A New Approach To Monitoring Exercise Training
A New Approach To Monitoring Exercise Training
A New Approach To Monitoring Exercise Training
110 Foster, Florhaug, Franklin, Gottschall, Hrovatin, Parker, Doleshal, and Dodge
is a comparatively poor method of evaluating very Table 1. Mean (6SD) characteristics of the subjects in
high-intensity exercise such as weight training, high- part 1.*
intensity interval training, and plyometric training.
Thus even with the most optimal HR monitoring strat- Men Women
egy, integration of the TRIMP does not translate well
Age (yr) 23.0 6 3.6 21.3 6 1.5
to very high-intensity exercise training. We have de-
Height (cm) 177 6 4 165 6 8
veloped a modification of the rating of the perceived Weight (kg) 70.8 6 7.2 63.8 6 4.3
exertion method (the session RPE), which uses RPE as Percent fat 11.1 6 4.8 20.9 6 2.7
a marker of training intensity within the TRIMP con- Peak power output (W) 315 6 34 237 6 33
cept (11, 12, 14, 15). This method has been shown to Peak power output (Wkg21) 4.52 6 0.52 3.68 6 0.38
be related to both HR and blood lactate markers of Peak VO2 (Lmin21) 3.84 6 0.30 2.94 6 0.34
exercise intensity (14). However, our previous evalua- Peak VO2 (mlmin21kg21) 54.6 6 2.4 46.2 6 3.5
tion of the session RPE method has been based pri- Peak HR (bmin21) 198 6 10 186 6 7
marily on responses during 30 minutes of steady state IAT power output (W) 228 6 25 188 6 48
exercise within a comparatively modest range of ex- IAT power output (Wkg21) 3.28 6 0.65 2.94 6 0.61
ercise intensities. Given the importance of both high- IAT HR (bmin21) 174 6 19 159 6 16
intensity training and extensive training bouts within
* HR 5 heart rate; IAT 5 individual aerobic threshold.
the training plan of contemporary athletes, informa-
tion regarding the stability of the session RPE method
vs. HR methods of monitoring training during exer-
cise other than brief steady state exercise is important. Table 2. Mean (6SD) characteristics of the subjects in
Accordingly, the intent of this study was to evaluate Part 2.
the relationship of the session RPE- and HR-based
methods of monitoring training during different forms Age (yr) 20.2 6 1.5
Height (cm) 191.4 6 4.9
of exercise training.
Weight (kg) 89.3 6 7.8
Percent fat 12.8 6 2.8
Methods Peak VO2 (Lmin21) 4.60 6 0.50
This study was conducted in 2 separate but related Peak VO2 (mlmin21kg21) 51.5 6 2.2
parts. In the first part we chose a common condition- Ventilatory threshold (Lmin21) 3.32 6 0.54
Respiratory compensation threshold
ing activity that allowed good quantitative control of
(Lmin21) 3.71 6 0.44
the exercise performed (cycle ergometry). This allowed HRpeak (bmin21) 182 6 9
an idealized approach to both steady state and interval HR at VT (bmin21) 136 6 6
exercise that we felt would be generally representative HR at RCT (bmin21) 150 6 4
of a variety of conditioning activities. During this
phase of the study, the subjects were 12 well-trained, * HR 5 heart rate.
recreational-level cyclists (m 5 6, F 5 6). In the second
part, the subjects were members of a collegiate mens
spirometry (Quinton Q-Plex, Seattle, WA). Peak VO2
basketball team (n 5 14). Each subject provided in-
was defined as the highest continuous full minute VO2
formed consent prior to participation, and the study
observed during the test. HR was measured by radio-
protocol was approved by the university institutional
telemetry (Polar Electro Oy, Port Washington, NY).
review board. Some descriptive characteristics of the
Blood lactate was measured in capillary blood ob-
subjects are provided in Tables 1 and 2.
tained from a fingertip at rest, at the end of each stage
Part 1 of exercise, and at 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes postexercise
Prior to the experimental protocol, each subject was using an enzyme electrode system (YSI Sport, Yellow
evaluated during maximal incremental exercise on an Springs, OH). The individual anaerobic threshold
electrically braked cycle ergometer (Lode, Gronningen, (IAT) was calculated on the basis of the exercise and
Netherlands). The subjects pedaled at freely chosen recovery blood lactate concentrations according to
revolutions per minute (rpms) within the range of 60 Stegmann et al. (22).
