CSL Statement
CSL Statement
CSL Statement
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Background information:
About plasma products and the process of making them
CSL (through its subsidiary businesses, CSL Behring and CSL Plasma), is a
global leader in the plasma products industry. Around the world, CSL employs
nearly 20,000 people who work to deliver life-saving medicines, some of which
are manufactured from human plasma. Plasma products are made through a
process of separating and purifying the proteins that occur naturally in plasma,
and are used to produce a range of products - medicines for the treatment of
rare or serious conditions such as disorders of the immune system,
haemophilia, shock and trauma.
The film Blood Business has been systematically discredited by the Plasma
Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA) the international organisation
representing the plasma industry. The PPTA has expressed strong concern
about false and misleading statements made in the film that could cause
unnecessary anxiety in patients and plasma donors. The PPTA cites its primary
concerns about the documentary being:
Safety - Prior to donation, plasma donors are carefully screened and tested for
infectious diseases. Plasma products undergo rigorous safety controls and
inspections throughout every step of the manufacturing process from the
collection of plasma to the final packaging of the finished product, ensuring
plasma products are of the highest quality and safety.
Safety of the final product is assured through the four pillars of safety which act
in concert to prevent transmission of infection to the recipient. The four pillars of
donor selection, testing, pathogen inactivation and pharmacovigilance
have prevented clinically significant infectious disease transmission to recipients
of these products.
Tens of millions of plasma donations are collected each year (in 2016 in the
United States alone, the PPTA recorded 38,296,234 plasma collections1). Since
1994, CSL Behring has not had a confirmed transmission of an infectious agent
associated with its plasma products2. Our manufacturing methods have also
been demonstrated to be effective against emerging infections or viruses that
could be transmitted by blood. It is a record of which we are proud. Safety is not
taken for granted and CSL continues its research and vigilance to ensure that
this record of making safe, high-quality products for patients is maintained.
Donors - Plasma donors are valued individuals who are contributing to the
production of life-saving treatments. Many are repeat donors who make a
commitment to longer term donation because they recognise the life-saving
benefits of plasma products. Some even have a loved one or friend with a rare
disease that is treated with plasma product. It is regrettable that the film does
not reflect this more accurately.
UBS Global Research (UBS Evidence Lab), Global Plasma Pharmaceuticals, 9 June
and manufacture of plasma products is highly regulated and subject to strict
quality controls.
CSL publishes detail about the products it supplies in Australia in its annual
report. The National Blood Authority also publishes detail about the plasma
products it procures for supply in Australia in its Annual Report.
CSL takes inaccurate and misleading claims about the industry very seriously.
We are transparent about our business processes and welcome unbiased
scrutiny of our practices. To this end, our annual Corporate Responsibility report
details our commitment to operating responsibly, how we ensure the safety and
quality of our therapies and our support for communities around the world.
Further information:
PPTA: http://www.pptaglobal.org/
CSL Limited
On plasma safety
Responses to questions from Four Corners
CSL Limited pay for donations overseas. Does that blood and
plasma get used in transfusions or in pharmaceutical products for
Australian patients? If so, please detail.
CSL has 167 plasma collection centres across the United States.
What is CSL Limiteds approach to the number of donations that a
person should make? How do you monitor it?
What are the procedures and policies that CSL Limited has in place
to ensure that blood and plasma donated at CSL run donation
centres are safe?
This question would be best directed to Australias National Blood