always refused to leave man quickly got off the bus their attempts to mediate ment has observed a lack of fit- ing investment and wealth
estate in Nanjings Qixia dis- the expressway, saying she and ran away after stealing the when they learned the truth. ness among younger students. management at the university, Huang Mengting contributed
trict on Tuesday morning. Sev- was not a jaywalker. Even aft- backpack of a 70-year-old pas- HENAN TV STATION Some get feel pain when they said: I like running, anyway. to this story.
8 Monday, October 17, 2016
China Daily
Ground water contamination
a pressing cause for concern
or residents in East and South China, the safe-
ty of their drinking water has become a big
concern, as the drinking water in 44 cities of
the 23 provinces in these regions has been
found to contain nitrosamine, according to a
report based on a three-year investigation by
the School of the Environment at Tsinghua
It is thought that nitrosamine may be a cause of cancer in
the human digestive system. One of the experts involved in the
study said that nitrosamine is quite like PM2.5, the particles
less than 2.5 microns in the air that are harmful to peoples res-
piratory systems.
Although further investigation is still needed to find out the
relationship between the chemical and stomach cancer or oth-
er cancers of the digestive system, the results of the study serve
as a reminder that much still needs to be done to make sure
that our water is safe to drink.
China has no standard for the amount of nitrosamine in its
drinking water. Some experts were quoted as saying that most
of the drinking water in China is within the required World
Health Organization standard when it comes to nitrosamine,
but if it is judged by the standard of the State of California in
the United States, the nitrosamine levels found in the drinking
water of the 44 cities are much more than is permitted.
What is particularly thought-provoking is the fact that the
highest levels of nitrosamine were found in the drinking water
of the economically developed Yangtze River Delta, where resi-
dents are wealthier and enjoy better living standards than in
other parts of the country.
This may be the price the country is paying for the lack of OPINION LINE
attention paid to checking the discharge of pollutants as the
Ikea is right to
economy boomed in the past more than three decades.
The report published by the study group emphasizes that New department will add teeth deny non-paying
to rules regulating chengguan
contamination of ground water is a pressing issue. It is quite
common for ground water to contain ammoniacal nitrogen,
nitrites and nitrates in areas around farmland and chemical customers access
Whether or not the nitrosamine found in drinking water
to restaurant
proves to be as harmful as the PM2.5 in the air, there is no notice confirming the setting up of an affiliated National Urban Management Supervision Bureau to guide A RESTAURANT in a Shanghai
reason for the central and local governments to drag their and supervise urban patrol officers, or chengguan, across the country. Southern Metropolis Daily com- store of the Swedish furniture giant
feet in their efforts to protect the ground water from being mented on Saturday: Ikea is now off-limits to those who
contaminated and treat the ground water that has already dont buy food. commented
been polluted. The newly established National Urban Manage- enforcing the law. This will now come to an end as on Saturday:
ment Supervision Bureau showcases the central gov- urban management enforcers will now be under
ernments determination to streamline urban stricter supervision. The move by the Ikea store is in fact
management nationwide. Four regions including According to the draft regulations on urban man- an overdue response to some elderly
Shanghai and neighboring Jiangsu province have set agement that aim to draw the boundaries for the Shanghai residents who use the res-
TO THE POINT up their own urban management offices and more are powers of urban patrol officers, what the temporary taurant to socialize every Tuesday and
expected to follow. officers are allowed to do is basically confined to aux- Thursday without buying anything.
Internet now the wealth creator The establishment of such a bureau has long been
called for. Urban management authorities at all levels
iliary jobs ranging from inspection and information
collection to dissuading people from committing
Their numbers sometimes exceed the
700-seat capacity of the restaurant and
are often assigned tasks that are supposed to be taken crimes. The local urban management departments they bring their own food and spend
he changing nature of how Chinas wealthiest people are care of by other departments, such as the environ- will now also face the legal consequences of any the whole day in the restaurant.
making their money, as shown by the Hurun Rich List mental protection bureaus and police. And their rou- excessive enforcement actions or wrongdoing on the They are not the only problem for
released on Thursday, offers a chance to understand the tine enforcement activities have faced numerous part of their officers. Ikea in China. People can often be seen
changing driver of the countrys economic growth over questions even challenges. Besides, the number of auxiliary officers is not to lying on the beds and sofas, making
the past few years. Among all, hiring a great number of urban patrol exceed the number of registered permanent officers themselves at home. Some even fall
According to Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief research- officers on temporary contracts is widely seen as and the number of temporary officers should gradu- sleep with their shoes on.
er of the Hurun Research Institute, 68 of Chinas 100 richest peo- the most disputable move, as it has resulted in seri- ally be reduced. The urban management authorities To expand in the Chinese market, the
ple were born after 1980 and most of them are internet ous clashes with unlicensed street vendors. The at all levels are also forbidden from using fines to Swedish furniture giant has made extra
entrepreneurs. temporarily hired and untrained officers are from pay their expenses, and their daily law enforcement efforts to design its shopping malls and
Since the report was first published in 1999, property tycoons time to time accused of using excessive force when activities should be recorded for future assessments. products to accommodate Chinese cus-
have dominated the list until now. With the red-hot development tomers. For instance, they are allowed a
of real estate over the following decade, all the top 10 richest peo- free coffee if they have Ikea member-
ple in China listed by the Hurun report were real estate develop- ship, which can be easily obtained with
ers. The golden decade the housing market experienced in China
justified this, but such kind of wealth concentration in the real
Well-known philanthropist must be investigated just a few clicks on the registration
estate sector also exposed some intrinsic problems in Chinas eco- To some extent, Ikeas desire to cre-
nomic structure. THE CONTROVERSIAL PHILANTHROPIST CHEN GUANGBIAO is reportedly suspected of forg- ate a customer-friendly shopping envi-
True, the rapid domestic economic growth driven by a boom- ing the death certificate of a shareholder of one of his companies in order to evade debt. Beijing News comment- ronment has backfired. Most Ikea
ing property sector considerably improved many peoples hous- ed on Saturday: stores now swarm with rude, loud peo-
ing conditions and boosted their wealth. However, the abnormal ple who care little about public decen-
development of the housing market has increased the difficulties Chen, a 48-year-old billionaire and president of some 170 forged seals in Chens company in Nan- cy. In comparison, domestic furniture
faced by low-income residents wanting to buy property. At the Jiangsu Huangpu Recycling Resources Co, reportedly jing, East Chinas Jiangsu province, which were furnishing stores seem to be less
same time, the siphon effect of the housing market has exacer- decided to shut down one of his companies after fail- allegedly used to sign contracts worth over 300 accommodating, as they would not
bated development imbalances among cities and the wealth gap ing to keep it afloat, and sought to avoid paying the million yuan ($45 million). However, they allow customers to actually sleep in a
between the rich and poor. This can also explain the countrys companys debts by faking the death of a shareholder refrained from disclosing any further information sample bed or sit in a restaurant with-
accelerated efforts to promote economic transformation and who is still alive. after more than half a year, fueling public suspi- out buying anything.
wean its economic development off excessive dependence on the That the shareholder Chen and his partners cions that Chen is above the law and immune from That explains why the Shanghai Ikea
housing market. claimed dead is still alive and well, suggests they pro- punishment. store issued the instruction aimed at
The latest list of the richest people in China seems to show the vided fake evidence in court. That, if confirmed, is Even if what he claimed is true that he had made getting rid of non-paying visitors, after
countrys efforts have achieved certain effects. That internet more than enough to hold the parties concerned donations of more than 2 billion yuan ($300 million) hearing complaints from paying cus-
entrepreneurs dominate the list of the 100 richest people to some accountable. It is time that the Nanjing police and helped more than 700,000 poor families by 2012 tomers. Of course, whether or not the
extent reflects the rise of the Internet Plus economy in China. launched an investigation. it is no excuse for breaking the law. Forgery and new rule will work remains to be seen.
Given that the internet industry is still developing and is incom- However, what has been equally striking is the providing fake evidence are a lot more serious and Meanwhile the demand of a place for
parable in size to the colossal property market, the country local polices silence over the many allegations damaging than his questionable charitable giving and elderly people to gather is surely a
should make efforts to promote the diversion of national wealth against Chen. Earlier this year, police discovered promotion stunts. business opportunity for someone.
to more small and medium-sized business operators.
China Daily
15 Huixin Dongjie Chaoyang, Beijing 100029
Targeted smog control
News: +86 (0) 10 6491-8366; research organizations such as Peking Univer- ties can identify the major pollution sources
Subscription: +86 400-699-0203; sity and the China Meteorological Adminis- and deal with them accordingly. It means
Advertisement: +86 (0) 10 6491-8631; tration. It is regarded as a pilot program for that only the major
Phone app: The Chemical Defense and Engineering the development of civil-military cooperation polluters, rather than
China Daily USA China Daily UK Institute of the Chinese Peoples Liberation in the field of air pollution control. all enterprises in an
1500 Broadway, Suite 2800, New 90 Cannon Street London EC4N 6HA Army recently released a national air quality In recent years, the air pollution has area, will have to be
York, NY 10036 +1 212 537 8888 +44 (0) 207 398 8270 forecasting and pollution-control decision- become more and more serious in China, shut down when making support system, which provides a new especially in the northern region. theres serious air pol-
China Daily Asia Pacific China Daily Africa weapon in the fight against smog. The new system can track the source of the lution. It will not only
China Daily Hong Kong P.O.Box 27281-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Known as NARS the system is based on the air pollution and calculate the contribution largely reduce the costs
Room 1818, Hing Wai Centre 7 Tin Wan +254 (0) 20 522 3498 (Nairobi) institutes research into nuclear and biochem- rate of every pollution source at any time in of air pollution control,
Praya Road Aberdeen, Hong Kong ical hazard forecasting and control. various regions. it will also guarantee
+852 2518 5111 The NARS system was developed by the Based on the statistics of the NARS sys- better air quality in a Scan it for institute in collaboration with scientific tem, the environmental protection authori- more efficient way. more hot words.
CHINA DAILY Monday, October 17, 2016 VIEWS 9
2016: the World Banks ingly live in fragile situations and belief, inequality between increase in inequality during this tion and progressive taxation. ast is East and West is
latest data show that since 1990 be part of marginalized groups time period, two others saw a simi- Key challenges ahead include fur- West and never the
nearly 1.1 billion people have that have traditionally not benefit- all people in the world lar decrease. Inequality is still far ther improving access to better twain shall meet Rud-
escaped extreme poverty. Chinas ted from policies and programs too high, though, and important jobs through further reforms in the yard Kipling famously
role in this global success story has that have worked for others so it
has declined consistently concerns remain around the con- household registration system, wrote, but a recent high level
been crucial: The country lifted will take deliberate policy action since 1990 driven in centration of wealth among those strengthening poverty data and the international conference in Frank-
730 million people out of extreme and new approaches to go the last at the top of income distribution. targeting of poverty programs on furt, Germany, is determined to
poverty over the same time period, miles toward 2030. large part by countries Income inequality in China seems the remaining poor who may be prove him wrong, at least with
due to impressive growth, and pol- Beyond poverty, many citizens such as China and India to have peaked, but more can be harder to reach, such as the elderly regards healthcare, by finding sci-
icies that favored the improve- and policymakers around the done to further its recent decline. and ethnic minorities, and improv- entifically-sound intersections
ments in incomes and livelihoods world are increasingly concerned catching up with richer Official statistics show that income ing targeting and depth of Chinas between Western medicine and
of the poorest. about income inequality. Reducing countries. inequality (using the Gini coeffi- main social safety net, dibao. traditional Chinese medicine. Its a
This success, however, is no high income inequality will, simply cient, the most common measure As we mark End Poverty Day task that, although not easy, could
cause for complacency. Worldwide put, be vital to ending extreme pov- of income inequality) declined 2016 in China, we can be proud of help cost-effectively promote
nearly 800 million people were still erty by 2030, the goal that the from 0.49 to 0.46 between 2008 the role that the country has patient health around the world
living on less than $1.90 a day in world community has committed inequality is also crucial for sus- and 2015, but remains considera- played in lifting hundreds of mil- while at the same time contribut-
2013, the most recent year for to as part of the United Nations taining the political support for the bly higher than it was 30 years ago. lions out of extreme poverty, while ing to the health of Chinas econo-
which we have global numbers. Sustainable Development Goals. measures countries need to take to China has set the ambitious goal being realistic about the challenges my and giving a boost to Chinas
This is unacceptable in a world in We cannot rely solely on economic generate the economic growth and of eliminating extreme poverty ahead. China will undoubtedly soft power.
which so many have so much. growth to get there. It will be cru- jobs that can lift people out of pov- during the period of its 13th Five- continue to drive global progress in The Silk Road Health Industry
According to official figures, in Chi- cial to ensure that growth benefits erty. Year Plan (2016-20). Already, the eliminating poverty, and has an Cooperation Forum brought togeth-
na, 55 million people were living in the poorest the most, and is able to Contrary to popular belief, ine- government has made important opportunity to show that more er experts from home and abroad to
poverty in 2015 so reductions in unlock opportunities for todays quality between all people in the strides in a number of areas identi- inclusive growth and better oppor- begin to turn todays problem into
poverty in China will continue to extreme poor to get better jobs, world has declined consistently fied by our researchers as essential tunities for its poorest citizens is tomorrows opportunity. Former
have a strong impact on the access better quality services, and since 1990 driven in large part to building poor peoples earnings, possible. Italian prime minister Massimo
worlds goal to end extreme pover- lay the foundations for the next by countries such as China and including early childhood develop- DAlema called it an extraordinary
ty by 2030. The road ahead will not generation to escape the confines India catching up with richer ment and nutrition, universal The author is the World Bank initiative to combine cultures and
be easy. More than half of the of extreme deprivation. Reducing countries. Even within-country health coverage, universal access to Country Director for China. economic cooperation.
