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Determinants of Customer Satisfaction Towards Broadband Services in Malaysia

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International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 1 No.

2; September 2011

Determinants of Customer Satisfaction towards Broadband Services in Malaysia

Ahmad Syakir Bin Junoh @ Ismail
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Dr. Mohd Rafi Bin Yaacob
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

The aim of this research is to understand the customer satisfaction of broadband services in Malaysia with
regards to price, speed and stability. Demographic factors in which consist of education, nationality, monthly
income are moderator of the study. This research was conducted based on random sample of broadband users in
Malaysia by using a questionnaire survey. Altogether 150 respondents in Klang Valley were surveyed for this
study. The findings show that price, speed and stability have no significant relationship with customer
satisfaction level on broadband in Malaysia. However, there are associations between education level and
stability factors, monthly income level and price factors, nationality and price factors, gender and acceptable
price level, monthly income and internet broadband usage period and gender and speed. This research provides a
useful starting point to understand the customer satisfaction level of broadband services in Malaysia. The findings
of the research may have implication for internet broadband service providers in enhancing their pricing strategy
and improving their service particularly in speed and stability. Thus it will help Malaysian Government in
encouraging and promoting the adoption and utilization of internet broadband to boost the economy.
The world of telecommunications has changed rapidly as we enter the era of convergence between broadband
Internet, wireless networks, and the content sector. The importance of information and communication technology
(ICT) is undeniable as it has been applied in various fields for the purpose of service enhancement. It has been
proven that resources can be managed efficiently and effectively through ICT. Broadband is considered as a key
to enhance competitiveness of an economy and sustaining economic growth (OECD, 2001, 2002). Many
governments around the world are increasingly committed to extending broadband networks to their citizens
(BAG, 2003). They promote usage of this technology in the belief that broadband will contribute to economic and
social development by enhancing productivity and introducing new services (Lee, 2005).
Broadband is a generic term to describe high-speed networking services, which is a set of digital communication
technologies with the capacity to transmit significant amounts of data at a high rate, supporting the delivery of a
range of digital services some or all of which can occur simultaneously. It is usually a symmetrical service,
allowing fast in and outbound data capacity (Becta, 2003; OECD, 2003). Meanwhile, Dwivedi et al. (2007)
confirmed that broadband, as an key enabling technology in the networked society, can help boost the economy of
Pakistan at the national level as well as help to improve the lives of its citizens by facilitating delivery of
education, health and telecommunications services at low cost and to a wider population. In spite of the overall
rapid growth broadband diffusion, many countries in developing country are still in the early stage of broadband
deployment and are assessing policy strategies to promote faster adoption. The current deployment of broadband
is significantly more advanced in some countries than others.
According to the result of Broadband Quality Score: A global study of broadband quality survey conducted in
September 2009, there were 93.9% of countries around the world improved in broadband quality score
performance, however 6.1% of the countries yet improved (Said Business School, 2009). The study showed South
Korea, Japan and Hong Kong were ranked as top three places in broadband leadership, Malaysia was ranked 48th
place out of 66 countries for internet broadband quality. The study listed Malaysia among countries which had
internet speeds which were below todays application threshold. In the study, the research team had found that
broadband quality was linked to social and economic benefits and those countries with high broadband quality
have broadband on their agenda. Although Malaysia is lagging behind in broadband quality, Malaysia has moved
one step ahead by implementing broadband technology.
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The Malaysian government has established Malaysian Implementation of Communication and Multimedia
