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Another Boardgame Player Aid By: Universal Head Design That Works

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Another boardgame player aid by

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Universal Head Design That Works www.universalhead.com

These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for
additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher
and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the
original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not
be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.

Pub: Days of Wonder (2006)

Page 1: Rules summary front

May 2010
Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Heroes summary front
Page 4: Heroes summary back
Page 5: Epic summary
Page 6: Call to Arms summary
Page 7: Game Variants summary
Page 8: Play Reference Terrain
Page 9: Play Reference Units & Weapons
Page 8: Play Reference Musicians & Dragons
Page 8: Play Reference Other Creatures

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.
Combat Morale
Morale values can stack (eg. supported Dwarves on
Resolve battles one at a time andwith the exception a rampart adjacent to a Stronghold = Bold 4) and are
of Bonus Melee Attacksonly once per ordered unit not mutually exclusive.
per turn. One units battle must be completed before
the next battle. An ordered unit does not have to battle. Bold A Bold unit may ignore a flag rolled against it in
Setup battle for each level of Bold that it has (but is never
A unit always fights at full strength despite casualties.
forced to do so).
Setup the terrain, game pieces and figures according
to the Adventure (or use Call to Arms if desired). Combat Procedure A Bold unit may Battle Back when attacked in
melee and not forced to vacate its hex as soon as
Shuffle the Command deck and deal Command 1. Verify that the target is within Range and LOS.
the attackers dice roll is fully resolved. There are
cards as required by the Adventure. If playing a Lore 2. Calculate the number of Battle dice you may no further battle back actions, and units that battle
Adventure, set up your War Council, prepare the Lore roll according to units troop and weapon type, back are never entitled to Gain Ground, make Pursuit
deck and deal/select cards, and take Lore tokens. adjust due to terrain effects, and roll. Score Actions or Bonus Melee Attacks.
hits, then resolve retreats.
Turn Sequence Frightened A Frightened unit retreats 2 hexes for
3. If appropriate, conduct follow-on actions each flag rolled against it.
Players alternate turns, starting with the player listed (Gaining Ground, Pursuit Action, Bonus Melee
in the Adventures battle notes. Attack or enemy Battle Back). A Frightened unit must also check for Panic Losses
when retreating: roll 1d for each hex of retreat ground
1. Command Range and Line of Sight actually covered. Any dice that match the retreating
Play a Command card. A unit attacking an adjacent unit (or a unit with a units banner color kill a figure of that unit (all other
missile weapon used at Point Blank range) is in Melee. results are ignored).
2. Order
Announce units the player intends to order. Attacks beyond the range of adjacent hexes are Support
Ranged. Count the hexes to the target (not counting A unit adjacent to at least 2 friendly units receives
3. Movement the attackers hex but counting the targets hex) and Support, and is considered Bold. It may not Battle
Move ordered units, one at a time. verify that the distance is within the weapons range. Back if forced out of its initial supported position.
4. Combat A unit adjacent to an enemy unit must engage it if it Follow-on Actions
Battle one ordered unit at a time. chooses to battle (it cannot target a more distant unit).
Gain Ground An attacker that forces a defending unit
5. Draw and End of Turn The target of a ranged attack must be within Line of to vacate its hex may Gain Ground and move into the
Draw a new Command card, new Lore cards Sight (LOS). Draw a line between the centres of the just-vacated hex.
and/or Lore tokens. hexes; LOS is blocked if any part of a hex containing an
obstruction or unit crosses this line. If the line runs along Pursuit If the successful melee attacker is a mounted
the edge of hexes it is only blocked if the obstructions unit, it may Pursue by gaining ground and then
Command & Ordering stand somewhere along both sides of the line. moving 1 additional hex. If the unit just moves into
Command cards order units to move and/or battle. the vacated hex, or then moves back into its original
Terrain Modifiers hex, it is still considered a Pursuit.
Section cards order a set number of units from the
When present, terrain restrictions impose a cap on the
sections shown on the card. Tactic cards order units The unit may then make an optional Bonus Melee
default number of dice a unit attacking in or from the
as described on the card. Attack against the same or any other target adjacent
terrain type will roll. Bonuses from Lore or Command
If the number of units to be ordered is Equal to cards etc are not subject to this limit. Where effects to it. If this attack is successful and eliminates or
Command, this is equal to the number of Command combine, the lowest of the terrain maximums apply. pushes back the target, the attacker may then Gain
cards in the players hand (including the one played). Ground, but cannot make another Pursuit or Bonus
Hits and Misses Melee Attack.
After playing a Command card, announce which units The number of Battle dice rolled is determined by the
you intend to order. Only units issued an order this color of the units banner. The attacker scores 1 Hit Follow-on Actions are never mandatory and are
turn may move, battle or take a special action. Only for each colored Helmet symbol rolled that matches subject to normal terrain restrictions.
one order may be given to each unit per turn. the banner color of the target unit. Defending units allowed to battle before an attacking
Unless specified otherwise, the Sword on Shield unit (due to magic or a special action) may not Gain
Units on a section divider hex may be ordered from
(Bonus Strike) symbol and the Lore symbol are misses. Ground or Pursue.
either section. If a Command card allows you to issue
more orders than you have units in that section, For each hit scored remove a figure from the target
additional orders are lost. Draw and End of Turn
unit. The Banner Bearer is removed last and placed
on the attackers Victory track. Discard the Command card played this turn and draw
Movement another.
When playing Lore Adventures, take 1 Lore token for
Move units one at a time and only once per ordered each Lore symbol rolled (even when Battling Back) if If playing a Lore Adventure, choose one of the
unit per turn. Movement for one unit must be the rolled Lore does not trigger some other effect. following actions:
completed before moving another. An ordered unit
Retreats Draw 2 Lore cards, keep one and discard the other
does not have to move.
For each Retreat flag counted against it, the target or
Two units may not occupy the same hex, and units unit must move 1 movement (typically 1 or 2 hexes) Draw 1 Lore card and take 1 Lore token
may not move into or through occupied hexes. Figures back towards its own side of the battlefield. or
always stay together as a unit and cannot combine Take 2 Lore tokens
with other units. Terrain has no effect on retreat moves, though
impassable terrain is still impassable. If a units Players alternate turns until one player reaches the
Terrain may impact movement. Dimmed half-hexes retreat path is blocked, one figure is removed for each required number of Victory Banners, at which time
bordering the battlefield cannot be entered. retreat hex of movement that cannot be completed. the game immediately ends.
Lore Landmarks Dragons
Lore tokens power spells and legendary actions. When Lore Master Landmark rules are in effect, a Flight The last hex of movement must be an empty
There is no limit to the number that can be stored, player with a 3rd level Lore Master (Cleric, Wizard, hex (it is then considered to be on the ground).
but players are limited by the number in the supply. Warrrior or Rogue) receives the corresponding Lore When used against a flying dragon, Lore cards that
Masters Landmark. If both players have a Lore Master Hold or Web cause it to fall to the ground and take
A Lore card must be played during the phase
of that class neither receives it. At setup, starting with a 1d Critical Hit check, and the creature stops in
specified. Reaction Lore cards (light background), can
the player moving first in the Adventure, place the its current space (if the space is occupied, it must
be played during your opponents turn or in reaction
Landmark on an empty hex on the 3rd or 4th row of retreat until it reaches an empty hex).
to one of his actions or Lore card play.
hexes from the controlling players side.
Spend the required number of Lore tokens, choose a Morale A dragon may ignore 1 flag. When forced to
A player with a 3rd level Commander must place a retreat, it must retreat 3 hexes, and flies over any
target, resolve the effects and discard the card.
Stronghold Landmark in a countryside hex occupied units in its retreat path. The last hex must be an
Only 1 Lore card can be played during a players turn by one of his units at the start of the Adventure. Both empty hex.
and 1 during his opponents turn. sides may deploy a Stronghold.
If a retreat cannot be completed, 1 hit is scored for
Anytime an odd value is halved, round the result up. A Landmarks special effects only benefit the each hex of the retreat that cannot be completed.
controlling players units, but these common rules After 2 or more hits, a Critical Hit check occurs.
You may never have a number of Lore cards more
apply to both sides units:
than your highest Lore Master level +1. If you have Critical Hits A dragon only takes a Critical Hit check
more, discard either from the card(s) just picked or A unit occupying a Landmark is Bold. any time it suffers 2 or more hits. The first 2 hits
your existing hand. scored on a dragon cause a 1d Critical Hit check, and
A unit entering a Landmark must stop, may move
Lore cards can be played out of character if the no further that turn and may not battle that turn. It each additional hit adds 1d to the Critical Hit check.
corresponding Lore Master is not on your Council, by battles with a maximum of 2d. A unit attacking a The dragon dies immediately if its banner color is
paying an additional 3 Lore. Level-dependent Lore unit on a Landmark hex battles with a maximum of rolled on the Critical Hit check. Ignore all other
cards played in this way are cast at Level 1. 2d. A Landmark blocks LOS. results. A dragon counts as 2 Victory banners.
Creature Lairs Combat To use a breath attack, spend Lore prior to
Battle Savvy Troops
At setup, starting with the player moving first in the movement equal to the Lore cost. The dragon may
A Battle Savvy unit attacked in melee combat and Adventure, place a Lair on an empty hex on the 3rd or then attack a maximum of 3 enemy hexes during
not eliminated or forced to retreat may battle back. 4th row of hexes from the controlling players side. movement.
A retreating Battle Savvy unit may never battle back. A breath weapon may only be used when flying above
an enemy unit, and only on any given unit once
When a Battle Savvy unit in melee is unable to fulfill
A single Creature figure is considered a unit for game during a turn. Place an appropriate Breath token
a retreat move, the unit may battle back (after it takes
purposes, but is neither a foot nor a mounted unit. (target side) in the enemy units hex.
losses and if it is still in its original hex).
When playing a Section card you may order a creature After all of your movement is completed, resolve all
Battle Savvy units with ranged weapons do not collect
in a different section by paying 3 Lore tokens. of your breath attacks (prior to any other combat).
Lore tokens in ranged combat, but do collect Lore
Roll the dragons damage dice against each enemy
tokens in melee combat. Creatures are eliminated only on a Critical Hit. When
unit with a Breath token. Lore symbols activate the
a creature takes one or more hits from any source, roll
dragons special effect (flip the Breath token over to
War Councils only these dice again. If the creatures banner color
the effect side). If more than 1 Lore is rolled, place
is then rolled (ignore all other symbols), it receives a
If playing a Lore Adventure, each player receives a additional tokens, effect side up, in the units hex.
Critical Hit and is killed. The victor places it on his
War Council sheet. The Commander level dictates the If no Lore is rolled, the token is removed. Terrain
Victory track and receives 1 Lore token (see below).
number of Command cards you hold during the game. combat restrictions do not apply to a breath attack,
Creatures are Bold, but must always ignore 1 flag and Lore rolled is never taken.
Your highest level Lore Master (Cleric, Wizard, rolled against them, rather than retreating instead.
Warrrior or Rogue) determines your starting hand A Breath effect token stays with a unit until the unit
of Lore cards, initial reserve of Lore tokens and Creatures provide support but never benefit from is eliminated or the token is removed. To remove a
maximum number of Lore cards. it, and do not receive a Morale boost from Landmarks. token, the units player must order the unit and spend
2 Lore per token; it may then move and battle as
Place Lore Master tokens on the spots matching your Retreat and Trampling
normal on that turn.
Lore Masters, either as detailed in the Adventure or For each Retreat flag a creature must resolve, it
as chosen by the players (usually 6 levels total each, must retreat 2 hexes (unless otherwise stated). If it
with levels secretly assigned among the Council cannot do so it receives 1 hit for each hex of retreat
members). An appropriate Lore Master token is movement it cannot take. As usual, make a Critical The Hydra does not have to suffer a critical hit in
placed face up on a space, with 0-2 tokens (generic Hit check if necessary. order to be wounded. Instead, for each hit choose one
face up) under it to indicate his level of 1-3. neck piece attached to the Hydra to remove from the
When 2 units, or a unit and obstacle, block a
game. When rolling battle dice for the Hydra, you may
Sort the Lore cards by Lore Master class and shuffle creatures retreat, each unit in its path may be
use Lore to place a neck piece with 3 heads into an
each of the 4 decks separately. For each Lore Master trampled. Make a Critical Hit check; if it survives, it
empty neck slot (otherwise, the Lore is lost).
class (Cleric, Wizard, Warrrior or Rogue) present in remains in the hex and each unit in its retreat path
both sides War Councils, randomly take 14 cards takes 1 hit.
from that class deck. For each class present on only Defeating a Creature
one Council, take 8 cards. For each class on neither Special Powers and Power-Ups A troop that defeats a creature or dragon has 1 Lore
Council, take 5 cards. Most creatures have Special Powers or unique token placed its hex. The troop may spend the token
attacks. A soon as the Creature meets the necessary to do one of the following:
Shuffle all of these cards together to form the games Lore requirement for a power upon seeing the results
Lore deck and deal 4 to each side; players choose Move one additional hex when moving or in a retreat
of a dice roll, it must unleash it.
the number they will keep according to the players Battle with one additional die
highest Lore Master level. Lore rolled by a creature may never be held or stored. Ignore one flag

