Miniscrew Implant Applications in Contemporary
Miniscrew Implant Applications in Contemporary
Miniscrew Implant Applications in Contemporary
Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Department of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Department of Orthodontics, Dental Clinics, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
KEYWORDS Abstract The need for orthodontic treatment modalities that provide maximal anchorage
Miniscrew implants; control but with minimal patient compliance requirements has led to the development of
Orthodontic implant-assisted orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. Skeletal anchorage with miniscrew
anchorage; implants has no patient compliance requirements and has been widely incorporated in ortho-
Risk factors dontic practice. Miniscrew implants are now routinely used as anchorage devices in orthodon-
tic treatment. This review summarizes recent data regarding the interpretation of bone data
(i.e., bone quantity and quality) obtained by preoperative diagnostic computed tomography
(CT) or by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) prior to miniscrew implant placement.
Such data are essential when selecting appropriate sites for miniscrew implant placement.
Bone characteristics that are indications and contraindications for treatment with miniscrew
implants are discussed. Additionally, bicortical orthodontic skeletal anchorage, risks associ-
ated with miniscrew implant failure, and miniscrew implants for nonsurgical correction of
occlusal cant or vertical excess are reviewed. Finally, implant stability is compared between
titanium alloy and stainless steel miniscrew implants.
Copyright 2013, Kaohsiung Medical University. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights
Conflicts of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this
* Corresponding author. Department of Orthodontics, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Number 100, Tzyou 1st Road, Kaohsiung
80756, Taiwan.
E-mail address: (Y.-C. Tseng).
1607-551X/$36 Copyright 2013, Kaohsiung Medical University. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.
112 H.-P. Chang, Y.-C. Tseng
the outer cortical layer of the oral hard palate [15]. Clini- potential soft-tissue irritation or inflammation; firm attached
cians should consider bicortical skeletal anchorage when gingiva is usually preferable to movable mucosa [29].
increased orthodontic loading or diminished cortical bone
thickness is expected.
Relative stability of titanium alloy and stainless
steel miniscrew implants
Risk factors associated with failure of Despite their many differences, both titanium alloy and
miniscrew implants stainless steel meet the mechanical requirements for stable
miniscrew implants. The primary stability of a miniscrew
A recent meta-analysis reported that miniscrew implants implant depends on insertion depth rather than on the
have a failure rate of 0.123 (87.7% success rate) [25]. This implant material [37]. Selecting the appropriate depth is
figure is slightly higher than the 83.6% success rate reported extremely important for primary stability of the miniscrew
in a previous meta-analysis of uncontrolled studies [26]. implant and is critical for treatment success. Although
Compared to other treatments, miniscrew implants have a titanium-alloy miniscrews achieve stationary anchorage
relatively low and clinical acceptable failure rate, which mainly through mechanical retention, they can achieve
explains their widespread use in clinical practice. The partial osseointegration after 3 weeks. The partial osseoin-
clinical success rate of miniscrew implants currently used in tegration of titanium-alloy miniscrew implants is a distinct
implant-assisted orthodontics exceeds 80%, which is a advantage in orthodontic applications because it provides
considerable improvement compared to previous miniscrew effective anchorage with easy insertion and removal [1].
implants but still unsatisfactory, especially in comparison However, partial osseointegration can also complicate the
with the success rate for dental implants (>90%) [27,28]. removal of titanium-alloy miniscrew implants by increasing
The failure rate of the miniscrew implants does not the torque values required for removal. Again, further
significantly differ by sex, insertion site, or insertion side studies are needed to compare the long-term stability be-
(left vs. right) [7,29]. However, failure risks tend to be tween orthodontic miniscrew implants composed of titanium
higher in younger (<20 years old) patients compared to alloy and those composed of stainless steel.
older (>20 years old) patients [4,7], probably due to the
active bone metabolism and low maturation of the maxil- Miniscrew implant for nonsurgical correction
lofacial bone in growing children [7]. of occlusal cant or vertical excess
The failure rates of miniscrew implants inserted in the
mandible tend to be higher than those inserted in the
The mechanics of using miniscrew implants follow general
maxilla. The difference is attributable to: (1) the higher
biomechanical principles. However, compared with con-
bone density of the mandible, which requires a higher
ventional orthodontic principles, miniscrew implants have
insertion torque that decreases the survivability of the
several characteristic features that not only make treat-
miniscrew implant [30] and overheats the mandible during
ment with conventional orthodontic mechanotherapy
the placement procedure [4]; and (2) the smaller amount of
easier and more efficient, but also enable treatment in
cortical bone formation at the head of the miniscrew im-
which conventional anchorage would be impossible.
plants inserted in the mandible [31].
Clinical applications of miniscrew implants have been
Insertion torque is positively associated with miniscrew
expanded to include correction of occlusal cant and correc-
implant failure rates, and insertion torque values higher
tion of vertical excess that would otherwise require orthog-
than 10 Ncm are associated with a higher failure rate
nathic surgery. The authors have used miniscrew implant
compared to values lower than 10 Ncm [7,32]. A miniscrew
anchorages for vertical control of both left and right side
implant failure may result from excess stress at the initial
molars in such patients for horizontal and/or vertical
boneeimplant interface resulting in microdamage, local
improvement in the occlusal cant or vertical skeletal
ischemia, and delayed healing in the adjacent bone [32].
The proximity of a miniscrew implant to the adjacent
In adult patients with moderate-to-severe facial asym-
tooth root is a major cause of failure, particularly in the
metry or hyperdivergency, a combined treatment of
mandible [33]. Another contributing factor in miniscrew
orthognathic surgery and orthodontic therapy can improve
implant failure is root contact during insertion [33,34].
facial esthetics, and morphological and functional occlu-
However, root injuries are usually treatable. Removal of the
sions. In some patients with facial asymmetry or hyper-
mobile screws that cause inflammation can prevent further
divergency, miniscrew implant anchorages are a potential
root resorption of the adjacent tooth [34,35]. Finite element
alternative to surgery for improving dental and skeletal
analysis (FEM) is useful for simulating stress distribution in
disharmony in transverse and/or vertical dimensions [38,39]
orthodontic biomechanics. Numerical analyses using FEMs
(Fig. 1).
have shown that root contact increases stresses that can
cause irreversible loss of miniscrew implant stability [10,36].
Attached gingiva is not always necessary for miniscrew Future directions
implant maintenance but is more favorable compared with
the oral mucosa [2]. However, irritation of the miniscrew The use of orthodontic miniscrew implants expands the
installation site by oral mucosa may cause unfavorable con- envelope of discrepancies that are potentially correctable
ditions, including compromised stability. Therefore, the by orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatment.
insertion site must be carefully selected to minimize However, the relative effectiveness and efficiency of
114 H.-P. Chang, Y.-C. Tseng
Figure 1. An adult Class III malocclusion with lateral deviation of the mandible (B) resulted in facial asymmetry (A). The
posteroanterior cephalometric radiograph detected no cant of the maxilla. However, an occlusal cant (C) and a chin point deviation
to the right side from the facial midline (A) were noted. The buccally inclined right maxillary posterior teeth were corrected with
elastomeric chains from an orthodontic miniscrew inserted in the midpalate (D). The maxilla was treated without surgery. Modified
intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy was performed to correct a lateral deviation in the prognathic mandible after the presurgical
orthodontic treatment (E, F).
miniscrew implants used for various clinical problems need Cooperation Project, S101012) and Kaohsiung Medical
further evaluation in prospective controlled studies. University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (KMUH96-6R05).
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