(ENG) Gearforged PDF
(ENG) Gearforged PDF
(ENG) Gearforged PDF
Original Design: Wolfgang Baur, Morgan Boehringer, Interior Art: James Keegan, Chris McFann and
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Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
M ost visitors to the Free City
of Zobeck are dazzled by the
myriad mechanical miracles
on display, foremost among them the
gleaming clockwork men who walk
alongside beings of flesh and blood
on the citys streets. But woe to the
traveler who addresses one of these
wonders as a mindless automaton!
Zobecks gearforged are living
constructs, mechanical forms housing
mortal souls.
Originally created as powerful
soldiers, gearforged must now find
their own paths with which to navigate
the second life they have been given.
Many devote themselves to civil
service, others to their gods. Some
dedicate their extraordinarily long lives
to the pursuit of knowledge. Others,
naturally, seek out lives of adventure.
Gearforged Life
The gearforged are not only an
artificial race, but also one whose
members are created one at a
time, coming from a vast array of
backgrounds. Nevertheless, they
maintain rich traditions of history,
culture, and spirituality all their own,
partly due to the influence of the races
patron, the gear goddess Rava.
The history of the gearforged is a
history of desperation. During the
Great Revolt of the City of Zobeck
against the rulership of House Stross,
the citizens seized the watch barracks
with the help of many of the watch trained pikes, no heavy infantry to speak of. They had the
captains, and the mages of the Collegium enchanted help of dwarves from the Gear District and others from
soldiers of the citadel. It was enough to give the rebels the Ironcrag Cantons, but they needed tough troops. Their
hope. But what they could not turn to their side was the solution was a mad wizards apprentice, Black Marcenzo.
private army of the Stross. These were hard and cruel With the assistance of master dwarven smiths, mages from
soldiers, renowned for their brutality and certain of victory. the citys college of magic, and priestesses of Rava, this
The heavy knights of the Order of the Undying Sun, a renegade apprentice devised a ritual to animate bodies of
company of crossbow-dwarves from Melano, cruel shadow iron with mortal souls. The spirits required came from the
fey mercenaries, and a swath of peasant levies came to people of the city: elderly volunteers, angry and idealistic
Zobeckall were under the command of the wizard Lord young men, criminals seeking a reprieve, and a few seeking
Kranos Stross. a new life in a whole and healthy body. Their bodies died,
Against this were arrayed the wands of the Collegium but their souls lived onand, more importantly, fought
and the many citizens of Zobeckbut no cavalry, no onseeking to change the course of the revolt.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Overnight, more than 100 of the bravest hearts of that they have become, slowly, a larger proportion of
the citizens of Free Zobeck became ticking hearts with the citizenry than anyone might have expected. The
everwound springs and minds of brass and magic. The gearforged for many years argued over their status and
nobles of House Stross were caught completely off guard. their acknowledgment as citizens. The veterans of the
These shining heavy infantry were an unshakeable core Revolt were naturally acknowledged as citizens at once.
for the peoples army. The iron bodies could withstand Some clockworkers have claimed that the gearforged are
the shock of knights in full battle dress, their new-made servants, more akin to familiars than people. The most
pikes held true, and the overwhelming numbers of the free strident claim that an animated body is always property
Races Gearforged
people of Zobeck pulled down many a landed knight from and not a person at all. The topic is a delicate one among
the saddle into the mud, never to rise again. The Battle of the gearforged, for their sense of ownership of their bodies
Oros Bridge was won, the Stross were hung from the walls is fraught with the difficulties of repair and the alien sense
of their ancestral castle at Rosehaven, and the city declared that what they are is neither flesh nor golem.
its charter as one of a free people, governed by their own Gearforged gather among themselves frequently
council and a mayor. The gearforged were the fist that to discuss the old days (a fact that annoys the younger
struck off the shackles of a decadent house. gearforged and pleases ancient loremasters). This is a
At their making, the gearforged were thought to be a practice they call redundancy and distribution, meaning
special cadre, a one-time creation never to be repeated, simply the sharing of knowledge, rather than opinions.
but this was not so. Within 20 years, others came forward Many such gatherings supplement these recitations of
to undergo the Ritual of Soulforging. Many of the living history with more contemporary knowledge acquired
faithful of Rava came to see the transformation into a through three methods: adventure, experiment, and
gearforged as a form of bodily pilgrimage, a way to grow study. All three of these branches of knowledge are held
closer to the Gear Goddess herself. Some individuals to be noble endeavors by the gearforged. Gearforged also
sought out soulforging as means to stave off death, and value discussion of martial prowess, as all gearforged
others did so for mysterious reasons all their own. The know at least a little of the fighting arts. Though they may
cost is high for all; gearforged love is purely a thing of the be scholars or experimentalists among their own kind,
mind and their senses are much simplified, pure sight and they were first made for war, and combat is counted an
sound shorn of all elements of taste, smell, or touch. honorable profession among the gearforged.
Silent Councils of the Old Masters: The
SOCIETY gearforged also gather to share Machine Speech or
While gearforged do not reproduce in any normal memory gears from time to time, especially the eldest
way, their numbers grow, and their longevity means among them. These are the Council of the Anvil
in Zobeck, the Secret Brotherhood in the Ironcrag
Cantons, and similar councils in all other cities where
the gearforged are numerous, such as the Free City
The of Melano, the island of Kyprion, and the sultanates
clockwork centers of Methony and Quresh.
Free City Gearforged Memory: Once human, now mechanical
and undying, the gearforged tend to be radicals in their
of Zobeck youth and more conservative with age. Certainly it takes
a radical to shed his or her body for a mechanical one
Ruler: Lord Mayor Karillian and certainly over time they grow reactionary and unable
Gluck and the Free City Council to adapt to a world shifting around them. Some priests
Population: 14,000 (11,000 humans, 400 dwarves, believe that the inevitable death of their mortal friends
2,200 kobolds, 200 gearforged) and loved ones drives them into a certain stiffnecked
Great Gods: Rava (patron), Lada, Ninkash, Perun, conservatism over time.
Porevit and Yarila, Svarog/Volund At the same time, the gearforged are keenly aware of
Rava, the patron goddess of Zobeck, shines her history and its dangers. They guard against the creeping
blessings daily on the hard-working Zobeckers, return of aristocracy and against the decay and corruption
giving them the gift of the clockwork knowledge of diabolic cults. They remember how things were. And
fueling the Clockwork Citys ticking heart, and they do not forgive easily what they remember of the
protecting them from a host of neighbors who slaughter in the streets long ago. Since that time, a few
seek to subjugate the city. Under Ravas aegis, more join the gearforged every year. Many are wealthy
Zobecks population has burgeoned and the city merchants at the end of life, others are soldiers seeking a
has blossomed into a thriving trade hub, with land new edge, and a few are criminals compelled to serve the
access along the Great Northern Road and the Great city as the price of their crimes.
Southern Road and river traffic up the River Argent.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
RELIGION magnificent contraption whose gears, wheels, and actuators
Nearly all gearforged worship Rava, the Gear Goddess form a face that is said to be inhabited by the goddess
and patron of the city of Zobeck. She is their creator: the herself on high holy days (see Kobold Quarterly #6).
goddess who gave the secret of soulforging to the crazed The Saints: The most fanatical of Ravas gearforged
zealots of the Revolt. The praise of Rava and the faith of followersand some are truly mad with devotionare
her gearforged have been unshakeable ever since. They called the Saints. They are generally implanted with a
are among the chief servants of the Clockwork Oracle, a third hand and a third eye and are said to be Ravas Hand
Rava (Ariadne)
The Gear Goddess, the Clockwork Oracle, Mother of
Industry, Spinner of Fate, Merchant Goddess, Patron of the
City of Zobeck, Patron of Weavers and the Gearforged
Domains: Artifice, Clockwork, Knowledge, Luck,
Subdomains: Construct, Exploration, Fate, Metal,
Toil, Trade
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Dagger, scimitar
As the patron of Zobeck, Rava is a goddess whose The current human high priestess of Rava is Lena Ravovik
beneficence has given the city autoscribes, clockwork (LN female human cleric 9 [Rava]). Her surname is the
scullions, the gearforged, and other inventions. traditional one for priests and priestesses of Rava, who
Merchants believe she blesses their hard work, and her abandon their families and former lives when they enter
mark is on contracts and bills of lading as a surety of the service of the goddess. The current dwarven high priest
delivery or payment. She is also a sponsor of magic, in Zobeck is Ondli Firedrake, and the high priestess on
knowledge, and industry. the island of Archae is Alkestis. The most famous of Rava
Ravas physical form resembles a six-armed woman, priestesses are the goddess-forged. These powerful clerics
and she is frequently shown weaving or spinning. She is have been blessed to become immortal, magical machines.
shown as a maiden, as the mother of industry, and as a Their bodies become completely covered in metal, and they
wise crone in different shrines and at different seasons. gain the construct type and other abilities as a gearforged.
