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Title: Should we build more large dams?

The actual costs of hydropower

megaproject development

Authors: Atif Ansar1,2,*, Bent Flyvbjerg1, Alexander Budzier1, Daniel Lunn3

1Sad Business School, University of Oxford, OX1 1HP, UK.
2Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, OX1 4JJ, UK.
3Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, OX1 3GT, UK.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

E-mail: atif.ansar@bsg.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 616690

Full reference: Ansar, Atif, Bent Flyvbjerg, Alexander Budzier, and Daniel
Lunn, 2014, "Should We Build More Large Dams? The Actual Costs of Hy-
dropower Megaproject Development," Energy Policy, March, pp. 1-14, DOI:
10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.069, URL: http://bit.ly/1ekyL7Q.

Abstract: A brisk building boom of hydropower mega-dams is underway

from China to Brazil. Whether benefits of new dams will outweigh costs re-

mains unresolved despite contentious debates. We investigate this question

with the outside view or reference class forecasting based on literature

on decision-making under uncertainty in psychology. We find overwhelm-

ing evidence that budgets are systematically biased below actual costs of

large hydropower damsexcluding inflation, substantial debt servicing, en-

vironmental, and social costs. Using the largest and most reliable reference

data of its kind and multilevel statistical techniques applied to large dams

for the first time, we were successful in fitting parsimonious models to pre-

dict cost and schedule overruns. The outside view suggests that in most

countries large hydropower dams will be too costly in absolute terms and

take too long to build to deliver a positive risk-adjusted return unless suita-

ble risk management measures outlined in this paper can be affordably pro-

vided. Policymakers, particularly in developing countries, are advised to

prefer agile energy alternatives that can be built over shorter time horizons

to energy megaprojects.

Keywords: Large hydropower dams; Schedule & cost estimates; Cost-

benefit forecasting; Reference class forecasting; Outside view

Main Text:

1. Large hydropower dam controversy

The 21st Century faces significant energy challenges on a global scale. Popu-

lation and economic growth underpin increasing demand for energy from

electricity to transport fuels. Social objectives of poverty alleviation, adapta-

tion and mitigation of climate change, and energy security present policy

makers and business leaders with difficult decisions and critical trade-offs in

implementing sound energy policies. Demand for electricity is, for example,

slated to almost double between 2010 and 2035 requiring global electricity

capacity to increase from 5.2 terawatt (TW) to 9.3 TW over the same period

(IEA, 2011). Currently, the de facto strategic response to these big energy

challenges is big solutions such as large hydropower dams. Are such big

solutions in general and large hydropower dams in particular the most effec-

tive strategy, on a risk-adjusted basis, to resolve global energy challenges?

Might more numerous small interventions be more prudent from the per-

spective of risk management and maximizing net present value even when

they entail somewhat higher per unit cost of production?

Proponents of large dams envisage multiple benefits. A big step-up in hy-

dropower capacity along with a long and varied list of corollary benefits: re-

ducing fossil fuel consumption, flood control, irrigation, urban water supply,

inland water transport, technological progress, and job creation (Billington

and Jackson, 2006; ICOLD, 2010). Inspired by the promise of prosperity,

there is a robust pipeline of new mega-dams being developed globally after a

two-decade lull. The Belo Monte dam in Brazil, the Diamer-Bhasha in Paki-

stan, Jinsha river dams in China, Myitsone dam in Myanmar, or the Gilgel

Gibe III dam in Ethiopia, all in various stages of development, are unprece-

dented in scale.

Large dams are, however, controversial because they exert substantial finan-

cial costs (World Bank, 1996; World Commission on Dams, 2000). Beyond the

financial calculus, large dams have profound environmental (McCully, 2001;

Scudder, 2005; Stone, 2011), ecological (Nilsson et al., 2005; Ziv et al., 2012),

and social (Bakker, 1999; Duflo and Pande, 2007; Richter et al., 2010; Sovacool

and Bulan, 2011) impacts. Stone (2011, p. 817) reports in Science that the

Three Gorges dam in China is an environmental bane that will cost over

USD 26.45 billion over the next 10-years in environmental mitigation ef-

forts. Despite their outsized financial and environmental costs, the pur-

ported benefits of large hydropower prove uncertain. For example, the

World Commission of Dams (2000, p. 30) reported that for large hydropower

dams average [hydropower] generation in the first year of commercial op-

eration is 80% of the targeted valuea trend of which the recently complet-

ed Bakun hydroelectric project in Borneo is an alarming example (Sovacool

and Bulan, 2011). Similarly, Duflo and Pande (2007) find adverse distribu-

tional impacts of large irrigation dams in India. Winners downstream come

with losers upstream yielding a more modest, if any, net economic benefit.

The scale of contemporary dams is so vast that even for a large economy

such as Chinas the negative economic ramifications could likely hinder the

economic viability of the country as a whole if the risks inherent to these

projects are not well managed (Salazar, 2000). Similarly, Merrow et al. (1988,

pp. 2-3) warn that such enormous sums of money ride on the success of

megaprojects [such as large dams] that company balance sheets and even

government balance-of-payments accounts can be affected for years by the

outcomes. Such warnings are not idle alarmism. There is mounting evi-

dence in civil society, academic research, and institutional accounts that

large dams have strikingly poor performance records in terms of economy,

social and environmental impact, and public support (McCully, 2001; Scud-

der, 2005; Singh, 2002; Sovacool and Bulan, 2011; WCD, 2000). There are ac-

rimonious, and as yet inconclusive, debates in scientific literature and civil

society about whether large dams are a boon or a curse. Should we build

more large hydropower dams? How confident can planners be that a large

bet on a large dam will pay-off handsomely?

We investigate these questions with the outside view or reference class

forecasting based on the literature on decision-making under uncertainty

that won Princeton psychologist Daniel Kahneman the Nobel Prize in eco-

nomics in 2002 (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979a, 1979b; Kahneman, 1994) ex-

tended and applied by Bent Flyvbjerg and colleagues to infrastructure pro-

jects (Flyvbjerg et al., 2003; Flyvbjerg, 2009). We present statistical and com-

parative evidence from the largest reference class of actual costs of large hy-

dropower dam projects (hereafter large dams unless stated otherwise). We

find that even before accounting for negative impacts on human society and

environment, the actual construction costs of large dams are too high to yield
a positive return. Large dams also take inordinately long periods of time to

build, making them ineffective in resolving urgent energy crises. Our evi-

dence pertains primarily to large dams and the results cannot be applied ei-

ther to smaller dams or other large energy solutions such as nuclear power

without first conducting a separate reference class for other type of power

generation technologies. Our findings, however, point towards the general-

izable policy proposition that policymakers should prefer energy alternatives

that require less upfront outlays and that can be built very quickly.

There is no doubt that harnessing and managing the power of water is criti-

cal for economies but large dams are not the way to do so unless suitable risk

management measures outlined in this paper can be affordably provided.

Building on literature in decision making under uncertainty in management,

psychology, and planning research, this paper further provides public agen-

cies (e.g. national planning and finance ministries, power and water authori-

ties), private entrepreneurs, investors, and civil society a framework to test

the reliability of ex ante estimates for construction costs and schedules of

power generation alternatives. An impartial and rigorous application of the

reference class forecasting methods proposed here can improve the selection

and implementation of new investments.

2. Delusion and deception in large hydropower dam planning?

Our approach to address the debates about whether or not to build dams is

to incorporate an evidence-based perspective that reflects how decisions

among alternative options are actually made and on what basis. Theoretical
and empirical literature on decision-making under uncertainty proposes two

explanationspsychological delusion and political deceptionthat suggest

decision-makers forecasts, and hence ex ante judgments, are often adversely

biased (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974; Kahneman and Lovallo, 1993;

Flyvbjerg, 2003; Lovallo and Kahneman, 2003; Kahneman, 2011).