80. The test began at a power output of 50 W for men, Subsequently, each subject performed 8 randomly
40 W for women over 60 kg body weight, and 30 W ordered exercise training bouts, which included a ref-
for women under 60 kg body weight. The power out- erence 30-minute steady state bout at a power output
put was increased by the same increment every 3 min- equivalent to 90% of the IAT, 2 additional steady state
utes until the subject could no longer continue. The exercise bouts at the same power output but of 60- and
peak power output was interpolated based on the pro- 90-minutes duration, and 5 interval bouts at the same
portional time achieved during the terminal stage. Ox- mean power output. The interval bouts were 30 min-
ygen uptake (VO2) was measured using open-circuit utes in duration and included variations in interval
Monitoring Exercise Training 111
Steady state 0.5 m/0.5 m 1.0 m/1.0 m 2.0 m/ 2.0 m 610% 625% 650%
Table 4. Comparison of calculated exercise TRIMP scores mated HR zone method is based on only 5 zones, so
using the summated heart rate (HR) zone method and the an athlete working at maximal HR for the entire du-
session rate of perceived exertion (RPE) method. ration of an exercise bout would only have their exer-
cise duration multiplied by 5, whereas with 10 effec-
Summated HR tive zones represented by the session RPE method the
zone Session RPE
multiplier for exercise duration can be somewhat larg-
30 min steady state 110 6 24 130 6 57*
er, particularly at high intensities. In this regard, it is
60 min steady state 216 6 39 270 6 63* worth noting that Banister et al. (2, 9, 18) used a non-
90 min steady state 350 6 44 432 6 67* linear multiplier for the mean HR recorded during ex-
30 s/30 s interval 107 6 14 131 6 45* ercise, which is conceptually quite similar to the cate-
60 s/60 s interval 117 6 18 148 6 54* gory ratio RPE score. Thus although the quality of in-
120 s/120 s interval 114 6 17 146 6 47* formation available from the session RPE method is
110% interval 114 6 16 136 6 60* fairly crude relative to the highly detailed data avail-
125% interval 117 6 18 148 6 54* able from HR records, the present data suggests that
150% interval 114 6 111 161 6 46* the same critical information is contained with both
Basketball 652 6 59 744 6 84* methods. The simplicity of the session RPE method
suggests the practical value of the technique.
* p , 0.05 summated HR zone vs. session RPE.
Our experience with the session RPE method sug-
gests that most athletes can use the technique fairly
well with only minimal instruction, primarily by fo-
cusing on the verbal anchors associated with the RPE
scale while responding to the simple question How
was your workout? Approximately 20% of athletes
will attempt to separately report RPE-duration scores
for various phases of each training session, which may
then be summated. The remaining 80% of athletes will
comfortably give a single number representing the ge-
stalt of the training session. Despite these differences,
we have found that individual athletes seem to be very
consistent in their own pattern of using the session
RPE method, and that regardless of whether they are
Figure 3. Regression lines comparing the relationship be-
tween TRIMP scores generated using the summated HR
detail-oriented or more globally focused, there is a
zone method and session RPE method of monitoring exer- good relationship between their reports of training
cise during the various cycle exercise bouts and during load and subsequent performance (12). Previous work,
basketball practice and competition. Note the overall simi- which we have done with this technique, has suggest-
larity among the different exercise bouts, and that although ed that other data (monotony, strain) may be derived
different subjects are used there is a similarity of the cy- from the session RPEderived TRIMP scores reported
cling and basketball data. by the athletes (11, 15). Although one suspects that
similar data may be derived from HR-based TRIMP
4. There were significant differences between the scores, to date this has not been accomplished.
methods, with the session RPE method giving a larger The overall consistency between objective (sum-
exercise score than the summated HR method. How- mated HR zone) and subjective (session RPE) methods
ever, regression analyses revealed that the pattern of of monitoring training during highly disparate types
differences was consistent and similar to responses of exercise suggests that the session RPE method may
during steady state and interval cycle exercise ob- be useful over a very wide variety of exercise sessions.
