Jde 920 Address Book
Jde 920 Address Book
Jde 920 Address Book
October 2015
Describes the Address Book module, and discusses how to
set up the Address Book system to set up names, addresses,
and phone numbers for customers, suppliers, companies and
so on.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide, Release 9.2
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. xi
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... xi
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products ....................................................................................................... xi
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals ....................................................................... xi
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... xi
Related Information ................................................................................................................................... xii
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................ xii
iii Country Code Fields ................................................................................................. 2-14
2.5 Setting Up an Audit Log ......................................................................................................... 2-15
2.5.1 Understanding the Audit Log......................................................................................... 2-15
2.5.2 Form Used to Set Up an Audit Log................................................................................ 2-15
2.5.3 Setting Up an Address Book Audit Log........................................................................ 2-16
2.6 Setting Up Next Numbers ...................................................................................................... 2-16
2.6.1 Form Used to Set Up Next Numbers ............................................................................. 2-16
2.6.2 Setting Up Address Book Next Numbers ..................................................................... 2-16
2.7 Setting Up Postal Codes.......................................................................................................... 2-17
2.7.1 Understanding Postal Codes........................................................................................... 2-17
2.7.2 Form Used to Set Up Postal Codes ................................................................................ 2-17
2.7.3 Setting Up Address Book Postal Codes......................................................................... 2-17
2.8 Setting Up Supplemental Data............................................................................................... 2-17
2.8.1 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 2-17
2.8.2 Forms Used to Set Up Supplemental Data.................................................................... 2-18
2.8.3 Setting Up Supplemental Data for Address Book ....................................................... 2-18
iv Duplicate Entry Validation ......................................................................................... 4-3 Global Location Number ............................................................................................. 4-4
4.2.2 Forms Used to Enter Address Book Records................................................................... 4-5
4.2.3 Setting Processing Options for Address Book MBF (P0100041) ................................... 4-5 Outbound....................................................................................................................... 4-6 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 4-6 Edits ................................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.2.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book Revisions (P01012)............................... 4-7 Entry ............................................................................................................................... 4-7 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 4-7 Versions.......................................................................................................................... 4-8 Process............................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.2.5 Adding Address Book Records ......................................................................................... 4-9 Address Book ................................................................................................................ 4-9 Mailing ........................................................................................................................ 4-11 Additional 1................................................................................................................ 4-12 Additional 2................................................................................................................ 4-14 Related Address......................................................................................................... 4-14 Category Code 1-10 and Cat Code 11-30 ............................................................... 4-15
4.2.6 Adding Phone Numbers to an Address Book Record ................................................ 4-16
4.2.7 Adding a GLN to an Address Book Record ................................................................. 4-16
4.3 Adding Who's Who Information to Address Book Records ............................................. 4-16
4.3.1 Understanding Who's Who Information....................................................................... 4-17 Phone Numbers for Who's Who Records .............................................................. 4-17 Electronic Addresses for Who's Who Records ...................................................... 4-17 Related Person Information for Who's Who Records .......................................... 4-17 Alternate Address Information for Who's Who Records .................................... 4-17
4.3.2 Forms Used to Add Who's Who Information to Address Book Records ................. 4-18
4.3.3 Setting Processing Options for Who's Who MBF PO (P0100087) .............................. 4-19 Interoperability .......................................................................................................... 4-19
4.3.4 Adding a Who's Who Record ......................................................................................... 4-19 Details.......................................................................................................................... 4-19 Additional................................................................................................................... 4-20 Category Codes.......................................................................................................... 4-21
4.3.5 Adding Phone Numbers to Who's Who Records ........................................................ 4-21
4.3.6 Adding Electronic Address Information to Who's Who Records ............................. 4-22
4.3.7 Adding Related Person Information to Who's Who Records .................................... 4-22 Personal....................................................................................................................... 4-22 Cat Codes.................................................................................................................... 4-23
4.3.8 Adding Alternate Address Information to Who's Who Records .............................. 4-23
4.4 Printing the Check for Duplicates Report ............................................................................ 4-23
4.4.1 Understanding the Check for Duplicates Report......................................................... 4-23
4.4.2 Running the Check for Duplicates Report .................................................................... 4-24
4.4.3 Setting Data Sequence for the Check for Duplicates Report ...................................... 4-24
4.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book - Check for Duplicates (R014052) ... 4-24 Process......................................................................................................................... 4-24
4.5 Building the Address Book Word Search Table .................................................................. 4-24
4.5.1 Understanding Word Search .......................................................................................... 4-24
4.5.2 Form Used for Word Search............................................................................................ 4-25
4.5.3 Running the Word Search Build Program .................................................................... 4-25
4.5.4 Setting Processing Options for Word Search Build (R01BDWRD) ........................... 4-25 Process......................................................................................................................... 4-25
4.5.5 Using Address Book Word Search ................................................................................. 4-25
vi Process......................................................................................................................... 5-24
5.4.8 Creating an Activity ......................................................................................................... 5-24 Details.......................................................................................................................... 5-24 Attachments ............................................................................................................... 5-26 Settings ........................................................................................................................ 5-26 Category Codes.......................................................................................................... 5-26 Recurrence and Assignee Information ................................................................... 5-26
5.4.9 Entering Recurrence Information for an Activity ........................................................ 5-26 Recurrence .................................................................................................................. 5-27
5.4.10 Managing Assignees for an Activity.............................................................................. 5-27
5.4.11 Adding Tasks Using Quick Add .................................................................................... 5-27
5.4.12 Searching for Activities .................................................................................................... 5-27 Basic ............................................................................................................................. 5-27 Advanced.................................................................................................................... 5-28
5.4.13 Viewing Activities for Another User ............................................................................. 5-30
5.4.14 Updating the Status of an Activity................................................................................. 5-30
5.5 Creating Action Plans.............................................................................................................. 5-30
5.5.1 Understanding Action Plans ........................................................................................... 5-30
5.5.2 Forms Used to Create Action Plans ............................................................................... 5-31
5.5.3 Setting Up Action Plans ................................................................................................... 5-31
5.5.4 Adding Activities to Action Plans.................................................................................. 5-31
7.3.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3.3 Running the Global Category Code Update Program ................................................... 7-2
7.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Global Category Code Update (R01490).................... 7-2 Criteria............................................................................................................................ 7-3 Address Fields............................................................................................................... 7-3 Cat Code 115................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.4 Purging Address Book and Message Log Records ................................................................ 7-4
7.4.1 Understanding Address Book and Message Log Purges .............................................. 7-4
7.4.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4.3 Running the Purge Address Book Records Program ..................................................... 7-5
7.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Purge Address Book Records (R01800P) ................... 7-5 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.4.5 Running the Purge Message Log Program ...................................................................... 7-5
7.4.6 Setting Processing Options for Purge Message Log (R01131P) .................................... 7-5 Processing ...................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.5 (BRA) Purging Brazilian Address Book Records .................................................................. 7-6
7.5.1 Understanding the Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files Program ....................... 7-6
7.5.2 Running the Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files Program................................... 7-6
7.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files (R76011P). 7-6 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 7-6
viii Process............................................................................................................................ 8-8
8.6 Uploading Who's Who Batch Information.............................................................................. 8-8
8.6.1 Understanding the Who's Who Batch Upload Program................................................ 8-8
8.6.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 8-9
8.6.3 Running the Who's Who Batch Upload Program ........................................................... 8-9
8.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Who's Who Batch Upload (R011110Z) .................... 8-10 Options........................................................................................................................ 8-10
8.7 Revising Unprocessed Batches............................................................................................... 8-10
8.7.1 Understanding Batches That Did Not Process Successfully ...................................... 8-10
8.7.2 Forms Used to Revise Unprocessed Batches ................................................................ 8-11
8.7.3 Revising Unprocessed Batch Records............................................................................ 8-11
8.8 Revising Processed Batches .................................................................................................... 8-11
8.8.1 Understanding Successfully Processed Batches........................................................... 8-11
8.8.2 Forms Used to Revise Processed Batches...................................................................... 8-12
8.9 Purging Address Book Batches.............................................................................................. 8-12
8.9.1 Understanding the Address Book Batch Purge Program ........................................... 8-13
8.9.2 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................ 8-13
8.9.3 Running the Address Book Batch Purge Program ...................................................... 8-13
8.9.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book Batch Purge (R0101Z1P).................. 8-13 Select ............................................................................................................................ 8-14
A.5.2 Optional Fields ................................................................................................................ A-114
A.5.3 Ignored Fields.................................................................................................................. A-116
A.6 Mapping Fields in the Phones - Interoperability Table (F0115Z1) ................................. A-116
A.6.1 Required Fields ............................................................................................................... A-116
A.6.2 Optional Fields ................................................................................................................ A-120
A.6.3 Ignored Fields.................................................................................................................. A-121
A.7 Mapping Fields in the Batch - Electronic Address Table (F01151Z1)............................. A-122
A.7.1 Required Fields ............................................................................................................... A-122
A.7.2 Optional Fields ................................................................................................................ A-125
A.7.3 Ignored Fields.................................................................................................................. A-127
A.8 Mapping Fields in the Batch - Alternative Address Table (F01161Z1) ......................... A-127
A.8.1 Required Fields ............................................................................................................... A-127
A.8.2 Optional Fields ................................................................................................................ A-131
A.8.3 Ignored Fields.................................................................................................................. A-134
This guide is intended for implementers and end users of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Address Book system.
See Also:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management
Fundamentals Implemenation Guide.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
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Related Information
For additional information about JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, features,
content, and training, visit the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne pages on the JD Edwards
Resource Library located at:
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements
associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
Italics Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder
variables for which you supply particular values.
Monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph. URLs,
code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you
Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Address Book
The following JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems from Oracle integrate with the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system and allow you to do the tasks
System Task
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable Set up suppliers and tax entities.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Set up customers and tax entities.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Set up companies and business units.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost Set up jobs and assign them to a project
manager and superintendent in addition to
suppliers and subcontractors.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets Set up employees who are responsible for
assets and suppliers who provide assets.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Purchase Order Set up suppliers, buyers, carriers,
Management branch/plants, ship-to addresses, and landed
cost suppliers (duty brokers).
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Set up ship-to addresses, sold-to addresses,
Management carriers, salespersons, branch/plants, and
customer billing instructions.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Set up planners, buyers, and branch/plants in
Management the item master record.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Set up suppliers for progress payments and
Management set up contract logs.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing Set up architects, customers, owners, and
remit-to, alternate bill-to, and send-to
System Task
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Billing Set up employees and customers (for work
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing Set up category codes to categorize customers
for special pricing.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Set up branch/plants and planners, such as
Planning material planners or employees in charge of a
product or line.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecasting Set up hierarchies for forecasting.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Equipment/Plant Set up employees who are responsible for
Management equipment, suppliers who provide equipment,
and employees who are assigned to perform
preventive maintenance.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Work Order Set up customers, managers, originators, and
Management supervisors.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Set up customers and service providers.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll Set up employees and the name and address
of W2 reporting entities.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Set up participants, beneficiaries, and
Management applicants.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System user Set up Address Book records for user names
profiles and attach E-mail addresses for each user
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Tools Set up destination of workflow messages and
E-mail addresses for address book records.
See Also:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.
Note: When you set up address book category codes, you should
create a blank record on the User Defined Codes form. This provides a
default if you do not need to assign a category code to an address
book record.
the Address Book Constants form, enter a unique symbol, such as *, in the Symbol to
Identify A/B Long ID field. When you use the Address Book Revisions program to
enter or update an address book record, you can enter the address book long ID (for
example, UNIVERSAL) in the Long Address Number field. When you use another JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne system, you can enter the long address book ID with its
identifying symbol (for example, *UNIVERSAL) and the record appears with the
eight-digit number.
applications and output, such as reports, Universal Batch Engine (UBE) results, Data
Browser, and Universal Table Browser (UTB).
To set up the system for Address Book data privacy, you must set up:
The Activate Personal Data Security constant in the Address Book Constants.
Permission list definitions.
Permission list relationships.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.
2.4.3 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must define country codes in UDC
table 00/CN. To assign more than one address format ID for a country, define a second
country code.
Only one of the format entry fields for numbers can be blank. The other two must each
be uniquely identified with a symbol. Be sure that the symbol you designate (*, /, #,
and so on) is not used for another purpose in the system.
Enter a UDC (00/CN) that identifies a country. The country code has no effect on
currency conversion.
The JD Edwards Address Book system uses the country code for data selection and
address formatting.
Address Format ID
Specifies how an address appears on documents, reports, and mailing labels.
Attention Abbreviation
Enter the abbreviation for the word Attention that the system will print on mailing
Standard Salutation
Enter the personal salutation to be used in an address. The value in this field is
associated with the value in the Address Format ID field.
If you set up a standard salutation, the salutation appears on every address record that
uses that address format ID.
Note: This field is required by the Japanese postal system and must
appear on the first line of an address.
Check Digit
Specifies whether the system adds a number to the end of each next number assigned.
For example, if you use check digits and the next number is 2, the system adds a check
digit such as 7, making the last two numbers 27. The check digits option provides a
method for increasing numbers randomly to prevent the assignment of transposed
numbers. In this example, the system would never assign next number 72 while the
check digits option is activated. Select this option to add a check digit.
See Also:
"Setting Up Next Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implemenation
Postal Code
Specifies where a letter is to be routed. Attach this United States ZIP code or postal
code to the address for delivery in other countries. This code is used as the low-end
value when you are doing Postal Code Transaction range processing.
2.8.1 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
For the Address Book system data types to appear on the CIF Supplemental Data
menu (G01312), enter AB in the Supplemental Database Code processing option
for the Supplemental Data program (P00092).
Specify whether you are using effective dates in the processing option for the
Supplemental Data program.
See Also:
"Understanding Supplemental Data" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals
Implemenation Guide.
Organizational Structures Process
1. Workflow Information
Specify whether to display workflow processing information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display workflow information
1: Display workflow information. This value determines whether the organizational
structure is a multi-level distribution list for workflow purposes. If you set the value as
1, the system creates a record in the Organizational Structure Rule table (F98845) for
the organizational model.
2. Tier Descriptions
Specify whether to allow a tier structure to be defined based on effective dates for a
root parent address. The root parent in a structure is the highest level of a parent/child
structure, and can have no parent. Values are:
Blank: Do not allow a tier structure to be defined.
1: Allow a tier structure to be defined. Defaults
1. Date Defaults
Specify whether the system supplies default dates on the P0150 parent/child revisions
form when the beginning and ending effective dates are omitted. Values are:
Blank: The system does not supply default dates.
1: The system supplies default dates. Defaults
1. Enter the default Structure Type
Specify a valid structure type from user-defined code (UDC) table (01/TS). A structure
type identifies a type of organizational structure that has its own hierarchy in the JD
Edwards Address Book system (for example, E-mail).
When you create a parent/child relationship for the JD Edwards Accounts Receivable
system, the structure type must be omitted.
Note: The Escalation Hours and Escalation Minutes fields are not
used by the JD Edwards Address Book system.
Parent Number
Enter the address book number of the parent entity (for example, parent company).
The system uses this number to associate a particular address with a parent entity or
location. Any value that you enter in this field updates the Address Organizational
Structure Master table (F0150) for the specified structure type. This address number
must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101). Examples of address book
records that would have a parent number include:
Subsidiaries with parent companies
Branches with a home office
Job sites with a general contractor
On the Address Parent/Child form, enter the address book number of the primary
level in a hierarchy, or reporting relationship. A parent in one hierarchy can be a child
in another hierarchy. A hierarchy can be organized by business unit, employee, or
position. For example, you can create a hierarchy that displays the reporting
relationships between employees and supervisors.
Structure Type
Enter a UDC (01/TS) to identify a type of organizational structure that has its own
hierarchy in the JD Edwards Address Book system (for example, E-mail).
When you create a parent/child relationship for the JD Edwards Accounts Receivable
system, the structure type must be omitted.
The Structure Type data item Identifies the type of distribution list, such as WFS for
workflow, ORG for group, and EML for E-mail.
Address Number
Enter a valid address book number. This number identifies an entry in the JD Edwards
Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier,
tenant, or location.
Enter a number for the group. This number reorders a group of records on the form.
and parent 3333 has three children (3434, 3121, 3002). With tiers, each child can have
only one parent.
1001 Customer
The organizational structure type is defined in UDC table 01/TS (Structure Type).
3.2.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must define organization structure
types in UDC table 01/TS.
Parent Number
Enter the address book number of the primary level in a hierarchy, or reporting
relationship. A parent in one hierarchy can be a child in another hierarchy. A hierarchy
can be organized by business unit, employee, or position. For example, you can create
a hierarchy that shows the reporting relationships between employees and
For each child of the parent specified in this field, complete the Address Number,
Begin Eff Date, and End Eff Date fields.
Address Number
Enter an address book number. This number identifies an entry in the JD Edwards
Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier,
tenant, or location.
To continue to build the organizational structure, use the child specified in this field as
the parent of other children, then another child as the parent of other children, and so
Effective Date
Enter the effective date to use when searching for the parent. The system uses the
current date as the default value. Verify the date and change it, if necessary.
Effective Date
Enter the date when a transaction, contract, obligation, preference, or policy rule
becomes effective.
Expiration Date
Enter the date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or
preference has expired or been completed.
3.3.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must set up codes for enhanced
parent/child structure types in UDC table 01/TS.
Parent Number
Enter the address book number of the parent company to create an enhanced
parent/child organizational structure.
Address Number
Enter the address book number. This number identifies an entry in the JD Edwards
Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier,
tenant, or location.
Relation Type
Specify the type of relationship created between the two entities. Roles must be
defined in UDC 01/RT.
Example values include:
A: Administrative Assistant
B: Important Business Contact
C: Child
D: Project Lead
E: Researcher
See Also:
"Entering Additional Address Book Information for Chile" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Chile
Implementation Guide.
"Setting Up Address Book Information for Colombia" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Colombia
Implementation Guide.
"Entering Additional Address Book Information for Ecuador" in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Ecuador
Implementation Guide.
"Entering Additional Address Book Information for Peru" in
theJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Peru
Implementation Guide
"Entering Additional Address Book Information for Poland" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Poland
Implementation Guide.
"Entering Address Book Information for Russia" in theJD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Russia Implementation
"Entering Address Book Information for Venezuela" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Venezuela
Implementation Guide.
This diagram illustrates the tables that the Address Book Revisions program (P01012)
uses to store and access address book information. Other Address Book programs also
use these tables:
4.1.1 Mobile Enterprise Applications for Address Book Information (Release 9.1
The following mobile applications are available, and can be used to view information
that is included in the address book tables on a mobile device:
Customer Account Overview (Smartphone and Tablet)
Contact Customer (Smartphone and Tablet)
Contact Supplier (Smartphone)
These applications require system administrator configuration before they are
available to individual users. Contact your system administrator to determine whether
these applications are available for use.
Additionally, see the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Mobile Enterprise Applications Implemenation Guide:
Mobile Applications: Customer Account Overview
Mobile Applications: Contact Customer
Mobile Applications: Contact Supplier
Note: You can set up your GS1 prefix in UDC table 47/LN.
Location Reference.
The following six digits represents entities within the company. Each company or
organization holding a GS1 company prefix can assign GLNs to their own
locations. The company can assign a location reference to business units within the
Check Digit.
This is the final digit of the GLN number. This single digit number is calculated
according to a standard algorithm to ensure data integrity.
