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Chloride-Hypochlorite Oxidation and Leaching of Refractory Sulfide Gold Concentrate

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Physicochemical Problems

Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 49(1), 2013, 6170

of Mineral Processing
ISSN 1643-1049 (print)
ISSN 2084-4735 (online)

Received May 28, 2012; reviewed; accepted June 4, 2012


Mehdi Ghobeiti HASAB, Fereshteh RASHCHI, Shahram RAYGAN

School of Metallurgy and Materials, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Abstract.: In this research, oxidation of sulfide minerals and leaching of gold from a goldbearing sulfide
concentrate using chloridehypochlorite solution was investigated. The effects of calcium hypochlorite
concentration, sodium chloride concentration and initial pH of leachant on changes of the slurry pH and
Eh were examined. Then, considering the stability range of the gold complex (Eh ~ 1000 mV) and for-
mation of chlorine gas (pH < 3.5), the optimum leaching parameters were determined. The optimum
conditions were obtained at 200 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite, 200 g/dm3 sodium chloride and initial pH 11
(with 200 g/dm3 concentrate, stirring speed 600 rpm and temperature 25 C) at which about 82% gold was
extracted in 2 h.

Keywords: refractory gold ore, oxidative pretreatment, noncyanide leaching

Although cyanide has been used commercially for the extraction of gold, investiga-
tions are being made on alternative nontoxic lixiviants, such as thiosulfate (Abbruzz-
ese et al., 1995; Aylmore and Muir, 2001), thiourea (Farinha et al., 1992; Ubaldini et
al., 1998; Murthy et al., 2003), thiocyanate (Kholmogorov et al., 2002; Li et al., 2012)
and halides (Davis et al., 1993; Van Meersbergen et al., 1993; Pangum and Browner,
1996; Vinals et al., 2006; Baghalha, 2012), mainly due to the failure of cyanidation for
extracting gold from the refractory ores, long leaching times (more than 24 hours) and
the environmental and safety issues (Senanayake, 2004). These lixiviants have not
been widely used, because they also have disadvantages (Kai et al., 1997; Aylmore,
2005; Feng and Van Deventer, 2007; Li et al., 2012). The use of chloride is a proven
technology in gold refining (Feather et al., 1997). However, no current large scale
applications of leach plants are known. The use of the halogen of the halide itself as

62 M. G. Hasab, F. Rashchi, S. Raygan

oxidant (chlorine gas), would lead to higher capital investment costs for the prevention
of corrosion and the use of a closed system. Perhaps the biggest drawback in the use
of the chloride/chlorine lies in the handling. Thus, it is important to select an effective
substitute for chlorine.
For extraction of gold from the refractory ores in which gold is surrounded by sul-
fide minerals, oxidative pretreatment of the ore is essential to oxidize the sulfides and
expose gold. Pyrometallurgical oxidation by roasting is encountered with environmen-
tal limitations; thus hydrometallurgical methods are preferred. These methods include
pressure oxidation (Long and Dixon, 2004), biooxidation (Hansford and Chapman,
1992), oxidation by nitric acid (Gao et al., 2009) and chlorine species (Ikiz et al.,
2006). Chlorine gas in aqueous solutions, depending on pH, can form three oxidizing
species: aqueous chlorine (Cl2(aq)), hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ion
(OCl). These three species also can be generated by the addition of sodium hypo-
chlorite (NaOCl) or calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) to an aqueous solution (Puvvada
and Murthy, 2000). Calcium hypochlorite is more stable than sodium hypochlorite and
contains a higher chlorine concentration. These salts are ionized in water, Under acidic
conditions (pH < 7.5) the hypochlorite ion is converted to hypochlorous acid. Under
highly acidic condition (pH < 3.5) and in the presence of chloride ion, aqueous chlo-
rine is formed. All of the chlorine species are powerful oxidants but HOCl is the most
effective. Thus, pH should be maintained in the range of HOCl stability (Black and
Veatch Corporation, 2010).
Hypochlorite solutions within the pH range at which hypochlorous acid dominates,
will readily oxidize all sulfides commonly associated with gold. Pyrite is more stable
than other metallic sulfides. It means that when in the aqueous media pyrite is oxi-
dized, other sulfides are surely oxidized. The Pourbaix diagram of FeS shows that
pyrite is decomposed to iron hydroxide and sulfate in the range of hypochlorous acid
(grey area in Fig. 1). Oxidation of sulfides by hypochlorite solutions has an advantage
of sulfate formation instead of elemental sulfur; since elemental sulfur causes pas-
sivation of minerals surfaces (Marsden and House, 2005). In hypochlorous acid solu-
tions, gold is also dissolved as the [AuCl4] complex. Therefore it is possible to oxi-
dize sulfides and leach gold simultaneously by this oxidant (Welham and Kelsall,
2000). Leaching of gold with hypochlorous acid follows reaction (1) (Jeffrey et al.,