served in Part 1 (Figure 3). Previous experience with RPE as a method of moni-
toring exercise suggests that muscularly strong indi-
viduals are comparatively poor at rating the intensity
Discussion of aerobic exercise sessions, attending more to mus-
The results of this study are consistent with our pre- cular tension than to sensations of dyspnea. However,
vious observations of a highly correlated relationship when providing an overall gestalt with familiar modes
between the session RPE and the summated HR zone of training, it may be that even athletes performing
methods of evaluating training sessions (11, 12, 14). highly intense muscular activities can provide ade-
This suggests that either method may be used as a quate ratings. Although ultrahigh-intensity exercise
method of creating a TRIMP score for the evaluation (resistance training, plyometrics) cannot objectively be
of exercise training. The methods are not, however, in- evaluated using HR criteria, the pattern of responses
terchangeable because of differences in scale. The sum- between objective and subjective measures in the pre-
114 Foster, Florhaug, Franklin, Gottschall, Hrovatin, Parker, Doleshal, and Dodge
Table 5. Schematic training diary demonstrating the calculation of training load, monotony, and strain.
Session rate of
exertion Duration
Day Training activity (RPE) (min) Load
ing; 11, 12). Finally, the session RPE method has the
advantage of not requiring knowledge of maximal ex-
ercise responses (e.g., HRpeak) to anchor the monitor-
ing method. Although in athletic individuals deter-
mination of maximal HR is relatively risk-free, it still
represents an additional step in designing a training
monitoring scheme that is not required by the session
RPE method.
Practical Applications
The present data provide support for the use of the
session RPE method as a subjective estimate of train-
ing load during nonsteady state exercise, including
Figure 4. Schematic training periodization plan over the very high-intensity interval training and team sport
17 weeks leading up to a major weekend of competition. practice and competition. As such, it suggests that this
Note the day to day variation in the training load and the very simple method may be a useful technique for
weekly variation in training. With this scheme of monitor- quantitating training load in a wide variety of athletic
ing training, the coach can appreciate how well the athlete applications. In this regard, the present data suggest
executes the designed periodization plan. In particular, the that the session RPE method may provide a mecha-
failure of the athlete to progressively increment the nism for quantitating the exercise intensity component
heavy weeks of the training plan is very obvious and and allow calculation of a single number representa-
explains the less than satisfactory results at the time of the
tive of the combined intensity and duration of training
The present data and our previous experience with
sent data (where the power output of the 650% er- the session RPE technique suggest that it is easy to use,
gometer trials and during basketball practice occasion- quite reliable, and consistent with objective physiolog-
ally exceeded the peak aerobic power output) suggests ical indices of the intensity of exercise training. By sim-
that the session RPE method might be a valid ap- ply asking the athlete to rate the global intensity of the
proach to evaluating even very high-intensity exercise. exercise bout and then by multiplying by the duration
If this were so, then a single method could be used to of the training bout, a daily exercise score can be cre-
provide a quantitative basis for describing the peri- ated. This can be put into the form of an exercise diary,
odization of training plans. Some support for this sug- which can reveal the overall weekly pattern of exercise
gestion is provided by the relationship between train- (Table 5). From this, accessory indices of training, such
ing load and performance, which we have previously as monotony and strain, can be calculated, potentially
demonstrated with speed skaters (who do a wide va- providing in index of the likelihood of untoward train-
riety of aerobic, interval, and ultrahigh-intensity train- ing outcomes. Finally, the daily and weekly training
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