See Also:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Data Interface for Electronic
Data Interchange Implemenation Guide.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Business Services Reference
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Real-Time Events
Implementation Guide. Outbound
Use these processing options to specify the transaction type and transaction image to
use when creating outbound transactions. Use the processing option for transaction
type to specify the transaction type when you use the Interoperability feature. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform outbound
interoperability processing. Use the search button to locate transaction type codes.
1. Transaction Type
Specify the transaction type when using the Interoperability feature. If you leave this
field blank, the system does not perform outbound interoperability processing. Use the
search button to locate transaction type codes. Defaults
Specify the default business unit to use when creating address book records. Edits
Specify whether to search for duplicate address book records. Entry
Use these processing options to specify which forms and fields to display when using
the Address Book Revision program. Displaying the field enables you to enter the tax
ID for an address book record.
1. Supplier Master
Specify whether to display the Supplier Master Information form when adding an
address book record. To display the Supplier Master form, you must activate this
processing option and enter Y in the Payables field. The Payables field is located on
the Additional tab on Address Book Revision. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the Supplier Master form.
1: Display the Supplier Master form.
2. Customer Master
Specify whether to display the Customer Master Information form when adding an
address book record. To display the Customer Master Information form, you must
activate this processing option and select the Receivables option on the Additional tab
on Address Book Revisions. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the Customer Master Information form.
1: Display the Customer Master Information form.
3. S/WM
Specify whether to display the CSMS (Customer Service Management System) form
when adding an address book record. To display the CSMS form, you must activate
this processing option and activate the CSF flag in the Service/Warranty Constants
table (F17001). Values are:
Blank: Do not display the CSMS form.
1: Display the CSMS form.
4. Tax ID
Specify whether to display, hide, or disable the Tax ID field on the Address Book
Revision form. Values are:
Blank: Display the Tax ID field.
1: Hide the Tax ID field.
2: Disable the Tax ID field. Defaults
Use these processing options to specify the default search type and default type code
to be incorporated in an address book record.
1. Search Type
Specify the default value to use in the Search Type field on the Work with Addresses
form. Use the search button for a list of valid search types. If you leave this processing
option blank, the system uses * (asterisk) as the default value. The * instructs the
system to locate all address book records.
2. Type Code
Specify the value from user-defined code (UDC) 01/W0 for the system to supply as the
default in the Type Code field when you make an entry in the Address Book - Who's
Who table (F0111). Values are:
Blank: No attention line appears in a mailing address.
A: Attention Name appears in the attention line of a mailing address except where other
type codes are used.
B: Billing Name appears in the attention line of an address when bills are sent.
C: Contact Name. The name of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contact person that
is used in 1099 processing.
E: Emergency Contact. The person to contact whenever an emergency occurs that
involves the person or company identified in the address book record.
O: Other. This is used for all other purposes.
T: 1099 Legal Name. The name used for 1099 returns when the legal name is different
from the mailing name in the F0101 table. Versions
Use these processing options to identify the default versions of the Address Book MBF,
Supplier Master, and the Customer Master programs to use when entering address
book records. Process
Use these processing options to identify the features to activate on the Address Book
Revision form.
1. Self Service
Specify whether to activate the Self Service functionality for JAVA/HTML. Self Service
enables customers and suppliers to modify their existing address and mailing
information using the internet. Values are:
Blank: Do not activate Self Service.
1: Activate for customers.
2: Activate for suppliers.
City, County, Country, and State fields are blank, the system uses the information from
the F0117 table. If the postal code does not exist in the F0117 table, the system issues a
warning message. Values are:
Blank or 0: Do not activate postal code editing.
1: Activate postal code editing.
Address Number
Enter a number to identify an entry in the Address Book, such as employee, applicant,
participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location. If you leave this field blank, the
system assigns the address book number for you.
Alpha Name
Enter text to name or describe an address. This 40-character alphabetic field appears
on a number of forms and reports. You can enter dashes, commas, and other special
characters, but the system cannot search on them when you use this field to search for
a name.
If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the value entered in the Mailing Name
If duplicate data entry validation is activated and another record with the same alpha
name, city, and postal code is found, the system highlights this field and issues an
error or warning message.
Tax ID
Enter the identification code that is required by various tax authorities. This can be a
Social Security Number, federal or state corporate tax ID, sales tax number, and so on.
The system verifies the number and prints the separators in their correct format,
according to the value of TAXC (Person/Corporation Code). If no value exists for
TAXC, the system uses the corporate entity.
If duplicate tax-ID validation is activated and another record with the same tax ID and
country is found, the system highlights this field and issues an error or warning
Tax ID information can vary by country.
See Also:
"Understanding Tax Information for Address Book Records for Brazil" in the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Brazil Implementation
"Understanding Additional Address Book Information for Chile" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Chile Implementation Guide,
"Understanding Address Book Information for Colombia" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Colombia Implementation Guide,
"Understanding Address Book Information for Venezuela" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Venezuela Implementation Guide
Search Type
Select a value from UDC table 01/ST to specify the kind of address book record to
search for. Examples include:
C: Customer
E: Employee
O: Company
TAX: Tax authority
V: Supplier
Business Unit
Enter an alphanumeric code to identify a separate entity within a business for which
you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location,
job, project, work center, branch, or plant.
You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of
responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts
payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible
Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business
units for which you have no authority.
If you leave the Business Unit field blank, the system uses the default business unit
from the Address Book MBF. If you do not enter a default business unit in the MBF
processing option, the system uses the default value 1. You must set up any business
unit that you enter, including the default value 1, in the Business Unit Master table
(F0006) table. Mailing
Select the Mailing tab.
Address Line 1
Enter the first line of the mailing address for an employee, customer, or supplier in
Address Book. The IRS restricts the size of the address that prints on an employee's
year-end tax return. To comply with IRS regulations, the system has the following
On W-2 returns, the system prints only the last three nonblank address lines plus the
city, state, and postal code.
On 1099 returns, the system prints only the last nonblank address line plus the city,
state, and postal code.
On other U.S. federal magnetic media, the system prints only the last nonblank
address line plus the city, state, and postal code.
Enter the name that indicates the city that is associated with the address.
Select a state or province from UDC00/S. This code is usually a postal service
Postal Code
Enter the United States ZIP code or the postal code that specifies where a letter is to be
routed. Attach this code to the address for delivery in other countries. The system uses
this code as the low-end value when processing Postal Code Transaction ranges.
If you set up postal code processing, enter only the address and postal code. The
system retrieves the city, state, country, and county values from the F0117 and F0118
Select a country from UDC 00/CN. The country code has no effect on currency
The Address Book system uses the country code for data selection and address
Enter the name of a county, parish, or other political district that is necessary for the
address or for tax purposes. Additional 1
Select the Additional 1 tab.
Person/Corporation Code
Specify the type of taxpayer. For 1099 reporting for U.S. suppliers and foreign
suppliers, the system selects only records with a code of P or N. Values for U.S. entities
Credit Message
Select a value from UDC table 00/CM to indicate the credit status of a customer or
supplier. Examples are:
1: Over credit limit.
2: Requires purchase order.
3: Not on contract maintenance agreement.
The credit message appears on inquiry and transaction entry forms in the JD Edwards
Accounts Payable, Sales Order Management, and Procurement systems. The system
displays the temporary credit message in the JD Edwards Accounts Receivable system.
Select a value from UDC table 01/LP to specify the language to use on forms and
printed reports. Before you specify a language, a code for that language must exist at
either the system level or in your user preferences.
Industry Classification
Specify the code that classifies goods and services. This code can be in the format of
any one of the following systems of classification:
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS): A numerical system that is used in the United States to classify goods
and services. This code is four (SIC) or six (NAICS) digits.
Harmonized System (HS): The international method of classifying goods. More than
fifty countries use this code. It can be up to 10 digits.
Standard Industrial Trade Classification (SITC): A numerical code system that was
developed by the United Nations to classify goods used in international trade.
International organizations use this code. It can be up to six digits.
Receivables Y/N
Select to specify whether the address book record is a customer. A processing option
specifies whether the customer master record appears automatically after you add an
User Code
Enter information that is pertinent to your business. No predefined definitions exist
for this option.
Employee Y/N
Select this option to indicate that the address book record is for an employee. This field
is for informational purposes only. Additional 2
Select the Additional 2 tab.
Enter the stock ticker symbol for the customer or supplier.
Stock Exchange
Enter the exchange on which the customer or supplier's stock is traded.
Year Started
Enter the year in which the company became a customer.
Revenue Range
Select a value from UDC table 01/RR to specify the range of revenue for the customer
or supplier.
Growth Rate
Enter the growth rate for the customer or supplier. Enter up to 10 numeric characters
to represent the growth rate.
Number of Employee
Enter the number of people who are employed by the customer or supplier.
DUNS Number
Enter the DUNS number for the customer or supplier.
Parent Number
Enter the address book number of the parent company. The system uses this number
to associate a particular address with a parent company or location. Any value that
you enter in this field updates the Address Organizational Structure Master table
(F0150) for the blank structure type. This address number must exist in the F0101 table
for validation purposes. Examples of address book records that would have a parent
number include:
Subsidiaries with parent companies.
Branches with a home office.
Job sites with a general contractor.
To specify additional relationships between the primary address and other related
addresses, complete this field.
Factor/Special Payee
Enter an address book number to identify a special payment address for accounts
This number must exist in the F0101 table for validation purposes. If you leave this
field blank on an entry form, the system supplies the primary address from the
Address Number field.
Category Code 01
Use these codes to group address book records for reports, mailings, and so on.
Category codes are user-defined (system 01, types 01 through 30). Examples of
category codes include:
Category code 01
Location or Branch
Category code 02
Category code 03
Category code 04
Credit officer
Values entered in these fields must exist in the corresponding UDC table.
