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Lattice and Boolean Algebra

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This chapter presents, lattice and Boolean algebra, which are basis of switching
theory. Also presented are some algebraic systems such as groups, rings, and

This book considers various algebraic systems. In this section, we present a
general form of them. An algebraic system is defined by the tuple (A, 01, , Ok;
R 1 , , Rm; C1, , Ck), where, A is a non-empty set, 0i is a function APi -+ A,
Pi is a positive integer, R j is a relation on A, and Ci is an element of A.

Example 2.1 (Z, +) is an algebraic system consisting of a set of integers Z

and addition (+). (Z, +,~) is an algebraic system consisting of a set of integers
Z, addition, and the relation "equal to or less than".

The lattice is an algebraic system (A, V, .) with two binary operations V and
" and arbitrary elements a, b, C in A satisfy the following four axioms (1)-(4):

(1) Idempotent laws: a Va = a, a a = a;

(2) Commutative laws: a V b = b V a, a b = b . a;
(3) Associative laws: a V (b V c) = (a V b) V c, a (b. c) = (a. b) . C;
T. Sasao, Switching Theory for Logic Synthesis
Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999

(4) Absorption laws: a V (a. b) ::::; a, a (a V b) ::::; a.

Example 2.2

1. Let A ::::; {O, I}. Let a V b = max{a,b} and a b = min{a,b} be binary

operations on A. Then, the algebraic system (A, V, -) satisfies the axioms
of the lattice.
2. Let Z be the set the integers. Let a Vb::::; max{ a, b} and a . b = min { a, b}
be binary operations on Z. Then, the algebraic system (Z, V,) satisfies
the axioms of the lattice.
3. Let S = {a, b}. Let U and n be binary operations on P(S) ::::; {<,b, {a},
{b}, {a, b}}. Then, the algebraic system (P(S), u, n) satisfies the axioms
of the lattice.
4. Let A = {1,2,3,6}. Let a V b =(least common multiple of a and b), and
a 1\ b =(greatest common divisor of a and b) be binary operations on A.
Then, the algebraic system (A, V, 1\) satisfies the axioms of the lattice.

As shown in the above example, various algebraic systems satisfy the axioms of
the lattice. Note that each example is a special case of the abstract algebraic
system defined by the axioms. Such an example is called a model of the
algebraic system. In general, many models satisfy the algebraic system defined
by the axioms.


The lattice (A, V, .) satisfying the following axiom is a distributive lattice.

(5) Distributive laws: a V (b c) = (a V b). (a V c), a (b V c) = (a b) V (a c).

Example 2.3 The ordered set represented by the Hasse diagram in Fig. 2.1
is a distributive lattice. The ordered set represented by the Hasse diagram in
Fig. 2.2 is a lattice, but not a distributive lattice. In Fig. 2.2(a), the distributive
law is not satisfied since a . (b V c) = a . 1 = a, and a . b Va c = b V 0 = b

Let a lattice (A, V,.) have a maximum element 1 and a minimum element O.
For any element a in A, if there exists an element Xa such that a V Xa = 1
and a . Xa = 0, then the lattice is a complemented lattice. In this case, Xa
Lattice and Boolean Algebra 19

a d g
b f
o o o
(b) (a) (b)

Figure 2.1 Examples of Figure 2.2 Examples of

distributive lattice. non-distributive lattice.

is a complement of a. A complemented distributed lattice is a Boolean

algebra, which is introduced in the next part. In general, a complement is not
unique as shown in the next.

Example 2.4

1. In Fig. 2.1(a), there is no complement for a.

2. In Fig. 2.2(a), the complement of a is c, and the complement of b is also
3. In Fig. 2.2(b), the complements of c are a and b.

2.4.1 Boolean Algebra

Let B be a set with at least two elements 0 and 1. Let two binary operations
V and " and a unary operation - are defined on B. The algebraic system
(B, V", - ,0,1) is a Boolean algebra, if for arbitrary elements a, band c in
B the following postulates are satisfied:

(1) Idempotent laws: a V a a, a a a; = =

(2) Commutative laws: a Vb b V a, a b b . a; =
(3) Associative laws: a V (b V c) = (a V b) V c,
(4) Absorption laws: a V (a b) a, a (a V b) a; =

Ordered set
- Distributive lattice-
[ Boolean algebra ]

Figure 2.3 Relation of algebraic systems.