Ordering a Leader Casualty Check Procedure
1. Move and battle with his troop as a single unit (at 1. Your opponent rolls 1d for each and hit
the cost of a single order for the combined unit). scored in combat, plus 1d if the troop the Hero
HERO OR was leading was eliminated; or the number of dice
2. Split from his troop for a single order if the Leader shown on a revealed trap token.
Role of a Hero is ordered but the troop is not, or for 2 orders if the 2. The players then check to see if at least 1
Leader and the troop are ordered separately. symbol is rolled (ignore all other results).
Before ordering a Hero, note his current role: If so, the Hero is wounded.
Changing a Heros role does not allow him to bypass
Champion A single figure fighting alone in a hex of his the 1 order per unit per turn limit, and ordering him Wounds
own; behaves like any other unit in the game. does not order the troop he joins or leaves. A wounded Hero is placed onto your opponents
Leader A single figure that joins forces and shares the Tactic Cards and Heroes Victory Track. His currently equipped Artifact(s)
same hex as a friendly troop; behaves like that troop. BattleLore A symbol rolled may be used to order a are returned to the deck. Skill cards, and Artifacts
They are considered a single unit for game purposes. Champion, or to order a Leader to split from his unit. facedown under a Heros character sheet, are not lost.

Foot Onslaught A Champion on foot may be issued an Heroes may be able to modify the dice rolled on a
The Basics casualty check, as detailed on relevant cards.
order. A Leader on foot may be ordered to split from
Before a Heros first adventure, take a character his unit as an order. When a Hero is wounded, cross out one of the
sheet, fill in his name, and select his class: Leadership In addition to the 1 unit ordered, all skulls on his character sheet. He recovers between
Commander, Warrior, Rogue, Wizard, or Cleric. Leaders and their units are also ordered. They also adventures and may be deployed in the next adventure
receive an additional battle die for the entire turn. (his wounds remain as marked). When all of his skulls
Note the Heros weapon, its damage number, and the
are crossed off, he may no longer be used.
Heros wounds (by crossing out extra skulls) as follows: Mounted Charge A mounted Champion may be issued
Class Weapon Battles With Wounds an order. A mounted Leader may be ordered to split Troops Wounding a Hero
Commander sword 1d 4 from his unit as an order. A troop without a Leader that wounds an enemy Hero
Warrior sword 2d 5 in melee combat gains 1 Lore token, which it may
Rogue sword 1d 4 Movement spend to do one of the following:
Wizard staff 1d 3 Move one additional hex when moving or retreating.
Champions may move up to 2 hexes and battle on
Cleric mace 1d 3 Battle with one additional die.
foot, and up to 4 hexes and battle while mounted.
Ignore one flag.
Take the corresponding figure (only take a mounted A Champion may move into or through any hex
figure if you choose the Riding Skill) and banner. occupied by another friendly unit. If the troop has a
Hero Morale
Choose 1 Skill from among his classes Skill cards. compatible movement status, he may choose to stop
Certain Skills have prerequisites that must be met in the hex and join the troop as a Leader. Champions are Bold: they ignore 1 flag, and provide
before the Hero can gain the Skill. Recommended and receive support from adjacent friendly units.
He may not stop in a hex with an enemy unit, enemy
starting Skills for each character class are: creature, any another Champion, or a troop without a A Champion retreats 1-3 hexes. He may retreat
Commander: Riding Wizard: Ball Lightning compatible movement status. through any unit blocking his retreat path even if
Warrior: Hack-and-Slash Cleric: Herbal Remedy there are alternative vacant hexes. He must finish his
A Champion may retreat off his side of the field.
Rogue: Thievery retreat on a Hero-friendly hex or passable terrain hex.
A friendly troop may move or retreat into a hex
Choose one Artifact by shuffling the Artifact cards, containing a Champion if the troop does not already A Champion that survives a melee attack and is not
drawing the top 3, selecting one and returning the rest have a Leader and it has a compatible movement forced to retreat may choose to retreat voluntarily
to the deck. If you draw a card with a requirement the status. Once in the Champions hex, the troop must instead of battling back.
Hero does not fulfill, discard it and draw another. stop and join him (he becomes a Leader) even if the
When a Champion retreats through an enemy-
troop has not completed its retreat.
As your Hero participates in adventures, record occupied hex, the enemy has an opportunity to strike
his Artifact cards, Skill cards, and tokens on his Leaders must follow the movement of the troop they at the Hero. This is treated like a melee attack.
character sheet. are with unless ordered to split from the troop during
If the enemy unit scores a hit, the Hero must take
the Orders Phase. A Leader may split from a troop
Hero Deployment a casualty check. If he is not wounded, he must
and move to join another troop with a compatible
continue to retreat into the next hex, possibly
You may normally only deploy 1 Hero, prior to the movement status during the same movement.
necessitating another special strike. An escaping
starting players first turn, starting with the camp
Champion may not battle back.
that goes first. Place the Hero on a hex occupied by Hero Casualty Check
a friendly troop with a compatible movement status A Champion may retreat off his battlefield. The move
(foot or mounted). Such a hex is called Hero-friendly. A Hero must take a casualty check if a symbol off the board is considered 1 hex of movement. The
Only 1 Hero may occupy a Hero-friendly hex. rolled causes a hit against him or his unit. When opposing camp does not gain a Victory banner, and
a Hero is searching for treasure, he must take a the Champion may not return on a later turn.
You must have a Lore Master of the same class as the
casualty check if the chest is a trap.
Hero on your War Council or he may not be deployed. Leaders inspire the troops they are leading to be
Champions take a casualty check when hits are Bold, and the unit may ignore 1 flag.
Ordering scored against them. A mounted Champion does
A Leader retreats through the entire retreat movement
not ignore 1 hit rolled in melee from foot troops
when the troop they are leading retreats.
Ordering a Champion unless he is fighting an enemy Champion on foot.
1. Move and battle solo at the cost of a single order. Ignored do not cause casualty checks. If the combined unit must take hits for an uncompleted
OR retreat, hits are applied to the troop, not to the Leader.
Leaders take a casualty check when hits are
2. Join a friendly troop by ending his movement in scored against the troop they are leading. A Leader If the troop loses its banner bearer during a retreat,
the hex of a friendly troop. If moving and battling, must also take a casualty check when the banner the Hero (now a Champion) must take a 1d casualty
the Champion cannot choose this option. bearer of the troop he is leading is eliminated. check. If he survives, he must retreat if able.
Hero Quests Hero Skills All Heroes that fought for the camp that won the
After completing a quest, a Hero is awarded the value A Hero starts with only one class-specific Skill. When
of the assigned Chest token. he has 5 Experience tokens stacked on his character A Hero may turn in 2 of his Artifact cards and gain
sheet after multiple adventures, he may level-up by 1 draw (he may do this multiple times).
When there is hidden treasure, mix all the Chest
exchanging them for an additional common or class- A Hero may turn in 2 Experience tokens and gain
tokens facedown. Randomly select the number of
specific Skill of choice. 1 draw (he may do this multiple times).
tokens indicated and place them on the hex, face-
down. Unused tokens are returned to the box unseen. A Hero may only level-up once during each After No matter how many cards are drawn, only 1 of these
Adventure Actions stage. cards is kept by the Hero.
A Hero entering a hex with a Chest token must stop
and may not move any further that turn. Instead of A Hero may gain an Experience token as follows: Treasure is exchanged for a Treasure token.
battling, he may search the hex (a hex may not be
When a Hero defeats (wounds) an enemy Hero. Experience is exchanged for an Experience token.
searched if there is an enemy unit in an adjacent
hex). Select and reveal 1 token; remaining tokens are When a Hero defeats a Creature. Master Physician is exchanged for a visit to the
returned to the box. Master Physician. The Master Physician heals one of
When a Hero accomplishes some Quests.
If the chest shows the Experience or Treasure symbol, the Heros wounds in exchange for one Treasure and
When a player keeps the Experience Artifact card, 4 Experience tokens. The Heros number of wounds
take the number of matching tokens. If it shows the
he exchanges the card for a token during After cannot exceed their starting number.
Artifact symbol, take that number of cards from the
Adventure Actions.
Artifact deck. If it is a trap, the Hero must take a
6. Return Artifact Cards
casualty check, rolling the number of dice shown. All Heroes in an adventure gain 1 token during
After Adventure Actions. Return any unselected Artifact cards, and cards in
excess of their Heros Artifact limit to the deck.
Artifacts Using Skills
7. Level-up
A Hero can own a maximum of 6 Artifact cards. If A Hero may always use the special actions or abilities
of his Skill cards. Each Skill effect takes place during A Hero with 5 Experience tokens may spend them to
this limit is exceeded, immediately discard excess
the phase of play specified on the card. select a new Skill. The victor selects first.
cards. Treasure and Experience tokens do not count.
Shuffle the Artifact deck before drawing cards. If 2 Heroes are opposing each other in melee combat, 8. Update Heros Character Sheet
the attacker declares his Skills first, followed by the After every game, record the Artifact and Skill cards,
Each Artifact has a target. If you receive an Artifact Treasure and Experience tokens a Hero has gained.
defender. A Skill card that increases the number of
you cannot use because your Hero cannot fulfill the
battle dice is not subject to terrain battle limitations
requirement (even if he were to change roles), return
that cap the number of battle dice rolled. Heros Legacy
the card to the deck and draw a replacement.
A Hero may have a maximum of 3 Skills. Skill cards A Hero that has acquired 3 Skill cards and has gained
A symbol in the cards upper left shows what kind of
are not at risk when a Hero is wounded. at least 3 Experience tokens may join the War Council
role a Hero must assume to use the Artifact:
before starting a new adventure.
Green: any Hero can use the Artifact. After Adventure Actions
Take a Heros Advisor token of your Heros class in
Yellow: can only be used by a Champion.
1. Exchange or Ransom the Return of Heroes exchange for all of his Experience tokens during the
Blue: can only be used by a Leader. After Adventure Actions Level-up step. Return all of
Any Hero on a Victory Track is returned to its owner.
During an adventure, any Artifact gained is placed his Skill or Artifact cards to their decks. The Hero no
next to the Heros sheet as an extra equipped Artifact When both camps have one or more Heroes on the longer gains Experience or Treasure.
and can be used for the rest of the adventure. opponents Victory Track, all Heroes are exchanged.
Record the date the Hero received his Advisor token
When a Hero defeats (wounds) an enemy Hero, the If only one camp has a Hero on its Victory Track, on his character sheet, bringing the Heros days of
wounded Hero returns his equipped Artifact cards to a ransom of 1 Treasure token must be given by fighting on the field of battle to an end.
the deck and the victor draws the top artifact card the Heros owner to get him back. If ransom is not
possible, he must still be returned, but cross out 1 At the start of an adventure, when a Hero is on a
from the deck for his Hero. camps War Council, his player places the Heros
skull on the Heros character sheet.
Advisor token on the guest spot. The Advisor token is
Equipping and Using Artifacts
2. Spoils of War in addition to the number of levels listed for the camp
Before the start of each adventure, a Hero may be
All Heroes still on the battlefield at the end of the in the battle notes. The presence of the token on the
initially equipped with a maximum of 2 Artifacts
adventure receive 1 Treasure token. guest spot increases the level of the corresponding
(placed next to his character sheet). Cards not used
Lore Master sitting on a War Council by 1 level.
are placed under the sheet facedown. 3. Gain Experience
If the Lore Master spot for that class is vacant, the
To use an Artifact, declare the target (as stated on All Heroes that participated receive 1 Experience
council is considered to have a level 1 Lore Master
the card) and resolve the effect. If there is no legal token, even if a Hero is wounded or retreated.
of that class because of the Advisor token. A camps
target or if the Hero is not assuming the role dictated
4. Shopping for Artifacts War Council may only have one Hero Advisor token on
by the card symbol, the Artifact cannot be used. Each
A Hero that has 5 Treasure tokens may return them to its guest spot.
Artifacts effect takes place during a phase of play
specified on the card. look through the entire Artifact deck and take 1 card. After the Hero has suffered 5 defeats while on
the War Council, he steps down and becomes an
If 2 players wish to use Artifacts in combat and there 5. Draw Artifact Cards
Instructor. A players next Hero starts his career with
is a timing question, the attacking player acts first. All Heroes that participated gain Artifact card draws.
2 Artifacts, one received as a gift from the Instructor
The victor draws first. Each Hero receives 1 Artifact
A potion is only used once. After its effect has been (ie, one of the Artifacts listed on the Hero Instructors
card draw for each of the following that applies:
completely resolved, the card is returned to the deck. character sheet).
A Hero that participated in the battle.
An Artifact card that increases the number of battle A Hero Instructor may only provide this benefit once,
dice is not subject to terrain battle limitations that A Hero that is present on the battlefield (not and after it occurs, the Heros character sheet is
cap the number of battle dice rolled. wounded or retreated) when the adventure ends. retired.