The industrious, the learned, and the gearforged are Rava is not fond of Bastets sybaritic luxuries and even less
Ravas closest followers, and dwarves, humans, and fond of the wild madness of Addrikah, the derro mother of
kobolds all have shrines to her. Most of her followers are madness and chaos, whose works are abominations. Rava
hard-working and willing to try new things; novelty and is considered cool or hostile to the followers of Yarila and
invention are a part of her tradition as much as tradition Porevit, and she has a long-standing-but-genial feud with
and crafting. Alchemists, wizards, scribes, guild masters, Volund over whose artifice and creation skills are greatest.
weavers, and merchants all turn to Rava for wise counsel.
Rava is called Ariadne in some southern realms, and she
Ravas priestesses have written dozens of volumes of is a great patron of weavers, jewelers, and scribes. In the
prophecy at the Clockwork Oracle in Zobeck, and North, she is associated with the Norns. A few believe
have a dozen more of the sacred works of Ariadne she is a female mask of Thoth-Hermes.
on the southern islands. These books are kept closely
guarded; most of their predictions do come true in WHAT RAVA DEMANDS
time. The priesthood sells the knowledge within them Rava demands her followers be wise and hard-working.
to their wealthiest followers, and gives it away to the Learning and scholarship are prized among her followers,
most fervent and boldest followers, the paladins and and so too is the discovery and the making of new things.
inquisitors of the faith. These are most often gearforged As a goddess of both novelty and fate, she demands her
heroes. Ravas symbols are the gear and the spider. Many followers seek out new learning and steer the worlds fate to
of her priestesses carry a spindle for thread and spin as peace and plenty. In Zobeck, Ravas followers must defend
often as possible, the better to feed the looms of Ravas her patron city against any threat that the Clockwork
weaving spiders. Oracle identifies. Rava despises sloth and luxury.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Advanced Races Gearforged
and Ravas Eyes in the world. Indeed, sometimes the to overthrow the church of Rava and convert the
goddess does seem to see through these eyes and react; Gear Goddess worshippers to the cause of their true
in some sense, the Saints are her distant and distributed mechanical god of destiny.
minds and hands. Zurvans largely human worshippers view gearforged
The Machine Speech: Some gearforged speak a with awe and envy; while virtually all gearforged have
whistling, clicking language among themselves that far too much reverence for Rava to join such a cause,
is incomprehensible to non-gearforged and certainly some cultists have used deceit and bribery to undergo
unpronounceable even under the effect of tongues or the ritual of soulforging. There are rumors that the group
similar magic. These speakers call this the Machine has developed an alternate ritual (not requiring the
Speech and use it to exclude flesh-and-blood humans complicity of a priestess of Rava) that will expel the soul
from their company. They claim that the Clockwork from a gearforged body and allow a new occupant to
Oracle speaks in this form as well and that their speech is take over the empty shell. This is rank blasphemy and an
faster and purer than any language of mortal races. outrage to followers of Rava.
The Cult of Zurvan: There are those that maintain Zurvans Horsemen: For some of the rare gearforged
that the worship of Rava has become too fixated on associated with the cult of Zurvan, admiration for the
the novel charm of clockwork, neglecting the roles of progenitor of the inevitables swells to fanatical extremes.
law, fate, and destiny in the goddess portfolio. Some They believe they are destined to ascend to a new existence
have abandoned the faith entirely, directing their as inevitables and fight in their gods hallowed army.
worship instead towards Zurvan the Iron Angel, First As a consequence, the Horsemen are dedicated to
of the Inevitables. The cult of Zurvan quietly plots ushering in the event that they believe will bring this
ascension to pass, which is nothing less than total
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
apocalypse. The Horsemen are slowly escalating a cognition gearing, and the marvel of a soul gem connected
campaign of terror and dark rituals towards this end, but directly to a maze of silver and mithral steam, spark, and
they currently remain deep underground and unknown magical conduits. These elements are all held in a shell
in Zobeck. Few members of the cult of Zurvan are of iron, brass, and steel, and the bulk of the things is
even aware of the presence of these sinister mechanical remarkable. A large and heavily armored gearforged can
sociopaths in their midst. weigh 400 pounds, since its armor is built in.
Other Gods: Rava is not the only goddess of the
gearforgedfar from it. Many of the dwarf gearforged also GEARFORGED COMPONENTS
honor the gods of their former lives: Wotan the Rune- The range of gearforged anatomy in all its variants is
Giver and Volund the Smith. Many of the once-human remarkable, but all gearforged share some common parts.
gearforged are inclined toward Perun the Thunderer, in his
aspects of war and bravery; as well as toward Anu-Akma,
These magical springs provide energy over long periods,
in his guardian aspect; and sometimes even Arachne and
effectively acting as the power sources for most of the
Techne, the southern goddesses of fate and smithwork who
are sometimes said to be masks of Rava.
Some human faiths do not look kindly on gearforged,
and a few of the most life-affirming even consider
soulforging to be an abomination similar to the creation
Ritual of Soulforging
of undead. The followers of gentle Lada, for instance, School necromancy; Effective Level 5th
consider the creation of the gearforged a regrettable Skill Check Craft (clockwork) DC 20, 4 successes;
and grievous error. The rare gearforged that continue to Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 2 successes (Priests of
adhere to these faiths live complicated existences indeed. Rava may substitute Knowledge (religion))
Components M, S, SC, V
Material Componentsa complete mechanical body
Making a Gearforged of actuators, springs, gears, and engraved gemstones
(minimum cost 10,000 gp)
The most important moment for many gearforged is the
Secondary Castersup to four additional casters are
moment of their remaking, when they leave their flesh
optional; each who makes a successful Knowledge
body behind and enter their new clockwork body of brass
(arcana) or Craft (clockwork) check (DC 20) adds +1
and steel. One can spend a fortune on these new bodies or
to the primary casters check
simply scrape together something that will workthough
Casting Time 60 min
only barelyif the subject is aging or deathly ill. The details
Range touch
dont matter a great deal, since the iron body can be rebuilt.
Target one humanoid creature
Without exception, the gearforged are shaped like
Duration permanent
humanoids, and the vast majority appears in one of two
Saving Throw Will negates Spell Resistance yes
styles: roughly human-sized, with articulated joints, hands,
feet, and magical eyes; or a stouter version made by the You and the subject chant and act in unison to trigger
dwarves. These dwarflike gearforged are more common in the souls migration into the waiting deathless, tireless
the cantons of the Ironcrags than in the Free City of Zobeck, body of iron and brass. If the incantation succeeds,
but are universally accepted as receptacles for dwarf souls. the subjects old body dies and the new clockwork
In the South, minotaur gearforged are rare but not entirely body is animated with life. The subject is effectively
unknown. A few gearforged are built in even smaller sizes, reincarnated as a gearforged PC and continues
intended for kobold souls, but these are subject to frequent adventuring in that form.
failure and even the extinction of the souls they carry. Backlash: Ghost or wraith. The unbound spirit attacks
All gearforged were once other creatures, now the primary caster three times as a ghost. A cleric
inhabiting standardized bodies with cylinders, springs, turning the unbound soul can prevent the attacks
and articulated joints of varying quality. Each is made of during the soul transfer process.
iron, brass, and steel and as distinctive in appearance as
Failure: After the first failed check, the subjects
other people differ by their hair and eyes. The gearforged
soul is removed from his or her body but not yet
are thinking creatures and can serve as city watchmen and
constrained in the new one. The soul attacks you as
soldiers. Gearforged have free will that separates them
a wraith. If a second skill check fails, the incantation
from other mechanical devices, which are no more than
fails completely: you and any other casters suffer
simple servants responsive to orders and capable of little
3d8 damage (Fort DC 15 + your Int modifier) and
more than a limited amount of memorization.
the subject dies. If the save is successful, the subject
Gearforged mechanisms are more than mechanical,
is either imprisoned in a gem (as per magic jar, if a
because all gearforged are machines with a soul. Their
500 gp or better gem was prepared in advance) or
arms and legs depend on actuators powered by everwound
released to the world as a ghost or wraith.
springs. Their minds depend on memory gears, transverse
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
gearforgeds limbs and fingers. A broken everwound about with tiny enchantments of great complexity. The
spring results in the loss of function in that digit or limb. memory of a gearforged for all the days after its creation
lives in the memory gears. Older gearforged have many
SOUL GEMS such gears, and the material component for the magic
The mind of a gearforged creature is as sharp as that of to create them requires one new gear/two levels attained
any flesh-and-blood soul, but it is more portable. The or every 10 years of life. Installing one requires one days
animating, vital principle of a gearforgedits will, its work and 2,000 gp.
personality, and its mindare retained in one or (for an Memory gears can be taken from a dead gearforged
Races Gearforged
extra 8,000 gp) two soul gems. These are the elements that and read by others. This is a lengthy process and viewed
retain an individuals spirit or soul, and their destruction with some alarm by most gearforged, since it is akin to
means the death of that gearforged. peering into the most private details of a creatures life.
