CQ tv190
CQ tv190
CQ tv190
Contents............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Committee Contacts ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Chairmans Column......................................................................................................................................... 3
Enigma Rally.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Subscription rates............................................................................................................................................. 7
CQ-TV Commercial advertising rates............................................................................................................ 7
Deadline............................................................................................................................................................ 8
TM531 - A Packet of interference? ................................................................................................................ 8
A Little Spot of Invention..............................................................................................................................10
Digital Video - Questions and Answers part 1 .........................................................................................11
New Digital Test Card...................................................................................................................................13
Core decodes and displays up to eight MPEG2 streams.............................................................................14
ATVISS Amateur Television on the International Space Station ...........................................................15
Digital television in the USA ........................................................................................................................16
Digital Amateur TV tests started in Germany .............................................................................................17
Members Services ........................................................................................................................................18
BATC Publications........................................................................................................................................19
An introduction to PIC programming. Part 2...............................................................................................20
Members only! ...............................................................................................................................................24
Call sign generator .........................................................................................................................................24
Further uses of Plug Top Power Supplies ....................................................................................................25
Profiling RF Parabolas...................................................................................................................................28
Circuit Notebook 70 ......................................................................................................................................29
TV on the air ..................................................................................................................................................30
In Retrospect ..................................................................................................................................................33
Satellite TV News..........................................................................................................................................34
TANDATA Videotex Terminals - RAM Upgrade .....................................................................................39
24cms Filter Experiment ...............................................................................................................................41
Television Repeater in Trouble.....................................................................................................................44
Digital TV deal for Zoran and Infineon .......................................................................................................44
Post and News................................................................................................................................................45
Members adverts............................................................................................................................................47
For Sale...........................................................................................................................................................47
Index of Advertisers.......................................................................................................................................48
Edited by Ian Pawson, circuits drawn by Allan Robinson, proof read by Peter Delaney. All rights
reserved, all wrongs denied.
Copyright 2000 by the BATC and contributors.
Legal Niceties (the small print)
E&OE. Whilst every care is taken in the production of this publication, the editor accepts no legal responsibility for the
advice, data and opinions expressed. The BATC neither endorses nor is it responsible for the content of advertisements or
the activities of those advertisers. No guarantee of accuracy is implied or given for the material herein. The BATC expressly
disclaims all liability to any person in respect of anything and in respect of the consequences of anything done or omitted to
be done wholly or partly in reliance upon the whole or any part of this magazine.
The contents of this publication are covered by international copyright and must not be reproduced without permission,
although an exception is made for not-for-profit publications (only) wishing to reprint short extracts or single articles and
then only if acknowledgement is given to CQ-TV.
Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of published review, private study or research permitted under applicable
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or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
All copyrights and trademarks mentioned in this publication are acknowledged and no infringement of the intellectual
copyright of others is intended. Printed in Great Britain. ISSN 1466-6790
Notice to Contributors
Authors are alone responsible for the content of their articles, including factual and legal accuracy, and
opinions expressed by them may not reflect the editorial stance of the publication. Material submitted to CQ-
TV should not infringe the copyright of other writers or bodies. Articles remain the copyright of their authors
and following publication in CQ-TV, they may also appear on the BATC's web site and CD-ROMs, also in
other not-for-profit amateur publications. Contributions are accepted for publication on this basis alone.
Printed by Clipper Print Ltd., Unit 13, East Goscote Ind. Estate, East Goscote, Leicester, LE7 3XJ, England.
Telephone: 0116 260 9909.