Epic Adventures are played over the reverse of two Replenishing the Epic Command Rack Playing with Lore and Lore Cards
game boards combined into a single epic-sized
battlefield of 13 by 17 hexes. At the start of each game turn, there should always be Lore tokens are gained only when rolled in Melee
3 Command cards on the Epic Command rack. Combat (including Point Blank), but never when
rolled in Ranged Combat.
Epic Game Set-Up Once a Camp has finished its turn and replenished
its Camps cardholders, the Epic rack must be The following Lore cards are also modified:
Choose an Epic adventure and set up as normal. replenished back to 3 cards, if necessary.
Combine the Lore tokens from one game and the Epic Rogues False Orders
When a Camp chooses to play a single Tactic card If your opponent played two Section cards or a single
set to form a single, giant Lore Pool (55 tokens). from the Epic rack, only the card missing from that Section or Tactic card from the Epic rack, he must
A single deck of 60 Command cards is used. rack is replenished. return the Command card that came from the Epic
Take one cardholder from each Camp to form a When you draw a new Command card for the Epic rack.
common Epic Command rack to the side of the rack, if all 3 cards now on the rack are Tactic cards, After you select a new Command card for him to play
battlefield next to the Command card deck. discard them all and draw 3 new cards. from his rack, if it is a Section card, he may then
Fill the Epic rack with three Command cards, visible Once replenished the Epic rack must always contain choose to also play a Section card from the Epic rack
to all players, drawn from the Command deck. at least 1 Section card. (and even select the card he had initially picked as
his second Section card).
Cards in the Epic rack represent common maneuvers If the Command card deck runs out, shuffle the
and tactics available to both Camps. discards to form a new Command draw deck. Warriors Assault
Landmarks may be placed on any empty hex on the When this card is played, its player does not collect
4th through 8th row from the controlling players side. Equal to Command Lore tokens in any combat.