(5) Distributive laws: a V (b. c) = (a V b) . (a V c),

a (b V c) = (a b) V (a c)j
(6) Involution: Ii = aj
(7) Complements: a V Ii = 1, a Ii = OJ
(8) Identities: a V 0 = a, a 1 = aj
(9) a V 1 = 1, a 0 = OJ
(10) De Morgan's laws: a V b = Ii b, a . b = Ii V b.

In the above axioms, V,, and - are called Boolean sum, Boolean product,
and complement, respectively. A Boolean algebra is a distributive lattice
satisfying the conditions (6)-(10) (Fig. 2.3).

Huntington's Postulates
Boolean algebra is the algebra satisfying the ten axioms in Section 2.4.1. How-
ever, to verify whether the given algebra is Boolean algebra or not, we need
only to check the following four axioms, the Huntington's postulates.

Identities: a V 0 = a, a 1 = aj
Commutative laws: a V b = b V a, a b = b . aj
Distributive laws: a V (b. c) = (a V b) (a V c), a (b V c) = (a b) V (a c)j
Complements: a V Ii = 1, a Ii = O.

From the above four axioms, we can derive the other axioms of the Boolean
Lattice and Boolean Algebra 21

(Ill) (O,I,2) 30

(1,2) 6 15

(001) (2) 2 5


Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 Figure 2.6

Hasse diagram of B3, Hasse diagram of Hasse diagram of A(30),
P( {O, 1, 2}),

2.4.2 Models of Boolean Algebra

Boolean Algebra Over {a, I}

Let B={O, I}. {B, V," - ,0, I} is the simplest (model of the) Boolean algebra.

Boolean Algebra Over Boolean Vectors

In an n-dimensional vector a = (a!, a2, ... , an), if each element is or 1, then
a is an n-dimensional Boolean vector. Let B n = {(aI,a2, ... ,an ) I ai E

{O, I}} be the set of n-dimensional Boolean vectors. Let two elements in B n be
a = =
(aI, a2, .. . , an) and b (bI, b2 , ... ,b n ). Define the operations V," and -
as follows: aV b = (al Vb I , a2 Vb 2 , ... , an Vb n ), a b = (al b I , a2 b2 , ... , an b n ),
and a = (aI, a2, ... , an).
Then, {Bn, V", - ,0, 1} is a (model of the) Boolean algebra, where, 0 =
(0,0, ... ,0), and 1 = (1,1, ... , 1). Fig. 2.4 is the Hasse diagram of B3.

Boolean Algebra Over Power Set

Let A be a non-empty set, and let P(A) be a power set of A. For each element
of P(A), if the operations U, n, and - correspond to the union, the inter-
section, and the complement operation, respectively, then the algebraic system
(P(A), U, n, - ,1;, A} is a (model of the) Boolean algebra. Fig. 2.5 shows the
Hasse diagram of P( {O, 1, 2}).

Example 2.5 Let A(30) be the set of positive integers that are divisor of 30.
Let a Vb =( the least common multiple of a and b), a" b =( the greatest common
divisor of a and b), and a = 30ja (the quotient obtained by dividing 30 by a).
Then, the algebraic system (A(30), V, ", -, 1,30) is a (model of the) Boolean
algebra. Fig. 2.6 shows the Hasse diagram of A(30).

Isomorphic Boolean Algebra

Note that Figs. 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 have the same structures. In this case, these
Boolean algebra are isomorphic to each other. Two Boolean algebras (A, V, .
, - , OA, 1A) and (B, V, . , - , OB, 1B) are isomorphic iff there is the mapping
f : A -- B, such that

1) for arbitrary a, bE A, f(a V b) = f(a) V f(b), f(a . b) = f(a) . f(b), and

f(a) = /(a), and
2) f(OA) = OB, f(lA) = 1B hold.

An arbitrary finite Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra (Bn,

V, ., -, 0, 1), which consists of n-dimensional binary vectors, for some integer
n. Therefore, if the number of the elements in the algebra is not the power of
two, then it is not a Boolean algebra.

Example 2.6 Fig. 2.7 shows the Hasse diagram of B4.