Graham Hankins G8EMX, 17 Cottesbrook Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, B27 6LE.Tel: 0121 706 7384 Email:
Club Sales
Members Services: - PCBs, components, camera tubes, accessories, etc. (NOT PUBLICATIONS). Peter Delaney,
G8KZG, 6 East View Close, Wargrave, Berkshire, RG10 8BJ. Tel: 0118 940 3121. Email: services@batc.org.uk
Publications: - Handbooks, Back copies CQ-TV, and anything related to the supply of BATC publications. Paul
Marshall, Fern House, Church Road, Harby, Notts., NG23 7ED, England. E-mail: publications@batc.org.uk
Anything to do with membership, including new applications, queries about new and existing membership, non-
receipt of CQ-TV, subscriptions, membership records, data protection act. Dave Lawton, G0ANO, Grenehurst,
Pinewood Road, High Wycombe, Bucks., HP12 4DD. Tel: 01494 528899. E-mail: memsec@batc.org.uk
Club Liaison: - And anything of a political nature, co-ordination of ATV repeater licences. Graham Shirville,
G3VZV, The Hill Farm, Potsgrove, Milton Keynes, Bucks., MK17 9HF. Tel: 01525 290343. E-mail
Contests:- Richard Guttridge, G4YTV, Ivy House, Rise Road, Skirlaugh, Hull, HU11 5BH. Tel: 01964 562498
The Gate will open for visitors from 10.00 hrs. Entry fee 1 per person-accompanied
children under 16 free.
Talk in on S22 by the Milton Keynes ARS that is based in the Park.
All indoors in the former CAA building, with two separate rooms for members to
display their personal equipment and discuss developments Although it is a Closed
weekend for the museum a special tour of the Cryptology trail will be available
during the afternoon for an additional 1 payable at the entrance to the trail in
Faulkner House.
Refreshments are available both indoors, in Faulkner house, and outdoors, with a
Bar in Hut 4
A members car boot sale at 5 per pitch is set out on the Faulkner House car park-
Visitors will be free to visit GB2BP and some other specialist groups in Faulkner
House who have kindly agreed to open up for the occasion. The Military Group will
provide generator power for any OB vans.
Members wishing to attend a social evening in the bar on the Saturday are advised to
contact Tom G3LMX for a list of local establishments, SAE please! A buffet at 5 has
been arranged early booking essential.
Maps of the site and travel information are shown on the following pages.
All maps and information reproduced by kind permission of The Bletchley Park Trust.
Opening times
Bletchley Park is open every other
weekend 10:30am to 5:00pm with last
admissions at 3:30pm, and the last tour
begins at 3:00pm. For further details of
open weekends and special events, visit
the Bletchley Park Open Weekend Diary
There are 3 refreshment areas, offering a good selection of hot and cold food. Groups of 20 or more are
welcome to telephone +44 (0) 1908 640404 if they want to make special arrangements.
London Euston, Milton Keynes Central (for InterCity connections), Coventry and Birmingham New Street.
Bedford Midland (except Sunday) for connections to London Thames Link, East Midlands and South
Yorkshire. For more information,
including train times visit the Railtrack
web site.
By Bus
There are buses and coaches from all
parts of Milton Keynes and beyond,
arriving at Bletchley Bus Station. On
leaving the Bus Station head towards
the Railway Station and take the
footpath to Bletchley Park, opposite the
station entrance.
Discounts of 5% for 2-3 insertions and 10% for 4 and above apply to the above
If you would like to advertise in CQ-TV, then please contact our advertising manager,
Trevor Brown, 14 Stairfoot Close, Adel, Leeds, LS16 8JR. Tel: 01132 670115.
Email: adman@batc.org.uk
Or write to: Free BATC offer Caladan Communications 25 Dando Close, Wollaston, Northants,
NN29 7QB
All prices include postage and packing. Cheque with order please.
To provide a system which cannot The ISS being stabilised, these cameras The radio equipment would consist
sensibly be duplicated or replaced by would be essentially earth pointing of: Command receiver and decoder
the Internet! and therefore generally not vulnerable Simple AFSK 1200Bd packet system
to exposure to direct sunlight. would sufficient. The uplink could be
just below 438MHz if this would avoid
Background The cameras would be capable of the Pave Paws type radars?
