Arabic Speech
Arabic Speech
Arabic Speech
Level 6 1st Round How can we bring positve change in Young American as Young Muslims?
Level 6 2nd Round Dawah: Time to Come Out of Our Boxes!
Level 5 1st Round Islam teaches humanity to help the needy and less fortunate
Level 5 2nd Round Habits of highly successful youth
Level 4 1st Round Finding Jannah at the feet of my mother
Level 4 2nd Round Prophet Mohamed SAW is my Ideal
Participants will be judged as follows:
RatingExcellent RatingGood RatingSatisfactory RatingNeeds
Criterion Improvement
Points 10-9 Points 9-8 Points 8-7 Points 7-6
Introduction (1) Gets attention Meets any three of the four Meets any two of the Meets only
(2) Clearly identifies criteria four criteria one of the four
topic(3) Establishes criteria
credibility (4)Previews
the main points
Body Main points Main points aresomewhat Main pointsneed Main pointsare
areclear,well clear,some support, andsome clarityand not clearand have
supported, documentation supportlack ofsources no supportand no
andsources are anddocumentation sources or
documented documentation
Conclusion (1) Reviews main Reviews main points , Brings closure Does not bring
points(2) Brings brings closure closure; the
closure(3)Memorable audience is left
Eye Contact Eye contact with Eye contact with audience less Eye contact with Little or no eye
audience virtually all than 80% of the time audience less than contact
the time (except for 75% of the time
brief glances at notes)
Use of Use of Use of language does not have Use of language Use of language
Language languagecontributes negative impact, and vocalized causes potential is inappropriate
to effectiveness of the pauses(um uh er etc.)not confusion, and/or
speech, and vocalized distracting vocalized pauses(um
pauses(um uh er uh er etc.)are
etc.) not distracting distracting
Body Body language, Body language,gestures, and Body language, facial Body language,
language gestures, and facial facialexpressions compliment expressions and gestures,
expressionsadds message gestureslack varietyandfacial
greatly to the message and spontaneity expressions are
lacking or
Clarity Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all the time nearly all the time with no distinctly most of the can not be
with no mispronounced more than one mispronounced time with no more understood with
words word than two more than three
mispronounced words mispronounced
Volume Volume is loudenough Volume is loud enough to be Volume is loud Volume often too
to be heard by all heard by all audience enough to be heard soft to be heard
audience members members at least 90% of the by all audience by all audience
throughout the time members at least members.
presentation 80% of the time
Content Shows a full Shows a good understanding Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the of the topic understanding of understand the
topic parts of the topic topic very well
Time Within allotted time Within 10% of allotted time Within 20% of Not within 20% of
allotted time allotted time
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Arabic Speech Contest
The Arabic Speech Contest takes place typically in mid-April on
a Saturday. It is an all-day event consisting of the reading
of the speeches, prizes, food, and entertainment. Arabic-
speaking students from all area universities (not just
Duke!) are invited to attend and compete.
-Competitions are held separately for first-year, second-year, and advanced students.
-Speeches can be on any political, social, economic, cultural, or scientific topic of the
students' choices. First year speeches should be about 3 minutes; advanced levels
should be 5 minutes.
-Cash awards are given for first, second, and third places; all contestants receive a
NAJD T-shirt.
1. Good afternoon, boys and girls, and our dear teachers! This afternoon the students in Grade One get together to have an English
Speech Competition. We do it with the purpose of enriching our school life and at the same time, improving our English level. We are very
glad that many of you took an active part in the activity. Congratulations to those 37 contestants on having the chance to stand here and give
us a speech.
Third, to show the principle of fairness and equality, we've invited some of the English teachers from Grade two to be our judges.
3. standards
4. Now, English Speech Competition begins! Contestant No.1, ... from Class...
6. Now, I have the honor to announce the final results of the competition: the first prize goes to...