Strategy (MyICMS886) with the purpose to stimulate Malaysia to deliver advance information, communication
and multimedia services from 2006 until 2010 (Suradi et al. 2008).
Since the approval of the National Broadband Plan (NBP) by the Malaysia government in October 2004, there has
been many efforts and strategic plans implemented in order to enhance and improve the national broadband
services. The initial objectives of National Broadband Plan are as follows:
a. Generate adequate supply in terms of broadband infrastructure, via various available technologies deemed
b. Stimulate demand to ensure efficient take-up of broadband service via suitable content and applications
c. Explore various funding mechanisms to finance the project; and
d. Identify gaps in existing regulations and where necessary, introduce new ones to facilitate broadband
Many telecommunication companies in Malaysia had begun to launch broadband services, but the speed of
broadband diffusion is still at the initial stage and gradually growing. Broadband services in Malaysia have been
receiving many negative feedbacks in terms of speeds, connectivity, quality and price. There are still not enough
internet penetration rates in the nation due to many reasons and factors. Therefore, in this research it is very
important to identify the customers satisfaction level or feedback on the usage and adoption of broadband
services in Malaysia.
The aim of this research is to understand the customer Satisfaction of broadband service in Malaysia. The
objectives of this research are outlined below:
To examine association between level of customers satisfaction of broadband service with price factors.
To determine the customers satisfaction level on stability of broadband services.
To study association between customers satisfaction level of broadband services with speed factors.
To study the relationship of demographic factors such as age, gender, education level, occupation and
income level towards usage of broadband services in Malaysia.
Robert (2005) has defined broadband as any technology currently, cable, telephone-based (DSL), wireless, or
through electric power lines that permits users to communicate at rates substantially faster than older generation
dial-up services, and unlike dial-up services, is always on. Meanwhile, Sangwon (2007) explained that
communication technologies which provide high-speed, always-on connections to the Internet for large numbers
of residential and small-business subscribers are commonly referred as broadband. For many people, the term
of broadband conjures up images of individuals plugged into their PCs, browsing the Internet, and frequently
downloading songs or even movies at speeds once thought to be impossible (Robert, 2005). Whereas, this element
is respond to the level of customers satisfaction. Kotler (2003) said that there is wide consensus that satisfaction
is a persons feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance
(or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.
Therefore, satisfaction is closely related to consumers expectations. More specifically, the narrower the gap is
between the consumers expectations and the actual performance of the product or service, the higher is the
consumers satisfaction (Hutcheson and Moutinho, 1998). In addition, the analysis of the research data showed
that service quality is a major predictor of both customer satisfaction and loyalty, with three out of the six quality
dimensions of the chosen instrument (customer support, pricing structure and billing system) having significant
positive effects on both concepts (Ilias and Panagiotis, 2010) Dwivedi et al.(2007) found that broadband, as an
key enabling technology in the networked society, can help boost the economy of Pakistan at the national level as
well as help to improve the lives of its citizens by facilitating delivery of education, health and
telecommunications services at low cost and to a wider population. As far as customer satisfaction is concerned,
Santos (2003) found a measure of how well the level of the delivered services matches customers expectations
usually understood as service quality. As an example, the definition by Gronroos (1984) outlines perceived
service quality, as the outcome of an evaluation process, where the consumer compares his expectations with the
service he perceives he has received.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2; September 2011
Furthermore, Parasuraman et al. (1988) defined service quality as the overall evaluation of a specific service firm
that results from comparing that firms performance with the customers general expectations of how firms in that
industry should perform. As mentioned earlier, customers satisfaction can be measured as either a single-item
scale or as a multi-item construct assessing the satisfaction for each component of the service. For the example,
