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EGS2000 version 4 - User Manual 1-1 of 9

1. About this Document 2001.05.14

Chapter 1

About this Document

This manual describes the electronic Governor System EGS2000 from Lyngs
Marine A/S. The release described is:

Version 4

1.1 Purpose.
The purpose of this manual is to provide a thorough understanding of EGS2000
operation for the daily user, including fault finding methodology and maintenance.
It is not the purpose to cover service instructions as they are found in a separate

1.2 Scope.
The manual describes the Electronic Governor System EGS2000 functionality, it's
main components and the use of the system.

Data sheets and wiring diagrams provide detailed information on external and
internal wiring, and a comprehensive set of outline drawings gives a presentation
of the individual components of EGS2000.

A list of all available options is found in section 1.6.4. This section also records the
options actually included in your installation. A thorough description of individual
options provided can be found in Appendix A.

1.3 Document Maintenance.

The document describes the electronic governor EGS2000 delivery in the version
installed, and it is not normally subject to updating. If new updates or options are
installed Lyngs Marine will provide updates to the owner, who is then responsible
for updating his samples of the document.

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1. About this Document 2001.05.14

1.4 Related Documents.

EGS2000 Service Manual. Doc. no. 960.202.00
EGS2000 Installation Guidelines Doc. no. 960.200.30

1.5 List of Abbreviations.

A/D Analog to Digital conversion.
AICB Analog Input Connection Board.
AIO Analog Input/output card in the Gamma Computer rack.
AOCB Analog Output Connection Board.
ASD Alarm and Slow Down panel.
BC Bridge Control.
CL Closed contact.
CLC Closed contact.
CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller.
CPU Central Processor Unit.
CSR Critical Speed Range.
CTL Control Options.
D/A Digital to Analog conversion.
DB Deadband.
DICB Digital Input Connection Board.
DIO Digital Input/output card in the Gamma Computer rack.
DOCB Digital Output Connection Board.
ECR Engine Control Room.
EGS Electronic Governor System.
EGSCB EGS Connection Board.
ELL Engine Load Limits option.
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
ER Engine Room.
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival.
ETD Estimated Time of Departure.
FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller.
HW Hardware.
INS Instrument option.
I/p Current to pressure converter.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display.
LED Light Emitting Diode.
LLC Load Limit Cancel.
LM Lyngs Marine A/S
LOD Lubrication Oil Dosing.
LP Load Program option.

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1. About this Document 2001.05.14

List of abbreviations - continued:

MCR Maximum Continuous Rating.

NC Normally Closed: Open contact, when alarm is present.
NO Normally Open: Closed contact, when alarm is present.
OAA Open Automation Architecture.
OC Open contact.
OP Open contact.
OPS Overload Protection System.
P2, P3 Pressure switch for indication of Emergency Control.
P7 Pressure switch for indication of Engine Control Room Control.
P9 Pressure switch for indication of Bridge Control.
PI Proportional Integral Controller.
PSU Power Supply Unit.
QPT Quick Passage Technique for CPP installations.
RAM Random Access Memory.
RCS Remote Control System.
ROM Read-Only Memory.
RPM Revolutions Per Minute.
S6 Switch at emergency stand for indication of EGS2000 actuator
connected to the fuelrack.
SG Shaftgenerator.
SIF Serial interface to DMS 2100 via MIC40M-Bus (RS-485
SLD Slowdown option.
STELLA Registered trade mark of Lyngs Marine A/S Computer system.
STL-NET A communication line for LM computers' mutual exchange of
SW Software.
TDC Top Dead Centre.
UCS Universal Control System
UMS Universal alarm & Monitoring System
VIT Variable Injection Timing.

1.6 Configuration.
This section provides the information required for specification of your EGS2000,
should any inquiry to Lyngs Marine be needed. A list of options are further
included. When reading this manual, sections not relevant for the options in your
installation are to be disregarded. Such sections are clearly marked in the text.

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1. About this Document 2001.05.14

1.6.1 Registration.

Lyngs Marine has registered your EGS2000 with the following information on
Yard, New Building number, Owner, and Engine Type:

Owner: Exact Engine Type:

Yard: Newbuilding No.:

1.6.2 EGS2000 Type.

The type of EGS2000 actuator/power unit in this installation is:

EGS2000 type Size 3: Size 7: Size 14: Size 29:

Mains Voltage on ship 3x 380 V AC: 3x 440 V AC:

Mains Frequency on ship 50 Hz: 60 Hz:

Type of actuator Max index in Max index in

index scale top position: bottom position:

1.6.3 EGS2000 Software Version.

The following type numbers identify the software:

CPU Card EPROM Low (EGS Program part 1) 960.116.752

CPU Card EPROM High (EGS Program part 2) 960.116.762
S I/O Card EPROM no.1 (DMS 2100 Communication) 960.111.302
S I/O Card EPROM no.1 (DMS 2100i Communication) 960.111.044
Control Unit EPROM (Within the Control Unit) 970.111.035
S I/O Card EPROM no.2 (Control Unit Communication) 970.111.044
S I/O Card EPROM no.3 (Tacho System version 5) 960.111.215

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1.6.4 EGS2000 Options in this installation.

The list below shows which options are included with this installation.

A description of included options are found in Appendix A.

The actual adjustments for the options are shown in Appendix C.

