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Etnofarmakologi Anti Kanker PDF

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International Journal of PharmTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304

Vol. 3, No.1, pp 298-308, Jan-Mar 2011

Ethnopharmacological Review of Traditional

Medicinal Plants for Anticancer Activity
Sakarkar D.M., Deshmukh V.N.*
Sudhakarrao Naik Institute of Pharmacy,Pusad, Dist. Yavatmal (M.S.) Pin 445 204,India

*Corres. author: go2vilas@rediffmail.com,

Tel No. 07233-247308, Mobile- 91-9422921566

Abstract: Medicinal herbs have been on the forefront whenever we talk about anticancer remedies, Herbal medicines
have a vital role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. With advanced knowledge of molecular science and
refinement in isolation and structure elucidation techniques, various anticancer herbs has been identified, which execute
their therapeutic effect by inhibiting cancer-activating enzymes and hormones, stimulating DNA repair mechanism,
promoting production of protective enzymes, inducing antioxidant action and enhancing immunity of the body. Here we
covered the plants used previously and recently identified for treatment of cancer and to reduce the pains during the
treatment of cancer.
Keywords: Anticancer, Medicinal herbs, Herbal medicines, Cancer treatment.

INTRODUCTION anticancer herbs, the herbal formulations can be

From the earliest times, herbs have been prized for designed to attack the cancerous cells without harming
their pain-relieving and healing abilities and today we normal cells of the body1,2 .
still rely largely on the curative properties of plants. Medicinal herbs are also significant source of synthetic
According to World Health Organization, 80 % of the and herbal drugs. So far, pharmaceutical companies
people living in rural areas depend on medicinal herbs have screened more than 25,000 plants for anti-cancer
as primary healthcare system. The synthetic anticancer drugs2. This should tell us that looking for single
remedies are beyond the reach of common man ingredients to attack cancer might be missing the point.
because of cost factor. Herbal medicines have a vital Just as cancers are a product of disturbances in the
role in the prevention and treatment of cancer and body, so herbs can correct the disturbances as well as
medicinal herbs are commonly available and control many cancers. Herbal system of medicine has
comparatively economical. A great deal of been practiced for thousand of years.
pharmaceutical research done in technologically Phytoconstituents derived from the herbs Vinca rosea,
advanced countries like USA, Germany, France, Japan Taxus species, Achyranthes bidentata, Allium sativum,
and China has considerably improved quality of the Aloe vera, Angelica sinensis, Astragals
herbal medicines used in the treatment of cancer. Some membranaceus, Glycine max, Glycyrrhiza glabra,
herbs protect the body from cancer by enhancing Hordeum vulgare, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Medicago
detoxification functions of the body. Certain biological sativa, Morinda citrifolia, Panax pseudoginseng,
response modifiers derived from herbs are known to Saussurea lappa, Taxus wallichiana, Tinospora
inhibit growth of cancer by modulating the activity of cordifolia, Viscum album, Withania somnifera,
specific hormones and enzymes. Some herbs reduce Zingiber officinale etc. have been used in various
toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. formulations to enhance activity of immune cells of
Scientists all over the world are concentrating on the the body that promotes production of cytokines
herbal medicines to boost immune cells of the body including interleukin, interferon, tumor necrosis factor
against cancer. By understanding the complex and colony stimulating factor. These formulations help
synergistic interaction of various constituents of the body to fight cancer more effectively and reduce
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 299

toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy might arise years after the exposure to chemicals or
stages of cancer. radiation. Other factors such as tobacco smoking,
alcohol consumption, excess use of caffeine and other
WHAT IS CANCER? drugs, sunshine, infections from such oncogenic virus
Cancer is a general term applied of series of malignant like cervical papillomaviruses, adenoviruses Karposis
diseases that may affect different parts of body. These sarcoma (HSV) or exposure to asbestos. These
diseases are characterized by a rapid and uncontrolled obviously are implicated as causal agents of
formation of abnormal cells, which may mass together mammalian cancers. However a large population of
to form a growth or tumor, or proliferate through out people is often exposed to these agents. Consequently
the body, initiating abnormal growth at other sites. If cancer cells continue to divide even in situations in
the process is not arrested, it may progress until it which normal cells will usually wait for a special
causes the death of the organism. The main forms of chemical transduction signal. The tumor cells would
treatment for cancer in humans are surgery, radiation ignore such stop signals that are sent out by adjacent
and drugs (cancer chemotherapeutic agents). Cancer tissues. A Cancer cell also has the character of
chemotherapeutic agents can often provide temporary immortality even in vitro whereas normal cells stop
relief of symptoms, prolongation of life, and dividing after 50-70 generations and undergoes a
occasionally cures. In recent years, a lot of effort has programmed cell death (Apoptosis). Cancer cells
been applied to the synthesis of potential anticancer continue to grow invading nearby tissues and
drugs. Many hundreds of chemical variants of known metastasizing to distant parts of the body. Metastasis is
class of cancer chemotherapeutic agents have been the most lethal aspect of carcinogenesis4.
synthesized but have a more side effects. A successful
anticancer drug should kill or incapacitate cancer cells TYPES OF CANCERS5
without causing excessive damage to normal cells. 1) Cancers of Blood and Lymphatic Systems:
This ideal is difficult, or perhaps impossible, to attain a) Hodgkin's disease, b) Leukemias, c)
and is why cancer patients frequently suffer unpleasant Lymphomas, d) Multiple myeloma,
side effects when under-going treatment. Synthesis of e) Waldenstrom's disease
modifications of known drug continues as an important 2) Skin Cancers:
aspect of research. However, a waste amount of a) Malignant Melanoma
synthetic work has given relatively small 3) Cancers of Digestive Systems:
improvements over the prototype drugs. There is a a) esophageal cancer, b) Stomach cancer, c)
continued need for new prototype-new templates to Cancer of pancreas, d) Liver cancer, e) Colon and
use in the design of potential chemotherapeutic agents: Rectal cancer, f) Anal cancer
natural products are providing such templates. Recent 4) Cancers of Urinary system:
studies of tumor-inhibiting compound of plant origin a) Kidney cancer, b) Bladder cancer, c) Testis
have yielded an impressive array of novel structures. cancer, d) Prostate cancer
Many of these structures are extremely complex, and it 5) Cancers in women:
is most unlikely that such compounds would have been a)Breast cancer, b) Ovarian cancer, c)
synthesized in empirical approaches to new drugs 3. Gynecological cancer, d) Choriocarcinoma
CAUSES OF CANCER 6) Miscellaneous cancers:
Modern medicine attributes most cases of cancer to a) Brain cancer, b) Bone cancer, c) Carcinoid
changes in DNA that reduce or eliminate the normal cancer, d) Nasopharyngeal cancer,
controls over cellular growth, maturation, and e) Retroperitoneal sarcomas f) Soft tissue cancer,
programmed cell death. These changes are more likely g) Thyroid cancer
to occur in people with certain genetic backgrounds (as
illustrated by the finding of genes associated with THE MECHANISM ON CANCER THERAPY6
some cases of cancer and familial prevalence of certain 1. Inhibiting cancer cell proliferation directly by
cancers) and in persons infected by chronic viruses stimulating macrophage phagocytosis, enhancing
(e.g., viral hepatitis may lead to liver cancer; HIV may natural killer cell activity.
lead to lymphoma). The ultimate cause, regardless of 2. Promoting apoptosis of cancer cells by increasing
genetic propensity or viruses that may influence the production of interferon, interleukin-2
risk of the cancer, is often exposure to carcinogenic immunoglobulin and complement in blood serum.
chemicals (including those found in nature) and/or to 3. Enforcing the necrosis of tumor and inhibiting its
radiation (including natural cosmic and earthly translocation and spread by blocking the blood
radiation), coupled with a failure of the immune source of tumor tissue.
system to eliminate the cancer cells at an early stage in 4. Enhancing the number of leukocytes and
their multiplication. The immunological weakness platelets by stimulating the hemopoietic function.
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 300

5. Promoting the reverse transformation from carcinogenesis of normal cells.

tumor cells into normal cells. 7. Stimulating appetite, improving quality of sleep,
6. Promoting metabolism and preventing relieving pain, thus benefiting patients health.