Cronin and Taylor (1992) measured customer satisfaction as a one-item scale that asks for the customers overall
feeling towards an organization, while Anderson and Srinivasan (2003) used a 6- item constructs to measure
customer satisfaction in the context of electronic commerce. For example, comparing these two methods,
LaBarbera and Mazursky (1983) made the remark that the use of a multi-item scale for measuring summary
evaluation does not increase reliability over time but it can lead instead to poor response rate and artificial
answers by respondents.
Industry factors like price and speed might influence broadband penetration. Fixed broadband price might be a
key industry factor in promoting broadband demand (International Telecommunication Union, 2003a). In general,
lower prices can contribute to higher broadband adoption. A competitive market structure leads to low prices
(International Telecommunication Union, 2003a). Through statistical analysis of approximately 100 countries,
Garcia-Murillo (2005) found fixed broadband price and competition have been influential factors of fixed
broadband adoption. Through data analysis of a national sample of US households, Rappoport et al. (2001) found
that price elasticity of demand for broadband service is much greater than narrowband service. In a futher study,
Chaudhuri et al. (2005) found substantial variation observed in access price may largely have a spatial explanation
of internet access. As a product differentiation strategy in the broadband access market, broadband speed might
influence broadband demand. Higher speed may even be a key driver of broadband adoption (International
Telecommunication Union, 2003b).
Chaudhuri et al. (2005) found strong influences of traditional socio-demographic variables like income and
education on broadband deployment. Recently, through a household-level analysis, Clements and Abramowitz
(2006) suggested income, age, educational attainment, and the presence of children influence adoption of
broadband service in the USA. Through a US nationwide survey, Savage and Waldman (2005) discovered that
preference for high-speed access is apparent among higher income and college-educated households. Through
data analysis of the US national surveys from 2002 to 2005, Horrigan (2005) claims the intensity of online use is
the critical factor in understanding the home broadband adoption decision and suggests the intensity of internet
use is a function of connection speed and years of online experience. Horrigans more recent survey demonstrates
younger age, higher education and income, and urban living share of population may lead to higher level of
broadband adoption (Horrigan, 2007).
In addition, the United States Government Accountability Office (2006) found consumers with higher income and
college degrees are significantly more likely to adopt fixed broadband internet. As in the case of education,
Rogers (1995) described socio-economic status (income and occupation) as a correlate or antecedent of
innovativeness. The diffusion of innovation theory suggests that new technologies are initially adopted by those
with more resources (Rogers, 1995). The findings of a longitudinal study using the USA census data found a
positive correlation between income and computer ownership Socio-economic determinants (Venkatesh et al.,
2000). Further, this study suggested that a considerable gap persists between the lower and higher income groups
(Venkatesh et al., 2000). A study by Choudrie and Dwivedi (2005) also confirmed that income and occupation
drive the general pattern of ICT ownership and usage. Similarly, Carveth and Kretchmer (2002) suggested that in
the USA, the higher the household income, the more likely the members of the household will own a computer
and use the internet. A similar pattern was suggested for Western European countries and the UK. This study
suggested that only 23 percent of lower income groups in comparison to 68 percent of the higher income groups
in the UK used the internet (Carveth and Kretchmer, 2002).
As in the case of gender, Morgan (1986) argued that gender can be employed as a descriptive variable as well as
an explanatory variable. As he put it: gender, as a key variable, is one of the most common face-sheet variables
in social investigations. A number of studies have investigated the role of gender in the adoption and usage of
ICTs (Harris et al., 1996; Gefen and Straub, 1997; Morris and Venkatesh, 2000; Venkatesh and Morris, 2000;
Venkatesh et al., 2000; Leonard and Cronan, 2005, Venkatesh et al., 2003; Choudrie and Lee, 2004, Haines and
Leonard, 2007). The findings of the previous studies revealed that gender has an important role when considering
technology adoption and usage in both the organisational and household contexts.

