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Editorial Overview Hildegund CJ Ertl and Antonio Lanzavecchia

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Editorial overview
Hildegund CJ Ertl and Antonio Lanzavecchia
Current Opinion in Immunology 2010, 22:355357

0952-7915/$ see front matter

# 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

DOI 10.1016/j.coi.2010.05.001

Hildegund CJ Ertl Introduction

Since 1796, when Jenner first inoculated a young boy with cow poxvirus and
Wistar Institute, 3601 Spruce Street,
thereby rendered him resistant to a subsequent challenge with smallpox
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
e-mail: ertl@wistar.upenn.edu virus, an experiment that today would most certainly not be approved by
regulatory agencies, vaccines have been developed to many of the prevailing
Gundi Ertl, MD, is a professor, viral and bacterial infections. Vaccines not only save lives at a comparatively
Chair of the Immunology low cost but they have also succeeded in eradicating smallpox virus that in
Department and director of the the 20th century killed an estimated 300500 millions of humans and in the
Vaccine Center at the Wistar future they could eliminate other pathogens that require humans as an
Institute with adjunct appointments essential host. Although by now in 2010 a total of 64 vaccines have been
licensed in the US against 25 different pathogens or their toxins, significant
at the University of Pennsylvania
scientific challenges remain. At the same time advances in immunology and
and the Childrens Hospital of
molecular biology offer an unprecedented array of opportunities to develop
Philadelphia. Her lab works on the
vaccines to not only prevent infectious diseases but also avert or cure chronic
development of viral vector based
infectious diseases as well as other not infectious diseases such as cancer,
vaccines to HIV-1, rabies and Alzheimer, or hypertension.
influenza virus, and viruses
associated with cancer. In addition
In spite of worldwide vaccination programs, infectious diseases such as
she is studying complications of
respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria
long-term gene replacement
continue to cause worldwide nearly a quarter of all human death and a total of
therapy by adaptive immune 1.5 billion disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), defined as the loss of healthy
responses to gene transfer vehicles. life [1]. Despite intensive scientific efforts, efficacious vaccines remain elusive
Antonio Lanzavecchia for some of the most devastating pathogens such as HIV-1 and plasmodium
falciparum or vivax while others such as vaccines to mycobacterium tubercu-
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Via losis lack efficacy. Many vaccines require adjuvants and currently only alum-
Vincenzo Vela 6, CH-6500 Bellinzona,
derived adjuvants, which are frequently far from optimal are licensed in the
e-mail: lanzavecchia@irb.unisi.ch US, while in addition MF-59, a submicron oil-in-water emulsion of a squalene,
polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate and sorbitan trioleate is approved for
Antonio Lanzavecchia, MD, has use in some vaccines in Europe and other countries. With our rapidly
been a member of the Basel increasing knowledge on pathways that drive or inhibit activation of adaptive
Institute for immunology from 1983 immune responses, novel adjuvants that either augment immunostimulatory
to 1999 and is currently the or block immunoinhibitory pathways can be designed that not only influence
founding director of the Institute for the magnitude but also the flavor of antigen-driven immune responses.
research in Biomedicine in
Bellinzona, Switzerland and In this volume we describe novel approaches to develop vaccines to three of
professor of Human Immunology at the major infectious diseases, that is, tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS and to
the Swiss Federal Institute of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases, or auto-
Technology Zurich. He worked on immunity. Prevention of infections by some of the more complex pathogens
different aspects of human as well as cure of chronic infections or cancer requires induction of potent
immunology: antigen processing CD8+ T cell responses that become impaired upon prolonged antigen
exposure; thus one chapter focuses on induction of CD8+ T cell responses
and presentation, dendritic cell
while two other chapters address the role of immunoinhibitory pathways in
biology, T and B cell activation, and
the induction of immune responses. Two additional chapters address new
immunological memory.
adjuvants based on agonists of Toll-like receptors or invariant NKT cells.