Table 1: Plants with Anti-Cancer activity.

Sr. Botanical name Family Common name Active constituent

1 Allium sativum Liliaceae Garlic Alliin ,allicin alliin, alliinase, S-allyl-
cysteine (SAC), diallyldisulphide
(DADS), diallyltrisulphide (DATS) and
2 Actinidia chinensis Actinidiaceae China gooseberry, Polysaccharide known as ACPS-R
3 Aloe ferox, Liliaceae Aloe vera Aloe-emodin, emodin, aloin
Aloe barbadenis acemannan,
4 Ananas comosus Bromeliaceae Pine apple, Ananas Bromelain
5 Angelica sinensis Umbelliferae Angelica Polysaccharide fraction of known as
6 Annona species Annonaceae Monkey species Acetogenins
7 Arctium lappa, Compositae Burdock Potent anticancer factors.
8 Astragalus membranaceus Papilionaceae -- Swainsonine
9 Betula utilis Betulaceae Bhojpatra Betulin
10 Camellia sinensis Theaceae Tea plant Epigallocatechin gallate
11 Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae Vinca Vinblastine, Vincristine , Alstonine,
Ajmalicine and Reserpine.
12 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Oocystaceae -- Lysine
13 Colchicum luteum Liliaceae Colchicum Colchicines demecolcine
14 Combretum caffrum Combritaceae -- Combretastatin
15 Curcuma longa Linn. Zinziberaceae Turmeric Tumerone, curcumine.
16 Echinacea angustifolia Asteraceae Black sampson Arabinogalactan,
17 Fagopyrum esculentum, Polygonaceae Vitamin p Amygdalin, Rutin
18 Ginkgo biloba Ginkoaceae Kew tree Ginkgolide-B, A, C and J
19 Glycine max Leguminosae Soyabean Zinc, selenium, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B12,
C, D, E and K), amino acids,
isoflavones, protease inhibitors,
saponins and phytosterols
20 Glycyrrhiza glabra Leguminosae Liquorice Glycyrrhizin.
21 Gossypium barbadense Malvaceae Raw cotton Gossypol
22 Gyrophora esculenta Umbilicariaceae Mushroom Polysaccharides -glucans, -glucans,
and galactomannans.
23 Lentinus edodes Agaricaceae -- Lentinan
24 Linum usitatissimum Linaceae Flax seed, Linseed Cynogenetic glycosides, Lignans
25 Mentha species Labiateae Pudina Monoterpene ketones
26 Ochrosia elliptica Apocynaceae Ellipticine and 9-methoxy ellipticine are
pyridocarbazole (monomeric indole)
27 Panax ginseng Aralaceae Ginseng Ginsenosides, Panaxosides
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 301

28 Picrorrhizia kurroa Scrophulariaceae Picrorrhizia (kutki) Picrosides I, II, III and kutkoside
29 Podophyllum hexandrum Berberidaceae Podophyllum Podophyllin,astragalin
30 Taxus brevifolia Taxaceae Pacific yew Taxanes, taxol cepholomannine

31 Withania somnifera Solanaceae Ashwagandha Withanolides, Withaferin

32 Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae Ginger Curcumin,gingerenoneA,Gingeols,
shogaols, zingerone