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A study by Venkatesh et al (2000) illustrated that male users used a computer more than females, and suggested
the male gender to be one of the most important variables when examining PC adoption in the household.
The eight testable non directional hypotheses of this study are as follows:
H1 There is an association between stability factors and customer satisfaction level of broadband services in
H2 There is an association between price factors and customer satisfaction level of broadband services in
H3 There is an association between speed factors and customer satisfaction level of broadband services in
H4 There is an association between education level and stability factors.
H5 There is an association between income level and price factors.
H6 There is an association between nationality and price factors.
H7 There is a relationship between gender and acceptable price level
H8 There is a relationship between monthly income levels and internet broadband service usage period
5.1 Research Design
The research design used in this study is correlation research. A correlation research is determines relationships
and patterns of relationships in a single group of subjects and thus would determine the extent of any relationship
between these variables. This study intends to look at the correlation between speed, stability, price, coverage,
demographic and customers satisfaction of broadband service in Malaysia. This study also intends to investigate
association between nationalities, income and the dependent variable since there are moderate relationships
among variables. This interaction effects is important if the researcher is interested to know whether relationship
between predictor and outcome variables are stronger for some people than for others. Ary, et al. (2006)
cautioned on evaluating the practical utility of a correlation in this design. The importance of the numerical value
of a particular correlation may be evaluated according to its absolute size and predictive utility, in relation to other
correlation of the same or similar variables or in terms of its statistical significance. The coefficient of
determination, (r2) is useful for evaluating the meaning of size of a correlation. The Pearson r as a measure of
relationship independent of sample size is from of effect size. Cohen (1988) proposes the following conventions
for the effect sizes of correlations: r = 0.1 small, r = 0.30 medium, r = 0.50 large.
5.2 Population and sampling
The entire research was conducted based on random sample of broadband users in Malaysia by using a
questionnaire survey. 150 respondents were surveyed for this study and data collection was based on close-ended
Questionnaire and Likert scale questions. The questionnaire helps to satisfy the simple approach of offering
random candidates equal opportunity in answering the questionnaire. Basically the questionnaire was divided into
4 main portions, which consists of 3 independent variables and demographic questions. The demographic aspects
of the questionnaire that takes into account such age, gender, education, income level and monthly spending on
broadband service. The dependent variable of this study is the customer satisfaction level of internet broadband
services in Malaysia while the independent variables are price, speed and stability. In this study, the
questionnaires were distributed to the respondents either through email or handed all over in Klang Valley. Out of
158 questionnaires were distributed, 150 respondents responded, respond rate 95%. The researcher used random
sampling method in data collection.
5.3 Reliability Test
According to the reliability analysis, it found that independent variable of stability factor has an acceptable
reliable Cronbachs Alpha value of 0.639. However, independent variable of price and speed factor has a low
Cronbachs Alpha value at 0.019 and 0.0391 respectively. These mean that only independent variable of stability
factor with the alpha value close to 0.7 is reliable while the remaining 2 independent variables are not reliable and
cannot be used in the following analysis. This scenario might be due to either the instruments used for this
research were new and never been tested before in Malaysia or the sample size is insufficient and too small to get
a good result. Furthermore, those items were constructed based on researchers judgement and evaluation.
However, since this study is an exploratory in nature it provides some insights into the instrument of the topic of
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2; September 2011
5.4 Factor Analysis
Factor analysis results shown that there are three statements (Section B Q16, 17 & 18) were grouped to construct
a dependent variable related to customers satisfaction level of broadband service in Malaysia. There are 4
statements closely related to independent variable of stability factor, 7 statements were used to construct
independent variable of speed factor and 4 statements were related to independent variable of price factor. Such
clustering is essential in helping the researchers to examine the level of customers satisfaction of broadband
service in Malaysia from the perspectives of stability, speed and price. Then based on the clustered component, 2nd
reliability test was conducted and the researchers found dependent variable of customer satisfaction level has the
highest alpha value of 0.857, followed by independent variable of stability factor and price factor have a reliable
alpha value at 0.774 and 0.602 respectively. Lastly, independent variable of speed factor has the lowest alpha
value of -0.070 which shown that this independent variable is not reliable. This means that there are 2 reliable
independent variables can be used in this research, which are stability and price factor while speed factor is still
remain unreliable.
5.5 Theoretical Framework