Forum Chairman and former
Chinese minister of health, Zhang
Wenkang, set the tone by stating
ZHONG YUE that the European Union and Chi-
nese health industries can learn
No Japan-style bubble in Chinas house market from each other and find opportu-
nities for cooperation .
World Health Organization
Assistant Director-General Ren
Minghui, said that he saw great
n a bid to cool their red-hot prices or the exchange rate. promise in improving the worlds
property prices, Beijing, Around 1990, Japan chose to health through local production
Shanghai and Shenzhen, boost the yens appreciation and research and development of
and some major pro- through raising its interest rates medicines. He went on to say that
vincial capital cities across to attract the flow of foreign traditional medicine is a very
China successively intro- funds to Japan. But there is no important, but often underestimat-
duced measures to limit need to make such a comparison. ed resource that is the primary or
home buying from the Aside from its housing market only form of treatment for millions
end of September and being at a different development of people.
during the National Day stage from that of Japans at
holiday. that time, China has also
Those potential buyers adopted a different mone- World Health Organization
unable to enter the hous- tary policy from its neigh-
ing market because of bor. China is still in a cycle Assistant Director-General,
soaring prices, hope these of interest rate cuts and Ren Minghui, said ... tradi-
regulatory means will there is no possibility the
reverse the trajectory of government will raise rates. Chi- tional medicine is a very
home prices to an afforda- nas central bank has ruled out important, but often underes-
ble level. Some of those the possibility of the renminbis
who have bought homes, considerable depreciation, timated resource that is the
however, worry the meas- although it is expected to contin-
ures will shrink the value of ue on a steady downward trajec-
primary or only form of treat-
their property. tory to depreciate moderately ment for millions of people.
Undoubtedly, the adop- against the US dollar. A moderate
tion of the restrictive home depreciation of the renminbi is
buying measures by 19 cities, conducive to its ongoing econom-
most of them first-tier and sec- ic structural adjustments, given This was also so in China before
ond-tier cities, is a timely move that a weak renminbi will facili- the launch of reform and opening-
to curb speculation and reduce tate the countrys exports and up, which opened wide the gates for
rises. But many people are also thus leave more time for it to Western medicines to flood into
concerned the emergency brake make the necessary adjustments. China. Currently, China is the
put on these fast-rising housing CAI MENG / CHINA DAILY Some foreign media and orga- worlds second largest pharmaceuti-
markets will possibly cause home nizations have raised their fore- cal market with sales of $108 billion
prices to collapse as happened in casts for the growth of Chinas last year and a projected annual
Japan in the 1990s. However, migrants and speculative that one family could only buy cause the authorities to make gross domestic product in 2016. growth rate of over 9 percent. How-
such worries are unfounded. Chi- demand. two homes at most. timely policy adjustments. Thus Standard & Poors for instance ever, there has been no such recip-
na is in a different stage from Chinese people are prone to By introducing the restrictive the restrictive measures are tem- has raised its forecast from 6.4 rocal growth abroad with TCM
that of Japan when its property buying real estates, especially measures, the authorities are porary ones only and will not percent to 6.6 percent. That exports. In fact, some countries
bubble burst. Compared with the when prices climb, and specula- seeking to cool the overheated lead to a collapse in the housing means Chinas economic growth such as the United Kingdom have
interest rate adjustments Japan tive buying prevails when prices property market, not smash the market like the one in Japan in generally enjoys a relatively opti- made regulatory approval even
made to regulate its high realty are soaring. It is reported that current high home prices. So, the 1990s. mistic prospect this year, which more difficult.
prices, the restrictive measures among the couples in Shanghai most of these measures are main- However, many people are will undercut the possibility of a Buchang Pharma Chairman Zhao
formulated by China this time are who divorced during the past ly to curb speculative demand drawing comparisons to what drastic decline or collapse of its Buchang noted at the forum that
targeted at restraining specula- months when home prices in the rather than the demand for a first Japan did before the collapse of house prices. Chinese medicine is a treasure
tive demand in the cities where city were rising swiftly, nearly 40 home. Furthermore, any drastic its housing prices in the 1990s, house of ancient Chinese science,
housing prices are believed to be percent got a divorce for the pur- drop in home prices resulting and discussing whether the gov- The author is a FXTM analyst on with its own advantages in prevent-
rising as a result of the influx of pose of bypassing the local policy from these measures will likely ernment will protect property Chinese market. ing and curing diseases. Yet no TCM
treatment has been approved as a
drug in the West with the substan-
tial economic benefits this status
J I N YO N G M I N G confers. This is because TCM is
based on 5,000 years of tradition
US should support Beijing and Manila normalizing ties and anecdotal observations, while
Western medicine is based on
expensive clinical trials that can last
a decade. The major reasons that
healthcare costs rise significantly
hilippine President Rodri- ippines has not been able to gain ernment, the US will unlikely make a new pattern of big country rela- year after year are the R&D costs
go Dutertes four-day state substantial benefits from the arbi- a forcible response to the Philippi- tions, strengthening coastal guard and regulatory expenses for approv-
visit to China, scheduled to tration.
Dutertes government has nes policy change, theoretically and maritime cooperation and ing new medicines.
start on Tuesday, has At the same time, the signing of made clear its priority is to leaving space for Manila to adjust enhancing their interactions and So far no TCM compound has
drawn extensive attention from the a joint statement between the for- its previous pro-US diplomatic pol- security cooperation in the Asia- won regulatory approval in the
international community since it eign ministers of China and the improve domestic economic icy. Pacific region. West although several are in the
was made public. Association of Southeast Asian conditions and peoples liveli- Meanwhile, despite their diver- The Philippines has also shown pipeline. My takeaway from the
Dutertes government has made Nations on July 25 aimed at fully gences over the South China Sea, its intention to strengthen ties with forum is there needs to be more
clear its priority is to improve fulfilling the Declaration on the hoods, and it wants to take China and the US still engage in Japan in an attempt to strike a dip- concerted high-level collaborations.
domestic economic conditions and Conduct of Parties in the South advantage of Beijings Belt extensive cooperation, from UN lomatic balance and acquire more Health officials, healthcare profes-
peoples livelihoods, and it wants to China Sea, along with the guideline peacekeeping missions and fight- interests. Japans unconcealed sionals and public policy experts
take advantage of Beijings Belt and on setting up a high-level hotline and Road Initiative to help ing terrorism to efforts to curb the attempt to contain Chinas further should be tasked with finding com-
Road Initiative to help realize these for maritime emergencies and the realize these aims. proliferation of nuclear weapons development also leaves more plementary uses for TCM and West-
aims. joint statement on rules in the and mitigate the effects of climate space for Manila to pursue closer ern treatments, as well as
Duterte also wants to break the event of accidental encounters in change, not to mention their eco- political, diplomatic, security and identifying efficacious stand-alone
diplomatic impasse with China the South China Sea, passed by nomic collaboration and people-to- economic ties with Tokyo. TCM treatments.
over the South China Sea created China and the bloc at a summit on ed States. So, it is no surprise that people exchanges. In particular, Dutertes visit to China does not If developed countries balk, then
by former Philippine president Sept 7, also made the new Philip- the Philippines has attempted to the two countries have maintained constitute a part of the alleged at least in the interim, they should
Benigno Aquino III. From Jan 22, pine government aware that the review its agreement signed with unblocked dialogue channels and struggle between Beijing and establish reasonable standards to
2013 when the Aquino government South China Sea issue is not the the US on strengthened defense strengthened security and mari- Washington for Manila. A better allow TCM medicines to be sold,
unilaterally filed a case to an inter- full picture of ASEANs ties with cooperation and even demanded time cooperation, such as a memo- China-Philippine relationship is not necessarily as cures, but not
national tribunal on the Philippi- China. Any obstinate confrontation US troops withdraw from its terri- randum of understanding on essentially beneficial to the whole merely as nutritional supplements
nes territorial dispute with China with China, it believes, might cause tory. The words and actions of mutually reporting their signifi- Asia-Pacific region. For the sake of either.
in the South China Sea to July 12 the Philippines to lose some oppor- Duterte since being elected presi- cant military actions and a MOU regional peace and stability, the US TCM surely deserves better and
when the tribunal ruled on the case tunities it might otherwise take dent indicate that the new govern- on how they behave at time of mar- should support Beijing and Manila so do patients, hundreds of mil-
which was actually beyond its advantage of, including Chinas ment seems to be reconsidering itime and air encounters, both normalizing their ties. lions of them who have neither
jurisdiction the Chinese govern- booming outward investment. the Philippines previous diplomat- passed in November 2014. At the access to, nor money for, other
ment consistently made clear its Also, faced with changed inter- ic dependence on the US. However, G20 Hangzhou Summit in early The author is director of the China treatments.
non-acceptance, non-participa- national circumstances, the new the feasibility of this diplomatic September, Beijing and Washing- Ocean Strategy Studies Center at
tion and non-recognition of the Philippine government does not approach remains to be seen. Prior ton also reached consensuses on the Shanghai Academy of Social The author is advisor to Tsinghua
arbitration, which means the Phil- solely want to depend on the Unit- to the establishment of a new gov- such issues as the establishment of Sciences. University.
10 WORLD Monday, October 17, 2016 CHINA DAILY
PM reassures on smooth
build a wall on the border. The demand for these risk.
Rene Perez of the Puerto luxury items is just going This complete, systemat-
Rican reggaeton group Calle through the roof, said Chris ic slaughter of the species
13 appealed for US voters to Shepherd, from wildlife came virtually out of
pick the least worst candi- trade watchdog TRAFFIC. nowhere, Shepherd said. It
date, in a clear reference to In Asia, its really at a scale wasnt until 2011 that red
Democrat Hillary Clinton, and
closed the concert with the
song Latinoamerica in a pow-
erful duet with the Mexican
singer Lila Downs.
succession after funeral where species like the helmet-
ed hornbill are just being
completely decimated.
Poachers arent interested
in their brilliant plumage or
ivory first began showing up
on websites catering to buy-
ers in Asia and at high-end
wildlife markets along the
countrys borders, such as in
Downs, one of the most The crown prince opts to wait until after applied rigorously since a large bills, but a helmet-like Myanmar and Laos.
energetic performers of the military government took block of reddish-gold keratin By the close of 2015, the
evening, appealed to Latinos his fathers burial to ascend to the throne power in a 2014 coup, have at the front of the skulls species had progressed from
to prove that the community is left little room for public dis- known as a casque. vulnerable to critically
stronger than hate. By REUTERS involves the president of the cussion about the succes- Its this soft, ivory-like sub- endangered leapfrogging
Los Tigres del Norte, a top in Bangkok, Thailand legislature inviting him to sion. stance thats carved by two threat levels to the high-
act from the folksy Mexican- ascend the throne, can hap- Mourners dressed in black craftsmen into luxury orna- est possible risk category on
rooted genre of norteno Thailand has sought to dis- pen at any time before his cor- from across Thailand have ments, statues and jewelry the International Union for
music, opened the concert pel any concern about a royal onation. flocked to Bangkoks gilded trendy top-shelf trinkets that Conservation of Natures
poignantly with the song succession after Crown In the meantime, the head Grand Palace to pay homage have soared in value as red list.
Somos Mas Americanos, or Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn of the royal advisory council, to the only king most of them
We Are More American. said he would delay his ascen- a 96-year-old former army have ever known.
I didnt cross the border / sion to the throne while he chief and prime minister, Buddhist monks have been
The border crossed me, runs mourns his father, and the Prem Tinsulanonda, is stand- chanting prayers beside his
one of songs lyrics in Spanish, government stressed on Sun- ing in as regent. Above: Crown coffin in an imposing throne
a reference to the US seizure of day its was working as nor- The prince held an audi- Prince Maha Vaji- hall, and they will chant for
Mexican land in the 1840s. mal. ence with Prem and Prayuth ralongkorn. 100 days as part of the funeral
King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Saturday evening and Left: Prem Tin- rites.
died on Thursday after seven asked them to pass on his sulanonda, who Though the mood is som-
decades on the throne. He reassurance to the people, will be standing ber, and almost everyone is
was 88. Prayuth said. in as regent dressed in black, shopping
The crown prince has He asked the people not to FILE PHOTOS malls, markets, cinemas and
Migration is the requested that his succession be confused or worry about even some bars have been
be delayed for an unspecified the countrys administration the worlds longest-reigning open.
reason that were period, so he can grieve with or even about the succession, monarch, has long been Thailands battered stocks
the people, Prime Minister Prayuth said in a televised revered as a father figure recovered ground on Friday
here on this planet Prayuth Chan-ocha has said. address. and symbol of unity in a on hope for a smooth transi- Plainclothes police display a stuffed hornbill trophy seized
and the reason why The government has not
set a date for the royal crema-
He said at this time every-
one is sad, he is still sad, so
country rived by political cri-
ses over the years, most
tion and shares were likely to
rise again on Monday, said
from smugglers in Makassar, South Sulawesi province. The bird
is being hunted to extinction, according to wildlife officials. AFP
humanity has tion but a deputy prime min- every side should wait until recently by a power struggle Kasem Prunratanamala,
ister said the prince had we pass this sad time ... When between the military-led head of research at CIMB
survived. asked that it be held after a the religious ceremony and establishment and populist Securities.
year of mourning, and the funeral have passed for a political forces. The market should con-
Gael Garcia Bernal, Mexican coronation would take place while, then it will be an Many Thais worry about a tinue to rebound, he said.
actor, appearing with Latin musi-
cians at a border event
after the cremation.
