Pork Dishes
Pork Dishes
Pork Dishes
An alternative to this is to
thoroughly drain the pork pata and
refrigerate for a few hours.
5. After the above process, rub patis
on the pata and sprinkle flour
6. In a deep frying pot, heat cooking
oil and deep fry the pork pata until
golden brown.
Labels: Pork Recipe
Crispy Pata Dip Sauce:
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking Procedures:
Labels: Pork Recipe
Ingredients: Grill the meat instead of frying if it's
easier for you.
4 pounds total - Pig's Ears, Cheeks If you don't like the thought of using
and Snout, washed pig's cheeks and snouts, you can use
1 cup Chicken liver pork shoulder instead but it's essential
4 medium onions, chopped that you keep the pig's ears, because
1 quart water you will not find an authentic Sisig
1/3 cup lemon juice recipe without the pig's ears.
3 tablespoons salt I use chili flakes to control the heat
1 teaspoon pepper of the dish, then serve the Thai chili
1 teaspoon chili pepper on the side.
flakes(optional) If you don't like chicken liver,
6 Siling Labuyo or Thai Chili substitute with any one of the
cooking oil for frying following : canned liver spread or liver
pate, boiled pig's brain, or
Cooking Procedure: mayonnaise. Add them on Step #3
just like you would with the chicken
1. Put the pig's ears, cheeks and snout, liver.
half the onion and 1 1/2 tablespoon
salt in a pot with water and let it
simmer for 25 minutes. Add the
chicken liver and cook for another 5-
10 minutes or until the meat is tender.
Drain and set aside the liver.
2. Deep fry the meat for about 8 - 10
minutes just to brown it, do not
Pork Chicharon
Dipping Sauce:
Dipping Sauce:
Cooking Procedure:
- Garlic minced
- Onion cubed
- Bell pepper cubed
Cooking Procedure:
Cooking Procedure:
Cooking Procedure: