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iI to t-o 10-33004/99 REGD. NO. D.L.


:33TT-L Ou (i)
PART IISection 3Sub-section (i)
:mew rwt-

3t. 2901 -5e r'qt.trti, ki,r)cw, ITt 15, 2O09/ailg .25, 1931
No. 2901 NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009NAISAKHA 25, 1.931

coN q)

_4 sr-
15 2009
338( 3T). 12f.'d-TzrEli 3, 2002 (2003 col 12) tINI .16 t1-
\3LRIN1 (i),7ritiTT (3) 3117 .7crETTRT (4) ct 71'2.T \3\94 ETRT 63 con 'TcItTRI (2) ) (r), 3fRr-
() r f . ct-)l . ;, 'fe.14-i .0-1 0 t, 31-2frq

. ft,zu w -- (1) tfth7r -c .crf''d7cp$ 311tTr (-, >,

4-1611- Ict), 1 LII *ft)-oct) 4-16111cw04-r4 I R4i -ctC] T'r-oTF,
Rgc-t-'cr itT9
i , 3117 1,11 It, af-,44 I`i^t ( x/11\ ^) l 2009 t

(2) mcolin nT

2. "Tito T i--
T (I) d ci-i 311ru . -9- t,

"zit-fkTi- r" .-t Trf'dvw..T; 31 it-i'qTPI-, 2002 (2003 col 12) 31-ftd- t ;

(% "37:h-TT" t ETTT 7 corl WWRf (I) 'ffi"RT col e 1:TT'r 31-TT

31*u *;

(Tr) "4-161fcr,''t- 31-rur-l-Tm ErrT le ucrur-q (I) 3TT-fri 31fq-TtIT-T t

(2) 3^ 31'x' , 3if t, F4,q -crPTrftm -uTzO- 3TRI-r-ITIT, 2002

t 3ft-5rr
1?i t, cl& ifi-frqzF1 t

I 3, 41511cb,
4 T-gfW *ii-Ictzi 151rct) 'Efr ''(151tic) IT-0 141 U241 4-11-i') la)
oit4lott zar-th-TR-4- gt 72Ti \5-14 3tgrrr N-
u*ki,crd 4-1611cl-,
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4-1611co- 4-1-611:11cri com elcr_; ct &ftrcoIRLi 3T 3i ^^ I 3^^ 1 1! I ^'^
al lj, \iirs:

1839 GI/2009 (1J


4. 41 a -- (I) zrcF 4mrf;-le Ti-TaTr \3,-1 4151f--i441ct,

t`f' X11 4-161fict, 31-f-O-wrF-4t -ff2t1 ft-t- 4ti1Rzil m1 Fc^,
.wr4 q 61TI cof4ve,l o ,fel 3tf4--ef-a-r 3Trs qmr 3t' qa q1t P q I q ci t row. ii
zt)-\r fifes tit'zr- 0'11 tK -f -
'c'Mk 1 tNct'' N
31-fti-wrW N'm ct-4.11P4 'cb) f
(2) Ti-g &R- ^: , tP:swr TIT t(ole-Ict-, ^1^ U P-TT 4 -161f)
ct) [ -q.kiel att\T 3T &R"i' rlr gt<i ^^ 4W-11de-1 30 3-Ti-M-t-TT c-01-1-4c.r\9 ct-)l
3TRI-i-quT 3i lcjm #,- -4171- 6i4)

(3) Ofs,)9R.c.f '7- 3TIF 4-16- ItI q *zt-), 17TI- ccAcl-)

3.m.n cok-Acr3T'F \'Ncta co4t.11\5i afF. 3TTtTRur ^jI Tt9

WTFI 3-TF4-r-n 41y '6, flct-A.1 1;icim d-urft ct) :21

71'' F6-1k; 41:1 6il

(4) 3T-L-R Tr, t1r 4151, ;ic, i -am

ct,toiem q,- 3fR ct, 411, 3fr-qm 34-F4ft- Ro! t,

cklo \LNct-,K .qi aTfmri-Tzif 9 (4-T t -crr-:t t-i-1

, rr ti5loct)
(5) 4-1511''; i-mcl,, '
9611--iec 4-rew-i q 'q 1 cr), \3t-r

1 3117 co4ta , aicvid HW;)i-c-H 31-7frTT,

ZTTT,t 2 F-14K-tri ffiii31t ct 4I

(6) (i.) zTtR- 1161Wolct,, 3q 611-1c'mcp 7:fr

'4161-rct, coNioz2t arRict)(I zT'N co,rita E, K, k.,11%d 6))
zri fowl zri f

(ii) 31-rq'PI 9 3777 f ^i `1 rr 1^^, 11 `i Tt `I I ^t-16loct... ^t ti ^"I 1

4-16AIct, ariWTI-r-qzri cr,4=41R4i -
q-r oisEf 11 1 "1 y al-fro ct.q,01i zfi,: kiti
ct)) q4cl 71 ZIT OT ctr)'411