The formal procedure for
appropriate time to proceed,
Prayuth said.
future without him.
Thailands strict lese-ma-
Nobody would dare do any-
thing that causes problems
UN trucks carrying food
While mostly consisting of
Latin artists, the concert also
him to become king, which King Bhumibol, who was jeste laws, which have been for the country.
looted as hunger spreads
drew Andra Day, the rising San
Diego-born soul singer and
protegee of Stevie Wonder.
Outside the music world,
Black is back as Thais mourn revered king By REUTERS
in Les Cayes, Haiti
ed, Our houses were
destroyed ... Help us!
Bans visit was a chance to
stars who appeared included Desperate Haitians pum- improve the UNs standing
the Mexican actor Gael Garcia By AGENCE FRANCE- employees to don black for at express our grief all day. meled by Hurricane Matthew among Haitians who protest-
Bernal, whose films include PRESSE in Bangkok, Thailand least a month. While royal occasions have looted United Nations trucks ed on Thursday against the
Babel and the TV series That has sent shoppers often brought uniformity on Saturday shortly before death of a motorcyclist in an
Mozart in the Jungle. On his birthday Thais wore rushing to snaffle up black from Thais, the realm of poli- UN Secretary-General Ban accident they blamed on
Migration is the reason yellow, when he got sick they garments from street vendors We want the world tics is defined by acrimony. Ki-moon arrived for a visit. blue-helmeted peacekeepers.
that were here on this planet put on pink, and now that and luxury malls who swiftly For the past decade Thai- The Category 4 hurricane It was also an opportunity
and the reason why humanity King Bhumibol Adulyadej replaced their stocks and to know our land has been torn apart tore through Haiti on Oct 4, for the South Korean to bur-
has survived, Garcia Bernal has passed away Bangkoks even their mannequins rivaling camps known by killing about 1,000 people nish his legacy at the world
told interviewer Jorge Ramos, streets have turned mono- with mourning attire.
feelings ... By their opposing colors: a popu- and leaving more than 1.4 body before his final term
the Univision anchor who has
entered tense exchanges in
chrome in an extraordinary
display of collective grief.
At a streetside stall at Pra-
tunam, a bustling wholesale
wearing the same list Red Shirt movement
and their foes a royalist
million in need of humani-
tarian aid, including 175,000
expires at year end. Bans ten-
ure has been tarnished by
covering Trump. The venerated monarch market in Bangkoks com- color shirts and elite-backed Yellow Shirt made homeless. The storm rape allegations in Central
The veteran Panamanian- died at the age of 88 on Thurs- mercial heart, Somporn Sri- group. also disrupted power, com- African Republic and a chol-
bornsingerMiguelBoseencour- day, plunging the nation into wichai is raking in more being united we The color-coded political munications and transport era epidemic in Haiti, both
aged viewers to vote on Nov 8. mourning and leaving a polit- money than she has in weeks tribes have staged repeated links. blamed on UN peacekeepers.
Were going to decide if we ically divided people bereft of selling T-shirts and polos for can express our rounds of mass protests over We will mobilize all the Cholera has stalked the
want progress and dignity or if a rare unifying figure. between 150-250 Thai baht the past decade, often bring- resources to help you, Ban regions of Haiti affected by
we want regression and cha- Thailand is a country that ($4-7). grief all day ing Bangkok to a standstill told a handful of residents the hurricane, as towns dot-
os, Bose said. leans heavily on symbols and All of us in Thailand are and sometimes spilling into gathered at a local school ting the coastline many of
For me as a Latino, Im very people have long expressed very sad and I dont want to Somporn Sriwichai, a Bangkok violence. being used as a shelter for which had not had the dis-
worried and Ive come to tell devotion to the king through be selling black clothing, said street merchant who is selling Though Bhumibol had in hurricane victims. Stay ease in months have
you that you have a weapon, clothing, with many in Bang- the 45-year-old, who normal- black T-shirts and polos the past drawn upon his strong. reported spikes in the num-
and that is your vote and our kok sporting yellow every ly sells childrens dresses. moral authority to avert Tensions are high in Les ber of cases and deaths.
voice, he said. Monday, the day he was born. But I have very little mon- political crises, the monarch Cayes and elsewhere in Haitis Many Haitians lack access to
Other major acts included Pink became the hue of ey and now I have something sport yellow-and-blue polos remained mostly silent dur- southwest region because drinkable water after the
Spanish singer-songwriter choice in the sovereigns final I can really sell, she said, add- bearing the name of the ing the twilight of his reign help has yet to reach many storm.
Alejandro Sanz, Colombian days out of the belief that it ing she shifted 100 items on event, Bike for Dad. as the color wars rocked the families whose crops and Haiti had no documented
stars Carlos Vives and Juanes, would bring him good luck as Friday alone. The sudden demand for kingdom. water supplies were cholera cases until 2010,
and Mexican pop singer Nata- his health declined. Like many of the citys black has sparked fears of a The ruling junta seized destroyed, increasing the risk months after a 7.0-magni-
lia Lafourcade, who tri- But since his passing most streetside clothing hawkers, national shortage, with the power amid the latest show of of cholera and malnutrition. tude earthquake leveled
umphed at last years Latin in the distraught nation have Somporn rolls out special government saying it will protests in 2014 and vowed to A coordinator for the US much of the capital city of
Grammys with five awards. for the first time honored the merchandise in lockstep with work with manufacturers to restore order and encourage wing of the World Health Port-au-Prince.
And Uruguayan star Jorge late king in black, with tens of royal events. ensure supply as well as reconciliation. Organization said the UN Multiple scientific studies
Drexler sang Al Otro Lado del thousands pouring onto the For the kings birthday on crackdown on opportunist But critics say the armys base was shut down after have traced the outbreak to a
Rio (The Other Side of the streets in unprecedented dis- December 5 the shirts are yel- price-gougers. tight grip on expression has looting of two World Food base in Mirebalais used by
River), his Oscar-winning plays of somber devotion. low. For the princesss they We want the world to only temporarily buried the Program food containers Nepalese peacekeepers,
song from The Motorcycle Dia- All government staff have are purple. know our feelings, Somporn nations strife, leaving open outside the base on Saturday. about an hour outside of the
ries, the 2004 biopic in which been ordered to forgo colors Last year a mass cycling said, explaining that by the possibility of a new flaring As Ban approached his car capital, and the strain of
Garcia Bernal stars as revolu- for an entire year and many event led by the Crown Prince wearing the same color shirts of the countrys fiery political to leave the school amid cholera is virtually identical
tionary Che Guevara. private businesses are asking saw hundreds of thousands and being united we can divides. heavy security, locals shout- to one endemic in Nepal.
CHINA DAILY Monday, October 17, 2016 WORLD 11
Diplomats BOLIVIA
Police arrest man
with gold, drugs
forge new
Bolivian police say theyve
detained a 76-year-old US
citizen with more than 55
kilograms of gold. Anti-nar-
cotics chief Santiago Delga-
Wrong information led to attack: Report from Russia and regional pow-
ers like Saudi Arabia, Turkey
and Iran on Saturday for a
approaches, he said, without
elaborating. No official news
conference or joint statement
the naval base on Corona-
do Island across the bay
from San Diego. His rank
four-and-a-half-hour meeting followed Saturdays meeting. or job description was not
By REUTERS armed Houthi leaders in a tion of the strike had been in Switzerland. The talks came The Syrian-Russian offen- immediately available.
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia known location in Sanaa, and swift. amid heightened urgency sive in Aleppo prompted the Sepolio was alone in the
insisted that the location be The White House about the city of Aleppo, the US to end discussions this truck Saturday afternoon
The Saudi-led coalition targeted immediately, the announced an immediate latest flashpoint in a war that month over a proposed mili- when he lost control and it
fighting the Houthi move- investigators concluded, Naturally, these review of Washingtons sup- has killed up to a half-million tary alliance against Islamic struck a guardrail and fell
ment in Yemen attacked a according to a statement. port for the 18-month-old mil- people, sparked a refugee cri- State and al-Qaida-linked mili- 20 meters onto a vendors
funeral there after receiving The Joint Incidents Assess- people must be itary push against the sis and offered a territorial tants. Last week, Kerry booth at Chicano Park,
incorrect information from ment Team said in the state- Houthis. base to the radical Islamic accused both parties of war California Highway Patrol
Yemeni military figures that ment that the coalitions Air
confronted about Senior US officials also said State group. crimes for targeting hospitals Officer Jake Sanchez said.
armed Houthi leaders were in
the area, an investigative
Operations Centre in Yemen
also failed to obtain approval
what led to this the attack had killed senior
figures who were important
Kerrys new approach
comes after last months
and civilian infrastructure in
the Arab country. VIETNAM
body set up by the coalition for the strike from command- mistake.. to the reconciliation process. US-Russian bid to end the war Nevertheless, Kerry reunit- Heavy rains leave
said on Saturday. ers, a violation of protocol. The strike has threatened collapsed in days as Syrian for- ed with Russian Foreign Min-
The Saudi-led campaign in The JIAT called for a review to escalate Yemens civil war ces backed by Russian airpow- ister Sergey Lavrov at the
at least 21 dead
Mansour Ahmed al-Mansour,
Yemen has come under severe of the rules of engagement and a legal adviser to the Joint and pull the United States er launched an offensive on lakeside Beau-Rivage Palace in Heavy rains and strong
criticism since last Saturdays for compensation for the fami- Incidents Assessment Team further into the conflict. rebel-held parts of Aleppo. Lausanne, speaking with the winds in Vietnams central
air strike on the funeral gath- lies of the victims. It also said Houthi-led forces had Ministers put a brave face on Russian for almost 40 minutes region over the past four
ering in the Yemeni capital appropriate action should be responded to the attack by the Lausanne meeting, which before the larger gathering. days have left 21 people
Sanaa, killing 140 people taken against those who The coalition accepted the launching missiles into Saudi Kerry said was exactly what For all the talk in Washington dead and eight others
according to one UN estimate, caused the incident, without findings in a statement Arabia and possibly at a US we wanted a statement that about a possible Plan B, US missing, the Ministry of
and 82 according to the Hout- elaborating. released hours later and said warship stationed off the testified mostly to low expecta- hopes for diplomatic progress Agriculture and Rural
his. A spokesman for the JIAT it had begun to implement Yemeni coast, prompting US tions. The main result was appeared to rest squarely on Development said on Sun-
Mourners who died in the said the actions could include the JIATs recommendations. retaliatory strikes against pledges to resume contact on Russias cooperation. day. Quang Binh Province
attack included some of judicial proceedings. The coalition command what Washington said were Monday. There are a few ideas we has been hit the hardest
Yemens top political and secu- Naturally, these people expresses its regret at this Houthi radar sites. Nobody wants to do this in discussed today in this circle of with 15 dead, seven miss-
rity officials, potentially galva- must be confronted about unintentional incident and The Houthis have denied a sloppy way, said Kerry. countries that can influence ing and 13 injured, fol-
nising powerful tribes to join what led to this mistake. They the ensuing pain for victims firing missiles at the US Navy Russia has put a priority on the situation, Lavrov told Rus- lowed by Ha Tinh
the Houthis in opposing a Sau- have the right to defend them- families, it said. destroyer. separating al-Qaida-linked sian news agencies. We Province with two dead
di-backed exiled government. selves, but if it becomes clear The incident is not in line The United Nations esti- militants on a UN-designated agreed to continue contacts in and one missing, and
A party affiliated to the that legal measures should be with the coalitions objectives, mates that 10,000 people have list of terrorist organizations the next few days aiming at Nghe An and Thua Thien
Yemeni Presidency of the taken, the coalition forces are namely protecting civilians been killed in the war and from moderate rebels agreements that could Hue with two dead each.
General Chief of Staff wrong- concerned with that, said and restoring safety and sta- blames coalition air strikes for backed by the United States. advance the settlement. We Many road and railway
ly passed information that Mansour Ahmed al-Mansour, bility to Yemen. 60 percent of some 3,800 civil- For that to happen, Washing- spoke clearly in favor of a quick sections and aquaculture
there was a gathering of a legal adviser to the JIAT. International condemna- ian deaths since March 2015. ton says the aerial onslaught in launch of a political process. ponds in the central
region have been sub-
merged in water, causing
big losses to transport sec-
PHILIPPINES tor and farmers.