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356 Vaccines

HIV-1/AIDS update on the current status of the eleven tuberculosis

Most licensed vaccines induce protection through neu- vaccines that are in various phases of clinical trials.
tralizing antibodies. The envelope protein (Env) of HIV-
1, the virus sole target for neutralizing antibodies, is Cancer
extraordinarily variable, heavily glycosylated and under- Active immunotherapy of cancer remains an elusive holy
goes structural changes upon receptor binding [1,2]. It has grail of oncologists although the successes of adoptive
thus been impossible so far to design Env-based immu- transfer studies of patient-derived ex vivo-expanded
nogens, which can induce antibodies that reliably neutral- tumor-specific CD8+ T cells has provided ample evi-
ize a broad spectrum of different HIV-1 isolates. Recent dence that the immune system is capable to eliminate
HIV-1 vaccine efforts have thus largely focused on induc- even large tumor masses [5]. The commonly observed
tion of T cell responses most notably CD8+ T cells to lack of efficacy of traditional cancer vaccines may relate to
HIV-1. The failure of a large-scale phase IIb trial (STEP the tumors ability to subvert immune responses by
trial) designed for induction of T cells to HIV-1 through augmenting immunoinhibitory pathways. The chapter
an adenovirus (Ad) vector of human serotype 5 (AdHu5) by Lasaro and Ertl discusses the use of vaccines directed
casted doubt on the concept of T cell-mediated protec- against tumor-associated antigens in combination with
tion against HIV-1 [2] that were reinforced by results of reagents that inhibit the immunoinhibitory pathways that
the RV 144 trial in which the vaccine induced only low T are evoked during tumor progression.
cell responses and mainly non-neutralizing antibodies to
Env but nevertheless showed a reduction of HIV-1 in- Non-communicable diseases
fection rates [3] suggesting that antibodies to Env may be Chronic non-infectious diseases such as hypertension,
essential to prevent an HIV-1 infection. The chapter by inflammatory diseases, autoimmunity, or neurodegenera-
L. Walker and D. Burton describes recent results on the tion are afflicting an ever increasing segment of the
complex structure of HIV-1 Env proteins, novel tech- human population being especially common in the aged
niques for isolation of broadly neutralizing antibodies and whose immune system is impaired by immunosenes-
pathways of antibody-mediated protection thus providing cence. As discussed by M. Bachmann, vaccines can be
guidance to a rational HIV-1 Env-based vaccine design. designed to induce auto-reactive antibodies to disease-
associated self-proteins without breaking T cell tolerance
Malaria by expressing self B cell epitopes together with foreign T
Although numerous malaria vaccines have undergone helper cell epitopes. Several vaccines based on this prin-
early clinical testing only one, the so-called RTS,S ciple are now in clinical trials including those directed
vaccine composed of an adjuvanted recombinant circum- against amyloid b for treatment of Alzheimer, angiotensin
sporozoite protein together with recombinant hepatitis B I or II for therapy of hypertension, and TNF-a or IL-1b to
surface antigen has reached phase 3 testing after showing counterbalance autoimmune diseases.
30% efficacy in children aged 14 [4]. Infection with
Plasmodium itself can induce resistance against parasi- The PD1 pathway
temea but fails to elicit lifelong sterilizing immunity, Both positive and negative signals regulated T cell
which may partly be linked to the parasites ability to responses to infections or vaccination. PD-1, upon inter-
compromise activation of CD8+ T cells. The chapter by action with its ligands PD-1L1/2 has been studies exten-
Sauerwein et al. discusses some of the immunosubvesive sively for its inhibitory role during chronic infections
strategies of plasmodium and proposes the use of drugs where T cells differentiate towards exhaustion [6]. The
such as chloroquine, which not only kills parasites in their chapter of Brown et al. describes the emerging roles of
asexual blood stage but also has immunomodulatory PD-1/PD-L1/2 in primary immune responses where
functions in combination with attenuated sporozoites as these pathways act on multiple cells of the immune
a vaccine strategy. system including T and B lymphocytes and cells of the
innate immune system. Intriguingly, depending on cir-
Tuberculosis cumstances PD-1 pathways not only provide inhibitory
While most current vaccines are based on antibody signals but may also serve to enhance immune responses.
responses, a tuberculosis vaccine is expected to act mainly
through induction of cell-mediated immunity. The Rational CD8+ T cell vaccine design
design of a vaccine with improved efficacy as compared Designing vaccines that elicit effective CD8+ T cell
to the currently available attenuated BCG vaccine responses against viruses and tumor cells requires a
represents a major challenge, especially in view of the detailed understanding of the pathways of antigen pres-
difficulties in the identification of the correlates of pro- entation in vivo. The chapter by Jonathan Yewdell offers a
tection. The chapter by Parida and Kaufmann provides a compelling and entertaining overview of the basic prin-
comprehensive review of the biology of mycobacterial ciples that govern the CD8+ T cell responses in vivo and
infection and of the strategies used and obstacles to discusses these principles in the context of a rational
design improved vaccines. The review also offers an vaccine design. Among other aspects this review