HERBS WITH ANTICANCER ACTIVITY enhances immunity of the body. The Garlic extract is
The list of plants along with their chemical found to inhibit growth of many cancers including
constituents responsible for anticancer activity is given those of the breast, bladder, skin, colon, oesophagus,
Table No. 01, and the plants are discussed below- stomach and the lung11. The research done at National
Medical Centre and Hospital in Japan has revealed that
01. Allium sativum the Garlic extract reduces side effects of radiotherapy
Garlic has been used for thousand of years to treat and chemotherapy.
various diseases. Hippocrates was the first to
recommend its use for cancer. Allium sativum contains 02. Actinidia chinensis
more than 100 biologically useful secondary Actinidia chinensis root are used by the Chinese
metabolites, which include alliin, alliinase, allicin, S- physicians in the treatment of cancer. Actinidia
allyl-cysteine (SAC), diallyldisulphide (DADS), chinensis contains a polysaccharide known as ACPS-
diallyltrisulphide (DATS) and methylallyltrisuphide. R that possesses immune-enhancing and anticancer
Garlic oil contains an amino acid known as alliin, activities12.
which is converted to allicin when its bulbs are
crushed. Allicin is a precursor to several sulphur- 03. Aloe vera
containing compounds that are responsible for the Aloe vera contains aloe-emodin, which activates the
flavour, odour and pharmacological properties of macrophages to fight cancer. Aloe vera also contains
Allium sativum7. Recent studies revealed presence of acemannan, which enhances activity of the immune
bioflavonoids quercetin and cyanidin are responsible cells against cancer 13. Aloe vera is found to inhibit
for antioxidant properties of garlic. Ajoene, a sulphur- metastases14.
containing compound, found in garlic oil, inhibits
mutagenesis. Garlic oil prevents prostaglandin- 04. Ananas comosus
dependent cancers by inhibiting lipoxygenase and Ananas comosus contains bromelain, which is a
cyclo-oxygenase enzymes. Garlic contains a rich mixture of proteases and some other enzymes.
content of selenium, which is a cellular antioxidant. Bromelain stimulates defence mechanism of the body
Diallyltrisulphide, diallyldisulphide and S-allyl- against cancer by enhancing cytotoxic activity of the
cysteine, found in Allium sativum, have monocytes and the macrophages, thus inhibiting
anticarcinogenic properties. Diallyltrisulphide prevents growth of cancer. It is used in the treatment of
metastases in the lung cancer 8. Garlic has shown leukaemia15.
significant therapeutic effect in cancers of the stomach
and the intestines. The Chinese Academy of Medical 05. Angelica sinensis
Sciences has reported inverse relationship between Angelica sinensis is used by the Chinese physicians to
garlic consumption and incidence of the stomach treat cancer of the cervix. The polysaccharide fraction
cancer10. Allium sativum inhibits genesis as well as of Angelica sinensis, known as AR-4 possesses
growth of cancer by enhancing activity of the natural immunostimulating activities such as induction of
killer cells and the macrophages. Studies have revealed interferon production, stimulation of the immune cell
that Allium sativum increases count of the suppressor T proliferation and enhancement of antitumour activity
cells and makes the lymphocytes more cytotoxic to of the immune cell16
cancerous cells. Allium sativum also inhibits
metastases by preventing adhesion of the circulating 06. Annona species
cancerous cells to the blood vessels. The Garlic extract Annona species contain acetogenins, which possess
protects DNA from the damaging effect of significant cytotoxic activity against leukemia and
carcinogens, increases activity of detoxifying enzymes, sarcoma. Acetogenins are found to be effective in the
speeds up excretion of chemical carcinogens and treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma 17
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 302