Amid Seouls fried chicken craze, foreign firms ruffle feathers Attackers cause
blast during raid
One or more suicide
By REUTERS in Seoul Chimaek stores now dot as South Korea lifts bans on Supply is currently domi- tion to survive instead of bombers blew themselves
By WU YIYAO in Shanghai Tourist boom
One hot Saturday afternoon mid-
September, Li Hao, a 29-year-old cant reverse
researcher with a chemical compa-
ny in Shanghai, binged on a dozen
varieties of craft beer. He helped
Japans retail
himself to all those drinks at a beer
fair at Pudong Kerry Center in
Shanghai. More than 50 stalls were
market slump
selling hundreds of brands, both
global and local. Li wished he had a By BLOOMBERG in Tokyo
pair of bellies to take them all in.
I had never imagined beer-drink- The record throngs of interna-
ing could produce varied experien- tional tourists visiting Japan
ces of tastes wildly different from have failed to jolt the countrys
one another. Until now, beer was department stores out of a
just an economical refresher for me, Chinese consumers enjoy drinks during a beer festival in Qingdao, Shandong slump.
particularly on scorching summer province. Along with the swelling demand for high-end beer in China, invest- Sales at outlets including
days. All those cans and bottles of ments in the craft beer segment have been rising in recent years. Takashimaya Co and Isetan
different brands tasted the same PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd
more or less. But craft beer phew, nationwide fell 6 percent in
its different, and like wines now ... August, the biggest drop since
high-end beverages, with qualities highly segmented. According to March 2015, said the Japan
that match their high price, Li said. data of Dianping Holdings, Chinas Department Store Association.
In Shanghai these days, consum- biggest online food service ratings In the same month, arrivals of
ers can buy more than 200 varieties website and a key information pro- tourists from outside the coun-
of craft beer at high-end groceries, Limited supply, unique vider, China has more than 3,000 try surged 13 percent, accord-
brewery-run outlets, boutique din- craft beer breweries. Their output ing to Japan National Tourism
ing bars or through home-delivery flavors, distinct experi- and sales revenue are less than 3 Organization data.
services. Prices range between 30 percent of the entire beer market. A stronger yen has made
yuan ($4.5) and 100 yuan per liter.
ence and high-end In the US, craft beer takes about Japan more expensive for tour-
Investors are eyeing the craft beer
market as segment expansion
branding all appeal to 13 percent of the market share,
according to an estimate in a
ists, while deflation and nega-
tive interest rates have sapped
appears on the horizon and demand the younger generation research note of Founders Securi- consumer confidence, making
for niche products rises, said ties. it harder for department stores
experts. of consumers... Unlike the mild-tasting canned to increase sales. That pessi-
According to Wang Deliang, and bottled beer, which is distribut- mism was reflected in the Bank
brewery research director with the Michael To, marketing specialist with ed through supermarkets under of Japan decision last month to
China National Research Institute Shanghai-based Focus Strategy the big players brands, craft beer do more to combat deflation by
of Food & Fermentation Industries, Consultancy Ltd usually has a stronger taste, a result shifting its policy framework
investments in the craft beer seg- of high-gravity brewing. Each vari- from expanding the money sup-
ment have been rising in recent ety of craft beer has a distinct taste ply to controlling interest rates.
years because of prospects of high end food and beverages, picked up as the raw materials used, brewing Japans core consumer prices
profits of up to 30 percent. in recent years because consumers conditions, techniques, and brew- fell in July at the fastest pace
Investments need not be high as have been upwardly mobile. Supply- ers flavors vary. Output is usually since March 2013.
in other liquor segments like whisky side reforms have also helped to the tune of just 1,000 liters per
because craft beer, a niche product, improve operational efficiencies, day.
is not produced on a mass scale, said improving prospects for profits. An Limited supply, unique flavors,
Wang. increasing number of consumers distinct experience and high-end
Take Beijing-based Panda Brew have been exposed to a wider range branding all appeal to the younger
that started in 2013. It has so far of choices due to travel for work, generation of consumers who like to
received 20 million yuan from a tourism or education, thus creating have something different, said
handful of investors, including ven- demand for new products in the Michael To, marketing specialist
ture capital firm Tiantu Capital. Its domestic market. with Shanghai-based Focus Strategy
capacity has increased to annual The fizz in the craft beer market Consultancy Ltd.
output of some 1,000 metric tons, reflects consumers rising individu- Shi Dechuan, a 34-year-old soft-
which is supplied to 50 cities across alism and assertiveness with regard ware programmer based in Shang-
China. to preferences. As the market opens hai, said craft beer made by a local A Chinese tourist (right),
Seeing such market potential, up, more and more imported beer brewery along the road to Yunnan inspects a wrist watch at a Laox
large brewers are jumping on the brands, particularly craft beer province was most impressive. He Co store in the Ginza district of
craft beer bandwagon. Earlier this labels, have increased their offer- discovered the beer while traveling Tokyo. YURIKO NAKAO / BLOOMBERG
year, Guangzhou Zhujiang Brewery ings in China, according to a in summer this year.
Group Co Ltd announced it will research note from consultancy You dont really want to drink the
launch four facilities to produce Roland Berger. same beer when you travel to differ- The BOJ may find it difficult
craft beer and use online distribu- While the traditional beer market ent places, so craft beer, which uses to achieve its inflation goal in
tion channels to sell it. in China is highly consolidated and local fruits, tea leaves, malt and yeast, the near term, said Thomas
Investments in consumption- dominated by a handful of players, gives you that sense of locality, and Jastrzab, a Bloomberg Intelli-
driven sectors, particularly high- the craft beer brewery market is makes a tour different, said Shi. gence analyst. If it manages to
stoke consistent inflation this
could serve as a catalyst to
Brands: Beer brewers offer custom bottles, cans now ka-based spokesman for
Takashimaya, said the
retailer noted a rise in the
the yen is the best performer,
gaining about 20 percent versus
the US dollar
sale of lower-priced items
FROM PAGE 13 Agreed Zhang Wutao, a Chinas white rice liquor. But such as stainless-steel The US dollar main-
Shanghai-based beer dealer many banquets do not include flasks and baby bottles. tained declines following
marketing specialist, said: with Maoquan Trade Ltd. Pre- it in their menu any more Customers making duty- its worst day in two weeks
Consumption of beer is mium beers are now con- because beer is considered too free claims per month have after the US Federal
highly associated with how sumed more widely than ever, cheap. increased as much as 30 Reserve damped the out-
consumers perceive the after a tennis session, at rock- Zhang said: When other percent this year, while look for higher interest
product as a label of wealth and-roll concerts, beach people drink wine, or white average sale prices are rates overnight. The yen is
and lifestyle. Two decades resorts and wedding ban- rice liquor, in a crystal glass, down by as much as 15 per- the best performer among
ago, beer was regarded as a quets, he said. you dont want to be seen cent, he said. 10 developed market cur-
luxury drink, but as consum- Some beer brewers are having a beer poured from a While Japans tourism rencies this year, gaining
ers are getting wealthier, offering buyers tailor-made 600-ml bottle. When beer industry and exporters may about 20 percent versus the
now many think it is low- products like souvenir bottles becomes a premium drink in get some relief from poli- US dollar.
end, or just a very affordable and cans for specific events terms of both quality and cies announced by the BOJ You can make the case
drink in summer. like town halls or celebrations A technician inspects a craft beer production line at a brewery in price, you have one more as it puts downward pres- for a weaker yen and last
If beer brewers want to win to mark completion of a Yiyang, Hunan province. LI GA / FOR CHINA DAILY option when you drink with sure on the currency, a months decision does
the new generation of con- project, said Zhang. other people. Drinking pre- more critical factor would that, said Koll, referring to
sumers, they have to make the For their part, consumers mium beer together could be the US dollar, said Jesper the BOJ move. At the same
latter regard beer as a seaon- say premiumization of beer Liu Yang, 32, sales manager been widely acceptable, help build rapport, a rela- Koll, chief executive officer time you do need to make
neutral, all-year drink for vari- products increases variety with a robot components sup- thanks to its low alcohol level, tionship that is not too casual of the Japan unit of Wis- the case for a stronger dol-
ous occasions and scenarios. and makes drinking exciting. plier, said beer, for long, has compared with wines and or not too distant. domtree Investment Inc. lar.
CHINA DAILY Monday, October 17, 2016 BUSINESS 15
Debt-equity swaps
impact in focus
increase output or inventory
Experts say market forces could help for sectors with overcapacity
pre-empt flood into the A-share segment ... they are forbidden (from
the swap scheme), said Lian
Weiliang, deputy director of
By WU YIYAO in Shanghai the National Development and Reform Commission.
The government will not
Allowing a large number of offer financial backing merely
companies to convert debt because the post-swap equity
into equity would help not Bad debts ought does not generate positive
only enterprises with huge returns. So, pricing and dili-
borrowings on their books not to become bad gent matching of borrowers
but lenders, analysts said. and would-be equity-holders
For that to happen, howev-
equity. are going to be key, said Lian.
er, more clarity on the eligibil- A research note by Sinolink
Luo Qinyuan, manager of
ity criteria for the debt-to- Securities said the govern-
Shanghai-based Kunyuan Asset
equity swap scheme is ment has indicated that mar-
Management Ltd
needed, they said. ket forces will have a bigger
A large number of partici- say in tackling growing cor- Adidas AG's advertising billboard stands together with a Nike Inc store in Beijing. WANG GOUDAN / FOR CHINA DAILY
pants would make the whole porate debt, as reflected in
process less risky. Besides, it tors concern that the collec- the case of the State-owned
would limit any potential
adverse impact on the stock
markets, and help allay inves-
tors concerns over feared risk
tive corporate debt, estimated
at 1 trillion yuan ($149.3 bil-
lion), could flood the A-share
market in the form of post-
Dongbei Special Steel Group.
The firms proceedings for
bankruptcy were approved
last Monday.
Rivals make it a tough year for Nike
of defaults, they further said. swap equity, adversely Enterprises with potential
An Oct 10 circular by the impacting the stock markets, to recover, however, may use By BLOOMBERG in New York company increased annual
State Council detailed the
regulations concerning the
said Luo.
The measures (to reduce
the swap route to tide over
difficulties. For, the State Nike Inc is finally getting
13 percent 10 percent sales 10 percent or more from
fiscal years 2011 to 2015. But
debt-to-equity swap scheme. corporate debt) come against Council circular said high- scuffed up. fall in Nike Inc shares this year gain in the annual sales of Nike growth slowed to 7.4 percent in
The so-called zombie enter- the background of proactive quality firms that play a lead- One of the longstanding dar- although it had been one of the Inc from fiscal years 2011 to the fiscal year through May.
prises are not allowed to con- fiscal policy and prudent ing role in their respective lings of Wall Street praised longstanding darlings of Wall 2015 Shoe retailer Finish Line Inc
vert their debt into equity. monetary policy, indicating sectors, particularly high- for its advertising clout and Street only added to doubts about
On the other hand, lenders that ample policy support growth, high-tech or strategic product innovation has had Nikes home market when it
and institutions that offered will continue, aimed at main- industries, are allowed to use a rough year. The shares are retro styles like Superstar. The helped by people who bought reported second-quarter
loans to corporates, including taining GDP growth around the option, to overcome tem- down 13 percent in 2016 as ana- German company also has tak- high-tech running shoes for results by the end of last
insurers, State-owned capital the 6.5 percent target, said porary setbacks. lysts and investors fret over en a page from the Nike play- everyday wear, not to train for month. The US-based chain
investment companies and Marie Diron, a senior vice- Such enterprises, however, market-share losses to Adidas book and turned Boost, a half marathons. Now those said sales of Nikes premium
asset management compa- president at Moodys Inves- must have plausible plans for AG and Under Armour Inc in performance running-shoe consumers are turning to casu- basketball shoes fell in the peri-
nies, can agree to accept equi- tors Service, a leading credit reform and recovery, and the United States, its largest line, into a monster lifestyle hit. al sneakers like Adidass Stan od, and CEO Sam Sato sang the
ty corresponding to their ratings and risk analysis should not have any record of region. There is more competition Smith line. That shift not only praises of Nikes competition.
loans. Private investors are agency. defaults. Nike had been rolling since from brands that didnt have helps Nikes current largest He called the performance of
also encouraged to partici- The Oct 10 guidance stipu- Chinas corporate debt the recession even in the face the cachet they do now, said adversary, but also threatens to Under Armours latest Curry
pate in such swaps, the circu- lates that only companies surged 465 percent over the of challenges from Adidas and Chen Grazutis, an analyst at saddle Nike with new rivals shoes tremendous and said
lar said. with a positive outlook, and past decade to 165 percent of Under Armour with the Bloomberg Intelligence. The such as casual-footwear mak- Adidas remained on fire.
