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Vampire Killer

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The story is about a vampire hunter who is looking for a job hunting a vampire in a small town. He meets two children, Colin and Claudia, who get involved in trying to find the vampire.

The vampire hunter is looking for a job and money hunting a vampire in the small town. He believes there is a vampire in the town and he must find and kill it that night.

The professor and his assistant Renfield are also apparently involved in hunting the vampire. It's unclear whose side Renfield is on.



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ISBN-13: 978 o 19 423176 3
ISBN-10: 0194231763

Printed in China


Illusl:rated by: Andy Parker

Oxford Bookwonns Starters Oxford BoolMonns Playscripts

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2 Vampire Killer
Vampire Killer 3
4 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 5

Then Fletcher
Wait! Vou need
asks the important
a job and you
need money!

I need money.
There aren't
anyjobsin Vampires? Are you talking
this town. about Oracula?
6 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 7

Oracula is a book, but this is true.

There is a vampire here in your town.
I must find it and kill it tonight or ...

OK, but I'm

Perhaps he
wants another
8 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 9

Colin is tired, but

he does not want
to go home.

10 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 11

It's you! You're

working for the
professor too!

Tell me
Colin. Do
you believe
- in vampires?

No, this man

works for the

Oh? That's a good job.

Does he get a lot of rnoney?
12 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 13

The professor does not

answer Claudia's questiono Tell me about yourself,
Colin. How old are you?
14 Vampil'e Killel' Vampil'e Killer 15

ren hirnl?
Where does the
vampire live?
16 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 17

Claudia, listen. l'rn afraid.

Fletcher's crazy. Renfield
is crazy too, I think. Let's
run away now!

No, Colin. I want to know. Is

the professor's story true?

Good luck,
Vou need it!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
18 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 19

~ They run in, b,ut ... 1

20 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 21

That's OK, Colin. Are you hungry

Vou don't need now, Colin? Iam.
to be afraid. l'rn hungry for ..
22 Vampire Killer Vampire Killer 23

Wait! Tell me
something. Why?
Why are you
doing this?

The sun!
Vampires can't
be in the sun. It
can kill them.

The sun's coming up!

But it's too early! Oh no!
Your watch is slow!
24 Vampire Killer

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