Enter the first segment of a telephone number. In the United States, the prefix is the
three-digit area code.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number without the prefix or special characters, such as hyphens or
periods, that makes up the telephone number for an entity. You can use any applicable
telephone number format for a country. This field is used in conjunction with the
Prefix field (AR1), where you enter the first segment of the telephone number, which is
called the area code in the United States.
When you search for an address using a phone number, you must enter the number
exactly as it is set up in the JD Edwards Address Book system, including any special
Phone Type
Select a value from UDC table 01/PH to indicate either the location or use of a
telephone number. Examples include Business, FAX, and Cellular.
4.3.2 Forms Used to Add Who's Who Information to Address Book Records Interoperability
1. Transaction Type
Specify the transaction type for who's who information. Details
Select the Details tab. The JD Edwards Address Book system assigns each who's who
entry a line ID. The system assigns line ID 0 (zero) to the first who's who record for the
address book number.
Mailing Name
Enter the name that you want to print on correspondence with the contact.
Alpha Name
Enter text to name or describe an address. This 40-character alphabetic field appears
on a number of forms and reports. You can enter dashes, commas, and other special
characters, but the system cannot search on them when you use this field to search for
a name.
If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the value entered in the Mailing Name
If duplicate data entry validation is activated and the system finds another record with
the same alpha name, city, and postal code, the system highlights this field and issues
an error or warning message.
Enter the professional title of a who's who person.
Type Code
Select a value from UDC table 01/W0 to identify the who's who record. Examples
A: Attention name
B: Billing
C: Contact name
E: Emergency contact
O: Other
T: 1099 legal name
Contact Type
Select a value from UDC table 01/CT to describe a who's who record. Examples
C: Competitor
D: Decision maker
I: Influencer
R: Recommender
Function Code
Select a value from UDC table 01/FC to specify the function that the who's who record
performs in the company. Examples include:
CO: Chief Officer
CON: Consultant
DIR: Director
MGR: Manager
STAF: Staff
SUPR: Supervisor
Primary Contact
Select this option to indicate that the individual is the primary contact. The system
allows only one primary contact per contact type. Additional
Select the Additional tab.
Salutation Name
Specify the name that you would use to address an individual in written
correspondence. Examples include Ms. Green, Dr. Strasheim, or Herr Obermeyer. This
field is informational only and is not used in any reports.
Specify the nickname of an individual. This value is attached to a who's who line of an
address book number.
Specify the gender of the individual. Values are:
1: Male
2: Female
3: Unknown
Enter up to 40 characters to further identify the who's who record.
Display Sequence
Enter a number that specifies the order of a group of records on the form.
Day/Month/Year of Birth
Enter the month, day, and year of the individual's birthday.
Enter the first segment of a telephone number. In the United States, the prefix is the
three-digit area code.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number without the prefix or special characters, such as hyphens or
periods, that comprises the telephone number for an entity. You can use any applicable
telephone number format for a country. This field is used in conjunction with the
Prefix field (AR1), where you enter the first segment of the telephone number, which is
called the area code in the United States.
When you search for an address using a phone number, you must enter the number
exactly as it is set up in Address Book, including any special characters.
Phone Type
Select a valid phone type from UDC table 01/PH to indicate either the location or use
of a telephone number. Examples include:
Blank: Business telephone number
Electronic Address
Enter the E-mail address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for either an individual
or an entity.
Messaging Indicator
Select a value from UDC table 01/HI. The messaging system uses this value to
determine whether the system sends messages to the E-mail address that you
specified. Values are:
00: E-mail will not be sent to the specified E-mail address.
01: E-mail will be sent to the specified E-mail address. Personal
Access the Personal tab.
Related Person
Enter the name of the person in the F01112 table that is tied to the Who's Who record.
Relation Type
Select a value from UDC table 01/RT to indicate the relationship between the contact
and a name in the F01112 table. Values include:
A: Administrative Assistant
B: Important Business Contact
C: Child
D: Project Lead
E: Researcher
Day of Birth
Enter a number to specify the day portion for the Date of Birth field. For example, if
the birth date is February 5, 1973, you would enter 05 in this field.
Month of Birth
Enter a number to specify the month portion for the Date of Birth field. For example, if
the birth date is February 5, 1973, you would enter 02 in this field.
Year of Birth
Enter a number to specify the year portion for the Date of Birth field. For example, if
the birth date is February 5, 1973, you would enter 1973 in this field.
4.4.3 Setting Data Sequence for the Check for Duplicates Report
Data sequencing by alpha name is case-sensitive. To compare duplicates, you should
use one of these sequences:
Data sequencing for the Check for Duplicates Report is available only in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Windows environment.
4.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book - Check for Duplicates (R014052)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Duplicate Alpha Name Characters
Specify the number of characters (up to 25) that the program includes when it searches
for duplicate alpha names. If you leave this field blank, the default number is the first
five characters.
3. Contact Information
Specify whether to print who's who contact titles on the report. Values are:
Blank: Do not print contact titles.
1: Print contact titles.
After you build the AB Word Search Master table (F01815), you can search for address
book records using the Word Search program (P01BDWRD). With an established
F01815 table, you can search on address book records and who's who information by
using text strings such as name, city, state, or postal code.
The address book search capability is especially useful if you are using another JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne system and want to obtain an address book number by
searching on certain fields in the address book record. For example, if you want to
obtain an address book number for Capital, you can enter C, the entire word, or a
portion of the word followed by the wildcard, as in Cap*. Process
1. Category Codes
Specify whether the program includes address book category codes 130 when it
builds the F01815 table for searchable items. Values are:
Blank: No, the program does not include address book category codes 130.
1: Yes, the program includes address book category codes 130.
3. Parent/Child
Specify whether the program includes parent/child information when it builds the
F01815 table for searchable items. Values are:
Blank: No, the program does not include parent/child information.
1: Yes, the program includes parent/child information.
Search Word
Enter one or more words to use for a search. If you are using a string of full words, the
word string must be in the exact order as what you want to find. Alternatively, you
can use a wildcard with a partial string.
This table describes the UDC tables that you use to manage calendars:
calendar, the company holiday calendar, and the individual employee calendar. The
employee's calendar for the week might include a meeting for all employees who
work that shift, a company holiday for all employees in the company, and a day of
vacation time that the employee has scheduled.
You must link the employee to each calendar with which the employee is associated.
For example, if you want to view company holidays, shift calendars, and personal
information for an employee, you must link the individual employee to each of those
calendars. Defaults
1. Enter the Calendar Type to default on the Calendar View. Only used when Calendar
View is launched directly.
Specify the default calendar type to display when the Calendar View application is
launched directly from the menu. Process
1. User Type
Specify the type of user who is accessing a calendar. The system uses this processing
option to determine the configuration of the Activity program. Values are:
CRM: Configure for CRM users.
FIN or Blank: Configure for other users. Version
1. Common Processing Option (P01350)
Specify the version of the Common Processing Option program (P01350) for the
system to use when accessing a calendar. If you leave this processing option blank, the
system uses version ZJDE0001.
Calendar Name
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Calendar Type
Select a valid calendar type. The system stores valid calendar types in UDC 01/CY.
Identifier ID Type
Select a valid identifier type. The system stores identifier types in UDC 01/IT. These
values are hard-coded and include:
Address Number
Enter a valid identifier, based on the value that you selected in the Identifier ID Type
field. If you selected Address Number, you must enter a valid address book number. If
you selected Branch Plant, you must enter a valid business unit or branch/plant.
If you do not know the address book number, you can enter the name of the address
book record, and the system supplies the address book number for you. For example,
you can enter Global Enterprises and the system populates the Identifier field with
the address book number for Global Enterprises.
If you enter a name that has multiple entries in the address book, the system displays
the Address Book Long Number Search form, from which you can select the correct
address book record.
Select to view the daily format of the calendar.
Select to view the weekly format of the calendar.
Select to view the monthly format of the calendar.
Expiration Date
4. Complete steps 1 through 3 until you are finished linking calendars, and then click
Save. Assignees
You can assign other entities to an activity that you create. For example, you can invite
others to a meeting. If you assign events or tasks to other entities, the events appear on
the calendar of the entity that you specify, and the tasks appear in their task list. When
you enter an assignment for an event, the system creates a calendar for any entity that
does not already have one.
When you are updating an activity that is assigned to other participants, the following
rules apply:
If you change or delete the owner's event record, the system updates the calendars
of all other participants accordingly.
If you change or delete an assignee's activity record, the changes affect only that
assignee's record. The system does not update the records of the activity owner or
that of any other assignee.
Each assignee can mark an activity as completed. However, after all assignees
have marked the activity complete, the system does not automatically mark the
master activity as complete. The owner of the activity must specify that the
activity is complete. Associations
You can enter associations for tasks and calendar events. Associations represent the
entity and corresponding contact person for which the activity is created. You can
associate an activity with any of the following entities, and specify a contact for that
Address Book record
Note: The Partner, Lead, Opportunity, and Case fields are displayed
only if the system is set to CRM mode.
If you enter associations that are related to CRM applications, then
after you save the activity record, you can view that activity from the
corresponding entity record. For example, if you associate an activity
with a customer, you can view all of the activities for that customer
when you inquire on the customer record.
for events or tasks, the system lists each instance of the recurring activity that meets
the search criteria. For example, if you set up a task that recurs each day for a week,
and you search for all tasks for the week, the system displays a task record for each
day on which the task occurs.
The system enables owners and assignees to make changes to individual instances of a
recurring task or event. The system also maintains those changes if the master task or
event is changed. This functionality minimizes loss of data for assignees who might
track important information in an activity record. When the master record is changed,
those changes are sent to each assignee's record. Only the changed fields are updated.
However, if an assignee changes information on an activity record, and the owner then
changes the same field on the master record, the system overwrites the assignee's
change with the updated information from the master record.
