WAF1/CIP1 Is Induced in /?53-Mediated G! Arrest and Apoptosis1
WAF1/CIP1 Is Induced in /?53-Mediated G! Arrest and Apoptosis1
WAF1/CIP1 Is Induced in /?53-Mediated G! Arrest and Apoptosis1
Advances in Brief
Abstract (4, 5). One pathway can be triggered by exposure of mouse thymo-
cytes to dexamethasone and is independent of p53. The second path
The tumor growth suppressor WAF1/C1Pwas recently shown to be way is dependent upon the induction of p53 and follows exposure to
induced by p53 and to be a potent inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases. In
ionizing radiation or other agents associated with DNA damage (11).
the present studies, we sought to determine the relationship between the
Several cellular proteins, including bcl-2 (12), adenoviral E1B (13),
expression of WAFIICIPI and endogenous regulation of p53 function.
and bcr-abl (14), have been identified as inhibitors of apoptosis,
WAF1/CIP1 protein was first localized to the nucleus of cells containing
wild-type p53 and undergoing G| arrest. WAFIICIPI was induced in whereas other proteins, including c-myc (15), adenoviral EIA (16,
wild-type p53-containing cells by exposure to DNA damaging agents, but 17), and bcl-2-associated proteins (18, 19), have been identified as
not in mutant p5.?-containing cells. The induction of WAF1/CIP1 protein inducers of apoptosis. The interactions between these inhibitors and
occurred in cells undergoing either p5.!-associated Garrest or apoptosis the mediators of apoptosis are beginning to reveal a complex regula
but not in cells induced to arrest in G or to undergo apoptosis through tion of cell death (20).
p5J-independent mechanisms. DNA damage led to increased levels of
In the present studies, we sought to determine whether WAF1/CIP1
WAF1/CIP1 in cyclin E-containing complexes and to an associated de
induction occurs in the endogenous DNA damage response pathways
crease in cyclin-dependent kinase activity. These results support the idea
that WAF1/CIP1 is a critical downstream effector in the p5J-specific path
leading to either cell cycle block in G, or apoptosis. We further
analyzed the induction of G, arrest or apoptosis by p5J-independent
way of growth control in mammalian cells.
pathways to determine if WAFIICIPI is a generally induced growth
Introduction inhibitor or a more specific stress/damage-induced mediator of p53
The tumor suppressor p53 is a transcription factor (reviewed in Ref.
1) which has been identified as a participant in the cellular DNA Materials and Methods
damage response resulting in either G! arrest (2, 3) or apoptosis (4, 5).
The mechanism by which p53 induction results in growth suppression Cell Culture Conditions and Treatments. The v-myc retrovirus-induced
murine T-cell lymphoma parental line J3D and the temperature-sensitive mu
is not firmly established, but a potential explanation was provided by
rine Val 135 p53 mutant-transfected cell line M3 have been described previ
the demonstration that p53 transcriptionally activates the production
ously (21). A fourth passage of the WI38 human lung fibroblast cell line was
of a A/r 21,000 protein [WAF1 (6)] which was simultaneously discov obtained from R-W. C. Yen and S. B. Baylin. The murine hematopoietic
ered as a potent inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases [CIP1 (7)]. In
(pre-B-cell) cell line BAF3, which undergoes apoptosis when the growth factor
normal diploid fibroblasts, WAF1/CIP1 is associated with every cy- IL32 is withdrawn, was obtained from A. Bedi and R. Jones (22). Cells were
clin-kinase complex examined, including those containing A-, B-, D-, seeded 24 h before drug or radiation treatment and were 50-70% confluent at
and E-type cyclins and Cdc2, Cdk2, Cdk4, and Cdk5 (7, 8). In con the time of such treatment. Radiation treatments of 2-8 Gy were delivered by
trast, cyclin immune complexes from fibroblasts transformed by SV40 a 137Cs y-irradiator at approximately 1 Gy/min. Cells were treated with the
or cells containing germ line p53 mutations contain nearly undetect- chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin (Adriamycin) at a concentration of 0.2
/ig/ml for 14 or 28 h at 37C.