Stability Education

Speed Customer

Price Nationality Monthly Income


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Table 1: Respondents Demographic

Demographic Variable Frequency Percentage (%)
Gender (n=150)
Male 85 56.7%
Female 65 43.3%
Malaysian 125 83.2%
Foreigner 25 16.8%
25 56 37.3%
26 30 43 28.7%
31 35 24 16%
36 40 12 8%
41 15 10%
Ethnic group
Malay 75 50%
Chinese 40 26.7%
Indian 10 6.7%
Others 25 16.7%
Monthly income (n=147)
RM1500 49 32.7%
RM1501 RM3000 40 27.2%
RM3001 RM4500 31 20.4%
RM4501 30 19.7%
Education level
Bachelors Degree 61 40.7%
Masters Degree 39 26%
PhD 1 0.7%
Others 49 32.7%
Government sector 4 2.7%
Private sector 93 62%
Self-employed 13 8.7%
Others 40 26.7%

The majority of the respondents (85) are male which accounted 56.7% as compared to female 43.3%. In fact, most
of the respondents (approximate 83.2%) are Malaysians as compared to 16.8% are foreigners and 1 respondent
not identified himself. According to the analysis and Table 1, 37.3% of respondents were 25 years old and below,
28.7% were between 26 to 30 years old, 16% were between 31 to 35 years old, 8% were between 36 to 40 years
old and 10% of respondents were more than 40 years old. This research involved both younger and older
generation that provides different perspectives and multiple useful data to study the customers satisfaction and
behaviour on broadband service.
For the ethnic group, it found that 50% of respondents are Malay, 26.7% Chinese, 6.7% Indians and other ethnic
groups consists of 16.7% which were quite representing to the ethnic composition of total population in Malaysia.
As far as monthly income was concerned, there were 3 respondents refused to disclose their income level per
month. Out of 147 respondents, 32.7% of respondents have monthly income of less than RM1,500, 27.2% have
monthly income between RM1,500 to RM3,000, 20.4% have a monthly income between RM3,001 to RM4,500
and about 19.7% of respondents have monthly income more than RM4,500 per month. The analysis shows that
more than 50% of the respondents are having monthly income of less than RM 3,000.
In terms of education level, percentage of bachelors degree, master degree, PHD and others respectively 40.7%,
26%, 0.7% and 32.7% as shown in Table 1 In terms of occupation which is shown in the same table, the majority
of respondents were private sector employees with 62%, followed by others (students and others) at 26.7%, self-
employed at 8.7% and about 4 people declared themselves as government servants.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2; September 2011
6.2 Data Analysis
As discussed in the earlier part of the study, the main objectives of this research are to examine the relationship of
customer satisfaction from different perspectives, which were divided into three categories, namely speed,
stability and price of broadband service. The researchers have developed 18 questions with Likert Scale of 1 as
strongly disagree and 5 as strongly agree on the statements given in the questionnaire.
The indications of the Cronbachs alpha values are shown in Table 2 as below:
Table 2: Cronbachs Alpha Value
Cronbachs Alpha Value Indication
> 0.7 Reliable
0.6 - 0.7 Acceptable
< 0.6 Unreliable
Factor Analysis was also conducted in this research in order to cluster the dimension of the research. In this
analysis, an Eigen value studied where only components with eigenvalues more than 1 were considered for
clustering. Then the clustering process will require the researchers to compare the factor loading and clustered
accordingly. Generally, factor analysis was used to develop questionnaires and to look at the inter-correlation
between questions asked in the research.
At the initial stage the research framework as below:-

Speed Satisfaction


Research framework
In this research, the researchers were using SPSS factor analysis to cluster 18 Likert Scale statements into 4
different variables, which consists of 1 dependent variable and 3 independent variables.
For hypotheses testing, Person correlation was used to measure the magnitude or the strength of relationship
through the numerical value of -1 to +1. The conversion of measurement is shown in Table 3 below:
Table 3: Pearson Correlation Value
Pearson Correlation Value, r Magnitude Relationship
1.0 Perfect
0.7-0.9 High
0.5-0.69 Substantial
0.3-0.49 Moderate
0.1-0.29 Low
0.01-0.09 Negligible
Next, Chi-Square Test was also conducted for independent nominal factors. This test is aimed to identify the
significant relationship between variables. In this test, alfa value was studied and hypothesis is accepted if the alfa
value is less than 0.05.
7.1 Frequency Analysis

