Hanok PDF
Hanok PDF
Hanok PDF
a - h as in rm b - (bh) v as in vet
e - eh as in elm d - (dh) th as in them
i - ee as in el - ey as in eight
o - h as in ld g - (gh) The 'g' is pronounced as
u - oo as in no a soft aspirated g sound.
h - (ch) The 'h' and 'k''4 are pronounced as the 'ch' in the German composer
k - (kh) Bach, or the Scottish Loch, like a guttural, aspirated h sound.
And these are the names of
the qodesh messengers who
descending columns of fire, neither its
extent or magnitude could I see, nor
could I guess.
8 Then I said, ''How fearful is the place been made for the spirits of the
and how terrible to look upon!'' righteous, in which there is the bright
9 Then Uri'l answered me, one of the spring of water.
qodesh messengers who was with me, 10 ''And such has been made for
and said unto me, ''Hanok, why have sinners when they die and are buried
you such fear and terror?'' And I in the earth and judgment has not
answered, ''Because of this fearful been executed on them in their
place, and because of the spectacle of lifetime.
the pain.'' 11 ''Here their spirits shall be put aside
10 And he said unto me, ''This place is in this great pain till the great day of
the prison of the messengers, and judgment and punishment and torment
here they will be imprisoned forever.'' of the accursed forever, and retribution
order of the stars exactly five days in what is written upon them, and mark
the course of one period, and when every individual fact.''
this place which you see has been 2 And I observed the tablets of the
traversed. shamayim, and read all which was
6 Such is the picture and sketch of written and understood all matters, and
read the Book of all the deeds of father's hand, and deliver them to the
mankind, and of all the children of generations of the world.
flesh that shall be upon the earth to the 2 I have given wisdom to you and to
remotest generations. your children, and your children that
3 And immediately I barak the great shall be unto you, that they may give it
Master, the Sovereign of esteem to their children for generations - this
forever, in that He has made all the wisdom - that passes their thought.
works of the world, and I exalted 3 And those who understand it shall not
because of His patience, and barak sleep, but shall listen with the ear that
Him because of the children of men. they may learn this wisdom, and it
4 And after that I said, ''Baruk is the shall please those that eat of it, better
man who dies in righteousness and than good food.
goodness, concerning whom there is 4 Baruk are all the righteous. Baruk are
no book of unrighteousness written, all those who walk In the Way of
and against whom no day of judgment righteousness and do not sin as the
shall be found.'' sinners, in the reckoning of all their
5 And those seven qodeshim brought days in which the sun traverses the
me and placed me on the earth before shamayim, entering into and departing
the door of my house, and said to me, from the portals for thirty days with the
''Declare all matters to your son heads of thousands of the order of the
Methushelah, and show to all your stars, together with the four which are
children that no flesh is righteous in intercalated which divide the four
the sight of , for He is their portions of the year, which lead them
Creator. and enter with them four days.
6 ''One year we will leave you with your 5 Owing to them, men shall be at fault
son, till you give your Commands, that and not reckon them in the whole
you may teach your children and reckoning of the year; also, men shall
record for them, and testify to all your be at fault, and not recognise them
children, and in the second year they accurately.
shall take you from their midst. 6 For they belong to the reckoning of
7 ''Let your heart be strong, for the the year and are truly recorded
good shall announce righteousness to forever; one in the first portal and one
the good; the righteous with the in the third, and one in the fourth and
righteous shall rejoice, and shall offer one in the sixth, and the year is
congratulations to one another. completed in three hundred and sixty-
8 ''But the sinners shall die with the four days.
sinners, and the backslider go down 7 And the account thereof is accurate
with the backslider. and the recorded reckoning thereof
9 ''And those who practice exact; for the lights, and months and
righteousness shall die on account of Festivals, and years and days, has
the deeds of men, and be taken away Uri'l shown and revealed to me, to
on account of the doings of the whom the Master of the whole creation
wicked.'' of the world has subjected the host of
10 And in those days they ceased to the shamayim.
speak to me, and I came to my people, 8 And He has power over night and
giving berakah to the Master of the day in the shamayim to cause the light
world. to give light to men - sun, moon, and
82 And now, my
Methushelah, all these I am
recounting to you and writing down
son stars, and all the powers of the
shamayim which revolve in their
circular chariots.
for you! and I have revealed to you 9 And these are the orders of the stars,
all matters, and given you books which go down in their places, and in
concerning all these. So preserve, my their Appointed Times and Festivals
son Methushelah, the books from your and months.