This will likely send a capacity or potential to recov- GDP last year, according to stock averaging annual gains of rivals have also hurt Nikes abil- ers, including Steve Madden Research and discussions
strong signal that the debt-to- er from cyclical downward Bloomberg data. 26 percent over the past seven ity to charge premium prices, Ltd, that dont even have per- with industry sources point to
equity swap plan will be mar- pressure, can opt for the debt- An S&P Global Ratings years. But 2016 has been a dif- prompting it to offer some formance businesses, Powell Adidas and Under Armour
ket-oriented, investment- to-equity swap. Every step note said if corporate debt ferent story, with its shares items for less, he said. said. continuing to gain share at
like, and not a procedure during the swap process continues to grow at the sinking while the broader mar- Exacerbating Nikes strug- It lets brands that dont Nikes expense, Lyon said in
imposed on lenders to force should be market-oriented, same alarming pace, the ket hits record highs. On one gles is shoppers increasing have a performance strategy in the note. He cut his 12-month
them to bear all the risks. Bad without any expectation of ratio of bad loans could triple flank, Under Armour has preference for classic and casu- the door, Powell said. price target on the stock to $52
debts ought not to become financial help from the gov- to 17 percent by 2020. attacked its lucrative basket- al styles over performance Of utmost interest to inves- from $56.
bad equity, said Luo Qinyu- ernment. A score of enterprises have ball-shoe business with the suc- products designed for actual tors will be how Nike performs Our concerns on Nike are
an, manager of Shanghai- Zombie enterprises, already been simulating cess of its Stephen Curry line. athletic use, according to Matt in North America. Throughout mounting, Lyon said. Histo-
based Kunyuan Asset including loss-ridden firms the swap process as of this On the other, Adidas has drawn Powell, an analyst for research- a turbulent period in China ry has shown that brand shifts
Management Ltd. that are conceivably beyond month, according to the away some of its casual busi- er NPD Group. and slowdowns in Europe, take a long time to materialize,
Nuanced regulations recovery, or with opaque information office of the ness by teaming up with rapper For several years, the entire Nikes home base has reassured and similarly a long time to
would also help allay inves- debt, or with potential to State Council. Kanye West and reinvigorating running-shoe industry was investors of its dominance. The revert back.
GBP 0.820 0.900 0.122 0.106 0.001 0.256 0.013 0.008 0.012 0.624 E Fund ChiNext Price Index 159915 2.10 2.04
330 E Fund CSI 300 510310 1.38 1.40
KRW 1132.320 1250.640 168.295 145.948 1385.890 354.716 18.050 10.867 16.973 864.750
E Fund CSI 300 Financials ex Banks Index 512070 1.68 0.54
BRL 3.203 3.515 0.476 0.413 3.904 0.003 0.051 0.031 0.048 2.437 E Fund Hang Seng China Enterprises Index 510900 1.04 0.39
Shenzhen B-Share Stock Price Index 1185.34 0.1 9.5
RUB 62.969 69.105 9.367 8.117 76.770 0.055 19.659 0.604 0.944 47.909 E FUND SZSE100 INDEX FUND 159901 4.13 1.20
1350 Fortune SGAM Xianjin Tianyi Money Market 511990 100.01 0.06
JPY 104.200 114.360 15.483 13.431 127.038 0.092 32.533 1.655 1.562 79.268
Guangfa CSI 500 510510 1.78 2.13
1240 INR 66.715 73.491 9.916 8.599 81.618 0.059 20.826 1.059 0.639 50.700 Guotai Shanghai Stock Exchange 180 Financial Index 510230 5.15 0.53
CAD 1.315 1.443 0.196 0.169 1.603 0.001 0.410 0.021 0.013 0.020 Harvest CSI 300 Index 159919 3.56 1.17
1130 Huatai-Pinebridge CSI 300 510300 3.37 1.44
Shanghai SSE180 510180 2.89 1.47
Data provided by
1020 SSE Pledge Urban Investment Bond 511220 100.85 0.50
O N D J F M A M J J A S O Yinhua Traded Money Market Fund 511880 102.13 0.07
Monday, October 17, 2016
rowth in the new and up per cell, according to
BYD Autos representative and the new energy vehicle
energy vehicle mar- earlier media reports.
makers four models are pictured at the Wuhan Motor Show
ket was hit in Sep- Li said: The future lies in
in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Oct 12. HAO YAN / CHINA DAILY
tember due to the traction battery technology
governments postponement breakthroughs, but an alterna-
of the release of an electric tive has not yet been identied.
bus subsidy plan, after exten- The most important aspect in
sive fraud cases dealt a heavy traction batteries is product
blow to the sector. consistency, so robot automa-
A total of 289,000 new ener- tion is the key to domestic EV
gy vehicles were sold in the production.
rst nine months of 2016, more The development road is
than double that during the going to be a bumpy one in the
same period last year, accord- next 10-20 years, after ve years
ing to China Association of of smooth development.
Automobile Manufacturers on Fu Yuwu, chairman of the
Oct 12. Society of Automotive Engi-
But, about 44,000 new ener- neers of China said: Govern-
gy vehicles were shifted in Sep- ment bodies have been proac-
tember, with growth slowing to tive in supporting innovations
44 percent year-on-year, almost in the eld, but its industrial
half the 85 percent monthly scale is the foundation of the
growth seen in August. technologys development.
The significant slowdown The domestic market over-
in the sector came after the took the United States in 2015,
government slammed on the
brakes, postponing the detailed
becoming the worlds largest
for new energy vehicles. The
subsidy scheme for new energy number of new energy vehicles
coach and bus products. vehicles were sold in China in sold last year more than tripled
CAAM Deputy Secretary- the rst nine months of 2016, year-on-year to 331,100 units,
General Shi Jianhua said: The expanding almost 13.2 percent from 74,763 in 2014, according
government policy gives strong from the same period in 2015 to CAAM data.
clout to the development of However, the current market
the new energy vehicle sector. situation does not reect future
Without the subsidy plan, the production line, 95 percent less of the governments intensi- expanding 13.2 percent on the country giving the most gener- discouraging reliance on sub- competition. The major inter-
nation would struggle to meet than its volume in August 2015. ed efforts to encourage the same period in 2015. ous subsidies in the world. sidies. The amount of subsidies national carmakers are wait-
the 500,000-unit sales volume On Sept 8, the MOF use of new energy vehicles, According to industry ana- Selling a single fully elec- from the municipal level would ing and watching. In August,
target this year. announced penalties for five which aimed to upgrade the lysts, the momentum is due to tric bus used to be eligible match the amount from the Volkswagen announced its local
He expects that the updated new energy coach makers industry and ease pressure on a range of factors, including for hundreds of thousands of central government. production plan for new energy
subsidy scheme will be released involved in abusing a total of the environment. The policies demand fueled by enthusiasm yuan in subsidies, from both However, to maintain the models.
soon, and that carmakers will over 1 billion yuan ($149.2 mil- included tax exemptions, sub- for sport utility vehicles, a low- central and local governments. market size after the govern- Li said: The big auto makers
quickly feel the effects. lion) of subsidies. sidies for car purchases and ered condence in stock market Meanwhile, a fully electric car ment subsidy has faded away, have existing product design
The Ministry of Finances Four ministries joined the requirement of govern- investments and the determi- would be eligible for more than the EV price needs to be low- and technology in hand, but
second round of penalties forces in January to probe 92 ment bodies to buy more new nation of dealers to meet end- 100,000 yuan in total in some ered to a similar level to com- they wont start until they have
started from Oct 12, with two domestic EV makers for ille- energy cars. of-year sales targets. places, where district-level sub- bustion engine vehicles, and to to. Some of them have not
listed companies, including gally obtaining government CAAMs statistics also sidies were available besides the do so, the cost of an AA battery entered the EV eld, but they
Chongqing Lifan Passenger subsidies. Local media outlets showed that nearly 2.6 million Policy powered EVs municipal and central govern- cell has to be lowered to around will as soon as the credit sys-
Vehicle, whose 2,395 electric revealed that major domestic passenger vehicles were sold in Director of the Manufactur- ments. 1 yuan each, according to Lis tem launches.
vehicles manufactured from brands were on the list, includ- the worlds largest auto market ing Industry Office of the State The central government sub- calculation. The subsidy is the carrot,
2015 onwards failed to meet ing FAW Group, SAIC, Dong- in September, a jump of 26.1 Information Center, Li Weili, sidy scheme dened a decreas- Take Teslas battery pack as an and the future dual credit sys-
requirements. feng Motor, BAIC Group, BYD percent compared to last year. indicated that the domestic ing amount of incentives for example. It is made up of more tem is the stick.
Lifans EV production Auto, Zhejiang Geely, and Chery The rst nine months of 2016 new energy vehicle sector was the ve years of 2016-20, in the than 7,000 of the commodity
plunged in August, with only Automobile. saw a recorded vehicle sales driven by government policies hope of encouraging EV mak- battery cells with best pricing Contact the writer at
13 electric buses rolling off the The scam took advantage volume of 19.4 million units, instead of the market, with the ers to lower their prices while that ranges from 80 cents to $2
strong in
pean market share drop for
the 13th consecutive month venture in Hungary
since the emissions scandal
erupted in September 2015, as BYD Auto is building a facil-
its competitors took advantage ity in Hungary to manufacture
Chinese market
of a loss of confidence in the electric buses. The factory,
German carmaker to attract which is under construction in
buyers. the northern Hungarian town
Volkswagen, which was los- of Komarom, is the first of its
ing ground to its rivals even kind in Europe.
before it admitted to cheating The project is slated to cost
Sales of premium models, as well as a balanced on emissions tests last year,
accounted for 22.9 percent of
20 million euros ($22.4 mil-
lion), to which the Hungarian
development strategy, are the keys to the the regions auto sales in Sep- government will contribute 925
tember, compared with 23.3 million forints ($3.4 million).
automakers success, Hao Yan reports. percent in the same month last The facility is expected to
year. come online in the first quarter
European car sales have of 2017 and will begin by man-
been increasing since 2013, ufacturing 200 buses a year,
after rebounding from a two- a figure which will eventually
decade low in the aftermath rise to 400, according to BYD.
of the financial crisis. Growth
has cooled in recent months as
concerns grow about the UKs Carmakers announce
exit from the European Union. recall over safety fears
Four carmakers will begin
Toyota, Suzuki agree recalling a number of models
MW Group maintained strategic cooperation due to safety threats posed to
its No 2 position in the drivers. Carmakers have prom-
worlds largest market Toyota, the worlds top auto- ised to replace defective parts
with a year-on-year surge maker, and Suzuki, a Japanese free of charge.
in sales approaching 10.6 percent in The 26 percent rival that specializes in small A total of 56,121 units of
the rst three quarters of this year. vehicles, are set to combine Geely cars were recalled due to
It was closely followed by Mercedes- premium car forces. faulty Takata airbag sensors.
Benz, which achieved a 30 percent In a joint statement released Dongfeng Yueda Kia is recall-
rise in sales. penetration rate in recently, both sides announced ing 32,617 Kia KX5s equipped
The number of BMW and Mini that they will examine areas of with dual clutch transmission
vehicles delivered on the Chinese the four cities has possible collaboration, which in order to upgrade the trans-
mainland totaled 49,204 units last could include the environ- mission control unit program.
month, 19.6 percent more than
overtaken the mature ment, safety and information The aerodynamic support-
in the same period last year. The
accumulated sales volume in the
markets in developed networking.
The companies stressed,
ing rods in the rear doors of
30,190 imported Mazda 5, CX-5,
first three quarters also surged
by 10.6 percent, reaching 379,176
countries. however, that the partner-
ship in specific areas would
and 3 models are suspected to
be damaged, and could pose a
units. Adrian van Hooydonk (left), senior vice-president of BMW Group Design, John Zeng, managing director of LMC not affect their competition in danger to drivers.
Sales on the Chinese mainland, Harald Krueger (center), chairman of the Board of Management of BMW other respects. Electric system malfunctions
BMW Groups largest single mar- Group, and Edgar Heinrich, head of BMW Motorrad Design, unveil the BMW They expressed the hope are possible in 9,042 imported
ket, fueled the groups consider- Motorrad Vision Next 100 that debuted in Los Angeles on Oct 11. of LMC, told China Daily: The that other automakers would Volvo XC90 and S90s as a
able sales growth. 26 percent premium car penetra- join the partnership in order result of water leakage from
BMW Groups worldwide vol- tion rate in the four cities has to forge an industry-wide stan- improperly installed air condi-
ume increased in September by a overtaken the mature markets in dard in areas where coopera- tioning draining pipes.
record 10.5 percent after it deliv- developed countries. Penetration tion is possible.
ered a total of 237,973 vehicles. rates are 16 percent on average in
The increase helped the com- Germany, and 14 percent in the Daimler ghting to
pany register its best-ever sales United States. Automakers report cut its R&D spending
gures for a years rst three quar- He added: Now the premium strong Sept sales
ters, with year-to-date sales of 1.75 market is driven by individual Daimler AG will scale back
million units, up 6.2 percent com- consumption, rather than busi- Honda and Nissan reported investments in plants, equip-
pared with the same period last ness purchases, as in the past. in September their strongest ment and new technology from
year. However, sales of super cars monthly vehicles sales growth a peak this year stemming in
Our policy of balanced global and sedans plummeted, which for China. The growth was part from its creation of the EQ
sales continues to deliver sus- affected both the BMW 7 Series fueled by a tax cut on vehicles electric-car sub-brand, amid a
tainable success and protability and Mercedes-Benz S Class. with a small engine capacity. push to maintain profitability.
remains our primary focus, said The year-to-date sales volume Nissan Motor Co, the most The manufacturer is
Ian Robertson, a member of the of Mercedes-Benz in the Chinese popular Japanese carmaker in fighting to get capital and
BMW Group Board of Manage- BMW Groups pioneering vision vehicle, the BMW Vision Next 100, is market was only 34,385 units few- China, said its sales rose 26.3 research-and-development
ment with responsibility for Sales displayed in Los Angeles. er than that of the BMW Group. percent to 123,600 vehicles. spending down, which has
and Marketing. Mercedes-Benz sold 344,791 units Year-to-date sales rose 8.2 per- been surging as the industry
Global demand for our premi- in the Chinese market in the rst cent to 1.3 million. faces regulatory pressure to
um models continues to grow in tures is a self-balancing mecha- in the rst three quarters. three quarters of this year, a 30 Toyota Motor Co said its sales reduce vehicle emissions and
all vehicle classes, Robertson said. nism, which keeps it balanced, The overall expansion rate of percent rise on the same period rose 11.2 percent to 104,200 companies look to develop
The BMW Group unveiled on both while it is stationary and in the premium car market in Chi- last year. vehicles. Sales for the first nine automated driving technology.