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Table 4: Demographic Factors of Broadband user in Malaysia.
Demographic Factors Variable Frequency Percentage (%)
Usage period
1 year 47 31.33
Between 1 to 2 years 38 25.33
Between 2 to 3 years 34 22.67
3 years 31 20.67
Market share of BB service provider
Celcom 29 19.46
Digi 7 4.7
Maxis 32 21.46
Packet One 14 9.40
Streamyx 55 36.91
Others 13 8.05
Broadband Download Speed
500kbps 23 15.33
Between 501 kbps to 1.0 Mbps 43 28.67
Between 1.1 Mbps 1.2 Mbps 31 20.67
1.5Mbps 30 20
Dont know 23 15.33
Broadband service charge (monthly)
RM35 2 1.34
Between RM35.01 to RM50 32 20.81
Between RM50.01 to RM75 52 34.90
RM75.01 64 42.95
Acceptable charge for BB service (monthly)
RM30 32 21.33
Between RM30.01 to RM60 73 48.67
Between RM60.01 to RM90 40 26.67
RM90 5 3.33

Based on the study, it found that broadband services in Malaysia can be considered at introductory stage as most
of the respondents (31.33%) had been using internet broadband service for less than 1 year as shown in Table 4. In
fact more than 50% of respondents had broadband usage experience of less than 2 years. The research revealed
that the top three broadband service providers were TM Streamyx, Maxis and Celcom with 36.91%, 21.46 and
19.46% respectively. However, the research found that Digi was ranked last in the market with the market share of
4.7% which is about two times lesser than others (8.05%). However, Packet One (P1), as a new comer with less
than 2 years existence in the Broadband industry was relatively aggressive promoting their services and was
ranked fourth in the industry.
Moreover, the survey found that most of the respondents current download speed for their currently subscribe
package was between 501kbps to 1.0Mbps with 28.67% and their current monthly price was more than RM75. In
fact the study also found that about 75% of respondents agreed that their monthly broadband service price was
more than RM 50. When it comes to monthly charge (price) most of the respondents agreed that the current
charging price was higher than their expectations as most of them were only willing to pay between RM30 to
RM60 for monthly subscription fees. This indicates that internet broadband customers will change to other
service provider if the price is cheaper than their current subscription fees and the reasonable range is fall between
RM30 to RM60. The study has shown that most of the respondents are only willing to pay monthly subscription
fees of less than RM60, which has further supported that the adoption level of internet broadband is slow in
Malaysia as we discussed earlier.
7.1.2 Price Factor
With regards to price factors, majority of respondents were neutral with the tested statement that price for
broadband service in Malaysia is inexpensive and their willingness to pay more for better internet broadband
service. However, most of the respondents agreed that they would consider changing to other broadband service
provider because of the price factor. Hence broadband customers were price sensitive and higher pricing from
each broadband provider would lead to low demand.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2; September 2011
However, when mean value is studied, it found that the average respondents tended to disagree that the price for
broadband service is cheap (mean of 2.69) and they tended to be neutral when willingness to pay more for better
service is asked. Therefore, the respondents on average revealed that they would consider changing to other
broadband service providers because of the price factor with a mean of 3.84.
7.1.3 Speed Factor
Based on the result, it revealed that most of the respondents strongly agreed that quick access to internet is an
important factor and thus they would consider changing to other internet broadband service provider due to speed
factor. However, the result seems not consistent as most of the respondents revealed that they were satisfied with
their current speed although they agreed that their current upload and download speed is slow, the actual
performing speed is slower than expected and the speed of the broadband internet is inconsistent.
Next for mean analysis, the result found that respondents tended to agree that quick access to internet is important
(mean value of 4.21) so they would tend to change to other service provider if the speed of the internet broadband
is under expectation as mean shows 4.0. This result is parallel to previous study where previous study revealed
that with a mean of 6.38 respondents agreed that the speed of internet access is important. (Suradi et. al 2008)
From the research, it found that the average respondents were dissatisfied with their current broadband speed as
the average respondents tends to agree that the upload and download speed of internet broadband is slow, the
actual performing speed is slower than expectation and there are inconsistencies of the speed of current