(iii) RkYiRd tWtful cr) cnkul &LIN' -cbrt Tifr-', 3TTEf\FF 06-1 ! TROT

(7) 4-161F.Ict), \L-H:ctri 4-i6tr.licl-5- 7113 iLict-, 4-tolkoict: cmi

ct,kil(Ym 3rf-zl-wt 3R 31- \-,k-4- i \it A4f ti ,zr,,- zi-rinTr n -cki ct t-tv-11
3TTRTF .41i. -Et

-- ----. j :----'- .."

0, . .
D.Trr[ u,s3(0] :33TITETRuT
._ .._ ._ :_ _ 3
_ ....__ __._.
(2) am -3t)-v aitm-Tt.t( -*Nct)k 5ki
.zrr .z*vi'i '^ 3 c^i vim'41

(3) . qmr 3t- er-q; -i 4 zi-Itter 3TTR aT.-O-Ef ei 4) I

6. xPr 4m,-- t- &KR- -q7- ^ f^ ':Trc -czact Li) co) .51-f''d.'cr ^ ^ ^ ^ra^ ^
\3'c'T 3#R' air ct)t.) err q lRd ct") .
'Afir ITV ITR-a tNct7l
i^rr^ a ^ 3T.-f'rF A^ q-Twr e)-:1 TIT fir e rr err ^
7. qrdi ^ f^ . 'm6 q r -- r *1,cr,K '4151P-41ct,- ^ ^ ^ ^ uF^rr a cr,411 6-fix fir,
^ ^r1^ ^1 &cF. \9514ct)...-1fict). err ^rFr^r^
'corz4del- 3,T)T-wrW atrR- q.T-41 a-frR-
.6l ,'i 11--jf \L-Nctm '5N1 d-f''
f'' iftcz i- pe4r It, &--IR:rrR' 'or) utly , il
- 8. &Or -- 'H61Pi4l ct?, 16IF-141 j tiTru 4-161PIlct), ^r ^r^ err *16N ct) ffgf
4-1fict) t ^t^fi^Zr ^ 31f-zmrql v)rr ^ f^^r 1.4) uIc.i] wrWi \i-irelPiL-61 3N. \3cct)-td
'7fFrzt ^r^r r ^r 31''M \3N'.) _3T.*Eruf 3TTi- UP-TT (4t5l.04, ct)NEIK ^ ^^, a^
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,f Rita t &rem 1r cT-4N h<cr)
Rr*cl-,4 er-, ^'Z;N- q-)-q-r I
.1o. .'Wa.tt,i vift ... ^ \T(cr,iN r F no, ci zrr r t1w.1 Tzf -Et fcl,-61'
-(Tzr-4zti ftrrq-F ct;1 I

Fwd- &rzf'rn- cpietidel if 3t.1----rtt crR

46ct-F41[-1 -1110 Y, 61
I,TrTf znztm cr)Ri 06. 'fool

041- Ti.0 TR' col -if4i T'ruIr ckt--r

'4- 1 1 37i400-67,000/- 10, 000/- "7TT 12 ,000/-

4 37,40D-67, 000/- 8, 900/- ,ot.N

'i-g-qu f Oict)
' 8 37,400-67, 000/- 8, 700/-

\31-I 20 15 , 600-39,1001- 7,

FF-d- 3Trzi'm ct,H41(,4 -t: \96k.ict,

r-'r3Tr 4 7i-um o

-Tr ; 1;,600--39,100/- '0 1-N 7,600h

\L-16k6 1 5, 600-39,100/- \ L-
-1 C! 6, 600/-

comiclLr 4 9,300-34,800/- 5,400j-


Lre u-P-K
Ji Th--T cki ,H-il'-1 10,0001- 'Ok-ly 37,40D-67,000/- TIT 12,DOO/-
1),s 37, 400-67,0001- TiTfUTIt 5kl \YIN, -1 4-1 ,-Nl
x+11, fi Ere,- thizT ii 9f1q--fr \94,s

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[{^I^i 4 (3) i'4..g []

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ar[F: TT-6rf -rT zr, d6locl-,

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.u'211 ; comle-N.1 3ftrz--r-

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1944 1

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+ q mr), t t cr,4i .,1Thd g i ft), 1

06, -1cf)d TF.f Tif

iii) f, 4.4-41 3ft Glcrt.\

TP-Tif67 ---t 'Ef2fa-aliT9.