First, experts (e.g., statisticians, engineers, or economists) and laypersons are

systematically and predictably too optimistic about the time, costs, and bene-

fits of a decision. This planning fallacy (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979b;

Buehler et al., 1994) stems from actors taking an inside view focusing on

the constituents of the specific planned action rather than on the outcomes of

similar actions already completed (Kahneman and Lovallo, 1993). Thus, for

example, the estimated costs put forward by cities competing to hold the

Olympic Games have consistently been underestimated yet every four years

these errors are repeated. Biases, such as overconfidence or overreliance on

heuristics (rules-of-thumb) underpin these errors.

Second, optimistic judgments are often exacerbated by deception, i.e. strate-

gic misrepresentation by project promoters (Wachs, 1989; Pickrell, 1992;

Flyvbjerg et al., 2002, 2005, 2009). Recent literature on infrastructure delivery

finds strong evidence that misplaced political incentives and agency prob-

lems lead to flawed decision-making (see Flyvbjerg et al., 2009). Flyvbjerg et

al. (2009, p. 180) further discuss that delusion and deception are complemen-

tary rather than alternative explanations for why megaprojects typically face

adverse outcomes. It is, however, difficult to disentangle delusion from

deception in practice. Using quasi-experimental evidence from China, Ansar

et al. (2013) suggest that while better incentive alignment can help lower the

frequency and to a lesser extent the magnitude of biases, it does not entirely

cure biases.

Be it delusion or deception, is decision-making in large hydropower dams

systematically biased by errors in cost, schedule, and benefit forecasts? What

is the risk that costs might outweigh benefits for a proposed dam? While the

future is unknowable, uncertain outcomes of large investments can still be

empirically investigated using reference class forecasting (RCF) or the

outside view techniques (Kahneman and Lovallo, 1993; Flyvbjerg, 2006,

2008) . To take an outside view on the outcome of an action (or event) is to

place it in the statistical distribution of the outcomes of comparable, already-

concluded, actions (or events). The outside view has three advantages: First,

it is evidence-based and requires no restrictive assumptions. Second, it helps

to test and fit models to explain why the outcomes of a reference class of past

actions follow the observed distribution. Third, it allows to predict the uncer-

tain outcomes of a planned action by comparing it with the distributional in-

formation of the relevant reference class. The theoretical foundations of the

outside view were first described by Kahneman and Tversky (1979b) and

later by Kahneman and Lovallo (1993) and Lovallo and Kahneman (2003) as

a means to detect and cure biases in human judgment. The methodology and

data needed for employing the outside view, or reference class forecasting,

in practice were developed by Flyvbjerg (2006, 2008) in collaboration with

first implemented in practice by Flyvbjerg and COWI, 2004).

2.1 Three steps to the outside view

The outside view, applied to large dams for the first time here, involves three

steps: i) identify a reference class; ii) establish an empirical distribution for

the selected reference class of the parameter that is being forecasted; iii)

compare the specific case with the reference class distribution. We take a fur-

ther innovatory step of fitting multivariate multilevel models to the reference

data to predict future outcomes. Our technique is an important improvement

in the methodology of the outside view that can be generalized and applied

to other large-scale and long-term decisions under uncertainty. With de-

biased forecasts managers can make statistically grounded, rather than op-

timistic, judgments (Dawes et al., 1989; Buehler et al., 1994; Gilovich et al.,


The outside viewas implemented by Flyvbjerg (2006, 2008)is not without

its limitations (see Sovacool and Cooper, 2013 for a discussion specifically

about energy megaprojects). For example, RCF focuses on generic risk inher-

ent in a reference class rather than specific project-level risk. We rectify

against this limitation by fitting regression models in addition to using tradi-

tional RCF methods in the result section below. Sovacool and Cooper (2013,

p. 63) further suggest that RCF may not provide sufficiently accurate indica-

tion of the risks of rare megaprojects the likes of which have never been built

before. Such out of the sample problems are well noted in probability the-

ory. They do not, however, deny the fundamental usefulness of RCF. If any-

thing our results err towards conservative estimates of actual cost overruns

and risks experienced by large dams.

2.2 Measures and data

Following literature on the planning fallacy (op. cit.), the parameters central

to our investigation and multilevel regression analysis is the inaccuracy be-

tween managers forecasts and actual outcomes related to construction costs,

or the cost overrun, and implementation schedule, or schedule slippage. Fol-

lowing convention, cost overrun is the actual outturn costs expressed as a

ratio of estimated costs1; cost overruns can also be thought as the underesti-

mation of actual costs (Bacon and Besant-Jones, 1998; Flyvbjerg et al., 2002).

Schedule slippage, called schedule overrun, is the ratio of the actual project

implementation duration to the estimated project implementation. The start

of the implementation period is taken to be the date of project approval by

the main financiers and the key decision makers, and the end is the date of

full commercial operation.

Inaccuracies between actual outcomes versus planned forecasts are useful

proxies for the underlying risk factors that led to the inaccuracies. For exam-

ple, cost overruns reduce the attractiveness of an investment and if they be-

come large the fundamental economic viability becomes questionable. Bacon

and Besant-Jones (1998, p. 317) offer an astute summary:

The economic impact of a construction cost overrun is the possible

loss of the economic justification for the project. A cost overrun
can also be critical to policies for pricing electricity on the basis of
economic costs, because such overruns would lead to underpric-
ing. The financial impact of a cost overrun is the strain on the
power utility and on national financing capacity in terms of for-
eign borrowings and domestic credit.

Similarly, schedule slippages delay much needed benefits, expose projects to

risks such as an increase in finance charges, or creeping inflation, which may

all require upward revision in the nominal electricity tariffs. Financial costs

and implementation schedules, because of their tangibility, are also good

proxies for non-pecuniary impacts such as those on the environment or soci-

ety. Projects with a poor cost and schedule performance are also likely to

have a poor environmental and social track record. A greater magnitude of

cost and schedule overruns is thus a robust indicator of project failure

(Flyvbjerg et a., 2003).

In taking the outside view on the cost and schedule under/overruns, our

first step was to establish a valid and reliable reference class of previously

built hydropower dams as discussed above. The suggested practice is that a

reference class ought to be broad and large enough to be statistically mean-

ingful but narrow enough to be comparable (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979b;

Kahneman and Lovallo, 1993; Flyvbjerg, 2006). International standard define

dams with a wall height > 15 m as large. The total global population of large

dams with a wall height > 15 m is 45,000. There are 300 dams in the world of

monumental scale; these major dams meet one of three criteria on height

(>150 m), dam volume (>15 million m3), or reservoir storage (>25 km3)

(Nilsson et al., 2005).

From this population of large dams, our reference class drew a representa-

tive sample of 245 dams (including 26 major dams) built between 1934 to

2007 on five continents in 65 different countriesthe largest and most relia-

ble data of its kind. The portfolio is worth USD 353 billion. All large dams for

which valid and reliable cost and schedule data could be found were includ-

ed in the sample. Of the 245 large dams, 186 were hydropower projects (in-

cluding 25 major dams) and the remaining 59 were irrigation, flood control,

or water supply dams. While we are primarily interested in the performance

of large dam projects with a hydropower component, we also included non-

hydropower dam projects in our reference class to test whether project types

significantly differ in cost and schedule overruns or not. Figure 1 presents an

overview of the sample by regional location, wall height, project type, vin-

tage, and actual project cost.