Both the Mir space station and a pan/tilt and zoom operation.
number of SAREX Shuttle missions Command relay and telemetry
have demonstrated SSTV (slow scan) The camera(s) would be connected, by transmitter Would be to the same
Television. The SSTV transmissions an umbilical cable, back to a central standard as the receiver and work in
from Mir during late 98 and the first power supply, control and transmission simplex mode on the same frequency.
part of 99 have created a dramatic unit.
increase in the level of interest in the The video could be, perhaps initially,
mode and in the amateur space service. The ground station would command the could be colour SSTV as demonstrated
transmission on for a defined time by MIR .If a world-wide allocation on
The saying of a picture is worth a period (say 5 minutes) by sending a 2 metres was available this would be
thousand words has never been simple command (say a DTMF tone). ideal, but failing that, 10 metres
more true than the area of space Additional commands would operate (subject to space for the TX antenna)
exploration. The moon landings and the the pan/tilt/zoom system as required by would allow the use of simple, scanner
Mars Rover bear ample witness to this. the ground operator. type, receivers.
A large number of Amateur Radio Alternatively a packet system could be There is, currently, no adopted standard
Satellites have already demonstrated devised for control which would also for digital FSATV. A digital system
taking still pictures of the earth from relay the control sequences received would be the most appropriate in terms
space and these use devices which can and currently active back to the ground. of definition/power budget/spectrum
also be used for moving pictures. This would enable the ground station to usage. Until such a system is
understand what was happening with practicable the best system would be
Fast Scan Amateur Television (FSTV) the system and other ground stations FMTV as currently used by TV
is activity that started in the late 1940s could also see who was currently amateurs for most terrestrial operation
in Europe and the USA and generally commanding the camera. above 1GHz. The transmitted
uses standard broadcast systems to bandwidth would be, perhaps, some
maintain compatibility. Current there is The latter system would also enable the 10MHz if analogue or 4/5MHz if
ATV activity some 20 or 30 countries systems health to be monitored by digital. The band of choice for this
around the world. This activity centres telemetry carried on the same carrier. would be 13cms as it is already in
on the 70cms/23cms/13cms and 3cms common use by ATV operators in
bands both with simplex and repeater Maybe the APRS system would be many countries. Antenna
operation. There are, perhaps, some suitable/could be extended to provide beamwidth/gain would be an issue.
300 ATV repeaters around the world. this functionality.
Stock numbers 13, 20, 21, 26, 46, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62.
(For details see the Member's Services page in this issue, or the listing on the Club website).
Stocks are very limited on some items, so strictly this is on a 'first come, first served' basis.
If any stock remains of these items after 7th May, it will be disposed of. If you foresee a need for any of
these items, BUY NOW, or never again!
The indicated P&P prices for Members Services are for postage within the UK only. Will members outside the UK please
either try to estimate the extra postage required, or write for a quotation. All cheques MUST be drawn on a UK bank.
(Eurocheques, in sterling, are acceptable). Items marked thus: ** are available only until present stocks are exhausted.
Members Services orders ONLY to: Mr. P. Delaney, 6 East View Close, Wargrave, Berkshire, RG10 8BJ, England. Tel:
0118 940 3121 (Evenings, Weekends only please). Email: services@batc.org.uk Items from these lists can ONLY be supplied
to CURRENT members of the BATC. These lists supersede all previous ones
BATC Publications
Publication Each Qty Total
An Introduction To Amateur Television (225gm) ............................................... 5.00 .......... ...........
The latest handbook full of detailed information on how to set up your ATV
station, plus lots of new video and RF construction projects.
The Amateur TV Compendium (155gm).............................................................. 3.50 .......... ............
The BATC handbook featuring construction articles on video units, 24cm and
3cm ATV, a Digital Frame Store, and much more.
The Best of CQ-TV (150gm) .................................................................................. 3.50 .......... ............
A compilation of the best construction articles from CQ-TVs 133 to 146
CQ-TV Back Issues: .............................................................................................. 1.50 .......... ............
The following issues are still available. Please circle those required: 142, 143,
144, 147, 150, 153, 154, 156, 158 159, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170,
171, 173, 174, 175,176, 177,178, 179, 180, 181. 182, 183, 184, 185, 186
Special Offer: Any four of the above issues ............................................................. 5.00 .......... ............
187, 188, 189, 190 .................................................................................................... 2.50 .......... ............