Hardware Version 2 - type no. 960.1x0.000, x=4,5,6 Yes ___

or type no. 960.125.000
Hardware Version 3 - type no. 960.1x0.030, x=4,5,6 Yes ___
or type no. 960.125.030

The serial interface is always included with hardware version 3 for the DMS2100i
or DMS 2100 (SIF option type no. 960.311.400 is present for DMS2100 only),
i.e. the signals RPM Setpoint from Bridge, STOP from BC, LLC from BC and
Bridge Control ON-line are communicated via the serial interface instead of via the
hardwired connections formerly used.

The serial interface is never included with hardware version 2.

Shaft Generator Option

Type no. 960.310.220: Generator Engaged and Permission Binary +24V,dc input and Yes ___
Signals for range/level A - "Waiting Binary output (dry contact).

Type no. 960.310.230: Generator Engaged and Permission Binary +24V,dc input and Yes ___
Signals for range/level B - "Waiting Binary output (dry contact).

Type no. 960.310.210: Constant Speed Order input signal. Binary +24V,dc input. Yes ___

Type no. 960.310.250: Shutdown output: Sh.d. signal to Binary output (dry contact). Yes ___
Safety System is activated after
timeout with the shaftgenerator
engaged and slowdown order pres-

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1. About this Document 2001.05.14

Instruments Option
Type no. 960.310.310: Output for RPM instrument Analog output 4-20 mA. Yes ___
(Note 1).

Type no. 960.310.320: Output for Index instrument Analog output 4-20 mA. Yes ___
(Note 1).

Type no. 960.310.330: Other __________________ Analog output 4-20 mA. Yes ___
(Note 1).

Variable Injection Timing Type no. 960.310.600 Yes ___

(MAN B&W engines)

VIT control signal (Note 1). Analog output 4-20 mA.
Current-air pressure con-
verter not included.

Note 1: A maximum of 2 analog outputs can be chosen (incl. INS option).

Controllable Pitch Propeller

Type no. 960.310.410: Pitch Angle Signal. Analog input 4-20 mA. Yes ___

Type no. 960.310.420: Pitch Angle Signal. Analog input 10 V. Yes ___

Type no. 960.310.430: EGS2000 OFF-line. The output Binary output (dry contact). Yes ___
signal is an open contact, when the
actuator is in blocked position.

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Lubrication Oil Dosing Type no. 960.310.700 Yes ___

(MAN B&W engines)

Output to lub. oil dosing unit. 24 V digital output.

Control Options
Type no. 960.310.810: Synchronization pick-up (Note 2). Pick-up is included with 4 (Yes ___)
and 5 cylinder engines.

Type no. 960.310.820: Critical Speed module. SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___

Type no. 960.310.860: Controlled passage in the upwards SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___
direction of the Critical Speed
Range for FPP: Awaiting sufficient
remaining index for a quick pass-
age. This is a supplement for the
Critical Speed module above.

Type no. 960.310.830: Slope on RPM order module SW module in EGS2000. (Yes ___)
(Note 2).

Note 2: These options are not customer selectable, but are included if necessary in
the actual application.

Engine Load Limit

Type no. 960.310.110: Index Limited Signal. Binary output (dry contact). Yes ___

Type no. 960.310.120: Engine Torque Limit Pre-warning. Binary output (dry contact). Yes ___

Type no. 960.310.130: Scavenging Air Pressure Limit Binary output (dry contact). Yes ___

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Slowdown Type no. 960.310.900 Yes ___

Slowdown input. Binary input (supervised dry


Slowdown Cancel. Binary +24V,dc input.

Manual Slowdown Reset (input signal). Binary +24V,dc input. Yes ___

Automatic Slowdown Reset (Manual Slowdown Reset signal is Yes ___

not required, if Automatic Slowdown Reset is selected).

Quick Passage Technique Type no. 960.311.000 Yes ___

(MAN B&W engines)

Deadbeat index control when passing the Critical Speed Range. SW module in EGS2000.

Shutdown output: Too long in Critical Speed Range. Binary output (dry contact). Yes ___

Loadprogram Options
Type no. 960.311.110: RPM Loadprogram. Normally used SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___
in connection with FPP installa-

Type no. 960.311.120: RPM Loadprogram with load down. SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___
Offering controlled slow deloading
of the main engine.

Type no. 960.311.140: RPM Loadprogram with bi-linear SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___
slope function.

Type no. 960.311.130: Index Loadprogram. Normally used SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___
in connection with CPP

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OAA Interface
Type no. 960.311.210: Bridge Control RPM Setpoint via STL-NET transmitted. Yes ___
STL-NET transmission. Signal Supervised.

Type no. 960.311.220: Hour- and Revolution Counters. SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___

Type no. 960.311.230: Transmission of EGS2000 vari- STL-NET transmitted. Yes ___

Overload Protection System

(MAN B&W engines)
Type no. 960.311.300: Basic OPS option Analog input 4-20 mA Yes ___

Type no. 960.311.310: Manual Power Limit SW module in EGS2000. Yes ___

Type no. 960.311.320: PTO Power Input Signal Analog input 4-20 mA Yes ___

Type no. 960.311.330: STL-NET used for Presentation STL-NET transmission of Yes ___

Type no. 960.311.340: Bridge Panel for Presentation Panel with indicators Yes ___

Type no. 960.311.350: Manual Power Limit via STL-NET STL-NET transmission of Yes ___
Manual Power Limit

Cylinder Cut Out System Type no. 960.311.500 Yes ___

(MAN B&W engines)

Outputs to solenoid valves for cut out of cylinder group 1 & 2. 24 V digital output.


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