The system also enables assignees to delete specific instances of a recurring task or
event. For example, an assignee might be able to attend a weekly meeting during all
instances but one, when he is on vacation. The system enables the assignee to delete
the instance that occurs while he is on vacation and maintain all other instances.
For recurring activities that have been assigned to other assignees, several rules apply
when you update or delete instances of the activity. This table describes how the
system processes changes that are made to owner records and assignee records,
whether those changes are made to a single instance or all instances of a recurring
Is the change
made to the owner Are you changing a
record or an single instance or
assignee record? all instances? Processing Information
The owner record All instances of the When the user of an activity makes changes to the
of the activity. activity. master record, which affects all instances of the
activity, the system:
Enables the user to change all activity details
that are shown on the Detail, Category, and
Advanced tabs with the exception of call plan
if one is assigned.
Does not allow the user to change the start
date for the activity, because this information
is part of the recurrence pattern.
Enables the user to change the end date of the
recurrence pattern or the number of
Enables the user to delete or add new
Enables the user to delete the master record,
in which case all assignee records are also
Is the change
made to the owner Are you changing a
record or an single instance or
assignee record? all instances? Processing Information
The owner record A single instance of When the user of an activity makes changes to a
of the activity. the activity. single instance of an activity, the system:
Creates an anomaly record to record the
changes. The system updates these changes
for that instance for all assignees.
Does not allow the user to change:
The start date of
the single instance.
attributes for the
single instance,
such as the end
date or number of
The owner of the
Enables the user to delete or add new
assignees to the instance.
Records only the changes that are made to
the instance, and propagates those changes to
the corresponding assignee records for that
Enables the user to delete the single instance,
in which case the system deletes assignees'
instances also and creates an exclusion record
for that instance.
Is the change
made to the owner Are you changing a
record or an single instance or
assignee record? all instances? Processing Information
An assignee record. All instances of the When a user makes changes to the assignee record
activity. that affects all instances of the activity for that
assignee only, the system:
Does not allow the user to change:
Start date or start
End date or end
Activity type.
Customer or
customer contact.
Partner or partner
Lead, opportunity,
or case.
attributes, such as
the number of
Enables the user to add a new assignee to the
activity. The system generates all occurrences
of the activity for the new assignee.
Enables the user to delete assignees from the
activity, with the exception of the owner of
the activity.
Records the changes that are made and
propagates those changes to all instances for
the assignee only. The system does not update
the records for the owner or for other
Enables the user to delete the activity. The
system deletes all instances of the activity
from the assignee only, but does not delete
the owner's or other assignees' records.
Is the change
made to the owner Are you changing a
record or an single instance or
assignee record? all instances? Processing Information
An assignee record. A single instance of When a user makes changes to an assignee record
the activity. of a single instance of the activity, the system:
Creates an anomaly record to record the
changes. The system updates these changes
for the assignee only.
Enables the user to change the start and end
Does not allow the assignee to change the
start or end date, customers, contacts,
partners, leads, opportunities, or cases.
Does not allow the assignee to change
recurrence information, such as the number
of occurrences.
Enables the user to add new assignees to this
instance. The system sends a clone of this
changed instance to the new assignees.
Enables the user to delete assignees from the
instance, with the exception of the owner.
Enables the user to delete that instance. The
system deletes only the single instance for
that assignee.
This table describes the tables that store recurring entry information:
Table Description
Activity Master (F01301) Stores information for all events and tasks,
such as:
Identifier ID and type
Calendar type
Activity type
Start and end time
Start and end date
Recurrence ID (for recurring entries only)
Recurrence Master (F01321) Stores information for recurring events and
tasks, such as:
Recurrence ID (copied from the F01301
Recurring frequency.
Start and end date.
Day of the week on which the entry
Week of the month in which the entry
Table Description
Recurrence Exclusion (F01331) Stores information for exclusions for recurring
events and tasks, such as:
Recurrence exclusion ID.
Recurrence ID (copied from the F01301
Exclusion date.
Mobile Client Deleted Activities (F01301W) Temporarily stores activities that were deleted
in disconnected mode. The table is reset when
the mobile client is synchronized with the
Enterprise server. Reminders
You can specify that you want the system to remind you of an event. When you select
the Remind option, the system displays fields for you to specify the time and
corresponding time unit for the system to use when determining when to send the
reminder. If the event is assigned to multiple assignees, assignees can enter their own
reminder settings by updating their own activity records. If assignees do not update
their activity records, the system uses the reminder settings on the main activity
You can also alert all assignees of an upcoming activity when you click the Notify
Assignees Now button. When you click this button, the system immediately notifies
all assignees that the event is due. For example, you can notify all meeting attendees of
an upcoming meeting. Depending on how the electronic address information is
defined for the address book record, the system notifies assignees using the work
center or E-mail.
The message template that the system uses to notify assignees includes:
Address book 1.
Address book 1 contact.
Address book 1 contact phone.
Address book 2.
Address book 2 contact.
Address book 2 contact phone.
Activity description.
Activity type.
Start and end time.
Start and end day.
To send reminders and alerts, the system uses workflow process K0130040.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Workflow Tools Guide.
See Delivered Workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book.
can change the time period for tasks and calendar events separately on the activity
homepage. For example, you can display the calendar events for the current work
week and display a list of the tasks that are scheduled for the current day.
The Activity Homepage program (P01312) enables you to:
View your own calendar and view the calendar of other users or entities.
You can view the calendar by day, week, or month.
View overdue tasks.
Use the quick add function to add tasks.
Add events to a calendar.
Delete tasks or events.
Mark a task as completed.
When you access the Activity Homepage form, the system displays the default
calendar type for the signed-in user, which you set in the processing options. To
change the calendar type that the system displays, you can enter a different calendar
type in the View Activities For portion of the form and click Find. You can also use this
portion of the form to view calendar information for another user.
You can also use the Activity Homepage form to quickly review, update, and add
events to a calendar, or add tasks to a user. The bottom portion of the form displays
tasks that meet the search criteria of the selected query. Available queries include:
All tasks.
All tasks due in the last 7 days.
All tasks due in the next 7 days.
All tasks due today, both open and closed.
All open tasks.
All overdue tasks and tasks due today.
The system also displays in red in the header of the task portion of the form the
number of tasks that are overdue. From this form you can select the task and update
the status or the due date if necessary. You can also use the quick task add function to
add a task to a user. The quick task add function enables you to quickly create a task
by completing only these fields:
Address Book (Optional)
Task Type
End Date
Finally, you can use the Activity Homepage form to add events to your calendar or to
the calendars of other users. You can also create tasks for yourself or other users. The
ability to add activities from the homepage enables you to review your calendar and
schedule the task or event accordingly. Display
1. Display Identifier Type on Form
Specify whether to display the Identifier Type field on the Add Activity form. Values
Blank: Do not display the field.
1: Display the field. Default
1. Use current system date for start date and time.
Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses today's date and time as
the starting date and time for an event. Values are:
Blank: The system does not use today's date and time.
1: The system uses today's date and time when creating an event. Process
1. Enter UDC for Assignee Search
In the first blank field of this processing option, enter the system code of the UDC
table, such as 01. In the second blank field of this processing option, enter the table
code, such as SA. If you leave either of these fields blank, the system uses UDC 01/SA.
2. Owner ID
Specify how the system populates the Owner ID field when you create a new activity.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not populate the field, and
you must manually specify the owner of the activity. If you enter 1, the system
populates the field with the user ID of the person who enters the activity. You can
override this value if necessary.
2. Completed Activity
Specify the default for activity status on the advanced tab. If you enter 1, the system
displays only completed activities. If you enter 0, the system displays only open
activities. If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays all activities.
3. Priority
Specify the default priority code to use when searching for activities. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system searches all activities, regardless of priority. Values
1: Low
2: Medium
3: High
4. Identifier
Specify whether the system populates the Identifier field on the Advanced tab with the
user's ID when you are searching for activities. If you leave this processing option
blank, the system does not populate the Identifier field. Enter 1 to populate the field
with the user's ID. Process
You use these processing options to specify default information that the system uses
when processing activity information.
Note: If you access this program from the Activity Homepage, the
system uses the default information from the processing options of the
Activity Homepage program. The system disregards the default
information that you set up in these processing options unless the
processing options of the Activity Homepage program are blank. Versions
1. Common Process Options (P01350) Version
Specify the version of the Activity Common Processing Options program (P01350) to
use when searching for or adding activities. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system uses version ZJDE0001.
5.4.5 Setting Processing Options for Activity Common Processing Options (P01350)
Use these processing options to specify the default versions that the system uses when
processing activity information. Versions
Enter the version of each program on this tab. If you leave any of these processing
options blank, with the exception of the Partner program processing option, the
system uses version ZJDE0001. The default version of the Partner program is
ZJDE0009. You can specify versions of these programs:
Activity (P01301)
Basic Activity (P01302)
Manage Leads (P90CB010)
Manage Opportunities (P90CB020)
Manage Case (P90CG501)
CRM Customer Master (P90CA080)
CRM Customer Contact (P90CA08T)
Partner (P01012)
Note: If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses
version ZJDE0009. Display
1. Display Identifier Type on Form
Specify whether to display the Identifier Type field on the Edit Activity form. Values
Blank: Do not display
1: Display Default
1. Use current system date for start date and time.
Specify whether to populate the start and end date fields with the current system date.
Values are:
Blank: Do not populate
1: Populate Versions
1. Common Processing Options (P01350) Version.
Specify the version of the Activities Common Processing Options program that you
want to use when accessing information from the Activity Homepage program. If you
leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. Defaults
1. Default Calendar Type
Use this processing option to specify the calendar type to display when you launch the
Foundation Calendar application directly from the menu. For example, you might use
a default value of PERSONAL. Therefore, when you launch the Foundation Calendar
application directly from the menu, the system displays the personal calendar for the
signed-in user. However, if you access the calendar from a CRM program, such as the
Opportunity application, the system uses values that are set up in the CRM system to
determine which calendar type to display. Values are stored in UDC 01/CY. Process
1. User Type
Use this processing option to specify the type of user that typically accesses the
calendar. The system uses this processing option to determine how to display
information on the Activity Homepage. Values are:
Blank: Non-CRM User Details
Select the Details tab.
