Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Address correspondence to: Professor M.L. Halperin, Division of Nephrology, St. Michaels Hospital Annex,
38 Shuter Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 1A6. e-mail:
! Association of Physicians 2003; all rights reserved
602 M.A.S. Shafiee et al.
Note that hyperglycaemia and/or high mannitol-like solutes in plasma might be contributing to the degree of hyponatraemia.
Figure 3. Comparison of energy expenditure in the basal and ideal state. This figure was redrawn, based on a publication by
Holliday and Segar.15 The upper and lower lines were plotted from the data of Butler and Talbot.47 Weights at the 50th
percentile level were selected for converting calories at various ages to calories related to weight. The computed line was
derived from the following equations: ages 010 kg, 100 cal/kg; 1020 kg, 1000 cal 50 cal/kg for each kg over 10 kg; 20 kg
and up, 1500 cal/kg 20 cal/kg for each kg over 20 kg.
604 M.A.S. Shafiee et al.
the needs of individual patients.5 Hence the When there is a large water deficit in the ICF
first question to ask is why do we currently infuse compartment (indicated by a PNa > 140 mM), elec-
so much hypotonic saline. trolyte-free water (often 5% dextrose in water or
D5W) should be infused. Care should be taken to
avoid inducing a significant degree of hyperglycae-
Usual reasons for intravenous mia.14
fluid administration
(iii) Replacing ongoing renal losses
There are five common reasons to infuse intrave-
This therapy is directed at patients who do not
nous fluids (Table 3). Only the last two deal directly
have an antecedent condition that led to the
with the development of hyponatraemia, and they
retention of salt and water.
will be emphasized.
(iv) Giving maintenance fluids to
(i) Defend normal blood pressure match insensible losses
A reduced ECF volume, if accompanied by haemo- The traditional guidelines for maintenance fluid
dynamic collapse, has a greater initial priority infusion focus on the need to replace insensible
than all but the most serious degrees of expansion loss of water for heat dissipationthe latter was
I. Highest priority
a) Defend haemodynamics
1. Re-expand a severely contracted ECF volume
2. Prevent a fall in blood pressure when venous tone is low (e.g., anaesthesia)
b) Return the ICF volume towards normal
1. Acute hyponatraemia that is symptomatic
Infuse hypertonic saline to raise the PNa by 5 mM in 12 h
2. Chronic hyponatraemia with a seizure
Infuse hypertonic saline to raise the PNa by 5 mM, but maximum is 8 mM/day; a lower target
should be set if the patient is malnourished or K-depleted
3. Chronic asymptomatic hyponatraemia
Raise the PNa by up to 8 mM/day, slower rate if the PK is low in a malnourished patient
II. Moderate priority
1. Re-expand a modestly contracted ECF volume
Replace ongoing losses
Avoid oliguria
Match estimated electrolyte-free water loss in sweat and in the GI tract
Intravenous fluid administration 605
Moreover, it is not uncommon for patients to metabolic production of CO2 and water occur
seek medical care and arrive in hospital with a in a 1:1 proportion during the oxidation of
low PNa because they drank electrolyte-free carbohydrates (Cn(H2O)n) (equation 1) and fatty
water while vasopressin was released secondary acids (CH2)n (equation 2). Moreover, these two
to their illness (Table 2). It would be a grave error end-products are eliminated together in alveolar
to give them electrolyte-free water. In the next air in a 1:1 proportion, providing that the arterial
section, we shall provide evidence to suggest pCO2 is close to 40 mmHg (Figure 4).23 The reason
that the classical calculations of losses of insensible for this parallel excretion of water and CO2 is
water lead to an overestimation of the need for that the partial pressures of water vapour and
hypotonic fluid administration. This error is com- CO2 are virtually equal in alveolar air (47 and
pounded by a perceived need to excrete a larger 40 mmHg) and in inspired air (close to zero
urine volume with a more comfortable urine after air is warmed to 37 C24). Therefore, water
osmolality.15 loss via exhaling alveolar air is equal to its
metabolic production, so these two pathways
can be ignored unless the patient is hyperven-
(v) The need for glucose as a tilating and/or is on a ventilator and is inspiring
fuel for the brain humidified air warmed to body temperature.23
A theoretical advantage of infusing 2 l of D5W Only water evaporation from the upper respiratory
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