The Camp with the most green banner units on the When a Section or Tactic card activates a number of
units Equal to Command, the cards located on the Epic Victory Conditions
battlefield at the start of the game takes the first turn.
Epic Command rack do not apply toward this number. The Victory banner count is usually set at 7 banners.
Epic Game Turn A decisive victory is achieved if the winning Camp
Playing Two Section Cards
During each turns Command phase, a Camp may holds a margin of at least 2 Victory banners over its
either: When playing two Section cards, the orders on both opponent.
section cards are carried out.
Otherwise, a marginal victory is achieved when one
Play up to two Section cards Scouting actions do not double up: You still only draw Camp first reaches 9 Victory banners.
two cards, even though you played two Scout cards.
One must come from the 3 cards on the Epic
Command rack, and the other from the Camps Increased Number of Players
Playing a Tactic Card
own set of Command cards. In 6 player games, each Camp is composed of 3
If only one card is played, it may come from The following Tactic cards are slightly modified: playersa Lord Commander usually sitting in the
either the Camps own Command cards or from Center, and 2 Field Marshals on either side.
the Epic Command rack. The Lord Commander consultes with his Marshals and
Ordered units battle at +2d for the entire turn. When
then decides which cards are played by his Camp. He
OR the decks and discards are reshuffled, the Command
also controls the units in the Center section, while his
cards are left in the Epic rack are not shuffled.
Play a single Tactic card Marshals control the units on their respective Wings.
from either the Camps own Command cards or a Counter Attack If a unit crosses the line separating two sections
Tactic card on the Epic Command rack. When countering a section card played by the other during a turn, the player who initiated the units
Camp, only one of the two section cards is countered. movement controls and plays it for the entire turn.
Next turn, the unit is controlled by the player
Lore cards are played as normal, in combination with controlling the section in which the unit now stands.
All ordered units battle at +1d for the entire turn. In
or in lieu of Command cards.
addition to the one unit ordered by the card, you may If there is less than 3 players to a side, the Lord
A Camp may never play any other combination of also order additional units equal to the level of the Commander also controls the units of the Wing(s) of
Command cards during its turn. Commander on your War Council. his Camp without Field Marshals.
Call to Arms is a card-driven army selection and S 8. Call the Specialists
deployment system for use when only a battle maps ARM Players may now select and play, in any order, up to 2
terrain has been defined. Specialist cards of their own choosing and deploy the
units, if applicable.
1. Choose a Battle Map
In case of conflict the cards owner chooses a card,
Choose a battle map from the Call to Arms booklet or
then his opponent chooses 2 cards, then the owner
elsewhere (ignoring units marked on the map).
Organized Mode chooses his final card.
Most battle maps are printed with the Pennants Camp
Organized mode is designed for greater unit When playing a Medieval Adventure players may not
on top and the Standards Camp on the bottom.
customization and better planning opportunities. choose cards marked as Lore only.
2. Set Up Terrain Hexes
Set up terrain hexes as shown on the map. 3. Select an Order of Battle Notes
Each player selects a Camp (Pennant or Standard) and
Players can then choose the Impromptu mode or the the banners and banner bearers that come with it. Put The map on each Deployment card shows the first 4
Organized mode to deploy their armies. the remaining figures into a common army pool. rows of hexes from the players side.