Installing an existing, used memory gear in a new
gearforged requires a new Ritual of Soulforging and at least
These delicate constructions are scroll-like ribbons pierced one week for the recipient to remember and understand the
with thousands of pin-sized holes, and others wound
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
results. The process is dangerous, requiring a Fortitude save Cannonball: You excel at using your heavy metal body
(DC 10 + one-half level of dead gearforged + Cha modifier as a formidable battering ram. You gain a +2 bonus to
of dead gearforged) to succeed. If the Fortitude save fails, your combat maneuver attack bonus when attempting
the gearforged is ill for two weeks as it resorts its own to bull rush an opponent and an additional +1 bonus to
memories, and the found memory gear is rendered useless. attack rolls made while charging.
Deception: Your earnest mechanical manner puts those
Alternate Racial Rules
Gearforged come in many shapes and sizes and are
around you at ease regarding the guileless sincerity of
your intentions. You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks.
customized for a variety of tasks. Players may choose from Discharge: Your body was designed to generate slightly
the following list when selecting traits for their gearforged more energy than your regular operations require. You
characters. Most GMs allow two traits at character may release this energy once per day in the manner of the
creation; your GM may permit just one, or 3 or more. burning hands spell for 1d4 points of fire, electricity, or
sonic damage (energy type should be chosen when this
ADDITIONAL RACIAL TRAITS trait is selected).
Adamant: Your crafters made your body more resilient Emergency Surge: Mechanisms hidden deep within
than normal. You gain a +1 bonus to AC. your structure kick into action at critical moments to
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
provide you a final burst of activity. You may make a creation occasionally give them an edge over their more
single standard action the round after being reduced to robust brethren. No two gear hacks are the same, but a
zero or fewer hit points. typical specimen might have the phantom limb and split
Hidden Compartment: Your body has a secret personality racial traits.
compartment and you can discretely access it. You can Geardwarves: While it was Rava that passed down
hide an object no bigger than a dagger or wand and gain the secret of soulforging to the people of Zobeck, the
a +4 circumstance bonus on your Sleight of Hand checks first gearforged in the Crossroads were created in
when you draw it from the compartment. Templeforge in the dwarven Ironcrags. While dwarven
Races Gearforged
Mind Breaker: Once per day, as a touch attack, you soulforging seems archaic and inscrutable to many
may mentally commune with a living creature, opening Zobeck clockworkers, the dwarves maintain theirs is
your mind up to them. Unfortunately for your target, soulforging as it was originally passed down by the god
most organic beings are ill-prepared to grapple with the Volund. Geardwarves are thundering, steam-belching
mechanical mind of a gearforged. This ability acts as a spartans, spearheading the most dangerous tasks in the
touch version of the confusion spell (caster level 2nd). deep dwarven mines. Geardwarves have the cannonball
and rock crusher racial traits.
Oriented: Your elegant mechanical mind was
optimized for mapping physical spaces, effortlessly Fangforged: Gearforged in the mold of Midgards
compiling information from the environment around upstart dragonkin are exceedingly rare but not unheard
you into a cohesive, navigable picture. You gain a +2 of. That the sultans of the draconic Mharoti Empire
bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. are committed to tradition is not to say that they
lack foresight. Having lured a number of talented
Phantom Limb: While clockworkers and engineers
Zobeck clockworkers to their lands, the sultans have
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Gearforged Characters
All gearforged have the following racial traits.
Medium: As Medium creatures, gearforged have no
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Gearforged gain a +2 racial bonus to any one ability
score. Their makers pride themselves on fitting the body
to the needs of the soul.
Gearforged gain a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class.
Gearforged base land speed is 30 feet, and they do not
suffer a movement penalty due to wearing medium armor.
Gearforged gain low-light vision and darkvision 60ft.
Gearforged gain a +4 vs. mind affecting effects. They are
immune to disease, death effects, necromancy effects,
poison, and sleep effects. Gearforged are not subject to
nonlethal damage, and they are immune to fatigue and
exhaustion. They are not at risk of death from massive
damage, and they automatically stabilize when taken
below 0 hit points or less. A gearforged body is destroyed
at their negative Con score, though they can have their
soul gem and memory tapes implanted in a newly-
constructed body as long as they are intact. They cannot
be raised or resurrected through normal magical means,
though a wish spell can restore them fully.
Gearforged do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.
A gearforged submerged in water can continue to
function normally for a number of hours equal to their
Strength score. After spending that much time in the
water the gearforged will grind to a halt and require a
4-hour repair period. Gearforged suffer a -2 penalty to
swim checks.
Gearforged cannot heal damage on their own.
Cure spells, wands, and potions heal gearforged for the
minimum amount per charge or dose, and the psionic
repair damage power works normally. The mending spell
heals a gearforged for 1 point of damage, while the make
whole spell heals 2d8 points of damage +1 per caster
level (maximum +10). Gearforged may also be repaired
using Craft (Clockwork) or by another gearforged and helpless until maintained
possessing the Self-Mechanic feat (see page 19). by another gearforged or an
Rather than sleep, gearforged must rewind their individual with the Craft (Clockwork)
springs, repair gears, and oil and clean their parts each day or Knowledge (Engineering) skill. One
for a 4-hour period to ensure normal functioning. They 4-hour maintenance period eliminates all
are fully aware during this period, but any interruption accumulated penalties.
in their routine during these 4 hours requires them to Gearforged gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft
start again from the beginning. Gearforged can function (clockwork) and Intimidate checks. Gearforged
a number of days equal to their character level without intimately understand how their own race works and
performing this maintenance, but each day without such can apply that knowledge elsewhere, while most living
a repair period applies a cumulative 2 penalty on all creatures find gearforged a little unsettling.
attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
If a gearforged neglects his maintenance period a number Automatic Language: Trade Tongue.
of days equal to his character level, he becomes immobile Bonus Languages: Draconic and Dwarven.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Forgeclaws (Ex): At 2nd level, the clockwork warrior Holy Vessel (Ex): At 3rd and 8th levels, the
gains the Natural Attack feat and may make a claw attack faithforgeds body becomes a more perfect expression of her
for 1d6 lethal or nonlethal damage with a successful melee holy might. At each of these two levels, the paladin gains
attack. The nature of the damage must be announced a +1 bonus to Str and Dex and a +1 natural armor bonus.
before the attack roll is made. This ability replaces bravery. This ability replaces divine health and aura of resolve.
Clockwork Resilience (Ex): At 3rd level, the Holy Furnace (Su): At 3rd level and every three
clockwork warrior gains a +1 inherent bonus to all saving levels thereafter, a faithforged may use the positive
throws. This bonus increases by 1 for every four levels energy burning within it to enhance its martial ability by
Races Gearforged
beyond 3rd. This ability replaces armor training. granting magical properties to any weapon or unarmed
Grinding Gears (Ex): At 5th level, the clockwork attack that she makes. Each of the following costs one
warrior gains a +1 bonus to all natural weapon attack use of lay on hands for a round. Abilities at 3rd, 6th, 9th,
rolls, damage rolls, and grappling rolls. This ability and 15th level do 1d6 additional points of damage per 3
increases by 1 for every four levels beyond the 5th. This paladin levels. Only one may be used at a time.
replaces weapon training 1. At 3rd level the faithforged may add flaming damage.
Pneumatic Extensions (Ex): At 9th level, the At 6th level the faithforged may add electrical damage.
clockwork warrior gains an extra 5-foot square reach on At 9th level the faithforged may add axiomatic damage.
his attacks. This ability replaces weapon training 2. At 12th level the faithforged may attack twice per round.
At 15th level the faithforged may choose to do holy
Forged in Fire (Su): Starting at 13th level, the clockwork
warrior acquires fire and cold resistance 5. This resistance
At 18th level the faithforged may act as a disruption
increases to 10 at 18th level. This ability replaces weapon
training 3.
This ability replaces mercy and divine grace.