Oct 11 its Motorrad Vision Next motion. na reached roughly 20 percent Jia Xinguang, a senior analyst months of the year increased Daimler is planning for electric
100 motorcycle, to mark the BMW Motorrads sales contin- this year, and its penetration rate with the China Automobile Deal- by a similar margin, reaching cars to comprise as much as 25
groups centenary under the mot- ued to grow through September, touched a historic high in Beijing, ers Association, said: Mercedes- 890,000. percent of its deliveries in the
to, The Next 100 Years. with a total of 12,215 units sold in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shen- Benzs unique strength is in its Ford posted its strongest next decade.
The Motorrad Vision Next 100 the month. Sales in the rst nine zhen. dealership model, which includes growth figures since January, Switching well-established
aims to deliver an unparalleled months of the year increased by According to gures from LMC having (leading auto retailer) Lei while Toyotas sales increased production and research setups
riding experience, and its assis- 3.2 percent, with a total of 116,044 Automotive Consulting, roughly Shing Hong Ltd as a major seller at their fastest rate since from conventional autos to
tance systems anticipate danger motorcycles and maxiscooters 26 percent of new car sales were of its vehicles. March. battery-powered models is also
and advise riders when action is delivered. comprised of premium models in Lei Shing Hong was courageous General Motors Co raising the need to cut costs
needed, and intervene to keep the four major cities, thanks to the enough both to invest 1 billion announced that its sales in Chi- to ensure future profitability.
them safe in the event of danger. Premium market expands rapid growth of such locally-made yuan in its training center and to na grew by a record 16 percent Daimlers cars division has a
The systems leave riders free to Volkswagens high-end division, entry-level crossovers as the Audi bet everything on Mercedes-Benz. to reach 343,773 vehicles in target to keep its return on
enjoy a pure and uninterrupted Audi, maintained its lead in the Q3, BMW X1 and Mercedes-Benz September. The US automakers sales at 10 percent.
riding experience. Chinese premium car market with GLA. Contact the writer at haoyan@chi- sales in China grew 9 percent
One of the motorcycles key fea- an accumulated 440,233 units sold John Zeng, managing director to reach a record 2.72 million MOTORING-AGENCIES
Monday, October 17, 2016
An Austrian shares
his passion for the
clarinet in Beijing
Johannes Brahms Hungarian ments and broadens your imagi-
Dance No 6. nation of sound and
In our time of fast entertain- interpretation.
ment and unlimited access to The young Austrian gained his
quick information and attractions, first orchestral experience with
classical music sometimes seems the Vienna State Opera and the
dusty and strange. With my choice Vienna Philharmonic.
aspects of speciality in the fashion of program, I would like to speak In 2009, he interrupted his Har-
At a China-UK forum, artists and fashion industry. to the younger generation in par- vard studies to become a scholar of
An artist has to understand how ticular and show how appealing the Orchestra Academy of the Ber-
designers share perspectives and seek new the curator works, how the art mar- and attractive classical music can lin Philharmonic. In 2013, he
ket functions, how they are going to be, says Ottensamer. became the principal clarinetist of
ways of thinking, Chen Jie reports. measure success, not just in com- I always try to be authentic the Berlin Philharmonic.
mercial terms but in broad function onstage. Its like an actor, who feeds Despite his achievements at a
terms, too. emotion to the audience. young age, the clarinetist says that
ark Dunhill compares cutting and styles, says Dunhill. Dunhill notes that social media Ottensamer has been perform- he has never had goals in his life
Chinese artist Qi Bai- In recent years, Central Saint makes things more complicated for ing in China since 2014. He says hes because its dangerous.
shi (1864-1957) to Martins has admitted more Asian artists and designers because today, always happy to return because I just focus on the things I am
French artist Henri students, especially from China. by promoting the idea that every- Asian countries are enthusiastic doing, like the show I give in Bei-
Matisse (1869-1954). Dunhill says they bring an body is an artist, everybody is a about classical music education. jing, he says.
I saw an exhibition of Qis paint- approach to contemporary culture designer. He says that music is the begin- In 2013, he forged an exclusive
ing last time when I was in Beijing. I that is maybe newer and fresher, Its a massive competition. The ning of his life. His clarinet, he recording partnership with Mer-
was completely knocked out by his adding that they are very brave world is flooded with ideas and says, is like the voice of my moth- cury Classics/Deutsche Grammo-
works, says the academic dean at and very competitive to leap from images how can you move er thats so familiar since his phon the first solo clarinetist to
Central Saint Martins, the their own country to a city like Lon- through that and get your work youth. sign an exclusive deal with the
renowned fashion design school in don. Mark Dunhill, academic dean at seen? What I see is an explosion of His father, Ernst Ottensamer, label.
London. Some Chinese students are very Central Saint Martins, at a fashion global creative cultures, all influenc- and his older brother, Daniel His debut album, Portraits
They are amazing. I would like to quick to see the possibilities and event in Beijing. ing each other, says the 60-some- Ottensamer, are both principal The Clarinet Album, was released
compare him with Matisse. Its potential. thing veteran. clarinetists with the Vienna Phil- internationally in June 2013. It
interesting to discover the sophisti- Language is still a problem, for I dont have the answer. But Im harmonic. explores his love for both jazz and
cation and simplicity of his works, example, writing, but the main dif- As a sculptor as well as dean of a sure the young will find their way In 2005, the father and sons classical music, with a program of
and they gave me a real insight to ference is that Asian students have fashion school, Dunhill believes an through. formed a clarinet trio, touring Aus- wide-ranging musical styles
understand a little bit more about to change their attitude toward artist and a fashion designer Dunhill has been to China a few tria, Germany, Italy, Japan and the from the early-Romantic intensity
Chinese traditional art, Dunhill studying. should be evaluated in the same times, usually helping to develop United States. This year, they have of Louis Spohr to the jazz inflec-
said at a recent Sino-UK fashion and Asian students hold professors in way. international partnerships with var- released the album The Clarinotts tions of George Gershwin.
art event held in the Forbidden City high esteem, he says. Its the clarity of the idea, the exe- ious institutions and art schools. Ernst, Daniel & Andreas Otten- He has just finished recording a
in Beijing. You have to do what they tell you, cution of the idea, and the originali- In many Asian art schools, he samer, which includes pieces by new album, which goes back to the
The China-UK Art & Aesthetics whereas in the UK it is not that the ty that you conceive, he says. finds a real determination to hold Mendelssohn, Mozart and Rossini, beginning of the music pieces
Forum was organized by Phoenix professors and teachers are not the He believes that fashion design onto traditions, such as calligraphy and features the Wiener Virtuosen written for clarinet.
Art, part of the Sino-UK culture authority, they just dont behave in has now come of age and gained and Chinese painting, alongside string ensemble. In 1777, Mozart heard the clari-
exchange year. Artists and fashion the same way, he says. confidence. Its able to operate on a contemporary fine art. The process of learning music net in Mannheim, a small town in
designers from both countries Its much more about what the sophisticated level, besides being He often travels abroad, meeting is not merely practicing skills. Germany. Being impressed with
shared their ideas at the forum. students bring in and how they can very stylish and beautiful. people, talking about what the arts Music is always there. My family the instrument, he wrote a letter to
Before the forum, Phoenix Art develop their talent. It is not better, Fashion designers are really school might be in a new time, how often plays music together, which his father, saying that he would
launched a menswear design con- just a different approach to teach- thoughtful and provocative. They we adapt to developments. is a lot of fun, Andreas Ottensam- write more music for this instru-
test featuring 83 designers from ing. It relies more on the students should challenge us to consider how Dunhill also tries to understand er says. ment, says Ottensamer.
both countries. being self-motivated and having clothing changes our behavior and the difficulties faced by students, in Clarinet was not his first instru- For the new album, he also invit-
A jury chaired by Chinese fashion their own ideas, not just following our understanding of the world, he terms of fees and cost of living. ment. He had his first piano les- ed his colleagues at the Berlin Phil-
designer Zhang Zhaoda and artist what somebody tells you to do. says. London is a very expensive city, sons at 4 and his second choice harmonic to join in the recording.
Xu Lei chose 14 finalists, who So we are very careful about the He also suggests that designers like Beijing probably. We dont want when he was 10 was the cello. One of the biggest challenges I
showed their designs at a gala after students we accept. They absolutely should grasp the context that they art school to be only for rich kids. One day, I picked up the clari- faced during the recording was
the forum. understand how the education sys- work in. net at home and my father just let being without a conductor, he
Their work combined tradition- tem works, whats going to be He says that Central Saint Mar- Contact the writer at me go ahead, he says. says. I did the job mostly by
al Chinese elements into modern expected from them. tins offers different courses for all I like the sound of the clarinet, myself and it was fascinating.
comics case partner had considera-
ble length there.
spade, he can afford to cash
one top heart, but not two
ers that all replaced devices were safe.
South starts with three top (otherwise, West will remove 9250
losers: one spade, one heart dummys final trump when Note7
and one diamond. So, if in with the diamond ace).
trumps are 4-1, the contract Then declarer drives out the
has no chance. However, he diamond ace, ruffs the third But there are now reports that even those phones that
should also count winners. spade, cashes his second had been replaced were catching fire.
Here, he has four hearts, two high heart, and returns to
diamonds and three clubs. If diamonds. West may trump
diamonds are 3-3, that will the third, but then South can
permit an extra winner to be ruff his low diamond on the
established, but that is board.
F-minus exploding batteries
arms race
negative and pos-
itive electrodes coming together have caused short cir-
Peanuts 25075%Note7
replaced with either a Note 7 or another Sam-
sung handset)
uizhou provinces
undulating topogra-
phy has long sculp-
ted its fight against
poverty into an uphill battle in
every sense but the very
mountains that had blocked
prosperity are today generat-
ing it through tourism.
Indeed, the sheer karst
peaks, sweeping gorges and
gushing waterfalls that
shape this swath of the Yun-
nan-Guizhou Plateau in
Southwest China have made
transportation construction
difficult. But their magnifi-
cent beauty compels a grow-
ing number of visitors.
About 11.5 million people
a third of Guizhous popula-
tion lived below the poverty
line by the end of 2011, official
figures show.
The number dropped to 4.9
million by the end of last year.
Thats largely because local
authorities declared a war on
poverty several years ago,
unveiling an array of measures
ranging from subsidies to
startup supports. But tourism
has proven one of the most
effective weapons in its arse-
The State Council outlined
goals for Guizhous tourism in
a 2012 guideline. These includ-
ed building Guizhou into a
globally famous tourist desti-
nation, a leisure resort and a
vital platform for cultural
Transportation has proven
key. Guizhou spent 410 billion
yuan ($68 billion) weaving all
of its 88 county-level regions
into a highway network
according to the 12th Five-
Year Plan (2011-15).
It also opened high-speed
rail lines that link the province
to such major metropolises as
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou
and Shenzhen. Ten airports in
Guizhou serve all nine prefec-
ture-level divisions.
Transportation improve-
ments lured 376 million tour-
ists in 2015.
They generated 351 billion
yuan in revenue 96 billion
yuan more than the previous
year. Tourism has become
Guizhous pillar industry,
accounting for 9.2 percent of
its GDP last year. Top: Karst peaks and sweeping gorges that shape the special topography of Guizhou compel a growing number of visitors. Above left: A Bouyei woman plays the traditional instrument, the yueqin, in a performance.
The sector is expected to Above right: An ethnic Bouyei woman and a foreigner participate in the bamboo dance in Zhenfeng county in Guizhous Qianxinan Bouyei and Miao autonomous prefecture. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY AND BY XINHUA
create over 500,000 jobs in
Guizhou, pulling at least 1 mil-
lion people out of poverty by tourism is direly needed for Highlighting different desti- in southwestern Guizhou. Its increases a lands value. And demand from around the
2020, Governor Sun Zhigang
$68 billion poverty-relief efforts, especial-
ly for places like Guizhou with
nations unique characteris-
tics is vital to the tourism
home to 36 ethnic groups and
rich biodiversity. Experts say
mountains are the most valua-
ble destinations, says Wang
Local authorities have
He made the remark at the spent in Guizhou to weave all of abundant mountains, says boom, he believes. Xingyis natural offerings Zhigang, a strategy consultant pledged to upgrade transpor-
2016 International Conference its 88 county-level regions into a Wei Xiaoan of the World Tour- Dont underestimate endow it with the potential to for Qianxinan. tation and enhance accommo-
of Mountain Tourism and Out- highway network ism Cities Federation. mountain tourism, he says. become a world-class destina- The prefecture is building dation capacity while
door Sports in Xingyi in Gui- Marketing relies heavily on Take Guizhou its tour- tion like Queenstown in New facilities for downhill skiing, protecting the environment in
zhous Qianxinan Bouyei and mountains and programs ism consists of mountains, Zealand and Champery in bungee jumping, rock climb- the coming years.