Each player takes a set of 2 red, 2 blue and 2 green Goblin bands benefit both allies.
Impromptu Mode
Feudal Levy tokens. A Lore symbol identifies a Specialist card as being for
Impromptu mode is designed for quick friendly games Each player selects any 2 Deployment card sets from Lore Adventures only. A card with a LoreMaster class
with a short set-up. either of the Camps and shuffles them together, draws symbol will only benefit players with a Lore Master
4, and puts the remaining cards and sets aside. In of that class.
3. Select an Order of Battle
a conflict, the expansion owner selects his 2 sets first. Specialist cards that deploy additional figures or
Each player selects a Camp (Pennant or Standard)
From the 4 cards drawn, each player selects one as a new units still require the cards player to have those
and the banners, banner bearers and figures that
Guard for each section of the battlefield and places it figures and banners available to him for deployment.
come with it.
face down next to that section. The remaining card is A cards effects are never compulsory unless stated,
Each player takes the 3 Deployment card sets the players Reserve. and can be used partially if they affect multiple units.
illustrated with his banner, selects one set and
shuffles it, draws 4 cards, and puts the remaining 4. Deploy Your Guards
cards and the other sets aside. Players take turnsstarting with their Right Wings, Specific Card Effects
From the 4 cards drawn, each player selects one as a then Centers, then Left Wingsrevealing their Guards
Archers Stakes The hex in which they are deployed
Guard for each section of the battlefield and places it and deploying the corresponding units on the board.
must be Countryside or Elevated terrain. They cannot
face down next to that section. The remaining card is If a unit is not available, place a Feudal Levy token of
be deployed in Rivers, Fords, Marshes or Woods.
the players Reserve. matching banner color on the hex, in lieu of the unit.
Bow Upgrade Other races (eg Hobgoblin archers) still
A unit on impassable terrain must be repositioned
4. Deploy Your Guards use the Common Bow, even if this card is played.
on a vacant hex on that sections baseline (or lose it
Both players reveal their Guards and deploy the outright if there are no vacant baseline hexes). Forced Enrollment The third unit is subject to the
corresponding units on the board. usual Reserve deployment restraints and must be
5. Scout Ahead placed on an empty baseline hex.
A unit on impassable terrain must be repositioned
The player with the highest number of Green
on a vacant hex on that sections baseline (or lose it Infiltration Cannot be used to move the same unit
banners (including green Feudal Levy tokens) on the
outright if there are none). multiple times. Each legal move must be made by a
battlefield becomes the starting player.
5. Scout Ahead different unit.
Ties are resolved by rolling the most green helmets
The player with the highest number of Green banners out of 6 Battle dice. Illusionary Troops Can only be played on Troops (not
on the battlefield becomes the starting player. Heroes or Creatures etc).
6. Call the Reserve
Ties are resolved by rolling the most green helmets Kings Allies May be used to add 2 figures to the same
The player who was out-scouted deploys 2 units of his
out of 6 Battle dice. unit, or a single figure to 2 different units, when played
choice from those on his Reserve Deployment card.
with a Level 3 Warrior in the players War Council.
6. Call the Reserve These units must be deployed on vacant hexes on the
The player who was out-scouted deploys 2 units only of Vantage Point The card refers to reserve units already
players baseline (or are lost outright if there are none).
his choice from those on his Reserve Deployment card. deployed.
He then replaces any Feudal Levy tokens on the board
These units must be deployed on vacant hexes on with Troops of matching or lower ranked banner color, Heroes
the players baseline (or are lost outright if there are using available figures. Mounted troops can replace a
none). token in lieu of a missing Foot unit, and vice-versa. Each player may deploy a single Hero to a Hero-
friendly hex in any section of the battlefield.
The other player then does the same. The starting player then does the same.
Heroes are deployed onto the battlefield prior to
7. Call the War Council 7. Call the War Council the starting players first turn at the same time as a
Players select their War Councils if necessary. Players select their War Councils if necessary. camps reserves.
Reluctant Allies Variant Neither player starts the game with any Lore cards
or tokens. Lore tokens are gained in battle as per the
Each Camp has 2 allied players sharing the same normal rules.
banner type but controlling their own units and
forming their own War Councils. The End of Turn phase is played as it is in a normal
Lore adventure, however players may hold only a
One player places Alliance tokens next to his units to maximum of 1 Lore card.
identify them.
All Lore cards are considered as played Out of
Assigning Game Turn Markers Character: 3 more Lore tokens than the listed cost
Game End
The player controlling the most green banner units must be paid, and the card is always played at Level 1.
The game ends at the end of the turn during which
in the Camp with the most green banner units on the
a Camp collectively holds 8 or more Victory Banners
board receives Turn Marker #1; his ally Marker #3. Epic Call to Arms
between its two players.
The player with the most green banner units in the The baseline for each Camp is the second row of
The winning Camp is the one with the most Victory
opposite Camp receives Marker #2 and his ally hexes on each side.
Banners at the end of the game. The player with
Marker #4.
the most Victory Banners in that Camp is the overall Each player draws 5 Deployment cards for his Guards
Ties are resolved by rolling the most green helmets winner. rather than 4.
out of 6 Battle dice.
Heroes The 5th card is the players Scout Guard and is
Game Modifications Each player may deploy a single Hero to a Hero- deployed first on vacant hexes of the players choice
Each Camp alternates taking turns in order of Turn friendly hex in a section of the battlefield that is in the 5th row of hexes from the players side.
Marker. under his command.
If there are no vacant hexes left units must be
At the end of his turn the active player places his When using Heroes and there are more players on one deployed on the baseline.
Marker by the board and does not take it back in side, the camp with more Heroes has its War Council
The Guards and Reserve are then deployed as usual.
hand until all players have completed their turns. reduced by one level for each extra Hero deployed.
Guards must be deployed either 1 hex to the left or 1
A player may usually order only his own units. If a Heroes are deployed onto the battlefield prior to the
hex to the right of all the boards sections; see page 7
player wishes to order his allys units, he may do so at starting players first turn. The camp that goes first in
of the Epic booklet for a diagram.
a cost of two orders for each allied unit. the game deploys all of its Heroes first.
All units on the Reserve card may be deployed on the
When a player orders units, he decides how to When using Reluctant Allies rules, players may not
players baseline, if possible.
use them, rolls dice for them, and collects Victory order the Champion or combined unit (Leader and
Banners for them. troop) of his allied player.
Epic Call to Arms Reluctant Allies Variant
All battle backs are the responsibility of the player When a ransom is paid to free a Hero after an
controlling the unit who battles back. Players may adventure, all players in the camp receiving the Each player selects a single set of 7 Deployment
therefore get a chance to battle back and roll dice ransom compete for the ransom. Each player cards from his Camp and draws 3 cards from it.
during another players turn. competing rolls 6 dice. The player that rolls the most These cards are the players Guards. No Reserve or
Lore symbols receives the Treasure token being paid Scout Guard is deployed.
Only the active player may play a Lore card but either
as the ransom.
of the other Camp players may play a Lore card as a In each Camp the players select or draw a color each:
Reaction. Only one Lore card may be played by each one player deploys in the Red Zones, the other in
Camp during a turn. Medieval Lore Adventures
the Blue Zones (see page 7 of the Epic booklet for a
Players may not share Command/Lore cards or Lore The historical atmosphere of Lore battles may be diagram).
tokens with their allies. enhanced by using the following rules: If unit deployments overlap, the player with the
Darken the Sky Each camp has a Commander but no War Council. lowest card index number (if tied, use lowest Set
This Comand card activates all units equipped with The usual number of Command cards are dealt to letter in alphabetical order) deploys, forcing his ally
ranged weapons, the active players and his allys. each player. to deploy on a vacant baseline hex instead.
Each player gets 2 Specialist cards of his choice.
Lore Cards The Medieval Lore deck is built as follows:
Lore cards, when applicable, may be targeted at All Warrior cards Certain Specialist cards (eg. those that refer to the
either of the active players opponents. Reserve) cannot be used in the Reluctant Allies Call
All Rogue cards except Pick Pocket, Dj Vu!, to Arms variant.
When Lore cards would normally target his own units, False Order, Terrified! and Foiled!
the active player may target some of his allys units Players of the same Camp should not consult with
The Wizard cards Eagle Eye and Mass Speed. each other during assignment of their Deployment
instead at a cost of 1 additional Lore token for each
allied unit targeted instead of his own. The Cleric cards Bless and Move as the Wind. cards or selection of Specialist cards or War Council.
Basic Terrain Fords & Fordable Streams Healing Pool (Cleric)
Countryside Move: Must stop. Battle: May battle only if unit doesnt
choose to heal.
Move: No restrictions. Battle: May still battle and follow-on move.
Special: Weakened unit is automatically
Battle: No restrictions. 2d max
healed back to full figure count.

Cannot move further or battle this
turn. Once used, Pool disappears.
Wooded Move: No restrictions. Rogues Den & Passage (Rogue)
Move: Must stop for entire turn. Battle: Unit on bridge is Bold. Special: Establish or use secret passage
Battle: May still battle. to vacant Wooded or Elevated hex of
Stakes your choice, at a cost of 1 Lore per
2d max 2d max travelling unit. Passage is one-way,
Move: Must stop for entire turn. from Den to exit, and counts as
units full turn move, though unit
Battle: No battle on entry. Ranged weapon may still battle.
Elevated foot unit may battle on entry,
ignore 1 in Melee, and is Bold.
Does not block LoS if on adjacent
Magic Pentacle (Wizard)
elevated terrain of same height. Ramparts Move: No restrictions.
Move: No restrictions. Battle: No restrictions.
Move: Must stop.
Battle: May still battle. Special: Collect 1 Lore token at the end of
Battle: No battle on entry unless moving
each of your turns during which
2d max 3d max in from adjacent rampart.
your troops occupy the pentacle.
3d max if Unit on rampart is Bold.

also elevated
Summoning Circle (Earth Elemental)
2d max 2d max
Waterways Special: Ordered troops may roll Melee dice
to attempt summoning: if Lore is
Move: Impassable unless otherwise noted. Landmarks - General Rules rolled, EE is summoned onto
adjacent hex and Circle disappears.
Move: Must stop for entire turn.

Battle: No battle on entry. Magic Vortex (Rock Elemental)

Other Terrain All occupants are Bold.
Move: No unit can enter.
Only friendly units can use the
Cliffs landmarks special function. Special: See Rock Elemental rules.

Does not block LoS if from 2d max 2d max

contiguous cliffs or other
elevated terrain of same height.
Rock Pile (Hill Giant)
Move: No restrictions except for Stronghold (Commander) Battle: No movement or combat
impassable cliff sides. restrictions for the Giant.
Battle: Any adjacent unit is also Bold.
Battle: Melee and Point Black fire Only friendly units get morale boost. Special: A Hill Giant on this tile can throw
impossible across cliff sides. rocks at units up to 3 hexes away.
Special: If lost to your opponent, play with
Rocks: 3d Ranged weapons; hit on
2d max 3d max 1 less Command card, discarded banner colors only.

3d max if
at random. Draw a card back when
Stronghold is reclaimed.
also elevated Forest Lair (Wood Giant)
Marshes Training Camp (Warrior) Battle: No movement or combat
restrictions for the Wood Giant.
Move: Must stop for entire turn.
Special: Ordered troop unit may upgrade its
Special: A Wood Giant on this tile or any
Battle: May still battle. banner to the next higher color.
wooded tile can throw logs at units

Unit cannot move or battle this turn. 2-3 hexes away. Logs: 3d Ranged
2d max 2d max Camp disappears when used. weapons; hit on banner colors only.