Figure 1: Sample distribution of 245 large dams (1934-2007), across

five continents, worth USD 353B (2010 prices)

Location Size - Dam Wall Height (m)

South Asia 150 15-29

East Asia 100-149
Europe 25
29 72
Africa 29
60-99 45-59
North America Latin America

Project Type Project Vintage

Irrigation & 1990-2007 1934-1949

61 97 1980-1989

Multipurpose 1970-1979
(with hydropower)

Actual Project Cost (2010 USD millions), percent

10 1,000 40,000
Millions of 2010 US dollars

The empirical strategy of this paper relied on documentary evidence on es-

timated versus actual costs of dams. Primary documents were collected from

ex ante planning and ex post evaluation documents of the:

1. Asian Development Bank;

2. World Bank, also see World Bank (1996) and Bacon and Besant-Jones


3. World Commission of Dams (WCD), also see WCD (2000)2;

4. U.S. Corps of Engineers;

5. Tennessee Valley Authority;

6. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, also see Hufschmidt and Gerin (1970)3 and

Merewitz (1973) on the U.S. water-resource construction agencies.

The procedures applied to the cost and schedule data here are consistent

with the gold standard applied in the fieldmore detailed methodological

considerations can be found in Flyvbjerg et al. (2002); Federal Transit Ad-

ministration (2003); Pickrell (1989, 1992); World Bank (1996) and Bacon and

Besant-Jones (1998) with which our data are consistent. All costs are total

project costs comprising the following elements: right-of-way acquisition

and resettlement; design engineering and project management services; con-

struction of all civil works and facilities; equipment purchases. Actual out-

turn costs are defined as real, accounted construction costs determined at the

time of project completion. Estimated costs are defined as budgeted, or fore-

casted, construction costs at the time of decision to build. The year of the

date of the decision to build a project is the base year of prices in which all

estimated and actual constant costs have been expressed in real (i.e. with the

effects of inflation removed) local currency terms of the country in which the

project is located. We exclude from our calculations debt payments, any ex

post environmental remedial works, and opportunity cost of submerging

land to form reservoirs. This makes comparison of estimated and actual costs

of a specific project a like-for-like comparison.

2.3. Analyses

We investigated the magnitude and frequency of cost and schedule forecast

(in)accuracies with a combination of simple statistical (parametric and non-

parametric) tests and by fitting more sophisticated multilevel regression

models sometimes termed Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM).

Multilevel or hierarchically structured data are the norm in the social, medi-

cal, or biological sciences. Rasbash et al. (2009, p. 1) explain: For example,

school education provides a clear case of a system in which individuals are

subject to the influences of grouping. Pupils or students learn in classes; clas-

ses are taught within schools; and schools may be administered within local

authorities or school boards. The units in such a system lie at four different

levels of a hierarchy. A typical multilevel model of this system would assign

pupils to level 1, classes to level 2, schools to level 3 and authorities or

boards to level 4. Units at one level are recognized as being grouped, or nest-

ed, within units at the next higher level. Such a hierarchy is often described

in terms of clusters of level 1 units within each level 2 unit etc. and the term

clustered population is used. Important for a hierarchical linear model is

that the dependent variable is at the lowest level of the nested structure.

Multilevel models are necessary for research designs where data for observa-

tions are organized at more than one level (i.e., nested data) (Gelman and
Hill, 2007). Failing to use multilevel models in such instances would result in

spurious results (Rasbach et al., 2009).

With respect to our data on dams, projects are nested in the countries of their

domicile. Like test scores of pupils from the same school tend exhibit within-

school correlation, similarly outcomes of dam projects may exhibit within-

country correlation that needs to be properly modeled using a multilevel

model. We took this into account by modeling country as a random effect in

a mixed effects multilevel model. The models were made parsimonious by

using stepwise variable selection.

3. Results and interpretation

Our second step was to establish an empirical distribution for the cost fore-

cast errors of large dams. We collected data on 36 possible explanatory vari-

ables, listed in Table 1, for the 245 large dams in our reference class.

Table 1. Variables and characteristics used in multilevel regressions on con-

struction cost overrun and schedule slip
Project-specific variables
Project features
Hydropower or non-hydropower large dam project (dummy variable)
New power station or station extension (dummy variable)
Generator unit capacity (MW)
Total project generation capacity (MW)
Dam height for new hydropower station (meters)
Hydraulic head for new hydropower station (meters)*
Reservoir area created by project (hectares)*
Length of tunnels (kilometers)*
Estimated project cost (constant local currency converted to 2010 USD MM)
Actual project cost (constant local currency converted to 2010 USD MM)
Cumulative inflation contingency (percentage)

Year of final decision to build
Estimated implementation schedule (months)
Year of start of full commercial operation
Actual implementation schedule (months)
Estimated project foreign exchange costs as a proportion of estimated total
project costs (percentage)
Competitiveness of procurement process, international competitive bidding
amount as a proportion of estimated total project costs (percentage)*
Main contractor is from the host country (dummy variable)

Country variables
Country (second level to control for within country correlation)
Political regime of host country is a democracy (dummy variable)
GDP of host country (current U.S. dollars)
Per capita income of host country in year of loan approval (constant USD)
Average actual cost growth rate in host country over the implementation
periodthe GDP deflator (percentage)
MUV Index of actual average cost growth rate for imported project compo-
nents between year of loan approval and year of project completion
Long-term inflation rate of the host country (percentage)
Actual average exchange rate depreciation or appreciation between year of
formal-decision-to-build and year of full commercial operation (percentage)
South Asian projects (dummy variable)
North American projects (dummy variable)
* Denotes variables with a large number of missing values not used for regression analysis

3.1 Preliminary statistical analysis of cost performance

With respect to cost overruns, we make the following observations:

1. Three out of every four large dams suffered a cost overrun in constant

local currency terms.

2. Actual costs were on average 96% higher than estimated costs; the

median was 27% (IQR 0.86). The evidence is overwhelming that costs

are systematically biased towards underestimation (Mann-Whitney-

Wilcoxon U = 29646, p < 0.01); the magnitude of cost underestimation

(i.e. cost overrun) is larger than the error of cost overestimation (p <

0.01). The skew is towards adverse outcomes (i.e. going over budget).

3. Graphing the dams cost overruns reveals a fat tail as shown in Figure

2; the actual costs more than double for 2 out of every 10 large dams

and more than triple for 1 out of every 10 dams. The fat tail suggests

that planners have difficulty in computing probabilities of events that

happen far into the future (Taleb, [2007] 2010, p. 284).

Figure 2. Density trace of Actual/Estimated cost (i.e. costs overruns) in

constant local currency terms with the median and mean (N = 245)


4. Large dams built in every region of the world suffer systematic cost

overruns. The mean forecasting error is significantly above zero for

every region. Figure 3 shows the geographical spread and cost over-

runs of large dams in our reference class. Large dams built in North

America (n = 40) have considerably lower cost overrun (M = 11%)

than large dams built elsewhere (M = 104%). Although after control-

ling for other covariates such as project scale in a multilevel model,

reported below, the differences among regions are not significant. We

noted, 3 out of 4 dams in our reference class had a North American

firm advising on the engineering and economic forecasts. Consistent

with anchoring theories in psychology, we conjecture that an overreli-

ance on the North American experience with large dams may bias

cost estimates downwards in rest of the world. Experts may be an-

choring their forecasts in familiar cases from North America and ap-

plying insufficient adjustments (Flyvbjerg et al., 2009; Tversky and

Kahneman, 1974), for example to adequately reflect the risk of a local

currency depreciation or the quality of local project management

teams. Instead of optimistically hoping to replicate the North Ameri-

can cost performance, policymakers elsewhere ought to consider the

global distributional information about costs of large dams.