Miao autonomous prefecture focused on sightseeing, lei- ethnic diversity and rural Switzerland. ing, rafting, hot-air balloon-
late last month. sure, sports, education and scenery. In tourism, being less-devel- ing and skydiving to Contact the writers through
Developing mountain health. Qianxinan is a hidden gem oped and inaccessible often accommodate growing
Peng wins first tour title in Tianjin was taken to three sets by qual-
ifier Mischa Zverev.
But Djokovics avowed
cool-headedness evaporated
to a shuddering halt when he
was well beaten by 41st-
ranked Sam Querrey in the
third round at Wimbledon.
trying to find the next thing
to achieve after what he did at
the French Open, as well.
Im sure he will get it back.
in a stormy semifinal upset Order was restored when But its just normal to have a
By ASSOCIATED PRESS third set as a tired Mladenovic against Roberto Bautista Djokovic won in Toronto, period after what hes done
in Cleveland was ultimately unable to when he smashed his rac- but he then crashed out of the last few years where hes
match the Danes power and quet, ripped his shirt and the Rio Olympics first maybe not as dominant as he
Chinas Peng Shuai won the consistency. raged at the chair umpire. round in tears and was bul- was.
first WTA Tour title of her Frequently bending to lean Worse for Djokovic, sec- lied in the US Open final by Djokovic, who retreated
career on Sunday, beating Ali- on her racquet between ond-ranked Andy Murray Stan Wawrinka. from his Monte Carlo resi-
son Riske of the US to secure points, the Frenchwoman was cruised into the Shanghai dence to his native Belgrade
the Tianjin Open. in tears as she desperately final without dropping a set Not as dominant as the storm clouds gathered,
Peng listed as 182nd in tried to fight back after Wozni- and is in position to put fur- Wrist and elbow injuries will seek solace in family
the world by the WTA beat acki took a 5-0 lead. ther heat on his No 1 spot. have played a role, and Djok- comforts before resuming
the 56th-ranked American 7-6 Wozniacki eventually took Its not yet over. There are ovic has also admitted to strug- action at the Paris Masters in
(3), 6-2 in an hour and 45 min- the final set 6-2. a couple of big tournaments gling with private issues. two weeks time.
utes. Im really pleased with my still along the way: Paris and His collapse could reshape Im going to celebrate my
Riskes victory in the 2014 week this week there was London, Djokovic warned. the pecking order once again sons second birthday. Thats
Tianjin Open remains her only some good tennis and long Ill try to get ready for the with Murray now the fore- an event I look forward to.
WTA Tour win. This years battles, Wozniacki told indoor season where I most player of the crumbling Im going to do a lot of things
event has total prize money of reporters. always, in the last couple of Big Four, which also includes off the court, plenty of things
$426,750. The Dane said the final had years, played pretty well. Ill injury-hit Roger Federer and off the court, he said.
At the semifinals earlier in been a mental battle, as it was try to get better. Rafael Nadal. I had to experience this
the day, she knocked out world unclear to her how badly Recent months have not Murray, a contemporary of sooner or later. I knew I could
No 8 Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-4, Mladenovic was hurt. been kind to Djokovic, who Djokovic and a sparring not go on playing at the high-
5-7, 6-4 in a gruelling encoun- It wasnt easy mentally has suddenly and mystifying- partner since they were teen- est level for so many years all
ter lasting two and a half because sometimes she would ly lost his way after winning agers, said he didnt find it the time, he added.
hours with the Russian two- look like she couldnt play, six of his 12 Grand Slam titles surprising that the Serbs Its good to experience this
time Grand Slam champion and then she would run like in a stunning two-year period. superb run had taken its toll. so I can hopefully get better
and second seed. Speedy Gonzalez clearly its He was on top of the world It takes so much effort and in the period to come.
Peng, 30, had defeated not that bad if you can run
Montenegros Danka Kovinic side to side. There was defi-
3-6, 7-5, 6-3 to make it to the nitely a mental game. I just
finals. happened to win it, she said. Murray masters Shanghai to close on top ranking
Defending champion Agni- Wozniacki herself has bat-
eszka Radwanska, who was to tled back from injury and has
face Peng in the quarterfinals, had a resurgent run of form in Andy Murray demolished the Serbs top ranking. winning seven points in a row
withdrew from the tourna- Peng Shuai of China looks at her trophy after winning the singles the past two months, reaching Roberto Bautista 7-6 (1), 6-1 on The last few months Ive and taking the set with a siz-
ment after injuring her right final match against Alison Riske of the US at the Tianjin Open in the semifinals of the US Open Sunday as he won the Shang- played very well in all of the zling backhand return.
thigh. Tianjin on Sunday. AFP and winning the Pan Pacific hai Masters without dropping a tournaments and obviously Im A string of Bautista errors
China has hosted an Open in Tokyo. set and slashed the gap on happy to be back in the final put Murray a break up at the
increasing number of WTA Still without a Grand Slam world No 1 Novak Djokovic. again here, the 2010 and 2011 start of set two, but to his obvi-
tournaments as it seeks more woman emerged in the second title to her name, she said it The Wimbledon and Olympic winner told the crowd. ous frustration he gave it
clout in the game. set with her right leg ban- was her ambition to win one. champion won seven points in Murrays first serve of the straight back with a miscued
daged and renewed focus, Its the only thing missing a row in the first-set tiebreaker match was a thumping ace and forehand.
Wozniacki crowned forcing Wozniacki to dive from my CV, she said. and broke Bautista three times he took a grip on the first set at But Bautista twice double-
Former world No 1 Caroline around the court with a com- Wozniacki had downed sev- in the second set to lift his third 3-3 when Bautista netted a faulted to go a break down
Wozniacki beat unseeded bination of drop shots and enth seed Jelena Jankovic, also Shanghai title. backhand to lose the first break before handing over yet anoth-
French challenger Kristina powerful drives. a former world No 1, to book Second-ranked Murray has point of the match. er break, making victory a for-
Mladenovic to take the Hong The set went to 6-6, with her final place. now won 20 straight sets in a But Murray, serving at 5-4, mality for Murray, who buried
Kong Open on Sunday after a Mladenovic sealing the tie- Mladenovic had been aim- 10-match winning streak, lost three set points and got in his first championship point.
battle of wills that lasted break 7-4 to go even. Caroline Wozniacki of Den- ing for her first WTA title it marching to back-to-back titles a tangle on a drop shot to hand With his 41st tournament
almost three hours. Spectators around the mark hits a return on her way was the third time she had in China, including last weeks Bautista his first break point, victory and sixth this year, Mur-
Wozniacki of Denmark, packed stadium flickered to beating Kristina Mladenovic made a competition final only China Open victory in Beijing. which he converted with a ray joins Stefan Edberg in joint
seeded fifth in the competition, paper fans constantly on a hot of France in the Hong Kong to lose. Murray also cuts the gap on strong forehand. 15th place on the list of Open-
stormed the first set 6-1, with and humid afternoon, with final. BOBBY YIP / REUTERS Venus Williams and current Djokovic, who was shocked by The Briton slammed three era title winners.
Mladenovic visibly despond- temperatures at 30 degrees Cel- world No 1 Angelique Kerber Spains Bautista in the semis, consecutive aces for 6-6 and
ent and limping slightly. sius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). determined Wozniacki, 26, went out earlier in the compe- to 915 points as he zeroes in on he dominated the tiebreak, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE
The 23-year-old French Dressed all in green, a finally sealed victory in the tition.
BASEBALL British Masters at The Grove club, Watford, north ICE HOCKEY Bournemouth 6 (Daniels 5, Cook 41, Stanislas tersser 90) Semifinals
of London on Saturday (GBR/IRL unless stated, par 45-pen, 65, Wilson 83, Gosling 88) Hull 1 (Mason 34) Augsburg 1 (Baier 77) Schalke 1 (Bentaleb 65) Roberto Bautista (ESP x15) bt Novak Djokovic (SRB
Results from the MLB Playoffs League Champion- Results of the National Hockey League games on x1) 6-4, 6-4; Andy Murray (GBR x2) bt Gilles Simon
71): Manchester City 1 (Nolito 72) Everton 1 (Lukaku 64) Hoffenheim 2 (Wagner 34, Kramaric 81-pen) Frei-
ship Series on Saturday (home team in CAPS): Saturday (home teams in CAPS):
197 - Alex Noren (SWE) 67-65-65 Stoke 2 (Allen 8, 45+1) Sunderland 0 burg 1 (Niederlechner 78) (FRA) 6-4, 6-3.
CLEVELAND 2 Toronto 1 PITTSBURGH 3 Anaheim 2
200 - Richard Bland 67-64-69 West Brom 1 (Chadli 82) Tottenham 1 (Alli 89) Eintracht Frankfurt 2 (Huszti 43, Fabian 78) Bayern Results on Sunday
(Cleveland leads best-of-seven series 2-0) FLORIDA 4 Detroit 1
201 - Peter Hanson (SWE) 70-65-66, Bernd Wiesber- Crystal Palace 0 West Ham 1 (Lanzini 19) Munich 2 (Robben 10, Kimmich 62) Singles final
CHICAGO 8 Los Angeles 4 TORONTO 4 Boston 1
ger (AUT) 68-66-67, Richard Sterne (RSA) 66-68-67, Werder Bremen 2 (Junuzovic 13, Manneh 59) Bayer Andy Murray (GBR x2) bt Roberto Bautista (ESP
(Chicago leads best-of-seven series 1-0) San Jose 3 COLUMBUS 2
Tommy Fleetwood 66-67-68 TAMPA BAY 3 New Jersey 2 English Championship Leverkusen 1 (Calhanoglu 27) x15) 7-6 (1), 6-1.
202 - Marcel Siem (GER) 69-68-65, Lee Westwood Results on Saturday:
GOLF WASHINGTON 2 NY Islanders 1 Doubles final
67-68-67 MINNESOTA 4 Winnipeg 3 Aston Villa 1 Wolves 1 Italian Serie A John Isner/Jack Sock (USA) bt Henri Kontinen/John
US PGA Tour Safeway Open 203 - Graeme McDowell 68-68-67 OTTAWA 4 Montreal 3 (SO) Barnsley 2 Fulham 4 Results on Saturday: Peers (FIN/AUS) 6-4, 6-4.
Leading scores on Saturday after the storm-inter- 204 - Jorge Campillo (ESP) 71-66-67, Marc Warren ST. LOUIS 3 NY Rangers 2 Blackburn 0 Ipswich 0 Napoli 1 (Koulibaly 58) Roma 3 (Dzeko 43, 54, Salah
rupted second round of the US PGA Tour Safeway 66-69-69, Alexander Levy (FRA) 70-66-68, Tyrrell CHICAGO 5 Nashville 3 Brighton 2 Preston 2 86) WTA Tianjin Open
Open in Napa, California (USA unless noted): COLORADO 6 Dallas 5 Derby 1 Leeds 0 Pescara 1 (Campagnaro 23) Sampdoria 1 (Cam- Result on Sunday:
Hatton 68-66-70, Scott Jamieson 68-65-71
129 - Scott Piercy 62-67 ARIZONA 4 Philadelphia 3 (OT) Newcastle 3 Brentford 1 pagnaro 12-og) Semifinals
205 - Pelle Edberg (SWE) 69-69-67, Shane Lowry
VANCOUVER 2 Calgary 1 (SO) Norwich 3 Rotherham 1 Juventus 2 (Dybala 43, 51-pen) Udinese 1 (Jankto 30) Peng Shuai (CHN) bt Danka Kovinic (MNE) 3-6, 7-5,
132 - Johnson Wagner 65-67, Paul Casey (ENG) 68-70-67, Soren Kjeldsen (DEN) 68-69-68, Lee Slat-
64-68 QPR 1 Reading 1 6-3; Alison Riske (USA) bt Svetlana Kuznetsova
tery 67-70-68, Andrew Johnston 67-65-73
SOCCER Wigan 0 Burton 0 Spanish La Liga (RUS x2) 6-4, 5-7, 6-4.
133 - Troy Merritt 66-67
Results on Saturday: Final: Peng Shuai (CHN) bt Alison Riske (USA) 7-6
135 - Martin Laird (SCO) 67-68, Patton Kizzire 64-71 Korea LPGA Championship Dutch league Leganes 2 (Timor 66, Szymanowski 68) Sevilla 3
136 - Bill Haas 66-70, Derek Fathauer 68-68, Cody Leading final-round scores on Sunday in the Korea French Ligue 1 (3), 6-2.
