1300 Lully - Clavicula PDF
1300 Lully - Clavicula PDF
1300 Lully - Clavicula PDF
We have called this our Work Clavicula, or the Little Key, for without
this Work none is able to understand what we have wrote in our other Books, in
which we have fully declared the whole Art, although with obscure words, by
reason of the lgnorant. I have written many and large Books, under diverse
Sections and obscure terms, as appeareth in our Testament, where we have
handled of the Natrual Principle, where all things are set down that belong to
this Art, yet under the Hammer in the proper phrase of Philosophers. Item,
in our Chapter in the Philosophers Argent vive, and in the second part of the
Testoment of the Exuberotion of Physfccl Mines, and in our Book of the First
Essence, of the Qutntessence of GoId and Silver; afterwards in other Books also
made by me, where the whole Art is compleatly set down, but we have hidden
the Secret as much as we could. But seeing that no man without this Secret
can enter the Mines of the Philosophers, nor make any thing that can profit
him; therefore by the help of the Almighty, whom it hath pleased to reveal unto
me this secret, I will declare this whole Art without any fiction: And therefore
see that you do not reveal this Secret unto the wicked, but unto your entire
Friends; though you ought not to give it to men, being it is the gift of God, who
will give it to whom he pleaseth, and whosoever shall have it, shall have an
everlasting Treasure. Although Luna receiveth her clearness from Sol, of these
two the whole Mastery dependeth; but seeing Metals cannot be transmuted (as
Avi.cen witnesseth) in the Minerals, unless they be reduced into their first Matter,
which is true, viz. that unless you reduce them into Argent yiye; not Vulgar,
that is, notvolatile, but fixt, for the Vulgar is volatile, and full of flegmatick
coldness, and therefore it needeth to be reduced by Argent yive fixed, more
hot and dry, in qualities contrary to Argent vfve Vulgar: Therefore I counsel
you, O my Friends, that you do not work but about Sol and LLrne, reducing
them into the first Matter, our Sulphur and Argent vive: therefore, Son, you
are to use this venerable Matter; and I swear unto you and promise, that unless
you take the Argent vive of these two, you go on to the Practick as blind men
without eyes and sence ; therefore, Sons, I beseech you walk in the light , with
open eyes, and fall not into the diteh of Perdition as blind men.
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Of the difference between Argent vive Vulgar,
an d A rg e n t v iv e Na t u ra l.
We say, that Argent vive Vulgar cannot be the Argent vive of the Phil-
osophers, whatever Art it be prepared with for the Vulgar cannot be detained
in the Fire, but by another Argent vive corporeal which is hot and dry, and
more digested there: I say, that our Nature is of a more fixt and hotter Nature.
than the Vulgar, and that therefore because our Argent vive corporeal is turned
into Argent vive current,
not teyning the fingers; and when it is mixed with
the Vulgar they are joyned, and embrace one another with the bond of Love, so
that they never part from one another, as Water mixt with Water, for THUS it
pleaseth Nature: But our Argent vtve doth enter and mix it self actually with
the other Vulgar, drying up its flegmatic humidity, and taking away the coldness
from the Body, making it black as a Coal, which afterward it turneth into Powder.
Note therefore, that Argent vive eannot shew forth such Operations, as our
Physical or Natural, which in all its qualities hath the heat of Nature, and of
true temperature, and therefore it turneth the Vulgar into its temperate Nature;
nay it doth moreover somewhat else, for after its transmutation, it turneth it
into pure Metal, that is, into Sol or Lune, according as it is extended; or from
Sol and Lune, as is shewed in the second Chapter or Part of our Practick:
Besides this, it hath somewhat greater, for it changeth and converteth Vulgar
Mercury into Medicine, which Medicine can transmute the imperfect Metals into
perfect: besides it turneth the Vulgar into true Sol and Lune, better than those
of the Mine. Mark again, that one ounce of our Vulgar Natural Mercury, can
make an hundred Marks, and so until infinity, wit}: Argent vive, so that the
Nline shall never fail. Besides this, I will have you know another thing, that
Vulgar Mercury is not rightly nor perfectly mixed with the Bodies; for the Spirit
cannot be mixed with the Bodies perfectly, unless they be reduced into the kind
of Nature: And therefore when thou wilt mingle Lune and Sol in MercurT Vulgar,
then these Bodies must be reduced into the kind of Nature, which is called Argent
vive Vu1gar, through the bond of natural Love, and then the Male is joyned with
the female; for our Argent vive is hot and dry actually , Argent vtve Vulgar is
cold and moist passively, as a Female which is kept in her houses with temperate
heat until the Eclipsis, and then are made black as Coals, which is the Secret
of our true Dissolution: after they are at last truly knit together one with another,
so that they never part from one another, and they become a most white Powder,
whieh are the Males and Femalesengendered by true bond of Love; but the
Children will multiply their kinds to infinity, for one ounce of this Powder, thou
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shalt make infinite Sol, and reduce to Lune, better than any Metal of the Mine.
The Extraction of Mercury out of
the Perfect Body.