The BATC CD......................................................................................................... 5.00 .......... ............
Total Goods and Postage - Amount Enclosed. ..........
The indicated prices for Publications include postage within the EEC. Will members outside the EEC please either try to
estimate the extra postage required, or write for a quotation.
Publications orders ONLY to: BATC Publications, Fern House, Church Road, Harby, Notts., NG23 7ED, England. Tel:
0152 270 3348 (Evenings/Weekends only). Email: publications@batc.org.uk. Publications can also be ordered via our web
site at www.batc.org.uk
makes no sense), are attempting to Im going to base this section on Microchip provides both versions on
misuse a register or have branched the Microchips own MPASM assembler. their web site www.microchip.com and
program to somewhere east of Cairo. It comes in two flavours, DOS and on their data CD. The DOS
Ive done all these and still have scars Windows - both do the same job but the implementation can either be started by
to prove it. DOS version is, in my opinion, easier typing MPASM then hitting the
to use and much faster to run. return key, in which case it requests
Members only!
As mentioned in the previous issue site. Access to these pages requires a Username: amember
(CQ-TV 188, page 42) we have set-up username and password. This quarters
a members only section on our web codes are as follows: - Password: mayday
The PIC runs off 5 volts and has 8 pins There is a further use for which this If anyone is interested in my Morse ID
on it. Pins 1 and 4 are tied to 5V; pin 2 could be used. One of these could be chip then they can contact me on 01782
is the Morse output; pin 3 toggles with fitted into the MIC circuit of your 869247, email G1EZJ@cwcom.net At
the Morse to power an LED as a front VHF/HF gear and set to run at a very the moment, the cost of programming
panel indication; pin 5 is not used; pins low level in the background. Now if and supplying the chip looks to be
6, 7 and 8 are tied to 0V. That is all (God forbid) your rig is stolen, the next about 10, including postage and
there is to it, and it could even be fitted time the thief or the receiver of your rig connection details.
into a microphone (providing a 5 volt tries to use it, it would give your call
supply is available). sign and address out in Morse as stored
on the PIC chip!
DC was input on 2 x 2.1mm connectors had power to spare for other uses. work equally well, although are not
to provide a loop through facility. man enough for the LCD monitors as
My home brewed LCD monitors use these usually need around 700mA.
Argos (and others) sells a Uniross 1.5 - the same connector, and hence can run Most new units that I have built
12 volt regulated 1A block for 9.99, on the same supplies. Plug top psus, recently use this power arrangement,
and one of these drove the 4 DAs and particularly the regulated version, will even an audio mixer. The other
advantage is that I have a stock of Sony
Static Electricity
Static electricity is a common Years ago, my old workbench had a earth, without a series resistor. If the
phenomenon, producing clinging real wood surface, grubby, scratched, soldering iron does not have an earth
clothes, the zap when sliding out of coffee stained and with the odd wire already, it will be necessary to fit
your car, etc. It can be generated by the soldering iron burn. Because it had a clip to the tip and attach an earthing
parting of two dissimilar materials, by such poor electrical insulation it would wire to this. For obvious reasons, dont
the rubbing of dissimilar materials have been ideal for handling SSDs, any solder on live equipment.
(tribo-charging) and induced by static charge would have leaked away
electrostatic fields from charged quite quickly. Now, my bench has an
persons or objects. insulating plastic laminate top and is Test Equipment
not at all suitable, so I need a static Test equipment should be earthed
dissipative bench mat (e.g. Maplin directly to prevent similar problems to
My Chair CH47B). The mat is connected to my those posed by the soldering iron. In
For example, my shack chair is the common earth point through a lead in most cases test equipment will already
usual swivel type with 5 plastic castors. series with a 1Mohm resistor, as before. be earthed because of coax cables and
When I sit on it and roll across the other interconnections.
carpet I become charged to about 4000
volts. If I touch the corner of the metal The Operator
filing cabinet I can draw a small spark, Now what about me? If I walk, with The Static Safe Work Area.
this would be sudden death to an SSD. my vinyl-soled shoes on the nylon An overall view of the Static Safe
carpet, or move about in my polyester Work Area is shown in Fig.1 above.
