Vampire Killer
Vampire Killer
Vampire Killer
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ISBN-13: 978 o 19 423176 3
ISBN-10: 0194231763
Printed in China
Then Fletcher
Wait! Vou need
asks the important
a job and you
need money!
I need money.
There aren't
anyjobsin Vampires? Are you talking
this town. about Oracula?
6 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 7
10 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 11
Tell me
Colin. Do
you believe
- in vampires?
ren hirnl?
Where does the
vampire live?
16 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 17
Good luck,
Vou need it!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
18 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 19
Wait! Tell me
something. Why?
Why are you
doing this?
The sun!
Vampires can't
be in the sun. It
can kill them.