RMF005600408 PDF
RMF005600408 PDF
RMF005600408 PDF
In this work, the design, construction, calibration and compliance measurement of a universal testing machine for tension tests of materials in
film geometry are presented. A commercial load cell of 220 N and sensitivity of 1.2345 mV/V is used to measure the applied load. Material
strain is measured by movement of the crosshead displacement of the machine with a digital indicator with 0.001 mm resolution and 25 mm
maximum displacement, connected to a PC through an interface. Mechanical strain is achieved by an electric high precision stepper motor
capable to obtain displacement velocities as low as 0.001 mm/s. The stress-strain data acquired with a GPIB interface are saved as a file
with a home-made program developed in LabView 7.0. Measurements of the elastic modulus and yield point of a commercial polymer film
(500 HN Kapton) were used to validate the performance of the testing machine. The obtained mechanical properties are in good agreement
with the mean values reported by the supplier and with the values obtained from a commercial machine, taking into account the limitations
of thin film testing and experimental conditions.
En este trabajo se discute el diseno, la construccion, la calibracion y la medicion de la complianza de una maquina universal para pruebas
de tension de materiales en geometra de pelicula. La carga aplicada es medida con una celda de carga comercial de 220 N y sensitividad de
1.2345 mV/V. La elongacion de la muestra es medida a traves del desplazamiento del cabezal de la maquina con un indicador de caratula
digital con resolucion de 0.001 mm y desplazamiento maximo de 25 mm, conectada a una PC a traves de una interfase de puerto serial. La
deformacion mecanica es conseguida con un motor a pasos de alta precision capaz de conseguir velocidades tan bajas como 0.001 mm/s. Los
datos adquiridos a traves de una interfase GPIB en tiempo real son guardados en un archivo usando un programa de diseno propio desarrollado
en LabView 7.0. El modulo de elasticidad y el punto de fluencia medidos en una pelicula polimerica comercial (Kapton 500 HN) fueron
utilizados para evaluar el desempeno de la maquina construida. Los valores de las propiedades mecanicas obtenidas muestran buen acuerdo
con los valores reportados por el proveedor y con los resultados obtenidos con una maquina comercial, considerando la geometra de capa
with soft materials). Compliance was obtained through ten- CT = Cm + CAl (2)
sile testing by using aluminum samples with 35 mm gage
lenght, 4.2 mm wide and 0.46 mm thick. The tensile test was Figure 5 shows load-displacement curves for the analyzed
done by applying loads from 0 to 140 N, limited by the ca- sample measured by the machine-crosshead and strain gage
pacity of the load cell. Strain was measured simultaneously (simultaneously). The values of the compliances (inverse
by the machine crosshead displacement and by a commer- of the load-displacement slopes) measured by both meth-
cial strain gage (Vishay ED-DY-062AK-350) bonded to the ods are CAl =0.43 m/N and CT =0.59 m/N. According to
mid-part of the sample. The strain gage was connected to Eq. (2), the measured values yield a machine compliance of
a Vishay model P3 strain indicator to record the gage sig- Cm =0.16 m/N. As it will be further discussed in connection
nal. Half bridge configuration was used in order to minimize with experiments on Kapton, the compliance of our machine
temperature effects. The total compliance measured by the is significantly low, confirming that our universal testing ma-
crosshead displacement (CT ) is a sum of the compliance of chine is appropriated to obtain mechanical properties of ma-
the analyzed material (CAl ) and the compliance of the ma- terials with low modulus, thin films, and polymers.
chine (Cm ), simulating a series spring system. Since CT and The machine compliance value is constant and needs to
CAl are measured during the experiment, the next relation be considered to determine the real value of the elastic mod-
can determine the machine compliance: ulus of a material under test, if the crosshead displacement
is used to measure strain. To determine the real elastic mod- point for Kapton as provided by the supplier are 2.5 GPa and
ulus (E) of a material under axial tension it is necessary to 69 MPa at 3% of strain [23], respectively. The small differ-
take into account the machine compliance. This can be done ences measured by our testing machine (9 and 11%) can be
using a spring-in-series system. The elastic modulus as deter- due to the difference in the geometry of the samples used by
mined with the machine crosshead displacement (ET ) needs the manufacturer (dog-bone), according to the ASTM D-882-
to be corrected to obtain the real modulus E, by the rela- 91 standard, and the different test velocity (10 mm/s) used.
tion [21,22]: In order to compare our results, Fig. 8 shows results of four
ET similar samples of Kapton tested in a commercial Shimadzu
E= Cm ET A
(3) machine model AGI-100, with a load cell of 500 N, using a
1 L crosshead speed of 0.01 mm/s. From results, the elastic mod-
where Cm is the measured machine compliance, A the sec- ulus and the yield point were estimated in 2.6 0.2 GPa and
tional area, and L the gage length. 55.4 1.2 MPa, respectively. Thus, although the values are
somewhat similar, it is very difficult to obtain the same values
4. Results and validation than those reported by the supplier, if different test conditions
are used.