Shattering Blow (Su): At 17th level, the clockwork
warrior gains Improved Sunder and Improved Disarm Channel Positive Energy (Su): This functions
with his natural weapons (only). This replaces weapon as the paladin ability, though it may also be used to heal
training 4. gearforged. Furthermore, the faithforgeds holy symbol is
his or her own physical form, so the paladin may channel
Steel Step, Steely Eye (Ex): Starting at 19th level,
positive energy while bound. When a faithforgeds hit
the clockwork warrior ignores both difficult terrain and
points reach her negative Con score and her physical form
concealment. Cover affects the clockwork warriors attacks
is destroyed, the positive energy flowing within her is
normally (50% miss chance). This replaced armor mastery.
released in a final use of this ability. In that particular case,
Metal Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, the clockwork the amount of damage dealt or healed (players choice) is
warrior must choose his natural weapons for his weapon equal to 1d6 per 2 uses of lay on hands remaining.
mastery ability. His critical threat range with his natural
Divine Bond (Sp): This functions similarly to the
weapon increases by one, and he also gains the usual
weapon form of the paladin ability, but with a focus
critical hit bonuses associated with weapon mastery.
on the faithforgeds own mechanical form. When a
faithforged calls upon her divine bond ability, she glows
FAITHFORGED (PALADIN) like a torch and enhancement bonuses apply to any
Faithforged do not choose their calling as holy warriors. weapon or unarmed attack that she makes. She may not
Rather, the ritual of soulforging is also a dramatic choose any of the additional weapon properties. This
consecration, a commitment of their new life to serving ability modifies divine bond.
their dietys causes. With potent holy symbols and
Unstoppable (Su): At 17th level, the faithforged may
reservoirs of positive energy forged directly into their
harness the positive energy flowing within her to stave
forms and without the foibles of mind and body that most
off incapacitation. Upon reduction to zero or fewer
paladins work long and hard to cast off, the faithforged are
hit points (but greater than her negative Con score), a
physically and spiritually engineered powerhouses of good.
faithforged may spend three uses of her lay on hands
Spells: In lieu of daily spells, faithforged receive extra ability to remain active for a round. This ability replaces
uses of their lay on hands ability. They receive extra uses aura of righteousness.
equal to their cumulative available spell levels for the
day. For instance, a 14th level paladin can cast 3 1st level HEAVY GAUNTLET WITCH (WITCH)
spells, 2 2nd level spells, 1 3rd level spell, and 1 4th level The heavy gauntlet witch is a racial variation on the
spell; a faithforged would receive 14 (1st*3 + 2nd*2 + gauntlet witch archetype. Full details on the gauntlet witch
3rd*1 + 4th*1) extra uses. This ability replaces the spells and other variants can be found in Kobold Quarterly #23.
per day ability.
Though admittedly extremely rare, heavy gauntlet witches
Lay on Hands (Su): This functions as the paladin are formidable beings. Combining the bulk and power of
ability, though faithforged may also heal their fellow their gearforged frame with the eldritch might of battle-
gearforged. witchcraft, heavy gauntlet witches prove their mettle in the
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
chaos of war or as dedicated bodyguards to those that can aspiration. The most fanatical interpret their existence as
afford their services. A few are wanderers, finding solace in gearforged as one phase in a transition to a powerful new
the lure of adventure and the discovery of new experiences form, a final reward always seemingly dangling just out
and knowledge, feeling assured that the power of their of reach. Most lawmasters have the justice, order, or truth
adamantine gauntlet will sustain them. inquisition, and choose a focus identical to a particular
A heavy gauntlet witchs adamantine gauntlet has caste of inevitable, frequently pursuing those who cheat
the following modifications. A heavy gauntlet witchs death or evade justice.
adamantine gauntlet is a permanent adamantine Spells: Lawmasters cannot cast spells with the [chaotic]
modification to the gearforgeds structure and cannot be descriptor.
removed. A heavy gauntlet witch does not benefit from the
Toughness ability, nor does the adamantine gauntlet have Assessment (Ex): At 1st level, a lawmaster gains a +3
the alertness, lore, legend lore, teleport gauntlet, or drain bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks. This ability
husk powers. An adamantine gauntlet receives all bonuses replaces monster lore.
associated with adamantine items. Righteous Order (Ex): At 3rd level, a lawmaster
At 1st level, the adamantine gauntlet increases the Strength gains a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks. Duration of
score of the gearforged by 1 pointthis improves influenced attitudes is twice as long as normal. This ability
by 1 point for every five levels of heavy gauntlet replaces solo tactics.
witch the gearforged possesses.
At 3rd level, adamantine gauntlet confers
upon the heavy gauntlet witch the light
fortification armor property. This improves
to moderate fortification at 8th level and
heavy fortification at 14th. At 18th level, the
heavy gauntlet witch becomes immune to
critical hits and sneak attacks. If the heavy
gauntlet witch chooses to replace hexes with
Armor Training, its adamantine DR increases
by 1 point with each optionin other words, DR
2 with medium armor, DR 3 with heavy armor.
Pain Clasp (Sp): A heavy gauntlet witchs pain
clasp ability overrides a constructs immunity to
Improved Pain Clasp (Sp): In addition to
making a ranged touch attack, as a full-round
action, the heavy gauntlet witch may attempt to keep
a successfully paralyzed foe both grappled and then
prone. A successful combat maneuver check is required
for eachif the grapple fails, there is no possibility of
making the foe prone. If both combat maneuvers are
successful, the target is considered helpless. Maintaining
these effects is a full round action.
Telescopic Strike (Ex): At 10th level, the
adamantine gauntlet has improved to enable the heavy
gauntlet witch to make telescoping strikesthe witch
gains reach 10 when attacking with the gauntlet or
when using the pain clasp ability.
While lawmasters are typically associated with the
Cult of Zurvan, these single-minded gearforged
may follow any god strongly associated with the
rule of law. Whatever the case, lawmasters are
united by their admiration for the inevitables,
relentless outsiders devoted to law. For some
lawmasters this is merely an unusually
strong reverence, but for many it is an
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Piercing Sight (Ex): At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, Quiet exploders have access to the following new rage
a lawmaster gains new lenses of truth with which to power:
observe the world. Each of the following requires a Battering Ram (Ex): When a quiet exploder
successful DC 20 Perception check, though once the successfully bull rushes an opponent with her powerful
check is made the creature remains visible until it leaves metal frame, she may also may an attack roll for 1d8
line of sight. At 3rd level a lawmaster can see invisible points of bludgeoning damage. Though she may not do
and ethereal creatures or objects. At 6th level a lawmaster damage to subsequent creatures caught in a bull rush, she
can see through illusions. At 9th level a lawmaster can see only takes a -1 penalty to CMB for each.
Races Gearforged
Mark of Law (Sp): At 12th level, a lawmaster may Any summoner can rightfully claim the companionship
mark a target as per mark of justice once per day. This of an exotic planar entity, but the salvagers eidolon is
ability works identically to the spell, with two exceptions: something stranger still. It is raw material from the plane
casting time is one minute and the offending action must of Rusty Gears given form and alien intelligenceyoung
be some violation of law. This ability replaces the 12th eidolons begin their existences as ominous floating
level teamwork feat. spheres of metal scrap but quickly transition to their more
Integrity of Self (Ex): At 15th level, a lawmaster
scoring a critical hit may imprison a target in a featureless The Sphere: In its base form, the salvagers eidolon is a
cell on the ethereal plane. The imprisoned target does not medium sphere of tightly packed fine and diminutive
need to eat and does not age, but is otherwise conscious. mechanical refuse from Rusty Gears. This form counts
Once per hour the target may attempt to free him or as a 2-point evolution. It begins with the following
herself (rematerializing in the presence of the lawmaster) starting statistics:
with a successful Will save (DC 20). The lawmaster may
Size Medium; Speed fly 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor;
retrieve the target at will and may only keep one ethereal
Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (bad); Attack bite
prisoner at a time. This ability replaces the 18th level
(1d6); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con -, Int 7, Wis
teamwork feat.
10, Cha 11; Free Evolutions bite, flight.
QUIET EXPLODER (BARBARIAN) The eidolons type changes to construct. Do not
recalculate Hit Dice, Base Attack Bonus, hit points,
Given their reverence for martial prowess, it is not
skills, or saves. The eidolon may be healed in the
surprise that many gearforged choose to explore the path
same manner as a gearforged. The eidolon takes 150%
of the barbarian. While a living soul exists within each
damage from electricity and may not choose the
gearforged, that is not where the quiet exploder turns in
resistance or immunity (electricity) evolutions. It may
harnessing her amazing rage powers. Rather, she digs
be banished like an outsider. This ability modifies the
down into her methodical, mechanical mind and deploys
summoners eidolon ability.
battlefield ferocity with the cool of a monk.