2.4.3 De Morgan's Theorem
In the Boolean algebra, the De Morgan's laws or the De Morgan's theorem
a . b = a V b, a V b = a . b.
These equations can be generalized for the n-variable case:
Xl X2 Xn = Xl V X2 V ... V Xm
Xl V X2 V ... V Xn= Xl X2 X n
Definition 2.1 Let (B, V,, - ,0,1) be a Boolean algebra. The variable that
takes arbitrary values in the set B is a Boolean variable. The expression
that is obtained from the Boolean variables and constants by combining with
the operators V, ., - and parenthesis is a Boolean expression. If a map-
Lattice and Boolean Algebra 23


(1,1,0,0) (0,0,1,1)


Figure 2.7 Hasse diagram of B4.

ping f :Bn -+ B is represented by a Boolean expression, then f is a Boolean

function. However, not all the mappings f : B n -+ B are Boolean functions.

In Boolean expressions, the following generalized De Morgan's theorem


Theorem 2.1 Let F(Xl' X2, ... , xn) be a Boolean expression. Then, the com-
plement of the Boolean expression F(x}, X2, ... ,xn ) -is obtained from F as fol-

1) Add the parenthesis according to the order of operations.

2) Interchange V with '.
3) Interchange Xi with Xi.
4) Interchange 0 with 1.

Example 2.7 Let F = x V yz. By applying the De Morgan's theorem, we

x V (y. z) = X (y V z).

2.4.4 Principle of Duality

In the axioms of Boolean algebra (1)-(10), in an equation that contains V, .,
0, or 1, if we interchange V with ., and/or 0 with 1, then the another equation
holds. In general, this is true. In other words, given an equation in a Boolean
algebra, the equation that is obtained from the equation by interchanging V
with ., and/or 0 with 1 also holds. This property is the principle of duality.

Dual Boolean Expressions

Let A be a Boolean expression. The dual AD is defined recursively as follows:

(1) OD = l.
(2) ID = O.
(3) If Xi is a variable, then XiD = x;(i = 1, ... , n).
(4) If A, B, and C are Boolean expressions, and A = B V C, then AD =
(5) If A, B, and C are Boolean expressions, and A = B . C, then AD =
(6) If A and B are Boolean expressions, and A = B, then AD = (BD).

A pplications of the Principle of Duality

Let A and B be Boolean expressions. The symbol := denotes that two expres-
sions represent the same function. If A:= B, then AD := BD. In this book, we
distinguish a Boolean expression and the function represented by the expres-
= =
sion. However, we often do not distinguish them, as in F(x, y) xVy (x y).

Example 2.8 Consider the identity: xy V yz = xy V yz V xz. If we apply the

principle of duality to this equation, we have another identity: (x Vy)(y V z) =
(x V y)(y V z)(x V z).

As shown in the above example, the symbols for multiplication . are often

Example 2.9 Consider the Boolean algebra B = {O, 1, a, a}. In this case,
check whether the one-variable function B -+ B shown in Table 2.1 is a
Boolean function or not. In a Boolean function, the following relation holds
Lattice and Boolean Algebra 25

Table 2.2
Table 2.1
Xl X2 f 9 fVg fg f g
X f(x)
0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
a a 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
a 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

(Problem 2.18): f(x) = xf(O) V xf(I). By assigning the values from Ta-
ble 2.1, we have f(x) = x . a V X 1. Next, by assigning X = a, we have
f(a) = a . a Va 1 = 0 V a = a. However, as shown in Table 2.1, f(a) = a.
Therefore, f is not a Boolean function.


2.5.1 Two-valued Logic Function

Let B = {O, I}. A mapping Bn -+ B is always represented by a Boolean
expression. This mapping is a two-valued logic function or, a switching
function. There are 2n elements in Bn, and 2 elements in B. So, the total
number of n-variable function is 22n. Let us define the operations V, ., and -
among logic functions as follows:

where Xi may take either 0 or 1, and the value of the function is computed by
using the rule of the Boolean algebra {O, I}. Similarly, f 9 = h is also defined.
And the complement of the function is defined as follows:

Example 2.10 Consider the case of n=2. The function f maps (0,1) and
(1,0) to 1, and other combinations to 0 as shown in Table 2.2. On the other
hand, 9 maps only (1,1) to 1, and other combinations to O. In this case, f V 9
maps (0,0) to 0, and other combinations to 1. f 9 maps all the combinations
to O. f maps (0,0) and (1,1) to 1, and other combinations to O. !J maps (1,1)
to 0, and other combinations to 1.

2.5.2 Boolean Algebra Composed of Logic

Let Fn be a set of n-variable logic functions. Then, {Fn, V, ., -,0, I} is a Boolean
algebra with 22n elements. The constant 0 function maps all the n-tuples to O.
Similarly, the constant 1 function maps all the n-tuples to 1.

