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Edition : 01.

2015 -1-
Material Safety Data Sheet
According to 1907/2006/EG, Article 31


1. Identification of the substance / preparation and of the company / undertaking

Product details

Application of the substance / the preparation: additive for cooling systems and closed circuits

Manufacturer / Supplier:
h2o facilities sa, av. des Grandes-Communes 8, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy, Genve
Tel. +41 22 879 95 00 - Fax +41 22 879 95 09 - mail info@h2o-f.ch

Further information obtainable from: Tel. +41 22 879 95 00

Information in case of emergency: Tel. +41 22 879 95 00

2. Hazards identification
Hazard description: C Corrosive

Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:

The product has to be labelled due to the calculation procedure of the "General Classification guideline for
preparations of the EU" in the latest valid version.
R 34 Causes burns
R 37 Irritating to respiratory system

Classification system:
The classification is according to the latest editions of the EU-lists, and extended by company and literature data.

3. Composition / Information on ingredients

Components / EC Label Concentration

Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, 25 %

chlorides (CAS-NO.: 68424-85-1) (EEC-No.: 270-325-2) C, N; R22, R34, R50

4. First aid measures

After Inhalation :
Move to fresh air. Call a physician immediately. If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial

After skin contact:

Edition : 01.2015 -2-
Material Safety Data Sheet
According to 1907/2006/EG, Article 31


After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water. Call a physician immediately. Take off
all contaminated clothing immediately

After eye contact :

Immediately flush eye(s) with plenty of water. Call a physician immediately

After Ingestion :
Call a physician immediately. Clean mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of water. Do not induce
vomiting without medical advice. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

Notes to physician : High concentration of vapours may induce unconsciousness.

5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing agent: Dry powder, Water spray, Foam
Specific hazards during fire fighting: Heating or fire can release toxic gas.
Special protective equipment for fire-fighters: In the event of fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus.
Additional advice : Use water spray to cool unopened containers.

6. Accidental release measures

Personal precautions:
Use respirator when performing operations involving potential exposure to vapour of the product.
Environmental precautions:
Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system.
Measures for cleaning up :
Contain spillage, and then collect with non-combustible absorbent material, (e.g. sand, earth, diatomaceous
earth, vermiculite) and place in container for disposal according to local / national regulations (see section 13).

7. Handling and storage

Safe handling advice: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Provide sufficient air exchange and/or
exhaust in work rooms.
Requirements for storage Keep container tightly closed. To maintain product quality, do not store in
areas and containers heat or direct sunlight. Keep in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place.

8. Exposure controls / personal protection

Personal protective equipment
Hygiene measures Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wash hands before breaks and
immediately after handling the product.

Respiratory protection In the cases of vapour formation use a respirator with and approved filter.

Hand protection Wear suitable gloves

Eye protection Wear eye/face protection

Edition : 01.2015 -3-
Material Safety Data Sheet
According to 1907/2006/EG, Article 31


Skin and body protection Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection

9. Physical and chemical properties

State of aggregation : liquid
Form : viscous
Colour : colorless-yellow
Odour : mild
Safety data
pH 6-8 (100 g/l; 20 C)
Setting point ca. -20C Method: ISO 3016
Density 0.94 g/cm3 (20 C)
Method: DIN 51757
Water solubility completely miscible

10. Stability and reactivity

Conditions to avoid: No data available
Hazardous reactions: Stable under normal conditions.

11. Toxicological information

The following toxicological data refer to:

N-Alkyl (C12-16)-N,N-dimethyl-N-benzylammonium chloride (CAS-No.: 68424-85-1)

Acute oral toxicity (LD50) ca. 344 mg/kg - Species: rat
Acute dermal toxicity (LD50) ca. 3340 mg/kg - Species: rabbit
Skin irritation Corrosive - Species: rabbit, exposure time: 24 h., Method: DOT
Eye irritation Corrosive - Species: rabbit, Method: DOT
Sensitization not sensitizing - Species: guinea pig, Buehler Test,
Method: OECD Test Guideline 406
Genotoxicity in vitro negative, Ames test, Salmonella typhimurium, Method: OECD 471
negative, Chromosome aberration test in vitro, Human lymphocytes
Method: OECD 473

12. Ecological information

Ecotoxicity effects:

Toxicity to daphnia (EC50) <1 mg/l

Species: Daphnia magna (Water flea)
Immobilization - Exposure time: 48 h. Method: US-EPA

Toxicity to bacteria (EC100) ca. 16 mg/l

Species: Pseudomonas putida
Growth inhibition - Exposure time: 96 h.