2Au + 3HOCl + 3H+ + 5Cl 2[AuCl4] + 3H2O. (1)

Controlling solution pH and Eh is important for stabilizing the gold complex. Fail-
ing to do this would cause the gold to reprecipitate, after it is dissolved from the ores
(Baghalha, 2007; Soo Nam et al., 2008). The stability region of [AuCl4] is deter-
mined by the Pourbaix diagram of the AuCl system.
Chloridehypochlorite oxidation and leaching of refractory sulfide gold concentrate 63

Fig. 1. The Pourbaix diagram of FeS at Fig. 2. A part of the AuCl Pourbaix
[Fe] = 104 M, [S] = 104 M and 25 C diagram in the [AuCl4] domain
(the chlorine species regions are also marked) at [Au(III)] = 106 M, [Cl] = 1 M and 25 C
(Marsden and House, 2005) (Marsden and House, 2005)

A part of the Pourbaix diagram of AuCl in the [AuCl4] domain is shown in Fig.
2. This region is bounded by equations (2) and (3). According to these equations, in-
creasing the Cl concentration results in the extension of [AuCl4] domain to the lower
Eh and higher pH. The [AuCl4] is stable in the 08 pH range and in potentials greater
than 0.9 volts, depending on the concentration of gold and chloride ion (Nesbitt et al.,
1990; Welham and Kelsall, 2000).

Au + 4Cl [AuCl4] + 3e
Eh = 1.00 + 0.02 (log [AuCl4] 4 log [Cl] ) (2)

Au(OH)3 + 3H+ + 4Cl [AuCl4] + 3H2O

pH = (18.38 log [AuCl4] + 4 log [Cl])/3 (3)
The present paper is a study about the changes of slurry pH and Eh during simulta-
neous oxidative pretreatment and gold leaching of a sulfide concentrate using the chlo-
ride/hypochlorite solution at various conditions of calcium hypochlorite concentration,
sodium chloride concentration and initial pH. Then considering the suitable pH and
Eh, optimum conditions are determined.

The concentrate used in this study was obtained by flotation of an ore located in north-
-western Iran (Barika Mine in Sardasht). Flotation was conducted at 25C with
a laboratory flotation machine at 25% solid by weight, 40 g/Mg of PEX (potassium
ethyl xanthate as collector) and 25 g/Mg of MIBC (methyl isobutyl carbinol as froth-
er). The pH of the slurry was about 7 and agitation rate was set at 1200 rpm. The slur-
64 M. G. Hasab, F. Rashchi, S. Raygan

ry was conditioned in the flotation cell for 5 minutes before air was introduced. Con-
centrate collecting time was set at 5 minutes. About 200 g concentrate was obtained
from each 1 kg sample. The particles size of the concentrate was examined with a
laser particle size analyser. Mineralogical studies were also carried out with an optical
microscope (polished and thin sections) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD). Major ele-
ments analysis was determined by X-ray florescence (XRF). Gold and silver were
analysed by Fire Assay and Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), respectively. For
leaching experiments the required reagents were added to a beaker containing deion-
ized water (all the reagents used such as sodium chloride, calcium hypochlorite and
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) were of analytical grade, purchased from Merck). Then, the
concentrate was added into the leachant solution in the beaker and stirred by a magnet-
ic stirrer at 600 rpm at 25C for 2 h. The solidliquid ratio was maintained at 1:5. Dur-
ing the leaching, slurry pH and Eh were controlled by two multimeters with pH and
ORP electrodes. Before starting every test, pH and ORP electrodes were calibrated.
Solution samples were taken at different intervals by a syringe and filtered. Then clear
solutions were analysed for gold by Inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The solid resi-
dues were washed and then dried in an oven at 80C for 2 h and after drying, they
were ground, then analysed by XRF, AAS and Fire Assay.