2.5.3 Recursive Definition of Logical

A logical expression is obtained from logic variables and constants 0 and 1,
combined with operations V, ., and -. In other words, a logical expression is a
Boolean expression where B = {O, I}. For a human, to check whether the given
expression is a logical expression or not is easy when the expression is simple.
However, when the computer program manipulates the logical expressions or
when the proof of theorem is necessary, the following recursive definition is
more convenient.

Definition 2.2
1. Constants 0 and 1 are logical expressions.
2. Variables Xl, X2, ,and Xn are logical expressions.
3. If E is a logical expression, then (E) is also a logical expression.
4. If EI and E2 are logical expressions, then (EI V E 2) and (EI . E 2 ) are also
logical expressions.
5. The logical expressions are obtained by finite applications of 1-4. In this
case, parentheses may be deleted if it does not introduce ambiguity.

2.5.4 Evaluation of Two-valued Logical

Given a logical expression and the values of the variables, we can evaluate the
value of the expression. Formally, we have the following: An assignment
mapping CI' : {Xi} -+ {O, I} (i = 1, ... , n) is an assignment of logic values to
all logical variables. For an assignment mapping CI', the valuation mapping
1F I", of a logical expression F is defined recursively to obtain the value of the
logic function.
Lattice and Boolean Algebra 27

(1) I 10= and 11 10= 1.
(2) If Xi is a variable, then I Xi 10= a(Xi) (i = 1,2, ... , n).
(3) If F is a logical expression, then I F 1,..= 1 <=>1 F 10= 0.
(4) If F and G are logical expressions, then I F V G 10= 1 <=> (I F 1,..= 1 or
I G1,..= 1).
(5) If F and G are logical expressions, then IF. G 10= 1 <=> (I F 1,..= 1 and
I G 1,..= 1).
Example 2.11 Let us evaluate the value of the logical expression F : X V 'fi' z.
Let the assignment a be a(x) = 0, a(y) = 0, and a(z) = 1. Then, we have
I X V 'fi' z 10= 1 <=> (I x 1,..= 1 or I 'fi' z 1,..= 1). Next, since I x 10= a(x) = 0,
we have I F 10= 1 <=>1 'fi. z 1,..= 1. Next, note that I 'fi. z 1,..= 1 <=> (I 'fi 10=
1 and I z 10= 1). Since, a(z) = 1, we have I F 10= 1 <=>1 'fi 10= 1. Finally,
since I 'fi 1,..= 1 <=> a(y) = 0, and I y 10= a(y) = 0, we have IF 1,..= 1.

As shown in the above example, given a logical expression F and an assignment

a, we can obtain the value of I F I,... The computations of I F 10 for the given
logical expression and assignment often appear in logic design.

2.5.5 Equivalence of Logical Expressions

Let F and G be logical expressions. If I F 10=1 G I,.. holds for any assignment
a, then F and G are equivalent, denoted by the symbol F == G. The decision
of equivalence for two logical expressions is very important in logic design and
verification. Numerous logical expressions of n variables exist, and they can be
classified into 22n equivalence classes by the equivalence relation (==).


In this section, we will study group, ring, and field. In a semigroup, only
addition (or a multiplication) is defined. In a group, addition and subtraction
(or multiplication and division) are defined. In a ring, addition, subtraction,
and multiplication are defined. In a field, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division are defined.

In switching theory, Boolean algebra is mainly used. However, in this section,

we briefly introduce other algebraic systems. We assume that in these algebraic
systems, "the algebra is closed under the operations". In other words, let S

be a set, and let EEl and be the operations. If x, YES, then x EEl yES and
X yES. The following axioms are basic in these algebraic systems.

AI. Associative law for addition: (x EEl y) EEl z = x EEl (y EEl z).
A2. Zero element for addition: For all x, a unique 0 element exist such
that x EEl 0 = 0 EEl x = x.
A3. Inverse element for addition: For any x, there exists an element y
such that x EEl y = y EEl x = o.
A4. Commutative law for addition: x EEl y = Y EEl x.
M1. Associative law for mUltiplication: (x y). z = X (y. z).
M2. Unit element for multiplication: For any x, a unique 1 element ex-
ists such that X 1 = 1 x = x.
M3. Inverse element for multiplication: For any x, an element y exist
such that x . y = y . x = l.
M4. Commutative law for multiplication: X Y = Y . x.
D1. Distributive law: Multiplication over addition. x(YEElz) = xyEElxz.
D2. Distributive law: Addition over multiplication. (YEElz)x = yxEElzx.