07. Arctium lappa in green tea protect the body from damaging effects of
Arctium lappa contains potent anticancer factors that radiation. A regular use of green tea protects the body
prevent mutations in the oncogenes. It has been used in against many cancers including those of the liver,
the treatment of malignant melanoma, lymphoma and oesophagus, stomach, intestine and the lung. It has
cancers of the pancreas, breast, ovary, oesophagus, been observed that daily consumption of 5 grams of
bladder, bile duct and the bone. A study revealed that green tea inhibits synthesis of nitrosamine (a major
it reduces the size of tumour, relieves the pain and carcinogen) in the body.
prolongs the survival period18
11. Catharanthus roseus
08. Astragalus membranaceus Vinca rosea contains vinca alkaloids, which were the
Astragalus membranaceus is used by the Chinese first phytoconstituents ever used to treat cancer.
doctors to treat advanced cases of the liver cancer. Intense work on Catharanthus roseus, a folklore
Swainsonine, a derivative of Astragalus hypoglycaemic drug, led to isolation of more than 70
membranaceus, is known to prevent metastases. A dimeric indole alkaloids, which include vinblastine,
study showed a higher survival rate in the patients of vincristine (leurocrystine), alstonine, ajmalicine and
advanced stage liver cancer after administration of reserpine. Vinca alkaloids execute anticancer effect by
Astragalus membranaceus along with conventional binding to the tubulin (microtubule protein) thereby
treatment as compared to those patients, who were breaking down the microtubules, thus inhibiting
given the conventional treatment alone. Astragalus formation of mitotic spindle in the metaphase that
membranaceus protects the liver from toxic effects of arrests division of the cancerous cells. Although
chemotherapy. Astragalus membranaceus is often used structurally closely related, vinblastine and vincristine
in combination with Panax ginseng. Ginseng- have significant difference in their clinical utility.
Astragalus combination (GAC) has a regulatory effect Vinblastine is used in the treatment of Hodgkins
on the natural killer cells. Studies have also shown that disease, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and cancers of the
GAC protects the body from toxic side effects of kidney and the testis. Vincristine is usually given in
chemotherapy and enhances activity of the immune combination with other anticancer agents to treat acute
cells. GAC is found to regulate secretion of the stress lymphocytic leukaemia, Wilms tumour,
hormone, cortisol. Astragalus membranaceus is used neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewings sarcoma,
in China along with another herb called Ligustrum lymphoma and cancers of the breast, lung, bladder and
lucidum19. the cervix24.

09. Betula utilis 12. Chlorella pyrenoidosa

Betula utilis contains betulin that can be easily Chlorella pyrenoidosa contains a very effective
converted into betulinic acid. Studies have revealed detoxifying agent, known as lysine. Chlorella
that betulinic acid inhibits growth of malignant pyrenoidosa also contains high content of albumin that
melanoma and cancers of the liver and the lung20. neutralizes free radicals. Chlorella pyrenoidosa
protects the body from cancer25.
10. Camellia sinensis (green tea)
Camellia sinensis contains polyphenolics which are 13. Colchicum luteum
known to possess antimutagenic and anticancer Colchicum luteum, C. autumnale contains tropolone
activity. Some evidence suggests that tea has a groups of alkaloid colchicines. Colchicine shows
protective effect against stomach and colon cancers21. antimitotic activity and used in cancer for the dispersal
Animal studies also suggest that the risk of cancer in of tumors and for treatment of various neoplastic
several organs is reduced by consumption of green and diseases26.
black tea or their principal catechins. The tumor
incidence and average tumor yield in rats with 14. Combretum caffrum
chemically induced colon cancer were significantly Combretum caffrum contains combretastatin, which
reduced when the rats received (-)-epigallocatechin has been isolated recently. Combretastatin executes its
gallate, a major polyphenolic constituent of green therapeutic action against cancer by inhibiting blood
tea22. In a study conducted at the New Jersey Medical supply to the tumour. Camptothecin is a pyridoindole
School, extracts of both black and green tea (quinoline) alkaloid, which is isolated from seeds of
significantly inhibited leukemia and liver tumor cells Camptotheca acuminata27. Camptothecin is a well-
from synthesizing DNA. Green and black teas are also known anticancer agent. Derivatives of camptothecin
reported to possess antifungal, antibacterial, and such as 18-OH-camptothecin, 11-OH-camptothecin
antiviral activity23. It also inhibits growth of cancer by and 10-OH-camptothecin have been found to possess a
eliminating free radicals from the body. Gallates found strong antileukaemic activity28,29.
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 303