Results and discussion

Particles size analysis of the concentrate showed that 90% of particles are smaller than
37.4 m (~ 400 mesh) in size (Fig. 3). Mineralogical studies by optical microscope on
polished and thin sections showed that the major components of the concentrate are
quartz (SiO2), pyrite (FeS2), muscovite (H2KAl3(SiO4)3) and barite (BaSO4). Sphalerite
(ZnS), calcite (CaCO3) and galena (PbS) constitute the minor phases of the concen-
trate. Small amounts of pyrrhotite (FeS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), bornite (Cu5FeS4),
tetrahedrite ((Cu,Fe)12Sb4S13) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS) were also detected. More than
90% of the minerals were separated from each others. Gold was not observable in this
concentrate because of its small amount. The XRD analysis of the concentrate showed
main phases of quartz and pyrite along with minor phases of muscovite and barite
(Fig. 4). Major elements composition of the ore and floated concentrate are presented
in Table 1. As shown in this table, by flotation of the ore with 3.770 g/Mg gold, a con-
centrate containing 20.451 g/Mg gold was obtained.
After 24 hours, direct cyanide leaching of the initial ore resulted in only 54.8%
gold recovery. However, cyanidation after dissolving the ore sample in hydrochloric
acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ferric chloride (FeCl3) and nitric acid (HNO3), re-
spectively, increased the gold recovery to 98.1%. This shows that the ore is a sulfide
refractory gold ore (Saba et al., 2011).
Chloridehypochlorite oxidation and leaching of refractory sulfide gold concentrate 65

Fig. 3. Particles size analysis Fig. 4. XRD analysis of gold concentrate

of gold concentrate obtained by flotation

Table 1. Major elements composition of the ore and floated concentrate

Analysed Si S Al K Ba Ca Fe Zn Pb Cu Sb As Ag Au
Sample (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb)
Ore 23.89 5.87 8.07 3.87 7.75 0.99 5.81 0.76 0.31 981 771 751 364 3770
Concentrate 17.76 13.68 5.93 2.26 1.84 0.75 12.79 1.79 0.51 3994 1870 1689 1650 20451

During leaching of concentrate by the chloride/hypochlorite solution, the changes

of pH and ORP were detected to determine the optimum calcium hypochlorite concen-
tration, sodium chloride concentration and initial pH.

Effect of hypochlorite concentration

The calcium hypochlorite powder, at various amounts of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 g,
was placed in a beaker containing 10 g of sodium chloride powder. Then, deionized
water was added and the mixture was stirred to form a homogenous milky solution
with a volume of 100 cm3. Initial pH of all these solutions was about 11. Then, a 20 g
of concentrate was added into the stirring solution. Changes in the slurries pH and Eh
during leaching are shown in Fig. 5 (a) and (b).

Fig. 5. Changes of (a) pH and (b) Eh of the slurries containing 100 g/dm3 sodium chloride
and 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite during 2 h
66 M. G. Hasab, F. Rashchi, S. Raygan

According to the results of Fig. 5a it was clear that for all the samples when the
concentrate was added, pH decreased during the dissolution. Decreasing the pH is due
to the oxidation of sulfides and generation of sulfuric acid. The rate of sulfides oxida-
tion is indicated by the rate of the pH drop. With decreasing pH to below 7.5, hypo-
chlorous acid becomes dominant oxidant and Eh is at its highest value. Due to the
hypochlorous acid consumption in reaction with sulfides, its concentration in the slur-
ry reduces and Eh drops (Fig. 5b). According to Fig. 5a and b, it seems that the 200
g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite is adequate for obtaining an oxidizing media with Eh
about 1000 mV to stabilize the gold complex during 2 h. Higher concentration of cal-
cium hypochlorite (250 g/dm3) has not significant effected changes of pH and Eh. At
high hypochlorite concentrations, pH drops slowly due to hypochlorite/hypochlorous
acid buffer solution.

Effect of initial pH
To investigate the effect of the initial pH, solutions with 100 g/dm3 sodium chloride
and 200 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite were prepared and their pH were adjusted to 10,
9, 8 and 7, by adding sulfuric acid. Figures 6a and b shows the changes of pH and Eh
of these slurries during 2 h leaching. As shown, at initial pH of below 11, pH and Eh
drop are faster and higher. It was found that the optimum initial pH was 11. In other
words, decreasing the initial pH is not useful, neither for the desired reaction nor for
the safety issues.

Fig. 6. Changes of (a) pH and (b) Eh of the slurries containing 100 g/dm3 sodium chloride
and 200 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite at various initial pH during 2 h

Effect of chloride concentration

Various quantities of sodium chloride in solution (100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 g/dm3)
were used to determine the effect of chloride concentration on pH and Eh. The ob-
tained results are given in Figs 7a and b. Higher levels of sodium chloride were found
to significantly enhance the rate of pH drop, i.e. the rate of sulfides oxidation reaction.
When the sodium chloride concentration was increased, conversion reaction of hypo-
Chloridehypochlorite oxidation and leaching of refractory sulfide gold concentrate 67

chlorous acid species to chlorine species occurred at higher pHs. Thus, chlorine gas
could be formed easier, and due to escaping of the chlorine oxidant from the solution,
Eh drops rapidly.

