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"I Am a Church Member"

5. Inwardly Focused Budget

Dr. Thom Rainer gives insight into the reality of selfishness in
A unbalanced share of the budget is used to meet needs and comforts
church with this excerpt of his book, "I Am a Church Member."
of the members instead of reaching beyond the walls of the church.
The strange thing about church membership is that you actually give
6. Inordinate Demands for Pastoral Care
up your preferences when you join. Don't get me wrong; there may
Church members deserve care and concern, especially in times of
be much about your church that you like a lot. But you are there to
need and crisis. Problems develop when church members have
meet the needs of others. You are there to serve others. You are
unreasonable expectations for even minor matters. Some members
there to give. You are there to sacrifice. Get the picture?
expect the Leadership to visit them regularly merely because they
have membership status.
Jesus would often say things that confounded His listeners. You see,
even His disciples had a tendency to fight with one another. On one
7. Attitudes of Entitlement
occasion the Twelve were arguing about who was the greatest. Can
This issue could be a catch-all for many of the points named here.
you imagine that? The closest followers of Jesus were having a
The overarching attitude is one of demanding and having a sense of
"me first" fight. The Bible says that Jesus stopped and sat down and
deserving special treatment.
called these grown men together. "Sitting down, He called the
Twelve and said to them, 'If anyone wants to be first, he must be last
8. Greater Concern about Change than the Gospel
of all and servant of all'" Mark 9:3).
Almost any noticeable changes in the church arouse the anger of
many; but those same passions are not evident about participating in
Ouch! I would have loved to have been a fly on a cloak and seen
the work of the gospel to change lives.
their expressions. Yep, He got you this time, you self-serving
disciples. And then it hits me. That text is for me as well. As a
9. Anger & Hostility
church member, my motivation should not be to get my
Members are consistently angry. They regularly express hostility
preferences to the top of the list. I am supposed to be last, not first. I
toward the church Pastor and Leadership, as well as other members.
am supposed to be a servant instead of seeking to be served.
10. Evangelistic Apathy
A Survey That Said a Lot
Very few members share their faith on a regular basis. More are
My research team recently conducted a survey of churches that were
concerned about their own wants and needs rather than the
inwardly focused. For the most part, they were not serving past their
greatest eternal needs of the world and community in which they live.
own walls and their own members. In other words, these churches
were largely self-serving.
Church Membership from a Biblical Perspective
In almost every behavior above, church members were looking out
In our survey we found 10 dominant behavior patterns of members in
for their own wants, needs, and preferences. I want the music
these churches. See if you recognize any:
my way. I want the building my way. I am upset because the Pastor
didn't visit me. I don't want to change anything in my church.
1. Worship Wars
One or more factions in the church want the music just the way they
You get the picture. I. Me. Myself.
like it. Any deviation is met with demands for change. The order of
Church membership from a biblical perspective, however, is about
service must remain constant. Certain instrumentation is required
Servanthood. It's about Giving. It's about Putting Others First.
while others are prohibited.
Excerpted from I Am a Church Member by Thom S. Rainer.
2. Prolonged Minutia Meetings
The church spends an inordinate amount of time in different I Pray this gives us something to think about as a Body of
meetings. Most of the meetings deal with the most minor items, while Believers at First Baptist Church. When we become members of
the Great Commission and Great Commandment are rarely the topics this Body, When we start each meeting, we read and profess a
of discussion. Church Covenant. This is more than between myself and the
Body. It is also between myself and God.
3. Facility Focus
The church facilities develop iconic status. One of the highest Do we take seriously the membership we profess? Our actions
priorities is the protection and preservation of rooms, furniture and can, and do, affect many people and lives. Are you the Church
other visible parts of the church's buildings and grounds. Member that God desires you to be?
4. Program Driven
Every church has programs even if they don't admit it. When we start
doing a ministry a certain way, it takes on programmatic status. The
problem is not with programs. The problem develops when the
program becomes an end instead of a means to greater ministry.
Church Address: First Baptist Church
218 W. Lincoln St.
(P.O. Box 32)
Augusta, WI 54722-0032