10 And these are the names of those Helemmelek, whom one names the
who lead them, who watch that they shining sun, and all the days of his
enter at their times, in their orders, in light are ninety-one days.
their seasons, in their months, in their 19 And these are the signs of days on
periods of dominion, and in their the earth: glowing heat and dryness,
positions. and the trees ripen their fruits and
11 Their four leaders who divide the produce all their fruits ripe and ready,
four parts of the year enter first; and and the sheep pair and become
after them the twelve leaders of the pregnant, and all the fruits of the earth
orders who divide the months; and for are gathered in, and all that is in the
the three hundred and sixty there are fields, and the winepress - these take
heads over thousands who divide the place in the days of his dominion.
days; and for the four intercalary days 20 These are the names, and the
there are the leaders which divide the orders, and the leaders of those heads
four parts of the year. of thousands: Gedalyah, Qe'l, and
12 And these heads over thousands Hi'l, and the name of the head of a
are intercalated between leader and thousand which is added to them,
leader, each behind a station, but their Aspha'l: and the days of his dominion
leaders make the division. are at an end.
13 And these are the names of the
leaders who divide the four parts of the DREAMS
year which are ordained: Malki'l,
Allammelek, and Melekya'al, and
Nr'l .
83 And now, my
Methushelah, I will show you
all my visions which I have seen,
14 And the names of those who lead recounting them before you.
them: Adnar'l, and Yasusa'l, and 2 Two visions I saw before I took a
Elome'l - these three follow the wife, and the one was quite unlike the
leaders of the orders, and there is one other: the first when I was learning to
that follows the three leaders of the write; the second before I took your
orders which follow those leaders of mother, I saw a terrible vision. And
stations that divide the four parts of the regarding them I prayed to .
year. 3 I had laid down in the house of my
15 In the beginning of the year grandfather Mahalal'l; I saw in a
Melekya'al rises first and rules, who is vision how the shamayim collapsed
named Tama'ini and Shemesh, and all and was taken away and fell to the
the days of his dominion whilst he earth.
bears rule are ninety-one days. 4 And when it fell to the earth I saw
16 And these are the signs of the days how the earth was swallowed up in a
which are to be seen on earth in the great abyss, and mountains were
days of his dominion: sweat, and heat, suspended on mountains, and hills
and calms. And all the trees bear fruit, sank down on hills, and high trees
and leaves are produced on all the were torn from their stems, and hurled
trees, and the harvest of wheat, and down and sunk in the abyss.
the rose-flowers, and all the flowers 5 And after that a word fell into my
which come forth in the field, but the mouth, and I lifted up to cry aloud, and
trees of the winter season become said, ''The earth is destroyed.''
withered. 6 And my grandfather Mahalal'l woke
17 And these are the names of the me as I lay near him, and said unto
leaders which are under them: me, ''Why do you cry so, my son, and
Beraki4 'l, Zelebts'l, and another who why do you make such lamentation?''
is added a head of a thousand, called 7 And I recounted to him the whole
Hiluyasph: and the days of the vision which I had seen, and he said
dominion of this are at an end. unto me, ''A terrible matter you have
18 The next leader after him is seen, my son, and of grave moment is
your vision as to the secrets of all the from Your presence. And You know
sin of the earth - it must sink into the and see and hear all matters, and
abyss and be destroyed with a great there is none hidden from You for You
destruction. see all.
8 ''And now, my son, arise and make 4 ''And now the messengers of Your
petition to of esteem, since you shamayim are guilty of trespass, and
are a believer, that a remnant may upon the flesh of men Your wrath
remain on the earth, and that He may abides until the great day of judgment.
not destroy the whole earth. 5 ''And now, O Elohim and Master and
9 ''My son, from the shamayim all this Great Sovereign, I implore and pray to
will come upon the earth, and upon the fulfill my prayer, to leave me a posterity
earth there will be great destruction.'' on earth, and not destroy all the flesh
10 After that I arose and prayed and of man, and make the earth without
implored and pleaded, and wrote down inhabitant, so that there should be an
my prayer for the generations of the eternal destruction.
world, and I will show all matters to 6 ''And now, my Master, destroy
you, my son Methushelah. from the earth the flesh which has
11 And when I had gone forth below aroused Your wrath, but the flesh
and seen the shamayim, and the sun of righteousness and uprightness
rising in the east, and the moon going establish as a plant of the eternal
down in the west, and a few stars, and seed, and do not hide Your face from
the whole earth, and all as He had the prayer of Your servant, O .''
known it in the beginning, then I barak
of right-ruling and exalted Him
because He had made the sun to go
85 And after this I saw another
dream, and I will show the
whole dream to you, my son.
forth from the windows of the east, and 2 And Hanok lifted up and spoke to his
he ascended and rose on the face of son Methushelah, ''To you, my son,
the shamayim, and departed and kept will I speak. Hear my words, incline
traversing the path shown unto him. your ear to the vision of your father.
amongst the qodesh messengers to High, and revere Him and work no evil
guard them as the apple of an eye, in His presence.
until He makes an end of all 2 If He closes the windows of the
wickedness and all sin, and though the shamayim, and withholds the rain and
righteous sleep a long sleep, they the dew from descending on the earth
have naught to fear. on your account, what will you do
6 And the children of the earth shall then?
see the wise in security, and shall 3 And if He sends His anger upon
understand all the words of this book, you because of your deeds, you
and recognise that their riches shall cannot petition Him; for you spoke
not be able to save them in the proud and insolent words against His
overthrow of their sins. righteousness: therefore you shall
7 Woe to you, sinners, on the day of have no peace.
strong anguish, you who afflict the 4 And do you not see the sailors of the
righteous and burn them with fire! You ships, how their ships are tossed to
shall be rewarded according to your and fro by the waves, and are shaken
works. by the winds, and are in much trouble?