broadband. All figures are shown in appendix.
7.1.4 Stability Factor
Stability factor is considered as one of the most crucial in determining customers satisfaction level of current
broadband service. Based on the research, it found that most of the respondents agreed that it was easy for them to
get connected at anytime and any place, the stability of internet service was important to them and they would
consider changing to other broadband service provider due to stability factor. However, most of the respondents
had no comments on their current internet broadband services stability and they dissatisfied with their current
internet broadband service due to network coverage. This result is consistent with past research that revealed wide
network coverage is important to the customer. (Suradi et al, 2008) For the mean analysis, it found that the
average of the respondents agreed (mean value of 4.16) that the stability of internet broadband service is essential
and it is important for the users to be able to get connected from any location at any time with mean value of 3.95
and 3.44 respectively. Another important finding is that mean value of 3.98 shown that the average respondents
will tend to consider changing to other internet broadband service provider due to stability factors as we discussed
7.2 Hypotheses Testing
According to the Hypotheses Testing, it revealed that speed factor was not reliable, so speed factor was excluded
when hypothesis testing was conducted. Therefore, H3 cannot be accepted and only price and stability factors
versus customers satisfaction level were studied. In fact, other relationships that involved demographic factors
and independent variable and nominal data are studied in this research too.
Table 5: Pearson Correlation of some variables
Variable Pearson Correlation Significant Level
1 Stability Factor vs. Customer Satisfaction Level .001 .500
2 Price Factor vs. Customer Satisfaction Level .001 .500
3 Education Factor vs. Stability Factor .058 .246
4 Monthly Income Level vs. Price Factor .116 .088
5 Nationality vs. Price Factor -.181* .016
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 1 level (2-tailed)
Based on the result in Table 5, it shows that Pearson correlation of Stability Factor vs. Customers Satisfaction
Level value at 0.001. This means hypothesis H1 cannot be accepted. Hence, it can be concluded that stability
factors have no significant relationship with customer satisfaction level of broadband services in Malaysia. The
same result goes to Price Factor vs. Customer Satisfaction Level thus it can be concluded that price factor has no
significant relationship with customer satisfaction level of broadband services in Malaysia.
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However for the Education level vs. Stability Factor the Pearson Correlation value of 0.058 is slightly larger than
0, so hypothesis H4 is accepted and education level has a weak positive association with stability factors. The
same result goes to the Monthly Income Level vs. Price Factor whereas the Pearson Correlation value of 0.116 is
slightly larger than 0, so hypothesis H5 can be accepted and education level has a positive association with price
factors. However the Pearson Correlation value of Nationality vs. Price Factor, -0.181 is smaller than 0, so
hypothesis H6 is accepted and nationality has a negative association with price factor. Apart from that, Speed
factor has been identified as a non-reliable factor in this study. Pearson correlation value for speed factor was not
shown when the researchers conducted reliability test. This means hypothesis H3 could not be tested.
Table 6: Pearson Chi-Square of some variables
Variable Value df Significant Level
1 Gender vs. Acceptable Price Level 11.276a 3 .010
2 Monthly Income Level vs. Internet Broadband Usage 19.543a 9 .021
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.12.
a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.17.
According to Table 6, it found that the Pearson Chi-Square of Gender vs. Acceptable Price Level, 0.010 is lesser
than alpha at 0.05, so hypothesis H7 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that gender groups have
significant association with acceptable price level. While, Pearson Chi-Square of Monthly Income Level vs.
Usage Period for Internet Broadband Services, 0.021 is lesser than alpha of 0.05, so hypothesis H8 is accepted.
Therefore, it can be concluded that monthly income level has significant association with usage period for internet
broadband services.
The present study examines the issues of customers satisfaction level of broadband services in Malaysia. In
conducting this research, the researchers have perceived the challenges of evaluating the customers satisfaction
level of broadband services in Malaysia because there are not many studies have been conducted done in