Construct Summons (Sp): A salvager using summon
Rage (Ex): This functions as the barbarian ability with monster typically summons ragged clockwork creatures
several exceptions. A quiet exploder can rage for five
from Rusty Gears. The scrap beast template (see sidebar)
rounds per day, plus two additional rounds each level
should be applied to creatures that would typically take
after first. This number of rounds is reduced by two for
the celestial or fiendish template. The salvagers summon
every day that the barbarian neglects her daily gearforged
monster list is modified as follows:
maintenance. Raging incurs a -1 penalty to AC and no
bonus hit points. Quiet exploders have no restrictions Summon Monster I: A salvager can also summon
on skill checks during a rage. As gearforged, they do not clockwork spies (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3).
become fatigued. This ability modifies rage. Summon Monster II: A salvager cannot summon small
Retaliation (Ex): At 14th level, a quiet exploder is elementals or lemures.
prepared to deftly respond with an attack under virtually Summon Monster III: A salvager cannot summon
any circumstance. If an opponent misses a melee attack dretches or lantern archons but can summon
role by more than 10, the barbarian may make an attack clockwork beetles (Midgard Bestiary, page 24),
of opportunity against them. clockwork servants (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Magic Denial (Su): At 17th level, the quiet exploders Bestiary 3), and arbiter inevitables (Pathfinder
resolve is so strong that she may shrug off magical effects Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2).
through sheer force of will. She gains SR 10. This ability Summon Monster IV: A salvager cannot summon
replaces tireless rage. medium elementals, hell hounds, hound archons, or
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
mephits, but can summon clockwork beetle swarms
(Midgard Bestiary, page 24), clockwork hounds
(Midgard Bestiary, page 25), clockwork huntsmen Scrap Beasts
(Midgard Bestiary 26), junkyard clockwork dogs (Dark Scrap beasts are the roving wild creatures of the plane
Roads and Golden Hells, page 106), and weaving spiders of Rusty Gears. While they are technically constructs,
(Midgard Bestiary, page 96). they are not created creatures; rather, they are born
Summon Monster V: A salvager cannot summon from accumulated mechanical refuse as a part of the
babau, bearded devils, bralani azatas, large elementals, planes unique and curious ecology.
salamanders, or xills, but can summon clockwork CR: Same as the base creature.
myrmidons (Midgard Bestiary 27) and clockwork
soldiers (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3). Type: Creature type changes to construct. Do not
recalculate Hit Dice, Base Attack Bonus, hit points,
Summon Monster VI: A salvager cannot summon huge skills, or saves.
elementals, erinyes, lillend azatas, or succubi, but can
summon clockwork stalkers (Kobold Quarterly 23, Armor Class: A scrap beasts natural armor bonus
page 57). increases by +2.
Summon Monster VII: A salvager cannot summon Vulnerable to Electricity: A scrap beast takes 150%
bebiliths, bone devils, greater elementals, or vrocks, but damage from electrical attacks.
he or she can summon alchemical golems (Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2) and zelekhut inevitables
stats, with hit points divided between them. Damage
(Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2).
from the swarm attack is 1d6 lower. If the summoner has
Summon Monster VIII: A salvager can only summon taken the large evolution by 18th level, he may choose
clockwork golems (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game mitosis a second time, allowing each of the smaller
Bestiary 2), clockwork leviathans (Pathfinder clouds to divide once again.
Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3), and kolyarut inevitables While swarms may move through each other freely,
(Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2). they may not occupy the same square at the end of a
Summon Monster IX: A salvager can only summon brass move action. Clouds adjacent to one another may rejoin
golems (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3) and together as a move action. The eidolon may only return
steam golems (Midgard Bestiary, page 60). to its sphere form when all surviving clouds are intact. If
Salvage Cloud (Su): At 2nd level, the salvager can select one or more clouds have been destroyed when the eidolon
salvage cloud as a 2-point evolution. As a full-round reforms, its maximum hit points are proportionally
action, the eidolon may expand its mass into a cloud of decreased. This ability replaces aspect and greater aspect.
refuse one size larger than its sphere form. As a cloud, Ejector (Ex): At 16th level the salvager may purchase
the eidolon behaves similarly but not identically to the ejector as a 3-point evolution. While in cloud form, the
swarm subtype. The clouds starting form is a square, eidolon may hurl an opponent across the battlefield at
though it may rearrange itself as a move action so long the end of its swarm attack. The eidolon must be as large
as no dimension is more than 50% larger than the or larger than the opponent and fully occupy all of the
original square. It may move through squares occupied opponents squares to attempt this. This effect works
by other characters freely, though it provokes an attack of identically to a single round of enemy hammer. It may be
opportunity in doing so. used a number of times per day per two summoner levels.
The clouds only attack is a swarm executed following This ability replaces merge forms.
a move ending in another creatures square; once in the Devour (Su): At 20th level the salvager may purchase
square, its attack is automatically successful. Damage devour as a 3-point evolution.
begins at 1d6 at 2nd level plus an additional 1d6 every In conjunction with a swarm attack, the eidolon may
three summoner levels thereafter. The swarm cannot attempt to absorb a weapon, piece of armor, or other
be grappled, tripped, or bull rushed and is immune to metal item into itself, using these to heal damage to itself
weapon damage, flanking, critical hits, and spells that or the summoner. While making a swarm attack, the
target a specific number of creatures. The swarm takes eidolon should make a disarm check against the target
150% damage from area-of-effect spells and is susceptible using the summoners CMB. The item removed by a
to wind effects as a diminutive creature. Reduction to successful check will be the most accessible, at the GMs
fewer than 0 hit points disperses and kills the eidolon. In discretion. This item may be effectively destroyed to heal
cloud form, the eidolon is mute and may not use skills, 4 eidolon hit points or 2 summoner hit points. Outside
feats, or other evolutions. of combat, the eidolon may absorb available metallic
Mitosis (Su): At 10th level, the salvager may select mitosis material at a rate of 1 piece per round. This ability
as a 3-point evolution. While in cloud form, the eidolon replaces twin eidolon.
may divide into a pair of clouds one size smaller as a
move action. Each new cloud retains the originals base
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
TINKER ALCHEMIST (ALCHEMIST) mutagens with other gearforged. Shared mutagens have
It should come as no surprise that many gearforged a duration of 5 minutes per alchemist level. This ability
excel in the field of clockwork, making great names replaces swift poisoning (and modifies mutagen).
for themselves as the creators of fantastic inventions. Well-Oiled Machine (Ex): At 10th level, a tinker
Tinker alchemists turn their relentless tinkering inwards, alchemist can create an admixture that, consumed daily,
combining mechanical and alchemical aptitude to explore allows him to forego maintenance entirely. This ability
and expand the possibilities of their physical forms. replaces poison immunity.
Mutagen (Su): This functions as the alchemist ability, Discoveries: The following discoveries complement the
Races Gearforged
though tinker alchemists do not acquire a natural armor tinker alchemist archetype: acid bomb, cognatogen,
bonus or undergo any bestial physical changes. Non- concussive bomb, grand mutagen, greater mutagen,
gearforged who consume a tinker alchemist mutagen must infuse mutagen, infusion.
make a Fort save (DC 10 + alchemist level + alchemist
intelligence modifier) or be nauseated for six hours.
Tinker alchemist mutagens are inert for other gearforged
until the tinker alchemist reaches 6th level (see below).
Tune-Up (Ex): At 1st level, a tinker alchemist is able
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Driving Check Profession (driver)
NEW RACIAL RULES Forward Facing vehicles forward
The following equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are Driving Device wheel
typically associated with gearforged, though some of them Driving Space forward square of the buggy
may be utilized by other characters at the GMs discretion. Decks 1
Gearforged Equipment This polish is typically applied by gearforged paladins and
cavaliers before charging into open-air battles. In full daylight,
Gearforged have access to the following items of equipment.
opponents of a wearer of triumph polish are treated as
CLAW WHIP dazzled. The polish can be applied to a gearforged chest plate
This fearsome weapon resembles a metal version of the as a full-round action. A single application lasts one hour.
scorpion whip, with far larger fangs crowning its tip. The
grasping fangs are activated by a spring mechanism running
the length of the whip. In addition to disarm, reach, and trip,
Gearforged Feats
a user with the Whip Mastery feat may also drag, reposition, Gearforged have access to the following feats.
or steal from an opponent. For a dragged or repositioned
opponent, also make an attack roll against their flat-footed
AC to do 1d4 points of slashing damage. Standard damage With a bit of time and expense you are able to upgrade
from a claw whip is 1d4 (S) or 1d6 (M). your mechanical forms natural armor.
Prerequisite: Gearforged
GEAR BUGGY Benefit: You upgrade your natural armor bonus by +1.
Large land vehicle This is an involved procedure costing 1,000 gp and 1 week
Squares 2 (5 ft. by 10 ft.; 3 ft. high); Cost 2,500 gp with at least a 3rd level expert armorer. You may not take
DEFENSE this feat at a level at which you receive a natural armor
AC 9; Hardness 10 hp 40 Base Save +1 bonus from a class feature. You may take this feat multiple
OFFENSE times, but not at multiple levels in a row. The feat costs an
Maximum Speed 10 ft. + 5 ft. per operators Strength additional 3,000 gp each time you take it after the first.
bonus; Acceleration 10 ft.