Church Phone: (715) 286-2042

Church Website: www.SeekingTheWord.com
Church Facebook:
We care about the addict that still suffers, and we are here for anyone who is www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchOfAugustaWisconsin
hurting 24 hours a day. We want to help you get your life back and break free
of addictions. Please feel free to contact us at any time to get information or to
talk to someone.
Pastor Craig & Julie Lindgren
Email: Pastor_Craig@Live.com
Pastor: (715) 827-0812 Julie: (715) 703-8583
Your life CAN change in an instant, and you CAN recover from addictions
through the power of Jesus Christ. You were not created to be an addict, a Prayer Requests: Linda Lone (715) 286-2412
prostitute, a drug dealer, a gang banger, or a criminal.
Julie Lindgren (715) 703-8583
You are a child that is beloved by a God who wants to heal you from your
hurts. If you would like information, please contact us at the number below.
We are here for you day or night, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We have been there, we understand, and we want to help.
Pastor Craig 715-827-0812 Email: Pastor_Craig@Live.com Tuesday:
8:30AM Mens Study and Prayer
9:00AM Ladies Study and Prayer
Thursday: (3rd of each month)
Im guessing the church you attend has inadequacies. But its likely 10:30AM Nursing Home Service
that it is served by leaders who genuinely care about the Lord, about
people, and about doing it right. Saturday:
6:00PM Evening Worship and Fellowship
As I look at Scripture I see that God uses churches like this. Actually Food Pantry available following Service
these are the only kinds of churches God can use because the only
kind of people He has to work with are . . . . you guessed it, sinners. Sunday:
9:00AM Morning Prayer
What Im saying is that you can see your church become more fully 9:30AM Bible Study
effective by becoming part of the solution. Be the change you want to 10:30AM Morning Service
see. Here are five ways you can help your church. Food Pantry available following Service
Be Committed
The best way to make your church better is to be there consistently
and faithfully. Your regular attendance makes a statement to the
world that Gods church means something to you.
Be On Time Sunday Service: Current: The Book of Romans
This seems small, but its big. I think punctuality at church makes a
Next: Protecting & Growing a Church
statement about how much we care about the Lord.

Be Positive Sunday Bible Study: Current: The Book of James

Come to church with a smile. Come intending to give back to the Next: The Gospels
body with your gifts and talents. Come intending to be fed the Word,
and also to encourage others. Be pro-church. Be positive, not cynical.
Saturday Evening: Current: Spiritual Warfare
Be Prepared Next: Series Feasts of the Bible
Before you walk in the doors, you might pray for your Pastor and the Next: Series in Malachi
Leaders. Pray for the Spirits presence to be strong in the service and
in the preaching. Bathe the entire church body in prayer so that the Tuesday Morning: Current: The Book of Genesis
soil of your soul is ready to be changed for Gods glory.

Be Solution-Oriented
Help your church be gently discerning. The Pastor and Leadership And the things that you have heard from me among
need help from its committed members. If you bring a problem, bring
a solution also. many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who
will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2
Closing: This is not an exhaustive list by any means, just a few ways
you can make your church what God intends it to be.
Quotable Quotes
C.S. Lewis on Mark 8:34-36 puts it this way: Give me all. I
dont want so much of your time and so much of your money
and so much of your work. I want you. I have not come to
torment your natural self but to kill it. No half- measures are
any good. I dont want to cut off a branch here and a branch
there, I want to have the whole tree down. I dont want to
drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand
over the whole natural self, all the desire you think innocent
as well as the ones you think wicked the whole outfit. I will
give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you myself;
Sunday Morning Bible Study! 9:30 AM my own will shall become yours. (Mere Christianity, p. 167)

Help us get the Word Out! Saturday

Evening Service each Saturday at
6:00 PM! Fellowship time and
Food Pantry follows every service!