Results on Saturday: Results on Saturday: (Vazquez 24, Nasri 57, Sarabia 84)
Gribble 67-69, Trey Mullinax 69-67 LPGA Championship at the SKY 72 Golf & Resort in FC Utrecht 3 Go Ahead Eagles 0 Nancy 1 (Diarra 55) Paris SG 2 (Lucas 13, Cavani 18) Barcelona 4 (Rafinha 21, 36, Suarez 43, Messi 58) WTA Hong Kong Open
137 - JJ Spaun 70-67, Jon Rahm (ESP) 66-71, Kevin Na Incheon, South Korea (x-won on the first playoff Sparta 2 Willem II 2 Bastia 1 (Bifouma 45) Angers 2 (Diedhiou 26, 56) Deportivo la Coruna 0 Result on Sunday:
71-66, Vaughn Taylor 70-67, Ryan Blaum 69-68 hole, par-72) PSV Eindhoven 1 Heracles 1 Guingamp 1 (Privat 32) Lille 0 Atletico Madrid 7 (Carrasco 34, 45, 61, Gaitan 63, 81, Final: Caroline Wozniacki (DEN x5) bt Kristina
138 - Phil Mickelson 69-69, Tag Ridings 68-70, Mack- 278 - x-Carlota Ciganda (ESP) 69-70-69-70, Alison AZ Alkmaar 2 Vitesse Arnhem 2 Lorient 1 (Hamel 80) Nantes 2 (Bammou 42, Gillet 74) Mladenovic (FRA) 6-1, 6-7 (4), 6-2.
Correa 85, Tiago 87) Granada 1 (Cuenca 18)
enzie Hughes (CAN) 69-69, Will MacKenzie 69-69, Lee (USA) 65-70-68-75 FC Groningen 0 SC Heerenveen 3 Montpellier 3 (Ninga 2, 77, Mounie 65) Caen 2 Real Betis 1 (Cejudo 55) Real Madrid 6 (Varane 4,
John Huh 70-68, Luke List 70-68, Chris Kirk 73-65, 280 - Feng Shanshan (CHN) 73-69-68-70, Kim Min- (Yahia 8, Santini 69) WTA Linz
Benzema 31, Marcelo 39, Isco 45, 62, Ronaldo 78)
Kyle Stanley 65-73, Brendan Steele 67-71, Harold sun (KOR) 72-67-70-71 English Premier League Results on Saturday:
281 - Hur Mi-jung (KOR) 72-72-67-70, Brittany Lang Results on Saturday:
Varner 71-67, Brian Campbell 68-70 German Bundesliga TENNIS Semifinals
(USA) 69-65-72-75 Chelsea 3 (Costa 7, Hazard 33, Moses 80) Leicester 0 Results on Saturday: Viktorija Golubic (SUI) bt Madison Keys (USA x3)
British Masters 282 - Bae Seon-woo (KOR) 70-72-71-69. Karine Icher Arsenal 3 (Walcott 26, 33, Ozil 57) Swansea 2 Borussia Moenchengladbach 0 Hamburg 0 ATP Shanghai Rolex Masters retired; Dominika Cibulkova (SVK x2) bt Carla Sua-
Leading third round scores in the European Tour (FRA) 68-70-73-71, Cristie Kerr (USA) 72-65-72-73 (Sigurdsson 38, Baston 66) Cologne 2 (Modeste 28, 39-pen) Ingolstadt 1 (Hin- Results on Saturday (x denotes seeding): rez (ESP x4) 6-4, 6-3.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Im in charge says
Conte after Costa
substitute dispute
Chelsea hammers
Leicester in battle
of past champions
PRESSE in London
City pays the penalty for lack of practice star still managed to cause a
fuss with his demonstrative,
but unsuccessful, attempt to
was rewarded with a second
consecutive clean-sheet
despite leaving fit-again cap-
four successive away games
since Blackburn Rovers in
convince Chelsea manager tain John Terry on the bench. Ranieri believes he and his
Conte to substitute him in the I changed the system players have become too
By AGENCE FRANCE- and face a daunting Champi- De Bruyne later in the game. 70th minute. because its important to have focused on their European
PRESSE in Manchester, UK ons League trip to his former Maybe the goalkeeper Costa was one booking away time to understand the right adventure.
club Barcelona on Wednes- played his best game ever. We from being suspended for next characteristic for the team, he When you play in the
Pep Guardiola admitted his day. know he is a very good goal- Sundays home clash with Jose said. Champions League for the
Manchester City players had I dont have time Guardiola said it was his keeper, Koeman said of his Mourinhos Manchester Unit- After we conceded a lot of first time in the clubs life, the
not practiced penalties before responsibility to try and fellow Dutchman. ed and, with the game against goals, I decided to change for concentration can be very
they missed two during a 1-1 to practice every- restore confidence to his play- He saved two penalties Leicester well in control, he the Hull game. This system high in the Champions League
draw at home to Everton. ers if that was an issue. and two more shots from Kev- gestured that he wanted to suits the talents of all our play- and it is not the same in the
Kevin De Bruyne and Ser- thing I want to I am here to try to make in De Bruyne. come off. ers. Premier League, Ranieri said.
gio Aguero both had spot- that happen. Maybe you need luck to He even clutched at his legs I can understand this. It is
kicks saved by goalkeeper
practice. You can I try to analyze the reasons get a result, but I think we get as if struggling with an injury Vote of confidence not only one man who
Maarten Stekelenburg before
substitute Nolitos header
practice penalties we dont win. Of course, the
confidence and mood is much
a result today because the
fighting spirit was amazing.
in the closing stages, but Conte
was unmoved and insisted he
Conte had laughed off sug-
gestions he was about to be
changed the team, it is the
brain that changed the team.
earned a point for City. in training, but in better when you win. Koeman also indicated City didnt want to lose a player sacked after some bookmak- Im not worried. I know my
For Aguero, it was a second Despite the failure to beat are the best team he has faced with Costas tone-setting ers suspended betting on his job. There are good and bad
miss of the week, after he fail- training, no one (a Everton, City enjoyed 72 per- in a managerial career span- aggression even for a few min- departure on Thursday. moments. I have to work.
ed to convert a penalty for cent of the possession and ning 15 years. utes. And Chelseas best perform- Ranieri conceded he might
Argentina during a 1-0 World crowd) is there. had 19 shots at goal to the visi- It is the best team we have If I can, I keep Costa until ance of the season was a wel- have unsettled his team by
Cup qualifying defeat at home tors three. played against in my manage- the end of the game. Costa is come vote of confidence. resting three key figures,
to Paraguay on Tuesday. Pep Guardiola, on City missing I am not frustrated with the rial career they have a real- an important player for us, Im quite tranquilo. Im including last seasons player
Guardiola, though, insists two penalties team. I am sad for the players. ly high tempo, Koeman said. Conte said. very happy, Conte said. of the year Riyad Mahrez, to
he has bigger priorities than They deserve to win the game. We made some mistakes Diego is in good shape. He When you work so hard dur- keep them fit for Tuesdays
penalty practice as he They did absolutely every- because the pressing was so has passion and we need his ing the week, its logical you Champions League clash with
attempts to get his team back ons League, that is crucial. If thing to win it, said Guardiola. high. Im pleased with the passion in every moment of want to see a good result. Danish side Copenhagen.
to form. the player says, I want to be Football is sometimes point. We didnt deserve the game. Im very happy, above all But the Italian was unre-
Asked if his players had there (take the penalty), that beautiful. They have to be more, I know. I know I risked it, because if for my players. pentant because he believes
practiced penalties, he said: is enough. more open, play a little bit Maybe we didnt deserve Costa took another yellow Meanwhile, Claudio Ranieri reaching the knockout stages
No. I dont have time to prac- Guardiola made a superb more and find spaces. one, counting the number of card he misses the next game. admits Leicesters maiden would be a huge achievement
tice everything I want to prac- start to his reign as Manches- Everton manager Ronald chances, and the fact that I decide the substitutions. Champions League voyage is for a club of Leicesters stat-
tice. ter City manager, winning his Koeman suggested Stekelen- there were two penalties Always I take the responsibili- ruining its Premier League ure.
You can practice penalties first 10 matches in charge. burg had the best game of his missed, but football is unpre- ty in every situation, good or title defence. The Premier League is one
in training, but in training, no However, his players have career after not only saving dictable and the key to get a bad. Ranieris side is 11 points year long, the Champions
one (a crowd) is there. gone three games without a two penalties, but also mak- point was the belief and the Conte was also rewarded for behind leader Manchester League is two months and you
In the final of the Champi- victory in all competitions, ing a world-class stop to deny work rate of the players. sticking to his beliefs about City after its fourth loss of are in or out, he said.
ZZ: Intensity key to Real revival Mahrez favorite for African award
By AGENCE FRANCE- for the opponent when we what is happening, but that is By AGENCE FRANCE- Foxes. Emerick Aubameyang, was a
PRESSE in Madrid play like that. independent of what we have PRESSE in Johannesburg It would be a shock if Mah- controversial 2015 winner.
Zidane had slammed his to do, he added. rez, who joined Leicester two Cote dIvoire and Man-
Real Madrid must match sides slow starts earlier this We have the obligation to Hot favorite Riyad Mahrez years ago from French outfit chester City midfielder Yaya
the intensity of a stunning first season, in particular in drop- give everything in every game of Algeria was among 30 Le Havre, is not named Afri- Toure, who was seeking a
45 minutes, coach Zinedine ping points at home to Basque we play. We are all satisfied, nominees named on Satur- can Player of the Year in Abu- record-extending fifth con-
Zidane said after his side minnow Eibar last time out. but we must continue like day for the 2016 African Play- ja on Jan 5. secutive award, publicly criti-
snapped a four-game draw They are intelligent, good this. er of the Year soccer award. The Algerian is one of three cized the choice of the Gabon
streak with a 6-1 rout at Real players. They know we have to Raphael Varane got Madrid The winger, who is equally Leicester stars in the running goal-poacher.
Betis on Saturday. start in that manner and they off to the perfect start when he efficient at scoring and creat- for the top African soccer Toure dismissed the out-
Zidanes men surrendered did well. headed home Toni Kroos free Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates ing goals, was a key figure for individual award the oth- standing form of Aubamey-
top spot on goal difference to When we play with the kick after just four minutes. after scoring against Real Betis sensational 2015-16 English ers are compatriot and strik- ang for Dortmund in the
city rival Atletico Madrid with intensity required, it makes it The intensity we started on Saturday. REUTERS Premier League title winner er Islam Slimani and Nigeria Bundesliga and the Europa
three consecutive La Liga very difficult for the opponent. with made everything a lot Leicester City. winger Ahmed Musa. League, saying 2015 Africa
draws, along with a point at We have worked on that, easier, said Varane. His efforts were acknowl- EPL players dominate the Cup of Nations performances
Borussia Dortmund in the but we need to be consistent. We have spoken a lot in the an empty net. edged by fellow professionals 30-star list with 12 included, should have been prioritized.
Champions League, prior to This match is a reference past few days about improving I will watch it again and in the most watched domes- three come from the Italian He was part of the Cote
the international break. point. that aspect of our play and enjoy it, a smiling Zidane said. tic soccer league in the world Serie A, two each from the dIvoire team that won the
However, a two-week layoff Victory took Real back level everyone responded well Alvaro Cejudo pulled a goal when they voted him EPL Spanish La Liga and French African showpiece for the first
seemed to do the European with Atletico at the top after today. back for Betis at the start of the Players Player of the Year. Ligue 1, and one from the time in 23 years, ending a dec-
champion a world of good as it Los Rojiblancos went one bet- Karim Benzema slotted second-half, but a stunning Mahrez has been equally German Bundesliga. ade of under-achievement by a
stormed into a 4-0 lead before ter in a 7-1 thrashing of Grana- home the second from anoth- strike from Isco and Cristiano impressive for Algeria, who CAF media, development self-styled golden generation.
halftime to blow Betis away. da earlier on Saturday. er Kroos assist before Marcelo Ronaldo rounded off the scor- has been consistently among and technical committee Toure has been sidelined
After four draws, we had to And Zidane insists big wins added a third. ing. the top ranked African soccer members, journalists and TV amid a war of words between
have a game like this. We for Atletico, Barcelona and It was Reals fourth, though, I needed a game like that. I nations for several years. consultants, and national his agent and new Manches-
played with the necessary Sevilla that saw Real slip to that stole the show as a sweep- needed a little bit of confi- His form has been so good coaches or national technical ter City manager Pep Guardi-
intensity to win, said Zidane. fourth before kick-off hadnt ing team move involving five dence and that will come with on the right side of midfield directors are involved in the ola and was not nominated.
There are no small teams played an extra motivating players stormed from a Betis more minutes, said Isco, who that long-time Algerian soc- selection process. Three Cote dIvorians
(in this league). This is a diffi- factor in its sudden return to corner all the way down the was making a rare start in the cer icon Sofiane Feghouli The lone nominee from the made the list Gervinho,
cult place to come, but we form. other end of the field in sec- absence of the injured Luka cannot always make the Bundesliga, Gabon and Borus- Eric Bailly and Paris Saint-
started strongly and it is tough You can have a look and see onds before Isco tapped into Modric and James Rodriguez. starting lineup for the Desert sia Dortmund striker Pierre- Germain Serge Aurier.