To make my chair safe, I decide on a shirt, my body may become
common earth point nearby (e.g. the electrostatically charged. To prevent The work area must be clear of
earth pin of a mains socket) and this, I need to wear a conductive wrist- insulating plastic bags and boxes,
connect the chair to it through a strap (e.g. Maplin FE29G), which is which otherwise might introduce static
flexible curly cord in series with a connected to my common earth point charges, only the black static
1Mohm resistor. The resistor limits the through its curly cord and the included dissipative types should be used.
discharge current and dissipates any 1Mohm resistor. Direct electrical
charge generated by moving the chair. connection of my wrist would What I have described may seem like
Direct earthing of the chair might pose definitely be a safety hazard! overkill when applied to the home
a safety hazard to the operator. workshop, but if you are handling an
expensive integrated circuit (e.g. a
The Soldering Iron
Mitsubishi RF Power Module costing
The Bench Here the problem is different. An 45) then the precautions are well
The workbench needs to have an unearthed soldering iron may have high worth taking.
electrically dissipative surface, to 50 Hz voltages present on the bit due to
dissipate and conduct away any charge, capacitive coupling between the It should be remembered that
which might otherwise build up on heating element and the casing of the electrostatic damage to a
objects placed on it. bit. Because of this, the soldering iron semiconductor device may not show up
bit should be connected directly to
TV on the air
By Graham Hankins G8EMX A trip to Birminghams Maplin 4pm Stand layout finalised. As self-
emporium was needed to obtain the declared King of the Sellotape I am
tuning and variable pots, and oh dear refixing the banner advertising the
Constructing the Dove can someone make a video of how to Bletchley Park Rally. All is as set as it
receiver assemble those connector blocks? It can be, retire to caravan (then pub) to
With a licensed ATV repeater so close looks easy, but I had a terrible job await opening of show tomorrow.
to the Lea Valley Leisure Centre, it was getting those spring contacts to lock
decided to attempt to arrange some into position within the block!
Day 2 Saturday,
actual ATV for the BATC stand at the 10am - exhibition opens. We
March show at Picketts Lock. I There is absolutely nothing to adjust, so desperately need more room on the
therefore decided to build the Bob there was no great surprise when a BATC table, so my beloved repeater
Platts 24cm Rx and hopefully have it in picture appeared first time (after tuning map has to go. Roger is already there,
use, on demonstration, over the in, of course!). Im a very careful receiving GB3EN and has provided a
exhibition weekend. constructor you see hi! It took me about transmitter and camera to put pictures
six hours to build (yes, for reference, I in, plus look through, which proves to
The paperwork with the kit comprises did note the time) be a main attraction throughout the day.
six A4 pages of building guidelines, a Then Brian Summers appears with (lots
components list, board layout and No sensitivity or other performance of!) books and CQ-TVs, followed by
circuit diagram. I normally choose to tests have been performed, but the Tom Mitchell with Bletchley Park
place resistors first, value by value i.e. Dove kit receives ATV, which is leaflets! We eventually sort out all
all the 470 ohms etc. I find this much what it says on the tin! this stuff - meanwhile the punters are
quicker than trying to find the value filling the hall. Very shortly later, the
that is R1, then R2 etc. Same with first new member is signed up, and
capacitors and here I had to use the lens Picketts Lock some stock is moved. Very shortly after
from a slide projector to see some of Day 1 Friday setting up. THAT, an ex ATVer arrives at the
the printed values! One particular 10am Some exhibitors already table to give us a load of BATC books
component was new to me what is a 0 preparing tables in Red Hall, Blue Hall back!
Ohms link (plain body, black band) not yet available.
Bob? There are several normal wire
Day 3 Sunday.
links too, also some socket positions 12 noon Plan is to receive the 24cm Quieter than yesterday, but punter
not used in the basic kit, so be careful Enfield ATV GB3EN repeater so John numbers gradually build. Receiver kit
because there will be holes left over Douglas G4DVG and Roger G8IUC continues to sell, helped by built
hi! arrive to put 24cm and 2M antennas on version on show and kit documentation
Picketts Lock roof! This had been on view.