Figure 3. Location of large dams in the sample and cost overruns by


0 25 50 75 100 200 500

Average cost overrun (%)

5. The typical forecasted benefit-to-cost ratio was 1.4. In other words,

planners expected the net present benefits to exceed the net present

costs by about 40%. Nearly half the dams suffered a cost overrun ratio

of 1.4 or greater breaching this threshold after which the asset can be

considered strandedi.e. its upfront sunk costs are unlikely to be re-

covered. This is assuming, of course, that the benefits did not also fall

short of targets, even though there is strong evidence that actual bene-

fits of dams are also likely to fall short of targets (WCD, 2000; McCul-

ly, 2001; Scudder, 2005)4.

6. We tested whether forecasting errors differ by project type (e.g., hy-

dropower, irrigation, or multipurpose dam) or wall type (earthfill,

rockfill, concrete arch etc.). Pairwise comparisons of percentage mean

cost overrun and standard deviations as well as non-parametric

Mann-Whitney tests for each of the parameters show no statistically

significant differences. We conclude that irrespective of project or wall

type, the probability distribution from our broader reference class of

245 dams applies as in Figure 2.

7. We analyzed whether cost estimates have become more accurate over

time. Statistical analysis suggests that irrespective of the year or dec-

ade in which a dam is built there are no significant differences in fore-

casting errors (F = 0.57, p = 0.78). Similarly, there is no linear trend in-

dicating improvement or deterioration of forecasting errors (F = 0.54,

p = 0.46) as also suggested by Figure 4. There is little learning from

past mistakes. By the same token, forecasts of costs of dams being

made today are likely to be as wrong as they were between 1934-2007.

Figure 4. Inaccuracy of cost estimates (local currencies, constant pric-

es) for large dams over time (N=245), 1934-2007


We also explored the absolute costs of large hydropower dams (N = 186). A

large hydropower dam on average costs 1,800 million in 2010 USD with an

average installed capacity of 630 MW. One MW installed capacity on average

costs 2.8 million in 2010 USD. A preliminary univariate analysis, which

makes no attempts to take into account any covariates, shows that increase in

the scale of a dam, e.g., measured as height of the dam wall, increases the ab-

solute investment required exponentially, e.g. a 100m high dam wall is four

times more costly than a 50m wall (R2 = 0.27, F = 92.5, p < 0.01). An even

stronger relationship can be seen between installed capacity MW and actual

costs (R2 = 0.70, F = 461.1, p < 0.01).

Furthermore, the rate of cost overrun outliers increases with increase in dam

size either measured in installed hydropower generation (r = 0.24, p = 0.01)

or wall height (r = 0.13, p = 0.05). Since there is a significant correlation be-

tween dam height and hydropower installed capacity (r = 0.47, p < 0.01), ev-

idence suggests that larger scale in general is prone to outlying cost over-

runs. We further investigate the effects of scale on cost overruns by fitting

multilevel models (model 1 and 2) reported below.

3.2 Preliminary statistical analysis of schedule performance

Not only are large dams costly and prone to systematic and severe budget

overruns, they also take a long time to build. Large dams on average take 8.6

years. With respect to schedule slippage, we make the following observa-


8. Eight out of every 10 large dams suffered a schedule overrun

9. Actual implementation schedule was on average 44% (or 2.3 years)

higher than the estimate with a median of 27% (or 1.7 years) as shown

in Figure 5. Like cost overruns, the evidence is overwhelming that

implementation schedules are systematically biased towards underes-

timation (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U = 29161, p < 0.01); the magni-

tude of schedule underestimation (i.e. schedule slippage) is larger

than the error of schedule overestimation (p < 0.01).

10. Graphing the dams schedule overruns also reveals a fat tail as shown

in Figure 5, albeit not as fat as the tail of cost overruns. Costs are at a

higher risk of spiraling out of control than schedules.

Figure 5. Density trace of schedule slippage (N = 239) with the median

and mean


11. There is less variation in schedule overruns across regions than cost

overruns. Large dams built everywhere take significantly longer than

planners forecast. North America with a 27% mean schedule overrun

is the best performer. A non-parametric comparison using a Wilcoxon

test (p = 0.01) suggests that projects in South Asia have significantly

greater schedule overruns (M = 83%) than rest of the world taken as a

whole (M = 42%). We investigate this further with a multilevel model

below (model 3).

12. There is no evidence for schedule estimates to have improved over


We tested whether implementation schedules and project scale are related. A

preliminary univariate analysis, which makes no attempts to take into ac-

count any covariates, shows that increase in the scale of a dam, e.g., meas-

ured as estimated cost of construction, increases the absolute actual imple-

mentation schedule required exponentially (R2 = 0.13, F = 36.4, p < 0.01).

Large scale is intimately linked with the long-term (see model 2 below). The

actual implementation schedule, reported here, does not take into the ac-

count lengthy lead times in preparing the projects. Dams require extensive

technical and economic feasibility analysis, social and environmental impact

studies, and political negotiations. The actual implementation cycles are far

longer than the average of about 8.6 years, as shown in our data, that it takes

to build a dam. These lengthy implementation schedules schedule suggest

that the benefits of large dams (even assuming that large dam generate bene-

fits as forecasted) do not come online quickly enough. The temporal mis-

match between when users need specific benefits and when these benefits

come online is not to be downplayed (Ansar et al., 2012). Alternative invest-

ments that can bridge needs quickly, without tremendous time lags, are

preferable to investments with a long lead-time and hence duration risk

(Luehrman, 1998; Copeland and Tufano, 2004).

3.3 Multilevel regression analysis of cost and schedule performance

Means, standard deviations, and correlations of the variables used in the

multilevel regressions are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations (N = 245)

Variable Mean S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Cost Overrun 2.0 3.6
2. Schedule slippage 1.5 0.7 0.17**
3. Estimated schedule (months) 73.1 33.8 -0.16* 0.23**
4. Actual schedule (months) 102.7 55.7 -0.27** -0.43** 0.76**
5. Year - decision to build 1971.1 13.2 -0.02 0.05 -0.21** -0.25**
6. Year - completion 1979.6 12.7 -0.14* -0.10 0.03 0.08 0.94**
7. Project type dummy 0.8 0.4 -0.14* 0.08 0.10 0.02 -0.02 -0.02
8. Democracy dummy 0.4 0.5 0.00 -0.14* 0.16* 0.20** -0.45** -0.38** 0.00
9. Estimated cost (US$ MM 2010
699.6 1215.5 -0.03 0.09 0.48** 0.37** 0.02 0.13* 0.37** -0.04
10. Actual cost (US$ MM 2010
1462.2 4032.5 -0.38** 0.02 0.50** 0.43** 0.02 0.17** 0.38** -0.03 0.93**
11. Height of dam wall (m) 77.3 51.6 -0.10 0.10 0.26** 0.17** 0.10 0.16* 0.34** -0.03 0.51**
12. Installed hydropower
capacity (MW) 487.0 1255.3 -0.16* 0.19** 0.22** 0.08 0.13* 0.16* 0.69** -0.14* 0.59**
13. Length of dam wall (m) 1364.1 2061.9 -0.12 -0.07 0.25** 0.30** -0.19** -0.08 -0.07 0.08 0.37**
14. Tunnel length (m) 3500.0 7869.5 0.13 -0.12 -0.04 0.16 -0.06 -0.01 -0.23 0.05 0.11
15. Manufactures Unit Value
Index CAGR 6.0 5.4 -0.01 -0.03 -0.25** -0.18** -0.12 -0.18** 0.08 -0.08 -0.13
16. GDP (nominal US$ B) 1221.1 253.4 -0.05 0.25** 0.36** 0.17* 0.29** 0.37** -0.13 0.13 0.19*
17. Per capita income (2000
constant US$) 4132.8 5198.6 0.23** 0.15* 0.11 0.01 -0.37** -0.40** -0.07 0.48** -0.07
18. Long-term inflation (%) 17% 0.2 -0.29** 0.04 -0.09 -0.11 0.22** 0.19** 0.24** -0.37** 0.13*
19. Forex depreciation (%) 18% 70.3 -0.30** -0.04 0.03 0.00 0.29** 0.29** 0.16* -0.20** 0.21**
20. South Asia dummy 0.1 0.3 -0.25** -0.18** 0.17** 0.26** -0.04 0.07 -0.06 0.20** 0.11
21. North America dummy 0.2 0.4 0.28** 0.06 0.21** 0.13* -0.57** -0.55** -0.09 0.52** 0.06
Variable 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
11. Height of dam wall (m) 0.51**
12. Installed hydropower
capacity (MW) 0.60** 0.47**
13. Length of dam wall (m) 0.38** 0.03 0.13
14. Tunnel length (m) -0.01 0.05 -0.22 -0.18
15. Manufactures Unit Value
Index CAGR -0.12 -0.08 -0.02 0.02 -0.02
16. GDP (nominal USD) 0.19* 0.10 0.09 0.04 -0.29 -0.31**
17. Per capita income (2000
-0.14* -0.08 -0.11 -0.02 -0.09 -0.01 0.29**
constant USD)
18. Long-term inflation (%) 0.22** 0.06 0.33** 0.07 -0.41* 0.15* -0.03 -0.24**
19. Forex 0.29** 0.09 0.29** -0.02 -0.37* -0.16* 0.00 -0.26** 0.64**
20. South Asia dummy 0.19** 0.08 -0.03 0.20** NA -0.09 -0.01 -0.46** -0.10 0.11
21. North America dummy -0.03 -0.10 -0.16* 0.19** NA -0.18** 0.33** 0.60** -0.44** -0.31** -0.15*
One over (1/) transformed; Log transformed; Sq. rt. (); Cb rt. ( ); ^0.25 transformed to remove excess skewness for
regression analysis and to calculate correlations. Please bear transformations in mind in interpreting correlation coefficient signs.
** p < .01; * p < .05