Foot Units Melee Weapons Ranged Weapons
Green Move up to 2 hexes Battle Axe Arbalest
and battle with 2d.
Type: Melee (adjacent hex only). Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 3 hexes).
Blue Move up to 1 hex and battle with 3d
or move up to 2 hexes but no battle. Dmg: Per Units banner color. Dmg: Per Units banner color.
: Yes, on and Special. : Yes, on except at Point Blank.
Red Move up to 1 hex
and battle with 4d. Spec: Against Mounted units, one ignored. Spec: Cannot be used on the move, even at Point Blank.
Do not collect Lore tokens.
Axe Swing: in addition to hit, one is re-rolled
Mounted Units once for an additional hit or flag.
Bow, Common
Green Move up to 4 hexes
and battle with 2d.
Halberd Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 4 hexes).
Type: Melee (adjacent hex only). Dmg: Per Units banner color.
Blue Move up to 3 hexes
and battle with 3d. Dmg: Per Units banner color. : None.

Move up to 2 hexes : Yes, on even vs. Mounted units. Spec: When used on the move, reduce dice rolled by 1.
and battle with 4d. Spec: When battling back, roll 1 extra die.
Bow, Long
Special Troop Types Knights Lance Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 4 hexes).
Humans Type: Melee (adjacent hex only). Dmg: Per Units banner color.
Dmg: Per Units banner color. : Yes, on except at Point Blank.
Mounted Knights
Knights are Bold. : Yes. Spec: When used on the move, reduce dice rolled by 1.
Do not collect Lore tokens.
Spec: Deflects 1 additional rolled against
Iron Dwarves Knight in Melee.
Bow, Reflex
Iron Morale Spear
All Dwarven Foot units are Bold. Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 3 hexes).
Type: Melee (adjacent hex only). Dmg: Per Units banner color.
Clan Chiefs
Clan Chiefs may charge up to 2 hexes and still battle when Dmg: Per Units banner color. : None.
engaging in Melee. A unit battles at 1 additional die and is : Yes. Spec: When used on the move, dice not reduced.
Bold2 when at full strength. Do not collect Lore tokens.
Spec: Against Mounted units, one ignored.
Cattle Riders When battling back, roll 1 extra die.
Trot Cattle Riders can only move up to 2 hexes and battle Crossbow
despite being Blue Banner units. They are not Bold.
Sword, Short Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 3 hexes).
Bull Rush When ordered by the Mounted Charge card, they
may move 3 hexes and still battle. Dmg: Per Units banner color.
Type: Melee (adjacent hex only).
Raging Bull After a successful melee, they may only Gain : Yes, on except at Point Blank.
Dmg: Per Units banner color.
Ground and make a Bonus Melee attack (at +1d). Spec: When used on the move, reduce dice rolled by 1.
: Yes.

Goblinoids Spec: Against Mounted units, one ignored.

Goblin Rush Sword, Long Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 2 hexes).
All Goblinoid Foot units may rush up to 2 hexes to engage
Dmg: Per Units banner color.
an enemy unit in Melee that turn. Type: Melee (adjacent hex only).
: None.
Goblin Run Dmg: Per Units banner color.
Goblinoid units are Frightened. They retreat 2 hexes for Spec: When used on the move, dice not reduced.
: Yes.
each flag, and must check for Panic Losses. Opponent When standing still, t the number of
rolls 1d per hex of retreat ground covered, killing a figure battle dice rolled by 1.
for each die matching the retreating units banner color.
Hyena Riders
In Pursuits, Hyena Riders may move 2 hexes beyond the
just vacated hex instead of 1 .
Heroes Special Troop Conditions Dragons
Heroes are either Champions (fight alone like any other
unit) or Leaders (share a hex withand behave likea
Battle Savvy Special Rules
friendly troop, and is considered a single unit).
Battle Savvy units attacked in melee combat and not Breath Attacks Place token of the appropriate type (target
An ordered Champion may either move and battle solo eliminated or forced to retreat may battle back. If unable side) on each enemy the dragon flies over. After landing
or join a friendly troop by ending his move in a friendly to fulfill a retreat move, the unit may battle back (after it and before combat, roll 4d (Fire) / 3d (Frost) / 2d (Poison)
troops hex. An ordered Leader may either move and battle takes losses and if it is still in its original hex). as appropriate against each enemy with a target token.
with his troop or split from his troop. For each rolled, place a Fire / Frost / Poison token
Battle Savvy units with ranged weapons collect Lore tokens
in melee combat, but not in ranged combat. (effect side up) on the enemy unit.
Tactic Cards
BattleLore may be used to order a Champion, or to Critical Hits Any time a dragon suffers 2 or more hits it
order a Leader to split from his unit. Musicians takes a 1d Critical Hit check; each additional hit adds 1d
to the check. It dies immediately if its banner color is rolled
Foot Onslaught A Champion on foot may be ordered.
A Leader on foot may split from his unit as an order.
Bagpipe (ignore other results), and counts as 2 Victory banners.