Take one ounce of Calx of Luna, let it be calcined in that manner as is
said in the end of the Work of our Mastery; which CaIx or Slime must be ground
into subtile Powder upon a Porphyr, which Powder ye shall imbibe twice, thrice,
or four times in a day with the best Oyl of Tarter, made in that manner as shall
be said in the end of our Mastery, drying it in the Sun until the said Calx shau
drink up of the said Oyl, four or five parts more than the Calx it self was,
grinding it always upon the Porphyrie, as is said: And in the end, let the CaIx
be dried up well, that it may well be reduced into Powder; and when it is well
pulverized, let it be put into a Boults-head with a long neck: put of our
stinking Menstrual made of two parts of Red Vitriol, and one part of Salt-peter,
and let the said Menstruum first be distilted seven times, and let it be well
rectified, by separating the Earthly Faeces, in so much that the said Minstrual I
be altogether Essential. Afterwards let the Boults-head be well luted, and put
to the Fire 5f Ash-es, with a little Fire of Coals, until you see the said $latter
boyl and be dissolved: afterwards distill it upon Ashes, until it loseth the
Menstruurn, and the Matter be altogether cold; and when it is coid, let the
Vessel be opened, and the Matter which is cold be put into another Vessel that
is very clean, with its Cap or Head on, well luted to a Furnace upon Ashes;
and when the lute is well dried, let the Fire be made by degrees in the beginning,
until you get all its Waters: afterwards augment the Fire until the Matter be
dried, and.the stinking Spirits exalted to the Cap or Head, and in the Receiver:
and when you shall see such a sign, let the Vessel be cooled by diminishing the
Fire: And after the Vessel is cooled, let the Matter be taken out and made into
subtil Powder upon the Porphyrie, so that the Powder may be impalpable, which
must be set in an Earthen Vessel well luted and well glazed: afterward put upon
this said Powder common Water boyling, stirring always the Matter with a clean
Stick, until the Matter become thick as Mustard; and stir the said Saltish
Matter with a Stick, until you see appear grains of lvlercury from the Body,
and that a great quantity of the said quick Mercury appear, according as you
have put in of the perfect Body, that is of Luna; and until you shall have a
great quantity, pour upon it boyting Water, and at length stirring it until all
the Matter be resoived into a Matter like unto Argent vfve Vulgar r let the
terrestriety be taken away with cold Water, and dried up by a cloth; afterwards
let it give through a Leather, and you shall see wonders.
Of th e Mu lt ip lic a t io n o f o u r
A rg e n t v iv e .
f{t Of pure Silver three grostes, made into thin Plates, and make Amalgamo
with four grostes of Argent vive Vulgar, well washed; and when the Amalgama
is made, then let it be put into a little Boults-head, with a neck of one foot and a
half long. Afterwards fl1 tfrree groste of our Argent vive, formerly extracted
and reserved from the Lunary Body, and let it be put upon the Amalgcmo, made
of the body and of Argent vive Vulgar: let the Vessel be luted very well with the
best lute, and let it be dried, when this is done, stirring the Vessel exceeding well,
that the Amalgamamay be well mingled; and thus the Argent vive may be well mixed
with the Body. Afterwards put the Vessel in which the Matter is, in a little
Furnace, to a little Fire of Coals, and let this not exceed the heat of the Sun,
When Sol is in the Sign of Leo, for another heat exceeding that would destroy
the Matter, and the one would fly from the other: and let such a Fire be
continued, until the Matter become black as coal and thick as pulpis : and let the
fire continue in this degree until the Matter be changed into a gray brown colour:
and when the gray appeareth, increase the Fire in one point or degree, and let this
second degree continue until the Matter begin to become wNte, to the most
purest whiteness; afterwards augment the Fire to the third degree, continuing
it until the matter become whiter than Snow, and be converted into pure Powder,
whiter than Ashes: and then you have Calx vive, or the quick Slime of the
Philosophers, and its Sulphury Mine, which the Philosophers have so much hidden.
The P r o p e rt y o f t h e s a id Ca lx ,
o r S lime .
The said Calx converteth Mercury Vulgar into most white Powder infinitely,
which can be reduced into true Silver, with some of the Bodies of Luna.
Multip lic a t io n o f t h e Ca lx .
l1X The Vessel with the Matter, wherein put two ounces of Argent vive
Vulgar, well washed and dried; afterwards lute the Vessel well, and put it
where it was before, governing and administering to it the Fire of the first,
second, and third degrees, as before, until the Matter be reduced into a most
white Powder, and so you may multipty to infinity.
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The Re d u c t io n o f t h is Ca lx v iv a ,
in t o L u n a .
When thou thus hast gotten a great quantity of our Calx viva, or of our
Nline, take a Crucible not covered, in which put one ounce of pure Lune, and
when it is melted, put thereupon four ounces of thy Powder in smatl Pills, let
thy Pills be the weight of the fourth part of an ounce: Iet them be put upon
the middle Luna by degrees, always continuing the Fire strong, until all the
Pills be projected and melted, together with t}:^eLune, and in the end make a
strong Fire, until it be incorporated: afterwards project it in an Ingot, and
thou shalt have five ounces of Silver more pure than the Natural: and thus
thou mayst multiply thy Philosophical Mine as thou pleasest.
Of o u r g re a t Wo rk t o t h e Wh it e ,
a n d t o t h e Re d .
Reduce the Cal* vtvc, as is said before of Lund, into Argent vive, which
is our Secret. Take therefore four ounces of our Calr, and reduce them into
Argent vive, as thou didst with Luno, of which Argent vive thou mayst have
at least three ounces: put this in a little Boult-head with a long neck, as thou
didst before; afterwards make Amalgama with one ounce of true Sol, with three
ounces of Argent vfve Vulgar, and put upon it Argent vfve of Lune, moving it
strongly with thy hands, that all may be mingled together: afterward put the
Vessel, well luted as before, in the Furnace, making the Fire of the first, second,
and third degreer in the first degree thy Matter will become black, Iike to a
CoaI, which then is called the Eclipsis of Luno and Sol, and there will be a true
commixtion, whereby is begotten the Sun and Sulphur, which is full of temperate
bloud; after the appearing of his colour, continue the Fire of the second degree
until the Matter become gray, then continue the third degree until the N{atter
appear most white ; afterwards augment the Fire to the fourth degree, continuing
so that the Matter may appear red as Cinnabar, and the Ashes become red: this
Calx you may reduce into the finest Sol, as is said before of Lune.
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