Enter a description for the activity. You can enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
This is a required field.
Activity Type
Enter a type for the activity. You set up valid activity types in UDC 01/AC. This is a
required field.
Start Date
Enter a start date for the activity.
End Date
Enter an end date for the activity. This is a required field.
Enter a location for the activity. For example, enter a conference room number for a
Start Time
Enter a start time and select A.M. or P.M. Entering time with 24-hour format is also
recognized by the system. For example, entering 14:30 is accepted and, upon inquiry,
the system reformats the value to 2:00 P.M. This field is not required for tasks or for
all-day activities.
End Time
Enter an end time for the activity and select A.M. or P.M. The system recognizes the
24-hour time format. This field is not required for tasks or for all-day activities.
All Day
Select to indicate that the activity lasts the entire day.
Priority Level
Enter a priority level for the activity. The system stores priority levels, which are
hard-coded, in UDC 01/PT. Values are:
1: Low priority
2: Medium priority
3: High priority
Select to indicate that you have completed the activity.
Select to send reminders for the activity. Then, complete the related fields to specify
when the system should send the reminder.
Enter additional text to describe the activity. You can enter up to 1,999 characters. Attachments
Select the Attachments tab.
Use this form to add text, URLs, files, and other types of attachments to the activity. Settings
Select the Settings tab.
Identifier Type
Specify the identifier type for the activity.
Calendar Type
Specify the calendar type to which the activity is added.
Specify the identifier. The system uses this value, along with the values in the
Identifier Type and Calendar Type fields, to determine the calendar to which the
activity belongs. For example, to add an activity to the personal calendar of an
employee, you enter Address Book in the Identifier Type field, enter Personal in the
Calendar Type field, and specify the employee's address book number in this field. Recurrence
Select the Recurrence tab.
Note: The system does not display some of these fields when you
access this form from CRM programs or when the user type is set to
CRM in the processing options of the calling program (entry point).
Identifier Type
Select the identifier type for the entity to which you want to assign the activity.
Enter the identifier to which you want to assign the activity.
Calendar Type
Enter the type of calendar for the value that is specified in the Identifier field.
Delete Assignee
Select an assignee in the grid, and then click this option to remove the assignee from
the activity. Basic
Select the Basic tab.
Activity Type
Specify the type of activity you are searching for. Values are stored in UDC 01/AC.
Owner Type
Specify the owner type of the activities for which you are searching. Values include:
Address Book
Work Schedule
Specify the owner of the activities for which you are searching. The system uses the
value in this field along with the value in the Owner Type field. For example, if you
enter Company in the Owner Type field, you must enter a valid company number in
this field.
End Date
Enter the ending date in a range of dates in which to view activities. The system
displays all activities that end on or before the date that you enter.
Enter the address book number of the customer that is associated with the activity. Advanced
Select the Advanced tab.
Calendar Type
Specify the type of calendar on which the activity resides. For example, if you are
searching for activities that are related to a customer, you might enter CRM to search
on CRM calendars only.
Activity Status
Specify the status of the activities for which you are searching. You can search for
completed or open activities.
Specify the priority level of the activities for which you are searching.
Start Date
Enter the beginning date in a range of dates in which to view events and tasks. The
system displays all events and tasks that end on or after the date that you enter.
The date range is restricted to 62 days if you do not specify an identifier ID.
End Date
Enter the ending date in a range of dates in which to view events and tasks. You must
enter a date in this field to view recurring events and tasks. The system displays all
events and tasks that begin on or before the date that you enter.
Owner Type
Specify the owner type of the activities for which you are searching. Values include:
Address Book
Work Schedule
Specify the owner of the activities for which you are searching. The system uses the
value in this field along with the value in the Owner Type field. For example, if you
enter Company in the Owner Type field, you must enter a valid company number in
this field.
Identifier ID Type
Specify the identifier type that is associated with the activities for which you are
searching. Values include:
Address Book
Work Schedule
Identifier Type
Specify the type of identifier that is associated with the activities for which you are
Enter the identifier that you want to search for. The system uses the value in this field
along with the value in the Identifier Type field to determine which activities to
display. For example, if the value in the Identifier Type field is Address Book, you
must enter a valid address book number in this field. The system then searches for
activities that are associated with that address book number.
Enter a value in any of the following fields to search for activities that have been
associated with any of these entities:
Customer Contact
Partner Contact
Note: To reopen an activity, you must access the activity in the Edit
Activity form.
See Also:
"Forms Used to Add Sales Team Members to Territories and
Industry Groupings" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Customer Relationship Management for Sales Implementation Guide.
Enter up to 1,999 characters for the description of the plan.
Specify the name of the activity. Enter up to 37 alphanumeric characters to describe the
activity. This description appears when you generate an actual activity from the
activity template by linking the action plan.
Activity Type
Enter the action type. The system uses this activity type when you generate an actual
activity from the activity template by linking the action plan.
Assigned To
Enter the address book number of the entity to which the activity is assigned. When a
user links the action plan, the system assigns the activity to the user who is linking the
action plan and also to the address book number that you specify in this field. If you
leave this field blank, the system assigns the activity only to the user who is linking the
action plan.
Priority Level
Enter a priority level for the activity.
Days to Complete
Enter the number of days that determine the start date of the activity. If you enter 0,
the activity starts on the day that a user links the action plan.
Note: If the action is a task, the system does not display these fields.
Enter additional instructions for the activity.
6.2.1 Understanding Self Service for the Address Book Revisions Program
To allow customers and suppliers to use self service in the Address Book Revisions
program, you must enter 1 or 2 in the Self Service processing option for the program. If
you enter 1, you activate self service for customers. Entering 2 activates self service for
After you have activated self service for the Address Book Revisions program,
customers and suppliers can update the following information for their address book
Mailing address.
Phone numbers.
Phone numbers, electronic addresses, related person information, and alternate
addresses associated with the contacts.
6.2.2 Activating Self Service for the Address Book Revisions Program
Use the processing options for the Address Book Revisions program to activate self
See Section 4.2.4, "Setting Processing Options for Address Book Revisions (P01012)"
DUNS number
See Also:
Setting Up Constants.
Adding Who's Who Information to Address Book Records.
"Entering Supplier Information, Using the Supplier Self Service
Program" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Accounts
Payable Implementation Guide.
"Using the Customer Self Service Program" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Accounts Receivable Implementation
6.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book Self Service (P01012SS)
These processing options specify the default business phone number type, whether to
allow users to update their information, and default versions of the Address Book,
Supplier Master, Customer Master, and Contacts master business functions. Types
1. Business Phone Number Type
Specify the default phone number type to display on the Contacts tab. Select a value
from user-defined code (UDC) table 01/PH. Entry
1. Allow Update Address
Specify whether to allow users to update their address information. Values are:
Blank: Allow users to update their address information.
1: Do not allow users to update their address information. Versions
1. Address Book MBF (P0100041) Version
Specify the version of the Address Book MBF program to use.
Click this link to view the mailing address in the format in which it would appear on
mailing labels and reports. You specify mailing formats for each country in the
Country Constants Revisions program (P0070).
See Understanding Country Constants.
See Section 4.2.5, "Adding Address Book Records"
See Section 4.3.5, "Adding Phone Numbers to Who's Who Records"
See Adding Electronic Address Information to Who's Who Records.
7.2.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that the Address by
Effective Date option is selected in the Address Book Constants program.
See Setting Up Constants.
7.3.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must save a copy of the Address
Book Master table.
7.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Global Category Code Update (R01490)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Criteria
1. Address Number
Specify an address book number if you want to update category codes for a specific
address number.
2. Employee
Specify whether to update category code values for employees. Values are:
N: No
Y: Yes
3. Customer
Specify whether to update category code values for customers. Values are:
N: No
Y: Yes
4. Supplier
Specify whether to update category code values for suppliers, and for which type of
suppliers to update category code values. Values are:
F: Foreign supplier
M: Miscellaneous, one-time supplier
N: No
Y: Yes
6. Credit Message
This processing option is for future use.
7. Search Type
This processing option is for future use.
7.4.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must verify that all users are signed
off the system.
7.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Purge Address Book Records (R01800P)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
1. Report Output
Specify whether to list purged records on the Address Book Purge report (R01800P). If
you specify not to list the purged records, the only output on the report will be the
number of address book records purged and the number of records processed. Values
Blank: Do not list the purged records on the report.
1: List the purged records on the report.
2. Processing Mode
Specify whether to run the Address Book Purge program in Proof or Final mode.
Warning: Running this report in Final mode will cause address book and related table
records to be deleted. If you are unsure about deleting records permanently, this report
should be run in Proof mode.
When you run the program in final mode, it purges data from the Address Book
Master table (F0101) and the following related tables: F0030, F0030W, F01092, F01093,
F0111, F0115, F01151, F01112, F0116, F01161, F0150, F03012, F0401, and F01815. It also
produces a report indicating the number of records processed and the number of
records purged.
When you run the program in proof mode, it produces a report indicating the number
of records processed and the number that would be purged if the program were run in
final mode, but it does not purge any records. Values are:
Blank: Run the program in Proof mode.
1: Run the program in Final mode. Processing
1. Enter a 1 to purge tasks by date regardless of status.
Specify whether to purge tasks by date, regardless of status. If you leave this field
blank, the system purges only deleted tasks.
From Date
Specify a from date for the system to use when selecting records to purge, if you want
to delete by a date range.