A glance at the receiver photo in a agreed with RadioSport and Southgate
CQ-TV confirmed that the ICs were ARS some weeks before. Tables for Happy Birthday GB3EN! So begins
soldered directly into the board no Blue Hall being unloaded and arranged. the March newsletter from the North
sockets. But were they static-sensitive?
London Television Group (NLTG) to
The instructions did not mention any 2pm Feeder cables descending from mark 12 months from the initial switch
precautions, so in they went. I found roof onto BATC stand, which is now on of the Enfield 24cm ATV repeater
that the legs of the dual-in-line ICs nearly covered by exhibition goodies. on 12th March 1999.
needed a gentle squeeze to fit the rows Dove receiver connected to monitor
of holes, and I would have been and powered up. Picture appears
advised to put the ICs in before the That switch -on coincided with the
straight away, things look good. Saturday of the Picketts Lock Rally last
electrolytic capacitors.
1Watt FM-TV 24cms Transmitter
This add-on kit vastly improves the overall stability of the 1-watt
transmitter two crystal locked channels and a third free running
tuning position are available. Kit price 30.00
The New Amiga ATV program has more features than ever, up
to 56 testcards, 20 wipes, superb text control, 30 screens of text
messages, QRA calc, Testcard music, selectable displays, and
this version has a DTMF tone pad to control your repeater. All
testcards are over-scan i.e. the whole screen is used, Load in
your own customised testcards, Extra large text, scrolling text,
clock, callsign extensions, Hot key operation, Doc reader, ATV
Cli, Cross Hatches, Purity and a comprehensive section for
genlock users. For any Amiga with 1meg or more, state callsign
and QRA (if known) when ordering, this three disk set is now
only 10.00 P&P 75p
Treasurer of GB3VR, R. Stephens, 21 St. James Ave., Lancing, Sussex, BN15 0NN.
Cheques payable to "WVRG" Tel (01903) 765760 7 to 8pm.
Page 32 CQ-TV 190 2000 by the BATC
In Retrospect
There were several errors in the IC table
on page 18 of CQ-TV 189, at the end of
the 625 line to 30 line converter article.
The correct (I hope) version is shown
IC Table
10nF ceramic decoupling
capacitors to be connected across
each IC. Unused CMOS inputs to
be connected to 0V.
To simplify the circuit diagram
the connections to Vdd and 0V are
not shown on CMOS ICs
No. Type Vdd 0V
1 LM1881 8 4
2 74HC02 14 7
3 74HC4040 16 8
4 4001 14 7
5 4024 14 7
8 S. Marshall
8 4516 16 8
9 4516 16 8 20dB gain 10GHz horns 25.00
10 4516 16 8
11 4516 16 8 Waveguide 16 and 17 flanges 5.00
12 74HC257 16 8 Slot antennas and filters made to order.
13 74HC257 16 8
14 74HC257 16 8 For further information, contact: -
15 74HC257 16 8
16 74HC75 5 12 S. Marshall, G6NHG,
17 74HC75 5 12 25 Carlcroft,
18 74HC00 14 7 Stonydelph,
19 HM6264A 28 14 Tamworth,
20 74HC00 14 7
21 4520 16 8
Staffs., B77 4DL.
22 CA3140 7 4
23 4528 16 8 Telephone: 01827 897920. 7:30pm -
24 CA3306E 12 3 10pm weekdays.
Channel News
TV3, TV6, TV8, TV1000 and ZTV
were due to launch in digital on April
25 from Sirius 3 using Viaccess. It is
reported that the current Eurocrypt-M
D2-MAC cards will be compatible with
the Viaccess encryption.