A commercial polymer, 500 HN Kapton, was initially used It is known that thickness and specimen length can af-
as a benchmarking specimen by its well-known properties fect the stress-strain curves of materials, especially those in
reported by the DuPont Co. supplier [23]. Tensile tests film geometry [24]. Different test conditions can cause vari-
were conducted using rectangular geometries of Kapton films ations on the measurements of mechanical properties of the
of 40 mm length, 5 mm wide and 0.125 mm thick. The gage polymers. For example, notorious effects in the plastic zone
length of the samples was always 20 mm. The displacement due to the testing velocity have been reported in ref [25]. In
velocity of the movable crosshead during tensile experiments several reports [26,27] the analyzed samples deviate from the
was maintained at 0.01 mm/s in all cases. size and geometries required by the ASTM standards, and
sometimes the different values measured of certain mechani-
Figure 6 shows a plot of the displacement of the mov-
cal properties can not be comparable. Thus, testing of micro
able crosshead vs. time, where high stability can be observed
and nano-materials demands to establish new standards and
when it moves along the drive screw with the sample gripped.
fix the test conditions, size and, geometry of the samples, to
From Fig. 6, a constant behavior of the velocity and very low
obtain reproducible mechanical properties.
mechanical noise during the crosshead displacement is ev-
ident. Therefore, the movement of the movable crosshead
5. Conclusions
does not have additional effects, such as vibrations or speed
changes that could affect the tensile tests. The design, construction, calibration and compliance mea-
surement of a universal testing machine for tensile tests on
Figure 7 shows a group of six superimposed stress-strain thin and soft materials were discussed. The design has the
curves as obtained from different samples of the Kapton foil. capability to obtain displacement as small as 0.001 mm and
The six curves are difficult to visualize given their high re- maximum loads of 220 N. The estimated compliance ma-
producibility. From this figure, it can be observed that Kap- chine value was 0.16 m/N as measured with a stiff mate-
ton has a linear elastic behavior below 1.8% strain. The total rial. The mechanical properties of a 500HN Kapton polymer
strain applied to the samples was always 24%, which is far film were measured and compared with the mean values re-
from the ultimate strain reported by the supplier (72%). This ported by the supplier as well as independent testing using a
high strain can not be achieved by our machine giving the commercial testing machine. The corrected average elastic
mechanical limits of the device. modulus and the yield point of Kapton film determined with
In Fig. 7, the initial slope of the curve (elastic zone) cor- our home-made testing machine were 2.7 GPa, and 61.0 MPa.
responds to the elastic modulus. The value of the real elastic This elastic modulus value was corrected in about 1.1% for
modulus (E) calculated from the different stress-strain curves the case of Kapton, and represents a slight difference as com-
and corrected through Eq. 3 were estimated in 2.7 0.1 GPa pared with the mean values reported by the supplier; and is
as mean value. This value is 1.1% larger than the ET value also in reasonable agreement with the values obtained with
measured from the stress-strain curves directly obtained from the Shimadzu machine. The performance and low compli-
the machine. The low dispersion of data affirms the high re- ance value of our testing machine indicate that it is appro-
producibility of the measurements inducted on Kapton foils. priate to obtain reliable mechanical properties of compliant
The yield point (Y ) was determined as the stress obtained materials in thin and soft materials. Our testing machine per-
at 3% of the deformation (Y ) as shown in Fig. 7. The mits to interchange different elements according to the user
mean value of this parameter estimated in 61.01.0 MPa. requirements. An additional advantage of our testing ma-
The stress obtained at 24 % strain was ranged from 146.1 chine is the lower cost and smaller size compared to other
to 149.3 MPa, with an average of 147.61.0 MPa. For com- commercial machines. Future efforts will address the use of
parison, the mean values of the elastic modulus and the yield this equipment to obtain the mechanical properties of thin
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