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Talkrenyi 3

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Gravitational dual of the Renyi twist

displacement operator

Srivatsan Balakrishnan

June 20, 2017

[arXiv:1607.06155]: with Souvik Dutta and Prof.Thomas Faulkner.


I A = (reduced density matrix of subsystem A) = TrB .

I Entanglement entropy SEE : a measure of quantum
SEE = Tr A log A .
I Renyi entropy Sn : a generalization of SEE .
Sn = (nth Renyi entropy) = Tr log nA
I Renyi entropy is more naturally computed in field theories (as
we will see later), and then EE is obtained from

SEE = lim Sn .

I Insight into RG flows (c-theorems) [Casini-Huerta]

I Entanglement entropy obeys inequalities, that in recent times

have been used to prove energy conditions in QFTs. [e.g

I Provide signatures of quantum phase transitions.

I Provide insight into dynamics after a quench. [Cardy et al.]

(Also, holographic studies made possible by AdS-Vaidya
geometry [Liu et al.]).

I Emergence of bulk gravitational theory in AdS/CFT. [van

Raamsdonk et al.]
Computation in 2d CFTs
I A calculation using Twist operators, done by Calabrese and
I Replica Trick :
TrnA = n
I For integer n, Zn can be computed as
I a path integral in the n-fold replicated CFT with the insertion
of twist operators (that open or close branch points), OR
I a path integral of the n-sheeted Riemann surface.
I In 2d CFT, for a single interval between v1 and v2 , we have,
TrnA = = h+q (v1 )q (v2 )i
I A conformal tranformation that takes the points v1 and v2 to
0 and and more importantly, one that removes the conical
singularities at these points can be found (at these points, the
required map preserves angles only upto an integer multiple).
Computation in 2d CFTs
w v1
I Conformal Transformation: z= w v2

nc 1 (v2 v1 )2
hTww (w )+n (v1 )n (v2 )i = (1 2 )
48 n (w v1 )2 (w v2 )2

(note the extra factor of n).

I Can infer (by taking limits w v1 and w v2 ) that +n and
n are conformal scalar primaries, and also their scaling
dimension, and this is enough to compute the universal part
of the Renyi entropy.
c 1 l
Sn = 1+ log
6 n
Twist operator in higher dimensions

I Codimension-2 surface operator localized on the Entangling

surface separating the two regions (A and A).
hn i =
I n is localized on A and opens a branch cut over the region
A which connects the copies in the n-fold replicated theory.
I Planar Cut: A highly symmetric situation, where A is a
d 2 dimensional flat plane = methods of Defect CFTs
apply. Conformally related to a spherical cut.
I This talk: Second order variation of the Renyi entropy w.r.t
shape perturbations away from planar (or equivalently,
spherical) cuts in holographic CFT dual to Einstein gravity.
Shape perturbed planar cut





(figure taken from arXiv:1511.05179)

Defect CFTs and the Displacement operator
I A codimension-2 defect CFT preserves SO(2) rotations that
leave fixed, and SO(d 1, 1) conformal transformations
along directions of . (The full conformal group is
SO(d + 1, 1)).
I Displacement operator is a defect primary, that has
transverse spin-1 and scaling dimension d 1.
Such an operator is present in any defect CFT, and it
implements infinitesimal displacements of .
I Let x = (w , w , y ).
(w , w ) are transverse to the defect.

hDw (y )Dw (y 0 )i =
2|y y 0 |2(d1)

(From now on, correlation functions implicitly include the

twist operator.)
Q: What is CD in a holographic CFT?
Shape dependence of Renyi entropy - uses

I Universal terms in Renyi entropy [Fursaev] are fixed by the

second order shape dependence formula:

fa (n) fb (n) fc (n)

Snuniv = R + K + C (1)
2 2 2
I Universal corner contributions [Myers et al.] also fixed by
second order shape dependence formula. E.g, for 3d CFTs,
l l
Sn = Bn an () log( ) + O(/l) (2)

where an ( ) n ( )2 . n is fixed by CD .
Hyperbolic AdS blackhole metric
I Renyi entropy is given by the horizon area [Myers et al.,
Casini-Huerta-Myers] of the hyperbolic blackhole

dr 2 d2 + ij dy i dy j
ds 2 = fd 2 + + r2
f 2

where f = 1 + r 2 + Mr 2d .
r is the AdS radial coordinate.
I Mass M determines Renyi index n, via f (rH ) = 0 and
n = 2f 01(rH ) (regularity at horizon, for range of to be 2n).
I Hence, Weyl rescale flat metric of the defect CFT, to obtain
the H = S1 Hd1 . Note that log ZZnn invariant under Weyl

2 d2 + ij dy i dy j 1
dsH = d 2 + = e 2 dsR2 d ; e =
Stress tensor-Displacement correlator

hT (x)Dw ()iH dx dx =
d2 w d2 y2
d2 d~ Sd h d w 2
(CD Sd h ) +
2 2 2 w 2

Here, Sd = d(4/) 2 ( d+1
2 ), and h is defined via

h ij
hT ij i =
2 |w |d
I The correlator of bulk stress tensor with a generic transverse
spin-1 defect operator, depends on 3 independent parameters.
For the particular case of the displacement operator, these
three parameters are fixed in terms of h and CD .
Metric fluctuation of hyperbolic blackhole
I Ansatz: (In accordance with the scaling dimension and
transverse spin of the Displacement operator, and the radial
D ()
hMN dx M dx N =
d2 f [k d 2 + ik d d] + 2 [k d2 + kyy ij dy i dy j ]

N are functions only of r .
where kM
I Possible to find a solution (to linearized Einsteins equations)

k = (d 2)kyy = k(r ), k = k = 0

where k(r ) satisfies

d 1 f0 r 2 + (d 3)f
k (r ) + + k 0 (r ) k(r ) = 0
r f r 2f 2

I Near horizon:

k(r ) H (r rH )n/2 + 0 (r rH )n/2 . . .

I Near boundary:

r2 1
k(r ) + r d . . .
I Hence, we see = is fixed by regularity at horizon and is
determined by the numerical solution to the differential








1 2 3 4
Normalizability and Unfixed Diffeomorphisms

I Normalizability: Displacement operator insertion at , =

zero deformation to the boundary metric. Note that the
term is not 0 at the boundary.
I 3 Unfixed Diffeos exist (which leave you in the radial
gauge). And indeed it is possible to use these to make the
boundary deformation to the metric zero.
I Subtlety: 4 metric components to be set to zero, using 3
parameters! Happens only for special values of scaling
dimension in our ansatz, namely, the scaling dimensions
corresponding to the operator content of the defect in the
dual dCFT, which must happen for the dislacement operator,
since we know it exists. (See [Aharony et al., 2003] for a
codimension-1 dCFT example)

I The holographic stress tensor of the deformed metric (after

performing the required diffeo) takes the form expected from
the dual dCFT, and we have
nSd d
CD = 2(d 2) M .
16GN (d 1)
I Earlier conjecture from numerics and from n and n 1
limits CD = Sd h was determined to be wrong, although we
will see that the correct result is numerically close to the

(CD -CD (conj) )/CD

5 0.01

n 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
d=3 d=3
d=4 -0.02 d=4
d=5 d=5
-10 -0.03

I Can one check area law proposal for Renyi entropy [Xi Dong],
using our results ?

I 1 corrections to CD ?

I Extend to other holographic models of dCFTs ?

I Extend to compute more of the spectrum of operators ?


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