We fitted multilevel regression models with projects nested in country as a

second level to incorporate within-country correlation. The models were fit-

ted using the lme procedure in the nlme package in R software. This

function fits a linear mixed-effects model in the formulation described in

Laird and Ware (1982) but allowing for nested random effects. The within-

group errors are allowed to be correlated and/or have unequal variances.

We found it necessary to transform variables to remove excessive skewness

as noted in Table 2. Using stepwise variable selection, we are not only able to

fit explanatory models for cost and overruns and estimated duration but also

practicably parsimonious models for predicting them.

Table 3 summarizes the results from multilevel model examining predictors

of cost overruns (model 1). Model 1 identifies the estimated implementation

schedule and the long-term inflation rate in the country in which the project

is built as highly significant variables. An increase in estimated duration of

one year contributes to an increase in cost overrun of approx. 5%-6% de-

pending on the country whilst holding the inflation rate constant (see figure

in Appendix 1). Note that a R-squared measure, which is customary to re-

port for single-level regressions as explained proportion of variance, cannot

be applied to multilevel models (Recchia, 2010)5. The usual diagnostics,

based upon the model residuals, were satisfactory.

Table 3. Model 1 - Significant variables for cost accuracy for large dam pro-
jects (constant local currency)
Regression Standard 2-tailed
Variable t-stat
coefficient error significance
Intercept 1.402 0.185 7.560 0.000
Log estimated duration
-0.100 0.041 -2.424 0.016
Log of country's long-
-0.085 0.029 -2.930 0.005
term inflation rate (%)
Note: Dependent variable is the estimated/actual cost ratio (i.e. 1/x of the cost over-
run to remove excessive skewness), based on 239 observations. Since the de-
pendent variable in Model 1 is the inverse of the cost overrun a negative sign on the
coefficients of both significant variables suggests that an increase in the estimated
duration or long-term inflation rate increases the cost overrun.
The first finding in Model 1 is that the larger the estimated implementation

schedule the higher the cost overrun (p = 0.016), all other things being equal,

and is particularly noteworthy for two reasons.

First, Model 1 suggests that planners forecasting skills decay the

longer in the future they are asked to project the risks facing a large

dam. Material information about risks, for example related to geology,

prices of imports, exchange rates, wages, interest rates, sovereign

debt, environment, only reveals in future shaping episode to which

decision-makers are blind ex ante (Flyvbjerg and Budzier, 2011). We

discuss some qualitative case examples to illustrate this statistical re-

sult and its broader implications in the next section.

Second, preliminary analysis had suggested that estimated implemen-

tation schedules depend on the scale of a planned investmenti.e.

bigger projects take longer to build. Support of this preliminary result

was found by fitting a multilevel model (model 2) that examines the

predictors of estimated implementation schedule. Model 2 shows that

height (p = 0.02), the installed capacity (MW) (p = 0.02), and length (p

= 0.04) of the dam wall are significant variables associated with the es-

timated implementation schedule. The effect of these covariates can

be seen from the coefficients in Table 4: a greater height, installed ca-

pacity, or length contributes to a longer implementation schedules.

We interpret Model 2 as follows. Estimated implementation schedule

not only acts as a temporal variable but also as a surrogate for scalar

variables such as wall height (which is also highly correlated with in-

stalled capacity). The larger the dam, the longer the estimated imple-

mentation schedule, and the higher the cost overrun.

Taken together, the multilevel models for cost overruns and estimated

schedule suggest that longer time horizons and increasing scale are underly-

ing causes of risk in investments in large hydropower dam projects.

Table 4. Model 2 - Significant variables for estimated construction schedule

for large dam projects (months)
Regression Standard 2-tailed
Variable t-stat
coefficient error significance

Intercept 3.444 0.197 17.464 0.000

Sq rt of dam wall height

0.029 0.012 2.414 0.017
Log of dam wall length
0.058 0.027 2.153 0.033
Log of hydropower in-
0.016 0.007 2.141 0.034
stalled capacity (MW)

Note: Dependent variable is log of the estimated construction schedule, based on

239 observations.

The second finding in Model 1 is that higher the long-term inflation rate of

the host country the higher the cost overrun suffered by a dam (p = 0.02). The

long-term inflation rate was calculated by fitting a linear model to the log of

the time series of the GDP deflator index of each country. The slope of this

fitted line can be interpreted as the annual average growth rate of the log in-

flation for each country. This slope is a different constant for each country

with some countries such as Brazil with a considerably higher long-term in-

flation rate, and hence greater propensity to cost overruns, than China or the

United States. Moreover, this slope is stable in the short-run (it takes years of

high or low inflation to change this slope) and hence our estimate can be as-

sumed to be a reliable predictor. Recall that the cost overrun is being meas-

ured in constant terms (i.e. with the effects of inflation removed); yet Model

1 suggests that the inflation trajectory of a country, which we interpret as a

surrogate of the overall macroeconomic management, is an important risk

when making durable investments. The multilevel model thus suggests that

once country specific factors have been taken into account the factor that

drives cost overrun is the planning horizon.

Finally, we fit a multilevel model (Model 3) to examine predictors of sched-

ule overruns. Model 3 identifies the following significant variables: whether

or not a country is a democracy; the per capita income of the country in 2000

constant USD in the year of the decision to build; the planned installed ca-

pacity (MW); and planned length of the dam wall (meters). Avid dam build-

ing countries in South Asia, at various stages of democratic maturity, have

also one of the poorest schedule performances in building dams. We con-

trolled for this fact by including a dummy variable for South Asia in the

model as a covariate with an interaction effect with the democracy dummy.

Democracy in South Asia is significant in explaining schedule overruns. The

South Asia dummy, however, does not come out to be significant. The effect

of these covariates and the interaction effect can be seen in Table 5.