2.6.1 Semigroup
When an algebraic system (S, ., 1) satisfies the axiom MI, then it is a semigroup.
If (S, EEl, 0) satisfies the axiom AI, then it is also a semigroup. When an algebraic
system (S,, 1) satisfies axioms MI and M2, then it is a semigroup with
identity or is a monoid. If (S, EEl, 0) satisfies the axioms Al and A2, then it
is also a monoid.

Example 2.12 Let the set of non-negative integers be N = {O, 1, ... }. Then,
(N,, 1) and (N, +,0) are monoids.

2.6.2 Group
When an algebraic system (G,, 1) satisfies the axioms MI, M2, and M3, then it
is a group. When the group also satisfies M4, it is a commutative group, or
an Abelian group. In this definition, addition instead of multiplication may
be used. In other words, if an algebraic system satisfies axiom AI, A2, and A3,
then it is also a group. In this case, if it satisfies A4, then it is a commutative
Lattice and Boolean Algebra 29

Table 2.3 Addition and multiplication in Z3.

EB 0 I 2 0 I 2
0 0 I 2 0 0 0 0
I I 2 0 I 0 I 2
2 2 0 I 2 0 2 I

Example 2.13

1. Let Z be the set of integers. Then, (Z, +, O) is a commutative group.

2. Let T be the set of multiples of 3. Then, (T, +, O) is a commutative group.
3. Let S = {I, -I}. Then, (S,, I) is a commutative group.

2.6.3 Ring
When an algebraic system (R, EB,', O) satisfies the axioms AI-A4, MI, DI and
D2, then it is a ring. If the ring satisfies M4, then it is a commutative ring.
If a ring satisfies M2, then it is a ring with identity.

Example 2.14

1. Let Z be the set of integers. Then, (Z, +, " O) is a commutative ring with
a unit element.
2. Let R[X] be the set of polynomials of X whose coefficients are real num-
bers. Then, (R[X], +,', O) is a commutative ring. In this case the zero
element is a polynomial where all the coefficients are Os.
3. Let M be the set of square matrices whose elements are integers. Then,
(M, +, " O) is a ring. However, it is not commutative with respect to the
multiplication. For example, let

Ml = [6 6] , and M2 = [~ g].

2.6.4 Field
When an algebraic system (F, +",0, I) satisfies the axioms AI-A4, MI, M2,
M4, DI, D2 and the following axiom M3*, then it is a field.



Figure 2.8 Relation of algebraic systems.

M3*. For an arbitrary non-zero element x, there exist Y such that xy = yx = 1.

Example 2.15

1. Let Q be a set of the rational numbers. Then, (Q, +,,0,1) is a field.

2. Let R be a set of the real numbers. Then, (R, +,,0,1) is a field.
3. Let C be a set of the complex numbers. Then, (C, +, .,0,1) is a field.
4. Let Zk = {O, 1, ... , k - I} (k ~ 2). Then, (Zk' EEl,', 0,1) is a field if k is
a prime number. Where, addition EEl and multiplication are modulo k
operations. For example, when k=3, Zk = {O, 1, 2}, and addition EEl and
multiplication can be defined as shown in Table 2.3.
5. Let R be the set of real numbers. Consider R2 = R x R. Let the addition
+ and multiplication in the set R2 be (Xl, X2)+(Yb Y2) = (Xl +Yb X2+Y2)
and (Xl, X2) . (YI, Y2) = (Xl' Yb X2 . Y2), respectively. Then, the algebraic
system (R2, +, ,,0,1) is a commutative ring with the unit element (1, 1)
for the multiplication. Also, (0, 0) is the zero element for addition. This
algebraic system is not a field, since the condition M3* does not hold.
6. In the above example, if we replace the multiplication operation with
(XI, X2) . (Yb Y2) = (Xl' YI - X2 . Y2, Xl . Y2 + X2 . yI), then the algebraic
system (R2, +, ,,0,1) is a field.

Fig. 2.8 shows the relations among semigroup, group, ring, and field.