Malaysia. Apart of that, broadband services are considered as a pretty new technology that existed in Malaysia for
the past few years. Broadband services are only getting more public awareness recently with the encouragement
by government as well as aggressive promotional activities by internet service providers. Based on our literature
review, there are three constructs of price, speed and stability which were expected to influence the customers
satisfaction level when adopting broadband services in Malaysia. However, this research found that these three
constructs had no significant effect or correlation in examining the customers satisfaction level on broadband in
Malaysia. This might be due to some limitations that to be discussed later. Anyhow according to the finding of
this research, there are associations between education level and stability factors, monthly income level and price
factors, nationality and price factors, gender and acceptable price level, monthly income and internet broadband
usage period and gender and speed.
As broadband technologies enabled a range of communication and internet services, this research provides a
useful starting point to understand the customers satisfaction level of broadband services in Malaysia. The
findings of the research may have implication for internet broadband service providers especially Digi who
ranked in the last place in the local market. Malaysian government has aggressively encouraged and promoted the
adoption and utilization of internet broadband. Since speed factors are not Malaysian concern, the internet
broadband providers perhaps could offer affordable package at lower subscription fees with lower speed for that
would help to expand market share and benefit different market segments. Doing so would also help to promote
higher diffusion rate of internet broadband services in Malaysia.
For instance, the Malaysian government via Telekom Malaysia (TM) to upgrade existing infrastructure to fiber
optic cable and promoting UNIFI broadband services are amongst the efforts to increase broadband diffusion in
Malaysia. This project is under the 10th Malaysian Plan and many areas in Klang Valley are now able to enjoy
high speed broadband services with more stable and constant service at a lower subscription fees that would
benefit different levels of people in the society. The government also has poured in efforts in promoting and
increase public awareness within Malaysian population on the benefits of internet broadband services. As
discussed above, Said Business School (2009) has confirmed that broadband quality was linked to social and
economic benefits and those countries with high broadband quality have broadband on their agenda.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2; September 2011
We should recognize that the cost of using the traditional telephone network is very high, so internet broadband
service can be considers as an effective alternative for offering communication services such as instant messaging
or internet protocol telephony.
This study has its limitation such as the generalization of these findings to the whole population of Malaysia as
only 150 respondents were selected and responded in the research. Although the selected sample shown similar
ethnic percentage in Malaysia, yet the sample was too small, this only concentrated part of the Malaysia and not
included data from Sabah and Sarawak. Hence, the findings were insufficient to make a conclusion for the entire
population of Malaysia. Time and resources constraint are another limitation that we faced in this study. This
study was conducted in a short time frame so insufficient sample size has limited the ability of researchers to
analyze more findings from different perspectives. Therefore, future research of a similar nature may entail a
longer data collection period, which subsequently eliminates any variables that may have produced anomalies in
the result. Next, the questionnaire was newly constructed by the researchers and it never been tested before in the
survey, the results may generate lower reliability level. Hence, the researchers would suggest that improvement
and further enhancement of the instruments in future research.
In conclusion since the tested variables are based on past studies that carried out in developed countries, future
research could be conducted in order to identify the influence factors of customers satisfaction on broadband in
Malaysia, knowing that we have different culture and IT environment. Although this study had studied on three
constructs which consists of price, speed and stability, there are also many others possible constructs that may
have effect on customers satisfaction level of internet broadband services in Malaysia. Hence future research
should enlarge the scope of study by examining the different factors that could bring effects to customers
satisfaction level of broadband services.
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