able levels of WAF1/CIP1 (9). WAF1/CIP1 inhibits growth of both
human tumor cell lines (6) and normal diploid fibroblasts (7) when Immunocytochemistry and Western Blot Analysis. Cells were fixed and
stained with mouse anti-human WAF1 polyclonal antibodies using minor
introduced via transfection, and this effect is largely reversed by
expression of T-antigen in normal fibroblasts (7). Together, these data modifications of previously described methods (23). Cell lysates were har
vested in SDS/PAGE sample-loading buffer and Western blot analysis was
suggest a direct link between p53, G, arrest, and negative regulation performed using pAblSOl (Ab2; Oncogene Science) to detect human p53, Ab3
of the cell cycle kinases required for the GrS transition. (Oncogene Science) to detect murine p53, or mouse anti-human WAF1 poly
Molecular details of the programmed cell death pathway are still clonal sera to detect either human or mouse WAF1/CIP1 protein. The mouse
poorly defined (10), but recent studies indicate that there are at least WAF1 polyclonal sera was obtained following immunization of mice with an
two pathways which mediate apoptosis in hematopoietic cell lineages Escherichia co/i-expressed GST-WAF1 fusion protein (WAF1/CIP1 residues 1
to 164). Mice were immunized by i.p. injection with 7.5 (xg of electroeluted
GST-WAF1 protein at weeks 0, 4, 7, and 15, and serum was obtained from the
Received 12/28/93; accepted 1/20/94. intraorbital plexus on weeks 9 and 16. Serum titers were measured in an
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using soluble, purified GST-WAF1 es
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with
18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. sentially as described (23). Specificity towards WAF1/CIP1 was determined by
' This work was supported by the Preuss Foundation, the Clayton Fund, the National immunoblot using a 1:500 dilution of serum on purified GST-WAF1 and on
Foundation for Cancer Research, the Glaxo Research Institute. Inc. (M. B. K. and lysates of GM cells expressing or not expressing WAF1/CIP1 (6). Rabbit
C. E. C), the Council for Tobacco Research (M. B. K. and C. E. C.), and NIH Grants
GM07309, GM07184, ES05777 (M. B. K.), CA-09071, CA-55541 (W. E. M.). AG-11085
(S. J. E., and J. W. H.), and CA-43460. B. V. is an American Cancer Society research 2 The abbreviations used are: IL3, interleukin 3; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; PAGE,
professor. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; FBS, fetal bovine serum.
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WAFJ/CIPl Expression Is Not Induced in Cells Which Undergo type p53, WAFIICIPI mRNA was expressed, even in the presence of
G Arrest or Apoptosis through p5J-independent Pathways. To mimosine (Fig. 5). Additionally, no WAFIICIPI induction was ob
determine whether WAFIICIPI expression is induced in cells under served in GM cells arrested in G0 by serum starvation in the absence
going/?53-independent G, arrest or apoptosis, two experimental sys of dexamethasone (not shown).
tems were used. In the first, the glioblastoma cell line GM [expressing The BAF3 murine hematopoietic cell line undergoes apoptosis fol
only mutant p53 in the absence of dexamethasone (Table 1)] was lowing withdrawal of the growth factor IL3, but no induction of p53
induced to arrest in G, by treatment with the plant amino acid mi- occurs.3 Under these conditions, there was no associated induction of
mosine (27, 28). Under these conditions, there was no measurable WAFIICIPI gene expression (Fig. 4B; data not shown). When the
increase in WAFIICIPI gene expression (Fig. 5). However, when G! same cells were treated with ionizing radiation both p53 and WAF1/
arrest was caused by dexamethasone induction of exogenous wild- CIP! expression were induced (Fig. 4B).
Cell line/species Cell type Endo" Exo Adriamycin Radiation Dex Temp
fibroblastPre-B +++
carcinomaColorectal ++
carcinomaBurkitt's +++ts
lymphomaGlioblastomaColorectal +Dex
Val 135
+_ wt
carcinomaGlioblastomaT-cell _Dex _
**Endo and Exo, endogenous and exogenous p53 status in the cell lines; +, significant expression was induced following the indicated treatment: -, little or no induction of expression
was detected; Dex, treatment of cells with 1 JIMdexamethasone to induce the exogenous p53; Temp, temperature shift to 32C.wt and mu, wild-type and mutant p53 al-eles,respectively.
H and M, human and mouse origin, respectively. WAFJ/CIP1 expression was measured at the protein level, and in some cases also at the mRNA level as indicated in Figs. 3-5.
'' Genotypically wild-type p53 but did not undergo Gj arrest or express higher levels of p53 after radiation (see text).
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WAF1/CIP1 Is Induced in p53-mediated G1 Arrest and Apoptosis
Wafik S. El-Deiry, J. Wade Harper, Patrick M. O'Connor, et al.
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