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ETHICS (Sin, Law, Freedom)

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INNER FREEDOM - Laws are basically human

-defined as freedom to achieve whatever promotes the
fulfillment of human needs and freedom from whatever RESPONSIBILITY (IN CREATION)
hinders it
-process of growth that leads to an ever-increasing Man is responsible for the material world.
degree until man has reached the ultimate goal of life: Man is responsible for the community.
Freedom to be oneself Man is responsible for himself.
The ability to respond. It is a part of Mans
Moral order: parents, friends, environment dignity. The more responsible a person
Natural Order becomes, the more dignity he has.
Freedom from & Freedom for san ka papunta Freedom and responsibility are closely related.
External & Internal pwedeng sabay Without freedom, there can be no
responsibility, and where there is freedom
CONDITIONS FOR INNER FREEDOM responsibility follows automatically.
-Restrictions must be placed on mans external freedom
-Have a well determined goal in life ORIGINAL SIN
-Classify in their order of priority, the activities that lead -outer social reality (sinful situations)
to this goal -inner personal reality (heart of darkness,
-Commit ourselves to these priorities single-mindedly, concupiscence)
irrespective of what others may say, think, or do. -ratification of sin (by our personal sinful thoughts,
words and deeds)
Increasing aspiration = increasing restriction
Through restriction, na-aassess mo yung SIN
achievement mo -offense against reason, truth, and right conscience
Goal - yung kaya mo lang -saying NO to God
- utterance or desire contrary to the eternal law
THREATS TO INNER FREEDOM - sin is more than evil, evil intentionally committed by
o Sub-human living conditions (under the -failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by
poverty line), arbitrary imprisonment, a perverse attachment to certain goods
inhuman working conditions,
exploitation, tyranny, and others *different from evil
Hindi nagagawa yung gusting gawin *voluntary, evil is involuntary
- INTERNAL THREATS *not exercise of freedom
o Ignorance and passions *sin came first before fall of man
*sinful condition/situation no deliberate
JESUS AND FREEDOM origin, but is based on historical background /
- Christ has freed us from the yoke of the law conflict
though not lawless, the Christian is no longer *sin is not just disobedience of the 10, but
under the law understood as an externally beyond it, inexplicitely stated
constraining force
- Rather, he now lives under the law o Christ CONCEPT OF SIN IN SACRED SCRIPTURE
which is the interior gift of the spirit. The Law of OLD TESTAMENT
God no longer binds from without, it acts from -looked upon as transgression of Gods law and will
within, as the appeal and claim of grace. -Disobedience against Gods Decalogue
- Christian is no longer overwhelmed by a
multitude of demands which he cannot cope SIN STORIES IN OT
with but interiorly hears the voice of the spirit -Sin of Adam and Eve
urging and enabling him to do what is right. The -Sin of Cain
person who gives himself the spirit is truly free. -Noahs Ark
the lord is the spirit, and where the spirit of -Tower of Babel
the Lord is, there is freedom
New Testament MORAL LAW
-An ungrateful desertion of the Lord -governs persons behavior
-Antithesis to charity and offense -contains truth and ethical principles which ought to
guide every individual conduct of people on matters of
I can tell you are doing good but I cannot tell right and wrong
you are not loving - it prescribes norms of conduct for ones good and
Wala tayong karapatang man-judge kung happiness which specify what a person ought to do or
paano magmahal yung iba ought not to do in order to lead due to the highest good
and absolute end, God
SOCIAL ASPECT OF SIN -In the most universal meaning, it is a directive ordering
We can do more than Adam and Eves sin; not a mans activity toward the ultimate end
particular affiliation, but human solidarity (judgement) -mans inclination to God. Laws are to be found in the
-inner tao ka lang nagkakasala heart of man by the natural gift of reason
-sins that directly attack human rights and basic -as revealed comprising the old and the new law or Law
freedoms human dignity, justice, the common good of the Gospel
(external) nagkakasala ka, affected ako
-sins affecting relationship between various human - Depends on Decalogue (OT), and love (NT)
communities, such as class struggle or obstinate o Individual behaviors (arguments,,
confrontations between blocs of nations (relation with suggestions)
others) wars o Judging law based on this is hard
-situations of sin, sinful structures that are the - Ultimate end is it in accord to Gods will
consequences of sinful choices and acts, e.g. racial - ML in accordance with your goals
discrimination and economic systems exploitation - HL accord with the common good
(social relationship) sinful structure/ racial - Hl is not a hindrance with the ultimate end
discrimination - Amendment is created to correct HL