Thats it again for another edition of
Satellite TV News. Please do keep
writing and sending the e-mails. In the
next issue I hope to add further
experiences with the new Echostar
AD3000IP and hope to include some
details of the station set up here at
Threapwood Teleport. As usual the e-
mail contact is
paul.holland@btinternet.com or by
phone on 01948 770476 (fax 01948
Intelsat 903 25.5 W Coverage
From Wireless 1926 I like, too, the attitude of the pirate who of something like "Digital Video -
was recently relieved by a magistrate of Questions and Answers" (and authors
Royalties! a couple of Fishers for possessing no name). I would suggest that the stuff on
One of the best radio stories of the license. His set, which was made up in 1394 onwards might make a separate
week is that of the man who wrote to a a soap box, was installed under his bed, instalment - it may need to be split even
firm of wireless manufacturers, from and he protested vigorously that if the further, alhough I had got it down from
whom he had purchased a receiving set. license fee were paid the Post Office 15 to 10 pages (in larger type size than
To complain that he had been done. He authorities should install the aerial and used for the magazine). Regarding his
explained that that the catalogue price the wireless set, just as they put in the copyright notice, I wonder if 'Adapted
was stated to include royalties, but that telephone when you paid for that. from an article by ...., whose copyright
so far he had not heard from any is reserved' (or something along those
member of the royal family! When I came to in the night - as one
lines) should appear at the end of each
does - I was thinking about the above. I
Value for Money instalment. (Have not got his text up in
wonder if it might appear under a title
front of me).
everywhere. Originally these units The RAM is backed up by a PCB battery failure.
were designed to work with a mounted Lithium coin cell. If this cell
mainframe computer. In 1985 many is to last a few more years special low The wire goes to C15 on the main PCB
services were available, but today as far power static RAM chips should be near Z10 and the resistor is connected
as I know there is no service. used. Speed is not a problem and any to the anode of D4 to pick up the +5
RAM available today is fast enough. volt supply. The circuit could be built
A common request is for more memory Suitable types for the 8k x 8 RAM are on a piece of strip board with a few
for more pages of text and HM6264ALP-15, GM76C88AL15, and wires. Watch the height of
pictures. The early Tandata Z2 Z14 Total Pages Page Names your 32k RAM adaptor as in
units had as few as no pages, the Td4000 there is about 18
while later models had 2, 6, 13 mm between the top of the
2k none 2k none
and 37 pages of storage. The LC2 PCB and the under side
two basic models are of the keyboard. If you have
identified simply by the PCB: 2k 2k 4k 2 A-B to use sockets then low profile
LC1 is single sided and LC2 is types need to be used and C56
double sided. Changing the 8k none 8k 6 A-F may need to be replaced with
memory is all that is needed to a radial type to allow space to
give additional pages. 8k 8k 16k 13 A-M fit your adapter.
Passband of single trough filter Section 7.7, Fig 18 gives some detail of
this type of filter; with Fig 19 giving
This could be achieved by the physical my constructional techniques, i.e. dimensions of a 1/4-wave filter that can
separation of the TX and RX antennas, hacksaw, measuring tape, and soldering be scaled to other frequencies.
or by constructing a bandpass filter iron. So, I decided to have a go.
system. Section 9.22 utilises the filter in a
Construction techniques have been different way to provide a doubler to
Since physically separating the two described in the RSGB, VHF/UHF 2304 MHz; again some detail is given
antennas was difficult, together with
attaining the signal levels from
GB3TM, I had no alternative but to
look at building a bandpass filter.
Fig 8 shows the passband of the rx bandwidth around the tx frequency, around 100dB could be attained.
filter giving 60dB attenuation at the tx since we are working with a broadband
frequency. signal. Five sections I think is a bit of overkill,
however it works with a through loss of
The two notch filters were staggered in If we tuned the two notch filters to the less than -2dB at the pass frequency.
frequency, so as to give more same frequency, then an attenuation of
Remember also we are working here
with a 30 MHz split frequency.
E-mail: briankaz@dial.pipex.com
Tektronix Spectrum Analyser in use.