We always want to be aware of those who

have need in our Community as well as our
Church Body. If you know of a need for
food, please contact one of the Church
Board to help meet that need!
Follow these Steps to a New Life with Jesus
Gods purpose is life and peace: God desires for you to have life and peace
now and for all eternity. I have come that they may have life, and have it to
the full. John 10:10 1. People who are tired of just
sitting in their church pews
Recognizing the problem: Sin and Separation: We were created to know,
love and glorify God. When we choose to go our own way, living life in being entertained.
willful disobedience to God, we are choosing to be separated from God both
now and for all eternity. The Bible says we are sinnersFor all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 But God is loveFor
2. People who want to make a
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever difference in their Family and
believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John Community Christs Way!
3:16 And God is also justFor the wages of sin is death; but the gift of
God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

We cannot save ourselves: Because God is Holy, He cannot allow sin to 3. People who Pray and are Broken
enter into Heaven. Most people attempt to save themselves by their own
efforts, good works or church attendance. The Bible saysThere is a way
hearted for the Lost and the
that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs Hurting people around them.
14:12. How then can a sinful person enter Heaven where God allows no sin?

We are Saved by Grace: The good news is in spite of our sin, Christ died
for us. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is 4. People who Desire, and are Not
not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not of works, so that no one can Afraid to get Involved in others
boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 But God demonstrates His own love for us in
this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 Lives or the Work of God!

Responding to Gods Gift by Faith: If you declare with your mouth,

Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the
dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 5. People who Crave to Grow in
Christ and His Word, and Apply
If you would like to have Jesus as Lord of your life, you can pray a prayer it to their Daily Lives!
something like this: Lord, I confess that I have sinned against You and
ask You to forgive me. Im sorry that my sin has hurt You and other people
in my life. I acknowledge that I could never earn salvation by my good
works, but I come to You and Trust in what Jesus did for me on the Cross. I 6. People who want to Share their
believe that You Love me and that Jesus died and rose again so that I can be
Forgiven and come to know You. I ask You to come into my heart and be Gifts and Talents that God has
Lord of my life. I trust You with everything, and I thank You for Loving me Blessed them with.
so much that I can know You here on earth and spend the rest of eternity
with You in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.

7. People who have Faith to Believe

Looking for People interested in what God is doing, and what He
in these Ministries can do! And then the Courage to
Missions Heart: To Help us Develop a Missions Walk the Walk!
Heart and Outreach. We just dont want to send
money out. We want to be spiritually connected to
our Missionaries and Missions we support! In
Vision, Purpose, and Outreach. Is Missions on your Heart? Let Pastor or the
8. People committed to Pray!!!
Board know your Desire and Vision!

AUDIO / VISUAL / COMPUTER Ministry: As our ministry has grown and

is expanding, we are looking for someone who has the Desire and Heart to 9. People who are tired of a form of
work with our Audio and Visual equipment for Worship and Special Services. Religion, and want to Worship
Has God given you that ability??? Him in Spirit and in Truth!
Apprenticeship and Bible Student: Have you been sensing Gods tug on
your heart to be involved deeper in ministry? Are you interested in reaching
the lost? Getting involved in the lives of others? Teaching others the 10. People who believe Gods
principles of Gods Word? Many start, but are not willing to put in the time,
energy, study, and commitment in that God requires. We are offering an Word shows us all the answers to
opportunity for those hungry for what God is calling them into to earn a lifes struggles and problems!
degree and be credentialed. We have an evangelistic thrust, and are in need of
people sensitive to Gods Calling in their life. Be a part of Church, Prison, and
Nursing Home ministries, as well as other ministries. If you are Seeking to do More
in Your Christian life, and see
COMMUNITY OUTREACH GROUPS: We are exploring starting two the need of an active church
Community Based groups. Prison Family Outreach, which will minister and
help families who have someone in Jail or Prison. Narcotics Support in todays world We invite
Outreach, for families and individuals who have had drugs impact their lives, you to be a Part of Gods
and desire to have a change happen in their life.
Great Ministry in our
If you would like more information on any of the above opportunities, or if Community!!
you have an idea to suggest, please contact Pastor Craig @ 715-827-0812.

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