Leadership In addition to the unit ordered, all Leaders and Type: Melee (Point Blank) and Ranged (up to 3 hexes). Fire Dragon
their units are also ordered and receive an additional battle
Dmg: Per Units banner color and Special. Move: Up to 2 hexes and battle, or fly 2-4 hexes
die for the turn.
: Yes, on Special. and use breath attack.
Mounted Charge A mounted Champion may be ordered.
A mounted Leader may split from his unit as an order. Spec: Fear: All hits rolled (including Bonus Strikes) are Rtreat: 3 hexes/flag. May ignore first flag.
treated as flags rolled. Wpn: Bite/Tail (Melee only).
Otherwise, bagpipes are a normal ranged weapon. Breath: Fire 4d (Flying only). Cost 3 Lore.
Champions may move up to 2 hexes and battle on foot,
and up to 4 hexes and battle while mounted. : Yes, on .
Bass Drum Fire Attack
Leaders must follow the movement of the troop they are
with unless ordered to split from the troop. A unit with at least 1 Fire token takes 1 hit at the start of
Type: Melee and Special.
its Order phase, battles with a maximum of 2d and has a
Casualty Checks Dmg: Per Units banner color. movement of 1 hex. Remove tokens by spending 2 Lore
A Hero must take a casualty check if a rolled causes a
: None. per token when ordered. Units in fords cannot be set on
hit against him or his unit.
fire, and a unit on fire may move onto a waterway hex and
Champions take a casualty check on hits. A mounted Spec: Support: In addition to hitting in Melee, gives one remove all Fire tokens.
Champion does not ignore 1 melee hit from foot troops Support presence to friendly units in same section
unless fighting an enemy Champion on foot. (sections if on a divider). LOS not required. Ice Drake
Leaders take a casualty check on hits against the A Goblin Band must have 1 Bass Drummer banner bearer
and 3 drummers. It is Bold as long as it has 1 Drummer. Move: Up to 2 hexes and battle, or fly 2-4 hexes
troop they are leading. A Leader must also check when the
and use breath attack.
banner bearer of the troop he is leading is eliminated.
Rtreat: 3 hexes/flag. May ignore first flag.
Casualty Check: Opponent rolls 1d for each and hit Goblin Drum
Wpn: Bite/Tail (Melee only).
in combat, plus 1d if the troop the Hero was leading was
eliminated. If at least 1 is rolled the Hero is wounded. Type: Same as unit and Special. Breath: Frost 3d (Flying only). Cost 2 Lore.
Cross out one of the skulls on his character sheet. Spec: Can be part of a Goblin Band or replace 1 figure : Yes, on .
A Leaderless troop that wounds a Hero in melee gains in a Goblinoid Foot unit (not banner bearer).
Frost Attack
1 Lore token. It may spend this to move or retreat 1 Bold: With the drummer, the unit is Bold and may A unit with at least 1 Frost token battles with a maximum
additional hex; add 1d to a battle; or ignore 1 flag. ignore 1 (additional) flag. If forced to retreat, the of 2d and may not move. Remove tokens by spending 2
unit still flees in a Goblin Run. Lore per token when ordered. Frozen units may not ignore
Champions are Bold and retreat 1-3 hexes through any flags and take hits if forced to retreat.
unit. When retreating through an enemy-occupied hex, the Horn
enemy has an opportunity to strike (melee) attack. Wood Wyvern
Type: Same as unit and Special.
Leaders inspire their troops to be Bold, and the unit may Move: Up to 2 hexes and battle, or fly 2-4 hexes
ignore 1 flag. Spec: Replaces 1 figure in a Human Foot unit (not and use breath attack.
banner bearer).
Artifacts & Skills Rtreat: 3 hexes/flag. May ignore first flag.
Call for Help: A unit with a Horn may call 1
A Hero can own a maximum of 6 Artifact cards. Green: any Wpn: Bite/Tail (Melee only).
adjacent, friendly ordered unit to battle along with
Hero can use the Artifact. Yellow: can only be used by a Breath: Poison 2d (Flying only). Cost 1 Lore.
it in melee.
Champion. Blue: can only be used by a Leader.
Both units must be adjacent to the target. Add : Yes, on .
A Hero gains an Experience token when he wounds an
together and roll all Battle dice after individual Poison Attack
enemy Hero; defeats a Creature; after some Quests; when
combat restrictions, if any. A unit with at least 1 Poison token takes a hit for each
a player exchanges the Experience Artifact card. All Heroes
in an adventure gain 1 token during After Adventure Only the Horn unit is the attacker in regards to any rolled against it or by it in combat. Remove tokens by
Actions. A Hero may have a maximum of 3 Skills. enemy reactions or follow-on actions. spending 2 Lore per token when ordered.
General Giant, Wood Elemental, Earth
Killed only by Critical Hits. Move: Up to 2 hexes and battle. Move: Move X spaces, where X is Lore spent, ignoring
Bold, but must ignore 1 flag. Provide, but do not receive, Rtreat: 2 hexes/flag. movement and terrain restrictions
Support. Trample units blocking their retreat path. Wpn: Giant Hammer (Melee only). Rtreat: None. All flags ignored.
May be ordered out-of-section at a cost of 3 Lore. Dmg: 2d. Wpn: Earth Shakes (Melee only).
Ignores all terrain combat restrictions.
: Yes, on Special*.
Spider, Giant Dmg: 3d.
*Special Bonus Strike
: Yes, on .
Move: Up to 4 hexes and battle. In addition to scoring hits, each is re-rolled for
Rtreat: 2 hexes/flag. additional hits or flags, until the unit is out of range, Tremor
dead, or no more are rolled. All surrounding units, friend or foe, must retreat 1 hex for
Wpn: Bite (Melee only).
Terrain each Lore rolled. Defender retreats first. Unit retreat order
Dmg: 2d.
A Wood Giant on a wooded terrain hex ignores its is chosen by the units controlling player.
: Yes, on .
movement and combat restrictions. Earthquake
Web All surrounding units, friend or foe, take 1 hit and retreat
Giant Pushback
Place a Web token on the target unit. Until freed, it may as if in a Tremor.
not move, battle, or retreat. All flags rolled against it count Target must retreat 2 hexes for each rolled.
as hits. To remove a Web token, order unit and pay 1 Lore. Elemental, Rock
Giant, Hill
Move: Move X spaces, where X is Lore spent, ignoring
Place a Poison token and a Web token on the target unit. Move: Up to 1 hex and battle or 2 hexes and no battle. movement and terrain restrictions.
A poisoned unit suffers a hit for each rolled against
Rtreat: 2 hexes/flag. Rtreat: None. All flags ignored.
and by the unit. To remove a Poison token. order the unit(it
must not have a Web token) and pay 2 Lore. Wpn: Giant Hammer (Melee only). Wpn: Rock Fist (Melee only).
Dmg: 3d. Ignores all terrain combat restrictions.
Spider, Blue Widow : Yes, on Special*. Dmg: 4d.
*Special Bonus Strike : Yes, on .
Move: Up to 3 hexes and battle.
In addition to scoring hits, each is re-rolled for
Rtreat: 2 hexes/flag. If the Elemental is not ordered on a turn, it is removed
additional hits or flags, until the unit is out of range,
from the battlefield until summoned again.
Wpn: Bite (Melee only). dead, or no more are rolled.
Dmg: 3d. Tremor
Giant Pushback
: Yes, on . All surrounding units, friend or foe, must retreat 1 hex for
Target must retreat 2 hexes for each rolled.
each Lore rolled. Defender retreats first. Unit retreat order
Web is chosen by the units controlling player.
See above. Troll Earthquake
Poison Move: Up to 1 hex and battle, or 2 hexes and no battle. All surrounding units, friend or foe, take 1 hit and retreat
See above. as if in a Tremor.
Rtreat: 2 hexes/flag.
Wpn: Giant Cleaver (Melee only). Rock Elemental Summoning
Dmg: 6d. Lore cost for the Wizard to place the Magic Vortex and
Move: Up to 2 hexes and battle. : No. Rock Elemental on any vacant countryside hex: 10 (Level
Rtreat: 2 hexes/flag. 1), 9 (Level 2), or 8 (Level 3). The Rock Elemental may
Critical Hits battle but not move on the turn it appears.
Wpn: Bite (Melee only). None; and immune to . Instead, the Troll uses Lore
token life points, starting with 2 tokens. He loses 1 token Place a Conjure token on the Wizard when the Elemental
Dmg: 1d + 1d/head.
each time a Blue helmet symbol is rolled against him. comes into play. Lore cards are played at Out of Character
: Yes, on . cost by a Wizard with a Conjure token.
When he has none, another Blue helmet symbol kills him.
Head Regeneration Remove the token and the Magic Vortex if the Elemental
When the Hydra rolls a in melee, place a neck with 2 is removed from the board.
heads into the body if it is missing one. Each time the Troll rolls a in Melee, he gains 1 Lore
token life point back. He can never have more than 2
Critical Hits (and they never go in the players goblet).
None; hit only on its banner color. Remove one neck
for each hit. If the last neck is removed, the hydra is
eliminated. When a neck is removed, it is not used for the
rest of the game.

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