Thru Date
Specify a through date for the system to use when selecting records to purge, if you
want to delete by a date range.
7.5.1 Understanding the Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files Program
You run the Purge Brazilian Address Book program after you run the Address Book
Purge program (R01800P). When you run the Purge Brazilian Address Book program
in final mode, the system purges from the Address Book Brazilian Tag Table (F76011)
all records that do not have a corresponding record in the Address Book Master table
(F0101). The system then writes a record to the Archive Address Book Brazilian Tag
Table (F76011P) for each record that it purges from table F76011. Tables F76011 and
F76011P contain identical fields.
7.5.2 Running the Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files Program
Select Brazilian Localization Setup (G76B41B), Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files.
7.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Purge Brazilian Address Book Tag Files (R76011P)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Defaults
Use these processing options to specify whether to run the program in proof or final
mode, and whether to display information about the records that are purged.
1. Report Output
Specify whether the report lists the records that are purged when you run the program
in final mode. If you specify to list the records and run the program in proof mode, the
report lists the records that will be purged when you run the program in final mode. If
you do not choose to list the records, the report contains only the number of records
purged. Values are:
Blank: Do not list the records.
1: List the records.
2. Processing Mode
Specify whether the report runs in proof or final mode. Values are:
Blank: Proof mode. The program produces a report that lists the total number of
records that will be deleted when you run R76011P in final mode. If you set the Report
Output processing option in R76011P to 1, the report also lists the records that will be
purged when you run R76011P in final mode. The program does not delete or purge
any records when you run it in proof mode.
1: Final mode. The system purges records from the Address Book Brazilian Tag table
(F76011), writes to the Archive Address Book Brazilian Tag table (F76011P) the records
that are identical to the ones purged, and produces a report that prints the number of
records purged. If you set the Report Output processing option in R76011P to 1, the
report also lists the purged records.
After you transfer information from an external source to the batch input tables, you
can review, add, revise, and delete address book, customer master, supplier master,
and who's who information. Then you run a batch upload program to process the
information and transfer it to the appropriate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne master
tables. The batch upload programs:
Create address records in the Address Book Master table (F0101).
Create address records in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012),
if applicable.
Create address records in the Supplier Master table (F0401), if applicable.
Create address records in the Who's who table (F0111) if applicable.
Create records in the Related Person table (F01112).
Create records in the Electronic Address table (F01151).
Create records in the Alternate Address table (F01161).
Assign address book numbers, if applicable.
Supply information for blank fields.
Produce a report.
The batch upload programs generate reports that print the records processed, a total of
the number of records processed, and the records that were in error. You can change
records that were not processed and rerun the batch program. The processed batches
remain in the respective batch input tables until you purge the batch.
This diagram illustrates the batch process for the JD Edwards Address Book system:
External Source
Contact Information
Address Book Batch Upload Custom Master Batch Upload Supplier Master Batch
Batch Upload
(R01010Z) (R03010Z) Upload (R04010Z)
Address Book Master Custom Master by Line of Supplier Master (F0401) Address Book - Who's Who
(F0101) Business (F03012) (F0111)
Address Book - Phone Related Person (F01112)
Numbers (F0115) Electronic Address (F01151)
Address by Date (F0116) Alternate Address (F01161)
Address Book - Phone
Numbers (F0115)
Transaction Number
Enter number for the transaction. In a non-EDI (electronic data interchange)
environment, you can assign any number that is meaningful to you to identify a
transaction within a batch. It can be the same as a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
document number.
Enter a code to indicate the activity that you want to perform on the transaction. In an
EDI transaction, this code represents the Transaction Set Purpose code or Change code.
Enter the company number to use in line-of-business processing. The system creates
an additional record for the default company (00000). If you leave this field blank, the
system assigns company 00000 only.
For an error, the program sends the message to the work center where you can
review detailed information about the error. The program does not process the
batch of address book records.
For a warning, the program updates the batch of address book records. The
message in the work center indicates that the batch was created in error and the
message on a report indicates that the records were processed successfully. The
program processes the batch of address book records.
See Entering Address Book Records.
8.3.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
Review and, if necessary, revise address book batch records before you run the
Address Book Batch Upload program.
(CHL) Before you upload records for Chile:
Set the processing options for the PO - Address Book Batch Upload program
See "Setting Processing Options for Address Book Batch Upload (R76H101Z1)"
in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Chile
Implementation Guide.
Provide proper data to the additional address book fields required for Chile in
the F76H101Z table.
Verify that corresponding versions of the PO - Address Book Batch Upload
program and the Address Book Batch Upload program exist.
(PER) Before you upload records for Peru:
Set the processing options for the PO - Address Book Batch Upload program.
See "Setting Processing Options for PO - Address Book Batch Upload
(R76P101Z1)" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for Peru
Implementation Guide.
Provide proper data to the additional address book fields required for Peru in
the F76P101Z table.
Verify that corresponding versions of the PO - Address Book Batch Upload
program and the Address Book Batch Upload program exist.
See Revising Unprocessed Batches.
8.3.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book Batch Upload (R01010Z)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
1. Address Book MBF (P0100041)
Specify which version of the Address Book MBF program (P0100041) to use for this
report. If you leave this field blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. Process
1. Process Mode
Specify whether to run this report in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system
prints the report only. In final mode, the system prints the report and updates the
Address Book Master table and, if applicable, any of these tables:
Address Book - Who's Who (F0111)
Electronic Address (F01151)
Address by Date (F0116)
Values are:
Blank: Proof mode
1: Final mode
Note: If you create your own version of the Address Book MBF
(P0100041), you must create a version of the Customer Master MBF
program (P0100042) with the same name, because the processing
options for the Customer Master Batch Upload program do not
contain an option to enter an Address Book MBF version.
8.4.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
Run the Address Book Batch Upload program to process address book
Review and, if necessary, revise customer master batch records before you run the
Customer Master Batch Upload program.
See Revising Unprocessed Batches.
8.4.4 Setting Processing Options for Customer Master Batch Upload (R03010Z)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
1. Customer Master MBF (P0100042)
Specify which version of the Customer Master MBF program to use for this report. If
you leave this field blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. Process
1. Process Mode
Specify whether to run this report in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system
prints the report only. In final mode, the system prints the report and updates the
Customer Master by Line of Business table. Values are:
Blank: Run the program in proof mode
1: Run the program in final mode.
Note: If you create your own version of the Address Book MBF, you
must create a version of the Supplier Master MBF (P0100043) with the
same name, because the processing options for the Supplier Master
Batch Upload program do not contain an option to enter an Address
Book MBF version.
8.5.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
Run the Address Book Batch Upload program to process address book
Review and, if necessary, revise supplier batch records before you run the Supplier
Master Batch Upload program.
See Revising Unprocessed Batches.
8.5.4 Setting Processing Options for Supplier Master Batch Upload (R04010Z)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
1. Supplier Master MBF (P0100043)
Specify which version of the Supplier Master MBF program to use for this report. If
you leave this field blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. Process
1. Process Mode
Specify whether to run this report in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system
prints the report only. In final mode, the system prints the report and updates the
Supplier Master table. Values are:
Blank: Run this program in proof mode.
1: Run this program in final mode
the Address Book field of the Batch Who's Who Information table (F0111Z1) when you
run the Who's Who Batch Upload program.
The Who's Who Batch Upload program accesses the processed address book records,
retrieves the corresponding who's who information in the F0111Z1 table, and uploads
it to these tables:
Address Book - Who's Who (F0111).
Related Person (F01112).
Address Book - Phone Numbers (F0115).
Electronic Address (F01151).
Alternate Address (F01161).
After the Who's Who Batch Upload program successfully processes a who's who
record, the program searches for who's who information in the F01161Z1, F01151Z1,
F0115Z1, and F01112Z1 tables using the batch number, transaction number, and user
ID from the F0111Z1 table. When the program finds records with values that match
those in the Batch Who's Who Information table, it selects those that have not been
successfully processed in this order:
1. F01161Z1
2. F01151Z1
3. F01112Z1
4. F0115Z1
When processing phone information, the program uses additional data selection to
process phone numbers for related person records first. Then the program processes
phone numbers for who's who records. The program uses the value in the EDI Line
Number (EDLN) field in the F01112Z1 table to determine whether a phone number
record is for a related person or who's who record. The value in the EDLN field is 0
when the phone number record is for a who's who record.
If errors occur on the child records (phone numbers, electronic addresses, and so on)
when you run the Who's Who Batch Upload program, you can reprocess them after
correcting the errors. The Who's Who Batch Upload report prints both successfully and
unsuccessfully processed records.
8.6.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must:
Run the Address Book Batch Upload program to process address book
Review and, if necessary, revise who's who batch records before you run the Who's
Who Batch Upload program.
See Revising Unprocessed Batches.
8.6.4 Setting Processing Options for Who's Who Batch Upload (R011110Z)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Options
1. Upload Child Tables
Specify whether to upload records in the child tables, which include:
Batch-Alternative Address (F01161Z1).
Batch-Related Person (F01112Z1).
Batch-Electronic Address (F01151Z1).
Phones-Interoperability (F0115Z1).
Values are:
Blank: Do not upload records in child tables.
1: Upload records in child tables.
8.9.2 Prerequisite
Before you complete the tasks in this section, you must back up these batch input
Address Book - Interoperability (F0101Z2).
Customer Master LOB - Batch Table (F03012Z1).
Supplier Master - Batch Upload (F0401Z1).
Batch Who's Who Information (F0111Z1).
Batch - Related Person (F01112Z1).
Batch - Electronic Address (F01151Z1).
Batch - Alternative Address (F01161Z1).
Phones - Interoperability (F0115Z1).
8.9.4 Setting Processing Options for Address Book Batch Purge (R0101Z1P)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Select
1. Purge Customer Master Batch table
Specify whether to purge all processed records with search type C (customer) in the
Customer Master Lob - Batch table. Values are:
Blank: Do not purge processed customer records.