Ramming Damage 1d8 Design and training have made you far more effective in
water than your gearforged fellows. Your lower body acts
as a powerful and graceful propulsion system and your
This heavy, four-wheeled clockwork contraption was
functioning is not impaired by long periods of submersion.
originally designed as a utility vehicle for gearforged, whose
heavy frames easily overwhelm many modes of transport. Prerequisite: Gearforged
Gear buggies are powered by extremely strenuous pedaling Benefit: You may operate underwater for as long as
on behalf of the driver; they require a minimum Strength you like (though maintenance cannot be performed
of 14 and can be used for a number of rounds equal to underwater and penalties from foregoing maintenance
the drivers Constitution score before the driver becomes still apply) and you gain a +2 bonus to Swim checks.
fatigued (thankfully a non-issue for gearforged). Normal: Gearforged may spend a number of hours
The vehicle statistics here presume a load of 500 underwater equal to their Str before grinding to a halt,
pounds (one medium gearforged and approximately 100 and they take a -2 penalty to Swim checks.
pounds of cargo), though the sturdy buggies may carry up
to 1,000 pounds and tow as much weight as the driver can AUTONOMOUS APPENDAGE
manage. Reduce the drivers effective Strength by 1 for each You are able to harmlessly detach one of your arms and
250 pounds above 500. maintain control over it for several minutes at a time.
Propulsion muscle (pushed; operator) Prerequisite: Gearforged, Self-Repair
Benefit: Once per day, for up to 10 minutes, one of your
arms may act independently of your body. It moves and
TABLE 1: GEARFORGED RACIAL ITEMS climbs at half the speed you would (though it gains a
+2 bonus to climb checks, being relatively strong for its
ITEM COST WEIGHT size) and may perform basic item manipulation actions.
Releasing and reattaching your arm are both standard
Claw Whip 40 gp 5 lbs. actions. Reattachment requires the use of your other arm
Gear Buggy 2,500 gp 800 lbs. or assistance from another individual.
The limb takes with it one-eighth of your total hit
Triumph Polish 200 gp 1 lb.
points and has your touch AC. Reduction to fewer than
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
half of its initial hit points renders it inoperable until GORGEOUS GEARFORGED
reattached. At zero or fewer hit points, it is destroyed and Your entire body is a unique objet dart thanks to welding
must be entirely replaced at a cost equal to 1/8 of your techniques, acid etchings, gilding patterns, or other features.
original construction cost. Prerequisite: Gearforged
CONSTRUCTS BANE Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Charisma-based skills.
To know your own structure is to know that of the enemy, Special: You can take this feat only once and must invest
or at least that of some of them. at least 2,500 gp to enhance your whole appearance.
Races Gearforged
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on your Knowledge (arcana) Thanks to your repertoire of quick fixes and stopgaps, you
checks related to constructs, and this skill is a class skill can operate longer and more efficiently than most without
for you. You also gain a +1 bonus on your melee and performing your daily 4-hour maintenance.
ranged attacks made against constructs. Prerequisite: Gearforged
Special: These bonuses stack with the Favored Enemy Benefit: You only take a -1 cumulative penalty on attack
class feature of the ranger. and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for each
day without a 4-hour maintenance period.
Your soul-link to your gearforged chassis is strong, Normal: Gearforged take a -2 cumulative penalty.
recalling the essential nature of your past life. LIMB LOCK
Prerequisite: Gearforged The ability to lock your mechanical limbs and joints into
Benefit: You count as both gearforged and your former race place makes you a formidable grappler.
for any effects related to race. That is, you are considered both Prerequisite: Gearforged
gearforged and your former race for the purpose of taking Benefit: You gain a +4 to your CMB for checks to
traits, feats, how spells and magic affect you, and so on. maintain a grapple.
Your memory gears can draw on distant memories of a Youve learned to manipulate your own magnetic field for
flesh-and-blood life long past. short periods of time, such that you sometimes are able to
Prerequisite: Gearforged claim metallic weapons from attackers.
Benefit: You gain a +1 competence bonus on four skills Prerequisite: Gearforged
having Intelligence as their key ability, and the selected Benefit: Three times per day, you may make a disarm
skills become class skills for you. check immediately following a successful attack by an
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time opponent using a metallic weapon. You do not provoke
you take this feat, it applies to four new skills having an attack of opportunity while doing so. A successful
Intelligence as their key ability. check means that the weapon is briefly magnetized
to your body. The weapon drops to the ground at the
FROM THE CRUCIBLE beginning of your next turn unless you choose to use a
You are highly resistant to heat and fire thanks to the swift action to grasp it and then wield it.
alloys that comprise most of your body.
Prerequisites: Gearforged, taken at 1st level as gearforged MECHANICAL UNIVERSE
You see all the gears and mechanisms of the world as so
Benefit: You gain DR 2/fire and a +2 bonus on all saves
many challenges.
made against fire-based attacks such as a fireball.
Prerequisite: Gearforged
GEARFORGED UTILITY Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on two of the following
A tool of your trade was reborn with you. skills, chosen in advance: Craft (locks), Craft (traps;
Prerequisites: Gearforged, must be taken at 1st level as mechanical only), Disable Device, Knowledge
gearforged (engineering), Profession (architect), Profession
(engineer), and Profession (siege engineer) checks.
Benefit: Choose one piece of your starting equipment,
a single weapon, your armor, or a shield. This item is Special: You can gain Mechanical Universe multiple times.
of masterwork quality and was forged as part of your Each time you take the feat, it applies to two different
body. As such, its weight does not count against your skills from the list above.
encumbrance. Because it was designed to fit only you, it
performs as if broken when used by any other creature.
Your body constantly exudes an alchemical oil that
Note: Because this feat allows a character to start with a prevents most corrosion.
masterwork item, the GMs permission is needed before
Prerequisites: Gearforged, must be taken at 1st level as
selecting Gearforged Utility.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Benefit: You gain DR 5/acid and a +2 circumstance bonus DESCRIPTION
on your Escape Artist checks. If you are targeted by a rust These small iron spheres are the bane of artificial beings.
monsters antennae or a rusting grasp spell, the damage of They are thrown like alchemist bombs, using the Thrown
the attack is reduced by 1d6 hit points. Splash Weapon special attack. Any constructs caught in the
Special: Trackers get a +2 circumstance bonus on their blast find their abilities impaired for 1d4 rounds.
Survival checks to find you. Constructs with an Int score are effectively sickened,
taking a -2 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls,
SCRAP HEAP saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
You have great freedom of movement in your mechanical For mindless constructs, the GM should roll a d20 to
joints and have happily abandoned traditional notions of determine the bombs effect.
bodily flexibility acquired in your former life.
Prerequisite: Gearforged TABLE 2: CONSTRUCT DISRUPTOR
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Escape Artist or grapple
checks made to escape a grapple or to escape from bonds.
You also blend in with mechanical scrap relatively easily, 1-6 Construct stops what it is doing and stands still
gaining a +2 bonus to Stealth checks to hide around where it is. It will respond to attacks in kind.
mechanical refuse. 7-8 Construct stops what it is doing and stands still
where it is, not even responding if attacked. It is
SELF-MECHANIC flat-footed.
Your diligence when it comes to daily maintenance pays off.
9-14 Construct attacks the nearest being to it.
Prerequisite: Gearforged, 3+ ranks Knowledge (engineering)
Benefit: You gain a number of temporary hit points equal 15-18 Construct attacks its master (or nearest being if
to your level after an uninterrupted daily maintenance master is not present).
period. You can also use a Knowledge (engineering) check
19-20 Construct moves at maximum speed in a random
in place of a Heal check when you try to repair yourself or
direction, attempting to move through anything
another gearforged.
in its path. Colliding with a solid object inflicts
1d6 bludgeoning damage on the construct.
Gearforged Magic Items CONSTRUCTION
Gearforged have access to the following magic items.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, control construct;
Cost 1,000 gp
Clockwork Thrasher
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 16th
Slot Neck; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs. Gearforged Rejuvenator
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
When not in use, this strange item is a delicate clockwork
spider that can be worn around the neck on a chain.
When activated by a gearforged the legs come alive, most This heavy metal plate is decorated with a mixture of
interfacing with the users body while two grow thicker and arcane runes and clockwork schematics. When placed
as long as 10 ft., undulating in the surrounding area. With against the chest plate of a gearforged it attaches itself
the legs, the user may make two bludgeoning attacks per as if strongly magnetic. Activating the item wracks the
round, for 1d6 points of damage. They may also be used gearforged with a surge of energy, immediately eliminating
for combat maneuvers, granting a +5 bonus to the users any penalties accrued from lack of maintenance. This uses
CMB. The thrasher may be used once per day for up to two a single charge. Up to four additional charges may be used
minutes. Each leg has hardness 10 and 20 hit points. The to heal 1d6 points of damage per charge. A gearforged may
legs heal damage between uses, but if a leg is destroyed it only use a rejuvenator once per day. Most come equipped
is destroyed permanently. A thrasher with one working leg with 50 charges.
allows a single bludgeoning attack and a +2 bonus to CMB. CONSTRUCTION
clockwork mechanisms, including a dock where memory Components V, S, M (100-500 lbs of metal)
gears are mounted. Range personal
When a memory gear is inserted and the device is Target you; Duration 1 minute/level
activated, the skull whirls to life and magical flames lick Casting this spell encases you in a ramshackle layer of
the inside of the bell jar. The skull is capable of sight and armor composed of the spells material components.
speech and now houses the gearforged whose memory While encased, use your touch AC for all AC checks. Your
gears are installed. Memory bells vary greatly in quality, armor will absorb a certain amount of damage before it
but for most the GM should roll a d20 to determine the is destroyed, effectively granting you 10 temporary hit
nature of the interaction: points per 100 lbs of metal used in its construction. While
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Inevitables Rampage Sparkfist
School transmutation; Level inquisitor 4 School transmutation; Level alchemist 3, inquisitor 3,
Casting Time 1 round magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3
Components V, S Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal Components V, S, M (a pinch of copper shavings)
Target you; Duration 1 min./level Range personal
This spell dramatically amplifies your battle prowess, Target you; Duration 1 min./level
infusing you with aspects of the mighty inevitables. While The spell causes each of your fists to transform into rugged,
the spell is in effect, you gain DR 10/chaotic and all of your unpolished metal, grow to roughly the size of your head,
weapon attacks take on the axiomatic or wounding special and crackle with electricity. Your unarmed strikes do
qualities (quality must be chosen at the time of casting). 1d10 points of lethal bludgeoning damage (1d6 for small
characters) and 1d8 points of electricity damage and do not
provoke attacks of opportunity while this spell is active.