Fig. 7. Changes of (a) pH and (b) Eh of the slurries containing 200 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite
at initial pH 11 and various concentrations of sodium chloride during 2 h.

In all the experiments, it was observed that after the pH drop, it slowly increased
again since the acid generated from the oxidation reaction was consumed by minerals
such as CaCO3, which could also increase the slurry viscosity (Marsden and House,
2005). Other gangue minerals such as quartz, muscovite and barite have a low reac-
tivity in the chloride/hypochlorite system. Based on the results at the pH range of 47,
Eh is at high levels. This indicates that the hypochlorous acid is the dominant oxidant
in this pH range. Due to the oxidant consumption at dissolution reactions, Eh drops
again. Two important points should be notified here. Dropping of the pH to the values
below 3.5 and thus the formation of chlorine gas; dropping of the Eh to the values less
than ca. 1000 mV and thus the instability of the gold complex. Therefore 200 g/dm3
sodium chloride is the optimum amount required.

Analysis of the resulting leach solution and the solid residue

Three clear filtrate solutions (with calcium hypochloritesodium chloride concentra-
tions of 200100, 250100 and 200200 g/dm3) were analyzed by ICP to determine
the amount of leached gold. The results are presented in Fig. 8. It is evident that in-
creasing the concentration of calcium hypochlorite had no significant effect on the
recoveries of gold. However, increasing the concentration of sodium chloride had
a considerable effect. Approximately 82% of gold had been leached during 2 h under
experimental conditions of 200 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite, 200 g/dm3 sodium chlo-
ride, 200 g/dm3 concentrate, initial pH 11, stirring speed 600 rpm and temperature
25 C. For this sample, after 30, 60, 90 and 120 min, the filter cake was analysed by
XRF, AAS and Fire assay. The results are shown in Table 2, where it is evident that
most of sulfides and gold have been extracted from concentrate during leaching. Re-
mained sulfur in solid residue is related to BaSO4 which was not dissolved during
68 M. G. Hasab, F. Rashchi, S. Raygan

leaching and CaSO4 which can form during reaction of Ca(II) with generated sulfate.
After 2 h, the slurry colour was converted from darkgrey to lightcreamy, which is
due to the metal sulfides removal.

Fig. 8. Percentage recoveries of gold obtained at different concentrations of calcium hypochlorite

and sodium chloride during 2 h (concentrate 200 g/dm3, initial pH 11, 600 rpm and 25 C)

Table 2. Major elements composition of filtrate cake after leaching at different times (200 g/dm3 calcium
hypochlorite, 200 g/dm3 sodium chloride, 200 g/dm3 concentrate, initial pH 11, 600 rpm and 25 C)

Time of Si S Al K Ba Ca Fe Zn Pb Cu Sb As Ag Au
leaching (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb)
30 min 20.72 8.03 7.58 3.46 2.38 4.80 10.35 6317 4697 3430 1265 1214 1320 16019
60 min 21.54 5.76 7.83 3.68 2.64 6.59 9.27 173 4659 2846 137 57 988 11732
90 min 21.53 5.79 7.91 3.71 2.71 6.63 9.22 67 4571 2673 78 38 403 4631
120 min 21.54 5.81 7.93 3.72 2.73 6.66 9.21 44 4563 2648 51 36 274 3065

Combining sulfides oxidation and gold leaching processes using chloride/hypochlorite
solution was a successful method for leaching of a refractory sulfide concentrate con-
taining 20.451 g/Mg gold. Leaching tests at different concentrations of calcium hypo-
chlorite and sodium chloride and also various initial pHs were performed. It was ob-
served that for 200 g/dm3 concentrate, initial pH 11, stirring speed 600 rpm and tem-
perature 25 C, at least 200 g/dm3 calcium hypochlorite is required to achieve high
potential values for the gold leaching. Increasing the sodium chloride concentration
from 100 to 200 g/dm3 resulted in an increase in the sulfide oxidation rate as well as
the extent of extracted gold. Under optimum conditions 200 g/dm3 calcium hypo-
chlorite, initial pH = 11 and 200 g/dm3 sodium chloride), the recovery of gold after 2 h
of leaching was about 82%.
Chloridehypochlorite oxidation and leaching of refractory sulfide gold concentrate 69

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