Bibliographical Notes
Lattice theory is extensively described in the textbook [28]. A good, but formal
reference book on Boolean algebra is [46].
Exercises 31

:0: <~d'~

f e f
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.9

a b

d e
Figure 2.10
Figure 2.11


2.1 Among the Hasse diagrams in Fig. 2.9, find a lattice. For each lattice show
the operation tables.

2.2 A modular lattice is a lattice that satisfies the following conditions: If

x ~ z, then x (y V z) = (x. y) V z. Prove that the Hasse diagram in Fig. 2.10
represents a modular lattice. Is it a distributive lattice?

2.3 Does the Hasse diagram in Fig. 2.11 represent a modular lattice? Does it
represent a distributive lattice?

2.4 Show that a distributive lattice is a modular lattice (See Exercise 2.2).

2.5 Let A be the set of positive integers that are divisors of 6. For x, yEA,
define the operations as follows:
x . y = GC D( x, y) : The greatest common divisor of x and y.
x V y = LCM(x, y) : The least common multiple of x and y.

x = 6/x : The quotient of 6 divided by x.

1= 6.
Show that (A, V,, -,0, I) is (a model of) a Boolean algebra.

2.6 Show the difference of a partially ordered set, a lattice, a distributive

lattice, and a Boolean algebra. Show the relation between them by a Venn's

2.7 Consider the algebra on the set A = {O, 1, a} that are defined in the
following tables.
V 0 1 a o1 a
0 0 1 a
1 1 1 1
a a 1 a
o0 o0
1 0 1 a
a 0 a a
1 0
a a
Check whether each of the axioms in the Huntington's postulates holds.

2.8 Define the operations., V, and - (complement) so that the Boolean algebra
holds on a set A = {O, 1, a, b}.

2.9 Show that the following two algebras are isomorphic each other.
Algebra 1: (A, V,, -,0 A,!A). Let A be the set of positive integers that are
divisors of 120. For x, yEA, define as follows:
X Y = GCD(x,y) : the greatest common divisor of x and y.
x V y = LCM(x, y) : the least common multiple of x and y.
x = 120/x : the quotient of 120 divided by x.
IA 120, OA 1. =
Algebra 2: (B, V,, -, OB, IB). Let B = {O, 1,2, 3} x {O, I} x {O, I}. Then, the
vector x= (XI,X2,X3) that satisfies Xl E {0,1,2,3},x2 E {0,1},x3 E {0,1} is
an element of B. Let x = (Xl, X2, X3) and Y = (Yb Y2, Y3) be an element of B,
define the algebra as follows:
X y = (min(xI, Yd, min(x2,Y2), min(x3, Y3.
xV y = (max(xl, YI), max(x2, Y2), max(x3, Y3.
x = (3 - Xl, 1 - X2, 1 - X3).
IB = =
(3,1,1), OB (0,0,0).

2.10 Verify that the GF(4) shown in Table 2.4 is a field.

2.11 Let * be a binary operation on the set R of real numbers. For a, b E

R, define a * b a + b - a b (where, + and denote ordinary addition and
Exercises 33

Table 2.4 Operation table of GF(4).

+ 0 1 a b o1 a b
o 0 1 a b o 0 000
1 lOb a 1 0 1 a b
a abO 1 a 0 a b 1
b b a 1 0 bOb 1 a

multiplication, respectively). Show that the operation * satisfies the associative

law and the commutative law.

2.12 (M) Prove the De Morgan's laws by using the Huntington's postulates.

2.13 Modify the function in Table 2.1 to make it a Boolean function.

2.14 Show the following examples by using Hasse diagrams:

a. A partially ordered set, but not a lattice.
b. A lattice, but not a distributive lattice.
c. A distributive lattice, but not a Boolean algebra.

2.15 Let T = {O, 1, 2}. Define the binary relation :5 on T2 be as follows:

(XI,Yt):5 (X2,Y2) <:} (Xl :5 X2) and (YI :5 Y2).
Then, (T2,:5) is a partially ordered set.
a. Draw the Hasse diagram of partially ordered set.
b. Is it a lattice?
c. Is it a Boolean algebra?

2.16 In a Boolean algebra, prove the following without using truth tables: If
a V b = a V c and ab = ac, then b = c.

2.17 Let Z4 = {O, 1,2, 3}. Let addition $ and multiplication be modulo 4
operations. Is (Z4' $,,0,1) a field?

2.18 (M) Let B be a Boolean algebra, and let j : B --+ B be a Boolean

function. Then, show that
j(X) = xj(O) V xj(I).

Note that the proof of Theorem 3.1 in Section 3.4 is for logic function. Show
that it is true for a general Boolean function.

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