Any fantasy setting where a gearforged might be found is Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against intelligent
not likely to be based around a medieval level of technical constructs. Enchantment and mind-affecting spells you
sophistication. Such a setting might include exotic clockwork cast also affect constructs. At 7th level, you can cast
technology, magi-tech, or popular steampunk tropes. Players dominate monster on a construct once per day. This effect
may find the following PC options appropriate for characters lasts 1 round per oracle level. You can use this twice per
of any race in a post-medieval fantasy campaign. day at 13th level and three times per day at 17th level.
Spells marked with (ZG) can be found in the Zobeck Binding Chains (Su): As a standard action you can cause a
Gazetteer. 20-ft. radius of iron chains to burst from the floor and wrap
around any creature in the area. This acts as black tentacles
except the chains are made of iron and have a hardness of
CLOCKWORK CLASS OPTIONS 10, 10 hit points, and a break DC equal to 10 + the chains
As you might expect, the oracle mysteries and sorcerous CMB. You can use this ability once per day at 7th level and
bloodlines of the gearforged are far afield from the more an additional time per day for every 4 levels thereafter. You
traditional flavors. Thats what makes them interesting. must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.
Clockwork Engine (Su): Once per day at 11th level, you
CLOCKWORK (ORACLE MYSTERY) can imbue inanimate objects with life as animate objects
As clockwork discoveries enter the world, the gods who for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. These
oversee invention and artifice grow in power. An oracle animated objects gain 1 additional CP. You can do this
of clockwork can alter the workings of machines and twice per day at 15th level. At 15th level, these animated
construct items out of thin air. objects gain 2 additional CPs. You must be 11th level to
Class Skills: An oracle with the clockwork mystery select this revelation.
adds Craft, Disable Device, Knowledge (arcana), and Clockwork Incorporation (Ex): Your knowledge of
Knowledge (engineering) to her list of class skills. steam and brass allows you to replace body parts with
Bonus Spells: crafters fortune (2nd), make whole (4th), mechanical devices. Choose one of the following options
enter image (6th), malfunctionUM (8th), fabricate (10th), whenever you can select a new revelation. You can select
wall of iron (12th), control constructUM (14th), iron body each option only once, but you can select a different
(16th), time stop (18th) option each time you are able to choose a new revelation.
Mechanical Legs: You increase your base speed by 10 ft.,
Spells: At 1st level, an oracle with the clockwork mystery
and you are always considered to have had a running start
gains access to spells with the word cure or inflict in
when making jump checks. At 11th level, your speed is
their title as usual. However, these spells heal or harm
never reduced by armor. Oracles with the lame oracle
only constructs.
curse cannot select this revelation.
Revelations: An oracle with the clockwork mystery can
choose from any of the following revelations. Mechanical Arms: You gain a +2 inherent bonus to
Strength and a +4 racial bonus to all skills and checks
Automatic Control (Su): At 1st level, you gain a +4 bonus to
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
based on Strength as well as your CMB. At 11th level, INDUSTRY (ORACLE MYSTERY)
your inherent bonus to Strength increases to +4. Steel Oracles of the industry mystery find their divine magic
Skin: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus and resist fire in automation, toil, pollution, and noise. Some may attain
andcold 5. This increases to a +4 natural armor bonus positions of prestige as techno-chaplains of great forges
and resist fire and cold 10 at 11th level. and mills; others flourish in the criminal underground as
Mechanical Eyes: You gain a +4 bonus to Perception saboteurs, leaders of cultlike street gangs, and relentless
checks and darkvision 60 ft. If you already have assassins. Many evil oracles develop a taste for swift and
darkvision, the range increases by 30 ft. At 11th ruthless violence, their passion for amoral industrial
Races Gearforged
level you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against efficiency seemingly knowing no bounds.
blindness. Oracles with the clouded vision oracle curse Skills: As an oracle with the industry mystery, add
cannot select this revelation. Appraise, Disable Device, Intimidate, and Stealth to your
Clockwork Messenger (Su): You gain a clockwork familiar list of class skills.
as per the wizards arcane bond class ability. Your effective Bonus Spells: grease (2nd), magic siege engine (4th),
wizard level is equal to your oracle level. The familiar heatstroke (6th), steam blastZG (8th), winding keyZG (10th),
possesses all the abilities of the animal it mimics but is animate objects (12th), timeless engineZG (14th), maze
considered a construct instead of an animal. Your oracle (16th), implosion (18th)
levels stack with any wizard levels you possess when Revelations: An oracle with the industry mystery can
determining the powers of your familiar. This ability does choose from any of the following revelations:
not allow you to have two familiars at one time.
Confusion (Sp): You may cast confusion once per day. You
Construct Expert (Ex): You gain a +4 bonus to monster gain an additional use at 5th level and every 5 levels
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Make a Craft (Clockworks) check (DC 10 + hp damage USE MAGIC DEVICE
to be repaired). Success means you may use that item This skill can be helpful in activating an inactive clockwork
normally for a number of rounds equal to your ranks in device, finding its mode of arcane power (if it has one), and
Craft (Clockworks). determining how much energy remains in its alchemical or
Repair Construct: Repair a construct or sentient arcane weaponry. It is also the skill used when attempting
clockwork. Repairing a construct takes four hours. Make to trigger the power of a disassembled device.
a Craft (Clockworks) skill check (DC 15 + constructs
HD). If successful, restore 1d4 hp to the construct. If TABLE 5: USE MAGIC DEVICE EXPANDED SKILL
Races Gearforged
While the following traits are specific to the Midgard city
This skill allows a character to turn off a clockwork device
of Zobeck, GMs and players are encouraged to adapt them
if he knows the method of its construction and has the
to their own campaign world as appropriate.
proper clockworking tools. For a typical household
device, this requires a DC 10 check, while larger and more CLOCKWORKER APPRENTICE (REGIONAL: ZOBECK)
elaborate devices can have DCs of 30 or higher. Each You tried life as an apprentice in the Clockworkers Guild.
device is made differently and requires a different check; While the guild didnt suit you, you learned the craft. You
even those that are superficially similar or made by the gain a +1 trait bonus to Disable Device checks involving
same clockworker can be very different on the inside, so clockworks and to Craft (clockwork) checks. Disable
a check is needed even in these situations. Using Disable Device is a class skill for you. This bonus stacks with
Device in this way requires 1 minute. Clockwork Scholar.
Clockworks meant to fight, stand sentry, or otherwise
thwart rogues and rascals are very difficult to turn off. For CLOCKWORK SCHOLAR (RELIGIOUS: RAVA)
a hardened device meant to evade this sort of tampering, You are a hard-working follower of the Gear Goddess. You
the DC is 20 + CR. Attempting such a check provokes gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks with gearforged
attacks of opportunity and requires the disabling character and constructs. Gain a +1 trait bonus to Profession (scribe)
to succeed on a melee attack. No retry is possible once or to any one Craft skill (chosen when the trait is taken).
a construct is aware of such an attempt. Using Disable
Device to deactivate a clockwork device requires a full- MARK OF RAVA (RELIGIOUS: RAVA)
round action. You can feel the warp and weft of the worlds fabric, and
understand both its mundane and magical workings. You
KNOWLEDGE (ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING) gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (engineering) and
This skill gains new uses in a city where gearforged and Knowledge (arcana) checks, and one of these skills (your
other clockwork devices are common, as shown on the choice) is a class skill for you.
following table.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). All Rights Reserved. Kobold Quarterly issue 11, Copyright 2009, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved.
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
System Reference Document Copyright 20002003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Cook, and Skip Williams.
Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis,
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik
Cook, and Skip Williams. Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan,
50 New Ways To Turn Things Into Other Things: Transmutation, copyright Silven Publishing and Matthew J. Hanson based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
50 New Ways To Blow Things Up: Evocation, copyright Silven Publishing and Matthew J. Hanson Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs,
Advanced Bestiary, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Matthew Sernett. Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan
Advanced Players Guide, Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing LLC; Author Jason Bulmahn. Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Advanced Players Guide, 2004 White Wolf, Inc. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob
Advanced Players Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Skip Williams McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Akashic Nodes: The Home of Memory, Copyright 2005 Justin D. Jacobson Ultimate Magic, 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen
Animal Lord, Mouse Lord from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene and Erica Balsely, based Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor
on original material by Gary Gygax. Players Guide to Monks and Paladins, 2004 White Wolf, Inc.
Anger of Angels. 2003, Sean K Reynolds. Players Guide to the Seven Cities, Author: Adam Roy. Copyright 2013 Open Design LLC. www.koboldpress.com
Ask Dr. Evil, Copyright 2006 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; http://www.greenronin.com/ask_dr_evil.php Plexus: Potent Portals, Copyright 2002 Mark Alexander Clover
The Assassins Handbook, Copyright 2002 Green Ronin Publishing. All rights reserved. Plexus: Open Spells Collection, Copyright 2002 Mark Alexander Clover
Blood of the Gorgon, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC; Author: Nicolas Logue Poisoncraft: The Dark Art, Copyright 2004, Justin D. Jacobson
Bluffside: City on the Edge, Copyright 2002, Thunderhead Games, Inc., and Mystic Eye Games, LLC Possessors: Children of the Outer Gods Copyright 2003, Philip Reed and Christopher Shy, www.philipjreed.com and www.studioronin.com.
The Book of Drakes, 2011 Open Design LLC. Authors Adam Daigle, Mike Welham The Psychics Handbook, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson
The Book of Eldritch Might, Copyright 2001 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved Relics & Rituals, Copyright 2001, Clark Peterson
Book of Eldritch Might II: Songs and Souls of Power, Copyright 2002 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved Relics & Rituals: Excalibur, 2004 White Wolf, Inc.
Book of Eldritch Might III: The Nexus, Copyright 2002 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved Relics & Rituals: Olympus, 2004 White Wolf, Inc.
The Book of Experimental Might, Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved Rise of the Ghouls is copyright 2005 Adam Windsor.
The Book of Fiends, 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb. Secret College of Necromancy, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors David Zeb Cook and Wolfgang Baur.
The Book of Hallowed Might, 2002, Monte J. Cook Sinobian from Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene; Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin
The Book of Roguish Luck, Copyright 2005 Wolfgang Baur. All rights reserved Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul,
Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition, Copyright 2003, Silverthorne Games; Authors Ian Johnston and Chris S. Sims Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.
Castle Shadowcrag, Copyright 2007, Wolfgang Baur, www.wolfgangbaur.com. All rights reserved Skreyns Register: The Bonds of Magic, 2002, Sean K Reynolds
Castlemourn Campaign Setting, Copyright 2007, Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. Skreyns Register: The Bonds of Magic, Vol. 1: Cabal, Copyright 2002 Sean K Reynolds. All rights reserved
The Complete Book of Eldritch Might, Copyright 2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved Skreyns Register: The Bonds of Magic, Vol. 2: The Faithful, Copyright 2002 Sean K Reynolds. All rights reserved
Thee Compleat Librum ov GarUdoks Necromantic Artes, Copyright 2002, Ambient Inc.; Authors M Jason Parent, Denise Steam & Brass Copyright 2006, Wolfgang Baur, www.wolfgangbaur.com.
Courts of the Shadow Fey 2010, Open Design LLC Steam & Steel Copyright 2004 E.N.Publishing
Creature Collection, Copyright 2000, Clark Peterson Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands, 2004 White Wolf, Inc.
Crime and Punishment, Copyright 2003, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; author Keith Baker Streets of Zobeck. Copyright 2011, Open Design LLC. Authors: Ben McFarland, Mike Franke, Richard Pett, Christina Stiles, Matthew Stinson.
Cry Havoc, Copyright 2003 Skip Williams. All Rights Reserved Sunken Empires Copyright 2010, Open Design, LLC; Authors: Brandon Hodge, David Zeb Cook, and Stefen Styrsky.
Curses! Copyright 2002 Kosala Ubayasekara. All Rights Reserved. Author Eytan Bernstein www.koboldquarterly.com
D20 Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Tales of the Old Margreve, Copyright 2010, Open Design, LLC; Authors: Tim and Eileen Connors, Michael Furlanetto, Jonathan McAnulty, Ben
Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, McFarland, Richard Pett, Steven Robert, and Dan Voyce. www.koboldquarterly.com
and JD Wiker Tales of Zobeck, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC. Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Bill Collins, Tim and Eileen Connors, Ed Greenwood, Jim Groves,
The Diamond Throne, Copyright 2003 Monte J. Cook Mike McArtor, Ben McFarland, Joshua Stevens, Dan Voyce.
Divine Favor: the Paladin. Author: Stefen Styrsky Copyright 2011, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. Tome of Horrors III Copyright 2005 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, with Casey Christofferson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase,
A Dozen Hazards of the Dragons Lair Copyright 2005 Philip Reed, published by Ronin Arts www.roninarts.com Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb and Bill
Dynasties and Demagogues, Copyright 2003, Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; Author Chris Aylott Webb.
Empire of the Ghouls, Copyright 2007 Wolfgang Baur, www.wolfgangbaur.com. All rights reserved. Traps and Treachery, Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Inc.; Authors Greg Benage, Kurt Brown, Mark Chance, Brian Ferrenz, Lizard, David Lyons,
Encyclopedia Arcane: Necromancy - Beyond the Grave, Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing Brian Patterson, Scott Stoecker, Wil Upchurch
E.N. Guild Monster Hunters Guild, Copyright 2005, E.N. Publishing; Author Aeryn Rudel Unearthed Arcana, Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman
Fading Suns: D20, Copyright 2001, Holistic Design, Inc; Authors Bill Bridges and Andy Harmon Unhallowed Halls. Copyright 2002, Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; author Christina Stiles.
The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy Copyright 2005, Lions Den Press; Author Ari Marmell Vilstrak from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games., Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Imperial Gazetteer, Copyright 2010, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. Wild Spellcraft, Copyright, 2002 ENWorld
Interludes: Brief Expeditions to Bluffside, Copyright 2001, Thunderhead Games, Inc., and Mystic Eye Games, LLC Wildwood, Copyright 2004, Bastion Press, Inc.
Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Character Guide, copyright 2004, Privateer Press, Inc. Witchfire Trilogy: The Longest Night, Witchfire Trilogy: Shadow of the Exile, and Witchfire Trilogy: Legions of Lost Souls are copyrights 2001
Jade Regent Players Guide 2011, Paizo Publishing, LL C; Authors: James Jacobs and Patrick Renie. Privateer Press, Inc.; Monsternomicon: Volume 1, Denizens of the Iron Kingdoms and Lock & Load: Iron Kingdoms Character Primer are copyrights
Kobold Quarterly, Copyright 2007, Wolfgang Baur, www.wolfgangbaur.com. 2002 Privateer Press Inc.; Iron Kingdoms: Full Metal Fantasy: Character Guide is a copyright 2004, Privateer Press, Inc; Iron Kingdoms
Kobold Quarterly issue 2, Copyright 2007, Wolfgang Baur, www.wolfgangbaur.com. World Guide: Full Metal Fantasy, Volume Two, The Monsternomicon Volume 1: Denizens of the Iron Kingdoms V3.5, and the Liber Mechanika are
Kobold Quarterly issue 3, Copyright 2008, Wolfgang Baur, www.wolfgangbaur.com. copyrights 2005 Privateer Press, Inc.
Kobold Quarterly issue 4, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved. Zobeck Gazetteer, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC; Author: Wolfgang Baur
Kobold Quarterly issue 5, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved. Zobeck Gazetteer Volume 2: Dwarves of the Ironcrags Copyright 2009, Open Design LLC., www.koboldquarterly.com.
Kobold Quarterly issue 6, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved. Zobeck Gazetteer for the Pathfinder RPG, Copyright 2012, Open Design LLC. Authors: Wolfgang Baur and Christina Stiles. www.koboldpress.
Kobold Quarterly issue 7, Copyright 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved. com.
Kobold Quarterly issue 8, Copyright 2009, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved. Advanced Races: Gearforged. Copyright 2013, Open Design LLC. Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Thomas Benton, Morgan Boehringer, Chris Harris,
Kobold Quarterly issue 9, Copyright 2009, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved. Adam Roy, and Jason Sonia. www.koboldpress.com
Kobold Quarterly issue 10, Copyright 2009, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com. All Rights Reserved.
Shannon Louden (order #5568589)
Campaign Setting
MA Series
Kobold Press, Open Design, and Midgard are trademarks of Open Design LLC. Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of
Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.