, it ;=1 til f-- t.; cl E,ri a d ,11 F . n, i ul ,loq1 ct

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OV) Til cM'-1 4-161 ri-141 cr, 3PTC ^ ^^

a,, ,- #; ci5 q,
-uan ct-)mlevA

3rrurc.r, 41 I

f-cbc-'61 q R-,-Nl 1
(v) 31-FtFt r-r---
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3 t-I -i6k-i cri

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, rITFAch),';- afrs, 'ct,42rIT.1141 th ct kf41d

[ TII--v u5.3(i %31'rdc I . ^I^f 1 : '3T1'RT 5


- New'Delhi, the 15th'Nip.y, 20.09
.:G.SR. '3:38.(E);:In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (da), (e)
and (f) of .sub-section (2) of section 63 read with .sub-sections .(:1.A), (3) and (4) .of
section 'l6 .of the Competition Act, :200.2 (12 of 2003) the Central Government hereby
makes-the-following rules, namely: .-

1. Short title and commencement, (1) These rules may be called the
Competition Commission of India (Number of Additional, Joint, .Deputy or Assistant
Director-General -other officers -and employees, -'their manner of :appointment,
qualification, .salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) Rules, 2009.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

Definitions. (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) `Act' 'means-the Competition Act, 2002 (12 of 2003);

(b) 'Commission ' means the Competition Commission of India established
under sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Act;
.(c) `Director-General' means the Director-General appointed under sub-
section (1) of section 16 of the Act;
(2) Words -and expressions used but not defined in these rules and defined in
the Competition Act, 2002 (I2 of 2003) shall have the same meaning assigned to them
in that Act.

3. Salary and allowances of the Director-General, Additional, Joint,

Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and other employees of the
office of Director-General and their number, The salary and allowances of the
Director General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and
other employees of the office of Director-General and the number of Additional, Joint,
Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and other employees of the office of
Director-General shall be as specified in Scheduled I.
le Z.? 1/b9-y.

4 Conditions of service.- (1) The conditions of service of the Director-

Genera!, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and other
employees of the office of Director-General and any other category of employees in the
matter of leave, joining time, joining time pay, age of superannuation, traveling
allowance and leave travel concession shall be regulated in accordance with such rules
and regulations as are, from time to time, applicable to officers and employees of the
Central Government drawing similar pay scales.

(2) The Director General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director General and
officers and other employees of the office of Director General shall be eligible for
general pool accommodation till a separate office and residential complex for the
Commission is constructed.

(3) The Director General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director General and
officers and other employees of the office of Director General on deputation, who are
Government employees and have been allotted residential accommodation under
General Pool shall be eligible to retain the facility of Government residential

(4) The Director General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director General and
officers and other employees of the offic o4 Director General not allotted
accommodation shall be eligible for House Rent Allowance as admissible to officers and
employees of the Central Government drawing similar pay scales.

(5) The Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and

officers and other employees of the office of Director-General including those on
deputation while in service with the Commission shall be entitled to medical facilities as
specified in Scheduled Ix,

(5) (i) The Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-

General and officers and other employees of the office of Director General appointed on
deputation, shall continue to be governed by Provident Fund Schemes as are applicable
to them in their parent Ministry or.Department or^ organisation.

IIto u s:3(i)] Th''T !u 4 : 3T 1T &O1 7

(ii) The Commission shall recover contribution towards -provident fund from such
,Director-General, Additional, joint, Deputy :or Assistant Director-General and -officers and
other employees :of the Dffice .of :Director :General and -remit the :amount immediately to
the lending Ministry or :Department .or :organisation.

(iii) Any loss of interest on account of late remittance shall be borne by the

(.7) The Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and

officers and other employees of the office of Director-General other than those on
deputation. shall be entitled Group Insurance .as.per the scheme to be formulated by the
Commission in consultation with the Central Government:

Provided that in the case of the Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or

Assistant *Director-,General and officers and other employees of the office of Director-
General appointed on . .deputation, shall .continue to be governed .by the Group Insurance
schemes ':as are applicable to them in their parent Ministry or Department or

(8) (i) The Commission shall recover contribution towards the insurance
schemes from such Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy .or Assistant Director-
General and officers and other employees of the of ifce of Director-General and remit the
amount immediately to . the lending Ministry or Department or organisation.

(ii) Any loss of interest on account .of late remittance shall be .borne by the

(9) The Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and

officers and other employees of the office of Director-General who are not on deputation
shall be governed by the new pension scheme.

(10) The Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy Dr Assistant Director-General and

officers and other employees of the office of Director-General who are on deputation
shall be eligible for pension and retirement benefits, if any, as are available to them in
their parent organisation.