15. Curcuma longa found in normal cells of the body. Rhodanase protects
Curcuma longa contains curcumin, which inhibits the normal cells of the body from the killing effects of
growth of cancer by preventing production of harmful cyanide by converting free cyanide into relatively
eicosanoid such as PGE-2. The anticancer effect of harmless substance known as thiocyanate34.
curcumin has been demonstrated in all the steps of
cancer development, i.e. initiation, promotion and 18. Ginkgo biloba
progression of cancer. Data obtained from several Ginkgo biloba contains Ginkgolide-B, which protects
studies suggest that curcumin inhibits the genesis of the body against cancer. It inhibits growth of cancer by
cancer as well as promotes the regression of cancer30. regulating activity of the platelet-activating factor. A
Curcumin suppresses mutagenic effect of various recent study done on the workers of nuclear power
mutagens including cigarette smoke condensates, 7, station at Chernobyl in Russia has shown that Ginkgo
12-dimethylbenz (a)anthracene (DMBA) and biloba protects the DNA from damaging effects of
benzopyrene. Curcumin is found to decrease levels of nuclear radiation35,36.
urinary mutagens. It also possesses anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant properties. The protective effects of 19. Glycine max
Curcuma longa and its derivatives are partially due to Glycine max (Soya bean) is rich in zinc, selenium,
direct antioxidant effect. Studies have revealed that vitamins (A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E and K), amino acids,
Curcuma longa inhibits production of nitrosamine that isoflavones, protease inhibitors, saponins and
enhances natural antioxidant functions of the body. phytosterols. Studies have shown that isoflavones
Curcuma longa increases levels of glutathione and convert the cancerous cells to normal cells by inducing
other non-protein sulphahydryls. It acts directly on cell-differentiation. Genistein, one of the isoflavones
several enzymes. Curcumin is used to treat squamous found in higher concentrations in soya products, is
cell carcinoma of the skin and the ulcerating oral known to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in
cancer. Curcuma longa also prevents malignant the cancerous cells. Genistein also prevents platelet
transformation of leukoplakia. Its active phenolic aggregation by inhibiting tyrosine kinase inhibitor
constituents inhibit cancer and also have antimutagenic enzyme. It is worth mentioning that platelet
activity. Turmeric has been shown to suppress the aggregation promotes the spread of cancer. It has been
development of stomach, breast, lung, and skin observed that genistein blocks the synthesis of DNA in
tumors31. Its activity is largely due to the antioxidant the cancerous cells, thus inhibiting the growth of
curcumin (a diferuloylmethane), which has been shown cancer. Genistein also inhibits growth of hormone
to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent in humans 32. dependent cancers of the breast and the prostate.
Studies have revealed that genistein and other
16. Echinacea angustifolia isoflavones prevent growth of cancer by inhibiting
Echinacea angustifolia contains arabinogalactan, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels). It
which protects the body from cancer by activating the enhances immunity of the body and prolong survival
macrophages. Echinacea angustifolia is used to treat period in the liver and the stomach cancer patients. A
metastatic carcinoma of the oesophagus and the clinical study done by Chinese doctors on various
colon33. cancers patients including those of the lung, stomach,
oesophagus, intestines and the lymphatic system, has
17. Fagopyrum esculentum revealed that it improves quality of life and physical
Fagopyrum esculentum contains amygdalin which has functioning by improving appetite, strengthening
been used by the Chinese physicians for more than immune system of the body and reducing toxic effects
3,500 years to treat various tumours. Ernest Krebs, a of chemotherapy and radiotherapy37.
noted biochemist, has confirmed the anticancer activity
of Amygdalin, which is derived from Fagopyrum 20. Glycyrrhiza glabra
esculentum. Amygdalin is one of the nitrilosides The liquorice plant contains about 8% of glycoside
(natural cyanide-containing substances), which called glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin specifically reduces
consists of two molecules, i.e. benzaldehyde and the activity of two enzymes that break down
cyanide. In the body, these two molecules split off in prostaglandin E. Liquorice shows anti-infective and
the liver by an enzyme, called beta-glucosidase to form anticancer properties. In laboratory and animal studies,
glucuronic acid. Another enzyme known as it have stopped or slowed the growth of certain
glucuronidase that is present in higher concentrations bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Chemicals derived from
in the cancerous cells breaks glucuronic acid to liquorice have shown anticancer activity in animal
produce cyanide that kills the cancerous cells. It is studies and in laboratory cultures of human cancer
worth mentioning that cancerous cells do not contain cells. Additionally, true liquorice may have some
rhodanase (sulphur transferase), an enzyme, which is ability to improve functioning of the immune system38.
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 304