1: Purge processed customer records.
A.4 Mapping Fields in the Batch Who's Who Information Table (F0111Z1)
This section contains a list of the fields in the F0111Z1 table. Some of the fields are
required to run the Who's Who Information Batch Upload program (R011110Z), while
others are not. Not all fields are displayed on address book forms or used by the
Address Book system.
See Also:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.
Table Description
Address Book Master (F0101) Stores names, address numbers, search types,
and address book category code information
for an individual or company that is assigned
an address book number.
Address Book - Who's Who (F0111) Stores names, address book information, and
who's who category code information for
individuals who are associated with a
particular address book number. Also, the
stored information includes the fields that
need to be protected for data privacy.
Related Person (F01112) Stores names, personal information, and
related- person category code information for
individuals who are related to a who's who
Address Book - Phone Numbers (F0115) Stores area codes, phone numbers, and types
of phones. Also, the stored information
includes the fields that need to be protected
for data privacy.
Electronic Address (F01151) Stores E-mail and uniform resource locator
(URL) addresses associated with a who's who
Address by Date (F0116) Stores addresses, address lines, postal codes,
and effective dates for address book numbers.
Also, the stored information includes the
fields that need to be protected for data
Table Description
Postal Codes (F0117) Stores the city, state, county, country, and
optionally, a second postal code, bulk mailing
center and carrier route for postal codes that
you enter.
Alternate Address (F01161) Stores addresses, address lines, postal codes,
and effective dates for who's who and contact
Address Organization Structure Master Stores parent numbers, child numbers,
(F0150) address numbers, and structure types.
Enhanced Parent Child (F01501) Stores parent numbers and who's who child
Country Constants Master File (F0070) Stores country-specific address-book formats
for international mailing labels.
AB Word Search Master (F01815) Stores words that are referenced when you
search for a name.
Supplemental Database - Core (F01090) Stores user-defined information, such as
textual and statistical information.
Supplemental Database - Code (F01092)
Supplemental Database - Narrative (F01093)
Address Book Master Audit Log (F0101A) Stores a record of changes to existing address
book records and new address book records
that have been entered.
Address Book Data Permissions List Stores the permission list definitions to be
Definitions (F01138) used for Address Book Data Privacy. The
stored information includes the fields that
should be protected for data privacy.
Postal Code Address (F0118) Stores the address associated with a specific
postal code.
Activity Master (F01301) Stores the activities and tasks that are part of
the Foundation Calendar module.
Activity Master Work Table (F01301W) Stores the activities and task records including
the recurrence records that are generated
when a user inquires on an activity.
Activity-Deleted IDs for Sync (F01302) Stores the records that are deleted in
disconnected mode.
Calendar Master (F01311) Stores the calendar record and related
properties for all calendars created in the
Foundation Calendar module.
Recurrence Master (F01321) Stores the recurrence patterns for activities
and tasks.
Recurrence Exclusion (F01331) Stores the exclusions for recurrences that are
set up for an activity or task.
Action Plan (F01401) Stores the grouping of activity templates (that
is, pseudo activities) that can later be used to
create real activities.
Action Plan Activity (F01411) Stores the activity templates that are available
to be associated with action plans.
Contacts Subscription Table (F011901) Stores the contacts for which a user has
requested synchronization between the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne server and the
Personal Information Manager.
Table Description
Supplier Master (F0401) Stores supplier specific information.
Customer Master (F03012) Stores customer specific information.
Table Description
Address Book - Interoperability (F0101Z2) Stores records that originate from an outside
(third-party) source until they become JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne address book records.
Customer Master LOB-Batch Table (F03012Z1) Stores records that originate from an outside
(third-party) source until they become JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne customer master
Supplier Master - Batch Upload (F0401Z1) Stores records that originate from an outside
(third-party) source until they become JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne supplier master
Batch Who's Who Information (F0111Z1) Stores who's who (contact) records that
originate from an outside source until they
become JD Edwards EnterpriseOne who's
who entries.
Batch - Related Person (F01112Z1) Stores related person records that originate
from an outside source until they become JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne related person entries
for a who's who entry.
Phones-Interoperability (F0115Z1) Stores phone numbers information for
Batch - Electronic Address (F01151Z1) Stores E-mail and URL records that originate
from an outside source until they become JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne electronic address
Batch - Alternative Address (F01161Z1) Stores alternative address records that
originate from an outside source until they
become JD Edwards EnterpriseOne alternative
address records.
See Also:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Workflow Tools Guide.
C.1.1.1 Description
Workflow Description
The system initiates a workflow process for the owner and the assignees of an event or
task within the Foundation Calendar system. The workflow process "sleeps" until the
selected lead time for the event or task is reached. When the lead time is reached, the
system sends a workflow message to the owner and assignees of the event or task.
Workflow Trigger
Entering or updating an event or task and selecting the reminder option with a lead
time and lead unit.
Workflow Action
The owner and the assignees of an event or task receive a message reminding them of
the activity. The message includes the address book number field 1, contact for address
book field 1, address book number field 2, contact for address book field 2, description
of the event or task, activity type, start date and time, and event or task end date/time.
Object ID
D.3.4.1 Print
1. Label Type
Specify the type of label to print. Values are:
1: Cheshire label
2: Dun/Bradstreet label (for future use)
D.3.6.1 Display
1. Print format
Specify the information to print on standard address labels. Values are:
1: Mailing labels. Print the mailing name and mailing address.
2: Mailing labels with address and phone numbers. Print the mailing name, mailing
address, address book number, and phone number.
3: Mailing labels with address numbers. Print the mailing name, mailing address, and
address book number.
4: Mailing labels with phone numbers. Print the mailing name, mailing address, and
phone number.
Mailing address lines 1 through 4 appear on the labels.
as if processing
A process that enables you to view currency amounts as if they were entered in a
currency different from the domestic and foreign currency of the transaction.
as of processing
A process that is run as of a specific point in time to summarize transactions up to that
date. For example, you can run various JD Edwards EnterpriseOne reports as of a
specific date to determine balances and amounts of accounts, units, and so on as of
that date.
back-to-back process
A process in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supply Management that contains the same
keys that are used in another process.
contra/clearing account
A general ledger account in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management that is
used by the system to offset (balance) journal entries. For example, you can use a
contra/clearing account to balance the entries created by allocations in JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Financial Management.
cost assignment
The process in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Cost Accounting of tracing or
allocating resources to activities or cost objects.
cost component
In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing, an element of an items cost (for
example, material, labor, or overhead).
currency restatement
The process of converting amounts from one currency into another currency, generally
for reporting purposes. You can use the currency restatement process, for example,
when many currencies must be restated into a single currency for consolidated
A protocol used to facilitate communication between business documents and
procurement applications, and between e-commerce hubs and suppliers.
date pattern
A calendar that represents the beginning date for the fiscal year and the ending date
for each period in that year in standard and 52-period accounting.
denominated-in currency
The company currency in which financial reports are based.
detail information
Information that relates to individual lines in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne transactions
(for example, voucher pay items and sales order detail lines).
dual pricing
The process of providing prices for goods and services in two currencies.
An entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a facility
might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, or branch/plant. A facility is
sometimes referred to as a business unit.
header information
Information at the beginning of a table or form. Header information is used to identify
or provide control information for the group of records that follows.
IServer service
This internet server service resides on the web server and is used to speed up delivery
of the Java class files from the database to the client.
matching document
A document associated with an original document to complete or change a
transaction. For example, in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management, a
receipt is the matching document of an invoice, and a payment is the matching
document of a voucher.
nota fiscal
In Brazil, a legal document that must accompany all commercial transactions for tax
purposes and that must contain information required by tax regulations.
supplemental data
planning family
A means of grouping end items whose similarity of design and manufacture facilitates
being planned in aggregate.
preference profile
The ability to define default values for specified fields for a user-defined hierarchy of
items, item groups, customers, and customer groups.
pull replication
One of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne methods for replicating data to individual
workstations. Such machines are set up as pull subscribers using JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne data replication tools. The only time that pull subscribers are notified of
changes, updates, and deletions is when they request such information. The request is
in the form of a message that is sent, usually at startup, from the pull subscriber to the
server machine that stores the F98DRPCN table.
Unique data identifying a browser session that initiates the business services call
request host/port user session.
quote order
In JD Edwards Procurement and Subcontract Management, a request from a supplier
for item and price information from which you can create a purchase order.
In JD Edwards Sales Order Management, item and price information for a customer
who has not yet committed to a sales order.
SEI implementation
A Java class that implements the methods that declare in a Service Endpoint Interface
spot rate
An exchange rate entered at the transaction level. This rate overrides the exchange rate
that is set up between two currencies.
supplemental data
Any type of information that is not maintained in a master file. Supplemental data is
usually additional information about employees, applicants, requisitions, and jobs
(such as an employee's job skills, degrees, or foreign languages spoken). You can track
virtually any type of information that your organization needs.
For example, in addition to the data in the standard master tables (the Address Book
Master, Customer Master, and Supplier Master tables), you can maintain other kinds of
three-tier processing
three-tier processing
The task of entering, reviewing and approving, and posting batches of transactions in
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
two-way authentication
An authentication mechanism in which both client and server authenticate themselves
by providing the SSL certificates to each other.
In JD Edwards Capital Asset Management, the difference between revenue generated
by a piece of equipment and costs incurred by the equipment.
In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Costing and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Manufacturing, the difference between two methods of costing the same item (for
example, the difference between the frozen standard cost and the current cost is an
engineering variance). Frozen standard costs come from the Cost Components table,
and the current costs are calculated using the current bill of material, routing, and
overhead rates.
An internal type of a wide character. It is used for writing portable programs for
international markets.