5. Official visits abroad,- Official visits abroad by Director-General, Additional,
Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and other employees of the
office of Director-General shall be undertaken with the prior approval of the Chairperson
or any other-Member or officer of the Commission authorised by the Chairperson.

(2) Foreign visits of Additional Secretary and above level officers will be regulated as
per guidelines or instructions issued by Central Government from time to time.

(3) Per Diem and other allowances will be admissible as per Ministry of External
Affair's existing instructions.

5. Deputation allowance.- The persons selected on deputation basis shall be

given an option to either opt for the pay scale and other service benefits of the
borrowing organisation or to retain their own pay scales and get deputation allowance,
as per the existing instructions of the Government of India on the subject.

7, Procedure for recruitment.- The Central Government shall decide the

procedure for recruitment of Director-General and the Commission shall decide the
procedure for recruitment of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and
officers and other employees of the office of Director-General with the approval of the
Central Government and in the absence of any such procedure the recruitment shall be
made as per the procedure specified by the Central Government.

8. Qualification.- The person to be appointed as Director-General, Additional,

Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and other employees should be
a person of integrity and outstanding ability and who have experience in investigation,
and knowledge of accountancy, management, business, public administration,
international trade, law or economics.

9. Residuary provision, Matters relating to the terms and conditions of

service of the Director General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-
General and officers and other employees of the office of Director-Genera/ with
respect to which no express provision has been made in these rules, shall be
referred by the Commission to the Central Government for its decision,

10, Powers to relax,- The Central Government shall have power to relax the
provisions of any of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

( u5 :3 (i).] ^I :: -Tf 1 .9

Schedule I
. :[:see rru le 341

The number 'of officers and other .employees in the :Director-General's .office of the
'Competition Commission of India and their .scales .of pay .shall be .as under:

Post of Professionals in 'the office of DG-CCI .

SI, No. Name .of post No. of posts Ray .band i Grade pay
Director General .1 'Rs.37,4O0-67,00.0/- ! = Rs:1D,D.DO/- or ^Rs.1.2,040/-
Director 4 Rs.37,400-67,000/- Rs.8,90OL-
Joint 'Director 8 Rs.37,400-67,000/- Rs.8,700/-
Deputy Director 20 Rs.1.5,640-39,100/- I-Rs.7,600/-

Support Staff in .the office of DG-CCI

.SI. No. Name.:of . .post No, of posts Pay band Grade pay
1. Deputy Director 1 Rs,15,600-39,100/- Rs:7,600/-
2, . Assistant Director 3 5,600-39,100/- Rs,6,600/-
3. Office Manager 4 "Rs,9,300^34,800/- Rs.5,400/-

Note. The -pay scale of the post .of .Director General may be kept flexible .at Rs,
37,400-67,000/- with Grade Pay of 'Rs. ;0,000/- or Rs.:37,400-67,000/- with
Grade Pay of Rs. '12,000/- as may be decided by the Competent Authority, SD
that suitable incumbents may be appointed against this post.

[see rule 4(3)]


1 Outdoor Medical expenses. - (i) Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or

Assistant :Director-General and officers and other employees of the office of Director
General shall be eligible to get-medical reimbursement for self and declared members of

Explanation.- For the purpose of this clause, the expression "family" has the
same meaning as assigned to it in the Central Services (Medica! Attendance) Rules,

(ii) The reimbursement of outdoor medical expenses during the year shall be
limited to the actual expenses or one month's pay on s" January of the
year (Basic pay + Dearness Allowance) whichever is cess.

1839 cI72


(iii) The claim should be supported by Doctor's prescription and the original
cash memos or bills for treatment by the Doctor and purchase of
medicines and the release of increment or promotion during the year
shall not affect the limit as on 1st January.

(iv) For Director-General, Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-

General and officers and other employees of the office of Director
General joining during the year, the annual entitlement shall be restricted
on pro-rata basis.

(v) The outdoor treatment shall be taken from the Authorised Medical
Attendants from the panel to be maintained by the Commission.

Indoor treatment. (i) For the purpose of indoor treatment the Director-General,
Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General and officers and other employees
of the office of Director-General shall be entitled for medical treatment at hospitals
authorised by the Commission in this behalf, and for this purpose cost of treatment
including hospital accommodation, nursing home facility, etc shat. be as per the
provisions of the Central Services (Medical Attendants) Rules, 1944 as applicable to the
Central Government employees drawing equivalent pay,

The authorised hospitals for the purpose of clause (i) shall be the same
as are available to the Central Government employees regulated by
Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944.

(iii) Treatment at authorised hospitals may be taken on the advice of the

Authorised Medical Attendants except in emergency.

[F. No. 512512007-IGC/CS]


Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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