8 Woe to you, you obstinate of heart, 5 And therefore they fear because all
who watch in order to devise their pleasant possessions go upon
wickedness! Therefore fear shall come the sea with them, and they have evil
upon you and there shall be none to forebodings of heart that the sea will
help you. swallow them and they will perish
9 Woe to you, you sinners, on account therein.
of the words of your mouth, and on 6 Are not the entire sea and all its
account of the deeds of your hands waters, and all its movements, the
which your wickedness has wrought! work of the Most High, and has He not
In blazing flames burning worse than appointed limits to its doings, and
fire you shall burn. confined it throughout by the sand?
10 And now, know that from the 7 And at His rebuke it is afraid and
messengers He will inquire as to your dries up, and all its fish die and all that
deeds in the shamayim, from the sun is in it; but you sinners that are on the
and from the moon and from the stars earth do not revere Him.
in reference to your sins because upon 8 Has He not made the shamayim and
the earth you execute judgment on the the earth, and all that is in them; who
righteous. has given understanding and wisdom
11 And He will summon to testify to all that moves on the earth and in
against you every cloud and mist and the sea?
dew and rain; for they shall all be 9 Do not the sailors of the ships revere
withheld because of you from the sea? Yet sinners do not revere the
descending upon you, and they shall Most High.
be mindful of your sins.
12 And now give presents to the rain
that it be not withheld from descending
102 In those days when He has
brought a grievous fire
upon you, where will you flee, and
upon you, nor even the dew, when it where will you find deliverance? And
has received gold and silver from you when He launches forth His Word
that it may descend. against you, will you not be frightened
and revere? found the writing in them, and written
2 And all the lights shall be frightened regarding them:
with great fear, and all the earth shall 3 That all goodness and joy and
be frightened and tremble and be esteem are prepared for them, and
alarmed. written down for the spirits of those
3 And all the messengers shall execute who have died in righteousness, and
their commands and shall seek to hide that much good shall be given to you
themselves from the presence of the in reward for your labours, and that
Great Esteem, and the children of your lot is abundantly beyond the lot of
earth shall tremble and quake; and you the living.
sinners shall be cursed forever, and 4 And the spirits of you who have died
you shall have no peace. in righteousness shall live and rejoice,
4 Fear not, you beings of the righteous, and their spirits shall not perish, nor
and be hopeful you that have died in their remembrance from before the
righteousness. face of the Great One unto all the
5 And do not grieve if your being has generations of the world: therefore no
descended into the grave in grief, and longer fear their revilings.
that in your life your body did not fare 5 Woe to you, you sinners, when you
according to your goodness. But wait have died, if you die in the wealth of
for the Day of the judgment of sinners your sins! And those who are like you
and for the day of cursing and say regarding you, ''Baruk are the
chastisement. sinners. They have seen all their days.
6 And yet when you die, the sinners 6 ''And how they have died in
speak over you, ''As we die, so the prosperity and in wealth, and have not
righteous die, and what benefit do they seen tribulation or murder in their life;
reap for their deeds? and they have died in honour, and
7 ''See, even as we, so they die in grief judgment has not been executed on
and darkness, and what have they them during their life.''
more than we? From hereon we are 7 Know that their beings will be made
equal. to descend into the grave and they
8 ''And what will they receive and what shall be wretched in their great
will they see forever? See, they too tribulation.
have died, and hereon, forever they 8 And into darkness and chains and a
shall see no light.'' burning flame where there is grievous
9 I tell you, you sinners, you are judgment your spirits shall enter; and
content to eat and drink, and rob and the great judgment shall be for all the
sin, and strip men naked, and acquire generations of the world. Woe to you,
wealth and see good days. for you shall have no peace!
10 Have you seen the righteous how 9 Do not say in regard to the righteous
their end comes to pass, that no and good who are in life, ''In our
manner of violence is found in them till troubled days we have toiled
their death? labouriously and experienced every
11 Nevertheless they perished and trouble, and met with much evil and
became as though they had not been, been consumed, and have become
and their spirits descended into the few and our spirit small.
grave in tribulation. 10 ''And we have been destroyed and
messenger angel*
nebi'im prophets*
Ruah Spirit
* of pagan origin.