21. Gossypium barbadense metabolites51,52.

Gossypium barbadense contains gossypol. Recent
studies have revealed that gossypol possesses selective 26. Ochrosia elliptica
toxicity towards cancerous cells39. Ellipticine and 9-methoxy ellipticine are
pyridocarbazole (monomeric indole) alkaloids that
22. Gyrophora esculenta have been isolated from Ochrosia elliptica, which acts
Gyrophora esculenta is a mushroom that inhibits as potent anticancer agent. Ellipticine and its
growth of cancer by enhancing activity of the natural derivatives are used to treat cancers of the breast and
killer cells. A study reveled that it inhibits the kidney. Lipophilic derivatives of ellipticine act by
carcinogenesis and metastases40. binding to the DNA53.
27. Panax ginseng
23. Lentinus edodes Studies suggest that ginseng may lower the risk of
Lentinan, a -glucan found in shiitake mushrooms, has cancer in humans 54. Ginseng inhibits growth of cancer
been shown to have antitumor activity; it was active by interfering with the DNA synthesis. Panax ginseng
against lung carcinoma 41. It is thought that lentinan has contains several active constituents; the main active
its effects by activating the host immune system. ingredients in ginseng root are thought to be a family
Lentinan stimulates increased production and activity of 6 triterpene saponins called ginsenosides55. Other
of natural killer cells and macrophages, which destroy active constituents that may help reduce cancer risk
tumor cells 42. Preliminary studies also suggest that include flavonoids, polysaccharides, and
shiitake extracts possess hypolipidemic and polyacetylenes, essential oils, phytosterols, amino
antithrombotic activity43. Screening tests on fungi acids, peptides, vitamins and minerals54. Panax
belonging to the Polyporaceae family have identified ginseng regenerates the natural killer cells, which are
several compounds with antitumor activity, including a damaged by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, stimulate
variety of terpenoids and steroids, polysaccharides, the macrophages and promote production of the
and an organic germanium compound44. Several other antibodies56. Ginseng seemed to be most protective
edible mushrooms are reported to have antitumor against cancer of the ovaries, larynx, pancreas,
activity and other useful medicinal properties such as esophagus, and stomach and less effective against
hypotensive action, antithrombotic activity, breast, cervical, bladder, and thyroid cancers57.
antiinflammatory effects, and ability to improve
hyperlipidemia . 28. Picrorrhiza kurroa
Picrorrhiza kurroa (Kutki) has shown to reduce
24. Linum usitatissimum formation of liver cancer due to chemical exposures.
Linum usitatissimum (Flaxseed) contains a rich supply Kutki is a combination of active herbal constituents,
of lignans. These plant lignans are converted to picrosides-I, II and III and kutkoside. Picrorrhiza
mammalian lignans (enterolactone and enterodiol) by kurroa, has been shown to decrease levels of lipid
bacterial fermentation in the colon46 and they can then peroxidases and hydroperoxidases, free radical
act as estrogens. Mammalian lignans appear to be producing agents, and help facilitate the recovery of a
anticarcinogenic; lignan metabolites bear a structural powerful antioxidant in the liver needed to prevent
similarity to estrogens and can bind to estrogen oxidative damage58
receptors and inhibit the growth of estrogen-stimulated
breast cancer47,48. Urinary excretion of lignans is 29. Podophyllum
reduced in women with breast cancer, whereas the Podophyllum peltatum and P. hexandrum contain
consumption of flaxseed powder increases urinary podophyllin, which has similar therapeutic action on
concentration of lignans several-folds 49. the dividing cancerous cells as that of the vinca
alkaloids. Podophyllin arrests multiplication of
25. Mentha species cancerous cells by breaking down the microtubules
Mentha species such as Mentha piperita, Mentha into smaller subunits, thus inhibiting the cell division.
longifolia and Mentha aquatica contain phenolic Podophyllotoxin, an active principle of podophyllin, is
antioxidants that prevent recurrence of cancer. The used in the treatment of Hodgkins disease, non-
essential oils of exhibited OH-radical scavenging Hodgkins lymphoma, leukaemia, bronchogenic
activity, reducing OH-radical generation in the Fenton carcinoma and cancers of the ovary and the testis59
reaction by 24%50. The most powerful scavenging
compounds in Mentha piperita oil were monoterpene 30. Taxus species
ketones. Spearmint tea causes inhibition of carcinogen Taxus brevifolia, Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus baccata
activation by direct effects on the activated and Taxus wallichiana contain taxanes, which include
paclitaxel (Taxol) and docetaxel (Taxotere). Taxanes
Deshmukh V.N.et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2011,3(1) 305