Table 5. Model 3 - Significant variables for schedule slippage for large dam
Regression Standard 2-tailed
Variable t-stat
coefficient error significance

Intercept 0.405 0.163 2.483 0.014

Democracy dummy* -0.134 0.055 -2.439 0.016

Log of country's per capita
income in year of decision 0.065 0.019 3.334 0.001
to build (constant USD)
Log of dam wall length (m) -0.027 0.013 -2.081 0.039

Log of hydropower in-

0.018 0.006 3.207 0.002
stalled capacity (MW)

South Asia dummy 0.211 0.113 1.874 0.066

Democracy in South Asia

-0.239 0.113 -2.114 0.036
interaction effect

*Dummy based on the Polity2 variably of Polity IV regime index. Score of +10 to +6 = democracy;
score of +5 to -10 = autocracy.
Note: Dependent variable is 1/x of the actual/estimated schedule ratio, based on
239 observations6.

First, democracies forecasts about implementation schedules of large dams

are systematically more optimistic than autocracies even after controlling for

systematically higher schedule overruns in India and Pakistan. The size of

the coefficient is large suggesting that political process has profound impact

on the schedule slippage. We tested whether democracies take longer than

autocracies to build large dams by fitting a model to explain the actual im-

plementation schedule (Model 4). Model 4, summarized in Table 6, shows

that effects of political regime on the actual schedule are not significant. In

other words, while democracies do not take longer to build large dams than

autocracies in absolute terms, democracies appear to be more optimistic.

Given its vast scope, we defer a further investigation of this important result

to a future enquiry. We note, however, that theories of delusion and decep-

tion in the planning of large infrastructure projects (Flyvbvjerg et al., 2009)

would interpret this as evidence of ex ante political intent among democrati-

cally elected politicians to present a rosier picture about large dams than

they know the case to be.

Second, countries with a higher per capita income in constant 2000 USD in

the year of decision to build tend to have lower schedule overruns than

countries with lower per capita income. We concur with the interpretation of

Bacon and Besant-Jones (1998, p. 325) that the best available proxy for most

countries is [the] country-per-capita income[for] the general level of eco-

nomic support that a country can provide for the construction of complex

facilities. This result suggests that developing countries in particular, de-

spite seemingly the most in need of complex facilities such as large dams,

ought to stay away from bites bigger than they can chew.

Table 6. Model 4 - Significant variables for estimated construction schedule for

large dam projects (months)
Regression Standard 2-tailed
Variable t-stat
coefficient error significance

Intercept -17.712 6.401 -2.767 0.007

Log of dam wall length
0.105 0.029 3.567 0.001

Year of actual project
0.011 0.003 3.358 0.001

Note: Dependent variable is log of the actual construction schedule, based on 239 observations.

Third, the evidence appears to be contradictory with respect to scale. While a

greater dam wall length contributes to a higher schedule overrun, a higher

MW installed capacity has the opposite effect. Model 3 in Table 5 shows that

the size of coefficients for the two significant variables related to physical

scalei.e. Log of dam wall length (m) and Log of hydropower installed ca-

pacity (MW)is approximately the same but with the opposite sign6.

In attempting to interpret this result our conjecture is as follows. Dam walls

are bespoke constructions tied to the geological and other site-specific char-

acteristics. In contrast, installed capacity is manufactured off-site in a modu-

lar fashion. For example, the 690 MW installed capacity of the recently com-

pleted Krahnjkar project in Iceland was delivered with six generating

units of identical design (6 X 115 MW). We propose that project components

that require onsite construction, e.g. dam wall, are more prone to schedule

errors than components manufactured off-site, e.g. generation turbines. Pro-

ject designs that seek to reduce the bespoke and onsite components in favor

of greater modular and manufactured components may reduce schedule un-


This conjecture is supported by Model 4 in Table 6, which shows that the ac-

tual construction schedule, in absolute terms, is significantly increased with

an increase in the length of dam wall. In contrast, MW installed capacity

does not have an effect on the absolute actual construction schedule suggest-

ing that construction schedules are more sensitive to on-site construction

than to components manufactured in factories. Note that lower installed ca-

pacity does not necessarily equate with a smaller dam. For example, it is not

rare for a large multipurpose dam to have a low MW installed capacity

when, for instance, the dam is primarily being used for irrigation or flood

management purposes.

4. Qualitative case examples and policy propositions

The statistical results reported in the preceding sections show that cost and

schedule estimates of large dams are severely and systematically biased be-

low their actual values. While it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss

wider theoretical implications, the evidence presented here is consistent with

previous findings that point to twin problems that cause adverse outcomes

in the planning and construction of large and complex facilities such as large

hydropower dams: 1) biases inherent in human judgment (delusion) and 2)

misaligned principal-agent relationships or political incentives (deception)

that underlie systematic forecasting errors. In context of large dams, we ar-

gue that large scale and longer planning time horizons exacerbate the impact

of these twin problems. We now present a few qualitative examples of risks

large dams typically face to illustrate the statistical results reported above.

We jointly draw on the statistical analyses and qualitative analyses to distill

propositions of immediate relevance to policy.

Globally, experts optimism about several risk factors contribute to cost over-

runs in large dams. For example, the planning documents for the Itumbiara

hydroelectric project in Brazil recognized that the site chosen for the project

was geologically unfavorable. The plan optimistically declared, the cost es-

timates provide ample physical contingencies [20% of base cost] to provide

for the removal of larger amounts [of compressible, weak, rock] if further in-

vestigations show the need (World Bank, 1973). This weak geology ended

up costing +96% of the base cost in real terms. Itumbiaras case is illustrative

of a broader problem. Even though geological risks are anticipatable there is

little planners can do to hedge against it. For example, exhaustive geological

investigation for a large dam can cost as much as a third of the total cost

(Hoek and Palmieri, 1998); at which point still remains a considerable chance

of encountering unfavorable conditions that go undetected during the ex ante

tests (Goel et al., 2012).

Policy proposition 1: Energy alternatives that rely on fewer site-specific

characteristics such as unfavorable geology are preferable.

Similarly, in the Chivor hydroelectric project in Colombia, the planning doc-

ument was upbeat that there will be no changes in the exchange rate be-

tween the Colombian Peso and the U.S. dollar during the construction peri-

od (1970-1977) stating, No allowance has been made for possible future

fluctuations of the exchange rate. This approach is justified by recent experi-

ence in Colombia where the Government has been pursuing the enlightened

policy of adjusting [policy] quickly to changing conditions in the economy

(World Bank, 1970). In fact, the Colombian currency depreciated nearly 90%

against the U.S. dollar as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Depreciation of the Colombian Peso 1970-2010

Since over half the projects costs covers imported inputs, this currency de-

preciation caused a 32% cost overrun in real Colombian Peso terms. Curren-

cy exposure arises when the inputs required to build a project are denomi-

nated in one currency but the outputs in another, or vice versa. The outputs

of dams, such as electricity, are denominated in the local currency. Similarly,

any increases in tax receipts a dam may enable for the host government also

accrue in local currency. A large portion of inputs to build a dam, particular-

ly in developing countries, however, constitute imports paid for in USD.