Current Opinion in Immunology 2010, 22:355357 www.sciencedirect.com

Editorial overview Ertl and Lanzavecchia 357

addresses the mechanisms and role of cross-priming, its specific inflammatory reaction. The number of currently
pharmacological regulation and its recent successful licensed adjuvants is very limited and those that are
application to peptide-based CD8 T cell vaccine that available are no necessarily optimal for a given appli-
showed remarkable clinical efficacy in HPV-associated cation. Recent advances in our understanding of pathways
neoplasias [7]. that regulate activation of cells of the innate immune
system now allow for a more informed approach to
iNKT cell agonists as vaccine adjuvants develop new adjuvants. The chapter of Mbow and col-
Invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT cells) recognize leagues describes already licensed adjuvants as well as
glycolipids presented by the invariant class I like mol- adjuvants based primarily on Toll-like receptor agonists
ecule CD1d [8]. These cells possess effector function and that are undergoing clinical or pre-clinical testing.
represent an abundant source of T cell help that can be
rapidly mobilized in all individuals. Cerundolo and co- References and recommended reading
workers review recent studies that led the ground to the Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of
review, have been highlighted as:
use of iNKT cell ligands as adjuvants capable of enhan-
cing dendritic cell and B cell activation. Microspheres  of special interest
 of outstanding interest
containing antigen and iNKT cell ligands of appropriate
strength act as effective immunogens by ensuring effec-
tive delivery of antigen and T cell help to antigen specific 1. Knobel DL, Cleaveland S, Coleman PG, Fevre EM, Meltzer MI,
B cells in vivo. Thus iNKT cell agonists represent a new Miranda ME, Shaw A, Zinsstag J, Meslin FX: Re-evaluating the
burden of rabies in Africa and Asia. Bull World Health Organ
class of adjuvants that exploits an abundant population of 2005, 83:360-368.
already activated effector T cells.
2. Buchbinder SP, Mehrotra DV, Duerr A, Fitzgerald DW, Mogg R,
Li D, Gilbert PB, Lama JR, Marmor M, Del Rio C et al.: Efficacy
Summary assessment of a cell-mediated immunity HIV-1 vaccine (the
Step Study): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled,
Rational vaccine design remains a long sought and ambi- test-of-concept trial. Lancet 2008, 372:1881-1893.
tious goal. While animal studies have been extremely
3. Rerks-Ngarm S, Pitisuttithum P, Nitayaphan S, Kaewkungwal J,
important to unravel the fundamental mechanisms that Chiu J, Rerks-Ngarm S, Pitisuttithum P, Paris R, Premsri N,
govern the immune response, we are still facing the chal- Namwat C et al.: Vaccination with ALVAC and AIDSVAX to
prevent HIV-1 infection in Thailand. N Engl J Med 2009,
lenge of understanding the human immune system in its 361:2209-2220.
complexity and genetic heterogeneity and in unraveling
4. Bejon P, Lusingu J, Olotu A, Leach A, Lievens M, Vekemans J,
the sophisticated escape mechanism used by human patho- Mshamu S, Lang T, Gould J, Dubois MC et al.: Efficacy of RTS, S/
gens. In spite of obvious limitations in human experimen- AS01E vaccine against malaria in children 5 to 17 months of
age. N Engl J Med 2008, 359:2521-2532.
tations and clinical trial, the twenty first century
vaccinologists can take advantage of new tools and exper- 5. Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP, Yang JC, Morgan RA, Dudley ME:
Adoptive cell transfer: a clinical path to effective cancer
imental approaches to identify the mechanisms of protec- immunotherapy. Nat Rev Cancer 2008, 8(April (4)):299-308
tion as well as the antigens that are target of protective Review.
responses. The formulation of these antigens together with 6. Kenter GG, Welters MJ, Valentijn AR, Lowik MJ, Berends-van der
new adjuvants capable of eliciting strong and durable Meer DM, Vloon AP, Essahsah F, Fathers LM, Offringa R,
Drijfhout JW et al.: Vaccination against HPV-16 oncoproteins
immune responses of the appropriate class will be the basis for vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. N Engl J Med 2009,
for the design of a panoply of vaccines that will be able to 361:1838-1847.
deal effectively with a variety of threats to human health. 7. Freeman GJ, Wherry EJ, Ahmed R, Sharpe AH: Reinvigorating
exhausted HIV-specific T cells via PD-1-PD-1 ligand blockade.
J Exp Med 2006, 203:2223-2227.
New adjuvants
8. Salio M, Silk JD, Cerundolo V: Recent advances in processing
The immunogenicity of vaccines can be augmented by and presentation of CD1 bound lipid antigens. Curr Opin
the addition of adjuvants that in general initiate a non- Immunol 2010, 22:81-88.

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