have a different mode of action on the cancerous cells vallinoids, viz. [6]-gingerol and [6]-paradol, as well as
than that of the podophyllin and the vinca alkaloids. some other constituents like shogaols, zingerone etc. A
Taxanes arrest multiplication of cancerous cells by number of mechanisms that may be involved in the
cross-linking the microtubules. Taxanes are used to chemopreventive effects of ginger and its components
treat leukaemia and cancers of the breast, ovary, colon have been reported from the laboratory studies in a
and the lung60. wide range of experimental models67,68.

31. Withania somnifera DISCUSSION

Withania somnifera contains withanolides, which Science has long acknowledged the value of healing
possess immuno-modulatory activity. Withaferin A substances found in nature, such as digitalis, aspirin,
and withanolide D found in Withania somnifera are penicillin, insulin, steroids, etc. There has been a
known to inhibit growth of cancer61. The other resurgence of interest, both scientifically and
alkaloids presents in Withania somnifera are popularly, in the utilization of natural approaches.
ashwagandhine, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, tropine, Experiments on cell lines and in animals demonstrated
steroidal compounds, including ergostane type that herbal drugs anticancer role by inducing apoptosis
steroidallactones, withasomniferin-A, and differentiation, enhancing the immune system,
withasomidienone, withasomniferols A-C, and inhibiting angiogenesis and reversing multidrug
withanone62. Other constituents include saponins resistance69. However, the mechanism of the
containing an additional acyl group (sitoindoside VII anticancer role has not yet been fully elucidated.
and VIII), and withanolides with a glucose at carbon Further research is needed to explore the molecular
27 (sitoindoside IX and X)63,64. Apart from these mechanism of herbal drugs. Although the clinical trials
contents plant also contain chemical constituents like showed that herbs were helpful against cancer, these
withaniol, acylsteryl glucosides, starch, reducing outcomes require further confirmation with rigorously
sugar, hantreacotane and ducitol, Studies have controlled trials, many clinical trials focusing on the
revealed that Withania somnifera enhances the anticancer effects of herbal formulas have been
therapeutic effect of radiotherapy. The conducted. Though many of them demonstrated that
chemopreventive activity is thought to be due in part to herbs are helpful against cancer, especially useful in
the antioxidant / free radical scavenging activity of the improving survival and quality of life in patients
extract65. An in vitro study showed withanolides from suffering from advanced cancer, the lack of controls
Withania somnifera inhibited growth in human breast, and reporting bias have been severe flaws. Researchers
central nervous system, lung, and colon cancer cell must pay attention to the scientific rigor of studies of
lines comparable to doxorubicin66. herbal drugs in the future to improve the status. Some
herbs may be harmful to the human body if they are
32. Zingiber officinalis used improperly. Some herbs may cause serious
Zingiber officinalis (ginger) rhizomes offer a rich toxicity when taken excessively or under inappropriate
package of gingerols-phenolic antioxidants that circumstances. Also, potential herb-drug interactions
possess pronounced anti-inflammatory activity-that should be taken into consideration if multiple drugs are
inhibit various cancers. Ginger also contains curcumin, prescribed simultaneously70. In future research is
which assists in the elimination of cancer causing required to determine which ingredients are effective
substances from the body. The anticancer properties of which will provide valuable clues for researching and
ginger are attributed to the presence of certain pungent developing anticancer drugs in the future.

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