Since the USD liabilities also have to eventually be paid in local currency,

currency exposure consistently proves to be a fiscal hemorrhage for large


Policy proposition 2: Energy alternatives that rely on fewer imports or

match the currency of liabilities with the currency of future revenue are


Although, following convention, our cost analysis excludes the effects of in-

flation, planners ought not to ignore the risks of unanticipated inflation

(Pickrell, 1992, p. 164). Episodes of hyperinflation in Argentina, Brazil, Tur-

key, and Yugoslavia caused staggering nominal cost overruns, e.g.7-times

initial budget for Brazils Estreito dam (1965-1974), or 110-times initial budg-

et for Yugoslavias Visegrad dam (1985-1990), which had to be financed with

additional debt. Effects of unanticipated inflation magnify the longer it takes

to complete a project. For example, during the planning phase of Pakistans

Tarbela dam, it was assumed that inflation would not have a signification

impact on the projects costs. The appraisal report wrote: A general contin-

gency of 7% has been added in accordance with normal practice for works

of this size and duration (World Bank, 1968). The project, launched in 1968,

was meant to start full commercial operation in 1976, but the opening was

delayed until 1984. Actual cumulative inflation in Pakistan during 1968-1984

was 380%; the actual cost of the dam in nominal terms nearly four times the

initial budget. In the case of Tarbela, unanticipated inflation was a product

of delays in a projects construction timetable and a higher-than expected in-

flation rate (Pickrell, 1992, p. 164). For our reference class, 8 out of 10 large

dams came in late with an average delay of 2.3 years. Moreover, forecasters

expected the annual inflation rate to be 2.5% but it turned out to be 18.9%

(averages for the entire sample). Large dams have a high propensity to face

unanticipated inflation.

Policy proposition 3: The best insurance against creeping inflation is to

reduce the implementation schedule to as short a horizon as possible. En-

ergy alternatives that can be built sooner and with lower risk of schedule

overruns, e.g. through modular design, are preferable.

Large dams are typically financed from public borrowing. While our calcula-

tions exclude debt-servicing, cost overruns increase the stock of debt but also

the recurring financing costs that can further escalate if interest rates go up.

The optimistic risk assessments of the costs of large dams are consistent with

explosive growth of Third World debt (Bulow and Rogoff, 1990; Mold,

2012). For example, the actual cost of Tarbela dam, the majority of which was

borrowed from external sources, amounted to 23% of the increase in Paki-

stans external public debt stock between 1968-1984; or 12% for Colombias

Chivor dam (1970-1977) as shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Total stock of public net external debt (US$
current, MM)
Year Colombia Pakistan

1968 3,252.4

1970 1,296.6

1977 2,699.6

1984 9,692.8

Debt increase over the

implementation 1,403.0 6,440.5

Cost of mega-dam
Chivor dam Tarbela dam
(US$ current MM)

168.7 1,497.9

Cost of dam as percentage of debt increase

12.0% 23.0%

These case examples reinforce the essential message of statistical re-

sults: bigger projects entail uncontrollable risks, which even when an-

ticipatable cannot be adequately hedged. We do not directly negate the

presence of economies of scale or learning curvesi.e. declining aver-

age cost per unit as output increases. Instead our argument is that any

economies of scale embedded in large scale are being acquired for a

disproportionately increased exposure to risk that can cause financial

impairment. Companies and countries with insufficient capacity to ab-

sorb adverse outcomes of big bets gone awry often face financial ruin.

Policy proposition 4: Energy alternatives that do not constitute a large

proportion of the balance sheet of a country or a company are preferable.

Similarly, policymakers, particularly in countries at lower levels of eco-

nomic development, ought to avoid highly leveraged alternatives invest-

ments denominated in a mix of currencies.

5. Forecasting the actual costs and schedules using reference class

forecasting (RCF)

As discussed in the methods section, the third step of the outside view or

RCF techniques is to compare a specific venture with the reference class dis-

tribution, in order to establish the most likely outcome for the specific ven-

ture. Thus if systematic errors in the forecasts generated using the inside

view of previous ventures are found, decision-makers should apply an up-

lift or downlift to the inside view forecast in order to generated a de-

biased outside view forecast. For example, empirical literature has estab-

lished that rail projects suffer a cost overrun of 45% on average (Flyvbjerg,

2008; also see Table 8). The 50th percentile cost overrun for rail projects is 40%

and the 80th percentile is 57%. Based on these findings, RCF techniques sug-

gest that decision-makers ought to apply a 57% uplift to the initial estimated

budget in order to obtain 80% certainty that the final cost of the project

would stay within budget (Flyvbjerg 2008, p.16). If decision-makers were

more risk tolerant then they could apply a 40% uplift to the initial estimated

budget but then there will remain a 50% chance that the proposed project

might exceed its budget.

In line with the RCF techniques, the third and final step of our investigation

on dams was to derive a good predictor of cost and schedule overruns for
proposed large dams based on the distributional information of the reference

class. This predictor serves to correct the systematically biased ex ante cost

and schedule estimates by adjusting them upwards by the average cost or

schedule overrun (see Kahneman and Tverksy, 1979b; Flyvbjerg, 2006, 2008).

First, using traditional RCF (Flyvbjerg, 2006, 2008), we traced the empirical

distribution of cost and schedule overruns of large dams. Second, we use

multilevel Models 1 and 3, described above, for predicting cost and schedule

overruns. Model 1 and 3 prove to be practicably parsimonious models for

two reasons: First both models are fitted with variables known ex ante. Se-

cond, both models were successfully fitted with only a few significant varia-

bles making it practicable to collect the data needed to make a prediction.

For example, Model 1 on cost overruns has only two significant variables

estimate schedule and the long-term inflation rate of the host country. Data

on both these variables is readily available for any proposed large dam mak-

ing it possible to predict the cost overrun before construction begins. We il-

lustrate the usefulness of our predictive models with an example below.

With respect to cost overruns, using traditional RCF (Flyvbjerg, 2006, 2008),

we find that if planners are willing to accept a 20% risk of a cost overrun, the

uplift required for large dams is +99% (i.e. ~ double experts estimates) as

seen in Figure 7; and +176% including unanticipated inflation. If planners are

willing to accept a 50-50 chance of a cost overrun, the uplift required is 26%

(32% outside North America).

Figure 7: Required uplift for large dam projects as function of the max-
imum acceptable level of risk for cost overrun, constant local currency
terms (N = 245)

In terms of cost overruns, Figure 7 also illustrates that large dams are one of

the riskiest asset classes for which valid and reliable are available. Compare,

for example, Figure 7 with reference class forecasts previously conducted for

rail, road, tunnel, or bridge projects (Flyvbjerg, 2006, 2008) also summarized

in Table 8.

Table 8. Comparing large dams with other infrastructure asset classes

Applicable capital expenditure
optimism bias uplifts
(constant prices)
cost 50th 80th
Category Types of projects
overrun percentile percentile
Trunk roads
Local roads
Bicycle facilities
Roads 20% 15% 32%
Pedestrian facilities
Park and ride
Bus lane schemes
Guided buses
Light rail
Guided buses on
Rail 45% 40% 57%
Conventional rail
High speed rail
Fixed links 34% 23% 55%
Building pro- Stations 4
jects Terminal buildings 51%a
Standard civil 3
engineering 44%a
civil engineer-
Mining projects 14%b
Thermal power
Large dam Large hydropower
projects Large Irrigation
96% 26% 99%
Flood control

Multipurpose dams

Nuclear power 109
plants 281%d
a b c
Based on Mott MacDonald (2002); Based on Bertisen and Davis (2008); Based on Bacon and Besant-Jones (1998,
p.321), included for an approximate comparison purposes only, reference class probability distribution not available.
dBased on Schlissel and Biewald (2008, p.8) review of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) data from Energy
Information Administration, Technical Report DOE/EIA-0485 (January 1, 1986).

Second, using our multilevel Model 1 we were able to derive predictions for

cost overrun (in constant local currency) and schedule overrun respectively.