The following ecotoxicological date refer to:

Edition : 01.2015 -4-
Material Safety Data Sheet
According to 1907/2006/EG, Article 31


N-Alkyl (C12-16)-N,N-dimethyl-N-benzylammonium chloride (CAS-No.: 68424-85-1)

Ecotoxicity effects:

Toxicity to fish (LC50) 0.28 mg/l

Species: Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow)
Acute toxicity, Exposure time: 96 h. Method: US-EPA

Toxicity to fish (LC50) 0.93 mg/l

Species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)
Acute toxicity, Exposure time: 96 h. Method: US-EPA

Toxicity to fish (NEOC) 0.032 mg/l

Species: Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow)
Early-life, Exposure time: 34 d. Method: EPA-FIFRA

Toxicity to fish (LC50) 0.515 mg/l

Species: Bluegill sunfish
Acute toxicity, Exposure time: 96 h. Method: US-EPA

Toxicity to daphnia (EC50) 0.0058 mg/l

Species: Daphnia magna (Water flea)
Immobilization, Exposure time: 48 h. Method: EPA-FIFRA

Toxicity to daphnia (NOEL) 0.0042 mg/l

Species: Daphnia magna (Water flea)
Reproduction Test, Exposure time: 21 d. Method: EPA-FIFRA

Toxicity to algae (ErC50) 0.049 mg/l

Species: Selenastrum capricormutum (green algae)
Cell multiplication inhibition test, Exposure time: 72 h.
Method: OECD Test Guideline 201

Toxicity to bacteria (EC50) 7.75 mg/l

Species: activated sludge
Respiration inhibition, Exposure time: 3 h. Method: OECD 209

Toxicity to bacteria (EC100) ca. 16 mg/l

Species: Pseudomonas putida
Growth inhibition, Exposure time: 96 h.

Toxicity to soil dwelling 7070 mg/kg

organisms (LC50) Species: earthworms
Acute toxicity, Exposure time: 14 d. Method: OECD 207


Behaviour in environmental : Adsorption/Soil

compartments immobile, Method: EPA-FIFRA

Persistence and degradability

Stability in water : hydrolytically stable, Method: EPA-FIFRA

Biodegradability OECD Confirmatory Test: >90%, Method: OECD 303 A

Modified SCAS Test: : >90%, Method: OECD 302 A
CO2 Evolution: 95,5%, Readily biodegradable.
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Material Safety Data Sheet
According to 1907/2006/EG, Article 31


Testing period: 28 d, Method: OECD 301 B

The surfactant(s) contained in this preparation complies (comply) with the
biodegradability criteria as laid down in Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004 on
detergents. Data to support this assertion are held at the disposal of the
competent authorities of the Member States and will be made available to
them, at their direct request or at the request of a detergent manufacturer
Bioaccumulative potential
Bioaccumalation Does not bioaccumulate. Bioconcentration factor (BCF): 79
Species: Bluegill sunfish, Exposure time: 35 d, Method: US-EPA

13. Disposal considerations

Waste from residues
The organic ingredients can be incinerated in a suitable installation when in accordance with local regulations

Contaminated packaging
Where possible recycling is preferred to disposal or incineration

14. Transport information

Land transport ADR / RID (cross-border):

ADR / RID class: 8 Corrosive substances

- Danger code (Kemler): 80
- UN-Number: 3265
- Packaging group: III
- Hazard label: 8
- Description of goods: CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACID, ORGANIC,
N.O.S. (Alkyldimethylbenzylammoniumchloride

Maritime transport IMDG:

IMDG Class: 8
- UN-Number: 3265
- Packaging group: III
- Hazard Label: 8
- EMS Number: F-A, S-B
- Proper shipping name: CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACID, ORGANIC,
N.O.S. (Alkyldimethylbenzylammoniumchloride)
Marine pollutant: No

Air transport ICAO-TI and IATA-DGR:

ICAO/IATA Class: 8
- UN/ID Number: 3265
- Packaging group: III
- Hazard Label: 8
- Proper shipping name: CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACID, ORGANIC,
N.O.S. (Alkyldimethylbenzylammoniumchloride)
Edition : 01.2015 -6-
Material Safety Data Sheet
According to 1907/2006/EG, Article 31


15. Regulatory information

Labelling according to EU guidelines:
The product has been classified and marked in accordance with EU Directives / Ordinance on Hazardous

Code letter and hazard designation of product:

C Corrosive

Risk phrases:
34 Causes burns
37 Irritating to respiratory system

Safety phrases:
23 Do not breathe gas / fumes / vapour / spray
26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye / face protection.
45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label
where possible)

16. Other information

This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any
specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.

Department issuing MSDS: h2o facilities sa - Genve

Contact: h2o facilities sa - Genve

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