Dear Sirs,
East Cottage, Chineham Lane, Sherborne St. John, Hants RG24 9LR
Note that Mitsubishi have recently increased the price of some of the PA modules, including
the M57762
Now available The GH QUAD. 24cms solid state PA using 4xM57762 for up to 80W out
for ATV. Available as a mini-kit, including PCB, un-drilled heatsink, mounting plate and all
PCB-mounted components with full instructions. Check web site or ring for latest details.
This is a no-tune amplifier, but is not suitable for novice constructors. Construction notes
available free on the web site.
The above devices are always in stock. All other Mitsubishi PA modules and GaAsFETs
available to order, please ask for details. GH Engineering is able to supply many other RF
semiconductors that have become obsolete or difficult to find. All prices are full inclusive, but
please add 1.50 handling for orders under 10. Please send cheques made payable to GH
Engineering to the address above, or order by phone with any major credit card.
For Sale
FOR SALE: A number of copies of TELEVISION ENGINEERING Vol 2. Barco CRM51 Colour monitor 50,
CQ-TV from the early 1970s can be Amos/Birkenshaw. iliffe Books. Mint Studer B62 Half track stereo tape deck
had from a shop called Quinton TV, copy with d/w. 6 with some tapes 75, Kingshill variable
College Road, Quinton, B32 1AB. Ring psu O-50v @ 5amps twice 19" Rack
0121-422 6075. Modest price. UNDERSTANDING TELEVISION. mount, metered 40, Nagra 1V-S Half
John Howkins. Sundial Books 1976. track portable tape recorder offers!!
Large format, well-illustrated sections Contact Ray Hill on 01989 762839,
including 'Upstairs-Downstairs' , ITN, email
History of TV etc. 5 uk
FOR SALE: For-A monochrome TVT
typewriter (VTW-100 caption INDEPENDENT TELEVISION IN
generator) and matching on-screen BRITAIN. Bernard Sendall. 1982. Vol
pointer (controlled by joystick). These 1. Origin & Foundation 1946-1962.
are low-end broadcast items, for 625- How ITV began. Invaluable history for
line system. Both clean and working, the TV scholar. 10 Sony HVC 2000 colour camera,
50 the pair from Tony Clayden 020- Pioneer PX7 Genlock computer
8361 8881 GIRL FILM & TELEVISION (MSX), Toshiba HX10 computer
ANNUAL No1 1957. No d/w. 6. 1st (MSX), Toshiba disk drive and DM
of this attractive series printer for same, 14in RGB Cub
monitor, 24cm aerial 28 element
G3JVL, 24cm Fred Smith 39 element
aerial, BATC Mk 2 receiver PCB,
Gerani/Schulman. Titan Books 1987.
Books: - ITV ANNUAL 1964. ed Huw module and i/c sound chip, all new or
Lots of US/UK fantasy tv shows listed.
Thomas. Nice pictures of ITN, Fireball as new.
Illustrated. 3
XL5, studio scenes, Pye cameras. Spine
paper missing. 3. Monitors: 9in (6), 12in (3) b/w, all
MAGPIE ANNUAL 1973 & 1974. 1
external sync. Door phone monitors (3)
UNDERSTANDING TELEVISION. new, good viewfinders.
Ed. Robert Hilliard. Hastings House
All VGC. Postage minimum on all
1964. Many photos of tv equipment- 75m x H100 cable, new. 22in Mk3
items 1.50
vt-mics-cameras-lights from the period. studio colour monitor, Safgan DB
A USA 'How to' book. 8 scope (intermittent fault), TVT 432
Contact Dicky Howett. 01371 820155, 70cms vision TX, Sanson HD tripod,
Email: dicky.howett@btinternet.com TS 129V HF rig with 100W amp.,
TELEVISION: The First 50 years.
Geddes/Bussey. 1986. Well illustrated Kenwood TR7600 2M rig, external
booklet produced by the National camera housings (2).
Museum of Photography, Film &
Television. 5 CQ-TV mags 60 to date, some earlier,
and various handbooks.
Instruction book and service manual for one. Contact Ray Hill on 01989
a Sony U-Matic, model VO-7630. 762839, email
Contact Dave Hazell on 01793 765390 RAYandNEIL@rayhilltv.freeserve.co.
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