-not all sins are of the same gravity and man acts on the -God is the author of the laws governing the universe
basis the Divine Law which is eternal or deduced from the
-thus, distinctions are between mortal sin and venial sin fact that the world is ruled by the Divine Providence. -
And the plan of the Divine Providence rests upon
BASIC DIFFERENCES universal principles existing eternally in God or direct all
-MORTAL SIN outcome of a deliberate reversal of our action and movements to the proper end, thus
option to be for God and for others (against God) comprise the eternal law, so called because it exists in
- commitment to an option which contradicts the mind of God. It contains the Divine blueprints
Gods will and persons authentic goal (divine Law)
-VENIAL SIN not against God
- Divine law- proper end
LAW - Gods plan
-ordinance of reason promulgated by men with - Not everything is Gods plan
competent authority for the common good - Gods plan is for us to be with him in
Laws as the Objective norm of Morality is Categorized - The church is not a plan of God, but a
into: way to achieve Gods plan
-MORAL LAW AS REVEALED LAW - Plan is always good
-comprising the old law and the new law or the
law of the Gospel Eternal Law is the plan flowing from Gods wisdom
-DIVINE LAW / ETERNAL LAW which directs all actions and movements. (St. Thomas
Eternal Law is the divine reason and/or the will of God Obedience to the pope
himself commanding the preservation of the Natural
Law and forbidding its disturbance. (St. Augustine) Necessity of Human Law:
Revealed law does not provide exact rules for
Divine Law is discovered in the following: every moral problem. Love your neighbor
Physical laws which rule both nonrational Frequently, natural Moral Law is not so evident
and rational creatures in its particular requirements. Board exam
Biological laws that govern the There are often several possible ways to comply
development of living things. with an obligation, but for the sake of public
Mathematical laws that govern abstract order one must impose as binding for all (e.g. the
quantity law concerning traffic rules) the rulings for public
Natural law which is the participation of worship, and; pumila ng maayos
Eternal law in the rational creatures. Law with its penal regulation is an indispensable
By learning these laws and living according to them we means of education for people, particularly in
gain freedom. But freedom is always tied up with times of frailty, and as a shield against human
obedience to the law of God and there is no such thing malice. Late ng one 1 minute
as freedom from these laws, instead there is only
freedom within them. We cannot break the laws, but NATURAL LAW
if we ignore them, they can break us. Refers to moral insights people are capable of knowing,
by means of their reason, independently of the verbal
revelation of God.
When things cannot be explained by the four, is it divine
Natural means:
Not supernatural (not communicated in a
supernatural way).
HUMAN LAW Not positive (not resulting from the command of
a directive of obligatory, general, and stable character a legislative authority, as in positive human and
for the common good promulgated by one who is in divine law.
charge of the sovereign society. Found in and derived from the nature of a
Properties of Human Law: Concept of Natural Law
Human Law is enforceable.
Law of human conduct arising from human
Human Law is concerned with external conduct
nature, as ordered to its ultimate end,
recognized by the natural light of reason.
Human Law is limited to particular groups of
people. Mans natural (not supernatural) ultimate end.
Human Law is historically conditioned. E.g. values, which could be human nature not
Human Law has presumptive obligatory force. elevated by grace. Though ordered towards the
supernatural ultimate end, and is based on
Civil Law is the particular application of the Natural Law human nature elevated by grace. Both lie on the
in given societies. Give unto Caesar the things that are same direction, although the supernatural
Caesars ultimate end lead beyond.
The moral obligation to obey civil authority is in direct Persons- needs, individuals- wants. Needs are
proportion to the seriousness of the law in terms of its essential to man, wants are those goods that an
effect on our well-being as well as of others. individual requires due to a particular
Church Law is the particular application of the Divine Natural law must be higher than human law
Law to the Christian community. It can change as the
Essential Characteristics of Natural Law:
Church faces new circumstance to which Christians have
Universal. (Universality) Its primary
to adapt.
principles are self-evident such that it is
The moral obligation to observe Church laws is relative
for all individuals with fully developed
to the seriousness of the law insofar as it affects our
reason to have an invincible ignorance
relationship with God and with others.
of them.
One and the same for all. (Unity and
Invariability) All classes of people
possess equal moral dignity as persons,
hence, they possess equal basic rights.
Immutable. (Immutability) This
connotes that there can be any change
in whatever is fundamentally good or
church laws are applications of the Natural Law (False)
Natural Laws are found in the Divine Law (true)
Divine Laws are found in the Natural Law (true)
All laws are made by man (false)
The law is made for science alone (false)
Divine laws are natural laws (false)
Man's conscience is a Moral life (true)
Man's behavior is a law (true)
All laws are written (false)
The ultimate end of a human being is Eternal Law (true)
Moral Lawsare obligatory and enforceable (false)
All laws are means to educate (true)

No smoking (HL)
Boyfrind-girlfriend relationship (ML)
To become supernatural (ML)
Man is perfect (DL)
Buoyancy (NL)
Deathn (DL)
Volcanic eruption (NL)
Respect (ML)
Board Examination (HL)
zodiac sign (HL)
To believe in God (ML)
To be the best (ML)
Old age (NL)

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