Experts estimate, for instance, that Pakistans Diamer-Bhasha dam, whose

construction began shortly after the 2010 floods, will cost PKR 894 billion

(~USD12.7B in 2008 prices and exchange rates and about 9% of Pakistans

2008 GDP) (WAPDA, 2011). The dam is forecasted to take ten years from

2011 and become operational in 2021. Using our first approach, the reference

class forecast for cost overruns suggests that planners need to budget PKR

1,788B (USD25.4B) in real terms to obtain 80% certainty of not exceeding the

budget. Including the effects of unanticipated inflation the required budget

is PKR 2,467B (USD35.0B) or about 25% of Pakistans 2008 GDP. A future

sovereign default in Pakistan owing to this one mega-dam is not a remote


Using our second approach, our multilevel Model 1 predicts that given the

10 year estimated duration and a long-term inflation rate of about 8% the ex-

pected (average) cost overrun of a large dam in Pakistan will be 44% (PKR

1,288B or USD 18.3B). Combining the two methods, a conservative estimate

for the cost overrun on the Diamer-Bhasha dam is 44% at which point there

remains a 4 in 10 chance of the revised budget being exceeded. Note, howev-

er, that if a dam of dimensions similar to Diamer-Bhasha were being built in

the US, Model 1 predicts that it would only suffer a cost overrun of 16%,

which the much larger US economy could absorb without any lasting dam-


We applied a similar two-pronged forecast of schedule slippage. Using our

first approach, the reference class forecast for schedule slippage suggests that

planners for large dams around the world need to allow for a 66% schedule

overrun to achieve 80% certainty that the project will be completed within

the revised implementation schedule. Since Diamer-Bhasha is expected to

take 10 years to build (2011-2021), planners need to adjust their schedule es-

timate upwards to nearly 17 years (i.e. an actual opening date of 2028). Using

our second approach, our multilevel Model 3 predicts that given that the

dams final decision to build was made in Pakistan by a democratically elect-

ed government, when the per capita income was USD 497 in 2000 constant

dollars, a dam wall length of 998 meters, and an installed capacity of 4,500

MW, the expected outcome is a 60% schedule overrun. Thus, using either

approach, Diamer-Bhasha can be expected to only open in 2027 when there

remains a 20% risk of further delay. Pakistan is facing an energy crisis today

(Kessides, 2011). A dam that brings electricity is 2027 will be a little late in


Note, however, that if a dam of dimensions similar to Diamer-Bhasha were

being built in the US (with its high per capita income of approximately USD

38,000), Model 3 predicts that it would face a schedule slippage of a mere

0.05%. Recall that per capita income is a useful proxy for the economic sup-

port that a country can provide for the construction of complex facilities.

This suggests that rich and not developing countries best attempt very large

energy projects, such as large dams. Even so, richer countries should adopt

the risk management measures of the outside view illustrated here to choose

prudently among energy alternatives.

Using their inside cost estimates, the net present benefits to cost ratio of

the dam according to experts is 1.43 (WAPDA, 2011). Even assuming ex-

perts calculations about potential benefits are accurate, although this is a

doubtful assumption, the de-biased cost forecasts require an uplift of 44%-

99% in constant prices suggest that the benefits to cost ratio will be below

one. Diamer-Bhasha dam is a non-starter in Pakistan. This is without even

discussing potential effects of inflation and interest rates, potential social and

environmental costs, and opportunity cost Pakistan could earn by commit-

ting such vast amount of capital to more prudent investments.

Our reference class forecasting techniques suggests that other proposed large

dam projects such as the Belo Monte, Myitsone, or the Gilgel Gibe III among

many others in early planning stages are likely to face large cost and sched-

ule overruns seriously undermining their economic viability. Large dams al-

so exert an opportunity cost by consuming scarce resources that could be

deployed to better uses, sinking vast amounts of land that could have yield-

ed cash flows and jobs from agricultural, timber, or mineral resources. Risks

related to dam safety, environment, and society further undermine viability

of large dams. Decision-makers are advised to carefully stress test their pro-

posed projects using the risk management techniques of the outside view

proposed here before committing resources to them.

The outside view techniques applied to large dams have broader application

in energy policy by helping public agencies (e.g. national planning and

finance ministries, power and water authorities) private entrepreneurs and

investors a framework to improve the upfront selection among alternatives.

The problems of cost and schedule overrun are not unique to large hydro-

power dams. Preliminary research suggests that other large-scale power pro-

jects using nuclear, thermal, or wind production technologies face similar

issues. Our research of large hydropower projects reveals that there is a seri-

ous dearth of valid and reliable data on the risk profiles of actually complet-

ed energy projects across the board. Much of the data in existing literature

are drawn from surveys and interviews of dubious validity. At times, inter-

est groups, seeking to promote a particular kind of scale or technology, also

report distorted data. There is thus an urgent need to empirically document,

in a comprehensive global database, the risk profiles of energy infrastructure

assets of large, medium, and small scales across production technologies. For

example, comparing the likely actual cost, schedule, and production vol-

umes of a large hydropower dam project versus an on-site combined heat

and power generator.

We propose that prior to making any energy investment, policy makers con-

sult a valid and reliable outside view or reference class forecast (RCF)

that can predict the outcome of a planned investment of a particular scale or

production technology based on actual outcomes in a reference class of simi-

lar, previously completed, cases. Rigorously applying reference class fore-

casting to energy investments at various scales and production technologies

will yield the following contributions:

Create transparency on risk profiles of various energy alternatives,

not only from the perspective of financial cost and benefit but also en-

vironmental and social impacthard evidence is a counter-point to

experts oft-biased inside view.

Improve resource allocation through outside-in view to estimate costs,

benefits, time, and broader impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions

incurred in building a project and emission created or averted once a

project becomes operational.

A comprehensive global dataset that can create such transparency on risk

profiles of energy alternatives does not yet exist. We have sought to bridge

this precise gap by providing impartial evidence on large hydropower dam

projects. As a venue for further research we hope valid and reliable data on

the actual cost, schedules, benefits, and impacts of other production technol-

ogies will become available to enable comparative analysis with novel impli-

cations for theory and practice.


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1 Cost overruns can also be expressed as the actual outturn costs minus estimated costs in

percent of estimated costs.

2 Note that the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and the WCD typically report cost

data in nominal U.S. dollars. We, however, converted these data, adapting methods from

World Bank (1996: 85), into constant local currencies.

3 Hufschmidt and Gerin (1970) report data on over 100 dams built in the United States be-

tween 1933-1967. The salient results of the study were that in nominal USD terms dams built

by TVA suffered a 22 per cent cost overrun; U.S. Corps of Engineers overrun was 124 per

cent for projects built or building prior to 1951, and 36 per cent for projects completed be-

tween 1951 and 1964; while U.S. Bureau of Reclamation overrun was 177 per cent for pro-

jects built or building prior to 1955 and 72 per cent for all projects built or building in 1960

(ibid: 277). Despite its large sample, Hufschmidt and Gerin (ibid) do not report data broken

down project-by-project. The validity and reliability of these data could not thus be estab-

lished and were consequently excluded.

4 A more comprehensive enquiry into planned versus actual benefits of dams is postponed

until a future occasion but data available on 84 of the 186 large hydroelectric dam projects

thus far suggests that they suffer a mean benefits shortfall of 11%.

5 Recchia (2010, p. 2) explain further for why a R-squared measure cannot be used for a mul-

tilevel model because it unlike a single-level model which includes an underlying assump-

tion of residuals that are independent and identically distributed. Such an assumption could

easily be inappropriate in the two[or multi]-level case since there is likely to be dependence

among the individuals that belong to a given group. For instance, it would be difficult to

imagine that the academic achievements of students in the same class were not somehow

related to one another. Also see Kreft and Leeuw (1998) and Goldstein (2010).

6 Note further that like in Model 1, the dependent variable in Model 3 is the inverse of

schedule overrun (i.e. 1/x of the schedule overrun or Estimated/Actual schedule). Thus a

negative sign on the Log of dam wall length (m) suggests that an increase in wall length de-

creases the inverse of the schedule overrun. In other words, increase in wall length increases

schedule overrun.

Appendix 1: Visual Representation of Model 1 (reported in Table 3)


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